The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological OrderSelected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 17,2008 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1899 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" Deaths: - - - - - - 1-6-1899 - STEVENS - J. - R. - - - Killing Near Wynne-A special from Wynne says, "Sid Wilkins shot and killed J.R.Stevens, five miles south of this city, using a double barrelled shotgun, shooting four loads into his body. The trouble originated over a farm that Wilkins was living on which Stevens had rented." Per the Times-Stevens drove up with two loads of corn to put in the crib, when Wilkins ordered him not to go inside. Stevens paid him no attention to the order, but drove in and said he was going to unload the corn, when Wilkins shot him. Wilkins is the son of one of the most highly respected settlers of Cross county. Sid Wilkins and Stevens had some trouble over the killing of a man several years ago that was never settled. 1-6-1899 - SCOTT - W. - W. - DR. - - The Haynes Tragedy-The Marianna Index contains the following concerning the Hughes-Scott tragedy at Haynes Dec.24,1898. "On Saturday night Dr.Scott, who had been drinking, went to Hughes's store and told him he wished to see him privately. The two men then went into a side room of Hughes's store and after only a few words, Scott pulled his pistol and made an effort to fire at Hughes. The latter at the same time grabbed for the pistol, and in the scuffle, the weapon was discharged. Hughes then wrenched Scott's pistol from his hand and shot him three times, killing him instantly. From what we can learn the feeling of the community is that Hughes acted only in self-defense and was in no way to blame, and consequently no arrest has been made, although Hughes expressed a willingness to give himself up to the officers and proceed to trial. But we understand no prelimiary trial will be had." 1-6-1899 - GRADY - WILL - H. - - New Orleans - Death of Will Grady-A dispatch from Lulu, Miss., dated Dec.31,1898. Two men dead, and one mortally wounded, is the result of a three-way duel on the cotton plantation at this place about 2 o'clock this afternoon. The participants were Richard Harmon, J.E.Kennedy, and W.H.Grady. It is now known how the trouble started, but the three were on the platform attending to some cotton, and someone else was near. It seems that a shooting began between Harmon and Kennedy. Harmon fired five shots, all of which hit Kennedy and one hit Grady. Both Harmon and Grady died within minutes, and Grady was suffering shot to the left lung and not expected to live. The above will be sad news to many relatives and friends of W.H.Grady, of this community, where his early manhood was passed. He clerked for his brother Ham Grady in the late 70's and with his brother Toney operated a confectionery business in this place. Mr.Grady died within the hour of arrival at Memphis hospital, and the body was taken to New Orleans for interrment. His sister Mrs.Miller of Lonoke, passed thru on the early train Monday morning, to attend the funeral. The trouble grew out of an attempt by Kennedy and Grady to arrest Harmon. 1-6-1899 - GUNTER - MELISSA - - - - Democrat-Melissa Gunter, wife of J.M.Gunter, died Dec.30,1898, and was laid to rest on the 31st. She leaves a husband, a seven year old son and many friends to mourn her loss. 1-13-1899 - HUGHES - W. - T. - MRS. - - We regret to have the occasion to chronicle the death of Mrs.W.T.Hughes, which sad event occurred on Wednesday, Jan.11,1898. The bereaved have the sympathy of the entire community. She lived at Widener. 1-13-1899 - THOMPSON - R. - L. - - - R.L.Thompson, brother in law of William Heartsill, died of pneumonia last week on the Roy place on Blackfish Lake. He leaves a wife and two children. 1-13-1899 - ANDERSON - JAMES - - - - We regret to announce the death of our esteemed friend, Mr.James Anderson, of Fishing Lake, which occurred last Sunday, Jan.8,1899, of pneumonia, after a short illness. He was a kind husband, a close friend and an upright citizen. The family has the kindly sympathy of their many friends. 1-13-1899 - CONNOLLY - LULA - - MRS. - LaGrange, Tenn. - Death of Mrs.Connolly-A telegram was received early Tuesday morning by Walter Gorman announcing the death of Mrs.Lula (Parham) Connolly, wife of Mr.M.W.Connolly, editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, which sad event occurred at the family residence in Memphis a few minutes before 12 o'clock, Monday night, Jan.9,1899. Mrs.Connolly's malady was consumption, from which she had been a sufferer for three years, and for the past six months had been confined to her room. The writer has known Mrs.Connolly since her girlhood, and recognized her the highest type of a pure and noble Christian womanhood. Twenty years ago next November we relieved Mr.Connolly as Telegraph operator at Jacksonport while he went to Memphis and brought her home, a fair young bride. Mrs.Connolly was related to some of the most prominent families in this section, who are sorely grieved to learn of her untimely death. The interment took place Wednesday at LaGrange, Tenn., where her mother is buried. Judge Walter Gorman of this place acted as one of the pallbearers. 1-20-1899 - SMITH - WALTER - - - McDaniel - Walter Smith, son of Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Smith, residing four miles south of Forrest City, died Monday, Jan.16,1899, aged 29 years. The interment took place at 3 o'clock Tueday afternoon in the McDaniel cemetery and a large concourse of sorrowing friends were present to witness the last rites. Mr.Smith was an exemplary fine young man, and the grieving parents have the sympathy of the entire community. 1-20-1899 - ELDRIDGE - J. - E. - - - A letter from far away in Texas brings the sad news of the death of J.E.Eldridge, infant son of Fenner T. and Zula Eldridge and grandson of J.E. and Mary Eldridge of this county, which occurred Monday, Jan.9th,1899, at the home of the parents at Vaughn, Hill County, Texas, of pneumonia. 1-20-1899 - CRADICK - J. - C. - - - J.C.Cradick, an old resident of Palestine, died Monday, Jan.16,1899, of senile debility, age 84 years. 1-27-1899 - FLOWERS - J. - M. - - CITY - J.M.Flowers died on the ranch of John Stevens, near Blackfish Siding, Monday, Jan.23,1899, and was buried in Forrest City cemetery Tuesday. Mr.Flowers was from LaGrange, Tenn. He received every attention possible, but it was to no avail. He was unmarried. 1-27-1899 - BUCKINGHAM - WILL - - - - Will Buckingham, confined for lack of responsibilty, died in the County jail Tuesday night, Jan.24,1899. of fits. 1-27-1899 - THOMAS - J. - S. - - - Death of J.S.Thomas-Last Sunday, Jan.22,1899, J.S.Thomas died at his home on the Graham plantation, about four miles east of Forrest City. He was taken ill about a week before with meningitus. This was followed in a few days by a well developed case of pneumonia. He had the most careful attention of both friends and physicians, but it availed not. The strong man had run the race. The subject of this sketch was born in Union County, S.Carolina, Dec.29,1817, on Dec.15,1871 he was married to Miss Mattie Hobson, who along with several children survives him. Soon after he was married, they moved from S.C. to Mississippi, where they lived until 1892 when they moved to Arkansas to the above location where he was the superintendent. Brother Thomas was converted and joined the Methodist church before he was married. Mrs.Thomas is a sister of Brent Hobson of Merrimac Lake. 1-27-1899 - ANDREWSON - M. - O. - MRS. - - Death of Mrs.Andrewson and Child-On Jan.2,1899 I was called to Goodwin to conduct the funeral of Mrs.M.O.Andrewson. She was born in the state of Missouri, Mar.7,1872. Her maiden name was Cora C.Stafford. She was married to M.O.Andrewson Feb.22,1893 and they moved, first to the Indian Territory and thence to Arkansas in 1895, and lived and farmed near Goodwin. From this place on Dec.29,1898, she passed away to live in another world. When she expired, Harlan Hobson, her little son, just one month old lay a motherless infant in its cradle. When the little one was but two weeks old the mother had an attack of spinal meningitus, which assumed the form of typhoid fever, and her delicate frame yielded in death after a fortnight of patient suffering. Mrs.Andrewson was converted when a child in the Methodist church, but joined the Congregationalist Church, from which she held a certificate of membership. According to the testimonry ofthose who knew her best, she was true Christian. On January 19th, I was called to perform the same service for the little boy who died twenty days after his mother. The father and a daughter survive her.W.C.Davidson, 2-3-1899 - JOHNSON - BABY - - - - William A.Johnson and family of Widener, have our sympathy in the death of their infant daughter, which occurred Tuesday, Jan.31,1899, of pneumonia. Mrs.Margaret Anderson, grandmother of the child, has been very sick, but is improving. 2-3-1899 - JOHNSON - SAMUEL - - - BELL - Pine Tree-Samuel Johnson died Tuesday of last week, Jan.25,1899, at the home of M.H.Watkins and was laid to rest Wednesday in the Bell cemetery. He was a nephew of Mr.& Mrs.Watkins. 2-10-1899 - LEWIS - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Wright Lewis have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of their infant, which died Wednesday, Feb.8,1899, and was buried yesterday. 2-10-1899 - COUNCIL - WILLIAM - - - - John Stevens, of near Widener, was in town yesterday to secure a coffin for the remains of William Council, who died, at his (Steven's) residence the same morning of congestion. Mr.Council was taken sick at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, and died Sunday, Feb.5,1899, morning at 4:50. He was an old Union soldier and was employed by Mr.Stevens to take care of his cattle and hogs. It will be remembered that a Mr.Flowers, who was employed in the same capacity, died two weeks ago. 2-10-1899 - WAGONER - AB - - MRS. - - Mrs.Ab Wagoner died at Blackfish, Wednesday night, Feb.8,1899. 2-10-1899 - HOOD - HARVE - - MRS. - - W.C.Beazley, of six miles north of town, was in town Wednesday to secure coffins for Mrs.Harve Hood and her son, Ray Hood, husband and father, respectively, being in destitute circumstances. The boy had pneumonia for over a month. 2-10-1899 - HOOD - BABY - - - - W.C.Beazley, of six miles north of town, was in town Wednesday to secure coffins for Mrs.Harve Hood and her son, Ray Hood, husband and father, respectively, being in destitute circumstances. The boy had pneumonia for over a month. 