The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological OrderSelected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 17,2008 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1898 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" Deaths: - - - - - - 1-21-1898 - Harris - J. - G. - Mrs. - - Mrs. J.G.Harris died yesterday, Jan.20,1898, of pneumonia, and was buried today. She was a noble Christian woman, a loving mother and wife, and leaves a husband, three sons, and a large number of friends to mourn her loss. Jim Harris, messenger on the Iron Mountain, is in town today to attend his mother's funeral. 2-4-1898 - Logan - Isa - - Mrs. - MADISON - Madison-Mrs.Isa Logan, sister of Mrs.J.G.Trotman, died this morning at the residence of the latter, in Madison, and was buried at Madison burying ground this afternoon. Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. She had been an invalid for fifteen years. 2-11-1898 - Powers - W. - H. - - WYLDS - W.H.Powers, and old and respected citizen of Franks township, died Sunday of last week, Feb.6,1898, and was buried in the Wylds cemetery the following day. He was about 80 years of age and leaves a wife and five children. 2-11-1898 - Ezell - O. - A. - Mrs. - - The spirit of Mrs.O.A.Ezell passed away to it's maker on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. She had been confined to bed for many weeks, and bore the pain and suffering with Christian fortitude, and as her last moments drew nigh, she bid farewell to her family and friends gathered around her bedside, confident of victory beyond the grave. Complying with her request the remains were carried to Columbia, Tenn., on the train Wednesday morning, accompanied by her brother, Dave Holcomb, there to be laid to rest beside her mother. She leaves behind a husband and children to mourn her loss. 2-11-1898 - Jordan - R. - E. - - BELL - S.J.Jordan, of Wynne, formerly of the Prairie township, was in town enroute from Palestine, where he had been on the sad mission of burying his son R.E.Jordan, who had died at Wynne, Friday morning, of catarrh of the head. The young man was 17 years of age, and had been sick four months. The remains were interred in the Bell cemetery, two miles north of Palestine, Sunday, Rev.R.P.Bain, of the Wynne Baptist church officiating. 3-18-1898 - Jackson - Everett - H. - - CITY - Everett H.Jackson, formerly assistant-postmaster of this city, and a most upright and honorable, highly respected and greatly loved young man, died Monday night at the home of his brother, T.H.Jackson, in Cherry Valley, of consumption. His remains were brought here for interment, arriving Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, and were met at the depot by the Knights of Honor and a large concourse of citizens and friends, and followed to the cemetery, where services were conducted by Rev.A.E.Holloway, of the Methodist church, and the Knights of Honor, of both of which deceased was an esteemed member. "Eb" as he was familiarly known and called, had been in bad health for several years. Last year he had an operation performed, for fistula, and has never grown better. Recently he went to San Antonio, but grew worse and did not stay but a short time. After returning to Cherry Valley he gradually and rapidly grew weaker, and the end came to his sufferings Monday. In life we had talked with him of our health, and of his contemplated trip to San Antonio. He expressed the wish that we could go together. He seemed to think that the change would do him good, and that he would be able to go to work when he arrived there. But he waited too long. Death had marked him, and he is now at peace. He was an earnest and energetic worker in the Methodist church and that organization has missed his services, especially at the young people's meetings. The bereaved family has our sincere sympathy in this sad hour, though it is comforting to know that his brother's sufferings are o'er, and his life, so pure, has gone out and back to the giver, and that his soul is now with God. 3-25-1898 - Halbert - A. - J. - - - The sad news of the death of A.J.Halbert reached the city a few days ago. He was a nephew of Capt.W.H.McDaniel, and had other relatives and many friends and comrades in this county, He died in Tuscon, Ariz. He was an ex confederate soldier and was wounded at Shiloh. After careful nursing for seven months, he was restored and immediately joined the cavalry in Arkansas, and was again wounded. He was a big hearted man and his death is regretted. 4-1-1898 - Parham - Josh - - - - Uncle Josh Parham, brother of Mrs.John Mallory, was found dead in bed Tuesday morning, Mar.29,1898. He was about 75 years of age and died of paralysis. He had complained of his side hurting him the evening before, and remedies were applied and nothing serious thought of it. He served through the war in the 13th Tenn.Infantry. Uncle Josh had made his home with Mr.& Mrs.Mallory for a long time and had seldom come into town. He was buried the following day. 4-1-1898 - Thompson - Ed - - - - A killing occurred three miles east of Patterson's on the military road and seven miles north of Cicalla, at Coleman's timber camp, Monday evening, Mar.28,1898, Ed Thompson was the victim, having been shot by Tally Holmes with a shotgun. After an inquest, he is still at large. 4-1-1898 - Thomas - Infant - - - CITY - Democrat-The infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.S.Thomas died Saturday morning, Mar.26,1898, and was laid to rest in the City cemetery. The bereaved parents have our sincerest sympathy. Mrs.Thomas returned home Monday. 4-8-1898 - Gibson - Mother - - - - Dr.E.Q.Gibson, returned home Sunday. We regret to learn that his prolonged absence was owing to the death of his mother on Mar.28,1898 at Richland, Mo. 4-8-1898 - Stewart - Mark - - Mrs. - - Mrs.Stewart, wife of Mark Stewart, who lives on the Riley Kindrick place, died Monday, at Widener, Apr.4,1898. A coffin was sent over by Mr.Kendrick for the remains Tuesday, and she was buried Wednesday. 4-8-1898 - Chisenhail - J. - R. - - - J.R.Chisenhail, who has been sick for months died Wednesday. He had been the recipient of many charitable kindnesses, as well as his burial. He leaves a wife and three children. 4-8-1898 - Fogg - Emmett - - - - Emmett Fogg, son of Homer Fogg died last week. 4-15-1898 - Smith - Shelby - - - - Shelby Smith, a brakeman on the Little Rock & Memphis railroad, was killed near Palestine Friday night by falling from the train while discharging his duties, when his leg was cut off he died from loss of blood. 4-22-1898 - Johnson - Amanda - - - - Amanda S. Johnson (nee Hardy) departed this life at her home in the southern part of the county, Mar.15,1898. She was born in this county Jan.5,1860, was married to O.D.Johnson, with whom she lived until his death. She leaves four children and many friends and relatives to mourn her death. The deceased was a good woman, a kind neighbor, and an earnest Christian. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. May the children fall into the hands of those who will train them for God, that after awhile they may meet their mother in heaven. 4-22-1898 - Nash - A. - M. - - MT.VERNON - A.M.Nash Drowned-A sad accident happened in the bottoms Friday, last, Apr.15,1898. While floating logs to his mill, at Round Pond on the Little Rock and Memphis railroad, about twelve miles east of this city, and in attempting to steer his raft, he missed his footing and was precipitated into twelve feet of water. His son was on the front end of the raft and immediately ran to his assistance, but it is supposed that he became entangled in some brush, and being unable to swim, never rose to the surface. His body was recovered some two hours afterwards and brought to the city, and carried to the Stevens Bros. establishment, where it was embalmed and prepared for the tomb. Saturday noon the body was carried to the residence of the brother in law, J.C.Bell, thence to Mount Vernon cemetery at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, where it was laid to rest beside his wife. The services were conducted by Rev.A.E.Holloway of the Methodist church, assisted by Rev.L.R.Simpson and the Knights of Pythias. Mr.Nash was a native of Ohio, and came to this county about ten years ago and engaged in the saw mill business; in which capacity he was widely known. He was about 50 years of age, a member of the Methodist church, and a Knight of Pythias. He has been prominent in the politics of the county for several years, having been a candidate for county judge upon the Republican ticket on several occasions. The large concourse of citizens from the town and country which assembled to pay last tribute to his memory, were sincere in their regrets on his untimely demise, and evidenced the esteem and respect in which was held by all who knew him. Never were truer words spoken, than when the pastor spoke of the deceased as one of the noblest works of God-an honest man. In the death of A.M. Nash his family has lost its chief stay, society a worthy member, the community at large a progressive citizen. The deceased leaves a grown son and daughter, Chester and Cliffe, and Odell, a boy of tender age, to all of whom the sympathy of a sorrowing community is extended. 4-29-1898 - Curtis - Walter - - Mrs. - - Mrs.Walter Curtis, of Haynes, died in Little Rock yesterday morning, Apr.28,1898, of cancer of the stomach. The remains arrived here yesterday evening and were met by the Stevens Bros. hearse and conveyed to Haynes, where the funeral will take place today. 4-29-1898 - Winfield - Robert - - - - Robert Winfield, a hardworking man in the employ of Hon.F.W.DeRossitt, was drowned in the Allen bayou Saturday, while attempting to swim across. He was a blacksmith and a good workman, and his tragic death is regretted. 5-13-1898 - Malone - Sam - - - - Sam Malone who was found dead in the L'Anguille near Palestine just below the railroad. He had been thrown off the train due to drunkeness, and must have fallen into the river. 