Kaley Hill Missionary Baptist Cemetery
Complete listing contibuted by Johanna and HarryFrom Bee Branch, AR, on Hwy 65, turn onto 92 East, turn right onto 356, go about 8 miles to Kaley Hill Missionary Baptist Church on left hand side of road. Cemetery sits at side of church.
This is a relatively new cemetery with the earliest burial in 1993.

Brakebill, Emmazue Evans b. Mar. 31, 1925 d. Apr. 20, 2004

Evans, Esker F. b. 1917 d. 2004

Evans, Iona B. b. 1918 d. 2003

Evans, N. B. b. Sep. 21, 1930 d. 24 Nov 2014

Evans, Norma Jean b. Mar. 15, 1931 d. Sep. 22, 1999

Johnston, Randle K. b. Nov. 5, 1924 d. Feb. 19, 1996, US Navy WWII

Johnston, Ruth A. b. d.

Patterson, G. Hurley b. Mar. 23, 1904 d. Mar. 16, 2002

Patterson, Ruby b. Jan. 23, 1910 d. Dec. 11, 1993

Via, Linda A. b. d. married Thomas H. Via on 19 May 1962.

Via, Thomas H. b. Oct. 2, 1943 d. Feb. 11, 2004