Here is picture, Mr.Landvoigt from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1919

In Chronological Order-July 22,2009
Selected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]
Events: The Forrest City Times Herald-Successor to the Crowley Ridge Chronicle and the Forrest City Times Newspaper-Times-Herald Publishing Co.-J.M.Durst, President. Printed on Thursday.
1/3/24 Thursday The Times-Herald changes from twice a week to once a week effective Jan.1924.
1/3/24 Thursday Col.Landvoigt Corner: The Association against Prohibition Amendment is up in arms to seek a substitute to the Valstead Amendment, claiming that the four years to make good have has expired and proved a failure. The amendment is doing good, even if the hospitals, drug stores, bootleggers, moon shiners, and undertakers are profiting.
1/3/24 Thursday Miss Robbie Sellers and Miss Virgie Moore leave for Conway to attend Central College.
01/10/24 Mr.and Mrs.James E. Tyer of Wynne have moved to Mt.Olive, Miss. where Mr.Tyer is bookkeeper with Lampton & Rawls mercantile store. Mrs.Tyer is former Miss Jesse Kilgore, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Kilgore, of Colt.
01/10/24 Opening Exercises of Consolidated Schools. Beginning Jan.1-4, inclusive, the opening exercises of Lincoln Consolidated School were held in the various churches of Forrest City. Prof.C.W.Stewart our very able Superintendent, is proud of the new up to date, modern school building.
01/17/24 W.S.Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church completed, services will be held for the first services this Sunday.
01/24/24 Jim Lindsey, 23, son of John Lindsey was bitten by a dog, tests proved no rabies.
01/31/24 Harry O.Watson critically ill, and his parents, Mr.and Mrs.C.H.Watson of Woodland, California arrived Wednesday afternoon in response to the message announcing his condition due to pneumonia. Mr.Watson is the local agent for Standard Oil Co. here and lives on North Forrest Street in the city.
02/14/24 Notice of Bankruptcy for Jake L. Levy of Forrest City eff. Feb.7,1924. E.C.Horner, Receiver in Bankruptcy.
02/14/24 Wanted: Colored Share Croppers-O.P.Nail, Biscoe, Arkansas. Day work provided when not busy in crop.
02/14/24 Madison News: Miss Helen Kirby takes over as post mistress for her sister who married Mr.Tipton.
02/14/24 The U.D.C. will meet next Wednesday afternoon, Feb.20, at the home of Mrs.W.C.McCoy. This is a regular meeting and all are invited to attend.
02/14/24 Mr.and Mrs.E.E.Stevens will move to West Point, Miss., to make their new home.
02/21/24 Condensed Report of the City Water & Light Co. ending Dec.31,1923 shows profit of $19,010.
02/21/24 25th Anniversary of the Cosmos Club held at the home of Mrs.O.B.Rollwage.
03/06/24 Ford, buy now $295 f.o.b. Detroit=Starter and demountable rims $85 extra.
03/13/24 Reuben Mallory horribly crushed between two trucks. Reports from Memphis state he is still alive, he works for the State Highway Dept. and was crushed between two gravel trucks.
03/20/24 Home of Judge S.H.Mann destroyed by fire, on south Forrest Street. He plans to rebuild on the same site.
03/27/24 Reports of sickness from pneumonia reported for little Julian, son of Mr.and Mrs.James Gilliam and Jack Pettus West, in Memphis hospital.
04/03/24 The leader of the St.Francis county Klan order announced that the Ku Klux Klan will have candidates for county offices.
04/03/24 Mrs.Olive Hall is visiting from Paula, Okla. with her son, J.P. Moore and family.
04/03/24 Mr. and Mrs.Homer Folbre left for Little Rock where they will make their home where he is associated with Planter Lumber Co there.
04/03/24 Dr.M.L.Smith returned yesterday to his home in Nettleton, Miss. after a visit to his son, Prof. M.L.Smith, where he is a minister with the Presbyterian church there.
04/10/24 Friday Mrs.Samuel Worrall, aged 77 years, was badly burned Thursday afternoon when her apron caught fire from the fire place, and more than half her body was blistered.
04/24/24 Golden Brothers Big Wild Animal Circus coming to Forrest City on May 3. 05/08/24 The circus did not make it, they filed for bankruptcy in Little Rock.
05/01/24 Sam Malouf is starting his journey to his homeland, Syria, to dispose of his possessions, and return with his mother to live her life out in the states.
05/01/24 In Bankruptcy: Petition will be reviewed in June at the court in Little Rock for C.E.Vinson of Colt. Sid B.Redding, Clerk.
05/08/24 J.J.Garrison has been employed with Arkmo Lumber Co. at Newport, a former resident of Forrest City, he married Miss Annie Mae Delano, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Delano.
05/15/24 Central School Graduating Class: Sarah Lasley, Elizabeth Sanders, Virginia Walker, Irene Harris, Lois Hunt, Jewel Watson, Fannie Mae Cox, Mamie Lacefield, Stella Rush, Lola Johnston, Ethel Sparkman, Elizabeth DeRossitt, Lois Tharp, Evelyn McDaniel, Margaret Beckwaite, Burnis Chandler, Fred Ash, Fred Connaway, Charlie Clark, E.A.Fisher, Audry Hunt, Khule Fogg, Percy Magness, Dick Neblett, Tatum Fisher, Albert Grobmyer, Jesse Tharp, Robert Myers, Fred Lacefield, John Pippin, Ed Malouf, Phillip Lanier, Joel Jordan, Raymond Pippin, James Taylor, Ernest Philpott, Raymond Sellers, Norman Hodges, and Paul Lanier.
05/15/24 History of the FCHS Senior Class of 1924: On the 9th day of September, 1912, a great historical event occurred. Forty little ruddy faced children went laughing and crying to a large building that was called "Grammar School." The first teacher was Miss Stella Doyle, then in 1913, it was Miss Clara Bridewell. In 1921, they made their way to the FCHS when Miss Lois Phillips of Arkadelphia came into their lives. We will remember Edna Scott as looking down on the remainder of the class and William Alderson as the noted question box.
05/22/24 Commencement Exercises at FCHS last Friday night. The commencement address was delivered by Hon.M.B.Norfleet, Sr., and the rewarding of the diplomas by Judge W.J.Lanier, chairman of the Board of School Commissioners. Taylor Pyle won a prize for an essay on the Constitution of the United States and one a $25 prize contributed by the Rotary Club. The special prize offered by the Delphian Club, in History, was won by Elizabeth Williams. Another prize for the best grade in English was won by Ruth Torrence. The last two prizes were awarded by Judge Lanier.
05/29/24 Judge Samuel Henry Mann Sr. is elected President of the Arkansas Bar Association in Little Rock.
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For Sheriff and Collector: J.M.Campbell/Grover Wylds/J.G.Sanders-Winner is Campbell
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For Assessor: John M. Nichols/J.E.Surginer/ Winner is Nichols.
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For Treasurer: Lon H.Pippin/John Gatling/ C.R. (Happy) Hines/ Winner is Gatling.
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For County Clerk:Linn Turley/
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For Circuit Clerk: Dr.J.F.McDougal
06/05/24 Candidates for Public Office: For Judge: W.J.Laner/ N.B.Nelson-Winner Nelson.
