The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 17,2008 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1908 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-3-1908 - THOMPSON - CORA - LEE - - - 2 17 1895 - 12 30 1907 - UNKNOWN - Death of Little Cora Lee Thompson=Cora Lee Thompson, lovable and and amiable daughter of Mrs.Henry Houston, born Feb.17,1895 died Dec.30,1907, after a brief illness. She was stricken by the dread disease appendicitus on Friday. Sunday she was removed to Memphis for an operation which resulted in her death. Cora was the eldest daughter. 1-17-1908 - DUGGER - F. - M. - MRS. - - unk - 1 14 1908 - TENNESSEE - Mrs.Dugger is Dead=Mrs.F.M.Dugger, niece of Mr.F.C.Neely of this city, died at her home in Jackson, Tenn. Jan.14,1908, of pneumonia after a short illness. Mr.& Mrs. Neely left yesterday morning on the train to attend the funeral. 1-24-1908 - CRAVENS - J. - L. - COL. - - 1831 - 1 23 1908 - FAYETTEVILLE - COL.J.L.CRAVENS DIES AT FAYETTEVILLE=Col.J.L.Cravens, one of the pioneers of Arkansas, a graduate of West Point, and a commander of a Confederate regiment during the Civil War, prominent business man and well known throughout the state, died at Fayetteville Thursday, Jan.23,1908 of pnemonia. Col Cravens was about 77 years of age, and is survived by his wife and two children. The children are two sons:William and Hat, and three daughters, Mrs.Vol Walker, Mrs.Oliver Cravens, and Mrs.Gregg. 2-7-1908 - DEATON - ROSE - - MISS - - 1892 - 1 24 1908 - JONESBORO - News of death of Miss Rose Deacon, formerly of this city at Jonesboro on Jan.24,1908 at the hospital, about sixteen years of age. Her father is Mr.Fred Deacon, formerly of Brinkley. 2-21-1908 - McDANIEL - ELLA - - MISS - - 5 8 1906 - 2 19 1908 - McDANIEL - Mr.& Mrs.Syd T.McDaniel have the kindly sympathy of their many friends in St.Francis county and elsewhere of their sweet little baby daughter Ella, aged two years, who died Wednesday, Feb.19,1908, of pneumonia after a brief illness of a week or ten days. The precious remains were interred in the McDaniel cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev.E.T.Mabley of the Church of the Good Shepherd presiding at the religious ceremonies. 2-21-1908 - GRAHAM - JOHN - - MRS. - - unk - 2 17 1908 - ALLEN - The many friends of the family in this city and county were terribly shocked to learn of the very sudden and tragic death of Mrs.John Graham at her county home near Wynne on Monday, Feb.17,1908. She was apparently in good health, and was in the yard looking after household duties, when she was stricken suddenly with a heart attack and stroke and died in a few minutes after being carried in the house. Only her daughter and son were present as Mr.Graham was in town. After notification, her daughter Mrs.J.L.Hare and friends went to the Graham home. Mrs.Graham was a lady of culture and refinement, whose pleasant disposition and graciousness attached friends to her with indissoluble ties. She was the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Abijah and Eliza Adams Allen, and was born in St.Francis county. She was educated at Edgewood Seminary, North Carolina, and was married to John Graham Dec.21,1870, at the home of her stepmother, Mrs.Cecelia McBane Allen, who was also the maternal aunt of Mrs.Graham. There are four living children, Mrs.J.L.Hare, John Jr., Kate and James. Her only brother, Clay Allen, died many years ago, and a half brother, Jno.W.Allen of Knoxville, Tenn. survives her. The funeral services were conducted at the family home Wednesday morning by Dr.J.D.Sibert, and the remains were interred at the Allen cemetery near New Castle. Mrs.Graham was from girlhood an earnest and consistent member of the Presbyterian church. The Allen family is one of the oldest and most respected of Eastern Arkansas. Wynne Blade Democrat. 3-6-1908 - LONDON - LETHA - - MRS. - LINDSEY - 1888 - 2 25 1908 - BELL - IN MEMORIAM="Gone but not forgotten."-It is sad that death loveth a shining mark, and it is hard to give up our loved ones when so young, and we feel there is so much good had they been spared, but God knoweth best. Help us in our deep sorrow to say, "Thy will be done." Mrs.Letha London, nee Lindsey, was born in Laudersdale, Alabama in 1888, and moved to this state when quite young, and has resided here since. She was married to Mr.Tommie London of Palestine, in March 1907, not quite one year ago. She was a sister of Mrs.Sarah Moore, of Palestine, and of Mrs.J.A.Waterman of Forrest City. She was taken seriously ill on Monday, Feb.11, and suffered untold agonies of a complication of diseases for ten days, though she was conscious till the last. She died Tuesday, Feb.25th of blood poison, pneumonia, and congestion. She leaves a bright and promising baby boy in the hands of her sister, Mrs.Moore to raise. The baby is doing nicely, and we wish the bereaved father comfort. The remains were interred in the Bell's cemetery near Palestine on Wednesday. Sister. 3-13-1908 - DAVIS - GEORGE - E. - JR. - - 2 8 1899 - 3 10 1908 - CITY - GEO.E.DAVIS, JR.=Nine year old son of Wynne postmaster dead of ptomaine poisoning-The relatives and dear old time friends of Mrs.Geo.E.Davis, of Wynne, nee Miss Anna Lee Cobb, of this city, many of which have latter known and loved her for her sunny character and womanly charms of head and heart since childhood, were terribly grieved and shocked on Tuesday to learn that her manly little son, age nine years on Feb.8,1908, was stricken ill last Saturday morning and died on Tuesday, Mar.10,1908 at 11 o'clock of ptomaine poisoning. George E.Davis, Jr. was born Feb.8,1899. He was a bright and promising baby boy, the pride of his father and the joy of his mother, the pet of his auntie, and loved by all who knew him. He was their only child. Little George had been in poor health, and never very strong, though better lately than usual. Sometime last year he was afflicted with typhoid fever, and had a severe attack of scarlet fever around November or December of last year, from the effects he had never entirely recovered. Sometime last Friday evening he ate some wafers or snaps, and soon afterwards complained of sickness. The precious remains were prepared and brought here by train Wednesday for burial. Taken to the home of Dr.& Mrs.W.H.Alley until time for the procession was begun on its way to the Forrest City cemetery. Rev.J.K.Farris, of Paragould, Rev.J.D.Sibert, of Wynne, and Rev.Boone L.Wilford of the Methodist church of this city conducted the religious ceremonies before a large concourse of friends and relatives, to include these from Wynne:Mr.& Mrs.E.J.Badinelli, Mr.& Mrs.Dave Hamilton, Prof.& Mrs.W.H.Woodward, Mrs.A.B.Hammet and son, Mrs.O.L.Moore and daughter, Mrs.J.F.Murphy and three children, Mrs.J.L.Hare, Mrs.P.T.Scott, Mr.Ike Block, Mr.J.E.Smith, Mr.J.H.Hammer, Mr.M.W.Cobb, Mr.J.T.Patterson, and Mrs.N.J.Allen and son of Colt, Ark. Mrs.W.H.Alley returned to Lagrange, Texas to visit her daughter Mrs.Leon Brown after the funeral of her nephew, Geo.Davis, Jr. 3-20-1908 - DAWSON - SON - - - - 1902 - 3 14 1908 - HAYNES - The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr.& Mrs.Mart Dawson, of St.Louis, formerly of Haynes, Ark., in the loss by accident of their little blind boy. The little fellow was about six years of age and has been blind for a long time. He was playing in the street with some companions when one of them threw a stone which struck a horse attached to a wagon. The little boy was not able to get out of the way, and was run over breaking his neck. This happened last Saturday, Mar.14,1908, and the remains were brought to Haynes Tuesday and laid in the cemetery. Only a few years ago Mr.& Mrs.Dawson lost a little girl of the same age by being run over by cars in Haynes. 3-20-1908 - NEWBOTHE - MARGIE - - MRS. - LUALLEN - unk - 3 1 1908 - UNKNOWN - Died-at Hathaway, Arkansas, on Mar.1,1908, Mrs.Wm.Newbothe. She leaves a husband and five children, and a brother to mourn her loss. Her maiden name was Miss Margie Luallen, and she and her brother, C.W.Luallen of Dansby, are well known in this county. 3-27-1908 - TROUTMAN - MARY - A. - MRS. - - 1832 - 3 22 1908 - UNKNOWN - MRS.TROUTMAN DEAD=Mrs.Mary A.Troutman, of Madison, this county, died at her home in that town Sunday, Mar.22,1908, at the noon hour. Age about 75 years of heart failure, and was buried Tuesday afternoon, Rev.B.L.Wilford conducting the religious ceremonies. Mrs.Troutman was one of the old landmarks. She had been a resident of this county for about sixty years, coming here from North Carolina and locating a few miles below Madison, where she resided until the early 60s, and when the Civil war was ended, she moved to Madison. She was married twice, the first time to a man named Bennett, by whom she had two sons, both of whom died after reaching their majority several years ago. She leaves no relatives in this county of whom we are aware. She was widely known and had a large circle of friends and we sincerely regret her death. She was a good woman, the noblest work of God. Peace to her ashes. 3-27-1908 - STEVENS - H. - H. - - - 1839 - 3 22 1908 - MISSISSIPPI - Messrs.A.L. and R.S.Stevens were called to Byhalia, Miss. Tuesday on account of the death of their brother, H.H.Stevens who died Monday, Mar.22,1898. Mr.Stevens was 69 years of age and leaves a wife and many relatives to mourn his demise. 4-3-1908 - RAU - N. - H. - MRS. - - 1824 - 3 31 1908 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.RAU=Mrs.N.H.Rau, mother of Mrs.Berry Fussell and grandmother of Mr.Tommie O'Brien, is dead. A dark and gloomy canopy hangs over the home where she had been loved and so tenderly cared for these many many years. She had been an invalid for 11 or 12 years, and the dark Angel of Death relieved her of her sufferings and the Master called her faithful spirit home Tuesday, Mar.31,1908. She had reached the ripe old age of 83 years, and passed away peacefully without any suffering. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from the residence to the Forrest City cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives, where Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church, of which she was faithful member, performed the religious ceremonies. Mrs.Rau came from St.Louis to Wynne about 12 years ago to make her home with her daughter, Mrs.Berry Fussell, and thence to Forrest City. We extend sympathy to the family and friends in their time of loss. 4-3-1908 - JONES - NOLAN - - - - 1906 - 3 28 1908 - CITY - Mrs.Gratz Jones and children, of Tillatobia, Miss., were visiting with her mother, Mrs.M.A.Coffey, about three weeks ago. They were enjoying their visit thoroghly and the children were getting along fine until Friday, when the precious boy, Nolan, aged two years, became ill, and everything that modern science could bring to bear was to no avail, and he died the following morning, Mar.28,1908, of congestion of the brain. The remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery Sunday, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church performing the religious services. 5-29-1908 Mrs.Jones returns to Alabama accompanied by her husband, and her sister went to Memphis with her, Miss Nora Bell Coffey. 4-10-1908 - WILLIAMS - MEDGER - E. - - - 9 23 1896 - 3 27 1908 - UNKNOWN - OBITUARY=Colt, Ark.-Mar.29,1908-On the 27th of March, 1908, that dark and uncompromising Angel of Death visited the home of Mr.M.E.Williams and took therefrom its brightest and fairest jewel in the person of our little friend and schoomate, Medger E.Williams. Before we could scarcely realize that our little friend was sick, his precious body was consigned to the cold grave. But, alas, earth was not a suitable tabernacle for such a boy as this Dear Medgar, though, we will miss you greatly and oft in the solitude of life, our hearts will bleed and yearn for thy presence, yet we are willing that Heaven should have its own. Medger Williams was born Sep.23,1896 and died Mar.27,1908. Being about my own age, I believe I can truthfully say that of all my schoolmates and associates, I admired him most. He was trusted and loved by his old gray haired grandfather, Mr.N.G.Williams, Sr.. After the death of Mrs.Williams, Medgar was almost the sole companion of "Uncle Nat," and this staid old patriarch was made to sigh and tremble like the withering leaves of the forest when in the silent presence of his loved and idolized boy. Farewell dear Medgar; when my time comes to lay aside this mortal coll, will you stand upon the brink of that other shore and beckon me o'er the stormy deep. Howard Gordon Moore. 4-10-1908 - DAVIS - WILL - - - - unk - 4 3 1908 - UNKNOWN - ANOTHER VICTIM=The time will perhaps never come when everybody, will learn than an "unloaded" pistol is dangerous. Forrest City has furnished another example, and Will Davis is dead and Jim Stainback is suffering with remorse and regret that he killed his friend. Last Friday afternoon, Apr.3,1908, about 5 o'clock Will Davis and Jim Stainback, the latter a bartender at the bar of Mallory & Fogg's saloon, engaged in a friendly argument and were kidding one another, when the latter grabbed up a pistol which he supposed was unloaded, and pointing it at his friend, pulled the trigger. Coroner Todd held an inquest and it found that death was by accidental discharge of a pistol. 4-17-1908 - HALL - O. - J. - SR. - - 9 3 1837 - 4 15 1908 - WIDENER - DEATH OF MR.O.J.HALL, SR.=Mr.O.J.Hall, Sr. is dead: was the sad news that reached the city Tuesday night. He was stricken a few days ago with colic and a billous attack. Medicines were given, but they failed to relieve him. The bowels became locked, and the poisons that should have been expelled were taken into the bloodstream, and he passed away on Tuesday, Apr.15,1908, after an illness of only four days, at his home on Burnt Cane Lake, and was buried the following day. O.J.Hall, Sr. was one of the oldest citizens of Griggs township, where he has resided for about 35 years. He leave a heart broken widow, and a large family, several of whom, however, are grown, to mourn his death. He was the father of John W., Sam, O.J. Jr., Miss Maggie and three other children whom we do not know or recall their names. He was a man of strong convictions, honest and upright in all his dealings, and kind and indulgent to his family. He was considered one of the best and most substantial farmers in the county, and was sober , industrious, and successful. He had many friends, who deeply regret his demise. Per FindAGrave site he was born Sep.3,1837, and his name is Orville Jessie Hall. He is supposedly in the Widener Cemetery. 5-8-1908 - MARSHALL - - - MRS. - - unk - 5 1908 - HUGHES - Good Hope Times-The remains of Mrs.Marshall were interred in the Hughes cemetery last Sunday, May 3,1908. 5-8-1908 - PUGH - RICHARD - - - - 3 15 1884 - 10 21 1907 - YOCONA - Don't forget the unveiling of the Woodmen of the World monument at Poplar Grove to the memory of Richard Pugh, resting place of the beloved sovereign at the Yocona Cemetery, Sunday May 10,1908. Dinner will be served on the ground, there will be Sunday school and preaching by Elder W.H.Paslay at the church. Everyone is invited. The Pughs, the Brittains, the McDaniels, the Heustesses, the Coxes, the Bryans, and the Davises and other well known families of that classic community provided a great time for all. 5-8-1908 - WYFORD - ANTHONY - - - - 1868 - 5 3 1908 - UNKNOWN - A sawmill man by the name of Anthony Wyford, was accidentally drowned in Blackfish lake Sunday morning, May 3,1908. He attempted to launch a boat and slipped into the water. His companion says he never came to the surface, and evidently struck some obstacle, as he had a severe bruise on his head. He resided at Blackfish and worked at the Bonner mill. His friends sent for Stevens Bros., who prepared his body for shipment north, where he had family. He was about forty years of age. 5-15-1908 - DIXON - BOB - - - - unk - 5 14 1908 - UNKNOWN - Just as we go to press, we learn of the death of Bob Dixon of Wynne, who died yesterday, May 14,1908, after a lingering illness of several months. He had resided here in the past. 5-15-1908 - ROGERS - ELLA - - MRS. - - unk - 5 2 1908 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Ella Rogers, wife of J.W.Rogers of Marianna, committed suicide in the State hospital in Little Rock May 2,1908. She hanged herself with a rope made from a bed sheet. It was entirely unexpected. 5-22-1908 - LAMBRECHT - DORA - - MRS. - - 1866 - 5 18 1908 - ILLINOIS - Our Mr.Vadakin received a telegram Tuesday morning, advising of the death of his elder sister, Mrs.L.Lambrecht, at her home in Sullivan, Illinois. She is better known here as Mrs.Dora Kilner, as that was her name when she visited here in Forrest City several years ago. She had been an invalid for several years, but had been able to get up recently. She grew worse on Sunday and passed to her reward on Monday, May 18,1908. She leaves a son and daughter by her first husband, both grown, and her husband besides a sister and two brothers to mourn her loss. She was about 52 years of age. 5-22-1908 - WINFIELD - LILLIAN - - MISS - - unk - 5 19 1908 - UNKNOWN - News of the death of Miss Lillian Winfield by the overturning of the launch on White river near Clarendon on the night of the 19th of May, cast a gloom over the household of her aunt, Mrs.Walter Lewis, and other relatives in the city. Mrs.Wright Lewis left for Clarendon yesterday to help console the heart broken mother. 5-29-1908 - JOHNSEY - DOVIE - - - - unk - 5 25 1908 - DEMOCRAT - Democrat Times=Dovie, the infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Johnsey died Monday evening, May 25,1908, and laid to rest in the Democrat cemetery. The parents have our sincere sympathy. 5-29-1908 - LEWIS - W. - H. - - - unk - 5 20 1908 - UNKNOWN - BLACKFISH=Murdered and Robbed- News reached the city a few days ago of a most foul and horrible murder having been committed about three miles above Rumage's mill, and on the edge of Crittendon county, on or about Wednesday of last week, May 20,1908. It seems that an old man named W.H. or M.H.Lewis, who lived in the bottom country on Blackfish lake, above Quigley, a station on the Rock Island R.R., about 25 miles east of here, and was known to carry about $50 on his person. On Wednesday of last week he was missed, and prolonged search was successful on Sunday, finding the body in the lake, near the bank, and a magistrate from Earle summoned an inquest, and found that he had suffered three blows to his head with some blunt instrument which caused his death by unknown assailants. He was found by Chas.Franks, and the remains were taken to his home and given proper burial. 6-19-1908 - WALLACE - JIM - - DEPUTY - - unk - 6 15 1908 - UNKNOWN - JIM WALLACE KILLED=Deputy Sheriff shot from his horse by man whom he had threatened, Unreadable. News came about killing of Deputy from Heth by a trapper named F.M.Taylor came on Monday night, June 15,1908. He was shot twice and killed instantly by Mr.Taylor. It occurred about two and a half miles south of Heth. The cause of the shooting was that Mr.Wallace, while enroute home stopped at Mr.Taylor's and told him to leave the country, and when Mr.Taylor refused to leave, Mr.Wallace told him he was going to kill him right then, and hence the shooting. Quite a lot of people from Sand Ridge and Democrat visited Heth Tuesday on account of the death of Mr.Wallace, including Squire Thomas. The inquest over the dead body was held by Mr.Todd, and Mr.Taylor was released as the jury declared him justified in the shooting of Mr.Wallace. 