Letter from Reuben Wesley Millsaps to brother James Washington Millsaps
Submitted by Cathy Duvall[The first page was especially difficult to transcribe.]
313 1/2 W. Main St
Roswell, New Mexico
J W Millsaps
Hanna Okla
Dear Brother Washington, I am sure glad ave the privalige having a few minutes time this Sunday morn answering a letter that we received from your Famly? just the other _____ ____ . I sure were real glad to hear from you all one more time.
Washington you wanted me to rite and let you know about Fannie. it is a mistake about Fannie being ded. Fannie is yet living and has good health. Johnnys? is having very good health also. Johny is following working some at the Real Estate business some.
I and Louisa? have Real good health. sure do like this western country. this sure is an awful dry country. it has not rain but very little for about 3 years until the last few days. it has been raining quite a bit. do not need much rain here in the valley where People irrigates?. Farmers grow lots of stuff here in the valley.
Well I have bin manager of a Hotel for quite a while here in Roswell. the won wee now have has of wee have had nearly 3 years. it is on Main St. of Roswell. our Business is going very good. the Hotel has 14? rooms some half of the rooms are Apartment rooms. wee pay $25.00 rent per month it partely furnished wee pay the Gass and Electric bills.
Lige and his foalks Elie and his foalks are here they follow Farming. Willie and his foalks are in the state of Virginia. Homer and Myrtle are in Kennett Mo. Willie follows Preaching. Cecil and Lou they are in Calif. Noah our baby child he is here he works at the ford Auto Co. Virgil he works in the Central Hardware Stoar he has an interis in the Stoar. Virgil and Noah boath are Married.
Well I guess I will cloase for this time Washington I want you to answer my letter very soon. --- R W Millsaps.