5-13-1898 - Bynum - J. - W. - Mrs. - - Pine Tree-Mrs.J.W.Bynum died last Saturday night. She leaves a husband and a large family of children to mourn her loss. The family has the sympathy of all who knew her. 5-27-1898 - Palmer - Annie - - - - A woman named Annie Palmer was found dead of suicide Monday night about 10 p.m. She was found in bed dead of a gun shot about 22 years of age. She was deserted by her husband, and had formerly lived here, having returned from Little Rock about three weeks ago. 6-10-1898 - Luckett - J. - W. - - - Murder of J.W.Luckett due to shot thru breast of a 44 Winchester ball by Mr.J.C.Willhite. 6-24-1898 - Sanders - Joseph - Ratliff - - CITY - Obituary-Joseph Ratliff Sanders was born in Feb.1870 in Desoto Co.,Miss. and is the second son of Prof. and Mrs.J.B.Sanders, of this city. He departed this life Sunday morning, June 19,1898 at 11:15 a.m. as a result of a accidental explosion of 25 pounds of powder, while in the performance of his duties as salesman for the mercantile firm of L.Rollwage & Co. He leaves a policy in the Germanda Life Insurance Co., for $2,000 in favor of his devoted mother. By his watch, which had stopped at that time, it is known that the accident which caused his death occurred at exactly twenty two minutes past three o'clock Saturday afternoon. He was conscious until a few minutes before death, and could remember all the details of his actions just prior to and after the explosion. The subject of this notice was an exemplary young business man, enjoying vigorous young manhood and the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. He had resided in this city about seven years, during which time he had surrounded himself with a host of warm friends, and not a single enemy. He was not a member of any church, though he had professed religion, and lived an upright, manly life, and was admired by all who knew him for his noble traits of character, his fine physical bearings and moral worth. Eld.Robinson of the Baptist church, Rev.Simpson of the Presbyterian church; Rev.Holloway of the Methodist church, and Eld.Smith of the Brinkley Baptist church presided at the services at the church and the grave. 6-24-1898 - Allen - Wes - - - - Last Tuesday Deputy Sherman arrested Nathan Bell, accused of murder of Wes Allen on the Iron Mountain excursion train on June 12. He was arrested a few miles south of town. 7-1-1898 - Lewis - Mollie - - Mrs. - - Ed Landvoight returned from Little Rock Tuesday where he had been to attend the funeral of his sister in law, Mrs.Mollie Lewis. 7-1-1898 - Scott - Robert - T. - Judge - CITY - Death of Judge Scott-Judge Robert T.Scott, who has been in failing health for a year or more, died at his home Sunday morning, June 26,1898, aged 70 years and was buried at the Forrest City cemetery Monday morning. The funeral took place at the Methodist church, of which he had been a member for more than a half century. Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. He leaves a wife, and one son, Frank H, who was with him in his last illness. Judge Scott was an old landmark of Eastern Arkansas, having resided in Lee, Phillips, and St.Francis counties since 1860. He came to Arkansas from Huntsville, Ala. He was Royal Arch Mason, and was buried with full Masonic honors. He had been prominent in county politics in his lifetime, and had served several terms as county judge, mayor, and some three years as postmaster. He was a kind an loving husband, an indulgent, though firm parent, and a kind and charitable citizen and neighbor. His death, though not unexpected, is the cause of deep gloom in the family circle, and his presence will be sorely missed by his daily associates. 7-1-1898 - Montgomery - Wm. - - - HUGHES - Mr.Wm.Montgomery was in town Saturday night, and late in the evening accompanied by Squire Wm.McLaren, started for his home near Fulwood. The two had been drinking during the day, and were driving recklessly when there vehicle overturned when the horse spooked, accidentally breaking the neck of Wm.Montgomery. A coffin was carried out Sunday morning, and his remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery. 7-8-1898 - Barrow - Maude - Church - Mrs. - - Death of Mrs.Barrow-Mrs.Maude Church Barrow, beloved wife of Mr.Eugene Barrow, died at their home in the city yesterday morning at an early hour of congestion. She had been ill for only a short time, and an hour before her death it was thought she was improving. But God had called her home and the angel of death was at hand. She was a member of the Methodist church, a devout Christian, a devoted wife, and a fond mother, an ornament in society, and her unexpected demise is the source of deep gloom to her husband and relatives and will be keenly felt by her large circle of friends. She leaves a husband, a sweet 20 months old baby, and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. The remains were embalmed, and taken to Columbia, Tenn. for interment, that city having been her home in maidenhood. 7-29-1898 - Peevey - Hal - - Mrs. - - We regret to have the occasion to chronicle the death of Mrs.Hal Peevey, which sad event occurred at her home near Colt, last Saturday, July 23,1898. 7-29-1898 - Lamb - Joe - - - - Democrat-Joe Lamb died at the residence of W.S.Thomas Sunday, July 24,1898, after a protracted illness and was retired to his final resting place. 8-5-1898 - PrewItt - William - Lee - - HUGHES - The Times was sorry to hear that William Lee Prewitt, infant son of George C. and Maggie.E.Prewitt, which sad event occurred at their home on Jul.21,1898. The sweet little boy was only five months old, but had entwined himself into and about the hearts of the fond parents and all who knew him, and his death caused by fever, was a sad blow to them. The remains were interred at the Hughes cemetery. We extend the sympathy to the family in their bereavement. 8-5-1898 - Stout - J. - W. - Capt. - LOUGHRIDGE - Colt-Capt.J.W.Stout, an old and respected citizen of New Castle, died last Thursday. His remains were buried in the Loughridge graveyard last Friday, where they were followed by a large concourse of friends.8-5-1898-Capt.J.W.Stout, who was favorably known throughout the county, died at his home ten miles north of Forrest City, July.28,1898, ages 69 years. The death of Capt.Stout caused deep gloom in the family circle and the entire community. His presence will be greatly missed by his daily associates; he was a kind husband, a kind an charitable citizen. He was a member of the Methodist church and of the Masonic fraternity and was buried by that fraternity at Loughridge cemetery. Capt.Stout leaves a wife and four children, and a host of friends to mourn his loss. A Friend. 8-5-1898 - Casteel - Dora - - - YOCONA - The Times regrets the occasion to chronicle the death of little Dora Casteel, which sad event happened at the family home in the city Tuesday evening, Aug.9,1898. She was a sweet little girl, and her mother's grief is inconsolable. The remains were interred in Yocona cemetery. 8-5-1898 - Pinckston - Maggie - - Miss - - Died, Saturday, Aug.6,1898, at 8 o'clock near Widener, daughter of Mr. John Pinckston, age 16 years. The Times extends words of condolence to the bereaved family. 8-19-1898 - Ferguson - Elizabeth - Logan - Mrs. - McDANIEL - We regret to announce the death of Mrs.W.C.Ferguson of McDaniel. The spirit of this estimable lady passed to its maker last night, Aug.19,1898, leaving many sorrowing relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Her remains were laid to rest in McDaniel cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Messrs.W.E.Williams, I.W.Mallory, Chas.Lewis, Edward Roleson, and E.L.Vadakin, of this city attended the funeral. The services were conducted by Eld.W.H.Paslay in his usual earnest and impressive manner, and were listened to by a large congregation of sorrowing friends and relatives. She died after a painful illness of about two weeks. In life she was a noble little woman and was beloved by all who knew her. Perfectly unselfish in her daily walks, she was the idol of a large family, and their loss is inconsolable. She leaves a husband and eight children-four boys and four girls. To them in this great bereavement we can comfort only to the extent of a sincere sympathy, and this we feel and extend. 9-9-1898 She was born in Shelby Co., Tenn., Apr.25th,1858; married Wm.C.Ferguson Aug.17,1870. Eight children were born to them, seven of whom survive her. The deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist church. Her career as far as the affairs of the world are counted was uneventful; to her family and friends her life and character was that of the noblest, truest type of womanhood. Ever cheerful, patient and self-sacrificing, the memory of her gentle life shall live in the hearts of all who knew her, as an example of the ideal wife, mother and friend. Bessie Murta. 8-19-1898 - Roberson - S. - J. - Mrs. - - Mrs.S. (Swinie) J.Roberson was born May 12,1827, at Palasco, Giles Co., Tenn., was married to Harrison Roberson Nov.15,1838, and died at her home near Palestine, Aug.12,1898. She joined the Methodist church in Sept.1859, and lived a consistent Christian life. She had resided in the county for 21 years and leaves a sorrowing husband to mourn. 8-19-1898 - Nash - Maggie - - Mrs. - Mt.Vernon - Death of Miss Maggie Nash-Miss Maggie Nash came to Forrest City from Palestine last Saturday, where she had been teaching school. She had been sick for several days and gradually grew worse until Tuesday morning, Aug.9,1898, when her spirit took its flight to realms above. She was well and favorably known to a large circle of friends, and loved by scores of children whom she had taught in various districts of the county. She was a very quiet and unassuming dispostion, and in her daily walks endeavored to do good in the world. The remains were interred in Mt.Vernon cemetery Tuesday afternoon, where many loved ones gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. The services at the grave were conducted over by Rev.A.E.Holloway. At the time of her death, Miss Maggie was stopping at the home of Mrs.W.P.Evans, who is her sister. She was also a sister of Willie Nash and Mrs.George Bottoms. 8-26-1898 - Strong - Mother - - - - A sad accident occurred last Tuesday night, which happened near Caldwell. A boy by the name of Strong, on returning home from a neighbor's house, discovered someone coming from his chicken house, and never dreaming that the person was other than a thief, he fired his gun, the body dropped, and upon going to the place he was horrified to learn that it was his mother mortally wounded. 