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The Forrest City Times
Nov.1894 To 1895

The Forrest City Times Newspaper
Here are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoigt and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898

In Chronological Order
Selected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]
July 3,2009-Updated Apr.10,2015-Disks available from 1894 to 1914 of the Forrest City Times Newspaper
Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note:
Forrest City Times Newspaper- Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell
Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money"
1-4-1895:Col.Zeb Ward, for ten years lessee of the Arkansas Penitentiary, died at Little Rock Friday, Dec.28,1894, of heart and kidney trouble, aged seventy three years. New York Times, Dec.30,1894 Forrest City Times, Jan.4,1895: Col. Zeb Ward, for many years lessee of the Kentucky and Arkansas penitentiaries, and one of the best known men in Little Rock, and well known throughout the state, died the other night. He had been in ill health for some time, but was able to be up to two weeks before his death.Heart and kidney trouble was the immediate cause. He was 73 years of age. The funeral of Col. Ward was the largest witnessed in Little Rock for years. Bishop H. N. Pierce, of the Episcopal church, officiated. The honorary pall-bearers were Thomas Fletcher, D. G.Fones, S. W.Fordyce, John G. Fletcher, William Farrell, R. A. Little, James Joyce, B. D.Williams, Isaac Wolff and Eben W.Kimball. The active pall-bearers were s. M. Apperson, H. C. Bateman, C. H. Whittemore, W.H.Wright, T. H. Bunch, W.H. Booker, W. B. Hughes, Howell Jordan and P. C. Ewing. He left an estate of $600,000. In his will he named his two sons, W. H. and Zeb Ward, Jr., and Oscar Davis as the executors. His property is to be equally divided between his children, Mrs. Dr. W.E.Green, Mrs.Oscar Davis, Mrs.Nettie Fenno and the sons named above. Buried Mount Holly Cemetery.
1-4-1895-Todd-Infant -Unk to Jan.1895-The Times extends sympathy to the Mr. & Mrs. F.P.Todd in the loss of their infant.
1-11-1895-Teal-Mollie-Miss-Unk to Jan.8,1895-Quite a little stir was occasioned Tuesday night by the finding of the dead body of an old woman, known as "old Aunt Mollie Teal," lying by the fireplace in her cabin in the northern portion of the town. Aunt Mollie was of the very retiring disposition and held her self aloof from her neighbors.
1-11-1895-Palmer-Sol--1824 to Jan.2,1895-The following information of the death of an old familiar figure in this town will be received with regret. In letter from St.Louis, Mo., Jan.2,1895, he was 71 years of age at his death. Mr.Van Dye.
1-18-1895-Murder at Millbrook-A foul murder was committed Friday night at Millbrook, a station on the Iron Mountain branch, three miles south of this city. John Knight, his wife, and "Cub" Dickinson were guests at a social gathering. At the close of festivities Dickinson offered to escort Knight's wife home. Upon hearing this, Knight became furious, pursued the couple, and emptied both barrels of a shotgun loaded with buckshot into Dickinson's body, killing him instantly. Officers were soon in pursuit, but the murderer has made good his escape. All parties are colored.
2-1-1895-McClellan, E. B., Col.- A gloom was cast over the family of W.S.Durborow Wednesday, occasioned by the telegram from Greensburg, Pa., conveying the sad intelligences of the death of Mrs. Durborow's father, Col. W. B. McClellan. The message was not wholly unexpected, as the gentleman received a slight injury several months ago in a railroad accident. He was seventy years of age at the time of his death.
2-8-1895-Seaborn-Geo. W., Sr.--Notice as administrator for Geo.W. Seaborn, Sr. estate, a'dmr H.W.Lewis , will on 19th of February, 1895 will file probate.
2-15-1895-Anderson-Bettie-Mrs.-Mrs. Bettie Anderson, sister in law of Dr.W.J. Matthews, and an old and respected citizen of Johnson township, died at her home Sunday night.
3-8-1895-Goodloe-Albert--Albert Goodloe, nephew of R.P.Mead drowned in Moon lake near Indian Bay during the recent freeze when the ice broke beneath him while skating.
3-8-1895-Vogel-August-Unk to Feb.16,1895-On the sixteenth of February, 1895, the Supreme Dictator of the universe saw fit to remove from our midst brother August Vogel. Committee:Ed Landvoigt, J.T. Fondren, Otto B. Rollwage. Age 36, born Oct.21,1859 in Baden, Germany, moving from Mansfield, Ohio in 1881, he married Miss Frances Meyer.
3-8-1895-Moa-Frank-Unk to 1895-Madison-Mr.Holt of Grand Rapids, Mich. arrived here last week. He is brother in law of Frank Moa, whose death we mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Mr.Moa and her four beautiful children left with Mr.Holt for Grand Rapids for residence in the future.
3-8-1895-McGowan-Joseph--Estate of Joseph McGowan by a'dmr H.A. Martin
3-8-1895-Stout-Russell--Estate of Russel Stout by a'dmr Philander Littell.
3-8-1895-Wilson-C.W.--Estate of C.W.Wilson by a'dmr J.S. Fitch.
3-8-1895-Strong-T. C.--Estate of T.C.Strong by a'dmr Geo.M. Rowland.
3-8-1895-Wilson-Esther--Estate of Esther Wilson by a'dmr Sam Worrell.
3-8-1895-McCormick-L.A. Mrs.--Estate of L.A.McCormick by a'dmr George W.McCormick.
3-8-1895-Haskell-Newby--Estate of Newby Haskell by a'dmr H. Manning.
3-8-1895-Dangieu-J.L.--Estate of J.L.Dangieu by a'dmr J.M. Higgins.
3-22-1895-Smith-Jim-Unk to Mar.16,1895-A Dastardly Murder-A cowardly, cold blooded murder took place last Saturday morning, just four miles north of the city, near the Jim Brown place, on the Newcastle and Wittsburg road. Jim Smith and Henry Webb, both white and neighbors in that vicinity, were the parties to the deed. The day before the killing Webb had cursed Smith's wife. The following morning Smith and his wife started for this place, and Webb, presuming that there intention was to report to the grand jury, which is now in session, waylaid and crushed Smith's head with a hatchet, from which he soon died. He then made a murderous assault on Mrs.Smith injuring her severely, but not fatally. Leaving her he threatened to go to her house and murder her children, which he did not pursue. He is still at large. Henry Webb was arrested Mar.29,1895 in Whitehall after writing a letter to Mr.J.M. Brown, saying he was at Joe Jones, Whitehall. Sheriff Williams notified Sheriff Tom Davis of Poinsett Co., and the arrest was made. In October, Webb escaped from jail.
3-29-1895-Mann-J.H.T.-Mrs.-Unk to Mar.1895-Mrs. Dr.J.H.T.Mann died suddenly at the home of her son in law, Dr.W.W. Bailey of Ft.Smith. She was one of the pioneer citizens of Western Arkansas, being the widow of Dr.J.H.T. Mann.
3-29-1895-Bobo-Minnie-Mrs.-Unk to Mar.24,1895-The death of Mrs.Minnie Bobo which occurred Sunday, March 24,1895, is deeply and sincerely regretted by her large circle of friends. Mrs.Bobo was sister of J.M. Nichols of the J.W. Beck & Co. firm.
3-29-1895-Izard-Wm.H.-1858 to Mar.22,1895-While not wholly unexpected, the death of W.H. Izard, which occurred last Friday, Mar.22,1895, cast a gloom over the hearts of his many friends and acquaintances. Born and reared in this community, he was known by all, black and white, and none was ever to say aught of him. The funeral took place at Forrest City Cemetery Sunday morning at 10am. Rev.F.E. Taylor of the M.E.Church presiding under the auspices of the Knights of Honor. Son of James Shackleford and Nancy Brooke (McDaniel) Izard, husband of Annie Sanders. Married Apr.14,1880 by B.F.Thomas, Baptist Preacher.
4-12-1895 - Strickland - L.H. -Unk to Apr.9,1895 - Magistrate of Madison township, Mr.L.H. Strickland died Tuesday night from pneumonia.
4-12-1895 - Bruce - C.A. - Rev.-1818 to Apr.12,1895 - Rev. Caleb Alexander Bruce, of the Episcopal church, died this Friday morning at Helena age 77. Funeral tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. He was northern born, but had resided in Helena for twenty years and in Arkansas for thirty years. He possessed great learning. He leaves a widow, three daughters and one son. He was born in Johannesburg, New York, Mar.2,1818, of Scotch-English parentage. He was married to Miss Mattie Dancy last year, who with three daughters and one son by his first marriage survived him. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon, with Rev.C.H. Lockwood presiding at St.John's church, and interment at Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Bruce was the prime mover in the building of six churches, the last one being completed last year in Forrest City. Helena World for complete obit.
4-19-1895 - West - J. -Unk to Apr.17,1895 - A man by the name of J. West of Griggs township, was admitted into the alms house Wednesday and died the same night. He was badly afflicted with dropsy, and was beyond relief before the doctor could reach him.
4-19-1895 - Beasley - G.W. - Mrs. -Unk-Apr.16,1895- Mrs.G.W.Beasley, of Johnson township, died Tuesday at an advanced age. She was one of the oldest inhabitants of St.Francis Co., having resided here over a half a century.
4-19-1895 - McDonald - Eliza - Mrs. -Unk to Mar.26,1895- Mrs. Eliza McDonald passed away Mar.26,1895, survived by J.P. McDonald.
5-3-1895 - Keysacker - William - Mrs. - Widener-Mrs.William Keysacker died last Sunday morning at her residence on Black Fish bayou, of congestion of the brain.
5-10-1895 - Miller - Hattie - Miss -1884 to May 7,1895- Wheatley-A very sad death occurred here Tuesday, Hattie Miller, a little girl eleven years old, who lived with her grandmother near Wheatley was taken quite suddenly ill about ten o'clock. She began having convulsions and then lost use of her limbs. In a short while she had breathed her last. Dr.J.R.West was sent for in great haste, but when he arrived she had already dead of congestion. She was buried Wednesday in Johnson's graveyard.
5-24-1895 - Lane - Annie - Mrs. -Unk to May 19,1895 Mrs. Annie Lane departed this life at the residence of Mr.W.T. Horton, May 19th at 8 o'clock p.m., and was laid to rest among her departed friends in the old graveyard at Linden. She leaves one son and three daughters by Jas. A. Mason.
6-7-1895 - Nash - Olive - Miss -1876 to June 1895 In the midst of the closing festivities of our city schools, there came upon our community, like a thunderbolt from the sky, of the death of Miss Olive F. Nash, aged 19, a member of the class of '96 of the High School. She was the daughter of Mr.A. M. Nash formerly of Forrest City. Mr. Nash married Miss Eda Bell, about twenty years ago, the daughter of Mr.Chas. Bell, one of our oldest citizens. The mother of Olive dying about five years ago, Olive went to live with her aunt in Washington. D.C. for three years, and returned here two years ago to live with her aunt, Mrs.A. C. Hume. Rev. Mr. Marcotte, now supplying the pulpit of the Cumberland Presbyterian church presiding.
7-12-1895 - Blanton - J. P. -Jan.1894 to July 8,1895 - Mr.& Mrs. J. P. Blanton have the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their deep affliction. The loss of their bright and promising and only child, a boy of some eighteen months age, whose death occurred Monday.
7-19-1895 - Sallie - A. - Miss -Jan 1894 to July 18,1895- Mr.& Mrs. W. E. Fogg have the sympathy of the Times and many other friends and acquaintances in the loss of Sallie A., their 20 months old baby girl, which died yesterday of brain and spine trouble. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery in the afternoon.
8-2-1895 - Harris - Paul -Oct.1894 to June 11,1895 - Fell asleep, little Paul, only child of Mr.& Mrs. Percy Harris, aged ten months in Dallas,Texas, on the 11th of June,1895.
8-16-1895 - Crippen - Louren - Miss -Unk to Aug.1895- Louren, infant daughter of Mr. Taylor Crippen died this week near Colt, and has been brought to Madison for burial.
8-23-1895 - Stayton - D.H. - Dr. -Unk to Aug.19,1895- Dr. D. H. Stayton, formerly of this county, more recently, of Searcy, died at his home Monday. He is the brother of Judge J. W. Stayton of Newport.
8-30-1895 - Barnhardt - Lottie Alley -May 28,1890 to Aug.28,1895 - Millbrook, Ark.-Aug.28,1895-It is with sadness we note that death has entered the home of Mr.& Mrs. Henry Barnhardt and claimed it from their little daughter Lottie Alley. She was five years and three months old.
8-30-1895 - Peters - Katie - - W. H. Aldridge as a'dmr for Katie Peters at court.
8-30-1895 - Brandan - J.L. - - W. P. Brandon as a'dmr for J.L.Brandon at court.
8-30-1895 - Brown - Edwin - - L. N. Brown as a'dmr for Edwing Brandon at court.
8-30-1895 - Hatcher - T.A. - - John Gatling as a'dmr for T. A. Hatcher at court.
8-30-1895 - Payne - H.W. - - R. W. Payne as a'dmr for H. W. Payne at court
8-30-1895 - Evans - H. - - Jas. Evans as a'dmr for H. Evans at court.
8-30-1895 - McPhaul - W.L. - - Mrs. B. F. Williams as a'dmr for W. L. McPhaul at court.
8-30-1895 - Worley - John - - A. Ashworth as a'dmr for John Worley at court.
8-30-1895 - Rawlinson - John - - E. Duncan as a'dmr for John Rawlinson at court.
8-30-1895 - Strickland - Kane - - T. E. Haskins as a'dmr for Kane Strickland at court.
8-30-1895 - Hamill - B.F. - - J. W. Mahaffey as a'dmr for B. F. Hamill at court.
8-30-1895 - Pemberton - W. F. - - Israel Goldberg as a'dmr for W. F. Pemberton at court.
9-6-1895 - Simmons - Mable -Unk to Sept.1,1895 - The sweet little jewel and idolized daughter of Mr.& Mrs. W. R. Simmons, of near Colt, was called to her home in heaven, Sunday Morning, Sept.1.1895. at 7 o'clock, from which no traveler ever returns.
9-6-1895 - Felts - Child -Unk to Aug.1895 - Jericho-The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Felts died last week.
9-6-1895 - Hargraves - Child -Feb.1893 to Aug.29,1895 - Jericho-The two and a half year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Hargraves died Aug.29. The mother is visiting her sister, Mrs.Perkins, and the father was absent at the death, but was telegramed at once. It was sad indeed to see the father and mother meet. The child was buried in McDaniel cemetery.
9-13-1895 - Nelson - M.L. -Unk to Sep.11,1895 - M. L. Nelson, brother of D.L.Nelson, died in Memphis Wednesday. His throat was cut from ear to ear, and it was supposed to be the work of his own hand. Mrs.Emma Nelson, wife of D.L. went over and brought the remains to this city for interment this morning. Later development indicates foul play.
9-13-1895 - Williams - Geo. -Unk to Sep.6,1895 - Geo.Williams died Friday of malarial hematuria, at his home in Franks township, and was buried Saturday in the Forrest City Cemetery. Mr.& Mrs.J.W.Williams of Wynne attended the funeral. The deceased leaves a wife and five children.
9-13-1895 - Kingsley - Dr. -Unk to Sept.10,1895 - Dr.Kingsley, a practicing physician of the Cut-Off neighborhood; unmarried, and who lived a secluded life, was found dead in his room on the island, near the Cut-Off, Wednesday by Charley Apple. From the advanced stage of decomposition, it is supposed that he had been dead since Tuesday. Esquire Rawlison held an inquest and the verdict was to the effect that the deceased had died from a gunshot wound to the head, appearing to be accidental.
9-13-1895 - Rucker - Ben -Unk to Sep.1895 - Deputy Sheriff G. N. Laughinghouse while arresting Ben Rucker, and in a struggle, a pistol went of several times, missing the deputy, and fatally wounding Ben Rucker after 24 hours.
9-20-1895 - Cobbs - Earl - C. -Unk to Sept.1895- The remains of Earl Cobbs, of Wynne, cousin of Miss Anna Lee Cobb and Mrs. J. H. Alley, of this city, was brought here Tuesday for interment in Forrest City cemetery, accompanied by John and Kit Cobb and wives, Mrs. Seaborn and Gus Sparks.
9-20-1895 - Landvoigt - Clara Francis - Mrs. White-Unk to Sep.1895- Wife of Ed Landvoigt, owner of the Forrest City Times Newspaper: It is with deepest sorrow that we record the death of the loved on who has lain at home and suffered the most excrutiating and racking pain for more than three months. Sorrow for our loss and the loss to others to whom she was near and dear. Thinking of the loss to him who has been her faithful friend and companion for thirty years, who was her unselfish and devoted husband, her other self, and to whom she was more than all the world, and in whom she lived and reigned as a guiding star; thinking of her daughters, Mrs. Powers of Galveston, and Mrs. Vadakin of this city, to whom she was an unselfish and indulgent mother in all that word means; of her grandchildren to whom she was devoted and for whom she "builded many castles"; and for her two sisters, a brother and ourselves to whom she had endeared as a mother by her kindly care and advice, and of Mrs. C. L. Knight, her untiring and devoted friend, and of a throng of other friends to whom she had endeared herself herself in the days of her strength;thinking of these and their loss, we write in ink and tears. But thinking of her and her great suffering, the long and tedious confinement, her beautiful life assuring us of her habitation with God, and that she prayed so earnestly that this cup might be taken from her, and that she might have rest, we are glad for her sake that the inevitable has been fulfilled. For the most part she was conscious until 4:30 a.m. Saturday, when she seemed in great pain and lapsed into unconsciousness, and at 7:30 a.m. Sept.14,1895, she entered into rest. The funeral was on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. from the late residence to the Forrest City cemetery for interment, Rev. J. E. Williams presiding. Sept.20,1895 Forrest City Times Newspaper.
9-20-1895 - Nelson - Moses - L. -Mar.9,1861 to Sept.11,1895- He was born in Carroll County Tennessee March 9,1861 and died Sept.11,1895 in Memphis, Tenn. Death certificate shows Walsh & Sons handled the body. His remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery last Friday, Rev. James Mason presiding using the beautiful and impressive funeral services of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Obit in Forrest City Times Newspaper Sept.20,1895.
9-27-1895 - Conner - Ben -Unk to Sep.20,l895 - Ben Conner of Madison died Friday evening of malarial hematuria.
9-27-1895 - Hancock - Gladdis -Unk to Sept.20,1895 - Mr.& Mrs. J. K. Hancock of Colt, have the sympathy of all in the loss of their little daughter Gladdis who fell asleep in the arms of Jesus last Friday.
9-27-1895 - Hull - J. C. -Unk to Sept.23,1895 - J. C. Hull of Madison, died Monday about noon, and was buried at Wittburg Tuesday.
10-4-1895 - Webb - W. T. -Unk to Oct.2,1895 - The sad news that Wm. T.Webb, formerly of this city, recently engaged in the drug business in Brinkley, was dead on Oct.2,1895. He had only been ill with an attack of malarial hematuria a few days, and his sudden death is a great shock to his parents, sister and friends here. The remains were brought over this morning and the funeral took place under the auspices of Gen. Forrest Lodge No.33 K.of P.. Mr. Webb was a popular young business man, and had scores of friends who will miss him. Obit:Forrest City Times Newspaper Oct.4,1895.
10-4-1895 - Willis - Jeff -Unk to Sept.28,1895 - A man named Jeff Willis well known about the dives, was run over and killed on he Iron Mountain road about three miles south of the city Saturday night. When last seen he was drinking and probably fell asleep on the road. The coroner held an inquest and found the train probably hit him about 8 o'clock p.m. and was accidental.
10-4-1895 - Leatherwood - Stella -Sep.28,1886 to Sep.12,1895 - Stella, daughter of Mr. John Leatherwood was born Sept.28,1886, and after a brief illness entered the spirit world Sept.12,1895. Recently bereft of her mother, she seemed a ray of light to brighten her dis-consulate father's life. Lula Davis.
10-11-1895 - Johnson - R. T. -Unk to Sep.28,1895 - The Times had no idea of slighting the memory or R. T. Johnson, by it's failure to note his demise in last week's issue. He died peacefully, of consumption Sept.28,1895, and his remains were sent to Holly Springs, Miss. for burial.
10-11-1895 - Rutledge - James -Unk to Oct.10,1895 - James Rutledge, an old resident, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning. He was complaining for several days, but had so far recovered as to work part of Wednesday. During the night he was attacked with billious colic, but nothing serious was thought of it. Thursday morning, his son Charley, who was sleeping in the same bed, was startled out of his wits on discovering that his father was dead.
10-11-1895 - Rutledge - James - Mrs. -Unk to Oct.6,1895- Mrs. James Rutledge, died last Sunday. Two children, one a girl of about 12 years, and son Charley are left in the cold world.
10-18-1895 - Watson - James -Unk to Oct.17,1895 - James Watson, a timber man, died of hematuria yesterday, at the residence of Mrs.Simmons.
10-18-1895 - Nimmo - Clem -Unk to Oct.14,1895 - Clem Nimmo, a well known citizen of this place, died at the county home Monday morning, and was buried at the cemetery at 3 o'clock the same day. Rev. F. E. Taylor presiding. Clem was a gallant confederate soldier, and after the war proved a good husband and father as he did the soldier, until the demon drink took possession, and from thence he drifted to an untimely grave.
10-18-1895 - Featherstone - Elbert -Unk to Oct.9,1895 - The friends of the I.P.Featherstone will regret to learn of the death of their son, Elbert, Which occurred at Galveston, Texas, October 9th, under peculiar circumstances. Taking a ride on horseback on the beach, his body was found in about an hours time dead on the beach.
10-18-1895 - McCrary - Thomas -Unk to Oct.15,1895 - Thomas McCrary, nephew of Jos. Whittenton, died Tuesday of consumption, and was buried at the Forrest City Cemetery, Wednesday.
10-18-1895 - Hull - Jon -Unk to Oct.7,1895 - Jon Hull, one of Madison's most industrious men, died Monday a week ago. He has left a wife and three children to mourn over his death.
10-25-1895 - McGowan - Grant -Unk to Oct.23,1895 - R.L.Freeland, of Prairie township, came over yesterday morning on the early eastbound train, from Palestine bringing the news of the brutal assassination of Grant McGowan, about 10 o'clock Wednesday night at his home, about four miles north of Palestine, while asleep in his bed with his family. The bed was within two feet of the window, and the assassin fired a shot through a broken pane literally, tearing away the top of the victim's head and setting the pillow on fire as the pistol was so close to the head. There is no clue to the identity of the perpetrators, but it is thought that he knew too much about the killing of Tom Cape and Mrs. Southall, which occurred in that neighborhood in the spring of last year, and that it was with the idea of silencing him forever that this ghastly deed was committed Wednesday night.
11-1-1895 - Todd - Thomas -1873 to Oct.27,1895 - Thomas Todd, age 22 years, nephew of F. P. Todd died last Sunday near Millbrook.
11-1-1895 - Toomer - Thomas -Unk to Oct.28,1895 - Thomas Toomer, a barber here for many years past, died Monday.
11-1-1895 - Brady - S. - Mrs. -Unk to Oct.29,1895- Mrs. Brady, the wife of our esteemed jeweler, S. Brady, died at home Tuesday afternoon. Her remains will be interred in Franklin, Ohio.
11-8-1895 - Brown - John M. -Unk to Nov.8,1895 - Infant son of Mr.& Mrs. John M. Brown died this morning at three o' clock and was buried this afternoon.
11-8-1895 - Tarpley - Lady - Miss -Unk to Nov.3,1895- Miss Lady Tarpley, of near Haynes, cousin of Messrs. Ezell, and who has visited in Forrest City quite frequently, died last Sunday of malarial hematuria, and was buried at Union cemetery. Revs. Bell and Gardner conducting the religious services. She was engaged to Mr. Asa Keys, of Lee county, who was greatly shocked by her death.
11-15-1895 - Cook - George W. -Unk to Nov.10,1895 - The death of Mr. George W. Cook, which sad event occurred Sunday night, takes from our midst a familiar, genial face, a kind husband, a liberal neighbor, and true friend. Mr. Cook had been ill several weeks with malarial fever, and though everything was administered to him which science, and love suggested, claimed him for its own, and no human skill could rule otherwise. His remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery Monday afternoon, and the funeral services were conducted under auspices of Masonic lodge, of which order he was a beloved member. Mr.Cook came to this county in 1873, since which time he has been identified with the business interests of the town, and had accumulated quite a comfortable estate. At the time of his illness, he was perhaps the heaviest man in St.Francis county, weighing upwards of 300 pounds. The bereaved wife and other relatives have the kindest sympathy of the entire community.
