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Wedding Announcements

El Dorado Times 1911
Sam D. Crawford and Miss Sallie Priscilla Milner were married in this city, last Tuesday afternoon, in the presence of a few relatives and friends, Rev. H.M. Geren officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Milner, and is a highly cultured and sweet spirited young lady, and is loved by all who know her.
The groom is one of our city's most popular young men and is richly deserving of the prize he has won.
The happy young couple left Tuesday night on the Rock Island for New Orleans, for a two weeks stay, returning to make their future home in this city.
The Times joins their innumerable friends in wishing for them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life.

From another article:
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Milner, the bride's parents, who reside six miles west of this city, last Tuesday afternoon at 5:30, Capt. S.D. Crawford and Miss Sallie Milner were made man and wife-- Rev. H.M. Geren, officiating. The bride is one of the sweetest ladies we ever knew. Her friends are many and the groom was lucky to win her heart and hand. The groom is special agent for the Rock Island railroad and captain of our military company and, like his lovely bride, has many staunch friends. We cheerfully congratulate Capt. And Mrs. Crawford for we consider them suited to each other and that each will profit by their matrimonial venture. The happy couple left on the 7:40 p.m. train for a visit to Alexandria and New Orleans, La., and probably other points.

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This page was last updated on 29 November 2024.