2-17-1899 - HOUSTON - F. - M. - - - F.M.Houston of Widener succombed to the grim reaper, death, last Monday, Feb.13,1899, after only a few days' illness. He leaves four children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. 2-17-1899 - WAGONER - ANDY - - MRS. - - John Stevens was in town Monday, and reported that Mrs.Andy Wagoner was dying on his place east of Widener. There has been considerable fatal sickness there recently. Later reports tell of the death of Mrs.Wagoner. 2-17-1899 - TEMPLE - JAMES - - - - MADISON-The many friends of James Temple will regret to learn of his death, which occurred at his brother in law's place, one and a half miles from Madison, last Friday night, Feb.10,1899, at 3 o'clock. He was formerly a resident of this county, but for the last six or seven years he lived in Texas until last summer, when his health became so bad that he returned to Madison, hoping that the return would be beneficial to his health, when he learned he suffered from consumption. He was never married, his loving sister and numerous other relatives have the sympathy of the entire community. 2-17-1899 - BROWN - JAMES - - MRS. - - Fulwood-Our community was greatly shocked on last Sunday morning when the news was received that the death angel had hovered over the home of James Brown, and seized his companion as his prey. Mrs. Brown died of congestion after an illness of only a two days. She leaves a husband and five children, together with a host of sorrowing relatives and friends to mourn their loss, but we can say that she was a good mother and loving wife and an ardent helpmeet. We extend our warmest sympathy to the bereaved family and refer them to the God on high. 2-17-1899 - MAXIE - JOSIE - - - - Burned to Death-Josie Maxey and six year old son cremated Saturday night, Feb.11,1899. About 8 o'clock Saturday night Josie Maxey, a lady with a six year old son were burned to death at their home near the Iron Mountain depot. Late in the afternoon the woman was observed staggering homeward in a state of intoxification. It is supposed that she built a fire in the stove, and laid across the bed, the mattress of which consisted of tick filled with hay. It is possible the building caught fire from the stove, but the true facts will never be known. 2-24-1899 - TACKET - SUSIE - - MRS. - HUGHES - Obituary-Died, on Feb.8,1899, at her home near Pine Tree, this county, of pneumonia, after a short illness, Mrs.Susan Tacket, aged 61 years. She was buried at Hughes cemetery, Rev.L.E.Pinckney officiating. Deceased was born in Tennessee, but had resided in this county for the last eight years. She was the wife of Mr.Thomas Tacket, of this community, they having been married forty-one years. She leaves a husband and eight children to mourn the loss of a loving wife and kind mother, and numerous friends who regret the loss of a Christian lady. She was, up to the time of her death, a member of the Baptist church, and had been for more than thirty-five years. 2-24-1899 - JACKSON - MOLLIE - - MRS. - - New Castle-Mrs.Mollie Jackson died at the home of her son-in-law, R.S. Swan, on the night of Feb.18,1899 of congestion. She was sick only a few days. She would soon have been 61 years of age. She lived to raise eight children (six girls and two boys), the youngest being 23 years of age. She has had thirty-four grandchildren, thirty of whom are living and four dead. Mrs.Jackson was a devout member of the Methodist church. Her children did all they could for her in life, and spared nothing that they thought would do her good in her last hours of affliction. But the cold hand of death was too heavy for them to raise. Thanks to her friends for their kind assistance. 2-24-1899 - JENNINGS - HENRY - - - CITY - Henry Jennings, well known to our people as night marshall of this city, died at 3 o'clock this morning, Feb.24,1899. He had been a sufferer from consumption for some time, and that malady was the cause of his death. He was a good man, a faithful officer, an upright citizen, and a gentleman in all the relations of his life. His wife survives him. The funeral took place at 4 o'clock this afternoon, under the auspices of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, of which order he was a member in good standing. 3-3-1899 - WILKERSON - M. - - - - The Times regrets to learn of the death of M.Wilkinson of Palestine, who has been a subscriber for several years. He leaves a family, and they have our sympathy. 3-3-1899 - OURY - THOMAS - F. - SR. - - Tom F. Oury is Dead-He was founder of the Forrest City Times. The Arkansas Democrat of Wednesday says: Thomas F.Oury, a well known printer of this city, died at noon today at his house, 1316 Bishop Street, aged 59 years, after a lengthy illness. His wife, two sons and a daughter survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 3 p.m. from his late residence. "Tom" Oury, as he was known among his associates, was born in Mississippi in 1841. His life was uneventful till the Civil war when he enlisted in the Mississippi Confederate Army. Before the conflict came to an end, he had suffered many hardships. In the 1870's he went to Forrest City, Ark. where he established the Forrest City Times Newspaper, in 1883 he sold this publication and came to Little Rock to accept a position with Opie Read, who was then the publisher of the Arkansas Traveler. When Read went north, Oury began work on the Daily Democrat, and was in their employ until his health failed. The surviving children are T.F.Oury, Jr., of Pine Bluff; Frank and Mrs.R.M.Pearson of Little Rock. Mr.Oury was a brother in law of Mrs.P.D.Boyle, and is well remembered by scores of citizens here. 3-3-1899 - CRIPPEN - KATE - - MRS. - - Last Monday morning, Feb.27,1899, death entered our midst and claimed the life of Mrs.Kate, wife of G.W.Crippen, and one of Madison's most noble women. She had been an invalid for five years, and contracted a cold in the recent severe weather which progressed. She was a dutiful daughter, a loving sister, and devoted wife and mother. She leaves a husband and two children (the youngest too young to realize its loss) a mother, two brothers, and a sister, to whom we extend condolence in this hour with them. 3-3-1899 - HUMPHREY - JAMES - - - - Mrs.G.W.Crippen's brother, James Humphreys death preceded hers by only five days, Feb.22,1899. 3-10-1899 - EAKES - BROWN - - - - Brown Eakes died at the state penitentiary Feb.27,1899. Eakes, it will be remembered lay in wait and killed Bud Williams from ambush, and received a sentence of five years. 3-24-1899 - GORUM - F. - M. - MRS. - - The Times is sorry to learn of the death of Mrs.F.M.Gorum, of Palestine, which sad event occurred Monday, Mar.20,1899. She died of congestion and was sick only a few hours. The family have our sympathy in their great bereavement. 3-24-1899 - ROLLWAGE - ROBERT - A. - - CITY - Robert A.Rollwage Dead-Second Victim of the Powder Explosion of June 19,1898-Robert Allison Rollwage, son of Louis and Lizzie Rollwage, of this city, died at the family residence on North Washington Street yesterday evening, Mar.23,1899, at 5:30 o'clock, after a long and tedious illness, the result of injuries received in the powder explosion in his father's store, age 16 years 11 months and 19 days. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Presbyterian church, Eld.W.James Robinson officiating, and the precious remains of a beloved son, and brother, a bright energetic, capable and promising boy, will be laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery. It will be remembered that he suffered considerable amount of burns which never really healed, and after undergoing skin transplants, which were unsuccessful, three weeks ago he was brought home from the Mitchel and Maury Infirmary in Memphis after Robert was attacked by stomach trouble. He gradually grew worse, and finally succombed. 4-7-1899 - HAMBLETON - O. - E. - - CITY - Death of O.E.Hambleton-O.E.Hambleton died at his residence, four miles southwest of the city, Saturday morning, Apr.1,1899, at ten o'clock. While not unexpected, the news spread a gloom over his many friends and acquaintances, and his character was freely discussed, all agreeing that God had taken home "one of his Noblest works"-an honest man. The interment took place at the Forrest City cemetery Sunday at 2 o'clock and was largely attended by all classes of citizens. The services were conducted by Eld.W.C.Davidson, of the Methodist church, and after all the last sad rites were performed by the Knights of Pythias, loving hands placed garlands of flowers on the mound, beautiful tributes of love and regard. Mr.Hambleton was born in Tipton Co., Tenn. about 54 years ago, and came to Arkansas in 1880. He served through the Civil war under Gen.Forrest, from the beginning to the end. He was elected and served as county treasurer in 1896 and 1897. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church, a loving husband and father, and a good citizen. The deceased had been married twice and leaves seven children-his surviving wife having been Miss Fannie Williams, sister to Mrs.J.T.Fondren, of this city. 4-7-1899 - WORD - ADLAI - C. - - CITY - Death of A. Word-"Adlai Word is dead." was the sorrowing sentence repeated by many of Forrest City's best men and women last Saturday evening, Apr.1,1899, that gentleman having expired at his home near Riverside, Ark. No more honest man ever lived than Adlai; brave, patriotic, and as tender hearted as a babe. Selfishness he abhorred. In loyalty and fidelity to his friends he equated Damon and Pythias. He was a characteristic Kentuckian. He came to Arkansas in 1872, and for many years was closely and pleasanty associated with our people, and when it was learned by his many friends here that he had been stricken with pneumonia, and subsequently had succumbed to the dreaded and fatal disease, universal sorrow and sympathy prevailed. He leaves a wife and one child. Amid a concourse of sorrowing friends, with tear stained cheeks, we registered Adlai as an inhabitant of the City of the dead, at Forrest City Cemetery, on April 3rd. We covered his grave with flowers, and left him in the hands of a just and merciful God. May that God watch over and protect the devoted and sorrowing wife, and the orphaned girl now just blooming into womanhood, and who was Adlai's idol; and in the by-and-by may they be a reunited household with the dear children who have preceeded them to the home of God. 4-21-1899 - GOVAN - GEORGE - M. - COL. - - Col.Geo.M.Govan, of Holly Springs, who died in New Orleans last week, was well known in eastern Arkansas. He was an uncle of Mrs.T.C.Merwin, of this city. 4-21-1899 - KING - TYLER - - - - Tyler King drowned at the Cut-off last Sunday. We do not have the particulars. 