The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
Captain of the Champion Forrest City Baseball Team in 1910, Thomas O'Brien, Proprietor of the Palace MarketThanks to Alice Kennedy Lee for the picture!
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED Oct.8,2012 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1910 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-7-1910 - WEIER - VIOLET - - MISS - - 1 11 1885 - 1 5 1910 - UNKNOWN - Death of Miss Violet Weier=Miss Violet Weier, eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.C.G.Weier, of this city, died at St.Agnes Hospital, Pittsburg, California, inland from Oakland, on Wednesday night, Jan.5,1910, after an illness of six weeks. She was born Jan.11,1885, and was a Catholic in her religious views. She had been out west for five years and was preparing herself for the profession of a trained nurse and had just graduated a few months ago, and was pursuing her duties when illness overtook her. The news of her death was received by wire yesterday morning which was not altogether unexpected, caused a gloom over the home of her parents and numerous friends. The remains have been shipped and will be interred upon the arrival, which is uncertain because of the awful blizzard which is covering the entire country. Miss Weier went to California for her health, and had grown quite strong. 1-14-1910 - TRAPP - MARY - HOWERSON - MISS - - 7 7 1906 - 1 13 1910 - CITY - MARY HOWERSON TRAPP=It is with deep sorrow and regret and sincere feelings of sympathy to the fond and agonized parents that we record the sad death of the sweet little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.S.B.Trapp, Jr., who died yesterday morning, Jan.13,1910, after an illness of several weeks with bronchial pneumonia. Mary Howerson Trapp was born Jul.7,1906. She was a beautiful child, had a wonderful disposition, and en twined herself about the hearts of her fond parents, other relatives and all who knew her, and was all but idolized. She had been ill for several weeks, but on Monday or Tuesday we met Mr.Trapp, and he seemed to think the baby girl was improving and much better. We were consequently very much shocked yesterday to learn of her death, which occurred about 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The precious remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.Boone L.Wilford , of the Methodist church, conducting the religious ceremonies, and the last sad rites over the beautiful child's remains.Photo May 2006-Gravestone IMAGE1263 1-22-1910 - CRIMES - J. - A. - - - 1833 - 1 7 1910 - UNKNOWN - IN MEMORIAM=Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, Supreme Architect of the Universe, to call from our midst, from labor to refreshment, our beloved brother J.A.Crimes, on Jan.7,1910, at the ripe old age of 77 years. Masons. Chas.T.McPhaul, Chas.Fleming, A.M.Goldberg, Committee. 1-29-1910 - HAWKINS - T. - A. - - - unk - 1 1910 - UNKNOWN - The sad news of the death of Mr.T.A.Hawkins of Rosedale, Illinois. He was a resident of St.Francis County and his death was regretted by his many friends. 2-4-1910 - IRBY - REBECCA - - MRS. - - UNK - 1 30 1910 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mrs.Irby=Mrs.Rebecca W.Irby, mother of Arthur and Harve Litton, and Mrs.Alice Buchanan, died last Saturday morning, Jan.30,1910 at the residence of her son Arthur in Memphis. Mrs.Irby had been married three times, first was Albert Gilbert, second was W.L.Litton, and finally H.A.Irby. 2-18-1910 - PETTUS - GEORGE - BASKERVILLE - - - 3 6 1866 - 2 4 1910 - CITY - Pettus, Geo. B.-The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 100:The Forrest City Business League, Vice President. Also President of the Choctaw Brick and Tile Co. 2-18-1910 - SHORT - E. - A. - - - unk - 2 1910 - MISSISSIPPI - Mr.E.A.Short Dead=News reached the city early this week of the death in New Orleans, La., of Mr.E.A.Short, who was formerly a highly respected and popular citizen of this city, who was engaged in the watch making and jewelry business for a number of years. He left here about three years ago for Prescott, Ark. where he stayed two years, and then to New Orleans. He leaves a widow and other relatives. The remains were returned to Valden, Miss. for burial. 2-18-1910 - CASTEEL - - - MRS. - - unk - 1910 - UNKNOWN - Card of Thanks=Bardstown, Ark., Feb.17,1910=Being a comparative stranger to the good people of Widener, I take this method of extending to them my sincere thanks for their kindness and attention to my sister, Mrs.Casteel, during her recent fatal illness. Very Respectfully, Sidney Johnson. 2-25-1910 - McMANUS - MICHAEL - - - - 1846 - 2 23 1910 - CITY - Death of Mr.Michael McManus=Mr.Michael McManus, who has been ill for several weeks with an attack of chronic nephritus, died Tuesday afternoon, Feb.23,1910 at St.Josephs Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., where he had been taken for treatment Saturday evening by Messrs.T.W.McClendon and W.J.McGuffee. Mr.McManus was in his sixty fourth year and was a native of Canada, but had been living in this county for the last twenty five years or so. For several years he had been employed as a salesman with the firm of Mr.John Sipf, and was working there up until he was taken ill. Mr.McManus leaves a sister in New York state, his only living relative. The remains were brought over from Memphis by Mr.Tom O'Brien, who had gone over Tuesday morning to be with him. The funeral was held Thursday morning from the Stevens undertaking establishment, under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge I.O.O.F. of which he was grand master at the time of his death. Interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery.. 3-4-1910 - SNOWDEN - VITAL - - - - unk - 2 28 1910 - HUGHES - Death of Mr.Vital Snowden=Mr.Vital Snowden died Monday evening, Feb.28,1910, shortly after 7 o'clock at his home in the Fussell addition after a severe attack of pneumonia. He was buried Tuesday in the Hughes Cemetery, the funeral proceeding from his residence and being conducted by Rev.Vance of the Christian church. Mr.Snowden had been in bad health for several weeks. He had suffered a painful wound from the accidental discharge of a pistol some time ago, from which he never fully recovered, though he had returned to work and hence when he was attacked by the disease that finally caused his death, he was in a bad condition to withstand its ravages. He leaves a wife and one son besides a mother, sister, and other relatives to mourn his loss. 3-18-1910 - COBBLE - G. - F. - - - UNK - 3 16 1910 - HUGHES - Mr.G.F.Cobble, formerly of this county, died Wednesday, Mar. 16,1910, at Blissville, Ark.. His remains were brought here and interred in the Hughes cemetery yesterday., Rev.B.L.Wilford offiiciating. He leaves a widow, who was formerly Miss Nora Dawson, and one child, a daughter, two years old, to mourn his loss. 3-25-1910 - DAVIS - ANNA - - - ALLEY - 7 16 1838 - 3 18 1910 - CITY - WIFE OF T.A.R. DAVIS-Death of Mrs.Anna Alley Davis=The community was shocked last Friday to learn of the death of Mrs.Anna Alley Davis, which occurred at her home south of the city at an early hour. Mrs.Davis was, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Henry and Martha Alley, born Jul.16,1838,in her 72nd year and was a native of Moscow,Tennessee and had been living in this county since 1872. She was the widow of T.A.R.Davis whome she married Aug.17,1858 with whom she lived until his death May 21,1905. She was a member of the Methodist church, and leaves two daughters, Misses Mattie and Tommie Davis, and three sons, Messrs.Charley, Henry and Winfield Davis, all of this city. She also has two brothers and Tom Alley of Rossville,Tennessee and J.H.Alley of this city, and three sisters, Mrs.Frank Ballard of Rossville, Tenn., and Mrs.Sallie Smith and J.H.ALLEY of this city. The remains were buried in the Forrest City Cemetery, the Rev.B.L.Wilford officiating on Saturday. She was educated at Marshall Co. Institute, Miss. 3-25-1910 - McDONALD - J. - P. - - - unk - 3 9 1910 - UNKNOWN - Resolutions of Respect=To the Worshipful Master Warden and brethren of Rising Star Lodge No.211, F. A. and M. We, your committee appointed to draft suitable resolution to the memory of our deceased brother, J.P.McDonald, who died the 9th day of March, 1910.Robt.Brown,David Duncan,Henry Hughes, Committee. 3-25-1910 - JENNINGS - JENNIE - - MRS. - - unk - 3 20 1910 - PINE BLUFF - Mrs.Jennie Jennings died at her home in Pine Bluff at midnight Sunday, Mar.20,1910. Mrs.Jennings was an aunt of Mrs.McGaha, of this city, and lived here several years ago. The remains were interred in Pine Bluff Monday. 4-22-1910 - CASBEER - MABEL - - - GATTEN - 7 11 1832 - 4 16 1910 - HUGHES - Mrs.Mabel Gatten Casbeer-Beloved wife of Dr.Joseph Casbeer Laid to Rest Sunday at the Hughes Cemetery-Funeral Largest Ever Seen There-Daughter of Prof.John A. Gatten-The sad news of the death of Mrs.Mabel (Gatten)_Casbeer, beloved wife of Dr.Joseph Casbeer, and daughter of Prof.John A.Gatten, of Colt, reached the office this morning, and we were sincerely shocked and grieved to hear of this terrible bereavement to our friends. Mrs.Mabel Casbeer was a devout member of the Christian Church in this city, and had many friends here who mourn her demise. Deceased was about thirty years of age, and died at her home in Colt Saturday afternoon, Apr.16.1910, after a lingering illness which began in the early winter or late fall. Funeral services at Hughes Cemetery were conducted Sunday by the Rev.Henry May, who spoke feelingly of her many womanly qualities and Christian character. She was a loving wife, a devoted mother, a kind an generous neighbor. All who knew her loved her for her beautiful life. The attendance at the cemetery, as we said, was the largest that ever gathered there. Mrs.Casbeer leaves a heartbroken husband, who came from his medical studies to attend her bedside, three children, one aged three years, twins aged one year; father and mother, sister Mrs.Walter Rich, and two brothers Horace and Elmer Gatten, one half brother, Frank Gatten, and a large number of other devoted relatives and friends to mourn her untimely death. Forrest City Times Newspaper Apr.22,1910- Paul V. Isbell Added: 7/5/2007 4-22-1910 - RUSSELL - CHILD - - - - 1902 - 4 17 1910 - HUGHES - From: The Forrest City Times Newspaper in 1910(CD disk from Times Herald Newspaper In Forrest City/disk 1910-1912 page 7[bottom of page])Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Lose SonWe deeply symphatize with Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Colt, in the death of their youngest son, which sad event occured last Sunday. He was about eight years old and succumbed to an attack of malarial fever, after a short illness. Deceased was a most promising boy and his dismise id a terrible bereavement to those who loved him. The precious remains were interred in the Hughes Cemetery Monday. Rev. Henry May conducting the religious ceremonies. The funeral was largely attended, and many friends of the family offered sincere condolences. May God comfort them in the deep gloom which now weighs upon their hearts. 4-22-1910 - BUDDEMEIER - A. - C. - - - - 1910 - ILLINOIS - SUPPOSED POISONING CASE=The body of Mr.A.C.Buddemeier, who for the last five or six weeks has been living on the old Frazer place, about four miles west of Pine Tree, in this county, was brought here Tuesday morning for embalming and prepared for shipment to his former home in Sidney, Illinois. Owing to several circumstances attending his death, it was deemed wise to perform an inquest over the body. Coroner Todd was notified and which came to the conclusion that the man had suffered a death from unnatural causes, and recommended that an autopsy be done, which Dr.Alley and Bogart performed. Mr.Buddemerier had moved here with his new wife, and when he took ill last Thursday, a neighbor brought him some buttermilk after which he began to have convulsions. A dog who ate some of the vomit died also. Mr.J.H.Buddemeier, brother of the deceased, was notified by telegraph and arrived Monday morning. Deceased had a life insurance policy of $2000, was well thought of in the community, and was to be the teacher in the next semester. Autopsy report received 5-6-1910 and it showed no poison, just ptomaine poisoning. 