7-10-1908 - LESSER - JULIUS - - - - 1853 - 7 5 1908 - ST.LOUIS - ST.LOUIS=Julius Lesser Dead=Died on July 5,1908 at his home, the Southwestern Cotton Compress King. Mr.Lesser was born in Germany in 1853. He began his business career in Marianna, and opened the Lee County Bank at Marianna. He was a brother of Mrs.M.Isaacs of this city and brother of Mrs.A.Meyers and Mrs.Jacobson, formerly of this city. He has another sister, Mrs.Rotholz and a brother, Mr.Morris Lesser of Marianna. He was buried at the Mount Sinai cemetery family vault. He had moved to St.Louis about 12 years ago to be involved with the Adler-Goldman Cotton Co. He had positions on the New York Cotton Exchange, the Memphis Cotton Exchange, and donated $50,000 to the Jewish Hospital in St.Louis. He will be missed. Many prominent persons were pallbearers. 7-10-1908 - RICHARDSON - W. - P. - - - 3 24 1877 - 7 9 1908 - HUGHES - Mr.W.P.Richardson, of the Johnson township, dIed yesterday, July 9,1908, at 12 o'clock. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery this morning. He leaves a little family to whom is extended the sympathy of their friends and neighbors. 7-10-1908 - BRYAN - KATE - - MRS. - - 1872 - 7 8 1908 - YOCONA - DEATH OF MRS.BRYAN=The relatives and friends in this city of Mrs.Kate Bryan, who had been making her home with Mr.& Mrs.Jesse B.Hodges, at Yocona, were greatly shocked to learn of her untimely death. Mrs.Bryan had been afflicted with tuberculosis for a long time, and for two months was confined to her bed, growing weaker until Wednesday morning, July 8,1908, when the Great White Horse stroke into this home and bore her spirit quietly and peacefully away and to its maker. Mrs.Bryan was only thirty six years of age, just in the prime of life, and was a consistent member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist church. She was a sister of one of our fellow townsmen, Mr.R.Bruce Smith, and besides, leaves a son age seven years and a large number of close friends to mourn her loss. The remains were interred in the Yocona cemetery the same afternoon. Elder W.H.Paslay officiating. Unreadable. 7-31-1908 - ETHERIDGE - MAMIE - - MISS - - 1903 - 7 24 1908 - UNKNOWN - Mamie, the sweet little five year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Tom Etheridge, of Whitmore, died of congestion last Friday, Jul.24,1908. She was their only child and was idolized by her parents, the Times offers their condolences. 8-7-1908 - LYON - BEN - - - - unk - 8 7 1908 - HUGHES - A deplorable accident happened in the L'anguille bottoms this morning, whereby, Mr.Ben Lyon, of Colt, lost his life, Aug.7,1908. He was in the bottoms superintending some timber work, when a limb from a falling tree struck him, killing him instantly. Mr.Lyon was a prominent merchant in Colt, and was well known throughout the county. He leaves a wie and eight children to whom we extend our sympathy. 8-14-1908 - BELSER - L. - H. - - - UNK - 8 14 1908 - OREGON - COMMITS SUICIDE=L.H.Belser, former well-known Hotel Man ends life with rifle=The many close friends of Mr.L.H.Belser and family, formerly of the Hotel Marion, of this city, are terribly shocked to learn of the sudden and awful death of Mr.Belser, who shot himself a few days ago at a hotel in Medford, Oregon, where he had been stopping for a week. The following from the Portland, Evening Telegram:Aug.5,1908-As a climax of a spree lasting a week, Mr.L.H.Belser, a real estate dealer at Wenatchee, Washington, shot himself in his room at the Hotel Nash at 9:45 o'clock last night, Aug.4,1908, dying immediately. The rifle part of a combination shotgun and rifle was used for the deed, which was witnessed by A.J.Percival, the hotel proprietor, his son, W.E.Johnson, of the Emerick restaurant, and another man who had just been engaged to stay and look after him last night. It was done so quickly that none could prevent it. Mr.Belser arrived in the city July 27, and engaged a room at the hotel, He was about 40? years of age, well dressed, and appeared to have plenty of money, and spent it freely, mostly around saloons. He was well-behaved however, and appeared to be a gentleman. Mr.Belser was a gentleman. He was genial and poplular, was doing well, and had a bright future. He was a man who could not stand the effects of whiskey, and when drinking would almost get crazy. He went on a spree here several years ago, and it was thought he would lose his mind. He finally recovered, and was a total abstainer for several years. This last spree was the first since the one referred to, so far as we know. He leaves a widow and two sons, a lovely family-and to them we extend the heartfelt sympathy in their awful and sudden bereavement. 9-11-1908 Mr.Willie Belser was in town to take care of his mother's interests, he is taking over his father's interests in Wenatchee, Wash. and has become quite a nice young man. 8-21-1908 - TUCKER - LULA - GORE - MISS - - unk - 8 1908 - UNKNOWN - PALESTINE TIMES=Little Lulu Gore, daughter of Mrs.Tucker, died last Wednesday of congestion, and was buried the following day in the cemetery north of town. Little Lulu was a general favorite and will be missed by her companions in both the public school and the Sunday school. The sympathy of the writer is extended to the bereaved mother in her loss. 8-28-1908 - PARCHMENT - MILES - - - - unk - 8 23 1908 - UNKNOWN - A SUNDAY KILLING=Three sharp reports emanating from the hotel on Jackson street, broke the peaceful quiet of last sabbath morning, Aug.23,1908, and a crowd soon gathered around the hotel, when it was learned that Deputy Sheriff L.H.Potts had killed a man. Dr.W.H.Alley was summoned at once, and found a man named Miles Parchment lying on the porch with a bullet wound in his arm, and one through his hip and stomach, from which hed died during the night. The circumstances were as follows: Sheriff Williams and Deputy Potts were on the Shields corner talking when a woman came up and asked Potts for 25 cents, that she claimed that he owed her. It ended up she returned to the hotel mentioned above, and Parchment intervened saying she was his wife, and told him not to take her into custody, while reaching towards his hip, which Potts interpreted as reaching for a weapon, and immediately fired his pistol. All because of drunkeness apparently. Coroner Todd held an inquest and found no charges from the death. 8-28-1908 - McLENDON - DAUGHTER - - MISS - - unk - 8 1908 - UNKNOWN - PALESTINE TIMES=Lee McLendon has the sympathy of the community on the loss of his little girl of congestion last week. They were visiting in Lee county at the time, and the funeral took place there. 8-28-1908 - BARRON - CARRIE - - MISS - - 1895 - 8 21 1908 - WYLDS - SAD EVENT=On Sunday afternoon, an unusually large crowd gathered at the Rock Island depot, and around the hotel. As the train rolled in at 6:30 from Hot Springs, a casket was put off at this place. The crowd which gathered around which gathered around it was shocked to read on the undertaker's placard that it was Carrie Barron, died at Hot Springs, Aug.21,1908, of congestion. Carrie was the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.J.Barron, of the Cut-off, and the news soon spread around among his friends and acquaintances, who offered heatfelt sympathy for many of them knew Miss Carrie personally. She was between 12 or 13 years of age, bright for her age, and of an exceedingly sweet disposition. We learned from the father that prior to entering school in Memphis, they had taken a trip to Hot Springs, for rest and while returning from a walk, she became ill, and all that the physicians could do was to no avail. The mother was in Pine Bluff, and was telegraphed of her death, and became overcome with grief and is very ill at Pine Bluff. The remains were laid to rest in Wylds cemetery Monday morning. 9-11-1908 - STOKES - ALBERT - - - - 8 5 1887 - 2 14 1908 - HARRIS CHAPEL - NEW CASTLE TIMES-=Your humble scribe attended on of the greatest gatherings and finest dinners yesterday, at what is called the ol Harris graveyard, near Wittsburg, that it ever has been our pleasure to visit. The occasion was the unveiling of the monument to our deceased brother, Albert Stokes. Caldwell,Vanndale, Wynne and Forest Camps attended; also about 1500 visitors were there to partake of the most magnificent dinners man ever sat down to eat. There were sheep, goats, hogs and yearlings, wild turkey, squirrel pie, cake and pies, hard to number and lots over 12 basketfull that was taken up. Oh how did we eat. L.H.Pippin and Sovereign Satterfield were speakers of the day. The W.O.W. Camp at Forest Chapel will go to work in the near future and build a nice hall over Forest Chapel church, and then for a "time" for all again. Oh! what a good time we are having in these hard times. Its hard to keep good folks down. 9-18-1908 - DOYLE - MILTON - - - - UNK - 9 13 1908 - UNKNOWN - DRUNKEN MAN KILLED=Passenger train no.41 going east from Little Rock, Sunday morning ran over and killed a man named Milton Doyle near Beck's switch, a few miles west of town. The engineer stated that he discovered two men on the track near Beck's Switch, blew the alarm, and expected them to get off the track, but they made no effort, and he was unable to stop the train in time, throwing one over the right of way, and passing over Doyle. The other man, who was asleep when found, was brought along with Doyle's body to Forrest City and the other man was put in the callaboose. Coroner Todd's inquest found from the other man that Doyle and he had bought several bottles of whiskey and started for Palestine, embibing liberally on the way, and the railroad was held blameless. The body was returned to Palestine for burial. 