4-21-1899 - WALLACE - ARCH - - - - Wednesday morning news reached Madison of the killing by Gus Flowers of Arch Wallace, which occurred on the Short farm. 5-12-1899 - DOWNS - MOLLIE - - - - An aged woman, named Mollie Downs, well known to a large number of citizens, and who worked last year at the residence of W.H.Aldridge, committed suicide at the home of Roswell on the Wynne place, west of town, Tuesday, May 9,1899, while she was babysitting the kids while the rest of the family was in the fields. She was the mother of the ex-jailer Jim Wilson's wife. 5-12-1899 - HAYNES - - - MR. - BIBLE UNION - Horton-Mr.Haynes, who had been sick for some three months, died April 30,1899. He was buried in Bible Union cemetery amid a host of sorrowing friends. Mr.Haynes was a good citizen, a zealous and sincere Christian, a tender and loving parent and a thorough gentleman. To mourn him he leaves eight children to whom we extend our sympathy. 5-19-1899 - HUNTER - MARTHA - J. - MRS. - OAKLAND - Arkansas Gazette:Tuesday-May 16,1899-Died May 15,1899, Mrs.Martha J.Hunter, wife of Charles E.Hunter. Funeral today at 4 pm at the Oakland cemetery. Friends of the family invited to attend from Forrest City and Helena. He is a brother of D.I.Hunter of Forrest City. 5-19-1899 - BISCOE - THOMAS - L. - - - Helena, Ark.-May 12-Thomas L.Biscoe sticken, youngest son of the late Col.Henry N.Biscoe, who was one of the pioneers of who settled this county, was stricken with paralysis at 10 o'clock last night. Mr.Biscoe died the following day, May 12,1899. Tom Biscoe was well and favorably known in this city, having led to the altar one of Forrest City's most charming women, Miss Blanche, daughter of Capt. and Mrs.F.M.Prewett, to whom he was most devoted. Mr.Biscoe's mother, the late Mrs.J.H.O'Connor, died two months ago and left a handsome estate, which was to go to her son during his life, and then revert to the Episcopal church (Commercial Appeal in Memphis). 5-19-1899 - KELLEY - JOHNNY - - - - COLT-Mr.Fred Prewett of Forrest City, passed through Colt yesterday enroute to Wynne to attend the funeral of little Johnny Kelley. 5-26-1899 - SMITH - WALTER - - - McDaniel - The heartfelt sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs.Minnie Smith on the death of her precious little son. Little Walter was the joy and sunshine of the household, but the sweet spirit passed into the arms of its maker, on Monday evening, May 8,1899, and on the following day the dear form was laid to rest in the McDaniel cemetery. Little Walter was 6 months and 15 days old, when God called him home to heaven. The little fellow was ill for four long weeks, in which time the anxious mother assisted by friends and the physician did all she could to restore her child to health. 5-26-1899 - NAIL - EARL - - - BARNISHAW - Horton-Obituary-Died on May 18,1899, at his home in this vicinity, after a long and tedious illness, Mr.Earl Nail, aged 73 years. Was born in Tennessee. Came to this county when very young and has resided here most of his life. Was laid to rest in the Barney Shaw (probably Barnishaw). He leaves to mourn him two sons, who found him a loving father and numerous friends who regret the loss of a Christian gentleman and true friend. For the past thirty three years he had been a consistent member of Bible Union church. While we tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family, we will say, grieve not, for Christ will claim his own at the appointed time. We can only find consolation by putting our trust in the Lord, Who giveth and Who taketh, but doeth all things well. A Friend. Shown as Alexander Irvin Nail on FindAGrave site and birthdate as Sep.20,1825. 6-2-1899 - LANDVOIGHT - JOHN - A. - - - John A.Landvoight, of Washington, D.C., brother of our senior editor died at his residence in that city Monday, aged 63 years. He lived in Memphis for a number of years, before the civil war, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. This writer had the pleasure to meet him at Washington, while visiting there, several years ago. He was a kind husband, an indulgent father and a true friend. 6-16-1899 - RAWLISON - JOSHUA - - - MOUND PLACE - Joshua Rawlison, of Rawlison, died Friday night, Jun.9,1899 at his home, and was buried at the Mound Place cemetery on 15 mile bayou Saturday. He was about 62 years of age, was the postmaster of the settlement, and was highly esteemed by many friends. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his demise, four of whom are grown, and two young girls. The sympathy of the community goes out to them in their bereavement. 6-23-1899 - McCULLARS - ARTHUR - - MRS. - MISSOURI - Last week, Mrs.Arthur McCullars was brought to the Belser Hotel from Heth, very ill. Every attention was paid to her by the husband and other relatives and friends, but death had set its mark on her, and her spirit passed to its maker Sunday, Jun.18,1899, at 11 o'clock. Her remains were carried to West Plains, Mo., accompanied by her brother, for interrment. Mrs.McCullars was a sweet little woman and endeared herself to all whom she came in contact. Her death leaves a void in the family of Mr.& Mrs.Hawkins, her parents in law, which time alone can fill. 6-23-1899 - JONES - JENNIE - - MRS. - - Miss Dottie Dawson, left yesterday afternoon for Riverside, in response to a telegram announcing the death of her sister, Mrs.Jennie Jones, who died at that place, June 21,1899, at 10 o'clock and is to be buried today at 3 o'clock. The Times joins in sympathy with friends and relatives. 6-23-1899 - DeBELKA - MARY - - MRS. - CITY - Mrs.Mary DeBelka, of Whitemore, died Monday morning, June 19,1899, and her remains were brought to Forrest City and interred in the city of the dead on the hill. Mrs.DeBelka was well known in the city being the sister in law of Mr.John Stevens of Blackfish. 6-23-1899 - STARK - - - MRS. - CITY - Mrs.Stark, of Little Rock, died Friday, June 16,1899, at the residence of her son-in-law, Wright Lewis and was buried in the Forrest City cemetery Saturday. She was the mother of Mesdames S.N.Landers and Lewis, of this city. The Times extends their sympathy to the bereaved family. 7-7-1899 - JONES - JENNIE - - MRS. - - Uncle Jake Dawson spent last week at Riverside at the bedside of his daughter, Mrs.Jennie Jones, who died on Thursday of last week, June 29, 1899, and was buried at that place Friday last. 7-14-1899 - CAPE - ROBERT - - - - SHOT HIM IN THE RIGHT EYE-Sam Fallis and Robert Cape, of Telico township, became involved in a difficulty Tuesday morning, in which Cape was killed, Fallis shooting him in the right eye with a 38 calibre Winchester rifle, which resulted in his death in a few hours afterward. Both were farmers. Cape was a single man and was making a share crop on Ham Wood's place, while Fallis is working rented land in the same neighborhood, but was hauling staves at the time of the shooting. Fallis is a married man. The trouble in which Cape lost his life originated over some questionable stories which have a tinge of scandal that had been circulated about the neighborhood in connection with Ham Wood's daughter and Robert Cape. Cape accused Fallis of circulating the stories, and attempted to cut his throat, but was stopped by George Harper. He said he would be back. And he came back by the next day when the unhappy event occurred. The coroner's inquest returned the verdict of justifiable homicide. 7-28-1899 - NASH - IKE - - LITTLE - MT.VERNON - Passed Away!-Little Ike Nash is dead! The announcement of the death of little Ike Nash, which occurred Wednesday night at 9:30 p.m. Jul.26,1899, after an illness of two days, cast a shade of sorrow among his little playmates and a feeling of regret among all grown folks who knew the little fellow, and none will miss him or mourn him more than his chum, Hulbert Vadakin, who is now in Memphis. Quiet and unassuming, with just enough of the boy in him to make him interesting, Ike found his way to the affections of all. To his mother he was the idol, and words are inadequate to soften the grief of the stricken heart. She must look to the Great Comforter, who alone, promises to bear our burdens, and rest under the beautiful assurance that Ike has only answered the call of Jesus:"Suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." The burial took place yesterday afternoon at the Mt.Vernon cemetery, the wife of Rev.W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church officiated in the illness of her husband. Born 1891. Name is Isaac D.Nash per records of funeral home. 8-11-1899 - NEELY - CHARITY - - MRS. - TENNESSEE - Mrs.Charity Neely, mother of P.H. and Fred C. Neely, of this county, died last Friday night, Aug.4,1899, at her home in Whitesville, Tenn., aged 81 years, and was buried the following Sunday. She was born in North Carolina in 1818, and at her death left nine living children, all of whom were entirely devoted to her. Mrs.Neely resided in Forrest City with her son, Fred, from last November until last Monday a week ago, when she returned to her Tennessee home. Though quite feeble with age, she made the trip safely and was in apparent good health. A few days after her arrival, however, she was taken ill and never rallied. The family have the sympathy of their friends in their sad bereavement. Miss Minnie Neely had departed from Wheatley on the notice of her mother's illness. 8-11-1899 - SEMBLER - OPHELIA - - MISS - HUGHES - Miss Ophelia Sembler died Saturday morning, Aug.12,1899, at her home one mile west of Oak Hill, and was buried at Hughes cemetery the following day. Born Aug.16, 1876. Daughter of Wm.and Celia Sembler. 8-11-1899 - WATERMAN - - - MRS. - - Mrs.Waterman, a highly respected old lady living two miles west of Colt died Sunday, Aug.6,1899. 8-11-1899 - DEVASIER - JOHN - - - - We are informed that John Devasier, of Prairie township, Died Saturday night, Aug.5,1899. No particulars available. 8-11-1899 - BATTS - INFANT SON - - - - The infant son of Mr.& Mrs.George Batts died this morning at 5 o'clock, Aug.11,1899, and the mother is now in critical condition. The boy was born Aug.8,1899. 