Scans of Old Documents
If you hold your cursor over these, you should see a popup that describes them. If you click them, they'll open in a new window.Maxey Family
Submitted by Linda Maxey PraterFound in the trunk of my great-grandparents, James Richard Maxey & Georgia Shipp Tankersley (Tankisly) in Shirley.
Some receipts and old Odd Fellows membership cards.

Old Receipts, J.H. Egger
Submitted by Beverly Berry

Old Receipt, Nymphas Burroughs
Sumitted by Alice ShipleyThis is where Nymphas Burroughs got supplies on credit at a General store in Quitman, Arkansas, 1867 owned by Whit Lowe. It was taken from a old ledger book belonging to Elaine Ward a g-g-granddaughter of Nymphas. She got the ledger at a old auction.

Red Cross, Julia McClure Jordan