9-25-1908 - POWELL - CASE - - - - Unk - Unk - UNKNOWN - CIRCUIT COURT=The case of Sam Cook, who is on trial for murder of Case Powell. He was defended by Hon.R.J.Williams and Judge S.H.Mann, and prosecuting Attorney Andrews was assisted by Judge Jacobs, of Hamburg. It went to jury this afternoon. Verdict reached 10-2-1908 Guilty, to be hanged Dec.11,1908. 9-25-1908 - NEW - JOHN - - - - 1 29 1877 - 9 23 1908 - CITY - John New, of the timber firm of Young & New, and a well known and highly respected timber man of this county, died Tuesday night, Sept.23,1908, at his camp on Rose Lake of congestion. He was complaining some Monday, and that evening had a congestive chill. He became unconscious and remained so all day Tuesday, and until the end. John New was a man of sterling integrity and had many friends who regret his sudden death, and we join them in offering our sympathy. He was buried Wednesday. 10-2-1908 - SUGGS - J. - M. - ELDER - - Unk - 9 30 1908 - UNKNOWN - A large crowd attended the funeral of Elder J.M.Suggs Sunday evidenced the esteem which he was held by the people here. Elder Suggs was attending a religious meeting at Wynne, was taken sick and and died suddenly of heart failure, Sept.30,1908. The remains were brought to Forrest City and the funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church, of which he was a consistent member, and at the time its pastor. Elder Suggs was an old residenter, having lived here for twenty five years or more, and has been identified with religious circles most of the time. He was respected by all. 10-9-1908 - DAVIDSON - MARY - - MISS - - 1895 - 9 30 1908 - UNKNOWN - OBITUARY=Miss Mary Davidson passes away. Mostly unreadable, age 13. 10-16-1908 - BARRINGER - PAUL - - - - 8 24 1879 - 10 12 1908 - CITY - PAUL BARRINGER=Paul Barringer is dead. This was the most shocking news that spread rapidly over the city Tuesday, and cast a gloom over the entire community, and especially his friends whom he numbered by the score. Paul Barringer was born near Warren, in Bradley county on Aug.24,1879. He came to Forrest City in January 1905, from Portland, Arkansas and took a position with Brandon, Baugh & Co., where he rapidly won favor and made friends. He was soon to be promoted to lead salesman, having particular charge of their dry goods department and general conservation of their stock, buying most of their goods and having charge of their advertising. While thus employed, he became ill and was compelled to give up work. After being confined to his room for several weeks, he recuperated and went toTexas and othe points seeking to regain his lost vitality, but he angel of death had marked him with the dread disease and finally claimed him for his own. He died peacefully and quietly at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct.12,1908, and the remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery the afternoon on Wednesday, Oct. 14,1908. Elder W.E.Pippin conducting the services at the Baptist church and concluding at the grave with a sweet and simple prayer. Mr.Paul Barringer was married in this city on Feb.8,1906 to Miss Nannie Taylor, daughter of the late Hon.Geo.P. and Mrs.Alice Taylor. He is survived by the wife and a son bearing his name. Mrs.W.H, Barringer of Portland, Ark. was at his bedside for some days before he passed away. Other relatives in attendance for the funeral were:Mrs.W.H.Ford of Marianna; Mrs.Lucy Word, of Augusta, who is still here; Mrs.Lutie Koonce and son, Mebane, and Mrs.Peyton T.Scott of Wynne. 10-16-1908 - HARGRAVES - NANNIE - - MRS. - - 1869 - 10 1908 - UNKNOWN - FUNERAL OF MRS.HARGRAVES=Many friends and neighbors attended the funeral of Mrs. Nannie Hargraves this afternoon, held at 2 o'clock at the family residence, corner of Fourth Street and Arkansas Ave.. The deceased had been ill for several months, and won the love of all who knew her by her patience and cheerfulness in her days of suffering. She is 39 years of age, and is survived by her husband, Mr.W.D.Hargraves, and three children. The family had lived in Chickasha but a short time. Chickasha, Okla. Bulletin. Mrs.Hargraves was a sister of Mrs.Bruce Smith and Mrs.Lizzie Rollwage, of this city, and a daughter of Mr.John McDaniel, deceased of the Franks township. The bereaved relatives have our kindly sympathy in their bereavement. 10-23-1908 - SULLIVAN - W. - H. - - - Unk - 10 1908 - UNKNOWN - IN MEMORIAM-Hall of Colt Lodge No.531, I.O.O.F. Be it resolved to that in the death of Brother W.H.Sullivan, the lodge has lost one of its most worthy and influential members. Signed:T.D.Hampton/S.M.Blalock/C.T.Moore. 10-23-1908 - WILLIAMS - NAT - G. - SR. - - 1832 - 10 15 1908 - UNKNOWN - LAST ROLL CALL= On Thursday, Oct.15th, 1908, at Colt, our old friend and comrade, N.G.Williams, Sr., answered the last roll call, and his spirit passed to its maker. The remains were carried to Caldwell Friday and interred. Nat Williams was 76 year of age at the time of his demise. At the beginning of the "late unpleasantness" he enlisted in the 23rd Arkansas, and bravely followed the fortunes of the "bonnie blue flag" until it was laid away in peace. The few surviving old soldiers regret the passing away of old Nat, and join the Times in sincere sympathy to those of his family left behind. 10-23-1908 - WYLDS - DAN - - MRS. - - 1845 - 10 21 1908 - WYLDS - DEATH OF MRS.DAN WYLDS=While not unexpected, yet the news of the death of Mrs.Dan Wylds, which reached the city Wednesday, Oct.21,1908. caused a pang of sorrow in many hearts, and the sympathy extended to the bereaved family is truly sincere. Mrs.Wylds has been an invalid for several years, and fell a victim to that dreaded disease consumption, at noon Wednesday. She was born in Indiana in 1845. She grew to young womanhood, receiving the common school education, and cultivated her naturally lovely disposition and character, until she was known far and near by a host of admiring friends for her truly southern geniality and hospitality. Everybody knew Mrs.Dan Wylds could not but love and admire her for her sweet, pure character and gentle motherly manner. She had gone to her daughter's in Arizona last year, Mrs.McDowell, to try and regain her health, to no avail.The remains were laid to rest in the Wylds cemetery yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church presiding at the religious ceremonies. She is survived a heart broken husband, and by two grown sons, and her daughter, Mrs.McDowell, who was unable to attend the funeral. 10-23-1908 - COOVER - MARY - E. - MRS. - - unk - 10 21 1908 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Mary E.Coover died Wednesday night, Oct.21,1908, at the St.Josephs Hospital in Memphis. Mrs.Coover is well known in this city, having relatives and friends. She resied here for some time and owns considerable property in the bottom country. 11-6-1908 - GADBERRY - LUCY - - MRS. - - 11 5 1881 - 10 6 1908 - HUGHES - IN MEMORIAM=The Angel of Death has visited another home and plucked one of its sweetest flowers, when it called home Mrs.Lucy Gadberry, who was born Nov.5,1881, and was married to J.T.Gadberry May 6,1899, and professed religion and joined the Baptist church Aug.18,1907, her membership being held at Colt. She lived happily until Oct.6,1908, when God saw fit to call her home. She leaves a husband and three children, father and mother, three brothers and a sister to mourn her loss. 11-13-1908 - PINKSTON - GUS - - - - Unk - 11 1908 - WIDENER - The examining trial of Mark Beaty, Cephus Booker, Will Moody, and Phil Condolph, charged with murdering Gus Pinkston last week at Widener, was set before Squire Turley Wednesday this week. Hon.Walter Gorman acting as Prosecuting Attorney, and Hon.S.H.Mann acting Defense Attorney. It was decided to hold them over for trial before Judge Hutton. 11-13-1908 - McGEE - ANNIE - - MRS. - - 6 24 1874 - 11 11 1908 - CITY - Mrs.Annie McGee, residing on the John Aven place near Caldwell, died Wednesday, Nov.11,1908, of pneumonia, and was interred in the Forrest City cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church presiding over the religious ceremonies. Deceased leaves a husband, Mr.John F.McGee, and several children and other relatives to mourn her loss. 11-20-1908 - WHEAT - TOM - - PROF. - - 1856 - 11 18 1908 - UNKNOWN - Prof.Tom H. Wheat, born in Lousiana, of Little Rock died in Little Rock Wednesday, Nov.18,1908 of swamp fever according to the doctors. He is connected by relatives in this city and acquaintances. He is survived by a widow and one daughter, Ethel. 12-4-1908 - ALLEN - JULIA - T. - MRS. - COBBS - 1862 - 11 27 1908 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.ALLEN=Mrs.Juiia T.Allen, age 46 years, beloved wife of Mr.N.J.Allen, died at her home a half mile east of Colt, on Friday, Nov.27,1908, after a brief illness of malarial fever, and was buried in the Forrest City cemetery on the following Sunday, the 29th, Rev.Nelson and Wilford of the Colt and Forrest City Methodist church conducting the funeral ceremonies. Mrs.Allen in her maidenhood was Miss Julia T.Cobbs, daughter of Dr.J.H.Cobbs, at one time one of the leading physicians of this county. She was born in Little Rock, moving to this county with her parents soon afterwards, and at her death was a member of one of the oldest, and most prominently connected families in the county. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church, a pure, sweet, good woman who was known and loved by a large circle of friends and relatives for her quiet, sweet womanly virtues. She was a kind and loving wife, a devoted mother, a gental neighbor and a true friend. She leaves a husband, one daughter, Miss Lucille, age 12, and two sons, Mr.Howell, grown, and Master age 10 years, and many other relatives to mourn her loss. 12-11-1908 - HAYNES - J. - M. - MRS. - - unk - 12 8 1908 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.J.M.Haynes, of Horton, died Tuesday night, Dec.8,1908, shortly after giving birth to a sweet little baby. She leaves a fond husband and three other children besides this little one to mourn her loss. She was a good Christian woman, and all who knew her loved her. She was a member of the K. & L. H., and was buried under auspices of that order the following day. 12-11-1908 - ELLIS - J. - D. - - - unk - 12 9 1908 - UNKNOWN - J.D.Ellis was brutally beaton by someone Tuesday night, in his little store near Proctor. Robbery was the object of the assault. His son, Mr.Bud Ellis, who lives on the R.J.Williams place, was sent for, and the old man was taken to Memphis, where he died the following morning, Dec.9,1908. The remains were brought back to Proctor and interred in the cemetery near that place. Ellis was an old man and was alone in the store at the time, but after being clubbed, managed to crawl to a house nearby, and all that they could get out of him was that he had fallen and hurt himself. There is no clue as to the dastardly crime, and the officers will win laurels if they run down the guilty man. 12-18-1908 - STAYTON - JOE - - MRS. - - Unk - 12 10 1908 - PALESTINE - Mrs.Joe Stayton died at St.Josephs Hospital in Memphis last Thursday afternoon, Dec.10,1908, and was buried at the Palestine cemetery Friday afternoon. Her death came as a shock to the family physician and the hospital doctors had pronounced her rapidly recovering. She leaves a husband and two small daughters to mourn her loss. 12-25-1908 - HENLEY - A. - T. - - - 1862 - 12 19 1908 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mr.A.T.Henley=Died at Goodwin, Ark., Saturday, Dec.19,1908, of consumption. While not unexpected, the tidings of the death of Mr.Henley spread gloom over the neighborhood far and near. He had been a sufferer from this dread disease, consumption, for sometime, but the fear of death had no horrors for him, but rather a comfort, and he died as he lived, a good husband, father, and citizen. Mr.Henley was forty six years old, was born and raised near Goodwin. He leaves a heart broken widow and three children to mourn his death. He was a mason and and Odd Fellow, and the funeral services were conducted by the Odd Fellows lodge, of Wheatley, Ark. Over three hundred people came to the funeral, showing the esteem which he was accorded. The pall bearers included:J.T.Dyal/J.J.Reedy/Sid Powell/Elmer Reedy/W.H.Porter/G.A.McCormack. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 3-27-1908 - BORDEN - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.L.F.Borden had a sweet baby girl last week, Mother and baby are doing fine. 3-27-1908 - CLARKE - BABY - - - - - - - A fine boy baby arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Pope Clarke last week, both mother and baby are doing fine. 5-1-1908 - LINDSEY - BABY - - - - - - - Mrs.Bertie Lindsey has a sweet baby girl who arrived Tuesday. 5-8-1908 - BRANDENBURG - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.James Brandenburg have a new baby boy at the home, he arrived Tuesday of last week. 5-22-1908 - RUSH - BABY - - - - - - - The stork left a lovely little baby girl at the home of Dr. and Mrs.J.O.Rush on Monday, it is their third daughter. Both are doing fine. 5-29-1908 - BRADY - BABY - - - - - - - Perhaps a little catcher, but surely a kicker arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.W.King Brady Wednesday night, the household of Mr.& Mrs.Geo.Dooley are rejoicing over the birth of their grandson. 5-29-1908 - JOHNSON - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.J.T.Johnson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy at their home Thursday. Mother and son are getting along fine. 6-5-1908 - SEABORN - BABY - - - - - - - Born, a son to Mr.& Mrs.Walker Seaborn, Wednesday afternoon. Both mother and baby are doing fine. 6-26-1908 - KROWN - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Krown are the proud parents of a fine new baby boy who arrived last week. 7-10-1908 - IZARD - BABY - - - - - - - On July 4,1908, the stork visited the home of Mr.& Mrs.Chas. R.Izard and left a sweet little baby girl. 7-10-1908 - SCOTT - BABY - - - - - - - Round Pond Times=The family of Mr.& Mrs.Ed Scott received a welcome addition, a fine baby boy who arrived July 2,1908. Mother and baby are doing nicely. 7-10-1908 - SHIELDS - J. - S. - JR. - - - - - The stork visited the home of Dr.& Mrs.J.S.Shields last Monday and left a brand new bouncing baby boy. They are naming him J.S.Jr. 7-10-1908 - COX - BABY - - - - - - - A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Tom Cox at Yocona on July 4th. 7-17-1908 - THOMPSON - BABY - - - - - - - Mrs.Thompson, wife of Operator Thompson, who recently left here, has a sweet little baby girl. She arrived on Tuesday. 8-28-1908 - WARR - BABY - - - - - - - Palestine Times=John Warr is the proud grandfather of a new baby girl at his home. 8-28-1908 - PEEBLES - BABY - - - - - - - A woman named Peebles, in jail for killing her husband, had a baby girl yesterday, 9-4-1908 - GAMBLE - BABY - - - - - - - Palestine Times-J.W.Gamble is rejoicing over the birth of a fine baby girl at his home last Friday, Aug.28,1908. 9-4-1908 - BRIDEWELL - BABY - - - - - - - The stork left a sweet little baby girl at the home of Mr.& Mrs.A.C.Bridewell last Saturday. 10-2-1908 - GROBMYER - BABY - - - - - - - The stork visited the home of Mr.& Mrs.John Grobmyer Monday and left them a bouncing baby girl. 12-18-1908 - FERGUSON - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Elton T. Ferguson had a sweet little baby girl to their home on Sunday, Dec.6,1908. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-3-1908 - BRAY - HENRY - C. - - - - - - BRAY-BELL=Mr.Henry C.Bray, of Palestine, and Miss Alma Bell were married at the home of the bride in this city on Jan.1,1908 by Rev.H.L.Wilord presiding. They will reside at Palestine. 1-3-1908 - GULLETT - REGINALD - - - - - - - GULLETT-MILLER=Mr.Reginald Gullett, of Milwaukee, Wisc., and Mrs.Oscar Miller of Widener were married at Mrs.Kirby's hotel on the southside through the agency of a matrimonial bureau. Rev.Mr.Hensley officiating. 1-10-1908 - WARREN - MR. - - - - - - - WARREN-WILKES=Miss Louise Wilkes, of Helena, daughter of Mr.L.J.Wilkes, traveling salesman for Day & Bailey of Memphis, married Mr.Warren, of Shreveport, La., Rev.Boon L.Wilford offiicating. 1-10-1908 - HALL - GEORGE - - - - - - - HALL-SPECKUM=Sloniker Mill Times=Mr.George Hall and Miss Annie May Speckum were married at the home of Mr.& Mrs.D.L.Burns on Dec.27,1907, Mr.Bob Collier officiating. 1-17-1908 - KELLEY - CHARLES - M. - - - - - - KELLEY-McKNIGHT=Squire Charles M.Kelley, of Pine Tree, and Mrs.Lillie McKnight were married on Monday before Christmas by Squire J.L.Speer of Hamlin, Cross County. 1-17-1908 - JONES - GEORGE - - - - - - - JONES-HIGGINS=The marriage of Mr.George Jones and Miss Almee Higgins, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Thomas Higgins at their home on Wednesday evening, Rev.B.Talbot of Fond du Lac officiating 1-24-1908 - KLEIBER - FRED - - - - - - - KLEIBER-BATTLE=Mr.Fred Kleiber, owner of the Klondike Bakery here, announces his marriage to Mrs.Grace Battle, formerly of this city at Brownsville, Tenn. last Sunday afternoon. 2-7-1908 - POGEY - W. - M. - - - - - - POGEY-COWDEN=The news of a marriage between Mr.W.M.Pogey, a railroad man from Little Rock, and Miss Minnie Cowden, formerly of this city in Little Rock on Jan.30,1908. 2-28-1908 - BURKHART - FRANK - - - - - - - BURKHART-CHASE=Mr.Frank Burkhart, a baker, and who was recently interested in the Klondike Bakery with Mr.John Aven, was happily married to Mrs.M.E.Chase at the residence of Mrs.Alice Rowland by Rev.B.L.Wilford. They left for Amory, Mississipi where they will reside. 3-6-1908 - LILLY - DUNK - - - - - - - LILLY-HARDY=Mr.Dunk Lilly, better known as Dunk Stough, will be married to Miss Leta Hardy next Sunday at the home of the bride. 3-20-1908 - McDANIEL - CHARLEY - - - - - - - McDANIEL-MITCHELL=On Mar.18,1908 Mr.Charley McDaniel, of Forrest City, will married Miss Emily Mitchell of Little Rock, Rev.E.E.Morris of the Presbyterian church doing the honors at the family residence. 3-20-1908 - REEVES - WALTER - L. - - - - - - REEVES-VOGEL=Mr.Walter L. Reeves of this city married Miss Lida Vogel of Forrest City at the parsonage of the Mississippi Ave.Christian church, the Rev.L.D.Riddell officiating in Memphis, Tenn. last night. 4-3-1908 - JORDAN - HENRY - - - - - - - JORDAN-PANKEY=Mr.Henry Jordan, of Palestine, and Miss Annie Pankey of Fulwood, were happily united Monday night by Squire McLaren at the home of the bride. 4-3-1908 - CLARK - WILL - - - - - - - CLARK-SMALE=MIss Joe Smale, of Hot Springs, and Mr.Will Clark of Philadelphia, were married Mar.31,1908. She had resided in Forrest City, and they will make their home in Philadelphia. 4-10-1908 - JAMES - JOE - - - - - - - JAMES-MALONE=Mr.Joe James and Miss Malone were happily married at the residence of Mr.Jim Thompson and family who reside in Franks township, on Tuesday afternoon, Elder Pippin of the Baptist church presiding. Mr.James is a son of Mr. Lee James, a well to do farmer. 4-10-1908 - POGUE - WILL - - - - - - - POGUE-HANNA=Mr.Will Pogue and Miss Jennie Hanna were married by Judge Folbre. Miss Hanna is a daugher of Mr.& Mrs.John Hanna. 4-10-1908 - DARR - JOHN - EDGAR - - - - - - DARR-TERRY=Mr.John Edgar Darr and Miss Margaret Maybelle Terry were united by Elder W.E.Pippin of the Baptist church. The wedding took place in the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.B.Terry. Mrs.Darr is the daughter of Mrs.E.J.Terry, and was reared in this county. He is from Atkins, Ark., and now lives in Little Rock where they will make their home. 4-17-1908 - DEANE - CLIFFORD - F. - - - - - - DEANE-VADAKIN=Last Friday night, Apr.10,1908, Mr.Clifford F.Deane, age 32 of St.Louis, and Miss Dora Annette Vadakin, age 20, of this city, were happily married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.E.L.Vadakin, the Rev.Edward Thomas Mabley of the Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. 