8-11-1899 - NEELY - P. - H. - CAPT. - GOODWIN - Capt.P.H.Neely of Wheatley, died Wednesday night, Aug.9,1899. Mrs.Fred Neely and Rev.N.B.Fizer went over on the morning train yesterday, the former to attend, and the latter to conduct the funeral service. The interrment took place at the Goodwin cemetery yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a large concourse of friends. Capt.Neely was well known throughout this and adjoining counties, and his death is sincerely regretted by all who knew him. 8-11-1899 - RANDOLPH - FRANK - - - CITY - By the Opium Route-Frank Randolph, an German itinerant butcher, age about 45 years, said to be from Richmond, Va., was found dead in his sleeping apartment above rear of the L.R.Grobmyer meat market last Sunday morning, Aug.6,1899. It was known to his employer that he was addicted to the opium habit, and they had noticed Saturday, that he seemed to be taking a little more than usual. Mr.Grobmyer remonstrated with him and elicted a promise that he, Randolph, would not take anymore. The body was found by Mat Grasmick the next morning. The remains were embalmed by Stevens Bros. and held until Tuesday, and then he was interred in the Forrest City cemetery. 8-11-1899 - SCOTT - AGGIE - - MRS. - CITY - Death of Aggie Scott-Aggie Louise Scott, the beautiful five year old daughter of Mrs.W.W.Scott of Haynes, died Monday afternoon at three o'clock, Aug.7,1899, of congestion, having been taken ill Friday evening. The precious remains were laid to rest in Forrest City Cemetery Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev.W.C.Davidson, officiating, and a large number of friends and sympathizers of the family were present. The child was a lovely baby, and this sudden separation will be the hardest trial of the the little darling's poor mother's life. The little one is at rest. Let it comfort the mother to know that her little darling is safe from bitter griefs of life and enjoying the kingdom of God. The family have our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of gloom. 8-25-1899 - SOUTH - JENNIE - - - CITY - Jennie, the sweet little four year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.E.South, died of congestion at the family residence Tuesday morning, Aug.22,1899, and the remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery the following day. The family has the kindly sympathy of the Times in their bereavement. Forrest City Times Newspaper Aug.28,1899 8-25-1899 - SCALES - W. - A. - MRS. - TENNESSEE - Mrs.W.A.Scales, of Madison, who went to Tennessee to visit relatives and be treated for cancer, died Tuesday of last week, Jul.15,1899, and was buried in that state. 8-25-1899 - SHAFER - WM. - - MRS. - MADISON - Mrs.Wm. Shafer, of Madison, died rather suddenly Tuesday morning, Aug.22,1899, of congestion of the bowels, and was buried Wednesday at the Madison cemetery. She was a splendid woman, and the mainstay of the family, and leaves a husband and two adopted children to mourn their loss. She was sister of Capt.A.Whyte. 9-1-1899 - SULLIVAN - JENNIE - - MRS. - - PALESTINE-Mrs.Jennie Sullivan, of Palestine, died Thursday of last week, Aug.24,1899, of chronic lockjaw. 9-1-1899 - PUGH - IDA - - MISS - - Yocona-Miss Ida Pugh, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Louis Pugh, of Yocona, died at her home Tuesday night, Aug.29,1899, of hematuria. She had been teaching school, and only a few days ago became ill and went home. Physicians were summoned, and she seemed to be getting better, but being full of energy she thought to get up alone, which she did, and fell in a faint upon the floor, and never regained consciousness. She was a most estimable young woman, greatly beloved by all who knew her, and her untimely death is a source of much sorrow to the entire community. The family have our sincere sympathy in their sorrow. 9-15-1899 - COOK - DAVID - G. - - CITY - Death of D.G.Cook-D.G.Cook of the Cook Hotel, was taken sick about 1 o'clock Thursday morning with malarial hematuria, and despite the utmost efforts of the attending physicians, rapidly grew worse and died Sunday evening, Sep.10,1899, about six o'clock. The remains were interred at the Forrest City Cemetery the following day under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World and the Knights of Honor, of which orders he was a member in good standing. His brother, Mr.J.W.Cook of Carlisle, was summoned Saturday night, and arrived on the first train, and was a devoted watcher at his bedside until death claimed it's victim. Mrs. Cook had herself been very sick, and Sunday evening it was thought she was sinking, but she rallied, and though very ill, attended the funeral of her husband on Monday. David G.Cook was born July 11,1857, at Victoria, Knox Co., Illinois, came to Prairie County, Ark. April 1880, and was well and favorably known to the citizens of this county, having resided here about eighteen years, during which time he was engaged in the well, farming, and hotel business. The family has our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. Mrs.J.W.Cook and two daughters came over to attend the funeral. 9-22-1899 - McCLENDON - Rebecca - J. - MRS. - Mt.Vernon - Death of Mrs.McClendon- Mrs.Rebecca J.McClendon, mother of Mrs.B.F.McCrary and T.W.McClendon, of this city, died at the residence of the former, Monday, Sep.17,1899, after a protracted illness, and at an advanced age. The remains were interred in Mt.Vernon cemetery Tuesday, where a large concourse of friends assemble to pay their last respects and witness the sad funeral service, which was conducted by the Rev.W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church, of which she was a devout member. Born April 17,1838 plot 6507. 9-29-1899 - DAWSON - HUNTER - - - Mt.Vernon - Death of Hunter Dawson-The news of the death of Hunter Dawson spread like a pall over the city last Saturday morning. He had been sick sometime, but confined to his bed for only a short time, many of his friends had not heard of his illness, and on Friday night, Sep.22,l899 died suddenly. He was about (>>unreadable) of age, though on account of premature grayness, might have been considered an older man. He died at the home of his brother, Uncle Jake Dawson, about one mile northwest of town, and was buried at the Mt.Vernon cemetery Monday, the remains having been held awaiting the arrival of a brother and sister. Hunter Dawson was a good citizen, very quiet and unassuming in character, and highly respected by all who knew him. Willie Dawson, of Columbia, Tenn. attended the funeral, his sister Miss Bettie was unable to come with him. 10-6-1899 - POSEY - J. - W. - - - In memoriam, since our last meeting of the Quorom court, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has taken our brothers, P.J.Neely, James F. Dickert, and J.W.Posey from our midst. Respectively:R.W.Peevey/J.J.Wood/J.R.Sanders, Committee. 10-6-1899 - DICKERT - JAMES - F. - - - In memoriam, since our last meeting of the Quorom court, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has taken our brothers, P.J.Neely, James F. Dickert, and J.W.Posey from our midst. Respectively:R.W.Peevey/J.J.Wood/J.R.Sanders, Committee. 10-13-1899 - EVANS - JOHN - - - - The grim harvestor, Death has made a deep furrow among the old time folks of this city the past week. The familiar figures of John Evans, Will Grandberny, and Jim Ford will no longer be seen in the walks of life-they have passed over the river. 10-13-1899 - GRANDBERNY - WILL - - - - The grim harvestor, Death has made a deep furrow among the old time folks of this city the past week. The familiar figures of John Evans, Will Grandberny, and Jim Ford will no longer be seen in the walks of life-they have passed over the river. 10-13-1899 - FORD - JIM - - - - The grim harvestor, Death has made a deep furrow among the old time folks of this city the past week. The familiar figures of John Evans, Will Grandberny, and Jim Ford will no longer be seen in the walks of life-they have passed over the river. 10-13-1899 - McDANIEL - L. - O. - MRS. - McDaniel - Gone to Rest-The Times is again called upon to perform a sad duty-announcing the death of Mrs.L.O.McDaniel. Her death occurred on Friday afternoon, Oct.6,1899, and the remains were laid to rest in the McDaniel cemetery Saturday. Rev.W.W.Bohannon officiating. Mrs.McDaniel was the daughter of Mrs.Calloway Casteel, and was hardly in the prime of life when called to rest. She lived for her husband and children, yet always had time to think of the comfort of others. She leaves a husband and four children, aged parents, and immeasurable friends to mourn their loss. \ 10-20-1899 - WILLIAMS - MABEL - - MISS - CITY - Death of Mabel Williams-Mabel Williams, the sweet little 7 year old daughter of Mrs.Mattie Williams, of Palestine, died Monday, Oct.16,1899, of congestion, and the remains were brought to the this city and interred in the Forrest City Cemetery Tuesday. Quite a number of friends of the family came with the remains to pay their last respects to their little friend. She was a lovely child, and her death is a sad affliction to her devoted mother and other relatives, to whom the Times extends its sincere sympathy. 10-27-1899 - EAST - TOM - - - - Tom East, a well known citizen of the St.Francis bottom, died at his home on Shell Lake, on Tuesday night, Oct.17,1899, and was buried at the Patterson graveyard the following day. He leaves a wife and two step sons. 11-3-1899 - ADAMS - JOHN - - - - John Adams, a restaurant keeper at Haynes, was killed in this city Sunday night while resisting arrest. Adams came to town in a buggy and driving in to Stevens Livery stable, borrowed a hitch rein and tied his mule. He proceeded to get drunk. At the time he returned and unhitched his animal, he failed to return the hitch rein. Mr. Stevens sent his porter to Adams to demand the rein. But Adams in a bullying way, refused the porter, and to emphasize his refusal pulled a pistol. Mr.Stevens and Mr.Webb went to the rescue. They were dared to get the hitch pen. The men were unharmed and deemed it best to get night Marshall Rainbolt. While they were away Adams started off. Rainbolt soon overtook him, and made an effort to stop him, not thinking that Adams would resist. The officer did not know the man, and when he again pulled his pistol, Rainbolt returned fire and soon a duel was on. A crowd was attracted and friends went to the officer's rescue. Ten or twelve shot rang out, and Adams fell dead with a 14 calibre revolver piercing his head. The coroner was summoned, and a verdict was returned as follows:"We the jury, find that deceased, John Adams, came to his death from a bullet wound, same having been inflicted by some person unknown, while Adam's was resisting arrest." 