Sherry-Inactive 2007 Wed Feb 12 14:09:271997
Looking for marriage of William R. Willingham to Margaret ??. They marriedsometime before 1850. They were found in St. Francis County Census for 1850.They had a 1 year old child named Frankie (M or F ??). This child died. Theyhad four children after coming to Texas. Children were William Rhodes Willingham,Ann Margaret Willingham Carr, Thomas Willingham, and Henry Jackson Willingham.
Sheila Bosworth-Inactive 2007 Sat Feb 1502:18:04 1997
Looking for spouses, children, birth, death dates, etc. for these men foundin Arkansas LAND RECORDS
Joseph H EDSON (Washington Co)
John EDSON (Lee Co)
David BOSWORTH (St Francis Co)
Francis J BOSWORTH (Logan Co)
Pat Dahl Mon Feb3 21:01:00 1997
Seek information of Joe L. Rodgers, married LuElla Welch Capes, in 1894 inSt. Francis Co., AR. Moved to Sevier Co. by 1897. LuElla was the widow ofThomas Capes and the mother of Monroe, George, Clemmie, Jennie and Milam.
Toria Campbell-Inactive 2007 Mon Mar 10 22:07:391997
Seeking ANY information on William Presley/Price? Elrod, b. abt. 1911 inEngland, Lonoke Co., AR. He married Ruby Long McCorkle, (b. abt. 1914 inWheatley, St. Francis Co., AR). They moved to El Segundo, California at somepoint where their son William Thomas Elrod was born on Sept. 7, 1938. Theyhad two dtrs. before William Thomas was born.
DREW STEWART-Inactive 2007 Tue Mar 1117:18:401997
Looking for information on William Livingston RUFF. In the 1870 St. Franciscensus he is living with a Cole family.Who are his parents? Appears thathe was from Benton county or Carrol county Tennessee. Where are he or hisparents in 1860?His mothers maiden name may have been ASON.
Deanna Scott-Inactive 2007 Tue Mar 1118:31:47 1997
I am interested in getting information on my family members who have beendocumented to arkansas , from about 1840"s to 1930's. they have lived inpine tree,forrest city area. they were primarily farmers. they moved to Calif,about 1935. I would like to obtain birth , marriage, or death certificates,for the following names. maude beard is the wife of hinton barron. molliepankey is the wife of samuel neill.
Dale Gehring2007-Still interested in Gehring family information. Wed Apr 9 10:58:361997
Death Record Lookup in St. Francis County. Is anyone able to look up thedeath record for a Ferdinand Gehring who died on 29 Jan 1979? I'm interestedin knowing the parents names and date and place of birth of Ferdinand.
Floyd A. Guthrie-Inactive 2007 Thu Apr17 09:46:06 1997
Looking for any information a "Doc" and Florence May STIDAM They lived andare buried near Forrest City, St. Francis Co., Ar. She was b in Walker Co.,Al. on 20 May 1913 and died unknown in Forrest City. Children 1 Winford "Hoss"2 Bertha 3 Verda Mae 4 Martha . I have infomation on Flornce May's familythat I am willing to share.
Mary L. Solomon Wed Apr 3018:18:04 1997
I am interested in any information regarding William GOWER who was listedin Arkansas Land Records in St. Francis County in 1821. I noticed that St.Francis did not become a county until 1827, so how is it possible he hadland in 1821???
William H. Hall Sat May 1003:16:59 1997
Seeking and willing to share information on Orville Jesse HALL, Sr. b. Sept.3, 1837, Hardin Co. Ky, d. April 16, 1908, St. Francis Co. Ar. He marriedMargaret Elizabeth Davis, D/O Joseph & Martha Davis. Sept. 19, 1872.13 children born in St. Francis Co. AR. 8 lived to adulthood: Margaret HALLb. Sept. 8, 1876 d. 1926 m. W. Sam WITHERS abt May 31, 1917, John WilliamHALL b. Mar 16, 1878 d. Feb 10, 1957 m. Ophelia THOMAS abt Jan. 14, 1902,Orville Jesse HALL, Jr. b. Nov. 10, 1879 d. April 27, 1976 m. Ethel May WALDREPNov. 7, 1914 Robert "Bob" Young HALL b. Dec. 21, 1881 d. Jan. 9, 1946 m.not married Samuel Davis HALL b. Sept. 7, 1883 d. Feb 3, 1970 m. MargaretDOOLEY abt May 5, 1909, Hugh E. HALL b. Jan. 6, 1889 d. Nov. 1917 m. BessieMiles DELANO abt Oct. 18, 1916, Malvina HALL b. Dec. 16, 1891 d. Jul. 13,1979 m. not married, Ellen HALL b. Jul. 17, 1896 d. Nov. 1980 m. Carl MortonMCKAY, Sr. abt Dec. 20, 1916.
Lee Harlin Bahan Sat May17 05:25:47 1997
My father, Odell Clyde HARLIN, was b. 1923/25, St. Francis Co., AR,and d. 1984, Gainesville, FL. He was raised by his maternal grandparents,whose last name may have been CLARK, somewhere in AR. A few years beforeWWII his grandparents d. and he was farmed out to live with relatives inE. TX and OK. When war broke out he went to WA state and joined the Navy.Dad never told me the first names of his parents or grandparents, but mentionedthat he had CAMPBELL cousins in Delight, AR. I greatly would appreciate anyinfo to help me track my dad's ancestry.
Tom DYE Mon May 19 15:06:251997
Looking for information on the Ancestors/Descendants of Rueben DYE. In thelate 1800s and early 1900s was supposed to have been a Druggist in ForestCity, St. Francis Co. AR. Was St. Francis County formed then? Thanks in advance.
James TRIMBLE MonJuly 7 07:12:13 1997
I am interested in one Isaac Preston Trimble, b. St. Francis County 1836. Any and all information you can provide on Isaac Preston Trimblewill be greatly appreciated.
Linda Junior TuesNov 11, 1997
I am looking for the birth or death and the parent information on my greatgrandmother Iva Pearl Long. I am told she was born in New Castle ArkDec. 1898. Her parents died when she was very young and she lived withher father's aunt and her husband Froney Long and James R. Pickens. Ivamarried John Henderson White in Ark. They had eight children and livedin Widner, Ark.
Charlotte SmithTues Nov 11, 1997
Researching Jesse Carpenter born VA who came to St. Francis Co from KY andALA about 1830. He was on the 1840 census and then disappears. Ineed anything on the Carpenter family. They had at least five children includingThomas, John, and David.
Gary Murray Sun Aug 10 11:51:431997
John Augustus Hare II married 12 Nov 1871 in Cross Co Ar, to Leilia W. Howell(b.1855 and d. 30 Apr 1892)daughter of Joel C. Howell and Ann J. CarpenterHowell(b. 1834). John was the son of Rev. John Augustus Hare Sr. of HertfordCo. NC (19 Mar 1812 to 16 May 1857) buried in Fayette Co. TN. and Mary B.Ware Hare. Mary was the daughter of Samuel "Dabney" Ware of Amherst Co Va.and Shelby Co. Tn. Samuel Dabney was married to Elizabeth V. Dawson daughterof Nelson Carter Dawson and Lucy Good. Leilia and John Jr left for Hunt Co.Texas in 1881 and raised a large family. John Sr. parents were Thomas EdwardHare and Mrs.Rachel Askew Hunter of Hertford Co. NC. Wish to correspond withall researching these groups.
Teresa Bluford Sat Aug 2308:50:35 1997
HOGAN, William Carroll Douglas was suppose to have been the sheriff in CottonPlant. He married my great grandmother CAMP, Malva (Mally) Elizabeth in 1901and my grandmother HOGAN, Dorothy (Martha) Leona was suppose to have beenborn there on May 15, 1902 His children from his first wife where born inSt Francis County
Irving Blabon Fri Aug 22 21:43:201997
I am searching for information on the NOSLER family. I know that RussellNOSLER and Robert NOSLER both lived in Wheatley, Saint Francis County. Theydied in 1980 and 1979. I am looking for information on them and their family.Will be glad to share other NOSLER information. Irving Blabon
William Hughes Mon Aug 2500:10:00 1997
Looking for info on HUGHES, Thomas Jefferson; born in MS Ca. 1820. Priorto Aug. 15, 1861, was farming in what was then known as Eureka, St. FrancisCounty. Eureka was renamed "MEBNEVILLE" and became part of Cross County.Thomas J. HUGHES enlisted in the 1st Arkansas Infantry, Aug. 15, 1861. ThomasJ. migrated to LA after the War. He was supposed to have had a brother namedJOHN HUGHES.
Rodney Broome Thu Sep 18 10:10:541997
Looking for a family (BROOM) lived in St Francis County, Arkansas prior tothe civil war. Moved to Miller County, Arkansas after the civil war. My Grandfather Sam Broom.
Wynell Simpson Sun Sep 2815:49:27 1997
I am searching for the parents of Moses TRIMBLE and the parents of his wifeAnn STYRE. Their son Richard TRIMBLE married Melissa LANGSTON. Richard andMelissa Trimble's daughter Jane "Jincy" Trimble married Richard CROWSON.I would like to share information with others working on these families.
Nancy Matthews Wed Oct8 06:03:29 1997
I am posting for a friend who would like to share information concerningthe STYRE (Henry, John) and TRIMBLE (Moses, Richard, Henry William, John,Freeman) families of St. Francis County. They came from VA, TN, AL, and Ohioto Arkansas. Looking for any descendants, maybe Bible records. Records burnedin St. Francis County. Would love to hear from other family members orresearchers. G. Horton, P.O. Box 1113, Jonesboro, AR 72403.
Connie Snell MonOct 13 06:41:18 1997
I am researching the family of John Thomas RAPER and Tranie May GARRDNER.Johnwas born 01-03-1903, and died 04-1972. Their children are Ann, Shirley, Dorothy,Jetty, Edna, and a son. John Thomas was buried in Hughes, St. Francis. Traniestill lives there, but is incapacitated. I am also searching for informationon John James SNELL and Mary Ethel EASTMAN.They had 2 sons, Johnnie ( nicknameBilly ), and James Leonard ( nickname Jimmy ). Jimmy married Edna Earl Raperin Lee county on 01-03- 1945. Their first child is Johnnie Thomas. I needto know where and when he was born. Their second child is Charlotte Joyce,who was born 12-27- 1949 in Monroe (don't know if Monroe is a town or a county).I believe that John James served time in prison for killing his father inlaw Frank Eastman. John James was later shot and killed. I am very eagerto find more info about this family.
Joseph R. Williams Oct13 1997
Looking for info on Hugh Roy and Fannie(Weaver) ALLEN in St.Francis or CrossCo. in 1850-1860. Living w/ them Catherine HARRISON 1771.Their childrenwereFranklin P.(m.Sallie Lewis),Charles and Mary Ann. They had a good bitof land and asked for reimbursement from Union after the War for use of theircrops(corn?)
Linda ShieldsDec 7 1997
Seeking help in researching Catherine HARRISON, 74 yrs. old in 1850; livingin the household of Hugh Roy ALLEN and his wife Fannie (Francis WEAVER ALLEN.) Hugh abd fannie moved to St. Francis Co. shortly before 1850. Wouldlike to know who Catherine Harrison was. Any help would be appreciated.