4-22-1910 - BARKER - SERAP - ADA - - McDANIEL - 3 15 1878 - 4 17 1910 - CITY - Mrs.Serap Ada McDaniel Barker-Her Spirit Takes Its Flight Sunday Evening after a Long Illness-Though not unexpected by her beloved relatives and many friends who have been at her bedside or knew of her sad condition, the death of Mrs.Serap Ada Barker, on last Sunday evening, was a terrible shock, and the darkest gloom o'erspreads the home where she was born and reared to womanhood, and where she had been confined to her room and bed from tuberculosis of the lungs for more than a year. The news of her death traveled rapidly, and many were the kindly words of sympathy for her loved ones, and especially for the manly little five year old son, her only child, who survives her and is left motherless at such a tender age and at just the right time he most needs her guiding hand. The funeral sermon, which was very impressive, was done by Eld.T.S.Potts, of Memphis, who is holding a revival at the Baptist church, and was largely attended by the friends and acquaintances of the family; after which a very large funeral cortege followed the precious remains, which were taken to the Forrest City Cemetery, and there interred in the family plot, near her father, Capt.W.H.McDaniel, who passed away on Oct.21,1904 at a ripe old age. The active pallbearers were Capt.Jas.Fussell, Mr.J.D.Baugh, Judge E.A.Rolfe, Judge S.H.Mann, Hon.A.D.Boyle, Mr.J.G.Sanders. The honorary pallbearers were:Mr.R.S.Stevens, Mr.G.B.Mallory,Mr.J.F.Bass, Mr.R.L.Pettus, Mr.J.M.Nichols, Hon.O.B.Rollwage. These were selected several months ago by the deceased, as was also the music. Deceased is survived by her precious little son, Percy H.Jr.,her mother, Mrs.W.H.McDaniel, two sisters, Mrs.Jno.Naylor and Mrs.S.B.Trapp Jr., and her former husband Mr.Percy H.Barker, Sr., besides a large number of relatives who reside in the county, and many friends. Serap Ada McDaniel was born Mar.15,1878, and died Apr.17,1910, age 32 years 1 month and 2 days.She was married in this city to P.H. Barker on June 24,1899, to whom which union one child was born, Percy Jr. on Dec.25,1904. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church of this city, and was beloved by all who knew her, for her sunny dispostiton and cheerful greetings. Mrs.Barker was educated in Alabama and Washington, D.C., and had considerable abiltiy in recitations. Something over a year ago, she went to Denver, Colorado and entered the Oaks Home, hoping to be benefitted. She returned shortly thereafter and has not been seen in social circles. She leaves a qute large estate to her loved ones, with details as to its disposal. Forrest City Times Newspaper Apr.22,1910. 4-22-1910 - EAGER - EULA - T. - - ALDRIDGE - 5 29 1888 - 4 26 1910 - MT.VERNON - Mrs.E.T.Eager Died Wednesday-After short illness at the home of her parents Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Aldridge-Laid to Rest Thursday at Mt.Vernon Cemetery-In the beautiful spring time of a noble unselfish life, another one of Forrest City's fairest daughters has answered the last dread summons and passed over the dark river on whose further bank eternity lies; another angel has been added to the heavenly hosts above, while another household here on earth is desolated and forlorn; another baby girl weeps and will not be comforted, as she loses a loving mother's fond caresss and tender care; a heartbroken husband mourns for the loving wife who has gone before to that bourne whence no traveler ever returns; and scores of friends who had known her through her happy girlhood days-who have watched her as she grew into womanhood. Mrs.Eula Aldridge Eager after an illness of only about five weeks duration died Wednesday morning, Apr.26.1910 at the home of her parents, Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Aldridge, in this city. Deceased was born May 29,1888, and had she lived little over a month longer would have been twenty two years of age. She was married on July 25,1907, to Mr.Earle T.Eager, to whom union one child, a baby girl, now in her second year, was born. Deceased was a devoted Christian woman, having been, since early childhood, a faithful member of the Christian church. She had been ill for five weeks, and at her parents for two weeks. Mrs.Eager was the third daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Aldridge. Besides her husband, a two year old daughter, she leaves her parents, four sisters:Mrs.T.A.Carrick, of Parahould, Mrs.Jno.I.Jones, and Misses Lottie and Edna Aldridge, of this city, to mourn her loss. The funeral took place from family residence Thursday morning, Rev.B.L.Wilford, of the Methodist church officiating, Interrment at the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Forrest City Times Newspaper Apr.22,1910. 5-6-1910 - HARDIN - HENRY - - - - UNK - 5 6 1910 - WYNNE - HARDIN EXECUTED=Wynne, Ark.-Henry Hardin was hanged here May 6,1910 at 12:20pm at the county poor farm, for the murder of Attorney J.T.Patterson last September. His last words to Sheriff was "don't make a botch of this job". 5-13-1910 - HARRIS - NEELEY - - - - 1847 - 5 11 1910 - UNKNOWN - NEELEY HARRIS DEAD=Neely Harris has been a familiar figure in this city and county for many years. He made his home with Mr.E.L.Horton of Newcastle, and was known by nearly every inhabitant. He was born in Whitesville, Hardeman Co., Tenn., near Bolivar, and at a tender age enlisted in General Forrest's command, serving through the war between the states. He was a brave and true soldier, and seldom missed a Confederate Veteran's reunion and none enjoyed these meetings of the thinning ranks more than he. He was devoted to the "Lost Cause". He had no enemy but himself. He was genial, gallant and polite. He attended the late reunion in Mobile, Alabama, and has since been seen in town on several occasions. He had suffered a scratch on his hand on one of his travels, and had a fight when coming home from Forrest City and was pretty badly beaten up, and the hand became infected and blood poison resulted, everything done by Mrs.Jennie Horton and his physician was unable to reverse the course, and he died Wednesday, May 11,1910, we have no further particulars. He was sixty three years of age when he passed, he is survived by two sisters, one married and one single, both of whom live in Dallas, Texas. 5-20-1910 - LANDVOIGHT - EDWARD - - - - 1859 - 5 18 1910 - Washington - Died=Edward Landvoight, who died at Providence Hospital, Washington City Wednesday, will be buried from his home, interrment will be in Rock City Cemetery. Mr.Landvoight was a prominent builder and contractor, he was about 51 years of age, born in Washington City. His death was sudden, and came from Bright's Disease. He is survived by a widow, three grown children, a brother and mother. He was a cousin of our Edwin Landvoight. 5-20-1910 - EASTWOOD - GEORGIA - - - KIRBY - 12 21 1881 - 5 17 1910 - MISSOURI - Mrs.F.B.Eastwood, nee Georgia Kirby, died at her home in Caruthersville, Mo., on Tuesday night, May 17,1910, about 11 o'clock, of tuberculosis, at the age of 28 years, five months, and twenty nine days., and the remains were interred in the Little Prarie cemetery at that place the following day. Rev. Baldridge, of the Methodist church officiating. She was the eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Kirby. She was married Nov.11,1905 at the Methodist parsonage in this city, by Rev.Sidney H.Babcock. Miss Fleet Kirby at been at her bedside for three months as well as Mrs.G.W.Kirby. She leaves a sorrowing husband, and two precious children, the elder a wee girl of three years, and the younger boy aged two years. The children will return with Mrs.G.W.Kirby for care and responsibility. 5-27-1910 - RING - OTIS - JOSEPH - - - 1900 - 5 26 1910 - CITY - SON OF Peter C.& FRANCES (Vogel) RING-Just as we are going to press, we learn that Otis Joseph Ring, the manly 10 year old son of Mr.& Mrs.Pete Ring of Argenta, died yesterday at their home as a result of an operation for an abscess of the brain. The remains will arrive this evening via the Rock Island and be interred in the Forrest City Cemetery tomorrow morning, Rev.Father Frommen of the Catholic Church officiating. 5-27-1910 - PUCKETT - WILLIAM - FRANK - - - 12 1908 - 5 24 1910 - MADISON - William Frank Puckett, aged 18 months, son of Mr.Frank Puckett, who lives at the Jones-Shelton place, a mile and a half this side of Madison on the old road, died Sunday, May 24,1910, and was buried the following day at Madison. The bereaved have our sympathy. 6-3-1910 - BERNARD - WM. - T. - - - unk - 6 1910 - MISSISSIPPI - Mr.Chas.Bernard, accompanied by his daughter Lydia, left Wednesday for Wall Hill, response to a message conveying the sad news of the critical illness of his eldest brother, Wm.T.Bernard, who was stricken a second stroke of paralysis a few days ago, but they were too late, and he had gone to his reward. Mr.Bernard will visit his younger brother in Senatobia for a few days before returning. 6-24-1910 - MALLORY - JOHN - W. - - - 3 25 1828 - 6 18 1910 - MT.VERNON - JOHN W.MALLORY-Veteran Citizen and Knight Templar Passes Away at an Advanced Age-John W.Mallory was born near Petersburg, Va. on March 25,1828. At the age of fourteen years he came west with his father's family, and settled in North Mississippi. There in 1846, he was married to Miss Martha Parham, and to that union nine children were born, six of whom survive him, namely:Mrs.F.Laughinghouse, Mrs.Cora Crews, Mrs.Nelle Buford,Mr.J.E.Mallory, and Mr.Ned Mallory. Two sons, Roger and Robert, and one daughter, Mrs.Lowry Mallory preceded him to the grave. In 1852 he came to Arkansas where he made his home and lived here until his death, which occurred last Saturday, June 18,1910. He united with the Methodist church in early boyhood, and was the Senior Mason in this county, having taken the Knight Templar degree. At his death he was 82 years, 2 months and 24 days. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev.B.L.Wilford and the remains were followed by a large number of friends and acquaintances of the family to beautiful Mt.Vernon cemetery,which has been the family burying grounds for half a century or more, and were their interred, the services at the grave being conducted with the beautifully Masonic ceremonies. Dr.H.R.Clark, Worshipful Master of the local lodge officiating, and Rev.Geo.H.Kirker offering the prayer. The following gentlemen were the active pallbearers:Mr.V.B.Izard, Mr.J.F.Stockard, Mr.J.M.Davis, Capt.Jas.Fussell, Mr.Ellis Turley, Mr.M.Isaacs. Honorary pallbearers:Mr.Eugene Williams, Mr.E.A.Rolfe, Mr.R.J.Williams, Mr.H.T.Mallory, Mr.John Eldridge, and Mr.John Gatling. 6-24-1910 - DAVIS - WILL - - - - UNK - 6 20 1910 - UNKNOWN - Coroner Todd was called to the St.Francis river, Monday, June 20,1910, three miles below Naylor's mill Monday to hold an inquest over the body of Will Davis, who drowned at that point. Davis was employed on the derrick boat, and jumped into the water for a bath and drowned almost instantly. The verdict was drowning, superinduced by a heart attack. 7-1-1910 - BARLOW - ALBERT - - - - 1898 - 6 26 1910 - MEMPHIS - Albert Barlow Drowned-Albert Morgan Barlow, 12 year old son of Mr.& Mrs.Frank Barlow of Memphis, was drowned in the Mississippi river, at the foot of Trigg Ave.Sunday Afternoon, while trying to see if a companion was really treading water. He waded out and into a step-off, sinking out of sight.Another boy named Steadman, almost lost his life in trying to save young Barlow. The body was recovered yesterday. Mrs.Barlow was formerly Miss Mattie Havens, of this city. Mrs.Haven and other children left at once upon reciept of the news Sunday evening. Willie Haven went Monday evening, Mr.& Mrs.Tim Ezell and John Haven, of Wynne, also went over as soon as possible, and Mrs.S.L.Hodges and family left yesterday for the sad scene. 7-8-1910 - FUQUA - J. - L. - - - unk - 7 4 1910 - Unknown - SUPPOSED MURDER=Coroner Todd was notified of a death by the Choctaw freight train about a quarter mile west of Heth. The dead man is J.L.Fuqua. It is believed he was clubbed to death for his wages at a mill. The inquest found the following, "Fuqua came to his death on July 4,1910 on the C.R.I.