Here is picture, Mr.Landvoigt from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1919

In Chronological Order-September 2,2009
Events: The Forrest City Times Herald-Successor to the Crowley Ridge Chronicle and the Forrest City Times Newspaper-Times-Herald Publishing Co.-John Thomas Durst, President, Editor and Manager. Ed Landvoigt, Vice President. Jennie B.Durst, Sect.and Treasurer. Printed on Thursday.
01/03/29 William R.Vanderburg enlists in the U.S.Army on Dec.29,1928. He is the son of Mr.Thomas J.Vanderburg of Hunter. He will be at Ft.Snelling, Minn., in the Third Infantry.
01/03/29 The T.O.Fitzpatrick farm consisting of 2,000 acres has been purchased, and the group will spend over $200,000 for development by a group of men from Elmwood and Lincoln, Nebraska, and will be developed as an orchard, if a hard surface road is prepared to Colt.
01/10/29 New enlistees in the U.S.Army:Jeff Grimes, son of Tom Grimes; Bud Jones, son of George Jones;Harry Henley, nephew of Tom Brown; Fred Holub, son of Mrs.Minnie Trantham, all of Goodwin; Edward Pogue, son of Mrs.Jennie Sherman, and Henry Evans, son of Walter W.Evans, of Forrest City on Jan.8th at Little Rock. The Goodwin boys are in the 17th Infantry at Ft.Crook, Nebraska, and the Forrest City boys in the 3rd Infantry at Ft.Snelling, Minn.
01/17/29 Necrology for 1928: some notables:Jan.20-William DuPont, former head of family interests;Jan.21-Major General George W.Goethals, builder of the Panama Canal; Nov.14-Dr.Sabin von Sohocky, inventor of radium paint, E.Orange, N.J.; Nov.19-William A.Oldfield, former congressman from Arkansas; Dec.2-Lord Tennyson, son of the famous poet; Dec.3-Ezra Meeker, last of the Oregon Trail pioneers in Seattle; Dec.7-Miss Alice Longfellow, daughter of the poet.
01/17/29 President Coolidge Vetoes:May 22-House overrode veto of postal pay raise bill;President vetoes the McNary-Haugen farm relief bill; Jun.7-President lets Muscle Shoals bill die without veto or signing. Sound familiar, against anything progressive.
01/17/29 Notice of Bankruptcy:Charles R.Harwood of Forrest City on Jan.9,1929. E.C.Horner, referee in bankruptcy.
01/17/29 Civil war veterans drawing a pension are dying at the rate of 1,000 per month. At the end of 1928 there were 7,788 left, over 6,000 less than the middle of last year. The largest list was 745,000 39 years ago. Widows of Civil war veterans also has decreased, now 191,000 of them on the rolls which was 5,000 less that six months ago. The Spanish American war veterans are increasing on the rolls with 173,000, an increase of 10,000 in six months, and 27,000 widows. Of the other wars, only 13 widows of soldiers of the war of 1812, remain as receiving pensions, while there are 802 widows of the Mexican war soldiers. There are 5,000 veterans of the Indian wars and 3,000 widows of these veterans. The government finds that veterans out number widows, 261,660 soldiers to 218,757 widows drawing. Source the Arkansas Legionaire.
01/24/29 About the middle of March, Louis McDaniel will move his present home to a lot east of the residence of Mrs.T.R.Cartwright, to make room for a new residence to be built on the site of the old one. The new home will be one of the most attractive in Forrest City, of Colonial design, with twelve rooms. Contract is expected to be awarded in the next few weeks. Estes W.Mann of Memphis is the architect.
01/31/29 Farewell parties for Mrs.E.K.Fogg who is moving to Ft.Worth, Texas, were given at the home of Mrs.Carl Gustafson, also Mrs.J.B.Johnston had a bridge and shower for Mrs.Fogg.
01/31/29 R.J.Lanier sells his general furnishing store at Caldwell to the Lindsey Brothers, composed of E.J., J.C., Lamont, and E.E.Lindsey. Mr.Lanier was one of the original share holders in the Forrest City Grocer Co., and is investing in businesses now, and has built a nice fortune.
01/31/29 Cotton Ginned before Jan.16:St.Francis Co. for 1928 is 40,967 bales compared to 30,533 bales in 1927.
02/07/29 George Barry has arrived from Wynne, where he was in charge of their bottling plant, to take charge of the new Coca Cola Bottling Company, he will be the manager.
02/14/29 Louis R.Grobmyer celebrates his 70th birthday on Sunday, Feb.10,1929. Guests were:Mr.and Mrs.Leo Grobmyer;Mr.and Mrs.Albert Grobmyer;Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Buchholz; Mr.and Mrs.J.O.Bridgforth; Messrs.Morgan Honnell, Henry Wess, Cincinnati; John Glaubar of Carrollton, Ky.;J.R.Grobmyer of Little Rock; Rev.Edwin Hemmen and Rev.Thomas Walshe.
02/14/29 David Jones, brother of A.L.Jones of Goodwin enlisted in the U.S.Army last July and is now with the Co.F-3rd Infantry at Ft.Snelling, Nebraska where he has qualified as an expert rifleman. James H.Gill, son of G.E.Gill of Forrest City enlisted in the U.S.Army Feb.7 and will be in the 3rd Infantry at Ft.Snelling, Nebraska.
02/28/29 W.W.Campbell has been advised that a new post office will be built in Forrest City at an estimated cost of $50,000.
02/28/29 Two badly hurt in an auto crash, Mr.Alfred Surginer and Mr.Fred Fleetwood, the first probably fatally, when a Buick coupe driven by Fleetwood crashed into a tree at the corner of South Washington and South Streets about midnight, and Surginer was unconscious, and was rushed to a Memphis hospital. Another occupant of the car, Almond Whitted escaped with only minor injuries while Fleetwood suffered a broken arm.
02/28/29 Notice of Bankruptcy:Markolita B.Addington under the name of The Bonnet Shop of Forrest City on Feb.27,1929. E.C.Horner, referee in bankruptcy.
03/07/29 Third garment factory to open in city by Miss Ann Cooley in the T.A.Buford building on Rosser Street. She had successfully operated the Bonnet Shop here for years and plans to employ about a dozen people.
03/07/29 Bankruptcy sale of the Crescent Jewelry Co. stock starting on Saturday.
03/07/29 Limited time left for so called "Soldier's Bonus" for World War vets. With 4,477,412 ex-service men eligible, only 3,613,163 have received the approximately $965 average.
03/21/29 Notice of Bankruptcy: E.L.Horton of Newcastle on Mar.9,1929. E.C.Horner, referee in bankruptcy.
04/18/29 Col.Ed Landvoigt confined to his room for eight weeks following an attack of influenza.
04/18/29 Teachers for 1929-1930 term announced for FCHS:Mrs.Finas McDaniel, Miss Stella Doyle, Miss Louise Higgins, Miss Blanche Jones, Miss Edna Rumsey, Miss Rebecca Daggett, Miss Loraine Lindsey, Miss Evelyn Watson, and Miss Geraldine Johnson for Central School. For high school:C.H.Justis, George F.Walker, Jr., Miss Nora Morgan, Miss Flora Martin, Mrs.David Gates, Miss Wanda Wyatt, Miss Ophelia Fisher.
04/18/29 Annual Junior Play at FCHS: The play, "Ten Tope Tavern": Participants:Pauline Waterman, Annice Whittington, Blanche Butler, Martha Watson, Carrelyn Eldridge, Martha Sims Neblett, Dale Fleming, DeVoe Crutchfield, Edward Bridewell, Henry Gilliam, J.W.Beazley, Lawrence Hodges, Pauline Vance, and Dorothy Carrick. Junior class sponsor directing the play, Miss Nora Morgan.
04/25/29 Col.Ed Landvoigt's step daughter, Mrs.C.L.Powers arrived from Los Angeles, Calif. to visit with him en route to visit her daughter in Staunton,Va.
04/25/29 Brown & Billings Ice Cream Plant and Creamery sold to chain, Southwest Dairy Products Co.
04/25/29 Forrest City boy doing well in U.S.Army, Nick Winfred, who enlisted in July 1927, is at Ft.Crook, Nebraska, is making splendid progress, being promoted to Private 1st Class, and an expert machine gunner. Harry Henley, nephew of Tom Brown of Goodwin, who enlisted in the U.S.Army in January, is now a member of Co.D-17th Infantry at Ft.Crook, Nebraska.
05/09/29 FCHS graduation set for May 31 this year.
05/09/29 Two more Forrest City boys making fine soldiers, Messrs.Belton J.Clark and Hazel Powers, who enlisted in the U.S.Army June 1927, are now members of the 17th Infantry at Ft.Crook, Neb., both of whom are Private 1st Class. Mr.Clark has qualified as a sharp shooter with rifle, and Mr.Powers is a marksman, both with Automatic rifles.
05/09/29 First National Bank, begun in 1917, sold to Bank of Eastern Arkansas, of forty three years of life, so say President S.H.Mann of the First National Bank, and W.W.Campbell of Bank of Eastern Arkansas.
05/16/29 Mrs.C.E.Turley honored her mother, Mrs.Mary A.Coffey, with a 80th birthday party, which falls on Mother's Day this year. Guests:Mrs.Coffey's daughter and husband, Mr.and Mrs.Gratz Jones, of Marks, Miss., her son and wife, Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Coffey of Parkin, Mr. and Mr.T.H.Houston and Mrs.T.C.Moore, Marianna.
05/16/29 Louis F.Haven announces he has installed the new Vitaphone equipment for talking pictures at the Imperial Theatre.
05/16/29 Bud Jones, son of Mr.and Mrs.George Jones of Goodwin, who enlisted in the U.S.Army last January is now a member of Co.M-17th Infantry at Ft.Crook, Neb.
05/30/29 Sterling Dept.Stores to open in the Mann Building on Rosser street, Mr.Albert Laser is moving here from Little Rock, to be the manager. They came originally from Clarksville, Ark.
05/30/29 Shady Rest swimming pool on the Madison-Forrest City road will open June 1 under the management of R.L.Smalley.
05/30/29 Central School Graduates:Mary Estelle Simmons, Mary Eleanor Moore, Mary Myrtle Crawford, Mary Alice Brown, Mary Cranor, Irene Cox, Agnes Cross, Winnie Polk, Carolyn Staten, Thelma Tate, Frances Bobo, Christine Tharp, Mildred Bynum, Mildred Anderson, Kathryn Beazley, Evelyn McCain, Juanita Lacefield, Edna Sue Rogers, Dorothy Overley, Christine West, Ferrell Crews, W.C.Edgar, Herschel Lockhart, Richard Owen, Nathan Norton, Roy Sanders, Thomas McDaniel, James Danehower, J.E.Griner, Rolfe Eldridge, Meredith Grobmyer, Julius Jolly, Billy Draper, Albert Cranor, Billy Gustafson, Jack Neblett, Orman Allen, Mary Estelle Simmons (highest average in class for three straight years) and Harold Sharp.
05/30/29 FCHS graduates:Emily Allen, Irene Beazley, Annie Mae Burkhardt, Miriam Chandler (Saluatatorian), Bernice Crews, Margaret Eldridge, Dorothy French, Elizabeth Fussell, Carrye Mae Philpot, Helen Harrelson (Valedictorian), Mildred Horton, Mary Izard, Ethel Lewis, Eleanor McCown, Sarah Ellen Merritt, Rose Ida O'Brien, Ruth Surginer, Louise Oliver, Ruth Owen, Mabel Parker, Carrye Winter, Mary Prestidge, Tom Bridgforth, Charles Doyle, Ed Heustess, R.E.Hudson, C.W.Moore, Lawrence Parker, Ernest Philpot, Hugh Walter Sanders, Gordon Thorne, Edward Thorne, Bill Vance, and Fred Whitted. Junior Ushers:Vadis Hodges, Margaret Whittenton, Pauline Waterman, and Nina Grimstead.
06/06/29 Three Forrest City grads at William Woods College in Fulton, Mo.:Miss Ida Mae Bridewell, Miss Marjorie Neel, and Miss Mildred McDaniel. Each received an degree in Associate of Art.
06/06/29 Col. Ed Landvoigt to celebrate his 89th birthday on June 11. He is well over the only illness suffered in the last nineteen years, the influenza this year. Mr.Jim DeRossitt is celebrating his 78th birthday on June 4.
06/06/29 The 34th annual Convention of Sons of Confederate Veterans will be on June 4 to 7 in Charlotte, N.Carolina
06/20/29 On 98th birthday, Owen Thomas Edgar of Washington is lone survivor of the Mexican War according to the Pension Bureau. Washington-June 17th.
06/27/29 Ten appointments available for the State University at Fayetteville. E.A.Rolfe, St.Francis County Judge.
06/27/29 The 1928 "Class" of Arkansas Master Farmers:A.D.McDaniel, St.Francis County is one of 10 honored at Fayetteville on June 25th.
07/11/29 Newman Laughinghouse who graduated from the Univ.of Arkansas in 1912, is a First Lt. in the U.S.Army Air Corps, stationed at Mitchell Field, Long Island, N.Y.
07/18/29 Mrs.Emma W.Connaway selected as Postmaster of Forrest City paying $2,700 per annum.
07/25/29 1st Annual Peach Festival held here. Loading 15th car of Elberta peaches today, the season started Monday and lasts for 10 to 11 days. Miss Elizabeth Fussell selected as Queen Elberta, with court, Princesses, Misses Evelyn McDaniel, Eleanor McCown, Margaret Eldridge, and Mabel Parker. Francis Craig's eleven piece Columbia Recording Orchestra will play for the big dance ever staged in the city.
07/25/29 Forrest City is likely to get eight story hotel, Mr.McAnnich having posted a bond in amount of $2,500 with the Chamber of Commerce.
07/25/29 Concrete construction contract let on paving with concrete from W.Memphis to the St.Francis County line on Hwy 70.
08/01/29 Report shows Arkansas 347 banks in good condition, Little Rock July 28.
08/08/29 See at Sanders Drug Store, Madame Scott, Divine Healer.
08/08/29 Mr.T.O.Fitzpatrick, his daughter, Mrs.Garnett Prewett, and grand daughter, Miss Sarah Prewett left on motor trip to Virginia to visit Lynchburg, Appomattox, Norfolk, and Charlotte County. Patrick Henry is buried in Charlotte county, where T.O.'s grand father was a neighbor.
08/08/29 Private DeVane T.Whitted left the Marine Corps Base in San Diego on a motorcycle and is expected here soon.
08/22/29 Ten years ago Harry A.Knight Jr., at the age of 13, he swapped a saddle pony for a Jersey cow, and began selling milk to the neighbors. He has gradually increased the number of cows, until 30 milking cows and 25 calves and heifers make up his herd. He has made $10,000 and his sales of milk average $1,000 per month. Southern Agriculturist.
09/05/29 Clem Summers released on $10,000 bond by Circuit Judge W.D.Davenport. He is charged in murder of Calvin Privett a few weeks ago.
09/05/29 Babe Ruth recently hit his 500 th home run, and paid the boy $20 for the retrieved ball.
09/05/29 Over 40 youth leave for College enrollment this week.
09/12/29 Germany's Graf Zeppelin makes new record when it landed at Lakehurst, N.Jersey on Aug.29th. World navigation in 21 days, 7 hours, and 33 minutes. This beat by two days the previous record.
09/19/29 Federal Pension Rolls of Veterans:War of 1812-11 widows;Mexican War-725 widows;Indian Wars-Soldiers-5,557 Widows-4,033;Civil War-Soldiers-59,066 Widows-180,323;War with Spain-Soldiers-179,580 Widows-28,862; World War-Soldiers-45 Widows-17.
