Here is picture, Mr.Landvoigt from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1919

In Chronological Order-March 2,2010 Updated
Selected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]
Events: The Forrest City Times Herald-Successor to the Crowley Ridge Chronicle and the Forrest City Times Newspaper-Times-Herald Publishing Co.-J.M.Durst, President. Printed on Thursday.
Events: The Forrest City Times Herald-Successor to the Crowley Ridge Chronicle and the Forrest City Times Newspaper-Times-Herald Publishing Co.-J.M.Durst, President. Printed on Thursday.
01/01/25 County Officers Take Office Jan.1-Joe M.Campbell succeeds J.G.Sanders as Sheriff and Collector/B.Frank King as Asst.Collector/Re-elected:Linn Turley as County Clerk, Judge N.B.Nelson as County Judge/J.F.McDougal as Chancery Clerk/and John N.Nichols as Tax Assessor.
01/01/25 Newton Landers left Monday for the Univ.of Alabama after visit to his mother, Mrs.A.B.Wolfe and Mr.Wolfe.
01/08/25 T.O.Fitzpatrick sells his 1,576 acre plantation in St.Francis county to Mr.J.L.Dobbins of Shelby Co., Tenn. for approximately $50,000.
01/08/25 C.C.Fogg to move from Widener to Heth. He purchased the G.L.Salmon interests in Heth and will move after closing his store in Widener. Mr.Salmon had 750 acres of land, with the purchase, and he moved to Mississippi county.
01/08/25 Prohibition-by Col.Landvoigt-Twenty Million dollars for prohibition, which does not prohibit. The twelve mile limit on the ocean brings no results. The patrol on the borders is helpless, the people themselves do not obey the law, in fact, all measures of the Government fail. Liquor still comes in plentifully from abroad and with the aid of moon shiners booze is within easy reach of all. The dope habit is increasing and chemists are concocting something with a kick in it.
01/08/25 Taylor Pyle left for Purdue University at La Fayette, Indiana after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr.and Mrs.A.B.Pyle.
01/08/25 Harry Knight Jr. and Leonidas Merritt left for A & M College Sunday.
01/08/25 William Alderson left Saturday for Lexington, Va. to attend Washington Lee University after holidays with parents, Mr.and Mrs.James W.Alderson.
01/08/25 Mrs.Mary Tarver and daughter Anita, left for Batesville, where she is matron of the Arkansas College and Anita is enrolled. Also, Misses Lucille Davenport, Annie Rush, and Catherine Lanier.
01/15/25 Mr.and Mrs.Rusell Williams and children, and Mrs.L.H.Jones were visitors in Memphis to celebrate 50th wedding anniversary of their grand parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Reeves.
01/29/25 Rev.J.S.Burns has moved to the Ed Mallory home place just north of town, which was recently vacated by Mr.Ed Wright.
01/29/25 Louis Haven has purchased the theater in Brinkley and will book the same movies as the Imperial Theater here. Forrest Bogart will manage the theater for him.
02/05/25 Rev.J.W.Porter of Helena was on visit to his son Jack R.Porter.
02/12/25 Notes from Bedside by Rev.Blount F.Davidson: He made visits to Memphis hospital to visit: Mrs.J.C.Morris, and J.E.Fisher at Methodist hospital; Percy H.Barker Sr., Dr.F.L.Proctor, Mrs.John Cargill, Mrs.Norma Hodges, and John Tankersley at the Baptist hospital; James E. Davenport, son of Mr.and Mrs.L.E.Davenport in General hospital; and at home, J.O.Bridgforth, Chas.Lewis, and J.F.Harris.
02/12/25 New bridges for Bonair road, new creosote bridges on the highway between Forrest City and Bonair are announced according to A.W.Buford, District Engineer at an estimated cost of $3,500.
02/12/25 Bankruptcy of Gordon Love of Hughes on Feb.10,1925. E.C.Hornor, Referee in Bankruptcy.
02/19/25 Natural gas found on DeRossitt farm at 17 feet while drilling for an ordinary pump well. The fire extends about two feet above the pipe head, and is expected to soon burn out.
02/26/25 Isadore Yoffie has moved his store to Rosser Street of dry goods, shoes, ladies and gentleman's furnishings in the north end of the Mann building formerly occupied by the Farmer Mercantile Co.
02/26/25 Coffey Mercantile Co. moved to the south half of the Mann building, formerly occupied by Farmers Mercantile Co.
02/26/25 W.B.Folsom, editor and publisher of the Brinkley Argus was in Forrest City Wednesday.
02/26/25 C.T.Woodfin of Okolona, Miss. will succeed Grover C.Raper as teller at the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, the Raper family is moving to Little Rock.
03/05/25 Joe Fisher, son of Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Fisher, came home Sunday after four years in the U.S.Navy, he has been on the steamship Huron, stationed in China for the last three years.
03/12/25 Mr.W.G.Wolfe of San Francisco arrived for visit with relatives on Wednesday.
03/19/25 Listen to broadcast of WMC at noon tomorrow for piano recital by Mrs.J.O.McDougal of this city presented by the Eastern Arkansas talent.
03/19/25 Lacefield and Gregory form new firm here purchasing the A.L.Stevens Hardware Co. by H.W.Gregory and Walter L.Lacefield as assignee's sale Saturday afternoon for $6,500. They will operate under firm The Arkansas Hardware and Furniture Co. 04/16/25 Gregory buys out Lacefield, and changed name to Gregory Hardware & Furniture Co. Last week he sold his interest in the Parker & Gregory Co. to Mr.Parker.
03/19/25 The Forrest City Gin Co. is excavating for two new 20,000 gallon gasoline tanks which will double their capacity.
03/19/25 Mrs.Grady Beazley was called to Wilson Saturday due to auto accident of her mother, Mrs.Ed Lockhart.
03/26/25 Stoddard-Hamilton trial moved to Lee County on change of venue motion granted by Judge E.D.Robertson Tuesday morning. Trial is set for April 21. Stoddard is represented by W.J.Lanier, and has been our on bond.
03/26/25 Tennessee Governor Peay signs Evolution Bill, which states that the evolution can not be taught in schools.
04/02/25 Edmond Norfleet who is attending the Univ.of Arkansas was a weekend guest with relatives.
04/02/25 Alford F.Nicholas, son of Mrs.May E. Nicholas of Colt received diploma from Ft.Riley, Kansas, as a graduate chef at the exercises of the Army Cavalry School Class on March 20,1925.
04/09/25 Hughes Election results:Mayor-J.L.Nelson/Recorder-H.R.Browning, Treasurer-E.W.Pollard, Aldermen: R.B.Wise, R.C.Nickkle, E.J.Chaffin, J.M.South, and W.A.Spivey.
04/09/25 Mr.and Mrs.L.N.Myers will make their home in Haiti, Missouri, where he will manage the new Ford dealer ship for Judge E.A.Rolfe.
04/23/25 J.Lucius Stoddard convicted of second degree murder and given a term of seven years prison.
04/30/25 To our Friends and Former Customers, we have sold the Pearle Cafe‚, to Mr.Walter L.Lacefield. We thank you for your patronage from August 1917 to present. C.H.Haven and L.F.Haven. They purchased the restaurant from R.J.Ash, who formerly ran the restaurant.
04/30/25 Bankhead Lee Highway west of Palestine to be groveled to the Monroe County Line.
04/30/25 Mr.Sam H.Mann, Jr., and daughter, and Mrs.P.H.Barker, Jr. are visiting in El Dorado with Mrs.Mann's sister, Mrs.W.E.Clark.
05/07/25 R.K. (Bob) Swan is seriously ill on his farm home on the St.Francis river fifteen miles north of Forrest City. His son, R.K.Swan from Portsmouth, Va. arrived Wednesday to be at his bedside.
05/07/25 United Confederate Veterans Reunion in Dallas, Texas, May 19-22. Must procure identification certificates to get reduced fare. See Col.Ed Landvoigt at the new stand.
05/07/25 FCHS will graduate 22 students this year on May 22.
05/07/25 Lloyd Neill and Charles Haven to open Clarence Saunders Store in the Mann building on May 16 on Jackson Street.
05/07/25 Madison High school graduates are Misses Beth Tully and Edna Kirby.
05/28/25 Mr.Sam H.Mann Jr. and family are moving to St.Petersburg, Fla. where he will join with his brother in law, James R.Bussey in the practice of law.
05/28/25 FCHS grads:Lynnie Christian, Euline Houston, Mildred Hodges, Johnnye May Tankersley, Elizabeth Runyan, Nellie Mae Ash, Lillian Ferguson, Elizabeth McLain, Merle Kimbrough, Margaret Buford, Lillian Borden, Norman Houston, Pasley Johnson, Devane Whitted, Nall Brantley, Joel Ferrell, Joe Boydston, Earl Nail, Jim Gwynne Sanders, Archie Smith, Maurine Neel, and Frank Staten.
05/28/25 Mr.and Mrs.Isadore Yoffie celebrate on May 17 their twenty fifth wedding anniversary.
06/04/25 Lists of farmers and crops raised in St.Francis County is shown.
06/04/25 U.S.Navy launches new carrier USS Saratoga to join the other carrier, the USS Langley, coming soon will be the USS Lexington.
06/11/25 Peddler Shot; Three Arrested-Memphis June 10- Three men were sent to prison today in connection with the shooting of Joe Soia, Syrian peddler, who was found dead Tuesday night on a roadside on the outskirts of Hughes, Ark., shot through the lungs.
07/09/25 Walter Prewett left last week to make his home in Hughes where he has a position with the Hughes Motor Company.
07/16/25 Confederate Pension Board Met: Members present were James DeRossitt, Ed Landvoigt, and county clerk Linn Turley. The following applications were approved:Mrs.Virginia B.Bradford, Mrs.Jennie Cooke, transferred from Mississippi, and Dennis Downey. The following pensioners died during the past year: Mrs.Jennie McCormick, Mrs.Eliza Terry, Mrs.McKnight, and Mrs.Eliza Evans. The pensions probably will reach $150 this year.
07/23/25 Mr.and Mrs.Harry Sanders of Poughkeepsie, New York, and Mrs.B.B.Zemiler of Albany, New York, arrived Sunday for visit with Mr.Sanders's father, W.T.Sanders.
07/23/25 Rose Ida O'Brien left for Memphis to visit Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Brady.
07/23/25 Frank Merwin left for Pueblo, Colorado, to make his home, where he will be with the Missouri Pacific Railway Co.
07/30/25 William Jennings Bryan, thrice Democratic nominee for President, died Sunday afternoon in Dayton, Ohio. He was buried in Arlington Cemetery, Washington,D.C. He was there for Prof.Scopes trial for teaching evolution in the public schools of Tennessee.
07/30/25 Emmer Ezell of Detroit, Mich. is visiting his uncle, Shell Ezell, who is seriously ill with heart trouble.
08/06/25 Mrs.M.B.Norfleet Jr., and son left for visit with her parents, Mr.and Mrs.F.W.Judge of Albany, New York.
08/13/25 Mrs.Ophelia E.Alley critically ill, she is approaching her eighty-fifth birthday on Sep.22 next. Mrs.Pearle Vaccaro of Memphis has been called to her mother's bedside.
08/13/25 Mr.and Mrs.Raoul Carlisle and children, of Hollywood, California, returned here to live Mrs.Carlisle's grandfather, Mr.J.R.Norfleet.
08/20/25 First Baptist Church plans new church on Washington Street, at an estimated cost of $75,000 across the street from the Presbyterian church.
08/27/25 Subdivisions in Forrest City on Tax Rolls:Graham & Howes Addition/Alley Addition/Pettus & Williams Addition/Fussell Addition/Alley Addition/W.H.Alley Addition
08/27/25 Miss Mary Gray Izard returned home last week from Sheffield, Alabama, where she had been visiting relatives.
09/03/25 Taylor Pyle left for Purdue University at La Fayette, Indiana after spending the summer with his parents, Mr.and Mrs.A.B.Pyle.
09/03/25 Edgar Taylor Jr. leaves for Gallatin, Tenn. to enter Gallatin School.
09/10/25 Lindsey Bridgforth buys the Barnes place near Whitmore, with 600 acres for $50 per acre. Sold by C.W.Norton for the Nelson Loan Co.
09/10/25 Teachers in FCHS announced:Superintendent M.S.Smith/Science & Athletics:John Anderson/Latin & History:Miss Merle Fondren/Domestic Science:Miss Wanda Wyatt/Mathematics: Mrs.N.B.Norton/Freshman Classes: Miss Emma Hood/History & English:Miss Helen Smith/English & French: Mrs.Basil Hodges/ Music:Mrs.J.Othello McDougal.