8-26-1898 - Lemmons - Baby - - - - New Castle-The death angel has again visited our community and taken from the house of Mr.& Mrs.Lemmons their sweet little baby boy. 9-2-1898 - Fisher - Henry - W. - Mrs. - HUGHES - Mrs.Henry W.Fisher died Friday morning in Lee county, and was buried Saturday afternoon at the Hughes cemetery. Rev.M.L.Walcher conducted the ceremony. She was born in North Carolina, and was 52 years of age. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss. FORREST CITY TIMES NEWSPAPER SEPT.2,1898 9-9-1898 - Norton - William - - - CITY - Death of Wm.Norton-William Norton was born in B? Lick Springs, Ky., in 1812, and died near Palestine, in this county, on Tuesday afternoon, Sep.6,1898, at the ripe old age of 86 years. The birthplace of the subject of this sketch is down in history as the scene of one of the bloody engagements, (August 1782) between the Kentuckians and the American Indians, which occurred quite frequently in those primitive days, and in which it was said Daniel Boone, the sturdy pioneer, lost a son. Mr.Norton lived in Nicholas county then, and followed the honorable pursuit of farming and stock raising. It was while living there that the famous Blue grass regions of Bourbon, Fayette and other adjacent counties was developed. He moved to the Buckeye state to enjoy the schools, and later moved to Indiana, and in 1875 lost his wife. They were the parents of our esteemed fellow townsman Judge N.W.Norton, he being their only child. In 1882, Judge Norton having come south and located in Wittsburg, his father followed and in 1887 they came to Forrest City. Wm.Norton was an upright citizen, and lived a consistent Christian life. He had been a member of the Methodist church for forty years, and he was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Wednesday. Rev.A.E.Holloway reading the beautiful ritual ceremonies of that church to which in life the deceased had been so much devoted. He was familiar figure to the citizens of Forrest City. 9-9-1898 - Williams - Lura - - Miss - CITY - Death of Miss Williams-Miss Lura Williams, second daughter of Mr.& Mrs.George Williams, died at Palestine, last Friday, Sep.2,1898. Deceased was about 17 years of age, and a consistent member of the Baptist church. She possessed all the qualitifications requisite to amiability and attactiveness, was the light of the home, and added joy to her large circle of friends. Her loss will be sadly felt in the home, church and social circle. The remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery, a large number of friends attending the burial, all of whom offer their sympathy and condolence to the family. 9-9-1898 - White - Baby - - - - Mrs. White lost her baby last week with fever.Pine Tree. 9-9-1898 - Ferguson - Elizabeth - Logan - - - Obituary-Elizabeth Logan Ferguson, who was laid to rest at McDaniel cemetery on the 19th of August, 1898 9-16-1898 - Powers - Charles - Lawrence - - - Galveston, Texas-Died Saturday, Sep.10,1898 of meningitus. Charles Lawrence Powers, infant son of C.L. and A.T.Powers. Interrment in Lakeview cemetery. This darling baby boy was the grandson of our Mr.Landvoight and a nephew of Mrs.Vadakin. 9-16-1898 - Tipton - John - - - - Colt-The spirit of our beloved brother, John Tipton, passed to its maker last Friday week. Mr.Tipton had been congestion of the brain and was sick only a few days, when death came and relieved him of his sufferings. He was a member of the Baptist church at this place and was a true Christian and an earnest worker in the church. He leaves a wife and seven children, four of whom are grown young men and a brother to mourn his untimely death. 9-16-1898 - Guess - Mrs. - - - - Democrat-Mrs.Guess, wife of Rev.Dr.Guess died near Blew's Point last week. 9-23-1898 - Hall - Virgie - - - CITY - Virgie Hall, infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.T.Hall died Friday, Sept.16,1898, of a protracted illness, and was buried at the Forrest City cemetery Saturday. Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. The Times is unacquainted with the family, but it truly sympathizes with them in this time of bereavement. 9-23-1898 - Hancock - Dulce - Margarett - - CITY - One of the most sad and awful deaths which it has ever been our painful duty to record in these columns is, Dulce Margarett Hancock, the sweet little four year old daughter of our friends Mr.& Mrs.M.V.Hancock, which deplorable event occcured on Sep.18,1898. She came to her untimely death from membraneous croup, and had only bill ill a couple of days. Everything that the skilled physician or the love of parents or friends was done for her relief. But the stubborn malady resisted all efforts, and she gradually choked to death. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. 9-23-1898 - Prewitt - Robert - Clinton - - HUGHES - Two Bright Boys Are Dead-No more trying duty befalls the lot of the editor than that of chronicling the death of his friends or members of their family. This is terribly true in this present instance when we are called upon in the natural course of our profession to note the peculiarly sad and effecting spectacle of two deaths in a single home within a period of time covering only three days. On Saturday evening, Sep.17,1898, at the home of his parents seven miles north of Widener, Robert Clinton Prewitt, son of our good friends George C. and Maggie Prewitt died of congestion. He was in his fifth year. On Tuesday morning, Sept.20,1898, not quite three days later, the spirit of his elder and only brother, George C.Prewitt, Jr., took its flight to to its maker. He was in his seventh year and died of congestion and hematuria, at the residence of his uncle, Lou Merritt near Wesley church. The remains of both boys were laid to rest in Hughes cemetery, with appropriate services at the grave. It has only been a short time ago that the parents buried an infant son, and these two completes death's harvest of their children. 9-23-1898 - Prewitt - George - C. - Jr. - HUGHES - Two Bright Boys Are Dead-No more trying duty befalls the lot of the editor than that of chronicling the death of his friends or members of their family. This is terribly true in this present instance when we are called upon in the natural course of our profession to note the peculiarly sad and effecting spectacle of two deaths in a single home within a period of time covering only three days. On Saturday evening, Sep.17,1898, at the home of his parents seven miles north of Widener, Robert Clinton Prewitt, son of our good friends George C. and Maggie Prewitt died of congestion. He was in his fifth year. On Tuesday morning, Sept.20,1898, not quite three days later, the spirit of his elder and only brother, George C.Prewitt, Jr., took its flight to to its maker. He was in his seventh year and died of congestion and hematuria, at the residence of his uncle, Lou Merritt near Wesley church. The remains of both boys were laid to rest in Hughes cemetery, with appropriate services at the grave. It has only been a short time ago that the parents buried an infant son, and these two completes death's harvest of their children. 9-23-1898 - Buford - Walter - H. - - Mt.Vernon - Death of Walter H.Buford-A dark and gloomy canopy hangs over the city today, occasioned by the untimely death of one of it's brightest and best young business men. For a week or more, Walter H.Buford, the junior member of the firm of Pettus & Buford, had been lying in critical condition at his home. He was first attacked with dysentary and then flux, and finally hemmorhage of the bowels. On Monday, Dr.B.F.Turner, of Henning, Willford & Turner, of Memphis, (who came on a special train) and Dr.Wm.Crutcher, of this city, were summoned in consultation with Dr.W.H.Alley, the attending physican. Every service which science, love, and tender friendship could suggest was tendered him, and hope for his ultimate recovery was strong until Wednesday. His wonderful vitality made a hard struggle against the inevitable. But while medicine seemed to give him ease and something of comfort, comparatively speaking, the main danger-hemmorhages-continued at short intervals and refused to yield to treatment. Mr.Buford became unconscious shortly after noon yesterday, and died about 7 o'clock last evening, Sept.22,1898. He was a prominent young business man, a member of the Knights of Pythias, was esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and leaves a wife, two small children, and many other loving relatives and friends to mourn. The funeral takes place this afternoon from the Presbyterian church, Rev.L.R.Simpson, assisted by Rev.A.E.Holloway, officiating, interrment in Mt.Vernon cemetery. 9-23-1898 - Cape - C. - C. - - - Odom-The old gentleman, C.C.Cape, of this community, died on the 8th of Sep.,1898, He lived here but a few days after taking sick, and was seventy nine years of age at his death. 9-23-1898 - Garrett - Son - - - Smith Chapel - Colt-Mr.& Mrs.Garrett had the misfortune to lose their little baby boy last Saturday, Sep.17,1898. The little fellow had been sick for about eight weeks when death at last came and relieved him from his suffering. His remains were laid to rest in Smith Chapel cemetery. 9-23-1898 - Sanders - Claude - C. - - NATIONAL CEMETERY IN LITTLE ROCK - It was my mournful duty, in company with Capt.Brady of Company H, and an escort of sixteen men, to go to the National Cemetery, Sep.7,1898, and pronounce "the earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust" over the graves of Claude C.Sanders and J.D.Skaggs, both of Company H, and both buried at the same time. At the close of the burial service of the church a salute of six rounds (three for each man), was fired by the escort, after which our bugler blew taps, the call which puts the living soldier to rest on the ground, and the dead soldier to rest in the ground. Chaplain Babcock in Arkansas Democrat. 9-23-1898 - Skaggs - J. - D. - - NATIONAL CEMETERY IN LITTLE ROCK - It was my mournful duty, in company with Capt.Brady of Company H, and an escort of sixteen men, to go to the National Cemetery, Sep.7,1898, and pronounce "the earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust" over the graves of Claude C.Sanders and J.D.Skaggs, both of Company H, and both buried at the same time. At the close of the burial service of the church a salute of six rounds (three for each man), was fired by the escort, after which our bugler blew taps, the call which puts the living soldier to rest on the ground, and the dead soldier to rest in the ground. Chaplain Babcock in Arkansas Democrat. 