Ronald TynerDec 11 1997
Searching for information on Isabell WISE BISHOP WILLIAMS, moved to the Wheatleyarea 1890, four children Dellia BISHOP b. 1872 Tate Co, MS, Lillie IsabellBISHOP b. 1874 Tate Co, Asa BISHOP b. 1878 Tate Co. Belle Wise Bishopmarried Joe WILLIAMS in 1881 Tate Co and moved to AR late 80's. LillieBishop married Francis Smith TYNER in 1891 Wheatley. Anything on theBishops would be greatly appreciated.
Oliver Milam Feb 131998
Seeking info/data on STIMPSON and LANTRIP families of St. Francis County. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Bill Hughes Feb17 1998
Thomas Jefferson HUGHES reportedly was living and farming in St Francis 1861. Correspondence with the LA Confederate Pension Board indicatedthat he lived near Eureka. This town was named Mebnaville in the 1870'sans I believe it became part of Cross County. His name did not appearon census records or any other record we have been able to find. hewas supposed to have a brother named John. Does anyone know of thisfamily?
QUERY 31 Deb Drake Feb20 1998
I am trying to locate info on a J M GUNTER who married Malissa PARKER 03/28/1889in St. Francis County. We were told that a census record showed this. Did they have a child? The J M Gunter I am interested in hada a son named Ira. Later he hooked up with Annie Lee WISE and had a son namedClarence Bonny GUNTER and possibly John GUNTER.
J. Smith Mar 51998
I am researching these families who settled north of Forrest City. Thefamily of William Mitchell TAYLOR(b 1804 NC) migrated through Tennessee,settling in St. Francis Co. by 1826. There he married Nancy CASEBEER(dau of Thomas CASEBEER and Elizabeth WADE). One of their daughters, MaryAnn TAYLOR married Green Washington TAYLOR who may have been a cousin,but we are uncertain of his parentage. Other descendents William andNancy TAYLOR intermarried with the following JONES family: SHERRED JONES(b 1788 NC) migrated from NC (1830 census) to ARK in 1853. They settleda few miles north of St. Francis Co. in what is now Cross Co.
QUERY 33 Tom LaMunyonMar 10 1998
An Anthony HAMPTON was known to have resided in St. Francis Co. between 1830and 1836. Is this the same Anthony Hampton of Davidson and WilliamsonCo., Tenn. who married Polly WILLIAMS in 1799, and later moved to LincolnCo. Tenn and was enumerated there in 1820? Would appreciate any infoon this Anthony Hampton.
QUERY 34 Deb Mar 121998
Looking for info on the following people from St. Francis County: Annie Lee WISE marriage W.A. McCALL 12/17/1888 did they have childrenand who? Annie McCALL married J.M. GUNTER of Democrat in 1904. Ifthey had children other than Clarence Bonny Gunter I would like to know. Researching other names including delilah Gunter, A K BARNHILL, PearlMcCALL, and inis LAMB. I have been told that many of these names appearin the old Forrest City newspapers but can't find them on the censusrecords.
Nancy Wortman May 26 1998
Seeking info on George HOWARD who m. Sarah Julia GLENN in 1885. Sarahdied ca 1886. Second wife unknown. On census in Wheatley in 1900. Children of George and Sarah: Edward; Anna m. John WING; and Robert,m. Jennie Wylds Leatherwood.
Larry Goats May 261998
George FOLSOM/FULSOM is listd in the St. Francis Co census of 1840 with wifeand three children. His wife Elizabeth FOLSOM is listed with thefamily in the 1850 St Francis Co. census along with six children: David 18;George 16; Louise 13; Nathan 9; Marion 7; and Samual 3. Father Georgeis missing and presumed dead. Would like to exchange info with anyoneresearching this line.
Valerie Keener May26 1998
I am seeking info about the ancestors of and circumstances of the deathsof William and Sarah ALLISON who were killed on Forrest City in 1877 or 1878. Their daughter Martha may also have died at this time. Williamwas born in Ark about 1845 and Sarah was born in Ala about 1843. Theywere living in Illinois in 1870.
Query 38
J. Bonds May 261998
I am looking for descendents of the VAUGHAN family. My ancestor EdwardVaughn had a brother who lived in St. Francis Co. I know there werestill family members there as late as 1917.
Query 39
David MisenheimerMay 26 1998
Searching for info on Charles MALEY< the son of EmmaMISENHEIMER-MALEY-McCLUSKEY. Emma was my g-g-aunt. Charles diedin Hughes, St. Francis Co on 19 April, 1989. He may have been buriedin Memphis TN.
Query 40
Ed BurkeMay 26 1998
William Newton BURKE, born TN, served in Civil War in confederacy as a privatein the 60th Infantry Redgiment Company 1. Married Eliza Allen and settledin Arkansas Post. Eliza died after 7 kids and is buried somewhere nearForrest City. William Burke remarried in Forrest city to Sarah Mantoothand had 4 more kids.
Bruce CunninghamSept 7, 1998
John Anner CUNNINGHAM, born 12/23/1859 in St. Francis, Woodruff, or JacksonCounties. He had a brother, George Washington Cunningham and a sisterFrannie. His parents may have been Ben and Katie Younger Cunningham. John Anner died in 1934 in OK. Oral history says that John'sfather fought in the Civil War and was killed. his widow, presumablyKatie, remarried. She died soon after the second marraige and thestepfather parceled the kids out to three different families. The boysmet again in Little Rock and never knew what happened to their sister Frannie. My grandmother Rosa Mattews Hays was his second and last wife. Theymarried in Indian Territory, OK in 1898.
Linda Sept 71998
I am searching for info on Jewell Dean DIRON born 10-29-1929. She marriedFred Springer and raised her family in the Hughes area. She died inJuly 1961 or 1962. She is buried somewhere near West Memphis. Ibelieve he father was Oscar Diron and her mother of grandmother was GladysSmith. Her sisters were Daris, Shirley, and Betty.
Eve McCann Sept7 1998
Henry ADAMS listed in St. Francis Co. 1850 census with his in-laws,Catherine-mother, Lawrence, Louisa, Louisana ARMSTRONG.
Chris Lardy Sept7 1998
Robert Shores GRAY was married to Mattie MOON. They had 2 children-Virgilb. 7/22/20 and Fae. Virgil was born in Round Pond, St. Francis Co. Robert may have died in 1947. He had a brother Harvey Gray whodied prior to 1920. Robert was also married to Georgia Moon prior tohis marraige to Mattie Moon.
William Hughes Dec20 1998
In a Confederate Pension Claim filed in LA in 1910 Thomas Jefferson HUGHESindicated he was living in Eureka ARK at the time of entry into the confederatearmy in Little Rock August 1867. At that time Eueka was in St. FrancisCo. Cannot find TJH on St Francis census or tax records so we have no otherdocumentation indicating his having lived there. He is supposed tohave a brother named John and a sister who married a TEMPLETON. Heapparently did not return to ARK after the war since he is documented livingin LA until his death in 1910.
Unorick Dec 201998
My grandmother, Della DEVAN was born in Wheatley, St Francis Co in 1882. Her father was James DEVAN and he mother was Martha ANDREWS. Wouldlike to know if there are any Devans or Andrews still in the area. Dellamarried Edward FISHER in 1899.
Charles Moses Dec 201998
My grandmother Dorothy LINDSAY was born 11/21/1900 in Forrest City. Herbrother was Nolan milton, her sister Floy Marie, her mother was Bertie EvelynHANDCOCK Lindsay and her father possibly a Nash Lindsay. Havetried the St. Francis Co birth and marraige records and cannot read the 1910census in the Dallas Public Library. Father apparently died or theydivorced and the rest of the family moved to TX by 1916.
Milton Webb Dec 22,1998
My ggrandfather George Morgan WEBB's funeral was held Dec 8, 1998. Theplace of death was listed as the Laughrum Clinic and the certifying doctorwas "Roy." george was married to Florence Elizabeth DeVasier of St.Francis Co. I would lke more info on the Laughrum Clinic and Dr. Roy.
Betsy Mills Dec22 1998
I am searching for any info on Joseph or George W. COOK. Joseph wasborn in AL ca 1824 and died before 1870. Joseph married Sidney BODINEand she is listed in the 1870 census of St Francis Co. Georgemay be the brother of Joseph. George was born 13 Oct 1837 and died 10 Nov1895 and is buried in Forrest City Cemetary beside his wife Rebecca. Iwould appreciste any and all info on these families.
Jim RobertsDec 221998
My grandfather was William Lee ROBERTS. He was sherriff of Round Pond ARKwhere he died in 1922. I have not been able to find any info on himand would appreciate any help.
Willis Dec22 1998
Researching John Willis b. 4/4/1869, died 1/1945, married Sarah Ida BURTONon 1/1/1891. They had four children: Morris, Sallie, Armetra Lucinda,and McKinley. John's father was Ed Willis and his mother was (nameis unclear from death certificate) Armtel Stuart(?).
Gary Rowden Feb 41999
My ggrandmother, Sarah Luella PETTIS ROWDEN was reportadly born in Wheatleyon Aug 3, 1851. She married William Benjamin Rowden. Her brotherwas William Robert PETTIS. That surname seems to have two spellings-PETTISand PETTUS. He operated Pettis General Store in Hunter, Woodruff Co.,Ark. Other Ark names I am researching are SUTTON, AMYETT andPURYEAR. For details see my website theRowden Family 'Onramp.'
SoberVol Feb 81999
I am looking for info on James ABEL b. Dec 1879 and d April 1972 ForrestCity. Also Sarah WALLACE b Nov 1914 and d Forrest City 1988. PamelaParish (901) 424-8964
Sam Cottrell Feb8 1999
I am looking for any info on John DANLEY who received a land grant in StFrancis Co in 1820. He may be the father of my ggrandmother Sarah DALEY. She married 1st James Forehand and 2nd John Cottrell. Sarah wasborn c. 1825.
Elisabeth Feb 111999
My ggrandfather was David STANDLEE and he married Rebecca THOMPSON. Ifound three David Standlees in ARK. One in Pulaski CO, one in WashingtonCo, and one in St. Francis Co in the 1830 Census. It lists only hisname and no other names for family members. Glad to exchange info onanyone researching these names.
Renee Harris Feb21 1999
Searching for info on Benjamin MARKLEY, b. 1813 in OH. Married 1840Coshocton Co., OH. Moved to St. Francis Co abt 1844. Childrenborn between 1841 -1858 were Mary, Charles, Sarah, Milley, Susan, Rachel,Nancy, Rebecca, and Benjamin. Were in 1850 and 1860 St Francis Co census.
Mandy Queen Feb21 1999
I am looking for info on Wheatley, AR. How did it get it's name? Ihave Wheatley family.
Lamar Davis April15 1999
I saw a reference to Van Buren DAVIS of St. Francis Co. I have beensearching for William Van Buren Davis, b ca 1847, C.S.A. 34th GA Vol InfArmy of Tenn. He was b in Habersham Co GA. I wonder if he wentto AR after the war and settled.
Elisabeth Marty April15 1999
Searching for desendents of Abraham or Abram STANDLEE. According toBLM records David, James and Abraham all lived in St. Francis Co in 1828. Is anyone researching the Standlee line?
Freddie Tilghman April 15 1999
George BARNETTE/BARNETT/BURNETT m. Lona Harris HELMS in MS in 1916. Lonadied in an auto accident abt 1946 in MS. They were living near HughesAK at the time. They had three boys and three girls at the time ofher death. I am trying to make contact with this family-mywife's father was brother to Lona and the families have been out ofcontact for many years. All help much appreciated.
