Confederate Cemetery in Helena, Arkansas
Confederate Cemetery in Helena, Arkansas
I have not been to to the Confederate cemetery in Helena, but it is my understanding from relatives that have visited it, is that the Confederate Cemetery is a set-apart section of Maple Hill, which is the public cemetery. Here is some information that I have found on the internet: The Confederate Cemetery in Helena (there is an actual sign designating it as "Confederate Cemetery") is located on a high hill in the southwest corner of Maple Hill Cemetery. It was started through the efforts of the Phillips Co. Memorial Association, organized in 1869. The Association arrange for the interment of Confederate soldiers buried in the local area after the Battle of Helena and some who were buried at more distant places. Of the latter, General Patrick R Cleburne's remains were brought from St. John's Cemetery, Ashwood, Maury, Co. Tennessee n 1870. Major Sam Corley's remains were also brought from his original burial place at Little Rock in 1870. As the years passed, many old soldiers elected to be buried there. The one posting you see of mine (on your original memorial) is Abner Hamilton Beard Sr. (my G-G-Grandfather). He was the plantation/cotton gin owner from Gill, in Lee Co. Abner is also the one who built the road (now State Hwy. 261) from Gill to Palestine. Abner Sr. was in his late 40's at the start of the Civil War. He believed very strongly in the southern cause and in support, sent 100 of his slaves to work in the munitions factory in Arkadelphia. After he lost his son at Antietam, Jefferson Davis gave him an appointment as Captain in the Home Guard, protecting St. Francis and Phillips Co.'s from looting by marauders despite his age. In that capacity, he took part in the Battle of Helena. Abner lost everything during the war. He survived the war, living in the Gill and Palestine areas. He died of pneumonia in 1872 and was buried in Hopewell Cemetery in Gill (many Beard relations are buried in this cemetery). Years later, Abner's son-in-law, Judge E.D. Robertson (married to Abner's daughter, Ethel Abner [Beard] Robertson) of Wynne, along with his son-- Abner's grandson (also named Abner)--had the Captain's body moved to the Confederate Cemetery in Helena.
Edward Beard-April 20,2010
Here is map of Maple Hill and Confederate Cemetery in Helena, Arkansas by Wanda Ridge, 2007
Here is Confederate Monument Added by: yorkforrester SFC Kathleen Forrester
Listing from Find A Grave:Note, fourteen monuments with un-readable names are shown on the Find A Grave Site. The citations are shown on Find A Grave, not verified.
?, W T 25451323 b. unknown d. unknown [Killed at Helena, Ark..
(Bateman's Co., Augusta, Died of wounds received at Battle of Helena]
Agnew, ? 25450462 b. unknown d. 1864
[Dobbins Regt. Killed 1864]
Anderson, Capt James Monroe 51393363 b. unknown d. Jun. 28, 1882-No Monument
[Captain James Monroe Anderson,Captain-Co.D Commanding "Harris Rifles" Regiment---7th Tennessee Infantry 1861-62 *Spy for Confederate Government 1862-until in sent to prison as a Prisoner of War 1863]
Anderson, Capt Pauldine (Paul) Francis 51393430 b. unknown d. Sep. 12, 1878 -No Monument
[Paulding [Paul] Francis Anderson-Captain-Co.L-Regiment-8th Texas Rangers [90 day soldiers] Second Regiment-Captain of Company K-Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment Regiment---4th / 8th Tennessee Cavalry / Baxter Smith's Co.K "Cedar Snag's" / "Paul's People"-The Anderson Brothers are all buried in the cemetery but only Dewitt C. Anderson the youngest brother has a head stone.]
Anderson, DeWitte 36111947 b. unknown d. Aug. 21, 1902
Bagwell, Lieut ? 25450451 b. unknown d. 1863 No Monument
[McGees Regt., Wards Co. Killed 1863]
Barker, C C 25450395 b. unknown d. unknown
Beard, Abner Hamilton Sr. 25450161 b. 1814 d. May 14,1872 see also Maple Hill Cemetery
[Forrest City Times Newspaper:Dec.26,1913:
Chancellor Robertson, of Wynne, and his little son Abner, went down to Helena Tuesday with the remains of the boy's grandfather, Captain Abner Beard, where they were interred in the Confederate Cemetery north of the city. The Captain was a Confederate Soldier and died in 1872, and was buried on his plantation in Texas township, St.Francis County, Arkansas. He was a participant in the battle of Helena and it seems fitting that the old soldier should find a last resting place on the battle ground where he fought. The Lee County Courier.