06/05/24 Klan candidates for public office in St.Francis County are announced: for Judge, W.J.Lanier, and for Treasurer C.R.Hine.
06/05/24 Hodges Family Reunion at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Jesse Hodges. children attending: Richard, Rufus, Clifford, Paul, Charles, Lou, Nettie and Evelyn and Mrs.Hodges' daughters: Miss Kathleen Pugh, and Mrs.Joe Todd Jr. and little son J.B. Mrs. Hodges' sisters:Mrs.Louis C.Frith, Mrs.W.T.Adams and husband, and their little daughter, Mrs.Ruth McCalman and her daughter and son. Also present were Mr.and Mrs.Edward Adams and Mr.Hodges' sister, Mrs.Bob Gray and husband, Mr.Hodges relatives came over from Memphis Saturday, and returned Sunday.
06/12/24 The Baptist church has purchased from S.B.Trapp the McDaniel lot on the west side of Washington street and will build a new church. It is opposite the government lot and the Imperial Theater.
06/12/24 The 34th Annual Reunion of Confederate Veterans, held in Memphis June 4-6, is over-to use a gravestone phrase, "Gone, but not forgotten." Over 4,000 old vets attended the convention, and the Boy Scouts assisted the police at every street crossing.
07/03/24 S.B.Trapp critically ill from ptomain poisoning, at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis.
07/03/24 Notice from Judge N.B.Nelson that he has 10 appointments available for the Univ. of Arkansas for the fall term which will provide free tuition for four years.
07/03/24 A telegram to Mr.S.H.Mann, Jr. advised the arrival in London of Mr.and Mrs.Samuel H.Mann, Sr.
07/10/24 Socialists join Democrats in denouncing the Klu Klux Klan.
07/10/24 On account of Mr.Durst attending his wife, the local news will be curtailed. She was stricken with a stroke of paralysis Friday night, affecting her entire left side. Dr.McCown and J.O.Rush are attending physicians.
07/17/24 St.Francis County Pension Board met on July 14, for the Confederate Pensions and approved these petitions: Mrs.T.C.Merwin, Mrs.T.C.Folbre, Mrs.A.K.Mason, Mrs.Lee James, Mrs.J.K.McKnight, and Mrs. O.E.Alley. The board members are:Ed Landvoigt, Jim DeRossitt, and H.S.Richardson, County Clerk Linn Turley presiding.
07/31/24 Judge N.B.Nelson states his policy on the Ku Klux Klan. He is not a member nor does he believe in their cause. He challenges W.F.Lanier to say if he is a member of the clan, which he has refused to answer in his speeches. I expect no votes of the political Klansman who takes his orders from the Dragon and the Cyclops, Republican of Little Rock, J.A.Comer and Garrison of St.Francis County. The judge wishes Mr.Lanier to confirm or deny that he wrote a letter on March 28,1924, to the Ku Klux Klan order in this county commencing as follows, My Dear Friend and Brother, soliciting their votes. Mr.Lanier had sworn that he was not a Klansman July 26,1924 in front of witnesses.
08/07/24 Editorial on the Klan. Since the organization of the Klan in this county two years ago and denied that it was a political organization. Since then they have tried to influence the social, church, and other organizations in favor of their candidates. The recent endorsement letter for candidates has left us no choice, but to make a public plea to refuse to support any candidate so endorsed, local, or state.
08/14/24 All Klan Candidates defeated for St.Francis County offices. Also Lee, Crittenden, Poinsett, Cross, Woodruff, and Phillips County voted against the Klan candidates there.
08/14/24 Miss Mamie Mann of Pine Bluff is in critical condition with typhoid fever.
08/14/24 St.Francis County Residents at the summer school session for the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville:Mart Flora Bickerstaff and Janie Love, Hughes; David Thomas and Otto Bridgforth, Julius Dunn, Olive V.Harris, Helen Pasley, and Dennis Walter Horton of Forrest City; Mrs.R.E.Vinson of Colt.
08/14/24 Mrs.J.T.Harris and mother, Mrs.J.P.Patterson left Friday for Holly Grove on account of death of Mrs.Patterson's nephew, Allen Wall.
08/21/24 Notice of closing of Morgan & West Box Co. in Madison on August 23rd.
09/04/24 Co.H-153rd Infantry, the local National Guard company returned from Camp Pike Monday where two members one honors:Sgt. Otey Lammers had high score on pistol range, and Corp.Louis E.Brannon won high score on the machine gun range.
09/04/24 Fatally Injured: A youth aged about 18, carrying an identification card saying "Arthur Little," was struck by Missouri Pacific train, near the Ice Plant, and perhaps fatally injured. His head and side of his body badly mashed, and was unconscious when taken to the hospital in Little Rock. He had apparently fallen asleep while sitting on the railroad track.
09/04/24 Otto W.Rollwage returned Monday from Ft.Smith where he had attended funeral of Mrs.Rollwage's father
09/11/24 FCHS to open Monday morning per Supt.Milton Samuel Smith, Jr. with the following teachers:S.H.Flowers, Principal and athletic coach;Miss Eva McDuffie, English;Miss Helen Smith, History;Miss Merle Fondren, Latin and History; Miss Wanda Wyatt, Domestic Art & Science;Miss Mary Emma Hood, Freshman Classes; Mrs. Othello McDougal, Music; Mrs.H.W.Martin, Expression.
09/11/24 Newton Landers and John H.Tipton, Jr. left for the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa last Saturday.
09/11/24 The opening parade of the Olympic athletes of the 1924 Olympics at Colombes Stadium in Paris, France.
09/18/24 Mrs.D.O.Bridgforth, her little daughter, and two sons, Otto and David, left for Fayetteville where the sons will attend the University of Arkansas.
09/18/24 Tri State Fair in Memphis Sept.20 to 27-Complete program mailed free on request-Frank D.Fuller, Manager.
09/18/24 William Alderson left for Lexington, Ky. where he will attend Washington and Lee University.
09/25/24 Sanders, Lanier, and Hine submitted 256 more disputed votes in the election this past August. 10/16/24 The suit challenging the election was defeated for the Klan candidates.
09/25/24 FCHS Football Schedule:Opponents:Central High at Memphis, Marianna at home, Brinkley away, Memphis Univ. away, Helena at home, Clarendon away, West Helena at home, Jonesboro away, Newport away, and Wynne on Thanksgiving day at home.
09/25/24 The T.C.Merwin chapter of the U.D.C., wish to call attention to plan to mark all confederate graves in county with a marker.
09/25/24 Posey Community students enrolled in Wheatley High School:Miss Mammye Lawson, Elmer Lawson, Noel Dunnerman, Edward Riffey, and Dolph Baker.
09/25/24 Arkansas State Fair in Little Rock Oct.6 to 11-The Wonder Fair of the Wonder State-New Million Dollar Fair Grounds-Horse Racing in new half mile track.
09/25/24 Miss Elizabeth Sweet left for St.Charles, Mo. to attend the Linnenwood College this year.
09/25/24 Mrs.Tom O'Brien and little daughter Dorothy, along with Mrs.Will Haven left Tuesday night to see their grandmother who suffered a fall resulting in concussion of the brain. She is 97 years of age.