11-22-1895 - Scott - Jane R. Walker - Mrs. -Feb.17,1832 to Nov.15,1895- She has gone to her reward. It is our duty to record the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Jane R. (Walker) Scott, which deplorable event occurred at the family residence in this city, last Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs.Scott was born near Charlotte, N.C., Feb.17,1832, and at the time of her death was 63 years, 8 months, and 28 days old. A brief biological sketch provided by one of her sons gives us the information that in early childhood days, she left Charlotte with her brother, and they located in West Tennessee, where in Fayette County, she met and married Thomas W.Scott, with whom she lived happily until his death, in this city, in 1885, whence they came in 1883. To this union five children were born, four sons and one daughter-all of whom survive her, namely, Dr. W. W. Scott, of Haynes; Esquire James L. Scott, of McDaniel;Chas. B. and Peyton Scott of this city;and Mrs.Esther Gray, now of Marlin, Texas. She has been in bad health for several months, and for six weeks immediately preceding her death, had been suffering with malarial fever. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church. The remains were interred in Danceyville, Tenn., besides those of her father, to which place they were sorrowfully followed by James, Charley, and Peyton.
12-6-1895 - Diamond - Ed -Unk to 1895 - Miss Eula Diamond went to Ringville Sunday to attend the funeral of her cousin Ed. Diamond at that place. The unfortunate young man committed suicide Saturday morning by taking morphine. He left a note to his parents but gave no reason for the rash act. He was about seventeen years of age and a moral young man.
12-20-1895 - Malone - Child -Unk to Dec.20,1895 - At the poor house last Friday between the hours of 9 and 10 o' of the most horrific accidents occurred. A Mrs. Malone, an ex-inmate of the poor house is living in one of Mr. G. A. Izard's tenement houses with her two children. On the morning in question Mrs. Malone went over to Mr. Izard for a necessity, and during her absence, her oldest child fell into the fire and was burned to death.
12-20-1895 - McGowan - Grant -Unk to Oct.22,1895 - Three new boarders were received at the county bastile Saturday evening. They were Ben Thomas, Bill and Dave Williams. They were arrested in Prairie township Saturday. On Sunday, John Swartz, a stave man, was arrested, and likewise placed behind bars. The latter was captured at the home of Mrs. Campbell, L'Anguille township. The quartet were deprived of their of their liberty on a warrant issued by Squire Nelson charging them with the assassination of Grant McGowan. Bill Williams and Ben Thomas were brother-in-laws of the victim of this black plot on Oct.22,1895.
12-14-1894 - Folbre - Claud - A. - 12-14-1894 - Folbre - Claud - A. - Claud A. Folbre and Miss Maud Gurley, were married in Memphis yesterday morning at 8:30a.m, having gone over on the early morning train. It was a case of "love laughs at lock smiths," and the happy young couple returned last night. Mr. Folbre is the second son of our popular circuit clerk, T. C. Folbre, and the bride is a daughter of Mrs. O. P. Wolff, wife of our enterprising sheriff. They were met at the train last night by numerous friends.
12-21-1894 - Worley - John - A. - 12-21-1894 - Worley - John - A. - Mrs. Cordelia Stout (Oliver) of New Castle, and John A Worley, of Wynne, were quietly married at the home of the bride's brother, Frank Stout, on last Wednesday. Rev. Bickley presiding. They left the next day for Wynne where they will be making their home.
12-21-1894 - Baskins - John - - 12-21-1894 - Baskins - John - - Married at the residence of Mr. Grant McGowen, on the 19th inst., Mr. John Baskins to Miss Mattie Boon, W. H. Paslay presiding.
1-4-1895-Franks-Robert--1-4-1895 - Franks - Robert - - At the residence of L. P. Smith, on Christmas day, Squire Nelson joined in the bonds of holy matrimony Robt.Franks of this city and Miss Susie Hix, of Troy, Tenn. May every day be a Christmas to them.
1-4-1895-Kennedy-Frank--1-4-1895 - Kennedy - Frank - - Frank Kennedy was married to Miss Jennie Johnson Wednesday night at the residence of the bride's father, Geo. Johnson. Squire Nelson presiding
1-4-1895-Greenacre-George--Squire N.B.Nelson mentioned that he was having aches and pains Wednesday morning due to the wedding the previous evening of Mr. George Greenacre to Miss Mollie Johnson, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride, one mile east of town.
1-4-1895-Eldridge-Fenner-T.-Fenner T. Eldridge, of this city, was married to Miss Harvick at Hillsboro, Texas, last Tuesday.
1-4-1895-Moore-C. C.--Palestine had quite a surprise Monday evening in the marriage of Mr. C. C. Moore of Little Rock to Miss Lura Mohler of this city. Rev. J. A. Mason presiding
1-18-1895-Johnson-W. A.--Madison-The marriage of Wm. A. Johnson to Miss Nannye Anderson at the residence of the bride's mother last Sunday. Rev. F. E. Taylor presiding.
1-18-1895-Brown,-Robert--One by one the bachelors fall." We take pleasure in chonicling the marriage of our old friend Robt. Brown to Miss Lucy May, sister to Rev. H. E. May, on the 8th, inst. The marriage took place at the residence of Jas. Brown, brother of the groom. Rev. W. M. Bickley presiding.
1-18-1895-Sullivan-J. O.--J. O. Sullivan and Mrs. Jennie Becker were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last night at the hotel in Palestine. Rev. J. A. Mason presiding.
1-18-1895-Married at Spring Creek, Lee County, on the 18th, Inst., Mr.John Binkly to Miss Annie Matthews, W. H. Paslay officiating. May their little bark float smoothly down the river of life, is the earnest wish of ye scribe.
1-25-1895-Sharpe-A. L.--News reached here Sunday of the marriage that afternoon of A. L. Sharpe of Wynne, to Mill Mollie Hamblet of Millwood.
2-1-1895-Myers-Joe--It is seldom we are called upon to records such a happy event as occurred last week on Wednesday evening. We refer to the marriage of Mr. Joe Myers, a trusted employee of the L.R. & M. Railroad, and Miss Eva Hunter, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. Dan Hunter. While no cards were issued, the residence of the bride's parents was filled with friends and acquaintances. Rev. Father Magill of Brinkley Catholic church presiding. Best man was Robt. A. Myers.
2-1-1895-Barrow-Eugene--Married on Wednesday, Jan.30th, Eugene Barrow to Miss Maud Church , at the bride's residence in Columbia, Tenn.
2-8-1895-Peevey-H. W.--Newcastle-There was quite an enjoyable gathering at Mrs. Ophelia Wall's on the 30th, being the occasion of the marriage of Mr. W. H. Peevey, son of Hon. R. W. Peevey, and Miss Clea, daughter of the late Dr. T. J. Wall. Rev. E. N. Bickley presiding.
2-19-1895-Colt-Thomas--2-18-1885 - Colt - Edwin Thomas - Sr. - (Thanks Loyd Sybert, who has considerable knowledge of S.Francis County)Descendants of Edwin Thomas COLT, Sr.Generation No. 11. EDWIN THOMAS1 COLT, SR. was born September 1861 in New York, and died Bef. 1930 in Poss. Garvin County, Oklahoma. He married FANNIE A. FUSSELL 19 February 1885 in Forrest City, St. Francis County, Arkansas, daughter of JAMES FUSSELL and LOUISA ALSTON. She was born 1862 in St. Francis County, Arkansas.Notes for EDWIN THOMAS COLT, SR.:I believe that Edwin T. Colt was the contractor that completed the Helena branch of the Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad through Taylor's Creek, Telico Township, St. Francis County in 1882. A station was located on the new railroad in Taylor's Creek and named Colt Station. See the entries below:The Missouri Census listed Edwin Colt, 18 as a roomer at the boarding house operated by John and Mary Simpson in the Village of Clarksburg, Moreau Township, Moniteau County, Missouri. Edwin was listed as attending school. E. T. Colt 24 and Fannie Fussell 23 were married 19 February, 1885 in St. Francis County, Arkansas. The marriage was performed by J. M. Clark, V.D.M., and is recorded on page 368, book D.During the period 1886-1889 Edwin and his family were in Colorado. His two daughters, Annie Louise and Daisy M. were born in Colorado.The 1900 Missouri Census listed Edwin T. Colt 38 and his wife, Fannie A. 38 as residing in Clinton, Clinton Township, Henry County, Missouri. Edwin was listed as a invalid. Their children; Edwin T. 14, Annie L. 11 and Daisy M 7 all attended school. The birth location (TN) and birth date (Oct 1861) as listed in the census of Fannie conflicted with both anecdotal and data. The 1910 Oklahoma Census listed Edwin T. Colt 48 and his wife, Fannie A. 48 as renting a home at 330 East 6th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. Edwin was listed as unemployed. Children; Edwin T. 24 working as a clerk at a packing company, Annie Louise 21 working as a stenographer and Daisy M. a student. The census still listed Fannie as born in Tennessee.The 1920 Oklahoma Census (difficult to read) listed Edwin T. Colt (?58) as a patient in a sanitarium at (23) (Raney Ave) Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma. Loyd Sybert Notes for FANNIE A. FUSSELL:Family Data Collection - Individual Records Record about Fannie Fussell Name: Fannie Fussell Spouse: E T Colt Parents: James V Fussell , Louisa Alston Birth Place: St Francis Co, Forrest City, AR Birth Date: 1862 Marriage Place: Forrest City, St Francis Co, AR Marriage Date: 19 February 1885 The 1920 Oklahoma Census listed Fannie A. Colt 57 as an officer and teacher at the State Training School in Whitehead Township, Garvin County, Oklahoma. It appears she took employment at the training school to be near her husband Edwin T. Colt, a patient in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma.The 1930 Oklahoma Census listed Fannie A. Colt 68 years old and a widow residing at 715 NE Eleventh Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. She owned her home valued at $5,500. She was listed as unemployed but she took in roomers; Edith Grisco 25 and what appeared to be her sister, Willie 19; a couple, Jess Adcock 35 and Leone 29; Lillian Anderson 6 and a male, Leonard 8 listed as one-fourth Choctaw Indian. There was no indication as to who Lillian Anderson or the Choctaw Indian, Leonard were related to.Loyd Sybert Children of EDWIN COLT and FANNIE FUSSELL are:2. i. EDWIN THOMAS2 COLT, JR., b. February 1886, Missouri.3. ii. ANNIE LOUISE COLT, b. March 1889, Colorado. iii. DAISY M. COLT, b. July 1892, Colorado.Notes for DAISY M. COLT:Daisy M. Colt and her brother, Edwin T. were listed with their brother-in-law, Paul C. Aderholt in Oklahoma City in the 1920 Census.Generation No. 22. EDWIN THOMAS2 COLT, JR. (EDWIN THOMAS1) was born February 1886 in Missouri. He married MARGARET 29 August 1923 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. She was born 20 March 1894 in High, , Texas, and died 30 November 1978 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.Notes for EDWIN THOMAS COLT, JR.:Edwin T. Colt
2-22-1895-Hornsby-J. K.--J. K.Hornsby and Miss Molly Swinea were quietly married at the residence of the bride in Forrest City Monday afternoon, Feb.18,1895. Rev.J.A.Mason presiding.
3-1-1895-Sanders-Chas. H.--On Wednesday evening, Mr. Chas. H. Sanders, Cashier at the Bank of Eastern Arkansas married Miss Mary B. Mosley at the residence of Mr.John Cotton. Rev. E. F. Taylor presiding. The couple caught the train for Middle Tennessee to visit his mother at Mt. Juliet and other relations in Lebanon.
3-15-1895-Spearman-Tom--The First Baptist Church was crowded Wednesday night with the elite of Forrest City society, it being the occasion of the marriage of Tom Spearman, I. W. Mallory & Co. employee, to Mattie Gatewood, daughter of Ben Gatewood. Elder J. M. Suggs presiding.
3-22-1895-Brown-John--Miss Blanche Owen and John Brown were married on the 21st in Blackfish.Squire Duncan presiding.
3-29-1895-Bird-E. T.--Widener-E. T. Bird and Miss Hattie Steward were married Sunday, March 24th, 1895. Squire Dave Duncan presiding at the bride's mothers residence.
3-29-1895-Kendrick-W. W.--Widener-W. W. Kendrick and Miss Fannie Wilson were married at the residence of J. W. McCullard, Wednesday March 27th,1895, Squire Duncan presiding.
3-29-1895-Sanders-Jas. G.--Mr. Jas. G.Sanders and Miss Bertie Fizer were married at the residence of the bride's father, Monday evening. The Rev. F. E. Taylor of the M. E. Church. Groom is son of Prof. J. B. Sanders, bride is daughter of N. B. Fizer.
4-19-1895 - Soden - W. T. - - Last Wednesday night at the Methodist church in Wynne, the occasion of the marriage of W. T. Soden to Miss Maude E. Harris. Rev. F. E. Taylor presiding
4-26-1895 - Swan - Sam - - Sam Swan and Miss Mattie Parrott, of New Castle, were married on afternoon of Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Bickley presiding.
4-26-1895 - Barrow - Tom - - Next Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'clock in the Episcopal church, Marianna, Mr. Tom Barrow of this city will Wed Miss Carrie Chew, of Gibsland, La..Rev. C. H. Lockwood presiding. A few weeks ago the young couple did not know each other, and met by chance, Miss Chew was visiting Mrs. T. C. Merwin, her aunt. Miss Chew is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Chew, a prominent merchant of Gibsland,La. Mr.B arrow is the junior member of Gorman & Barrow of this city.
4-26-1895 - Hodges - Jesse Jr. - - Yocona-Married at the residence of Mr.Sam Jolly in Yocona, on the 23rd, inst., Jesse Hodges Jr. to Miss Cora Hamlet, Squire J. L. Scott presiding.
4-26-1895 - Hartzell - Willard - - Blackfish Township-Mr.Willard Hartzell and Miss Dallas Golightly, of Blackfish township, were married Sunday night at 7 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's father. Squire Dave Duncan presiding.
5-3-1895 - Bivins - Joe - - Joe Bivins of the Cut-off was married to Mrs. Mollie Crampton, last Sunday week.
5-24-1895 - Wintker - Frank - - Madison-At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Harriet Dougherty last Sunday night, Mr. Frank Wintker, from Clarendon, and Miss Maggie Thompson. Rev. Neil Gardner presiding.
5-24-1895 - Wellford - A.J. - - Widener-A. J. Wellford was married to Mrs. Georgie Foster, at Widener Wednesday night. Squire Abe Duncan presiding.
5-31-1895 - Armstrong - John - - Colt-John Armstrong and Miss Delia Snowden, of New Castle, were quietly joined in holy matrimony, Sunday by Rev.E.N.Beckley at his residence.
6-21-1895 - Pointer - Robert - - In the presence of quite a crowd of spectators, Robert Pointer was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Minerva Tems, in the office of Squire Raiford Tuesday afternoon. The couple was black.
7-26-1895 - Bach - Adam - - Clarendon-At the Davis house, at 3:15pm, July 21, Mr.Adam Bach, of Newport, Ark., and Miss Lalla Rookh Casteel, of Forrest City, daughter of a wealthy farmer here. €
8-2-1895 - Allen - A.C. - - Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs. T. W. Yerzley, one and a half miles south of Forrest City Tuesday morning, July 30, 1895. Mr. A. C. Allen of Brinkley, to Miss Annie Yerzley, Rev. F. E. Taylor presiding.
8-9-1895 - Sanders - Harvey - - Prof.& Mrs. J. B .Sanders, went to Duvall's Bluff Tuesday to witness the marriage of their son, Harvey, to Miss Mary E.Lovejoy. M. D. Harvey has been manager of the Gates Mercantile in Duvall's Bluff for a number of years.
8-16-1895 - Davenport - Dan - - At the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Manville, Miss Sophia Rule to Mr. Dan Davenport, both of this city. Lonoke Democrat.
9-13-1895 - Leiper - S.H. - - Mr. S. H. Leiper, the brilliant young editor of the Arkansas Meteor, Malvern, Arkansas, and Miss Annie Nall, a charming young lady formerly of this city, were united in the bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Bickley, at Colt, Tuesday evening. Mr. S. J. Powell of Bald Knob, and Miss Jennie McCain, of Pine Bluff, were instrumental in the consummation of the couple's wishes, without consulting the wishes of relatives.
9-13-1895 - Landon - Lewis - Grafton - Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr.Lewis Grafton Landon, to Miss Eola Fitzpatrick, which will occur at the house of the bride's parents, Wednesday, 3 o'clock p.m., Sept.25, 1895.
9-20-1895 - Brooks - Paul - - Paul Brooks, of Wheatley, and Miss Blanche Nichols, of this city, will be married next Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's brother, J. M. Nichols. Eld. J. H. Paslay presiding.
9-27-1895 - Levy - Gus - - Mrs. Rebecca Davis, proprietor of the second hand clothing store in the Dye Building on Front Street, was married Monday to Gus Levy, brother of the North Washington street merchant. The marriage occurred in a Beale street store in Memphis, and the clerk left in charge of the store was in love with her and was upset upon the arrival of Mr. Levy who demanded the keys, the clerk now works in Marianna.
10-25-1895 - McCormick - George W. - - The residence of Mrs. Jennie P.H odges, one mile south of this city, the happy blending of spring, autumn and spring, so to speak, at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, Oct.22,1895, the occasion was the marriage of George W. McCormick to Mrs. Jennie P. Hodges, County Judge J. S. R. Cowan presiding. Both groom and bride are in robust health and strength, at the age of 67 and 56 years, respectively. Both parties to the union are well and favorably known throughout this section of country and in Memphis, and hosts of friends are well wishers in their new role. Immediately after the ceremony quite a surprise was sprung upon the audience who had gathered to witness the proceedings of the occasion, by the appearance of J. G. Boyle upon the scene announcing that he and Miss V. M. McCormick, daughter of Mr. G. W. McCormick, had been married one week prior to the aforesaid occasion.
10-25-1895 - Boyle - J. G. - - Immediately after the ceremony for bride's father, Mr. George W. McCormick and Mrs. Jennie P. Hodges marriage ceremony on Tuesday afternoon, Oct.22,1895, quite a surprise was sprung upon the audience who had gathered to witness the proceedings of the occasion, by the appearance of J. G.Boyle upon the scene announcing that he and Miss V. M. McCormick, had been married one week prior to the aforesaid occasion. Mr.Boyle is a trusted employee of the Little Rock and Memphis railroad.
11-8-1895 - Bryan - Jas. - - Esq. J. L. Scott, of McDaniel, was in town yesterday and reports the marriage of Jas. Bryan and Miss Katie Casey. which occurred Oct.27th, at his residence with him presiding. Quite a large number of friends from Haynes were present.
11-8-1895 - Hughes - Jim - - Jim Hughes and Miss Mindia Sample were married Sunday in Franks township, Squire J. L. Scott presiding.
11-8-1895 - Millen - Ch.S. - - At 7 o'clock Tuesday evening in the parlor of the Cotton Belt hotel, Brinkley, by the Rev. E. J. Williams, rector of the St. Luke's Episcopal church. Miss Anna H. Savage, one of Brinkley's most charming young ladies, was married to Dr. Ch. S. Millen, a promising young dentist, late of Ann Arbor, Michigan. None but the family and Dr. & Mrs. Stimson were present, the bride being given away by the mother, Mrs. J. W. Savage.
11-15-1895 - Trapp - Sydenham B. - - Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Capt.& Mrs. W. H. McDaniel, 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Miss Nannye McDaniel and Mr. Sydenham B.Trapp, of Anniston, Alabama, Rev. Mr. Culver of the Methodist church in Anniston, Alabama presiding. The bride is the second daughter of Capt. & Mrs. W. H. McDaniel, the groom is the son of Mr.& Mrs. S. B. Trapp, of the firm of Trapp, Tyler & Co., wholesale grocers, Anniston, Ala.
11-15-1895 - Stewart - Mark - - Mark Stewart, and Mrs. Smith, of near Widener, were married Wednesday.
11-15-1895 - Hodges - C. Louis - - C. Louis Hodges and Miss Alice Myrick were happily married in the presence of a few friends, at the residence of the bride's parents at Haynes last Sunday, Rev.Gardner presiding.
11-29-1895 - Rodding - Sidney B. - - Miss Emily Cummings, formerly of this city, daughter of Dr. J. B. Cummings, deceased, was married at the residence of her grandfather, Col. Geo. W. Atkins, at Little Rock, Tuesday night to Sidney B. Rodding, who is prominent in social and business circles of the Rose City. Capt. J. W. Beck of this city attended the wedding.
11-29-1895 - Craig - Robt. - - Mrs. Julia A. Ursery, recently divorced from a man named Eno, was married at her residence in north Forrest City Wednesday to Robt. Craig of Kansas. Squire N. B. Nelson presiding. Craig is the man who claims to have been held up and robbed near the Episcopal church Thursday night of last week.
12-6-1895 - McFarland - Mrs. - - Mrs. McFarland went to Helena Sunday morning and was met by J. W. Carter, a carpenter, formerly of this city, and they proceeded to get married as quickly as possible. Mrs. Carter returned Monday and is packing up preparatory to moving to Helena.
12-6-1895 - Pinkston - Peter - - Peter Pinkston and Miss Susie B. Jackson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Neal Gardner of Widener, last Sunday.
12-13-1895 - Vaccaro - Andrew - - The home of Mr.& Mrs. J. H. Alley was comfortably filled with relatives and friends Monday afternoon to witness the wedding nuptials of their daughter, Pearl, who was happily married to Mr. Andrew Vaccaro, at 4:30 that afternoon. Rev.Father Towkig of the Catholic church presiding.
12-13-1895 - Pipkin - A. - - Mr. A. Pipkin of Hot Springs, was married to Miss Jolly of St.Francis county at the county clerks office.
12-27-1895 - Neely - Jeff - - Mr. Jeff Neely and Miss May Brookes were married at Wheatley last Sunday evening by Rev. N. B. Fizer.
12-27-1895 - Williams - Henry - - Henry Williams got himself in quite a pickle the early part of the week. He was in the barber shop, and when he left he inadvertently donned the Price McDaniel's coat. His mental tribulation upon finding this result can be understood when it was his marriage license in the coat authorizing his marriage to Miss Lula Speer of L'Anguille township. After an energetic chase, Price was found and garments exchanged. The wedding took place as planned in the home of the bride's father, J. L. Speer
12-27-1895 - Clark - Thomas - - Squire D. Duncan, of Widener, was in town yesterday and informed us that he had performed a wedding ceremony for Thomas Clark and Miss Maggie Houston at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Billie Houston, at Widener on Christmas day.
12-27-1895 - Houston - Hiram - - Later Christmas day, Squire D.Duncan of Widener performed a marriage ceremony for Hiram Houston and Mrs. McKinney at the residence of F. W. DeRossitt.
1-4-1895 - Nichols - Baby Girl - - Mrs.J ohn M. Nichols presented her husband with a baby girl Saturday night.
1-11-1895 - Wylds - Dan - - On Thursday, the 4th, Mr.& Mrs. Dan Wylds were blessed with the birth of a baby boy.
1-18-1895 - Hinton - R. E. - - Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Hinton entertained the shining visitor, "Angel", last Monday, It is a girl.
1-25-1895 - Williams - W. E. - - Lucky man is Sheriff Williams. Last Sunday his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
2-1-1895 - Payne - Iverton - - Wheatley-There was born on Saturday night to Mr. & Mrs. Iverton Payne, a large healthy baby boy.
2-1-1895 - Stout - J. F. - - J. F. Stout, is the happiest man in the Newcastle neighborhood. A short time ago his wife presented him with two of a kind, twin boys.
2-1-1895 - Giles - J. A. - - There is nothing sweeter than a little girl, remarked J. A. Giles, when his wife announced that addition to his family last Sunday.
2-22-1895 - Litton - Arthur - - Arthur Litton was the happiest man in town Wednesday, his wife presented him with a fine baby boy in the morning.
3-1-1895 - Norton - N. W. - - Born to Mr.& Mrs. N. W. Norton, on Friday, a beautiful girl baby.
3-1-1895 - Nash - W. E. - Mrs. - A big baby boy was born to Mrs. W. E. Nash Sunday morning.
