Evans Cemetery
photo submitted by Dennis Earle, October 2010
survey submitted by Juli Risener Morgan
Located off of Hwy 16 West from Clinton, top of the mountain, turn South onto Evans Mountain Road.
Off site link has some interments and a map.
This is a partial list.
Anna Treece 1912-1931
Velma Griffin 1892-1971
Osmond Griffin 1967
Captain Owen Evans Aug. 11, 1826 - Jan. 29, 1904
Garvis M. Nicholson 1917-1919
Nancy E. Nicholson 1884-1938
Maxwell children (children of T.F. Maxwell, no dates or number of children)
Narcissa E. Cross Apr 3, 1850 - Dec. 2, 1898
Treece baby 1931-1931