The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 17,2008
Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1900 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" Deaths: 1-5-1900 - CRIPPEN - LUCY - - MRS. - MADISON - Died at her home in this city of Thursday, Jan.4,1900, at 5:45 o'clock. Mrs. Lucy Crippen, aged 83 years nine months and 4 days. The lady's demise was not unexpected as she had been intensely suffering for two months with a carbuncle, and while she rallied temporarily a few days since, it was impossible for one to be able to overcome the ravages of the malady with which she was affected, and her spirit passed quietly and peacefully into the realms of eternal joy yesterday at the hour above mentioned. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock at the Madison cemetery, the procession leaving this city about 1 o'clock. Services at the grave site by Rev.A.N.Couch, of the Baptist church. 1-19-1900 - LITTLEFIELD - BUD - - - - There is a rumor to the effect that Bud Littlefield, who lives on the Hare farm, above Levesque, in Cross County, has commited suicide the first of the week by morphine. He is a brother to Gen. and Mrs.Zack Littlefield, of this county. We have no particulars. 1-19-1900 - LANDVOIGHT - D. - W. - - - D.W.Landvoight, of Washington, D.C., died Sunday Jan.17,1900, and was buried the following Wednesday. Deceased was a brother of Col.Ed.Landvoight, of the Times, and in the early 60's was a resident of Memphis where he worked at his trade of bookbinding. The sad news reached this office by wire and calls to mind that this is the third brother of our senior who has passed away in the last twelve months, leaving him the only surviving member of his immediate family. He was superintendent of the government printing office for nearly forty years, and leaves three grown children, two boys and one girl. 1-19-1900 - SIMMS - CHILDREN - - - - Emmet Simms, a farmer of Johnson township, came to town a few days ago and bought a bottle of worm seed oil, took it home and gave to three of his children by one teaspoonful, who he supposed had worms. Two of the children are dead and the third in critical condition as of yesteday. The proper dose was eight drops, and it was a terrible mistake. 1-19-1900 - BELL - JAS. - - MRS. - BELL - Died at her home near Palestine, Mrs.Jas.Bell. The deceased was born in Mississippi, and came to Arkansas when very young, and was married to Jas.Bell, Nov.10,1868. She leaves a husband and two sweet little boys, a mother, sisters, one brother and a host of friends. The remains were buried at the Bell cemetery Jan.11,1900. May the Lord bless and comfort them in their sorrow. A Friend. 1-19-1900 - YOUNG - GRANT - - - - Killed His Man-Last Friday evening, about 4 o'clock, at the Bond place on the St.Francis river, a few miles south of Madison, Henry Griffin perforated Grant Young's anatomy with his leaden bullets from his trusty revolver, killing him shortly. It appears to be over a pair of shoes purchased from Griffin by Young. After coroner's inquest, it was found that Young had pursued an ax, and that Griffin was justified in his use of force. 1-26-1900 - THOMAS - CHILD - - - CITY - Squire and Mrs.W.S.Thomas of Democrat, buried their boy in the Forrest City cemetery Wednesday, Jan.24,1900, and our sympathy goes out to them in their sorrow. 1-26-1900 - PERKINS - B. - G. - - Kentucky - Obituary-Died at his home in L'anguille township, on Monday, Jan.24,1900, Mr.B.G.Perkins of hematuria. Mr.Perkins came to this county some eighteen or twenty years ago from Kentucky, and married one of St.Francis county's fairest daughters, in the person of Miss Kate McDaniel. Two children have blessed this union, one of whom is now a promising youth of 15 years, the other a charming girl of eight. Messrs.J.R.and F.M.Perkins, of Elkton, Ky, brothers of the deceased, were with him during the latter days of his illness, and carried his remains to their home Tuesday for interment. The sympathy and condolence of the Times and numerous friends goes out to the wife and children in their hour of sorrow. 1-26-1900 - BOYLE - P. - D. - - Calvary Cemetery-Memphis- - Tribute to Squire P.D.Boyle-The heartrending news that reached the city last Friday evening of the death of Squire P.D.Boyle in San Antonio, Texas, came in the nature of a shocking surprise to his family and intimate friends, who had heard from him in the a few days previous by letter in which he wrote cheerfully and hopefully. They were unprepared for the message of death which the telegram conveyed, and his devoted wife and family were grieved beyond expression. The wife learned that C.A.Folbre, formerly of this city, was with "Uncle Peter" as he was called which consoled her. P.D.Boyle was born March 13, 1835, at Greenock, Scotland, and came to America when quite a youth. He married Miss Eupheria Brown at Carrollton, Miss., on the 22nd day of August, 1861, and at the time of his death, they had lived together nearly forty years-congenial and happy companions. Three children blessed their union, all of whom are well known and associated with our people-J.G. (Bud), A.D.(Arthur), and Mrs.Geo.B.Pettus. Prior to 1876, he was a resident of Memphis having held the office of circuit clerk of Shelby County, Tenn., from 1870 to 1874. Two years later he came to this city where he has since resided with his family, and at the time of his death was 65 years of age. His body arrived in this city Sunday and remained in state at the late home until Monday, when it was taken to Memphis on the Choctaw, where the burial occurred in Calvary Cemetery. The funeral took place from the home his old time friend, Mr.Jas.Reilly, 155 Mosby Street, the services taking place at St.Peter's church. 2-2-1900 - COOK - MARY - E. - MRS. - CITY - Death of Mrs.M.E.Cook-Mrs.M.E.Cook, wife of the late D.G.Cook, and mother of Miss Hattie Whitman, died Tuesday morning, Jan.30,1900, about 2 o'clock of pneumonia, after an illness of only five days. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from her late residence, the Cook Hotel, where quite a large number of friends assembled to pay their last tribute to the deceased. Rev.W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church, officiated, and the remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery. Mrs.Cook had been in the hotel business in Forrest City some fifteen years or more, and was widely known for her excellent board and hospitable home. She was 38 years of age, and leaves an only daughter, Miss Hattie, and many friends to mourn her sudden and unexpected demise. In the anguish of grief and blackness of gloom which she feels at the death of her mother, Miss Hattie has our sympathy. 2-9-1900 - GOLDTHWAIT - GEO. - - - Kansas - In last week's Times, we mentioned the accident to Geo.Goldthwait, and the subsequent development of pnemonia. Notwithstanding the careful attention of physican and nurse, the young man gradually grew worse and died Monday night at 9:30 p.m.. His relatives were telegraphed, and his brother reached here Sunday, and was constantly by his bedside until the end. The mother was enroute, but was in Memphis, meeting the corpse on its way to Kansas City. 2-9-1900 - NORTON - SAMUEL - - MRS. - - The following intelligence of the death of Mrs.Samuel Norton in Memphis, reached the city Saturday. She was the picture of health, and had been in Memphis nursing her husband. Very hard to read, something about Little Rock 2-9-1900 - PREWETT - W. - C. - MRS. - CITY - The remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery Sunday morning, Rev.A.C.Davidson of the Methodist church officiating. She was born in Shelbysville, Tenn., she married W.C.Prewett. Her grandchildren are:Mrs.E.Braswell, Mrs.C.H.Sanders, Mrs.Joe Myers, and Guy Cotton of this city,Mrs.J.B.Ramsey of Memphis,H.W.Mosley of Colt, Mrs.J.A.Grover, Mrs.Kate Williams, Messrs.Charley Batte, Bruce Batte, and Walter Batte of Little Rock. 2-16-1900 - HOWELL - S. - H. - - - Mr.S.H.Evins, was in town Sunday, and while here received the sad news of the death of his brother in law, S.H.Howell of Dardenelle, who departed this life Feb.9th, 1900. He leaves a wife and four children, besides numerous friends and relatives to mourn his loss. 2-16-1900 - HUMPHREYS - MARY - BELLA - MRS. - ROY - Death of Mrs.M.B.Humphreys-Died at her residence, Feb.11,1900, Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, Mrs.Mary Bella Humphreys, age 53 years. The remains were interred the following Monday at 2:30 o'clock at the Roy Cemetery, 7 miles north of the city, the Rev.W.C.Davidson, of the Methodist church officiating. The death of this excellent lady, who claimed a wide circle of friends in this community, was the occasion of universal regret and sorrow, as was evidenced by the large number of who followed the remains to their last resting place, despite the gloomy and inclement weather. The funeral cortage from this city left about 11 o'clock and arrived at the cemetery about 1 o'clock, where it was joined by a large concourse of relatives, friends and acquaintances from Telico and Johnson townships, who had come to mingle their tears of sympathy and condolence with those of the bereaved family. In witnessing the bitter grief of her children, (two stalwart boys and one lovely girl, in the persons of Messrs.Tom and Drew, and Miss Emma Humphreys), we were forcibly impressed with the words of the Apostle, that "It is not all of life to live, nor all of death to die." 3-2-1900 - ABLES - BABIES - - - - Mrs.E.R.Ables of Beck's switch, gave birth to triplets, all of whom died the same day, Tuesday, Feb.27,1900. The mother is doing as well as can be expected. 