09/10/25 Mrs.M.B.Norfleet Sr. went to Memphis to attend the funeral of her Aunt, Mrs.Nannie Herring, who died Wednesday at the age of 86 years.
09/10/25 Comments on Current Topics:Col.Landvoigt-Forrest City as a summer resort. Last Sunday afternoon the mercury reached 104 degrees.
09/10/25 Misses Annie Rush and Catherine Lanier left for Batesville to attend Arkansas College. Leonidas Merritt and Harry Knight leave for A.&M., Miss. to attend A & M College.
09/17/25 Miss Margaret Buford and Edmund Norfleet leave for Fayetteville to attend the Univ.of Arkansas.
09/17/25 Mrs.J.T.Fondren Jr. leaves for Smackover to make it her new home where she has a position with the American Express Co.
09/24/25 Judge N.B.Nelson and daughters, Misses Susie and Kathleen spent Tuesday in Memphis.
09/24/25 Charles McDaniel and family are moving to Pensacola, Fla. to make their home.
09/24/25 Miss Ophelia Fisher left for Conway where she will enter the State Teachers College.
09/24/25 Four indictments for murder by the grand jury:L.J.Pugh for murder of Julius Jolley/Rufus Littell for murder of Cliff Coleman/Etta Mae Johnson and Louis Gant for murder. 10/01/25 Mistrial on Littell.
10/01/25 Attendance at Forrest City High School reaches enrollment of 171. The largest in history.
10/01/25 Mrs.Betty Barnhardt leaves for Birmingham, Alabama, her new home after selling her home to Lee Pankey.
10/22/25 A.B.Wolfe, salesman for the Morris Packing Co. of Memphis, was held up on the Caldwell road about one mile south of Caldwell. The car used by the bandits, an old Ford, swerved in front of his vehicle as he approached, when one of the bandits fired into his car while the other jumped on the running board and a gun was used to stop him, then they dragged him into the woods, and robbed him, warning him not to follow them.
10/22/25 Charles H.Havens sold out his interest in the Havens-Neill, Inc. operation of the Clarence Saunders store of this city to Otis L.Stevens.
10/29/25 B.Frank King moves to St.Petersburg, Fla. to accept position with a bank. Two of his brothers in law also live there, Mr.Sam H.Mann, Jr. and James R.Bussey from here.
11/05/25 President L.W.Baldwin of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad to visit Forrest City on Armistice Day, Nov.11,1925.
11/05/25 Louis Haven, proprietor of the Imperial Theater in Forrest City and Brinkley, has purchased the Regent Theater in Marianna, Forrest Bogart manages the new one, and Earl Martin will take over in Brinkley.
11/12/25 L.G.Fitzpatrick reports 21,211 bales of cotton baled in St.Francis county prior to Nov.1,1925 compared to 17,198 last year.
11/19/25 Sheriff Campbell brought the twentieth still of the year to the courthouse where it was destroyed. Arrests have been made in 12 so far.
11/19/25 Charles H.Havens purchases the Pearl Cafe‚ from Walter Lacefield. He and his son plan on operation of the restaurant.
12/03/25 D.Downey and J.A.Whittenton are critically ill at their homes.
12/03/25 Neil N.Snyder promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the Arkansas National Guard by Governor Terral.
12/17/25 Univ.of Arkansas students home for holidays, include Neil Bogart, Joe Boyston, Miss Margaret Buford, Edmond Norfleet, Dennis Horton, and O.N.Warren Jr. A and M, University in Starkville, Miss. students home for the holidays include Harry Knight Jr., Leonidas Merritt, and William Nail.
01/01/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Horton on Christmas night a baby boy.Newcastle Times.
01/08/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Merwin Darby a baby boy on Jan.4th-Posey Times.
01/08/25 Mr.and Mrs.Dale Choate welcomed baby girl Margaret Dale on Friday.
01/15/25 Dr.and Mrs.L.H.Stout welcomed a baby boy on Saturday.
01/15/25 Mr.and Mrs.Harry Higgs a baby girl on Sunday night. Colt Times.
02/05/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Massey a baby girl Monday morning.
02/12/25 A baby girl, Helen Bernice was born to Mr.and Mrs.A.B.Sanders of Round Pond on Feb.5.
02/19/25 A nine pound baby boy was born to Mr.and Mrs.E.J.Tipton, and the mother is with her parents Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Kirby of this city.
02/26/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.James McCrary a baby girl on Friday.
02/26/25 A baby girl was born on Friday to Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Reynolds.
03/12/25 On Sunday a baby boy was born to Mr.and Mrs.O.D.Lambert.
03/19/25 Born Tuesday a baby girl to Mr.and Mrs.Lamar Humphrey.
03/19/25 On Monday a baby boy was born to Mr.and Mrs.Rufus Woody.
05/07/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Gray a baby girl named Jane on Saturday afternoon.
05/21/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Joe Todd last Saturday night a big baby boy.
06/04/25 Mr.and Mrs.H.O.Kinniman received a baby girl, Dorothy Louise, on last Friday.
06/18/25 Born to Mr. and Mrs.John Snyder a baby girl, Evelyn, on Monday morning.
06/18/25 A baby boy was born to Mr.and Mrs.Joseph McCllelland on Wednesday night.
06/18/25 Mr.and Mrs.Fred J.Herring in Little Rock had a baby girl Wednesday of last week.
08/06/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Samuel H.Mann Jr. on Sunday night a baby boy, Samuel H.Mann III at their home in St.Petersburg, Fla..
09/03/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.C.E.Turley last Friday, a boy.
10/01/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Will David on Monday morning at the Woman's Hospital in Memphis a baby boy.
10/08/25 Abe Ash expands Maidwell Garment Co. on North Washington Street. The firm was established in Feb.1920. Present employment is 50 employees, and he hopes to expand to 200.
10/08/25 Members of the Federal Grand Jury in Helena include George E.Parker, J.M.Williams, Cliff Barton and Mr.Harris.
10/08/25 Enrollees at Arkansas State Miss Ophelia Jane Kelso of Caldwell;Miss Ophelia Fisher of Forrest City;Mrs.Annie H.Vinson, Miss Mabel Horton, Ernest Vinson, all of Colt;Miss Laura B.Smith of Wheatley.
10/15/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Freeman Irby of Charlottesville, Va., a baby boy on Sunday.
11/26/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Robert Lewis on Monday a baby girl.
11/26/25 Born Nov.14 to Mr.and Mrs.Jess Pinkston, a baby girl.
12/17/25 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Vernon Hodges Monday a girl named Mary Bob.
01/01/25 Irby-Hine: Miss Nannie Hine and Mr.Freeman Buckner Irby of Newport Saturday afternoon.
01/08/25 Miller-Sanders: Miss Lois Sanders and Mr.Oscar Miller of Wavely, La. were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Sanders, Tuesday afternoon by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, officiating. They will make their home in Louisianna.
01/08/25 Pierce-Washington:Mr.E.J.Barrow, the newly installed magistrate performed the marriage in Madison between Miss Maggie Washington and Mr.Lincoln Pierce.
01/08/25 Ivy-Clifton: Miss Eulah Clifton was married to Mr.Clarence Ivy of Cleveland, Miss. where they make their home: Posey Times.
01/08/25 Fowler-Schmitt: Miss Margaret Schmitt and Mr.Scott W.Fowler were married Dec.23,1924, at the home of the bride. They will make their home in Howell, Ark. where he is in business. Posey Times.
01/22/25 Clark-Lyons: Miss Leta Lyons of Colt and Mr.M.L.Clark were wed by Rev.J.S.Burns at his residence Sunday. Both of Telico Township. Colt Times.
01/29/25 Barker-McDougal: Announced by Dr.and Mrs.J.F.McDougal, daughter Frances to Mr.Percy H.Barker, Jr. on Tuesday.
01/29/25 Porter-Moore: Miss Virgie Moore and Mr.J.R.Porter married in Wynne last week, they are at home in the W.A.Morrow apartments on East Cross Street.
01/29/25 Moore-Ferguson: Miss Louise Ferguson, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Jack Ferguson and Mr.William Moore were married Tuesday night at the residence of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Moore.
01/29/25 Colley-Fisher: Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Fisher announce marriage of daughter Florence on Sunday afternoon to Mr.W.A.Colley, performed by the Rev.Pyle at Parkin. They are residents of the Marion Hotel.
01/29/25 Lewis-Mason: Rev.J.C.Mason announces marriage of daughter Mae to Mr.Robert Monroe Lewis, of Memphis, on Jan.22 at the Union Ave.Methodist Church, in Memphis by Rev.Robert A.Clark. The groom is the son of Mrs.Lula Beaver of Union City, Tenn., and a graduate of the Univ.of Tennessee, a veteran of three years in the World War in the Rainbow Division and is with the Industrial Bank of Memphis, they will make their home at 1512 Madison Ave. in Memphis.
02/05/25 Gorman-Gause: Commercial Appeal, Jan.30-Mr.Walter P.Gorman of Forrest City and Miss Margaret Gause were wed last night at the Calvary Church, with Bishop J.F.Winchester of Little Rock conducting the ceremony. The bride is a popular musician. They will live in Forrest City.
03/12/25 Kemp-Copping: Mrs.Virginia Norton Copping was wed to Hon.Sir Edward Kemp in Toronto, Canada on March 3, witnesses included the daughter, Miss Cynthia Copping. The bride had first come to Toronto before the war as a guest of Miss Marjorie Hutchins (Mrs.Stanley Bennett). Toronto Globe-March 4,1925.
03/19/25 Manly-Brown: Mr.William F.Manly and Miss Bertha Brown were wed at the Methodist parsonage March 14 by Rev.W.V.Womack. Miss Brown is daughter of Dr.Brown of south of town and Mr.Manly has farming interests north of Madison.
03/19/25 Herman-Brook: Mr.O.E.Herman of Wynne and Miss Lou Ida Brook of Forrest City were wed at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev.J.C.Mason March 14.
03/26/25 Slaughter-Rush: A wedding of interest is Mr.E.T.Slaughter Io Miss Frances M.Rush of Forrest City, at the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Slaughter in Dallas, performed by Rev.G.W.Davis, pastor of the Oak Lawn Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of Dr.and Mrs.J.O.Rush of this city. Mr.Slaughter is a member of the E.T.Slaughter Construction Co. of Dallas.
04/02/25 Wright-Stoddard: Miss Agnes Dell Stoddard and Mr.Forrest Bedford Wright of Hughes were married Sunday morning at the Methodist parsonage by Rev.W.V.Womack.
04/30/25 Gatten-West: Mr.Horace M.Gatten of Colt and Miss Lora E.West of Moro were married at the home of the pastor of the First Baptist church in Forrest City Wednesday evening of last week, Apr.22,1925.
05/14/25 Caldwell-Bounds: Mr.Roy H.Caldwell was united in marriage to Miss Winnie Bounds in Birmingham, Alabama May 9 at the Methodist parsonage, Rev.R.L.Dill performing the ceremony. Mr.Caldwell was a valued employee of the Times-Herald for six years prior to Jan.1 of this year. They will make their home in Florence, Alabama. The bride had resided here for about the same amount of time, and was a saleslady at the R.H.Winfield & Company.
05/21/25 Walker-Childs: Mr.George Walker Jr. of this city and Miss Marian Childs will be married in June at Conway, Ark. The bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Robert M.Childs of Hanks, Ark.
05/21/25 Adams-Hughes: Miss Cornelia Hughes wed Mr.Lewis Dempsey Adams at Harrisburg Saturday afternoon, the ceremony performed by Rev.Lovelace of the Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.W.Hughes of this place and has been employed with the Wynne Progress, the groom is conductor on the Missouri Pacific yards at Wynne.
05/28/25 Caldwell-Kisson: Mr.G.L.Caldwell and Miss Alva Kisson, a young couple of St.Francis County came before Squire Sam Hodges Monday morning of last week. Col.Landvoigt assisted and spoke a few words of advice.
06/04/25 Fogg-Mason: Mr.Frank S.Fogg of Forrest City and Miss Grace Dorothy Mason were married at the residence of Rev. and Mrs.J.H.Fuller of Little Rock, the bride is the sister of Mrs.Fuller. The ceremony was conducted by the bride's father, Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the First Christian church in Forrest City, assisted by Rev.Fuller. Mrs.Robert Lewis, sister of the bride from Memphis was the matron of honor and Mr.Dale Choate of Forrest City the best man.
