ARGenWeb St. Francis County Arkansas, ARGenWeb
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St.Francis County, Arkansas

My name is Lindsey Palmer I am available to do local lookups. Please allow 1-2 weeks for me to obtain information requested.: I am searching for volunteers to obtain marriage records, death records, transcribe cemeteries, and do reseach at the local library. If you are interested in volunteering please contact me. I look forward to working with you! : Some Links to Google Photos No Longer Work :
St. Francis Co. Historical Society meets the First Thursday of Month at the St.Francis Co. Museum at 7 p.m. Meeting Announcement
Book published on Amazon Books, "At the Top of the Hill", which is a detailed listing of the 1,300 plus residents in the old Forrest City Cemetery With over 800 photos of the cemetery included (Updated March.2018 to include all the tombstones found in 2017) Downloadable from Amazon
New Book:Author: Wilma Hill Thomason- Address: 5063 Hwy 284 Forrest City, AR 72335 The core of the book is about a homeless woman, but the story is intertwined with the history of the town of Palestine and the Bell Cemetery (the resting place of this homeless person). The name of the book is “The Town, The Woman, The Cemetery.
Downloadable from Amazon

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