3-2-1900 - HOBORNE - FRANK - - - - Death by Fire-The City Hall and jail, with two prisoners consumed by fire. Sunday morning at 3:10 a.m. the alarm was given by Nightmarshall Rainbolt, who in his rounds at that hour discovered the city prison to be in flames. Immediately after discovering the fire Mr.Rainbolt summoned to the scene in hopes of rescuing two men whom he had placed in custody at earlier hours of the night, viz. Frank (Doc) Hoborne, a bricklayer, formerly of St.Paul, Minn., who is well known to contractors and tradesmen thoughout the vicinity, being a union man, and having been employed on almost all public buildings. He worked for C.A.Ahlstedt, in erecting a church in Marianna. The other man was Chas.Nors or Nonce, who was employed at a lumber camp of Franks Bros., and he is also suspected of setting the fire. 3-2-1900 - NORS - CHAS. - - - - Death by Fire-The City Hall and jail, with two prisoners consumed by fire. Sunday morning at 3:10 a.m. the alarm was given by Nightmarshall Rainbolt, who in his rounds at that hour discovered the city prison to be in flames. Immediately after discovering the fire Mr.Rainbolt summoned to the scene in hopes of rescuing two men whom he had placed in custody at earlier hours of the night, viz. Frank (Doc) Hoborne, a bricklayer, formerly of St.Paul, Minn., who is well known to contractors and tradesmen thoughout the vicinity, being a union man, and having been employed on almost all public buildings. He worked for C.A.Ahlstedt, in erecting a church in Marianna. The other man was Chas.Nors or Nonce, who was employed at a lumber camp of Franks Bros., and he is also suspected of setting the fire. 3-9-1900 - COBB - JENNIE - - - - In Memory of Little Jennie Cobbs-Another home is sad and desolate, another place is vacant and never can be filled. The girlish prattle will never be heard again, and the bright little Jennie will be seen no more. She was born Sep.26,1888. A Friend. In Memoriam, Colt, Ark. on the 5th day of March,1900, the angel of death entered the home of Mr.J.W.Christopher and took the life of Little Jennie Cobbs, stepdaughter in her twelfth year. 3-16-1900 - WILSON - WILLIS - - - - Willis Wilson, an old and highly respected resident who had lived on Dr.Alley's place, went to Indiana to visit. He became ill and died there. The remains were brought here for burial. 3-16-1900 - FISHER - BABY - - - MARTIN - Dark Corner-With sadness and sorrow, we chronicle the death of the bright little two month old son of Mr.& Mrs.C.J.Fisher, which occurred last Sunday morning. The precious remains were interred in the Martin cemetery. The grief stricken parents have the sympathy of the entire community. 3-23-1900 - MILLER - HENRY - - - - John Johnson, who lives near Widener, was in town Saturday, Mar.17,1900, and became in a quarrel with Henry Miller in a store, and drew a knife and struck him in the heart. Mr.Miller was dead from the wounds, and Johnson was arrested and placed in jail by Squire Raiford. 3-23-1900 - FISHER - CHARLEY - - - - Good Hope-Charley Fisher, son of H.W.Fisher fell asleep in Jesus Mar.17,1900, in the morning, he had been ill with pneumonia for five weeks. He leaves a father, six brothers and four loving sisters to mourn his loss. His mother had been dead for one year, and he called to her just a short time before he died. The writer conducted the funeral service at Good Hope Cumberland Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 1 p.m., Rev. W.G.Whitehead. 3-23-1900 - HOSHALL - EMMET - - - CITY - Two Funerals-In the morning at ten o'clock, we followed the remains of Emmet Hoshall to their last resting place, and there in the presence of God with bowed heads and tear stained faces we gave tribute to the memory of a brave and courageous young Christian. The good minister, Rev.W.C.Davidson, in commending Emmet's spirit to his maker, greatly comforted the weeping mother and father and other relatives by his tender eulogy of their beloved boy's life. Emmet Hoshall had passed the last three or four years of his affliction has passed through the many trying visissitudes of pain and suffering. They had just returned from San Antonio where they had hoped the climate would benefit him. March 16,1900. 3-23-1900 - SCOTT - MARY - A. - MRS. - CITY - Two Funerals-In the evening at 3 o'clock, we were again assembled at the Methodist church with a large concourse of friends and relatives where Rev.W.C.Davidson preached an inspired and elequent sermon in eulogy of the life and character of one of our most venerable women, Mrs.Mary A.Scott, widow of the late Judge Robert T.Scott, and mother of Mr.Sam Scott, of Augusta, Ark. Mrs.Scott died last Friday, Mar.16,1900, at Jackson, Miss., where she had spent her last days, at the age of 65 years. Mrs.Scott was a noble, true-hearted, Christian woman. Her mission in life had been accomplished; her race was run. Since the death of her husband two years ago there had been nothing left for her but the waiting, listening intently-nye, we might say, eagerly--for the Master's call. Mrs.Scott has been a consistent Christian and member of the Methodist Church ever since she was a little girl. 3-30-1900 - McCORMICK - GEORGE - W. - - CITY - Death of George W.McCormick-As the Times goes to press today, the remains of one of our dear friends is being laid to rest in the Forrest City Cemetery. About ten days ago "Uncle George" McCormick, as he was familiarly known, was stricken from his usual walks with sickness. It came in the form of a chill, and rapidly developed into pleure-pneumonia. He suffered greatly and lingered until yesterday, Mar.29,1900, when he passed into another sphere. The funeral today at 11 o'clock was conducted by Eld.A.N.Couch, of the Baptist church, and a large concourse of bereaved relatives and sorrowing friends followed the remains to their last resting place. Mr.George W.McCormick was born in Henderson, Kentucky, May 3,1829, and if he had lived until the third of May, next year, he would be 71 years of age. He had been married four times, the last time in 1895 to Mrs.Permelia Kent Hodges, mother of Will, Sam and Lewis Hodges, who are well known. He leaves a wife and three children, Mrs.Clara Howell of Memphis, by his first wife, and Hugh and Vivia (Mrs.Bud Boyle) who will greatly miss fatherly protection and counsel. "Uncle George" was a cousin to McCormick of the "McCormick Reaper" fame, and a cousin of Leander J.McCormick who died just a month ago, and who before his death prepared a history of the McCormick family, accurately tracing the lineal descendants from their ancestor who lived in the year of our lord, 1628 down to the year 1898. His death extinguishes the old McCormick line, all of whom lived to a ripe old age. L.J. was 73 years old at his death. George McCormick came to Arkansas in the early 50's from Kentucky. He was one of the pioneer settlers, and by hard work, economy, and frugality was considered well-to-do at his death. As late as the last day of last summer, he was out in the fields, and brought his produce to town in his familiar wagon. In 1878 he patented a churn which took first premium at the Centennial Exposition, but his model was stolen and other parties benefitted by it. He also invented the "Planet Jr. Cultivator", we think, and from that received a considerable income. 