11-3-1899 - ETHERIDGE - MARTHA - - MRS. - - Obituary-On Tuesday evening, Oct.31,1899, as the clock pointed to one, "the Reaper Death came into the home of William Barnes, and claimed from him his best friend-mother." She had lived a devout Christian woman. She called her son and wife to the bed, and said; "I am not afraid to die." Her loved ones know she can not come to them, but oh, what a consolation it should be to them to know if they do their Master's will, as she did, they can go to her. Mrs.Martha Etheridge was born June 16, 1831. 11-10-1899 - CASTEEL - MILTON - W. - - CITY - Milton W.Casteel-Last Friday night, Nov.3,1899, at 10 o'clock, after a brief illness of three days. Mr.Milton Casteel succombed to an acute attack of malarial hematuria, and was bured the following day at 3 o'clock at the Forrest City Cemetery. In Milton Casteel the people of this county and community knew a quite, unpretentious man, who devoted his time and energies strictly to his own affairs, taking little or no interest in public matters. He was economical and painstaking to a fault, and everybody respected him as an honorable man, a Christian, and a gentleman. A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains of this good man to their last resting place on the hill, and in sadness gathered around the open grave with those of the loving wife and children in performing the last rites over all that was mortal of a loving husband, a kind and indulgent father and a staunch and lasting friend. 11-10-1899 - LAMBERT - LULU - - MISS - - News reached the city Tuesday, Nov.7,1899, forenoon of the death of Miss Lulu Lambert, the sweet and amiable daughter of Mr.& Mrs.O.W.Lambert, of Franks township. She was just budding into womanhood, and was the idol of her parents and a large circle of friends. She was fourteen years of age, and was only ill a few days. 11-10-1899 - DAVIS - MURRAY - - - - Murray Davis, from Haynes, sustained injuries in jumping from the dirt train between Palestine and this city last Saturday, Nov.4,1899, which resulted in his death. Davis was stealing a ride. The Coroner's inquest found that Davis was stranded and out of employment at Palestine, and was desirous of coming to Forrest City, and asked the engineer of the dirt train, which operates between this city and Brinkley, to bring him over, which was refused, he then asked the conductor, who also refused. Nothing daunted and he hitched a ride, and when accosted by the engineer asking what he was doing, Davis then jumped from the train. They picked him up and took him to Forrest City where he died on Wednesday. The jury found that he died while jumping from a train while it was in motion. 11-10-1899 - GRISSOM - J. - J. - - - A Murder Mystery-J.J.Grissom, and industrious and reputable man was shot dead in his wagon while returning to his home from this city at an early hour Saturday night. Dempt Richmond, alias Braxton Richmond, and James Wright, who were in the wagon with the murdered man at the time of the killing, are in jail, and will have a speedy preliminary trial upon the charge of being the guilty parties in the murder. Grissom was a farmer, and hauled a considerable amount of wood to the city, which it was his custom to collect on Saturdays. Richmond is a laborer on the construction work of the Choctaw & Memphis railroad. Wright is a farmhand, and he and Richmond are close neighbors to Grissom. On the road home, after a single shot was fired, the body of Grissom was found half an hour later by passers by along the road, one mile from town. Marshall Wolff and Coroner Alley and jury went to the scene of the killing, and the two men were arrested. The two men told the Times they were eye witnesses to the killing. And that they had been held up by three white men on foot, carrying a lantern, and each presenting pistols, who told them to raise their hands. At this time Grissom was shot. The murdered man had no money on his person, and a mystery exists. 11-17-1899 - DAVIS - JULIAN - - LIEUT. - - The death of Lt.Julian Davis is deeply deplored by his comrades and friends of the late Second Arkansas regiment, which now reside in Forrest City and St.Francis County. He was a young man of pronounced military genius and gave promise of a brilliant career. After serving faithfully and conscientiously in the late Spanish-American unpleasantness, he accepted a commission in the provisional army of the Phillipines, where he was killed in a battle last Sunday, Nov.12,1899. The writer is proud of the record of made by this valiant young officer, and glad that we knew him as a friend and gentleman, but in his death we are made to forcibly realize how dearly the victory has been bought. 11-24-1899 - WILLIAMS - LUCINDA - - MRS. - CITY - Mrs.J.W.Williams Dead-Mrs.Lucinda Williams, wife of Mr.J.W.Williams, Sr., of St.Francis County died at the home of her son, Mr.James W.Williams, Jr. at this place, 10:30 am this morning, Nov.24,1899. Mrs.Williams came up from her home in St.Francis county two weeks ago last Sunday to visit her son, James, Jr. and on the following Friday, Nov.3rd was stricken with paralysis. The best of medical attention was called in, but her malady was beyond the reach of human skill. The relatives and friends waited and watched by her for the end; it being apparent for the last few days that dissolution had set in. Thus has been called away, after life's toils and battles, a good Christian woman whose life should be emulated by all. Mrs.Williams was born in Talbert County, Ga. on Feb.11,1822, and was married to James Williams in 1841 in the state of Alabama. The offspring of this marriage were George Williams, deceased; Elizabeth, the wife of Mr.West of Marianna;Fannie, wife of O.E.Hambleton, of St.Francis county;Willela, wife of Mr.Fondren, of Forrest City;Miss Reuta, of St.Francis County; James W. and R.E.Williams of this city. Mrs.Williams was a consistent member of the Baptist church since childhood and her beautiful life was an example of her many christian virtues. Loved and respected by all who knew her. The relatives and friends have the full sympathy of the citizens of Wynne in their irreparable loss of wife and mother. Her remains will be interred in the Forrest City Cemetery at Forrest City tomorrow, and the Rev.Paslay will officiate. Cross County News. 12-1-1899 - WEST - J. - R. - DR. - - Dr.West Killed by Redus-Dr.J.R.West, a prominent merchant and planter of this county, residing at Wheatley, twenty miles west of Forrest City, and a man of some financial importance, was killed Monday evening, Nov.27,1899, about 7 o'clock by J.W.Redus, who had been associated with him in a business way, and who had been farming about 300 acres of West's land this year. West and Redus had a contract which bound them to a three year farming partnership. This contract became offensive to West and he and Redus had quarrelled over the matter. West was anxious to get rid of Redus as a partner. On the other hand, Redus wanted the contract to stand as it was. A bad spirit existed between the two men. Monday evening there was a crowd at West's store in Wheatley. Redus was there, and he and West commenced talking about their agreement, and West told Redus that he wanted wanted him to get off his land. Redus expressed himself as intending to abide by the contract, and farm the land for two more years. A quarrel followed in which Redus shot West thru the abdomen, from which wound he died in a short time. Redus came to the city to give himself up to the authorities, on the first train, and told the Times:"I was at West's store on business; just before I started for home I went out in front of the store to talk with West about business; and he commenced to talk with me in a bullying manner, talking in an abrupt way, and attempted to draw his pistol, and I just simply got their first. West had been bullying people of that country for years. I think I was completely justified in killing West." He was acquitted by the grand jury. 12-1-1899 - BARNETT - ANNA - E. - MRS. - CITY - Death of Mrs.Barnett-Mrs.Anna E. Barnett, mother of L.D.Barnett, and sister of Mrs.Jno.M.Prewett, of this city, and Mrs.Jas.M.Stewart of Little Rock, died in this city Tuesday morning, Nov.28,1899, about 3 o'clock of pnemonia, at the age of 66 years, and was buried at the Forrest City Cemetery Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. The funeral took place from the Baptist church, of which deceased was a consistent member. Rev.A.N.Couch conducting the beautiful though sad ceremonies. Mrs.Barnett was a lady of rare accomplishments, a loving mother, a true and consistent friend, and was widely known, both here and in Little Rock and other places where she had visited or resided. She came to Arkansas from Kentucky in the early 50's with her father's family and located at Madison, then the county site of St.Francis county. The funeral was largely attended, and all that love could suggest was done for respect for her memory. 12-1-1899 - HODGES - JESSE - - MRS. - Yocona - The Times and the many other friends of the family were deeply pained to learn of the death of Mrs.Jesse Hodges which sad event occurred at the family home last Friday night, Nov.23,1899, about ten o'clock of pneumonia. The precious remains were interred in the Yocona Cemetery Sunday, where a large concourse of of sorrowing relatives and loving friends followed to pay their last respects to the departed. She was in her 55 th year, was greatly loved by all who knew her and was a consistent christian. 12-22-1899 - EPPES - SADIE - - MISS - - On Wednesday night of last week, Dec.13,1899, Sadie Eppes died at the home of the parents Mr.& Mrs.W.Eppes of Madison. Births: - - - - - - 2-17-1899 - BROWN - BABY - - - - R.L.Brown is all smiles now, as his wife presented him with a bouncing baby girl on the morning of Feb.12,1899. The mother and babe doing well. 3-3-1899 - McFALL - BABY - - - - Madison-Since our last, a young Miss McFall has entered the home of P.W.McFall, and to say the father is elated puts it mildly. 3-17-1899 - ALLEN - BABY - - - - The many friends of Mrs.Annie (Yerzley) Allen, of Brinkley, will join the Times in congratulations on the arrival of a baby boy as a late arrival to their home who arrived on the 14th. 3-31-1899 - LONG - BABY - - - - Mrs.Kate (Izard) E.A.Long is the proud mother of a fine boy, which she presented to the doctor upon his return from Nashville Wednesday. 