09/19/29 Enlisted in U.S.Army, James T.Smith of Route 1, Forrest City, on Sep.17 in the 3rd Infantry at Ft.Snelling, Minn.
09/26/29 Southwestern Bell says there are 850 phones in Forrest City now compared to Helena with 1,250, our nearest town larger than this city.
09/26/29 Three Boy Scouts receive Eagle Badges and Star Badges: Eagle:W.W. (Billy) Draper, Jr.,Fred Daggett Jr.,and Rolfe Eldridge. Star:Billie Gustafson, Bill O'Brien, and James Hamilton.
10/03/29 John Ramsey released on $1,000 bond, slayer of Jesse Hughes. 10/10/29 Grand jury did not indict Hughes in Marianna on Oct.8, no reason for the non charge of Ramsey was given.
10/03/29 Forrest City Investment Co., Inc., headed by Judge Sam H.Mann has large sums now available for loans on city property.
10/10/29 There are now 159 destroyers laid up out of commission and the Navy department will retire many more from service soon, to avoid making repairs. Warships become obsolete in about 10 years.
10/10/29 Robert Pryor, son of R.H.Pryor of near Hughes, had three fingers blown off his had by dynamite. While playing in the yard, he found a dynamite cap, and lit a match to it, thinking it was harmless.
10/24/29 Mr.J.W.Dennis donates land for city park on South Washington street directly south of the Roy Fisher residence.
10/24/29 Peach crop on Crowley Ridge nets $7,095 on 31 acres.
10/31/29 Preliminary plans for new Junior High School on north side of ditch at the High School location on N.Division street.
10/31/29 The Federal Farm board says cotton is too cheap, and tells farmers to hold off market until prices increase.
11/14/29 Mrs.Irma Girard who has been visiting her sister, Rev.Rawlings wife, has returned to her home in Los Angeles, California. She was a resident of Forrest City some years ago.
11/14/29 Homer Swaby, an expert radio man with experience in Memphis, is now with the Service Company.
11/14/29 E.B.Horn, father of Mrs.Gazzola Vaccaro, of Byhalia, Miss. underwent a operation at the Baptist hospital in Memphis and is doing nicely.
11/21/29 Mr.and Mrs.R.H.Carlisle were visitors in Chicago and attended the Notre Dame-California football game.
11/28/29 Opening and dedication of the new home of Bank of Eastern Arkansas on Dec.11,1929.
12/05/29 J.W.Barnhart returns from Ohio prison, once influential and wealthy citizen of St.Francis county on parole, serving sentences totaling sixty years on forgery charges. He was first convicted in Wisconsin in 1914 for forging name on a deed for a loan from a bank. He is now penniless at age 78.
12/05/29 Clifford Garrison entertains FCHS football team at his home: Guests were:Jimmie Hicky, J.W.Beazley, Clarence Hine, Buddy Edgar, Charles Clark, Preston Clark, Henry Gilliam, John Danehower, Earl Fleming, Arthur Whitted, and Ray Garrison.
12/12/29 Mrs.C.A.Ahlstedt, accompanied by her son, John Wydick, leaving Sunday for Tampa, Fla. to visit her daughters, and Mr.Wydick's wife.
12/19/29 Forrest City man held as suspect in Marked Tree murder mystery. Mr.J.M. Lewis, well to do farmer of Clark's Corner, and Forrest City, is being held by Sheriff J.M.Campbell as a suspect in the murder of an unidentified woman off the Earle-Marked Tree highway.
12/19/29 A Missouri Pacific bus kills two negro school children near Goodwin on Monday. A defective steering rod is given as the cause. The children were on the edge of the road when the accident occurred as the bus went into the ditch.
12/26/29 Paris-Dec.21-The year 1930 will be dark with disasters, deaths, accidents, financial crashes and political upheavals according to Madame Praya, who has just completed her annual horoscope of the world. She went on the predict :a grave financial crisis of world-wide proportions is to occur during the winter, with England suffering more than any other nation." She also predicts a war in the Far East which will cause unhappy repercussions in many countries of the western hemisphere. Quite a startling horoscope!
12/26/29 Notice: On Jan.1,1930, The Forrest City Motor Co. will go an a cash basis only on the sale of Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes, Parts and Repair Work.
12/26/29 Mr.and Mrs.H.W.Gregory left for Murfreesboro, Tenn., being called there on account of the death of Mrs.Gregory's mother, Mrs.Jetton.
07/02/31 Al Benton opens new cafe‚ here, Al's Place, he had a restaurant here earlier that was very popular due to the superior barbecue sandwiches, he later operated the Skipper in the 1950's!
01/03/29 Born New Years day morning to Mr.and Mrs.Louis McDaniel a girl.
01/03/29 Born Monday Dec.21,1928 to Mr.and Mrs.Frank Burkhardt, a boy Frank Hammond.
01/10/29 Born Wednesday, to Mr.and Mrs.Mr.and Mrs.Marion Satterfield a boy.
01/17/29 Born Sunday, to Mr.and Mrs.Joe Goldstein a boy at Methodist hospital in Memphis.
01/17/29 Born Wednesday morning to Mr.and Mrs.Shim a baby boy on the Island.
02/07/29 Born Sunday to Mr.and Mrs.Louis Haven a daughter named Rosemary.
03/07/29 Born Sunday morning to Mr.and Mrs.J.K.Sales a boy.
04/04/29 To Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Busby at Caldwell, Mar.6, a baby girl.
04/04/29 To Mr.and Mrs.Sam Parker, at Forrest City, March 12, a baby boy.
04/04/29 To Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Tarpley, Forrest City, a baby girl on Mar.21.
04/04/29 To Mr.and Mrs.Oscar Gandy, Widener, Mar.28, a girl.
04/04/29 To Mr. and Mrs.Will Reeves, Haynes, Mar.30, a girl.
04/04/29 To Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Wesch, west of town, Mar.31,a boy.
04/18/29 To Mr.and Mrs.W.S.R.Price last Thursday a baby girl.
04/25/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Cunningham a baby girl on Monday morning.
05/16/29 Born at Palestine to Mr.and Mrs.Robert Cooper on Saturday, a baby boy.
05/23/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Charles Stubbs a girl on Saturday morning, and taken to the Dr.Rosamond Clinic in Memphis on Tuesday morning.
05/23/29 Born Monday to Mr.and Mrs.R.P.Ross a girl.
05/23/29 Born on Monday to Mr.and Mrs.Alvin Smith of Kenton a girl.
05/30/29 Born May 22 to Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Byrd south of town, a baby girl.
05/30/29 Born May 25 to Mr.and Mrs.Forrest Armstrong a baby girl.
06/20/29 Born Monday morning to Mr.and Mrs.B.M.Davenport a girl.
06/20/29 Born Friday morning to Mr.and Mrs.E.T.Slaughter of Dallas, Texas a boy, she is the former Miss Frances Rush.
06/20/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Claude Gill of Memphis, a boy on Monday morning. The bride is the former Miss Mabel Hughes of this city, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.John H.Hughes.
07/04/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Sam Beiner a girl the early part of last week.
07/04/29 Born Tuesday morning to Rev.and Mrs.J.S.Burns a girl
07/04/29 Born June 28 to Mr.and Mrs.Charles Montgomery north of town a baby boy.
07/04/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.R.C.Stevens of Durant, Miss. a baby boy on June 29. Mrs.Stevens was former Miss Mildred Roberts of this city.
07/04/29 A letter from Tampa, Fla. announces birth of a son, Charles Porter Wright, Jr. on Feb.22. Mrs.Wright was formerly Miss Sallie Lindsey of this city.
07/11/29 Born Wednesday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Geo.Walker, Jr., a boy named Robert George.
07/25/29 Born Monday to Mr.and Mrs.Claude Pace a baby boy, Claude Jr.
08/01/29 Born Tuesday to Mr.and Mrs.L.R.Holcomb, a baby girl, Harriet Lee.
08/08/29 Born Aug.1 to Mr. and Mrs.Lafayette Adamson of Newcastle, a girl.
08/08/29 Born Aug.3 on Linden Island, to Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Holmes, a girl.
08/08/29 Born Aug.2, at Newcastle, to Mr.and Mrs.Frank Wall, a boy.
08/15/29 Born Monday night to Mr.and Mrs.Doc McCain at Pine Bluff, a baby girl. Mrs.McCain was formerly Miss Ruth Paslay.
09/12/29 Born Tuesday to Mr.and Mrs.Jodie Milton a boy.
09/12/29 On Monday, born to Mr.and Mrs.Marlon Patton of Caldwell a boy.
09/12/29 On Saturday, born to Mr.and Mrs.James Brown of Caldwell a boy.
09/19/29 Born Sep.16 to Mr.and Mrs.Charles C.Campbell a baby boy in Caldwell, Howard William.
09/19/29 Born Sep.16 to Mr.and Mrs.Jesse Perry of Newcastle a baby girl, Ola May.
09/26/29 Mildred Hodges, age 19, named Queen of Ridge Fair in Wynne, Sept.25,1929. She was the Miss St.Francis County who won over Miss Lee County, Miss Carroll Hewitt, and Miss Cross County, Miss Nadine Brown.
10/10/29 Born Saturday night to Mr.and Mrs.W.A.McGee a boy at the home of Mrs.Annie Dorris.
10/17/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.T.E.Hibbett Jr. of Nashville Friday of last week a baby girl, Mrs.Hibbett will be rememberd as nee Miss Annie Swan.
10/17/29 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Henry Thomas at the Arlington Hotel a boy, Henry Jr. on Wednesday morning. Mrs.Thomas died shortly after this, see obituary.
10/24/29 Born on Oct.17 to Mr.and Mrs.Chester Privett at Pine Tree a boy named Chester, Jr.
10/24/29 Born on Oct.20 to Mr.and Mrs.Homer Hobbs on Linden Island a baby boy.
10/24/29 Born on Oct.20 to Mr.and Mrs.Sam Shands on Linden Island a baby boy.
10/24/29 Born on Oct.20 to Mr.and Mrs.Lowell Simpson, of Madison, a girl.
10/24/29 Born Monday night at the Baptist hospital in Memphis to Mr.and Mrs.H.T.Royce a baby girl.
11/07/29 Born Oct.24 to Mr.and Mrs.A.C.Reese a boy.
11/07/29 Born Oct.24 to Mr.and Mrs.Harold Blackman of Goodwin a baby boy, Harold Jr.
11/07/29 Born on Oct.26 to Mr.and Mrs.Merwin Clark of Madison, a girl.
11/21/29 Born on Nov.11 to Mr.and Mrs.Clyde Hodges a boy.
11/21/29 Born Thursday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Julius Emerson, Linden Island, a boy.
11/21/29 Born Sunday to Mr.and Mrs.Jack Porter, a girl named Frances Louise.
11/28/29 Born at Newcastle to Mr.and Mrs.Earl E.Horton, a boy named Dale Winston on Nov.15.
11/28/29 Born Saturday morning to Mr.and Mrs.J.D.Gregory, a girl named Mary Patricia.
12/05/29 Born Monday night to Mr.and Mrs.M.C.Frazier a girl at the Baptist hospital in Memphis.
12/05/29 Born Wednesday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Horace White a boy named Billy Gene.
12/05/29 Born on Nov.30 to Mr.and Mrs.T.A.Higgs of Colt a son.
12/05/29 Born Dec.1 to Mr.and Mrs.Richard C.Ford a boy named Richard C.Jr. Mrs.Ford was Mrs.Laura McClintock, operator at the Bonnet Beauty shop.
12/05/29 Born on Dec.1 to Mr.and Mrs.Stayton Dangeau a baby boy.
12/05/29 Born on Dec.3 to Mr.and Mrs.Cecil McFall of Madison a baby girl.
12/05/29 Born Nov.11 to Mr.and Mrs.James B.Dickey, Marianna, a boy, Jimmie Stewart. Mrs.Dickey was formerly Miss Elreta Stewart of this city, sister of Mrs.C.R.Sturch.
01/03/29 Morris-Johnson: Miss Ruth Johnson, daughter of Mr.Andrew (Texas) Johnson, and Mr.Roy L.Morris, of Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, an instructor in aviation at Kelley Field, were married at the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.D.Elliott near Hill schoolhouse on Dec.23,1928, Rev.J.S.Burns conducting the ceremony.
01/03/29 Tidwell-Smith: Miss Thelma Smith and Mr.L.L.Tidwell were married Christmas morning, 1928, at the Baptist pastorium by Rev.E.Rawlings. Mr.Tidwell is employed in the J.M.Williams Shop as a barber.
02/07/29 Barry-Bass: Mr.George Barry and Miss Frances Bass were married last week, he is from Wynne, and the bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.F.Bass of Wynne. Mr.Bass at one time was a cashier for the Bank of Eastern Arkansas until 1918. They are located at the home of Mrs.R.W.Payne, where they have an apartment.
02/21/29 McKee-Tittle: Miss Bessie Tittle of the Parrott school neighborhood and Mr.Will T.McKie were married Dec.15,1928 at Hernando, Miss. Will is the son of Mrs.Johnnie McKee, a senior levee inspector in Lake Cormorant, Miss., they will make their home in Memphis.
02/28/29 Darling-Crawford: Mrs.Beulah Crawford and Mr.Harold Darling were married at the First Baptist church in Memphis on Sunday. Mrs.Darling has made her home here several months as an operator at the Brown Beauty Shop, while Mr.Darling is in employ of the Pearson Barber Shop.
03/21/29 Malouf-Malouf: Mr.and Mrs.Sam Malouf announce engagement of daughter, Mabel, to Mr.Charles Malouf of Los Angeles, Calif. to take place in the late spring. They were married Sunday, Sep.14,1929 by Rev.Father Hemmen, pastor of St.Francis Catholic Church. The bride had been bookkeeper of Geo.Parker Furniture Co. here.
04/04/29 Rich-Rush: Dr.and Mrs.J.O.Rush announce engagement of daughter, Stella, to Mr.Walter R.Rich, Jr., to be married on April 17 in their home. The bride's pastor, Rev.J.E.McJunkin of the Presbyterian church conducted the wedding ceremony.
04/04/29 Fisher-Sharp: H.W. (Dad) Fisher and Mrs.Elizabeth E.Sharp were married Thursday evening of last week at the Hobbs boarding house on the south side. The ceremony was held by Justice of Peace Sam L.Hodges. The couple expect to make their home in the country, he is 89 years old and she is 47 years old.
04/18/29 Dillon-Birdsong:Aubrey Dillon and Miss Belle Birdsong were married Monday night at the home of Rev.J.S.Burns.
04/18/29 Jones-Moore: Rev.J.S.Burns also married Mrs.May Moore and Mr.Paul Jones on Saturday night.
04/18/29 Warren-Archer: Mrs.O.N.Warren got a telegram from Stuttgart, announcing marriage of her son, O.N.Warren, Jr. to Miss Katherine Archer of Helena.
05/09/29 Philpot-Grobmyer: Mr. and Mrs.Albert J.Grobmyer announce marriage of their daughter, Carrie May to Mr.Ernest Philpot at the Methodist parsonage at Vanndale, Feb.17,1929 performed by Rev.J.G.Ditterline.
05/23/29 Pippin-Bennett: Miss Eunis Bennett and Mr.John Pippin were married at the Methodist parsonage May 19 by Rev.Eli Myers. Both of Forrest City.
05/23/29 McGrew-Curtis: Miss Wanna Curtis and Mr.Ben Otis McGrew, both of Marianna, married at the Methodist parsonage on May 19, by Rev.Eli Myers.
05/30/29 Batts-Leavitt: Miss Bernice Leavitt and Mr.Walter Batts were married Saturday night at the Methodist parsonage by pastor Rev.Eli Myers. The bride is the daughter of C.M.Leavitt of Pine Bluff, and is interested in the new Leavitt store here. Mr.Batts is the son of Mr.and Mrs.Jack Batts of Athens, Alabama, and is connected with the Forrest City Electric Co.