10/02/24 General John J.Pershing, on his sixty fourth birthday, hands over job as Chief of Staff to Major General John L.Hines, U.S.A.
10/02/24 Mrs.Dave Geater and sons, Western and Jeff, and Bob Gaddis, motored to Beadville Sunday to attend the funeral of her daughter Dona Edward's infant.-Posey Corner.
10/02/24 Mrs.Fannie Thomas left Wednesday for Ft.Worth for a visit with her brother James Wise.
10/09/24 Otto and David Bridgforth, are two of the 34 who have enrolled in the department of law, established this year at the University of Arkansas.
10/09/24 One pound package sliced bacon 40 cents. Quality Grocery. 24 pound sack of flour $1.15.
10/23/24 Lucius Stoddard is indicted for first degree murder by the Grand Jury on Tuesday, for the slaying of Arthur Hamilton on Oct.11.
11/06/24 Dr.J.F.McDougal sometimes writes big checks, but this one for $128,438.17 was proceeds of fore closure sale of the A.E.Jennings farm on Lakeside, which was bought in by Percy Biggs, Trustee, for H.W.Robinson, at commissioner's sale a few days ago.
11/06/24 Republicans win Presidential election and large majorities in Senate and House of Representatives. The Ku Klux Klan was received by the northern Republicans, and contributed muchly to the success in Tuesday's election.
11/06/24 Charles Haven Jr. leaves for Memphis to accept position with Wm.R.Moore & Co. of that place.
11/13/24 Madison High School Play on November 21:Cast:E.J.Butler, Dudley McFall, Taft Johnson, Houston Gurley, John Marsh, Fred Miller, Gordon and Edward Thorn, Eva Mai Tulley, Lucille Johnson, Edna Clifton, Opal Henson, Edna Ruth Tulley, Lucille Kirby.
11/13/24 Forrest City Building and Loan Association celebrates sixth anniversary. Officers:S.H.Mann, Jr.-Pres.;A.C.Bridewell-VP; C.W.Norton-Sect.and Attorney; Board:Louis McDaniel, W.W.Campbell, S.J.Dean, C.R.Garrison, John R.Grobmyer, A.D.Boyle.
11/20/24 Large increase in cotton crop this year. Year to date Nov.1 for St.Francis county shows 17,198 bales this year, against 9,077 last year.
12/11/24 Dec.9,1924-Dear Santa Claus, I want a try cycle, a story book, a drum, a bugle, an air gun, a cap pistol, a knife, and some oranges, apples, and cream nuts. James Howell.
12/11/24 Mrs.James Beatty and son William, of Gassett, are visiting with her parents, Dr.and Mrs.P.P.Boggan.
12/18/24 Cotton Ginned prior to Dec.1-St.Francis County:23,180 bales compared with 13,935 last year.
12/18/24 Fall term at State Teachers College in Conway:541 students, with these from St.Francis County:Ella Ruth Payne of Haynes; Ella May Frenz, Forrest City, and Laura Eleanor Smith of Wheatley.
1/3/24 Thursday Born on Thursday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Hubert Clark a baby boy in Kinton.
1/3/24 Thursday Born on Thursday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.James Prentice DeRossitt a baby boy named James Jr.
1/3/24 Thursday Born Friday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Lawrence Rea a baby girl, Dorothy Jean at the home of the mother's parents, Mr.and Mrs.W.P.Clark.
01/17/24 Born Monday evening to Mr.and Mrs.A.L.Jones of Memphis, a baby boy, the mother will be remembered as Miss Mattie Vogel.
01/17/24 Born, Sunday morning to Mr.and Mrs.A.S.Williams at the Roy Fisher home, a baby girl.
03/13/24 Born, Thursday of last week, to Mr.and Mrs.W.C.Fletcher, a baby boy at the Baptist hospital in Memphis.
03/13/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.John Boyce on Monday, a baby boy.
03/13/24 Born to Mr. and Mrs.R.W.Peevey, a baby girl Monday night, at the home of her mother, Mrs.W.Satterfield on the Ridge.
03/13/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Henry F.P.Gorman at the hospital in Brinkley Thursday afternoon a baby girl named Virginia Gray.
03/20/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Harry Kinniman on Wednesday, a baby girl named Mildred Olivette.
03/20/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.S.H.Mann, a girl named Mary Elizabeth at the Davis hospital in Pine Bluff last Thursday.
04/03/24 Born on Monday night to Mr.and Mrs.Lester Moneyhan a baby girl.
04/03/24 Born on Thursday of last week to Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Gray a baby boy named Thomas Gerald Gray, Jr.
4/17/24 Thursday Born on Saturday to Mr.and Mrs.Malcoim Gorman a baby boy at their home west of the city.
05/08/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Abe Ash a baby daughter on Tuesday morning.
05/15/24 Mr. and Mrs.Lee Thomas have a new baby boy in their home. Pine Tree Notes.
05/15/24 Born to Dr.and Mrs.N.C.McCown, a baby boy Friday of last week, named Louis Kenneth.
07/03/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Adolph Hoffman a baby boy on Saturday named William Henry.
07/17/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs. Louis R. Grobymer Jr., a son named Louis R. III on Wednesday night.
09/11/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.H.B.Hughes of Haynes, a son named Heber Benjamin Jr. on Sept.4.
09/18/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Beazley, Wednesday afternoon, a baby boy.
09/25/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.William Tucker Friday morning, a baby girl.
10/02/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.I.M.Fulkerth a fine baby girl.
10/09/24 A baby girl born in Texarkana to Mr.and Mrs,L.C.Cargill.
10/16/24 On Friday, a baby boy to Mr.and Mrs.Jack Eaton.
10/23/24 Born to Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Aycock a baby boy, Thomas Jesse, Jr., on Sunday.
11/06/24 Born to Sgt. and Mrs. Aaron Clarno of Friday night last week a baby boy.
1/3/24 Thursday Horton-Jenkins:Miss Willard Jenkins and Mr.James Horton, both of Chatfield, were married at six thirty Saturday at the home of Rev.J.S.Burns.
1/3/24 Thursday McNew-Fisher: Mr.H.C.McNew and Miss Eula Mae Fisher were married Dec.24,1923, in Wynne by Rev.Blaylock of the Baptist church. The bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Fred Fisher, and an operator employee of the S.W.Bell Tel.& Tel. Co., and the groom of the same place as a cable splicer.
01/31/24 Tipton-Kirby: Miss Mary Jane Kirby and Mr.Emmett J.Tipton were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Kirby of Madison. The ceremony performed by Rev.Hood, pastor of the Methodist church. Mr.Tipton is an employee of the Elite Caf‚, while the bride has been the post mistress at Madison. Concluding the ceremony they came to Forrest City to the home of his uncle, Mr.and Mrs.J.J.New.
02/21/24 Maupin-Smith: Miss Eula Blanch Smith and Mr.Felix Maupin were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.James Alderson, Saturday afternoon. Rev.J.S.Burns conducting the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr.Jerry Smith of the Powers community. Mr.Maupin recently returned from service in the U.S.Navy.
