Brickey, Emerson, Eads & Brown to Lay Deed

Submitted by Donnie Pickard


State of Arkansas}

County of Van Buren}

This Indenture made the 4th day of March A D 1870 between Sinthey Brickey Green Emerson and Piety Emerson his wife Jacob Eads and Mary Eads his wife Barnet Brown and Catharine Brown his wife and James Emerson and Ann Emerson his wife all of the county & State aforesaid parties of the first part and Allen S. Lay of the county and State aforesaid part of the second part witnesseth that said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred dollars good and lawful money of he United States of America The receipt whereas is hereby acknowledged have bargained and Sold and do by those present bargain sell grant and convey unto the said party of the Second part his heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being situated in the county of Van Buren and State of Arkansas which is known and described as follow to wit the North half of the North West quarter of Section Thirty Township Eleven Range (14) fourteen West containing Eighty 92/100 Acres more or less together with all and singular the tenements here __________ and appertanances and all the Estate title and interest of the said parties in the first part therein and the Said parties of he first part do hereby covenant and agree with Said party of the second part that at the time of the delivery hereof the Said parties of the first part are the lawful owners of the premises above granted and have good right full power and lawful authority to grant bargain sell and convey the Same in manner aforesaid and Said parties of the first part further covenant and agree with the said party of the second part that they will warrant and defend at their own cost at the request of the said party of the first part or his heirs executors or assigns the said party of the second part in the peaceable and quiet possessions of the afore described premises forever against all persons claiming under them or either of them either in law or equity so well also as all other persons claiming under any other person or persons on claiming under any either right or title whatsoever in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this ___ 21st day of March AD 1870.

Witness to ___
F.W. Hill
Jno Bradley
Sinthey Brickey (her mark x) {seal}
Green Emerson (his mark x) {seal}
Piety Emerson (her mark x) {seal}
Jacob Eads {seal}
Mary Eads (her mark x) {seal}
Barnett Brown {seal}
Catharine Brown (her mark x) {seal}
James Emerson (his mark x) {seal}
Ann Emerson (her mark x) {seal}

Acknowledged before on the 31st day of March 1870 given under my hand J. Whitman J.P.

State of Arkansas}

County of Van Buren}

Be it remembered that on this 21st day of March 1870 personally before me Joshua R Barnes an acting and duly commissioned Justice of the peace on & for the County of Van Buren & State of Arkansas Sinthey Brickey, Green Emerson and Piety Emerson his wife Jacob Eads and Mary Eads his wife Barnett Brown and Catharine Brown his wife The grantors to the foregoing deed of conveyance to me personally well known to be the same before me the subscriber a duly Commissioned and Acting Justice of the peace in and for the County of Van Buren & State of aforesaid and acknowledged that they had executed the foregoing deed to Allen S. Lay for the uses purposes and considerations therein mentioned and set forth and I further certify that on the same day and at the same place the said Sinthey Brickey Piety Emerson Mary Eads and Catharine Brown wives as aforesaid was by me examined Separate and apart from their said husbands and they declared that they had Executed the foregoing deed of Conveyance of their own free will and without the compulsion or undue influence of their said husbands and desired the same to be so certified given under my hand as such justice of the peace on the 21st day of March AD 1870

Joshua R. Barnes J.P.
State of Arkansas}

County of Perry} Higgins(?) Township on this 31 day of March 1870 before me A. J. Whitman J.P. within the county of Perry Higins Township in the State of Arkansas appeared in person James Emerson and Ann Emerson his wife to me personally known as the person whose name appears upon the within and forgoing deed of conveyance is of the parties grantor and stated that they have executed the same for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth and I further certify that on the same day and at the same __tion said Ann Emerson wife and aforesaid was by me examined separately and apart from her said husband and She declared that she had executed the forgoing deed without the compulsion or under influence of her said husband and desired the same to be so certified given under my hand as such justice of the peace in the 31st day of March 1870.

A. J. Whitman J.P.
State of Arkansas}

County of Van Buren}

I N.A. Sanders clerk of the circuit court and officio recorder in and for the county of Van Buren in the State of Arkansas hereby certify that the ______ and foregoing deed of conveyance together with the several certification of acknowledgment therein endorsed was filed for record in my office on the 15th day of June 1870 and the same is now duly recorded in deed Record book D pages 26, 27, 28 & 29.

Witness my hand and the seal of said court hereto ____ this 16th day of June 1870. N.A. Sanders. Clerk