1920 Griggs Township Census

Submitted by Sandra Nichols
1920 Census
State:  Arkansas Enumeration Date:   Jan 31, 1920
County:   Van Buren Enumerator:   James Thompson
Township:   Griggs  
Address Name Relation Property Personal Descrip Education Nativity Occupation
Pg # HH # Fam # The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of Jan 1, 1920 was with this family. Relation to head of family Own or Rent Free or Mortg Sex Race Age Marital Status read write Place of birth of person Place of birth of the father Place of birth of the mother Trade  
270 270 Lovell, James head R m w 22 wd n n laborer - farm
      I have this day completed my enumeration for Griggs Township signed: James Thompson