4-12-1895 - Mallory - Ed - - Last Saturday Mrs. Ed Mallory presented her husband with a fine healthy baby boy. Consequently Ed's smile is pleasant to behold.
5-10-1895 - Campbell - S. C. - - S. C. Campbell and wife rejoice th in a 10.5 pound boy who arrived on Monday morning.
5-24-1895 - Folbre - T. C. - - A broad, satisfying smile illumed the countenance of our county court clerk last Monday. It is a great, big boy, and makes an even half dozen.
7-19-1895 - Tipton - J. H. - - J. H. Tipton, the genial and entertaining druggist, wears a broad smile and a happy proud gleam in his eye, Mrs. Tipton presented him with a fine 10 pound baby girl Monday.
8-23-1895 - Buford - Walter - - Mr.& Mrs. Walter Buford are rejoicing over the advent of a 10 pound bouncing baby boy.
10-18-1895 - Wolff - O.P. - Marshall - Marshall O. P. Wolff was made exceedingly happy today with the advent of a beautiful baby girl at his house.
10-18-1895 - Moseley - Harry - - A little stranger came into the home of Mr.& Mrs. Harry Moseley last Thursday week. It was a boy, and Harry can hardly stay on the ground.
12-20-1895 - Delano - Robt. - - The home of Mr.& Mrs. Robt. Delano is rejoicing over the birth of a bouncing baby girl.
12-27-1895 - Sanders - Jim - - A fine baby girl made her appearance at the home of Mr.& Mrs. Jim Sanders yesterday. All parties doing splendidly, including Grandpa Fizer who is the happiest man in town.
11-15-1894 - Crowley Ridge Institute - - - Crowley Ridge Institute was opened with a new building, new faculty, and new management for the higher education of both sexes, will be opened for the reception of new pupils eff.11-15-1894. All pupils, resident within the School District of Forrest City, between the ages of 6 and 21 will be admitted to All Classes in the Primary and Intermediate Departments Free of Charge. Tuition applies for those over or under the age, and for collegiate classes. Walter Gorman, Secretary, and F. M. Malone, Principal.
11-16-1894-Ad:Alley-W. H.Alley, Physician and Surgeon-Forrest City, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ad:Beck-J. B.Beck, Carpenter & Builder-Forrest City, Ark.-All work intrusted to him will have his personal attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Him a Call.
11-16-1894-Ad:Beck-J. W. Beck & Co.-Dealers in General Merchandise-Careful and Prompt Attention Given to Trade in Cotton, Hides, Furs and Country Produce. Consignments of same Solicited. N. W. Corner of Front & Washington Streets, Forrest City, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ad:Brady-John T. Brady-Watchmaker and Jeweler-Dry Goods-Forrest City, Ark.-in Sol Lewis's Dry Goods Emporiam-Forrest City, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ad:Brahic-J. V. Brahic, Dealer in all kinds of Tobaccos, Especially Also, Fancy & Family Groceries-Solicits Cash Trade-North Front Street, Chavis' Old Stand.
11-16-1894-Ad:Cason-J. R. Cason, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Forrest City, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ad:Davis-H. J. Davis' New York Racket Store-Blanton's Brick Store, next door to Gray & Vogel's Feed Store-Cash is the Steel Rail to Fortune! Credit, the Lightning Express to Ruin! Full Line of Fresh Groceries and Flour-Notions-Tinware-Ladies Read-Gents Read-Buggy Whips 10 cents
11-16-1894-Ad:Fussell, Graham & Co. makes a specialty of Wagon Materials. A full stock of Spokes, Bellows and Blacksmith's Irons always on hand, at the very lowest prices. They will duplicate Memphis prices.
11-16-1894-Ad:Fussell, Graham & Co.-Dealers in General Merchandise-Including Furniture, Stoves, Tinware-Cultivators and Mowers-Barbed Wire and Lime a Specialty-The highest market price paid for Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Hides, Tallow, Etc.-James Fussell and W.S. Graham
11-16-1894-Ad:Gaines-M. N. Gaines-Notary Public and Real Estate Agent-Farms, Timbered lands, Saw Mills & Ranches for Sale on long time and easy terms.
11-16-1894-Ad:Gorman & Barrow-Forrest City, Ark.-Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Groceries, and Plantation Supplies
11-16-1894-Ad:Gray-Go to Gray & Vogel for Coal.
11-16-1894-Ad:Grobmyer-L. R. Grobmyer-Proprietor of the City Meat Market-Keeps Fresh Meats of all Kinds, and Game in Season-West Side of N.Washington.
11-16-1894-Ad:Gwyn-H. B. Gwyn & Co.-Dealers in General Merchandise-Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, and Tinware-Queensware and Notions a Specialty. Also Staple and Fancy Groceries-Highest Market price for Country Produce. Forrest City, Ark.-Hugh B. Gwyn/C. L. Knight/T. O. Fitzpatrick
11-16-1894-Ad:Gwyn-Our line of Gent's Furnishing Goods are now complete, and we are selling them at hard times prices. Call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere-H.B.Gwyn & Co.
11-16-1894-Ad:Hasley's-Open early and open late. Warm meats and lunches to suit your convenience, at Hasley's Restaurant, next door to Folbre's Saloon. Also lodging for transient guests.
11-16-1894-Ad:Havens-C. H. Havens is now prepared to do Woodwork and Blacksmithing-Sharpening and General Repairing-General Undertaker, Coffins of all kinds always in stock. All Kinds of Shop Work done on short notice.
11-16-1894-Ad:Johnson-Palace Saloon & Billiard Hall-O. C. Johnson, Proprietor-Hancock Building, East Side of North Washington Street.
11-16-1894-Ad:Lutz-I. H. Lutz, Undertaker, Forrest City, Ark. Keeps on hand a Large Assortment of Metallic Coffins of all Styles and Prices always on hand. An elegant hearse and outfit. Always ready for your orders. All kinds of furniture reparioed in best Style. Satisfaction guaranteed!
11-16-1894-Ad:Meyer-A. Meyer & Co.-Men's Suits at Reduced Prices.
11-16-1894-Ad:Mosely-H. W. Mosley, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries-Canned Goods, Farinaceous Goods, Preserves, Jellies, Pickles, Potted Meats, Hominy, Macaroni, Vermicelli, Mackerel, Sardines, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and many other luxuries that make life worth living. Everything Fresh-Nothing Stale-Free Delivery to All Parts of the City-Sol.Lewis' Old Stand, Front Street, cor. Center Alley.
11-16-1894-Ad:Norton & Prewett, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in the First and Second Judicial Circuits and in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Office in the Rollwage Building-Forrest City, Ark.-N. W. Norton and J. M. Prewett
11-16-1894-Ad:Pettus Bros. & Buford-Reliable Dealers in General Merchandise-Forrest City, Ark.-Stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Notions, Furniture, and everything usually found in a first class establishment. Our Stock of Hardware is the Largest in Town. Highest market prices for Cotton and Produce. Give us a Call! R. L. Pettus, W. H. Buford, R. Pettus.
11-16-1894-Ad:Picture Gallery-Views of the New School Building for sale at the Picture Gallery.
11-16-1894-Ad:Roberts-Friends Herb's of Joy, Oil of Gladness, Purity Soap, Foot Ease and all remedies sold last week on the streets of this city, may be had at J. Q. Robert's drug store.
11-16-1894-Ad:Rollwage-Buy Hamilton-Brown Boots and Shoes at L. Rollwage & Co.
11-16-1894-Ad:Rollwage-Buy your Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Terra Cotta and Flue Pipe from L. Rollwage & Co.
11-16-1894-Ad:Rollwage-Trade with L. Rollwage & Co.
11-16-1894-Ad:Rollwage-Try the Studebaker Wagon, L. Rollwage & Co., sole Agents.
11-16-1894-Ad:Sachs' Mercantile Co.'s Mammoth Bargain Store-Sells Goods 50 percent lower than any house in town. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc..In Izard's Old Stand, South Front Street-A. Sachs, Manager.
11-16-1894-Ad:Taylor-Geo. P. Taylor & Co.-(Successors to Taylor & Izard)-Real Estate Agents, Brokers, and General Insurance Agents. Property bought and sold, exchanged and rented. Taxes Paid-Forrest City, Ark.-Geo. P. Taylor and E. P. Taylor. Representing a Standard Line of Fire Insurance Companies. Total Assets, $96,358,063.71-Loans Made on Desirable Real Estate for Terms of 5 and 10 years.
11-16-1894-Ad:Tolbert & Duncan-Everything New and First Class-Barbers and Hairdressers-North Washington Street, Forrest City.
11-16-1894-Ad:Webb & Tipton's-Forrest City, Ark.-Hawkes Crystalized Lenses-Buy none but the Genuine-3,000 merchants sell Hawkes Spectacles with great success. Established twenty three years ago.
11-16-1894-Ad:Webb-Enterprise Drug Store-A complete line of Pure Drugs and Medicines, together, with all kind of druggist's Sundries, Cigars, etc. May always be found at D. C. Webb's Drugstore, Give him a call.
11-16-1894-Ad:Webb-See Webb about Life Insurance
11-16-1894-Ad:Welford-N. N. Welford, Jeweler, Memphis, Tenn.-Write for Illustrated Catalog
11-16-1894-Ad:Williams & Izard, Attorneys at Law, Forrest City, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ad:Winthrop-Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clean your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25 cents, 50 cents, $1.00-Sold by Winthrop & Co.
11-16-1894-Ads:Becker & Lewis-Are the Low price leaders of Low Prices in every Department of their Mammoth-General-Merchandise-Establishment. Furniture at Rock Bottom Figures.
11-16-1894-Ads:Forrest City Times-Correct Job Printing, Thousands read our advertisements, why not read yours! Subscriptions taken for all Newspapers and Magazines in the United States.
11-16-1894-Ads:Iron Mountain Route-The Direct and Popular Route to St.Louis-Through Pullman Buffet, Sleeping Cars Between-Memphis and St.Louis-3 Daily Trains-H. G. Townsend, Pass. And Ticket Agent, St.Louis, Mo.
11-16-1894-Ads:Little Rock & Memphis RR-A Schedule-One Hour Quicker between Little Rock and Memphis than Competitors. J. H. Bard, Agent, Forrest City, Ark.-H. W. Morrison-G.P.& T. A.-Little Rock, Ark.
11-16-1894-Ads:Roberts-J. Q. Roberts-Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Rubber Goods, Full Line of Stationery, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Eye Glasses-Prescriptions a specialty-In the store formerly occupied by the News Stand, next to the Bank.
11-16-1894-Ads:Welch-G. W. Welch-Estimates Furnished on all Kinds Brick Work-Contractor and Builder-Wynne, Ark.-Brick for Sale
11-16-1894-News:Barrett-Dr. J. C. Barrett, Veterinary Surgeon, has an office at C. F. Hinton's Drug Store, where he may be found day and night.
11-16-1894-News:Beard-Mrs. Beard, of Wood's School house neighborhood spent Friday in town. She was the guest of Mrs. Lucious Wood. Palestine Times.
11-16-1894-News:Block-Ike Block, one of Wynne's poplular society gentlemen, was a pleasant visitor in this neighborhood last Sunday. Newcastle Times.
11-16-1894-News:Bruce-Rev. C. A. Bruce will preach at the Episcopal church next Sunday morning and night. And Thanksgiving services at the Episcopal church Thursday morning, Nov.29,1894.
11-16-1894-News:Clark-Miss Lyda Mai Clark will leave in a few days for Forrest City where she has accepted the position of music teacher in the new Crowley Ridge Institute School. (Lee County Courier)
11-16-1894-News:Clifton-Mrs. William A. Clifton was baptized in the St.Francis river, at Madison, Sunday afternoon. Eld. H. Rhodes Moran, officiating. A number of friends from Forrest City went over in buggies, and many of the citizens of Madison attended.
11-16-1894-News:Cook's Hotel had a narrow escape from fire Saturday morning when a spark from the stovepipe ignited the shingle roof, and a hole several inches wide had burned and was spreading rapidly when discovered by a passing pedestrian. The alarm was given and the fire was extinguished by the gallant young men of the city.
11-16-1894-News:Cotton-Up to noon today, 5300 bales of cotton have been received here this season.
11-16-1894-News:Crowley-The catalogue of Crowley's Ridge Institute is in the hands of the printers, and will be ready for distribution next week. It will contain full information regarding the school.
11-16-1894-News:Farmers are now hauling cotton to Colt since the McLaren gin burned. It is quite a trouble to some, and we hope to see a new gin erected in it's place in the near future. Newcastle Times.
11-16-1894-News:Fitzpatrick-Miss Garnet Fitzpatrick is spending the week with her friend, Mrs. Dorris. Newcastle Times.
11-16-1894-News:Forest fires are raging around Palestine, and if it does not rain soon there will be serious damage done to crops, fences, etc. Palestine Times
11-16-1894-News:Glenn-Mrs. Jennie Glenn, a niece of Mrs. C. C. Ware spent several days last week visiting relatives and friends. She returned to Memphis Saturday morning. Palestine Times
11-16-1894-News:Hiatt-Eld. Hiatt, of Jonesboro, preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning and night.
11-16-1894-News:Hinton-R. E. Hinton is engaged in sorghum making on a large scale. He is aiding A. C. Word to work up his big crop.
11-16-1894-News:Jail-There are but two prisoners in the county jail, They are Jim Cannon, sentenced to be hanged Dec.14 and Walter Gauss, charged with murder, both colored.
11-16-1894-News:Jordan-S. J. Jordan was In the city Monday with a wagon load of fine sweet potatoes. He received fifty cents per bushel for them.
11-16-1894-News:Mallory-Ike Mallory was among the visitors at The Times Museum Tuesday.
11-16-1894-News:McKnight-Mrs. Clarence McKnight and little son of Palestine, were visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. D. McKnight the first of the week. Newcastle Times.
11-16-1894-News:Roberts-J. C. Roberts, of Memphis, is in the city on a visit to his brother J. Q. and family.
11-16-1894-News:Rogers-Mrs. Kate Rogers, and beautiful daughters, Misses Julia and Nonie, who have spent the summer with Mrs. R's mother near McDaniel, have returned home, and now occupy their residence near the new school building. The young ladies will attend that school. [Note:Mrs. Rogers married W. C. "Will" Ferguson, daughter Julia Married Peyton Thomas Scott, and Nonie was unmarried in 1906 when Mr.Ferguson died.]
11-16-1894-News:Snowden-We were pleased to see Mr. Vital Snowden in our midst the first of the week. Newcastle Times
11-16-1894-News:Sullivan-Mr.J. O. Sullivan, of Magoffin's, familiar in Palestine as "John I." paid his weekly visit in this city Sunday night. Palestine Times.
11-16-1894-News:Swan-Bob Swan is now in the bottoms getting out timber. He expects to remain there till Christmas, if not longer. Newcastle Times.
11-16-1894-News:Tolbert & Duncan's tonsorial parlor is undergoing much needed repairs, painting, etc. When completed theirs will be one of the most attractive rooms in town.
11-16-1894-News:Webb-Miss Clara Webb, principal of our school, attended the State Baptist Convention at Lonoke last week. She reports a pleasant trip. Palestine Times.
11-16-1894-News:Young-B. F. Young, formerly of this city, now of Mississippi, has been here several days looking after his real estate and other interests. He owns some very desirable property in this vicinity.
11-16-1894-News:Young-W. T. Young and Joe Perkins, accompanied by Misses Addie Baker and Maud Harris, all popular and pleasant society young people of Wynne, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Fitzpatrick the first of last week. Newcastle Times.
11-23-1894:Ad: Read the Inducements offered by J. J. Finnerty, Dealer In all kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries-To Cash Buyers-Also keeps a First-Class Lunch Stand and Restaurant, and serves Fresh Oysters, etc., to order in best style. Give him a call!
11-23-1894:Ad:Next Door to the Post Office-Tipton Drug Store-Prescription Druggist-Will have grand open on Saturday Night.
11-23-1894:Dep.Prosecuting Attorney, S. H. Mann, has pursued a profitless business this week, having two "Hung Juries," two acquittals and one nol prose qui in cases styled the State of Arkansas vs. L. R. Grobmyer, Same vs. G. W. Cook, Same vs. C. Chavis, each charged with keeping open their places of business and selling goods on Sunday. The defendants are in the business of selling fresh meats, and are the several "Butcher Shops" in Forrest City.
11-23-1894:Capt. and Mrs. A. M. Nash are cozily ensconsed in the residence of R. J. Izard, who lately chose the occupation of farming, in connection with other business, at Howell Station.
11-23-1894:The happiest man in town is depot agent, J. H. Bard. He leaves for Memphis Saturday evening to meet his wife on her return from a protracted trip through the East.
11-23-1894:B. P. Baxter, of Widener, was here Wednesday afternoon on business.
11-23-1894:Circuit Clerk Folbre is having a handsome new portico erected at his residence.
11-23-1894:Rev. W. A. Forbes, of Texarkana, will preach Sunday morning and night Dec.2 at the Baptist Church.
11-23-1894:Typographical errors in the list of subscriptions for the relief of Hunter Crippen published two weeks ageo, account for the non-appearance of the names of A. C. Wood, and S. T. McDaniel. Mr. McGuffey noticed the error and requested its correction.
11-23-1894:The Times is requested to say that Samuel Worrall and family feel deeply grateful for the many favors shown them by their neighbors and the citizens of Forrest City, since the recent loss of their residence and contents by fire.
11-23-1894:W. H. Izard has a beautiful supply of well water at 34 feet. Well bored this week, and now neither borrows or lends water.
11-23-1894:The social event of the season at Vanndale, Cross County, was the marriage of Miss Grace Lewellen to Dr. J. B. Smith.
11-23-1894:The Crowley Ridge Institute opened on Monday. The building was built with money raised by private subscription added to the $5,000 school fund, a magnificent $12,000 building rewards their liberality. Over 200 pupils are enrolled to date, and arrangements for more seats for additional attendance is progressing. Dr. F. M. Malone, of Shelby Co., Tenn., presides over the Institute, a brother of the gentlemen comprising the firm of Malone & Malone, attorneys, of Memphis. He has over 16 years experience as a teacher, is a graduate of the Iuka (Miss.) Normal School and the Peabody Normal School of Nashville, Tenn. He has conducted schools of Saulsbury and Ripley, Tenn., and Glasgow Normal, of Glasgow, Ky., and Superintendent of schools at Texarkana, Texas. The roster of teachers:Miss Irene Freeman, First Grade; Mrs. H. D. Hatcher, Second and Third; Miss Mattie Laura Mosley, Fourth Grade; Mrs. C. R. Ross, Fifth and Sixth; Prof. Malone, Seventh and Eighth; Miss Lida Mai Clarke of Marianna, Music; Mrs. B. L. Adkins, Elocution.
11-23-1894:Mrs. Waldrip returned last week from a visit of several weeks to old friends and relatives in Mississippi. Wheatley Times.
11-23-1894:Misses Lillie West and Minnie Neely went home with Cora Pool Friday evening and remained until next Sunday. They had a delightful week. Wheatley Times.
11-23-1894:Rev. E. P. Crowe and wife have just returned from a trip to Clarendon where they went to attend a quarterly conference. Wheatley Times
11-23-1894:John Hall is at Ft.Smith this week whither he went in company with a U.S.Marshall, to carry a murderer who was wanted in that city. They traced him from place to place and at last captured him near Hazen. He seems he was kind of a tramp but preferring to be dentist. His true name is unknown. He had a brother who quarreled over a cup of coffee and the killing followed. Wheatley Times
11-23-1894:The Wheatley School is booming. It now has new desks, a new well, new window shades and a new rostrum. Enrollment to date is seventy two average attendance. Best in scholarship:Ella Lyon, Minnie Neely, Willington Bourke, Ernest Hammond, Coe Mayo. Best Deportment:Ernest Hammond, Minnie Dickson, Irene Dickson, Hennie Lyon, Fannie Davane, Fannie Mouncos, and Maggie McPhaul. Wheatley Times
11-23-1894:A card from L. R. Grobmyer:Regarding the recent trial for staying open on Sunday in violation of the law, my apology is offered, and I will not open in the future. All orders for Sunday will be delivered on Saturday night in the future
11-23-1894:Miss Blanche Ingram is expected to visit Palestine again soon. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Mrs. F. M. Partridge is quite ill, but it is hoped she will soon recover. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Mrs. Charles Gorum and Miss Edna Coffey spent Thursday in Brinkley shopping. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Maud Bennett, little daughter of Mrs. Jennie Becker has been confined to her bed several days with slow fever. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Miss Gray Taylor, of Wheatley, is expected to visit relatives and friends in Palestine the latter part of this week. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Messes. Manassa Gorum and McKnight made a flying trip to Forrest City Friday afternoon, returning the same evening. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Mr. Rich Jones, former proprietor of the Palestine Hotel, has moved back to town and is now occupying the Conners residence near the Little Rock and Memphis depot. Palestine Times
11-23-1894:Mr. C. C. Moore spent Sunday here. He went to Forrest City where he will spend several days in the interest of the Little Rock Building and Loan Association. Palestine Times. Mrs. Ferrell, mother of our worthy townsman, Dr. Ferrell, arrived in the city last Wedesday, from Memphis. She will spend several weeks during which time Mrs. Fannie Ferrell will make a visit to relatives and friends at her old home, Love Station, Mississippi. Palestine Times.
11-23-1894:Through the kindness of friends here and M. Gavin of Memphis, George Ellis, Jr., of this place, was admitted to the St.Joseph's Hospital at Memphis, where he will receive the best medical treatment in the country.
11-23-1894:Eld. H. Rhodes Moran will preach his last farewell sermon at the Baptist Church Sunday night, and will leave the next day for Terrell, Texas, where he has accepted an indefinite call.
11-23-1894:Mrs. A. Becker returned from Memphis, Monday. She had been in the Bluff City some two months in attendance upon Miss Jeanette, who has been quite ill, but is now enjoying her accustomed health.
11-23-1894:The Supreme Court has granted an appeal in the case of State vs. Jim Cannon, convicted at the last term of the St.Francis Co. Circuit Court of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hung on Dec.14,1894. The stay of execution is for several months.
11-23-1894:Mrs.Gussie Johnson returned home Wednesday night from a protracted visit to her mother, Mrs.Davis, who has been quite ill near Holly Springs, Miss., and reports her mother convalescent.
11-23-1894:John Finley now has charge of the circulation of the Memphis Avalanche, the Little Rock Gazette, St.Louis Chronicle, Republic and Post Dispatch, and will deliver these papers or anything on the news stand promptly.
11-30-1894:George Mallory and Capt. John Patterson killed two bears in a hunt last Monday in the Shell Lake neighborhood. Thanks to the Captain for a good chunk of his meat.
11-30-1894:Charles H. Sanders, of the bank, spent Sunday at the hospitable home of Mr.and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson in Franks township. The dinner must have been one of the finest, judging by the cashier's hearty praise.
11-30-1894:Frank W. DeRossitt was in the city today. We understand that he has just finished gathering 1,414 bushels of corn, from 55 acres of land, and that before gathering he fattened 85 head of hogs out of the patch.
11-30-1894:For Sale on Easy Terms:A good farm of eighty acres. Well improved with nice dwellings, good barn, and all necessary improvements. Apply to J. C.Higgs, or the Editor of the Times, Forrest City, Ark.
11-30-1894:The complete election returns from the First Congressional District have been received at headquarters, and the vote was as follows:McCulloch, 6,025; Coffman, 1,299.
11-30-1894:At a public meeting of citizens, patrons of the Evans School, held at the school house last Friday, it was determined to extend for seven months, the three months session just closed, making a ten months session in all, and to retain the present efficient principal, Prof. C. B. Scott.
11-30-1894:Word & Izard on Tuesday, finished delivering 425 bushels of corn, which they had sold to A.L.Grady at 50 cents per bushel.
11-30-1894:R. J. Izard and family of Howell came over Tuesday and are guests of Senator Van Buren Izard, and family, expect to remain some two or three weeks.
11-30-1894:Forrest City has been clouded with heavy smoke from woods fires for a couple of days, the heaviest gloom being from the southwest.
11-30-1894:Mrs. E. Landvoigt has been very ill this week. She is convalescing. Also, Mrs.Howell Devine of Madison, has been seriously ill for several weeks, but is improving.