06/04/25 Vaccaro-Fraser: Announcing marriage of Mr.Leo Vaccaro and Miss Frances Fraser by Mr.and Mrs.James H.Fraser of Frankfort, Indiana, on June 24th at their home in Frankfort. Mr.Vaccaro is a graduate of Georgetown University, and the bride a grad of Brown County Ursulines, St.Martins, Ohio. Her father is general manager of the Frisco System. Rev.W.B.Hordeman of the St.Mary's Catholic church performed the ceremony.
06/11/25 Collier-Rollwage: News has reached the city that Miss Virginia Rollwage and Mr.John Francis Collier of Chicago have married in New York City on May 23. The bride is daughter of Judge Otto R. and Mrs.Rollwage
06/25/25 Gatling-Williams:Mr.Thomas Gatling and Miss Evelyn Williams were wed June 4th by Rev.James A.Anderson, presiding elder of the Methodist church. The bride is daughter of Mrs.E.C.Williams, and the groom active in the business of the Forrest City Grocery Co.
06/25/25 Beard-Holbrook: Mr.Melvin F.Beard of Kansas City, Mo. and Miss Lela Wood Holbrook of Forrest City were married Wednesday afternoon at the home of W.A.Parker, Rev.W.V.Womack conducting the ceremony. They plan on living in Memphis.
07/30/25 Fondren-Eason: Mr.and Mrs.E.B.J.Eason announce marriage of daughter, Clara Mae to Mr.J.T.Fondren, Jr. on May 25, at Hernando, Miss. performed by Rev.Mr.Maer of the Baptist church.
07/30/25 Payne-Cowley: Mrs.Lucy Crandell Cowley and Mr.E.Raiford Payne were married at Eureaka Springs, Ark. on July 25th, she of Memphis, he of Forrest City. He is an alum of the University of Arkansas in 1917, and a representative of one of that section's oldest families, First Lt. of Co.H-Arkansas National Guard, and chief accountant with Vaccaro-Grobmyer Co.. The bride is the youngest daughter of the late Major H.A.Crandell and a sister of the Misses Bonnie and Pearl Crandell of this city.
08/06/25 Hughes-Clark: Squire Sam Hodges is always prepared for emergencies, especially when Cupid is involved. On Saturday night, he married Mr.Freeman Hughes and Mrs.Abie Clark who had "slipped away."
09/17/25 McDaniel-Calhoun: Mr.Finas McDaniel and Miss Alta Calhoun were married at the Baptist parsonage by Rev.Blount F.Davidson Saturday night. The groom is a salesman for St.Francis Motor Co., the only son of Mr.Ambrose D.McDaniel, a grad of FCHS, and a veteran overseas of the World War. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.S.H.Calhoun of Stigler, Oklahoma, a grad of the University of Arkansas, and in her fourth year teaching at Widener.
09/17/25 Vadakin-Vogel:Announcement of the marriage between Mr.Edward W.Vadakin, formerly of this city, and Miss Ruth Vogel of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to take place on Oct.21,1925. The wedding was in the St.Andrew's Episcopal Church and performed by Rev.Henry Lewis.
09/17/25 Dudley-Pasley: Miss Helen Ann Pasley and Mr.Denver Layton Dudley, of Jonesboro, were married Thursday morning at the Methodist church by Rev.W.V.Womack. The groom is the son of Judge and Mrs.R.H.Dudley of Jonesboro and the bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.W.Pasley of this city, a graduate of FCHS of the class of 1920, and attended the Univ.of Arkansas. She has been a teacher in the public schools of the county for the past year.
10/08/25 Peeples-Sellers: Mr.and Mrs.R.E.Sellers announce marriage of their daughter Robbie to Mr.William M.Peeples to take place in November.
11/05/25 McCain-Pasley: Miss Ruth Pasley and Mr.Dock McCain of Pine Bluff were married in Greenville, Miss., on Oct. 27,1925 at the First Methodist church of Greenville, Miss. by Dr.A.T.McIlwain. The groom was attended by his brother Mr.George McCain of this city. The groom Is the son of Mr.and Mrs.John McCain, pioneer residents of Pine Bluff and is associated with Alexander-Lockwood Sporting Goods.
11/26/25 Crews-Grogan: Announcement of marriage of Mr.Roger Crews to Miss Carolyn Grogan at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.George W.Grogan, Birmingham, Alabama, on Nov.21,1925. They plan of honeymoon in Havana, Cuba. The bride is daughter of Mrs.Cora Crews, and sister of Mrs.Lucille Williams, and is a native of Forrest City, but for the past fifteen years has represented Richard Hudnut Co. of New York in Birmingham.
12/03/25 King-Hughes: Miss Emma Jeane Hughes, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Hughes Sr., and Mr.Henry Rogers King, son of Mr.and Mrs.J.J.King of New Albany, Mississippi, The ceremony performed by Rev.Blount F.Davidson of the First Baptist church on Thanksgiving evening.
12/10/25 McCormick-Hughes: Miss Gladys Hughes, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.John L.Hughes of Haynes and Mr.Chester McCormick of Desoto, Mo. were married Tuesday at the Presbyterian parsonage, Rev.J.E.McJunkin conducting the ceremony.
12/17/25 Moore-Jones; Miss Adine Jones, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.John I. Jones of Forrest City, Ark., and Dr.C.B.Moore of Nashville, Tenn. were married by Rev.Floyd Poe of the First Presbyterian church here in El Paso, Texas, yesterday afternoon. They will make their home in Kansas City. Mrs.Moore attended Lawrence College at Appleton, Wisc., and the Arkansas University. Dr.Moore attended Vanderbilt University and is a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner.
12/17/25 Lippman-Royal: Miss Agene Royal and Mr.William Lippman, of Homer, La., were married Friday afternoon, in Wynne at the Baptist pastorium, the Rev.Blaylock conducting the ceremony. Miss Royal is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. L.M.Royal of this city, and Mr.Lippman is a merchant in Homer, La.
Deaths: Burial:
01/01/25 BISHOP JOSEPH OLIVER 8 26 1891 12 23 1924 FPARK The entire community was made sad on Tuesday, Dec.23,1924, over the passing away of Joseph Oliver Bishop at his home five miles south of Forrest City. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, Dec.25, and the remains laid to rest in the New Forrest Park cemetery. The funeral was under the auspices of the American Legion Post of St.Francis County. Joseph Oliver Bishop was born Aug.26,1891 at Holly Springs, Miss., moving to Arkansas in 1908. On Aug.5,1917, he voluntarily joined the U.S.Army, going to France in 1918, returning Sep.1919. Joe was married On Oct.16,1920 to Miss Ola Ward, to which union one child was born, Oliver Jr., was born, both of whom survive him. For two or three years prior to his death he had been in failing health, spending the greater part of the last two years in Texas in the interest of his health.
01/08/25 McCORMICK PARMELIA JANE MRS KENT 10 27 1838 1 1 1925 CITY Died, at the residence of her son, Squire Samuel Lee Hodges, on Thursday, Jan.1,1925, Mrs.Parmelia Jane (Kent) McCormick. Interment on Friday afternoon in Forrest City Cemetery in the Havens family plot. Services by Rev.B.F.Davidson, of the Baptist Church, assisted by Rev.H.M.McLain of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs.McCormick was born in Raymond, Miss., in 1838, and came to Arkansas where she has since resided. She leaves to mourn their loss one daughter, Mrs.Lula (Price) Wheat of Little Rock, and three sons, Will, Sam, and Lewis Hodges. Mrs.McCormick has passed the "allotted age of man," three scores and ten, as though but a dream, influenced by her religious faith in early life, and lived up to its tenets all through the many years "Love thy neighbor as thyself." God saw fit to call her home the beginning of the New Year to enter life in heaven. "Blessed are those who die in the lord." End in Paper:She was married three times, the first husband was Hamilton Miller Prince by whom she had two daughters, and he was killed in the siege of Vicksburg in the Civil War; she then married James Louis Hodges by whom she had four children, one girl died in infancy, and three boys, Will Samuel, and Lewis. in 1895 she married George W.McCormick in 1895, and he died in 1900. Card of Thanks:Words are inadequate to express our sincere thanks to the many who administered to the wants of our mother during her life and illness and for the beautiful testimonials which covered the mound of her last resting place; also for the sympathy extended to the living relatives. Each flower placed upon the mound spoke in mute language that will live forever in our hearts. Mrs.Lula Wheat/S.L.Hodges.
01/08/25 TODD JULIA MRS LYNNAUGH 12 14 1874 12 28 1924 WYLDS Mrs.Julia Lynnaugh Todd, wife of W.J.Todd, passed away Sunday afternoon, Dec.28,1924, at their home south of Forrest City. Death resulted from a second stroke of paralysis, sustained Friday morning. Mrs.Todd was stricken with paralysis six or seven weeks ago, but had recovered sufficiently from the stroke to be up and around the house. The stroke Friday morning following which she never fully regained consciousness, occurring shortly after the breakfast hour. She had, unassisted, returned to her bedroom from the dining room. Deceased was born in St.Francis county Dec.14,1874. Her parents, Mr.and Mrs.James Lynnaugh, were pioneer settlers in the county. They have long since passed to their reward. About thirty years ago she was united in marriage with Mr.W.J.Todd and to this happy union were born eight children, of which five survive, as follows:Joe Todd, Mrs.Clara May Brannon, James, Pat, and Frank Todd. One son, Walter died at the age of six, and two died in infancy. In addition to the children and husband, she is survived by a brother, Tom Lynnaugh, and two step-brothers, Sam and Rice Gerow, all of this county. Funeral services were held Monday morning from the residence, followed by interment in Wylds Cemetery. Services being conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns, Baptist Missioner, and were attended by a large number of friends of the deceased and the family. Mrs.Todd early in life united with the Baptist church, and led a consecrated Christian life.
01/08/25 COTTON JOHN M. 1832 12 28 1924 CITY John M.Cotton, former merchant and pioneer settler of St.Francis county, died in Little Rock Sunday morning, Dec.28,1925, in his 92nd year. The remains were brought to Forrest City Monday afternoon and laid to rest in Forrest City Cemetery, beside those of his wife, who preceded him a number of years ago. Deceased was born in South Carolina, but came to St.Francis county in his boyhood days. He was one of the first merchants of Forrest City, conducting a large and profitable general furnishing store for a long number of years. About twenty five years ago he retired from active business, moving to Memphis, where he has resided the greater part of the time. He had been visiting relatives in Little Rock during the past year. He is survived by two daughters and one son as follows:Mrs.J.B.Ramsey of Memphis, Guy Cotton of Memphis, and Mrs.Lennie Izard, of Hot Springs. Funeral services were held grave side, conducted by Rev.Homer N.McLain of the Presbyterian church. COTTON, JOHN -N.Goodspeed 1884= M. W. Izard & Co. are the owners and operators of the largest saw and grist mills and cotton gin in St. Francis County, located near Colt Station. The firm is composed of M. W. Izard and John N. Cotton, both representative, active young business men, and thoroughly worthy of the position to which they have attained. Mr. Izard was born in Fayette County, Tenn., on March 3, 1855, being a son of F. J. and Sarah E. (Whittaker) Izard. Reared in this county, he attended public and private schools and received a good education, and at the age of seventeen was employed as a clerk, which occupation received his attention for about ten years. Subsequently he went into business for himself as a butcher, and two years afterward entered in the saw-mill business, later forming a partnership with his father-in-law, John N. Cotton, in the grist-mill and cotton-gin business. He also owns a large farm of 190 acres of land, with sixty-five acres under cultivation, having good improvements, a small orchard, etc. Mr. Izard was married June 12, 1879, to Miss Emma Cotton, daughter of J. N. Cotton, his partner in business. They are the parents of two boys: John and Mark W. Mr. Izard is an out spoken Democrat, and he and wife are members of the K. & L. of H. John N. Cotton owes his nativity to Western Tennessee, where his birth occurred March 2, 1834. His parents, John and Easter (Nelson) Cotton, were natives of Virginia and of English descent, their ancestors coming to this country in colonial days and taking part in the great struggle for liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Cotton moved from Virginia to Kentucky, and in 1834 to Arkansas, settling on a farm in this county, where they both died within two years after their arrival. John N. worked on a farm, and attended school three months during the first seventeen years of his life, improving his spare moments and finding opportunity to prosecute his studies for a few terms after reaching that age. Thus he acquired a good common-school education. He was then engaged in clerking in a grocery at Taylor's Creek, now Colt, until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the Twenty-third Arkansas Infantry and served as first lieutenant until the close of hostilities. After peace was restored he embarked in the general mercantile business in Forrest City, followed it for ten or twelve years, and then entered into the tie and timber business in company with his son-in-law, M. W. Izard. Mr. Cotton was married on June 20, 1861, to Miss Taylor, who died in 1865, leaving one daughter, Emma, the wife of Mr. Izard. He was married the second time, September 2, 1867, to Mrs. Gullett. They are the parents of three children: Edna, Guy and Willie. Mr. Cotton has held several important offices since living in Forrest City, among them chief magistrate of the city, and deputy sheriff of the county. His family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the Masonic and I. O. O. F. fraternities and of the County Wheel, belonging, too, to the K. & L. of H. He is also a thorough Knight of Labor. .