06/06/29 Warren-Parnell: Miss Martha Parnell, aged 18, and Mr.Eugene Warren, aged 19 wed in Fayetteville last Thursday afternoon in the Pi Phi Sorority house. The bride is daughter of Arkansas Governor and Mrs.Harvey Parnell. Warren is son of Mr.and Mrs.O.N.Warren of this city.
06/06/29 Holly-Johnson: Miss Nell Johnson of Memphis and Mr.W.R.Holly of Forrest City were married June 1 at the home of Mrs.M.White in Covington, Tenn., the Rev.Love performing the ceremony. Mrs.Holly is a grad of South Side HS and the groom was educated at the Univ.of Tennessee, and is a photographer in Forrest City now.
06/06/29 Carmichael-Connaway: Mrs.Emma W.Connaway announces engagement of her daughter, Bernadine, to Dr.D.M.Carmichael to take place at home on June 16. The bride is a graduate of the Univ.of Missouri, and the groom is a graduate of Queens College, Kingston, Ontario. Rev.J.C.Mason of the Christian church conducted the ceremony, assisted by Rev.J.H.Fuller of Little Rock.
06/13/29 Vandiver-Dennis: Mrs.Hal W.Dennis of Little Rock announces marriage of her daughter Mattie Pearl, to Mr.Virgil Vandiver of Forrest City, at the home of Rev.Paul W.Quillan, pastor of the Winfield Memorial church, Sunday morning, June 9.
06/13/29 Herkmyer-Crawnaver: Rev.Eli Myers married Mr.T.J. Herkmyer of Memphis to Mrs.Beatrice Crawnaver of Little Rock at the Methodist parsonage.
06/20/29 Craig-Sweet: Mrs.Walter Sweet of Widener announces engagement of her daughter Lady Edith, to Ashley Williams Craig of Fayetteville on July 12. The groom graduated from the University this spring, and she has been attending the University after Galloway College. Rev.Frank Sweet, cousin of the bride from West Memphis conducted the ceremony.
06/20/29 Argo-Izard: Mr.and Mrs.Charles R.Izard announce marriage of daughter Virginia to Mr.Cullen O.Argo, of Manilla, at Blytheville Saturday, June 8, performed by Rev.Perry F.Webb pastor of the First Baptist Church of Blytheville. The wedding came as a surprise to her parents, and she is a FCHS grad and native and teaching in Craighead and Mississippi counties for several years.
06/20/29 Denman-Trice: Miss Wilma Trice of Cascoc was married to Mr.Morgan W.Denman of Stuttgart June 16th by Rev.Eli Myers.
06/27/29 Trotter-Lamb: Miss Pattie Lamb and Mr.Milton Trotter drove to Senatobia, Miss. to the home of the bridegroom's sister on Sunday afternoon and were married. Miss Lamb is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.F.A.Lamb of Courtland, Miss., and Mr.Trotter is son of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Trotter of Sardis. Commercial Appeal June 25.
07/04/29 Bridgforth-Jones: Miss Blanche Jones and Mr.Otto Bridgforth were married Saturday night at Yazoo City, Miss. The groom is son of Mrs.Norma Bridgforth and is connected with Vaccaro-Grobmyer Lumber Co., the bride taught school here the last term, making her home with Mrs.L.H.Merritt.
07/04/29 Howard-Pettus: Mr.and Mrs.Sam L.Pettus announce marriage of daughter Margaret Knox to Mr.William T.Howard after July 15 at home in Beebe, Ark.
07/11/29 Tatum-Surginer: Otis Tatum and Miss Leetie Mae Surginer were married July 6 by Rev.J.E.McJunkin of the Presbyterian church. The bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Tom Surginer, and the groom is one of the proprietors of the Forrest City Bottling Works.
07/11/29 Harris-Vunkannon: Miss Willie Mae Vunkannon and Mr.Charles R.Harris were married June 29 by the Rev.J.S.Burns. The bride is the niece of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Sellers.
07/11/29 Hughes-Clark: Miss Modena Clark and Mr.Elmer Hughes of Caldwell were married July 4 by Rev.J.S.Burns at his residence.
07/18/29 Rolfe-Daggett: Miss Ruth Daggett and Mr.C.C.Rolfe were married Friday night at the Presbyterian Church by Rev.J.E.McJunkin, pastor. Mrs.Rolfe is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.F.H.Daggett, and has been an employee of Planters Bank Co. here. C.C. is son of Mr.and Mrs.Sam Rolfe, and is with the R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Co.
07/25/29 Campbell-Weeks: Miss Florence Weeks and Mr.Joseph E.Campbell were married at Wynne Saturday night by Rev.J.C.Owen pastor of the Baptist church. Mrs.Campbell is daughter of Robert Weeks of the Tuni neighborhood. The groom is son of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Campbell.
08/01/29 Berry-Christian: Miss Peggy Christian and Mr.Clyde Berry were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs.G.W.Christian. Rev.M.L.Morley conducted the ceremony. Mr.Berry, is with his father in business, and is son of Mr.and Mrs.R.L.Berry of Madison. The groom is with the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and was born and raised here.
08/08/29 Boggan-Reed: Mrs.Lucretia Reed and Dr.Patrick P.Boggan were married Saturday night at the parsonage of the Methodist church performed by Rev.Eli Myers, pastor. Mrs.Boggan is from New Madrid, Mo., previous home of the Boggan family before moving to Forrest City.
08/15/29 Stewart-Dorris: Mr.and Mrs.G.G.Dorris, of Wynne, announce marriage of daughter, Ruth, to Mr.Gregsby Stewart on Aug.10 at Harrisburg.
08/22/29 Lanier-Baumgart: Mr.and Mrs.Henry Baumgart announce marriage of daughter, Freida Adele, to Mr.William Joseph Lanier, Jr. on Aug.17th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At home in St.Louis, Mo.
08/22/29 Pollard-David: Miss Clemmie David of Colt and Mr.L.Y.Pollard of Earle were married last Thursday at the home of Mr.and Mrs.A.G.Lowe in Memphis performed by Rev.William McMurray of the Speedway Terrace Baptist Church.
09/05/29 Harris-Bodry: Miss Ada Bodry and Mr.Sam D.Harris were married June 26 at Wynne.
09/05/29 Clark-Roy: Miss May Roy of Colt and Mr.Allen Cook Clark of Colt were married Aug.31 by Rev.J.S.Burns at his residence. Mr.Clark is the son of Mr.Charles Clark, a prosperous farmer of Colt, and the bride a daughter of Mr.Johnnie Roy, also prosperous farmer of Colt.
09/19/29 Sanders-Lindley:Miss Anna Lindley, daughter of Mrs.Thomas Irvin Davis of Ft.Smith, Ark., was married to Mr.J.T.Sanders of Okla.City, Okla. Wednesday evening at the First Baptist church of Ft.Smith performed by Rev.B.V.Ferguson. The bride is a graduate of Central College in Conway, the groom is a graduate of the St.Louis College of Pharmacy and the son of J.T.Sanders, Sr.
09/19/29 Sanders-Perry: Miss Shirley Perry and Mr.Ross Sanders, of Dallas, Texas, were married at Dallas on Sep.13. Ross is the son of J.T.Sanders of this city, and is employed with the E.V.McCright Const.Co. in Dallas.
09/19/29 Doss-England: Miss Estelle England, of LIttle Rock, and Mr.James R.Doss of Okla.City were married Sunday morning at the Methodist church by Rev.Peter Kittel.
09/26/29 Lowry-Boyce:Mrs.Octavia Boyce and Mr.Houston Lowry were married on Wednesday of last week by JP Sam Hodges.
10/03/29 McBride-Johnston: Engagement announced by Mr.and Mrs.John B.Johnston of their daughter, Lola Morrow, to Mr.Eldred L.McBride of Memphis to take place this fall at the Church of the Good Shepherd Oct.23 and will be conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley, Rector of the church.
10/03/29 Thacker-Allen:Miss Emily Allen and Mr.Wayne Thacker of Wynne were married at Colt June 19 at which time Mrs.Thacker was a member of the high school graduating class.
10/17/29 Horner-Smith:Miss Eloise Smith, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.K.Smith, of Wheatley, and Mr.William Lawrence Horner, of Blytheville, will be married at the home on Oct.21 by Dr.Harry King, dean of Galloway College.
10/24/29 Sikes-Walker: Mr.and Mrs.George Walker Sr. had a home wedding on Sunday, when their daughter, Mildred, and Mr.John P.Sikes of Monticello, Ark. were married by Rev.Eli Myers pastor of the Methodist church. Mrs.Sikes is a graduate of Hendrix College and has been teaching in Monticello, Mr.Sikes is an insurance man there.
10/24/29 Armstrong-Devereaux: Miss Louise Devereaux and Mr.Vete Armstrong were married at Wynne recently, they are popular school teachers in Johnson township. They honeymooned in Jonesboro and Mammoth Spring.
10/24/29 George-Hughes:Miss Gladys Hughes, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Hughes and Mr.Ellis George were married at Marianna Saturday night by Rev.Morehead of the Methodist church. Mr.George is employed at the N.B.Rice Auto Co.
10/24/29 Merritt-York:Mr.and Mrs.Walter L.York of Tutwiler, Miss. announce engagement of daughter, Gwendolyn, to Mr.L.H.Merritt of Memphis, son of Mrs.Sarah P.Merritt of Forrest City. The bride attended Mississippi College for Women, while Mr.Merritt is a graduate of A.& M. College, and is employed with International Harvestor Co. They plan on getting married next month.
11/14/29 Johnson-Seay: Miss Pattie Seay of the Goodhope community and Mr.Claris Johnson, planter of Keiser, were married today at the home of Rev.J.S.Burns.
12/12/29 Borden-Hill: Mr.and Mrs.N.G.Hill of Dierks, announce up coming marriage of daughter, Nora Lee, to Mr.Ernest Borden, Jr. of Pine Bluff to take place on Christmas afternoon at home of her sister, Mrs.Dale Choate. Rev.J.C.Mason of the Christian church performed the ceremony.
12/19/29 Webb-May: Maywood, the home of Mr.and Mrs.Walter D. May, was the scene of marriage of their daughter, Ann, and Mr.William Forrest Webb conducted by Dr.A.U.Boone. Mr.Webb is the son of Mr.and Mrs.D.C.Webb, formerly of this city. Commercial Appeal.
12/19/29 Arnold-Kendrick:Mr.William White Arnold and Miss Thelma Ledeth Kendrick were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev.Eli Myers Dec.16 in the evening.
12/26/29 Walker-Landrum: Mr.Amos N.Walker and Miss Esther Mae Landrum, both of Marion, were married Dec. 10 in the evening at the Methodist parsonage by Rev.Eli Myers.
Deaths: Burial:
01/03/29 PETTUS LILLY E. MISS 1860 12 27 1928 CITY Miss Lilly E.Pettus died Friday night at the home of her brother, R.L.Pettus, Dec.28,1928. Miss Pettus was 68 years of age at the time of her death. She was a native of Granville Co.,N.Carolina, but had made her home here for the greater part of her life. She had been confined to home for some time, but on retiring Friday night was not considered seriously ill, and the family were quite shocked to find her dead Saturday morning. Heart trouble was ascribed as the immediate cause of death. Aside from two brothers, R.L. and H.E.Pettus, Miss Pettus is survived by one sister, Mrs.Annie Shoaf of Ft.Worth, Texas. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church, and conducted by Rev.J.E.McJunkin. Interment was in Forrest City cemetery. Pall bearers were:Gazzola Vaccaro, J.E.Ferguson, A.C.Bridewell, Walter P.Gorman, Chas.Simmons, and Roger West.
01/03/29 ROYAL LINDEN HUGHES Card of Thanks:Thanks to all who helped in the death of our husband and son. Mrs.Linden Royal, wife and daughter Frances. Mr.and Mrs.Everett Royal, parents, Mrs.G.Royal, grandmother.
01/03/29 TATUM THOMAS EDWARD UNKNOWN Card of Thanks: Thanks to all who helped in the death of our son and brother, Thomas Edward Tatum. T.B.Tatum, father; Mrs.T.B.Tatum, mother;Mrs.O.W.Stevens, sister; Otis, Noel and Thaderic, brothers. Note: Mrs.Byrd Tatum is home demonstration agent for St.Francis county, this could be her family.
01/10/29 JORDAN WILLIAM J. 3 25 1865 1 4 1929 GOODWIN Funeral services for William J.Jordan, who died at his home in Goodwin Friday, Jan.4,1929, was held at the family residence at Goodwin Saturday morning, conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings, pastor of the First Baptist church in Forrest City. Mr.Jordan was 66 years of age, and had been a resident of Goodwin for 42 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.Emma Jordan; one daughter, Mrs.Grover Crews, Little Rock; a grand daughter, Ruth Jordan, Searcy; a brother, H.J.Jordan; and a sister, Mrs.Ella Ward, both of this city.
01/10/29 THOMAS JAMES H. 1900 1 2 1929 VERONA James Thomas, age 29, died Tuesday, Jan.2,1929, from a stroke of apoplexy, which occurred Monday night. Deceased had been a resident of Forrest City for three years, employed as a prescription clerk at Red Cross drug store. News of his death Tuesday morning brought real sorrow to hundreds of friends he had made here, for he was a courteous, gentlemanly young man, who one delighted to call friend, held in high esteem by his employers. The body was carried to Tupelo, Miss., for interment, pall bearers in that city composed of brothers and brothers in law. His parents also survive, Mr.and Mrs.W.S.Thomas. He was laid to rest Wednesday in Vernon cemetery near Tupelo. The body was accompanied from the parlors of W.E.Stevens & Co. to the train by members of the local post of American Legion, and a special Legion escort composed of W.A.Briening and Mike Rushed accompanied the remains to Memphis. Thomas Seay, one of his employers, continued on to Tupelo, remaining for the funeral service. His wife and daughter, also accompanied him, Mrs.Alma Cook Thomas, and daughter Zilpha Bell, age 7. James Thomas was one of the youngest to enlist in the U.S.Army during the World War and saw active service in France. He was in the front ranks of those who crossed the German lines. He was a member of Forrest City Post No.4 of the American Legion, with a large contingent at the train before its departure.
01/17/29 MALOUF ANNIE MRS 1862 1 15 1929 ODD FELLOWS Greenwood, Miss.-Jan.15-Mrs.Annie Malouf, age 67, mother of Mr.John Malouf, died at her home this morning, Jan.15,1929. She had been an invalid for some time following a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church Wednesday morning. Interment was had in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Besides her daughter, Mrs.Malouf, she is survived by on son, Sam Malouf of Forrest City, Ark.
01/17/29 QUATTLEBAUM L. M. UNK 1 13 1929 ALTHEIMER Mrs.T.W.Horney is in receipt of the news of the death of her daughter's father in law, L.M.Quattlebaum, who died in Altheimer, Ark. very suddenly at his home Sunday morning, Jan.13,1929
01/17/29 BEARD WALTER MRS UNK 1 1929 TEXAS E.L.Staten returned Thursday last week, from Brownsville, Texas, where he went to attend the funeral services set Wednesday of his sister in law, Mrs.Walter Beard. Deceased lived in St.Francis county a few years ago, having taught school at Colt and at Ferguson, and news of her death was received with regret by numerous friends made during her time spent here.
01/17/29 JACKSON ANDREW HIRAM 5 15 1879 1 15 1929 CITY Funeral services for Andrew H.Jackson were held today from the Jackson home on North Rosser Street, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers of the Methodist church. Interment was in the Forrest City cemetery. Deceased passed away at a Little Rock hospital, Wednesday morning, Jan.15,1929, following a prolonged illness. During a long residence in this city he made numerous friends who sympathize with the bereaved in their loss. Andrew Jackson was 52 years of age, is survived by two brothers, John and Earl, his wife, and son Claude.