& P. railroad near Heth. That his body was run over by the train about 12:30 am, and the evidence leads the jury to believe that he was murdered." He leaves a wife and other relatives in Tennessee, and had a life insurance policy in the amount of $1,000. The remains were buried by the county Wednesday. 7-15-1910 - MARIS - TINIE - - MISS - - unk - 7 1910 - Unknown - Miss Tinie Maris died a few days ago at the home of her step-father, J.K.P.Clerks, near New Castle. 7-15-1910 - MARSHALL - L. - S. - - - 12 16 1842 - 7 12 1910 - MT.VERNON - Death of L.S.Marshall=On Tuesday afternoon, July 12,1910, Mr.L.S.Marshall succumbed to an attack of Bright's Disease, and passed away after a short illness.Deceased was a native of Marshall Co., Miss., having been born there 68 years ago, and having lived there and at Coliersville and Memphis, Tenn. He came here about five years ago and was with Euart-Marshall Lumber Co.; was a clear headed, sensible minded business man and a gentleman who numbered his friends by the score. He is survived by a widow, Mrs.L.S.Marshall, and one son, Mr.L.C.Marshall, who is also a member of the lubmer firm. Interment was held Wednesday afternoon at the Mt.Vernon cemetery, Revs. E.T.Mabley, of the Episcopal church, and B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church officiating. Mr.Marshall was a Confederate Veteran, and during the war served as a sharpshooter, distinction at the battle of Gettysburg and of other engagements of that long bloody conflict. He had been in ill health for several months with asthma and other ailments. He was bound to his bed for the last week or so before his death. He bore up bravely under the afflictions, and met the angel when he arrived bravely and unflinchingly. 7-15-1910 - VANDERSLICE - IRA - C. - - - 1840 - 7 12 1910 - ILLINOIS - Ira C.Vanderslice=On Tuesday night, July 12,1910, just as the clock was strking the midnight hour, the soul of Ira C.Vanderslice passed to its maker after the young man had suffered a long and painful illness at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr.& Mrs.R.B.Trice, in this city. Mr.Vanderslice had been ill for several monnths, having taken ill in Kansas when he contracted the illness to which he finally succumbed. He came here from Dallas, Texas where he was employed with Harvey News Company. He was the youngest son of Mr.& Mrs.J.A.Terry, of Elsah, Illinois, and at the time of his death was in his seventieth year. He was a brother of Mr.Ramsey Vanderslice of this city, cashier with Rock Island freight office;Mr.Langford Vanderslice of Birmingham, Alabama; and of Mrs.Eph Chappelle of Alton, Illinois, all of whom were with him in his last hours. He had been the night clerk at the Hotel Marion as late as March of this year. The remains were shipped to Elsah, Illnois for interment after a service at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.Trice held by Rev.E.T.Mabley, Geo.H.Kirker, and Boone L.Wilford. 7-22-1910 - DOUGLASS - R. - W. - - - 1847 - 7 17 1910 - CITY - Death of R.W.Douglass=Mr.R.W.Douglass, aged 63 years, died at the home of the family of his son, Mr.& Mrs.H.O.Douglass, in this city, Saturday morning, July 17,1910, and was buried the same afternoon at the Forrest City Cemetery, Rev.Edward T.Mabley officiating. Deceased was formerly a resident of Newport, but has been a sufferer from bowel complaint and has been seriously ill for about eight weeks prior to his death, at the home of his son. Deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs.Lou Douglass, and daughter, Mrs.Maude Smith, of Newport, and Mr.H.O.Douglass, Superintendent for the Consumers Cotton Oil Mill Co., at this place. 7-22-1910 - ELDRIDGE - MARY - PAYNE - - MOSLEY - 7 18 1833 - 7 15 1910 - LOUGHRIDGE - Death of Mary Payne Mosley Eldridge=On last Friday afternoon, July 15,1910, there passed to its Maker the soul of Mrs.Mary Payne Eldridge, who was stricken with paralysis Wednesday morning preceding her death. Mrs.Eldridge was in her 77 th year, having been born in Dixon County, Tennessee, July 18,1833. She came to this country with her parents at the age of 5 years. She was the daughter of the late Mr.W.S.Mosley, who was one of the pioneers of this county, and who in 1840 represented St.Francis County in the General Assembly. She joined the Methodist church at the age of 18 years, and was a consistent member of that faith until her death. At the age of 17, she married Mr.Solomon Eldridge, and to this union four children were born, three of whom survive her-Mrs.J.F.Stout of this city; and Mrs.H.O.Eldridge and Mrs.Carrie Parrish of Parkin, Ark. She is also survived by a sister, Mrs.T.O.Fitzpatrick, of this city. Soon after her marriage, they moved to Missouri, where they resided until her husband's death, having returned to this city in the early 60's, and she had resided here ever since, having made her home for the past twenty-five years with Mr.& Mrs.J.F.Stout. The remains were laid to rest in Loughridge cemetery, the Rev.B.L.Wilford presiding. 7-22-1910 - STEWART - MAXEY - - - - 7 4 1841 - 7 17 1910 - MT.VERNON - Death of Maxey Stewart=Mr.Maxey Stewart, who for nearly two years had been making a hard fight for his life against the ravages of the white plague, finally succumbed to the inevitable last Saturday evening, passing away at the Physicians and Surgeons Hospital in Little Rock, where he had been taken Friday morning for treatment. Deceased was 59 years of age, a native of Columbia, Tenn., but had been a resident of this city and county for the past twenty five years. He was for a long time employed with the Rock Island railroad, having charge of the coal chutes, but for the last five years, up until his illness compelled him to quit work, he was employed at the oil mill here. He was married in December, 1887, to Miss Lillie McClendon, of this city, who survives him. He is also survived by three brothers, two in Nashville, and the other in Texas. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church and of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No.196 I.O.O.F., and of the Forrest Camp No.29, WOW. The remains were prepared for burial in Little Rock, and shipped here Sunday evening. They were conveyed to the residence of Mr.& Mrs.B.F.McCrary, from which the funeral proceeded, Monday, July 18, services conducted by Rev.B.L.Wilford. Interment at the Mt.Vernon cemetery, under the auspices of the Odd-Fellows and Woodmen lodges. 7-29-1910 - CONRAD - ESTELLE - - - - 4 25 1907 - 7 27 1910 - CITY - Death of Little Estelle Conrad=On Wednesday afternoon there came to this office the news of the death of little Estelle Conrad, the sweet three year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs S.B.Conrad, which sad event occurred at their home on North Rosser street that morning, July 27,1910. The little one had been sick for over a week, suffering with an acute stomach trouble, and through all that medical care and attention of her parents and others who loved her was done, it all proved ineffectual, and at 6:40 o'clock that morning the gentle little spirit passed from its earthly home, and little Estelle went to join the angels in that bright beyond. The little one that passed away was three years, three months and two days of age, was an only child, who was greatly admired and loved by all who knew her. The precious remains were interred in Forrest City Cemetery Thursday morning, the funeral proceeding from the residence, services conducted at the house and at the grave by Rev.E.T.Mabley of the Episcopal church and Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church. 7-29-1910 - BROWN - L. - - - - unk - 7 24 1910 - UNKNOWN - L.Brown of Round Pond was murdered by Long McMillan last Sunday, July 17,1910 and is still on the loose in the swamps. Coroner Todd and the inquest determined that cause of death was by shotgun blast and held brothers Emmett and John McMillan as accessories before and after the act. 8-5-1910 - JOHNSON - CHAS. - - - - unk - 7 30 1910 - UNKNOWN - Last Saturday, July 30,1910, Coroner Todd was summoned to investigate the murder of Chas.Johnson, on old Capt.Peevy place, 12 miles north of town, where he found the body of Johnson lying outside the door of Phil Bell's home, partially under the house. He had been shot in the face with No.3 buckshot, and his head beaten in with some blunt instrument. Phil Bell pleaded guilty but claimed self defense for the murder. The inquest found that Bell be bound over for grand jury action. 8-12-1910 - FUSTON - GEORGE - - - - unk - 8 7 1910 - UNKNOWN - Coroner Todd was notified Sunday morning, Aug.7,1910, that a man had been killed on the lower end of the Casteel place. On his arrival he found Geo.Fuston, lying dead with a fearful wound of the leg, which had literally blown his knee off. The inquest determined that the man and his wife, Fuston, had a quarrel Saturday night, and when she came in Sunday morning, found this gun, and told him to take it back to the owner or she would throw it in the river, a scuffle ensued and the resulting gunshot wound. The wife was brought to the city jail, and posted a bond in amount of $500 for her appearance. 8-19-1910 - TROUTMAN - CLARENC - R. - - - UNK - 8 15 1910 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mr.C.R.Troutman=News reached the city Monday morning, Aug.15,1910, that Clarence Troutman, who was for a long time the lineman for American Telegraph and Telephone Company here, and who was injured over a month ago by falling from a pole in Little Rock, while working for the Southwestern, died that morning of his injuries. He was treated at the hospital, and had returned to his home in Joplin, Mo. after seeming to be better, but he suffered a paralytic stroke, which caused his death. 8-26-1910 - BRYAN - WILLIAM - JENNINGS - - - 3 1908 - 8 21 1910 - CITY - Death of Baby Bryan=Last Monday morning, Aug.21,1910, Mrs.W.Lee Bryan, of Bryansville, where they live on the old Bryan homestead, left home with her two beautiful children, Helen Gould and William Jennings Bryan, to come to Forrest City to visit with her parents Mr.& Mrs.W.M.Partridge. Along the way the boy became ill with fever, after arrival at 10 am, he had a spasm at 1 pm and gradually grew worse, medical aid was called to no avail, and at 4:50 pm he passed away from congestion, suffering terribly. He was only two years, and five months old, son of W.L. and F.M.Bryan. The funeral was conducted by Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church at the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday morning, in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. 9-2-1910 - RUSSELL - JOHN - - - - unk - 8 27 1910 - UNKNOWN - John Russell, was shot and killed in a general shooting affray at a dance near Raggio, in Lee county Saturday night, Aug.27,1910. He entered as a peacemaker, and several others were killed and wounded. Sheriff Ford arrested several of the survivors. 9-2-1910 - MOORE - JOHN - - - - 1900 - 8 31 1910 - UNKNOWN - A boy named John Moore, formerly employed as a bootblack at Carson's barber shop was run over and killed by the Iron Mountain freight train on Wednesday afternoon, Aug.31,1910. It is believed that he might have been dead before the accident. He was about ten years of age, and said to be a good boy. 9-9-1910 - DEVERAUX - ED - - - - unk - 8 31 1901 - HUGHES - Death of Ed Deveraux=The Times editor and numberous other friends and acquaintances of the family were shocked to learn of the untimely death of Ed Deveraux, a sterling young farmer of this county, which sad event occurred Wednesday morning, Aug.31,1910, at the home of Mr.& Mrs.George Owen on the old Mallory place, northeast of town where he had been ill for some time with typhoid fever. He married Miss Mitchell Littlefield last year, we believe, and she survives him, as does his mother, several brothers and sisters and other relatives. He was son of Mr.N.J.Deveraux, deceased, formerly a contractor and builder of this city, who is kindly remembered by many who have lived here since the early 80's. He had been working at Round Pond. The funeral took place from the Oliver home and was conducted by Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church, the remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Card of thanks from Steve Deveraux in same paper. 