01/15/25 HUGHES JULIA MRS THOMAS Unk 1 11 1925 HAYNES Mrs.Julia Thomas Hughes, wife of W.S.Hughes and daughter of John D. and Willie Ann Thomas, passed away suddenly at her home in Haynes Sunday afternoon, Jan.11,1925. In addition to her husband she is also survived by five daughters, as follows: Mrs.E.B.Klewer, Mrs.T.E.Rodgers, and Mrs.Frank R.Gardner, Jr., of Memphis, Mrs.Robert W.Finley and Miss Amy Thomas Hughes, of Washington, D.C.; two sons, R.D.Hughes of Blytheville, Ark. and Lee J.Hughes of Haynes; two sisters, Mrs.M.M.McCullough, Eastland, Texas, and Mrs.W.H.Davis, of Little Rock; and one brother, John D.Thomas of Los Angeles, California. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, with interment in Haynes cemetery.
01/22/25 McKNIGHT MARTHA MRS McGOWEN 12 17 1859 1 17 1925 CITY Mrs.Martha Allen McKnight died suddenly in Memphis at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Thomas Tarver, last Saturday morning, Jan.17,1925. The remains were brought to Forrest City and interment had in the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Services were held in the Baptist Church, and at the grave side, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, assisted by Rev.James A.Anderson and Rev.W.V.Womack. Mrs.Mary Allen McKnight was born in Memphis, Dec.17,1859. She was married April 3,1884 to Thomas Beverly Horney, to which were born two children, Mrs.Beulah Tarver of Memphis, and Mrs.Addie Allen, of Marianna. Mr.Horney passed away on July 2,1887. On May 8,1894, she united in marriage to Dr.John David McKnight, of this city, and to this union was born one daughter, Miss Freddie McKnight of Los Angeles, California. Dr.McKnight departed this life on Jan.5,1905. Deceased gave her heart to the Saviour early during her life, uniting with the First Baptist Church in Memphis. Upon coming to Forrest City to make her home, she became a member of the Baptist church here, until she returned her membership on returning to Memphis to live. She is survived by three daughters, as well as other relatives. On gravestone the name is Martha McGowen McKnight.
01/22/25 MOORE A. M. MRS WILLIAMS 1844 1 22 1925 ELMWOOD Mrs.A.M.Moore, sister of Judge R.J.Williams of this city, died in the home of her daughter, Mrs.Stella Graham, 1080 Monroe Street, Memphis, shortly after midnight last night, Jan.22,1925. Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs.Graham in Memphis Friday afternoon. Death resulted from complications setting in after a severe cold of a few days ago. Mrs. Moore was idenitified with the educational activities of Memphis for a number of years, and was a woman of unusual literary talent. News of her death is received with sorrow by friends of the family in this city. Besides her daughter, she is survived by two brothers, Judge R.J.Williams of this city, and Joseph Williams of Little Rock. She was a native of Winchester, Tenn. from the Memphis News Scimitar-Jan.22-Mrs.A.M.Moore, 81, for more than 65 years a teacher in female colleges in Tennessee and Mississippi, died shortly after midnight today at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Stella Graham, 1080 Monroe Avenue. She had been ill only a few days with pneumonia. Funeral services will be held from the residence of Mrs.Graham, the Rev.T.W.Lewis, pastor of the Madison Heights Methodist church, interment in the Elmwood cemetery. Soon after the Civil war, Mrs.Moore with her husband, moved to Somerville, Tenn., where she became presiding teacher at the old Somerville Female Institute. They moved to Byhalia, Miss., and organized the Waverly Institute, which was carried on successfully for 12 years. Mrs.Moore moved to Memphis from Byhalia and for 14 years was presiding teacher at the Miss Higbee school for young women, teaching Latin and Greek. She and her husband returned to Byhalia and again became head of the Waverly Institute, remaining there seven years when the institution was moved to Memphis. Prof.Moore taught in Memphis until 14 years ago, when he died, and Mrs.Moore taught in a private school she conducted on Monroe Avenue, until a week ago when she became ill with pneumonia. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs.Stella Graham; two grand daughters, Mrs.Frank W.Novitzki and Mrs.Cornelia M.Whitaker, and two brothers, Judge R.J.Williams of Forrest City, and J.B.Williams of Little Rock.
01/22/25 WHITTENTON HUBERT 2 13 1910 1 18 1925 CITY Hubert Whittenton, aged 15, died at Baptist Memorial hospital in Memphis Sunday night, Jan. 18,1925, from wounds received in accidental discharge of a gun with which he was hunting Saturday afternoon. The body was brought back to Forrest City for interment, funeral services being conducted Monday afternoon at the First Baptist church, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, interment following at the Forrest City cemetery. Hubert Whittenton was born in St.Francis county, near Forrest City, Feb.13,1910. the son of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Whittenton. His father has since passed to his reward, and is survived, other than his mother, by three brothers, Clifford, James, and Thomas; six sisters, Mrs.Sue Fisher, of Memphis, Mrs.Nora Anderson, and Leta, Mabel, Ola and Margaret Whittenton. He was manly young fellow, a member of the Baptist church. On Saturday, his playmate Charles Hunt and he had gone out hunting. Returning, they had stopped to rest at the ball park, placing the gun between them. In some way, it started to fall, and was accidentally discharged, the lead entering Hubert near his thigh. The first to reach him were Mr.White, living near the park, and Prof.M.S.Smith, Jr.. Temporary aid was given until Dr.Bogart reached him. He was hurried to Memphis in hopes an operation would save his life, after two transfusions were made, one from his brother Thomas, and one from Rev.Davidson, but the loss had been so great that he gradually weakened and passed away Sunday night. Card of Thanks: Mrs.Melissa Whittenton, and family.
01/22/25 BOND WAVERLY T. 2 4 1878 1 18 1925 MADISON Waverly Bond, oldest of the three sons of Scott Bond, of Madison, died suddenly Sunday night, Jan.18,1925, in Chicago, Illinois. The remains will be brought back to Madison for interment, funeral services being held Friday. He is survived by his wife, father, mother, and two brothers, Theo and U.S.Bond. He would have been 47 years old in February. His father, Scott Bond, has long been a leader among the colored people, and prior to the financial crisis of 1920 was rated as one of the wealthy men of the county, and probably the wealthiest Negro in the state, his fortune at that time estimated at near the million dollar mark. His activities in farming, merchandising, timber, and the operation of a large gravel pit. In the accumulation of this fortune, much of the credit was given Waverly. Bond in the last few months had been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago.
01/29/25 MONTGOMERY WILLIAM 1857 1 23 1925 HUGHES William Montgomery, substantial farmer living 10 miles north of the city, passed away last Friday, Jan.23,1925, a victim of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, with interment in the Hughes cemetery. Services being conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns. Deceased was 68 years of age. He is survived by his wife, and five children: Dalton Montgomery of Memphis, Jesse and William Montgomery, and Mrs.Lee George, of Johnson township, and another daughter. William Montgomery was a familiar character of the county. Always jovial, friendly to all, and was familiarly called "Uncle Billy" by hundreds who knew and loved him.
01/29/25 MORGAN JENNIE E. MRS 10 18 1850 1 26 1925 Unknown Colt Times-Jan.28,1925=We are all sorry to hear about the death of Mrs.Morgan. See Mrs.Weddington below. Feb.5,1925=Mrs.Jennie Morgan died at her home in Colt Tuesday of last week, of pneumonia. Interment was made in Hughes cemetery Wednesday. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.G.G.Dorris, of Wynne, and another daughter in Little Rock. G.G.Dorris, Executor of the Estate sent notice to probate court Feb.10, 1925.
02/05/25 WORRALL SAMUEL 1847 2 1 1925 McDANIEL Samuel Worrall, aged 69, passed away Sunday night, Feb.1,1925, at his home south of Forrest City. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the residence, conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley. Interment was had in the McDaniel cemetery, undertaking arrangements by W.E.Stevens & Co. Pall bearers were as follows: J.M.Gilliam, J.E.Ferguson, W.S.Alley, James L.Alley, James F.Wolfe, Harry A.Knight, and W.W.Campbell. Samuel Worrall was born in England, but came to this country about fifty years ago, settling in St.Francis County. He was a prosperous farmer, a Christian gentleman, loved and honored by all. He was a communicant of the Episcopal church. On April 12, of last year, Mrs.Anna Young Worrall passed to her reward, from burns received a few days prior. They had lived a happy married life of more than fifty years at the time of her death. Mr.Worrall died from complications following a severe case of pneumonia. He is survived by three children: J.W.Worrall and Mrs.S.T.McDaniel of Forrest City and Albert E.Worrall of Texarkana; one adopted daughter, Mrs.Annie Ophelia Wilkins of Forrest City, and nine grand children: W.E. and J.S.Worrall, Carl E., S.T., Mildred, Thomas, and Elizabeth McDaniel, and Myra and Archie Wilkins.
02/05/25 WEDDINGTON GEORGE MRS Unk 1 30 1925 HUGHES Mrs.George Weddington died at her home in Colt, Friday, Jan.30,1925, of pneumonia. Interment was had in the Hughes cemetery Saturday. She is survived by her husband and four children, two girls and two boys. Her mother, Mrs.Jennie Morgan, died three day prior, also of pneumonia. Card of Thanks: Mrs.G.G.Dorris, Wynne, Ark.;Mrs.J.L.Bennett, Little Rock; W.E.Evans, Dumas, Geo.Weddington, Colt; Mrs.Chas.Reid, Tuscumbia, Ala.
02/12/25 DYKES LEONA MISS Unk 2 1925 Unknown Jonesboro-Miss Leona Dykes, aged 17, died at St.Bernard's hospital as the result of a gunshot wound inflicted by a young boy at her home in Leachville. The boy, believing that the gun was not loaded, snapped it at the girl and it discharged, the load taking effect in her body.
02/19/25 DAVENPORT JOHN EDWARD 7 18 1888 2 19 1925 CITY John Edward Davenport passed away at noon today in a Memphis hospital, where he had been dangerously ill for the past thirteen days. The remains were brought to Forrest City this afternoon, and funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at the Baptist Church, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, pastor. He was the 23 year old son of Mr.and Mrs.L.E.Davenport of this city, who survive him. He is also survived by an elder brother, Louis, and two sisters, Mary and Lucille, his wife, and young son. For the past three years he had been living in Memphis for an insurance agency.
02/19/25 DUDLEY ROBERT 11 8 1877 2 11 1925 Unknown Robert Dudley died in Tupelo, Jackson Co., Ark., Feb.11,1925, from pneumonia. He was born in St.Francis county and lived here until 19 years ago, when he moved to Tupelo. In 1896 he was married to Miss Edna Nugent, also of this county, who survives him along with seven children. Robert Dudley died at the age of 48 years, three months, and 3 days. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Tupelo, conducted by the pastor, Rev.E.T.Miller.
02/26/25 ZILLGITT SUSIE NENNART MRS 1869 2 25 1925 MISSOURI Mrs.Susie Nennart Zillgitt, wife of Mr.A.Zillgitt, passed away at the family residence ten miles south of Forrest City, yesterday, Feb.25,1925. a victim of influenza. She had been ill for only a week. The remains were forwarded this afternoon by the W.E.Stevens & Co. to her former home in Wittenburg, Missouri for interment. The deceased was born in Wittenburg, 56 years ago. She is survived by her husband and two children, George, aged 25 years, and Mildred, aged 23 years. The family has resided in St.Francis county for a number of years and many friends of the bereaved sympathize with them in their loss.
03/12/25 FISHER MAGGIE LULA MRS BROWN 3 8 1866 3 9 1925 HUGHES Mrs.Maggie Lula Fisher, wife of Mr.G.E.Fisher, passed away Monday, March 9,1925, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.J.T.Hughes, in this city. The cause of death was cancer, and death came as a relief from many months of suffering. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, conducted by the Rev.Blount F.Davidson and Rev.Homer M.McLain, followed by interment in the family plot at Hughes cemetery. Mrs.Fisher is survived by her husband, and the following children: W.R.Fisher, of Memphis; Mrs.John T.Hughes and Roy Fisher of this city; Mrs.Walter Wilkin, of Malden, Mo.; and Edward Fisher, of Marked Tree and Edward Fisher of Forrest City; and by two sisters, and two brothers as follows:Robert E.Brown, of Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs.Kate Morris, of Kamapolis, N.C.;Mrs.Lilly Louter, Dallas, Texas; William Brown of Mooreville, N.C. Mrs.Fisher was 59 years and one day at the time of her death. She was born in Mooresville, N.C., but came to Forrest City with her husband in 1888, and had resided here since that time.