01/24/29 KILGORE JESSE LANDRUM DR-JR. 12 13 1868 1 21 1929 CHERRY VALLEY Two killed by Missouri Pacific at Colt crossing; Dr.J.L.Kilgore was instantly killed and H.K.Kelso received injuries from which he died Wednesday, Jan.23,1929, when a Ford roadster in which the two were riding was struck Monday afternoon, Jan.21,1929, by a northbound Missouri Pacific freight train at Colt. Dr.Kilgore was driving and was going to visit Mr.Kelso's sister, Mrs.Hal Peevey, who was ill with influenza. It is said that a string of boxcars on a siding obstructed the view so that neither occupant of the car saw the approaching train. Dr.Kilgore was born and reared in Clay Co., Miss., and had been residing in Colt for the past ten years, practicing medicine. He is survived by his wife, and the following children:Mrs.Harold Peevey of Colt;Mrs.James Tyer of Oxford, Miss.;Emmet and Willie Paul Kilgore of Memphis;and Cecil Kilgore of Colt. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Colt Wednesday, conducted by Rev.B.E.Robertson, and interment was had in Cherry Valley cemetery, Wednesday, Buck Legg of Wynne having charge of the funeral arrangements.
01/24/29 KELSO H. K. 1875 1 23 1929 HUGHES Two killed by Missouri Pacific at Colt crossing; Dr.J.L.Kilgore was instantly killed and H.K.Kelso received injuries from which he died Wednesday, Jan.23,1929, when a Ford roadster in which the two were riding was struck Monday afternoon, Jan.21,1929, by a northbound Missouri Pacific freight train at Colt. Dr.Kilgore was driving and was going to visit Mr.Kelso's sister, Mrs.Hal Peevey, who was ill with influenza. It is said that a string of boxcars on a siding obstructed the view so that neither occupant of the car saw the approaching train. H.K.Kelso was born and reared near Colt. He was 55 years of age and is survived by four children as follows:Mrs.J.H.Dempsey of Little Rock;Mrs.Roy Snow of Kansas City;Mrs.Jesse Womack of Purden, Texas; one sister, Mrs.Hal Peevey of Colt; and one brother, Oscar Kelson, also of Colt. He was a farmer, and had a wide acquaintance over the county, enjoying respect by all. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Colt, conducted by Rev.B.E.Robertson. Interment in the Hughes cemetery this afternoon, W.E.Stevens & Co. being in charge of funeral arrangements.
01/24/29 ARNOLD R. E. 1850 1 22 1929 HUGHES R.E.(Uncle Bob) Arnold, 79, passed away on Tuesday, Jan.22,1929, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.Ed Pierce in Parkin, after a brief illness of flu-pneumonia. The remains were brought to St.Francis county on Thursday where interment was made in Hughes cemetery in Johnson township. Funeral rites for deceased were solemnized by is pastor, Rev.Chas.Franklin. Deceased was a fine Christian gentleman-a native of this county. For a period of nearly 12 years he lived in Forrest City and, throughout this entire section was held in highest respect and esteem by all our citizens. Deceased is survived by his daughter, Mrs.Ed Pierce, and a number of grand children, nieces, and nephews, and step children, including Mr.and Mrs.Walter Meals of this city, whom he often visited.
01/24/29 BARNETT JEFF D. REV 1861 1 20 1929 CITY Jeff Barnett, 68, died Saturday night, Jan.20,1929, of bronchial pneumonia, at the Baptist hospital in Memphis. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Stevens chapel conducted by Rev.Ben Bogard of LIttle Rock. Interment was in the Forrest City cemetery. Mr.and Mrs.Ed Hutchison and Mrs.Senie Haraway of Memphis were among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral. Per Death Certificate:b.Tenn age 65, father name D.K., mother Emma Cohiston.
01/24/29 COLLIER BOB UNK 1 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 PUGH FANNIE MRS UNK 1 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 McKEE PEARL MRS UNK 1 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 NELSE CHILD UNK 1 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 THOMAS CHILD UNK 1 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 WEAVER FRED MRS UNK 1 14 1929 UNKNOWN Five die of flu at Pine Tree:The Times-Herald learned today that during the past week five had died at Pine Tree of influenza, as follows:Bob Collier, Mrs.Fannie Pugh, Mrs.Pearl McKee, a child of Ollie Nelse, and a child of Wesley Thomas. The information came to us to late to determine the exact facts of the deaths. Monday of last week, Mrs.Fred Weaver of Blackfish died of influenza.
01/24/29 HAMILTON J. B. 1854 1 23 1929 HUGHES J.B.Hamilton, aged 75, died at his home near Colt Wednesday morning, Jan.23,1929. Deceased was a well known farmer, a native of Alabama but a resident of this county for a long number of years, rearing a large family in this county. Surviving are these children:Clay, Thurston, Edgar, Virgil, Gand, Claude, and Tenant Hamilton, Mrs.Gazelda Hill, Mrs.Anne Fletcher, and Miss Elizabeth Hamilton. Funeral services were held this afternoon, with interment at Hughes cemetery.
01/31/29 BURNETT OSCAR M. 1876 1 28 1929 HELENA The body of Oscar M.Burnett, 53 years, who died at his home in Crawfordsville, Ark., Wednesday night, Jan.28,1929, passed through here today en route to Helena for burial tomorrow afternoon. He is survived by his widow. Mr.and Mrs.Burnett at one time made their home near Widener, later moving to Crawfordsville, and made friends during their residence in this section will regret to learn of his death.
02/07/29 DUNAWAY ROBERT H. 1846 1 29 1929 SPRINGER, N.M. Robert H.Dunaway, 83, died on Tuesday of last week, Jan.29,1929, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.C.L.Platt of Brinkley. Mr.Dunaway suffered a stroke of paralysis, and because of his advanced years, death ensued. Mr.Dunaway was born in Mildendo, Halifax Co., Virginia. He was an old Confederate veteran and served in Co.E-25th Virginia Battalion Reg.C.L.A. fighting under the command of the immortal Lee. Mr.Dunaway attended the reunion in Little Rock last summer. During the residence of Mr.and Mrs.Platt in Forrest City, Mr.Dunaway made his home with them, not being physically able to get much his friendships were confined to friends of theirs, and to those he endeared himself because of his jovial good nature and love of companionship. The remains were taken to Springer, New Mexico for burial beside that of his wife; Springer having been their former home. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs.Platt, Mrs.S.B.Davis of Lafayette, Colorado, and Mrs.Thomas Ford of Wynne. Mrs.Platt and Davis accompanied the remains to New Mexico. Those attending the funeral from here were Mrs.Leo Grobmyer, Mrs.C.E.Turley, and Mrs.Clifford Barton.
02/14/29 ROLESON HARRY FLETCHER 1864 2 11 1929 CITY Harry Fletcher Roleson, aged 65, died at his home in Marianna Monday afternoon, Feb.11,1929. Funeral services were held in Forrest City Tuesday afternoon by Rev.M.L.Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd. His body was interred in the Forrest City cemetery next to his mother. Mr.Roleson was born on Mar.15,1864, at Wittsburg, Cross County, he went to the University of Arkansas. When he was nineteen years of age he returned to Wittsburg and became Editor of the Wittsburg Chronicle. Later he went to Forrest City and studied law in the office of the late Judge N.W.Norton, and was associated with him later in the practice of law for several years. He then went to Little Rock and served as city editor of the Arkansas Gazette for two years, following which he moved to Augusta and formed a partnership with the late Harry Wood in the practice of law. During a residence of ten years in Augusta, he served one term as prosecuting attorney of this judicial district. In 1891, he was married to Miss Maude Cornelius of Augusta. In 1899, they moved to Marianna at which time Mr.Roleson took charge of the campaign of Judge Edgar A.McCulloch who was a successful candidate for associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. When Judge McCulloch moved to Little Rock, Mr.Roleson succeeded to his practice. He also served as attorney for the St.Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern railroad. Thirteen years ago Mr.Roleson suffered a stroke of paralysis that affected a part of his body, and while he continued in the practice of his profession, he was never able to resume his work with the same vigor. Subsequently he sustained another stroke, and last December a third stroke came. During the last few months he had been confined to his bed practically all the time. Death came as a relief to his intense suffering. He is survived by his widow, one brother, Edward Roleson of Forrest City, and one sister, Mrs.N.W.Norton, also of Forrest City.
02/14/29 WALDREP NEWT 1855 2 1929 HUGHES Funeral services for Newt Waldrep were held Friday of last week with interment in Hughes cemetery. Deceased was 74 years of age, and passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs.Dewitt Hamilton in Johnson township. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs.Dewitt Hamilton, Mrs.Ella Stewart, Mrs.Rufus Tucker, and two sons, Oscar and Walter Waldrep.
02/14/29 MASON ANN ELIZA MRS PERSON 7 6 1833 2 8 1929 TENN Mrs. Ann Eliza Person Mason was born in Madison Co., Tenn. July 6,1833, and died Feb. 8,1929. She was therefore 75 years, 7 months, and 2 days old. She was married to Rev.James A.Mason, May 16,1871. Rev.Mason died in St.Louis, Mo. Jan.6,1917. To this union were born five children, one son, William P.Mason, who lives in St.Louis, and four daughters, Jennie Ann Mason, who died at the age of 2 years; Mrs.Lula Clark, Mrs.Mary Ella Tarver, and Mrs.Lyda May Myers, all of whom were present at the dying hour, when their best human friend on earth closed her active career among them. Into her life came two grand children, Wm.C.Mason, who survives, and Miss Anita Tarver, who departed this life Nov.10,1926. Two great grand children, Cora Jean and Wm.Edwin Mason, children of Wm.P.Mason and Cora Marie Mason. Two sons in law, Dr.H.R.Clark, and Mr.Loyd Myers, with Mrs.Wm.P.Mason, daughter in law, and Mrs.Wm.C.Mason, grand daughter in law, who were all present for the funeral service held at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers. Pall bearers were:C.R.Izard, W.W.Campbell, Linn Turley, A.C.Bridewell, D.E.Hoshall, H.A.Knight, E.P.Taylor, W.J.Baker, C.R.Garrison, T.W.Horney, Ed Bonner and Harry Thomas. The remains were taken to Jackson, Tenn., in the W.E.Stevens funeral coach where interment was had in the Browns cemetery. Mrs.Mason is also survived by two sisters, Mrs.T.H.Fogg and Mrs.T.D.Tomlinson of Jackson, Tenn. The ground for Browns cemetery and church were given by Mrs.Mason's husbands grandfather, and it was her wish to be buried there.
02/14/29 DORSEY A. H. 1879 2 12 1929 CITY A.H.Dorsey died at his home in this city Tuesday night, Feb.12,1929, from rheumatic heart trouble. He had put in his usual days work at his blacksmith shop, and did not complain until a short while before his death. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers, followed by interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Deceased was 58 years of age. He came here from Lewisburg, N.C. in 1918, and has been engaged in blacksmithing from that time. He had recently built a new shop, and attractive residence, and was enjoying a good patronage. During his residence here he many fast friends who mourn his loss. He is survived by one son, H.E.Dorsey of this city, one brother, Charles Dorsey of Lewisburg, N.C., and one sister, Mrs.B.Moseley, also of Lewisburg.
02/21/29 DAVENPORT LOUIS 7 18 1888 2 17 1929 CITY Louis Davenport, son of Louis E. and Mary E.Folbre Davenport dies in Cincinnati, Ohio, was born in Forrest City on July 18,1888. He made Forrest City his home until nineteen years of age, since which he has spent his life out on the road. On April 12,1926, he was united in marriage with Mrs.M.J.Trammell. In early life he gave himself to the Lord, and at the time of his death was a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist church. He passed away following an illness of several months, in a hospital in Cincinnati, on Feb.17,1929, at the age of 40 years, 6 months, and 29 days. He is survived by his wife and son, Billy, his parents, and Misses Mary and Lucille Davenport. The funeral services were held at the home of the parents on Tuesday afternoon, Feb.19th, just 4 years to the day and hour when similar services were held the remains of his brother Edward. Services were conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, of Chaffee, Mo., Rev.Eli Myers of the First Methodist church, Rev.E.Rawlings, pastor of the First Baptist Church, and Rev.J.E.McJunkin of the Presbyterian Church. The remains were laid to rest by the side of his brother Edward in the Forrest City cemetery, with the following as active pall bearers: Roger West, J.T.Harris, T.A.Buford, S.G.Armstrong, C.D.Buford, and A.C.Bridewell. Honorary: Elmer Lienbel, Memphis; John D'Oracy, of Memphis; Dr.J.A.Bogart, Dr.J.O.Rush, Dr.J.F.McDougal, O.B.Rollwage, D.E.Hoshall, Homer Folbre, S.H.Mann, J.B.Johnston, C.W.Norton, N.B.Norton, W.W.Campbell, W.L.Lawrence, J.J. Tharp, R.F.Cook, C.E.Turley, James Fussell, T.J.Rowland, N.B.Rice, J.G. and J.T.Sanders.
02/21/29 HEMENWAY WALTER SELDON 1858 2 18 1929 CITY W.S.Hemenway, 71, died suddenly at the family home in Wheatley on Monday morning, Feb.18,1929. The body was brought to this city where funeral services were solemnized and interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.E.Rawlings conducting the ceremony. Deceased was born in New Hampshire in 1858 and was married 40 years ago to Miss Julia Izard of this city. For more than 42 years he has been engaged in the general supply and mercantile business at Wheatley. Deceased is survived by his widow, and an adopted daughter, Mrs.Ella Orr of Ft.Sill,Okla. The death of Mr.Hemenway although he had been in wretched health for several years, came as a distinct shock to his beloved wife, as well as relatives, neighbors, and friends. He had gone out to start the engine used in pumping water for the home, and it was while he was thus engaged he fell over dead. It had been his wish that he would not linger in a bedridden state. In his long business career he had helped and befriended many, having reared an orphan girl in his home, and by all of those his memory will be cherished and revered. Among all those who accompanied the remains to Forrest City for the funeral service and burial were:Mrs.T.F.McCarty, Mrs.Floyd Buyrum, John Hall, Mrs.W.B.Frith of Sheridan, Ark., Mrs.Chas.Long and daughter, Frances of Texas; Mrs.George Allison of Little Rock, Mrs.Ben Lewis of Memphis, M.W.Izard and Mrs.Mamie Beauchamp of Little Rock, Mr.and Mrs.Chas.Hemenway, Mrs.Zella Hammond of Wheatley. Deceased had been a member of the Baptist church more than 20 years and, up until the time his health failed, had been a leader in all good works and religious activities in his county and state.
02/28/29 DOOLEY HAMMOND PORTER DR 3 25 1847 2 21 1929 CITY Dr.H.P.Dooley, one of the older residents of the city, passed away at his home last Thursday, Feb.21,1929, at the age of 82 years. Funeral services were held the following day, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers, pastor of the First Methodist church, and by Forrest City Lodge No. 198, F.& A.M. Deceased was probably the oldest Mason in this county and held many offices of honor in this order. He is survived by one brother, George M.Dooley, and three sisters, Mrs.McCain of Pine Bluff, Mrs.W.F.Horney and Mrs.Laura Mallory. Pall bearers were from the Masonic order as follows: John W.Alderson, Dr.H.R.Clark, J.M. Gilliam, A.C.Bridewell, W.J.Lanier, and H.A.Knight. Dr. Dooley was one of the best known men of the county, and held in high esteem by all. He had been in failing health for some time and the end was not unexpected, but nevertheless brought genuine sorrow to the hearts of many. From Goodspeed: He joined McDonald's Company of Tennessee Cavalry, serving in the Confederate army two and a half years. He was twice wounded, first receiving a severe wound in the leg, and the second time his arm was broken. Eighteen of his company were shot down, and a ball, which passed through his arm, knocked the mounting from his gun and injured him quite seriously. After recovering sufficiently to admit of his again entering the service, he returned and remained until the final surrender. Mr. Dooley was married in Forrest City to Miss R. H. Johnson, a native of Arkansas and a daughter of G. V. C. Johnson. He was sheriff of this county at the time of his death.