5-8-1908 - IZARD - JOHN - S. - DR. - - - - - IZARD-CARTER=Dr.John S.Izard, brother of M.W.Izard of the Antler Hotel, this city was married to Miss Gussie Carter of Wickes, the ceremony being conducted at the home of Mrs.Rainey. Dr.Izard came to Polk county several months ago from the northern part of the state and opened an office in Wickes where he has built up a fine practice. Mr.M.W.Izard and daughter, Miss Letha, went down to Wickes on the No.3 yesterday afternoon.-Mena Evening Star-Apr.30,1908. Dr.lzard is a native of and was reared and educated in St.Francis county. He has a large number of friends and relatives here who will be glad to hear to read the above notice of his marriage, and will join us in hearty congratulations and best wishes. 5-15-1908 - POTTER - JOHN - ALBERT - - - - - - POTTER-BECK=An interesting wedding took place at the Bixel hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., Wednesday evening, Miss Emma Beck, daughter of Mrs.Alice L.Beck and deceased, Capt.J.W.Beck, recently of Forrest City, to Mr.John Albert Potter, of Brawley, Calif.. Rev.Robert J.Burdette ot the Temple Baptist church officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Attie Beck. Los Angeles Times. 5-15-1908 - COLBERT - HENRY - - - - - - - COLBERT-GRASS=Mr.Henry Colbert, age 24, and Miss Mary Grass, age 22, both of Cut Off were married by Squire Ellis Turley at his office in the store Wednesday. Colbert is from Louiville, and now works for wages on a farm. 5-22-1908 - CHILTON - HERBERT - - - - - - - CHILTON-PAYNE=Mr.Herbert Chilton, familiarly and better known as Stickman, was happily married to Miss Etta Payne of St.Louis, by Squire Wm.White at his home on the John Pickens place in Griggs township last Sunday afternoon. The happy couple are staying with his mother, Mrs.Cobb on N.Rosser street, near the Crowley Ridge Institute. He is the manager of the Forrest City Billiard and Pool Parlor. 5-22-1908 - CHANDLER - SAMUEL - BURDINE - - - - - - CHANDLER-ROLLWAGE=Announcements are out announcing the marriage of Mr.Samuel Burdine Chandler, of Union City, Tenn. to Miss DeVeiling Rollwage of this city on Monday, June 8,1908 at the Presbyterian church. 6-12-1908 Marriage ceremones the most magnificently appointed in the history of Forres City. Rev.P.H.Hensley, Jr. of the Presbyterian church presiding. 5-29-1908 - QUINN - GRANVILLE - - - - - - - QUINN-NICHOLS=Mr.A.T.Hamilton of New Castle, was in town and advised of the marriage of Mr.Granville Quinn to Miss Mattie Nichols which took place at the home of the bride's father, Mr.Tom Nichol, at New Castle, last Sunday, Squire McLaren tied the knot. 7-3-1908 - MOSBY - JOHN - LEWIS - - - - - - MOSBY-DAVIS=Mr.John Mosby, of Memphis, and Miss Claud Davis will take place on Jul.8,1908 at the home of the bride's parents, Marshal and Mrs.John M.Davis. 7-3-1908 - NANCE - ROBERT - H. - - - - - - NANCE-DUTTON=Mr.Robert H.Nance and Miss Annie Laurie Dutton of Newport were married by Rev.R.B.Willis. They will be at home in Huntsville, Alabama, near his home. 7-24-1908 - ROLAND - THOMAS - J. - JR. - - - - - ROLAND-FERGUSON=Mr.Thomas J.Roland, Jr. and Miss Eula May Ferguson were married by Rev.W.H.Paslay July 21st at the residence of the bride, who is the younger daugher of Mr.W.H.Ferguson, deceased. She has just finished her schooling. 7-24-1908 - HORNSBY - JOHN - - - - - - - HORNSBY-KIRBY=Last Saturday, Squire Pipkin was called upon to marry Mr.John Hornsby and Miss Jennie Kirby. 8-7-1908 - IZARD - RICHARD - J. - MAYOR - - - - - IZARD-ROGERS=Last Sunday night, Mayor Izard took the evening train eastward to claim his bride in Alabama. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents in Warsaw, Alabama on Aug.5,1908. Miss Zell Rogers is well known to Forrest City, having been the private tutor in the home of Judge and Mrs.T.C.Folbre for about eight months. Mr.Izard is the eldest son of Col. and Mrs.V.B.Izard, was born and raised in this county, and a lawyer by profession. Everyone wishes Dick the best and welcomes Mrs.Izard. 9-4-1908 - GORDON - JESSE - - - - - - - Palestine Times-GORDON-CARTER=Mr.Jesse Gordon and Miss Maggie Carter were joined in the bonds of holy matrimony. 9-4-1908 - BUSBY - HAROLD - W. - - - - - - BUSBY-GURRY=Mr.Harold W.Busby, of Monroe, La., and Miss Alice Gurry, formerly of Forrest City, now Austin, Texas, were married last night at the home of the bride's parents by Rev.Dr.E.H.Wright. 11-13-1908 - WILLIAMS - TOM - - - - - - - WILLIAMS-WEST=Judge E.A.Rolfe joined in marriage Tom Williams and Miss Mary West at the courthouse this morning. 11-13-1908 - WILLIAMS - JNO. - W. - - - - - - WILLIAMS-NEEL=Mr.Jno.W.Williams and Mrs.Nora Neel were joined in holy matrimony Wednesday evening by Elder W.E.Pippin of the Baptist church at the bride's residence. Mr.Williams is the senior partner of the Imperial Tonsorial Parlor. 11-20-1908 - EVANS - J. - J. - - - - - - EVANS-BLANTON=The marriage of Mr.J.J. "Bud" Evans and Mrs.Mary Blanton took place on Wednesday night at the Methodist Episcopal church, by Rev.B.LWilford. 11-20-1908 - GOLIGHTLY - ROY - - - - - - - GOLIGHTLY-RAGSDALE=The marriage of Mr.Roy Golightly, age 19, of O'Briens Meat market to Miss Geraldine Ragsdale, age 18, of Paducah, Ky. at her grandmother's residence on Wednesday. 11-20-1908 - WEIER - ROY - - - - - - - WEIER-WILKINS=Miss Willie Lee Wilkins married Mr.Roy Weier Tuesday at the Catholic parsonage by Father Buscher. 11-27-1908 - LOGAN - J. - M. - - - - - - LOGAN-BASKINS=Mr.J.M.Logan, of Johnson township,Mrs.Madie F.Baskins of L'anguille township were married by Judge E.A.Rolfe under an oak tree on the lawn of Mr.Will Moore who witnessed the ceremony. They honeymooned in Byahalia, Miss, his old hometown. 12-18-1908 - GILLIAM - JAMES - MULLEN - - - - - - GILLIAM-GATLING=Mr.& Mrs.John Gatling invite you to the wedding of Miss Louise Gatling to Mr.James Mullen Gilliam Dec.26,1908 at the Church of the Good Shepherd. 12-18-1908 - POWELL - J. - E. - - - - - - POWELL-DAVIS= Mr.J.E.Powell, station agent for the Choctaw at Widener, and Mrs.Salena Davis were married Dec.15,1908 at the home of the bride by Rev.P.H.Henley of the Presbyterian church. 12-18-1908 - STERGENER - ED - - - - - - - STERGENER-LINDSEY=Mr.Ed Stergener and Miss Johnnie Lindsey were married in Haynes Tuesday night, Elder Pippin of the Baptist church presiding. 12-25-1908 - WILMUTH - JOHN - W. - - - - - - WILMUTH-DYAL=Mr.John W.Wilmuth, of Hazel Grove, Ark., and Miss Mattie Belle Dyal, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.T.Dyal, by Elder Pippin Sunday morning at the bride's parents home. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - 1-3-1908 - NEW METAL BRIDGE AT MADISON - - - - - - - - CONTRACT LET=Bridge across St.Francis river at Madison to be completed by Aug.1,1908-The dream and hobby of Hon.F.W.DeRossitt is coming to fruition, Judge E.A.Rolfe appointed Mr.H.N.Pharr as consulting engineer, bids were taken, and awarded the contract to Virginia Bridge Co. for approximately $29,000. 1-10-1908 - WHEATLEY HAS FIRST ELECTION - - - - - - - - Wheatley which was incorporated Dec.1907, held their first election:Mayor-C.F.Hemenway/Marshal-D.B.Smith/Recorder-A.M.Goldberg/Aldermen-Ike Slager, H.K.Smith, M.H.Williams, B.C.Betts, and W.S.Hemenway. 2-14-1908 - MRS.CHARLES R.IZARD VISITS - - - - - - - - Mrs.Charles R.Izard and daughter Virginia Lee visit relatives and friends in Colt, Caldwell, and Wynne for several days. 2-21-1908 - FIRE AT COLT - - - - - - - - A disastrous fire occurred at Colt Wednesday morning, Feb.19,1908 at the store and post office of Mr.L.A.Fitzpatrick plus the general store of Mr.Nat Williams were destroyed. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-FIRST GRADE-MISS FREEMAN - - - - - - - - Elizabeth Barrow/Lela Grissom/Kathleen Nelson/Pearl Turner/Thelma Bottoms/Mary Nelson/Azile Merritt/Lula Brown/Rebecca Yoffie/Mary Joe Barnhart/Evelyn Williams/Eva Neely/Fannie Moseley/Norma Sellers/Virginia Brady/Ruby Kelley/Clara Heard/Cornelia Eldridge/Ollie Lambert/Troy Taylor/Bryan Bowers/Rodney Heartsill/Robert Stevens/Frank Turner/Frank Merwin/Charlie Malouf/Forrest Bogart/William Nall/Bernard Lannan/Edward Davenport/Hugh Murphree/Ernest Borden/Chester Houston/Frank Biggers/Herman Waterman 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-SECOND GRADE-MISS JONES - - - - - - - - Lucille Lewis/Lola Brantley/Charley Bernard/Mildred Hancock/Vera Lannan/AnnieSwan/Mabel Blanton/Hardie Johnson/Garnette Miller/Doris Casteel/Thomas Gray/Thomas Fondren/Bryan Thompson. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-THIRD GRADE-MISS BRIDEWELL - - - - - - - - Thomas Mabley/Donald Gatling/Mallory Williams/Clarence Bernard/James Scott/Ralph Rollwage/John Lanier/Willie Catlett/Johnnie Johnson/Clifford McGaha/Willard Delano/Cornell Underwood/Mattie Worsley/Elizabeth Winfield/Louise Delano/Clara Wilkinson/Clemmie Harris/Annie Mae Delano/Willie Mai Christian 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-FOURTH GRADE-MISS DAVIS - - - - - - - - Sammie Yoffie/Carrie Evans/Edna Aldridge/Catherine Perkins/Catherine Walker/Mabel Fisher/Calvin McMickles/Willie Roland/Russell Williams/Pauline Miller/Foreman Kelley/Spurgeon Neel/Elenor Mabley/Joe Levy/Julia Barrow/Albert Waterman/Noland Fields/Mamie Wilkins/May Eldridge/Sadie Borden/Leonah Keith/Leolah Keith/Roy Fisher/Cecil Blanton/James Gurry/Chas.Thomes/Nellie Taylor/Doris Hodges/Zelma Royal/Anna Claud Nelson/Jimmie Ables/Mary Sanders/Henry Gray/Wiley Stewart/Amy Brown/R.Fitzsimmons. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-FIFTH GRADE-MISS WHITTEN - - - - - - - - Mary York/Lloyd Wolf/Bessie Heartsill/Anna Clay Sanders/Mildred Perkins/Mabel Wilkerson/Bessie Delano/Lillian Bernard/Eva Boyett/Louise Partridge/Tom Campbell/Walter Prewitt/May Laughinghouse. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-SIXTH GRADE-MISS DAVIS - - - - - - - - Lela Jordan/Mary Mabley/Leta Howell/John Webb. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-SEVENTH GRADE-MRS.NALL - - - - - - - - Thomas Keith/Helen Nichols/Virgiina Norton/Goodwin Tipton/Elizabeth Davis/Norton Prewett/Mattie Vogel/Courtney Cowan. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-EIGHTH GRADE-MRS.NALL - - - - - - - - Annie Mabley/Sarah Warshavsky/Mae Brown/Annie Campbell/Helen Landers/Leoro Fields/James Fondren/Loyd Myers/Luther Stout. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-NINTH GRADE-PROF.NALL - - - - - - - - Nannie Evans. 2-28-1908 - HONOR ROLL-CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-TENTH GRADE-PROF.NALL - - - - - - - - Bessie Stevens/Leta Mae Hancock/Ardale Rollwage/Linnie Beauchamp/Frances Christian/Winnie Stevens/Newman Laughinghouse. 3-13-1908 - SAN ANTONIO COLONY REPORT - - - - - - - - Mrs.Homer Folbre, who has just returned from San Antonio brings back the good news that the Forrest City colony, now wintering in San Antonio in that delightful climate, are all doing nicely to include:Mr.& Mrs.Hubert Folbre who now make it their home, Mrs.Nelie Buford and children, Mr.Paul Barringer, Mr.Geo.Mallory. 3-27-1908 - NEW PASTOR FOR BAPTIST CHURCH - - - - - - - - Elder W.E.Pippin of Wynne accepted the position with the Baptist Church, this city last week. 4-10-1908 - NEW PAPER - - - - - - - - Mr.Enos T.Altman is about to embark in journalism. The News outfit in this city has been shipped to Marvell, Ark.,and Dr.N.P.Beauchamp and Enos start a weekly paper there in conneciton with job office. Success to the enterprise. Dr.Beauchamp is Editor & Publisher/Messrs.R.B.Bradfield and Enos T.Altman associates. 4-17-1908 - RICHARD J.IZARD SWORN IN AS NEW MAYOR - - - - - - - - Receives Commission, Hon.R.J.Izard, mayor elect of Forrest City received his Commission Tuesday from the secretary of state. 4-17-1908 - INGRAM'S LEAVE TOWN - - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.N.E.Ingram and family will leave tomorrow for St.Petersburg, Florida where they will make their home. We wish them the best. 4-17-1908 - DR.J.C.STRONG FAMILY DEPARTS - - - - - - - - Mrs.J.C.Strong left the latter part of last week to join her husband in California to join the Doctor, in Dillion. We wish them the best for his health. 4-17-1908 - NEW POST OFFICE AT FELIX - - - - - - - - The postoffice department made the post office at Felix, St.Francis county, Ark. a money order office on Apr.1,1908, Mr.A.C.Collins is the postmaster. 4-24-1908 - PROF.W.J.CALDWELL VISITS - - - - - - - - Prof.W.J.Caldwell, of Oil Trough, was in town Tuesday last week representing the Arkansas Gazette. 5-1-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD APPOINTS COMMITTEES-Finance - - - - - - - - COMMITTEES BY MAYOR IZARD ANNOUNCED=Finance-Jas.Fussell,J.L.Scott, Harry Knight 5-1-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD APPOINTS COMMITTEES-Claims - - - - - - - - COMMITTEES BY MAYOR IZARD ANNOUNCED=Claims-J.L.Scott, E.J.O'Pool, W.F.Perkins 5-1-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD APPOINTS COMMITTEES-Streets & Alleys - - - - - - - - COMMITTEES BY MAYOR IZARD ANNOUNCED=Streets & Alleys-E.J. O'Pool, Jas.Fussell, J.L.Scott, R.J.Izard. 5-1-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD APPOINTS COMMITTEES-Water & Lights - - - - - - - - COMMITTEES BY MAYOR IZARD ANNOUNCED=Water & Lights-R.J.Izard, W.F.Perkins, S.P.McDaniel, Harry Knight. 5-1-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD APPOINTS COMMITTEES-Ordinances - - - - - - - - COMMITTEES BY MAYOR IZARD ANNOUNCED=Ordinances-Harry Knight, S.P.McDaniel, Jas.Fussell. 5-1-1908 - 89th Anniversay Rally & Barbecue-Odd Fellows-55 new members initiated-Monday, Apr.27,1908 - - - - - - - - T.C.Merwin/Tom O'Brien/M.W.Seaborn/Will Pearson/Chas.Walker/Milas McCrary/W.E.Allen/V.L.Hunt/Henry Bergman/Joe Swatosh/M.J.Stancil/John I. Jones/W.P.Webb/H.L.Waldrep/J.D.Brown/John Sipf/W.G.Dooley/J.F.Bass/H.R.Neblett/L.H.McGuffee/Erle F.Hodges/Wilbur Alley/J.W.Adlerson/J.W.Devasier/Gustav Levy/Tom Buford/J.P.Fogg/A.L.Stevens/Ewd.Tulley/S.L.Pettus/Arthur Shelton/Robt.Britton/T.L.Beard/W.J.Mattice/C.L.Putsche/T.W.Barrow/A.N.Brantley/Adolph Chilner/L.N.Collin/S.C.Johnson/J.O.Winford/A.M.Ash/C.T.Thompson/J.G.Sanders/W.H.Golightly/L.E.Davenport/T.H.Wolfe/J.T.Longest/E.C.Armstrong/J.Ed.Allen/R.W.Benson. 5-1-1908 - 89th Anniversay Rally & Barbecue-Odd Fellows-Waiters Assigned for over 400 attendees Monday, Apr.27,1908 - - - - - - - - Acting Noble Grand T.W.McClendon appointed as waiters:George P.Taylor/F.G.McCrary/Chas.Hughes/Wright Lewis/Luther Royal/and Will Dooley. 5-1-1908 - H.W.PASLAY ASSIGNS - - - - - - - - Mr.H.W.Paslay, who has been in the retail lumber and feed business in this city for a number of years, on last Saturday night made an assignment and asked for a Receiver. Mr.E.F.Hodges who had been employed with Mr.Paslay for several months has been apointed Receiver. Liabilities over $12,000, and Assest of $4500. 5-1-1908 - IN BANKRUPTCY - - - - - - - - Thomas W.Barrow, Forrest City, Arkansas-Eastern Division of Eastern District of Arkansas -Apr.24,1908. 5-1-1908 - MRS.V.B.IZARD RETURNS - - - - - - - - Mrs.V.B.Izard returns from visit in Memphis Saturday with her daughter Mrs.E.A.Long and family in their new home. 5-1-1908 - FORREST CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY SHUTS DOWN - - - - - - - - The Forrest City Manufacturing Company shut down their saw mill at this place Monday, thus throwing a lot large number of men out of employment. The dull market for manufactured timber is the cause, and they hope to reopen soon. 5-8-1908 - MR.W.J.MATTICE CATCHES FISH - - - - - - - - Mr.W.J.Mattice, manager of the box factory at Madison, caught a catfish weighing twenty eight pounds on a trot line Monday. Mr.G.E.Fisher of the American Hotel bought it and served it to his patrons. 5-8-1908 - SCOTT APPLEBY AWARDED MEDICAL LICENSE - - - - - - - - Scott Appleby of Palestine has been awarded a license to practice medicine by the State Medical Board at its meeting held recently. 5-15-1908 - PROFESSIONAL CARDS - - - - - - - - N.W.NORTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE IN THE ROLLWAGE BUILDING/M.P.REMLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OVER THE J.W.BECK CO./A.E.MATTHEWS-REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS-AT THE COURTHOUSE/DR.C.S.ALDRICH-VETERINARY SURGEION/J.N.MULFORD, JEWELER-MEMPHIS, TENN./W.M.ESTEP-GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL IN LITTLE ROCK, ARK./FUSSELL, GRAHAM - ALDERSON COMPANY/THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, PROP. 5-22-1908 - GRADUATING CLASS OF CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE-1908 - - - - - - - - The following 7 graduates:Misses Elizabeth Stevens, Linnie Beauchamp, Leta Mae Hancock, Frances Christian, Ardale Rollwage, Winnie Stevens, and Mr.Newman Laughinghouse. Miss Bessie Stevens is Valedictorian, and Mr.Newman Laughinghouse is Salutorian. Commencement exercise on May 29,1908 at the Opera House. 5-22-1908 - TIMES PUTS ON NEW ROOF - - - - - - - - The Times has had a new roof put on the office building, and now is as dry as the prohibitionists want the town to be. 5-22-1908 - MRS.T.M.ALDERSON VISITS - - - - - - - - Mrs.T.M.Alderson, of Wise, Virginia, is on an extended visit to her son, Mr.John W.Alderson of the firm Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co. 5-22-1908 - MR.JOHN IZARD OF VAN BUREN VISITS - - - - - - - - Mr.John Izard, assistant cashier of the Bank of Van Buren, was visiting family and friends on Wednesday. 5-29-1908 - BATTLESHIP MICHIGAN LAUNCHED - - - - - - - - The new dread naught class battleship, Michigan was launched at Camden, New Jersey at the New York Shipbuilding Co.'s yard Tuesday afternoon. She is half done, and a sister ship to the South Carolina, at 16.000 tons. 5-29-1908 - STATEWIDE PROHIBITION - - - - - - - - Statewide Prohibition exponents are Wm.Jennings Bryan, Henry W.Grady and other anti-saloon league objectives. 5-29-1908 - MAYOR R.J.IZARD SEEKS ADVICE - - - - - - - - Mayor Richard J.Izard, is going to Little Rock to consult with physicians about the injury to the shoulder of his amputated arm sustained in his recent fall. 5-29-1908 - SPECIAL TRAIN ON ROCK ISLAND TO CONFEDERATE REUNION - - - - - - - - There will be a special train on the Rock Island on June 8 to the Confederate Veterans Reunion at Birmingham, Alabama for only $7/50 round trip. 5-29-1908 - MR.& MRS.CHAS.LOONEY VISIT C.H.HAVENS - - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Chas.Looney of Paragould, came down Sunday to visit relatives and friends, staying with her parents, Capt. & Mrs.C.H.Havens. 6-5-1908 - TIGER HUNT - - - - - - - - The good people of Griggs township have been terribly wrought up by the ravages committed by a tiger roaming in the woods between Heth and Democrat. Several profess to having seen it, and while others declare it is blind, others contradict it. A party was organized, and on Monday it was captured. The skin now adorns the Mayor's office in Democrat. 6-5-1908 - QUARTERMASTER SERGEANT TOM A.CLARK ARRIVES - - - - - - - - Quartermaster Sergeant Tom A. Clark, of Widener, returned home on May 30th after three years service with Uncle Sam in the Phillipines. His regiment, The Third United States Cavalry, arrived in San Francisco January 13, and his term of enlistment expired on May 28th while stationed in San Antonio. We welcome him home! 6-5-1908 - NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE GENERAL FORREST CAMP NO.623 OF THE U.C.V. - - - - - - - - V.B.Izard, Commander dated June 2,1908. To all members to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow to discuss the upcoming convention in Birmingham. 