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CemeteriesThis list of cemeteries is as complete as I can make it without help from local residents. I have included links to Deborah Yates' Southern Roots. In 2006, I took pictures of all monuments I could read at Mount Vernon, Forrest City, and Forrest Park Cemeteries. Any records not on Find A Grave will be shown here! Also, all records are still shown by alphabetical listing in the entry ALPHA Records! On October 28,2011, pictures were taken at the Hughes Cemetery of graves right by the road and the church. Also All are online at Google photos album maintained by me as well as Arkansas Gravestone Project: Here are the links for Google Pictures:To see names, select each picture, then, on the right side select "More Info" [Note:on Forrest City Cemetery, the stones are often unreadable, or broken!
Also, I have put most of the main cemeteries online in one place in the ArgenWebArchives for your review by cemetery location.Archive Cemetery Listings I must caution that these records are mostly from Stevens Funeral Home Records, from 1897. Any before that time, and others by other funeral parlors may or may not be shown! It does not mean they are not there. Also, just because they are listed, does not mean you will find the tombstones. Many have been covered up by dirt or shrubbery over the years in the older cemeteries as evidenced by inquiries from those who could not find them on inspection at the cemetery. There are Cemetery associations for Hughes, and City Cemetery in the local phone book, Stevens Funeral Home is the source for Forrest Park Cemetery as they operate the trust for it! Note the directions below to cemeteries have not been updated for changes in the Hwy 1, and Barrow Hill Road is now a County road Near the Motels north of Interstate 40. 1. St.Francis County Arkansas Cemetery Records by Kathleen Bell. You can find in some libraries around the country, or buy direct from Arkansas Research at www.ArkansasResearch.com. They have many other books on St. Francis County history also for sale. 2. Real Estate Tax Book, 1889-1890, St. Francis Co., Arkansas Kathleen Bell. 1986. 161 pages.An alphabetical listing of persons found in the tax books for the listed periods. This work serves as a good replacement for the lost 1890 Federal Census.-Item 3. St. Francis County Arkansas Cemetery Records Kathleen Bell. 1981. 123 pages. This volume contains Twelve cemeteries, including Forrest City and Hughes Cemeteries. 4. St. Francis County, Arkansas Cemetery Records Vol. 2 Kathleen Bell. 1988. 134 Pages. This volume contains 23 cemeteries and updates some of those found in volume 1. 5. St. Francis County, Arkansas Marriage Records Books D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, from (1875 to 1911).Kathleen Bell. 1979. 131 pages. Covering the time period from 1875 to 1898. The period from 1898 to 1911 is by Emily Tucker. The listings are alphabetical by last name. These are on CD available at the Forrest City Library in Forrest City. 6. Obits fom Forrest City Times, Forrest City Times-Herald, and Other Newspapers-Older ones from the Forrest City Times Newspaper. 7. Pictures Taken May and Sept.2006 at Forrest City, Mount Vernon, and Forrest Park Cemeteries, Forrest City, Arkansas 8. Information from Loyd Sybert, Researcher for St.Francis Co. 9. 1930 Census Data from St.Francis County done and posted on USGENNet 10. History of St.Francis County, Arkansas-Author Robert W. Chowning-Publisher:Times-Herald Publishing Company-1954-Copyright 11. Obituaries from St.Francis County Historical Society at the Forrest City Public Library, kept by Mrs. Pauline Bogart, in loose leaf folders, from 1964 to 1977. They are being put online at this time, some are already shown in the Obituaries Section, on the main page of this website. All with permission of the Forrest City Times Herald as long as I show them as source. Most of the old records were put on microfilm, and maintained at the Arkansas Historical Commission In Little Rock, which are available only in their office on the State Capitol grounds. The LDS Libraries also have the same information available. Here is the link to their site showing records available: St.Francis Records at Arkansas History Commission Type and in the search box, and select St.Francis County, it will show all records available. These old books were given to the St.Francis County Museum several years ago, and are still there to the best of my knowledge if you