9-30-1898 - Hamilton - - - Mrs. - - The Stevens Bros. hearse went to Wynne Tuesday, where it was employed in the funeral of Mrs.Hamilton. 9-30-1898 - Miers - Elizabeth - - Mrs. - YOCONA - Mrs.Elizabeth Miers died Sunday morning, Sep.25,1898, at 7:30 o'clock at her home on the McDaniel place at Bonair, of consumption, at the age of 58 years, one month and 16 days, and was buried the same day at the Yocona cemetery. She was the wife of Peter Miers, the machinist at the cotton gin of W.H.McDaniel, and besides him, leaves a large family of children. They have our sympathy in their bereavement. 9-30-1898 - Daggett - John - M. - Mrs. - - The many Forrest City friends of John M.Daggett of Marianna, are grieved to learn of the sudden death of his beloved wife, which occurred Saturday, Sept.24,1898, and extend him their sincere sympathy in his great bereavement. 9-30-1898 - Mann - Edwin - Earl - - CITY - Death of Edwin Mann-Little Edwin Mann, infant son of S.H. and Mary R.Mann, died Wednesday, Sep.28,1898, in the morning at 9 o'clock at the family home in this city, of pneumonia, aged twenty months. The remains of the precious darling were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery yesterday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, Rev.A.E.Holloway of the Methodist church officiating. Edwin was a smart boy, and had reached that most interesting age at which children attract so much attention by their cute sayings, and entwine themselves around the hearts of the entire household. He was bright and cheery, and a constant pleasure to the family. 9-30-1898 - Gilliam - - - Mr. - - Mr.Gilliam of the Odom community died Tuesday morning, Sep.27,1898. He lived only about twenty five hours after taking sick. 10-7-1898 - Beech - - - Mr. - - A couple of fatal accidents occurred on the Little Rock and Memphis railroad the past week. Last Tuesday, a week ago, a man named Beech while attempting to go onto the freight train at the coal shute at Goodwin, slipped and fell under the wheels, and he died a few minutes later. He lived in Argenta, and leaves a wife and two children. Last Friday night, during the storm, a brakeman named Wm.Gaydon, was fatally injured at Beck's Switch, a few miles west of the city. In endeavoring to put two freight cars on the switch, Guydon fell while uncoupling the two cars. The cars were almost instantly stopped, but he was so badly injured that he died shortly after being carried to Brinkley. Guydon lived at Hopefield, and was on the road only a short time. 10-7-1898 - Guydon - Wm. - - - - A couple of fatal accidents occurred on the Little Rock and Memphis railroad the past week. Last Tuesday, a week ago, a man named Beech while attempting to go onto the freight train at the coal shute at Goodwin, slipped and fell under the wheels, and he died a few minutes later. He lived in Argenta, and leaves a wife and two children. Last Friday night, during the storm, a brakeman named Wm.Gaydon, was fatally injured at Beck's Switch, a few miles west of the city. In endeavoring to put two freight cars on the switch, Guydon fell while uncoupling the two cars. The cars were almost instantly stopped, but he was so badly injured that he died shortly after being carried to Brinkley. Guydon lived at Hopefield, and was on the road only a short time. 10-7-1898 - Carter - C. - V. - Mrs. - - My Loving Wife-Just eight months ago my wife died tonight.C.V.Carter, Cicalla, Ark. dated Oct.2,1898. 10-14-1898 - Cannon - Sam - - - - Murder-"Jim Don't shoot me."-Last Friday afternoon, Acting Coroner Raiford held an inquest, the verdict being that the boy came to his death from a gun shot wound at the hands of Jim Williams. 10-21-1898 - Phillips - Jesse - - - - Colt-Jesse Phillips, son of Mr.& Mrs.H.C.Phillips, died last Tuesday morning, Oct.18,1898, of congestion. Jesse was sick only a very short time and though he suffered very much, he never murmured till death came and relieved him. He was a noble Christian boy and died prepared to cross the dark river over which no traveler ever returns. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents and brothers and other relatives in their hour of sorrow. 10-28-1898 - Franks - Andrew - - - HUGHES - Andrew Franks of Widener, died Monday night, Oct.24,1898, of malarial hematuria, aged 19 years. He was sick only two days. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev.A.E.Holloway and R.L.Simpson officiating. 11-4-1898 - Shirley - J. - B. - - McDANIEL - J.B.Shirley of Colt, died Monday, after a few days illness, and the remains were interred in the McDaniel cemetery, south of the city Tuesday, Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. 11-4-1898 - Wheat - Clarence - - - - Clarence Wheat, eldest son of Prof.and Mrs.T.H.Wheat, of Redfield, died Wednesday morning. Mrs.Wheat is a daughter of Mrs.G.W.(Nee Kent-Prince, Hodges) McCormick of this county. The family is well known throughout the county, having resided in the city some ten years. 11-4-1898 - Yoffee - - - Father - - Mr.Yoffee, father of Max Yoffee died yesterday at a ripe old age, after a lingering illness. The family have our sympathy in their bereavement. 11-4-1898 - Money - Rosie - - Infant - - Democrat-Departed this life at the residence of W.S.Thomas, the infant daughter of R.H.Money and wife. After a long period of intense suffering little Rosie left this earthly tenament of clay, to rest in the paradise of God's love, and to those who weep, we would say, weep not as as those who have no hope, prepare to meet thy God. 11-4-1898 - Boon - Baby - - - - Palestine-Mr.Dock Boon lost his little baby boy last week. 11-11-1898 - Gilliam - M. - L. - Mrs. - - Gone to Rest-While not unexpected, the tidings of the death of Mrs.M.L.Gilliam was a sorrow to the entire community. Her demise occurred Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, Nov.9,1898, at the residence of her daughter and son in law, Mr.& Mrs.Ellis Turley. Mrs.Gilliam was a lady of many noble qualities and of high Christian character. She was a lifelong member of the Episcopal church. She was a native of Hertford Co., N.C., and came to Forrest City in 1892 and identified herself with the Church of the Good Shepherd, which edition stands as a monument to her labor in the vineyard of the Master. For years she was president of the Ladies Guild and was reluctantly allowed to resign when ill health overtook her. Her life of sixty three years were well spent, and she has gone to her reward, where she will be greeted with the assuring words," Well done thy good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of the Father's house." The deceased leaves two daughters and son in laws in this city, Mr.& Mrs.John Gatling, and Mr.& Mrs.Ellis Turley-to mourn her death. The remains were taken to North Carolina for interrment, accompanied by Mr.Ellis Turley. 11-18-1898 - Oak - W. - H. - Mrs. - - Mrs.W.H.Oak, residing near Beck's switch, and a niece of Capt.Whyte of Madison, died of hematura Tuesday afternoon, Nov.15.1898, and was buried at Madison the following day. 11-18-1898 - Newby - Baby - - - - A horrible accident ocurrred last Monday on the Grady place, about four miles southeast of the city. An aged woman, Jenny Newby, while seated in front of the fireplace, with an infant in her arms, was seized with a spasm and fell into the fire, literally roasting the child to death and inflicting severe burns on herself, before her people were aware of the accident. 11-18-1898 - Trapp - Jas. - - - - S.B.Trapp, Jr., received information yesterday of the death of his brother, Jas.Trapp at Manilla, Sep.22nd, 1898. Mr.Trapp was a member of the Co.G 14th Infantry, and had the respect of his officers and associates, as a model soldier-brave and generous to a fault. His death was caused by heart failure, as he dropped dead while on duty. 11-18-1898 - Trice - John - - - - John Trice, the man who was cut by Jim Tubbs on a L.R.& M. train, died of his injuries Friday and upon learning the facts, Tubbs left for parts unknown. Tubbs was tried and fined for the act before Trice's injuries developed. 11-18-1898 - Wright - Sallie - Ann - Mrs. - - Democrat-Mrs.Sallie Ann Wright, of Golden Lake, Ark., formerly of this place, died at her home, Nov.12,1898, and was brought to this place for interrment. She leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. 11-18-1898 - McDaniel - Child - - - - A child of Henry McDaniel of Widener died Tuesday afternoon. 11-25-1898 - Vaughn - Tom - - - - Intelligence reached the city Monday of the death of Tom Vaughn. Mr.Vaughn was well known as the painter whose place of business was with S.P.McDaniel. He died at his home in Malvern, and had been sick but a week. He was genial gentleman and his many friends regret his death. 11-25-1898 - Hines - J. - W. - - EVANS - Mr.J.W. (Pony) Hines died Tuesday night, Nov.22,1898, at the residence of E.Duncan of the Cut-off. Mr. Hines had been ill for some time at his place on Mud Lake, and Tuesday it was decided to bring him to Bonair, but the trip proved to be too much, and he passed to the great beyond as stated above. The remains were laid to rest in the Evans graveyard yesterday. Mr.Hines was the father of Mrs.Bettie Izard of Athens, Alabama. 12-2-1898 - Higgs - John - F. - - - John F.Higgs of Colt, age 30 years, died at an early hour Wednesday morning, Nov.30,1898. He leaves a wife and one child, who have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Another place shows name as J.C.Higgs. 12-2-1898 - Logan - Jim - - - - New Castle-It is with deep heart felt sympathy that we announce the death of Jim Logan. Last Saturday, Nov.26,1898, while hunting he accidentally shot himself. He was fourteen years of age on this date. 12-9-1898 - Maxie - Bud - - - - Bud Maxie, 20 year old male, was knocked from the Iron Mountain roadway Monday night, Dec.6,1898. The Coroner Allens inquest believes death to be accidental. 