1840 Federal Census
If there is a question mark by a name or initial, I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. Your in-put is appreciated. A few of these names are different than the ones on the index under this heading, so you might want to use your Edit and Find command. To see where the Townships were located in the county, go to Townships. [Lynn]For the 1840 census, the COLUMNS are set up with ages. Ending zeroes are not included in our transcription.
For example, the Carney? household has 2 males FROM 0 TO 5 years, 2 males FROM 20 TO 30 years, 2 females FROM 0 TO 5 years, 1 female FROM 20 TO 30 years. There are no older males or females.
MALES FEMALES 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100+ | 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 to to to to to to to to to to to to | to to to to to to to to to to to to 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Griggs Township
page 232Carney? Myers 20002 20001 Lemuel B. Joslin 01220001 0101001 John A. Sanders 011201 1100001 Alford Taylor 000001 00001 James Thompson 200001 120001 Rebecca Hale 00001 000000001 William Hardin 0001001 0000001 James C. Peel 1101101 10101 John H. Butram 100001 11001 Samuel Brickey 10201001 0011101 James C. Stobaugh 00101 0001 Asa Sanders 202011 12001 Herman ? H. Moss 001111 212011 John N. Chandler 211001 01201 Richard H Jenkins? 110001 110001 William C. Pearce 10001 10001 N.N. Trimble 100001 00001 Peter O. Powell 01000001 002101 George Counts 110021 21101 David Griggs 0100001 00000 John L. Sanders 00001 20001 Elizabeth Garner 0012 00000001 Richard L. Peel 00002 1001 Hugh Boiles 1120001 1001001 James Brown 12020111 10121 Katherine Clark 0021 000101 George Hartzogg 000100001 00020001 David Mattox 321001 002001 Josiah Powell 00001 0001 James Rodden 0001 001page 233
George V. Stratton 020101 000001 William Pate 000201 2001 Elisha Williams 00001 001 Joseph Griggs 00001 1001 Wright Williams 000001 10001 Elijah Hartzogg 32002 11001 Joseph M Baird 1000001 110101 Luke H. Griggs 213200101 010101 Charles Nints? 00001 0001 Nancy Maddox 0002 00010001 Jarrett Brickey 2110001 111001 James Morrison 00001 10001 John Hale 300001 111001 John C. Morrison 10002 10001 Alford Musick 101001 21001 ?? B. Gardner 23001 00001 John Griggs 0000000001 000000001 Squire M Griggs 011002 110001 G.G. Griggs 120001 00001 Thos J Griggs 101101 120001 Emariah Gosnel 2100001 0020001 Samuel Griggs 010001 10001 Ambros Powell 0310001 20101 Joshua Parr 2221001 00001 David McCallister 23110011 0000001 Michael McCalliser 1121001 0000001 Osten? Powell 00001 10010001 Alasander Akin 00110001 00002001 Samuel Akin 10001 0001 Joshua Akin 0101001 00111001 Lewis J. Cursine? 000001 00001page 234
Absolum Denton 00011 000000001 Christopher Denton 00001 0001 Jacob Arnhart 20001 00001 Dempsy Barns 0021001 001 David Castleberry Jr 1110001 100001 David Castleberry 000000001 0000000001 Samuel Lesley 010001 310001 Joseph Hamilton 0020001 0111001 Loemon? Fattinshell? 100001 1100000 John England 00001 1001 George N. Carter 221001 002001 Calvin Shipman 00001 10011 John McCallister 000000001 00000 Elsmon? Stobaugh 2012001 001101 Eli Akin 000001 211001 Hatton? Hamilton 0010001 000000 John Maddox 10001 10001 Alfred Morrison 121111 002001 William Miles 0000001 00000 John McCallister Jr 100001 10001 James Akin 002100001 00010001 Elizah Mills 22001 100001 Joseph Akin 00001 0001 David Evans 0000001 00000 Joshua Hall 00001 00001 John Stobaugh 01011001 0110001 Vadamon? Bennett 1021001 211101 Johnson Bennett 3210011 001001 Josiah Brook 320001 000001 John Couch 0122001 0011001 Robert McGinty 100001 00001Page 235
Thos D. Keiser 1211101 1001101 John Akin 200001 00001 Alexadrock Carsine??? 00001 John B. Craig 000000001 00000001 John Hasley? 220001 00001 Hermon Mathers? 0000001 Leroy Williams 220001 000001
Little Red River Township