03/07/29 SURGINER SAMUEL ALFRED 4 7 1907 3 3 1929 FPARK Alfred Surginer, one of the three occupants of a car, driven by Fred Fleetwood that crashed into a tree last Wednesday night, died at St.Joseph's Hospital in Memphis Sunday evening, Mar.3,1929, from a double fracture of the skull, never regaining consciousness from the time of the crash, except only in a semi-form, despite the efforts of the medical staff in using all forms of science in the endeavor. The remains were brought to Forrest City last Sunday night by W.E.Stevens & Co., undertakers, and lay in state at the family residence all day Monday. Promptly at 10:30 Co.H of the National Guard, of which he was a member, formed a guard of honor from the steps of the residence to the street, soon the casket borne by a picked squad of pall bearers came slowly down the aisle draped in the National Colors and passed on to the ambulance where the procession lead by the Color Sergeant and firing squad, moved to the First Baptist Church, where funeral services were conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings, pastor, with the church being filled with sorrowing friends, together with the fire boys, who also attended in a body, of which young Surginer was also a member. Immediately after the remains were taken to the Forrest Park cemetery with a long line of cars in procession where services were completed with the firing squad facing west firing three volleys over the casket and a buglar sounded taps so well known to the soldier. Samuel Alfred Surginer was born April 7,1907, near Athens, Ala., where the family lived until about four years ago removing to Forrest City. He was converted at an early age and joined the Methodist church, later on affiliating himself with the Baptist church at his former home. He was a boy who made his friends and kept them, was very popular with the young folks. He is survived by his parents, Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Surginer, and a brother, John W.Surginer and one sister, Miss Lettie Mae Surginer, all of Forrest City, and by a host of other relatives, who mourn his passing.
03/07/29 NAIL FLORA MAE MRS DILLS 9 22 1906 3 4 1929 FOREST HILL Card of Thanks: Thanks to all who sent the beautiful floral gifts and kind words of sympathy in the loss of our wife and daughter. William Nail and family, T.O.Dills and family. Mrs.Flora Mae Dills Nail, 22, died at the Methodist hospital in Memphis last night, Mar.4,1929, at the time of the birth of her daughter, Flora Mae. The infant was reported as doing well late last night. Mrs.Nail was the wife of William A.Nail of Nail Drug Store, 855 Union Ave. The young couple made their home with Mrs.Nail's parents, T.O. and Anna Bell Lacy Dills, 673 North Willet St. She is also survived by a brother, J.M.Dills. Funeral arrangements in charge of J.T.Hinton & Son, had not been completed last night. Taken from the Commercial Appeal on Tuesday. Mrs.Nail was the wife of William Tack Nail formerly of this city. The funeral was held Wednesday. Per death certificate she was born in Tennessee and her father in N.Carolina, and mother in Tennessee, with burial in Forest Hill cemetery, Memphis.
03/21/29 TODD F. P. 1852 3 18 1929 WYLDS F.P.Todd, aged 77, and for the past several terms County Coroner, died at the home of his son, Robert Todd in this city Monday, Mar.18,1929. Funeral services were held at Wylds cemetery Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns and were attended by a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. Death is attributed to old age. Mr.Todd was a native of Mississippi but came to St.Francis county a number of years ago, and engaged in farming activities near Powers schoolhouse, and until recently had lived in that community. He was the father of twelve children, ten of whom have preceded him in death. Two sons, Robert and W.J. (Joe), survive together, with a number of grand children. Deceased was a fine Christian gentleman, a member of the Christian church, and was held in high esteem by the people of this county who honored him with office on several occasions, usually without opposition.
03/21/29 SMITH LANDER P. 1860 3 8 1929 OKLAHOMA Lander P.Smith, aged 69, a former resident of Forrest City and an uncle of Mrs.Demetra Ellis of Colt, died March 9,1929, at Norman, Okla., where he had been making his home since leaving here.
03/21/29 WHITCOMB SILAS UNK 3 19 1929 UNKNOWN Silas Whitcomb died Tuesday night, Mar.19,1929, from a pistol shot wound through the head, fired by H.A.Williams last Friday night. Williams claims self defense, claiming that Whitcomb was attempting to cut him with a razor. Both parties are colored, and it happened on Hill street in the new business section. Williams surrendered to the officers and is awaiting action of the grand jury.
03/28/29 MALLORY JOSEPH EMMETT 4 21 1885 3 22 1929 MT.VERNON Emmett Mallory, one of the most widely known men of the county, and unusually active for his years until he suffered a stroke of paralysis several weeks ago, passed away at his home in the city last Friday, Mar.22,1929. Funeral services were held the following day, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers, with interment in Mt.Vernon cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows:W.G.Huxtable, S.A.Rolfe, J.M. Campbell, J.E.Black, Jack Eaton, and C.Barton. Deceased was a native of this county, and related to many of the older families of the county. For a number of years he was engaged in farming activities but for the past several years had been in the employee of the State Highway Dept., and was held in high esteem by hundreds of friends throughout the county. He is survived by his widow, one son, Henry, and two daughters, Mrs.Fred Lindauer and Miss Mary Mallory, and three sisters, Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse, Sr., Mrs.Cora Crews, and Mrs.Nelle Buford.
03/28/29 BRITTAIN ROBERT 1864 3 23 1929 FPARK Robert Brittain, familiarly known to hundreds of friends as "Bob," died suddenly at his home on South Rosser Street in this city Saturday night, Mar.23,1929. Funeral services were held Monday morning, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers, with interment in Forrest Park cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows:Active:W.R.Ferguson,J.E.Ferguson and Jack Ferguson, brother in laws of the deceased; Tom Rowland, Riley and Victor Hunt. Honorary: Chas., Will, and Jesse Heustess, D.E.Hoshall, N.B.Rice, T.W.Horney, Homer Folbre, and Ed Logan. He is survived by two brothers, Marshall Brittain of Marianna, and Bryant Brittain of Haynes, one sister, Mrs.Mary Walker Sampson of Florida, his widow, and hundreds of warm personal friends who sorrow in his passing. Deceased was 64 years of age and had engaged in extensive operations in St.Francis county for a long number of years. Although expecting to soon undergo an operation for an infected foot, he was otherwise in good health, and announcement of his death came as a surprise to friends and relatives.
03/28/29 TULLY CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH 1855 3 26 1929 MEMPHIS Funeral services for Christopher Joseph Tully, 74, President of Anderson-Tully Co., who died Monday, Mar.25,1929, in Brunswick, Ga., will be held today at the Blessed Sacrament church, Memphis, Rev.Father J.T.O'Conner officiating. The body arrived in Memphis Wednesday. Mr.and Mrs.Tully left Memphis three weeks ago to spend a short vacation in Florida. En route they stopped at Brunswick to look after some business interests. He became ill March 20 with pneumonia. He had been prominently identified with the business life of Memphis for more than forty years. He was connected with several other timber and fruit firms in various parts of the country, but had given his host efforts to the organization and holdings of the Anderson-Tully Co. For a number of years he conducted a large mill at Madison, in this county. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Jennie Admiral Tully; two daughters, Mrs.Calvin Graves and Miss Kate Tully; three sons, B.C.and Claude Tully of Memphis, and Ed Tully of Forrest City.
03/28/29 JOLLY C. M. 1852 3 24 1929 MISSISSIPPI C.M.Jolly, 77 years of age, died Sunday, Mar.24,1929, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.V.P.Buchanan, Franklin street. The body was shipped to New Albany, Miss. for interment.
04/04/29 HORNEY WILBUR H. 11 25 1855 4 3 1929 CITY Funeral services for Wilbur H.Horney, aged 73 years, were held today at the family home on Rosser street, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers of this city and Rev.W.C.Davidson of Batesville. Interment was in Forrest City cemetery, W.E.Stevens & Co. in charge. Pall bearers were as follows:Active:James Alley, Homer Folbre, N.B.Rice, A.C.Bridewell, J.E.Ferguson, J.T.Sanders; Honorary:W.A.Wilkins, C.E.Hammond, Leo Grobmyer, Joe Moore, R.H.Carlisle, Ray Bonner, Riley Hunt, J.T.Johnson, H.W.Paslay, J.L.Scott, Dr.P.P.Boggan, J.M.Nichols, and L.E.Davenport. Death came suddenly as a heart attack, early Wednesday morning, Apr.3,1929. as deceased was preparing to dress for his usual day of activity, and announcement of his passing brought genuine sorrow to hundreds of warm friends throughout the city. In his earlier life, Mr.Horney was engaged in mercantile business in this city, but in later years had followed the work of interior decorater. He was held in high esteem by all with whom he had business contact. He was a Methodist, a Woodmen of the World, of which latter organization he was a charter member of Forrest City Camp and for a long number of years had been its treasurer. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.Johnnie Horney, and one son, Tom W.Horney. Card of thanks:Husband and father. Mrs.W.F.Horney, Mr.and Mrs.T.W.Horney, Mrs.W.A.Greene, and Miss Mary Greene.
04/04/29 SANDERS ARTHUR B. 5 16 1873 3 30 1929 FPARK Arthur B.Sanders, 46 years, died Saturday, Mar.30,1929, at the home of his sister, Mrs.J.C.Morris of Round Pond. The funeral was held Sunday with services held at the Methodist church conducted by Rev.Eli Myers. Interment was in Forrest Park cemetery. The deceased is survived by his wife, children, mother and two sisters.
04/04/29 KITTEL MARY M. MRS 2 20 1875 8 16 1928 UNKNOWN Chaddock school in Quincy, Illinois, is given $20,000 for new boy's dormitory by Rev.Peter Kittel of Forrest City in memory of his wife, Mary M.Kittel. He has long been a benefactor of the school, at one time on the faculty there, and offered more gifts if they could raise additional funds. The story of Mr.Kittel's success is the old story of thrift and sound investment. He saved from his Methodist minister salary and bought an 80 acre tract of land in cotton, which raised more money than his salary in a short time, and he kept investing the money.
04/11/29 WOODY LUELLA IVY MRS 1858 4 7 1929 MISSISSIPPI Mrs.Luella Ivy Woody, 71 years, died suddenly of a heart attack at her home in Byhalia, Miss., Sunday morning, Apr.7,1929. Interment was in Mt.Pleasant, Miss. Mrs.Woody was the mother of J.W.Woody of this city, and he and his wife attended the funeral.
04/11/29 WORTHAM J. L. MRS UNK 4 6 1929 VIRGINIA Mrs.J.L.Wortham, died at her home in Lynchburg, Va., Saturday April 6,1929. She was buried in Chase City, Va., Monday afternoon, April 8. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Sallie Wortham of Lynchburg, and Mrs.T.B.Cartwright, of Forrest City, and three sons, T.F.Wortham of Blacksburg, Va., B.F.Wortham of Wortham, Va., and J.B.Wortham of Arlington, Ky.
04/11/29 GRAHAM BEN UNK 4 11 1929 UNKNOWN In the Smith Chapel neighborhood, 7 miles southeast of Wynne, about 15 families are destitute after tornado hits. Their homes are blown away, Avery Mitchell is paralyzed, and was carried to the hospital with two others. All the family of S.N.Clark are injured. In Princedale, about seven miles east of Wynne, Ben Graham was died in the hospital this morning. J.L.Lucas and wife, and two children were killed, located on the Ben Berry farm, in one house. Many others are injured and homes destroyed in a wide path of destruction.
04/11/29 LUCAS J. L. UNK 4 1929 UNKNOWN In the Smith Chapel neighborhood, 7 miles southeast of Wynne, about 15 families are destitute after tornado hits. Their homes are blown away, Avery Mitchell is paralyzed, and was carried to the hospital with two others. All the family of S.N.Clark are injured. In Princedale, about seven miles east of Wynne, Ben Graham was died in the hospital this morning. J.L.Lucas and wife, and two children were killed, located on the Ben Berry farm, in one house. Many others are injured and homes destroyed in a wide path of destruction.
04/18/29 HODGES IKE R. 1876 4 13 1929 FOREST HILL Funeral services of Ike R.Hodges, Widener, plantation and gin manager, were held Sunday afternoon at Sacred Heart Church, Memphis. Mr.Hodges was born 55 years ago at Aberdeen, Miss. He was a plantation manager at Marion several years before going to Memphis in 1909. He remained in that city only a short time before becoming a plantation manager at Widener. He died Saturday at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis after a week's illness following an operation. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.Gussie Kleim Hodges; two daughters, Mrs.Chastee Harris of Memphis, and Dorothy Hodges of Widener; one son, Julian Hodges of Widener; three sisters, Mrs.George L.Barnett, Mrs.R.H.Whitmore, and Mrs.Lotta Cantrell, all of Memphis; three brothers, Earl F.Hodges of Forrest City, T.P. Hodges of Proctor, and C.R.Hodges of Memphis. Per death certificate, b.Miss, died of pneumonia.
04/18/29 BRADFORD VIRGINIA B. MRS 1854 4 12 1929 MISSISSIPPI Mrs.Virgnia B.Bradford, 75, died suddenly at the home of the family of her son, Atty.A.M.Bradford, April 12,1929, and the remains were forwarded to the old family home in Eupora, Miss., where the funeral was solemnized Saturday afternoon. Another son, J.H.Bradford of Pine Bluff, survives. Although deceased had only lived in Forrest City a comparatively short time, she was a noble Christian character, and had endeared herself to all with whom she had come in contact.
04/18/29 KIRBY WILEY ELISHA JUDGE 1868 4 12 1929 CITY W.E.Kirby, 61, died suddenly last Friday afternoon, Apr.12,1929, at the family home in this city. He had served as Justice of the Peace of St.Francis county the last ten years and is survived by a large family. The funeral was held at the residence Sunday afternoon, the Rev.E.Rawlings conducting the ceremony. Burial was in the Forrest City cemetery, in charge of Forrest City Lodge No.196, I.O.O.F., of which he was chaplain. Deceased was born in Scooba, Miss., in 1867, but removed to Arkansas with his family when a baby and soon settled in St.Francis county with his family where he had spent his entire life and reared his family. Those who survive are his wife, daughters, Helen, Mary, Lucille, Alice, Edna and Ruth, also several grand children and numerous other relatives; among whom are, H.C.Kirby, brother of Muncie, Ks.; Milas Kirby, nephew of Marked Tree; Mrs.F.M.Chaney, sister in law, of Lonoke; T.D.Carr, brother in law, Madison;Mr.and Mrs.Henry Rickman, brother and sister in law, of Clarendon; all of these present at the funeral. The active pall bearers were all Brother Odd Fellows;Wright Lewis, J.T.Murphy, Marion Satterfield, A.V.Otey, W.G.Ferguson, and Earl Blackmor. Honorary:J.M.Campbell, J.M. Nichols, Linn Turley, Wiley T.Jones, A.L.Hutchins, and J.T.Sanders. The deceased was an honored citizen, fair and just in all his dealings, the head of a large family, a true and loyal friend, and the Times-Herald joins in deepest sympathy to the family and friends. Card of Thanks:Father and Husband:Mrs.W.E.Kirby, wife;daughters, Mrs.E.P.Remley, Mrs.Helen Clary, Mrs.E.J.Tipton, Mrs.Earl Estes, Miss Alice and Lucille Kirby.