11-30-1894:Ad:Bank of Eastern Arkansas:Merchants' and Bank Collections a Specialty.-Correspondents:Fourth National Bank, New York/Continental National Bank, St.Louis/State National Bank, Memphis/German National Bank, Little Rock-Directors:J. W. Beck, of J. W. Beck & Co.; President-James Fussell, of Fussell, Graham & Co.; Vice-Pres.:L. Rollwage, of L. Rollwage & Co.; W. H. McDaniel, Capitalist and planter; J. G. Gantt, of Gantt Bros., Harrisburg; Wm. M. Block, Dealer in Real Estate; George P. Taylor, of Taylor & Izard; A. Becker, of Becker & Lewis; J. W.Wynne, of Wynne, Love & Co., Memphis. Charles H. Sanders, Cashier.
11-30-1894:Mr.E.Milam is very sick at this time. Jericho Times
11-30-1894:Miss Maud Aven of Caldwell, spent the week with the family of Mr.Hill. Jericho Times
11-30-1894:Mr. Henry Jones of Caldwell, spent Sunday with the family of Thomas Tackett. Jericho Times
11-30-1894:W. F. Mason spent Thanksgiving with parents and friends in town.
11-30-1894:Mrs. Louise Polhamins (nee Dunn) was a guest at the home of James Fussell.
11-30-1894:Lon Slaughter, of Marianna, was the guest of Dr.and Mrs. W. J. Matthews last night.
12-7-1894:George Walker, who has been keeping books for I. Goldberg for some time, resigned his position and left for his home at Goodwin last Friday. He has many friends who regret to see him leave Wheatley. Wheatley Times
12-7-1894:Miss Cora Poole, who has been boarding at Dr.West's and attending school, left for her home in the country on Friday evening.
12-7-1894:Last Friday night, while Mr.Lavigne, the clerk, was alone in I. Goldberg's store, two masked men entered and presented their pistols demanded that he open the safe. He assured them that he did not know the combination, and they soon left with nothing. Wheatley Times
12-7-1894:I. Goldberg spent several days in Memphis last week for the purpose of having his eyes treated. Mrs. Goldberg went over Sunday morning and accompanied her husband home. Wheatley Times
12-7-1894:Sheriff's Sale:to be held Dec.29th, 1894, to settle debts of L. P. Featherston and J. B. Cummings, and Philander Littell, and C. F. Hinton, and James M. Davis, and I. H. Lutz, and R. J. Williams, and D. M. Wilson. W. R. Williams, Sheriff.
12-7-1894:Mrs. M. L. Gilliam left last night for N.Carolina, in answer to a telegram announcing the illness of her daughter.
12-7-1894:Al Boggs reports killing his first bear. He, Sid Simmons, and W. S. Thomas were hunting near Heth Station week before last when All treed a bruin, and bagged his game.
12-7-1894:Two bright, beautiful boys, sons of Mr.and Mrs. Sam Cherry, of Gainesville, Tesxas, are visiting grandparents and other relatives in town. They came to Texarkana with family friends and were met their by Dr. Alley who accompanied them here.
12-7-1894:H. P. Gorman and family moved into the Van Patten Property on Church Street Tuesday.
12-7-1894:J. P. Landrum of near Vincent, was here Monday on business, and had his name enrolled on the Times subscription.
12-7-1894:Mrs. C. L.Powers, of Galveston, Texas, elder daughter of Mrs. Edwin Landvoigt, and sister of Mrs. Vadakin, arrived in the city Wednesday evening, in answer to a letter informing her of her mother's serious illness.
12-7-1894:Capt. J. W. Stout, accompanied by his sons Hallace and Tom, went to Haynes last week to see Mr. W. W. Hendrix, son in law of the former, who has been quite ill.
12-7-1894:Rayborn Tacket has returned home, after an absence of several months. Jericho Times
12-7-1894:Luther Casteel, of near Wynne, is visiting in the neighborhood, the guest of Mrs. Ballard. Jericho Times
12-7-1894:R. B. Howard and daughter are expecting to leave for Tennessee, their former home, next week, where his daughter will enter school. Jericho Times
12-7-1894:Misses Ora McKnight and Opehlia Stout spent Monday of last week in Forrest City. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Earnest Fitzpatrick spent last Friday in Forrest City. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Miss Mattie Parrott of Wesley neighborhood was among her Newcastle friends last week. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Dr. J. F. McDougal opened the winter session of school at Lattimer school house last Monday. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Freddie, the little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. McKnight was ill last week, but is all right again. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Luther Peevey came out of the bottoms last week and was a pleasant visitor among the home folks. Newcastle Times
12-7-1894:Mr. H. W. Stout spent last Monday in Wynne, he was accompanied home by his brother Tom, who will spend some time with the family.
12-7-1894:Mrs.Evans of Wittsburg, was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Armstrong, last Tuesday. She contemplates moving back here after Christmas.
12-7-1894: A very unfortunate, and what came near being a fatal accident, happened to James, little son of Mr.and Mrs. T. J. Fondren, last Monday. The little fellow was playing in the yard near where the washerwoman was at work. A kettle of water was sitting near, almost at boiling heat,and by some means James fell into it backwards. His little back was badly burned and is raw down to his hips.
12-14-1894:Dep.Sheriff O. P. Wolff was at Colt Monday.
12-14-1894:Billy Houston, of Widener, was here Wednesday.
12-14-1894:The little son of James Brown, of Johnson township is quite sick.
12-14-1894:Misses Lola and Mary Mason returned from Fayetteville, Saturday.
12-14-1894:Mrs. H. M. Beauchamp, who has been visiting in Forrest City several months, a guest of the family of her son, C. H. Beauchamp, returned to her home in Paducah, Ky., Saturday.
12-14-1894:Irene, infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J. Q. Roberts, has been sick this week.
12-14-1894:A letter from Irby Jones to his father states that he is now running the new fast mail on the Iron Mountain RR.
12-14-1894:Mrs. Bob Mead, of Widener, was trading in town Wednesday. She informs us that Bob is hunting on White river.
12-14-1894:Mary Lindauer has had pneumonia for several days, and her two sisters have also been quite sick.
12-14-1894:Dan Grogan, formerly of this city, has been appointed to the office of Chief Train Dispatcher of the L.R.& M.Railway, with headquarters at Memphis, vice Arthur J.Whitney, deceased.
12-14-1894:J.A.Lindsey, shipped a carload of very fine corn fed beeves over the L.R.& M. Railway to Memphis, Monday, driving them here from Haynes.
12-14-1894:Miss Clara Webb was over from Palestine, where she is teaching, Saturday, on a short visit to her mother and many friends. She is a native of Arkansas, residing in St.Francis county since babyhood. When she was six, her father died, leaving she and her mother to survive.
12-14-1894:James Lannan, formerly of Forrest City, who has been railroading down in Texas, and who has been sick at the St.Louis hospital several weeks, is on a visit to relatives and friends, in the county. He is a guest of his brother in law, Ed Berry of Madison. He has two sisters there, Mrs. Rainbolt and Berry.
12-14-1894:Roll of Honor at Palestine School: Nora Coffey, Stanley Ferrell, Fred and Elmo Harvey, Clyde and Arthur and Willie and Emma Warr, Alvin Gorum, Oscar Harris, Edna and Mattie Coffey, Zora Mohler, Georgia Martin, Maggie Christian, Eva Holwell, Maud Bennett, Fannie Holwell, Sam Sulcer, Ernest, Willie, and Jerry Burns.
12-14-1894:A. M. Nash, W. H. Coffey, and W. M. Partridge are serving their country this week, on the Federal Grand Jury, at Helena.
12-14-1894:Barrow & Farley have received their horses and livery outfit for their new stable on the South side.
12-14-1894:Charles Delano, of near Colt;Henry Gore of Palestine; A. Vontraine of Palestine; were visitors this week.
12-14-1894:M. L. Monroe spent a couple of days this week on Blackfish Bayou, hunting and succeeding in killing a deer Tuesday which weighed 202 pounds.
12-21-1894:Squire Richards, Jack Davis, and a dozen others, departed for Blackfish on a bear hunt. Squire Richards has a bear dog from wayback, the hero of many a bear hunt.
12-21-1894:Billie Rainbolt, of the firm of Rainbolt & Berry, the largest planters in the community, has been killing a nice lot of hogs this week.
12-21-1894:Mr. J. H. Null is very busy shipping lumber from this place, Colt Station, and Marianna. He represents one of the largest companies in the West.
12-21-1894:Mrs. Devine, wife of our enterprising merchant, from Howell Divine, is very low of malarial fever. We hope she may soon recover.
12-21-1894:The pulpit at the is filled by F. C. Sterling, during the illness of the pastor, W. W. Hendrix.
12-21-1894:Dick Stoddard, who has been employed by Ed Berry, left Monday for his home in Goodwin. G. W. Dougherty, who got his hand mashed while coupling cars at Wynne some time since, is at home now.
12-21-1894:A bold and daring robbery was committed Saturday night upon the cars belonging to the Western Union men now located at Palestine repairing the wires. There are eleven men in the company, and they all had their clothing and valuables in the cars. Items valued at $265 were taken. No clue to the offenders has yet been found. Palestine Times
12-21-1894:Mr. Charles Wilkerson has been very much "under the weather.: for the past few weeks. He is suffering from Catarrh and is under treatment of Dr. Cason of your city. Palestine Times
12-21-1894:Dr. Ferrell, accompanied by his wife, and daughter, Annie, to Mississippi, several days ago returned Friday night. Palestine Times
12-21-1894:T. J. Stout returned home last week after a pleasant visit with relatives in Haynes. Will Sisk spent several days last week in Memphis purchasing winter supplies. Mrs. Minnie Mack and Giffin, of Wynne, spent last Wednesday visiting country friends. Mrs. Lillie McKnight spent last Saturday night with Dr.and Mrs. J. D.McKnight. Misses Garnet Fitzpatrick and Jennie McKnight at Wesley with Mrs. Lillie McKnight. Newcastle Times
12-21-1894:C. A. Walker and J. C. Bell of Forrest City were at the Eddy Thursday looking after timber interests. Mrs. Octavia Patterson of Wynne, spent Monday a delightful guest at the home of Mr.and Mrs. T. O. Fitzpatrick. Newcastle Times
12-21-1894:Mr.and Mrs. George Davis, from the Cut-Off, were in town Monday, the guests of N. J. Devereux. Mrs. Davis remained the balance of the week.
12-21-1894:Miss Maria Elliott left for Okolona, Miss., Thursday, to spend the holidays with relatives.
12-21-1894:Mrs. T. L. Biscoe, of Helena, is spending the holidays with her father, F. M. Prewett, and other relatives.
12-21-1894:B. T. Webb, of Kansas City, was in the city a few days of last week, the guest of his brother, Dr. William Webb.
12-21-1894:Willie Ashworth, the 13 year old son of Alfred Ashworth, southeast of town, met with a painful accident last week. He stumbled and fell, running a cane into his mouth, nearly penetrating the jaws. At last accounts the boy is improving. Mrs.Jennie Allen returned to Augusta last week after a pleasant visit of a month with relatives and friends here. She was accompanied home by Miss Annie Lee Cobb, who will spend Christmas in that city with friends and relatives.
12-21-1894:Misses Minnie and Alice Rollwage arrived home from Cincinatti Wednesday, to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. John Keathley, of Near Texarkana, son of J. P. Keathley, and formerly of this city, is visiting relatives and friends in the county.
12-21-1894:Claude Folbre and his bride are to go to housekeeping shortly, in the neat little cottage across the street south of his father's residence.
12-21-1894:At a meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Forrest City District, W. L. Purifoy was elected Superintendent of the colored public schools.
12-21-1894:Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Matthews will leave this evening for a visit to relatives and old friends at Columbia, Tenn. He will return alone next week, she will remain during his engagement with the Arkansas legislature. Columbia is the birthplace of Dr. Matthews, whence he came to St.Francis Co. in 1860.
12-21-1894:?Friday night, two unknown negroes entered the cabin of another colored man, at the Cut-Off and beat him as they thought, into insensibility, the object being to rob the premises. While they were ransacking the premises, the boy regained consciousness, and in moving about alarmed the would be assassins, who made their escape. The officers of the law arrested Ira Coffey and Moses Bobo, and were incarcerated in the St.Francis Co. Jail on Wednesday on the charge.
12-21-1894:Miss Mary H. Mosley sang in the Methodist church Sunday for the first time since her return to Forrest City.
12-21-1894: Mrs. Walter Hemenway spent several days in Forrest City this week. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:Misses Hattie Johnson and May Brookes spent Friday and Saturday in Brinkley. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:T. J. Stout of Newcastle, is now working for J. R. West & Co. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894: Mrs. John Hall and children expect to spend the holidays in Little Rock, visiting Mrs.Hall's mother and sisters. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:Mrs. B. O. Howell is at Hernando, Miss. whither she was called by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Wilkinson. The latest news is that Mrs. Wilkinson, on the sixth, gave birth to a nine pound boy. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:Fred Tate, of Longtown, Miss., spent several days in Wheatley this week. He came out for his niece, Mrs. J. W. Patterson. She and the children accompanied him home Saturday morning to make their home. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:W. S. Brookes has sold his place in town to John Davis, and will move to the country. Mr. Davis will move to town for the purpose of placing his children in school. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894:Roll of Honor of the Wheatley School for month of December:Deportment-Fannie Monasco, Scott Smith, Ethel Diamond, Inez West, Amy Diamond, Ernest Hammond, Ruth West, Jody Weston, and George Diamond. Wheatley Times
12-21-1894: Mr.Charles Wilkerson continues ill with his ear. He went to Memphis a few days ago for treatment, and a telegram announces him improving. Palestine Times
12-21-1894: Mr. M. E. Wareham, chief of the Western Union crowd, spent one day in Little Rock last week, returning on the 4 a.m.train. Palestine Times
12-21-1894: Mrs. Fannie Ferrell and daughters, Gertrude and Annie, returned from Memphis Tuesday evening, where they have been visiting for several weeks. Palestine Times
12-21-1894: Mr. B. I. Adkins and wife, Claud Farley and Mrs. Shade, Edgar Taylor and Mamye Webb. Harry Knight and Lucille Dye, James Dennis and Maud Farley, Peyton Scott and Joy Prewett, and Gordan Casteel, came over from Forrest City Friday night to attend the dance at the hotel, and returned on the 4 a.m. train. Palestine Times
12-21-1894: Mr. Graiz Jones made a flying trip to Memphis Sunday, returning Monday night. Palestine Times
12-21-1894:Mr. Walter C. Jones came down from Little Rock Saturday evening to fill his brother's place at the depot during the latter's absence. Palestine Times
12-21-1894: Misses Ora McKnight and Ophelia Stout made a flying trip to Haynes Sunday. Newcastle Times
12-21-1894: Miss Pearl Dennis came home from Anniston, Ala. for the holidays today.
12-21-1894: Miss Elise Gorman leaves Monday for LaGrange, Tenn. to attend the marriage of a lady friend.
12-21-1894: Miss Willie Wylds returned home from Brownsville, Tenn., this morning. Her father met her at the train. She will not return to school at present. Miss Norma Rollwage came over from Memphis last night to spend the holidays with parents and numerous friends. She was accompanied by her schoolmate, Mennie Trimble. Walter Taylor who had been attending school at Russelville, Ky., came home this morning for the holidays.
12-21-1894: D. Davis, of this city, has received the commission from the Governor as Surveyor of the county to fill the unexpired term of Mark M. Stanley, deceased.
12-21-1894:George Mallory and Capt. John Patterson last week succeeded in adding the scalps of three more bears to their already large list. One of them was treed by the dogs, and J.H.Burt and M.J.Barnhardt, two colored boys, reached the tree about the time the dogs did, and the Captain says he never heard such a racket as those boys and dogs cut up but once before, and that was when he tackled four panthers in the night. Talking about the panther, Captain Patterson explained, "Several years ago." Began the Captain, " I was returning home from Blackfish Siding, right smart of a distance, when night overtook me. I had met a great many friends at the siding and will admit that in talking over the days of auld land syne" a tired feeling" came over me, and when about half way home I stopped at the foot of a big tree to take a rest." My rest seemed short, when I was awakended by the most unearthly screeching mortal ever heard. Recovering myself, I found some varmints had tackled a couple of pups I had with me. It didn't take me long to bring my rifle into play and lay low two of them. The woods seemed full of them. After shooting two, my rifle became disabled. Clubbing my gun I sailed in, and, you bet, things were lively. I laid another one out, and the fourth give up the fight and took to the woods. After breathing a spell. I looked the field over and found three dead panthers-a full grown and two half-grown pups. Myself and dogs luckily escaped with no serious wounds. "It just makes my blood run cold when I think of it, and have steered clear of panthers ever since. I also see to it that I never have that "tired feeling" when alone in the woods. "Blow the horn, boys, and let's be moving."
12-21-1894:Messrs Baugh & Brandon shipped three carloads of cattle to St.Louis over the Iron Mountain RR, Tuesday. Both gentlemen accompanied the shipment.
12-21-1894: Mrs. Tudie Prudge of San Antonio, Texas, will reach the city Saturday on a visit and to spend Christmas with her relatives and friends.
12-21-1894:William Greenlee, from drought stricken Nebraska, made a short, but pleasant visit to his cousin, Mrs. R. T. Johnson Wednesday. He was well pleased with what he saw of St.Francis County. Mrs. Fannie nee Fussell, Colt, of Montrose, Colorado, is visiting her brother, Capt. James Fussell, and will remain in the city until the middle of January.
12-21-1894: J. Q. Roberts will move his drug stock to Widener about Jan.1, and will make that place his home.
12-21-1894: F. W. DeRossitt, of Griggs, brought about 12 or 15 Irish potatoes Wednesday averaging about 24 ounces each. He says he was en-route to the Times, but was waylaid and relieved of the prize. Please notify us in the future, and we will furnish a bodyguard. He related that he had lost his gin house, at Widener, by fire, a short time since. He found that the insurance policy on the same was still alive. The adjuster came over Wednesday and settled the loss.
12-21-1894: Those popular comedians, and favorites in Forrest City, Lew and Lottie Waters, will appear at the Opera House next Friday and Saturday afternoon. They played in Forrest City last February, for two nights, and gave general satisfaction. They have reduced price to 25, 35, and 50 cents and should have a packed house.
12-21-1894: For valuable and disinterested service rendered the Bank of Eastern Arkansas last January, on the night of the bank robbery, the directors, at a recent meeting, voted to present Arthur D. Boyle $40 in gold as a slight token of their appreciation.
12-28-1894:The first beautiful snow of the season fell on Christmas night, and we have sharpened our meat axe for it retinue of poets.
12-28-1894: Let us Have Peace: It was currently reported, and was published last week in a Brinkley newspaper, that three prominent citizens of Palestine had received anonymous warnings to "leave town or take the consequences." Upon the heels of this revelation, which caused widespread expressions of pity and sympathy for that community, came the startling news that Banks & Wilkinson's barn, together, with is contents had been fired by an incendiary, and was totally destroyed, there being little or no clue to the perpetrator. A public meeting of all citizens of that locality was called to meet in Palestine yesterday, to which several prominent men of Forrest City were invited. General Taylor, Capt. J. W. Beck, and Sheriff Williams went over on the morning train. In the afternoon, the citizens assembled at the school house, and it was crowded. S. F. Sulcer was elected chairman, and on assuming the duties, stated the object of the meeting to be, to denounce arson and the anonymous warnings which had been received by certain citizens. He made a strong speech, and was followed by Ex-County Judge W. H. Coffey, S. E. Sweet, and others, in the same strain. It seems that no blame for this last burning is attached to those who have been formally known as "Gideon's Band of Whitecappers," which infested that neighborhood last spring, and many of those have heretofore been under arrest and suspicion took active and apparently earnest part in denouncing the perpetrators of all such lawless deeds.
12-28-1894: Bob Woods, of Palestine, came to Forrest City Monday, and proceeded to fill up on bad whiskey. About 11 o'clock at night, he proceeded to paint the town red, and commenced to fire his revolver promiscuously. He was lodged in the station house until Wednesday, when he was arraigned before the Mayor, who imposed a fine of $5 and costs on the charge of drunk and disorderly, $25 for shooting his pistol on the streets, and bound him over to appear next Tuesday on the charge of carrying a pistol. Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard.
12-28-1894: Trustee's Sale:Executed by J. G. Merryman and Mattie P. Merryman, his wife, to satisfy a debt to L. Rollwage & Co. R. R. Shade, Trustee, Dec.14,1894.
12-28-1894: Mr. and Mrs.Dave Hatcher and Mr.and Mrs. E. A. Rolfe are enjoying the holidays at Jonesboro among relatives and friends. The M.E. Conference at Helena, appointed Eli Brickey to the Taylor's Creek circuit, and Neal Gardiner to the Haynes circuit.
12-28-1894: Mrs. John Fitzsimmons, Jr., left Wednesday for Aberdeen, Miss., where she and her family will make their home. Dr. John S. Izard of Snapp, came home for the holidays.
12-28-1894: A. T. Robards, of Clarksdale, Miss., formerly of this city, was here Wednesday visiting old friends. Prof. Ernest Bradshaw, of Russellville, Ky., is spending the holidays at home.
12-28-1894: Prof. W. J. Lanier, who has been at Union City for two months under treatment for his eyes, returned home Tuesday, his sight much improved. Will Wolff, of St.Louis, found there was no better place to spend the holidays than with his parent and sisters.
12-28-1894:R. M. Trice, of Marianna, spent Christmas with their brothers, R. B. Trice of this city. R. O. Reinstein and wife, of Boston, Mass., are visiting the city, the guests of A. Meyer. Matthews Raiford, of Memphis, is on a visit to his father, Squire P. T. Raiford, and other relatives. John Summers, and old St.Francis county boy, came home from Fayetteville last week to spend the holidays. He has earned his three years of schooling.
12-28-1894: His congregation, and in fact, everybody is pleased to learn that Rev. F. E. Taylor of the M.E.Church, has been returned to the church for another year. Several other appointments for this area, McCrory and Wynne, J. M. Talkington; Cotton Plant and Howell, J. I. Maynard; Brinkley station, J. K. Farris; Wheatley circuit, W. W. Anderson.
12-28-1894:T. Elmore Lucey, of the Russellville, Ark., Democrat, was a caller at the mechanical department of the great religious weekly Wednesday, on his way south on a holiday jaunt. Mr.Lucey resided at McDaniel some years ago, and will stop on his way for a visit.
12-28-1894:Mr.And Mrs. G. W. Cook, and Miss Belle Williams visited Memphis one day this week.
12-28-1894: F. H. Scott, of Memphis, has been in town several days this week on a visit to his parents. He informed us that he has severed his connection with B.Lowenstein & Co. of Memphis, with whom has been employed for 13 years, and has accepted a position as a traveling salesman for a St.Louis firm. Frank is a hustler, and will continue to canvass South Arkansas.
12-28-1894:Bob Berry of Madison, was over Wednesday, making holiday purchases with several of his mates. On the train home, when two of them lost their hats at Crow Creek, and got off and looked in vain for their hats, then walked the ties home.
12-28-1894:H. A. Davis' smiling and genial countenance gladdend the hearts of parents and friends the first of the week. Miss Jeannette Becker is spending the holidays with relatives and friends. W. B. Wright and Stanley Knight of Indianapolis, are spending a few days in town the guests of friends and relatives. John Keathley is on a visit to the city. All remember little Johnnie of old, but were not prepared for the fine looking young man who claims that name. This is his first visit in eight years.
12-28-1894: Miss Annie Roles left Wednesday for a visit with relatives at Florence, Ala., and now a certain young man connected with an undertaking establishment has a far away graveyard look. J. Rafferty was arrested at Wheatley last week on a charge of selling whiskey without a license, tried before Squire Bramel, and fined $300 and committed to jail in default to serve out his sentence at $1 a day.
1-04-1895-A. J. Smith, and enterprising colored man of Memphis, has opened a broom factory in Forrest City on a small scale and thinks of enlarging his output in the near future. We saw a sample on Monday and found it to be a good one. The corn was raised in this county. He, in connection with others, will plant about 100 acres of broom corn next spring with which to supply his factory. Broom corn is worth from $85 to $120 per ton, and yields about one-half ton per acre.
1-04-1895-A. J. Vaccaro & Co., is the style of the new firm which succeeds T.C.Folbre & Co.. The firm is composed of Andy J. Vaccaro, of Memphis, and T. C. Folbre, Jr., of this city, both poplular young business men, and will give the business their personal attention.
