Regarding the Appraisal & Sale of Property
belonging to the Estate of Henry RobersonItem Appraised- Sold- Buyer Sept 21, 1858 Oct 9, 1858 One Gray Mule $150 One Sorrel Mare $50 $55 Peter Easter Fifteen Sheep $26 $27.20 W. R. Brown Nine Cattle $65 $70 MEA Seventy-Five Hogs $225 $125 MEA 4 of the hogs $24 W. R. Brown One Two-Horse Waggon $50 $55 James Andrews & Harness One Lot Farming $14 $14 MEA Utensils One Grind Stone $2 $1.50 MEA Three Bee Hives $4 $2.20 MEA One Yoke Oxen $40 $70 John Britt One Grain Thrasher $15 $15.25 W. H. Pendleton Various Crops - Total $500 Corn 200 bu $158 John Willingham 100 bu $75 Tipse (?) Stakley Cotton $280 P.V. Wesson Peas Potatoes Small Lot of Wheat $10 Small Lot of Wiz (?) $5 Small Lot of Oats $5 One Saddle $5 $9 John Z. Hudson Lot of Tools $8.50 $6 MEA Blue Steer $12.50 J. B. Roberson Scythe $3.25 E. A. Moore One Rifle Gun $7.50 H.J. Britt One Pair Sheep Sheers $.75 P.V. Wesson Appraised Sold Shortfall Actual Totals $1,174.50 $1,011.15 $ 163.35 Recorded Totals $1,172.50 $1,011.25 $ 161.25 Differences $ 2.00 ($ 0.10) $ 2.10