03/19/25 LAUGHINGHOUSE WILLIE ALICIA MRS RAIFORD 2 27 1866 3 18 1925 MT.VERNON Mrs.Willie Alein Laughinghouse died at the Baptist hospital in Memphis at midnight, Wednesday night, Mar.18,1925, of meningitis, contracted following an operation for mastoids a few days ago. The body will arrive in Forrest City on the California Special this afternoon, and funeral services will be held sometime Friday. Mrs.Laughinghouse was the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Phil Raiford. On Dec.23,1887, she was united in marriage with Mr.Newman Laughinghouse who preceded her in death 12 years ago. To their union were born three children, two of whom, Mrs.Fred Seaton of this city, and Lieutenant Newman Laughinghouse, survive. Lt.Laughinghouse is stationed in Manilla, the Phillipines Islands, in the aviation division of the U.S.Army. Deceased is also survived by a sister, Mrs.Ike Mallory, and a half brother, Matthew Raiford of Memphis. A particularly sad feature of the case is that her sister, Mrs.Mallory, is also in the Baptist hospital for a similar operation, and will be unable to attend the funeral. Mrs.Laughinghouse was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and was loved and admired by a large host of friends in the City and County, who mourn with the bereaved family in their loss.2 Card of Thanks: Mr.and Mrs.Fred Seaton, lt.Newman Laughinghosue, and Mrs.Emma Mallory
03/19/25 DYE ELIZA C. MRS IZARD 6 22 1840 3 15 1925 CITY Mrs. Eliza C.Dye passed away at home in this city Sunday, Mar.15,1925, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Sunday afternoon, conducted by the Rev.Blount F.Davidson, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Pall bearers as follows: Active:Walter Prewett, W.W.Campbell, James Fondren, Tom Campbell, Reuben Benson, J.M.Prewett; Honorary: S.C.Campbell, Chas.R.Izard, J.D.Baugh, M.C.Hambleton, H.A.Knight, J.G.Sanders, J.T.Sanders, E.A.Rolfe, S.A.Rolfe, Dr.J.O.Rush, A.C.Bridewell, and A.G.Sweet. Mrs.Dye was the daughter of Mark W. and Permelia Shackleford Izard. and was born in Forrest City on June 22,1840. Her father was the first territorial governor of Nebraska and moved to what is now Forrest City one hundred years ago. She was the last of her generation to pass away. When just a child she united with the old Mt.Vernon Baptist Church. When the Baptist Church in Forrest City was organized she was one of the charter members, and one of the four who first organized Sunday school. All other charter members of the church preceded her in death. On May 23,1869, she was united in marriage with Dr.Reuben G.Dye, to which union were born three children, Mabel, Reuben G., and Mrs. Lucille Benson, only one of whom survives her, Mrs.Benson. She is survived besides her daughter, by three grand children, Robert Walker Benson, Reuben Dye Benson, and Miss Edith Benson, a number of nieces, nephews, and other relatives and a great host of friends to mourn her departure.
03/26/25 SCHWARZ JOHN OTTO 1865 3 22 1925 INDIANA Two Drown when Car Plunges Into Burnt Cane Lake: Shortly before 11 o'clock Sunday morning, Mar.22,1925, a Dodge sedan containing two passengers, identified as Mr. and Mrs.John Otto Schwarz of Chicago, Illinois, plunged off the Burnt Cane Bridge on the Bankhead highway eleven miles east of Forrest City. They both drowned and the bodies were found later, and brought back to Forrest City to the undertaking parlor of W.E.Stevens & Co., and prepared for burial. The man was apparently 60 years of age and the woman about 55. The water in the lake is about 12 feet deep where the car submerged after the accident. Apparently they were on top of the car as it submerged calling for help. The bodies were sent to Ligoner, Indiana on request of family. They were returning from Brownsville, Texas, where they were on vacation. Mr.Schwarz was born in Waterville, Michigan, 63 years ago, and for the past twenty five years had been a salesman for the men's department of Marshall Fields & Co. He leaves one brother, Albert Schwarz, and two sisters, Mrs.Matilda Kreiger, and Emma Schwarz, all of Waterville. Mr.Stevens had escorted the bodies to Indiana for the family.
03/26/25 SCHWARZ BYRD BELLE MRS KITSON 1865 3 33 1925 INDIANA See above. Mrs.Schwarz, nee Byrd Belle Kitson, was born in Ligoner, Indiana in 1865. She was a distinguished contralto singer, a past President of the Chicago Musical Club. She is survived by one brother, E.Finley Kitson, of Washington, D.C., formerly editor of the Hot Springs papers and was a Spanish war veteran; one sister, Mrs.Bertha Stevens of Indianapolis, Indiana, and a niece, Mrs.Clio Collar Wood, of Ligoner. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in Ligoner, conducted by Rev.Bachellor Thursday afternoon.
03/26/25 BUCHHOLZ ALBERT 1859 3 25 1925 Unknown Albert Buchholz, formerly of Goodwin, died at his home in Melvin, Illinois, Wednesday morning, Mar.25,1925, from hardening of the arteries, at the age of 66 years. Funeral services will be held this afternoon. He leaves a wife, Mrs.Elizabeth Buchholz, and three sons, Ralph, of Stuttgart, A.L.Buchholz of Forrest City, Roscoe of Melvin, Illinois; two daughters, Mrs.Ray Childs of Minneapolis, Minn, and Miss Beryl Buchholz of Chicago, Illinois.
03/26/25 BERRY ALICE Unk 11 18 1924 Unknown Gets Life for Slaying Sister: Savannah Trinner, sixteen-year old regress, was convicted by jury in Circuit Court Wednesday of murder in the first degree for the killing of Alice Berry, sister of the defendant. Savannah lived with Alice on the Trapp & Hoshall farm, and in the latter part of October, Alice, it was brought out in the trial, assaulted Savanna with an axe, alleging that Savannah was on too intimate terms with the husband of Alice. On Nov.18,1924, Alice was found dead in her home, with her throat cut from ear to ear. Suspicion pointed to Savannah, and following her arrest, she confessed the crime, saying that she committed the act when Alice was sleeping. The evidence was circumstantial except for the confession. She was sent to prison.
04/02/25 MITCHELL MATILDA Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 B.F.Sanders, Guardian; Final settlement.
04/02/25 HILF ALONZO Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 Tom Payne, Administrator-First and Final report.
04/02/25 JERNIGAN HATTIE AND ABBIE Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 L.M.Royal-Guardian-Final report.
04/02/25 POINTER JESSIE E. Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 John I. Jones-Guardian-Final report
04/02/25 DARBY CARL AND HARRY Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 W.B.Frith-Guardian-Final report
04/02/25 HAYES J. A. Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, April 2,1925 L.E.Hamilton-Administrator-First and final report
04/02/25 SNELL FLORENCE MISS 1879 3 28 1925 KANSAS-DOUGLASS CEMETERY Miss Florence Snell passed away Saturday. The announcement will be received with sincere regret of the death of Miss Florence Snell, nutrition specialist working with the Red Cross, at Texarkana last Saturday, Mar.28,1925. Mr.John I. Jones, of the St.Francis county chapter of the Red Cross heard from her brother: I am taking her home to Douglass, Kansas. Signed George C.Snell, Douglass, Kansas
04/09/25 BOATMAN MOLLY MRS 1820 4 4 1925 McDANIEL Mrs.Molly Boatman died Saturday morning, Apr.4,1925, at her home south of town. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at McDaniel cemetery. She leaves one daughter, Miss Nance Boatman, of this city, who reported her age at 105 years of age at the time of her death. Mother and daughter have been residents of the county for a long number of years, and lived in the Powers community.
04/16/25 MILTON JOHN W. 1869 4 12 1925 HARRIS John W.Milton, aged 56 years, died in Nettleton, Sunday, Apr.12,1925, of pneumonia. Funeral Services were held Tuesday, with interment in the Harris cemetery, east of Wynne. Services conducted by Rev.Raymond Butler of Jonesboro. John W.Milton, until one month prior to his death, had been a resident of St.Francis county since 1876, coming here with his parents from Tennessee. For the past thirty years he had been a member of the Baptist church and was loved and respected by the people of the community to which he lived. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs.Clarence Shumake, and Mrs.Herman Beltran of Kansas City, Mo., two sons, J.Oscar Milton of Nettleton, and Chas.Milton of Colt; and four brothers, J.J.Milton, of Purden, Texas, L.H.Milton of Forrest City, Edward Milton, of Widener, and L.W.Milton of Lexa.
04/16/25 MITCHELL ALLEN J. 1882 4 14 1925 HUGHES Allen J.Mitchell, aged 43, died Tuesday night, Apr.14,1925, at his home eight miles north of Forrest City, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, by Rev.J.S.Burns, and interment made at Hughes cemetery. He leaves a wife, Mrs.Iva Mitchell, and four daughters, Fannye Lee, Ruby, Loraine, and Pauline; one son, Allan J.Mitchell, Jr. Card of Thanks: Mrs.June Mitchell & Family, Mr.and Mrs.M.C.Null, Mr.and Mrs.Otto Satterfield, and Mr.and Mrs.T.Montgomery,
04/30/25 HAMILTON FANNIE L. Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 Joe P.Fogg-Administrator-First and final settlement
04/30/25 NAIL W. R. Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 Mrs.Josie Nail-Executor-First and final settlement
04/30/25 SMITH M. T. Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 Ben Sorrells-Administrator-First and final settlement
04/30/25 DUNCAN SIDNEY Unknown Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 O.L.Moody-Guardian-Final settlement
05/14/25 STEVENS EMMA E. MRS 1860 5 8 1925 KANSAS-MAPLE GROVE-WICHITA Mrs.Emma Stevens, aged sixty five, died at her home in Forrest City Friday night, May 8,1925, of pneumonia contracted only a few days before her death. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack and Blount F.Davidson, and the remains forwarded over the Rock Island to Ft.Scott, Kansas, where interment was had on Sunday. The remains were accompanied by Mr.A.L.Stevens, Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse and Mrs.Bertha J.Hill. The deceased had been a resident of Forrest City for over a quarter of a century. She is survived by her husband, A.L.Stevens; two children, Walter E.Stevens and Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse, of this city; two step children, Mrs.J.R.Wright, of Little Rock, and Otis L.Stevens, of Denver, Colorado, and one sister, Mrs.Bertha J.Hill of Ft.Scott, Kansas. The deceased had been an invalid for the past thirteen years, all of which time she had been confined to her home. She was a member of The Presbyterian church, and prior to her illness had been active in church and civic work.
05/14/25 SWAN ROBERT KNOX 1868 5 9 1925 HUGHES R.K. Swan, known to hundreds of friends though out the county as "Bob." passed away at his home noon Saturday, May 9, at his farm in Johnson township. Mr.Swan had been in poor health for some months, suffering from Bright's Disease and grew rapidly worse during the few weeks prior to his death. Funeral services were held at the Hughes cemetery Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Forrest City, of which deceased had been a member for a number of years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Pearl Jackson Swan, and five sons: Bozeman, Fred, W.B., and Ernest of Forrest City, and R.P. of Portsmouth, Va. Mr.Swan died at the age of fifty seven years; about 40 of those were spent in St.Francis county. He was a native of Middle Tennessee, moving to this county when he was seventeen years old. He was well and favorably known thought out the county, and many friends will mourn his passing. He was a well to do planter, and an influential citizen.
05/28/25 EVANS ELIZA CALDWELL MRS DAVIS 12 26 1846 5 17 1925 CITY Mrs.Eliza Caldwell Evans died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs.Stanley Gambrel, with whom she had made her home in recent years, in Memphis, Sunday, May 17,1925, aged 79 years. The remains were brought to Forrest City for burial. Services were held in the afternoon from the home of Mrs.E.J.Barrow and Miss Pearl Davis, nieces of the deceased, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack and J.A.Anderson, of this city. Mrs.E.C.Evans was beloved by the people of Forrest City, where she spent the greater part of her life. She came to Forrest City 52 years ago from Brownsville, Tenn., and lived here until shortly before her death. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.P.O.Duffy, and 11 nieces and two grand daughters-Mrs.Stanley Gambrel, and Miss Pattie Mae Duffy of Memphis. For several years Mrs.Evans made her home with the late Mr.and Mrs.J.M. Davis of this city, Mrs.Davis being her sister. Pall bearers were:Rolfe Eldridge, D.E.Hoshall, A.D.McDaniel, C.R.Hine, and James L.Scott. Out of town guests at the funeral were: Mrs. John Mosby, Miss Myrtle Davis, Mrs.M.R.Atkinson, and Mr.and Mrs.Stanley Gambrel, of Memphis; Mr.and Mrs.Joe Mosby, of Crawfordsville; Mrs.J.W.Beazley of Earle, and Ben L.Davis of Little Rock. She was called Aunt Hun to her close family and friends. Per death certificate, she was born in Tennessee to Rev.A. and Drusilla Rawlings Davis on Dec.26,1846.