4-14-1899 - BOND - BABY - - - - Scott Bond was in town Friday, and announced the birth of his eleventh son arrived Thursday night. 4-21-1899 - DUNAVANT - BABY - - - - Dr. and Mrs.J.H.Dunavant are rejoicing over the advent of a bouncing baby girl who came to their home Monday. 7-21-1899 - GRAY - TOM - - - - We inadvertently omitted to mention last week "the angel's visit" to the household of Mr.& Mrs.E.T.Gray. Its a big boy, and came on Thursday of last week, July 13,1899. 8-11-1899 - BRIDGEWATER - BABY - - - - There is a brand new baby at the home of G.W.Bridgewater, which arrived Monday, night, and the father now drives a nail home with one stroke. 8-11-1899 - BATTS - BABY - - - - The ranks of the blacksmiths were reinforced last week. George Batts is the proud father of a baby boy who arrived Tuesday, Aug.8,1899, both mother and baby are doing fine. 8-25-1899 - GATLING - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.John Gatling are the proud parents of another fine boy, which arrived at their home Friday afternoon. They now have five boys and five girls. 9-8-1899 - FONDREN - BABY - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Thos.Fondren are rejoicing over the birth of a fine new baby boy who arrived yesterday, Sep.7,1899. 10-13-1899 - SELLERS - BABY - - - - Thad Sellers is the proud father of a bouncing baby girl. The little lady arrived Tuesday of last week. 10-27-1899 - TERRILL - BABY - - - - C.D.Terrill's cup of happiness was filled to overflowing on the advent of a bouncing baby boy at his home Tuesday afternoon. 10-27-1899 - GURLEY - BABY - - - - None the less happy was Capt.E.L.Gurley when the news that a girl baby came on angel's wings at his home on Wednesday morning. Wedding: - - - - - - 1-13-1899 - McCULLAR - W. - A. - - - W.A.McCullar and Miss C.S.Eldringhoff were happily married at Heth last Tuesday evening. Mr.McCullar is the son of Mrs.T.A.Hawkins, and is in every way worthy of his fair bride, who hails from a state famous for its good women-Missouri. Squire J.B.Sanders of this city tied the knot 3-17-1899 - HILL - J. - H. - - - Married at the residence of the bride's father, in L'Anguille township, by Rev.W.H.Harper, Mar.15,1899. Mr.J.H.Hill, postmaster at Pine Tree, and Miss Martha A. Kelly. 5-12-1899 - GADBERRY - THOMAS - - - - Thomas Gadberry and Miss Lucy Hill were married May 6,1899 at 1 o'clock by Squire P.T.Raiford, at his office in the city. 5-26-1899 - SULCER - - - MR. - - Mr.Sulcer and Miss Roberson, the former from Proctor, and the latter from Mississippi, were married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday by Rev.W.C.Davidson. 5-26-1899 - KIRBY - FRANK - - - - Frank Kirby and Miss Maud Littlefield were married at the residence of Mrs.Humphreys in the northern part of town Sunday by Rev.W.C.Davidson. 6-23-1899 - HAMBLETON - E. - - - - Mr.E.Hambleton and Miss Lizzie Moore were united in holy matrimony by Squire P.T.Raiford, at his office in the city Monday, June 19,1899. 6-23-1899 - ALEXANDER - CHARLES - - - - Charles Alexander and Miss Annie Clay were married by Squire Raiford at his office June 17,1899. 6-23-1899 - BARKER - PERCY - H. - - - Cupid's Capers-Married at Forrest City, Saturday morning, June 24,1899 at ten o'clock, Mr.Percy H.Barker and Miss Serap Ada McDaniel. The bride Is the youngest daughter of Capt.and Mrs.W.H.McDaniel, of this city. The groom was born in Shreveport, La., and lived at Terry, Hinds Co., Mississippi until he became of age. He attended the University of Virginia, and now occupies the position of bookkeeper for J.W.Beck & Co. of this city. 6-23-1899 - ROBINSON - HARRISON - - - - Married at the residence of Mrs.John Campbell Rhodes near Bible Union Thursday, June 22,1899, by Rev.L.H.Nehr, Mr.Harrison Robinson and Mrs.Lou Holwell. 6-23-1899 - BLOUNT - JOHN - H. - - - Announcement of nuptials for John H.Blount and Miss Lulu S.Williams on June.28,1899. 7-7-1899 - MIERS - PETER - - - - Our old friend, Peter Miers, of Millbrook, was in town Saturday looking as spify as a three year old, he announced he has just taken a new lease on life for himself a new young bride some months ago. 7-28-1899 - DENNIS - JAMES - W. - DR. - - Dr.Jas.W.Dennis of Helena, and Miss Leigh Rhodes of Whitesville, Tenn. were quietly and happily married last Monday evening at Helena. 8-4-1899 - GREEN - T. - B. - - - Married at the residence of Mr.John Stevens, near Blackfish Station, Monday, July 31,1899, Mr.T.B. Green and Mrs.Mary Dobelker, Rev.W.H.Paslay officiating. 8-4-1899 - PATTON - LUTHER - HENRY - - - A Happy Wedding-Wednesday evening at seven o'clock at the Baptist church, Mr.Luther Henry Patton of Woodward, Okla., and Miss Alva Geraldine Taylor, of this city, were joined together in the bonds of holy wedlock by Rev.W.H.Paslay, and the couple will move to Woodward to start their new journey. 8-11-1899 - HARPER - J. - W. - - - Palestine Nuptials-Married at the residence of the bride's step father, near Palestine on July 19, Miss Lulu I. Moeller to Mr.J.W.Harper, the Rev.W.B.Harper, brother of the groom officiating. 9-1-1899 - McKIE - JAMES - MADISON - - - Married at the residence of Judge Geo.M.Chapline, Miss Nelle Chapline and Mr.James Madison McKie of Forrest City by Rev.M.L.Walcher, Sunday evening, Aug.27,1899 9-15-1899 - HAMILTON - NOBLE - - - - Hamilton-Ezell Nuptials-Notwithstanding no cards, the cosy home of Mr.O.E.Ezell was comfortably filled last Monday night with relatives and friends, who would be delighted, to witness the marriage of Mr.Hamilton Noble, of Booneville, Miss. to Miss Nellie Wright Ezell, officiated by Eld.A.N.Couch. The bride is the only daughter of Mr.O.E.Ezell. The Ezell orchestra entertained afterwards. 9-22-1899 - DeROSSITT - FRANK - M. - - - Widener-Married at the residence of bride's aunt, Mrs.Charley McCutcheon, on Wednesday evening, Sep.20,1899, at 2:30 o'clock, were Mr.Frank M.Derositt and Miss Artie Ward. Esq.G.M.Ratten officiating. They will spend their honeymoon in Forrest City. The groom was a model soldier in Co.H. the Second Arkansas. 9-22-1899 - FOLBRE - HOMER - - - - Folbre-Williams-Homer Folbre and Miss Mary Williams of this city, were married at Bolton, Tenn. at the residence of the bride's sister, despite the parents objections on account of youth. 9-22-1899 - MOORE - T. - H. - - - Moore-Gurley-Mr.T.H.Moore and Miss Maud Gurley were married yesterday afternoon, Sep.24,1899, at the Methodist parsonage by Rev.R.C.Davidson 9-29-1899 - LYON - B. - A. - - - Lyon-Taylor-The marriage of Mr.B.A.Lyon and Miss Bettie Taylor was held Wednesday night, Sep.27,1899, by Rev.W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church. The couple will leave in a few days for the Indian Territory where they will live. 11-3-1899 - McVEIGH - HUGH - ROGERS - - - Rogers-McVeigh Nuptials-Last Tuesday evening Miss Florence Rogers and Mr.Hugh Rogers McVeigh were married at the home of the bride on Goslee street. Rev.A.U.Boone officiating. The groom is the Sect. of the St.Francis Co. Levee Board. 11-3-1899 - McKIE - W. - G. - DR. - - To be Married-Miss Johnnie Simmons to Dr.W.G.McKie at Harrisburg. 12-1-1899 - LEGG - E. - H. - - - Miss Rosa Lanier Married-Last Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 p.m. at the residence of her brother, Miss Rosa Emma Lanier was married to Mr.E.H.Legg, of Cross County. Rev.W.D.Davidson officiating. 12-1-1899 - BRADY - JOHN - T. - - - The Brady-Davis Nuptials-The marriage ceremony between Miss Florence Thomas Davis and Mr.John T.Brady. Capt.John Brady was a member of the Second Arkansas regiment now of Paris, Tenn. and a jeweler. 12-1-1899 - OWEN - VIRGIL - - - - News of the marriage of Mr.Virgil Owen to Miss Bell Montgomery at Wynne, Wednesday night. Both are of Cross County. 12-15-1899 - EZELL - O. - E. - - - Merrily Ring the Wedding Bells-The marriage of Mr.O.A.Ezell and Mrs. Minnie (Clark) Smith last Tuesday evening in the home of Mr.& Mrs.D.L.Hunter, officiated by Eld.J.N.Couch. 12-15-1899 - LYON - SAM - - - - The marriage of Miss Ida Hobbs of Colt and Mr.Sam Lyon Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church, Rev.W.C.Davidson officiating. 12-15-1899 - CALLAHAN - J. - T. - - - J.T.Callahan and Miss Ola Dale were happily married at the Ezell place last Sunday afternoon by Squire P.T.Raiford.Dec.10,1899. 12-22-1899 - BREWER - MARCUS - B. - - - The marriage of Mr.Marcus B.Brewer and Miss M.L.Claridge 12-29-1899 - HARRIS - J. - H. - - - J.H.Harris married Miss Mattie Braswell at the residence of the bride's parents near Caldwell on Dec.24,1899 by H.C.Fogg, JP. Announcements: - - - - - - 1-6-1899 - C.H.HAVENS AND WIFE VISIT HOMEPLACE - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.C.H.Havens left Wednesday evening for a visit to the former's relatives in Sweet Springs, Mo. and points in Kansas, whom he has not seen in twenty years. Mrs.Nannie Ezell of Memphis is acting matron for her parents while they are away. 1-6-1899 - CHARLEY GURRY DISCHARGED - - - - - Charley Gurley returned home Monday and will no longer serve Uncle Sam, having received his discharge from the Second Arkansas Regiment. He asserts he has had enough of the soldier life. 1-6-1899 - A.J.DAVIS AND FAMILY LEAVE FRANKS TOWNSHIP - - - - - The family of A.J.Davis have moved into the Keathley residence, leaving Franks township to utilize the school system. 1-6-1899 - TOM GRIFFITH ARRIVES - - - - - Tom Griffith, of Elkton, Tenn., arrived Monday night and has taken a position with Brandon & Baugh. 1-6-1899 - UNCLE FLAV.IZARD CELEBRATES - - - - - Yesterday marked the seventy third anniversary of Uncle Flav.Izard's arrival in Arkansas. His parents reached this state on Jan.5,1826 when the present venerable gentleman was less than a year old. There is not now living a single person who was here at Mr.Izard's earliest recollection. He has seen the evolution of this section from a howling wilderness to a populous, prosperous, and highly civilized district, filled with intelligent and progressive people. 1-13-1899 - MRS.MACON OPENS STORE - - - - - Mrs.Macon, a Syrian, arrived in the city the first of the week, and opened a store in the J.J.Finnerty building. Mr.Macon is expected tomorrow. 1-13-1899 - DR.DUNNAVANT MOVES TO FORREST CITY - - - - - Dr.Dunnavant and family will move into the dwelling near the Baptist church owned by Mrs.Lena Williams and lately occupied by Will Shepherd and family, who have taken the Vadakin homestead. 