9-9-1910 - HOUSTON - MARY - LOUISE - - - 12 21 1907 - 9 2 1910 - CITY - Mary Louise Houston=Mary Louise, the sweet and darling baby daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Houston of Widener, is dead and the hearts of mama and papa are bleeding with grief. The baby was born Dec.21,1907, and died at their home last Friday, Sep.2,1910, after a short illness. The precious remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery Friday evening, the Rev.B.L. Wilford officiating, in the presence of many friends and relatives of the bereaved family. 9-9-1910 - JOLLY - MATTIE - - MRS. - - 1850 - 9 7 1910 - HOLLY GROVE - Mrs.Mattie Jolly=Mrs.Mattie Jolly, widow of Mr.William Jolly, deceased, died at her country home at Yocona on Wednesday, Sep.7,1910, aged 60 years.She had been ill for some time, and while her death was not altogether unexpected, it came as a terrible bereavement to her family and a large circle of friends, to whom she had endeared herself by her kindly, motherly dispostion and intent. She leaves three son, and two daughters, all grown, to whom we extend sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathy in their great affliction. The remains were interred in Holly Grove Cemetery yesterday afternoon, and her funeral was widely attended, several friends going down from this city to pay their last repects. 9-16-1910 - FISHER - JOHN - V. - - - 3 23 1823 - 8 1910 - N.CAROLINA - Mr.John V.Fisher Dead=The man who was lovingly referred to as "Uncle John" Fisher, passes from our midst. So quietly was his life lived, so,modest, so self-distrusting was he, that it would seem as though the beauty of his character would be well nigh unnoticed. John V.Fisher was born on March 23,1823 in Cabarrus County, N.C. In 1858 he was married to Miss Mary Jane Young, a most happy union save for one great grief, the loss of their four children, of whom the oldest lived to be not quite three years old. Under these repeated blows, the wife's heart broke, and she became an invalid dependent upon he husband for care. Eight years ago she joined her children. Mr.Fisher adopted his sister's children, Mrs. Ury, and to these children he was to them a tender father. Mr.Fisher's death occurred on Thursday morning, Sep.18,1910, and on Friday morning he was taken to the train for removal to Poplar Tent church in Cabarrus County, N.c. for burial. Services were held before that at the home of Rev.J.G.Garth, pastor of the deceased, assisted by Revs.J.L.Murphy and J.D.Harte. One of the adopted kids, Miss Lillie stayed with him till the end. During the Civil War, he entered the Confederate cause in 1862, serving in Co.F., N.C. Regiment. He did his duty here as faithful as elsewhere. On the 10th of last May he received his Cross of Honor for this service. Times Mercury, Hickory, N.Carolina, Aug.10,1910. John V.Fisher was an older brother to G.W.Fisher, of this county, and an uncle of G.E.Fisher, of the Fisher Hotel in this city. 9-23-1910 - McGUFFEY - W. - J. - - - 1884 - 9 22 1910 - CITY - Death of J.W.McGuffey=The intelligence of the death at St.Josephs hospital in Memphis yesterday afternoon, Sep.22,1910, of Mr.W.J."Buck" McGuffey, came as a sad and sudden shock to his many friends and relatives here. He had been ill only a short while, and had been taken to the hospital Tuesday. He failed to improve and an operation was finally performed yesterday, his death followed shortly afterward. The remains were brought here by the 1:38 train this morning. Mr.McGuffey is twenty seven years of age, and represented a large packing company in Memphis, besides his parents he leaves a sister, Mrs.Thos.Williams who also resides in Memphis.The funeral will proceed from the residence of his parents, Mr.& Mrs.L.H.McGuffey, tomorrow morning at 10 am, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church officiating and will be interred in the Forrest City cemetery. His fianc‚, Miss Mildred Frey of Memphis attended the funeral. Mrs.McGuffey was nearly prostrated by the death of her only son, and she has been seriously ill since. 9-30-1910 - WARE - JOHN - G. - - - unk - 9 25 1910 - W.Virginia - Death of John G.Ware=Last Sunday, Sep.25,1910, in his room at the Fisher Hotel, John G.Ware, a highly esteemed young printer, who for the past six or eight weeks had been working at the Chronicle office, in this city, died after an illness of ten days duration. Mr.Ware came here about the middle of August and at once went to work at the Chronicle. He was a capable and honest workman, and was highly esteemed employers, and though he had only been in this city a short while had made a large number of friends. Deceased was a native of Montgomery, West Virginia, and is survived by his parents, Mr.& Mrs.J.R.Ware, four brothers and three sisters, all of whom reside in Montgomery. His brother, Mr.Macon Ware, arrived here Saturday night and was with him at the time of his death. The remains were embalmed and sent to West Virginia for burial. 9-30-1910 - EATON - BABY - - - - unk - 1910 - UNKNOWN - WIDENER=We wish to thank the people in and around Widener for their kindness during our little son's last sickness and death; May the Lord's richest blessing be with them all, our sincere prayer. Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Eaton. 10-14-1910 - HARRIS - FRANK - RUSH - - - 8 31 1906 - 10 3 1910 - MADISON - Card of Thanks=We desire to return sincere and heartfelt thanks to all those friends who so kindly assisted us in any way during the illness and death of our beloved son, Frank Rush Harris.Mr.& Mrs.Frank Harris and Mrs.Jennie Harris. Frank Rush Harris, aged four years, one month, and four days died Oct.3,1910, at the home of his parents, Mr.Frank and Mrs.Nannie Harris, at Madison, after a long and painful illness, during which everything that medical skill and loving care could not stop the illness. Funeral services were held at the residence on Tuesday afternoon, Oct.4, and interrment was had at the Madison cemetery, Rev.B.L.Wilford officiating. 10-14-1910 - DEVASIER - GREEN - - - - 7 14 1849 - 10 11 1910 - BELL - SLONIKER MILL TIMES=We regret to learn that Mr.Green Devasier is lying very low in the hospital in Memphis. Later-we learn that Mr.Devasier is dead, and that he will be buried in the Bell cemetery at this place on Wednesday, Oct.15,1910. Mrs.Devasier has the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. 10-21-1910 - DELANO - RICHARD - - - - unk - 10 12 1910 - UNKNOWN - Mr.Richard Delano died at his home in Valonia, Indiana on Wednesday, Oct.12,1910. Deceased was a brother to Messrs.Chas. E. and W.D.Delano of this city. The deceased leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. 10-21-1910 - MULHERON - CHARLES - - - - unk - 10 19 1910 - TENNESSEE - News of the death of Charles Mulheron was received Wednesday, Oct.19,1910, which occurred that morning in Memphis. It was no surprise as those who knew him heard he was very ill and death was only a matter of time. He was formerly manager of the Southwestern Telephone & Telegraph here until the spring, when his illness caused his resignation, and he went to his family in Memphis. He was born and reared in Brownsville, Tenn.,where his remains were taken yesterday for interrment. He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his loss. 10-21-1910 - WHITTENTON - PATTI - - - - 1902 - 10 12 1910 - CITY - Little Patti Whittenton's spirit ascended to heaven on Oct.12,1910. The patient little sufferer, only eight years of age, bore her sickness of two weeks bravely, never murmuring when being administered to. Patti was the only daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.A. and Fannie Whittenton and their aspirations for her ran high, but God needed another bud to blossom in Heaven and took her to join her little sister, her preceded her four months before her death. Funeral services were conducted at the Forrest City Cemetery by Bro.Garrett Wednesday afternoon in the presence of many sorrowing friends and relatives. 10-28-1910 - EZELL - ROLAND - - - - 11 6 1909 - 10 22 1910 - CITY - Death of Little Roland Ezell=Roland Ezell, infant son of Mr.& Mrs.O.A.Ezell, died Saturday, Oct.22,1910, at 1 o'clock after an illness of ten days. He was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday morning, the funeral services held at home by Rev.E.P.J.Garrett. Little Roland was eleven months and sixteen days old when God called him home to Heaven. With the assistance of relatives, kind friends, and physicians, we did all we could to restore little Roland to health, but all to no avail. 11-4-1910 - JOHNSON - WALTER - P. - - - 1886 - 10 30 1910 - LITTLE ROCK - Mr.Walter P.Johnson, a brakeman for Rock Island, was killed Sunday night, Oct.30,1910, near Hurlburt. The body was found by the crew of a freight train Monday morning about 1 o'clock. Robbery leading to murder was suggested by the fact that his switch key and $10 in money, which he was known to have when he left Memphis, were not found on his body. Railroad detectives are working on the theory that Johnson was accosted by a tramp who robbed him, and threw his body off the train. Johnson was 24 years of age and lived at Little Rock. R.I.Moore, an officer of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen took charge of the body and escorted to Little Rock for burial. 11-11-1910 - SANDERS - Joseph - Boone - Prof. - - 8 19 1834 - 11 6 1910 - CITY - J.B.SANDERS PASSES AWAY= The passing away Sunday night at 11:20 o'clock, Nov.6,1910, of Prof.J.B.Sanders, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of St.Francis county, caused a great wave of profound sorrow to o'erspread the hearts of our citizens, among whom he was widely known and loved. Prof.Sanders had been ill only a short time, having been confined to his bed just two days, and very few were aware that he was sick, or especially that his sickness was serious, and therefore the news of his death that traveled upon swiftest wings Monday morning was indeed a terrible shock. He had been suffering an attack of pneumonia, and all that physicians could accomplish was to no avail. Mr.Joseph Boone Sanders was a native of North Carolina, having been born in Johnson county, in that state on Aug.19,1834. He was married in Mississippi in 1856 to Miss Eva Denson, three children having been born to their union, one of whom, Mr.R.H.Sanders of Devalls Bluff, survives him. In 1865, he was married to Miss Lucy Gwyn, to which union seven children were born, five sons and two daughters. He is survived by his widow, five children, Messrs.W.T.,J.G., and J.T.Sanders, Mrs.Alice Longest and Miss Lucy Sanders, two sons, Messrs.Hall C. and Joe R.Sanders having preceded their revered father in answering the final summons. He was the next to the eldest of eleven children, all of whom have passed away, and was the grandfather of eighteen children. He served gallantly for two years in the Confederate Army as a member of Forrest's Cavalry, 18th Mississippi regiment, and was an active member of Forrest Camp, U.C.V., of this city and the Masonic order. He was a devout and consistent member of the Baptist church for 60 years, and was active in all its good works. Several years ago he retired from active business life, and devoted his time to duties as a Justice of the Peace, which he conscientiously and capably filled for many years. The funeral was conducted from the Baptist church Monday, Elder E.J.P.Garrott officiating. The following gentlemen presided as pall bearers:V.B.Izard, J.D.Baugh, J.D.Verser, Bruce Smith, Jno.M.Prewett, Jno.W.Alderson. Interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery. The services at the church and cemetery were widely attended, a great concourse of people having attended to pay their last respect. 11-25-1910 - CHANDLER - MARTHA - - - - UNK - 11 22 1910 - UNKNOWN - Coroner Todd was called on Tuesday afternoon, Nov.22,1910, to go down to the Murray Hambleton place, south of town to hold an inquest of a woman, Martha Chandler who had dropped dead about 1:30 o'clock that afternoon, while picking cotton with her husband. Her husband was the only witness, and after taking the testimony and viewing the body, the jury returned a verdict of death from causes to the jury unknown. 