4-20-1900 - ROBERTS - J. - Q. - - CITY - A telegram was received Sunday, Apr.15,1900, from Deckersville, this state announcing the death of Mr.J.Q.Roberts. The remains were brought to this city Tuesday and interred at the Forrest City Cemetery same day at 3 o'clock. Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. Mrs.Roberts and two little daughters accompanied the remains to this place. Mr.Roberts was well known in this city, having carried on the drug business here for several years prior to his removal to Deckersville. May kind providence watch o'er and care and protect the bereaved widow and fatherless children. Mrs.Roberts and her children were the guests of Mr.& Mrs.E.T.Gray while in the city. 4-27-1900 - PASLAY - ANNA - C. - MRS. - CITY - Death of Mrs.Anna C. Paslay-The hearts of numerous friends and acquaintances were stricken with sorrow, and universal sympathy went out to the family and relatives Monday morning, Apr.22,1900, when the news of the death of the beloved wife of Rev.W.H.Paslay was disseminated. The biography of this noble christian lady is a continuous picture of constancy and fortitude, and in the twilight of her earthly existence, although painfully afflicted and laid low by agonizing infirmities, she held firmly and steadfastly to the faith, trusting sweetly and courageously, relying firmly upon the promises of God, to whom she had surrendered all human influences, for the salvation of her soul. She was born in Jasper Co., Ga., in 1841, and came to Arkansas in Feb.1876, locating in Forrest City some years after her marriage in January of the year 1887. She was married to Elder J.H.Paslay in 1875, to which union three boys were added to the persons of William, Woodie, and Ernest. Mrs.Paslay, at the time of her demise, had been a member of the Baptist church for twenty-six years, and was a prominent character in religous and charitable movements in this city. She was interred in the Forrest City Cemetery. 4-27-1900 - PARHAM - WILLIE - LEE - - CITY - Death of Willie Lee Parham-Again we have to perform the sad duty of recording the death of a beloved citizen. On Apr.23,1900, the spirit of Willie Lee Parham winged its flight heavenward to its Maker. His illness and death bed were such as one rarely witnessed. Nearly two years ago he was stricken with that dread disease, consumption, and went to Texas in the hopes of restoring his health, but gradually grew worse, and was obliged to return, and was confined to his bed for nearly a year before his demise. All that love and medical attention could do was done. Kind friends visited him daily, and the devotion of his wife has no parallel-she was never tiring in her attention and love for her life companion. It was of no avail except to comfort, and the end came at last as a sweet relief to his sufferings. Being a consistent member of the Methodist church Mr.Parham learned early in life how to live, consequently he had no fear to meet grim death, and passed away without a struggle. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Tuesday at 3 o'clock, Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. The edifice was filled with bereaved relatives and sorrowing friends. After the services, the Woodmen of the World took charge of the remains and escorted them to the Forrest City Cemetery, where they were interred under the beautiful ceremony of the order. Willie Lee Parham was born in St.Francis county in 1872, and was barely twenty-eight years of age at his death. He was the youngest son of Capt.John Parham. He was a young man of sterling qualities, a true friend, and generous to a fault. He was married to Miss Lula Mason, daughter of Rev. & Mrs.J.A.Mason Jan.1,1896. 5-4-1900 - SULLIVAN - NOLIE - - MISS - - Caldwell-Mrs.T.C.Dotson and Miss Lillie Caldwell attended the funeral of Miss Nolie Sullivan Sunday. 5-11-1900 - OWEN - OLIVER - - - - Cut-off-Mr.Oliver Owen died Monday afternoon, May 7,1900. He is survived by a young wife. Mostly unreadable. 5-18-1900 - ROBERTSON - - - - - The son of Chancery Judge Robertson passed away in Wynne Friday and was buried Saturday. 5-25-1900 - VADAKIN - LILY - B. - MRS. - CITY - In Memoriam-On Friday night, May 18,1900, our friend Mrs.Lily B.(Landvoight) Vadakin whom we had learned to love by years of association, for her many noble qualities, was claimed by that grim destroyer, death, and her earthly tabernacle became dissolved. Her history is written upon the eternal tablets of time; although not without blemishes, nor without faults, and transgressions, still brilliantly illuminated are some of the pages with many deeds of heroism, patience, gentleness and devotion, that constrains us to throw the mantle of charity over her shortcomings, remembering that "to err is human, to forgive divine." Her deeds of charity and benevolence which she dispensed in the years of her comparative affluence and happiness, relieving the sick and distressed, are glittering monuments to a soul which fate decreed to an early grave. 6-1-1900 - DUNLAP - GREEN - - - - Green Dunlap and Pope McKnight, farmers working land in the Wyld's neighborhood, became involved in a difficulty the first of the week and McKnight shot and killed Dunlap, shooting him through the head and causing him to die instantly. The struggle occured over a squabble about Dunlap's horses eating McKnight's crops. He gave himself up to the sheriff, but was released as it appeared to be self defense. 6-1-1900 - COLLIER - J. - H. - - - A telegram received yesterday by Mr.Joel E.Wynne from Ennis, Texas announced the death of Mr.J.H.Collier at that place. Mr.Collier had been an accountant at the firm of J.W.Beck & Co. in Forrest City. Mr.Collier was not a complainer and withstood his afflictions with an admirable christian fortitude. 6-15-1900 - HEMENWAY - HARRIET - - MRS. - JOHNSON - Death of Mrs.Harriet Hemenway-The mantle of gloom which hangs heavily over the familes of two of our friends, Messrs.W.S. and Charles F.Hemenway of Wheatley, and today we feel our inability to go out to them with adequate words of condolence. There is no friend like a mother, and although our heart is full of tender solicitude, we realize how futile it would be to endeavor to assuage their days of grief by such feeble words of sympathy-as we might offer. Especially do we feel and appreciate the great burden of grief by Miss Grace. Naturally this lovable girl will feel the pangs of sorrow with greater force than any other member of the household. Mrs.Hemenway was a venerable christian character, was born in Marl, New Hampshire in 1834, and was 66 years of age, last Friday evening, June 6,1900. Burial in Johnson Cemetery Wheatley. 6-29-1900 - FOLBRE - HOMER - - - CITY - Died-Homer, the sweet little five-months old son of Mr.& Mrs.Homer Folbre, fell asleep in Jesus last Sunday night, June 24,1900, and with the weeping mother and father, surrounded by a host of sorrowing friends and relatives, we laid to rest its precious little body in the tomb at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Times extends its sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives. 7-6-1900 - CLIFTON - W. - T. - MRS. - CITY - Death of Mrs.W.T.Clifton-Mrs.W.T.Clifton, age 71 years, died at her home in this city Tuesday afternoon, Jul.4,1900, after a lingering illness, thus removing from the walks of life a good and true friend to mankind and a devoted Christian. Mrs.Clifton was born in Dixon Co., Tenn. Sep.28,1825, and was married to Mr.W.T.Clifton in 1848?. In that year they moved to St.Francis County, where they have since resided. She has been a member of the Baptist church for over forty years. Her husband, three children, thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren survive her. The remains were laid to rest in Forrest City Cemetery Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. Eld.A.N.Couch conducted the services at the cemetery, where many friends gathered to pay their last respects. Dates not clear. close to what is shown! 7-13-1900 - GURLEY - BIRDIE - - - MADISON - DIED-Sweet little Birdie, the little four month old baby of Mr.& Mrs.Ed Gurley, of Madison, died Tuesday evening, Jul.10,1900, at eight o'clock and was interred Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Madison Cemetery. 7-13-1900 - GILES - G. - S. - MRS. - HUGHES - Death of Mrs.Giles-Mrs.G.S.Giles, one of the pioneer settlers of St.Francis county, a lady well known and beloved in this community, died last Friday, July 6,1900, at her home about six miles north of the city and was buried Saturday in the Hughes cemetery. She was the mother of Messrs. Jack and Henry Giles, two of our substantial citizens and prosperous planters, and Mrs.John May, who are deeply grieved and bowed down in sorrow and sadness by reason of this separation from whom the dearest and best of all earthly relatives-mother. 