1-20-1899 - SGT.LOUIS ROLLWAGE RECEIVES DISCHARGE - - - - - Sergt.Louis Rollwage has received his honorable discharge from Co.H, 2nd Regular Arkansas Volunteer Regiment, and is now attending the Bingham school in Asheville,N.C. 1-27-1899 - COMPANY H TO BE DISCHARGED - - - - - The Second Arkansas will be mustered out in a few days and Company H will return home. 1-27-1899 - MR.HOWELL VISITS MRS.R.J.IZARD - - - - - Mr.Howell, of Howell, Ark., has been in the city this week visiting the bedside of his daughter, Mrs.R.J.Izard. She is much improved. 1-27-1899 - PETER NARDINI ARRIVED FROM ITALY - - - - - Peter Nardini, a native of Italy, and recently of Memphis, arrived in the city Friday and is tending bar at the "Four Hundred" saloon. He is a gentlemen of "magnificent proportions". 1-27-1899 - A.L.STEVENS MOVE HERE - - - - - A.L.Stevens of Sardis, Miss, and Stevens Bros. moves here. 2-3-1899 - WILL DIXON DEPARTS - - - - - Widener-Will Dixon bade us a farewell as he left for Missouri. 2-3-1899 - BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MRS.SEMBLER - - - - - On the 23rd of January, 1899, there was a happy reunion and birthday party for Mrs.E.L.Sembler, at the home of daughter Mrs.Jennie A. Harris, in celebration of her 79th birthday. 2-17-1899 - MRS.NEELEY FAINTS - - - - - Last Monday, Mrs.Neeley, mother of Fred C.Neeley, of the Neeley house, while on the train to Wheatley to visit another son, P.H.Neeley of that place, was overcome by weakness and fainted. She was conveyed to the Belser and thence to her home. Her extreme age, 81 years, and consequent feebleness, made it doubtful about her recovery, but prompt attention brought her out of danger in an hour or so. 2-17-1899 - WORST SPELL OF WEATHER KNOWN - - - - - Very little of the snow and ice remain as reminders of the worst spell of weather ever known in Arkansas. But little of either is to be seen except in sheltered spots with Northern exposure. Everyone is thankful for that! Sunday is a day that will long be remembered in Madison, when the temperature fell to thirteen degrees below zero. 2-17-1899 - PARHAM LANDS SOLD - - - - - The Parham lands were sold today by Judge Geo.P.Taylor, received for about $21,500 the purchaser being P.K.Roots, executor of the estate of the late Logan R.Rooks of Little Rock. 2-24-1899 - AMERICAN TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE LINE CONTINUES - - - - - The American Telegraph and Telephone company contruction gang reached Forrest City enroute to Little Rock Monday afternoon. This will be used to reach New York City to California. 3-3-1899 - SECOND ARKANSAS MUSTERED OUT - - - - - The Second Arkansas regiment has been mustered out in Anniston, Alabama, and the members scattered to the four winds. Sunday morning's train brought a large contingent of Company H (The Taylor Rifles) and the night train a larger number. 3-3-1899 - MRS.TENNIE WRIGHT LEAVES - - - - - Democrat-Mrs.Tennie Wright left here Tuesday for Lonoke, Ark. to make her new home. 3-10-1899 - C.A.AHLSTEDT AND DAUGHTER VISIT - - - - - C.A.Ahlstedt and daughter Miss Ella Smith spent Sunday in Little Rock. 3-10-1899 - RING RAFFLED FOR JENNINGS - - - - - The diamond ring raffled for the benefit of the late Henry Jennings was won by Mrs.T.C.Merwin, who when it was delivered to her, very generously gave it back to Mrs.Jennings. 3-10-1899 - LIEUT.CHARLES R. IZARD RETURNS - - - - - Lieut.Charles R.Izard, formerly of Company H, Second Arkansas Volunteers returned to Forrest City Friday, where his many relatives and friends were glad to see him. 3-10-1899 - MRS.MABLE GATTEN VISITS - - - - - Mrs.Mable Gatten, of Colt, is visiting the Misses Littlefield on Crow Creek. 3-10-1899 - NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT ALMOST FINISHED - - - - - The new electric light plant is nearing completion, and the trouble with the lights will be no more. Mr.Shepherd informs us that it will be in operation the latter part of the week. The boiler has 100 horsepower and the dynamo is capable of 1000 lights. 3-10-1899 - CONFEDERATE REUNION TO BE IN CHARLESTON, S.C. - - - - - The Confederate veteran reunion will be held in Charleston, S.C., in May next. All those attending please notify the adjutant, Ed Landvoight of the Times. 3-17-1899 - MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE POSTS YEAR END RESULTS - - - - - The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York shows assets of over $277 million dollars. Per Special Agent R.J.Izard of Forrest City. 3-17-1899 - NEW POST OFFICE IN L'ANGUILLE TOWNSHIP - - - - - A new post office will be opened in L'Anguille township at Horton, W.T.Ellis is Postmaster. 3-17-1899 - DR.N.P.BEAUCHAMP IN TOWN - - - - - Dr.N.P.Beauchamp, of Riverside, was in town Wednesday for a few hours. 3-17-1899 - GUESTS IN TOWN THIS WEEK - - - - - Miss Annie Young of Madison;M.E.Williams of Colt;Peterson Jackson and son of Democrat;W.J.Todd of Franks township;Peter Bramel of Wheatley;Mrs.J.H.Neeley of Little Rock;G.W.Latimer of Union City, Tenn.;Miss Elise Avery of Hot Springs;Mesdames. Nannie Ezell and Mattie Barlow of Memphis;F.M.Pipkin of Linden;T.J.Withers of Widener;P.H.Neely of Wheatley;Mrs.C.C.Moore of Palestine;Robert Brown of New Castle;W.R.Kendrick of Widner;J.H.Bynum and G.T.Hinson of L'Anguille township;Pete Covington of Madison;Miss Blanche McKie of Vanndale;Judge Robertson of Wynne;W.H.Oak of Mud Lake;T.O.Fitzpatrick of New Castle;C.A.Gorum of Palestine. 3-24-1899 - GUESTS IN TOWN THIS WEEK - - - - - Rev.J.A.Harper of Colt;Mrs.George Bottom and daughter Miss Mattie;Hugh Coffey of Palestine;John R.Benzley of Tennessee;Bob Worrell of Marianna;Miss Rosa Lanier and her widowed sister Mrs.Sallie Wyse of Paragould;Cora James of Caldwell;M.E.Ross and sister Miss L.M.Ross of St.Louis whose father operated a mill on Spring Creek, John Ross;C.L.Eggleston and Jas.Harrington of the Choctaw;Tom Tackett and papa Rabe of Pine Tree;Miss Emma Carr and aunt Mrs.Jane Higgins of Pine Tree; 3-24-1899 - DR.E.A.LONG OPENS DENTAL OFFICE - - - - - Dr.E.A.Long will open his new dental office in this city next week. He is lately graduated at Nashville, Tenn. 3-24-1899 - MR.& MRS.BELSER TAKE SON TO LITTLE ROCK - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.L.H.Belser take son Lawrence to Little Rock to enter the Loveroy's Electrical Infirmary to restore his health. 3-31-1899 - GUESTS IN TOWN THIS WEEK - - - - - Henry Terry left for Sallisaw, I.T.;H.S.Thomas of below Madison;J.T.Abrahm of Little Rock;J.L.Lanier of Memphis;G.C.Taylor of Palestine;Mrs.Geo.Davis and George Elliott Davis, Jr. of Wynne are guests of Dr.and Mrs.W.H.Alley;Rev.J.W.Harper of Fullwood;C.A.Gorum of Palestine;Mrs.Edna Cotton Ramsey of Memphis;Mrs.J.A.Williams of Haynes;Jim Hall of Pine Tree;Prof.W.L.Prewitt finished the term of school at Colt;E.Duncan and A.Ashworth of Blackfish township;W.H.Moss;Mr.& Mrs.A.J.Vaccaro and son from Brinkley;J.P.Landrum of near Crawfordsville;Mrs.Emma Izard and daughter Letha of Wynne;S.T.McDaniel;W.L.McRaven of Little Rock and state agent for Remington Typewriter;Sebastian Straub of Helena visiting Gen.Geo.P.Taylor;Mrs.V.E.Sumpter of Brinkley;T.R.Hoshall of Franks township;A.D.McDaniel of McDaniel;Mark Izard of Wynne; 3-31-1899 - CHARLES R.IZARD TAKE POST AT THE TIMES - - - - - Charles R.Izard has taken a position with the Times in composing room as chief compositor. 4-7-1899 - TELEPHONE EXCHANGE READY BY APR.15 - - - - - Capt.Head was in town and informed us the telephone exchange would be in operation by Apr.15,1899. Eighteen residences and twenty seven businesses already are signed up. 4-14-1899 - NEW OIL MILL TO BE IN FORREST CITY - - - - - A new oil mill will be opened here by The Consumers Cotton Oil Co., Swift & Morris, Chicago, owners. They have purchased twenty acres of the Sledge land west of the hotel.6-9-1899 The contract was let to C.A.Ahlstedt. 4-21-1899 - MISS MARY IZARD MOVES - - - - - The genial presence of Miss Mary Izard is missed from the Neeley House. She is now residing with her aunt, Mrs.Jennie Pope with whom she plans to reside. 4-21-1899 - P.A.McCULLARS MOVES - - - - - P.A.McCullars had moved to Paragould to reside. 4-21-1899 - SEE THE BATTLESHIP NASHVILLE - - - - - See the battleship Nashville at Helena Sunday. One fare for the round trip via, Iron Mountain route. 5-5-1899 - M.W.IZARD VISITS - - - - - M.W.Izard, the genial host of the Izard Hotel in Wynne, was in the city on business Monday. 5-5-1899 - RAILROAD TRIP TO EX-CONFEDERATE REUNION - - - - - The Choctaw & Memphis railroad is offering round trip tickets to Charleston, S.C. for the Ex-Confederate Reunion for $16.40. 5-5-1899 - THE TIMES MUSEUM RECEIVES SAND ROCK FROM MOUND - - - - - The Times Museum is endebted to Mr.Green Devasier of near Palestine, for a rare curiousity, dug from from an Indian Mound. It is a small circular shaped rock, evidently used for sharpening arrow heads. This is the first of this type rock ever found. 5-5-1899 - DR.J.O.RUSH AND W.M.STONE WENT TO HELENA - - - - - Colt-Dr.J.O.Rush and W.M.Stone went to Helena to see the Nashville Sunday. 5-12-1899 - MONUMENT TO BE ERECTED - - - - - The Woodmen of the World will dedicate a monument on May 21 over the grave of J.S.Thomas. 5-12-1899 - J.N.DAVIS MOVES - - - - - J.N.Davis, of Widener, has moved to Oregon on Monday where he will make his future home. 5-12-1899 - CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS - - - - - Ad-Hargraves and Hamilton-Repair work a specialty. Leave orders at W.T.Sanders grocery store. W.D.Hargraves and N.N.Hamilton. 5-19-1899 - 35,000 EX-CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS IN CHARLESTON, S.C. - - - - - May 11-Charleston, S.C.-Over 35,000 veterans attended the reunion today. 5-19-1899 - LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE - - - - - A long distance telephone service is now available to patrons of the Forrest City Telephone Exchange, calls to Memphis and Hot Springs among the places available. 5-19-1899 - FIRM OF G.W.KOONCE DISSOLVES - - - - - The firm of G.W.Koonce dissolves upon the retirement of Mr.Koonce. The business will be continued by John R.Brown. 5-26-1899 - DR.J.W.DENNIS MOVES - - - - - Dr.J.W.Dennis moves to Helena yesterday to set up his shingle and make his residence. We are sorry he did not hang his shingle here. 5-26-1899 - NEW BRAKEMEN ON CHOCTAW AND MEMPHIS - - - - - Oscar Prewett and Mortimer Wilson are now braking for the C & M. 5-26-1899 - MARSHALL WOLFF WARNS VAGRANTS - - - - - Marshall Wolff has notified all loafers and vagrants, that their is no excuse for idleness, and if found will be put on the city gang. 6-2-1899 - COMMENCEMENT AT CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE - - - - - On June 2,1899, 8 o'clock. Programme:Misses Pearle Anderson, Mary Williams, Tolise Rollwage, Ethel Lancaster, Elsie Prewett, Fanny Winthrop, Mattie Mai Davis, DeVeiling Rollwage, Mabel Williams, Blanche Pope, Addie Horney, Olive Gatling, and Mr.W.Shoemaker. Address by O.B.Rollwage. 