Scans of Old Documents

If you hold your cursor over these, you should see a popup that describes them. If you click them, they'll open in a new window.

Maxey Family

Submitted by Linda Maxey Prater
Found in the trunk of my great-grandparents, James Richard Maxey & Georgia Shipp Tankersley (Tankisly) in Shirley.
Some receipts and old Odd Fellows membership cards.
James Maxey promisory notes, 1913 or 1915 and 1918 James Maxey poll tax, 1920, $1 Charles Maxey Tax Receipt, 1920, $4.37 Georgia Maxey Rebekah Lodge membership card James Maxey Odd Fellows membership card Charles Maxey Odd Fellows membership card

Old Receipts, J.H. Egger

Submitted by Beverly Berry

1880 receipt for 4 bales of cotton, $25.09 J.H. Egger, 1883 Tax receipt, $2.47 J.H. Egger, 1886 Tax receipt, $1.97 J.H. Egger, 1887 Tax receipt, $2.61 J.H. Egger, 1887 recipt from J J Stephens J.H. Egger, 1900 Poll Tax receipt, $1 J.H. Egger, 1900 Receipt from Lefler & Lindsey

Old Receipt, Nymphas Burroughs

Sumitted by Alice Shipley

This is where Nymphas Burroughs got supplies on credit at a General store in Quitman, Arkansas, 1867 owned by Whit Lowe. It was taken from a old ledger book belonging to Elaine Ward a g-g-granddaughter of Nymphas. She got the ledger at a old auction.

Old Receipt, Nymphas Burroughs

Red Cross, Julia McClure Jordan

Julia McClure Jordan, Red Cross membership