1-04-1895-Another occupant for the county jail brings to our minds very forcibly the peculiar operation of our laws. A man is arrested for selling whiskey; is fined $800, and in default of payment, is sent to the county jail, the constable being unable to hire him out at any price. For lying idle in prison the law allows the convict $1 for each day he remains in custody. In this case this means that he must remain in jail for 800 days, at an expense to the county of not less than $150. Our laws contemplate that the convicts be hired out and made to pay a revenue to the county. But there being no regular market for convict labor; and no farm or other place where safe keeping of prisoners is provided for, they are allowed to remain in jail, an expense to the county, and virtually receiving free board and lodging as a premium for their misdeeds, sacrificing nothing, but liberty, which to many is not priceless. It has been suggested that if St.Francis, Cross and Lee, or any other counties, would agree upon a place, a man, and a price per day for their convicts, and let them to a responsible person, they would be made a source of revenue and be made to work as a punishment for their misdeeds. Editorial
1-04-1895-Dr. W. J. Matthews, representative elect from St.Francis county, will go to Little Rock next Tuesday morning to be on hand at the roll call of the house on the 14th, ready to support the various places to be filled, every worthy applicant from Eastern Arkansas.
1-04-1895-Ernest Fitzpatrick left Monday morning for Forrest City. He intends remaining there to attend school the balance of the term. Newcastle Times
1-04-1895-Hodges-Sam--E. J. Badinelli, of Wynne, was in town Wednesday on business. He gave us a pleasant call while here, and tells us that Sam Hodges will preside at the Green Tree Saloon this year. Sam is a very popular young business man, and will no doubt receive a fair share of business of the county in their line.
1-04-1895-Hugh Coffey, a prominent young man of Palestine, who is attending college at Jackson, Tenn., preparing for the bar, is spending the holidays at home, much to the delight of his numerous friends. Palestine Times
1-04-1895-I. W. Mallory & Co., is the style of new firm opened in the Rollwage building, recently occupied by James Hasley. Ike has opened the Pearl Saloon, with a fine line of Kentucky and Tennessee whiskies, new fixtures, and starts out under the most favorable auspices.
1-04-1895-J. H. Hasley has retired from business, and returned with his family to their country home near Madison. We regret to lose them.
1-04-1895-J. W. Williams, who has been abroad on a prospecting tour, returned home last evening.
1-04-1895-Joe White, of Wynne, has accepted the position of manager of the Palace Saloon, owned by M. V. Hancock, and has moved his family here. They occupy the Allen residence, on North Washington Street, and have many old friends who welcome their return to Forrest City.
1-04-1895-John Cox, of Yocona, was in town Wednesday. He is an extensive planter; and says his crop of cotton this year is larger than any he has raised for six years, and that he still has twenty bales in the fields.
1-04-1895-John Farmer's store at the Cut-Off burned Sunday night, origin of the fire unknown.
1-04-1895-John Keathley came up from Forrest City last week, and is a guest of his aunt, Mrs. Margaret Alexander. Newcastle Times
1-04-1895-Judge John S. R. Cowan has been in town this week holding an adjourned term of the St.Francis County court. The principal business before the court was the consideration of applications for liquor license, there being four applications, viz: A. J. Vaccaro & Co., E. J. Badinellii, I. W. Mallory & Co., and M. V. Hancock. All were approved, and they pay a revenue aggregating to about $6,000 to state, county, and town.
1-04-1895-Miss Ada Sulcer, daughter of Mr. Ashall Sulcer, spent the holidays at home with her parents. She returned to Brinkley Tuesday morning, where she is attending school. Palestine Times
1-04-1895-Nash-W. E.--The community will regret to learn of the alarming symptoms of an unbalanced mind of W. E. Nash, photographer. For some time past his eccentricities have been marked, but no attention was paid more than to attribute it to his crankiness. Last night his condition grew worse. He cast everything within reach into the fire. His condition is contributed to severe illness last summer. Steps will be taken to take him to Little Rock for medical treatment.
1-04-1895-Notice: I have moved by butcher shop first door west of Blanton Building. Respectfully, G. W. Cook.
1-04-1895-O. C. Johnson has retired from the saloon business. Tez has a genial smile for all friends has been a liberal patron of The Times, and we regret his retirement.
1-04-1895-Our worthy townsman, Mr. C. C. Warr, is employed for the year by Wilkerson Banks & Co., as salesman. Much success to you Mr. Warr. Palestine Times
1-04-1895-Ring in the New Year: It was preciously freighted, the 9:43a.m. train on the L.R.& M. Ry., on the night of December 31, when it rolled out of the depot with a portion of the beauty and chivalry of Forrest City on their way to attend the New Year's Ball of the Social Club of Brinkley. The party consisted of John Collier and Mamie Webb, Sid Hayes and Lucille Dye, Peyton Scott and Alva Taylor, Harry Knight and Lillye Straub, Linn Turley and Miss Alice Rollwage, Tom Folbre and Maggie Clark, Walter Taylor and Ada McDaniel, Gordon Casteel and Lala Casteel, Virgil Owen and Minnie Rollwage, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Shade, Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Adkins, Will T. Webb and Claude Farley as rovers.
1-04-1895-Sidney Applewhite, of Lonoke, an old attaché of The Times, has accepted the position of foreman of the mechanical department. He is an experienced book and job printer, and has many old friends in Forrest City, who welcome his return.
1-04-1895-There will be a void in the social circles of our city, by the absence of Misses Maude and Pearl Farley. Their mother, Mrs. Jenkins left Wednesday for Memphis, accompanied by the young ladies and her son Jean, where they will reside in the future.
1-11-1895-Another Barn Burned. Last Wednesday night, a barn belonging to H. A. Martin, situated one and half miles from Palestine was destroyed by the torch of the incendiary. A colored man by the name of Jim White, had just removed to the place and had stored in the barn about 260 bushels of corn, one ton of cotton seed, and a lot of hay. The proposition is that bad men are taking advantage. The outrages must be stopped, and steps are being taken to attain that end. Later-Wednesday evening, Dep. Sheriff Wolf went to Palestine and arrested a negro named Jack Hardy, on warrant sworn to by Jim White, charging him with the burning. He was brought to this place and lodged in jail.
1-11-1895-Crowley Ridge Institute---Twenty new pupils have been enrolled within the past week, bringing the enrollment up to 250 pupils.. Among the new pupils may be mentioned, Miss Pearl Hale, Of Marianna, Ark.,Will Caldwell, of Caldwell, Bruce Smith, McDaniel, Earnest Fitzpatrick, New Castle, Edwin Colt, Montrose, Colo., Lizzie Vogel, Memphis, Tenn., Ethel Hughes, Haynes, Redford Cherry, Gainesville, Texas.
1-11-1895-Mr. N. I. Gant, the popular young salesman of the Racket store, left Tuesday for Pine Bluff, whither he goes to accept a lucrative position with onf that city's most prominent firms. We will miss he and his young wife.
1-11-1895-Henry McCoy, G. W. Littlefield, and F. W. DeRossitt, have put in claims to the county court for wild cat scalps. Each scalp calls for $2.50 in county scrip.
1-11-1895-Hon. L. P. Featherston, has been confined to his home for the past two weeks with neuralgia in his sightless eye. Last Saturday it was determined to remove the sightless eyeball. Dr. Edwards of Memphis, assisted by Dr. Cason of this city, performed the operation successfully. An abscess had formed at the back of the ball.
1-11-1895-John Edwards has returned after an absence of four months. He has formed a partnership with W. Whyte in the Stave business. They are deserving gentlemen and we wish them abundant success. Madison Times
1-11-1895-Mr. J. W. Crippen has moved his estimable family to town. They are living at the Brick. Madison Times
1-11-1895-Mrs. Jink Casteel and Mrs. Lon Casteel, of near Haynes, were in the city yesterday shopping, and on legal business.
1-11-1895-Mrs.Trudie Prude left Tuesday afternoon for her home, San Antonio, Texas, amid the regrets of her friends. Dave Bottoms accompanies her, having secured employment in that city.
1-11-1895-Our School-Twenty new pupils have been enrolled to the Crowley Ridge Institute. This brings their enrollment to 250. Among the new pupils may be mentioned: Miss Pearl Hale of Marianna, Will Caldwell of Caldwell, Ernest Fitzpatrick of Newcastle, Edwin Colt of Montrose, Colo., Ethel Hughes of Haynes, and Redford Cherry of Gainsville, Texas.
1-11-1895-Playing Whitecap: Last Monday, a couple men rode up to the quarters of the tenants on G. W. Cook's plantation, in Dark Corner, northwest of the city, and notified them to leave within 24 hours on peril of getting a scorching. The frightened tenants notified Mr. Cook, and he persuaded them to stay, under ample protection. A posse of determined men were sent secretly to the place, and a warm welcome awaited the miscreants. At a cabin on the place one of the party who had made the scorching threats was known to be, and his name had been reported to the posse who had been making preparations for an arrest when other evidence than that of the negro's could be secured, when on Wednesday one of the party asserted that it was all done as a joke. In times like these, immediately following the outrages in Prairie township, the authorities should learn these practical jokers a salutary lesson by a heavy fine and imprisonment. We could not learn the names of these jocular gentlemen.
1-11-1895-The ferry boat at this place is run by Thomas Cobble, Col. Peter Covington having resigned. Madison Times
1-11-1895-The proposition of Mr.George A. Izard, to donate nine acres of land to the county, for a poor house site, is receiving some attention from the powers that be. It is believed that the county would be the gainer by it. Most certainly the unfortunate inmates would be benefitted by a permanent home.
1-11-1895-W. W. Rainbolt has about recovered from the injuries caused by a wagon running over him, loaded with cotton. We are glad that he is able to resume his duties on the farm. Madison Times
1-18-1895-Alex Friedman, formerly of this city, but now of Florence, Ala., was married to Miss Sadie Falk, at Louisville, Ky., on Dec.31,1894.
1-18-1895-H. W. Lewis had the ill luck to lose his winter's meat. Some thief broke open his smoke house and cleaned up the place. Later, Dep.Sheriff Potts arrested Eli Piper Wednesday along with a boy named Peter Kelly, trial is set for Monday. 1-25-1895-Joe Kelly was discharged by Squire Nelson, he had been charged with concealing stolen property, because the evidence did not substantiate the charge. It was believed that he knew something about the meat stolen from H.W.Lewis' smoke house.
1-18-1895-Hubert W. Winthrop will take charge of the Forrest City Hotel on Feb.1. /2-1-1895-H. W. Winthrop took charge today, C. H. Beauchamp, the former proprietor, left for Camden, Ark., where he will take charge of large hotel.
1-18-1895-In the supreme court of Arkansas, last week, the case of M. E. Hatcher vs. A. D. Buford, et al, on appeal from St.Francis circuit court. The judgment of the lower court was affirmed as to the notes and real estate, bur reversed as to the bank stock, with directions to enter decrees in accordance. This gives to Mrs. Hatcher one-half the real estate in fee simple, and one-half the bank stock. The other half together with the notes of W. H. Buford remain in Mrs. A. B. Buford. The opinion was offered by Mr. Justice Wood.
1-18-1895-Jake Klein, formerly of this city, stopped over on his way home to Rector to see old friends.
1-18-1895-Madison Times:The stave mill is running full time now. B. D. Hatcher of your city was in town this week as well as T. O. Fitzpatrick. A. Whyte went to Clarendon on business this week. C. W. Dougherty of Wynne, is also visiting. Capt. J. G. Stern and James Hull have been in Blackfish this week looking after lumber. Miss Jessie Epps, our obliging post mistress, is visiting friends in Palestine this week. Will Kirksick was called home to the bedside of his sick mother last week. John Dougherty will leave in a few days for Benton, to take charge of a steam shovel. John is an excellent railroad man. Berry & Rainbolt have rented the Taylor and Fussell farm on the south side of the railroad.
1-18-1895-Mr. Leon Gunter, of Columbus, Miss., is visiting his the city with his cousin, Will Prude.
1-18-1895-Overland Cotton-Fifteen hundred bales of cotton from this place will be hauled to Madison and shipped via boat to Memphis next week. The high rate on the railroads is the cause. About forty five cents per bale will be saved by the overland route.
1-18-1895-St.Francis Co. Jail---The following list of inmates and their alleged crimes:Jim Cannon, murder;Will Guess, murder;Chas .Bobo, assault and robbery; Henry Garrett, assault with intent to kill;Jack Hardy, arson;John Rafferty, selling whiskey; Will Simmons, carrying a pistol. 1-25-1895-Jack Hardy, charged with barn burning at Palestine, was arraigned before Squire Nelson Monday. The evidence is sufficient to bind him over to await action of the grand jury.
1-18-1895-The Opera House-Smith and Johnson, the champion banjo soloists, James Crosby, the famous comedian, Al Watts, the best of all wing and buck dancers, Albert Brown, expert slack wire performer, P. G. Lowery, the cornet soloist, P. T. Wright, the iron basso, Mollie Smith, America's best colored soprano singer, Ida Lee Wright, the serpentine dancer, Emma Fogg, fancy dancer and the world famous Nashville Students Quartet, making the best and most refined colored company traveling, one night, Jan.19th.
1-18-1895-Wheatley Times:Mrs. John Hall and children spent two weeks in Little Rock on a visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Gray have moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Blakemore, who have moved to their home in the country. W. S. Brookes has lately moved to the Grohegan ranch, about a half mile from tonw, and Mr. Davis will soon move in from the country. Mr. Devane has sold his place in town to Mrs. Aldrich, and has moved out in the prairie where he and Dr. West will engage in the cattle business.
1-18-1895-Will Evans has purchased the Matthews residence, and will probably make it his home in the future. He has also disposed of his half interest in the Nash property, to Miss Maggie Nash.
1-25-1895-Adlai Word, has removed from the country back to their old homestead on Rosser St. in this city.
1-25-1895-An accident happened yesterday near Millbrook, nearly resulting in the death of a young man. Ernest Hoshall and Clarence Hines were hunting birds being about fifty yards apart. A covey of quail flushed between them, and in the excitement and haste to get a shot, Hoshall fired before the birds got beyond the range of his companion, who received the charge in his right shoulder and side. He fell to the ground and it was thought that he was fatally injured. He arose immediately, however, and sought medical attention. Dr. Webb examined the wounds, extracted the shot and found that no serious results would follow, more than being very painful.
1-25-1895-C. L. Camp, editor of the Western Advocate, or Camp's Emigrant Guide, and projector of emigrant excursions from the East to Texas, was in town Wednesday. The business men met him at Gen. Taylor's office, where he made a business propostion to the people of Forrest City, whereby St.Francis county would be liberally advertised throughout the land. Little Rock, Lonoke and Forrest City, have accepted his proposition. For a certain number of subscribers to his paper, he is to give each month during the year a descriptive letter of our county and its resources. A series of excursions will be given during the year, starting from Rochester, N. Y., and arrangements will be made whereby they will stop two days each in Little Rock, Lonoke, and Forrest City.
1-25-1895-County Court News---Administrators Approved:W. E. Williams adm'r. Mark Stanley;L. F. Dunn adm'r Albert J. Bowen;Thos. Phillips adm'r Bob Phillips;W. Lewis adm'r G. W. Seaborn Sr.
1-25-1895-County Court News---Dr. C. C. White was appointed the county physician at the rate of $200 per annum.
1-25-1895-County Court News---The following are the bids received for the keeping of the paupers for the year 1895:McDougal & Wingo-$10 per head;J. S. Crawford-$12.50 per head;Geo. Izard-$10. The contract was renewed with Geo. Izard.
1-25-1895-County Court News---The following are the bids to operate the ferry at Madison for the year 1895, and show that people know how to value their work:J. G. Trotman-$350;Tom Cobble-$257;W. A. Scales-$660;D.T horn-$395;J. H. Fisher-$350;Peter Covington-$700;A. Reed-$844. Mr. Tom Cobble was awarded the contract for low bid.
1-25-1895-Davis-Jefferson-Mrs.-Mrs. Jefferson Davis has just obtained possession of her deceased husband's memoirs as a result of a suit with publishers, and hopes soon to obtain the sheet and plates of his "Short History of the Confederacy".
1-25-1895-J. W. Williams has located at Wynne where he will embark in the dry goods business, and has just returned from St.Louis, where he purchased a fine stock. He has been identified with the business interests of Forrest City for many years, and The Times regrets to lose himself and wife from the business and social circles of our town.
1-25-1895-John C. Hanna, of Franks township, was here Wednesday with a lot of the finest turkeys ever brought to town. He received $1 each for them.
1-25-1895-John Nichols returned from Lyons, Miss., Friday. He had little Bard filled up to the brim with everything that market could afford.
1-25-1895-Miss Etta Paslay returned home Sunday from Boliver county, Miss, where she had been visiting with Mrs.Maggie Beard the past month.
1-25-1895-Mrs.John Ward left Tuesday evening for Colliersville, Tenn., which place she will make her future home.
1-25-1895-Nearly everybody has noticed the little bay plug that is driven to the express wagon by Sam Scott, and but few people believed otherwise that Scott had owned him for ages. Tuesday's train brought Jim Houston of LaGrange, who claimed ownership to the plug. A friend of his passing through Forrest City had noticed the horse, and informed him of his whereabouts. He claims to have lost the horse on Feb.22,1893, and Scott says he bought him from a negro for $80 about that time. From a description of the negro, he was recognized as an inmate of the penitentiary, having been sent there for stealing a horse from Major Horner, of Helena. It will be a great loss to Scott to give up the horse, as he has been unfortunate this year.
1-25-1895-Price McDaniel and family left for Hot Springs last Sunday, on account of Mr. Mc's. health, he being sorely afflicted with rheumatism. They will rent a dwelling and presumably remain their some time. Prof. George L. Jackson will take charge of Mr. McDaniel's farm and business. He removed his family to the farm yesterday.
1-25-1895-R. E. Powell & Co. of Searcy, after trying fortune making in Forrest City for two weeks, packed their goods Monday and returned to our sister city.
1-25-1895-Sach's Mercantile Co., folded its tent and glided silently away for other pastures green. They made things jump while here, and we regret their going.
1-25-1895-Silas Harris, colored, fell into the hands of Marshall Monroe, Wednesday, charged with stealing sardines from the Chinaman. Mayor Winthrop taxed him $16 and one day in the calaboose for his fish lunch.
1-25-1895-State Representative---St.Francis Co.-William J. Matthews
1-25-1895-T. F. Jackson, has severed his connection with Gorman & Barrow, and left yesterday evening for Cherry Valley, where he contemplates embarking in the mercantile business on his own hook.
1-25-1895-T. M. Short, formerly of this place, but for three years a resident of Winchester, Tenn., returned Friday and will be employed at Fussell Graham & Co.'s. He has been in the hotel business at Winchester.
1-25-1895-Tuesday night about 10 or 11 o'clock, John I. Jones heard an unusual noise in the cell part of the jail. Suspecting something wrong, he called to his assistance Dep.Wolff and Jailor Hawkins. On entering the cell room it was found that Jack Hardy and Jim Wallace, both colored, had broken their bedstead and were using the iron as a lever and had broken the lock and some bars in their cell. But for the gentle hearing and timely interference of Dep.Jones, in fifteen minutes more, the jail would have been cleared of prisoners. We feel the walls of the cell room shoud be lined with steel plates, as in their present condition they offer no obstacle in the way of escape after the prisoners are out of the rotten cells. And the iron bedsteads should be replaced with hammocks.
1-25-1895-Visitors to town include Hiram Houston of Widener; W. S. Hughes of Haynes; A. Vontrain of Palestine; C. Farr of Colt; J. A. Whittenton, of St.Francis County; W. E. Allen of St.Francis county, who has been here since 1886; J. F. Lynch of near Haynes as happy as a lark; John David of Dark Corner, on Dec.1st he was anonymously warned to discharge all negro laborers on his place or suffer the consequences. He did so and says he has "no fight with the whitecaps." He tills ome 60 acres. Henry Banks of Palestine; Mrs. L. C. Taylor of Colt; Mrs. Anthony D. Davis of Newcastle; J. Laughinghouse who has been living near Bay Village the past year, and has returned to Haynes, his former residing place; John L. Lanier of Wynne, and a popular freight conductor on the Iron Mountain;
1-25-1895-Wheatley Times:Miss Carrie Beauchamp is visitng relatives at Marianna, where she will spend some time. There was a pleasant sociable at the residence of Ben Henderson last Friday evening. Five new pupils have been enrolled in the Wheatley school this week, making 85. We are glad to say that John Hammond who has been ill for several weeks is now up again. Mrs. Mollie Bradford and her mother, Mrs.Lovejoy moved here from Brinkley last week, and are occupying Mrs.Bradford's home, lately occupied by Mrs. Monasco. Rev. W. W. Hendricks, of Haynes, visited our town Tuesday. The many friends of Mr.Hendricks are glad to note his great improvement in his health.
1-25-1895-Whitecaps---John David of Dark Corner, was in town Wednesday. On Dec.1st, he was anonymously warned to discharge all laborers on his place, or suffer the consequences. He did so, and says he has "no fight to make on the white caps."
1-25-1895-Price McDaniel---Price McDaniel and family left for Hot Springs last Sunday, on account of Mr. Mc's health, he being sorely inflicted with rheumatism. Prof. Geo. L. Jackson will take charge of McDaniel's farm and business.
2-01-1895-Forrest City will lose two of her most promising young business men in the persons of William Webb and James Dennis, Jr., who have purchased the drug fixtures of H. W. Winthrop, replenished the stock with fresh drugs, and contemplate opening business in Brinkley.
2-01-1895-Jim Coleman, who was tried at Widener three weeks ago by J. W. McSlarron (McLaren?) and plead guilty to assault and battery, was given a new hearing, because he thought he had plead guilty to an assault only. Mr. B. J. Williams was in attendance upon the new trial in behalf of the defendant.
2-01-1895-L. B. Fussell, of St.Louis, arrived in the city Wednesday on a flying visit to relatives, and leaves this evening accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Colt, who returns to her Colorado home.
2-01-1895-McClellan, E. B., Col.- A gloom was cast over the family of W. S. Durborow Wednesday, occasioned by the telegram from Greensburg, Pa., conveying the sad intelligences of the death of Mrs. Durborow's father, Col. W. B. McClellan. The message was not wholly unexpected, as the gentleman received a slight injury several months ago in a railroad accident. He was seventy years of age at the time of his death.
2-01-1895-Misses Lady Tarpley and Alice Myrick, of Haynes, are charming guests of Mr.and Mrs. O. A. Ezell this week.
2-01-1895-Mrs. J. D. Thomas, of Winchester, Tenn., arrived in the city Monday, and will make her home at the residence of her brother, Capt.James Fussell.
2-01-1895-Notice to Ferry Boat Builders---County Judge Cowan announced the bids will be received for building a new Madison ferry, bids due by Feb.4,1895. On Feb.25 it was announced that J. W. Beck won the bid with $147.50.
2-01-1895-R. Williams, of Detroit, Michigan, arrived in the city Tuesday, and has leased the southside barber shop. He thinks of moving to the north side and fitting up first-class parlors.
2-01-1895-W. R. Parham familiarly known as "Uncle Billy of the low ground," who has been residing at Mud Lake for a number of years, will shake the Arkansas mud off his feet, and leave for Hernando, Miss., where he will engage in the poultry business. Everyone wagers he will return at an early day.
2-01-1895-Wheatley Times:Miss Annie Pace, of Palestine, is boarding with Dr. and Mrs. J. B. West, and attending the Wheatley school. Lucious Diamond, of Ringville, visited last week, accompanied on his return by Miss Eola Diamond, who will remain some time. George Walker of Goodwin, came over Friday evening to attend the supper at Mrs. Charles Hemenway's. Mrs. E. P. Crowe will leave Friday to visit her mother at Sikeston, Mo., and on her return will join her husband at Holly Grove, where they will make their home the next two years.
2-08-1895-Another unfortunate accident happened last Saturday morning, about two miles from town, the result of having too quick with the gun. Bob Hardee and Dave Cogsdell were rabbit hunting near the McVey farm, and a cotton tail was jumped between them, and Hardee wheeled around, cocking his gun at the same time. It is supposed his fingers were benumbed with cold and the gun was distcharged. Its contents just grazing Cogsdell's knee with about forty five shot across the leg and entered just below the knee cap. Dr. White as summoned and dressed the wound. It is feared the limb will remain stiff.