6-5-1908 - NOTICE BY WOODMEN OF THE WORLD OF CALDWELL - - - - - - - - The Caldwell Camp of the Woodmen of the World will dedicate the grave of their deceased Sovereign, Dr.Henry Terry at the gravesite at the Hughes Cemetery next Sunday afternoon. 6-5-1908 - MISS FANNIE IZARD RETURNS - - - - - - - - The daughter of Hon.R.J.Izard returns from Conway where she has been attending Hendrix College. We welcome Miss Fannie and appreciate her violin excellence. 6-12-1908 - CAPT.J.A.STERN VISITS HOME - - - - - - - - Capt.J.A.Stern left Tuesday on a visit with his mother in Waterman, Illinois. 6-12-1908 - 132nd ANNIVERSARY OF THE NATIONS NATAL DAY - - - - - - - - A celebration of the 132nd anniversary of the Nations Natal Day. The great grandchildren of Chrispsu Attucks, the grandchildren of the negroes of the Mexican war, the soldiers of the Civil war will gather on that day do honor to the founders of the greatest government known to mankind. Come and hear the matchless orator---the eminent educator, the Arkansas Booker T.Washington---Dr.Thomas H.Jackson of Little Rock, Dr.S.L.Jones of Marianna, Dr.J.M.B.Mitchell, of Brinkley, Rev.H.Matlock, of Palestine, our own Professor L.L.Blackwell, and the pride of Pythianism, and favorite son of Forrest City. W.S.Purifoy; the idol of the Negro Masons in Arkansas, Prof.J.H.Blount. Announcement by Rev.W.T.Pope-Committe:C.W.Stewart/W.D.Ashcraft/L.Herron/Chas.McMillan/Jas.Taylor/Tom Waterford/Lee Brown/Tom Spearman/Matthew Bell/Tom Cross/Prof.J.U.Jackson/R.C.Cole/John Wright/R.C.Waterford/A.Leake/Australin McMillan/James Stanback/Spencer Duncan/T.Bond/Harry Scisms/Louis Hall/A.Hall/P.H.McLemore/Jno.Shelton/V.V.Granberry/K.D.Mitchell/Sam Winston/Rosa Folden/A.C.Felden/H.Ingram/W.M.Pool/Mattie Cole/R.L.Duncan/Maryann Hays/Mary Bowers/Nellie Herron/Georgia Bond/E.C.Duncan/Mary Wateford/Carrie B.Moody/Cherry B.Moody/Frankie Stanback/Ella Stewart/F.P.Lawrence/Amelia Ingram/Julia Whitfield/Ellen Pool. 6-12-1908 - ATTENDEES OF THE REUNION IN BIRMINGHAM - - - - - - - - Mr.T.J.Davis/J.B.Sanders/J.H.Alley/Jesse B.Hodges/Wilbur S.Alley/B.F.McClendon and wife/Mrs.Mary Stewart comprised a party from this county to attend the convention. 6-19-1908 - NOTICE BY F.C.NEELY - - - - - - - - I have purchased the interest of my late partner, Mr.H.R.Neblett, in our firm Neely & Neblett. 6-19-1908 - SAM HODGES SHIPYARD - - - - - - - - Sam Hodges shipyard is a busy scene jsut at present. He has a contract to build a dozen boats for the Tennesaw Fishing Club. 6-26-1908 - REPUBLICAN TICKET SET - - - - - - - - The Republican convention nominates for President, William H.Taft, and Vice President-James S.Sherman. 6-26-1908 - GROVER CLEVELAND DEAD - - - - - - - - President Grover Cleveland, the only Democratic President since the Civil War is dead. He was easily the greatest living American, and died of heart failure. 6-26-1908 - PEARY TO START JULY 1 FOR POLE - - - - - - - - Will board ship Roosevelt at from New York to Halifax for fourth try at the South Pole. Commander Robert E.Peary, U.S.N., hopes to raise the last $10,000 needed to pay expenses. 7-10-1908 - UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS SETS ATTENDANCE RECORD - - - - - - - - The Univ.Of Arkansas set 1200 in attendance the last session. Judge Folbre annoucnes free tuition who receive beneficiary appointments. The only charge is $10 for matriculation fee. Contact Pres.John M.Tillman, Fayetteville, Arkansas for further particulars. 7-10-1908 - DEMOCRATS NOMINATE WM.J.BRYAN - - - - - - - - This morning, the Democratic convention nominated Wm.J.Bryan of Nebraska, for President. The Vice President Nominee is John Worth Kern of Indiana. 7-17-1908 - JUDGE FOLBRE LETS CONTRACT FOR BRIDGE - - - - - - - - Judge Folbre let a contract with the Joliet Bridge Co. to build a bridge over the L'anguille river where the new levee intersects it at a cost of $1,500. 7-17-1908 - SCHOOL BOARD MAKES CENSUS COUNT - - - - - - - - Mr.James G.Sanders, secretary of Forrest City School Board, recently completed a census of District No.7:it resulted in a count of 948 between ages of 6 and 21. 7-24-1908 - DR.T.G.PORTER GRADUATES - - - - - - - - Invitations to the graduation of Dr.T.G.Porter,of Palestine, at the 1908 graduation at the Louisville & Hospital Medical College, Louisville, Ky. He plans to set up practice in Palestine. 8-21-1908 - BUTTON FACTORY IN MADISON - - - - - - - - Mr.Wm.Robinson, of Madison, has purchased six button making machines, leased them to an experienced operator, and the factory is now running full time. Employment is about ten, making buttons from shells which are plentiful in St.Francis river. 8-21-1908 - MRS.W.W.RAINBOLT LEAVES - - - - - - - - Mrs.W.W.Rainbolt departed for Van Buren, where she make her home in the future. 8-21-1908 - MRS.CHAS.R.IZARD VISITS - - - - - - - - Mrs.Chas.R.Izard and two daughters, Misses Virginia and Rachel left Tuesday to spend a short vacation with her mother, Mrs.J.W.Christopher, and family at Colt. 8-28-1908 - GRAND AND PETIT JURORS SELECTED FOR ST.FRANCIS CIRCUIT COURT - - - - - - - - Grand Jury Jurors:Sam Apperson/F.C.Neely/R.S.Stevens/J.G.Stern/Joe Whittenton/L.R.Peevey/W.J.Thompson/J.R.Pickens/Geo.W.Crippen/W.E.England/H.A.Horton/J.T.Smith/C.P.Hamilton/T.J.Davis/W,R,Kendrick/Joe Stayton. 8-28-1908 - GRAND AND PETIT JURORS SELECTED FOR ST.FRANCIS CIRCUIT COURT - - - - - - - - Grand Jury Alternates:W.H.Young/J.L.Hanley/W.A.Weddington/W.H.Harris/Geo.Rumage/T.R.Green 8-28-1908 - GRAND AND PETIT JURORS SELECTED FOR ST.FRANCIS CIRCUIT COURT - - - - - - - - Petit Jurors:Fred Shreeve/J.B.Humphreys/F,M.Satterfield/J.E.Merritt/J.W.Halbert/R.L.Roy/N.P.Beauchamp/Geo.M.Dooley/W.A.Pace/Henry McDaniel/W.H.Aldridge/Geo.P.Taylor/M.R.McCrary/Lee James Jr./Chas.Appel/Geo.M.Rattan/D.K.Burns/H.Hennard/L.W.Srum/E.N.Harrod/O.B.Harris/W.S.Lindsey/D.L.Burns/W.A.Sanderlin. 8-28-1908 - GRAND AND PETIT JURORS SELECTED FOR ST.FRANCIS CIRCUIT COURT - - - - - - - - Petit Alternates:W.F.Klotz/W.F.Horney/Sam Lyons/Jack Cavanaugh/J.M.Gunter/George Turk. 8-28-1908 - WOMAN IN JAIL HAS BABY - - - - - - - - A woman named Peebles, in jail for killing her husband, had a baby girl yesterday, 9-4-1908 - PROF.T.CLARENCE NALL RESIGNS - - - - - - - - Prof.T.C.Nall resigns as principal of Crowley Ridge Institute, and is replaced by C.H.Lambert of the Lake Village district. 9-4-1908 - NEW OPERATORS AT FORREST CITY HOTEL - - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.John Hanna have assumed control of the Forrest City Hotel on the southside 9-11-1908 - MISS OLIVE GATLING DEPARTS - - - - - - - - Miss Olive Gatling departs for Ballinger, Texas where she has accepted a position to teach english in the high school. 9-18-1908 - BROTHER VISITS C.H.HAVENS - - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Fritz Havens, of Hudsonville, Missouri, arrived in the city last Saturday on a visit to their brother, Mr.C.H.Havens, and family, and stayed several days. They left Wednesday for Memphis accomompanied by Mr.Havens, and will spend some time visiting relatives and friends in that city before returning to their Missouri home. 9-18-1908 - PROF.T.H.WHEAT VISITS - - - - - - - - Prof.T.H.Wheat, wife and little grandson, Thomas Cantrell, of Little Rock, came in Tuesday for a visit with Mr.& Mrs.S.L.Hodges for the week. 9-25-1908 - PROHIBITION TO BEGIN IN 1909 - - - - - - - - St.Francis county voters decided to go dry Jan.1,1909. 10-9-1908 - ABE MALOUF IN TOWN - - - - - - - - Abe Malouf, an old-time Turkish restauranteur of this city was visiting from Greenwood, MIss. a few days ago. 10-16-1908 - NIGHT RIDERS APPEAR - - - - - - - - The Night Riders appeared Friday night, southwest of Palestine, and warned farmers not to sell their cotton at the present price, nor sell an acre of land for $3 for a year. the farmers union has tryed to keep down the night riding. 10-16-1908 - CAPT.J.L.WEBB OF PADUCAH, KY. VISITS - - - - - - - - Capt.J.L.Webb, of Paducah, Ky, is in town visiting his sons John and D.C.Webb and families. He is 79 years of age, and looks and feels younger. 11-6-1908 - MR.CHAS.HAVENS RESIGNS - - - - - - - - Mr.Chas. Havens has resigned his position with the Rock Island, and taken a similar position with the Iron Mountain railroad, vice Mr.Bruce Wilgus. 11-6-1908 - COL.L.F.DUNN IN TOWN - - - - - - - - Col.L.F.Dunn, of Clarksville, Ark., formerly of this county, where he resided from 1857 to a few years ago, was in town enroute to home in Lulu where he was looking after his interests. 11-6-1908 - MRS.O.E.DORRIS IN TOWN - - - - - - - - Mrs.O.E.Dorris of New Castle, widow of our lamented Squire O.E.Dorris, who was loved and respected by all who knew him, came down Wednesday, and will make her home with her daughter, Mrs.J.F.McDougal, for the winter. 11-27-1908 - COLV.B.IZARD HAS REUNION - - - - - - - - Col. and Mrs.V.B.Izard had a reunion for the family yesterday and a splendid Thanksgiving dinner. Attending:Mrs.J.W.Williams of Wynne;Dr.& Mrs.E.A.Long and little Ernest of Memphis;Mr.Van Izard of Devalls Bluff; and Miss Fannie Izard of Memphis, with her parents Hon. and Mrs.R.J.Izard. The home of Dr.and Mrs.Long was destroyed by fire about two weeks ago. 12-4-1908 - MR.REUBEN DYE PROMOTED - - - - - - - - Mr.Reuben G.Dye, native of this city, elevated to post of Office of Deputy State Land Commissioner. 12-25-1908 - ARKANSAS BOY HONORED - - - - - - - - FROM THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL=Mr.Thomas Brandenburg Davis, son of Mr.& Mrs.T.J.Davis of Forrest City, has been selected to work on the Panama canal, he is an engineer for the Cleveland Crane & Engineering Co. He attended the Univ.of Arkansas for three and a half years, then to Cornell University. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911