Deed, William V. Adams and Nancy Adams to Piety Eades

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Deed Book A -page 470

This Indenture made and entered into this 2 day of September AD 1865 by and between William V. Adams and Nancy Adams his wife of the first part of the County of Van Buren and state of Arkansas and Piety Eades of the same place of the second part, Witnesseth that the parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said Piety Eades the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed to the said Piety Eades her heirs and assigns forever all the following described tract of land ___ and lying in the county of Van Buren and state of Arkansas known and described as follows to-wit: the South East quarter of the North West fractional quarter of section Two in Township No. Ten North of Range No. Fifteen West containing thirty nine acres and seventy nine hundredths of a acre to have and to hold the above tract of land and tenements together with all the improvements privileges thereunto or in any wise thereunto pertaining to the sale and only use said Piety Eades her heirs and assigns forever and the said parties of the first part for themselves their heirs execution and administrators that they will warrant and defend the title in and to the above granted lands free from the lawful claim or claims of any and all persons whatsoever except a certain Mortgage held by Thomas W. Barbee against the said William V. Adams and Nancy Adams dated the 13 day of May AD 1861 which mortgage the said Piety Eades to pay and then in they want the said Piety Eades pay the said mortgage. We will warrant and defend all claims of any and all persons whatsoever.

In witness our hand and seal this day and date above written. W. V. Adams {seal}

Nancy Adams
State of Arkansas
County of Van Buren County

Be it remembered that on this 2 day of September AD 1865 personally appeared before me an acting Clerk in and for the County and state aforesaid William V. Adams and Nancy Adams wife of the William V. Adams grantor to the foregoing deed of conveyance and acknowledge the same to be their act and deed for the purpose within containing and __ the same time and place the said Nancy Adams was by me examined separate and apart from her said husband and declared that she had ___ the same of her own free will and without the undue influence of her said husband and desire the same so certified.
Given under my hand this day and date above written.
J. F. McAlister Clerk