wish to see the original records. Here is a link to all Historical Sites in St.Francis County: St. Francis County Historical Sites Also From Find A Grave:Here is link to all St.Francis County Cemeteries: St.Francis County Cemeteries on Find A Grave- Alpha Listings or by Cemetery This information was furnished by Loyd N.Sybert, researcher and genealogist, who has considerable works at the Forrest City Public Library on early families of St.Francis County Collecting data to construct this page. This list is incomplete and some of the directions are less than accurate. I will appreciate any help you may be able to provide. Contact me at my Email address Pictures of Gravestones-on PhotobucketTo view Tombstones Legend Barnishaw Cemetery Barnishaw Cemetery on Find A Grave- Bell Cemetery Bell Cemetery-Forrest City Note, on Find A Grave there are several Bell Cemeteries Bell Cemetery-Palestine Beazley Cemetery- Beazley Family Cemetery- Bible Union Cemetery Bible Union Cemetery- To reach the Bible Union Cemetery, travel north on Arkansas Highway 1 to Caldwell, then turn west on Arkansas Highway 261 and travel to the Community of Horton. The paved road ends at Horton. The cemetery is directly west of the road on a small hill. It is unkept and difficult to walk to. Brown Cemetery Brown Cemetery New Casteel Cemetery Old Casteel Cemetery Casteel Cemetery City, or The Old Forrest City Cemetery Assistance Needed to Care for Cemetery City Cemetery Clark Cemetery in Caldwell Clark Cemetery in Caldwell Clark Cemetery in Colt Clark Cemetery in Colt Clark Cemetery in St.Francis County Clark Cemetery in St.Francis County Elcannon Cemetery Elcannon Cemetery- Forrest City Cemetery-New cemetery Forrest Park Cemetery Forrest Park Cemetery Goodwin Cemetery Goodwin Cemetery- Harris Chapel Cemetery Harris Chapel Cemetery Harris Chapel Cemetery- Harris Family Cemetery Harris Family Cemetery- Hughes Cemetery-See note above, some gravestones are not visible. Hughes Cemetery Johnson Cemetery-Online Johnson Cemetery Linden Island Cemetery Linden Island Cemetery- Lindsey Cemetery Lindsey Cemetery Loughridge Cemetery Loughridge Cemetery Complete Listing-Loughridge Cemetery- Madison Cemetery Madison Cemetery Also, the Scott Bond Cemetery in Madison, I am not sure if these two cemeteries are the same or not:See Below McDaniel Cemetery McDaniel Cemetery Mt. Vernon Cemetery Mount Vernon Cemetery The Posey Cemetery is located three miles north of Wheatley. Posey CemeteryP>Roy Cemetery To reach the Roy Cemetery from Forrest City, go north on Arkansas Highway through Caldwell, Arkansas to Telico Road and turn right. The cemetery is in a field on the left side of Telico Road. Roy Cemetery Old Mt.Zion Cemetery Mt.Zion Cemetery-Cross Co. Mt.Zion Cemetery-Cross Co. Scott Bond Cemetery Scott Bond Cemetery Shady Grove Cemetery--Note:ON Find A Grave, There are many Shady Grove Cemeteries Stanley Cemetery Stanley Cemetery Old Shields Cemetery Old Shields Cemetery The Waldrop Cemetery Waldrop Cemetery The Widener Cemetery Widener Cemetery Wylds Cemetery Wylds CemeteryWylds Cemetery on Find A Grave Yarbrough Cemetery Yarbrough Cemetery Yarbrough Cemetery on Find A Grave Yocona Cemetery-AKA Yacona and Hodges, pronounced Yakg'one per Glenn Hammons Yocona Cemetery- Yocona Cemetery on Find A Grave Yacona Cemetery on Find A Grave A Link to the Shelby County Records, where you can download records of death, birth etc. of Shelby County including Memphis to 1954 online-Also the 1865 Census of Memphis-Many Eastern Arkansas persons were born and/or died in Memphis Hospitals! Much easier than applying to the State of Arkansas for Birth and Death Certificates. Shelby County Records-Birth/Death/1865 Census How to calculate the date of birth from informationon grave stone YEAR MONTH DAY1881 3 1 -86 -10 -13-------------------- Since the numbers below are larger than those on top for both the month and day, you will have to borrow from the figures at the left just as you do in normal substraction. However, you cannot simply borrow 30 days if the month happens to have 31, 28, or 29 days for leap year. The month on the top line is March and it has 31 days. Therefore you add 31 to the day shown making 32 days. That leaves 2 in the center, so you borrow 12 months from the year 1881. Now your substraction problem is much simpler: YEAR MONTH DAY1880 14 32 -86 -10 -13--------------------1784 4 18This individual's birth date is 18 April 1784. CEMETERIES FROM GNIS LIST FOR ARKANSAS http://geonames.usgs.gov/stategaz/AR_DECI.TXT 