2-08-1895-Claud Miller---About Dec.16th, the 9:40 train from Memphis brought to this city a young man who proved by the seaman's discharge to be Claud Miller. He enquired of his cousin G.W.Kirby. He never made it to the Kirby home and is reported to be a a victim of foul play.
2-08-1895-H. A. Martin, of Palestine, was here Tuesday evening bidding many friends goodbye. He is moving to Fayetteville to reside.
2-08-1895-Izard-John-Dr.-Wheatley-Dr. John Izard visited his two sisters, Mesdames. Beauchamp and Hemenway the first of the week.
2-08-1895-Last Monday night the storehouse of Holwell Bros. in Palestine was broken into and the shelves farely stripped. Around $300 worth of goods were taken, no clues to the burglars.
2-08-1895-Madison Times:Misses Minnie Crippen and Jessie Epps have been visiting with Mrs. L. H. McGuffee the past few days. Bob Berry spent last Sunday in Marianna; Frank Clemens of Clarendon, is here speculating in staves; Frank Wintker went to Clarendon last Satureday in the interest of a stave mill; James Crippen and Thomas Humphreys went to Colt this week to see the old folks at home;
2-08-1895-Mr. Ryall who had the misfortune to have his arm cut off in Beck's gin some time since, was in town last Tuesday and reported that the evil goddess had again visited his household in the form of fire, that destroyed his house and its contents near the Jones farm north of the city.
2-08-1895-Sinking of Cyclone---Madison-Martin Bartuschen was in Madison Tuesday and said the Cyclone, the gasoline boat that lay here for some time, blew up near the Cut-Off, totally destroying the boat, all the crew and passengers, some eight or nine passengers, no names were obtained. 2-15-1895-Martin Bartusen, who lives near to Madison and reported the matter, and claimed that all on board were frightfully burned, which included two families and the crew. Window glass was reported broken up to a mile from the scene.
2-08-1895-The thermometer registered seven below zero during the night of Wednesday, this is a record since the night of Feb.2,1886.
2-08-1895-Thomas Nichols, of Byhalia, Miss., brother of J. M. Nichols, of this city, has accepted a position with Agent Bard.
2-08-1895-W. Guest, colored, in jail on a charge of murder, was unshackled yesterday on account of illness.
2-08-1895-Warning Order by Collector for the St.Francis Co.Levee District:A. H. Chatfield; B. F. Lommis; N. W. Moon;M. W. Carmack; Myers & Sneed; G. W. Christy; T. H. Milburn; E. T. Milburn; W. H. Chatfield; A. M. Nelson; L and C Wise; Mrs. I. W. Moon; Heirs of John T. Burns; H. Newman; William J. Brinkley; J. M. Moon; Beck & Dickerson; M. W. Whitsett; William Miley.
2-08-1895-Wheatley Times: Dr.J. R. West went to Brinkley on business Saturday; Mrs.W.B.Brooks returned Friday from a visit of several weeks to her daughter, Mrs.Robert Hinton of Forrest City; Dr.John Izard visited his sisters Mesdames Beauchamp and Hemenway the first of the week; T.J. Stout spent Sunday visiting the family at his brother in law, Rev. W. W. Hendricks, who is lately moved there from Haynes; Mrs. I. Goldberg was the projector of a donation party last Friday evening for the benefit of the new pastor, Rev. Anderson; George Smith is at home for a visit; Mrs. J. R. West and your correspondent visited Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson of Palestine, going over on Friday evening and returning on Sunday.
2-08-1895-William Bauman, who forged an order of L. R. Grobmyer, about three years ago, and was sentenced to five years imprisonment, was pardoned last Monday by Gov. Clark because his conviction was brought about on a misapprehension. It was shown that Bauman forged an order, not a draft or bill of exchange, and that he was sentenced on a section of the statutes imposing penaly for forging drafts. The penalty of forging an order is less than the other.
2-08-1895-Williams---Wheatley-Mr.& Mrs. Williams are the proud possessors of a fine baby boy.
2-15-1895-A carload of horses, belonging to E. A. Rolfe, arrived in Forrest City Saturday on the Iron Mountain, in a damaged condition. Sixteen of them were injured, supposed to be by careless switching.
2-15-1895-For Marshall:The Times is authorized to announce Mr. M. L. Monroe, as a candidate for re-election for the incorporated town of Forrest City.
2-15-1895-J. W. Moore has opened the French Kitchen, in the rear of the Hancock building, conducted upon the restaurant plan, and will be pleased to have a share of your patronage.
2-15-1895-John D. Brown, for years The Times faithful porter, returned from Gum Springs last Thursday where he had been attending school, and has resumed his old position.
2-15-1895-Mrs. C. L. Eggleston has been spending the past week with friends in our city. She was the guest of Mrs. J. E. Stone and Mrs. C. L. Knight, although every door in town is open to her.
2-15-1895-No young man is supposed to be in the swim unless he has a race horse. Virgil Owen joined the majority Tuesday by the purchase of a thoroughbred at auction for $195 paid.
2-15-1895-Rev. J. A. Mason has accepted a call to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of this city. The services will be held the first and third Sundays in each month.
2-22-1895-Ed Mallory is erecting a beautiful cottage on the John Mallory farm, north of the city, where he will reside.
2-22-1895-J. B. Beck, of this city, has been awarded the contract to build the corvette for the ferry at Madison, the bid was $147.50.
2-22-1895-J. W. Beck, accompanied his brother Joe to Memphis Monday. Several weeks ago, Joe cut his leg severely, and no improvement having taken place, it seemed advisable to place him in the St.Joseph's hospital.
2-22-1895-Madison Times: W. F. Eppes has been on the sick list for the last few days. Mrs. Litton has been very sick, but is thought to be convalescent. J. T. Crippen, of Colt, has been visiting with friends. James Crippen has returned in the employ of Gurley & Minor. J. E. Mallory has been in the village several times of late.
2-22-1895-More Visitors:W. M. Hill up from Haynes Wednesday. John Curtis of Haynes was in town Thursday, looking sprightly as a sixteen year old. J. B. Hodges of Yocona, was in town yesterday on business. Dr. Paul Bishop of Colt, a physician, was here yesterday. Charles H. Sanders, the affable cashier of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, came up smiling yesterday morning, it was the anniversary of his 37th birthday.
2-22-1895-N. B. Forrest Confederate Encampment---Their will be a meeting on Saturday at 2 pm at The Times office for an business of an important nature.
3-1-1895-Widener-John--Widener station was represented in town Monday in the person of John Widener, for whom the station was named.
2-22-1895-Visitors:Representative Matthews paid us a visit on Saturday. He says the House reminds him of a big school without the decorum. A. C. Wood was up from his country home Tuesday. Anderson Reed is in command of the ferry at Madison. Ed Wilkinson of Palestine was in town Wednesday. A. Ashworth of The Cut-Off, was in town on business on Tuesday. R. E. Hinton contemplates embarking in the business of hauling. Robert Brown of Telico township was down Wednesday on business. W. H. Holmes was in town Monday. Miss Lily Straub of Helena, was the guest of Miss Alva Taylor last week. Mrs.M.A.Hood of Franks township was shopping in town Monday. L. O. McDaniel was in town Wednesday circulating among numerous friends. Judge Cowan was in town the first of the week attending to some minor court matters. Mrs. V. B. Izard left Monday for Howell to spend a few days with her son and daughter. W. H. Smith, a good citizen of Franks township was in town Saturday. J. H. Bard was called to Little Rock by the death of his infant grandchild at that place. Assessor James Brown was here Wednesday on business. Virgie Aldridge entertained quite a number of her little friends in celebrating her 9th birthday. J. A. Jones, of Palestine, was in town Monday on business. He is one of the most successful planters in the county and finds no comfort in talking hard times.
2-22-1895-W. L. Prewitt, of Pike County, Missouri, is on a visit to his brother, G. C. Prewitt, of this county.
2-22-1895-Wheatley Times:George Smith visited his sister, Mrs. A. A. McClendon, at Ringville last week. John Freeman, who has been quite ill for several weeks with the grippe, is now up and out again. Miss Eola Diamond has accepted the school at Ringville effective March 1. Dr. John Izard, of Snap, is spending a few days with relatives here. Rev. E. P. Crowe, now of Holly Grove, visited us Friday in Wheatley and attended the valentine party. Others attending at the Hemenway home were: Miss Grace, Paul Brookes, T. J. Stout, Henry Smith, Ernest and Jeff and Tom.
3-01-1895-Alleged White Capper Acquitted:Al Counts, on trial for white capping, the case being a change of venue to Greene Co. from Craighead, was acquitted at Paragould. On the night of Apr.1,1893, George Black, a Spainard, living 2 ½ miles from Jonesboro was visited by a gang of white caps. He refused them admittance, and was killed. He, however, killed William J. Metcalf before being slain. Eight men were arrested, and among them was Les J. Ware, a prominent attorney of Jonesboro. Ware was convicted, and is now serving at two year's sentence in the penitentiary. Counts and several others had their cases postponed several times, and finally took a change of venue to Greene County.
3-01-1895-Frank Ake, editor of the Marianna Index, gave us a call on Saturday.
3-01-1895-Gurley-Ed-Captain-Captain Ed Gurley, of Madison, has procured captain and engineer's license and is in charge of the little steamer Marguerite.Sailing on the St.Francis river to pursue general freighting, timber towing, and stave business.
3-01-1895-Johnson-Bud--Wheatley-Bud Johnson and family have moved out in the country on one of Israel Goldberg's places.
3-01-1895-Judge R. T.Scott's nomination for postmaster of Forrest City has been confirmed, and the Judge will succeed Mrs. D. M.Wilson, who has made a good officer.
3-01-1895-Jury List:Grand Jury-Sol Lewis, Virgil Owen, Van Granberry, W. C. Beazley, J. M. Hall, J. M. Higgins, Sr., J. E. Eldridge, W. A. McRae, N. B. Harris, J. W. Aven, J. J. Wood, and J. A. Lindsey./Alternates:L. R. Grobmyer, W. R. Adkins, N. B. Young, Sam Ashworth, W. P. Remley, J. W. Patterson, J. A. Whittenton, Sr., J. W. Posey, Creed Moore, and August Vogel.
3-01-1895-Petit Jury:W. C. Houston, Peter Covington, Ed Bonner, Jr., Green Devazier, J. M. Devazier, B. G. Perkins, Louis Davenport, H. P. Gorman, J. W. Rogers, Thad Sellers, W. S. Brookes, R. L. Stockard, J. J. Withers, R. E. Arnold, W. H. Aldridge, E.L. Horton, J.S.Giles, Joe Kelly, Coda Fowler, W. A. Scales, B. F. McCrary, Drew Humphreys, George P. Walker, and S. P. McDaniel. Alternates:Ed Peevey, T. D. Barker, Ed South, Ed Davis, J. P. Pounders, Peterson Jackson, W. B. Mann, and Will Duncan.
3-01-1895-Scott Barnes, a prosperous colored planter of this county, killed a hog last week that was larger than a mule with which he made 16 bales of cotton last year on his Madison place. It weighed 560 pounds gross, this beats cotton.
3-01-1895-T. C. Merwin, now occupies the residence on North Washington Street, formerly occupied by Judge Hinton, who removed to his residence on Church street on Monday.
3-01-1895-The Craighead County Sun, usually guileless and discreet, up with the times, and a champion of the people's rights, has been duped by the enemies of the St.Francis Co. Levee district into publishing the following unprincipled insinuation that there is something dark about the expenditures of the board, which will not bear the light of investigation.
3-01-1895-Visitors: Shap Horne came over from the Bluff City Sunday. Judge Cowan was in town Wednesday on court matters. Hiram Houston of Widener, was in town Monday. Emmett Mallory from the bottoms was in town Monday. E. A. Long of Little Rock spent the day on Sunday. H. P. Rogers, president of the St.Francis Levee Board, was in town Monday. Mrs. J. Q. Roberts and children, of Widener, were here on Saturday. E.T.Oliver of Caldwell, was a caller Monday. John R. Jarratt, a prominent merchant of Marianna, registered at the hotel Monday. George Ben Daniel, Of Haynes, was on our streets Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Hodges and niece, Miss Katie Casey were in town Wednesday. Mrs. H. R. Shade and Miss Fannie Winthrop, paid the Bluff City a visit last Sunday. Widener station was represented in town Monday in the person of John Widener, after whom the station was named.
3-01-1895-Wheatley Times: J. R. West is in Memphis this week. George Walker of Goodwin, spent Sunday visiting "friends." George Smith returned to Phillips Co. Monday, where he will make his home this year. Bud Johnson and family have moved out to the country on one of Israel Goldberg's places. Tom Bramel and Ed .Flimer are at Pine City, where they will remain sometime at work on a bridge. Tom Bramel, Meston Payne, Michael Williams, and your correspondent, spent Sunday in Brinkley. A case of small pox in Brinkley has a quarantine in place. Last Thursday, a negro named Will Taylor, sold a young horse to Mr. J. C. Poole. He claimed to have been burnt out, and hired to Mr. Poole for wages. He was fitted out for a new suit of clothes, hat, provisions, etc. On Friday morning he had skipped. Meanwhile, the postmaster received a postal notice describing the horse and saddle as one stolen from a Mr. Jarret, at Marvel. Mat Poole went to Brinkley, and patiently waited till the night train, when the negro was attempting to board, and seized him, and made him march to the Mayor's office, where he obtained a warrant. A reward by Mr. Jarret for the negro, helped in the costs of Mr. Poole.
3-08-1895-A date was made last week, on a guarantee, for the appearance of Paul Alexander Johnstone, the mind reader.
3-08-1895-Ad: I am prepared for all kinds of Carriage painting, Buggies, Carts, etc. I use the best brands of material made, do good work and, will try, to satisfy you in price. N. W. Jackson.
3-08-1895-Canning Factory Sold---The Forrest City Canning Factory was sold at private sale Tuesday by A. M. Nash & Company, to the Tennessee Pickle Co., and has been removed to the suburbs of Memphis. Mr. C. T. O'Ferrell, the general manager of the pickle company preferred to remain here but the excessive freight rates made the move necessary.
3-08-1895-Forrest City has nothing in the way of contagious disease. And the rumor at Wynne to the effect that small pox is prevalent here, is absolutely false and without a scintilla of evidence to back it up.
3-08-1895-Jericho Times:The weather is very pretty now and the farmers have began to clean up their ground. Dr.George has been in our vicinity, for the past two weeks and gave entertainments at Bible Union church. Miss Mollie Gray visited Mrs. Sena Webb last week. Dock Tacket and Miss Cora Clifton were married last week, W.T.Ellis officiating. James Tacket made a flying trip to Colt Station Saturday, and returned Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. Johnson are visiting with her father near Widener Station this week.
3-08-1895-John Rafferty, who has been languishing in jail for the past month or so on account of his inability to pay a fine of $800 for violating the liquor law, was released yesterday, his relatives having given bond for the payment of the same.
3-08-1895-L. R. Grobmyer and G. N. Laughinghouse are into, the cattle business "for all it is worth," and have about 150 head in their pen near the Fair Grounds.
3-08-1895-Ollie Berry, colored, who makes It a business to violate almost every statute, was before his honor, Mayor Winthrop, Wednesday morning, charged with carrying a pistol as a weapon, and with discharging firearms within the corporate limits. He pleaded not guilty, but failed to establish his innocence in view of the fact that four witnesses saw him with the gun. He was fined $50 on count one, and $25 on count two. He will work out the fine working on the streets.
3-08-1895-Street commissioner McClendon has opened the spring campaign by building a new sidewalk on Chruch street from South Front, to North Front, a much needed improvement.
3-08-1895-The old pioneer, hunter, and all around good citizen, Joe Winford, presented a historic and beautiful pari of deer horns to a member of The Times staff this week.
3-08-1895-Visitors: Uncle Dan Henderson, of Cross county, paid a visit on Saturday. Notwithstanding his eighty years. Uncle Dan is as sprightly as a young buck. Miss Bell Williams was visiting friends at Wynne last week. J. K.H ancock is preparing to build a large storehouse at Colt. Sam Swan was down Tuesday on business, and shaking hands with numerous friends. E. H. Jackson, of Cherry Valley, spent Sunday and Monday with the old folks at home. We are informed that W. S. Hughes of Haynes, will rebuild part of his large brick store building in the near future. Miss Willie James of Madison, has been in the city several days this week. Her school above Madison was closed. Judge George Sibly of Lonoke, is in town looking after the interests of his clients, who have cases in the circuit court. Mrs.B.D.Hatcher spent Sunday in the borough of Widener. John M. Daggett of Marianna, is in the city on professional business to litigants in the circuit court. Mebane Koonce, formerly of this city, now of Wynne, was in the city Sunday, the guest of his charming cousin, Miss Alva Taylor. William Legg, of Wynne, a very popular young mand of that city, was circulating among his fair acquaintances in this city Sunday. W. A. Strong, of St.Augustine, colored Episcopal lay-reader, was in the city Tuesday looking over the city Tuesday as to the feasibility of starting a colored Episcopal church.
3-08-1895-W. H. Smith exhibited in The Times office Saturday, an alligator's head, measuring five and a half inches between the eyes, and fourteen inches in length. It was caught in Big Lake in the St.Francis bottoms.
3-08-1895-Wheatley Times: George Walker of Goodwin, spent Sunday in Wheatley. Misses Annie Pace and Gray Taylor spend the weekend in Palestine. Henry Smith spent the first of the week in Helena. Miss Maud Franklin of Brinkley, visited Mrs.Bradford this week. Miss Perry Gillispie of Brinkley, is spending more time with the home folks. We are sorry to announce the serious illness of Mrs. H. O. Howell this week. Hall of Honor at Wheatley School for February:Deportment:Caldonia Wheeler, Lillie West, Ella Lyon, Maggie McPhaul, Alice Bramel, Annie Pace, Winnie Neeley, Fannie Monasco; Scholarship:Willington Bourke, George Diamond, Alice Bramel, Hennie Lyon, Minnie Neeley, Iney West, Ella Lyon, Amy Diamond, Siamie Lyon, Ethel Diamond, and Grace Hemenway. Major A. J. Carter of Clarendon, was over last week looking after his interest in the stave mill. Mr. Holt, of Grand Rapids, Mich., arrived here last week. He is brother in law of Frank Moa, whose death was mentioned two weeks ago. Mrs.Moa and her four beautiful children left Wednesday to make their home in Grand Rapids. Prof.Sisk, of Haynes, was in town Tuesday to see the school directors. We also noticed Prof. George L. Jackson of your city on our streets this week. Frank Wintker went over to Clarendon Monday to see his sister, Mrs. Raff, who met with the sad misfortune to get her hand and arm badly burned. Cicero Hull, on of our gallant beaux was calling at the brick last Wednesday night. Our young friend, T. L. Humphries, has established a plow factory in town. Tom is a most enjoyable young man. Charles Stilwell had a fine mare to die Wednesday with the colic. Al Quigley, after spending several days in the village, returned to Alligator Bayou. J. L. Baxter, the prince of good of fellows will leave next Monday for Shelbyville, Ind., where he will spend some time with his daughter who is attending school there. We understand that the school board have employed Prof.Sanders, of Forrest City, to teach the public school at this place.
3-15-1895-Alley-W. H.-Dr.-Dr. W. H.Alley went to St.Louis Wednesday night to procure pure vaccine virus for the purpose of vaccinations of every man, woman and child.
3-15-1895-City Council Meeting: Members present, H. W. Winthrop, Mayor; James A. Mason, recorder; Aldermen W. H. Alley, J. D. Baugh, and Walter Gorman.
3-15-1895-If properly completed, the waterworks will eventually increase the value of all property in Forrest City, reduce the rate of insurance, and furnish a much needed convenience.
3-15-1895-John Cox, of Yocona, was in town Monday, and gave us a pleasant call. He had just been paid the last of the judgment rendered against he and others by the probate court some time ago in the case of W. P. and J. A. Evans vs. W. J. Matthews, guardian, and his receipt in full. He says this matter cost him some $2,600.
3-15-1895-Knight-C. L.-Captain-Col. H. Brelsford of Anderson, Indiana was a visitor in the city Wednesday on business and visiting relatives, Capt. C. L. Knight.
3-15-1895-Newcastle Times: Ernest Fitzpatrick spent Sunday with homefolks. Lee, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Horton has been quite ill. Miss Opehlia Stout who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hendrix, of Brinkley, for quite awhile, is expected home soon. Mrs. Lillie McKnight is spending a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. McKnight. She has been ill, but we are glad to learn much improved. Miss Dovie Bailes left Sunday for Levesque, where she will take charge of a private school. Messrs. Newton Deadrick of Levesque, and Paul Murphy, of Wynne, were visitors the last of the week. Roll of Honor for Newcastle school Week ending Mar.8,1895: Tom Buffett, Delma Hamilton, Addie Horney, Bob Bailes, and Julia Walls. Esq. Dorris was on the streets of Forrest City a few days ago, the first time since the days of December. The mighty hand of the grippe from which he is recovering, show plainly throughout the life lines of his being.
3-15-1895-Notice of Administrators of Estates:J. M. Higgins for J. L. Dangeau; B. Manning for Newby Hasket; G. W. McCormick for L. A. McCormick; Sam Worrell for Esther Wilson; H. A. Martin for Joseph McGowan; J. S. Fitch for G. W. Wilson; H. W. Lewis for George W. Seaborn; D. M. Darden for Mary Jones; posted T. C. Folbre, Clerk.
3-15-1895-Our fellow townsman, Will Jackson is now a full fledged doctor. He has associated himself with an experienced physician in Herndon, Miss. In a letter to his brother, he has practiced two week, and booked $50, and collected five and cow and calf.
3-15-1895-Proceedings of the Circuit Clerk: Judge H. N. Horton presiding, and John T. Hicks, Prosecuting Attorney in the interest of the State:Magistrates N. B.Nelson, P. D. Boyle, B. D. Ables, J. D. Griggs, and H. C. Smith, for failing to make certain official reports, plead guilty to malfeasance in office and were fined $1;State vs. Walter Guess, murder; state vs. Will Simmons, carrying pistol, verdict not guilty; State vs. Charles and Albert Applewhite, grand larceny, dismissed by jury; State vs. H. E. T. Jones, assault with intent to kill, one year in penitentiary; State vs. Ed.Reeves, carrying pistol, plead guilty and fined $50.
3-15-1895-Small Pox Quarantine---March 12,1895-Be it resolved that a quarantine against the small pox be imposed henceforth. Committee: Pres. J. E. Stone; Dr. W. H. Alley; E. T.Gray;and Ed Landvoigt.
3-15-1895-Visitors to Forrest City: Joseph Kelley, of L'Anguille, is in town on the petit jury. A singular accident happened in this city last Friday afternoon, whereby J. L.Henley of Goodwin, lost the sight of one eye. He was seated in the I. H. Lutz's undertaking establishment, where some boys were spinning tops on the floor. The string fouled on one of them, and threw against a coffin box, from whence it rebounde and struck Henley in the eye. Messrs, Newt. Deadrick, Mebane Koonce, and John Brewster of Wynne in the city Sunday visiting three of our charming young ladies.
3-15-1895-Visitors to the City:Mrs. R. P. Burnes of Wynne, was in town last Friday, and was a welcome visitor at the meeting of the K. & L. of H. J. A. Lindsey of Near Haynes, is serving on the grand jury, and holds the position of clerk in that august body. Capt. W. H. Pearce, of Goodwin, was noticed among the numerous visitors on Monday. Peterson Jackson, of Blackfish, has been in town this week attending court as a petit juror. S. J. Jordan, of Near Haynes was in Wednesday. Dr. J. D. McKnight was in town yesterday. J. J. Evans, of Fayetteville, was in town yesterday. Col. H. Brelsford of Anderson, Ind., arrived Wednesday as the guest of Capt. C. L. Knight. R. A. Haynie has been in town several days. Prof. F. M. Malone leaves Friday for home in Capleville, Tenn. for family reunion. Illness by W. H. Izard, and Mrs. Walter Lewis this week, and Virgil Owen. Others on the petit jury, G. D. Baker, or Madison, and W. C. Houston of Widener. Mrs. R. L. Stanley and children arrived in Forrest City last week, and are comfortabley situated in the Baptist parsonage.