12-9-1898 - Harrison - Charles - Tompkins - - VIRGINIA - Death of Chas.T.Harrison-All remember the happy wedding of Charles T.Harrison and Miss Minnie Rollwage at the Episcopal church in November. While the groom was willing, it never occurred to the well wishers of the young couple that death had already set the seal upon his brow. The community received a shock last Saturday, Dec.3,1898, announcing the death of Mr.Harrison. Mr.Rollwage, accompanied by his daughter Alice, left Sunday for Virginia and returned Wednesday night, bringing with them the inconsolable widowed daughter and sister. The death occurred in Richmond,Va., and under circumstances of what peculiar sadness. He died at the residence of his father, Rev.J.R.Harrison. Death resulted from acute Bright's disease, and came most unexpectedly. Mr.Harrison had not been strong or well through the summer and fall, and came to Virginia in the hope that a few weeks rest might help, but on Friday, the advance became alarming. He sank rapidly thru the day and passed away without pain. He was the last of four children who have all died, he being only 24 years of age, and the remains were laid to rest in Glade Spring, Va. 12-23-1898 - Morgan - James - - - - James Morgan of Colt died last night, Dec.22,1898. 12-23-1898 - Levy - Molly - - - NEW JERSEY - Sad Accident-A most distracting and fatal accident occurred last Friday at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Max Levy. Their little daughter, Molly, aged 9 years, had been complaining for several days, and that morning woke her parents and told them she had a bad taste in her mouth. Her parents have her a bottle containing a full pint of whiskey, and supposed that the little child would only take a taste. In the morning, the parents were unable to awaken her, and found contents of the bottle missing. Dr.Crutcher was called, but he was unable to save the child, her spirit passing at 6 o'clock that evening. The remains were shipped to Newark, N.J. where they were interred. 12-23-1898 - McDaniel - Louisa - James - Mrs. - McDANIEL - Death of Mrs.McDaniel-The sad news of the death of Mrs.Louisa James McDaniel, wife of Sidney T.McDaniel, reached this city a few hours after its occurrence Sunday afternoon last, Dec.18,1898. She died of pneumonia after a short illness of only one week, at the old homestead one and a quarter miles from McDaniel station, aged 32 years. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the residence where religious services were conducted by Rev.Davidson and Anderson of the Methodist church, of which she was a consistent and devoted member. She remains were interred in the McDaniel cemetery where a a large concourse of friends and relatives bowed to pay last respects to a truly good and noble woman. Mrs.McDaniel was formerly Miss Kirby, sister of George and Bud Kirby, who are well known here, and she leaves a husband and two beautiful little boys aged respectively 6 and 8 years of age, and a host of relatives and devoted friends to mourn her loss. 12-30-1898 - Mosely - Son - - - TAYLOR'S CREEK - The son of Mr.& Mrs.Will Mosely died Sunday at Zent, and the remains were brought over on the train, and interred in Taylor's Creek. 12-30-1898 - Scott - W. - W. - Dr. - - Death of Dr.W.W.Scott-A heart breaking tragedy occurred at Haynes, eight miles south of Forrest City Saturday evening, Dec.24,1898.Dr.William W.Scott and Mr.John Hughes had bad blood for some time, both men were wounded >>>>unreadable. - - - - - - Births: - - - - - - Jan.1898 - Scott - Baby - - - - Rufus Scott has a smile on him as broad as a 24 inch board, and is inclined to laud it over the less fortunate fellows who buy baby girls. Mrs.Scott presented him with a fine baby boy yesterday morning. Jan.1898 - Barrow - Baby - - - - Tom Barrow came down to business Monday morning with a smile, but there seemed to be a tinge of regret somewhere when he announced "it's a girl", anybody could tell he wanted to say "boy", though he stoutly denies it. The little one arrived Sunday morning. 1-28-1898 - Pankey - Baby - - - - Fulwood-Charles Pankey has a fine girl at his place, and the mother and baby are doing fine. 1-28-1898 - England - Baby - - - - Fulwood-W.E.England is the happiest man in this neck of the woods, its a boy. 2-4-1898 - Levy - Baby - - - - Max Levy is the proud papa of a brand new boy, born Monday. 2-4-1898 - Cowan - Baby - - - - Judge J.S.R.Cowan announces the arrival of a bouncing baby boy to his home last week. 3-18-1898 - Walker - Baby - - - - Mr.& Mrs.George Walker are rejoicing over the advent of a fine girl at their home Tuesday. 4-15-1898 - Wynne - Baby - - - - Mr. & Mrs.Joel E.Wynne are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl born on Tuesday morning in their home. 6-24-1898 - Allen - Baby - - - - Colt-Mrs.N.J.Allen presented her husband a bouncing big boy last Sunday, mother and child doing fine. 7-22-1898 - Kennedy - Baby - - - - A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Kennedy Wednesday, they live on the Crippen place. 7-22-1898 - Jones - Lawrence - - - - A bouncing baby boy arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.John I.Jones, Saturday night. 7-29-1898 - Franks - Baby - - - - On Saturday a son and heir blessed the home of Mr.& Mrs.Joe Franks, and happiness reigns supreme in the household. 8-5-1898 - Deaton - Baby - - - - The Times extends congratulations to Mr.& Mrs.J.A.Deaton on the advent of a ten pound boy at their house on Tuesday morning, mother and boy are doing fine. 8-19-1898 - Myers - Baby - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Robert Myers are rejoicing over the advent of a fine 10 pound boy at their residence Wednesday afternoon. 8-19-1898 - Pettus - Baby - - - - S.L.Pettus, from just north of town was in the city yesterday, and has our thanks for favors. His wife presented him with a fine baby boy which arrived last Saturday. 9-9-1898 - Haynie - Baby - - - - Mrs.R.A.Haynie presented her husband with a fine boy on the second of August, both are doing well. 10-21-1898 - Crutcher - Virginia - - - - Dr.and Mrs.Wm.Crutcher are rejoicing over the advent of a fine girl baby that came to brighten their lives on Wednesday night. 11-25-1898 - Lewis - Baby - - - - A thanksgiving present arrived to the home of Mr.& Mrs.P.Wright Lewis in the shape of a fine baby boy. 12-16-1898 - Boyle - Baby - - - - Glad tidings reached the city Wednesday of the birth of a girl baby to Mr.& Mrs.J.G.Boyle of Memphis. - - - - - - Wedding: - - - - - - 2-4-1898 - Boggs - Bart - - - - Bart Boggs and Miss Lydia E.Martin were married Feb.2,1898, at the residence of J.E.South, this city. Rev.L.R.Simpson officiating. 2-4-1898 - Wills - Greg - - - - Greg Wills was married to Mrs.Bettie Sutton, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs. Polk Landrum, on Blackfish, Wednesday at noon. Squire D.Duncan officiating. 2-4-1898 - McCullars - J. - W. - - - J.W.McCullars, of Widener, better known as "Jock", was married Monday night to Mrs.Sallie Coy, at the residence of Squire David Duncan, and he presided. 2-11-1898 - Geren - Samuel - Miles - - - Mr.S.M.Geren, of Atlanta, Ga, and Miss Mary Farmer will be married at the Methodist church on Feb.24,1898, in Cleveland,Tenn. Her sister, Mrs.Dora Beck will attend the wedding.Page 695 and 705 2-18-1898 - Davis - George - Elliott - - - Wednesday evening promptly at 7 o'clock, at the Methodist church, in this city, Mr.George Elliott Davis of Wynne, and Miss Anna Lee Cobbs of this city, were happily married. Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. Mrs.R.D.Hatcher presided at the organ, and the couple departed after the festivities on the train to Wynne where they will take up residence.Page 702. Mr.Walker Seaborn of Colt attended the wedding of his cousin. 2-25-1898 - Lancaster - J. - R. - - - Mr.J.R.Lancaster, of Dardenelle, Arkansas, and Miss Annie Richards, daughter of Squire J.E.Richards, of Franks township, were happily married at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.John I.Jones, of this city Wednesday morning by Rev.W.H.Paslay. After the ceremonies, they departed for Dardennell where they will reside.Page 705 3-11-1898 - Settles - J. - H. - - - A quiet, but beautiful wedding took place at noon Tuesday, at the residence of Uncle Joe Kelley, near Pine Tree, when Mr.J.H.Settles married his daughter Miss Bell Kelley, Squire R.P.Mead officiating. Page 722 3-11-1898 - Rucker - Houston - - - - The marriage of Annie Dozier and Houston Rucker was consummated last Friday by Squire Raiford, and the couple left for Widener afterwards. 3-11-1898 - Franks - James - - - - Mr.James Franks,of Forrest City, and Miss Blanche West, of Widener, were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon, at the residence of the step father, Mr.Jackson in Widener. Squire Raiford presiding. 3-18-1898 - Lyons - Will - - - - Colt-Will Lyons and Miss Eva Sellers, a very youthful couple, boarded the north bound train enroute to Memphis last Wednesday, where they were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock. The young couple are spending their honeymoon with relatives in Tennessee. 4-15-1898 - Smith - Alex - - - - Possum Trot-Mr.Alex Smith of Tupelo, Ark., and Miss Sallie Maynard were married at the home of the bride, Jacob Slonker officiating. 4-22-1898 - Swearingen - Clinton - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Clinton Swearingen and Miss Sarah Eckford 4-22-1898 - McDonald - Henry - M. - - - Marriage licenses issued:Henry M.McDonald and Miss Minnie B.Martin 4-22-1898 - Witty - Geo. - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Geo.Witty and Mrs. Eliza Brandon 4-22-1898 - Ishman - Rich - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Rich Ishman and Miss Ella Wilson 4-22-1898 - Jenkins - Wm. - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Wm.Jenkins and Miss C.A.Spears 4-22-1898 - Smith - Alex - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Alex Smith and Miss Sarah C.Maynard 4-22-1898 - McCutcheon - C. - B. - - - Marriage licenses issued:C.B.McCutcheon and Mrs.F.L.Eaves 4-22-1898 - Tubbs - Jim - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Jim Tubbs and Miss Edie Sims 4-22-1898 - Robinson - W. - - - - Marriage licenses issued:W.Robinson and Miss M.J. Barker 5-27-1898 - Stanford - John - - - - Marriage licenses issued:John Stanford to Mrs.Justin Brock 5-27-1898 - Washington - Wesley - - - - Marriage licenses issued:Wesley Washington to Miss Missouri Thomas 7-8-1898 - Batts - George - - - - George Batts, the poplular blacksmith and woodworkman of east Jackson street, married Miss Emma Harden Wednesday night, at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Leggett, Eld.W.J.Robinson of the Baptist church officiating 7-8-1898 - Nipper - Marshall - - - - Judge Cowan married Mr.Marshall Nipper to Miss Nettie Seaborn, clerk Mallory was best man, and Abstracter Mrs.Matthews was attendant for the bride on Wednesday in the new court house. 