page 236John Pate 000111 23001 Samuel Haildo?? 010001 20001 Samuel Beard 013001 21001 John C. Scroggins 10002 0001 Thos Harrington 121101 20101 William ???dle 211001 020001 George N. Hungton 1011001 202001 Edmond Sims 1011001 202001 James Hollansworth 000011 1001 Johnson Ownes 111001 102001 James Prewett 100001 11001 William Brown 300001 00001 Josiah ??ord 101001 110001 Isaac? Hunter 010021 211001 J.N. Claypool 0100101 0010101 Edmond Young 112001 11001 Henry Turney 300001 00001 Wm Hollandworth 02120001 00000001 Jos???? Harrison 10001 01001 John Daughtery 0011001 0110001 Nathanial Daughtery 1011001 2111101 James Daughtery 21002 10001 George Daughtery 10001 00001 Wm Daughtery 1212101 1000001 David Pruett 01210001 1301101 William Pruett 12001 00001 Isaac B. Sillivant 1000001 01001 ?olly Daughtery 111001 11001 Abraham Holsomback 10002 00001 John River? 100001 00001 Stephen Simkins 001001 10001page 237
Henry Daugherty 0011001 0110001 Samuel Nulson? 00001 1001 James Luney 01001 10001 A.C. Daugherty 00101 000001 James Simpkins 110001 11001 Coltent? Jones 00001 10001 Sarah Daugherty 001 000001 Pleasant Pagett 0321201 0010001 Zilpha Richinson 0001 0001001 Johnathan McPeters? 00011 20001 William Bradford 121210001 0020010001 Orsborn McGeehee 000000001 000000001 C.N. Cooksey 000011 21101 John Coshorn? 000001 10001 Thos Pate 21001 02200001 Jonathan? Christopher 2111101 111001 John J Stobaugh 00002 200001 Bartory? Basttete? 21001 00201
Jailes Township
(I think this is "Giles" township but it was spelled this way on the records.)page 238
John O Young 112001 10100101 Jane Lemmons 00002 10001001 Absolum Allison 00001 10001 William Winfrey 100001 21001 Samuel Baley 1000001 000001 Samuel Woods 121021 101001 James Cornwell 000001 12001 William D. Draper 0000001 20001 Thos Cornwell 1210001 111101 William Goff 1210001 001 William Cullum 000001 00000101 William Michael 011001 210001 Daniel Potter 00001 0001 James Presley 3012101 0221001 Peter Turney 1222101 0110101 Sarah Swift 0011 0001001 Nancy Reeves 01 21001 Jesse C. Gainor 001001 000001 Calvin Kindle 20002 00001 William Bernes ? 1010101 0110001 Elisha Farmer 1111001 0100001 E?? L. Kirksey 20001 02001 Joshua Biddle 1121001 111001 Henry Biddle 011001 000000 Calvin Barnes 200101 00001 Paul Goodmon 0201001 200001 Thos O. Cullum 1211001 200101 Martin Doile 20001 00001 William Potter 111001 22001 John Gill 000001 010001 Elizabeth Owens 00000 00011011page 239
Charles R. Sanders 0101101 1120001 George Hardin ? 1100011 10001 Nathan Cayto 23001001 0020111 Henry Justice 01010101 0120011 Thomas Edwards 21100001 00111 James Cayto 1011101 21121 Eliazor Allen 221101 101001 Elijah Bean 10001 0002 Samuel Goff 1110101 110101 Jesse Goff 00001 10001 John L. Lafferty 0022001 002000 Benj Roberson 21001 01001 Thos J Baley 00001 10001 Luke Grimes 121201 001101 Narvell Olive 00001 10001 William Olive 0000001 00000001 William Biddle ? 200001 011001 Samuel McCalister 101001 000001
Union Township
page 240William Wylie 0110001 211101 John Fugate 10001 1001 Leon? Burgess 0112 1101 Patton Woodelle 0110001 100001 Gilbert Cotrell 0120001 001001 Gabriel Burgess 10001 10001 John Kouett??? 10001 10001 Samuel Myers 1120101 1102001 Henry Goodnight 11221001 110201 Phillip Huggins 0111000001 222001 Henry Killin 00000001 00000001 Alix Fugate 10001 100011 Volentine Null 12001 1101 H. C. Kerby 10001 10001 Ezekial Price 10001 00001001 David Goodnight 00001 200001 William Bond 000001 000001 George Ingram 102101 010001 John Null 102101 010001 N.B. Silivan 20003 10001 James Hamby 000001 30001 Lewis Merryman 1112001 10011 Ephraim Sharp 10001 00001 Samuel Stephens 2131001 10101 James Moss 000001 112201 Willis Ruskin 00001 30001 Solomon Harris 00001 00001 Mark? Weaver 220101 0011101 John M. Mann 220101 221101 William Goodwin 0001 0110 William Null 00001 1001 Simpson Price 0010001 11111001
Sugar Loaf Township
page 241Henry Ninkles 100001 10001 Joel Graham 0110001 1101001 Johnson Thurmon 2010001 1110001 Charles Nelson 010001 21001 John Sutton 011001 010001 Hiram Grover 200021 00011 David Magness 00001 10001 Thos B. Clark 00101001 1010001 Uriah Dunn 311001 011001 Alvin Dunn 301001 011001 James Duncan 0000100001 0000101 Hugh Chandler 02001 0001 George Owens 00001 00001 Wiley Taylor 101001 0001