7-20-1900 - WILLIAMS - SALLIE - WAINWRIGHT - MRS. - Tennessee - Death of Mrs.R.J.Williams-Mrs.Sallie Wainwright Williams, wife of Hon.Rufus J.Williams, died at the family residence in this city, Monday night, Jul.16,1900, at 11 p.m., at the age of 59 years, after a painful and distressing illness of nearly three weeks. The remains were prepared for burial by Messrs.Stevens Bros., funeral directors, and were lying in state during the day, Tuesday. Sorrowing friends and relatives surrounded the bereaved members of the family to console them and offer sincere sympathy, besides a large number who visited the residence during the afternoon to take a last sorrowing look at the beloved features of the dead and pay the last tribute of respect and esteem. On Wednesday morning the remains were followed in sad procession to the east bound Choctaw train, which conveyed them to Somerville, Tenn., the birthplace of Mrs.Williams, for interment in the Wainwright burial ground, accompanied by the heart broken husband and two daughters, Misses Lucy and Annie Elise, and other relatives. She was a prominent member of the Methodist church. 7-20-1900 - HENDERSON - DAN - - - - PINE TREE-Old man Dan Henderson died Sunday, Jul.15,1900. He had been sick for a long time. 8-10-1900 - DAVENPORT - J. - Dan - - CITY - Death of J.D.Davenport-Life is uncertain at best, even when the physical man is in perfect state of health, but when a dread malady is known to hold one in its clutches, there is no release. It is useless to attempt at any time to describe the lingering tortures undergone by persons afflicted with tuberculosis. J.D.Davenport, brother of Mr.L.E.Davenport, of this city, departed this life at the latter's home on Davis street Tuesday evening, Aug.7,1900, about 8:45 at the age of thirty five years. For many years Dan Davenport was prominently and honorably known in business circles in this community and enjoyed the friendship and esteem of all with whom he was associated. He was a universal favorite and stood high in social corners. Several years ago he relocated to Lonoke to employment in the mercantile pursuits and where he was married to one of the reigning belles of that city, to which union one child was born. Afterwards they went to Little Rock. A short time ago he and his family came to visit his brother in Forrest City, and became weaker and weaker. The remains were interred Wednesday evening at 5:30 p.m. at the Forrest City Cemetery, services conducted by Rev.W.C.Davidson, of the Methodist church, in the presence of sorrowing and grief stricken friends. 8-10-1900 - WHITE - JASPER - M. - - - Jasper White Killed-Jasper M.White, a timberman, and erstwhile landlord of the Memphis Outing Clubhouse on Blackfish Lake, in this county, was shot to death Monday, Aug.6,1900, by R.B.Sproles, who is also a timberman. The shooting occurred Mondy morning, about 8 o'clock, the weapon being used a 38-56 Winchester rifle. The vicitim lived about five hours after being shot. There was but one shot fired. The bullet entered the head at the right temple, and came out at or near the opposite eye. Sproles surrendered to the Sheriff on Tuesday, when Deputies Landrum and Murphree went after him. Sproles stated that the difficulty came about over a grindstone that White accused Sproles of stealing. White leaves a wife and two children, his reputation was quite shady. Sproles was discharged by Justice Gorman on the ground of justifiable homicide. 8-17-1900 - JOHNSON - ABRAM - - - - Abram Johnson, who was accidentally shot in the heel last Monday while coon hunting near Whitmore, died Saturday, Aug.4,1900, as a result of the accident. Cause of death was blood poison. 8-24-1900 - KIRBY - BABY - - - MADISON - The infant son of Mr.& Mrs. Frank Kirby died at Madison Monday, Aug.20,1900, at the residence of Mr.Geo.Kirby, south of town, and was buried at Madison Tuesday. 8-24-1900 - SHOE - JANIE - - MRS. - MADISON - Mrs.Janie Shoe, departed this life Aug.16,1900 at the home of Mrs.Mary Trotman, of Madison. Mrs.Shoe was born July 31,1857, in Pike County, Illniois, and was the daughter of William and Nancy Wassel. She was married at an early age to John Messick, to which union four children were born, three of whom survive her-Jeremiah, Samuel and Mrs.Eva Kendall. Her first husband died of tuberculosis, while she was in the prime of life, and was married again in Dec.24,1889 to Ross Shoe, who lives to mourn the loss of a worthy and loving companion. The Shoe family came to Arkansas in 1891, and have since been known as honorable and upright citizens. The funeral services were conducted from the home of Mr.& Mrs.Anne Young of Madison, and the remains were interred in the Madsion cemetery, 8-24-1900 - McDADE - JOHN - J. - - Mississippi - Brakeman Killed-The westbound freight on the Choctaw Saturday night, Aug.14,1900, reported to the eastbound passenger that a brakeman named John J.McDade was missing. A lookout was kept and the remains were found about seventy five yards west of Goodwin station. He was badly bruised especially about the head. He was brought to Forrest City. The remains were embalmed by Stevens Bros., and put on the train to Senatobia, Miss. for burial. 8-31-1900 - TARPLEY - JOE - - - - Joe, son of Mr.& Mrs.K.M.Tarpley, was killed by a horse last night, five miles east of Haynes on Tuesday, Aug.21,1900. He and his father were going to Forrest City to spend a few days with friends. He boy had gone to borrow a buggy, and on his return trip the horse started to run, and began kicking, kicking the boy several times in the breast and once in the face breaking his neck. 9-7-1900 - HODGES - ELLEN - - MRS. - Memphis - Mrs.Jennie McCormick and son Sam Hodges went to Memphis to attend the funeral of Mrs.Will Hodges. The sad intelligence of the death in Memphis of Mrs.Ellen Hodges, wife of W.M. (Will) Hodges, and a lady who had numerous loving friends and relatives in this city, came to us most unexpectedly the first of the week, and universla sorrow prevailed among the acquaintances and many friends of the family. Will Hodges for a number of years was a resident of Forrest City and his mother and two brothers, Sam and Louis,, still claim this city as their home. 9-7-1900 - BOGGS - HENRY - HARGUS - - CITY - Death of Henry Boggs-Henry Hargus Boggs, who had been suffering for a year with an absess of the liver, and who had been confined to his room for nearly three months, found surcense from pain and earthly cares last Monday, Sep.3,1900. The funeral services were held by Rev.W.C.Davidson, and the remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery. Henry Boggs was at one time an apprentice for The Times office, but went to the blacksmithing and wood working trade at which he remained until prevented. He was quite an industrious young lad, the youngest son of Mr.& Mrs.S.R.Boggs, to whom we extend our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. 9-14-1900 - BRONTE - WM. - - DR. - - The intelligence of the sudden demise of Dr.Wm.Bronte, of Blackton, Ark., came to his friends in this city Wednesday. The gentleman had experienced no illness and at the time of his death was holding a business conversation with his son in law, Dr.P.E.Terry, when without a moment's warning his soul was snatched into eternity. He died of heart failure. Dr.Bronte was held in high favor and esteem by the entire community as a man of honor and intelligence. Our condolence to the widow and two daughters upon whom the mantle of gloom falls so suddenly in this sad dispensation. 9-21-1900 - JONES - JOHN - I. - - - Mrs.Lon Slaughter of Marianna, came up Sunday to attend the bedside of her brother, John I. Jones, who died yesterday morning, Sep.20,1900, and Mr.Irby Jones came in yesterday. John I. Jones is dead. He had been an invalid for many weeks, and death came as a sweet relief from his long sufferings. He died Thursday morning, and his remains were interred in the old Jones family homestead near Haynes, Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. John I.Jones was born May .... in Osceola, Ark. and moved to this county. When the war between the states broke out, he enlisted with the Linden Dead shots in 1861, under Capt.Penn Dunn, and went with Col.Cross' regiment. In the battle of Perryville, Ky. , he was wounded and lost his right arm, and received an honorable discharge. He was married to Miss Pauline Patton in 1862, and three children blessed their union. His wife died in 1884, and in 1886 he married Miss Anna Creely, who bore him three children, all of whom survive him, including Mrs.Jones. During his lifetime he has held many responsible positions. He lost to T.O.Fitzpatrick for Circuit Clerk, and since then has been deputy sheriff and other minor public positions. He was a member of the Knights of Honor and Ladies of Honor, and leaves his family in comfortable circumstances. 