04/25/29 PARKER THOMAS MRS 1865 4 20 1929 NEW HOPE Mrs.Thomas Parker, age 64 years, died Saturday April 20, at Palestine, interment being had in New Hope cemetery in Lee County Sunday afternoon. Rev.J.S.Burns conducted the services. A husband and two daughters survive.
05/23/29 JACKSON MARY LOU UNK 5 1929 UNKNOWN Funeral services were held Wednesday morning by Rev.Eli Myers of the Methodist church, for Mary Lou, infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Earl Jackson.
05/23/29 STUBBS INFANT GIRL UNK 5 18 1929 CITY Funeral services were held this afternoon for the infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Charles Stubbs, conducted by Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the Christian Church, interment had in the Forrest City cemetery.
05/23/29 MONTGOMERY W. R. MRS 1862 5 1929 HUGHES Services for Mrs.W.R.Montgomery, aged 67, who died at her home near Newcastle last week, were held by Rev.J.S.Burns, interment in the Hughes cemetery. Besides members of her family the deceased is survived by many loving friends who will sorrow at the passing of this estimable woman.
05/23/29 SMITH RICHARD RAY UNKNOWN Card of Thanks: We wish to thank our dear friends for kindness shown in illness and death of our son, Richard Ray Smith. Mr.and Mrs.Joe Smith.
06/06/29 GATLING THOMAS NIMOCKS JR 5 11 1911 6 1 1929 CITY Thomas Gatling Jr. died at home Saturday morning, June 1,1929. He had arrived only the day before from El Paso, Texas, where he had been since spring because of ill health. When leaving here Tom was a member of the Senior class of FCHS, and received his diploma at El Paso. After graduating there, he suddenly collapsed and it was found necessary to bring him home. He was also given a diploma from this school. Tom was born May 11,1911, and his mother preceded him in death a number of years ago. He is survived by his father, Thomas Gatling Sr., sister, Mary, and a half-brother, Chambless, besides his paternal grandmother and numerous aunts and uncles and cousins. The funeral was held from the Episcopal church Sunday morning, services by Rev.Myron L.Morley. Interment was in the Forrest City cemetery. The active pall bearers were:Jimmie Hicky, Henry Gilliam, C.R.Hine, Jr., C.W.Moore, Bill Vance, and W.E.Stevens, Jr.; honorary were the boys of the Senior FCHS class. As a loving tribute the girl graduates attended the funeral in a body.
06/06/29 ELLIS CLAUDE 1906 5 30 1929 UNKNOWN Claude Ellis, aged about 23 years, of Pine Tree, was accidentally drowned while fishing in a drainage ditch near the Cross-St.Francis county line, north of Pine Tree, last Thursday afternoon, May 30,1929. About twenty people were fishing along the banks of the ditch during the afternoon, but none saw Ellis at the time of his drowning, and just how it came about is not known. Funeral services were held at Pine Tree the following day.
06/13/29 WEST JAMES L. 9 14 1852 6 9 1929 UNKNOWN Marianna June 12-James Lafayette West, aged 76 years, died at his plantation home, ten miles northwest of Marianna last Sunday morning, June 9,1929, following a brief illness. Mr.West had not been in good health for several months, he suffered from heart trouble. In January he had an attack of influenza, but had apparently had entirely recovered. Four days prior to his death, he became ill with heart complications which resulted in his demise. Funeral services were held at the West home on Monday afternoon by the Rev.W.O.Thornley, pastor of the Baptist church. The body was then taken to Forrest City for interment. Mr.West was born in Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Sep.14,1852, near Ripley. In 1872 he came to Arkansas, locating near Forrest City in St.Francis county. He engaged in farming and also served as Deputy Sheriff. On April 1,1874, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Williams. In 1894, Mr.West moved to Lee county, acquiring a fine tract of land in Texas township. He lived on this place from 1894 until his death, with exception of two years when he resided in Marianna. Twelve children were born to Mr.and Mrs.West, seven of them being dead. Those living are:Mrs.E.H.McMurry of Little Rock; Mrs.Garland Fondren and Roger West, of Forrest City; Mrs.C.J.Chandler, Jr. of Wester, and Raymond West also of Wester. Also his widow survives him. Mr.West was regarded as one of the most substantial citizens of Lee County.
06/20/29 PEARSON JACK 1910 6 19 1929 HUGHES Funeral services over the remains of Jack Pearson, aged 19 of Colt, will be held today at Hughes Cemetery. Deceased passed away at the Methodist hospital in Memphis yesterday morning, June 19,1929, following an illness of several months' duration. He is survived by his parents, Mr.and Mrs.C.A.Pearson, who live about four miles east of Colt; three brothers, William, Burnice, and James A.; and two sisters, Mrs.Wilbur Hamilton, and Mrs.Brawner. Deceased was just 19 years of age and his passing just at the entrance of manhood has brought sorrow to the hearts of his family and friends. Card of Thanks:Son and Brother:Mr.and Mrs.G.A.Pearson;Mr.and Mrs.J.A. and W.R, Pearson;Mr.and Mrs.L.O.Brawner;Mr.and Mrs.W.Hamilton; Earle and Bernice Pearson.
06/20/29 CHINAULT ROBERT 1916 6 14 1929 UNKNOWN Marianna June 15-Lying close together, the bodies of Robert Chinault, age 13, and Edward, his brother, age 9, were found this afternoon, within a few feet of where they were last seen alive. The boys were drowned late Friday afternoon while fishing in a small slough near the L'Anguille river, one mile east of here. The younger boy fell from a culvert under Rock bridge and his brother attempted to rescue him, both boys drowning. The rescuers did not give up, starting back on Saturday in the same place. The older boy was a Boy Scout and many of his fellow scouts assisted in the search for the bodies. A jamboree scheduled by the Crowley Ridge Boy Scouts Council was cancelled last night after the tragedy. The double funeral was held Sunday. The boys are survived by their widowed mother, two brothers and one sister and several half-brothers and sisters.
06/20/29 CHINAULT EDWARD 1920 6 14 1929 UNKNOWN Marianna June 15-Lying close together, the bodies of Robert Chinault, age 13, and Edward, his brother, age 9, were found this afternoon, within a few feet of where they were last seen alive. The boys were drowned late Friday afternoon while fishing in a small slough near the L'Anguille river, one mile east of here. The younger boy fell from a culvert under Rock bridge and his brother attempted to rescue him, both boys drowning. The rescuers did not give up, starting back on Saturday in the same place. The older boy was a Boy Scout and many of his fellow scouts assisted in the search for the bodies. A jamboree scheduled by the Crowley Ridge Boy Scouts Council was cancelled last night after the tragedy. The double funeral was held Sunday. The boys are survived by their widowed mother, two brothers and one sister and several half-brothers and sisters.
06/27/29 NEAL EDWIN LANDVOIGT 6 13 1919 6 25 1929 CITY Edwin Landvoigt Neal, aged 10, familiarly known as "Pat," son of Mr.and Mrs.Ed Neal, and grandson of Col.Edwin Landvoigt of the Times-Herald, died Tuesday morning at a Ft.Smith hospital from injuries received Monday afternoon at Van Buren, when a horse on which he and his cousin, Clyde Cate, were riding, was struck by an automobile. Mrs.Ed Neal and her son, and Mrs.A.A.French were visiting relatives and friends of Mr.Neal near Van Buren, and the young lad received every possible attention, but his injuries were such that he survived but a few hours after the accident. The remains were brought to Forrest City and funeral services were conducted by Rev.M.L.Morley, and were held in the Episcopal church. Pall bearers were:W.A.Briening, James Fussell, Frank Burkhart, Russell Williams, M.B.Norfleet, and C.C.Perry. Honorary pall bearers were six young playmates as follows:Brooks Norfleet, Bobby Wright, Maxie B.Vance, Brooks Borden, Jerry Burns, and Junior Bradford. Mr.Neal went immediately on hearing of the accident by auto with Frank Burkhart and W.A.Briening. The remains were accompanied home by the parents, W.A.Briening and Frank Burkhart, Mrs.French and the following friends and relatives of Van Buren: Mr.and Mrs.Drew Preston, the latter a sister of Mr.Neal; Mr.and Mrs.J.Neal, Miss Queen Neal, Francis Preston, Bill Preston, Clyde Cate, Mr.Brownlee, and Mr.Hamer. The boy's arm was broken, and his skull fractured and he never regained consciousness. Col.Landvoigt was unable to attend due to a fall he suffered at the News stand on Monday. The car was driven by Mrs.M.D.Butler of Oilton, Okla. Pat had graduated the fifth grade last year.
06/27/29 GATEWOOD DELIA MRS UNKNOWN Card of Thanks: We wish to thank our dear friends for kindness shown in illness and death of our mother and aunt, Mrs.Delia Gatewood. L.N.Gatewood, Son; Irene E.Gatewood, Niece.
07/04/29 HUGHES LEE J. 1925 7 2 1929 THOMAS Lee J.Hughes, aged 4 years, was accidentally killed by a truck at Haynes late Tuesday afternoon, July 2,1929. The truck was driven by Will Tipton and the accident occurred as Tipton was backing the truck out of the yard. The lad was the son of Mr.and Mrs.Lee J.Hughes, of Haynes. Funeral services were held at Haynes Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley. Interment in Thomas cemetery.
07/04/29 CAPLES ERNEST 1907 6 30 1929 UNKNOWN Fight over girl ends in slaying. Haynes-An old feud, which had its beginning at a dance, near here several months ago, ended in the slaying of Ernest Caples, 22, Farmer, in a battle on Haynes' busiest street late Sunday, June 30,1929. William Jones, 24, another farmer, was arrested after the shooting and charged with first degree murder. Caples and Jones, both married, are said to have quarreled over a girl at a dance near here last December. Caples is said to have bested Jones in a fist fight encounter at that time. The two men met on Main street Sunday. After a few heated words, they came to blows. During the fight, Jones is said to have pulled a revolver, sending five bullets into Caple's body, the last entering his heart. Caples, the father of three children, lived three miles east of Haynes, while Jones owns a farm northeast of here.
07/04/29 McWILLIAMS GLENN 1906 7 2 1929 UNKNOWN Two drown in the St.Francis River Tuesday:Glenn McWilliams, aged 23, and Luther Greeson, aged about 35 to 40, were drowned in the St.Francis river about six miles north of Madison, Tuesday afternoon, July 2,1929, when a small boat in which they were crossing the river cap sized. The accident was witnessed by several people, who, however, were unable to reach them in time to be of assistance. The body of McWilliams was recovered about 5 o'clock, but it took up to noon on Wednesday, they have been unable to find Greeson's body.
07/04/29 GREESON LUTHER P. 1 22 1885 7 2 1929 MADISON Two drown in the St.Francis River Tuesday:Glenn McWilliams, aged 23, and Luther Greeson, aged about 35 to 40, were drowned in the St.Francis river about six miles north of Madison, Tuesday afternoon, July 2,1929, when a small boat in which they were crossing the river cap sized. The accident was witnessed by several people, who, however, were unable to reach them in time to be of assistance. The body of McWilliams was recovered about 5 o'clock, but it took up to noon on Wednesday, they have been unable to find Greeson's body.
07/18/29 DODSON SUSIE ELLEN MRS 10 23 1849 7 15 1929 CITY Mrs.Sue E.Dodson, 80 years, died Monday night, July 15,1929, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.S.A.Payne, Simsboro. Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon with services at the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the Christian church.
07/18/29 BAILEY RAY JR 2 1929 7 15 1929 CITY Ray Bailey Jr., five months, little son of Mr.and Mrs.Ray Bailey, keepers of the Old River Club, died Monday night, July 15,1929. Interment was in the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
07/25/29 LEWIS BEN MRS UNK 7 18 1929 MEMPHIS Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.John W.Alderson, Mr. and Mrs.W.E.Stevens, James F.Wolfe, James Fussell, E.P.Taylor and H.A.Knight went to Memphis Tuesday to attend the funeral services of Mrs.Ben Lewis, her son Henry Lewis, and Mrs.J.L.Foltz who were killed in a train wreck in Colorado last Thursday, July 19,1929. Forrest City friends of the Lewis Family.
07/25/29 LEWIS HENRY UNK 7 18 1929 MEMPHIS Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.John W.Alderson, Mr. and Mrs.W.E.Stevens, James F.Wolfe, James Fussell, E.P.Taylor and H.A.Knight went to Memphis Tuesday to attend the funeral services of Mrs.Ben Lewis, her son Henry Lewis, and Mrs.J.L.Foltz who were killed in a train wreck in Colorado last Thursday, July 19,1929. Forrest City friends of the Lewis Family.
07/25/29 FOLTZ J. L. MRS UNK 7 18 1929 MEMPHIS Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.John W.Alderson, Mr. and Mrs.W.E.Stevens, James F.Wolfe, James Fussell, E.P.Taylor and H.A.Knight went to Memphis Tuesday to attend the funeral services of Mrs.Ben Lewis, her son Henry Lewis, and Mrs.J.L.Foltz who were killed in a train wreck in Colorado last Thursday, July 19,1929. Forrest City friends of the Lewis Family.
08/01/29 COX THOMAS EDWARD 7 2 1882 7 28 1929 MT.VERNON Thomas Edward Cox, familiarly known to hundreds of friends as "Tom" passed away in Methodist hospital in Memphis, Sunday afternoon, July 28,1929, from injuries he received when struck by a train on the Rock Island tracks, west of Forrest City, near his home Saturday night. Cox was not found until the following morning, and his weakened condition prohibited him from giving a detailed account of the accident, but he did not step far enough from the tracks, and still far enough that the train crew did not realize that he had been hit. His leg was badly shattered and he was carried to Memphis shortly after found for hospital treatment but passed away a few hours after his arrival there. Deceased was engaged in farming activities, and was well known and liked in the community. He was 46 years of age, the father of nine children, eight of whom survive, as follows: Irene, Maxine, Laverne, Francis, Oris, Thomas, Samuel and James. One died in infancy. He is also survived by his widow, Elizabeth Danehower Cox, and four brothers, Joseph, W.R., Jesse and John, two sisters, Mrs.Joseph Gardner of Chicago and Mrs.Sam Danehower of Forrest City. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings, and Eli Myers at Mt.Vernon cemetery Monday afternoon. His son, Thomas Jr., testified at the Coroner's inquest that he was last seen about 8:30 Saturday night, when he left home to collect an account due him. Which he did, and was on his way home when the accident occurred.
08/01/29 STEWART JOHN MRS 1847 7 15 1929 WIDENER Mrs.John Stewart, 82 years, died Thursday, July 15,1929, at the home of her son, George, at Widener. Services were held at the Methodist church at Widener, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers of Forrest City, with interment in the Widener cemetery. Other surviving children are a son, Jim, and a daughter, Mrs.Edd Byrd, both of whom live in Elgin, Illinois. There are also a number of grand and great grand children.
08/08/29 WEST ELIZABETH MRS WILLIAMS 1854 8 7 1929 CITY Mrs.Elizabeth West, 77 years, died at her home near Marianna Wednesday morning, Aug.7,1929. Funeral is being held this afternoon at the Forrest City cemetery, where the husband of Mrs.West was buried on June 16. Mrs.West is survived by three daughters, Mrs.Garland Fondren of Forrest City, and Mrs.E.H.McMurry of Little Rock, Mrs.J.J.Chandler of Marianna; two sons, Roger West of Forrest City, and Raymond West, Marianna; one sister, Mrs.J.T.Fondren; and two brothers, J.W.Williams, Wynne, and Elmer Williams of Washington state.