RejisEnter April 30 1999
Jonas SURRATT b. 12-22-1835 in St Francis Co d. 12-24-1910 in Linden, TX. Married Lucenda HIGGENS b. 5-11-34 in St Francis Co. Jonas'sparents were James Monroe Surratt and Susan, both from N.C. Lucenda's motherwas named Mary. A Texarkana connection made in the late 1800's. Anyinfo appreciated.
L Pettiford Aug 20 1999
Walter DAVIS, wife Mattie, 13 children-Isaac, Walter, Anne, Rachel- 9 unknown
E.N. Manning Aug 20 1999
Joseph D. WATSON (J.H. JONES et als) appointed guardians of orphans of WalkerJONES late of Rockingham NC., have removed to St. Francis Co, Ark." Children were James N., Mary A., and Thomas W. 10/1854. Mayhave been accompanied also by Thomas A. NAIL whose mother was Violet JonesNail. She was dead by 1847. Father was George Washington NAIL. These people moved from Desoto Co. MS.
Nancy Havill Wortman Aug 20 1999
Searching for info on the family of John Harold HAVILL 1850-1915. Hemarried twice: first to Josie Mollie LOVEJOY and had Mary Elizabeth, TheodosiaCatherine, Bessie (married Francis MACDONALD and Joe CARTER) and FrancisAbigail. He then married Sarah William SCOTT and had Phillip Jean (m.Addie HATHAWAY), Elma (m. John MARONIE), John Jr., (m. Flora STOREY), SarahGray (m. William THICKSTEIN and Jos WORRALL), Tommie Elora (m. William GRANT),Katherine Agnus (m. Jerry COROY and J.C. Clifford), Julia (m. Harry BUFFINGTON),and Marion Edgar Alan. Family lived in St. Francis and Lee Counties.
Douglas Whisenant Aug 20 1999
William WEBSTER and family appeared in the St. Francis Co. 1850 Census withwife Sarah (Barnard) and 3 children. in the 1860 census their childrenare living with Barnard relatives in Marshall Co., AL. I'm looking for anyconnection between them and any MORROWs, specifically Martha Ann Morrow whoappeared in the 1860 Marshall Co. census in the household with the Websterchildren.
Pat McAlpine Aug 20 1999
Redden Anderson MAY, b. 1812 in NC, d. 1878 TX in routh to CA. He wasson of Benjamin and Martha MAY of Anson Co NC and St. Francis Co. Reddenmarried Lucinda Stell in 1843 and she was buried in Hughes Cemetary. Children were Mary (m.HUGHES), Sarah (m. Redmon Landrum), Martha (m.Murphy), Henry, Jerusha "Lute" (m. Duvall), John, Archibald, Benjamin, William,Emma (m. BROWN), Lucinda (m. BROWN), and Pleasant Grove (that is the name!)All children were born in St. Francis Co.
Trying to find info on a John WILKINS found on the 1860 census in St FrancisCo. Wife listed as Elizabeth, 47. Children listed as Jackson14, Jane 13, Benjamin 12. I want to know is Jackson is my ggrandfather. Would like any info on this family.
Judy Crenshaw Aug 20 1999
Looking for info on Montie Hughes who married an unknown man HUGHES. Theyhad tow girls- Ruby and Gladys. Ruby moved to Memphis and married MonroeKEY and Gladys moved to AZ where there was some family and was buried there. The big mystery is Montie. She married a second time to a HOLDERand had a son Bill who resently passed away. Can anyone tell me anything?
PRECHAN Aug 20 1999
Richmond Pearson BOONE was listed in the 1838 St. Francis Co Sheriff's taxlist and in the 1840-1850 St. Francis Co census. I have a lot to shareon him after he went to Bell Co TX but nothing before 1838. It waspassed down that his grandfather was the older brother of Daniel Boone. Also on the 1840 census was a James BOON(E). Would like to knowif there is a connection. My grandfather wrote that Richmond and Jim,his brother, were scouts in the Blackhawk War.
Judith Hunter Aug 21 1999
James Amos THOMPSON was last know to have gone to the Forrest City area in1919. He worked as a lumberjack and on river dredge boats. Hiswife Ludie and newborn died in flu epidemic of 1918 while living in Turell,AR. The other children, Edgar, John, Millie, Annie, Pearl, and Barney,were farmed out while James was away working. After a while he nevercame back, leaving us witha family mystery. I resently found JamesThompson in the Ar Death records as having died on 9-16-1922 in St FrancisCo. Any help to confirm this is my ggrandfather would beappreciated.
Norma Wolfe Aug 21 1999
Seeking info on Richard GRANT, William Grant, and Jane Grant ca 1820 St.Francis Co. Jane married James Ellis Akins, moved to MO then was inSt Francis in 1860 census. She died in Pope Co ca 1888.
Marty Ramage Aug 21 1999
Searching for info on Silius Emory SWEET (1843-1921), his wife Emma L. Paine(1846-1930) and their children: Mary, Emory, Emma (m. Charles RAMBO), Walter,Gus, and Ethel.
Jim Short Dec 31 1999
My grandfather Walter John ALDRIDGE was born in St. Francis Co in 1871. Hisfather was Wilson Motley Aldridge and mother was Mary Elizabeth Swift.
Peggy Young Jan 20 2000
Looking for info on Julie AARON COLEMAN, b. ca 1877. She is supposed to havedied in St. Francis County. Her husband was either Henry F. or W.R. COLEMAN.Related to her are Henry who married Estmer SWANSON and Maybell Coleman whomarried a Johnson. She is the child of my Ggrandfather, possibly adoptedor reared by him.
Query 75
Nancy Wilkerson Jan 20 2000
Searching for leads to Houston WILKERSON, found in the 1870 census for St.Francis County. Married Permelia Morgan. Known children are Ross, John,Charles, Martin, Luther.
Lynn Swaims Jan 20 2000
Looking for info on the DEARRINGTON and HARRIS families who lived in ForrestCity or Madison from 1800 to 1920. Specifically Terrell Harris andGeorge Dearrington, but I need anything you have.
Query 77
David Richardson Jan 22 2000
Looking for info on the CALVERTS-William H., Dudley, Sarah, John W., andStephen. Also Nancy Brook Calvert McDANIEL, wife of John M. TheMcDaniels moved to St. Francis Co around 1826 from Lewis Co. KY. Thereis a John Calvert in the 1830 St Francis census.
Mary in TX Jan 22 2000
I am trying to find the maiden name of my grandmother by trying to traceher sons Thomas and George W. CLARK. I hope to find her maiden nameon their death certificates. I located Thomas on both the 1900 and1910 St. Francis Co census. I sent for Thomas' death cert. severalyears ago and they coulsn't find it. Any advice appreciated.
Rickey Jan 24, 2000
The following people were in St. Francis Co in the 1860's to 1890's. Charles Thomas SCHNEIDER/SNIDER b. germany married Nancy Ann Taylorb. NC. Their daughter was Clarcy Bell Snider Hodge. Wife No 2 was MargettROSE. They married 1880 in Forrest City and had Annies Alline andThomas J.,both born in Forrest City. Charles had a blacksmith shop in ForrestCity.
Mike Vance Jan 24 2000
Searching for info on the family of Ben BRANHAM and his wife Pemina and theirchildren. They came to St. Francis Co from Madison Co AL in the late 1850s.Ben died in St. Francis Co in 1871.
Alan Trimue Jan 24 2000
My g-grandfather George TRIMUE, Sr. came to St. Francis Co approx. 1860-1870.He married Nancy LYONS. He died Jan 12, 1901. I am trying to find wherethey originally came from.
Query 82
Hank Johns Jan 26 2000
Searching for any information on Henry JOHNS, b 1800, VA, d. 1850 St. FrancisCo. Henry Johns is shown on the 1850 Mortality Death Index as dyingin St. Francis Co.
WAVLTV Jan 26 2000
Seeking info on Luther WACASTER, who was in St. Francis Co with 2nd wifeand children in 1920. Children were born in Forrest City. I think Lutherwas buried in Heth but don't know where or when.
Josephine Hunter Jan 26 2000
Looking for info on James R. and Mary E. JONES. Their daughter GeniathTinnia, b. 4-4-1881. She married Thomas Rayburn Tackett in ForrestCity 1-18-1898. James and Mary moved to TX prior to 1902 and are listedin the 1910 Bowie County census. The were back in St. Francis Co accordingto the 1920 census. Don't know if there were any more family or not??? Will take any info I can get.
Missy Wagner Jan 27 2000
I am looking for info on Richard RAY, b. 1851 in AR. He married AnnaKnight October 28, 1886 in St. Francis Co. Any help would be appreciated.
Erin Cooper Feb 12 2000
I am searching for more info on E.L. McKINNEY (possibly Elisha) wh marriedLeona E. JOHNSON in Jasper Co IL between 1880-1889. He was born before 1865.The had at least two children, both born in ARK. Sylvania Jane and Elva/ElzaJ.(male). leoan died in 1897. According to the newspaper in Jasper Co, ILJan 4 1888 "E.L. McKinney was a timber dealer in Goodwin, ARK."
Dan Cupp Feb 13 2000
Looking for info on James CUP(P) and family who came to St. Francis Co fromTN in the late 1820s. He had two sons and a daughter. The sons wereJames M. and Thomas. In 1838 he owned 160 acres of land in St. FrancisCo. In 1840 son James owned 160 acres next to his dad. Jamesand james M. were both on the 1840 St Francis census but neither was on the1850 St. Francis census. however, the 1850 census shows a James Cupp,10 years old, in the Widner household. Can anyone help with this family?
Sue Perrier Feb 19 2000
My mother's FISHER relatives all lived in St. francis Co in 1860. JamesH. Fisher, b. abt 1819. father of Fanny J., Susan Evelyn, Charlotte Jane,Mary F., and George W. fanny married Marion Stokes, Charlotte m. C.W.Hollowell, Susan m. William Blake Fisher. Susan is mother of NeedhamAlexander Fisher and she seems to be a widow in 1870 and 1880 census. DidWilliam Blake die in the war? Did father James Fisher fight in the war? Needhamwas referred to as "Capt" and lived in Izard Co as an adult, marrying LiddleLuster.
Jim Mays Feb 19 2000
Info wanted on John Henry and Josie MAYof Wheatley, St. Francis Co ARK
James Roberts Feb 19 2000
looking for family of William ROBERTS b 1844; W.L. Roberts, W.L. PORTER.They had a store in Widner, St. Francis Co. W.L. Roberts wife was Alice A.TYLER.
Evelyn Nichols Feb 25 2000
My grandfather William Pipney JUNIOR/JUNYOR (b. 1863 GA) is believed to havedied in 1894 in Round Pond, south of Forrest City, near Hughes. I wouldappreciate it if someone would check the County Clerks office for recordof his death or advise me of some other way to search for his death and wherehe is buried. He had been married to Martha Jane "Mattie" Kennedy.
Query 92
JayeJohn Feb 29 2000
Searching for info on William DOYAL born in or near Forrest City abt 1865.We believe his mother was Mary DOLLAR and his father went by the nicknameof "Tin". Willie married Claricy Bell Snyder from Wynne and at some pointmoved to Des Arc ARK. Some of their children died and are buried near ForrestCity.