12-2-1910 - BURNETT - ROBERT - - - - unk - 11 19 1910 - UNKNOWN - MAN KILLED AT MADISON=Blind tigers and bad women seldom fail to get in their deadly work on Saturday nights, Nov.19,1910. This week it was a brutal murder on the Graham farm near Madison. Robert Burnett and his wife quarreled over his kissing another woman. Later, while being held by Robert Doxey and Ike Gibson, Allen Doxey plunged a knife into Robert Gibson and killed him. Coroner Todd and the jury found that death was caused by wounds at the hand of Allen Doxey, still at large. 12-2-1910 - BOOTH - BENJAMIN - F. - - - 8 28 1870 - 12 2 1910 - HUGHES - Mr.Ben Booth, who is quite well and favorably known to a large circle of friends, died in St.Josephs Hospital in Memphis at 9 o'clock this morning, Dec.2,1910, of dropsy and complications. The remains will be brought here this afternoon for interment at Hughes cemetery about 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Ben had been ill for a year and boarded with Mrs.Alice Rowland. We regret his demise sincerely. 12-9-1910 - BARROW - THOMAS - W. - - - unk - 12 9 1910 - MT.VERNON - DEATH OF THOS.W.BARROW=Just as we go to press we learn the sad news of the death of our dear friend, Mr.Thos.W.Barrow. He died this afternoon, Dec.9,1910, at twenty minutes past 1 o'clock and, though not wholly unexpected, it has cast a terrible gloom over his home and the hearts of his beloved wife and three little daughters are torn asunder and they are prostrated beneath an agonizing sorrow pitiable to contemplate. we deeply deplore his death. He was a true friend, a splendid citizen and an honest, manly man. We loved him well and his death shocks us beyond expression. The funeral services will be held at the residence of his mother, Mrs.Margaret E.Hatcher Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev.Edw.T.Mabley and interment at Mt.Vernon cemetery under auspices of W.O.W., of which order he was a beloved member. Mr.Barrow was born on Aug.7,1872, at the old Barrow homestead, about three miles north of Forrest City, and was a native of St.Francis County. He was only 38 years of age at the time of his death, and for three or four years had suffered from the white plague. On the thirtieth day of April, more than sixteen years ago, he married Miss Carrie Chew, of Helena. Their union has been blessed with three daughters, Margaret, Julia and Elizabeth, all of whom survive him. 12-9-1910 - ESTES - ROLAND - - - - unk - 12 7 1910 - UNKNOWN - Roland Estes, an old and respected citizen, died at Widener Wednesday, Dec.7,1910, at his home with Mr.Chris Fogg, for whom he worked. Roland was a good honest, hard working man who had many friends. He worked for our old deceased friend, Capt.J.W.Beck, for about 37 years, and nearly all that time on the Beck place, at Beck's Switch, until five years ago, when he moved to the bottom. His remains were given kindly attention and decent burial. 12-16-1910 - TURLEY - N. - P. - MRS. - - 1845 - 12 12 1910 - MISSISSIPPI - Death of Mrs.N.P.Turley=In the death of Mrs.N.P.Turley, of Byhalia, the age of 65 years, on Monday afternoon, Dec.12,1910, grief indescribable has fallen upon the hearts of our esteemed fellow townsmen, Messrs.E.C., Linn, amd Ellis Turley. Deceased was the beloved mother of Mr.Bunn Turley, who was a sorrowing at her mother's bedside a week before the final summons came, and did everything in his power to soften the dying pillow of the beloved and saintly lady whose love and affection were the dearest treasures of his heart. She was laid to rest in Byhalia Tuesday afternoon, and was widely attended 12-23-1910 - WILLIAMS - OLIVER - - - - unk - 12 1910 - UNKNOWN - News of another killing occured the later part of the week at the Graham place near Fishing Lake, when Monk Alexander and Wallace Bell, it is alleged killed Oliver Williams. 12-23-1910 - BAILES - ELI - - - - 5 11 1849 - 12 21 1910 - HUGHES - News reached our office Wednesday from Little Rock that Mr.Eli Balles. an old citizen of this country. His death occurred in a hospital, where he had been under treatment for some time. The remains were brought to this city yesterday and interred in the Hughes cemetery. 12-30-1910 - HILL - BUD - - - - unk - 12 29 1910 - UNKNOWN - News reached our office just as we were going to press Thursday evening, Dec.29,1910, to the effect that Bud Hill, a farmer of the Island farm near Old River, had met a tragic death in a runnaway accident at the Reilley Orchard crossing on the Rock Island railway about two miles east of the city. Hill made a crop the past season with "Jim" New, and was enroute home from the city in his wagon where he had been to sell his cotton and purchase supplies. At the point in the road mentioned, the team Hill was driving took fright at a four seated automobile. In his efforts to stop the team, Hill broke one of the lines, at which juncture he was thrown from the wagon, the wheels passing over his body. The team was captured by a man about a mile up the road. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. He had no idea who the driver of the auto was, and died shortly afterwards at an doctor's office. 12-30-1910 - LUCAS - HENRY - - - - unk - 12 27 1910 - UNKNOWN - News of another bloody Christmas tragedy in which two men, reached the city Tuesday morning,to the effect that Will Jones, alias "Shorty", had shot and killed Henry Lucas, near the Fitzpatrick place on the old Military road in Johnson township. Jones is still at large, and several others were arrested as possible conspirators, Frank and Bud Savage, and Bud Metcalf, were arrested by Deputy Franks. 12-30-1910 - BOGGS - S. - R. - - - 11 24 1834 - 12 27 1910 - CITY - Venerable Citizen Gone S. R. Boggs Succumbs To Attack of Pneumonia Tuesday Evening at 6 o'clock After Short Illness. Mr.S. R. Boggs, a venerable and hightly respected Christian gentleman, expired Tuesday eveing at 6 o'clock at his home in the eastern portion of the city after a brief attack of pneumonia, and was buried Wednesday afternoon in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev. J. R. Nelson, officating. Deceased was born near Holly Springs , Miss., November 24, 1834, where he lived until the breaking out of the civil war, when he entered the ranks of the Southern army and did valiant service for the lost cause. After the war he returned to the South and was married in 1868 to Miss Mattie P. Lamb, near Grand Junction, Tennessee. The family removed to Arkansas and settled in Forrest City in 1881, where the deceased was held in high esteem for his sterling, manly qualityies and for his unswerving devotion and loyalty to his family and friends. He is survived by a heartsbroken widow and one son, R. B. Boggs, and two little grandchildren, who are deeply grieved and bowed down in sincere contrition and sorrow. In years gone by Mr. Boggs nursed the junior editor of this paper through a critical illness, and sat patiently at his bedside night after night for forty long and weary nights. He was faithful and true, kind and gentle as a woman, and we ever afterwards esteemed him highly. Our heart goes out to them in this dark and bitter hour, but more especially do we condole with the frail and saintly little lad who had been bereft of her beloved companion in the twilight of life when perhaps, she feels, there is little left for her but to watch for the last golden sunset that will reunite them again in those ethereal regions where there is no death and no parting. May God comfort her dear heart and shower richest blessings upon her is the prayer of The Times and her legion of friends here.(NOTE:THANKS BRENDA FOR FINDING THIS OBIT IN THE FC TIMES NEWSPAPER)- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/7/2007 12-30-1910 - HINTON - WALTER - - - - unk - 12 25 1910 - UNKNOWN - Killing on Christmas Day=Walter Hinton, alias Will "Red", was shot and killed on Christmas day by Claud Fountain. The two men had a scuffle over a gun. The incident occurred on Ches.Osborn's place on the St.Francis river, and from Fountain's story, was a case of self defense. Fountain is in jail. 12-30-1910 - PAYNE - BARNEY - - - - unk - 12 25 1910 - UNKNOWN - Christmas Tragedy No.4=The fourth Christmas tragedy took place on the St.Francis river below Madison, near Chas.Appel's place, when news of the killing of Barney Payne by James Powell. On that date, the two were courting a woman, and a argument ensued. Later in the day they met, one with a rifle, the other a pistol and the shooting occurred then, Payne opened fire first. Powell came to give him self up to Sheriff Geo.B.Mallory. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-7-1910 - PARTRIDGE - BABY - - - - - - - The stork was a visitor at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Wm.Partridge last Sunday, and left a sweet little baby girl to bless that home. 1-14-1910 - MALOUF - JOHN - - JR. - - - - - The stork was a visitor at the home of Mr.& Mrs.John Malouf last Sunday morning and left a handsome baby boy. The boy has been named John Jr. 3-18-1910 - BOGGS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Bart Boggs are rejoicing over the birth of a sweet little girl who came to bless their home yesterday. 3-25-1910 - HODGES - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Sam Hodges are rejoicing over the birth of a fine baby boy who came last Friday. 5-20-1910 - SMITH - BABY - - - - - - - Wheatley-Born: To Mr.& Mrs.H.K.Smith, on May 8th, a fine baby boy, tipping the scales at ten pounds. Both baby and mother are doing fine. 6-10-1910 - MYERS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.John Myers are rejoicing over the arrival at their happy home yesterday morning of a fine baby boy. John is as happy as if he owned the Rock Island. Both mom and child are doing fine. 6-24-1910 - HUGHES - BABY - - - - - - - Attorney and Mrs.W.W.Hughes are the proud and happy parents of a new baby girl, who arrived at their home Sunday night. Mrs.T.A.Hughes, mother of the judge arrived from Oklahoma, and will spend a few weeks with her son and family. Mother and babe are doing fine. 7-1-1910 - WILSON - BABY - - - - - - - Prof.J.M.Wilson and wife are happy on arrival of a fine baby boy in Colt on last Saturday at their home. 7-1-1910 - WILLIAMS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.J.M. Williams had a visit from the stork last Tuesday and a sweet baby girl is now winding up their heartstrings. 7-8-1910 - BASS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.Frank Bass and his wife found a baby boy at their home Tuesday, he is the Asst.Cashier at the Bank of Eastern Arkansas. The mother and baby are doing fine. 7-22-1910 - POWEL - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.J.E.Powel of Widener are the proud parents of a fine baby girl who arrived Monday, the 18th. 8-5-1910 - GROBMYER - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Albert Grobmyer had a visit from the stork on Tuesday, Aug.2,1910 when a fine baby boy of ten pounds arrived. Grandpa Bill Evans is so happy, we are sad to report that Mrs.Grobmyer is not doing well. 8-5-1910 - NEWSOME - TWINS - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.J.L.Newsome are the proud parents of twins, a bouncing baby boy and sweet girl. Mother and babies are doing fine after their arrival Wednesday, Aug.3,1910. 8-26-1910 - WENTZ - BABY - - - - - - - A sweet and beautiful baby girl arrived Wednesday to the home of Mr.& Mrs.John Wentz. Mother and babe are doing fine. 8-26-1910 - ASH - BABY - - - - - - - Our genial friend, Mr.Abe Ash is happy on arrival of a fine ten pound boy on Tuesday, mother and babe are fine. 8-26-1910 - BATTS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Walter Batts are happy to welcome a sweet baby girl to their home last Wednesday. 8-26-1910 - PERRY - BABY - - - - - - - A fine ten pound girl arrived yesterday at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Ed Perry who reside on the slopes of Crowley's Ridge in one of Fitzpatrick's houses, Forrest street extended. 