08/22/29 PRIVETT CALVIN T. 2 8 1911 8 19 1929 BARNISHAW Calvin Privett shot to death in Courthouse by Clem Summers: Calvin Privett, aged 19, was shot to death in the corridor of the county Courthouse, Monday morning, Aug.19,1929, by Clem D.Summers, aged 52. The killing occurred just a few minutes prior to the time set for a civil suit in which Privett was being charged with being the father of an unborn child of Summer's daughter, age 22. Privett had denied the charge and was to have been defended in the suit by Marvin Norfleet, who had accompanied him to the Courthouse. Eyewitnesses state that Mr.Norfleet had passed through the corridor into the office of Judge Rolfe, before whom the trial was to have been heard, Summers stepped forward and asked Privett if he was going to marry the girl, and that Privett presumably not having understood the question, replied "what." and that Summers then fired one shot, entering his right shoulder and ranging downward, He lived about ten minutes. Summers is a well to do farmer of the Pine Tree neighborhood and has served as magistrate of L'Anguille township for the past several years. Privett was the younger son of Mr.and Mrs.Privett of Pine Tree. Calvin was buried Aug.20 at the cemetery in Pine Tree. Active pall bearers were:Hugh Adams, Stanley Sulcer, Waldo Adams, Joe Ellis, Victor Neill, and Clovis Higgins. Honorary:H.A.Sulcer, Arthur Sulcer, J.D.Neeves, Fred Sullivan, Ollie Hamrick, and Staten Danegan. The deceased is survived by parents, one sister, Alice Privett, and two brothers, Roy Privett of Pontiac, Mich. and Chester Privett of Pine Tree.
08/29/29 STEWART MARY MRS UNK 8 1929 MISSISSIPPI Mrs.Ambrose McDaniel and daughter, Annie, were in Starkville, Miss., Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs.McDaniel's aunt, Mrs.Mary Stewart.
09/19/29 HUGHES JESSE L. 1891 9 18 1929 FAMILY Jesse L.Hughes shot to death by John Ramsey:Marianna-Sep.18-Claiming self-defense, John Ramsey, 45, living near Haynes, was in jail here tonight pending preliminary hearing tomorrow on a charge of slaying Jesse L.Hughes, 38, merchant and farmer at Haynes, 10 miles from here, today at noon. It is said that the shooting grew out of an argument over a long overdue account that Ramsey had at a store in Haynes operated by Jesse Hughes. Ramsey was passing the store when Hughes stopped him, and insisted that he pay his account. Heated words followed, and it was said that Hughes cursed and hit Ramsey. Ramsey drew a pistol, shooting Hughes in the neck. This broke his neck and he died instantly. It is said Hughes was unarmed. Hughes is a cousin of Senator John J.Hughes, and son of the late J.L.Hughes. He is survived by his mother, Mrs.Sallie Hughes, and two brothers, W.J. and Heber Hughes, and a sister, Miss Erah Maud Hughes, all of Haynes. He was a widower. Funeral services will be held at the family burying ground near Hughes. Ramsey has lived in Haynes about 15 years, is married, and has several children. A few years ago he was indicted for stealing cotton and sentenced to a year. Due to a technicality he was released when the sentence was reversed.
09/19/29 CHEW FRANK 1875 9 12 1929 UNKNOWN Frank Chew, brother of Mrs.W.A.Dawson of this city, and a former resident here, was struck and killed by an auto in Memphis last Friday, Sep.12,1929. Funeral services were held in Holly Springs, Miss. Frank H. Chew, 54, former wealthy Little Rock real estate dealer and oil man, will be buried in Holly Springs, Miss., today. He was struck and killed yesterday by an auto driven by U.S.Marshall Arthur Rogers, and he never regained consciousness after being admitted to the Methodist hospital. He had been with real estate department of the England National Bank in Little Rock and the leading realty firms of the area. He made a modest fortune in oil, but lost it in the subsequent slump. He has been employed as a salesman for a Clarksdale, Miss. grocery firm. He was a Spanish American Veteran, and had been in the V.A.Hospital recently for some time. The marshal is being held on a manslaughter charge. Mr.Chew is survived by four daughters, Mrs.E.N.Barron, Elizabeth, Carolyn and Billie Chew, one son, Frank Chew, Jr. all of Little Rock, and one brother, R.E.Chew, Jr. of Memphis; and four sisters, Mrs.M.K.Upshaw of Helena; Mrs.Ted Jones, Memphis; Mrs.William Dawson, Forrest City; and Mrs.Mary Vylarer of West Helena. Commercial Appeal.
09/26/29 ALLEN WALTER GREEN 8 22 1857 9 21 1929 HUGHES Walter G.Allen, aged 72 years, died at his home in this city Saturday, Sep.21,1929, after an illness of several weeks. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev.Eli Myers of the Methodist church, with interment in the Hughes cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows:Joe Campbell, Clyde White, Lloyd Myers, Frank Warren, James Dillon, and Auverne White. Deceased was born in St.Francis county Aug.22,1857, in what is known now as the Hughes cemetery neighborhood, and had resided in the county all his life. Until advancing years he was a prosperous farmer, but in later years had resided in this city, enjoying the confidence and good will of all. He is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs.Thos.Barker Jr., of Greenville, Miss.; and Mrs.Wayne Thacker of Wynne.
09/26/29 HIGGINS HERMAN 1889 9 24 1929 HUGHES Herman Higgins, age 40, died Tuesday morning, Sep.24,1929, at the home of Zellie Devazier north of town. Mr.Higgins returned about three weeks ago from Baptist hospital in Memphis where he had undergone an operation. His home was about a mile north of Hughes cemetery where he was engaged in farming. The deceased is survived by his wife and two children, John and Augustine. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon by Rev.J.E.McJunkin of the Presbyterian church and with interment in the Hughes cemetery.
10/03/29 FERGUSON EDDIE UNK 9 28 1929 UNKNOWN Rock Island Kills Three at Round Pond:Eddie Ferguson, Ted and Fay Wilson, negroes were instantly killed by Rock Island train No.42, about noon Saturday, Sept.28,1929, at a grade crossing several hundred feet east of the railway station at Round Pond. They were in a Ford roadster and witnesses placed the blame on the men, as their was a clear view of the railway for quite a distance in either direction from the crossing. A dog that was in the roadster was also killed and the roadster demolished beyond repair.
10/03/29 WILSON TED UNK 9 28 1929 UNKNOWN See Eddie Ferguson
10/03/29 WILSON FAY UNK 9 28 1929 UNKNOWN See Eddie Ferguson
10/03/29 EMMONS M. MRS 1851 9 27 1929 ELMWOOD Mrs.M.Emmons, 77 years, died last Friday, Sep.27,1929, at her home near the Oil Mill. Funeral was held in Memphis Saturday, with Rev.C.N.Tyndell conducting the ceremony. Burial was in the Elmwood cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Monroe Emmons; one son, J.B.Phelps, Memphis; two sisters, Mrs.J.B.Hoffman of Birmingham, Ala. and Mrs.Lula Harper of Nashville, Tenn.
10/03/29 DUNCAN EVA EUNICE MRS WHITE 1 2 1898 9 29 1929 CITY Mrs.Lyman Duncan died Sunday morning, Sep.29,1929, in Little Rock at the home of her sister, Mrs.L.H.Brewer, and her body brought here Sunday afternoon for burial. Mrs.Duncan was born in Atlanta, Miss. on Jan.2,1898, the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.G.L.White. She was united in marriage to Lyman Duncan on Oct.29,1920. About three years ago Mrs.Duncan left here for Booneville on account of illness, and it was this illness that caused her death. Those who knew her previous to leaving here will remember Mrs.Duncan as a young woman of kind and courteous disposition, always smiling and cheerful and exceedingly pleasant in her contact with people. Her leaving here on account of illness was a shock to friends at the time. Surviving the deceased is her husband and little son, Lyman Jr.; Father C.L.White, Memphis; three brothers, Clyde, Clarence and E.A.White of Forrest City; two sisters, Mrs.L.H.Brewer of Little Rock, and Miss Linnie White of Stuttgart. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. The pall bearers were:Lamar Humphreys, James Oursler, Boyd Hope, Joe Campbell, Loyd Myers, and Lee Pankey.
10/24/29 MOORE FRANCES LOUISE MRS WILLIAMS 7 30 1872 10 21 1929 FPARK Mrs.John William Moore died Monday night, Oct.21,1929, from a heart attack that lasted only about fifteen minutes. She had retired in her usual good health earlier in the night and awakened her husband just a few minutes before the end to tell him that she was very ill. Deceased was 57 years of age and is survived by her husband, two children, Mrs.Jack R.Porter, and J.W.Moore Jr., and three sisters, Mrs.Rufus Scott, Mrs.R.E.Sellers, and Mrs.Thad Sellers. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings, assisted by F.F.Harrelson. Pall bearers were:Active:W.W.Campbell, John W.Alderson, F.F.Harrelson, S.A.Rolfe, and Gazzola Vaccaro. Honorary:M.C.Hambleton, C.R.Garrison, J.M.Williams, A.N.Brantley, T.A.Buford, Ed Bonner, W.E.Heustess, S.L.Hodges, J.M.Prewett, and C.C.Birkicht. Deceased was a staunch active member of the Baptist church, liberal in support of all its activities, and for a number of years in addition to her large contributions had paid the full expense of a mission worker in foreign fields.
10/24/29 RAY J. D. 1906 10 23 1929 UNKNOWN Rock Island Kills Two West of the City:An eastbound Rock Island passenger train struck a truck and killed two brothers, J.D.Ray, age 23, and Frank Ray, aged 20, at the first crossing east of Palestine Wednesday afternoon, Oct.23,1929. The young men were hauling cotton seed from Palestine to Forrest City and were on a return trip to Palestine, which makes the accident all the more inexplicable, as there is a clear view of the track for a great distance. They had just passed a car slowing because of the train at the crossing when the vehicle was struck.
10/24/29 RAY FRANK 1909 10 23 1929 UNKNOWN See J.D.Ray
10/24/29 THOMAS HENRY MRS 1908 10 17 1929 GEORGIA Card of Thanks:Mrs.A.B.Wolfe proprietor of the Arlington Hotel and Mr.Henry Thomas take this means of expressing appreciation to those who helped in the illness and death of Mrs.Thomas. Quite the saddest death occurring here in some time was that of Mrs.Henry Thomas, 21 years, who died in the Arlington Hotel Thursday night of last week, Oct.17,1929, as a result of childbirth. Little Henry Jr. was born at six-thirty Wednesday morning. Mr.and Mrs.Thomas, having been married only eleven months, coming here about two months ago from Savannah, Ga.. He holds a position with the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill as chemist in the laboratory. Aside from her husband, her grandmother Mrs.J.W.Roundtree of Statesboro, Ga., was with the deceased in her last illness. Her mother, Mrs.Gertrude Martin who lives in New York had been wired, but was unable to leave there until Thursday night. She was interrupted at Washington and diverted to Statesville. The body accompanied by Mr.Thomas and Mrs.Roundtree and the baby, left here Friday morning for Statesboro, Ga., where the funeral was held from the Baptist church according to Mrs.Sylvester Moore, the nurse. The baby was taken to Sumpter, S.Carolina, and placed in the care of Mr.Thomas parents.
10/31/29 MALLORY ELMA MRS RAIFORD 1870 10 28 1929 MT.VERNON Mrs.Elma Raiford Mallory, 59 years, died suddenly at her home Monday morning, Oct.28,1929. On entering her room about ten o'clock she was found dead and it is supposed that death occurred several hours earlier. Mrs.Mallory was a native of Byhalia, Miss., and came here with her father in her early teens. During the years she had taken an active part in both the social and church life of Forrest City. It would be safe to say that she was without an enemy, as her disposition was such that acquaintances became loving friends. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the residence and conducted by Rev.Eli Myers of the Methodist church and Rev.M.L.Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Interment was in the Mt.Vernon cemetery where the husband of the deceased, who preceded her in death about twelve years, was interred. Surviving relatives are one son, Ned Mallory; half brother, Raiford Matthews, Memphis; niece, Mrs.Fred Seaton, and nephew, Lieut.Newman Laughinghouse, Long Island, N.Y. Active pall bearers were:Leo and Gazzola Vaccaro, James Alley, John W.Alderson, W.W.Campbell, G.V.McCleskey; Honorary:M.B.Norfleet, H.A.Knight, R.C.Eldridge, Henry Gray, Thomas Fondren, and Lloyd Mullikin.
11/07/29 OTTO CARL CHARLES 7 31 1845 11 4 1929 HUGHES Carl Otto, respected citizen of St.Francis county for many years, passes away at the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.E.McCutcheon, Monday, Nov.4,1929, at the age of 84 years, three months, and four days. Deceased who was the father of Mrs.McCutcheon, was a native of Germany, but had lived in St.Francis county, engaged in farming, for a long number of years. His wife preceded him in death about ten years ago. Funeral services were held Tuesday conducted by Rev.J.E.McJunkin of the Presbyterian church, with interment in the Hughes cemetery.
11/07/29 BORUM TEDIE G. MRS 8 15 1863 11 2 1929 COGDILL Mrs.Tedie Borum, 66, mother of W.G.Huxtable, died at her home in Earle Saturday afternoon, Nov.2,1929. Funeral services were held there at the Baptist church Monday, with interment at Wynne. Mr.Huxtable was with his mother in her last illness. Wife of Dr.W.H.Borum.
11/14/29 LAMBERT ROSSIE MRS 1867 11 2 1929 YOCONA Mrs.Rossie Lambert, 64 years, died Saturday Nov.2,1929, at her home West of town. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon with interment at Yocona cemetery, conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings of the Baptist church. Deceased is survived by a daughter, Mrs.W.T.Nolan; three sons, Ollie, Oscar, and Herman, and one sister, Mrs.Minnie Jerome, all of this city.
11/14/29 LOVE IMBIA MRS UNK 11 1929 UNKNOWN Man Kills His Wife by Cutting off Her Head:Dave Love, Jr., aged 23, a negro employee on the Graham farm, is in county jail for murdering his wife, Imbia, in a fit of jealousy, completely severing her head from her body, and then attempted suicide by cutting his throat, which he failed due to slight injury to himself.
11/14/29 WALL E. G. UNK 11 9 1929 MARIANNA E.G.Wall died Saturday, Nov.9,1929, at the home of his sister, Mrs.Williford Haynie, after a long illness. Funeral services were held in Marianna Sunday afternoon. Deceased is survived by three sisters, Mrs.Williford Haynie, Forrest City; Mrs.Walter Ramie of Shawnee, Okla.; and Mrs.Henry Jordan of Marianna.
11/21/29 BIGGS DAVIS M. 1877 11 18 1929 ELMWOOD Train Kills Davis M.Biggs: Funeral services were held for Davis M.Biggs, Neuhardt, who died at Baptist hospital in Memphis, Monday night, Nov.18,1929, of injuries suffered when the automobile in which he was riding was struck at the Neuhardt crossing by a Missouri Pacific passenger train earlier in the day was held at the J.T.Hinton & Sons funeral home in Memphis on Wednesday. The Rev.O.W.Bradley and the Rev.Walter M.White conducting the ceremony. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery. Mr.Biggs, 52, planter at Neuhardt, in company with Nat J.Graves, 23, of Louise, had just left the Biggs home when the accident occurred. Mr.Graves, driver of the car, received a broken leg and severe cuts and bruises. Surviving Mr.Biggs are his wife, Mrs.Roberta Biggs; his mother, Mrs.Martha W.Biggs; two sons, Earl Biggs, III, and Davis M.Biggs Jr., of Louise; three brothers, Dr.J.M.Biggs, Heth;W.E.Biggs of Earle; and Thurman Biggs of New York City, and a sister, Mrs.James Cage, of Memphis.