9-16-1898 - Taylor - Sam - M. - - - A pretty home wedding-The ground was not covered with the beautiful snow and the sleigh bells did not jingle their merry tune, yet their was a marriage in high social circles of Brownsville on Wednesday night at 9 o'clock, the happy couple being Miss Nancy Mann and Mr.Sam M.Taylor, both of this city, at the home of the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Mann. Presided over by Rev.Thom.J.Newell, of the Methodist church. The bride is the cousin to W.H. and S.H.Mann and Mrs.William Crutcher of this city. 9-16-1898 - Webb - Jim - - - - Jim Webb and Miss Mollie Nichols were united in holy matrimony one night last week. New Castle. 9-30-1898 - Thompson - W. - J. - - - The parlor of the Belser house was the scene of the uniting of "two hearts that beat as one," last Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. The afternoon east bound train on the Little Rock and Memphis Railroad, brought has passengers, Mr.W.J.Thompson, Mrs.Rosa H.Cross, and Mrs.M.A.Stewart, all of Goodwin. The indifferent air manifested by the party, incidental to engaged people, created suspicion, and it was soon rumored that a wedding was to take place. At an early hour guests began to assemble in the parlor, and at 7:30 Mr.Thompson and Mrs.Cross presented themselves before Rev.W.H.Paslay, and were made man and wife. 10-14-1898 - Reiss - Harry - H. - - - Reiss-Townsend Wedding-Last evening, Mr.Harry H.Reiss, son of Charles and Mrs.Reiss, and Miss Nell Townsend, only daughter of W.B. and Mrs.Townsend, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony at the Presbyterian church. Rev.A.L.T.Ewert pronounced the beautiful service of the Methodist-Episcopal church. E.L.Vadakin is an uncle of the bride. 10-21-1898 - Sellers - T. - B. - - - Constable T.B.Sellers was happily married to Miss Maggie Taylor, last Sunday, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.T.M.Taylor, of Dark Corner, Rev.A.E.Holloway officiating. 10-28-1898 - Harrison - Charles - Tompkins - - - Announcements are out announcing the marriage of Mr.Charles Tompkins Harrison and Miss Minnie Louise Rollwage, eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.B.Rollwage, of this city, at Wynne at the church of the Good Shepherd, on Wednesday afternoon, Nov.9,1898. 11-18-1898 - Hoshall - David - Ernest - - - Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Mr.David Ernest Hoshall to Miss Lizzie C.Rowland, daughter of T.J.Rowland, on Wednesday Nov.23,1898, at the Methodist church in Haynes, Ark. 11-25-1898 - Mohler - D. - H. - Dr. - - Announcement is made of the coming marriage of Dr.D.H.Mohler, of Crawfordsville, formerly of Palestine, and Miss Lillian Davis, of Pine Bluff, Dec.6, 1898 is the date. 11-25-1898 - Niell - Sam - - - - Pine Tree-Mr.Sam Niell and Miss Mollie Pankey were happily married last Sunday. 12-2-1898 - Wilson - J. - M. - - - Pine Tree Marriages-J.M.Wilson and Miss Rosie Higgins Sunday Nov.27,1898. 12-2-1898 - Harmon - John - - - - Pine Tree Marriages-John Harmon and Miss Mattie Stats Sunday Nov.27,1898. 12-2-1898 - Bynum - - - Mr. - - Pine Tree Marriages-Mr.Bynum and Miss Haley Sunday Nov.27,1898. 12-9-1898 - McCormick - Hugh - - - - A pretty little home wedding was solemnized at the home of H.W.Lewis at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. The contracting parties were Mr.Hugh V.McCormick and Miss Lewis. Rev.L.R.Simpson, pastor of the Presbyterian church presiding. 12-9-1898 - Ring - Peter - C. - - - Invitations are issued for a marriage at the Catholic church between Mr.Peter C.Ring, engineer on the Old Reliable Railroad, and Miss Frances Vogel, daugher of Mrs.B.Meyers, and the late A.Vogel, on Dec.21,1898. - - - - - - - - - - - - Announcements: - - - - - - 1-8-1898 - Mrs.M.W.Izard Returns - - - - - Mrs.M.W.Izard returned from trip to Poplar Bluff, Mo., the first of the week. 1-8-1898 - Dr.E.Q,Gibson Returns - - - - - Dr. Gibson has returned to Forrest City, and rebought the Dental office fixtures, instruments and business, which he recently sold to Dr.J.C.Howard. 1-14-1898 - W.S.Thomas - - - - - Democrat-W.S.Thomas, our postmaster and roadoverseer did good work on the county road Friday and Saturday. He did not get there before it was needed. 1-14-1898 - R.W.Norment Moves Here - - - - - Democrat-Mr.R.W.Norment arrived from Mason, Tenn. and will make this place his home. 1-14-1898 - Claude Folbre Moves to New Orleans - - - - - Mr.Claude Folbre has gone to New Orleans on Monday with an eye to moving there. 1-14-1898 - Roof On Courthouse Begun - - - - - Mr.Ben W.Stewart, an experienced slater has begun the roof on the new courthouse with a corps of artists. 1-14-1898 - Woodie Paslay Moves - - - - - Woodie Paslay has accepted a position in Mammoth Springs, Ark. cotton mill, and left Monday. 2-4-1898 Woodie has changed his mind, and now has departed for Wheatley to work now with Thos.Johnson. 1-28-1898 - D.W.Neel Moves to Forrest City - - - - - D.W.Neel, of near Palestine, has purchased the Jack Casteel place near Beck's Switch, and will move to Forrest City to reside. 2-4-1898 - Squire Dave Duncan Moves to Forrest City - - - - - Squire Dave Duncan, of Burnt Cane settlement, has leased his place in that locality, and moved to Forrest City to reside at the Parham place north of the city. 2-4-1898 - Eighteen In Jail - - - - - There are eighteen prisoners in the county jail for the March term of court, seven of whom are jailed for murder. 2-11-1898 - A.M.Heath Moves to Colt - - - - - A.M.Heath Moves to Colt from Grenada, Miss. Mrs.Heath was formerly Miss Lucy Cobb, of this county. 2-11-1898 - Firm of Pettus Bros.& Buford Dissolved - - - - - The firm of Pettus Bros.& Buford is hereby dissolved, R.L.Pettus is retiring and Walter H.Buford will continue business under the name Pettus & Buford.Signed:R.L.Petttus/Geo.Pettus/W.H.Buford. 2-11-1898 - Madison Road Abandoned - - - - - The boasted Madison road is no more, one fourth of it has been abandoned and the balance is summed up in holes, deep ruts, broken bridges, etc. Where is the overseers and road machine? 2-11-1898 - New Postmaster at Colt - - - - - Mr.A.Higgs replaces Mr.Ables who resigned. 2-11-1898 - Accident at the New Courthouse - - - - - An accident occurred at the new courthouse when Mr.C.A.Ahlstedt and Tom Tanner, while working on the ceiling installation, fell to the floor about 15 feet in all, and Mr.Ahlstedt suffered a broken leg, he was attended to by Dr.Alley and is doing as well as expected. Mr.Ahlstedt is one of the finest workmen for Contractor Clark, on the courthouse.Page 695. 2-11-1898 - J.H.Bard Goes to Helena - - - - - J.H.Bard departed to Helena to assume his duties as the manager for the Western Union Telegraph office there.3-11-1898. Mr.Bard had to resign because of poor health and returned here this date. 2-18-1898 - Judge Cowan Replaces County Bonds - - - - - Judge Cowan has recalled the 6 percent bonds in amount of $80,000 to be replace by ones bearing 5 percent. 2-18-1898 - John Malouf New Resident - - - - - John Malouf, brother of A.Malouf, this city, has moved here from Bayrouth, Turkey to make his home. 2-18-1898 - New Water Well Bid Let - - - - - Chairman Fussell of the Water Committee, advised the new water well would be done by Carloss Deep Well Co. of Memphis. 2-25-1898 - Explosion Sinks Battleship Maine - - - - - Havana, Cuba-An explosion in the central magazine caused the Battleship Maine to sink. Partial part of crew was rescued. Many drowned.Page 703 2-25-1898 - C.H.Beauchamp In Town Friday - - - - - C.H.Beauchamp, formerly landlord of the Forrest City house, was in town Friday. He is now representing a Omaha firm on the road. Page 705 2-25-1898 - J.C.Bell Appointment as Postmaster - - - - - Pres.McKinley has submitted the appointment of J.C.Bell as Postmaster in Forrest City. The Republicans make short work of turning the "rascals" out, when there turn comes, and we've thought turn about is fair.Page 705 3-11-1898 - Capt.J.M.Levesque Visits - - - - - Capt.J.M.Levesque of Cross county, was in town Tuesday and gave us a pleasant call. He is one of the pioneers of Eastern Arkansas, has a vast acquaintance in the state, and is loved, and respected by all who have known him. Page 722 3-11-1898 - For Sale - - - - - For Sale-Old dilapidated buggy and a Texas pony, as mean as the devil-All for $20. Apply to Dewitt Davis. Page 722 3-11-1898 - T.C.Folbre Sr. Goes to San Antonio - - - - - T.C.Folbre Sr. Goes to San Antonio for his health on Wednesday. 3-18-1898 - Professional Cards Ads for Doctors - - - - - Wm.Crutcher-Physician and Surgeon, office over Tipton's Drug Store/C.C.White-Physician and Surgeon, office over postoffice/W.H.Alley-Physician and Surgeon/J.D.McKnight-Physician and Surgeon, office at Tipton's Drug Store/E.Q.Gibson-Dentist, office Next to Izard House on South side of RR. 3-18-1898 - New Clock in Courthouse - - - - - Mr.Buckley will install the new clock in the courthouse tower next week. 3-25-1898 - Ed Fogg Returns - - - - - Ed Fogg, of Mississippi, formerly of this city, arrived in the city yesterday, and has accepted a situation at the Four Hundred, as bar keeper. 3-25-1898 - Gen. Taylor's Card - - - - - Gen.Taylor has a novel announcement card. On one side it has an imitation of the $10 Confederate bill, and on the other "The Confederate Memorial Poem with the compliments of the General for County Judge. 4-1-1898 - Prof.J.B.Williams Reelected - - - - - Prof.J.B.Williams re-elected Principal of the Crowley Ridge Institute. 4-1-1898 - Jim Izard Leaves for Memphis - - - - - Jim Izard left for Memphis last week where he will enter the services of the Bennett stables. On account of his light weight, and knowledge of horses, it is thought he will make a fine first class jockey. He is 17 years of age, weighs 61 pounds and stand four feet six inches high. 4-1-1898 - New Minister - - - - - Rev. & Mrs. L.R.Simpson now occupy the Presbyterian parsonage and are open to all callers. 