9-21-1900 - KELLY - JOSEPH - - UNCLE - - Death of Uncle Joe Kelly-Uncle Joseph Kelly of Pine Tree, who was reported dangerously ill last week, died Friday morning, Sep.21,1900, at the Eppes Hotel, of hematuria. He came here to serveas a member of the grand jury, but became too ill to enter upon those duties. He grew worse rapidly and medical attention failed to bring about a change for the better. The remains were taken to his home, and interred in the neighborhood burying grounds. He is a resident of about a decade, and has always taken a lively interest in the affairs of his country and in politics, and was a man of courage and conviction. He was a kind and indulgent father and husband, a charitable neighbor and a Christian gentleman. 9-21-1900 - SMITH - NINA - - LITTLE - - In Memoriam-Little Nina Smith was born Oct.10,1892, and died Sep.11,1900. She was a precious member of the Latimore school. Newcastle. 9-28-1900 - JONES - JOHN - - - - A.E.Vantrum of Palestine was in town Wednesday on business, and reports thrre deaths Monday, Sep.24,1900.Joe Mooneyham, a boy named Clifton, and John Jones. 9-28-1900 - MOONEYHAM - JOE - - - - A.E.Vantrum of Palestine was in town Wednesday on business, and reports thrre deaths Monday, Sep.24,1900.Joe Mooneyham, a boy named Clifton, and John Jones. 9-28-1900 - UNKNOWN - CLIFTON - - - - A.E.Vantrum of Palestine was in town Wednesday on business, and reports thrre deaths Monday, Sep.24,1900.Joe Mooneyham, a boy named Clifton, and John Jones. 9-28-1900 - LEATHERWOOD - JOHN - - - - Nuta Bledsoe killed John Leatherwood Wednesday, Sept.26,1900. The men were school directors and Bledsoe shot Leatherwood over a difficulty arrising from from complications in the management of the affairs of that school district. 9-28-1900 - TAYLOR - LIZZIE - - - - Blessed are the Pure in Heart-Lizzie Taylor, who two weeks ago came to make her home with Mr.& Mrs.Dan Wylds, died of hematuria, Tuesday morning, Sep.18,1900. Cheerfulness, gentleness and thoughtful kindness, characterized her every movement. She was always ready to administer to the sick or to say who were in need. She has gone away from us, but the influence of her example will linger like a sweet aroma to bless and call us to a higher life. She is not dead, but only gone to her Father; for did not Christ say "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." 11-2-1900 - PROCTOR - - - MRS. - Illinois - Mrs.Proctor, living on the Jack Davis farm, south of town died last Friday, Oct.26,1900, and her remains were shipped to Illinois for interment. She had been ill but a short time, and leaves her husband and one child to mourn her loss. 11-9-1900 - JOHNSON - JOHNNIE - B. - - Holly Springs, Miss. - Death of J.B.Johnson=J.B.Johnson, of the firm of Lanier & Johnson, ginners of Caldwell, a brother of the late Robt.Johnson, of this city, died last evening, Nov.8,1900, of malarial fever, at the home of his cousin, Mr.& Mrs.C.D.Terrell of this city. The remains were shipped to Holly Springs, Miss. for interment, accompanied by his grief stricken mother and brother, of that place, who had been attending at his bedside during his last illness. Johnnie Johnson was a noble young man. He was well known , poplular, and beloved by all that were closely associated with him. He was a man of sterling integrity, a business man of no mean ability, and his place will be hard to fill. Many friends regret his untimely demise, and extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved relatives. 11-23-1900 - DeROSSITT - SALLIE - E. - MRS. - HUGHES - Death of Mrs.DeRossitt=Mrs.Sallie E.DeRossitt, wife of Hon.Frank W.DeRossitt of Widener, died Saturday morning, Nov.11, 1900, and was buried Sunday in the Hughes Cemetery, the hearse from Stevens Bros.' Undertaking establishment of this city carrying the remains to their last resting place. Mrs.DeRossitt had been an invalid for many months, and death was a sweet relief. She died peacefully. The funeral service was rendered at the grave, where a large number of her neighbors, and friends had assembled to pay their last respects to the memory of the deceased. Mrs.DeRossitt was a member of the Methodist church. She leaves a husband sorely bereaved and many friends to mourn her demise. T.J.Withers was in town from Widener to attend the funeral of Mrs.DeRossitt. Forrest City Times Newspaper Nov.23,1900 11-23-1900 - WRIGHT - JAMES - - - Sand Ridge - James Wright died at the residence of J.M.Wallace on Sand Ridge, Sunday night, Nov.18,1900, after a brief illness, and was laid to rest in the Sand Ridge cemetery Monday. 11-23-1900 - WHYTE - A. - CAPT. - - - We are in receipt of a postal from Corpus Christi, Texas, which is the first news of the death in that city of Capt.A.Whyte, formerly of Madison. We have been unable to find out the date of death, but believe it to be several weeks ago. 11-30-1900 - HUGHES - JAS. - - - HUGHES - Jas.Hughes, son of Mr.Tom Hughes, living in Johnson township, about six miles north of town, died Wednesday night, Nov.28,1900, of malarial fever, after eight weeks of illness. He leaves a wife to mourn his demise. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery this morning, Rev.A.N.Couch, of the Baptist Church officiating. 11-30-1900 - BETHEL - GEORGE - - - - George Bethel, who belonged to the gang of laborers on the Choctaw, died last night, Nov.29,1900, in the waiting room, from hemmorrage of the lungs. He had been in bad health for a long time, and had been setting about the depot for several days. An inquest was held, with verdict above. 11-30-1900 - McDANIEL - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Sid McDaniel have the sympathy of the community and numerous friends on the loss of their baby. The little one died Saturday night, Nov.21,1900, living only eight days from its birth. 12-7-1900 - LINDSEY - J. - T. - - HUGHES - J.T.Lindsey, a respected citizen of Fulwood, died last night, Dec.6,1900, and his remains will be interred in the Hughes cemetery tomorrow under masonic auspices. 12-7-1900 - McDANIEL - BABY - - - - The friends and relatives of the bereaved parents Mr.& Mrs.Lloyd McDaniel, of McDaniel, lost their little baby Wednesday night, Dec.5,1900. Births: - - - - - - 1-12-1900 - BARROW - CARRIE - LOUISE - - - A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.T.W.Barrow Wednesday morning, Jan.11,1900. She is a bright little darling and named Carrie Louise Barrow. 2-2-1900 - PETTUS - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.G.B.Pettus are rejoicing over the advent of a sweet baby girl, which came to their home last Saturday. 2-23-1900 - RING - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Pete Ring, the former an efficient and popular locomotive engineer, and the latter the former Mrs.A.Vogel of this city, are rejoicing over the advent of a fine baby boy which arrived at their home in Argenta about a week ago. 3-9-1900 - SCOTT - BABY - - - - A sweet baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.R.(Rufus)Scott Monday, Mar.5,1900. Mother and babe are doing nicely. 3-23-1900 - SANDERS - BABY - - - - A bouncing baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Jas.Sanders Tuesday morning, March 20,1900. Whicha also was the marriage date of Mr.W.T.Sanders, grandfather of the young lady. 5-4-1900 - PARKER - BABY - - - - The advent of a bright baby boy is the source of much great rejoicing in the home of Mr. & Mrs.T.J.Parker, the young lad arrived Monday morning. 5-18-1900 - MALLORY - BABY - - - - A bouncing baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.W.Mallory on Monday morning. 9-7-1900 - LEWIS - BABY - - - - A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Wright Lewis Wednesday night, Sept.5,1900. 9-7-1900 - DAVIDSON - BABY - - - - A fine big boy arrived at Rev.& Mrs.W.C.Davidson's lovely home Monday morning. 9-21-1900 - McDANIEL - BABY - - - - L.G.McDaniel of McDaniel, has an arrival in the form of a fine boy which arrived Tuesday. L.G. works for W.H.McDaniel. 