Sharia Henley Mar 4 2000
Looking for relatives of William Riley COTTEN. His brothers-Newt and Martin-theremay be more siblings. Also relatives of John Andrew BEGGS, Guy BEGGS, GarnetBeggs, Essie BEGGS m. Charles Cotten and lived in Colt, AR. Katie ArbellWOODS, father was Thomas Jefferson WOODS, m. Fanny or Nancy, not sure who.
Bradley Pettigrew Mar 62000
James H. ARMSTRONG, b. 1820, d. in St francis Co. Wife was AngelinaGORDAN, Child Mollisa Coon Armstrong, my ggrandmother. Any infoappreciated.
Patty McWilliams Mar 8 2000
My husband's great grandfather Benny A. GHOLSTON(b. 1853, d. 1908) and greatgrandmother America Ophelia WALL (b. 1868, d.1907) were married in St FrancisCo Dec 24 1882. I am seeking info about their parents.
William Kimble Jr. Mar 10 2000
Looking for info on my grandfather, Charles Wesley KIMBLE, who was born Jan20, 1936 in St. Francis Co, Forrest City.
Karen Tanner Mar 11 2000
Could someone please do a lookup for me? I would be happy to pay your expenses.i need info from the Arkansas Gazette Obituaries Index 1819-1879. i needsomeone who has access to the actual Arkansas Gazette. I would like a copyof the obituary of James Collins. He is listed as 1878 Sept 26 page 1 column4; 1873 Dec 14 page 1 column 3: or 1871 June 10 page one column 3. Idon't know which one is him. Thanks for any help.
T. Wizer Mar 14 2000
My g grandfather was Ira Laythett HOMEWOOD. Born march 13 1890, d. Dec 1976in St Francis Co. Would like any info on this lineage.
Jim Sanderlin Mar 19 2000
Looking for inf on any SANDELINS, especially Griffeth Sanderlin who bought160 acres in St Francis Co in 1821.
Geoneil Mar 24 2000
Annie Louise TOURTELLO, b. in St Francis Co in 1840s. Need info on fatherWilliam Tourtello and name of her mother.
Maribette Mar 30 2000
Would apreciate any info on Oscar Porter WOLFE, Sr., arrived in St franciesCo from PA about 1848-1850. Purchased property in Taylor's Creek. MarriedAnna E. RUSSELL then to Cornelia WORTHAM. He died abt 1870. his son was OscarWolfe Jr. He was born in Taylor's Creek in 1852. He married Francis "Fanny"Martin GURLEY (b. abt 1854). He lived and worked in Forrest City and diedabt 1910. Paul LOGSDON married Annie Wolfe abt 1910. She was born in Forrestcity abt 1885.
Stone Mar 30 2000
Seek info on Sarah Elizabeth KENNEDY b. abt 1859 in AR. Married Frank WHITEthen Albert Price PHILLIPS. She is shown on the 1870 St Francis Co censuswith Robert and Margaret ANDERSON. Bros. John and Will shown same censusin home of William GILL. Why? Would appreciate any info on the Kennedys
Bill Dalton Mar 31 2000
Looking for info on Thomas Delta RAMBO or any Rambo family in St FrancisCo. Thomas died in 1935 at hospital in Memphis. He lived in Widner and wasburied there. His wif's name was Emma. Other members of his family livedin TN.
Pam W April 1 2000
Looking for info on John MURRELL, aka "The Outlaw". He and his gang piratedproduce boats on the Mississippi from their lookout on Crowley's Ridge atPhillip's Bayou. It is said he died around 1855 in his shack near ForrestCity. A lone pine tree was said to be on the location..
B.J. Kirby April 1 2000
April 16 1906 O.A. JACKSON of Little Rock married Alice KIRBY of Forrestcity. He was 30 and she was 21. This is the only info I have on them Someoneknew Alice in 1931 living in Wynne and she was married to a man named SANDERthen. Her father, my grandfather's brother, was Salas S. Kirby of Wynne andshe had a brother named Nathan J. Kirby. I would appreciate any info on thesefolks.
Frank Hulsey April 13 2000
My grandfather Amos Lee ROMEY was born in St Francis Co, married Emma GODBY,and died and was buried in St Francis Co. I do not have any dates. Any infowould be appreciated.
Jean Silveria April 13 2000
I am looking for Old Macey Cemetary. My mother used to say it was near WynneAR but I haven't been able to find it. My mother was Nola HOLT and fatherwas James KNIGHT. He was a southern Baptist preacher and they lived aroundWynne until 1923/24. His father was also a Baptist preacher whosename was John Wesley Knight. This man, among other relatives, was buriedat Old macey Cemetary. Would appreciate any info on the buriel place of myrelatives.
Larry Hallstrom April 19 2000
I am researchng a Samuel GILBERT. The 1829 St Francis Co census lists a SamuelGilbert while the 1830 census lists a Samuel GILBREATH. Are these the sameperson? He may have migrated from middle TN.
Darin Pace April 22 2000
Trying to track down my g grandfather who is possibly Anderson PACE marriedto Etta BROWN in St Francis Co April 19, 1894. My grandfather Ernest PACEwas born in St Francis Co on Dec 28 1905.
Pat Turnage April 27 2000
Looking for g grandfather Joe Bethel LEMONES, b about 1831 or 1832. He marriedMary Elizabeth CRIPPIN. They are both buried in Loughridge Cemetary. He hadGeorge William Lemones, my grandfather.
Joanne Lyon April 30 2000
My grandfather was Frederick Gottlieb BEYER, b Aug 23 1870, d May 7 1916.He married Louisa Amelia Wiegard, b Dec 18 1868, d June 29 1955. They livedin Brinkley from before 1900 until grandmother's death in 1955. Any infowould be appreciated.
M Johnson April 30 2000
I am researching DUNN, MISENHAMMER, and SCAGGS. William Scaggs is on the1840 and 1850 census as head of household. He married Mary Dunn inTN in 1830. In 1850 they had some Dunns in their household. I am trying tofigure out how they were related to Mary. Also, who were Mary's parents?
C. McDaniel May 4 2000
Does anyone living have any knowledge of Dr. Joel Wiley MCCLENDON who livedin Palestine, Wheatley, and Haynes between Dec 1870 to 1898? Informationon him has been limited to date.
Larry Carney May 6 2000
I am doing reasearch on the LITTEL families. My grandfather was Robert (Bob)Littell and he and siblings were born in Forrest City.
P. Chase May 13 2000
Looking for info on John W. KENNY. b. 04-04-1887, d. 09-16-1981 He livedin Palestine, St Francis Co and worked for the railroad. He married LelarMae ROBINSON and had one daughter. After Lelar died in 1911 he married MaryFlorence COFFEE and had 7 children.
Linda Butler May 18 2000
My g grandparents were Anson Boyd HODGES and Ella Mae LIVELY. Theyboth died and are buried in Forrest City. Ella has been especially elusive.Her mother died when she was a baby and I believe she was born in PineGrove AR and adopted by relatives. I don't know her parents names.
H. Soward May 26 2000
I am seeking proof of the marraige of my gg grandparents West Walker SOWARDand Matilda HOTCHKISS. It occurred between 1835 and 1838, most likely inSt Francis Co. I understand the marraige records for that time were destroyedin a fire. Matilda was the daughter of Hezekiah Hotchkiss and Lydia Mead.They moved to St Francis Co abt 1836. Both families moved to IndependenceCo by 1840. Will share info.
Mike Carroll May 28 2000
Looking for info on my grandparents Theodore Reed CARROLL and Annie GeraldinePATTERSON and their relatives. They lived out from Brinkley on Swamp PoodleRoad and are buried in the Swamp Poodle Cemetary.
Kay Rutherford May 29 2000
I have information that my grandfather Paul Sidney STAPLETON is buried inColt. He died in the 1950s. I would appreciate someone doing a lookupin Colt for me.
Hank Johns June 8 2000
Looking for info on Henry JOHNS. He moved to St Francis Co about 1843 fromTN. He died in St Francis Co in May 1850. All of his children are shown onthe 1850 St Francis census in the William H. LANE household. His oldest daughtermarried William Lane. Would appreciste any info on these two families.
Misper June 11 2000
Looking for info on the Fulkerson families of St Francis Co.
John Head June 11 2000
Looking for decendents of the GORDY family which is found listed on the 1880St Francis Co census. This is Gideon and Rebecca (HEAD) GORDY. The ANDERSONSlisted in the household are children of Rebecca's sister. William Gordy,wife and a coule of children are buried in the Loughridge Cemetary.
Billie Clarice June 12 2000
I would like any info on John C. CRAWFORD and his wife Bennie McCLAREN. AlsoBill, Mary, and Ethel Crawford, William MCCLAREN.
Jim Kimble June 12 2000
My grandfather Robert Henry KIMBLE lived near Forrest City in 1910, southin an area called Linden Island. I would like info on his father who I believewas James William Kimble, probibly born about 1865.
Francis June 25 2000
Trying to locate the cemetary where Andy and Alice CHANEY, and the familiesGOODWIN, BYERS, and JOHNSON. They are believed to be buried in the ForrestCity Cemetary. Any help would be appreciated.
M. Waters Cooper June 29 2000
Searching for the parents of Abraham Calloway CASTEEL b. @ 1817/19 in TNd. Dec. 1901 St Francis Co. Also, the parents of his wife Isabel SIMPSON.They were both born in TN.
Lyn Woods July 13 2000
I am looking for info on John Ira WHITTENTON b Oct 4 1870, d May 28 1912.His wife was Malissa McDANIEL. They lived in Forrest City and had 12 children.Their son Joseph Clifford was my grandfather. He married Zelma ROYAL. I amparticularly interested in finding info on the Whittenton and Royal families.
M. Kelly July 14 2000
Looking for info on the W.J. FREEMAN listed in the 1870 census of St FrancisCo. Could someone see if his wife is Martha and if David and Mary are livingwith him? Could also have a J.W. or John and Elmira living there.
Pat Sheffield July 18 2000
Looking for info on my ggrandfather James T. PERRY. b June 1852. He diedat Palestine and is buried at Bell Cemetary. His wife is Nancy Ann GIBSON.I would like his mother's maiden name and info on Nancy's parents.
S. Banks-Hicks July 202000
I am trying to find any info I can on a plantation owner named Josiah Foster.He had two slaves named Allen and Lettie (Johnson) Harvey who he supposidlyfreed in 1862. I would appreciate any info on these two people. I can alsobe reached at
Razer July 29 2000
Seeking info on Bertha Carter b 6 Jun 1888 who married Claude Parrish 3 Mar1909. They had four children: Goldman, Verma, Maxine, and Norman. Maxinehad a Daughter named Kathy Alford. The last address I have for them is ForrestCity.
Iva Croom Aug 4 2000
Looking for anyone who knew the Dee Clayton family in St Francis Co. He wasmy granddaddy. He passed away around 1952. Just wanted to know if anyoneknew of him and could tell me anything about him. His wife was Suzie andtheir sons were Wesley, Vernon, Edson, and their daughters were Iola Maeand Elise.
Unorick Aug 9 2000
I am looking for info on a GLISPIE family. Amos Glispie was living in StFrancis Co in 1880, age 13, living with his mother and step father, JamesDEVAN. Amos may have been in Brinkley as late as the early 1900s and mayhave ben Police Chief.