05/28/25 MATHEWS DAVID 8 1924 5 23 1925 CITY David, the 9 month old son of Mr.and Mrs.R.J.Mathews, died Saturday morning, May 23,1925, from pneumonia. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon by Rev.W.V.Womack with interment in the Forrest City cemetery.
06/04/25 MANN VICTORIA VIRGINIA MRS 6 29 1838 6 3 1925 UNKNOWN Mrs.Victoria Virginia Mann, widow of William Burkley Mann, who preceded her in death about 35 years ago, died Wednesday morning, June 3,1925, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.W.T.Brashier, in Pine Bluff, from heart trouble. Funeral services were held in Pine Bluff this morning. The deceased was the mother of twelve splendid children, ten surviving as follows: Judge S.H.Mann, Sr., of Forrest City; W.B.Mann, of Marianna;J.H.Mann of Pine Bluff; Mrs.W.A.Morrow of Forrest City; Mrs.J.T.Herron of Jackson, Tenn.; Mrs.W.J.Northcross of Memphis; Mrs.M.B.Barker of St.Petersburg, Fla.; Mrs.A. Knox of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs.W.T.Brashier and Mrs.William Crutcher of Pine Bluff. The two children passing to their reward before her death were: Mrs.J.K.Walker of Memphis; and Miss Mamie Mann, of Forrest City and Pine Bluff. Mrs.Mann was born near Brownsville, Tenn., on June 29,1838, therefore she would have been 87 years of age had she lived to the 29th of this month. About thirty five years ago the family moved to Pine Bluff, and Mrs.Mann lived there until about fifteen years ago, when she came to Forrest City with her daughter, Miss Mamie Mann, Judge S.H.Mann having already established his home here. She lived here until about two years ago, and since that time it is spent equally between Pine Bluff and Forrest City. She was a devoted member of the Methodist church.
06/18/25 MARSHALL LAWRENCE CONVER or COOVER 11 26 1887 6 17 1925 MT.VERNON Lawrence Conver (or Coover) Marshall died Wednesday morning, June 17,1925, in the Baptist Hospital in Memphis. The remains were brought to Forrest City yesterday afternoon and will be laid to rest in Mt.Vernon cemetery this afternoon. Funeral services will be held at the residence, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack assisted by Blount F.Davidson. News of the death of "Doc" Marshall as he was familiarly known throughout the state, came as a shock to all-an announcement that brought sorrow and grief to the entire citizenship of the city and county, where he had been an important factor in our business and social life since reaching manhood. Mr.Marshall had been a victim of asthma for a number of years, but his condition was not known to his friends to be serious or alarming, and had not been such as to cause him to neglect his activities in the business life. On Monday, he decided to consult with specialists and drove over to Memphis, his mother, Mrs.L.S.Marshall accompanying him. The cause of death was enlargement of the heart. Mr.Marshall was born in Fayette County, Tenn., Nov. 26,1887. He came to Forrest City with his parents in 1904. His father, L.S.Marshall engaged in extensive farm operations. He died in 1912, leaving a comfortable fortune to his widow and son. Upon manhood, Mr.Marshall engaged in the lumber business as a member of the VanHouten Marshall Lumber Co. which he continued until 1918, and sold his interest. He started in business again in 1920 as Liberty Hardware Co. until he disposed of his interests to Mr.Woody. He then went to work with Vaccaro-Grobmyer Co. as Sales Manager, about two years ago. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church, a Mason, an Elk, and Rotarian. He is survived by his mother, Mrs.L.S.Marshall, grand parents- Mr.and Mrs.J.R.Norfleet Sr., numerous other relatives and friends throughout Arkansas and Tennessee. Pall bearers were:Active:A.B.Nimocks, Leo Grobmyer, Gazzola Vaccaro, Rufus Woody, and John Gatling; Honorary:W.W.Campbell, E.A.Rolfe, T.A.Buford, J.S.Shields, L.R.Grobmyer, C.W.Norton, W.L.Lawrence, J.F.McDougal, A.D.McDaniel, Ed Bonner, C.R.Garrison, Joe Ferguson, James Oursler, F.Gilliland, S.H.Mann, A.C.Bridewell, James L.Scott, Lindsey Bridgforth, W.A.Morrow, Tom Horney, and Homer Folbre.
06/18/25 JOHNSON NASEL 1900 6 16 1925 Unknown Nasel Johnson, a negro about twenty five years of age, arrested and sentenced for beating his way on a train, died at the prison camp conducted by D.W.Magness, a few miles north of Forrest City, Tuesday, June 16,1925. The Coroner' jury found his death came due to unknown causes. The investigation was made by Coroner F.P.Todd. It has come to light that Mr.Cecil Whitted, one of the guards, who was flogging him because he said he was exhausted, and while doing this, the man came towards Whitted, and he hit him with the butt of his whip or gun-then he continued to work until reaching the end of the row, when he dropped and died shortly thereafter. A warrant has been issued for Whitted.
06/18/25 HENSON INFANT DAUGHTER Unk 6 16 1925 Unknown The infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Claud Henson passed away Tuesday morning, June 9th at their home in Madison.
06/25/25 WHITE NANCY ANN MRS MEWBORN 1839 6 1925 HUGHES Mrs.Nancy A.White, age 86 years, died Wednesday, June 19,1925, at the home of her son, T.S.White, of Widener. Funeral services were held Thursday with interment in Hughes cemetery, Rev.J.S.Burns conducting the ceremony. She is survived by four daughters and two sons, Mrs.W.L.Woody, Swift, Tenn.;Mrs.Sallie Young, Blytheville, Ark.; Mrs.H.S.Lynch, Corinth, Miss.; Mrs.R.E.Pickens, Widener; James A.White, Blytheville; and T.S.White of Widener.
06/25/25 COLEMAN CLIFF Unk 6 14 1925 HUGHES A hearing before Judge N.B.Nelson of Rufus Littell, charged with first degree murder for Cliff Coleman who he shot and killed on June 14,1925. He pleads self defense, and Is out on bail. From evidence Littell had escorted Miss Myrtle Weems to and from church, Coleman was a suitor for the affections of Miss Weems. Coleman had been drinking, and followed the couple to a short distance from her home. About 75 feet from the home of Miss Weems, the two suitors met, Littell slaying Coleman. Littell was represented by Norfleet & Norfleet. Littell was indicted for murder by the grand jury.
06/25/25 LEE HENRY FORREST 1891 6 16 1925 HUGHES Henry Forrest Lee, age 34 years, died Tuesday June 16,1925, at Collington, La., of heart trouble. Funeral services were held at his home Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Masons, and his remains forwarded to Forrest City for interment in Hughes cemetery, services conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack Saturday morning. He leaves a wife, Mrs.Vivian Fletcher Lee, two sons, Henry Jr. and Charles, one daughter, Wava Margery.
07/02/25 WORD LUCY J. MRS KOONCE 9 14 1852 6 25 1925 CITY Mrs. Lucy J.Word, youngest daughter of Jarman and Mary Koonce, was born in Summerville, Tenn., Sep.14,1852. She was the youngest of 12 children, four boys and eight girls. She was united in marriage with Adlai C.Word on March 11,1877, and to this union were born two sons and three daughters. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs.A.B.Lippman, in Wichita, Kansas, Saturday, June 25,1925 at the age of 73 years. She was converted as a child, uniting with the First Baptist Church of Forrest City. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.A.B.Lippman, three grand daughters, Katherine, Mary Ford and Virginia Lee Lippman of Wichita, Kansas; five nieces, Mrs.Kate Ferguson and Mrs.A.B.Pyle of Forrest City;Mrs.H.W.Curtis of Haynes; Mrs.Mattie Ford of Marianna, and Mrs.L.H.Patton of Oklahoma City., and three nephews, E.P.Taylor and George Taylor of Forrest City, and Mebane Koonce of Wynne, in addition to a large number of other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held in Forrest City cemetery Monday afternoon, June 29th, Rev.Blount F.Davidson of the First Baptist church conducting the services. Pall bearers were:R.C.;Eldrdige, W.W.Campbell, W.L.Lawrence, J.E.Ferguson, Bruce Smith, and J.S.Shields.
07/09/25 ROGERS FANNIE MRS IZARD 6 1 1892 7 3 1925 ALABAMA Mrs.Fannie Rogers died at her home in Panola, Ala., in the afternoon of July 3,1925, of congestion. She was born June 1,1892 in Forrest City, and is the oldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Richard J.Izard, of this city. Her girl hood was spent here and in Conway and Memphis, where she attended school. She made this place her home until 11 years ago when she was married to Mr.W.J.Rogers of Panola, Ala. Her sudden death was a shock to her parents as well as her many friends in Forrest City. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, July 4th, at her home in Panola, by Rev.Mashe, pastor of the Methodist church. She is survived by her husband W.J.Rogers, two children, Martha aged 10, and Richard James, aged 4, of Panola, Alabama; her father, Richard J.Izard of this city, two brothers, Milton and Herman Izard of Chicago, Illinois; step mother, Mrs.R.J.Izard, three half sisters, Mary, Hazel, and Kathryn, all of Forrest City.
07/09/25 JOLLEY JULIUS Unk 7 8 1925 Unknown Farmer Shot; Neighbor Held: Julius Jolley, living south of Forrest City, was killed early Wednesday, July 8,1925, L.J.Pugh residing in the same neighborhood with Jolley, reported to the Sheriff the killing immediately and stated that he had committed the act in necessary self defense. The Coroner's jury investigating the affair returned a verdict that Jolley came to his death from shots from a shot gun in the hands of Pugh. There were no witnesses to the killing. Bail was granted in the sum of $2,000. Norfleet & Norfleet appeared as defense attorneys for Pugh. Affidavit of Pugh: After five o'clock this morning I went to my blacksmith shop for the purpose of letting a negro have a plow, prior to going there I had left my shot gun in the garage. Some four weeks ago, my large barn was burned about three o'clock in the morning. Night before last a smaller barn having within it something like two hundred bushels of corn burned. These barns were in close proximity to my house. On account of these events, my people and myself have been setting up at night for the purpose of catching the culprit. After the plow was given, I noticed Jolley in his wagon. I asked why it was he who was treating me the way that he had, then it was that he jumped out of the wagon, starting towards me, and he said ...........I'll burn you up with the house and moved his right hand backwards as though to get a weapon, as he did, I fired and continued to do so until I thought I was out of danger.
07/16/25 AVERY EMMA G. MRS 1851 7 16 1925 Unknown Mrs. Emma G.Avery, of Hot Springs, age 74, died this morning, 07/16/25, at her home. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.Will Lake of Hot Springs.
07/23/25 PARKER TENNIE MRS 9 15 1862 7 15 1925 Unknown Mrs.Tennie Parker, formerly of Clatksville, Tenn., but for the past several months visiting in Forrest City with her sister, Mrs.C.M.Martin, died of pneumonia on July 15,1925. Funeral services were held the following day conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist church. Deceased was 63 years and ten months of age at the time of her death.
07/23/25 FONDREN RUFUS S. 11 24 1879 7 15 1925 CITY Rufus S.Fondren, died at the home of Mrs.J.L.West, near Marianna, July 15,1925, and his remains were brought to Forrest city for interment the following day. Funeral services were held at the grave side by Rev.C.L.Hammock, pastor of the First Baptist Church, in Marianna. He had been an invalid for a number of years. Pall bearers were as follows: A.D.Chilner, L.E.Davenport, J.T.Johnson, W.W.Campbell, J.T.Sanders, and Ed Bonner. Deceased leaves to mourn his passing his widow, Mrs.Garland West Fondren, four children, Stinnett, Jerome, Harry, and Willie May Fondren; his father, J.T.Fondren of this city; one sister, Mrs.Beatty Thomas of Memphis; three brothers, James, William, and Thomas Fondren.
07/23/25 SANDERS HARRY Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 R.J.Lanier-Guardian-Minor-Final Settlement
07/23/25 MANN MAMIE MISS Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 W.H.Mann-Administrator-Final settlement
07/23/25 MURPHREE BRUCE Administrator's and Executors Settlements, July 2,1925 J.T.Sanders-Guardian-Second and final report.