02/28/24 Fisher-Paine: Mrs.Tipple S.Paine and Mr.Henry W.Fisher were married Monday afternoon at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Hammond Dooley, the ceremony performed by Rev.J.S.Burns, county missioner of the First Baptist Church. Mrs.Fisher is a current resident of Little Rock and was visiting the Dooley family.
03/06/24 Fogg-Sims: Mr.Alva Byrd Fogg and Miss Lela May Sims were married Friday Feb.29, at Crawfordsville, the ceremony being performed by Rev.Wiggins of that place. Mrs.Fogg has been teaching school at Democrat, but is from Jackson, Miss. Mr.Fogg is the son of Mr.and Mrs.C.C.Fogg of Widener. After spending time with his sister, Mrs.Louis Haven and his parents, they left for Nexall, Mo. to make their home.
03/13/24 Houston-Fisher: Miss Minyon Fisher and Mr.Chester Houston were married Saturday evening at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Neil N. Snyder, the ceremony being performed by Rev.H.M.McLain, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Mrs.Houston is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.E.A.Fisher, and holds position with Grobmyer Meat Market as bookkeeper. Mr.Houston is an employee of the Forrest City Bottling Works.
03/20/24 Lacefield-Batts: Miss Pearl Batts and Mr.James Lacefield were married in Wynne Sunday afternoon by Rev.R.C.Blailock, pastor of the Baptist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.A.R.Hoffman, and the groom the son of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Lacefield.
04/03/24 Caraway-Harris; Miss Vonnie Harris and Mr.Robert Caraway were married in Wynne Sunday afternoon by Rev.J.K.Farris, a retired Methodist minister. The bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Harris, the groom is situated with the Rock Island railway company here. They plan on making their home in Chicago, Illinois.
04/03/24 Houston-Batts: Announcement of the marriage of Miss Stella Batts and Mr.Rexford R.Houston in Wynne, on Jan.30, 1924, performed by County Judge H.E.Mitchell. Mrs.Houston is the daughter of Mrs.Maude Batts Hoffman. They make their home with his parents.
05/01/24 Webb-Bynum: The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Bynum, daughter of Dr.and Mrs.H.R.Bynum, and Mr.John Beck Webb took place Saturday evening at the Calvary church h, the Rev.Charles Blaisdell conducting the ceremony. Memphis News Scimitar.
05/08/24 Norvell-Sellers: Miss Mildred Sellers and Mr.Aubrey Norvell were married Saturday evening in the Baptist church with services conducted by Rev.G.G.Davidson, pastor. Mrs. Norvell is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.T.B.Sellers, and Mr.Norvell is an employee of the Morgan and West Box Company at Madison where his father is the manager.
05/15/24 Hughes-Mahan: Miss Annelle Mahan of Blytheville, and Mr.Ross D.Hughes of Haynes were married Thursday, April 25th. Blytheville Courier. It took place at the home of the bride performed by Rev.J.Walter Cobb. Mrs.Byron Morse, sister of Mrs.Hughes, was the matron of honor. The groom is associated with the Newbern Cotton Co. of Marianna.
05/22/24 Doyle-Swift: Mrs.Ellen Doyle is in receipt of a notice of marriage of her son Mr.Wm.H.Doyle to Mrs.Mabel Swift of Denver, Colorado, on May 7th.
06/19/24 Buford-Sheffield: Mr.Chas.D.Buford left Monday for Fayetteville, Tenn. to wed Miss Grace Mildred Sheffield, the daughter of Mrs.W.A.Sheffield of Fayetteville on Wednesday. The bride had taught school here tor the past two terms, and Mr.Buford is a local successful businessman of the city. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, with Rev.R.A.Young, pastor of the bride conducting the ceremony.
06/26/24 Wymar-Smith: Mr.A.R.Wymar of Barnes City, Iowa and Mrs.Etta Smith were married at the Baptist pastorium by Rev.Blount P.Davidson on Saturday June 14.
07/17/24 Hyers-Love: Miss Ella Tribble Love, of Hughes, and Mr.Wm.Robert Hyers of Helena were married Monday afternoon by Rev.W.V.Womack at the First Methodist parsonage. They will live in Russellville when the honeymoon is over at Hot Springs.
08/28/24 Smith-Wilson: Miss Frank, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Marcus D.L.Wilson, and Mr.Milton Samuel Smith, Jr., on Tuesday, Aug.26, at Toccopola, Miss.
08/28/24 Shawver-West: A wedding of much interest took place at the home of the bride in Widener, Miss Winnie West and Mr.Ben Shawver were married Monday evening, conducted by Rev.J.T.Reed of the Methodist church at Widener, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mattie West, and the groom is a prominent young business man of Manilla, Ark., where the couple will make their home.
09/04/24 Hodges-Brummitt: Miss Hazel Brummitt and Mr.Basil Hodges were wed at the home of the bride in Conway Monday morning. Mrs.Hodges is well known here, having taught language at the High School here for two terms. The groom is the son of Mr.and Mrs.Samuel Lee Hodges and an employee of the American Express Co. They plan on living temporarily on return with Mr.Hodges parents.
10/16/24 Sanders-Benedict: Something that will be read with interest by his many friends in this city, is the announcement of the marriage of Harry Mosley Sanders, son of Wallace Troy Sanders of this city, to Miss Ruth Grace Benedict, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Jerome Benedict, of Poughkeepsie, New York, on Wednesday, Oct.15, at the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev.Robert H.Kelley, pastor of the Methodist church. The bride is a high school graduate in class of 1924, and the groom is attended Hendrix College, and a graduate of Eastman Business College.
10/23/24 Staten-Ingram: Mr.E.L.Staten of this city and Miss Artie Ingram, of Heber Springs, Ark., were married Sunday morning at Wheatley by Rev.J.G.Ditterdine of the Methodist church. The groom is employed in the store of Brandon & Baugh.
10/23/24 McKinney-Staten: Miss Lillie Mae Staten and Mr.George Frederick McKinney of Harrison, Ark. were married at the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis, by Rev.C.H.Williamson of the First Presbyterian Church. They will make their home in Harrison.
10/23/24 Clifton-Berry: Miss Prudence Berry was wed to Mr.Russell Clifton at the home of the bride, Mr.Dee Berry near Zent, Wednesday afternoon. The groom is the son of Mr.I.H.Clifton, and the bride is one of Monroe county's charming young teachers. Posey Corner.
10/23/24 Temple-Brumfield: Miss Mabel Brumfield of this city and Mr.James Temple of Memphis on Sunday.
11/13/24 Pinkston-Wood: Miss Ada Wood and Mr.Jesse Pinkston were married last Friday afternoon, performed by Rev.Blount F.Davidson of the Baptist Church at the parsonage. The bride is sister of Mrs.Plumer Wood and has been secretary of the Baptist church, and the groom is an employee of Haven Brothers in the city. They went to the bride's home to visit at Ackerman, Miss.
11/13/24 Kennedy-O'Brien: Miss Alice O'Brien and Mr.Charles F.Kennedy were married Saturday evening at the home of the bride's mother, the ceremony was performed by Rev.Blount F.Davidson. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.Thomas O'Brien, and the groom is the manager for the Globe Grocer Co.