Pat McAlpine Aug 19 2000
My main line is Benjamin and Martha Smith MAY. Connected to them are LANDRUM,REDMAN, HUFFSTUTTLER, and CASBEER. My gg grandfather was Redden A. May. Hisdaughter Sarah Elizabeth married first to ? and 2nd to John Landrum. Theirson James Arthur was my grandfather. I would like to correspond with decendentsof these lines.
Lydia French Aug 21 2000
I am researching Narcissus TREADWAY who married Archibald B. MAY in 1887,probibly in St Francis Co. He was a doctor and a son of Archibald ChelseyMay. Narcissus may have been Native American.
Bob Lynch Aug 31 2000
Looking for info on Louis (Craig) KINGSLEY and her husband Worley. Showsfour children born in Kingsley (in St Francis Co) in 1890, 1892, and twins1895. Have picture taken Gaither Mountain ARK, wherever that is.
Lowell Childress Sept 3 2000
Lucinda Buell WYATT married Gus ADAMS in 1880 in Charleston MO. They movedto Cross Co ARK. Their children were Iva, Alva, Pearle, and Stella. Iva b1884, married Peter Deforest on 10 Nov 1900. Pearl Adams b 1889 married JamesMcKee Nov 21 1907 . Both married in St Francis Co. Would like any info.
L. Pettiford Sept 9 2000
Looking for info on Walter DAVIS from Widener, ARK. He was born in MS andmarried Mattie JONES. Walter was a sharecropper and his kids were Robert,Minnie(m.Alex Bisk), Anna Lizzie, Frances, Isaac, Walter Jr., and Rachel.He died around 1923-1928. His sister Mattie married Will SULLIVAN.
Della Sept 6 2000
I'm trying to find out if my grandmother Effie Pearl ADAMS MCKEE (1891-1929)is the daughter of John F. Adams (1861-1911) and Mary J. HIGGINS (1870-1911)All are buried in Barnishaw Cem in Pine Tree.
M. Danley Sept 10 2000
Do you have info on Wade WEBB that came to St Francis Co in 1853 from N.C.?His wife was Matilda BARKER and one child was Remington Pender Webb thatlived in the Newcastle community for many years. Other children were JohnLee, Willie Wade, James Robert, and Elbert.
Pat Sept 15 2000
Seeking info on these BROWNs in St Francis Co 1840 and 1850: Ruffin Brown-foundin 1840 census. Household had 3 males under age 5, one male between 5 to10, one male 10 to 15, and one male 30 to 40. Also want info on Millie Brown,wife of R. P. BOONE, listed on the 1850 census. Was she a sister of RuffinBrown? i believe they all lived on Crowley's Ridge. Richard PearsonBoone b. 1803 in KY. One child was Sarah Jane Boone and am trying to findher decendents as well.Also, does anyone know a Riley or Isaac BOONE? Therewas an Isaac Boone in Union Co ARK in the early 1800s. Could he be a brotherof Richmond Boone and the reason Richmond named a son Isaac?
TV Sept 2000
I grew up in Forrest City and both my parents died there. Looking for anyinfo on the William RATTON Family. Also Tom and/or Ernest PERKINS.
K Sweeney Sept 2000
I am looking for two people in my husband's family:
Lonnie NELSON b July 1910, d June 1980 Byron NELSON b Jan 1879, d May 1972 Both lived and died in ForrestCity ARK.
Mary Cooper Sept 24 2000
I am trying to find the parents of Abraham Calloway CASTEEL, b in TN 1817and d in St Francis Co Dec 1901. Also trying to find the parents of his wifeIsabell SIMPSON, d 1903 in St Francis Co. This couple was on the St Franciscensus from 1850 on.
H Kenyon Sept 30 2000
I am trying to find info on William LEWIS who earned his property for servicein the war of 1812 in St Francis Co. His daughter Malinda Degray Lewis marriedThomas Walworth YERZLEY after he returned from the Civil War.
Jim Cunningham Oct 7 2000
Seeking info on Jenny and Johnny (?) Johnson, twins born April 1, 1935 andgiven up for adoption. Father may have been Jerry or Johnny and he may havebeen sent to prison around that time. They were born in Forrest City.
Sam Oct 10 2000
Looking for info on Joseph LEWIS b around 1870 in St Francis Co. marriedMary SRUM with whom he had 5 children- Lottie, Lucinda, Fannie, John andJimmy.
mar-bak Oct 14 2000
Looking for info on Dr. Stephen SHELTON and wife Matilda. They lived in StFrancis Co in 1828 and latter moved to Mississippi then back to other partsof Arkansas. Any help would be appreciated.
James White Oct 14 2000
According to family history and documents Nancy Ann (Mewborn) WHITE died June 13, 1925 and was buried in Hughes Cemetary. is it possible foranyone in the area to confirm this for me and get a site or lot number ofher gravesite so I can visit it next time I am in the area? Thank you.
Lee GoodwinJan 1 2001
My mother Maude Della GOSS was born May 1889 in Wheatley AR. I would liketo know if she was on the 1890 census? Her father was William Goss and hersisters were Evelyn (Elve?) and Dillie (?). Any help is appreciated.
Sheila Jarrett Jan 2 2001
I am trying to locate decendents of the 2nd marraige of Henry H. JARRETTfrom the Colt area around 1900-1915. First marraige was to Celia COWAN. Their3 children: Beatrice, Myrtle, and John Robert. According to family storiesJohn didn't approve of his father's remarraige and moved away with his wifeModena BONDS and lost contact with his father and the new family.
Beverly Jan 2 2001
I am trying to find info on Willard O. Sloniker b. 1879, d. aft 1920. Hemarried Donna HESTER on 23 Mar 1904. Donna was born in St Francis Co Nov1885.
Query 152
Hugh Mills Jan 3 2001
My grandfather William Tecumseh Mills, Sr. b in Eglantine abt 1870s. Hisfather was James C. Mills and grandfather was Lewis Mills. He married BethFlorence McBride Marshal in 1902 and was a lawyer until his death in1952. Looking for any contacts.
Query 153
Wynell Jan 5 2001
Moses TRIMBLE married Anna Styers. They lived in St francis Co from the 1830census until after 1850 census. Their son Richard married Melissa LANGSTON1829. That couple's daughter Jane "Jincy" married Richard CROWSON. Lookingfor info on this family.
Query 154
Lola Ponder Jan 6 2001
Looking for info on my grandparents. Father's parents James Thomas SMITHand Toker MATLOCK. Mother's parents Lee WORLEY and Josie THOMAS. I thinkmy parents married in St. Francis or Cross Co.
Query 155
Angela Walker Jan 12 2001
I am looking for info on Mary E. GUESS. She was born about 1855 in St FrancisCo. parents were Johnson and Harriet Guess.
Query 156
Pam Roberts Jan 12 2001
I have found a Marlin DAWSON in the 1840 St Francis Co census. Mygrandmother told me about a family member whose name was Marlin so I am tryingto find out about this Marlin. Any info is appreciated.
Query 157
Gilbert Hayes Jan 30 2001
Would like info on James A. HAYES, b. about 1829 in TN, d. about 1927 inForrest City. Last married to Cleo URSEY. They had two children, WilliamHouston and Ruby. Cleo had a sister with the last name of Horton. We believeJames and Cleo were buried in Colt, AR.
Query 158
Patricia Burnham Feb1 2001
Looking for the family of Joseph CLUCK. He had two sons: Leon b. 1921 andLeland b. 1925 in St Francis Co.
Query 159
Jean Reed Herbelin Feb 2 2001
I am trying to find info on James TURNER. He was living in Forrest City inJune 1944. He may have owned or was working at an ice and coal company with24 hour service. His sister also was living in Forrest City. They were Stephenand Mellie Griffen. if any one remembers anything about these people it wouldbe a wonderful surprise!
Query 160
B.J. Kirby Feb 10 2001
Alice KIRBY of St Francis Co married O.A. JACKSON from Pulaski Co on April16 1906. Alice's father was Silias S. Kirby and he lived at Wynne, CrossCo. Her brother was Nathan Kirby. I would like to hear from anyone who knowsanything about Alice. Thanks.
Query 161
Jenelle Feb 11 2001
John BLANTON and his son Benjamin resided in St Francis Co 1828 through 1835.John's other son Elijah lived there 1932 - 1835. I would like to knowwho these men married or any other info.
Query 162
Ruth Mar 27 2001
Looking for info on David WYLDS and wife Mary "Aunt Polly" CREELY, foundin the St Francis Co census in 1830, 1840, and 1850. Also, William HIGHTOWERlisted in the 1830 and 1840 census.
Query 163
Marie Rolland Mar 28 2001
I am looking for Percy Eugene YARBROUGH. He married Ola Mae PERRY in 1949and lived in or near Forrest City. they were only married a couple of months.
Query 164
B Kirby April 15 2001
Nathan J. KIRBY married Julia GROFT in St Francis Co Oct 1907. Nathan diedOct 1913 and is buried in Colt. I would appreciate any info on him.
Query 165
M. Banks April 17 2001
Looking for the family of Geogia Ward, African American, who lived in St.Francis Co, probibly Forrest City, at some point between 1866 and 1880.
Query 166
Kelley April 18 2001
I am looking for the parents of Helen Marr Johnson, who married Dr. JohnE. HOOPER. They are in the 1850 St Francis Co census.
Query 167
Lana Wood Ary May 2001
I am trying to find George WOOD. He was in the Elm Spring Township in the1870 Census. There was also a Laura Adell Wood who married into the PARKERfamily.
Query 168
John Nixon May 2001
In the 1850 St Francis Co census there are two GARRETSON brothers livingnext door to each other. John W. with wife Sara and Hardin and his wife Tabithaand their children Mary, john, William, Andrew, and Martha.
Query 169
Mary June 2001
Searching for info on the following families in St Francis Co: WYLES, SURGINER, FORREST, BURRESS, OLIVE
Query 170
Kelley June 2001
John C. Johnson came to St Francis Co from Alabama. He is in the 1840, 1850,and 1860 census in St Francis. his wife was Elizabeth, a son Gustavus, adaughter Cynthia. He was a representative for the county. i am trying tofind where he died, all children's names, wife's maiden name, etc....
Query 171
Evelyn June 2001
William Henry ELLIS married Sally Tanksley or Tankersly. She had land inSt Francis Co that the family story says William gambled away. His brotherswere Park or Parker, Harvey, Marshall, and Dan. I can't find anything onWilliam or his bros. and would appreciate any help.
Query 172
Sandra June2001
Looking for Clinton Price listed in 1870 census for St. Francis Co. - UnionTwp. Would like to have information on what is listed as birth place andany other info on the census. I've only seen the index. Thanks.
Query 173
Douglas Gray June 2001
Hi My name is Douglas Theo Gray. I am looking for any information that ican find on Joe Gray ( my granddad) and Theo Gray ( my dad). I would liketo say "Thank-You" in advance for your time, work and cooperation regardingthis information request.
Query 174
Pat Searight June 2001
I am searching for Joseph Garland who wed Matilda Lane in 1833. He died 1845in St Francis Co, AR. They lived there from 1835 to about 1850. In 1840 theylived in Johnson Twp, St Francis Co, AR. Matilda married a second time toLewis George and later moved to Evergreen, Washington Co, TX after 1850.Joseph and Matilda had Sarah Anne (my husband's gggrandmother), Mary AnnGarland, Samuel Jasper Garland and Nancy J Garland. Any info for me?