07/30/25 NORFLEET LAURA MARTHA MRS BENTON 4 24 1844 7 24 1925 MT.VERNON Mrs.Laura Martha Norfleet, wife of Mr.John Randolph Norfleet, passed away at the Norfleet home on South Rosser Street last Friday night, July 24,1925. Death was due to heart trouble. Although advanced in years, and her condition at times during the past year having been critical, she was not believed to be in immediate danger until a few hours before her death. Funeral services were held at the residence Sunday afternoon, Rev.Blount F.Davidson conducting, with interment in the family plot of the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows:Active;M.B.Norfleet, Sr., W.W.Norfleet, A.J.Norfleet, M.B.Norfleet, Jr., James Oursler, N.B.Rice, F.M.Gilliland, and C.Martin. Honorary:W.C.Oursler, Sr., Dr.P.P.Boggan, Tom W.Horney, E.A.Rolfe, T.A.Burford, N.B.Nelson, C.E.Hammond, E.K.Fogg, J.O.Bridgforth, James L.Scott, Oliver Rowland, S.H.Mann, Sr., Ed Bonner, O.B.Rollwage, W.A.Morrow, Homer Folbre, W.F.Horney, A.B.Wolfe, E.P.Taylor, Harry Thomas and A.D.Chilner. The deceased was born in Marshall Co., Miss. on April 1844. She was the daughter of Mr.C.T.Benton, who was of the middle Tennessee family consisting of Col.Jesse Benton and Thomas Harton Benton. Her mother was Martha Jones Benton and was related to the late Senator John B.Gordon of Georgia. She married Mr.John Randolph Norfleet, who survives her, also of Marshall Co., Miss. They had passed their 60th wedding anniversary the Sunday prior to her death. To this union were born nine children-five boys, and four girls. Six of them, A.J.Norfleet, of Memphis, W.W.Norfleet of Collierville, M.B.Norfleet, Sr., Mrs.L.S.Marshall, Mrs.N.B.Rice, and Mrs.Ray Bonner of Forrest City. One sister, Mrs.P.P.Boggan of this city and by four grand children, and six great grand children. The deceased gave her heart to the M.E.Church, South, and was a member of the church here. Before coming here about seventy years ago, she lived in Collierville, Tenn., near Memphis. At the time of her death she was 81 years and three months of age. Note:Buried in Magnolia Cemetery in Collierville, Tenn.-John Randolph Norfleet/John Jr., Laura Martha Norfleet, Mattie S.Norfleet, and W.W.Norfleet.
07/30/25 SWANSTROM ANDREW P. Unk 1925 RED WING, MINN. During the absence of Col.Landvoigt, a delayed letter informed him of the death of an old and valued friend, Mr.A.P.Swanstrom of St.Paul, Minn. He was Mason of the highest degree and lived up to its tenets and teachings, a Christian, charitable almost to a fault and a friend to all. Many Masons here remember him in his visit here some years ago. The body of Andrew P.Swanstrom, who died Friday night, of pneumonia, will be in state this afternoon at Listoe & Wold's chapel. Funeral services will be held at the Masonic temple Monday, in charge of Ancient Landmark Lodge No.5, of A.F.& A.M., of which Sandstrom was a past master, having held the office about thirty years ago. Burial will be at Red Wing, Mr.Swanstrom's old home
08/13/25 THOMAS P. N. 1861 7 1925 TEXAS Mrs.Pearle Teller received word of the death of P.N.Thomas, her uncle, In Quitman, Texas, in the latter part of July. He was editor and publisher of the Wood County Democrat. He was born in St.Francis County, sixty four years ago, and lived in this place until his early manhood, going to Van Zandt County, and in 1887 to Quitman.
08/13/25 BIRKICHT M. E. MRS Unk 8 13 1925 MISSOURI Mr.C.C.Birkicht was called to St.Louis, Mo., on account of illness of his mother, Mrs.M.E.Birkicht. She died this morning at 5:30 A.M.
08/13/25 HEYCK THEODORE Unk 1925 TEXAS News has reached the city of the death of Theodore Heyck about two weeks ago. He was the first manager of the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mills. Although not a resident of Forrest City for a long number of years, he was held in kind remembrance by our people, and announcement of the passing was received with sorrow. He had made his home in Houston, Texas since leaving Forrest City.
08/13/25 SCOTT UNK Unk 8 9 1925 Unknown Sheriff J.M.Campbell's office is investigating the killing of a negro named Scott, near Rawlison, Sunday night. Scott was shot from ambush. One suspect is being held, and other clues are being investigated.
08/20/25 ALLEY OPHELIA EUDORA MRS McCOMBS 9 22 1840 8 19 1925 CITY Mrs.Ophelia Eudora Alley passed peacefully away Wednesday morning, Aug.19,1925. Due to advanced age her recovery from a recent illness had seemed improbable and her death had been expected for the last several days. Immediate members of the family had kept constant watch at the bedside for the past week or so. Funeral services were held at the home on South Rosser street this morning, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, pastor of the First Baptist church, followed by interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows: Active:W.R.Ferguson, J.E.Ferguson, Homer Folbre, John Grobmyer, A.C.Bridewell, T.W.Horney; Honorary: S.H.Mann Sr., J.L.Scott, J.M. Nichols, A.L.Stevens, D.A.Pelton, J.O.Rush, Ed Harrell, W.F.Horney, W.A.Wilkins, J.D.Baugh, L.R.Grobmyer, A.D.Boyle, and Col.Ed Landvoigt. Mrs.Alley was born near Raleigh, N.C., on Sep.22,1840 to Alexander and Jane Reid McCombs. When a young girl, the family moved near Red Banks, Miss., where she lived until her marriage to James H.Alley on Dec.11,1860. Four children were born to this union, Dr.Wm.H.Alley, who passed away in Dec.1923; Mr.James L.Alley of Forrest City;Mrs.Eva Alley Cherry, of Dallas, Texas; and Mrs.Pearl Alley Vaccaro of Memphis, Tenn. Two sisters, Mrs.Margie McCombs Goodwin, and Mrs.Caroline McCombs Alley, and one brother,Lucius J.McCombs who preceded her to the other land. Her husband, J.H.Alley, who preceded her in death on April 29,1917. The family came to Forrest City from Byhalia, Miss. about forty-two years ago, and Mr.Alley was one of the successful merchants of the city. One brother, Mr.William McCombs of Red Banks, Miss., and one nephew, Mr.Wilbur S.Alley and one niece, Miss Lerah Eudora Alley of Forrest City, in addition to her three children and five grand children survive her. She passed away at the age of 84 years, 10 months, and 27 days.
09/03/25 WYNNE MARGARET ROSS MRS WYNNE 1845 9 1 1925 MISSISSIPPI Wynne-Died in Pass Christian, Miss., Tuesday, Sep.1,1925-Margaret Ross Wynne, aged 80 years, widow of the late Capt.Jesse Watkins Wynne, mother of Hugh Ross and Jesse W.Wynne, grandmother of Mrs.J.M.Draughon, Miss Eleanor and Hugh Wynne Jr. Remains will arrive over the Illinois Central Railroad, at the Grand Central Station, tomorrow, Thursday morning and will depart for Holly Springs, Miss., via the Frisco Railroad, tomorrow morning, where funeral and burial services will be held at the grave in Holly Springs Cemetery, following the arrival of the train. Arrangements by J.T.Hinton & Sons.
09/10/25 PREWETT LAMIZA JANE MRS CRIPPEN 1841 9 5 1925 MADISON Mrs.Lamiza Jane Prewett, age 84 years, died Saturday night, Sep.5,1925, at the home of her brother, J.W.Crippen of Madison. She was born in Tennessee and moved here when real young and lived here until several years ago, when she moved to Madison to make her home with her brother. Funeral services were conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson Sunday afternoon from the home of her brother, J.W.Crippen, with interment in the Madison cemetery. She is survived by one sister, Mrs.Epps, and on brother, J.W.Crippen of Madison, and a niece, Mrs.F.F.Harrelson, of this city. The pall bearers were:R.L.Berry, P.W.McFall, G.R.Vardaman, Amos Wheeler, of Madison;Charles R. Izard and F.F.Harrelson of Forrest City.
09/24/25 HUNTER DAN I. 9 30 1845 9 20 1925 CITY Dan I. Hunter, former resident of Forrest City, but for the last fifteen years a resident of Little Rock, died in Little Rock, Sunday, Sep.20,1925. His remains brought to Forrest City for burial and funeral services were held Tuesday morning, conducted by the Rev.Peter Kittle. Interment in the Forrest City cemetery. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs.T.D.Powers and Mrs.Joe Myers of Little Rock, and by several grandchildren and one great grandchild. He was born in Bolivar, Tenn., Sept.30,1845. Active pall bearers were:Leo Grobmyer, H.A.Knight,J.W.Worrall, W.W.Campbell, J.G.Sanders, R.L.Stockard. Honorary: H.P.Dooley, J.D.Baugh, John Prewett, Ras.Prewett, L.R.Grobmyer, Jeff Barnett, G.M.Dooley, J.L.Scott, A.D.Boyle, , and J.M.Brashier.
09/24/25 PUGH LOUIS JACKSON 10 11 1861 9 22 1925 YOCONA Louis J.Pugh, wealthy plantation owner, died in Baptist hospital, Memphis, Tuesday afternoon, Sep.22,1925 and his remains were brought to this city for interment, funeral services to be held this afternoon conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson. Death following an operation, Monday, for gall stones. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs.I.B.Stewart and Mrs.Jack Hodges, and several grand children.
10/08/25 HAMILTON ARTHUR TENANT 1924 HUGHES In remembrance of our husband and father who departed Oct.11,1924:Mrs.Arthur Hamilton, Freddye Hamilton Buckle, Floye Hamilton Replogle, Perry McDougal Hamilton, and Olive Lucille Hamilton.
10/15/25 LEWIS HOWELL WALTER 2 26 1849 10 9 1925 MT.VERNON Howell Walter Lewis , wealthy plantation owner of Forrest City passes away at his home in this city Friday night, Oct.9,1925, at the age of 76 years, eight months, and eleven days. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist Church, interment in Mt.Vernon cemetery. Active Pall bearers:A.C.Bridewell, W.W.Campbell, M.S.Smith, H.A.Knight, T.A.Buford, Charles L.Simmons. Honorary:J.M.Nichols, A.L.Stevens, E.A.Rolfe, R.J.Williams, Walter Gorman, and John W.Alderson. H.W.Lewis was a native of Virginia but had lived in Forrest City for a long number of years, where he reared a splendid family, accumulated considerable property and spent a useful life. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs.Hugh McCormick, and three sons, Wright Lewis of Blytheville, Tom Lewis of Cushion, Okla., and Walter Lewis of Forrest City.
10/15/25 NANCE JOHN JR 1 26 1925 10 11 1925 HUGHES Lonely and heart broken was the mother of little John Junior Nance, when the death angel visited her home last Sunday eve, Oct.11,1925, at 1 o'clock, and plucked the sweetest flower that ever bloomed to her. Little John Junior was 8 months and 15 days old.
10/29/25 DAVIS VIRGINIA MRS 1880 10 28 1925 Unknown Mrs.Virginia David, aged 45? years, wife of Ben D.Davis passed away Wednesday evening, Oct.28,1925, at her home in Little Rock. Mrs.Davis had been ill for the past year. Unreadable for the rest.
10/29/25 GARFIELD UNK UNK 1925 Unknown Defendant is exonerated of killing at Hughes before J.E.McCutchen, Justice of the Peace for Garland Township, held the preliminary examination of Charles Hoffman of Hughes, accused with manslaughter which grew out an automobile accident where a man named Garifeld, sustained injuries which resulted in his death. The case was dismissed as the accident was unavoidable. Oct.17,1925-Saturday.
10/29/25 MOODY LOUIS 1849 10 25 1925 Unknown Louis Moody, aged 76, one of the old time negroes of St.Francis County, died at his home Sunday, Oct.25,1925. Moody was well known having been one of the leading brick masons here for the past fifty years.
11/26/25 MALLORY JOSH 1845 1925 MT.VERNON Funeral services over the remains of Josh Mallory, aged 80, were held Saturday afternoon by Rev.Myrol Lewis Morley, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, with interment in the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs.Laura Mallory, one brother, Ed Mallory, and numerous relatives of this city.