8-26-1910 - DOOLEY - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.George Dooley are celebrating the birth of a fine baby boy who arrived yesterday at their happy home. Mother and son are doing fine. 9-16-1910 - BURKHART - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Frank Burkhart are the proud new parents of a handsome baby boy in their home Wednesday morning. 9-23-1910 - COLLIER - BABY - - - - - - - Mrs.L.N.Collier, nee Miss Emma Prewett, formerly of this city, now of Augusta, had a ten pound baby boy Tuesday night. The proud grandparents are Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Prewett of this city. 9-30-1910 - HODGES - BABY - - - - - - - A fine big ten pound boy arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.E.F.Hodges, a mile north of town. Mother and son are doing fine. 11-25-1910 - FOGG - BABY - - - - - - - It's a fine big 10 pound boy for Mr.& Mrs.Ed K.Fogg who arrived Tuesday afternoon, both mother and child are fine. 11-25-1910 - ADAMS - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.W.W.Adams were rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy to their home Sunday afternoon. Both mother and child are fine. 12-23-1910 - BURNS - BABY - - - - - - - The stork left a fine baby boy at the home of Mrs.D.K.Burns last week. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-22-1910 - SWAN - BOZEMAN - - - - - - - SWAN-LITTLEFIELD=Mr.Bozeman Swan and Miss Leta Littlefield, two young people of Johnson township were married Sunday in Wynne, Rev.Harris officiating. The bride is the only daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Jno.Littlefield, and the groom the son of Mr.& Mrs.R.K.Swan of this city. 4-8-1910 - GUYTON - JAMES - WILLIAM - - - - - - GUYTON-CLARK=Mr.James William Guyton and Miss Julia Clark were happily married at the residence of the bride's parents, last night by Rev.J.R.Burditte. The bride is a niece of Prof.John Blount, and Mr.Guyton is the transfer man. 4-22-1910 - FLANNIGAN - JAMES - - - - - - FLANNIGAN-STEWART=Last Saturday afternoon, shortly after 5 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's grandmother, Mrs.M.J.Stewart, Mr.James Flannigan, of Savannah, Tenn., and Miss Minne Stewart were happily married by Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church. The couple will make their home at Ashworth after a few days in Helena. - 5-13-1910 - PIPPIN - THERON - A. - - - - - PIPPIN-KNIGHT=Wedding bells have been chiming in Colt for some time, last Sunday at noon Mr.Theron A.Pippin, son of Mr.L.H.Pippin of Johnson township, drove in front of the Colt Baptist Church and picked up Miss Gracie Knight, a niece of Mrs.John David of Colt, and proceeded to Wynne for the happy event. - 5-20-1910 - TODD - F. - P. - - - - - TODD-BUDDEMEIR=Married at the residence of Mr. & Mrs.A.N.Bradford, in Memphis, on Friday Apr.13,1910, Mr.F.P.Todd and Mrs.A.C.Buddemeier, both of St.Francis County, Ark. Mr.Todd is coroner of St.Francis Co., and has been a widower for eight years, and the bride comes from Louisiana. It started as sympathy for the widow, whose weeds were scarcely donned. - 5-20-1910 - ELDRIDGE - ROLFE - CHAMBLISS - - - - - ELDRIDGE-RITCHIE=Mr.Rolfe Chamliss Eldridge, of the firm of Mallory & Eldridge Livery, and son of Mr.& Mrs.J.E.Eldridge of north of town, and Miss Corrinne Ritchie were married at the bride's residence in Augusta, Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating of the Methodist church. Attending:Mrs.J.E.Eldridge, Guy Eldridge and Fred Eldridge(brothers), Miss Emma Eldridge (sister). - 5-27-1910 - POPE - JOHN - L. - - - - - POPE-ORRINDER=On Monday morning, May 23,1910, Mr.John L.Pope, of the Forrest City Furniture Company, and Mrs.Margaret S. Orrinder. Rev.Boone Wilford of the Methodist church officiating. Sisters of the bride include Mrs.Eliza Sparkman and Miss Frances Hoard. Groomsman was Mr.Joe Ferguson. - 5-27-1910 - GATLING - TOM - - - - - - GATLING-NIMOCKS=On June 4, Mr.Tom Gatling and Miss Eunice Nimocks willo be wed at the home of Dr. & Mrs.P.P.Boggan, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding. Mr.John Gatling, brother of the groom was the best man, while Miss May Boggan did the same for the bride. - 5-27-1910 - MORRIS - WALTER - LEE - - - - - MORRIS-SEVIER=Invitations for June 8 for wedding of Mr.Walter Lee Morris, former manager of the Great Western Oil Company, and Miss Ethel Sevier at the Arkansas School for the Blind in Little Rock. - 5-27-1910 - PRYOR - ARCHIE - - - - - - PRYOR-WALLACE=Mr.Archie Pryor, of Democrat, while in Memphis Tuesday to buy goods from Max Landau & Co., and Mrs.Sallie Wallace were married at the Waldorf Hotel by Magistrate Charces Gallina. Memphis Press Scimitar May 26,1910. - 5-27-1910 - WILGUS - BRUCE - - - - - - WILGUS-EPPES=It has been reported here that Mr.Bruce Wilgus, of Tupelo, Arkansas, was to be married on Wednesday, June 15th to Miss Georgia Eppes, a charming lady of Madison at the home of the bride's, Mr.& Mrs.F.M.Eppes,. she is the fifth daughter, Mr.Wilgus has been employed here with the Iron Mountain and Rock Island Railroads. - 5-27-1910 - BUFORD - WILEY - - - - - - BUFORD-HADRICK=Wiley Buford, age 27, of Heth, was married to Miss Rosie Hadrick, age 22 of Edmondson at County clerk Merwin's office, Judge E.A.Rolfe officating. - 6-3-1910 - TAYLOR - GEORGE - PRESSLEY - JR. - - - - TAYLOR-MALLORY=Miss Mary Mallory wed Mr.George P.Taylor, youngest son of the late Hon.Geo.P. and Mrs.Alice I. Taylor, at the Methodist church June 1,1910. Miss Mallory is the younger daughter of Mr.& Mrs.G.B.Mallory, ex-circuit clerk and candidate for sheriff, Rev.Fred Little of Marianna presiding. - 6-3-1910 - FUSSELL - JAMES - - JR. - - - - FUSSELL-FORD=Mr.James Fussell, Jr., of this city, was joined in holy matrimony with Miss Mildred Hewitt Ford of Marianna, in the latter city June 29,1910, at the St.Andrews Episcopal church, Rev.Nicholas Righter officiating. The groom is the only son of Capt.James Fussell, prominent merchant and banker of this city. The bride elect is the daughter of the Sheriff M.H.Ford of Lee county. Mrs.Fannie Thomas, sister of Capt.Fussell attended the wedding from Helena. - 6-10-1910 - BEEZLEY - DOLPH - A. - - - - - BEEZLEY-MOORE=Last Saturday afternoon, Mr.Dolph A. Beezley, of St.Louis, and lineman between Little Rock and Memphis for the AT&T Company, and Miss Pauline S.Moore, a native of Kentucky, and niece of Mr.J.E.Strain of this city, were married in Memphis. She had been an operator at the local exchange. - 6-10-1910 - WILLIAMS - GEORGE - - - - - - WILLIAMS-CREWS=On last Wednesday morning, at the home of the bride's mother, Mr.George Williams of Little Rock and working for the Southwestern Telephone and Telegraph Co. as a lineman, and Miss Lucille Crews wee married, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church officiating. Miss Crews is the granddaughter of Mr.John Mallory. - 6-17-1910 - HIGGINS - JAMES - M. - - - - - HIGGINS-GILES=Miss Ona Giles and Mr.James M.Higgins, of Johnson township were married in this city Wednesday in front of the Methodist parsonage by Rev.B.L.Wilford. - 7-8-1910 - VANDERSLICE - LANGFORD - H. - - - - - VANDERSLICE-BIRD=Miss Ida Bird and Mr.Langford H.Vanderslice were married in the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Bird Wednesday. Rev.J.W.Gillon of the La Place Baptist Church. They will be at home in Birmingham, Alabama after a honeymoon. The groom has many friends here in Forrest City. Commercial Appeal, June 30. - 7-8-1910 - STEVENS - OTIS - - - - - - STEVENS-MAHONEY=Last Saturday, July 2,1910, Mr.Otis Stevens married Miss Salome Mahoney, of Marion, Ohio, by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church on the river. - 7-8-1910 - TERRY - ERNEST - B. - - - - - TERRY-SCOTT=Mr.Ernest Terry, formerly of this city, and Miss Eloise Scott were married at the home of his sister in Little Rock, Mrs.Edgar Darr, nee Miss Maggie Terry. - 7-15-1910 - THORTON - MADISON - H. - - - - - HETH=THORNTON-SMITH=Mr.M.H.Thornton and Miss Katie Lou Smith, adopted daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Thomas last Sunday night at Democrat. - 7-22-1910 - KENDRICK - W. - R. - - - - - WIDENER-KENDRICK-HAMM=Mr.W.R.Kendrick and Miss Ruby Hamm were married in Forrest City at the residence of the bride's friend, Mrs.Higgins, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church officiating. - 7-22-1910 - ADKINS - JOHN - - - - - - WIDENER-ADKINS-BERRY=Mr.John Adkins and Miss Ethel Berry of the Mosely neighborhood were married last Sunday night at the Moyes Chapel Church, Rev.M.L. Jones presiding. - 8-5-1910 - PODESTA - STEVE - - - - - - POSESTA-OAKS=Mr.Steve Podesta, the popular blacksmith and horseshoer at Dr.C.S.Aldrich's veternary sanitarium went to Caruthersville, Mo. and married Miss Ida Oaks. The service was officiated by Justice of the Peace Will Kearney on Sunday evening, July 31,1910. Moon Lake Times. - 8-19-1910 - CARSON - PHOENIX - - - - - - LULU-CARSON-HUBBARD=Mr.Phoenix Carson and Miss Rosa Hubbard were married. - 9-23-1910 - FOLBRE - CHARLES - MALLEN - - - - - Mrs.Blanche Wilkins of Holly Springs, Miss. announces the coming marriage of her daughter, Frances Fonnell, to Mr.Charles Mallen Folbre of Forrest City, on Oct.12,1910. - 10-7-1910 - BERRY - LUTHER - CAMPBELL - - - - - Marriage Announced=Mrs.T.C.Greene announces the upcoming marriage of her neice Miss Mary Esther Jackson to Mr.Luther Campbell Berry of Augusta, to be at the Methodist-Episcopal church on Oct.19,1910 under the auspices of Rev.B.L.Wilford.. - 10-7-1910 - HUDSON - ELMO - - - - - - Mr.Elmo Hudson, bookkeeper of the Brandon, Baugh & Co. was married Sunday to Miss Lulu Jones of Marianna at the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.J.W.Jones, residence Rev.Fred Little officiating. - 10-14-1910 - PARKER - CHARLEY - - - - - - PARKER-MORRIS=MIss Effie Morris, daughter of Mr.G.L.Morris, who resides about three miles north of Palestine, was married Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her father's residence to Mr.Charley Parker, of the Moon Lake neighborhood, Squire C.C.Warr officiating. - 10-14-1910 - MOORE - JOHN - A. - - - - - MOORE-LINDAUER=Mr.& Mrs.C.Lindauer announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Rosa Lindauer, second daughter, to Mr.John A.Moore, contractor and builder, on Oct.10,1910 at their residence. Rev.George H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presided. - 10-14-1910 - PARKER - GEORGE - ELZIE - - - - - PARKER-WILLIAMS=Cards have been released announcing the marriage on Oct.27th, 1910 at the Methodist church, of Miss Hortense Williams, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.E.Williams, to Mr.George Elzie Parker, of Keiffer, Okla.. Rev.B.L.Wilford officiated - 10-14-1910 - ALLEN - LESLIE - - - - - - ALLEN-HAMILTON=Mr.Leslie Allen and Miss Annie Hamilton, sister of Mr.A.T.Hampton, all of Johnson township were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev.B.L.Wilford last Saturday. - 10-14-1910 - WATSON - HARRY - OVERTON - - - - - WATSON-AVEN=Harry Overton Watson, formerly of Augsuta, now of Little Rock, and Miss Cornelia Aven, daughter of Hon. and Mrs.John Aven of this city, at the Methodist church, were married Oct.11,1910 by Rev.Boone L.Wilford. - 10-14-1910 - LOGAN - EDGAR - ADAIR - - - - - LOGAN-ALLEN=Cards have been received from Mr.& Mrs.Louis Buchner Allen of San Antonio, of their daughter's marriage, Miss Erie Allen to Mr.Edgar Adair Logan on Oct.6,1910. Mr.Logan formerly lived here, and is son of Mrs.Emma Logan, who makes her home with her sister Mrs.Robt.Brittain, in this city. - 10-21-1910 - PORTER - THADDEUS - GLASS - DR. - - - - PORTER-RADLEY=Cards from Mr.