Query 175
Mary Nichols June 2001
Looking for any information on Annie Belle WYLES FORREST SURGINER. She issupposed to be buried in a cemetery close to Forrest City, with the familyof her 2nd husband's family (Surginer). Also info on her brothers who livedin St. Francis Co. on two different times; William A. Wyles and James DavidWyles. James David, my gfather married a BURRESS, who may have relativesthere.
Query 176
April Jones June 2001
My name is April Jones. My husband and I are on a search to find his birthfamily. My husbands name is Charles Jones now. He was born in St. Franciscounty August 1971 but the town was Hughes. The name of the place he wasborn in was called Collum Clinic and the attendants name was G.R. Collum.We do not know anything about the town but we think he may have people thatmay still live there. We do not know the laws of Arkansas on adoption. Hiswas a closed adoption but we do have his real name which was Stanley DewayneSkinner and he also has a sister 14months older than him. We would appreciateany information that could help us.
Query 177
S. Riley June 2001
I am seeking information regarding my family that moved from MIssissippito St Fancis County approximately 1935 by the last name of Brooks. My lategreat-grandmother passed away in the county and buried somewhere on LowellTaylor Plantation. Her name was Sarah Francis Brooks; her nickname was Doll.Her daughter Maeola use to work for Lowell Taylor and her son (Maeola's)passed away back in 1968 and we are unable to located his grave, Eddie Robinson.Please help in locating their graves. Any information that you could findfor me, I will sincerely appreciate it.
Query 178
Maribette June 2001
I am researching the following surnames, and would appreciate anyinformation/links associated with any/all of them:
Oscar Porter Wolff, Sr. [Taylor's Creek/Colt 1848-1857]
Oscar Porter Wolff, Jr. [Colt, Forrest City 1852-1911]
Anne E. Russell (wife of OPWolff, Sr.) 1822-1854
Cornelia Wortham (wife of OPWolff, Sr.)
Frances (Fannie) Martin [b: Poinsett Co.; in St. Francis Co.: 1860-1917]
Query 179
Jerry July 2001
I am from St. Francis County and lived there for most of my early life. Iam looking for information about my paternal grandparents, whose surnamewas CHRISTOPHER. I don't know my grandfather's first name but my grandmother'sfirst name was Nettie. She died in the late 1930s or 40s and were the parentsof several children including Talmadge (my father) Eagle, and Parham. Anyinformation would be most appreciated.
Query 180
Elaine July 2001
LEWIS:Looking for information on ELBY (PETE) LEWIS, my grandfather, marriedto ORA LEVENIA PRICE, he was born in 1879 and died in 1938. He is buriedin Wylds Cemetery. He lived next to the Wylds place. He had twin brothersJohn and James, James lived in this same area. Elby's father's name may havebeen OLIVER married to a Martha Roydel, his second wife. There may have beenother brothers and sisters of ELBY by the names of OLIVER EDDWIN LEWIS, VICTORIAHLEWIS, JOSEPHINE LEWIS,MARGY CLARE LEWIS and AVARY LEWIS. I would appreciateany information on this family. Also if anyone has family buried in WYLDSCEMETERY please contact me
Query 181
Joan July 2001
I am interested in corresponding with anyone connected to or having informationon the BLANTON families of Benjamin Blanton, John Blanton or related linesshown in the 1830 Census of St. Francis County. Any information would begreatly appreciated.
Query 182
S. Riley July 2001
I am interested in finding the exact location of the burial ground of,myuncle, Eddie Robinson. He pased away Febuary 1968 near St. Luke Church inSt. Francis county, I assumed that is located on Beck's plantation. The markerthat was placed over his grave is no longer there. If anyone have any informationon the burial ground on Beck's plantation,please let me know. He was theson of Maeola(Ewings)Hillard.
Query 183
Jaime Boozer July 2001
There is a cemetery between forest city and marianna in st france countyi cant remember the name of the cemetery his name is VACHEL BOONE ROSE HEDIED in (Nov. 1943 the 8 or 6 ) if any one can help please thank you verymuch
Query 184
brinkley July 2001
I am researching a James G. Marr in the 1860 Census for St Francis Co. Hewas in the 1850 census for Marengo Co AL with wife Sara J 20 and daughterMary E. I would appreciate any information concerning this family. Therewas also a Daniel Marr in the 1870 census and a Frances K. Marr in the 1860census who could have been related. He was in the 1870 census for BurlesonCo Census as James Marr still with wife Jane. I am particularly looking forHis daughter Martha Jane Marr, who i believe was born here around 1864.
Query 185
jackjim July 2001
I am researching ROBERT(R.A.)CAMPBELL, middle name may have been Albert.Born ABT. 1847-1852, Kentucky. Robert lived for a time in St. Francis Countyabout 1882. He married Lucia Gaines Key, March 28, 1882, in Helena, Ar. Theymoved to Texas shortly after their wedding. Robert returned to St. Francis,County about 1899 with a new wife, Kettie Campbell. I would appreciate anyinformation or leads.
Query 186
Nikki July 2001
I would like you to add the Padgett surname to the list. I am Nikki LeighPadgett from Holly Grove and the majority of my family lives in St. Franciscounty. I have searched the records you have and I have only found one GeorgeW. Padgett listed in one scrapbook. He died in a hunting accident in the1940's. I have found that he is my grandfathers older brother. My grandfatheris Wilburn F. Padgett. I am trying to trace my family history and I haven'thad much luck. We originated from Alabama and my grandfather doesn't knowwho his grandfather was, so it is a rather difficult search. I would appreciateany help you could give me. Thank you!
Query 187
Ruth July 2001
Has anyone ever heard of a Mount Zion Mission Baptist Church in the areaof Tuni, St. Francis County, AR, in the early 1900's? My ggg uncle, Dan WYLDS,sold 2 acres of land to this church in January, 1898. We are trying to ascertainif this might possibly be the property known as the WYLDS cemetery. Perhapsa church was planned for later, or maybe the church was supposed to takecare of the cemetery. Does anyone have any information that would help us?Thanks
Query 188
Dave August 2001
I am looking for information on Clint Ingle, who is probabilly my greatgrandfather. I'm not sure where he was born, but the SS death index showshe died in Forest City. He was married to a Barbara Sanders. My grandmotherwas Virgie Louise Ingle-Pharis. Any Information on them would be greatlyappreciated in completeing my family tree
Query 189
Charles Taylor August 2001
Looking for the taylor family. my father was charlie eugene taylor ar. 1926-allentaylor-alice mullins. this much I do know. maried saline co . 1912 lookingfor records came across this one and that brings me to you. allen green taylor-10nov.1893 ar. father thomas noah taylor-lucinda jones-26-mar.1856 in st. francesco ar. what if anything can you tell me about these two people. have founda lot on information as to lucinda jones... but can not find any recordsfor thomas. maybe thier are records that you may have on where he thomascame from.
Query 190
Bill Cudlipp September 2001
I seek information on one Samuel Masters Hankins who I believed was livingin Forrest City, Ark around 1870.
Query 191
B.J. Clark Sept 2001
Looking for info on Sam and William SHINNALL.
Sam was born 11-25-1917 in Palestine and William was born 5-11-1921 in Moro.Father William Demarion SHINNALL mother Cora MATHIS. Believe William wasmy grandfather's brother.
Query 192
Gearldene Sept 2001
my grandmother was born in st, francis county, june 23, 1875.amanda l taylor.diedon july 16,1913. amandas mother came from the smokey mountians in north carolinash was a full blooded cherokee.i know nothing other than her last name wastaylor. amandas first husband was a Barrettthey had one son neeley and twodaughters alba and ola. neeley was born in franklin co. alabama,i have beensearching but havnt came up with any info on them as of yet.
Query 193
Sheila Sept 2001
I am looking for anyone with ANY information on the following family wholived in the Giles/Lincoln county area of Tennessee and then moved to theCross/St.Francis county area in Arkansas around the late 1800's to early1900's:
John J. Gray,Eliza Gray,John T. (Tom/Thomas??) Gray,Amanda Gray,Della Gray,LizzieGray,James Gray,Joe (Jodie) Gray,William (Willie) Gray,Annie Gray
Query 194
Ginny October 2001
Seeking information on Noble Ladd Gross son of John Gross of South Carolina.He should have been in St. Francis County, AR in 1860. His sister was Elizabeth"Betsie" Gross who married Daniel Ayers.
Query 195
Mrs. Thomas Oct 2001
i am looking for john stoddard who came to st francis ark maybe in the 1860's.mycousin said that she may have thought that he died there in smith parishst francis co ark in 1861. Is there a place where i can find his will ordeath cretificate which would show where he was born in ky in 1790 and whohis father and mother were??? i know that his sons william johnston stoddardand joseph b stoddard where also livng there at that time and his wife priscillajones stoddard from nc to tn to ark and living with alabama her daughter.
Query 196
Donna Smith Oct 2001
I am looking for Edward Dee Davis born 3 Dec 1875 in Forrest City AK. Hiswife was Melitha Ussery born. July 1877 perhaps in same town. They both diedin Hall, Clark Co., WA. She died in 1902-03 and he died in 1942. My motherwas named Melitha after her greatgrandmother. I would love to find her parentsand accurate dates of birth and location. I am willing to share what I haveon this Davis family.
Query 197
Charles Oct 2001
Thomas B Culver's wife filed for pension in 1892 from St Francis Co. forhis part in the Indian wars. Would like to contact one of his descendants.Thomas B Culver's brother was my gg-grandfather.
Query 198
KA37012077 Oct 2001
I am looking for the following ancestors. They lived in Forrest City or thatgeneral area.
Anna Hamilton time frame 1890-1924 or longer
Dr. Albert Allman Approximately the same time frame
Anna and Albert were brother and sister. They were born in Sulligent Alabamaand were the children of Tonny and Priscilla Allman
Ginny Dec 2001
I believe Daniel Ayers & his wife, Elizabeth "Betsie" Gross were in St.Francis County, AR along with the family of Noble Ladd Gross, Betsie's brother.Daniel & Betsie had a son, Thomas Jefferson, and I am looking for hismarriage date to Miss Lucy Ann Bennett. Any information you may have on eitherof these families would be appreciated.
Query 200Marge Dec 2007
I'd like to make contact with an descendants of the early CASTEEL families in St. Francis Co. AR for the purpose of compiling a family history book.Marge CasteelSavannah, TN
Query 201Mark Jan 2008Paul,
I am seeking information for our Family Tree on Samuel and Ophelia Weeams and family. I came across this website for "Geneaology from Arkansas and more specifically St. Francis County and thought I'd add our name ("Weeams) to the queries list to see what information we could find. I thank you for you help in this matter and look forward to your reply.
Happy New Year and God bless you!
720-296-5229 Query 202 Jan Jan 2008
Looking for information on the family of Levi Powell and wife Elizabeth (maiden name also Powell).