12/04/24 Whidden-McDaniel: Miss Ruth McDaniel and Mr.H.B.Whidden, of Conway, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs.L.O.McDaniel Thanksgiving day, the ceremony performed by Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church. The will be at home in Conway.
12/11/24 White-Morgan: Miss Eda Mae Morgan, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.F.Scott, of Brickeys, to Mr.E.A.White of this city. The groom is employed here with the Postal Telegraph Co.
12/25/24 Henson-Climm: Miss Marie Climm and Mr.Hobart Henson were married at the residence of Rev.J.S.Burns a few days ago. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Climm, who live south of Forrest City. They will make their home in Madison.
Deaths: Burial:
1/3/24 Thursday McKINNEY JAMES STRATTON 1905 1 1 1924 CITY The New Year brought with it one of the saddest tragedies which this community has ever experienced, in the accidental killing of James Stratton McKinney, happening at five minutes past twelve New Year's Day. The family's version of the affair is that Stratton and his brother, Ewell, were on their way home about midnight; and in passing the home of Mr.and Mrs.Roy Fisher, where a New Year's party was being celebrated, the young folks, being on the sidewalk, ushering in the New Year with noise makers, included in which was a pump shot gun being used by James Lacefield, son of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Lacefield, Stratton called across the street to Lacefield to let him shoot it, and crossed over; in handing the gun from one to another, it accidentally went off, the shot tearing through Stratton's stomach and lodged in the spine. He was taken into the home of Mr.and Mrs.Fisher and three doctors called. A slight operation was performed in preparation for taking him to Memphis in the hope that his life might be saved. Accompanied by Mr.and Mrs.Otis Stevens and Mrs.Mallon Folbre, he was taken to the early morning train, but at four thirty o'clock as the train whistle blew for Memphis, his life ebbed out. James Stratton was a fine, upright boy, a pride of the family, being only 19 years of age and this would have been his last year at high school. With his sister and brother, he made his home with his grandmother, Mrs.Blanche Wilkins, his father, J.E.McKinney, living in Greenville, Ga. Mr.McKinney was notified immediately of the tragedy and arrived Wednesday at noon. Young McKinney was a member of the Methodist, church, Co.H-153rd Infantry, Arkansas National Guard, and was given full military honors by the latter organization. Services were conducted at the grave side by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist church, assisted by Rev.Myron L.Morley, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, and Rev.Ben Davidson, pastor of the First Baptist Church. The pall bearers were: Major Neil Snyder, Lt.Cecil Whitted, Lt.Raiford Paine, Sgt. George Gray, Sgt.Chester Houston, and Sgt. James Spaulding. The deceased is survived by his grand mother, Mrs.Blanche Wilkins, with whom he made his home; his father, Mr.J.E.McKinney of Greenville, Ga.;his sister, Katherine, and brother Ewell, the latter two of this city. Mr.McKinney's sister, Mrs.Dowdle returned to Roanoke, Alabama.
1/3/24 Thursday DUNCAN JOHN 5 23 1890 12 23 1923 HUGHES John Duncan died at his home on Linden Island Sunday night and was buried Tuesday afternoon, with interment in the Hughes Cemetery, conducted by Rev.Homer M.McLain. 01/10/24 The funeral services for John Duncan, who died at his home near Blackfish on Monday, Dec.23,1923, were held the following Tuesday afternoon, with interment at the Hughes cemetery, services conducted by Rev.Homer M.McLain, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Mr.Duncan died at the age of 33 years and seven months, and had been ill for about three years, though his condition had not been thought alarming. His death came as a shock to his family as a few days previously he was apparently all right, alarming symptoms having developed Saturday and he died Monday. The deceased received his discharge from the U.S.Army about three years ago because of physical disabilities, and since that time he had married and made his home near Blackfish. Surviving relatives are his widow, Mrs.Evelyn Duncan; his mother, Mrs.Emma Duncan Ryan; and one brother, James Duncan of Memphis.
1/3/24 Thursday BLACKMOR EARL EDWARD JR 12 21 1923 12 30 1923 CITY Earl Edward Blackmor, Jr., infant son of Mr.and Mrs.Earl Blackmor died Saturday morning, Dec.30,1923, at the age of 9 days of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon by Rev.W.V.Womack with interment at the Forrest City Cemetery.
01/10/24 TUCKER GUY H. Unk 1 9 1924 LITTLE ROCK The Arkansas Gazette of Jan.9 reports the death of Guy H.Tucker, who was found dead in his room at the Marion Hotel in Little Rock. Mr.Tucker was the chief deputy auditor of the state, and was the father of William Tucker, engineer for Road Improvement Dist.No.2, of this county.
01/17/24 MALLORY CORNELIA MRS LAUGHINGHOUSE 1 16 1924 MT.VERNON Mrs.Cornelia Laughinghouse Mallory, widow of the late George B.Mallory, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs.George P.Taylor, Wednesday morning, Jan.16,1924, of pneumonia. She had been ill 9 days. Funeral services were held at the residence, with interment at the Mt.Vernon cemetery this morning. Rev.W.V.Womack conducting the ceremony, pastor of the First Methodist Church, assisted by Rev.Homer M.McLain. Active pall bearers were:John Gatling, E.P.Wright, T.W.Horney, A.C.Bridewell, Dr.H.R.Clark, and C.C.Perry. Honorary pall bearers: D.E.Hoshall, S.H.Mann Sr., E.A.Rolfe, R.L.Pettus, Dr.J.F.McDougal, N. Nelson, Ed Logan, W.W.Campbell, E.J.Barrow, M.C.Hambleton, C.R.Hine, S.A.Rolfe, Edward Roleson, B.Frank King, Grover C.Wylds, Chas.White, L.E.Davenport, and George E.Parker. The death of Mrs.Mallory removes from earthly activity one of the City's most lovely characters. A native of St.Francis county, she had been identified with the growth of the city and its church and social life since before the incorporation of this town. Mrs.Mallory had made an ideal wife and mother. Mr.Mallory, who had served as Circuit and County Clerk and had been highly honored on numerous occasions by the people of this county, replied the greatest event was the marriage, the second was when a number of years later he joined the church. They were the parents of 13 children, and only three survive: Mrs.T.A. (Claudia) Buford, Mrs. George P. (Mary) Taylor, and Mr.Bert Mallory. She is survived by three sisters: Mrs.J.W.Aven, Mrs.J.E.Eldridge, and Miss Anna Laughinghouse.
01/17/24 KIRBY GEORGE WASHINGTON 1 3 1852 1 14 1924 CITY George Washington.Kirby dropped dead Monday afternoon, Jan.14,1924, in the store of R.J.Ash on Front Street. He died asking God to bless everybody, continuing firm in his faith and love of his Master. Mr.Kirby had left the office of Dr.P.P.Boggan only a short time before, where he had his leg treated for an infection that had been giving him trouble for some time. Dr.Boggan had advised him to go to Memphis for hospital treatment, and he was to have left on the following morning. He had gone to Mr.Ash's store and purchased an overcoat. preparatory to making the trip. Of a sudden, he seemed to stagger, and fell into Mr.Ash's arms, asking God to bless everybody, and saying he loved everybody. Deceased was born in Desoto Co., Miss. on Jan.3,1852. He came to this county in January, 1871. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs.John Hornsby, and Mrs.M.R.McCrary; two brothers, W.E.Kirby of Madison, and H.C.Kirby of Muncie, Kansas; and two sons, Milas KIrby of Marked Tree and Roderick Kirby of Los Angeles, Calif. Funeral services will be held from the Christian Church Friday, following the arrival of his son Roderick. Interment will be in the Forrest City Cemetery.