6-16-1899 - MISS JOY PREWETT MOVES - - - - - Miss Joy Prewett will move to Helena, where she has been comforting her sister, Mrs.Blanche Biscoe. 6-16-1899 - COOK HOTEL CLOSES FOR SUMMER - - - - - We are informed that the Cook Hotel will be closed for two months. Mrs.D.G.Cook will go to her place in the St.Francis bottom, and Miss Hattie Whitman will will spend the summer in Indianapolis, Indiana. They will reopen Sept.1,1899. 6-16-1899 - P.JACKSON LEAVES - - - - - Democrat-P.Jackson left Wednesday morning for Hot Springs where they will make their home. 6-23-1899 - C.H.BEAUCHAMP IN TOWN - - - - - C.H.Beauchamp of Omaha, Nebraska, formerly the host of the Forrest City Hotel, was in the city Friday of last week. 6-23-1899 - CLAUDE CHAPPELL MOVES HERE - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Claude Chappell, of Wynne, moved to Forrest City Monday into the Brandon house. He has a position with L.R.Grobmyer. 6-23-1899 - C.H.HAVENS BUILDS THIRTY THIRD HOUSE - - - - - Mr.C.H.Havens is building a four room cottage near the Institute. It was rented before the foundation was laid. He now owns thirty houses to rent. 6-23-1899 - VAN IZARD, JR. IN TOWN - - - - - Mr.Van Izard, Jr., who has been employed in the City of Roses, was in town Wednesday, to the delight of his many friends. It is expected that he will possibly go to Little Rock permanently. 6-23-1899 - MRS.J.W.BECK TAKES DAUGHTERS TO SCHOOL - - - - - Mrs.J.W.Beck accompanied by Misses Emma and Mattie left for Chatauqua, New York where the young ladies are to enroll for school at that place. 7-7-1899 - NEW STATE CAPITOL STARTED - - - - - Little Rock-Groundbreaking for the new $1 million dollar state capitol for Arkansas has begun, designed by architect Mann of St.Joseph, Missouri. 7-7-1899 - STARLING NEWS - - - - - Mr.John Wall and J.R. Thompson have plenty of blooms/Miss Hattie Shields was a guest of Mrs.A.Coulter/Miss Emma Carr and Mr.Dee Coulter were guests of Mr.& Mrs.Thompson/Mrs.J.F.Millender was seen in Starling Friday. 7-7-1899 - GUESTS OF MRS.G.W.McCORMICK - - - - - Miss Alice Gaines and Jennie Wheat, of Redfield are visiting their aunt and grandmother, respectively, Mrs.G,W.McCormick south of the city. 7-7-1899 - LOUIS ALTMAN VISITS - - - - - Mr.Louis Altman, formerly of this city, but now of Jonesboro, is spending a few days with his parents. Mrs.A.Lowenthal, accompanied by her son Morris and Mr.Louis Altman left for Memphis Wednesday evening. 7-7-1899 - ODOM TIMES - - - - - M.B.Hurt and E.Alwood's cotton patch looked like a bank of snow/Mr.Shields and his wife were the guest of N.B.Hurt Sunday/Mr.D.Coulter always goes to meetings with his best girl. 7-7-1899 - LETTER FROM COLT - - - - - I wish to say that Mr.Taylor and myself, R.L.Humphreys, do not appreciate the report that we are attempting to have the black people vote for us for school board, and probably upset that he did not get to attend the Fussell's school house. 7-14-1899 - NEW HARDWARE STORE - - - - - Mr. Ed Horne of Memphis has rented the old Becker building, one door west of the post office, and will open a hardware store, he has rented the T.W.Barrow residence in which he and his family will reside. 7-14-1899 - LOCAL GIRLS TEACHING - - - - - Quite a number of our charming local girls are teaching school throughout the county:Miss Ethel Lancaster at Oak Hill;Miss Drucilla Davis at Blackfish Bayou; Miss Mary Mason at Blackfish Lake;Miss Mary Lancaster at Caldwell;Miss Pearl Davis at Palestine; and Miss Cora James at Widener. 7-21-1899 - JOHN IZARD VISITS - - - - - Handsome John Izard was a among the visitors from Wynne Tuesday to see the ball game at Blanton Park. 7-21-1899 - VISIT TO MRS.WYSE OF PARAGOULD - - - - - Miss Nannie Winfield and her mother, Mrs.Mary E. Winfield returned home Monday from a visit with Mrs.Sallie Wyse at Paragould. 7-21-1899 - LETHA IZARD OF WYNNE VISITS - - - - - Miss Letha Izard: the sweet little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.M.W.Izard of Wynne, came down last week with her cousin Miss Mary Izard, to visit with her aunt, Mrs.Hemenway in Wheatley. 7-28-1899 - FILLING OF GRAVES - - - - - Rush Stockard, local undertaker believed the grave digger should be ther proper person to fill the grave instead of the family and friends of the deceased, and was done at the burial yesterday. 7-28-1899 - UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS IN TOWN - - - - - Prof.T.E.Futrall, of Marianna, accompanied by Prof.W.A.Crawford of the Univ.of Arkansas were pleasant visitors to the Times workshop this morning. Prof.Crawford is visiting on behalf of the University. Prof.Baar of Quachita College canvassing in behalf of his school, and Rev.A.C.Miller, President of Hendrix College will preach at the Methodist church Sunday. 8-4-1899 - NEW POST OFFICE AT BECK'S SWITCH - - - - - A postoffice has been opened at Beck's Switch, on the Choctaw, west of town, with E.R.Ables as postmaster. 8-11-1899 - ONE ARMY RECRUIT - - - - - The recruiting officer, Lieut. Gus Swaim, of the U.S.A., who was here the first of the week, only succeeded in getting one recruit, Charley Rutledge, who left for Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Monday. 8-11-1899 - A TRIP TO TEXAS - - - - - Geo.B.Mallory, John W.Aven, Jas.Izard, and Col.Landvoight returned home this week from their Texas jaunt last Tuesday evening. Two of the party, Ham Grady and Guy Eldridge continued their vacation, the former going to Hot Springs, and the latter to Vaughn, Texas to visit his brother. The group were the guests of S.E.Sweet and family, formerly of this city, while in Galveston. The visitors were taken into charge by, Messrs.D.M.Wilson, Lewis Featherstone, Robt.Wilson, and Corp.S.E.Sweet (all formerly of this city). 8-25-1899 - FIRST BALE OF COTTON - - - - - The first bale of cotton was received Wednesday, Aug.23,1899, it was consigned to Fussell, Graham & Co., from the T.M. Hughes plantation, near Linden, and raised by Pomp Jamieson. 8-25-1899 - C.H.HAVENS HOUSE BURNS - - - - - The Lane house, in the northwestern portion of the city, was destroyed by fire, no insurance. It was outside the city water supply and nothing could be done. 9-1-1899 - E.W.Horne Moves Here - - - - - Mr.E.W.Horne went to Memphis Wednesday on business and to remove his family to this city, they arrived this morning. 9-15-1899 - STEVENS BROS. BUYS OUT MR.STOCKARD - - - - - Mr.J.R.Stockard sold out his undertaking business to Stevens Bros., and gone to Morrilton to reside. 9-15-1899 - Railway Tickets to St.Louis Fair Available - - - - - On account of the St.Louis Fair, which begins Oct.2 and closes Oct.6, the Iron Mountain will sell round trip tickets, see W.S.Durborrow, agent. 9-22-1899 - Grandpa Wise Hurt - - - - - Democrat-Grandpa Wise happened to a very serious accident last Friday, Sep.15,1899. He was helping lift a barrel of molasses, when his hold gave way and the barrel fell on him. He suffers greatly from the bruise. 9-29-1899 - GOOD BUGGIES FROM $28 - - - - - Advertisement by Forrest City Buggy Company, Jno.C.Bell, Manager.-Good buggies from $28 up. 9-29-1899 - A 75TH BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD - - - - - On Thursday, Sep.28,1899, Mrs.W.T.Clitton celebrated her 75 th birthday at her home celebrated by friends and Rev.A.N.Couch. 10-6-1899 - CAPT.C.L.KNIGHT VISITS SON - - - - - Capt.C.L.Knight and his wife, who have been visiting their son, Leslie, at Salt Lake City, Utah, returned Saturday night. 10-13-1899 - M.W.IZARD MOVES TO BRINKLEY - - - - - M.W.Izard has sold his hotel in Wynne to Miss Hite, and moved to Brinkley, where he has assumed the management of the Kelly Hotel. 10-13-1899 - VAN IZARD IN TOWN - - - - - Van Izard, who is now employed with the leading General Furnishings House of Devalls Bluff is in town visiting friends and relatives. 10-13-1899 - CHARLES R. IZARD IS NEW CITY EDITOR - - - - - Charles R. Izard, who has been with us for about ten years, is now the City Editor of the Times. 10-13-1899 - REV.A.N.COUCH NEW BAPTIST PASTOR - - - - - Rev.A.N.Couch returns from Kentucky Wednesday, accompanied by his family and he will take over as pastor of the Baptist Church. 10-20-1899 - NEW HEADMASTER FOR CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE - - - - - Prof.Jas.S.McConnell, of Hot Springs arrives to take over the Crowley Ridge Institute principalship. 10-20-1899 - FOX CHASE - - - - - Last Tuesday night, Capt.T.E.Haskins and Sid McDaniel had a delightful fox chase. 11-3-1899 - CAPT.R.W.PEEVEY IN TOWN - - - - - Capt.R.W.Peevey, of Johnson Township, was in town yesterday. The old gentleman is enjoying good health except for a little twinge or two of rhueumatism. 11-10-1899 - CAPT.PATTERSON LEADS BEAR HUNT - - - - - A large and enthusiastic party of jovial sportsmen from Nicholasville, Ky. arrived in the city yesterday evening to spend two or three weeks among the bear and deer of the county. They came as invited guests of County Clerk Geo.B.Mallory, who will be their guide and sponsor in the swamps and canebrakes in the vicinity of Mud Lake. They will meet Capt.John Patterson, the pioneer bear hunter of Eastern Arkansas, and the man who killed three panthers single handed and alone with nothing but his hunting knife. Party members included:S.M.Anderson, J.M.Sparks, Welsh Wilds,Geo.Barkley, C.R.Scott, J.T.Vince, J.A.Harbaugh, J.M.Simpson, Judge J.P.Gregory, E.L.Hutchinson, J.W.Duncan, J.L.Simpson of Ky., Geo.B.Mallory, Capt.T.E.Haskins, and others of this city, later Joined by S.P.McDaniel and Col.Landvoight. 11-17-1899 - 20 TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - - - - - Twentieth Anniversary-Judge and Mrs.N.W.Norton are celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary with a party last Monday night. 11-17-1899 - COURT OPENS ON RICHMOND AND WRIGHT - - - - - The examination trial of Dempt. Richmond and James Wright, for the murder of J.J.Grissom was held in Squire Gorman's court on Saturday. After examination of many witnesses, the two were released because of insufficient evidence to convict them. 11-24-1899 - TWO TEN WHEELERS PASS THRU - - - - - Two big ten wheeler engines of the Choctaw and Memphis passed thru, #30 and 31, to shops of North Little Rock for repairs. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911