9-21-1900 - BEATY - BABY - - - - C.Beaty is the proud father of a baby girl and he values the little treasure beyond computation and struts around as though he owns the earth. 11-9-1900 - HEYCK - BABY - - - - A bouncing baby boy is the source of much joy to the parents, Mr.& Mrs.Theo.Heyck, the arrival was last week. 11-30-1900 - BARRON - BABY - - - - Our friend, J.J.Barron is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy born last Saturday night at his home. 11-30-1900 - BRADY - BABY - - - - Capt. & Mrs.Jno.T.Brady are rejoicing over the advent of a charming and vivacious young lady last Saturday night who graced their home. 12-28-1900 - EZELL - BABY - - - - Mr.O.E.Ezell is the proud father of a fine baby boy, he says he weights twenty five pounds, but we do not fall for this! Wedding: - - - - - - 1-12-1900 - COX - JOHN - - - - Mr.John Cox and Miss Nora Todd were quietly and happily married at the home of the bride's father, on Jesse Hodges place in Franks Township, last Wednesday evening, the Rev.W.H.Paslay officiating. 1-19-1900 - WILSFORD - MACK - - - - Married-at the residence of Mr. S.F.Sulcer, Palestine, Jan.17,1900, were Mack Wilsford and Miss L-- Stigh, Rev.J.A.Mason officiating. 1-19-1900 - McDANIEL - SYDNEY - T. - - - Cupid's Capers-Mr.Sydney T.McDaniel and Miss Lizzie W..... were happily married at the residence of the bride's parents, south of town on last Wednesday evening. Rev.E.L.Kemp offciating. 1-26-1900 - LEMASES - JAS. - - - - On Wednesday evening, Jan.24th, 1900 Squire H.C.Fogg united in holy matrimony Mr.Jas.Lemases and Mrs.Cara Stephens. 1-26-1900 - CASTEEL - GORDON - D. - - - CASTEEL-HANCOCK-It becomes our pleasure again this week to chronicle an event which brought bliss and happiness to the hearts of two of our most popular young society people. Mr.Gordon D.Casteel and Miss Bertie Hancock, at the Baptist parsonage, were bound in holy matrimony, by Eld.A.N. Couch. 2-9-1900 - NAYLOR - JOHN - WOODFIN - - - Announcements of the marriage of Miss Willie Howerson McDaniel, eldest daughter of Capt. & Mrs.W.H.McDaniel, to Mr.John Woodfin Naylor, on Wednesday, Feb.21,1900 at the Baptist church, with Eld.W.H.Paslay officiating. The groom was born and raised in Fayetteville, Tenn., and is connected as commercial traveler with a large wholesale house in Cincinnati. 2-9-1900 - NELSON - J. - - - - NELSON-STEPHENS-Marriage of Mr.J.Nelson and Miss Bessie Stephens occurred at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs.Hitchcock at FT.Gibson last Sunday. 2-16-1900 - HEYCK - THEODORE - - JR. - - Invitations for the upcoming wedding on Feb.21,1900, between Mr.Theodore Heyck, Jr., of this city, and Miss Francis Katherine Giraud at Houston, Texas. Mr.Heyck is manager of the Consumers Cotton Oil Mill. 3-2-1900 - DAVIS - PETER - E. - PROF. - - Acknowledging the invitiation to wedding of Miss Agatha Geneva Bolden, daughter of Annie Glenn, to Prof.Peter E.Davis, A.B., which took place at Keynett's chapel in this city Wednesday night. 3-2-1900 - SMITH - E. - BRUCE - - - Love's Sweet Dream-The marriage of Mr.E.Bruce Smith and Miss Nora McDaniel, both of Franks township, at the Methodist church, this city. Mr.J.L. McDaniel was father of the bride. The groom is a nephew of Major Jesse B.Hodges. Services by Rev.W.C.Davidson. 3-9-1900 - SANDERS - WALTER - TROY - - - Invitations were issued Wednesday by Mrs.Emma Mosley, announcing the marriage of her daughter Miss Mattie Laura Mosley to Mr.Walter Troy Sanders, Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church March 26th. Mr.Sanders is brother of Dr.John T.Sanders. 3-16-1900 - DAVIS - DEWITT - - - - Davis-Haligan-Mr.Dewitt Davis and Miss Mary Haligan were married Wednesday at the home of the bride's mother, Rev.A.Barbin of the Catholic church presiding. Mr.Davis is a brother to Mrs.J.W.Stuart 4-20-1900 - JONES - THEO. - FREDERICK - - - Jones-Laughinghouse-At the home of the bride's parents Mr.& Mrs.P.Laughinghouse, Wednesday evening, Apr.18,1900, the wedding of Mr.Theo.Frederick Jones of Fayetteville, Ark. and Miss Elouise Laughinghouse with Rev.W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church officiating. 5-4-1900 - FERGUSON - W. - C. - - - FERGUSON-ROGERS=At the Belser Hotel after arrival by train on the Choctaw, Mrs.Kate Rogers met Mr.W.C.Ferguson, and were married by Eld.W.H.Paslay. 5-11-1900 - THOMAS - RICHARD - G. - - - At the home of the bride yesterday, Mr.Richard G.Thomas married Miss Fannie Belle Horne, Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. 5-25-1900 - BOND - WAVERLY - T. - - - The marriage of Waverly T.Bond, son of Scott Bond, to Miss Annie Leander Rhoten of Tullahoma, Tenn. on June 5 is announced. 6-1-1900 - PASLAY - H. - W. - - - Paslay-Nail Nuptials-Wednesday, May 30,1900, evening at the Methodist church, Rev.W.C.Davidson joined Mr.H.W.Paslay and Miss Lena Nail. Best man was Mr.W.D.Paslay. 6-8-1900 - ANDERSON - LUKE - R. - - - Anderson-James=Sunday afternoon, Mr.Luke R.Anderson and Mrs.Cora James, of Bloomington were married. Rev.W.T.Haggard, of Lebanon presiding. They will reside in Tennessee. 6-8-1900 - COBBLE - TOM - - - - Tom Cobble, of near Madsion, and Miss Carrie Martin of near Haynes were married Friday night in this city. Squire R.T.Raiford presiding. 6-22-1900 - WRIGHT - JAMES - - - - Democrat-James Wright, of Sand Ridge, and Miss Amy Gibson were joined in holy matrimony the latter part of the week. 7-6-1900 - BARRINGER - V. - M. - - - Their was quite a little marriage at Dr.J.D.McKnight's residence last Sunday. The bride, Miss Worley Martin, of Winchester, Tenn., a niece of the doctor's, who has been visiting here for several weeks to Mr.V.M.Barringer, of Memphis. Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. 7-6-1900 - WILBRUNNER - FRANK - - - - At the court house, a marriage between a runaway couple from Wynne, Mr.Frank Willbrunner and Miss Delilah Griffin with Squire Gorman tying the knot. 7-13-1900 - MOSBY - JOE - - - - At the brides home, Miss Drucilla Davis to Mr.Joe Mosby of Crawfordsville, Ark. on Sunday afternoon, Jul.8,1900, 7-20-1900 - MYERS - JOHN - R. - - - At the home of Mr.W.R.Latticker, south of town, last Sunday high noon, Mr.John R.Myers was happily married to Miss Alice Johnson, Squire Raiford officiating. 7-20-1900 - GRADY - A. - L. - - - GRADY-NEEL=Wednesday night at the Methodist church, Mr.A.L.Grady and Miss Lelia Neel were married by Rev.W.C.Davidson. 7-27-1900 - TAYLOR - WALTER - - - - At the Gaston Hotel in Memphis, Mrs.E.C.Hughes of Linden and Mr.Walter Taylor of this city, second son of Judge George P.Taylor 8-10-1900 - CALDWELL - W. - J. - PROF. - - Prof.W.J.Caldwell, of Caldwell, son of Mrs.James Caldwell, was happily married to Miss Ella Burrough, at the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.J.P.Burrough, of Independence County, at Oil Trough last Sunday. 10-12-1900 - MAUCK - PAUL - FRANKLIN - - - Monday evening, Oct.8,1900, the wedding of Miss Vallie Davenport to Mr.Paul Franklin Mauck of Princeton, Ind. will occur at the Baptist church, Eld.A.N.Couch officiating. Brother of the bride took her down the aisle, Mr.L.E.Davenport. The couple will make their home at Princeton, Indiana. 11-2-1900 - HOUSTON - HENRY - - - - Henry Houston and Mrs.Thompson, of Widener, were married Wednesday in Squire P.T.Raiford's office, Squire J.B.Sanders officiating. 11-2-1900 - MILLION - JOHN - - - - WHITMAN-MILLION=On Oct.31,1900, Miss Hattye Mae Whitman and Mr.John C.Million were made man and wife at the Methodist church, Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. Mr.Million is with the American Bridge Company, and the couple will reside in Newark, N.Jersey after a visit to his home in Berry, Ky. 11-2-1900 - DAGGETT - J. - M. - - - Mr.J.M.Daggett and Miss Hattie Bruce were married at the residence of B.M.Govan Tuesday evening, Rev.E.L.Kemp presiding. The couple will reside in Marianna after a trip to Memphis. Marianna Index. 11-9-1900 - MARSHALL - JOHN - - - - Mr.John Marshall and Mrs.E.A.Johnson were married by Squire J.B.Sanders. Mr.Marshall, age 78, came from Sikeston, Mo. with his son in law, Capt.Geo.M.Head of the Telephone Co. The bride was a widow from Kentucky with two children, and had been written by Mr.Marshall after he had contemplated the old romance. She is about 55 years of age and registered just last Monday at the Belser Hotel here in Forrest City. 11-23-1900 - CLARK - JOHN - - - - John Clark, in the employ of I.W.Mallory, will be married to Miss Mary Virginia Runn on Dec.5,1900, at Lyon, Miss. John is son of Jim Clark, a local shoemaker, and was raised in Forrest City. 11-30-1900 - MOORE - C. - M. - - - C.M.Moore, age 32, and Mrs.Sara Smith, age 25, were married last Friday night at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Compton, in this city, Squire Walter Gorman presiding. The parties reside in L'anguille township. 