12/03/25 WILKINSON CHARLES M. 1862 11 25 1925 BELL Charles M.Wilkinson of Palestine, aged 63, died of pneumonia at his home Sunday, Nov.25,1925, following a short illness. Announcement of the death came as a surprise as his illness had not been generally known. Interment was had in Bell cemetery. He is survived by his wife, and two sons, Taylor and Banks Wilkinson, one daughter, Mrs.Henry Gorman, and two brothers. Mr.Wilkinson was one of the most widely known men of the county. For a number of years he had engaged in the mercantile business in Palestine, and had extensive farming and timber interests. He had a great part in the development of the farm lands of the western part of the county, and his passing is a distinct loss to the community.
12/03/25 BEAN ELLSWORTH E. UNK 11 25 1925 OHIO Mrs.Otis Stevens received notice of the death of her brother, Mr.Ellwsorth E.Bean, in Marion, Ohio. He passed away the day before Thanksgiving, Nov.25,1925. Mr.Bean lived in Forrest City for a number of years and the sad announcement of his passing will be read with sorrow by a large number of friends.
12/10/25 DOWNEY DENNIS COLONEL 5 1843 12 10 1925 MT.VERNON Colonel Dennis Downey, Confederate veteran, aged 83 years, died at his home in Forrest City this morning, Dec.10,1925 after an illness of two weeks. His death had been momentarily expected for the past several days. Funeral services will be held from the residence, Friday afternoon, with services conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack. Interment will be in Mt.Vernon cemetery. He is survived by his widow, five sons-Rufus A.Downey, and Arthur N.Downey, of Dalton, Thomas S.Downey of Shreveport, Esselman D.Downey of Parkin, and Jeff F.Downey of Forrest City; four daughters, Mesdames L.R.Dye, R.C.Dalton, and F.G.McCrary, of Parkin, and Mrs.John Floyd of St.Louis; two brothers, M.L. and S.B.Downey, and two sisters, Mrs.Mary Ann Mansker and Mrs.Rebecca Richardson, all of Eads, Colorado; and eighteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Colonel Dennis Downey was born in Cape Giradeau, Missouri, in May 1843. He served with distinction in the Confederate Army though out the war, attaining the rank of Colonel. He had been a resident of St.Francis county for the past twenty five or more years, and in his earlier years here he had engaged in farming operations, and was also a dealer in musical instruments. In the past few years, he operated The Downey House, known from coast to coast for the large number of tourists that have found lodging beneath its roof. Forrest City loses a good citizen, one that filled his place in the life of the community with honor, and that passes on to those who survive a rich heritage-an unblemished name. Col Dennis was married once before to Catherine Looney in Randolph Co.Arkansas in 1863. His parents were James C.and Mary A.Downey. James was born in Tennessee in 1817, and lived in Little Black, Randolph Co.Arkansas in 1860. 16436395 16436398
12/10/25 WHITTENTON JOE ALEXANDER 9 6 1842 12 6 1925 CITY Joe Alexander Whittenton, pioneer resident of the county, and one of the best known and beloved of our citizens, passed away at his home five miles southwest of Forrest City, Sunday afternoon, Dec.6.1925. Death had been expected for several days. Funeral services were held at the residence Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of which deceased was a staunch member. Interment was had in Forrest City cemetery, under direction of W.E.Stevens & Co. Pall bearers as follows:Active:Tom Cox, Jesse Cox, Chas.Heustess, John Todd, Everett Anderson; Honorary:Sam Danehower, Lyman Neel, John W.McCrary, Will Heustess, Will Nolan. J.A.Whittenton died at the age of 83 years and three months. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs.J.M.Williams, and one son, Willard Whittenton. He had spent practically all of his life in St.Francis County, where he was engaged in extensive farming interests. He was a true Christian, a fine citizen, and the community suffers a great loss in his passing.
12/17/25 UNKOWN UNK 12 10 1925 Unknown Jim Johnson, negro, aged 18, shot and killed his grandmother last Thursday, Dec.10,1925, in Franks township. He was later arrested by Sheriff J.M.Campbell and is in the county jail awaiting action of the next grand jury. Johnson tried to escape,and when apprehended by Sheriff Campbell he fired at him, his shot went wild, and the shot was returned by Sheriff Campbell, who proved to be a better marksman, Johnson received flesh wound in his hip.
12/17/25 POPE NANNIE MRS WOODARD 1838 12 17 1925 CITY Mrs.B.J.Pope, aged 87 years, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs.M.A.Hood, following a relapse from pneumonia. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.M.A.Hood of this city, and Mrs.S.H.Jordan, of Keiper, W.Virginia. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Her husband is buried in City cemetery.
12/17/25 COBB JOHN Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Theo.Bond-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 BELL EMMA MRS SOICE Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 John C.Bell-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 NORVELL W. L. Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Mrs.Eda M.Norvell-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 CARNES R. S. Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Labron S.Carnes-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 SWEET WALTER Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Mrs.Edith W.Sweet-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 KIRBY G. W. Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 C.P.Muller-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 WALKER ROOSEVELT Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Geo.P.Walker-Guardian-1st and final report
12/17/25 NICHOLS BARD Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 A.L.Stevens-Admr. 1st and final settlement
12/17/25 JOHNSON GEORGE Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 F.A.Williams-Admr. Final settlement
12/17/25 WILLIAMS JOHN Administrator's and Executors Settlements, January 2,1926 Jesse Williams-Guardian-1st and final settlement
01/07/26 HOOD MARY ANN MRS 2 28 1858 12 25 1925 CITY Mrs.Mary Ann Hood died at her home Friday Dec.25,1925 from a cerebral hemmorage. She was born in Boykins South Hampton Co., Va., Feb.28,1858, and moved to Forrest City about fifty or sixty years ago. Funeral services were held from the home, Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson and Rev.W.V.Womack,with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.W.H.Seacat of Memphis, two sons, Henry Hood of Memphis, and John E.Hood of Norfolk, Va., and one step daughter, Mrs.W.R.Ferguson of this city, and a sister, Mrs.Sally Jordan, of Keyser, W.Va. The pall bearers were:H.A.Knight, James F.Wolfe, R.E.Hudson, Gazzola Vaccaro, W.W.Campbell, and Ambrose D.McDaniel.
Phone Numbers:
6 Logan's Drug Store-Gibson Art Cards 1922
10 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919
10 Buford Grocery Co.-Phone 10 and 11-We deliver in a covered truck. 1922
11 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919 1917
12 Vadakin & Landvoigt-The Forrest City Times 1914
16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1920 In Mann Building 1908 1911 - - -
19 The Quality Grocery-Harry Thomas, Manager-119 Rosser Street 1919
21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913
24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - -
27 Lesser Goldman Cotton Co.-Office upstairs in the Pettus Building-I.H.Edwards, Manager 1923
29 L.B.Golden's Quality Grocery-Free Delivery 1925
29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913
29 John I. Jones-Thanksgiving Dinners-We carry everything in Staples. 1917
31 City Drug Store-H.G.Gray and T.G.Gray 1920
31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913
34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913
34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - -
35 The Fair No.35-R.C.Wilkinson, Mgr. 1919
38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - -
38 Van Houten-Marshall Lumber Co. 1917
44 Wylds Garage-Telephone when you need a service car, handling Buick and Dodge Vehicles 1917
46 Forrest City Grocer Co.-Wholesale Grocers, Produce Grain & Hay, BEVO Distributors 1917
47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913
49 Forrest City Motor Company-Jackson Street-Mallory & Eldridge-Carload of Mules 1924
49 Eldridge & Scott 1917
51 WHITE GARAGE-Charlie White, Proprietor-Willard Batteries, Swinehart Tires, Filling Station-Old Presbyterina church building 1925
58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913
60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913
63 Dr.D.O.Bridgforth-over the Planters Bank Building-Office 63, and Residence 335 1920
66 Moseley Steam Laundry 1922
68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913
73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913
73 W.T.Sanders-Call 73 when you want quick delivery and lowest cash prices on groceries 1919
75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - -
75 VACCARO-GROBMYER CO.-Long Distance 1806, local 75 1922 1917
86 M.Rutsky & Co.-Dealer in Groceries, Clothes, and Shoes 1917
91 Louis Grobmyer and C.C.Canterberry-Wholesale Distributors of NIB The favorite cereal beverage-Phone 91 and 181 1925
91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913
100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913
106 The Ideal Beauty Shop- Call Miss Lida Hinckley. 1920
114 Robert Bowens-Steam Cleaning and Pressing Club 1922 1920
122 D.Downey-Residence 1913
124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - -
147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1917 1912 - - -
150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1920 1913
152 St.Francis County Abstract Co.-Office in the Mann Building-Farm Loans available at 7 per cent interest.
155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913
158 The Bynn Yanns Store-Cash and Carry-L.N.Block, Local Trustee and Manager 1920
163 B.W.McCrary-Dentist-Office over R.W..Bensons-Call 163 1919
166 Taylor, Knight & Co.-Real Estate and Insurance 1922
170 Forrest City Ice Cream Company-one gallon $1.50 cash, $1.75 charge 1920
174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - -
175 Holland & Sellers-The Pure Food Groceries 1917
175 Pyle Piano Company-Pianos, Player Pianos, Edisons, Sonoras 1920
178 Forrest City Coal Co. Forrest City Ice & Coal-1922 1917
178 Forrest City Gin Co. for wood or coal 1917
184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - -
184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913
185 King's Greenhouses-Cut Flowers 1922
186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913
187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers N.B.Norton-Rollwage Building-1919 1913
192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913
204 McDaniel & Watson, Successor to W.F.Klotz-Harry O.Watson and Louis McDaniel 1914
206 The Elite Cafe-Wholesale and Retail for Schlitz Beer 1923
209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - -
212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - -
225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913
225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - -
232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913
241 Dr.Hugh Puckett-Graduate Veterinarian 1919
244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913
245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913
253 A.A.French-Residence 1913
257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913
263 C.Murphy & Co.-110 Washington Street Basement-Starr Made Pianos, Players 1922
270 A.H.Wood-Plumbing & Heating=217 N.Washington ST. 1917
272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913
273 Rose's Home Grocery-1 Block West of Public School 1914
275 Tharp Grocery 1919
282 Forrest City Produce Company-for Certo and Fruit Jars 1923
282 Canterberry-Nash Produce Co.-Rosser Street 1920
284 Herring and Schellhous-Land Engineers-Accurate Crop Measurements and Land Surveys-Mann Building 1919
285 Max Heuman-Dealer-Wynne, Arkansas-Hudson and Essex Cars 1920
290 Davis-Mize & Co.-Wholesale Only-Grocers and Dealer in Feeds 1923
294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913
298 Singer Sewing Machines-J.D.Caldwell, Manager-Wynne, Arkansas 1924
298 Merchants Grocer Company-Wholesale Only-Edmond E.Stevens, Mgr.-Hill and Grant Streets 1919
299 J.L.Scott & Co.-South Front Street 1919
299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - -
299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913
301 Pettus & Ferguson-Insurance-F.G.Pettus and J.E.Ferguson-Office in Beck Building 1919
303 St.Francis Motor Co. 1923
304 Perry Cooperman's Furniture House-on Front Street 1919
335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1920 1913
338 Ira M.Walden-Painting and Decorating-Opposite New Methodist Church 1917
344 Smith's Service-Hauling and Towing 1920
345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913
352 David Grocery Co. gives merchants tickets for Trades Day June 20 1923
354 Sharpe The Tailor-Corner Washington and Jackson 1919 1914
355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913
357 We Deliver-COD 1914
367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913
368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913
370J For Rent: One nice bed room, three blocks from town. Also sewing done-Call Mrs.Jennie Boyett. 1925
379 Society and Personal-the Herald The Times Herald Publishing Co.-1919 1917
388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913
391 Coleman's Dairy-For delicious milk 1922
412 McCleskey Brothers-Let us Dye for you! 1925
420 The Quality Motor Co.-N.B.Rice- 1919
422 Forrest City Bottling Co.-Mallory & Gorman, Props. Gorman & Gorman 1920 1920
426 Cash Market-R.E.Sellers, Manager-208 N.Washington-Choice Meats & Produce 1922
453 Dr.H.R.Clark-Dentist-Office in the Pettus Building 1920
485 B.F.King-Florist
485 Godwin-Honnell Florists-Artistic Corsages, Wedding Bouquets 1925
502J M.Emmons-Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries and a nice line of meats 1917
500 Forrest City Gin Co. Filling Station-Road Service 1923 1922
525 Rollwage Motor Company-Try us for car washing, tire changing, tires and tubes 1925
814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913
815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913
808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913
808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913
808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913
808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913
819F14 P.W.McFall Garage and Service Station-Up to date Free Tourist Camp-Madison 1923
820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913
822 Morgan and West Box Co.-Madison, Arkansas 1925