4-1-1898 - Edwin Johnson Leaves - - - - - His many friends are pained to learn of the intentions to leave by Edwin Johnson on or about the 15th, he will travel in Southwest Texas, Mexico, Arizona, California, for the Lightner Perfume Co. 4-1-1898 - New Courthouse Complete - - - - - On Wednesday night the stately building was thrown open for all visitors to view. 4-22-1898 - New Bottling Works Opens - - - - - The Powell Bottling Works now have their branch plant open and ready for business. They have a carload of ice on hand for delivery. Ed Brewster is the manager, and S.J.Powell is the owner. 4-22-1898 - Mrs.C.H.Havens Summoned To Memphis - - - - - Mrs.C.H.Havens Summoned To Memphis to attend her sister Mrs.Sallie Cone who is ill with pneumonia. 4-22-1898 - President Issues Ultimatum to Spain - - - - - President Issues Ultimatum to Spain to vacate Cuba or he will execute the resolution of congress with the army and navy. 4-29-1898 - Picture of Gen.Forrest Given - - - - - Mrs.Galloway, widow of the late Col.M.C.Galloway, of Memphis, has presented a picture of General Forrest to the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city and has been hung in the lodge named for him. It was presented by James Fussell, son in law of Col. and Mrs.Galloway. 5-6-1898 - Dr.John Izard and Recruits Arrive - - - - - Dr.John Izard and thirteen other handsome, able-bodied recruits, arrived from Riverside Tuesday to join the Taylor Rifles. Dr.Izard has been visiting relatives and friends while waiting for the company's orders. About fifteen recruits from Wynne arrived Monday. The Taylor Rifles expect to leave for Little Rock next Tuesday or Wednesday with about 75 men in line. May.13,1898-The Taylor Rifles left yesterday for Little Rock under Capt.J.T.Brady to Camp Dodge. There were 58 privates, along with Capt.John T. Brady,1st Lt.L.Turley,2nd Lt.J.R.Izard, First Sgt.J.W.Dennis,Sec.Sgt.G.D.Casteel, 3rd Sgt.L.Rollwage,4th Sgt.B.Howell,5th Sgt.T.W.Allinder,Quartermaster M.O.Andresson, Corporals Ed Howell, W.Paslay,W.H.Taylor,John Finley,W.Cook,C.L.Hodges,Oscar Prewett. Note:hard to read, hope I did this accurately! 5-6-1898 - Miss Mattie L.Moseley and Mr.& Mrs.M.W.Izard Depart - - - - - Miss Mattie L.Moseley and Mr.& Mrs.M.W.Izard left Sunday for Batesville, as delegates to the Grand Lodge Knights and Ladies of Honor, which convened in that city Tuesday. 5-6-1898 - C.A.Rutledge Enlists - - - - - C.A.Rutledge, of this city, has enlisted in the Helena Light Guards, and is now on his way to the front. 5-6-1898 - Mr.& Mrs.Sam Ashworth in Town - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Sam Ashworth were in the city the first of the week attending the bedside of the latter's sister, Miss Vallie Davenport. 5-13-1898 - The Story of the Great Battle - - - - - The greatest naval achievement of any age graphically and clearly described. The story of the Battle of Manilla Bay told by an officer of the Flagship Olympia. The American squadron came thru the battle without the loss of a man, not a vessel was seriously damaged, while the enemy was annihilated. Commodore Dewey reports over 200 dead and 500 to 700 wounded Spainards, the Baltimore had the lead in the place of honor followed by the flagship Olympia and the other vessels. 5-13-1898 - Charles R. Izard New 2nd Lieutenant - - - - - At a meeting of the Taylor's Rifles Monday night, Charles R. Izard was elected 2nd Lieutenant to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieut.R.G.Dye. In the resignation of Lt.Dye the Rifles have lost an officer whose place it will be hard to fill, as regards knowledge of drill and discipline and soldierly bearing. 5-13-1898 - Hurlbert Vadakin Improving - - - - - Young Hulbert Vadakin is improving gradually under the treatment of Dr.John Maury of Memphis, and it is thought that he will be out of bed in three or four weeks. 5-13-1898 - Monument to W.O.W. Dedicated - - - - - Arthur Boyle, M.N.Gaines,Bap.Sanders,S.P.McDaniel,J.T.Vaughn, and Joe Sanders of this city were present at the unveiling of the monument to Silas Ling, late sovereign of W.O.W. of Helena, Marianna turned out 50 strong for the occasion. 5-13-1898 - Geo.L.Franks Arrives - - - - - Geo.L.Franks, who has been in the government service wearing the sailor's garb, aboard the Bennington in Pacific waters arrives home yesterday, it was his intention to join the Rifles, and was disappointed to learn they had departed. 5-13-1898 - New Major Generals Appointed - - - - - Pres.McKinley has promoted the following to Major Generals:Jos.Wheeler/Wm.J.Sewell/Fitzhugh Lee/J.C.Breckinridge/Jas.H.Wilson/Wm.M.Graham/Jas.F.Wade/E.S.Otis/H.C.Merriam/J.J.Coppinger/Wm.R.Shafter. 5-13-1898 - New Hotel at Spirit Lake - - - - - Mr.T.B.Weathersby has erected a hotel on Spirit Lake, which will accomodate 50 persons. 5-27-1898 - Battleship Alabama Launched - - - - - May 18-The battleship Alabama, first of three of the new type was launched today in Philadelphia. 5-27-1898 - John Webb Leaves to Join Brady's Group - - - - - John Webb departed Monday afternoon for Camp Dodge to join the Taylor Rifles group. 5-27-1898 - M.W.Izard Goes Fishing - - - - - M.W.Izard and son Mark went fishing at Beatty's lake, bringing home a nice string. 5-27-1898 - Re-organization of Fire Dept. - - - - - Due to absence of many due to the war effort, the re-organization was accomplished as follows:Company No.1-R.G.Dye, Captain/Firemen:H.A.Knight,Sam Rolfe,T.A.Buford,R.W.Benson,J.R.Sanders at Engines house at City Hall.Company No.2-S.P.McDaniel, Captain-Firemen:Gus Sweet, Ike Myers,Dick Winfield, Joe and Robt.Myers. Engine house at City Hall. Pat Cleburne No.3-Ed Landvoight, Captain-Firemen:E.T.Altman, R.B.Trice, J.A.Denton, Sid Applewhite, Rush Stockard. Engine house at corner Church and South Front Streets. 6-10-1898 - Kate Isom Visits - - - - - Miss Kate Isom, from Crystal Springs, Miss. is visiting her cousin L.E.Davenport and family. 6-10-1898 - Ed Landvoight Celebrates - - - - - Our Senior member celebrates his birthday tomorrow, June 11, cannot remember when, Ed Landvoight. 6-10-1898 - Mrs. J.M. Prewett Visits - - - - - Mrs.J.M.Prewett and son Norton are visiting Friday in Little Rock with the family of her sister, Mrs.James M.Stewart. 6-24-1898 - Dewitt and Arthur Davis Depart - - - - - Dewitt and Arthur Davis left for the West, El Paso on Saturday. 6-24-1898 - Accident On Front Street - - - - - An explosion at L.Rollwage & Co. leaves one dead, two seriously wounded and many slightly burned and shocked. Dead is Joseph Sanders, wounded are Robt.Rollwage, younger son of senior member of the firm, and Tom Quarles. Extensive damage to stock of L.Rollwage & Co. was sustained. 7-1-1898 - J.L.Davis and Family Depart - - - - - J.L.Davis and family left Tuesday for Malden, Mo. where he has accepted a position with Levi Mercantile. 7-1-1898 - Miss Winnie Davis Stevens - - - - - Miss Winnie Davis Stevens, the 8 year old daughter of R.S.Stevens, went to Memphis, Friday with her aunt Mrs.J.S.White. The latter had visited here for a week and was highly pleased. 7-1-1898 - M.V.Hancock Moves to Forrest City - - - - - M.V.Hancock has rented the Judge Scott residence and will remove his family here shortly. 7-15-1898 - E.D.Fitzpatrick Ill With Malaria - - - - - E.D.Fitzpatrick has developed a genuine case of malarial fever and has been quite sick for a week. As soon as able to travel, he will be taken home. He is editor of the Democrat. 7-22-1898 - Son Williams Leaves Home - - - - - Sheriff Williams son had left home, he is eleven years of age. Any assistance in locating will be appreciated. 7-22-1898 - Eccentric Preacher Leaves for Indian Territory - - - - - The Rev.Geo.Inge, an englishman and ex-confederate soldier, a preacher of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, a man of extraordinary ability and orator leaves in his buggy for the Indian Territory. 7-22-1898 - Lennie Izard Hunting - - - - - Lennie Izard, of Forrest City was hunting squirrel in Jericho Tuesday. 7-29-1898 - Mr.& Mrs.C.H.Haven Have Company - - - - - Misses Berta and Annie Mae Rodgers of Memphis are visiting the happy and pleasant home of their relatives, Mr.& Mrs.C.H.Havens, 7-29-1898 - Landed In Puerto Rico - - - - - Gen.Miles has effected a landing at Guanica, Twenty miles from Ponce, Puerto Rico. The Spainards were surprised. 7-29-1898 - Teacher Change in Democrat - - - - - Democrat-Miss Johnnie Horney abandons teaching, and Miss Lulu Cowan takes her place. 8-5-1898 - Spain Accepts Surrender Agreement - - - - - Aug.3-Spain accepts the principal conditions of peace offered by America. 8-5-1898 - Panther Scares Kids - - - - - John, Tom and Jamie Gatling and Bard Nichols were riding mules to Stuart Springs when they heard a growl, as they ran the looked back and saw a panther which chased them all the way home. 8-5-1898 - Featherstone Home Auctioned - - - - - Dr.Wm.Crutcher purchased the Featherstone homestead with a winning bid of $675. 8-12-1898 - Mrs.V.B.Izard Visits - - - - - Mrs.V.B.Izard went to Wynne to visit her daughter Mrs.J.W.Williams Saturday night. 8-5-1898 - New Post Office Opened - - - - - A new postoffice has been opened on the St.Francis river, 8 miles north of Madison at Kinton, in honor of the postmaster, Mr.Jos.R.Kinton. 8-5-1898 - War with Spain Continues - - - - - The war with Spain continues in the Phillipines and in Cuba. 8-5-1898 - Central College Announces Seventh Season - - - - - Central College in Conway, Ark. announces the seventh session for young ladies begins Sept.13,1898. 8-19-1898 - Peter Covington Announces Potato Crop - - - - - Peter Covington of Madison, announces his second crop of potatoes planted July 12 are up six or eight inches. 8-19-1898 - Rush Stockard Family Moves - - - - - We regret to announce that Rush Stockard has severed connections with Stevens Bros., and is moving his family to Brinkley where he has accepted a position. 8-19-1898 - Roosevelt's Rough Riders - - - - - Roosevelt's Rough Riders under command of Col.Roosevelt and Gen.Wheeler, landed at Santiago aboard the Miami, and landed at Montauk Point, are in the detention camp until the dysentary is under control. A few are in critical condition. 