"Abner Hamilton Beard Sr., one of the early residents of, what was to become Lee County (Arkansas), was the son of Jabez Beard (1790-1854) and Sally Sarah (Wilkes) Beard (1798-1894, both of Bedford Co., Virginia. He was born on his grandfather's plantation, the first of Jabez and Sarah's thirteen children. An adjoining plantation was owned by Sam Davis, the father of Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy).
Family links:
Jabez Beard (1790 - 1854)
Sally Wilkes Beard (1798 - 1885)
Levi Spinks Beard (1844 - 1862)*
James Nelson Beard (1846 - 1911)*]
Beith, Mamie G 27868865 b. unknown d. Oct. 31, 1935
Bibb, A S 25450388 b. Jun. 4, 1829 Alabama d. Mar. 10, 1904 Kentucky
[He entered in the Confederate service in 1861, Cap. of Co. G, 12 Regt. of Ala. Volun. Promoted in 1862 to Gen. Forrest's Staff with rank of Colonel]
Brown, John 25450170 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo Brigade]
Burrus, Lucian B 25450186 b. May 17, 1829 Rutherford Co., Tenn. d. Dec. 11, 1892 Helena, Ark.
Burton, Dr R A 25450100 b. Jan. 20, 1822 d. Jul. 7, 1874
[Surgeon C S A Died at Helena. ]
Calvert, W T 25450083 b. unknown d. Jun. 28, 1929
Casteel, James 25450076 b. unknown d. unknown
[McGee Regt., Jones Company]
Clark, John C 25450068 b. Jan. 27, 1825 Kentucky d. Jul. 7, 1863 Helena, Ark.
[Capt. John C Clark was born in Ky and died from wounds received in battle of Helena, Ark. on July 4. (Of Gen. Marmaduke's bodyguard. He died at Dr. Rice's]
Cleaveland, John S 25449507 b. unknown d. 1863
[21st Texas Cavalry]
Cleburne, Patrick 4430 b. Mar. 17, 1828 d. Nov. 30, 1864 Picture
[Civil War Confederate Major General. The most popular Confederate division commander, he was known as the "Stonewall of the West." He was born in County Cork, Ireland, appropriately on St. Patrick's Day. A naturalized American citizen and an adopted Arkansan, he grew up in Ireland, where his father was a well known doctor in the county. He was taught at home where he received an Episcopal church education. He apprenticed himself to a pharmacist to prepare for a medical career. He later failed the examinations and shamefully joined Her Majesty's 41st Regiment of Foot. After serving 3 years with the unit he purchased his discharge and emigrated to the United States in 1849. He worked as a pharmacist in Cincinnati, Ohio, then moved to Helena, Arkansas, where he became a partner in a drugstore. At the urging of friends he studied law and became a wealthy lawyer. In 1861 he enlisted as a Private in a company being raised for the 15th Arkansas. He was elected Captain by the unit, which began his meteoric military career that won him praise as one of the South's best infantry commanders. He was soon made Colonel of the regiment and under Major General William J. Hardee spent the fall and winter of 1861 in the vicnity of Bowling Green, Kentucky. His British military training, discipline, and charm earned him the loyalty of his men, Hardee's friendship, and a temporary brigade command. On March 4, 1862, his temporary brigade command became permanent when he received a commission to the rank of Brigadier General. The next month he was engaged in his first battle, at Shiloh, where he fought in the advance on the far left of the Confederate line. After an initial repulse, he rallied the brigade and shoved the Federals through their camps to the Tennessee River. Though the fighting had reduced his command to less than a thousand men, on the next day he personally stemmed a Confederate rout, led a counterattack, then fought rearguard action while the majority of the army retreated. He was rewarded for his performance with lavish praise, and increased command authority. In August, at the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, he oversaw 2 brigades. However, while readying his men for the second day's fight, he was shot in the left cheek, the bullet carrying away several teeth. Unable to speak, he relinquished his command. The Confederate Congress rewarded him with a vote of appreciation and on December 13, 1862, a promotion to Major General. He commanded a division at Murfreesboro, during the Tullahoma Campaign, and at Chickamauga. A favorite of Jefferson Davis, he is credited with covering the retreat from Chattanooga after his splendid defense of Tunnel Hill. That winter he and William H. T. Walker proposed that in order to reinforce the