11/21/29 HERRING GEORGE 1884 11 18 1929 HUGHES George Herring, 45, was drowned Monday afternoon, Nov.18,1929, at River front on the St.Francis river, near Levesque, when his boat cap sized. Herring, it is said, could not swim, and after floundering about a few moments, went down to his death, it being necessary for two companions, in heavy boots and clothing to fight desperately to save themselves. Herring is survived by a widow and several children and was buried Thursday at the Hughes cemetery north of this city.
11/21/29 NATHAN MORRIS UNK 11 18 1929 MEMPHIS Morris Nathan, Marianna, died Monday, Nov.18,1929, at the Baptist hospital in Memphis. Mr.Nathan was a member of the local lodge of B'nai B'rith.
11/21/29 RAWLISON JOHNSON 1857 11 15 1929 CITY Johnson Rawlison, 72 years, died at the Baptist hospital in Memphis, Friday, Nov.15,1929. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the W.E.Stevens Chapel, conducted by Rev.E.Rawlings of the Baptist church, interment was in the Forrest City cemetery. Mr.Rawlison made his home in Hughes, and is survived only by a distant relative.
11/21/29 CRUTCHFIELD MARY MRS UNK 11 21 1929 UNKNOWN Mr.and Mrs.R.E. were called to Memphis this morning on account of the death of Mr.Crutchfield's mother, Mrs.Mary Crutchfield who died at the Methodist hospital of pneumonia. Burial will probably be in Mississippi, her former home.
11/28/29 ROYCE SARAH ELIZABETH INFANT UNK 11 22 1929 CITY Sarah Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.T.Royce, died at the Baptist hospital in Memphis, last Friday, Nov.22,1929. Funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the residence with interment in the Forrest City cemetery, conducted by Rev.Eli Myers of the Methodist church.
11/28/29 BOULTON BELL ISABELLA MRS NANCE 8 28 1865 11 24 1929 CITY Mrs.Bell Isabella Nance Boulton, wife of H.A.Boulton, died at the family home in Franks township Sunday, Nov.24,1929, after an illness of fourteen months with a tumor, five months of which were spent in a Memphis hospital. Funeral services were held Monday, conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Deceased was born in Phillips County, Aug.28,1865, and at the time of her death was aged 64 years, three months, and 23 days. She was married to H.A.Boulton Feb.8,1885, in Phillips county, and they moved to St.Francis county about thirty three years ago, where they have since resided as industrious, respected citizens. In the passing of their loved one, the husband and foster son, R.S.Shankle, have the sympathy of all.
11/28/29 LEWIS ELLEN A. MRS TUCKER 1860 11 25 1929 FPARK Mrs.Ellen A.Lewis, 69 years, died at her home in Hughes Monday morning, Nov.25,1929. Services were held at the Baptist church in Hughes Thursday morning, conducted by Rev.Johnson and Rev.Ogle. Interment in the Forrest Park cemetery. Mrs.Lewis was the mother of T.H.Tucker of Hughes, and is survived by two other sons and daughters. Pall bearers were:R.C.Mickle, R.B.Wise, J.E.Morgan, C.W.Martin, J.R.Collier, and J.M. South.
12/05/29 FISHER ANNA M. MRS 1863 11 29 1929 FPARK Mrs.Anna M.Fisher, 66 years, died Friday at her home north of town, Nov.29,1929. Mrs.Fisher had been in ill health a year or more and returned about two weeks ago from the hospital in Memphis where she had been under treatment. Funeral services were held from the residence Saturday, conducted by Rev.M.L.Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd, interment was in Forrest Park cemetery. Besides her husband, she is survived by seven children:Mrs.W.M.Williams, Charlotte, N.C.;Mrs.John L.McLain, of Newport; Joe L. and Sim H.Fisher, Memphis; Park M.Hope; William H. and Paul P. of this city. Pall bearers were:J.M.Campbell, C.R.Garrison, W.J.Brannon, Lon White, J.M.Wilson, Louis Haven.
12/12/29 WHITTED JESSIE MRS GRIGSBY 1906 12 7 1929 LOUISIANA Mrs.Jessie Grigsby Whitted, 23 years, died Saturday morning, Dec.7,1929, at the Baptist hospital in Memphis of pneumonia. Funeral was at her former home, Ruston, La. She is survived by her husband, R.E.Whitted, and a little daughter, of this city, and her mother, one sister and four brothers of Ruston.
12/12/29 ANDERSON MARY MRS HAWLEY 1856 12 6 1929 CITY Mrs.Mary Hawley Anderson, aged 73 years, wife of Rev.J.A.Anderson, former presiding elder of the Helena district, died at their home in Jonesboro last Friday afternoon, Dec.6,1929. The body was brought to Forrest City for burial and services were held here Sunday, conducted by the Rev.Eli Myers, assisted by Presiding Elder F.R.Hamilton, Rev.Oliver of Wynne, Rev.Weaver of Widener, and Rev.Peter Kittel of this city. During her residence in this city this estimable lady made many warm friends and it was her wish to be brought here for interment.
12/19/29 HAMILTON MADISON UNK 12 15 1929 CITY Madison Hamilton, young son of Mr.and Mrs.Charles Hamilton died Sunday, Dec.15,1929, as a result of an accident with a vessel of hot water. Funeral was held today at the Forrest City cemetery.
12/19/29 COOK JENNIE MRS 1835 12 17 1929 MISSISSIPPI Hughes, Dec.17-Mrs.Jennie Cook, 94, died very suddenly today. Mrs.Cook was a former resident of Slate Springs, Miss., but of recent years has made her home in Hughes with her daughter, Mrs.J.W.Christopher. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs.Nannie Stoddard of Slate Springs, and Mrs.Joe Stoddard and Mrs.J.W.Christopher of this place. Funeral and interment was in Slate Springs, Miss. on Dec.18.
12/26/29 OSBORNE ROBERT 1864 12 21 1929 UNKNOWN Robert Osborne, a negro farmer about 65 years of age was killed last Saturday afternoon, Dec.21,1929, by a car driven by H.C.Smith of Memphis. The coroner's jury declared the death to be an accident, evidence introduced showing that Osborne stepped from behind a wagon into the path of the auto.
12/26/29 HARRIS CHARLES MRS 1886 12 25 1929 CITY Mrs.Charles A.Harris, aged 43 years, died at the Baptist hospital in Memphis Christmas morning, Dec.25,1929. She is survived by her husband and one son and daughter, Irene and Sam. Funeral services were conducted at the residence, conducted by Rev.J.E.McJunkin, followed by interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Pall bearers were: Gazzola Vaccaro, W.W.Campbell, C.C.Canterberry, J.M. Campbell, Aubrey Harris, and P.W.Lewis.
12/26/29 UNKNOWN CHILD 1926 12 20 1929 UNKNOWN A negro child aged about three years burned to death last Friday night, Dec.20,1929, when the house, occupied by its mother and two older children was destroyed by fire, in the northwest part of the city. Neighbors were able to get the other two children out of the house, and the mother was not present at the time of the fire.
Phone Numbers:
6 Logan's Drug Store-Gibson Art Cards 1922
10 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919
10 Buford Grocery Co.-Phone 10 and 11-We deliver in a covered truck. 1929 1922
11 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919 1917
12 Vadakin & Landvoigt-The Forrest City Times 1914
16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1920 In Mann Building 1908 1911 - - -
19 The Quality Grocery-Harry Thomas, Manager-119 Rosser Street 1919
21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913
24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - -
25 The Leader-R.C.Wilkinson, Proprietor-Clothing store 1926
27 Lesser Goldman Cotton Co.-Office upstairs in the Pettus Building-I.H.Edwards, Manager 1923
29 L.B.Golden's Quality Grocery-Free Delivery 1925
29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913
29 John I. Jones-Thanksgiving Dinners-We carry everything in Staples. 1917
31 City Drug Store-H.G.Gray and T.G.Gray 1920
31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913
32 C.C.Perry-Staple and Fancy Groceries-Phone 26 and 32 1929
34 Grobmyer Garage-Graham Brothers Trucks, sold by Dodge Dealers Everywhere 1926
34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913
34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - -
35 The Fair No.35-R.C.Wilkinson, Mgr. 1919
38 East Arkansas Lumber Co.-C.R.Garrison, Manager 1926
38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - -
38 Van Houten-Marshall Lumber Co. 1917
44 Wylds Garage-Telephone when you need a service car, handling Buick and Dodge Vehicles 1917
46 Forrest City Grocer Co.-Wholesale Grocers, Produce Grain & Hay, BEVO Distributors 1917
47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913
49 Forrest City Motor Company-Jackson Street-Mallory & Eldridge-Carload of Mules 1924
49 Eldridge & Scott 1917
51 WHITE GARAGE-Charlie White, Proprietor-Willard Batteries, Swinehart Tires, Filling Station-Old Presbyterina church building-In 1928, Whippet Automobiles for sale. 1925
58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913
60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913
63 Dr.D.O.Bridgforth-over the Planters Bank Building-Office 63, and Residence 335 1920
66 Moseley Steam Laundry 1922
68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913
70 Browne & Billings, Inc.-Ice Cream B and B Coal-Try our Empire Coal 1926
73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913
73 W.T.Sanders-Call 73 when you want quick delivery and lowest cash prices on groceries 1919
74 Norton Abstract and Loan Co.-Rollwage Building 1928
75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - -
75 VACCARO-GROBMYER CO.-Long Distance 1806, local 75 1922 1917
86 M.Rutsky & Co.-Dealer in Groceries, Clothes, and Shoes 1917
91 Louis Grobmyer and C.C.Canterberry-Wholesale Distributors of NIB The favorite cereal beverage-Phone 91 and 181 1925
91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913
93 W.R.Yelton-Authorized Dealer-Delco Light Farm Electricity and Frigerdaire Refrigerators 1926
95 Mrs.C.L.Platt-Your order for fruit cakes. Phone 95 1926
100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913
106 The Ideal Beauty Shop- Call Miss Lida Hinckley. 1920
114 Robert Bowens-Steam Cleaning and Pressing Club 1922 1920
116 C.A.Harris-Notice:Flies and Mosquitoes are coming, let me do your screen work, and other repairs. 1928
122 D.Downey-Residence 1913
124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - -
131 See Thomas L.Stout-Dealer of Remington Cash Registers 1926
134 L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET 1929 1911 - - -
138 Henry F. P.Gorman-Expert service electrically and mechanically-At residence 1926
144 The Hot Shop Bakery- 1926
147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1917 1912 - - -
150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1920 1913
152 St.Francis County Abstract Co.-Office in the Mann Building-Farm Loans available at 7 per cent interest.
155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913
158 The Bynn Yanns Store-Cash and Carry-L.N.Block, Local Trustee and Manager 1920
163 B.W.McCrary-Dentist-Office over R.W..Bensons-Call 163 1919
166 Taylor, Knight & Co.-Real Estate and Insurance 1922
170 Forrest City Ice Cream Company-one gallon $1.50 cash, $1.75 charge 1920
174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - -
175 Holland & Sellers-The Pure Food Groceries 1917
175 Pyle Piano Company-Pianos, Player Pianos, Edisons, Sonoras 1920
178 Forrest City Coal Co. Forrest City Ice & Coal-1922 1917
178 Forrest City Gin Co. for wood or coal 1917
184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - -
184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913
185 King's Greenhouses-Cut Flowers 1922
186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913
187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers N.B.Norton-Rollwage Building-1919 1913
190 Palace Meat Market-Phone 91 and 190 1929
192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913
204 McDaniel & Watson, Successor to W.F.Klotz-Harry O.Watson and Louis McDaniel 1914
206 The Elite Cafe-Wholesale and Retail for Schlitz Beer 1923
209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - -
212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - -
225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913
225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - -
232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913
241 Dr.Hugh Puckett-Graduate Veterinarian 1919
244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913
245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913
253 A.A.French-Residence 1913
257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913
263 C.Murphy & Co.-110 Washington Street Basement-Starr Made Pianos, Players 1922
266 The Cheese Factory-Hill Street 1929
270 A.H.Wood-Plumbing & Heating=217 N.Washington ST. 1917
272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913
273 Rose's Home Grocery-1 Block West of Public School 1914
275 Tharp Grocery 1919
282 Forrest City Produce Company-for Certo and Fruit Jars 1923
282 Canterberry-Nash Produce Co.-Rosser Street 1920
284 Herring and Schellhous-Land Engineers-Accurate Crop Measurements and Land Surveys-Mann Building 1919
285 Max Heuman-Dealer-Wynne, Arkansas-Hudson and Essex Cars 1920
290 Davis-Mize & Co.-Wholesale Only-Grocers and Dealer in Feeds 1923
294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913
298 Singer Sewing Machines-J.D.Caldwell, Manager-Wynne, Arkansas 1924
298 Merchants Grocer Company-Wholesale Only-Edmond E.Stevens, Mgr.-Hill and Grant Streets 1919
299 J.L.Scott & Co.-South Front Street 1919
299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - -
299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913
301 Pettus & Ferguson-Insurance-F.G.Pettus and J.E.Ferguson-Office in Beck Building 1919
303 St.Francis Motor Co. 1926 1923
304 Perry Cooperman's Furniture House-on Front Street 1919
313 T.C.Green-Cabinet Maker-Furniture repaired or made to order. 1926
335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1920 1913
338 Ira M.Walden-Painting and Decorating-Opposite New Methodist Church 1917
339 Grapes-Call at vineyard, or call 339. H.E.Schelhous. 1929
344 Smith's Service-Hauling and Towing 1920
345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913
352 David Grocery Co. gives merchants tickets for Trades Day June 20-Phone 352 and 452 1929 1923
354 Sharpe The Tailor-Corner Washington and Jackson 1919 1914
355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913
357 Cooperman's-Let us repair your phonograph 1926
357 We Deliver-COD 1914
367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913
368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913
370J For Rent: One nice bed room, three blocks from town. Also sewing done-Call Mrs.Jennie Boyett. 1925
379 Society and Personal-the Herald The Times Herald Publishing Co.-1919 1917
388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913
391 Coleman's Dairy-For delicious milk 1922
404 404 Service Station-Walter Prewett, Proprietor-Ajax Tires and Tubes, Tire Repairing 1927
404 404 Service Station-Percy H.Barker Jr., has bought a lease for the Standard Oil Company Service Station opposite the Methodist Church-Corner of Izard and Jackson 1926
412 McCleskey Brothers-Let us Dye for you! 1929 1925
420 The Quality Motor Co.-N.B.Rice- 1919
422 Forrest City Bottling Co.-Mallory & Gorman, Props. Gorman & Gorman 1920 1920
423 Grissom Taxi Service 1928
426 Cash Market-R.E.Sellers, Manager-208 N.Washington-Choice Meats & Produce 1922
453 Dr.H.R.Clark-Dentist-Office in the Pettus Building 1920
455 First Baptist Church-Rev.Blount F.Davidson Pastor 1926
474 Grissom Taxi Service 1929
485 B.F.King-Florist
485 Godwin-Honnell Florists-Artistic Corsages, Wedding Bouquets 1925
485 Morgan Honnell Florist 1929
489 The Bonnet Shop-Special Price on Permanent Waves $7.50-Mrs.Laura McClintock, an experienced operator in charge! 1927
502J M.Emmons-Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries and a nice line of meats 1917
500 Forrest City Gin Co. Filling Station-Road Service 1923 1922
517 Ourslers Grocery-We are Prompt-Phone 17 and 517 1929
525 Rollwage Motor Company-Try us for car washing, tire changing, tires and tubes 1925
543 Forrest City Electric Co.-H.C.Batts-Automatic Oil Heat/Wiring/Repairs/Appliances 1929
814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913
815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913
808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913
808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913
808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913
808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913
819F14 P.W.McFall Garage and Service Station-Up to date Free Tourist Camp-Madison 1923
820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913
822 Morgan and West Box Co.-Madison, Arkansas 1925