01/17/24 KNOX ABSOLOM REV. Unk 1 15 1924 BALTIMORE A telegram was received here Tuesday by the family telling of the death of Rev.Absolom Knox in Baltimore. Mr.Knox was the son in law of Mrs.V.V.Mann. He had been ill for some time and passed away at five thirty Tuesday morning, Jan.15,1924. At the time of his death, he was pastor of the First Methodist Church in Baltimore. He is survived by his widow and three children, two daughters and one son. The funeral was held today in Baltimore.
01/24/24 WEBB WILLIAM MANVILLE DR. 5 1842 1 19 1924 CITY Dr.William Manville Webb passed away last Saturday morning, Jan.19,1924, at the home of his daughter. Mrs.Linn Turley. Deceased had been in failing health for some time, caused by his advanced age, and the end was not unexpected. Funeral services were held Sunday morning from the residence, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson and Rev.Myron Lewis Morley. Interment in the Forrest City cemetery. The pall bearers were: Active:W.R.Ferguson, A.D.McDaniel, Harry A. Knight, Joe E.Ferguson, Louis McDaniel, and James M.Gilliam. Honorary: J.T.Sanders, M.C.Hambleton, C.A.Manley,D.E.Hoshall, E.Bruce Smith, Dr.J.F.McDougal. Deceased was born in Waverly, Mo., in May 1842. He was married to Miss Mollie Thomas in 1866, and she survives him. There were born to this union five children, Mrs.Linn Turley, who survives, John V.Webb Will Webb, and Mrs.J.H.Sanders who died after reaching maturity, and one son, Norman, who died at the age of two and one-half years, Dr.Webb served throughout the Civil war for the Confederacy, in Co. D of Gordon's Regiment, under General Marmaduke,escort to General Shelby. The greater part of his service in the war was in Arkansas. While in New Orleans he was taken prisoner, but was released by the exchange of prisoners. He came to Arkansas to cast his fortunes with the Wonder state in 1879, locating in Chicot county. He later moved to Lonoke county, and in 1890 came to St.Francis county, where he practiced his profession as a physician for a number of years. until about fifteen years ago, when he became incapacitated for active work on account of a broken hip, Even then, he stayed in touch with current events. He was a Baptist, his membership being in the church in Franks township
01/24/24 BELL EMMA MRS SOICE 1867 1 21 1924 INDIANA Mrs.Emma Soice Bell passed away late Monday afternoon, Jan.21,1924, after an illness of about two weeks, of pneumonia. The body was carried to Plymouth, Indiana for burial, where funeral services are being held this afternoon. Short services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.Myron Lewis Morley. The body was accompanied by her husband, Mr.John C.Bell, and sister, Mrs.Flora Buck, and brother Milton E.Soice, the latter two of Plymouth, Indiana, and who came down a few days prior to her death to be with her during her illness. Mrs.Edna Bell Conners, of Chicago, Sister of Mr.Bell, also came down during her illness, and remains here until the return of Mr.Bell, the latter part of next week. Deceased was born in Plymouth, Indiana, in 1867, and was married in that city to Mr.Bell on Oct. 2, 1882. They came to this city in Feb.,1892?, and resided here since that date. She was a splendid Christian woman, active in the Church of the Good Shepherd activities. Deceased is survived by her husband, and four brothers and two sisters: O.G.Soice, of Plymouth, Mrs.Nellie Hogart of Key Largo, Fla., Mrs.Flora Buck and Milton E.Soice , of Plymouth, Walter M.Soice of Taylorsville, Ill., and Chas.M.Soice of South Bend, Ind.
01/24/24 WOOD ELIZABETH M. MRS DOZIER 5 29 1845 1 22 1924 CITY Mrs.Elizabeth Dozier Wood died at one o'clock Tuesday morning, Jan.22,1924, at the home of her son, Carroll Wood. Mrs.Wood died at the age of 78 years, 7 months, and 24 days. She was the widow of Andrew Carroll Wood, who preceded her to the land beyond on Oct.15,1904. He was, for years before and at the time of his death, one of the deacons of the First Baptist church of Forrest City, and Mrs.Wood was a faithful member of the church. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. The deceased is survived by two sons, Andrew Carroll Wood of Forrest City, and George P.Wood of Rawlison; one daughter, Mrs. Annie Adkins of Liberty, Mo.; two sisters, Mrs.S.F.Sutton, of Little Rock, and Mrs.E.A.Henderson, of Sallisaw, Okla., besides a number of grandchildren and other relatives. The pall bearers were Messrs. E.Bruce Smith, M.C.Hambleton, J.T.Sanders, J.M.Prewett, Winfield Davis, and Homer Folbre.
01/24/24 MYERS CHARLINE 1913 1 22 1924 HUGHES Charline, little daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Will Myers who live about two and one half miles north of town, died Tuesday night, Jan.22,1924, after an illness of several days with auto intoxication. Charline died at the age of 11 years; she was a bright and interesting child, the pleasure of a home from which her taking away will greatly missed. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday with interment in the Hughes cemetery.
01/24/24 FISHER MATTIE MRS 3 1851 1 18 1924 Unknown Mrs.Mattie Fisher died at five o'clock Friday morning, Jan.18,1924, in the hospital in Little Rock after an illness of six months, and having been confined to the hospital since November. The body was brought here for burial Friday evening and funeral services were conducted at the grave site, conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns, County Missioner of the First Baptist Church. The deceased would have been 74 years of age in March and was a native of Alabama. She made her home in Little Rock for a number of years where she kept her membership in the Christian church. She had been a resident of Forrest City for the past seven years. Mrs.Fisher was a good kindly woman and a true Christian, her husband's tribute to her being that if ever a soul had gone to rest, her's had. She is survived by her husband, H.W.Fisher, and a half brother, Lon H.Pippin.
01/24/24 BRIDGFORTH JAMES THOMAS 1886 1 20 1924 CITY James Thomas Bridgforth died at 12:30 o'clock Sunday morning, Jan.20,1924, in the hospital in Little Rock after an illness of several months. The body was brought here Monday and funeral services held at 2:30 Monday afternoon from the home of the parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.O.Bridgforth. The services were conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd, and Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church. Interment took place in the Forrest City cemetery. Mr.Bridgforth was born in Pleasant Hill, Miss., coming to this county with his parents about fifteen or more years ago. He died at the age of 37 years. Prior to his illness about two years ago he had been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and has numerous friends here who sorrow with his relatives in their bereavement. The deceased is survived by his parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.O.Bridgforth; one sister, Mrs.Leo Grobmyer; one brother, Lindsey Bridgforth; and two sons. The active pall bearers were:Messrs.Tom and John Gatling, John Grobmyer, Leslie Allen, William Tucker, and James F.Wolfe. Honorary: Messrs. Dr.J.F.McDougal, D.E.Hoshall, Homer Folbre, E.P.Taylor, A.B.Wolfe, L.C.Marshall. Among those from out of town at the funeral:Mrs.J.T.Bowers of Little Rock, Mrs.John McConnell and Will Bridgforth of Memphis.
01/31/24 SWEET WALTER 7 28 1869 1 29 1924 CITY Walter Sweet, wealthy planter and one of the original developers of the eastern portion of St.Francis county, passed away at his home in Widener about 5:30 Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia. He had been ill but one week. Funeral services were held at Widener Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.W.S.Sherman, assisted by Rev.Mr.Hood of Widener, and Rev.Blount P.Davidson of Forrest City. Interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery in the family burial plot. The pall bearers were as follows: Active: Robert Hall, J.G.Williams, W.W.Campbell, H.A.Knight, J.G.Sanders, I.R.Hodges; Honorary: J.M.Nichols, Ed Bonner, C.C.Fogg, T.A.Buford, E.P.Taylor, L.R.Grobmyer, John W.Alderson, Jas.DeRossitt, Sr., and Dr. W.A. Winters. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Edith West Sweet, and their four children: Lady Edith, aged 14, Virginia, aged 12, Webb, aged 9, and Lockhart, aged 7; two brothers, A.G.Sweet and Emory Sweet, all of Widener, three sisters, Miss Mary Sweet of Widener, Mrs.Ethel Gary of Memphis, and Mrs.Emma Rambo of Widener, also his mother, Mrs.S.E.Sweet of Widener. He was a member of the Methodist church and active in the work of the church.
01/31/24 SWEET WALTER 7 28 1869 1 29 1924 CITY Cont.: Walter Sweet was the oldest of the children of Colonel and Mrs.Silvius Emory Sweet, coming to this country about forty years ago. He was born in Haywood, Tenn., July 28,1869, and was about fourteen years of age when coming here. His illustrious father was a noted figure in the development of the county, particularly the section around Widener, and as his father advanced in years Walter and his two younger brothers, A.G. and Emory, took up his unfinished work and by their industry, sound judgment and wise management have accumulated a good sized fortune, and are rated among the most substantial planters and merchants of Eastern Arkansas. The deceased was a man of strict integrity, loyal to his country and to the upholding of her laws and institutions; he was a kindly man, a man who loved his home and family, and was loved by them and the community.
01/31/24 JAMES MARY LOUISE 1923 1 1924 BROWN Mary Louise James, year old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Leo James, who live in the Heustess neighborhood, died last week of pneumonia at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis. The remains were brought here Friday, and services were conducted Saturday with interment in the Brown Cemetery.
02/07/24 WILSON WOODROW PRESIDENT Unk 2 3 1924 WASHINGTON Former President Woodrow Wilson dies in Washington, D.C. at his home.
02/07/24 TURRENTINE ARCHELAUS REV. 1852 1 31 1924 ARKADELPHIA-ROSE HILL Rev.A.Turrentine, father of Mrs.S.J.Dean, died Thursday night in Arkadelphia, Ark. at about seventy two years of age. Mrs.Dean and daughter, Elizabeth, were with him at the time of his death.
02/14/24 CRILL GEORGE A. 10 30 1861 2 12 1924 CITY Death of George A.Crill at Heth: George A.Crill, aged 62 years, died at Bonner's Mill, near Heth Monday night, Feb.11,1924. The body was brought here for burial Wednesday and interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery with services conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack. Pall bearers were: W.W.Campbell, A.C.Bridewell, James Cranor, James M.Gilliam, C.R.Hine, and A.H.Nimocks. Deceased was an old resident of the county, and has been a valued member of Bonner Brothers for a long number of years. He is survived by two sons, Messrs. Bruce and C.M.Crill. Funeral services were attended by out of towners: Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Crill and Mr.and Mrs.C.M.Crill, W.C.Bonner, Blaine Bonner, H.W.Bonner, Mr. and Mrs.C.S.Shue, all of Heth.
02/14/24 DOCKERY ALFORD Unk 2 11 1924 MEMPHIS Alford Dockery, who died in Memphis of pneumonia Monday morning, Feb.11,1924, was the brother of Mrs.Wm, David of this city. Mrs.David has been in Memphis since last Thursday and Mr.David went over to attend the funeral.
02/28/24 NAIL W. R. 8 10 1866 2 21 1924 BARNISHAW W.R.Nail, aged 58 years an esteemed citizen of the county, died at his home near Pine Tree last Friday, Feb.21,1924, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held Sunday, conducted by Deacon Sanders, with interment in the Barnishaw cemetery. Deceased is survived by his widow and several children, and by his mother, Mrs.J.C.Nail of this city.
02/28/24 McCURDY J. C. 1882 2 27 1924 MT.VERNON J.C.McCurdy, aged 42, died at Camden of pneumonia yesterday, Feb.27,1924, and was the body was brought to Forrest City for burial, the body arriving on the Cotton Belt Railroad this morning. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, with interment in the Mt.Vernon cemetery. The following were pall bearers: Rolfe Eldridge, Fenner Eldridge, E.B.Smith, W.W.Campbell, Josh Mallory, and Joe P.Ferguson. Deceased was a former resident of this place, and his widow, Mrs.Marguerite Laughinghouse, is a member of one of the oldest families in the county. The body was accompanied here by his widow, and three children, Marguerite, Neel, and Dorothy; his sister, Mrs.Welch of Camden, and Mr.Welch; his brother, Mr.McCurdy of Camden and Mrs.McCurdy. Mrs. Fletcher Roleson of Marianna is an aunt who attended the funeral.
03/13/24 YERZLEY THOMAS W. 7 30 1835 3 11 1924 MT.VERNON The ranks of the old Confederate soldiers are fast thinning out. Tuesday morning, Mar.11,1924, Comrade T.W.Yerzley of this city answered the last roll call at the age of nearly eighty-nine years, at Brinkley, Ark. Was an old time resident of St.Francis county, and at an early age enlisted in the "Linden Dead Shots," in this county. While small in stature, he was brave almost to a fault, leading where many failed. He was probably the oldest of the few remaining Confederate soldiers, and the last member of his company. While he was eccentric in many ways, he was charitable and honest, and his pleasant greetings to all whom he met carried a ray of sunshine with it-Like the "last of the Mohicans," he met death bravely. Advanced age and declining health, he was unable to combat pneumonia. Peace be to his ashes. Tom W.Yerzley was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, July 1835, and came to Madison, Ark., when about fourteen years of age, thence to Forrest City, where he resided the remainder of his life. Was for a period engaged in mercantile business, subsequently engaged in farming, his land being a few miles south of the city. He had filled minor offices in the county, and at the time of his death chairman of the St.Francis County Confederate Pension Board. In 1865 he married Miss Malinda Lewis (who died fourteen years ago) to which union were born three children,, one of which died, and a son and daughter who survive him.-Wm.A.Yerzley of Neward, N.York, and Mrs.Annie Allen of Brinkley, Ark. The remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery Wednesday morning, Rev.Allen of Brinkley and Rev.Homer M.McLain of Forrest City offficiating.