12-7-1900 - SATTERWHITE - J. - E. - - - The marriage of Mr.J.E.Satterfield to Miss Sallie Washburn at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Geo.Pearson, on the eve of his departure to the Oklahoma Territory, last Sunday morning, Dec.2,1900, presided over by Eld.A.N.Couch of the Baptist church. 12-28-1900 - TURLEY - LINN - - LIEUT. - - TAYLOR-WEBB=The marriage of Lieut.Linn Turley and Miss Mayme Velta Webb took place Wednesday at the home of the bride's mother, this city, Rev.E.L.Kemp of the Episcopal church officiating. Announcements: - - - - - - 1-5-1900 - OUTSTANDING NEWS OF 1899 - - - - - The British Boer War/The War in The Phillipines/Big Financial Failures/Startling Disasters and Crimes/Necrology/etc. 1-12-1900 - W.H. PARTRIDGE MOVES - - - - - W.H.Partridge left Palestine for Forrest City with his family. Palestine was too slow for Mr.Partridge, hence his removal. 1-19-1900 - J.J. BARRON MOVES - - - - - J.J. Barron has moved his family from the bottoms to South Rosser in Forrest City for the advantages of the schools. 1-26-1900 - SGT.JACK CASTEEL RESIGNS - - - - - Sgt.Jack Casteel has resigned his position as chief clerk with the Belser. May his shadow never grow less. 1-26-1900 - STEVENS BROS.SELLS LIVERY BUSINESS - - - - - Stevens Bros. has sold their livery business to Mr.P.L.Gray, of Colliersville, Tenn., and it is under management of his son. 1-26-1900 - DISASTROUS FIRE AT HOME OF ROBERT KUNTZ - - - - - A disastrous fire occurred at the home of Robert Kuntz, north of town on the ridge, early yesterday morning, destroying a stable, 500 bushels of corn, 2 horses and 2 wagons, and other farming implements. The origin of the fire is supposed to be incendiary. 1-26-1900 - T.C.FOLBRE FAMILY DEPARTS - - - - - The family of T.C.Folbre except for the grown boys left last night for San Antonio in search of health. We are sorry to lose this fine family and wish them good luck. 2-2-1900 - PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED - - - - - The firm of J.W.Beck & Co., composed of J.W.Beck, J.W.Wynne, J.M.Nichols, and Joel E.Wynne has been dissolved, due to retirement of J.W.and Joel E.Wynne. Jan.5,1900. The business will continue under the remaining partners. 2-2-1900 - AD FOR JOHN J. ABLES - - - - - John J.Ables, Notary Public and Justice of the Peace, Colt, Arkansas-Writes deeds, Mortagages, and Contracts. 2-2-1900 - NEW BRIDGE AT MADISON COMPLETED - - - - - The new steel bridge at Madison has been completed, and the "gang" has gone to other points. 2-2-1900 - CALL FOR A MASS MEETING - - - - - A call for a mass meeting to elect Democratic nominees for office:signed:John Gatling, James Fussell, W.S.Graham, T.W.Barrow, L.E.Davenport, J.W.Beck, Joel E.Wynne, P.H.Barker, J.M.Nichols, Otto B.Rollwage, L.Rollwage, M.C.Hambleton, F.H.Chew, H.P.Gorman, J.B.Terry, J.D.Baugh, S.E.Aven, W.P.Brandon, R.W.Benson, Jno.H.Tipton, F.Laughinghouse, Chas.Lewis, A. Becker, J.L.Pope, Sol Lewis, H.E.Pettus, R.L.Pettus, R.E.Sellers, J.T.Fondren, M.V.Hancock, H.A.Litton, T.C.Merwin, W.E.Duncan, W.H.Aldridge, W.P.Evans, R.J. Izard, W.T.Sanders, O.P.Wolff, C.C.White, J.T.Sanders, E.L.Vadakin, Walter Gorman, Ed Landvoight, J.D.McKnight, and E.P.Taylor. 2-16-1900 - MRS.F.E.STROUD MOVES HERE - - - - - Mr.Chas.Sanders, cashier at the Bank, returned from Tennesse accompaned by his mother, Mrs.F.E.Stroud of Mt.Juliet, and she will stay here indefinitely. 2-16-1900 - THE TIMES SOUVENIR SOON - - - - - The Times plans to issue a Souvenir soon. It will contain a number of articles submitted by prominent men and women on such subjects as:The social side of Forrest City/The Timber interests of St.Francis County/City and County Schools/Ex-Confederates among others. 2-23-1900 - M.W.IZARD MOVES TO BOONEVILLE, ARK. - - - - - The family of M.W.Izard were genial and pleasant visitors to numerous friends and relatives in the city the first of the week. The two boys, Mark and John, who have grown to be young gentlemen since their residence in the city, were shaking hands with old friends about town Sunday. This estimable family have closed out their interests in this section, having given up the hotel business in Brinkley, and disposed of their property in this county, and will settle in Booneville, Ark. in the western part of the state, to which place they went Tuesday. 3-2-1900 - J.A.WOMACK HAS CHARGE OF S.L.HODGES TINSHOP - - - - - Mr.J.A.Womack has charge of the S.L.Hodges' store and tinshop. His efficiencey as a tinner is well known, and he invites his friends to give him a call. 3-2-1900 - LIBRARY MASS MEETING HELD - - - - - Called by the Cosmos Club, for erection of a public library. First address by Eld.Couch, with organizers Mrs.W.Gorman and Jas.A.McConnell. Mr.J.D.Baugh exhibited a design drawing by Chas.Thompson of Little Rock. W.Gorman was then called and said a society should be formed. Messers. S.H.Mann and J.M.Prewett on committee with W.Gorman. 3-9-1900 - T.C.FOLBRE FAMILY RETURNS - - - - - Mr.T.C.Folbre and family returned Monday morning from San Antonio due to the seasons in that climate have been quite fickle. He reports to being somewhat better health wise. 3-9-1900 - DEMOCRATIC ELECTION RESULTS - - - - - Official Returns:Mayor-J.H.Tipton=126, C.L.Knight=81;For Recorder:E.L.Vadakin=105, G.W.Pearson=103;Marshall:O.P.Wolff=126, J.B.Webb=79. 3-16-1900 - NEW DOCTORS IN TOWN - - - - - Dr.& Mrs.Merritt and baby are now located at the residence of Mrs.Sutton. Dr.Merritt is a graduate of the University College of Medicine at Richmond,Va., and comes from New Gascony, Arkansas. Dr.Jenkins comes from Douglas, Ark. and a graduate of the Medical Dept. of Nashville and former resident at the city hospital at Dallas, Texas. 3-16-1900 - ANTI TEMPERANCE LEAGUE MEETING - - - - - Led by Hon.O.B.Rollwage, Eld.A.N.Couch, Rev.W.C.Davidson, and Mr.E.T.Gray. 3-16-1900 - ELDER T.F.ARCHER MOVES - - - - - Dark Corner-Eld.T.F.Archer has moved to Vanndale. 3-23-1900 - REPUBLICANS MEET - - - - - The Republican county executive committee met in Forrest City last Saturday, and elected T.O.Fitzpatrick as Chairman, and C.F.Hemenway as Clerk. About 56 delegates were present and elected T.O.Fitzpatrick and John Blount as delegates to the State convention at Little Rock. 4-13-1900 - MRS.N.W.NORTON VISITS KANSAS - - - - - Mrs.N.W.Norton is visiting her mother Mrs.A.V.Roleson of Brownsville, Kansas for a month leaving Tuesday. 4-13-1900 - W.T.AVEN FAMILY DEPARTS - - - - - Caldwell-The family of W.T.Aven departs on the train last night for Southwestern Texas where they plan on going for their health. 4-20-1900 - MR.L.C.HARRIS MOVES HERE - - - - - Mr.L.C.Harris from Troy, Tenn. arrives to take position with Reedy & Taylor spoke factory as bookkeeper. 4-20-1900 - FAMILY OF JOHN COTTON DEPARTS - - - - - The family of John Cotton will depart to Memphis, Mrs.Cotton left already and is staying with her daughter Mrs.Ramsey until her husband arrives. 4-20-1900 - CROW CREEK SPUR OPENED - - - - - The spur into the Crow Creek gravel pit, a couple of miles east of the city was opened by the Choctaw road, and ballasting of the road from this point west to Palestine has begun. Supt.Mike Thornton of the contruction gang, informs us that all the crossing in the city will be gravelled and put in apple pie order. 4-27-1900 - WHEELER FAMILY VISITS PARENTS - - - - - The A.G.Wheeler family are visiting Noblesville, Indiana to see parents. They left Sunday for a month's visit. 5-4-1900 - OFFICERS MEET GOVERNOR ELECT - - - - - Sheriff W.E.Williams and Marshall O.P.Wolff met governor elect, Jeff Davis in Wynne. 5-4-1900 - BOARD OF HEALTH APPOINTS NEW PRESIDENT - - - - - The board of health for Forrest City met and appointed Dr.J.D.McKnight as President. Meeting included:Dr.J.D.McKnight, Dr.C.C.White, Dr.L.H.Merritt, E.T.Gray, and Dr.J.O.Rush. 5-4-1900 - Dr.JOHN IZARD VISITS - - - - - Dr.John Izard, of Smithdale, Ark. was a genial visitor to the city the first of the week. On Tuesday he left with his father Mr.F.J.Izard for Booneville to visit the family of M.W.Izard, who are now operating a hotel at that place. 5-18-1900 - E.B.CHANEY FAMILY ARRIVES - - - - - The family of E.B.Chaney arrived from Denver, Colorado to establish their new home. He is the engineer that handles the Choctaw gravel train. 