8-26-1898 - First Bale of Cotton Weighed - - - - - The first bale of new cotton for this city was put on the platform today at 10:30. It was raised by Mr.T.J.Davis, south of the city, and was ginned by C.H.Havens free of charge, weighed by Weigher Ed Mallory, and sold to Brandon & Baugh at six cents. The bale weighed 553 pounds. 8-26-1898 - E.D.Fitzpatrick Departs - - - - - E.D.Fitzpatrick departs for Texarkana to assume duties with the Courier circulation department as manager. 8-26-1898 - Old Glory Raised over Hawaii - - - - - Successful annexation by the United States of the Hawaiin Island. 8-26-1898 - Horse Throws More Riders - - - - - New Castle-We had another accident in our community Sunday, by a horse running away. The horse that ran away and killed Mr.Montgomery, got frightened between this place and another lady and gentleman in the buggy, and threw them out, injuring both ladies very bad. 9-2-1898 - Straduarius Violin on Exhibit - - - - - Capt.J.M.McDonald has loaned us a violin obtained thru his wife's family, "Antonius Straduarus Cremona faciebat Anno 1701" is the inscription upon the label on the inside of an old violin. 9-2-1898 - Dillard Street Being Gravelled - - - - - Dillard street from Capt.W.H.McDaniel's residence west is being gravelled. 9-2-1898 - Miss Mackey Arrives - - - - - Miss Delaney Mackey, of Alabama, arrived in the city Thursday of last week and will make her home with Mrs.Trice. 9-2-1898 - Cows Dying in Record Numbers - - - - - Pine Tree-Cattle are dying at an alarming rate. Joe Kelly has lost 12 or 15 head; R.A.Haynie has lost 8 or 10 head, and they are still dying.8-19-1898 Joe Kelly advises he has lost from 46 head down to 22 now. 9-9-1898 - Richard D.West Arrives - - - - - Richard D.West of Lee county, has accepted a position with Brandon & Baugh. 9-9-1898 - School Begins - - - - - Prof.Geo.L.Jackson began the regular fall term of school at the Evans school house Monday. 9-16-1898 - Harry Beazley In Town - - - - - Harry Beazley, of the First Florida Volunteers, arrived in the county Wednesday to visit friends and family. He is on a ten day furlough, he states that of 100 men in his company, only twelve are healthy, the others suffering from measles and fever. 9-16-1898 - T.R.Hoshall Visits Sick Brother - - - - - T.R.Hoshall, went to Little Rock to visit his sick brother, D.W.Hoshall at the Soldier's home. 9-30-1898 - Prof.J.W.Penick Resigns - - - - - Prof.J.W.Penick has closed the school at Burnt Cane, and has donned the reportorial reins for the St.Francis County Democrat. 9-30-1898 - Rumor of Resignation of Lieut.Chas.R.Izard - - - - - Rumor of Resignation of Lieut.Chas.R.Izard has been received, but not confirmed. 9-30-1898 - Jim Izard Takes Position - - - - - Jim Izard has taken a position with Sol Lewis. He is a hustler and has lots of friends who will certainly give him a call. 9-30-1898 - J.H.Collier Departs - - - - - J.H.Collier Departs for San Antonio, and he carries the esteem and best wishes of this entire community 9-30-1898 - W.J.Lanier Goes To Ann Arbor - - - - - W.J.Lanier Goes To Ann Arbor, Michigan to complete his studies in the law department of the celebrated university in that place. 9-30-1898 - James Gilliam Arrives - - - - - James Gilliam, of Halifax, N.C., has accepted a position with Fussell, Graham & Co. He is a nephew of Mrs.M.L.Graham and cousin of Mrs.Gatling and Mrs.Turley of this city. 10-7-1898 - Large Land Owner in Town - - - - - Mr.E.H.Shirk, of Tipton, Ind., has been at the Belser for several days. He is a large land owner in the St.Francis bottom. 10-7-1898 - Sale of Old Courthouse - - - - - At a commisioners sale, the old courthouse and lot were sold to Geo.R.Mallory for the Methodist church. The old jail was brought down by Wm.Aldridge.10-14-1898 The Courthouse and jail have been resold to the Y.M.C.A. 10-7-1898 - Miss Mary Izard at Mde.Boyles - - - - - Miss Mary Izard is now clerking for Madame Boyle's millenery establishment. 10-7-1898 - Contract for Paupers - - - - - The contract for keeping the paupers was won by George W.Izard for the year 1898. 10-14-1898 - M.Jacobson Departs - - - - - M.Jacobson left Monday for St.Louis. He has accepted a position with the Lesser Cotton Co. of that city. 10-21-1898 - Train of Nine Wagons Passes - - - - - A train of nine wagons passed thru enroute to Oklahoma from Hardin Co., Tenn.:containing the families of Messrs.Hunt, Tackett, and two Hintons, thirty five persons in all. Part of them are relatives of John Tackett and E.Milam, and they stopped in the Pine Tree neighborhood on their way. 10-21-1898 - Farm for Sale - - - - - Desirous of moving to town, farm with 40 acres for sale one mile from town. Would make good dairy farm. Will sell or trade for othe property near town.G.W.McCormick. 10-21-1898 - Lieutenant W.R.Taylor - - - - - Lieutenant W.R.Taylor was commisioned Second Lt., of Company H, Second Arkansas Volunteers, replacing Charles R.Izard, resigned. 10-21-1898 - Tom Vaughn Departs - - - - - Tom Vaughn, the local painter, departed for Malvern Saturday night without saying goodbye. 10-21-1898 - Forrest City Boy Makes Good - - - - - Prof.Will A.Yerzley is now employed at a private school in New York City, and lives at 671 Madison Ave. 10-21-1898 - Lost Boy - - - - - Democrat-Robert Fitzgerald is still lost. 10-28-1898 - Fred Neeley and Family Move Here - - - - - Fred Neeley and wife of Wheatley, arrived in the city Tuesday, and have set up housekeeping at the Mrs.Dye residence. Mr.Neeley took a position with Sol Lewis. 10-28-1898 - Henry Jennings Departs - - - - - Henry Jennings left for San Antonio is search of health Tuesday, via Little Rock. 10-28-1898 - Judge Cowan Retires - - - - - Judge John S.R.Cowan, County and Probate Judge for St.Francis Co. will retire next Monday after four years in office. He will be replaced by Judge Geo.P.Taylor, who was elected last September. 11-4-1898 - Dr.E.J.Pool Moves to Forrest City - - - - - Dr.E.J.Pool has moved his family and belongings from Memphis and is occupying the Fondren residence, near the Episcopal church. 11-11-1898 - R.S.Stevens Enters the Livery Business - - - - - R.S.Stevens purchased the Livery business of Rufus Scott. 11-11-1898 - Mrs.James A.Deaton Departs - - - - - Mrs.James A.Deaton left Wednesday for Concord, N.Carolina, we wish her von boyage. 11-11-1898 - M.W.Izard May Move to Wynne - - - - - The Izard House is likely to change hands, Mr.M.W.Izard and estimable family may move to Wynne to open a hotel. 11-18-1898 - Col.Theodore Roosevelt Governor Elect - - - - - Colonel Theodore Roosevelt is the governor elect of New York. 11-25-1898 - Mr.& Mrs.W.L.Parham Leave for Texas - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.W.L.Parham will leave for Texas next week, he is in search of better health, and we wish him success. 11-25-1898 - Contract Let For New Electric Light Plant - - - - - Mr.C.A.Ahlstedt received the bid building of the new Electric Light Plant buildings. Work will be commenced immediately. 11-25-1898 - Hurlbert Vadakin Has Surgery - - - - - It was reported that operation lancing the leg of Hurlbert Vadakin was successful in Memphis at the St.Joseph Hospital, the sisters have fallen in love with him. 11-25-1898 - Banner Poultry Raiser - - - - - Mrs.John Q.Allen, of Johnson township is entitled to credit for being the banner poultry raiser in the county. She sold forty-two fine fat turkeys, ranging in price from 75 cents to $1.50 each. Mrs.Allen is a daughter of the late Judge Beazley, who for years was the judge of this judicial district. 11-25-1898 - Mrs.Bettie Izard Arrive for Visit - - - - - Mrs.Bettie Izard and children, Tom and Mildred arrived in the city Saturday, and Sunday went to Mud Lake to visit the bedside of her father, J.W. (Pony) Hines, who is quite ill with hematura. Mrs.Izard now resides in Athens, Alabama. 11-25-1898 - Mr.Koonce Purchases Restaurant - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Koonce, of Prescott, Tenn. and Miss Annie McCrary, of Bells, Tenn.,sister of Mrs.Koonce are registerd at the Cook hotel. Mr.Koonce has purchased the Smith Restaurant on North Washington Street, and will continue the business. 11-25-1898 - Attempted Jail Break - - - - - A jail delivery of great importance came near materializing Sunday night. It is supposed that J.W.Willhite got possession of the key which liberates him from the slab of iron covering a small hole in the corner of his cell, through which he gained the enter corridor. He is charged in the murder of J.W.Luckett. John Evans was put in jail for aiding in the key for the escape attempt. 12-2-1898 - George A.Izard Ill - - - - - George A. Izard is quite feeble from a spell of malaria and general febility. 12-2-1898 - J.W.Rickett Returns - - - - - J.W.Rickett has returned from a visit to his old home at Kokomo, Ind. He is preparing to clear up a large tract of land in the bottom. 12-9-1898 - Harry W.Beazley Mustered Out - - - - - Harry W.Beazley, 1st Florida Volunteers, recently stationed at Huntsville, Alabama, and mustered out at Tallahasse, arrived Wednesday, and went to the home of his parents some miles north of the city. He is in robust health and shows no signs of ill treatment from any cause. 12-9-1898 - Gunshot Almost Fatal - - - - - Last Sunday night, Mrs.Shell Ezell narrowly escaped death from a pistol shot. While arranging the mattress, a revolver, which was under the mattress, fell to the floor and exploded, the ball striking the headboard and then the mattress. 12-9-1898 - Barn Raising Held In Pine Tree - - - - - Mr.Joe Kelley had a barn raising Friday. 12-9-1898 - Man Lost in Pine Tree - - - - - There is a man supposed to be lost in this country, Mr.J.E.Boyce has not been seen at Mr.Watkins for a week. 12-9-1898 - Rev.Hargraves Moves to Forrest City - - - - - Pine Tree-We are sad to learn that we are losing a neighbor, Rev.W.D.Hargraves is moving to Forrest City. 12-16-1898 - Virgil Owen Cashier of Bank at Wynne - - - - - Virgil Owen, lately of this city, has been selected to be Cashier of The Cross County Bank in Wynne, succeeding deceased Charles T.Harrison. 12-30-1898 - Family of E.L.Vadakin Moving to Memphis - - - - - The family of E.L.Vadakin went over to Memphis Monday evening to secure a dwelling, in order to be close to the doctors for little Hurlbert PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911