Levi born ca. 1800 SC. d. bet. 1861 - 1869 St. Francis Co., AR. Elizabeth b. ca. 1803 Edgefield District, SC. d. aft. 1870 census. They were married in Monroe Co., MS. 10-19-1834; resided in Choctaw Co., MS. ca. 1837 ? 1841; LA. In 1844; Lafayette Co., MS. 1846; Memphis, Shelby Co., TN. 1848; Lafayette Co., MS. again in 1850 and St. Francis Co., AR. 1860 - 1870 (Levi listed as head of household 1860 and Elizabeth listed as head of household 1870). Daughter Mary Powell and son Seaburn Powell both in Conway Co., AR. by 1873-1874.
Following are census records:
1850 Lafayette Co., MS. census, dated 1850 Nov. 4, Microfilm #M432_375, stamped pg. #297, lines #19 - #24.
#1006 - #1006
Levi Powell 50 m w Farmer SC.
Elizabeth Powell 45 f w SC.
Martha Powell 15 f w MS.
Seaburn Powell 12 m w MS.
William W. Powell 6 m w LA.
Mary Powell 2 f w TN.
1860 St. Francis Co., AR. census, dated 1860 Aug. 27, Microfilm #M653_49, District #8, written pg.
#105, stamped pg. #498, lines #34 - #40 and written pg. #106, stamped pg. #499, lines #1 - #3.
#713 - #713, Tescas Twp., L'Anguille Post Office
Levi Powell 62 m w Farmer RE$3200 PP$963 SC.
Elizabeth Powell 52 f w SC.
Seaborn Powell 22 m w MS.
William Powell 13 m w LA.
Mary Powell 12 f w TN.
John Ridlin 7 m w AR.
Jane Safford 22 f w GA.
John D. Spears 38 m w Gin Wright PP$125 MS.
Mary Spears 38 f w GA.
Saline Underwood 9 f w GA.
*Note: Different people apparently boarding in the household. John Ridlin was actually grandson John W. Ridling.
St. Francis Co., AR. 1870 census, dated 1870 Aug. 30, Microfilm #M593_65, written pg. #6, stamped pg. #134B, lines #38 - #40 and written pg. #7, stamped pg. #135A, lines #1 - #3.
#50 - #50, Texas Twp., Madison Post Office
Elizabeth Powell 67 f w Widow RE$2000 PP$550 SC.
Seaborn Powell 30 m w MS.
William Powell 26 m w LA.
Mary A. Powell 21 f w TN.
John Ridley 17 m w AR.
Elizabeth Ridley 25 f w SC.
*Note: John Ridley was grandson John W. Ridling.
Children of Levi and Elizabeth:
Martha Powell b. ca. 1835 Monroe Co., MS. d. ca. 1853 AR. Married Henry Clayton Ridling in Lafayette Co., MS. 5-21-1852. Son John W. Ridling b. 3-24-1853 MS. or AR. d. bef. 1878 prob. Conway Co., AR.
Seaburn Powell b. 2-22-1838 Choctaw Co., MS. d. 7-26-1904 Mexia, Limestone Co., TX., buried Tehuacana Cemetery (near Mexia), Limestone Co., TX. Married Sarah Jane "Jennie" (Roberts) Ridling, widow of John W. Ridling, in Conway Co., AR. 12-20-1878. Sarah b. 12-5-1852 AL. d. 8-10-1910 Mexia, Limestone Co., TX., buried Tehuacana Cemetery (near Mexia), Limestone Co., TX.
William W. Powell b. ca. 1844 LA. d. ?
Mary Jane "Maude" Powell b. 2-12-1848 Memphis, Shelby Co., TN. d. 4-13-1921 Coleman, Coleman Co., TX., buried Wealthy Cemetery, Wealthy (near Normangee), Leon Co., TX. Married Isaac Marion Powell in Conway Co., AR. 5-3-1874. Isaac b. 3-30-1848 Water Valley, Yalobusha Co., MS., d. 5-26-1919 Normangee, Leon Co., TX., buried Wealthy Cemetery, Wealthy (near Normangee), Leon Co., TX. Isaac son of William Marion Hampton Powell and Margaret "Maggie" Faulkner/Fortner (Faulkner and Fortner interchangeable with some families using surname Faulkner and others using surname Fortner).
Would like very much to find death and burial information on Levi and Elizabeth Powell and any other information.
Any help appreciated.
Jan Lawson. Query 203Michelle Jan 2008
Hello, Paul
I stumbled across your web site purely by accident, but I wanted to share some information I discovered about my family.
My mother died about a year and a half ago, and cleaning out her condo has led to discoveries of all types. I found a photo copy of a ledger sheet from the 1860 national census for St. Francis County, Arkansas, Post Office, Taylor's Creek where the family of Louis Ottenheimer, Merchant was listed. I remember my mother telling me that her grandmother, Celia Ottenheimer, lived in Arkansas pre-Civil War. I did not see the surname Ottenheimer in your list. I was wondering if you've come across this name in your research, and if you could share any information. I'm fascinated by the idea that my family lived during the Civil War. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
Michele Roth Herman
Skokie, IL (Chicago suburb)
Query 204Peggy Date : Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:57:53 -0600
I am trying to locate grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Alice Wooten Dickerson & Erving Thomas Dickerson. They were both born in Ms. & moved to Ark. in the 1920's. / In or near Forrest City. They had a son, Clabe ( Clay-Be ).
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank You,
Peggy PerryQuery 205Haywood
Date : 02-29-2008
Looking for information regarding Pleasant H(perhaps Henderson) Thompson [there is a PH Thompson in the 1870 Saint Francis County Census @ 47 years age born in Alabama], his wife Martha Miller Burnett Thompson [no information], and their daughter Martha ("M" or Emma) Pleasant Thompson [there is an Emma P. Thompson @ 18 years born in Mississippi in the 1870 Census). Martha Pleasant Thompson married C.L. James and they are both buried in the Hughes Cemetery - they were my grandmother's parents. Thank you.
Haywood AndersonQuery 206Kaye
Date : 03-6-2008
Looking for any info on SCENIA WINGO who would have been born in St. Francis County in 1895. She left Arkansas in 1909. I have been unable to locate any information to determine who her parents may have been. She may have been raised by someone other than her parents and did have a brother named LOUIS. Anything would be appreciated.....Thank You Kaye-
KayeQuery 207Haywood
Date : 04-15-2008 Would you please post the following query on the Saint Francis County website. Thank you, Haywood Anderson Interested in any information concerning from the 1870 Saint Francis County census: Enoch P. JAMES (51), wife Penelope JAMES (50), children Nancy A. JAMES (29), Thomas H. JAMES (21), Columbus JAMES (19), Larenthia JAMES (15), David E. JAMES (12). Also two daughters from earlier Tennessee census who may have been married or deceased by 1970: Harriett E. JAMES (would be approximately 25 in 1870) and Amanda T. JAMES (would be approximately 18 in 1870). Old family information indicates Enoch P. JAMES enlisted at approximately 42 years age on 8/3/1861 at Trenton, Tn in Co. I, 27th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry, CSA and was discharged as a private on 11/8/1862 - there is an entry on a Arkansas Civil War website indicating a Enoch Phillip JAMES was buried at the HUGHES cemetery. The Saint Francis County website indicates Columbus L. JAMES with his wife (Martha Thompson JAMES), several of their children, and his brother Thomas are buried in the HUGHES Cemetery, as are a En! os JAMES (in pl ot 275) and a Penny JAMES (in plot 276) who may be the Enoch P. and Penelope JAMES above. The website does not mention plots 277 and 278, indicates JAMES UNKNOWN in plots 279 thru 283, does not mention plots 284 thru 288, and indicates JAMES CHILDREN in plots 289, 290, and 291. I was at the HUGHES Cemetery earlier this year and found a marker for Frank JAMES (who is not included in the above names), an apparent empty or non-marked location, and then markers for Columbus, Martha, child Jessie, brother Thomas B., and children Katie, George W, and James Henry. Would anyone have cemetery records that would indicate how plots 275 for Enos JAMES and 276 for Penny JAMES might be located? It would seem 275 and 276 would be close to the other JAMES markers, but these two plots may have never had a marker placed. Thank you.
Query 208Billie Thorp Self
Date : 05-9-2008
I am looking for information on my great grandmother, Wm Jo Ella 'Ella' WATSON, born May 15, 1867 in Forrest City, St. Francis County, Arkansas.
Her parents were John WATSON and Lucy ELLIS WATSON. I have information on her after she married my great grandfather, James m. KING, but nothing other that what is mentioned prior to her marriage. Any information on her would be great appreciated. Thank You. Billie Thorp Self,
Query 209Sandy Iglesia
Date : 05-27-2008
Looking for Rosalie White West obit or info on of Wheatley. She died in 1943 and was the wife of James West MD who was murdered in 1899.
Query 210Judy
Date : 05-27-2008
St.Francis County, Ark: land purchase before 1840. Father's name unknown, son's name is Lewis Robert TURNER. Seeking to know if Abel TURNER is kin, also a GEORGE TURNER, JOHN TURNER and JESSE TURNER?...all mentioned in St.Francis databanks. Appreciate any help or ideas.
Judith Lavonia GrimesYorba Linda, California, 92886Lineage Specialist- Women's History
Query 212Linda Harris
Date:June 23,2008
Have a Death Certificate for a: J.M.RAINEY, date of death 7 Feb. 1931, born MS. age 64,married, Father: Monroe RAINEY, Place of death: St Francis Co. Franks. twp. AR.Information given by J.W. RAINEY, Forrest City, AR. Rt.2.I was sent this Death Record in 1996, it is not my family, I'm not sure if there is a relative in your area who would like this or your Society?Thank you Linda HarrisQuery 213Gordon Hellman
Found in the 1870 Census, St. Francis, Phillips, Arkansas:
Victorine Wirt-AGE – 18-Date of Birth – 1852
Birthplace – Missouri (propably St. Louis-Race – White-Gender – Female-Post Office - Helena
Head of Household – Geo. W. Holibaugh, age 38,or E.M. Holibaugh, age 42
Thanks for any information you can provide, Query 214Jo Goodwin
Hi - I am researching the Gray family that lived in St. Francis Co, in the community of Madison from census records. Dr. John Milton Gray and his family lived in Madison when a house fire took the life of his wife Sarah and their youngest, A. E. Gray between 1870-1880. I have not been able to find anything on this family, the deaths or his death. Any help would be appreciated. John Milton Gray, MD 1819 - 1900 m 1849 Shelby Co, TN to Sarah E. Parrish 1830 - 1870-80 in house fire with youngest child. CH: Susan Bryant b 1851; Johnathon Lemuel 1853; John Milton 1854; Charles D. 1857; George I 1859; Rebecca Lavenia 1861; A. E. 1865.
Any suggestions next step in research would be appreciated.-JoQuery 215Cindy Sue
Pitts of St. Francis County, Arkansas
Looking for the burial place for William and Elizabeth Pitts, children: James and Martha J. Pitts, John B. and Elizabeth E Pitts, Nancy C. , Elizabeth Amanda, Mariah J., Martha L., William T. H., Lucinda and America twins. Anything on these people might get me unstuck in my tree. I know they came from Marengo County, Alabama, but spent several decades here. Ant info would help.
Thanks Cindy SueQuery 216Rachel Autry
Davis of St. Francis County, Arkansas
Looking for any descendants of Arthur Marsh Davis;Anthony Dalton Davis:the children were:Lottie Martin Davis; Vera Lena Davis; Guy or William Davis; Cleveland Davis. Most of these lived on Newcastle road in Forrest City.