& Mrs.John Welsh Radley announcing marriage of their daugher, Miss Emma Pringle Radley to Dr.Thaddeus Glass Porter Oct.25,1910 at Louisville, Ky., then they will make their home in Palestine. Dr.Porter graduated from Medical school in Louisville, Kentucky. - 10-28-1910 - BOYD - R. - H. - - - - - BOYD-STAGG=Mr.R.H.Boyd and Miss Celestine Stagg were married Sunday. Mr.Boyd is foreman at the P. & P. Ranch. - 10-28-1910 - WASHBURN - - - MR. - - - - WASHBURN-HALL=Mrs.C.S.Aldrich, who spent Monday with friends in Wheatley, brought news of the marriage of Miss Eula Hall to Mr.Washburn of Searcy. She is daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.B.Hall, the wedding took place at the Methodist church, Rev.W.C.Davidson of Pine Bluff presiding. - 10-28-1910 - USSERY - MALCOM - - - - - - USSERY-LILLEY=Mr.Malcom Ussery married Miss Bessie Lilley last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs.Baxter, about a mile east of town. Rev.E.P.J.Garrett officiating. Mr.Ussery is a prosperous farmer and lives about three miles west of town. - 11-4-1910 - MULLER - CHRIS - P. - - - - - MULLER-KIRBY=Last Saturday afternoon, Rev.Andrew Haeringer pronounced the solemn ritual of the Catholic Church uniting in holy matrimony Mr.Chris P.Muller and Miss Fleetwood Kirby, both of Forrest City, at the priest's residence in Brinkley. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.M.E.Kirby, Mr.Muller is employed with the Forrest City Bottling Works - 11-18-1910 - FERGUSON - JOSEPH - EUGENE - - - - - FERGUSON-PETTUS=Cards announcing the marriage at the Church of the Good Shepherd, between Mr.Joseph Eugene Ferguson and Miss Mabel Pettus on Nov.30,1910 were released. The bride is the daughter of Mr.Frank G, Pettus. - 12-9-1910 - KIRKPATRICK - SCOTT - - - - - - KIRKPATRICK-ROLLWAGE=Invites are out for the wedding of Mr.Scott Kirkpatrick, of Memphis, and Miss Ardale Rollwage, of this city. The bride is the fourth daughter of Hon.& Mrs.O.B.Rollwage, which wedding will occur on Dec.15,1910. Held at the Presbyterian church presided over by Rev.George.H.Kirker. - 12-16-1910 - BAKER - W. - L. - - - - - BAKER-HANNAH=Mr.W.L.Baker, successful farmer on HIckory Ridge, married Mrs.Alice Hannah at the court house, Wednesday afternoon, Squire Turley officiating. - 12-16-1910 - HARGRAVES - S. - S. - - - - - HARGRAVES-SANDERS=Mr.S.S.Hargraves and Miss Lucy Sanders are to be married at the home of the bride's mother Dec.26,1910. Mr.Hargraves is a law student at Little Rock. - 12-23-1910 - HARDIN - J. - P. - - - - - HARDIN-FORRESTER=Mr.J.P.Hardin, a well known and successful farmer of L'anguille townhsip, and Mrs.Leona Forrester, were married on Dec.15,1910 by Judge E.A.Rolfe in the Clerk's office at the St.Francis Co. Courthouse. - 12-23-1910 - BARRON - JOE - - - - - - BARRON-WIRLEY=Joe Barron and Miss Lulu Wirley, two popular and well known young people of Blackfish township, were happily married in this city Wednesday night at the Baptist parsonage, Elder E.J.P.Garrott officiating. The bride is the step daughter of Mr.Alfred Ashworth, and the groom is the son of Mr.J.J.Barron. - 12-30-1910 - COLLIER - JOHN - - - - - - COLLIER-WOOD=Mr.John Collier and Miss Myrtle Wood of Sloniker Mill were wed last Friday night at the home of Mr.& Mrs.D.L.Burns, by Rev.T.L.Woodlel. - ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - Population of Forrest City:Per Hempstead's Historical Review of Arkansas Vol.1:The census of 1910 gives the following figures as to the population of a number of towns and cities of Arkansas:Alexander, 141Arkadelphia, 2,745Ashdown, 1,247Atkins, 1,258Augusta, 1,520Austin, 177Bald Knob, 617Pulaski Heights, 683Batesville, 3,339Bee Branch, 142Benton, 1,708Berryville, 785Blytheville, 3,849Bryant, 91Cabot, 441Carlisle, 516Carthage, 386Clarendon, 2,037Cotton Plant, 1,081Crossett, 2,038DeQueen, 2,108El Dorado, 4,202Fordyce, 2,794Forrest City, 2,284Harrisburg, 942Hope, 3,639Malvern, 4,202Marked Tree, 2,025Mena, 3,953Monticello, 2,274Morrilton, 2,424Nashville, 2,374Newport, 3,557Prescott, 2,705Seacry, 2,331Stamps, 2,316Stuttgart, 2,740Van Buren, 3,878Warren, 2,057Wheatley, 330Wynne, 2,353 1-14-1910 - FORREST CITY BANK DIRECTORS-SEVENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT - - - - - - - Directors of the Bank:B.F.McCrary-City Treasurer/J.E.Franklin-Pres.Banker's Trust in St.Louis/E.A.Rolfe-County Judge/J.D.Baugh-Brandon & Baugh and Vice President/J.T.Sanders-Druggist/L.J.Pugh-Planter/C.M.Wilkinson-Pres.Bank of Palestine/R.L.Pettus-Pettus & Fogg/G.V.Nash-Pres.FC Bank/Ellis Turley-Merchant/Geo.B.Pettus-President/Cashier:Eugene Williams. - 1-22-1910 - MR.R.J.IZARD VISITS MEMPHIS - - - - - - - Hon.R.J.Izard was a vistior in Memphis Saturday and Sunday, returning home Monday accompanied by his son, Mr.Milton Izard. - 2-4-1910 - MR.RAY BONNER BUYS A CAR - - - - - - - Mr.Ray Bonner received last Saturday via Rock Island Railway, one of the handsomest and largest motor cars ever, the six cyllinder, 48 horsepower, five passenger Winston Six. - 2-4-1910 - MRS.L.GURRY DEPARTS - - - - - - - Mrs.Larry Gurry and family departs for Monroe, La. where they will make their home with her daughter, Mrs.H.W.Busby. - 2-18-1910 - MR.J.M.GUNTER MOVING - - - - - - - DEMOCRAT=Mr.J.M.Gunter has decided to move to Beebe, Arkansas. - 3-4-1910 - GLENN H. CURTISS WITH AVIATORS IN MEMPHIS - - - - - - - Glenn H. Curtiss with his world renowned aviators will be in Memphis April 7,8 and 9th. Reduced rates on all railroads. - 3-18-1910 - CAPT.J.G.STERN IN TOWN - - - - - - - Capt.J.G.Stern, president and manager of the big rice mill in Wheatley has been in town several days on business. - 4-8-1910 - EDITOR EDWARDS IN TOWN - - - - - - - Editor Edwards, of the Arkansas Tattler of Haynes was in town Wednesday. He informs us that due to the fine business he plans on remaining in that Lee County city. - 4-22-1910 - MARK TWAIN DIES - - - - - - - Last night, Samuel LanghorneClemens (Mark Twain), the world's greatest humorist, died at his home in Hartford, Connecticut, last night at 6:30pm. He died as he lived, with a smile upon his face, and the memory of this great humorist will never grow dim. He was born in Hannibal, Mo. in Nov.30,1835. His first newspaper job came with the Virginia City Enterprises in 1862, then the Sacramento Union, then on to Hawii, and his first book was released in March of 1867, "The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County". - 4-22-1910 - LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER DEPARTS - - - - - - - Mr.C.E.Smith, who operated a photograph gallery, known as the Southern Photo Co., upstairs in the Pettus building has left town for parts unknown leaving a few obligations unpaid. - 4-22-1910 - MR.SAM HODGES INVENTS A FISHING TRAP - - - - - - - Mr.Sam Hodges, the southside fisherman, has invented a circular minnow trap which solves the problem of How to Make Fishing Easy. The patent was done in Washington for this by Mr.Hodges. 5-27-1910 - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:HIGH SCHOOL FIRST AND SECOND YEAR - - - - - - - Albert Buford/Helen Nichols/Henry Gatling taughte by Mr.L.P.Anderson, Principal. Others include Louis Havens. - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES - - - - - - - Eleanor Mabley/Bessie Delano/Muriel Rogers/Anna Sanders/Tom Campbell/Cleveland Gwyn/Fred Stout/Tom Stout/Morton Neel/Mary Mabley/Mae Laughinghouse/Bessie Heartsill/Lillian Bernard/Mildred Perkins/Bedford Hambleton/Grady Remley/Weston Payne/Marie Gilooley/Willie Fondren/Bessie Mai Williams/Alma Beazley taught by Mrs.Nall. Others Cleveland Gwyn/Weston Payne/Boyd Wolff/Olive Beazley/Herman Rollwage/Eva Boyette/ - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:HIGH SIXTH AND SEVENTH GRADES - - - - - - - Anna Mae Delano/Sadie Borden/Doris Hodges/Clifford McGaha/Zelma Royal/Carrie Evans/Catherine Perkins/Eloise Buford/Mary Aldridge/Thomas Mabley/Annie Claud Nelson/John Lanier/Mallory Williams/Julia Barrow/Othello McDougal/Catherine Walker/Mary Sanders taught by Miss Davis. Others include:Nellie Taylor/Sammie Yoffie/Odes Allen/Jennie Warshavsky/Julia Bonner/Cecil Blanton/Burton Fitzsimmons/Russell Williams/Mabel Fisher/Bob Swan/Annie Swan. - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:LOW SIXTH GRADE - - - - - - - Willard Delano/Louise Delano taught by Miss Stevens. - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:FIFTH GRADE - - - - - - - Helen Borden/Doris Casteel/Naoma Beazley/Ernest Neel/Merle Gill/Louis Meyers/Thelma Blankenship/Lucille Lewis/Elizabeth Winfield/Raiford Payne/Johnnie Johnson/Charley Bernard/Mildred Hancock taught by Miss Cox. Others include:Marvin Norfleet/Carrie Dooley/Ethel Waldrep/Calvion McCutchen/Clara Wilkerson/Ned Mallory - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:FOURTH GRADE - - - - - - - Cornelia Eldridge/Flanders Neel/William Nall/Charley Roy/Luna Kelley/Bryan Thompson/Elizabeth Barrow/Kathleen Nelson/Ellen Halis/Vernon Hodges/Garnet Miller/Azile Merritt/Amanda McMickles/Champie Bohne/Maxie Blankenship/Rebecca Yoffe taught by Miss Sanders. Others include:Rodney Heartsill/Pearl Bonner/Charley Malouf/Bert Sanders/Hilma Vogel - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:THIRD GRADE - - - - - - - Edgar Bell/James DeRossitt/Clarence Edgar/Clara Beard/Olivia Fields/Annie Franks/Inez Hancock/Riley Henry/Corrinne Hodges/Ruby Kelley/Callie McCarn/Forrest Bogart/Edward Davenport/Will T.McKie/Francis McDougal/Fannie Moseley/Francis Rush/Pearl Turner/Mattie Lee Waldrop/MIldred Walker/Oscie Waterman/Marie Wilson taught by Miss Gwyne. Others include:Robert Stevens/Loyd Waldrep/Inez Hancock/Sadie Burd/Ruby Henry/Norma Sellers - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:SECOND GRADE - - - - - - - Hugh Murphree/Ernestine Smith/Hubert Bass/Taylor Howell/Bessie Yoffie/Lucille Tankersley/Wylie Pippin/Robert Benson/Eugene Rolfe taught by Miss Clara Bridewell. Others include:Joe Boone Sanders/Louise Turley/Wiley Pippin/Marguerite Neel. - 4-22-1910 - HONOR ROLL AT PUBLIC SCHOOL:FIRST GRADE - - - - - - - Helen Paslay/Lousie Vogel/Annie Belle Ables/Pete Casteel/Rose Burd/Luella Davis/Carl Runyon/Leon Dooley taught by Miss Lulla Bridewell. Others include:Louise Alderson/Irene Neill/Luella Lewis/Marion Christian/James Smith/Vannie Harris/Louise Vogel/Adale Malouf. - 4-29-1910 - ENGINEER TIM EZELL BACK AT THE THROTTLE - - - - - - - Engineer Tim Ezell is back at the throttle of the Cannon Ball. He had been severely hurt about six months ago and has not yet fully recovered. Wynne Blade-Democrat. - 5-13-1910 - TOURING CAR TRIP TO MEMPHIS - - - - - - - Mr.J.W.Barnhart and Mr.Charlie McDaniel left Tuesday morning in Mr.Barnhart's Ford Touring car for a trip to Memphis via Wynne and the Bay Ferry road. A telephone message revealed that the trip was successful. - 5-20-1910 - MRS.WISE VISITS - - - - - - - Wheatley-Mrs.Wise, wife of Geo.Wise, who runs the spoke mill here, came over from Memphis and spent a couple days with her husband. - 5-27-1910 - FUSSELL ADDITION TO GET ELECTRICITY - - - - - - - Mr.Adolf Chilner informs us that, weather permitting, they will began erection of poles in the Fussell Addition for electric lights next week. - 5-27-1910 - REV.Z.T.BENNETT TAKEN TO LITTLE ROCK - - - - - - - Rev.Z.T.Bennett, P.E.. was taken to Little Rock Friday morning and placed in the Battle Creek Sanitarium for treatment of inflammatory rheumatism in the knee joint. - 6-3-1910 - MRS.ISRAEL KAUFMAN ARRIVES FROM RUSSIA - - - - - - - Mrs.Israel Kaufman and three children, wife and children of our Rosser Street shoemaker, arrived from Russia to be with their husband. They had been separated for three years. They left Russia May 8. - 6-3-1910 - IZARD DAUGHTER ILL - - - - - - - Rachel, the sweet little baby girl of Editor and Mrs.Charles R.Izard has been ill for several weeks, but is said to be improving. - 6-3-1910 - MRS.W.W.RAINBOLT VISITS MOTHER - - - - - - - Mrs.W.W.Rainbolt, of Van Buren, has been visiting for several months with her ill mother, Mrs. Ellen Lannan of Madison. - 6-3-1910 - FORREST CITY STREETS TO BE PAVED WITH GRAVEL - - - - - - - Mayor Boyle reports that the city streets will be covered with gravel this summer, to cut down on the dust. - 6-10-1910 - NEW STUDEBAKER SURREY FOR SALE - - - - - - - Ad for Fussell-Graham-Alderson Company-General Merchandise and Cotton Buyers. - 6-10-1910 - NEW BUICK DISTRIBUTOR - - - - - - - Mr.Jim McKie of Wynne announces that he has the agencey for Buick for Cross, St.Francis and Poinsett Counties in Arkansas. - 6-10-1910 - MR.