3-22-1895-A Haynes correspondent in a Marianna paper, after noticing in that village of Gordon Casteel, Charles Gurry, and J. P. Blanton of Forrest City, says it seems that the Forrest City boys are "kinder jubious" of the grand jury now in session.
3-22-1895-A quit claim deed from John C.Lynch and wife to Philander Littell was lost between Forrest City and the home of Dan Wylds, Wednesday. Please leave at office of The Times if found
3-22-1895-A specimen of marl was laid on our desk this week by M. N. Gaines, which he extracted from the great marl bed between the city and Madison. This marl is composed of oyster and other shells, thousands of years old, and the bed in in a fine state of decomposition and consequently is a fine fertilizedr. There are several hundred acres in this bed and we are informed that it is owned by a company in Cincinnati.
3-22-1895-Judge H. N. Hutton was too indisposed to continue on the bench, and ex-Circuit Judge, Grant Green, Jr., of Searcy, being present, was chosen by the bar to continue, and relieved him Tuesday.
3-22-1895-Miss Florence Davenport, after an absence of several months, returned to Forrest City Friday. Mrs. W. J. Matthews has joined her husband at Little Rock, after a delightful visit to Middle Tennessee. Capt. J. P. McDonald was in town yesterday, and he reports Mrs. McDonald is still confined to her bed with illness. She has been an invalid for nearly a year. Dr. C. R. Esterbrooke, of New York, en-route to Texas, stopped over Sunday and Monday to visit his uncle, Capt. C. L. Knight. Mrs. J. E. Stone is still in Memphis visiting and comforting relatives recently bereaved by the death of Capt. Elisha Evans. Sterling Price McDaniel and family returned from Hot Springs to Franks township, they had been sojourning several weeks, and had to run the gauntlet of the Health officers of all the towns where they wished to exchange cars, but finally after a circuitous route, reached their native heath safely.
3-22-1895-Proceedings of the Circuit Court:State vs.Walter Guess, guilty of manslaughter, 4 years in penitentiary; State vs. Ira Coffey and Mose Bobo, assault with intent to kill, Coffey two years, one for Bobo; State vs.Henry Garrett, assault with intent to kill, subpoena to Crittenden Co.; State vs.Gilan Gaines, abusive language, subpoena to Sheriff of Monroe Co.; State vs. Warren Taylor, continued.
3-22-1895-Wheatley Times: George Walker of Goodwin, visited on Sunday. The young people enjoyed a sociable at the home of J. M. Lovejoy on Friday. Wheatley has been subject to a wholesale vaccination, and as the small pox has not made its appearance here so far, but little fears are entertained of an epidemic. Miss Higgs of Tupelo, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.W.W.Anderson, for some weeks, returned home a few days ago. Miss Eola Diamond has accepted a position of principal of the Ringville school district. A letter from Rev.E.P.Crowe states that he and his wife are quarantined for fifteen days a half mile out from Holly Grove, as a penalty for having visited Brinkley. Miss Dora Anderson entered school at Wheatley last week, making enrollment at 91. William Murphy and brother expect to move to country place owned by Dr.J. R.West, where they will engage in cattle business with Dr.West. Capt. Ewen of Louisville, Ky., is visiting with his friend, P. J. Neeley. Miss Daisy Bigham, of Palestine, is boarding with Mrs.Ben Henderson and attending school here.
3-29-1895-Circuit Court Proceedings: State vs.David Grant, abusive language and disturbing the peace, guilty; State vs. Joe Campbell, false imprisonment, not guilty; State vs.Wash Ankrum, assault with intent to kill, Guilty, fined $1.;State vs. Henry Webb, murder, continued; State vs. L. H. Potts, carrying pistol, not guilty; State vs. Tom Tatum, disturbing the peace, guilty, fined $1.;State vs. Lunia Pryor, disturbing the peace, guilty, fined $5.
3-29-1895-City Waterworks---The well for the waterworks has reached a depth of 350 feet with no water yet.
3-29-1895-Gen. George P. Taylor, went to Memphis Friday to meet his niece, Miss Lena O'Brien, of Oklahoma Territory. They remained until Monday. She will stay here for some time. Miss Florence Davenport was taken suddenly ill Monday afternoon, being unconscious for several hours. They telegraphed her brother Dan due to this and he made his appearance arriving on the train Monday.
3-29-1895-Institute Teachers Enrolled---The following teachers were enrolled:Mrs. B. D. Hatcher;Miss I. Freeman; S. M. Blalock; F. M. Malone; W. H. Prewitt; W. P. Mason; Milas McCrary; C. B. Scott; W. J.Lanier;Lula Davis;Miss Benson;Lollie Davis;Mrs. C. R. Ross;Miss Florence Davenport;Minnie Crippen;and Willie James. Prof. J. B. Sanders presiding.
3-29-1895-Izard-John-Dr.-Dr.John Izard of Snapp, has located his practice here. Augusta Sentinel.
3-29-1895-Jericho Times: Mr. Chilton, who has just recently moved here is very ill with consumption. Mr.Brown of near Caldwell, has moved to our vicinity. Thos. Tacket and brother went to town Saturday. Our river has been quite wide of late, making the road to town is almost impassable. E. Milam and wife spent Saturday night and Sundey with Mr. Chilton.
3-29-1895-John Stevens, of Widener, was in town Tuesday, in the interest of road from Widener to Blackfish. What with the Junior making garden, and Bugler Izard down with vaccination, the remainder of The Times force have been up to their ears in work this week, and the paper is issued under difficulties. Manley Lutz returned to Memphis Monday. W. S. Graham will occupy the Laughinghouse residence on Rosser and Institute streets, at an early date, Mrs. Laughinghouse will join her husband at Fayetteville. Mrs. E. Boyle returned from Memphis last Sunday. Mrs. E. Landvoigt will go to Galveston, Texas, to be benefitted in health by the weather. Alf Diamond of Wheatley is in serving on the jury. Judge Cowan was in town the first of the week on county business. Mrs. A. Becker and son Hazel were in Marianna Tuesday. Mr.W hitby and Mrs. Mary Ganno, of Colt, were married last week.
3-29-1895-Mrs. E. S. Mosley has purchased the Lowrey Mallory residence in the western part of the city for $1,200. Willie Ashworth, of Rawlison, who has been attending Crowley Ridge Institute school, is ill with pneumonia, at the residence of N. J. Devereux, and is well taken care of. Dr. R. S. Lucas was down town yesterday for the first time in three months. W. S. Hemenway of Wheatley is a juror this week. George H. Mallory returned from Newport last Tuesday, where he was called to the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Goddard, who is quite ill. She had an operation last Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Beck and Mrs. Emma Cummings were in Memphis this week, and returned Wednesday, accompanied by A. L. Grady, who had been there some week or ten days. They attended the Madame Vale lectures.
3-29-1895-Postmaster---Judge R.T.Scott has been appointed Postmaster here in Forrest City.
3-29-1895-Taylor-George-General-Gen. Geo. P. Taylor went to Memphis Friday to meet with his niece, Miss Lena O'Brien of Oklahoma Territory. They stayed until Saturday so they could attend Moody and Sankey evangelists meeting. She will stay in Forrest City for some time.
3-29-1895-Van Buren Izard, Jr., left for Little Rock Sunday to accept a position there with John P. Quinn dry Goods Co.
3-29-1895-Wheatley Times: Dr. J. R. West visited Forrest City last week. Also, A. S. Diamond spent Monday and Tuesday there in Forrest City. Miss Eola Diamond left Saturday to take charge of Ringville school. Griff Waldrop, left Monday evening for Memphis on take a business. Mrs. Sarah (Dr.FlaviusJ.) Izard, of Forrest City, has been visiting her daughters, Mesdames Julia Beauchamp and Mamie Hemenway. Miss Daisy Bigham visited home folks in Palestine. A. Vautraine of Palestine was visiting Wheatley on Friday en-route to Oklahoma, and took a horseback ride to Cotton Plant to avoid passing thru Brinkley. He was turned back by quarantine regulations, and decided to take the trip at a later date. Sid Williford of Moro, spent Saturday in Wheatley visiting friends.
4-5-1895 - Gordon - J. B. - General - Gen. J. B. Gordon, commanding United Confederate Veterans, advises of reunion in Houston, Texas on 22nd to 25 May,1895.Commander Sanders of the N.B.Forrest Encampment called a meeting on Apr.18 to discuss the matter.
4-5-1895 - McDaniel - - Misses Bernice and Nora McDaniel of Haynes and Bonair respectively, are visiting in the city with Mrs.L.Rollwage. -
4-5-1895 - Womens Suffrage Meeting - - Many of us are at variance with Mrs.Lide Merriweather on the question of Women's Suffrage, but all who hear her, will be highly and profitably entertained. She is an elequent and brainy woman, and in addition to urging the alleged importance of Women's Suffrage, her lectures sparkle with wit and pathos. -
4-5-1895 - New Road to Madison - - Judge Cowan reviewed the proposed new road to Madison Tuesday, and was enthusiastically impressed with its beauty and convenience. -
4-5-1895 - Small Pox Quarantine - - - The state board of health has reported that the epidemic was prevented by the localities in Arkansas and at present the disease in under control.
4-12-1895 - New Marshall - - - The new Marshall, O. P. Wolff, took charge of the peace and dignity of the city yesterday, and he looks in every way the guardian angel. G. Newman Laughinghouse was sworn in to replace Dep. Sheriff O. P. Wolff by Sheriff Williams who exhibits rare tact in selecting deputies.
4-12-1895 - Izard - R. J. - - R. J.Izard of Howell Station was in the city yesterday.
4-12-1895 - Haven - Emma - Miss - Miss Emma Haven returned from Memphis Monday after a pleasant two weeks visit to her sister.
4-12-1895 - Lovejoy - J. M. - - Wheatley-J. M. Lovejoy is teaching school at Goodwin.
4-19-1895 - Sallis - Ben - - Ben Sallis was arrested in Caldwell last Friday and confined in the jail at this place on a charge of illicit distilling in Mississippi.Mr.White, an U.S.Deputy took charge of Sallis Monday and conveyed him to Helena for a hearing before the U.S.Court.
4-19-1895 - Laughinghouse - F. - Mrs. - Mrs. F. Laughinghouse and family left for Fayetteville Tuesday to join her husband. Newman Laughinghouse accompanied as far as Little Rock.
4-19-1895 - Sutton - Oliver - - Oliver Sutton last week killed a gar in Blackfish lake measuring seven and a half feet in length.
4-19-1895 - Williams - Mollie - Miss - Miss Mollie Williams, a very charming young lady of Dark Corner, who has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. G. W. Cook and Miss Belle Williams of this city, for the past two weeks, returned home Wednesday morning.
4-19-1895 - Hancock - J. K. - - J. K. Hancock, was in town Wednesday. He will commence business in Colt about the 1st. Success to him.
4-19-1895 - Lindsey - John - - John Lindsey has bought the interest of G. N. Laughinghouse in the cattle business of Grobmyer and Laughinghouse.
4-19-1895 - Rollwage - F. - - F. Rollwage, left Sunday for Cincinatti, where he will reside during the summer months.
4-19-1895 - Boyle - E. - Madame - Madame E. Boyle moved into the new quarters the first of the week, and has a beautiful store.
4-19-1895 - Tennessee Derby - - - Messrs. Chas. Lewis, T. C. Folbre Jr.,and C. A. Walker of this city took part in the Tennessee Derby Horse Race at Memphis.
4-19-1895 - Municipal Officers - - - Mayor-H. W. Winthrop;Recorder-P. D. Doyle;Treasurer-J. M. Nichols;Marshall-O. P. Wolff;Aldermen-J. Fussell;J. D. Baugh;Walter Gorman;L. R.Grobmyer;C. H. Havens;
4-19-1895 - Magistrates-Madison Township - - - P. T. Raiford J.P.-Forrest City;N. B. Nelson-J.P.;Chas. F. Brown-Cooper
4-19-1895 - County Officers - - - Judge-Jn. S. R. Cowan-Lulu;Sheriff-W. R. Williams;Clerk-T. C. Folbre;Treasurer-O. R. Hambleton;Assessor-James Brown;Surveyor-D. Davis;Coroner-N. P. Beauchamp-Wheatley;County Examiner-Prof. J. B. Sanders. All Forrest City unless other city shown.
4-26-1895 - Sanders - J. T. - Dr. - Dr. J. T. Sanders, Ph.G., familiarly known as "Bap," returned from St.Louis where he finished his studies and graduated with honors, number 3 in a class of 48.
5-3-1895 - Izard - W. H. - Mrs. - Mrs. A. D. McDaniel of Bonair was a guest of Mrs. W. H. Izard today. The first of the week she also entertained Mesdames. Geo. L. Jackson and T. R. Hoshall.
5-3-1895 - Clifton - W. T. - - W. T. Clifton received his appointment last week as magistrate for Madison township, vice Lee Strickland, deceased.
5-3-1895 - Massie - J. M. - Dr. - Clarion Ledger, Jackson, Miss.-Dr. J. M.M assie left this evening for Forrest City, Ark., where he goes to practice his profession, dentistry. It is reported that he has been offered a partnership with an old established practitioner, Mr. H. P. Dooley
5-3-1895 - City Waterworks - - - The Guerrant Water Company of Memphis, who constructed last August to furnish this city with a supply of water, has succeeded in getting a supply at 362 feet from a depth of 465 feet. The water is of excellent quality with a quantity evident of a strong supply. The company are now erecting a wind mill for pumping power, which when completed, the city will lay the mains upon the principal streets where they can be tapped by property holders.
5-3-1895 - McCarley - Carrie - Miss - Wheatley-Miss Carrie McCarley left Tuesday for Athens, Ala., where she will reside with her brother. She had made her home here with her uncle, Dr. N. P. Beauchamp for four years.
5-10-1895 - Havens - C. H. - Captain - With his usual spirit of enterprise Capt. C. H. Havens has erected a bright new fence in front of his dwelling which adds much to the general appearance of his beautiful abode.
5-10-1895 - Delegate to the Confederate Reunion in Houston - - - Capt. Ed Landvoigt was elected to represent the N. B. Forrest Encampment in Houston on May 22 as their representative to the United Confederate Veterans.
5-17-1895 - Confederate Monument-Camp Douglas, Illinois - - - May.13,1895, Monument in honor of 6,000 Soldiers of the Confederate Army Who Died between 1862 and 1865, while Prisoners at Camp Douglas, Chicago will be dedicated May 30, in Oakwoods Cemetery. Some of the noted Confederates who will participate in the ceremonies: Gen.John C. Underwood was delegated to raise money for the monument. Lieut.Generals John B. Gordon. U.S.Senator Georgia; W. L. Cabell, Washington;Wade Hampton, Washington; James Longstreet, Gainesville, Ga.;Stephen D. Lee, Mississippi; Major Generals John W. Daniel, U.S.Senator, Virginia; Henry T. Stanton, Kentucky;Fitzhugh Lee, Virginia;Harry Heth, Washington; S. G. French, Florida; E. C. Walthall, U.S.Senator, Mississippi;M. C. Butler, S.Carolina; L. L. Lomax, Washington; Brigadier Generals Marcus J. Wright, Washington; Frank C.Armstrong, Washington; Eppa Hunton, U.S.Senator, Virginia; Joseph O. Shelby, Missouri;William H. Payne, Washington; Basil W. Duke, Kentucky; Fayette Hewitt, Kentucky; C. A. Evans, Georgia; Joseph H. Lewis, Kentucky; Colonels J. B. Irwin, Washington;Charles H. Dorsett, Washington.
5-17-1895 - Property Tax Notice - - - Clerk and Commissioner T. C. Folbre listed all the delinquent taxes due for 1894, and that they would be sold at auction if not paid on or about the second Monday in June, 1895. Page 119.
5-24-1895 - Izard - W. H. - Mrs. - Miss Langford, of Vicksburg, Miss. was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Izard the first of the week.
5-24-1895 - Mason - Will - - Will Mason took the train westward bound Wednesday, to seek newer and greener pastures.
5-24-1895 - Winfield - John - - John Winfield left for Duncan, Miss. where he will take charge of a mercantile business.
5-24-1895 - McDaniel - Willie - Miss - Miss Willie McDaniel left Tuesday for a protracted visit to the East, she will spend a few days in Memphis, and from thence will go to Anniston, Alabama to await the commencement exercises of the Female Institute, she will be accompanied by Misses Ada and Nannye McDaniel and Pearl Dennis.
5-24-1895 - Durborow - Max - - Max Durborow left for St.Louis Monday to make it his home.
5-24-1895 - Gorman - Paris - - Paris Gorman returned home from college at Lebanon, Ohio, Wednesday morning.
5-31-1895 - Delegates to the Silver Coinage Convention Selected - - - Delegates selected to attend in Memphis June 12 and 13: W. E. Williams;John Cox;Geo. P. Taylor;Chas. H. Sanders;Otto Rollwage;Geo. B. Pettus;J. B. Hodges;J. D. Baugh;Robt. L. Pettus;Walter Gorman;O. E. Hambleton;J. A. Lindsey;E. A. Rolfe;J. W. Beck;L. Rollwage;W. E. Fogg;Jas. Fussell;J. W. Aven;E. L. Vadakin;W. C. Ferguson;T. C. Folbre;J. H. Dawson;J. N. Farmer;C. M. Wilkinson;G. B. Comstock;P. T. Raiford;J. B. Sanders and W. H. Paslay.
5-31-1895 - Izard - Katie - Miss - Miss Katie Izard returned from Memphis last Monday, after a delightful two week visit to Misses Maude and Perle Farley. She also spent Sunday in Wynne visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. W. Williams.
5-31-1895 - Kingsley - C.S. - - C. S. Kingsley, of near Widener, was in town Wednesday on business.
5-31-1895 - Colt Visitors - - - Colt-T. B. Taylor and W. R. Ables, two of our most popular young men, went down to Forrest City Monday to attend the baseball game.
5-31-1895 - Blacksmith Shop Sold - - - Colt-W. E.Evans and J. M. Norton have purchased the blacksmith shop of W. C. Kelso.
5-31-1895 - Ables - W. R. - - Colt-W. R. Ables, one of our poplar timber contractors has worked all the timber out of the country, and like Alexander, the great, sat down and wept-because there was no more timber to work. But after reflecting, he concluded to accept a position as a dairyman for J.A.Gatten.
6-7-1895 - DeRossitt - F. W. - - Fishing Lake-F. W. De Rossitt was in town this morning, and shipped the first carload ever of potatoes to Chicago dealers from Widener. He plans to send another car soon. He had a crop of approx.150 bushels per acre.
6-7-1895 - Kelso - W. C. - Rev. - Colt-Rev. W. C. Kelso left Saturday for Ravendan Springs, Ark. in pursuit of better health.
6-7-1895 - Humphreys & Crippen - - - Colt-T. L. Humphreys and Tom Crippen of Madison were visiting here Sunday.
6-14-1895 - Havens - Emma and Willie - - Miss Emma and brother Willie Havens took in the baseball game at Wynne, Tuesday.
6-14-1895 - Stone - J. E. - Dr. - Mrs. J. J. Edwards of Breckinridge, Texas is visiting her brother, Dr. J. E. Stone and his wife.
6-14-1895 - Forrest City Waterworks - - - The laying of the water mains is under way on Monday. Supervised by Mr. Tucker of Memphis. The mains are three feet below the surface and run from the tank down South Front Street to Washington, hence North to Jackson street, east on North Front to the post office, and west to the alley between Badinelli and Finnerty. Plugs will be located at the cross streets and alleys. By diverse and and sundry mishaps, the building of the waterworks cost the Guerrant Well Co. $1,711.63, with a bid of $900, they lost money.
6-14-1895 - Freeman - Irene - Miss - Miss Irene Freeman left Tuesday for her home in Memphis.
6-14-1895 - Altman - E. T. - - E. T. Altman, one of our most energetic pushers, has opened an ice cream parlor on the South Side. Assisted by his mother, Mrs. Trice, he makes delightful cream.
6-21-1895 - Trip to Hazen - - - Mrs. Bertie Sanders and Misses Virgie Fizer, Lucy and Alice Sanders left Wednesday.
6-28-1895 - Havens - C. H. - Mrs. - Mrs. Mattie Barlow is visiting from Memphis with her mother Mrs. Havens.
6-28-1895 - Coroner Moved - - - St.Francis Co. is without a coroner as Dr. Beauchamp having moved out of the county.
6-28-1895 - Delano - Chas. - - Chas. Delano of near Colt came down Sunday for a visit with his brother R. A. Delano and his wife.
6-28-1895 - Baseballists-Wynne & Forrest City - - - The battery of Purifoy and Suggs, beat Wynne by 33 to 13.
6-28-1895 - Confederate Veterans Reunion Set for July 4 - - - Our sister city Brinkley is preparing to entertain an immense crowd at the Confederate Veteran's Reunion on July 4th. A match game of base ball will be played by Forrest City and Clarendon.
6-28-1895 - Cuban Revolution - - - It may be that the Cuban revolution has been suppressed as Spain claims, but if so, then she is sending more soldiers there to keep it suppressed than were required to put it down.
7-5-1895 - Patterson - Nannye - Miss - Miss Nannye Patterson, one of Mississippi's most accomplished belles, is visiting her cousin Mrs.Alice Casteel
7-5-1895 - Trapp - Sid - Jr. - Mr. Sid Trapp Jr. of Anderson, Ala. is the guest of Mr.& Mrs. W. H. McDaniel, accompanied by Misses.Nannye, Willie and Ada he spent the 4th in Brinkley.
7-5-1895 - Posey - Evans - - Mr. Evans Posey and Miss Katie Briley of Haynes spent Sunday in the city, guests of Miss Julia Rogers.
7-5-1895 - Dunham - George - Prof. - Prof. George Dunham, formerly County Examiner of this county, now of Hunter, Arkansas was in the city Monday.
7-5-1895 - Izard - R. J. - - R. J. Izard of Howell, was in town a couple of days this week visiting relatives and friends en route home from Memphis.
7-5-1895 - Gaines - M. N. - - M. N. Gaines was over from Wednesday from his stave camp on Blackfish lake. He reports fine rains and splendid crop prospects in that section.
7-5-1895 - Mallory - Claudia - Miss - Misses Claudia Mallory and Emma Eldridge were in town Tuesday afternoon shopping, and due to storm they spent the night with Miss Lula Mason.
7-5-1895 - Beard - Jas. - - But for the prompt application of remedies by a doctor, the young 4 year old daughter of Jas. Beard, near Palestine, would have met an awful fate. The child was in the field with its father and in its wanderings stumbled over a rattlesnake. This snake struck the child, and inserted the fangs in her forefinger. The little one ran from the field screaming with the snake dangling on her hand. By the application of a live chicken cut in two, the poison was extracted from the wound, and no serious results are anticipated.
7-5-1895 - Potato Flyer - - - Wednesday night was noteworthy as the first night in the history of the world that any city in Arkansas shipped thirty car loads of potatoes at a lump shipment. This train left the Missouri Pacific 11:55 pm Wednesday evening, and made it to Kansas City at 2 pm, in record time of 14 hours and 5 minutes.
7-12-1895 - McCullars - J. W. - - J. W. McCullars of the Griggs township, was in town this morning. He reports fine crops, but the recent winds and rains have damaged the corn crops considerably by beating and blowing it down.
7-12-1895 - McDaniel - S. . - - S. P. McDaniel, of McDaniel, has been awarded the contract to furnish an engine and boiler to run the pump at the waterworks. It is to be held in reserve, in case the windmill is unable to furnish water enough for fire purposes.
7-12-1895 - Glove Contest last Night at the Vaccaro Saloon - - - A glove contest between Jimmie Casey, the well known light weight, and Kid Wright, of the wild west took place last night at the Vaccaro & Co.s saloon, in the presence of a large number of spectators, and was easily won by the former in the third round knockout, the Kid being no match for Jimmie.
7-12-1895 - Izard - Katie - Miss - Miss Katie Izard with her sister Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Wynne, visited their brother and sister in Howell this week.
7-12-1895 - Taylor - Geo. P. - Mrs. - Mrs. Geo. P. Taylor went to Harrisburg last Monday in response to a letter informing her of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Ramsey
7-12-1895 - White - Bert - - Bert White of Memphis, brother of Mrs. Landvoigt, accompanied by his sweet little four year old daughter, Lady Tai, came over Sunday night to visit the family until Thursday night.