Confederate armies slavery would have to be abolished in a "reasonable time" and blacks be recruited for military service on the promise of their freedom. The proposal was rejected by the Richmond authorities and would not be passed by the Confederate Congress until a couple of months after his death. The proposal also blocked his promotion to Lieutenant General. He went on to command his division, and briefly the corps, through the Atlanta Campaign. Under General John B. Hood at the Battle of Franklin, on November 30th, his division headed the charge on the Federal entrenchments. After having two horses killed under him, with his kepi on his sword, he led his men forward on foot until he was shot and killed 50 yards from the Union lines. His death was mourned throughout the Confederacy and his men grieved over his death for months. He was the senior of six generals to die during the Battle of Franklin. (bio by: Ugaalltheway) -Cause of death: Killed at the Battle of Franklin]
Cook, J W 25449361 b. 1845 d. 1913
Corley, Maj Sam 25449270 b. unknown d. 1863
[Killed at the battle of Little Rock 1863. (Corley Spies, killed in Battle of Bayou Founche near Little Rock, AR) ]
Crews, R H 25449351 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade. Wounded at Battle of Helena, Died at A. J. Polk's.]
Darnell, Luther 38366838 b. unknown d. Feb. 15, 1940
Davis, Theodora Jerome 25449334 b. Oct. 31, 1836 South Carolina d. Dec. 8, 1925
Dillard, P H 25449321 b. unknown d. May 13, 1911
[P H Dillard M.D.]
Dobbins, Gen Archibald S 38373879 b. 1836 d. 1867 Brazil
[The information on these pages was compiled from the Svc Records of Confederate Soldiers who Served in
Organizations from the State of Arkansas, National Archives Microcopy No. 317.
Introduction written by James Monroe Massey of West Helena, AR
Arch S. Dobbins was dubbed "The Intrepid Dobbins" by John N. Edwards, Major, Adjutant of General Joseph O. Shelby and author of the book, Shelby and His Men. He was honored by the people of his home county as one of the "Seven Generals" of the Confederacy who enlisted from Phillips County.
Dobbins served under many commanders, Generals Hindman, T. H. Holmes, Sterling Price, John B. Magruder, E. Kirby Smith, John S. Marmaduke, L. M. Walker, Joseph O. Shelby, James F. Fagan, and M. Jeff Thompson. Some have very impressive records. Dobbins was far from being a great soldier but was adjudged favorably on his comnand by Generals Hindman, Price and Shelby.
In 1862 Helena, county seat of Phillips County, was being occupied by General Curtis and his Union Army. Dobbins sent his family back to Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee, and he crossed the Mississippi River to join General Hindman's regiment in Beauregard's Army of Tennessee at Corinth, Mississippi.
After Hindman was named by General Beauregard to take over the military command of Arkansas, he brought Dobbins with him to Little Rock. In the latter half of 1862 Hindman commissioned Dobbins a Confederate Colonel and assigned him to his general staff for the campaign ending at Prairie Grove, December 7, 1862.
Following service as volunteer-aide-de-camp on General Hindman's staff at Prairie Grove, Colonel Dobbins was given a brigade of cavalry composed mainly of northeast Arkansans and was termed
"Dobbins's Brigade" or the "First Arkansas Cavalry." With this comnand he eventually returned to Phillips County, a familiar territory in which he was well known. While quartered in the vicinity of Helena atop rugged Crowley's Ridge, Dobbins recruited many local citizens into his brigade.
It was not uncommon during the Civil War for a military unit to return near their home base and set up winter quarters. The bad weather curtailed most military action. This gave the soldiers a chance to visit their homes and take care of family needs before returning to combat.
Colonel Dobbins is said to have been the commander of most Confederate forces operating in Phillips County. Not much is known of Dobbins's actions. This can be attributed to the fact he was more or less his own commander and few detailed reports were turned in to his superiors. Judging from the mentions of Dobbins in the Northern records, there is indication that the enemy did not particularly admire him or his men. One Union report advised that Dobbins's brigade was "made up by the consolidation of the swamp guerrillas."