& MRS.TOM O'BRIEN MOVE TO WYNNE - - - - - - - Mr. & Mrs. Tom O'Brien have moved to Wynne where he has opened a butcher shop. - 6-10-1910 - UNCLE JOHN MALLORY ILL - - - - - - - Uncle John Mallory is celebrating his 84th birthday,and is the senior member of the Masons of Eastern Arkansas is very ill at his daughter's home, Mrs.Neely Buford. - 6-24-1910 - PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST CO. - - - - - - - The formation of a new bank, the Planters Bank & Trust Co. had opened, Hon.T.O.Fitzpatrick Chairman, Mr.E.L.Vadakin Secretary. Mr.H.P.Gorman of Searcy to be the Cashier. - 7-1-1910 - ONE TERRITORY LEFT - - - - - - - After the admission to the Union of the territories of New Mexico and Arizona, the only territory left is Alaska! That makes 48 states in the union. - 7-1-1910 - LIST OF SCHOOL BOOKS FOR NEXT 6 YEARS SELECTED - - - - - - - The St.Francis County Text Book Board has selected the following books for the next 6 years: Hunt's Progressive Speller Complete-cost 20 cents;Davidson's Intermediate Physiology-cost 50 cents;Davidson's Human Body and Health-cost 80 cents;Milne's Elementary Algebra-cost 60 cents;Fry's First Step to Geography-cost 65 cents;Mother's Tongue, Book 1-cost 45 cents; Fry's Grammar School Geography-cost $1.25; Mother's Tongue, Book II with composition-cost 70 cents;Our Country, Advanced History-cost $1.00;Wentworh-Smith Complete Arithmetic-cost 60 cents. Many more:21 - 7-1-1910 - MISS RUTH McELROY DEPARTS - - - - - - - Miss Ruth McElroy left Thursday morning for Chicago, and then Denver, Colorado, where she will make her home now. - 7-15-1910 - MR.SCOTT KIRKPATRICK VISITS - - - - - - - Mr.John Grobmyer went down to Mariann Tuesday to ride their goat in the first degree of Elkdom. He was accompanied by friend Scott Kirkpatrick, travelling salesman for Orgill Bros., Memphis. - 7-22-1910 - M.W.IZARD AND FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL - - - - - - - Mr.M.W.Izard, proprietor of the Washington Hotel in Fayetteville was in town after a convention in Hot Springs. Linnie was very happy to inhale the air of Crowley's Ridge again. - 7-22-1910 - MR.S.L.HODGES HAS GUESTS - - - - - - - Miss Nellie and Master Thomas Hodges of Memphis are visiting their uncle Mr.S.L.Hodges. - 8-5-1910 - PROF.L.P.ANDERSON DEPARTS - - - - - - - Prof.L.P.Anderson and family have departed for Marvell where he will take charge of their school. - 8-5-1910 - NEW KISSEL TOURING CAR COMING - - - - - - - Mr. & Mrs.J.W.Barnhart and Mr.Chas.McDaniel left yesterday for Memphis where they will pick up a handsome 30 horspower Kissel touring car, which they will bring overland here via Helena. - 8-12-1910 - MARRIED NO.3 IN LOUISIANA - - - - - - - News of the arrest of Eld.W.E.Pippin, alias W.P.Hill arrested in Ruston, La. was received and he is confessing to having a wife and children while preaching for the Baptist church in Forrest City from Hon.T.O.Fitzpatrick, he had just married his third wife. - 8-19-1910 - MISS DORIS HODGES AND MISS VERA AND MASTER JIM SCOTT LEFT FOR MEMPHIS - - - - - - - Miss Doris Hodges with Vera and Jim Scott left for Memphis to visit with Mrs.Mary Stanton to attend party for her neices, Miss Mamie and Nellie Hodges of that city. - 8-19-1910 - SCHOOL ENUMERATION FOR ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - - - - - - - N.C.B. Anderson reports the School Enumeration to be 8171 students for the upcoming term, 4210 being females. - 8-26-1910 - SCOTT BOND'S WEATH ESTIMATED AT $4,000,000 - - - - - - - Scott Bond admits to $75,000 wealth, on his 19 farms he pays $40,000 taxes on the 3200 acres. - 8-26-1910 - NEW BAPTIST MINISTER - - - - - - - Rev.E.P.J.Garrott has resigned his post in Batesville in favor of Baptist church in Forrest City. - 8-26-1910 - KISSLER AUTO FOR SALE - - - - - - - J.W.BARNHART, AGENT.=Model L.D. 10 for $1,500 complete with:mohair top, top cover, robe rail, glass front, gas lamps and gas tank, $200 extra. F.O.B.Hartford, Wisconsin. - 9-9-1910 - MRS.C.H.HAVENS VISITS DAUGHTER - - - - - - - Mrs.C.H.Havens, and son Louis, left for Dupont, illinois to visit her daughter Mrs.Charley Looney on Sunday night. - 9-16-1910 - STATE APPORTIONMENT FOR FREE SCHOOLS - - - - - - - The state apportionment for free schools in St.Francis County was $17,094.11 or $2.09 per person. - 9-16-1910 - ELECTION MAKES ST.FRANCIS COUNTY DRY - - - - - - - The prohibitionists won, the county is now dry after the eleciton. - 9-16-1910 - STEVENS SELLS INTEREST IN GROCERY BUSINESS - - - - - - - Mr.Robt.Brittain has purchased the interest of his partner, Mr.Robt.Stevens in their grocery business. - 9-23-1910 - WIDENER SUBSCRIBERS TO TELEPHONE - - - - - - - New subscribers:Darrington, G.R. Residence; Ferrell, Dr.A.B. Residence; Fogg, C.C. Residence; Hall, J.W. Residence and store; Houston, W.H. Residence; Kendrick, W.R. Residence; Porter, Will Residence; Roberts, W.L. Store; Taylor, W.D. Residence; Widener Gin Co.; Winters, Dr.W.A. Office and Residence. They can talk to residents of Palestine, Forrest City, and Bonair. - 9-23-1910 - NEW CASTLE SCHOOL PATRONS AND DIRECTORS - - - - - - - DIRECTORS:J.T.Smith, L.L.Shawver, and W.H.Peavy; PATRONS:M.Shawver/R.P.Webb/R.C.Smith/Mark Garner/T.R.Wood/W.A.Alford/Mrs.F.C.Price/J.A.Martin/J.C.Crawford/J.C.Counce/E.L.Horton/C.M.Adare/J.H.Collie/N.J.Adare/F.F.Devazier/H.A.Horton/G.W.Lemons/J.R.Armstrong/E.H.Shawver/W.J.Dillon Jr./J.R.Webb/Wesley Harris/Mrs.T.C.Deverell/J.B.Hamilton/Mary Carrible/Marsh Davis/W.B.McLaren/W.C.Montgomery/R.J.Counce/L.H.Milton/S.E.Lewis/S.E.Adare/W.J.Dillon/J.K.P.Clark/B.F.Sanders/K.K.Oliver/A.T.Hamilton. - 9-23-1910 - TEACHER HORSEWHIPPED - - - - - - - Prof.N.C.B.Anderson was waylaid on way to school and horsewhipped by R.K.Swan who used a pistol to stop him in his buggy about two and a half miles from the school. Mr.Swan is supposed to be upset that Prof.Anderson chastised two of his nephews for teasing a girl student, and used the whip on them. - 9-23-1910 - CENSUS FOR LITTLE ROCK - - - - - - - The new census puts Little Rock at 45,941. In 1900 it was 38,307. - 9-30-1910 - CAT LAKE TIMES - - - - - - - Mr.W.M.Cook has sold out to Mr.Tom Cochran, and plans to depart next year. - 9-30-1910 - PENSION WARRANTS HELD BY CAPT.T.C.MERWIN - - - - - - - Capt.T.C.Merwin has three pension warrants to hand to:A.B.Carter/Mrs.Martha J.Williams/M.C.Stegall. - 10-7-1910 - G.W.WRIGHT FAMILY MOVES IN TO HOME - - - - - - - The family of Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Wright, with two children, Miss Janet and Master Carl arrived in the city Saturday, and have taken up residence in the former home of Mr.C.A.Ahlstedt. - 10-14-1910 - DIPTHERIA AT CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE CANCELS CLASSES - - - - - - - Classes were dismissed at noon today due to a case of diptheria, Mr.S.A.Rolfe's son in second grade is said to be afflicted, at the Crowley Ridge Institute. - 10-21-1910 - MR.ISADORE YOFFE MOVES HERE - - - - - - - The family of Mr.Isadore Yoffie, formerly of Washington, D.C., will move here and run the Globe management. - 10-28-1910 - MISS NELL STATTS RETURNS - - - - - - - Miss Nell Statts returned from Wynne to take over as operator at the phone exchange. She is sister of Mrs.Tom O'Brien, and will live with Mr.& Mrs.Sam Hall. - 10-28-1910 - CIRCUS IN TOWN - - - - - - - Gollmar Brothers Greatest of American Shows Wednesday Nov.2, Forrest City. - 10-28-1910 - DR.& MRS.J.S.SHIELDS CELEBRATE - - - - - - - Dr.& Mrs.J.S.Shields celebrate their wooden anniversary on Nov.2,1910. We congratulate them. - 11-11-1910 - MRS.ED GARROTT VISITS - - - - - - - Mrs.Ed Garrott, mother of Elder E.J.P.Garrott, of Christian Co.,Kentucky, left after a visit of several weeks with her son. - 11-11-1910 - TRI-STATE FAIR PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED - - - - - - - The following prize winners from St.Francis County:Miss Elise Gorman, Water Color Painting;Mr.W.J.Stolzer, Pen & Ink Drawing;Mrs.W.J.Stolzer, Jar of Canned Peaches; Mrs.M.A.Johnson, Carnation braid; Mrs.C.L.Knight, Wallachain embroidery; Miss Lucy Williams, Water Color Painting; Mr.Will Brown, Oil Landscape Painting; Mrs.K.M.Wilkins, Antique Wedding Gown; Mrs.Hattie A.Knight, Dainty Lace Cap; Miss Blanche Pope, Lingerie Waist. per Mr.Frank D.Fuller, Secry. - 11-18-1910 - COUNTY COURT NEWS - - - - - - - The following offices are shown: County Physician-Dr.W.H.Alley for $100 per annum;County Pension Board-Hons.S.F.Sulcer, Dan'l Wylds, and J.R.Beasley; County Examiner-Prof.J.M.Wilson, vice Elder W.M.Paslay resigned on account of ill health; County Board of Health-Drs.J.A.Bogart. W.H.Alley, and A.B.Ferrell. - 11-18-1910 - COUNTY COURT NEWS-BONDED - - - - - - - The following bonds are shown:Collector and Sheriff-Geo.B.Malllory=$175,000; Treasuer-J.B.Terry $150,000; Circuit Clerk & Recorder-R.W.Payne $17,000; County Clerk-T.C.Merwin $2,000; Assessor-John W. Hall $1,000; Surveyor-G.W.Christian $1,000; Coroner-F.P.Todd $5,000. - 11-18-1910 - COUNTY COURT NEWS-CONSTABLES - - - - - - - Constables bonds:$500 EACH:J.F.Stockard, Madison township; A.T.Hamilton, Johnson township; Fred. Sullivant, L'anguille township; Sam Thompson, Goodwin township; W.J.Isbell, Griggs township. - 11-18-1910 - COUNTY COURT NEWS-DEPUTY SHERIFFS - - - - - - - Deputy Sheriffs:J.F.McDougal, B.S.Moore, J.T.Johnson, J.H.Sorrels, L.A.Ellis, J.A.Bogart, and James Franks. - 11-18-1910 - COUNTY COURT NEWS-DEPUTY CLERKS - - - - - - - Deputy Clerks:County-H.A.Knight, Treasurer-Eugene Williams and C.L.Simmons. - 11-18-1910 - FLORENCE HEMENWAY VISITS PARENTS - - - - - - - Miss Florence Hemenway, charming clerk at the post office, visits parents in Wheatley, Mr.& Mrs.W.S.Hemenway accompanied by Mr.Ben Lewis. - 11-18-1910 - VISIT TO CONFEDERATE HOME IN LITTLE ROCK - - - - - - - Col. Ed Landvoight, guest of Col.S.E.Sweet, was invited to a dinner at the Confederat Home, where over 200 visitors and old veterans had dinner. They were there attending a convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy. - 12-2-1910 - J.M.CRANOR OF NEAR HETH HAS VISIT - - - - - - - Mr.J.M.Cranor, of near Heth, was a business visitor to the city Friday and Saturday. He was accompanied by his father, Mr.W.Cranor of Murphreesboro, Tenn. who has been spening several week visiting his son. - 12-9-1910 - HOTEL MARION SOLD - - - - - - - Miss Emily Jordan, who for the past several years, has had charge of the Hotel Marion, has disposed of her interests to Mr.Josh Brown of Huntsville, Alabama, and he will take over the 17th of December, 1910. - 12-9-1910 - BOARDING FOR $4.50 PER WEEK - - - - - - - Boarding- Go to Mrs.C.R.White's for board and lodging-Rates:$4.50 per week. - 12-9-1910 - MR.CHAS.HEMENWAY TAKE POST OFFICE POSITION - - - - - - - Mr.Chas.Hemenway, of Wheatly, has arrived to take position at the post office. - 12-9-1910 - FORREST CITY HOTEL SOLD - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Lon White of Johnson township, have removed to the city and taken over the Forrest City Hotel from Mrs.F.P.Todd, who has joined her husband in the restuarant business. - 12-23-1910 - A.N.BRANTLEY BUILDS BRIDGES - - - - - - - Mr.A.N.Brantley recounted the following bridges built this year in St.Francis County:Burnt Cane Bayou, four in Johnson township, Two above Madison, on the bluff road to Beatty Lake, one across the L'anguille levee at Ellis crossing, Four on road to Linden, Three on road to Bonair, and just finished repairing bridges across Allen Bayou and Fishing Lake, and two others on the same road. - 12-23-1910 - BARNEY'S AUTO HITS CHILD - - - - - - - Mr.Barnhart was driving his Ford roadster up Washington street when Little Mildred Hunter, bright 5 year old followed her companion, the little Fisher lad across the street in front of the automobile. - 12-23-1910 - ANOTHER JOY WAGON HERE - - - - - - - Mr.Otis Stevens, of the Forrest City Grocery Co, has purchased a four passenger, 25 horsepower Overland, No.49. The price is $1,100 and he purchased it for Mrs.Stevens for Christmas gift. This makes seven motor cars in Forrest City. - 12-23-1910 - FIDDLER'S CONTEST HELD - - - - - - - Four contestants vied for the prize Monday at Fussell, Graham & Alderson store, with four participants:Mr.J.H.Stutts of Goodwin township, Squire Nugent of Prairie township, James M.Gardner and his son, Sidney Gardner of Cross County. Mr.Stutts won the prize, who is seventy four years old - PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAF-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911