Land Patent Applications

Have you ordered the land patent application that your ancestor filled out? If not, you may be missing some family information that is available from no other source. Here's what they are and how you do that:

Land Entry files were created when a person claimed land under an act of Congress. They first had to fill out an application, and sometimes provide other information(marriage or immigration documents), at the local General Land Office. Other documents were also created under that application, like receipts for any payments, or affidavits of occupation, immigration, marriage, and homestead application. They are now the responsibility of the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. The land entry file information can be obtained from the National Archives.

Customers who wish to order copies of the GLO land entry case files held by NARA must do so by using a NATF Form 84, Request for Copies of Land Entry Files. Copies of this form may be requested by contacting NARA at the following address:

Old Military and Civil Records
National Archives and Records Administration
Room 11 E
7th and Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20408

When requesting the form by E-mail, please indicate in the body of the message that you are requesting copies of the NATF Form 84. Include your name, surface mailing address, and daytime phone number. Order forms will be mailed to you and are not available electronically or by fax.

Examples of Questions on Application for a Homestead Land Grant

1. What is your name - written in full and correctly spelled - your age, and post office address?

2. Are you a native of the United States, or have you been naturalized?

3. When was your house built on the land and when did you establish actual residence therein? (Describe said house and other imporvements which you have placed on the land, giving total value thereof.)

4. Of whom does your family consist; and have you and your family resided continuously on the land since first establishing residence thereon?

5. For what period or periods have you been absent from the homestead since making settlement and for what purpose; and if temporarily absent, did your family reside upon and cultivate the land during such absence?

6. How much of the land have you cultivated and for how many seasons have you raised crops thereon?

7. Are there any indications of coal, salines, or minerals of any kind on the land? (If so, describe what they are, and state whether the land is more valuable for agriculural than for mineral purposes.)

8. Have you ever made any other homestead entry? (If so, describe the same.)

9. Have you sold, conveyed or mortgaged any portion of the land; and if so, to whom and for what purpose?

Below is info from one I ordered for my family
SWNE 33/ 9-N 28-W No 5th PM AR FRANKLIN, CO 40 acres 1889/06/28

"Notice for publication
Land Office at Dardanelle
April 28, 1887
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Co. Judge of Franklin Co. at Ozark Ark, on June 11, 1887, viz: John S. Goodwin H'd Entry No. 15,062 for the SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec 33 Tp 9N Range 28W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
J.B. Lawrence, John Mantooth, James Brown, George J. Clark, of Dorietta, Ark.
A.G. Leming Register"
Testimony of Witnesses for John S. Goodwin Homestead Proof
(James Brown)
James is 45 years old and a farmer. Lives 1 1/2 miles from Goodwin since 1872. J.B. Lawrence and John Brown live close also. James says he has known Goodwin since 1871 and has been on his land near a 100 times ... about 1 time a month for the last 8 years. He says Goodwin was a carpenter up to the time he (can't read), in Oct 1880, since then he has been farming. Says Goodwin and family haven't be absent from the land except a visit to National Springs Ark in Aug or Sept 1881 for the health of the claimant who is an invalid. He has on the land 1 log house and smoke house worth $50, 1 log crib and stable 10 acres cleared $50. The size of the log house is 14x14 and the crib is 10x12 and stable 10x12. The house is habitable the year around. Goodwin moved to the land in Oct 1880. He raises corn, cotton and potatoes mostly.

Testimony of John S. Goodwin
65 years old and a farmer.
"Where did you live before settling upon this land and what was your occupation?
Near Greenwood, Ark, was a carpenter at that time.
When did you first make an actual personal settlement on this land? State what you did to make such settlement, and the character and value of the improvements you then placed upon the land.
In Oct 1880, built a house, smoke house, corn crib & stable & cleared 8 or 10 acres land value of the same about $100
Have you a family, and of whom does your family consist?
I have, consist of myself and wife.
What farm implements do you own and use on this claim? State kind and number, and how long you have owned the same.
3 plow, 2 hoes, about 12 mos. My old ones are worn out.
What domestic animals and live stock do you own and keep on this claim?
1 horse, 1 cow & yearling.
State what articles of furniture of every kind you keep and use in your residence on this claim.
2 bedstead & beds, table & 4 chairs, 1 cook stove