Not all of Dobbins's enemies wore blue uniforms. A feud existed between Dobbins and Colonel T. H. McCray, but they campaigned together under General Shelby during the summer of 1864 and again under General Fagan. Major General Marmaduke, however, was critical of Dobbins the entire time they served in the same army. Marmaduke hinted that Dobbins was incompetent. Afterward Dobbins's brigade was transferred to a division commanded by Brig. Gen. L. M. Walker, a fellow Tennessean Dobbins personally admired.
Following the Battle of Helena in July 1863, Marmaduke heaped verbal abuse on Walker and placed much of the failure at Helena upon him. By September, when the army was digging in to defend Little Rock, pride finally forced Walker to retaliate. He challenged the other officer, and Marmaduke readily accepted. On September 6 Walker lay dying, and Marmaduke emerged as victor in the most tragic duel in Arkansas history.
After the duel Dobbins assumed command of Walker's division. On September 10, 1863, he offered the final Confederate resistance to the Federals before they forded the Arkansas River to advance on Little Rock. Falling back from the river, Dobbins met General Marmaduke who informed him that he had been given command of all cavalry. Dobbins told the General he would not serve under such a command in protest of the duel and of Marmaduke's release from charges filed against him by General Price, but later reversed. Upon this outburst Marmaduke placed Dobbins under arrest for disobedience of orders and sent him to the rear. Arriving at General Price's headquarters, Dobbins was immediately released by Price and ordered back to his brigade. Dobbins returned as ordered but still refused to cooperate fully with Marmaduke on retreat south to Arkadelphia and Camden.
On Novenber 23, 1863, General Holmes, having taken command of Arkansas's Army, issued General Order No. 54 from his winter quarters at Camp Bragg. In it he announced that Colonel Archibald S. Dobbins had been found guilty of charges brought against him at a general court martial.
The court evidently recommended some punishment for his impulsiveness but decided against discharging Dobbins from the army. Holmes did not follow the court's decision; however, for at the close of the general order, he stated:
"the offense of which he was convicted is of a character so grave, and in an army like ours, might result in consequences so ruinous, that the recommendation of the members of the court cannot be regarded. Colonel Arch S. Dobbins accordingly ceases to be an officer of the C.S. Army, from this date."
Following the decision, Major General Sterling Price wrote Dobbins that the arrest had not been to his liking but that Holmes, his superior and a close associate of General Marmaduke, had ordered the arrest.
Dobbins returned to Phillips County following his court martial. During the spring of 1864 he was rather active around Helena and made an attempt to organize partisan groups operating to the north of Phillips County.
It is doubtful that Dobbins's discharge was ever officially enacted. When General Holmes was relieved of his duties in Arkansas, General Price sent General Joseph Shelby into the northeastern section of
the state. Shelby issued his first order in May of 1864, calling for reports from the various commanders in the area, including
"Colonel" Dobbins. Dobbins did report as asked, and his rank was never again in jeopardy. The events at Little Rock, though, most likely ended any chance he might have had to become a Brigadier General.
After the war the people of his home county honored him as one of the "Seven Generals" who enlisted in the Confederacy from Phillips County. The confusion is understandable for many authorities cite Dobbins as a General, including the Heitman Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, which included a listing of Confederate Generals supposedly taken from the Richmond Archives now housed in Washington, D. C.
In October 1864 Dobbins and Colonel McCray were detached from the main army at Fayetteville and returned to their bases in northeast Arkansas for the winter. Come spring, they were both appointed brigade commanders under the new leader, M. Jeff Thompson. Before any serious activity could take place, news reached Arkansas that Generals Lee, Johnston, and Taylor had all surrendered the Trans-Mississippi Department. For northeast Arkansas the official end occurred at Jacksonport, Arkansas, where Thompson, on June 4, 1865, watched the final reporting group of Confederates accept their paroles.
As Dobbins's Brigade was under Thompson at the close of hostilities, it could be assumed that he also surrendered. Some of his men probably did, but Dobbins himself was farther south in Falcon, Arkansas, writing his wife that "I am on my way to Anderson County, Texas, where my negroes are. I expect to send them to Cuba if possible and go to Mexico with my Brigade."
It is improbable that he ever reached Mexico as he signed a parole on July 1.3, 1865, in Galveston, Texas, still a good distance by horseback from the Mexican border.