7-12-1895 - Freak of Nature - - - Otto Rollwage has a fruit tree in his front yard which is attracting considerable attention. It is one among half a score of apple, cedar and magnolia and other trees and shrubs. For fifteen years it has been known as a pear tree, this year the tree is loaded with apples!
7-12-1895 - Post Office Robbery - - - Sometime last February the post office at Cooper, a short distance north of this city, was entered and robbed. Among the articles stolen were $32 dollars worth of overdue stamps. A United States Deputy has been at work on the case ever since. Recently a clue was obtained, a number of letters was mailed at Forrest City and Wynne, on which were placed overdue stamps. Of course they were sent to the dead letter office, and returned to the writers. The names of these writers were forwarded to the Deputy, and it resulted in the arrest of a white man named Hugh England, in the neighborhood of Cooper. England is about 18 years of age and claims to have bought the stamps from another person, who so far has eluded arrest.
7-12-1895 - Tragedy at Haynes - - - We learn from the Marianna Index the following particulars of the tragedy which occurred at Haynes Sunday. J. T. Morrison and Wiley Gray, who were employed with the man now repairing the bridges along the Iron Mountain railroad, got into a quarrel at Haynes last Sunday, which resulted in Gray being fatally cut by Morrison with a two inch knife.
7-12-1895 - Flour Mill at Colt - - - Wm. Stone of Colt contemplates building a flour mill this fall. Chas. Delano spoke of his wheat harvest and expects 15 bushels per acre, and will have to go to Hydrick some thirty miles distant to use the mill there.
7-12-1895 - McCormick Raises Large Onions - - - G. W. McCormick, raised onions from seed planted last September, one was measured at 14 inches in circumference and weighing 5 1/4 pounds. You can see at the newsstand.
7-12-1895 - Cut-Off Times - - - The river in this place is down to low water mark. J. N. Farmer, wife and two charming daughters, Misses Mary and Jennis, and Misses Tennie Grissom, Jennie Crutchfield and others attended the barbecue at Capt. Richardson's on the fourth, and had a good time. Will Pipkin spent Saturday and Sunday night at the place. Miss Willie Wylds and Mr. Arthur Davis were down Sunday visiting.Oliver Owen and wife P. A. McCullars attended the barbeque over the ridge on the fourth.
7-12-1895 - Linden Farm - - - Speaking of fine crops, and fine prospects, a fine ride from Linden up the old Madison road will disclose some of the finest. The Linden farm itself, owned by E. C. Hughes or as generally known as Uncle Doc Hughes of Haynes has the best crop upon it that has been had in many a year. We stopped overnight with that prince of good fellows, A. J. Pipkin, who is in all aspects a model farmer, over two years ago he bought the old Oliver Lewis place and making it blossom as a rose. We also met his two sons Fayette and Will. Reaching our old friend Dan Wylds a couple of miles above, we went through his two hundred acres of corn. He also has a smokehouse with over seven hundred pounds of meat and over one hundred pounds of lard, and fourteen hundred bushels of corn to sell.
7-19-1895 - Potato Buying - - - Frank Sutherland, of Michigan, and S. D. Apperson have been buying all offerings of red potatoes for several weeks. Graham & Coffman, the largest producers, sold direct to northern markets, as did also, we believe, Barlow & Farley.
7-19-1895 - Coroner Selected by Governor - - - We commend the wisdom of Governor Clarke in appointing E. L. Rolfe coroner of St.Francis county, vice N. P. Beachamp, removed from the county.
7-19-1895 - Trip to Columbia, Tenn. - - - Mesdames. T. W. Barrow, M. E. Hatcher, J. Eldridge, and Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Barrow, left for middle Tennessee last Tuesday, to spend the summer among the famous springs in and around Columbia. Mr. Tom Barrow accompanied the party as far as Memphis.
7-19-1895 - Meyer - A. - - A. Meyer left Tuesday for Baltimore, Md. to visit his parents.
7-19-1895 - Horne - Shap - Mrs. - Mrs. Shap Horne, of Memphis, is visiting Dr. & Mrs. Stone and her numerous friends in this city until August.
7-19-1895 - Izard - Charles Reuben - - C. Reuben Izard has reconsidered his determination to go west and grow up with the country.
7-19-1895 - Izard - Van - Jr. - Van Izard Jr. and Bertie Stewart of Little Rock, came over the first of the week to visit with relatives and friends.
7-19-1895 - Hoshall - Emmet - - Mr. Eb Dilworth, of Memphis, is visiting his country cousin, Emmet Hoshall who resides near the picturesque little village of Millbrook.
7-19-1895 - Ezell - Timothy - - Mr.& Mrs. Timothy Ezell of Wynne have been guest of family.
7-26-1895 - Wagon Made In Forrest City - - - Mr. C. H. Havens manufactured a wagon seen on Front Street today.
7-26-1895 - Skinner - J. W. - - J. W. Skinner, of the New Castle community was in town Tuesday on business.
7-26-1895 - Graves - Horace - Rev. - Rev. Horace Graves, formerly of Forrest City, is a rector of a church in Chicago, at a salary of $1000 per annum.
7-26-1895 - Hodges - Jesse - - Jesse Hodges and wife, of Yocona, attended the protracted meeting at this place Tuesday morning.
7-26-1895 - Chinese Joint Raided - - - Marshall O. P .Wolff raided the Chinese joint Saturday.
7-26-1895 - McCrary - B. F. - - J. W. McCrary of Greensboro, Ala., uncle of our local townsman, was visiting with B. F. McCrary, en route to Hot Springs to try and regain his health.
7-26-1895 - Adare - J. L. - - J. L. Adair, of Colt, was in the city Tuesday on business.
7-26-1895 - Mann Relative Visits - - - Prof. C. A. Folk, President of Brownsville, Tenn., Female College, came over Monday in the interest of his college and to visit relatives, S. H. and W. B. Mann.
7-26-1895 - Dr. Lucas Visits - - - Dr. R. L. Lucas was in town Saturday, though feeble and blind, he is ably assisted in travel with assistance of a boy.
7-26-1895 - Prize Fight At Magnolia Saloon - - - A well contested "bout" between Louis Hodges and Arthur Litton resulted in Arthur Litton being knocked off his pins and out of time.
8-2-1895 - Vadakin - E. L. - - E. L. Vadakin and daughter Dora Annette, were in Little Rock Monday, the former consulting with specialist regarding a pulmonary or throat trouble. While there they stayed with C. H. Lewis, the real estate hustler of Little Rock.
8-2-1895 - Magic Lantern Show - - - Bob Bickerstaff, the handsome Marshall of Marianna, was in town yesterday in search of a Liberian colonist, named Redmond, charged with stealing a magic lantern show. He was located at Summerfield, a settlement north of town, and assisted by Marshall Wolff pulled Redmond last night while in the act of giving an entertainment with the stolen property.
8-2-1895 - Becker - A. - - A. Becker and family leave for the northwest next week to spend the rest of the summer.
8-2-1895 - Havens - Emma - Miss - Mr.& Mrs. Tim Ezell have been guest of family for several days, returned to Memphis Friday night, accompanied by Miss Emma Havens.
8-2-1895 - Izard - R. J. - - Mr.& Mrs. R. J. Izard and children, of Howell, are visiting with parents , Hon.and Mrs. V. B. Izard.
8-2-1895 - Mason - W. P. - - W. P. Mason returned from Texas Friday evening. He has decided this is the garden spot of earth, and has returned to stay.
8-2-1895 - Steamer Belle Memphis Sinks - - - It is reported that on the night of the 28th, that the elegant steamer Belle Memphis, plying between that port and St.Louis, had sunk, that same evening 60 miles north of Memphis, with a loss of life of forty or more lives.
8-2-1895 - Madison Times - - - Messrs. A. Whyte and Frank Clements returned home from Clarendon last week.Messrs. Robert Edgar and Charlie Dawson, from Edgar, were in Madison Sunday.Mr.Cicero Hull, who had been in Marianna for a short while, returned home Sunday night. Messrs.John Gatling and Dave Hatcher were in our town yesterday on business.H.E.Dougherty, who has been spending a few weeks in Wynne with relatives, returned home yesterday. Wes McFall was in your city last week on business.
8-9-1895 - Faculty of Crowley Ridge Institute - - - As follows:Ferdinand M. Malone,principal;Assistants:Mrs. C. R. Ross;Misses Pauline Robertson, Mattie L. Moseley, and Irene Freeman-Elocution:Mrs. B. I. Adkins, Music Miss Maria Elliot. School opens Oct.7.
8-9-1895 - Hancock - M. V. - - M. V. Hancock was circulating among friends in town Wednesday. He was accompanied by his cousin, Ed Fogg, of Mississippi, who will make his home in Forrest City, and will assist Joe White at the Hancock saloon.
8-9-1895 - Parrot - John M. - Judge - Mrs. Geo. O. Martin, of Memphis arrived Monday on a visit with her parents, Judge and Mrs. John M. Parrot.
8-9-1895 - Murderer of Wm. Williams Sought - - - Sheriff Williams returned Monday from New Hope plantation, on Blackfish near the Mississippi river, where he had been in search of the murderer of Wm. Williams, a man employed on the farm as a blacksmith. The murder occurred two weeks ago, and was especially cruel in nature. Several parties were arrested.
8-9-1895 - Dooley - H. P. - Doctor - Mrs. John M. McCain and children, of Pine Bluff, sister of Dr. H. P. Dooley, arrived in the city Wednesday for a visit.
8-9-1895 - McVeigh - Hugh R. - - Hugh R. McVeigh, Secretary of the St.Francis Levee Board, was in town Tuesday on business.
8-9-1895 - Little Rock Star Laundry - - - J. L. Pope represents Little Rock Star Laundry. All kinds of laundering, leave bundles at H. W. Mosley's Grocery.
8-9-1895 - Alderman Havens Purchases Canning Factory Site - - - Alderman Havens has purchased the canning factory site, and will convert the building into tenement houses. Thus ends the first chapter on manufacturing enterprises.
8-9-1895 - Lulu Visitors - - - C. D. Stokes and R. W. Ford of Lulu, were in town Monday on business.
8-9-1895 - Massie - J. D. - Dr. - Dr. J. D. Massie left Monday for a ten day trip to Mississippi and the gulf coast.
8-9-1895 - Finnerty - J. J. - - Mr.& Mrs. J. J. Finnerty left Wednesday for Saltillo, Miss. for a couple of weeks in Alabama and Mississippi visiting relatives.
8-9-1895 - Bike Trip to Gibson Wells, Tenn. - - - T. C. Folbre, Jr. and J. T.Brady left Sunday morning, they traveled on bicycles from Memphis, approx.100 miles from there.
8-9-1895 - Hasley - Jas. - - Jas. Hasley was in town Monday. There will be a Silver Debate between Hasley and Dooley debate August 14.
8-9-1895 - Madison Times - Will - - Madison-Will McFall has decided to move to his old home in Tennessee. Miss Minnie Crippen and R. L. Berry made a flying trip up the river Sunday. G. D. Barker and James Sandling the heavy weight stave makers are working on an order for White River Stave Co.
8-9-1895 - Taylor - Geo. P. - General - Miss Lena O'Brien, of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, niece of Gen. Geo. P. Taylor, left for her home yesterday.
8-9-1895 - Baptist Revival - - - One of the most successful revivals, held by Eld. W. A. Giboney, evangelist of Wynne, assisted by Pastor Eld. R. L. Stanley of the Baptist Church, closed Wednesday night. After 23 days, they had upwards of 50 professions.
8-16-1895 - Landvoigt - E. L. - Mrs. - Mrs. C. L. Powers of Galveston, eldest daughter of Mrs. E. L. Landvoigt, arrived in the city Wednesday to assist in care of Mrs. Landvoigt who is critically ill.
8-16-1895 - Clifton - W. T. - Squire - Mrs.J.B.Lane, of Memphis, formerly of this place, is on a visit to her brother Squire W. T. Clifton.
8-16-1895 - McDaniel - S. T. - Mrs. - Mrs. S. T. McDaniel, accompanied by her father, Wiley Kirby, left for Kansas City Monday on a visit to her brother Clay Kirby and family.
8-16-1895 - Surveying the town of Zent - - - Otto Rollwage and D. Davis were in Monroe county last week laying out and surveying the town of Zent, five and a half miles east of Cotton Plant on the Cotton Belt railroad.
8-16-1895 - Landvoigt - E. L. - Mrs. - Mrs. Chas. H. Lewis of Little Rock, came over Wednesday morning to be with her sister Mrs. Landvoigt.
8-16-1895 - Blackfish Times - - - Prof. T. H. Wheat of Redfield, is spending a few days with his friend M. N. Gaines on the lake.
8-16-1895 - Madison Times - - - J. D. Baugh of your city was on the streets this week. Miss Nanie Blaire was visiting her uncle , Mr. Rainbolt. Mrs. J. W. Crippen and daughter, Miss Maude, are visiting relatives at Colt this week.
8-23-1895 - Fussell - James - - James Fussell has been in Hot Springs several days this week and will start with the contingent for Boston for the triennial Conclave Knights Templar.
8-23-1895 - Hodges - Louis - - Louis Hodges is on the sick list this week.
8-23-1895 - Izard - James - - Ralph Bickerstaff, of Marianna, is visiting a few weeks in the city with his cousin, James Izard.
9-6-1895 - Jackson - Ev - - Ev Jackson, the assistant postmaster, went to Cherry Valley the first of the week to visit relatives.
9-13-1895 - Titus - D. D. - - D. D. Titus was granted a divorce decree, an old resident of St.Francis Co., this morning in the Circuit Court from N. K. Titus, his former wife.
9-13-1895 - Prewett - T. E. - - T. E. Prewett and family have moved back to Forrest City, after a six month sojourn in Palestine
9-13-1895 - Havens - Emma - Miss - Miss Emma Phillips, of Haynes, is visiting with Miss Emma Havens this week
9-13-1895 - Williams - Nat - - Nat Williams, of Colt, made us a pleasant call Wednesday.
9-13-1895 - Beck - J. W. - Captain - Mrs. J. W. Beck and daughters, Emma and Alice, and Mattie Cummings left yesterday for Atlanta, to attend the exposition. Capt. Beck will follow this afternoon, overtaking them in Memphis.
9-13-1895 - Laughinghouse - Newman - Deputy Sheriff - Deputy Sheriff Newman Laughinghouse while arresting Ben Rucker, a bad man, and in a struggle, a pistol went of several times, missing the deputy, and fatally wounding Ben Rucker after 24 hours.
9-20-1895 - Davis - T. J. - - Mrs. Chas. T. Hayden, of Tempe, Arizona, arrived yesterday visiting her relatives and friends, staying with her brother T. J. Davis, and family. Miss Lollie Davis will accompany Mrs. Hayden on her return trip west.
9-20-1895 - Taylor - E. H. - - E. H. Taylor, left this morning for points in Texas. Mr.Taylor came to our city about seven months ago, and during his residence here, has made many warm friends who will regret his departure,as well as from the pharmaceutical firm of D. C. Webb.
9-20-1895 - Manning - Beulah - Mrs. - Mrs. Beulah Manning has resumed her duties as cashier and assistant at L. Rollwage & Co.
9-20-1895 - Davis - Jessie - Captain - Capt. Jessie Davis left Tuesday evening via the I.M. railway for Fayetteville to re-enter the A.I.U.
9-20-1895 - Casteel - Gordon - - Gordon Casteel left Tuesday for Fayetteville. He will attend the A.I.U.
9-20-1895 - Sanders - Alice - Miss - Miss Alice Sanders went to Arkadelphia Monday to attend school.
9-20-1895 - Battleship Maine Launched - - - Sept.18-Brooklyn-The second-class battleship Maine, which has been nearly seven years in building at the Brooklyn navy yard, was commissioned with little ceremony yesterday.
9-27-1895 - Pettus - R. L. - - R. L. Pettus has purchased the V. B. Izard homestead and will occupy the same about the 1st.
9-27-1895 - Reid - S. I. - Rev. - Rev. S. I.Reid, of Lonoke, formerly of this city, was in town Monday, en route to Wynne.
9-27-1895 - McDaniel - Ada - Miss - Miss Ada McDaniel left last week for Anniston, Ala., to re-enter college.
9-27-1895 - 280 Bales Weighed - - - Public Weigher Ed Mallory weighed 280 bales Saturday.
9-27-1895 - Izard - M. W. - - M. W. Izard was in Memphis yesterday on business.
10-4-1895 - New Commanding General of the Army - - - Washington-Oct.1-Major General Nelson Applegate Miles will replace Lieut.Gen. Schofield as Commanding the United States Army.
10-11-1895 - Pearce - W. H - COL. - Col. W. H. Pearce and Dr. J. R. West of Goodwin were in town yesterday.
10-11-1895 - Bradshaw - Ernest - Prof. - Prof. Ernest Bradshaw, who recently occupied the chair of English in the Russellville College, has just returned from a two months tour of the old world, and is now taking another course at the University of Virginia. He is a St.Francis Co. self-made boy. He visited England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and Italy and other countries.
10-11-1895 - Laughinghouse - Newman - - Newman Laughinghouse has resumed his old position as salesman with L. Rollwage & Co. and he is welcomed to his business duties again.
10-11-1895 - Nimmo - Clem - - Clem Nimmo, an old landmark, was carried to the county home yesterday, quite ill. Every attention will be paid to him by his old ex confederate comrades, and should he survive, an effort will be made to place him in the ex-confederate home in Little Rock.
10-18-1895 - Clark - Jim - - Jim Clark, the photographer, left Sunday for Memphis where he will take a position on the electric railway. This leaves Forrest City without a photo gallery, and the right man would have a good thing here in that business.
10-18-1895 - Schmitt - H. P. - - H. P. Schmitt, of Brinkley, has located in Forrest City and opened a tailor shop to make gents clothing to order. Cleaning and repairing a specialty, on south side of railroad.
10-25-1895 - Vadakin - E. L. - - Mrs. Dora Kilner went to Memphis today, accompanied by her brother, E. L. Vadakin, where they will meet the Arkansas editors en route to Atlanta, Mr. V. returning home tomorrow, Mrs. Vadakin and children went to Brinkley to visit Mrs. Allen, nee Miss Yerzley.
10-25-1895 - Horne - T. J. - Rev. - Rev. T. J. Horne, of the Presbyterian church has been assigned to other fields, and will not preach again in Forrest City. In view of this fact, no services in that church until further notice.
10-25-1895 - Crowley Ridge Institute - - - New students this term:Misses Maud Aven and Annie Elliot, Caldwell;Julia Paslay, Brinkley;Susie Jones, Haynes;Lula Cowan, Lula;Bertie Brown, Colt;Jennie and Mary Farmer, Cut-off.
11-1-1895 - Earthquake Lasts about Ten Seconds - - - An earthquake of about ten seconds occurred at this place Thursday morning about 5 o'clock. The declination was east to west. It was the heaviest shock ever felt in this vicinity.
11-1-1895 - 2800 Cotton Bales Weighed - - - Ed.Mallory has weighed over 2800 bales of cotton this season. It is thought this represents over one half of the crop.
11-1-1895 - Notice by W. B. Mann - - - Notice is hereby given to the public, in and around Forrest City, that any party hauling or leaving dead cattle of any description around my premises, will be prosecuted to the extent of the law.
11-1-1895 - Bear Hunt - - - Geo. Settle,S. P. Burress, Brigg and J. S. Youmans, of Columbus and Pataskalla, Ohio, accompanied by Geo. Mallory, of this place, left Tuesday for Shell lake, where they will enjoy a week's bear hunt. Will Parham will join them next Thursday, and will go with them to Mud lake for a three week's hunt of ducks, deer, and turkeys.
11-1-1895 - St.Francis River Steamboat Sinks - - - The St.Francis river steamboat, Emma No.2, which plied between Wittsburg and southern landings on the St.Francis, sank at Madison at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. Capt. Spencer, his wife and daughter were on board at the time, and near being drowned. Efforts were begun to raise it Tuesday, and we suppose they succeeded.
11-1-1895 - Gin of J. P. Hodges Burns - - - The gin of J. P. Hodges, in the Yocona neighborhood about eight miles southwest of here, was burned Wednesday about noon. It is thought that the fire was caused by a match, John Grant had six bales in the gin which were burned, and W.W.Bryan lost five bales. No insurance was had by any.
11-1-1895 - Fitzpatrick - T. O. - - T. O. Fitzpatrick has been a citizen of Arkansas about forty years yesterday, Oct.30,1895, he settled about four miles west of Vanndale when this part of the country was wilderness.
11-1-1895 - Patterson - E. C. - Conductor - Conductor E. C. Patterson and wife of Wynne, are visiting in the city. They are guests of Mr.& Mrs. W. H. Alley.
11-8-1895 - Williams - Lucy - Miss - Miss Lucy Williams, daughter of our townsman, R. J. Williams, is in New York, and has entered the "Life Class" and will complete the course of study this year.
11-8-1895 - Tea Growing in Arkansas - - - Burrell Bond, an ex-slave, brought three hundred pounds of tea to Memphis for sale. The teas was grown on Bond plantation, in the St.Francis Basin, Ark. Two years ago Bond bought the seed in New Orleans, and planted it. The crop last year was good, but this year the yield was excellent. It is the first domestic tea raised in Arkansas. Mr.Bond has hired a man who can read to him several papers on tea culture, and he will exclusively in its culture next year.
11-15-1895 - Crowley Ridge Tribune - - - The first issue of the Crowley Ridge Tribune made its appearance last evening. Prof. Mason is the editor.
11-15-1895 - Havens - Emma - Miss - Miss Ula Zuber, of Haynes, was in the city Wednesday shopping and visiting with Miss Emma Havens.
11-15-1895 - Rogers - Kate - Mrs. - Mrs. Kate Rogers and daughters will go to Conway next week to reside, and the young ladies will enter the Central Baptist college of that city. Mrs. Rogers has accepted a position of matron of the school, and they will probably remain there some years. We will miss them!
11-15-1895 - Wolff Family Returns - - - Miss Stella Wolff and brother Jimmie Wolff, have returned from visiting friends and relatives in Ohio and Indiana since June, returned home Monday. He has been an invalid for several months, being afflicted with white swelling, and requires the assistance of crutches in his perambulations.
11-22-1895 - Baptists Call New Pastorate - - - The Times is glad to learn that the Baptists of this city have called Eld. Francis Bozeman to the pastorate of their church. He has accepted, and plans to be here about Dec.1, he is an unmarried man, and comes with the best credentials.
11-22-1895 - Legg - Annie - Miss - Miss Annie Legg, of Surrounded Hill, arrived in the city Saturday, on a visit and was the guest of Miss Julia Black until yesterday.
11-22-1895 - Gatling - M. E. - Mrs. - Mrs. M. E. Gatling, of Elizabeth City, N.C., mother of our fellow-townsman, John Gatling, is visiting the city.
11-22-1895 - Barrow - T. D. - Mrs. - Mrs. T. D. Barrow, mother of E. J. Barrow, arrived in the city Wednesday from Mt.Pleasant, Tenn. on a visit to her son and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Rolfe Eldridge and Miss Winta Long also of Mt.Pleasant accompanied her.
11-29-1895 - New Madison Road - - - The Madison road lately vacated is nearing completion. That is to say, it is open, and as soon as the railroad builds a crossing or two it will be ready for travel. The work of grading will be pushed as rapidly as possible.
11-29-1895 - New Double Barrelled Shooters - - - New breech loading guns available at O.A.Ezell's, $8,$10, and $12.
11-29-1895 - Tonsorial Artists Move - - - George Collie and George Vann, Tonsorial artists, who have been serving the public in their trade capacity on the southside with A. Chapman, have transferred the seat of their operations to the north side with I. S. Tolbent.
12-13-1895 - Gov. Clarke Commuted James Cannon Hanging - - - Gov. Clarke has commuted the sentence of James Cannon, who was sentenced to be hanged today in response to a petition taken to Little Rock by Sheriff Williams and S. E. Sweet. It appears that the murder of his victim, Louis Taylor because he had alienated the affections of his wife, was commuted to life in prison instead of hanging.
16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - -
18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - -
19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - -
24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - -
28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - -
31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - -
31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - -
34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - -
38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - -
42 - Landvoigt & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - -
44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - -
49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - -
52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - -
75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - -
79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - -
81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - -
91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - -
124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - -
134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - -
147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - -
147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - -
174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - -
174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - -
184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - -
209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - -
212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - -
225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - -
239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - -
248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - -
293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - -
299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - -
312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - -