Allen, Earnest 10/27/22-3/16/40
Allen, Edward 5/11/34-3/16/40
Allen, Glen 2/8/30-3/16/40
Allen, Glen 8/5/00-8/5/14
Allen, Millard 11/14/26-3/16/40
Allen, Nelly 10/7/32-3/16/40
Allen, Oliver B 10/14/21-11/28/75
Allen, Oma 6/13/28-3/16/40
Allen, Sallie T no date-3/16/40
Allen, Vernin 3/2/36-3/16/40
Allen, Willard 5/6/25-9/27/44 buried at sea*
Allen, Zura 11/14/1868-4/13/14
Allison, W Glee 1873-1944
Allred, Hubert 4/27/1899-12/24/15
Anchultz, Leona Watts 1887-1956
Arnold, Ebonezer L 5/12/1886-10/8/78
Arnold, James R 1871-1944
Arnold, Sinah G 1874-1937
Bane, Brian Ray 3/8/73-6/24/89
Bane, Dale 7/11/47-7/11/47
Bane, Ida Lea 10/15/03-11/29/89
Bane, Joseph A 4/6/01-5/4/85
Barnett, Charlie D 5/20/22-5/22/80
Barnett, Dawn Renee 5/28/69-4/23/88
Bass, Johnnie Melvin 1907-1978
Bass, Melvin J 3/17/38-12/16/68
Bass, Plumer 6/21/10-9/26/56
Beaver, Harles 11/14/07-7/8/11
Berry, Iline Kirkendoll 1/30/30-10/12/90
Betts, Flossie 1893-4/25/12
Betts, Grant 12/25/1870-3/14/16

Betts, Isaac 1895-5/22/09
Betts, Marry 1897-9/14/11
Betts, Mrs Lula 8/6/1876-8/23/18

Blair, Josephine Alma 10/30/92-11/1/92 infant of Bruce & Sallie (Wilson)
Bonds, Opal Giddens 3/31/13-3/6/35
Brown, A J 1927 infant son of Artie & Buddy
Brown, Buddie 11/19/04-4/1/84
Brown, Buddie 7/4/1881-1/26/57
Brown, Buster 11/10/19-5/10/60
Brown, Carrie Harness no date
Brown, Cleo C 7/15/15-4/12/75
Brown, Dorthy 8/14/38-8/11/65
Brown, G Otto 11/8/06-7/21/43
Brown, John no date
Brown, Lizzie 5/25/1881-3/18/67
Brown, Loyd R 2/18/23-5/28/26
Brown, Opie D 9/30/24-7/11/81
Brown, Samuel 10/3/1886-6/18/54

Broyles, Mary 11/16/1870-10/31/1899
Caldwell, Sally Huggins 10/10/1875-3/16/58
Campbell, Elmer no date
Carnett, Worna Edd 2/23/00-6/27/72
Carter, Emma 10/2/1859-5/11/50
Cates, Daniel Luther 1901-1967
Cates, Edward Garland 4/15/08-7/4/67
Cates, Pearl Arnold 4/9/1894-2/9/84
Clark, J T 8/9/19-8/9/19
Clark, Louanna Malinda 10/20/1886-5/1/60
Cleaver, Irvin S 2/28/21-8/22/28
Cleaver, Lon N 12/28/1864-3/5/53
Cleaver, Winona E 11/27/1879-4/23/49
Coley, Lenna Armitie 3/27/03-7/12/04
Collins, Thomas C 6/15/16-2/19/85
Cox, James M Jr 3/10/46-3/10/46
Cox, Monroe 10/21/10-10/9/88
Ctes, Emma W 1879-1934
Cummans, James Elvis 6/20/31-4/20/32
Cummans, James P 7/10/1889-11/30/39

Cummans, John A 2/20/23-5/1/82
Cummans, Lucy Allen 10/6/02-5/13/78
Cummons, Harriett 9/23/1852-10/7/00
Cummons, Porter 2/23/1852-11/6/25
Day, Harry E 10/1/1871-3/6/14
Day, Martha E 4/16/1873-11/9/37
Delk, Cecil R 3/8/26-3/24/68
Delk, John Wayne 3/11/40-2/24/87
Delk, Sparlin A 2/7/01-6/15/67
Delk, Thomas Junior no date
Delk, Velma B 10/1/05-8/22/86
Dooley, Nora no date
Douthitt, Artie I 8/8/1810-8/15/92
Douthitt, G W 3/27/1873-4/16/19
Douthitt, Myrtle 4/1/1873-9/26/54
Douthitt, Walter R 11/19/03-8/29/78
Douthitt, Winferd 7/1/31-8/4/43
Duncan, Arlie 2/15/09-10/16/86
Duncan, Cecil W 11/11/40-7/2/69
Duncan, Dan H 3/4/1854-8/24/39
Duncan, Edna Geneva 2/11/37-1/12/40
Duncan, Morning 6/4/1869-12/3/49
Duncan, Nova 3/28/17-9/30/90
Duncan, Ruby E 6/10/15-12/7/61
Duncan, Winfred L 11/27/35-9/27/39
Dushain, Mr 8/27/1819-2/1948
Farris, Gary D 8/17/42-7/28/69
Farris, infant 1/18/50-1/18/50 of Mr & Mrs June
Farris, Junius J 11/2/05-8/12/80
Files, Ida M 1/23/1879-4/15/17
Files, Mamie Treece no date
Freel, Grady 6/19/12-10/3/13
Gannon, Atlas 1/5/11-7/10/11
Garrell, Charles G 8/19/13-12/1/85 Veteran
Gibbons, Bertha 12/12/1901-12/15/1993

Gibbons, James E 11/15/1896-5/29/51
Gibbons, Ruth 1931-1938
Gibbons, Willidee 1931-1931
Giddens, A R 6/3/1842-1/17/04
Giddens, Callie 1877-1957
Giddens, Callie E 1/5/09-2/22/11
Giddens, Goldie 2/12/02-12/191909
Giddens, Infant no date son of Roger & Cordie
Giddens, Jewel 8/20/06-12/5/18
Giddens, Samuel C 1871-1944
Giddens, William F 8/30/1869-11/15/36
Gilbert, child no date of Ed
Gilbert, child no date of Ed
Gilbert, J W 6/24/1853-2/2/27
Goodnight, Albert 10/14/00-11/3/71
Goodnight, Essie 11/11/07-5/25/69
Goodpasture, Carl 1/27/1869-4/25/09
Guffey, Bitha A 12/23/1874-6/17/65
Guffey, Cleo Davie 4/17/16-8/11/90
Guffey, Edith 8/16/10-3/26/11
Guffey, Eli Edward 12/19/1882-8/5/45
Guffey, Eli M 9/5/1845-2/16/23
Guffey, infant 9/25/1898 son of J.L. & T.A.
Guffey, Joseph L 2/14/46-6/14/51
Guffey, Lois 4/29/11-6/13/69
Guffey, Lorene 1/19/19-3/7/19
Guffey, Margie 1/26/07-2/4/08
Guffey, Mary C 10/31/1851-2/4/26
Guffey, Missouri 7/26/1886-3/11/63
Guffey, Myrtle 8/28/1896-6/29/1899
Gufffey, Coy 10/28/08-4/16/62
Halmes, Mable 9/7/10-12/13/45
Ham, Opal 10/11/12-4/22/17
Harness, Betha Huggins 2/4/2025
Harness, Clara 4/13/1888-10/24/67
Harness, Floyd M 5/28/06-5/5/35
Harness, infant 2/18/04-2/18/04 son of T.W. & M.A.
Harness, Joe E 1/16/1888-6/8/69
Harness, Margaret A (Huggins) 5/3/1868-3/11/39

Harness, Nora 10/2/1889-11/3/23
Harness, Rev Thomas W 4/1865-3/17/36
Harness, Silvie 10/9/09-7/16/11
Harris, Susie Ann 11/14/1882-12/24/70
Harvey, Irene 1926-1992
Hayes, Edith Gertrude 11/4/00-6/20/26
Henderson, Arzula Williams 9/17/13-1/25/72
Hensley, 2 children no date children of Willie
Hensley, Eda Adline Collins no date
Hensley, Essie Levorne Treece 2/4/24-3/30/90
Hensley, Exie 1905-1905
Hensley, Grandma no date
Hensley, Ira 1903-1903
Holden Rodger H 6/6/24-8/27/78
Holden, Grace H 5/12/00-7/10/78
Holden, Townsend B 12/8/00-5/16/93
Holley, Billie Jean 2/6/30-3/26/87
Holley, Bulah 10/5/15-10/30/15
Holley, Florida 1892-1963
Holley, G W 2/19/15-2/19/15
Holley, George 1/5/1863-1/8/30
Holley, irene 8/31/19-9/23/19
Holley, Jewell 10/12/17-11/24/18
Holley, Leroy 1890-1969
Holley, Lois 7/6/18-3/27/36
Holley, Mary 1863-1949
Huggins, Doris Ann 6/6/44-8/28/44
Huggins, Edith E 1897-1927
Huggins, Lenois 9/24/21-9/27/80
Huggins, Phillip 11/17/1871-5/3/14
Hurst, Emris O 6/18/04-6/30/88
Hurst, Lowell 1909-1985
Jenkins, Claude 5/23/1893-6/27/83
Jenkins, David 7/22/33-7/25/33
Jenkins, Quentin 8/8/18-9/26/18
Jenkins, Sybil 10/16/19-11/28/19
Jenkins,Truman 1/12/25-3/1/25
Jenn, John P 10/6/1855-1/2/40
Johns, Wilburn Morris 10/24/13-12/16/13
Kemp, Mary Lee Z Brown 11/1/19-10/18/84
Kester, Alcy 8/5/1834-6/29/26
Kirkendoll, Alex Andrew 6/17/80-9/7/92
Kirkendoll, Arivlla 3/16/04-12/7/52
Krzeszinski, Gertrude Idella 2/13/11-6/2/92
Krzeszinski, William B 12/31/1895-11/19/49
Lacewell, Ben 12/25/1884-10/9/17
Langdon, Harold Jasper 7/24/19-6/30/69
Liggett, America 2/24/1864-12/23/52
Liggett, James A 11/19/1854-3/21/14
Lisk, Bertha 5/10/1899-8/11/11
Lisk, Katie 4/12/02-5/31/11
Lisk, Rosa 10/3/1885-5/22/11
Little, Milton 10/20/1885-11/20/45
Little, Pearl Mae 3/18/1899-1/7/91
Lowrance, A B 9/13/1868-10/30/29
Mahaney, Bulah 1/5/04-2/5/67
Mahaney, Charlie 7/4/1869-7/10/47

Mahaney, Claude "Bud" 9/28/01-4/14/77
Mahaney, Cluade Jr 1927-1991
Mahaney, Ella 3/3/1869-5/21/44
Mahaney, John 12/27/1881-8/30/1899
Mahaney, John 10/21/1845-5/24/17
Mahaney, Ulos O 12/28/06-5/7/08
Mahaney, Virgil L 8/22/04-4/20/81
Mahaney, Waymon 11/5/1950-8/17/2006 by Danny & Donna Pistole

May, Bryant 3/10/1840-8/9/26
May, George 1868-1950
May, Margret Elizabeth 5/5/1838-11/27/14
May, Sarah 1862-1950
McCain, P M no date
McCoy, Floyd 11/11/2018
McCoy, Tolly 1/13/19-1/21/26
McCroskey, Etta 1877-1960
McCroskey, H C 3/24/1875-7/24/19
McCroskey, Huston 1875-1919
Meadows, Junior 9/24/24-6/27/34
Millwood, Anna 6/18/04-6/6/41
Millwood, Belle (Harness) 5/25/1895-2/24/25
Millwood, Mae M 5/30/1873-6/30/16
Millwood, Shirley Fay 5/13/43-10/30/48
Millwood, Walter 1898-1947
Millwood, Wm T 10/26/1886-6/17/13
Moody, Doyle W 9/21/15-10/29/79

Moody, Ruth Eileen 3/31/18-7/4/82
Moody, Velza 3/19/13-10/10/75
Moore, Mrs no date Mother of Henry Brown Moore
Morrison, Zadie Watts 4/17/1898-5/10/59
Nally, Mary Edna 1880-1909
Napier, Delphia 2/13/1899-8/23/77
Napier, Lawrence 1920-1961
Napier, Leon 10/20/23-2/12/50
Napier, Will 5/1/1888-7/26/78
Nettles, Jesse S 12/19/1858-10/20/50
Nichols, Dollie 1/25/06-9/7/26
Nichols, John 1/10/1871-1/5/19
Nichols, John Evin 3/3/1895-1/55/1923
Nichols, Lawrence M 6/4/03-7/31/70
Nichols, Mary L 12/6/1873-12/26/37
O'dell, Ramona 4/9/35-12/21/92
Passmore, Verna O 8/7/06-9/17/07
Pierce, Polly 9/28/1854-2/15/10
Pierce, W R 1/1/1854-9/26/21
Powers, Ester R 8/22/22-1/16/26
Ramey, C A 1855-1924
Ramey, Jack 1875-1965
Ramey, Melese L 4/23/1857-10/21/39
Ramey, Virginia 1880-1965
Ramsey, Dorthy R 1/25/01-4/19/37
Ramsey, Floyd 6/6/1893-2/8/75
Reece, Infant no date of Grace
Reeves, Raymond Cecil 3/7/19-3/7/84
Reeves, Addie 10/7/1880-5/16/10
Reeves, Alcy Elizabeth Kester 8/5/1834-6/29/1926

Reeves, Ben no date

Reeves, Cynthia no date

Reeves, Edgar 1905-1905
Reeves, Elem 3/23/05-5/11/21
Reeves, Elizabeth 1867-1928
Reeves, Eva E 2/27/1888-7/30/52
Reeves, Everett M 2/16/08-11/24/25
Reeves, Floy Marieva 7/29/35-1/2/39
Reeves, H A 2/18/1892-4/24/27
Reeves, H F 3/18/02-4/19/28
Reeves, Harriett 10/15/1863-8/6/23
Reeves, Harriett Eliza 9/3/1868-11/30/62
Reeves, Herbert Nelson 1/5/10-8/11/67
Reeves, Herman J 2/4/26-12/15/91
Reeves, Hiram 10/20/1876-4/4/67
Reeves, J D, 4/7/1871-11/8/64
Reeves, J D Jr 6/16/24-10/14/26
Reeves, J M (Matt) 8/28/03-7/6/77
Reeves, Joshua Jr 4/13/1864-7/27/19
Reeves, Martha 6/26/1886-6/14/11
Reeves, Mary L (Guffey) 1/1/1881-10/31/04
Reeves, P A 10/29/1857-9/2/31
Reeves, Rev Joshua 6/22/1820-1/8/04
Reeves, Ruba 10/20/08-8/22/16
Reeves, Ruby 1909-1911
Reeves, W P 1876-1938
Reeves, Theory (Theodore) 9/1/00-10/19/00 son of Willis Palmer Reeves & Elizabeth Morley Reeves
Reeves, William O 9/18/10-12/25/41
Robison, Eva 7/23/1884-1/14/73
Rogers, Mayme R 1885-1967
Rolen, Judy L 3/17/36-10/13/92
Rolen, Rhoda Gay 10/16/69-9/20/80
Settlemire, Wanda L Bass 7/26/36-5/17/78
Shelton, Sam 10/17/1882-3/1/11
Simmons, Rev T W 9/12/04-3/12/92
Simmons, Wanda Lee 10/27/30-7/30/37
Smith, baby 7/10/22-7/18/22
Smith, John W 12/15/35-1/27/93
Smith, Nellie 5/30/01-10/23/22
Smith, Violet M 10/18/1882-2/7/61
Sutterfield, Amanda 7/10/1868-2/20/47
Sutterfield, Clombus W 9/5/1887-5/9/48
Sutterfield, Vernice C 6/6/04-7/8/53
Swartz, baby no date
Thomas, Callie 2/17/1855-10/17/25
Thomas, G W 4/11/1855-12/20/29
Thomas, Weldon E 8/19/10-8/19/93
Thompson, Edward 1875-1950
Thompson, Frances (Callie) 10/19/1881-11/6/70
Thompson, Frances C 5/24/19-6/24/19
Thompson, Frank Eugene 3/18/16-3/21/16
Thompson, Infant no date son of Plumer & Willie
Thompson, Joan 1882-1962
Thompson, John B 1/6/1865-1/2/46
Thompson, Keith M 9/28/62-7/28/83
Thompson, Susie 7/20/01-11/27/89
Thompson, Troy M 8/1/00-11/27/89
Treece, Adam 1913
Treece, Ben F 7/15/14-5/15/65
Treece, Delories L (Bradford) 1/3/32-7/27/76
Treece, Effie Jane 12/16/1898-2/16/68
Treece, Eliza 12/15/1858-1/13/29

Treece, Ella Mae no date
Treece, Garlin 2/21/21-7/26/71
Treece, Garvin 2/21/21-2/21/21
Treece, George Wesley 2/5/33-8/7/68
Treece, Gracie no date
Treece, Henry E 5/14/04-11/6/77
Treece, Hubert Stephen 9/5/41-11/9/82
Treece, Jane (Delk) 3/12/1887-10/9/57
Treece, John 5/26/1885-10/9/51
Treece, Lloyd 8/27/16-7/7/78
Treece, Nobe 3/15/1898-4/10/61
Treece, Perry 1892-1961
Treece, W R 1849-7/24/11
Troutman, Infant 7/20/66-6/19/69 dau of Mr & Mrs J.W.
Troutman, James W 4/20/20-12/15/72
Troutman, Loretta 1939-1985
Tuell, Haley 4/10/1892-3/28/71
Tuell, Rufus L 1/30/1888-4/1976
Tumbleson, Shelly Renee 1/29/78-11/1/78
Watts, Lois Marie 9/9/21-9/26/84
Watts, Anna 8/1/03-8/12/07
Watts, Clifford 12/21/05-12/30/76
Watts, infant no date
Watts, Infant 3/4/08-3/26/08 dau of J.S. & Molly
Watts, Marvin 2/25/17-11/1936
Watts, Mary Elizabeth 6/18/1879-1/18/06
Watts, Norman Dean III 11/17/77-5/19/78
Watts, Norman Dean Jr 12/31/57-10/6/78
Watts, Roy 1910-1960
Watts, Sammy Leon 2/14/47-8/9/88
Watts, Theodor R 6/1/01-9/27/01
Watts, Troy Mitchell 11/17/77-6/14/78
Weaver, Lester 4/12/12-1/10/78
White, Gladys Ruth 3/11/21-5/2/79
Wilcox, Henry Deaton 1900-1929
Wilding, James 3/18/24-3/25/92 Veteran
Wilhite, Annie 1900-1961
Willeford, Nora Mae 5/17/09-12/9/87
Williams, A C 1/7/26-7/13/27
Williams, Arizonia 9/10/15-12/19/24
Williams, Charles R 3/15/05-1/18/83
Williams, Eliza Betts 11/12/1884-7/14/77
Williams, Ethel 12/1/1895-1/10/25
Williams, George 5/1/1978
Williams, J T 3/2/1864-2/11/22
Williams, james W 1/26/1890-12/31/69
Williams, Jurrell Dean 3/4/24-6/21/82
Williams, lavina 10/24/1868-5/19/40
Williams, Loyd Forrest 5/25/25-7/14/35
Williams, Maude Guffey 3/10/01-4/6/83
Williams, Roda 1/23/1871-10/6/40
Wodall, Martin L 1985-1932
Woodall, Sarah E 1881-1937
Wyrick, Jesse A 3/11/18-4/13/91 Veteran