A letter dated March 5, 1866, reveals that Dobbins contemplated bringing his family back to Phillips County, Arkansas. In the letter he asked his wife to come to Helena from Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee. Other letters written from the United States were from New Orleans and Memphis, Tennessee, all dated at various times during 1866.
During the early part of 1867, Arch Dobbins left the Union never to return. In a letter dated June 5, 1867, from Brazil, he wrote that
"I have been all over Europe and Brazil.... I never intend ta return to the States on account of my political difficulties." He asked Mrs. Dobbins to come to Rio, located in what he termed "the finest country in the world."
On November 26, 1867, the former Arkansas Confederate was at the port city of Santaren near the juncture of the Tapajos and Amazon Rivers. In a letter to his two daughters dated October 5, 1868, he wrote, "I am now on my own place thirty miles above Santarem." In the same letter he hinted as to why he left by telling them, "your father was a soldier and did his duty from the beginning to the close of the war faithfully and fearlessly and hoped that after the war to be allowed to live in peace and make an honest living for his wife and children, but the cursed Yankees were not satisfied and drove him from his wife and children to a foreign land."
In 1922 a man named T. J. Faegin wrote the Dobbins family from Hawthorne, Alabama, that he had known Arch Dobbins in Santarem, Brazil.
A final mention of Dobbins came from his own brother, Dr. Wilson Dobbins. The doctor had taken his family to Santaren on the basis of his brother's enthusiasm. Dr. Dobbins returned to Tennessee around 1870 and told the family that Brazil was impossible. The doctor told Mrs. Dobbins that her husband had rejected the idea of leaving Brazil.
Mary Patience Dobbins was preparing to join her husband in Brazil when the letters stopped. After waiting for further word and after her brother-in-law returned, she came to accept that he husband was gone. Mrs. Dobbins remained in Mt. Pleasant and passed away there on September 27, 1916, having spent the closing decades of her life reminiscing to her grandchildren about her life in Arkansas with Colonel Dobbins.
Wanda Ridge of Helena Arkansas transcribed the information and we give our sincere thanks to Wanda for allowing us to put this information on the Arkansas Civil War Pages.
Family links:
David Dobbins (1782 - 1860)
Catherine Dobbins (1792 - 1881)
Mary P. Dobbins (1831 - 1916)]
Dooling, S H 25449299 b. unknown d. 1863
[Killed in 1863 (Died at Dr. Rice's]
Farmer, C C 36112237 b. unknown d. unknown
Fine, Fleming 25450476 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Fitzpatrick, Gen Louis Alexander 36667912 b. Nov. 23, 1847 d. Aug. 2, 1922 No Monument
[Brig.Gen. Louis Alexander Fitzpatrick, commanding the First Brigade, Arkansas Division, U.C.V., died at his home in Helena, Ark., August 7,1922, after a long illness. He was born in Houlka, Miss. Nov.23,1847; enlisted as private in the Confederate Army at the age of sixteen, from the Tuscaloosa, Alabama, College, in Co.C-31st Mississippi Regiment, surrendering at Greenville, S.C. Comrade Fitzpatrick moved to Helena, Ark. in 1869, and was prominent in the business circles of that town, being at the head of Fitzpatrick Drug Co.; was City Treasurer in 1875-1878, and at one time one of the largest land owners in Arkansas. In all relations of life-as husband and father, as a citizen, a neighbor and friend-he measured up to the highest. Through life he clung steadfastly to his patriotic ideals, and his loyalty to the Confederate cause was marked by the unswerving interest he took in all its organizations, attending and taking part in reunions. He married Miss Alzena Jacks in 1872, and on August 26,1922, they would have celebrated their golden anniversary. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, and three sons. Clothed in his Confederate uniform, which he loves as well, he was laid to rest in the cemetery in Helena. From Page 472-Confederate Veteran Magazine By Sumner Archibald Cunningham, 1922. Google Books. Believe him to be buried here, going by the obit. Paul Isbell ]
Foley, Watson 25450484 b. unknown d. Oct. 6, 1906
G, D 25450503 b. unknown d. unknown No Monument
[D G Killed at Helena. (Bateman's Co., Augusta, Died of wounds received at Battle of Helena]
G, D 36111849 b. unknown d. unknown
[Killed at Helena]
Green, George 13638561 b. Apr. 1, 1822 Buffalo, Erie Co. New York d. Sep. 14, 1863 Helena, Ark. No Monument-Picture
[He married Electa Pease Hutchinson July 20, 1851. They had 5 children. She re-married John Sly. His parents were Wells Green and Abigail Ballard. He died during the Civil War. He was very sick through out the War.]