47894|AR|Cogbill Cemetery|cemetery|Cross|05|037|351332N|0904552W|35.22556|-90.76444||||||||Wynne 82904|AR|Thomas Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345914N|0905030W|34.98722|-90.84167||||||||Haynes 82907|AR|Freedonia Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345845N|0905209W|34.97917|-90.86917||||||||Haynes 82908|AR|Mount Vernon Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345536N|0904906W|34.92667|-90.81833||||||||Haynes 82911|AR|Henderson Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345851N|0904620W|34.98083|-90.77222||||||||Haynes 82913|AR|McDonald Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345659N|0904552W|34.94972|-90.76444||||||||Haynes 82916|AR|Hodge Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345607N|0904928W|34.93528|-90.82444||||||||Haynes 82931|AR|Locust Grove Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345715N|0903355W|34.95417|-90.56528||||||||Mud Lake 82949|AR|Saint John Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345902N|0904109W|34.98389|-90.68583||||||||Dansby 82958|AR|Union Hill Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345452N|0905527W|34.91444|-90.92417||||||||Palestine 82967|AR|New Shady Grove Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350810N|0902645W|35.13611|-90.44583||||||||Jeanette 82987|AR|Mount Vernon Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350130N|0904659W|35.025|-90.78306||||||||Forrest City 82996|AR|Forrest City Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350017N|0904650W|35.00472|-90.78056||||||||Forrest City 83090|AR|Brown Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350321N|0904551W|35.05583|-90.76417||||||||Forrest City 83122|AR|Dennis Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350404N|0904529W|35.06778|-90.75806||||||||Forrest City 83144|AR|Elcannon Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345515N|0905109W|34.92083|-90.8525|||||198|||Haynes 83153|AR|Forrest Park Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345839N|0904659W|34.9775|-90.78306||||||||Haynes 83157|AR|Gaston Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350101N|0905808W|35.01694|-90.96889||||||||Hawkins 83160|AR|Goodwin Cemeteries|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345554N|0910103W|34.93167|-91.0175||||||||Wheatley 83164|AR|Harris Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350346N|0904507W|35.06278|-90.75194||||||||Forrest City 83182|AR|Johnson Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345437N|0910648W|34.91028|-91.11333||||||||Wheatley 83187|AR|Kinsey Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350825N|0902540W|35.14028|-90.42778||||||||Jeanette 83218|AR|Mount Zion Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345803N|0904355W|34.9675|-90.73194||||||||Dansby 83219|AR|Mount Zion Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350103N|0902508W|35.0175|-90.41889||||||||Chatfield 83227|AR|New Hebron Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350321N|0904412W|35.05583|-90.73667||||||||Madison 83232|AR|New Sardis Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350611N|0904244W|35.10306|-90.71222||||||||Madison 83246|AR|Pilgrim Rest Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345505N|0910701W|34.91806|-91.11694||||||||Wheatley 83276|AR|Shady Grove Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345602N|0904409W|34.93389|-90.73583||||||||Dansby 83277|AR|Shady Grove Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350806N|0902644W|35.135|-90.44556||||||||Jeanette 83294|AR|Stanley Grove Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350430N|0905312W|35.075|-90.88667||||||||Hawkins 83310|AR|Waldrop Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345456N|0910559W|34.91556|-91.09972||||||||Wheatley 83315|AR|Westley Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345740N|0905511W|34.96111|-90.91972||||||||Palestine 83319|AR|Whitmore Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350312N|0903413W|35.05333|-90.57028||||||||Round Pond 83325|AR|Wyles Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|345650N|0904243W|34.94722|-90.71194||||||||Dansby 83327|AR|Yarbo Cemetery|cemetery|St. Francis|05|123|350811N|0904536W|35.13639|-90.76||||||||Wynne Loughridge Cemetery-Colt
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All pages on this web site are copyright ©
© 1996 - 2007, Kim Jarrell Johnson © 2007 - present, Paul V.Isbell unless otherwise noted. This page was last updated