5-18-1900 - OPERA HOUSE PRESENTS "TOM THUMBS WEDDING" - - - - - The opera house presented its version of "Tom Thumbs Wedding".Admission adults 25cents, children 15 cents. 5-25-1900 - CHANCERY COURT - - - - - Chancery court-Divorces:Mattie Moore vs. John Moore;Lizzie Woods vs. Fletcher Woods;Bulah A.Thompson vs. Geo.Thompson, custody of child to mother;J.M.Higgins vs. Fannie Higgins;Mary Duke vs. Frank Duke;Mittie Crump vs. Richard Crump;Nancy Gillis vs. Charley Gillis;G.E.Shelton vs. S.E.Shelton;Ella Jones vs. Richard Jones; 6-1-1900 - 70TH ANNIVERSARY - - - - - The occasion of the 70th birthday was the reason for the party for Mr.F.Rollwage by the families of Louis Rollwage and Otto Rollwage last Monday evening, viz:Mrs.Minnie Harrison; Misses Alice and Katie and Little Allyne and Mr.Louis F.Rollwage;Misses Norma,Tolise, DeVeiling, Madeline, Ardale, Mr.Otto Jr., and Mister Herman and Ralph, and Miss Pearl Anderson. -1895 - TOM PARHAM HOME FROM SCHOOL - - - - - Young Tom Parham returned Sunday morning from his third year at Webb's school in Bell Buckle, Tenn. where he graduated with honors, he plans on attending Vanderbilt University after a years time. 6-1-1900 - TELEPHONE FROM FORREST CITY - - - - - A new telephone service between Widener and Madison has been established from Forrest City due to energy and enterprise of Capt.Geo.M.Head and his assistant Mr.Adolph Chilner of Marianna. 6-8-1900 - CENSUS ENUMERATORS for 1900 - - - - - The following are census enumerators:Geo.P.Walker for Goodwin;Thos.O.Dorris for Newscastle;Chas.M.Kelley for Pine Tree;Wm.B.Mann, Joseph O.Winford, Frank H. Chew for Forrest City; Jas.H.Coffey for Palestine; Thos.B.Caldwell for Caldwell; Jno.W.Blakemore for Wheatley; Geo.W.Appel for Widener; and Jas.L.Scott for McDaniel. 6-22-1900 - COOK HOTEL SOLD - - - - - Mrs.L.D.Owen of Brinkley, who comes to our city highly recommended as a most excellent woman, has purchased the Cook Hotel house furnishings, and succeeded Miss Hattie Whitman as proprietor. The name is changed to The Owen House and will open June 25,1900. 6-22-1900 - BABY SHOW AT THE BELSER - - - - - The Ladie's Aid Society of the Methodist church held a Baby Show at the Belser Hotel Wednesday afternoon, June 13,1900. Prettiest Baby Girl was Louise Barns, Prettiest Baby Boy was Ned Mallory. Largest Baby Girl was Pearl Mann, Largest Baby Boy was David Webb. 6-22-1900 - LETTER FROM MANILA - - - - - Our townsman, F.H.Chew received a letter from the Phillipines from Charley Rutledge, our city now in the army in Manila. 6-29-1900 - LOVE FEST HELD - - - - - Pine Tree-The Dunkards held their annual Love Fest on the 16th, their were 25 or 30 buggy loads of folks from Colt and Caldwell and Pine Tree which held their share of beautiful young ladies and widows, and also a gallant number of gents. 6-29-1900 - LEWELLEN BROWN VISITS - - - - - Madison-Mr.Lewellen Brown of Taylorsville, Ky., who was born here in St.Francis county, accompanied by his manly son visited here for the first time in 25 years. He left at age 13. It will be remembered that Mr.Brown's father, Mr.George L.Brown was publisher of the Madison Pioneer here, it being the first paper issued in St.Francis County. 6-29-1900 - SECOND ANNUAL ROOSEVELT'S ROUGH RIDERS ASSOCIATION - - - - - The second annual association will meet in Oklahoma City, IndianTerrritory July 4,1900. Governor Roosevelt will be in attendance. 7-6-1900 - CAPT.J.W.BECK ILL - - - - - Dr.John Manley of Memphis, was called here for a consultation with Dr.Alley for Capt.J.W.Beck who is seriously ill. 8-3-1900 - CAPT.J.W.BECK AND CAPT.J.W.WYNNE - - - - - CAPT.J.W.BECK AND CAPT.J.W.WYNNE have gone to Atlantic City, N.Jersey for a healthy dose of sea air. 8-10-1900 - DEMOCRATIC TICKET - - - - - The Democrat party has nominated William J.Bryan of Nebraska for President, and Adlia E.Stevenson of Illinois for Vice President. 8-10-1900 - ST.FRANCIS COUNTY FINANCES - - - - - As of July 1,1900-General Indedtedness is $18,853.18. 8-10-1900 - GROCERIES DELIVERED - - - - - Ad by W.T.Sanders- We will pick up orders from your home, and deliver same to your home Free! 8-17-1900 - REGISTERED VOTERS - - - - - St.Francis county has 27,000 names as qualified voters registered. 8-24-1900 - BIRTHDAY PARTY - - - - - Mr.W.C.Ferguson, of Fergusonville seven miles south of Forrest City, celebrated his fifty second birthday, attendees included parents, Mr.& Mrs.C.W.Ferguson (the father being 81 years of age and the mother 68 years of age) among four generations of family members. 8-24-1900 - LARGE RATTLESNAKE - - - - - A large rattlesnake of 6 feet with 13 rattles and a button, was captured at Crow Creek, and the skin was brought to town by N.F.Gilliand of the Choctaw. 8-31-1900 - WILL SHEPHERD FAMILY LEAVES - - - - - The family of Will Shepherd have moved to Dyersburg, Tenn. permanently. 8-31-1900 - LADIES DEPART - - - - - Mrs.Mary Shade went to St.Louis last night, while Mrs.Winthrop and Miss Fannie are planning to follow shortly to reside there permanently. 9-7-1900 - LOUIS BIBBS DEPARTS - - - - - Louis Bibbs, formerly of the J.H.Dunavant, went to Howe, Indian Territory to take a position, 9-7-1900 - EUGENE WILLIAMS DEPARTS - - - - - Eugene Williams left for Little Rock to take a position with Arkansas Cotton Oil Co. 9-7-1900 - CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE FALL TERM - - - - - Prof. Chas.R. Mathis is Principal for the institute which opens Sept.18,1900 for the fall term. 9-7-1900 - ABE MALOUF AND SAIDA KELLEY LEAVE - - - - - Abe Malouf and Saida Kelley, along with the little Kelley and the other Maloufs, left for Canton, Miss. having disposed of their business here. Abe is a Turk with an english education, and will be sadly missed in the community. 9-14-1900 - TOM VANZANDT FAMILY DEPARTS - - - - - Colt-Tom Vanzandt and family left for Arkansas county where they will reside in the future. We will miss them. 9-14-1900 - GALVESTON HURRICANE - - - - - A report from Galveston, Texas on the hurricane that destroyed many homes was received by S.E.Sweet from his sister, Miss Emma Sweet of the Forrest City contingent telling of the loss of all their belongings, but no loss of life by the people from Forrest City. 9-21-1900 - B.R.NEBLETT ARRIVES HERE - - - - - Mr.B.R.Neblett arrives from Byhalia, Miss. to accept a position with Fussell, Graham & Co. 9-21-1900 - REDUS TRIAL - - - - - A large portion of Wheatly is in town for the trial of J.W.Redus, brought by the widow Mrs.J.R.West. Also, Dr.K.Allen, Dr.Bogart, W.R.Brooks, J.W.Blakemore, Cheatham Hull, Alf Diamond, H.C.Smith, G.C.Smith, J.N.Beard, Jeff Neely, John Hammond, R.W.Payne and others. 9-21-1900 - C.W.BERNARD FAMILY ARRIVES - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.C.R.Bernard and family of six children arrived in town Thursday from Byhalia, Miss., and are keeping house in the Byhalia settlement north of the Institute. Mr.Bernard has accepted a position with Trapp, Barker & Co. 10-5-1900 - MR.HARRY THOMAS VISITS - - - - - Mr.Harry Thomas, the efficient overseer of Wind Lake plantation belonging to Geo.P.Taylor was in town to visit friends and home folks Sunday. 10-19-1900 - WALKER SEABORN STUDENT - - - - - Walker Seaborn of Colt, will attend the fall session of the Crowley Ridge Institute, and will board with Wilbur Alley. 11-2-1900 - H.E. McCRARY DEPARTS - - - - - Mr.H.P.McCrary, of Forrest City, has accepted a position in Winona, Miss. with Gayden's furniture store as manager and bookkeeper. Winona Democrat. 11-9-1900 - ELECTION RESULTS - - - - - The election of McKinley and Roosevelt has been confirmed for President and Vice President. 11-16-1900 - V.B.IZARD DISPOSES OF PROPERTY - - - - - Mr.V.B.Izard sold his residence to J.W.Aven, and his Featherstone property to Tom Buford. 11-30-1900 - FIRE AT RESIDENCE OF BOB SELLERS - - - - - An alarm was sounded for a fire at residence of Mr.R.E. (Bob) Sellers, Tuesday night on Izard street, between Hill and Garland. The house was owned by Ham Grady, and was fully insured. A faulty flue caused the blaze which was contained by the laddies of the fire brigade. 11-30-1900 - J.G.BOYLE DEPARTS FOR LITTLE ROCK - - - - - J.G.Boyle left for Litttle Rock where he has a position with the Choctaw freight depot. 12-7-1900 - REV.E.L.KEMP RETURNS TO BALTIMORE, MD. - - - - - Rev.E.L.Kemp tendered his resignation to the Episcopal church here and in Marianna, eff.1-1-1901 when he will accept a call back to his home of Baltimore, Maryland. 12-28-1900 - MR.F.J.IZARD RETURNS TO WHEATLEY - - - - - Mr.F.J.Izard returned to Wheatley, he is in very feeble condition. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911