Hall, C C 25450513 b. unknown d. 1919
Harrison, George Washington 14007779 b. Sep. 8, 1829 Wayne Co., Tenn. d. Jul. 4, 1863 Helena, Ark. No Monument
[Died in Battle of Helena, Arkansas. Military record, obituary of Jesse H. Harrison. U.S. Census 1860: Hartzoggs twp, Van Buren Co, Ark. George was married to Mary Elizabeth Wallace Harrison in 1829. Mary Elizabeth and George were the parents of James Wesley (Jim) Harrison, Jesse Hartwell Harrison, Sarah Elizabeth Harrison Wallace Heard, William Stenson Harrison, and Rachel Louise Harrison. ]
Hastecock, John 25450532 b. unknown d. unknown
[Wounded at battle of Helena, Died at Helena. ]
Haynes, John W 25450538 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Head, William 25450572 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Henderson, L B 25450607 b. unknown d. Oct. 12, 1905
Higgins, H V 25450619 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Hooker, James 25450626 b. unknown d. unknown
[19th La. Regt]
Jones, ? 25450633 b. unknown d. unknown
[Dobbins Regt., Bateman's Co. Killed 1863]
Jones, ? 25450642 b. unknown d. 1863
[Dobbins Regt]
Jones, William Henry 25450655 b. Oct. 7, 1838 d. Apr. 3, 1922
Jordon, Jack 25450660 b. unknown d. Jul. 10, 1909
Kelly, William 25450670 b. unknown d. Feb. 12, 1910
Kelton, John James 45668060 b. 1843 Rutherford Co., Tenn. d. Jul. 4, 1863 Helena, Ark.- No Monument
[John James Kelton Co C Pvt.
Enlistment 29 Oct 1861 at Fayetteville. Left sick in the Boston Mountains 24 Mar 1862. Enlisted 10 Jul 1862 in Co K 32nd Arkansas Infantry Reg. Wounded severely and listed as missing 4 Jul 1963 at Helena Arkansas. Born 1843 in Tennessee.
Son of David R Kelton and Margaret A.
David R Kelton (1808 - 1890)]
Kerr, W E 25450678 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Koons, Corp Elijah 29232013 b. unknown d. Jul. 28, 1863 No Monument
[Inscription:Co. "B", 23rd Iowa Inf. Note: 31 at the time of enlistment on 8/15/62. He died while traveling home on furlough.]
Lambert, A P 25450691 b. unknown d. unknown
[Yell Rifles Co. A. Cleburne's 15th Ark. Regt.
Lambert, J E 25450700 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Lane, A 25450716 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade. (Wounded at Battle of Helena, Died at A. J. Polk's]
Lanford, Richard J 25450735 b. unknown d. unknown
Lanford, W H 25450744 b. unknown d. Jan. 30, 1910
Lewis, Larkin 25450750 b. unknown d. Apr. 22, 1911
Litrell, Ed 25450757 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Martin, Maj Joe 25450777 b. unknown d. Jul. 6, 1863
[Hart's Regt. McRea's Brigade. July 6, 1863. (5th Arkansas, wounded at Battle of Helena, Died at Col. Jarman's.]
McClellan, W A 25450797 b. unknown d. unknown
[Co. C, 4 Ala. Inf. C. S. A.]
McCullock, J R 25450814 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Moore, J W 25450784 b. unknown d. unknown
Morgan, George 25450788 b. unknown d. 1864 No Monument
Oates, Col J T 25450827 b. unknown d. Jan. 4, 1892
Pernellon, ? 25450841 b. unknown d. unknown
[Killed at Helena]
Quarles, Greenfield 19644499 b. Apr. 1, 1847 d. Jan. 14, 1921 -No Monument-Pictures
[Greenfield Quarles, Alpha number 2, was born in Christian County, Kentucky, April 1, 1847. His father, John M. Quarles, moved the family from Kentucky in 1851, and settled near Helena, Arkansas, where the father became a large planter.