Grand children:Carolyn Gracey Davis; Betty Diane Davis; Arthur Davis; Marion Reynolds Davis and Margaret Sue Davis. I want pictures of my grandfather Cleveland Davis when he was young and maybe his father.
If anyone has pictures of them. Some are still living on Newcastle road Forrest City, Arkansas. Thank You
Rachel Autry.Query 217Flora Barrett
Looking for anyone who might connect to MARTHA J. SCOTT who married T. J. BRITTEN, Jr. on 28 Oct 1875. Martha Scott BRITTEN married second on 17 Nov 1878 to W. H. JOHNSON. Both marriages were in ST. FRANCIS COUNTY, AR. We think MARTHA J. SCOTT may be connected to the William K. POSEY family who were in Newton County, Missouri in 1870. If anyone has any knowledge of these people I would appreciate hearing from you. Query 218Dee Garrison
Richard Samuel Hodges in St. Francis County, AR
Looking for ancestry information on my Great Grandfather Richard Samuel Hodges, on 1870 Census for St. Francis Co., AR. 1875 in Texas married Mirah Lunetta Trimble also from St Francis Co. AR. I know nothing about his family, where they came from. Anything info will be appreciated. Dee Garrison Query 219Billie
John C. Crawford in St. Francis County, AR
My grandfather, John C. Crawford held many public offices in St. Francis County, AR. At different times he was Constable, Justice of Peace, and Coroner. He even ran for Judge against Judge Rowe. He was Constable in 1930 when he went to arrest a drunk man, William Black. Mr. Black shot him and Grandpa lost his leg as a result of that shooting.He was crippled and had to limit his work after that. He was Coroner in 1937 when a plane crashed in St. Francis County, near Goodwin.He held the inquest over those victims. While holding that inquest, he talked to President Roosevelt that night as that was the biggest plane crashed incident in the USA at that time. He also held the inquest over the victims of the Downey Hotel Fire in 1943. We lived across the street from the hotel and I watched the hotel burn. I knew many of the victims of that fire. Grandpa was sick and got out of bed to hold that inquest. He died three days later and is burried in Hughes Cemetery. W. McLaren, my great-grandfather's name was on the corner stone of the old court house in St. Francis County. That corner stone is now in the museum at Forrest City. I have the handles to that court house front door. Would like any inf. on either of these men. BillieQuery 220Patricia Westerfield
John Calvin Nail/Moore in St. Francis County, AR
Looking for ancestry information on John C Moore who lived with Irwin Nail in 1850 and 1860. Does anyone know of an Elijah Moore born in the late 1700's Wife's name was Rhoda. They had four children Jessie ,William John S. and Elizabeth who married William Arrington. The children were born in the 1820's? Thanks
Patricia Westerfield Query 221Susan Williford
Elijah Adams in St. Francis County, AR
Does anyone have any information on Elijah Adams who lived in St Francis in 1870?
Susan Williford Query 222Alison Maloney
Paul Reed in St. Francis County, AR
Hello, I came across your site (ArGenWeb) and am trying to find my father's birth certificate. The problem is he died when I was only 9yrs old. My mother did not keep in touch with his family & I am now 58yrs old. So my information is sketchy at best. Here's what I know:His name was Paul Reed, but I think at birth his middle name was *Dolph*, which was his father's and which he dropped in later life. His mother's name was *Ethel*, she had been married to a Pounders, Reed, and Bright, but I do NOT know her maiden name. To the best of my leg-work on, I think his father's name may have been *Dalphey Pinkney Reed* who was a traveling preacher. Paul Reed was born March 7, 1920 in Colt, Ar. and died Dec. 31, 1960 in Charlotte, NC. On his death certificate it has his mother's name listed as *Ethel, maiden name Unknown*. It appears the Vital Statistics dept. wants the mother's maiden name to be able to get a birth certificate. So I am not getting very far. Do you have volunteer's who could look this up at thedept of Vital Statistics, or is there anyway you know of that I could find the information? Here is the link to the page showing what I have gathered/guessed at on ancestry.com Is there anyway a volunteer could look into this for me? I live in NC. Is there a fee for this? If you have any ideas or could help in any way, please do! Thank you,
Alison (Reed) Maloney Query 223Susan Williford
Elijah Adams in St. Francis County, AR
Does anyone have any information on Elijah Adams who lived in St Francis in 1870?
Susan Williford Query 224Susan Graben
Salola McClintock (Clint) Andrews in St. Francis County, AR
Paul, I found your website online recently and wondered if you could help me with some St. Francis county research. I am looking for some 1873 court records. I called the Clerk of Circuit Court's office and they directed me to a county museum where they said the records had been taken. I called there but the curator was not in and I was asked to call back. Briefly, I am looking for information on the shooting of one of my ancestors, Salola McClintock (Clint) Andrews, which happened in Cut Off, Arkansas in Oct. or Nov. of 1873. He was originally from Shelby (Cleveland Co, NC) and had come to the area as a deputy sheriff. Evidently he had gotten in some trouble with the KKK and felt it was advisable to leave the state. However he was only 19 years old; he evidently was there about three years when he was shot and mortally wounded arresting another man. His father, Dr. W. P. Andrews, came to the area to claim his son's body and returned him to NC for burial so he was not buried there.I was hoping to find some information about the shooting and did not know if the court records would have any information. I have not yet located any newspapers from the time and area. Do you know of anyone who does this type of research and if so, would you ask them to get in touch with me as I am interested in paying someone to help.
Thanks for any assistance
Susan P.Graben, Decatur, Alabama Query 225Jim Breyer
Wucherpfennig in St. Francis County, AR
Looking for information on descendants of James C. (Jim) Wucherpfennig & Viola Morgan (1st wife) or Susie Moo (2nd Wife).
Jim Breyer Query 226Cathy Perry
Jesse A.Ferguson Bailey in St. Francis County, AR
I am looking for information on Jesse A. Ferguson Bailey. She was the wife of Alfred G. Bailey and they were shown to reside in Goodwin Township, St. Francis, Arkansas in the 1900 census. In the 1910 census Alfred was shown in Tennessee with a new wife. I believe that Jesse might have died in Arkansas before he and her children came to Tennessee. She was born in Jul 1852 and was married to Alfred Bailey in 1875. They had 2 children living with them at the time, Alice M and Edna L.
Cathy Perry
Signal Mountain, TN 37377 Query 227Trevor P.Wardlaw
Nancy Josephine Cody in St. Francis County, AR
Hello,Question: Does anyone have information on the Cody family from this area in the 1850's-1860's. Specifically, looking for birth record of Nancy Josephine Cody in 1861. Thank you.
Trevor P.Wardlaw Query 228James Clark
Grimes Family in St. Francis County, AR
Hello,I am looking to make contact with anyone out of the GRIMES family that lived around Palestine, Arkansas, in the past or present----------James E. Clark
Query 229Loyd Sybert
Sybert Family in St. Francis County, AR
After the death of her first husband, Henry TYLER, Mrs. Martha "Mattie” (Harris) TYLER married my great grandfather, Charles Richard "Charley" SYBERT. They were married 12 August, 1903 in St. Francis County, Arkansas. The marriage was performed by W. B. McLaren and recorded on page 420, book I, St. Francis County, Arkansas. The 1910 census shows Charles R. SYBERT and Mattie SYBERT as owning and operating a farm in L’Anguille Township, St Francis County, Arkansas. Shortly after the 1910 census, they sold their farm. Martha's son James Franklin TYLER registered for the draft on June 5, 1918 in St. Francis County, Arkansas and listed the nearest relative, his mother Mattie SYBERT as residing in Colt, Arkansas. There was no mention of his stepfather, Charles R. SYBERT.I am searching for the graves of Charles R. and Mattie SYBERT. Did they die in Colt and are they buried in unmarked graves?Loyd
Query 230Gene Martin
Tom W.and Sofronia Martin
I am trying to complete my family tree for Tom W. Martin and Sofronia Bullard Martin. He from Ms and she from Tn. They lived in Madison and had a daughter, Jennie and a son Sam. C.Jennie is my grandmother who married Joseph V. Franks. Their daughter Mary Alice Franks is my mother. Tom W. Martin is not directly related to Edwin K. Martin . I know from the research she worked for the Dr. Thompson family. She and Tom were divorced, and he lived in Madison ;as did Sofronia who lived with my grandfather and grandmother after they were divorced. I am trying to locate their graves. any information would be appreciated
Query 231Keely Grant
John and Penelope Massey
Hi there. I am searching my husbands ancestors in St. Francis County, Arkansas and have found so much of your information beyond helpful. Thank you so much! I have put many pieces of the puzzle together with information found on your sites.I was wondering if you might be able to guide me so that I may continue my search. I have been trying to locate records on Penelope Jane Pugh Massey born 5/4/1857 in TN - died 2/10/1887 in St. Francis county. I believe she is buried in Yacona Cemetery. Where do you suggest I find documents, such as death certificate, given her death date in 1887? Do I call the museum and do they have people there that can look as I am in Ohio? Any suggestions to continue my search would be wonderful. I know Penelope married a John Massey, but I have no records of either of their parents. It was said the their daughter, Maud Massey Ford, was Native American - either Black Apache or Cherokee and I have found nothing to support this.Again, thank you SO much for your wonderful research and documentation.Keely Grant
Query 232Anita Ringener
Anita Ringener-No.Richland Hills, Texas
I am searching for any information on my g,grandfather, Edward H. Stewart - b. 1830 N.C. He is listed on the 1860 census of St. Francis Co., Ark. with wife Mary and 3 children. He later came to Tx. and d. 1-11-1905 and is buried in the Cottondale Cemetery in Wise Co., Tx. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Query 233Linda Bass
I am looking for information on a: Hattie Mae (Moon) Flossie that gave birth to a Kathleen Junior MaeHopkins in April 1931 in/around St. Francis County, Arkansas. I know she died of complications of TBsomewhere between 1931 and 1941.
Query 234Linda Bass
I am interested in any information regarding the following ancestors:1. BT Johnston (Thos B Johnston, BT Johnson) born 1861 in Illinois...but, lived in St Francis County in 1900’s and was in fact there for the 1900’s census with wife Jane R Johnston (Rebecca Jane Byrd) and their children: Allen F Johnston age 18, William M. Johnston age 16, Thomas B Johnston age 14, Ulysses C. Johnston age 12, Marshall B Johnston age 10, Sessel J. Johnston age 7,Ora E. Johnston age 5. Millard O. Johnston age 3, Edward M. Johnston age 0.Any photos or info would be appreciated. 2. Lula Clem born 1898 and her father was Robert F. Clem and they lived in St. Francis County during the 1900 census.Any photos and info would be appreciated. 3. Rebecca Jane Byrd – Jane R Johnston : Rebecca Jane Byrd was born about 1864 in Tennessee and was married to BT Johnston(Thos B Johnston, Thos B Johnson) and they lived in St. Francis County for the 1900 census. Thank youLinda BassLindaBassRN@msn.com2012 S. Magnolia DrTallahassee, Fl 323018502510747
Query 235Sheila Curry
Date:May 2,2012
I am interested in any information regarding the following ancestors:
My name is Shelia Curry and I am looking for any information I can get on my father side.
1. Father David M. Curry his Father George Kamble
2. His mother Norma Lee Smith or Clark
3. Willie Clark cousin
4. Dewberry from Mississippi
5. Ember Clark or Smith
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