Greenfield Quarles entered the Confederate service at sixteen years of age, acting as aide on the staff of his uncle, General William A Quarles. He served with distinction until he was captured in the battle of Franklin (Tennessee) November 30, 1864, after which he was taken to Camp Douglass, near Chicago. He remained there until May 1865, when he was echanged and returned to the South. After his release from prison, young Quarles entered a preparatory school in Toronto, Canada, studying there for a year.
In Auguest of 1866, Quarles matriculated to VMI , and soon became a constructive force in the development of the new society envisioned by Frank Hopkins. Quarles having been a prisonor of war, was mature well beyond his years when he entered VMI. In this regard he was looked upon other cadets as a resourceful advisor, and eventually rose to the rank of First Lieutenant.
Hi dedication to Sigma Nu remained constant throughout his life, as he became a prime mover in early expansion, notably in granting a charter to Gamma Upsilon Chapter (Arkansas) and attending Grand Chapters in 1902, 1908 and 1919. On January 14, 1921, Alpha number 2 was buried in his hometown of Helena, Arkansas. ]
Quarles, Pom 25450848 b. unknown d. 1878
Quinlin, Capt Thomas 25450906 b. 1831 d. Dec. 31, 1864 Dec. 31, 1864 Bowling Green ,Warren County ,Kentucky
[ Erected by his wife. (Hindman's legion, died in camp near Bowling Green, Ky.) ]
Ring, Adele H 38366859 b. unknown d. Feb. 9, 1937
Rounstill, Henry 25450914 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Royal, J H 25450925 b. unknown d. Apr. 1, 1911
Sewell, Lieut ? 25450938 b. unknown d. unknown
[Dobbins Regt]
Shearer, Andrew, III 31776455 b. Mar. 9, 1819 Brown Co., Ohio d. Apr. 23, 1863
[Son of Andrew Jr. and Magdalena Margaret (Woolford) Shearer.
Andrew's first wife was Nancy Stoops. They had three children together before her death in 1853
Andrew's second marriage was to his brother's widow, Catherine, after Michael died in a farm accident. Catherine McCord and Andrew were married for eight years before his death during the Civil War. They had three children together. One of their sons, John M., died young.
Artemus G. Shearer (1846 - 1928)*
Valentine Shearer (1850 - 1941)*
Michael Melville Shearer (1860 - 1920)*]
Smith, Maj Q M 25450945 b. unknown d. unknown
[Shelby's Brigade]
Soldiers, Six Unknown 36113660 b. unknown d. unknown
[C S A -On the south side of Helena the remains of the Fagan Six were found at the Battery D in the fall of 2002. The Fagan Six lay silent but they will never be forgotten.]
Stone, John A 25450952 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Sullivan, John 25450973 b. unknown d. 1863 No Monument
[Wounded at battle of Helena, died at Helena, AR.]
Tackett, O T 25451335 b. unknown d. unknown
[Hart's Regt. (Wounded at Battle of Helena, died at A. J. Polk's.) ]
Thomas, J A 38371949 b. unknown d. Jul. 28, 1936
Tolbert, William 25451344 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Treadway, D T 25451356 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade. (Wounded at Battle of Helena, Died at A. J. Polk's)]
Underwood, Fred 25451370 b. unknown d. 1863 No Monument
[Parsons Mo. Brigade. (Hospital nurse, died of congestive chill at A. J. Polk's. 1863)]
W, B 25451383 b. unknown d. unknown
[Killed at Helena, Ar. (Bateman's Co., Augusta, died of wounds received at Battle of Helena, Ar.) ]
Walker, John F 25451418 b. Nov. 25, 1846 d. Dec. 7, 1864
[Dobbins' Regt-Anderson's Co.]
Watson, B F 25451439 b. unknown d. Apr. 26, 1910
White, William S 25451453 b. Jun. 24, 1840 d. Dec. 7, 1891
[3rd Richmond Howitzers Army of Northern Virginia]
Williams, D E 25451459 b. unknown d. unknown
[Parsons Mo. Brigade]
Williams, E G 25451464 b. unknown d. Feb. 13, 1913
Wynne, L D 25451529 b. Jun. 19, 1833 d. Mar. 8, 1862 in Iuka, Tishomingo County, Mississippi
List by James M.Hall fifty years after the war of 2nd Arkansas Cavalry-Dobbins's Regiment-Walker's Brigade-Co.B provided by Edward Beard