03/13/24 MARTIN MARY MRS WILLIAMS 1851 3 10 1924 CITY Mrs.Mary Williams Martin died Monday midnight, Mar.10,1924, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Charles Kelly at Pine Tree. Mrs.Martin was 73 years of age at the time of her death and had been ill for some time of dropsy which developed from a severe attack of the flu. She was a native of Winchester, Tenn., where she received her education at the Mary Sharp College. She had made her home many years and in Memphis. The body was brought from Pine Tree and the funeral was had Wednesday at with interment at the Forrest City Cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the Christian church. The surviving relatives are two daughters, Mrs.Charles Kelly of Pine Tree, and Mrs.V.Barringer of Memphis; two brothers, Judge R.J.Williams, of this city, and J.B.Williams of Little Rock; one sister, Mrs.A.M.Moore of Memphis, all of whom save Mrs. Moore were in attendance at the funeral. A niece, Mrs.Stella Graham of Memphis also attended.
03/13/24 BROWN LUCINDA MRS MAY 1867 3 9 1924 HUGHES Mrs. Lucy Brown died Sunday morning, Mar.9,1924, at her home on the Ridge after an illness of about six weeks. Deceased was 57 years of age. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon by Rev.M.V.Womack of the Methodist church, with interment in the Hughes cemetery. Mrs.Brown is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs.Leonard Myers, and a twin brother, A.S.May. A Loving Tribute to a Kind and Faithful Aunt: Mrs. Robert Brown, aged 58, died at 12:45 p.m. March 9,1924, at her home in Johnson township, after a protracted illness, from an internal ailment. Although suffering was intense, the end came peacefully, she seemingly having gone to sleep. Mrs.Brown, formerly Miss Lucy May, was married in 1894, to Mr.Robert Brown. To this union were born two daughters; Lenn, who passed way on in infancy, and Mrs.Leonard Myers of this city. In 1889, Mrs.James Brown, sister of the deceased, passed on, leaving four small children in her care. She assumed the responsibility unfalteringly, having proved faithful to her charge. The under signed can but reflect over the past, and with grateful hearts render thanks to God, "the giver of every good and perfect gift," For all good bestowed upon them through her loving deeds. None of the children were present when death came, except Mrs.E.C.Anderson of Tulsa, Okla., a niece, who reached her three days before death and nursed her faithfully in the end, and her daughter, Mrs.Leonard Myers. The writer,,of Davidson, Okla., a niece: Roger Brown of Casper, Wyoming, a nephew; and Norman H.Brown of Los Angeles, Calif., a nephew, were unable to attend the funeral. Signed: Mrs.T.A.Fallis, Mrs.E.C.Anderson, Roger T.Brown, and Norman H.Brown.
03/13/24 WEIER CHARLES G. 1852 3 13 1922 CITY in Memorial: In memory of our dear husband and father, Charles G.Weier, who passed away March 13,1922. Wife and children.
03/20/24 MALLORY REUBEN 10 12 1898 3 15 1924 MT.VERNON Reuben Mallory, horribly injured by being mashed between two gravel trucks died in a Memphis hospital shortly after noon on Saturday, Mar.15,1924. Every effort to save him was made by the four physicians and surgeons called to handle the case, but they were of no avail. The body was brought to Forrest City for burial and funeral services were held from his residence on North Rosser Street Sunday afternoon, followed by interment in the family burial plot at Mt.Vernon cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev.Blount P.Davidson and Rev.W.V.Womack. Pall bearers were:Chas.Gorman, Marshall Reid, Fred Swan, R.C.Eldridge, Charles Havens, and Walter Prewett. The services were attended by a large part of the people of the city and friends of the deceased and family; and many floral offerings covered the mound. Reuben Mallory was a native of Forrest City, and was born Oct.12,1898, and had made his home in this city. During the past four or five years he had been engaged in work for the various road districts, operating a number of trucks hauling gravel, as contractor. During the past few weeks he had been employed by the Highway Department to do similar work, and as a mechanic, keeping the trucks in repair. His devotion to duty, is well expressed in an article from his foreman. On March 15,1919, he had married Miss Madeline Birkicht and to this union one child, Gwendolyn, blessed their home. In addition to his wife and child, he is survived by his parents, Mr.and Mrs.Emmett Mallory; one brother, Henry, aged 14; and two sisters, Bessie aged 12, and Mary aged 27, and by a large number more distantly related.
03/20/24 GRISSON THOMAS 3 11 1853 3 13 1924 CITY Thomas Grisson died on Thursday morning of last week, Mar.13,1924. at his home on Wolf street at the age of 69 years, 11 months, and 28 days. Mr.Grisson was a native of Lawrence Co., Tenn. He was one of the charter members of the Christian church in this city, having joined the church during a meeting conducted by Rev.Haddock when the church was organized. The funeral was conducted by Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the Christian church Friday afternoon. Interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery. The deceased is survived by a widow, and one daughter, Mrs.Lela Waldrep, and two grand children.
03/20/24 HORTON HERMAN A. JR 4 8 1855 3 15 1924 LOUGHRIDGE The community and especially the neighborhood in which he lived was shocked by the sudden death of H.A.Horton, who died Saturday afternoon at his home in Newcastle. Mr.Horton was apparently in good health and working around his farm as usual. At two o'clock he came into the house and complained of an illness in his stomach. A dose of soda was administered and Mr.Horton expressed himself as feeling relieved, but the attack again came on and befroe assistance could be called he dropped dead on the threshold between the living and dining rooms. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon with interment in the Loughridge cemetery with services conducted by Rev.Wm.Sherman presiding elder of the Methodist church. Mr.Horton would have been 70 years old on the 8th day of April. He was born in New Albany, Miss., having moved to the Newcastle neighborhood about fifty years ago where he was united in marriage about thirty tree years ago to Miss Cora Anderson of Newcastle. The deceased is survived by his widow, two sons, Clyde and Harold Horton; one daughter, Mrs.A.P.Eiland of Greenwood, Miss.; one brother, E.L.Horton, and one sister, Mrs.Etta Nicholsm, both of Newcastle. He was a prosperous planter, and a substantial citizen, whose passing will be keenly felt.
04/03/24 HOUSTON BETTY MRS MARTIN 1869 3 28 1924 CITY Mrs.Betty Martin Houston died at her home in Widener Friday night, Mar.28,1924, after an extended illness. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Mrs.Houston was born in Boonville, Miss.; she passed away in her fifty fifth year. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs.Pauline Rock and Mrs.Leonard Stone of Ft.Worth, Texas; and two brothers, R.G.Martin of West Plains, Mo. and Lon Martin, of Boonville, Miss. Her brothers and a niece were among those in attendance at the funeral from out of town.
04/10/24 Friday MARTIN WILLIAM 1867 4 10 1924 Unknown William Martin, aged 57 years, died Thursday night from traumatic pneumonia, hastened by gun shot wounds inflicted last Sunday, according to attending physician Dr.P.P.Boggan. Martin was shot by Will Anderson Sunday morning, at the Ferguson farm southwest of Forrest City. An inquest will be held Friday. Anderson, who will plead justifiable cause, is held under small bond pending the outcome of the Coroner's inquest.
4/17/24 Thursday SLAUGHTER SALLIE MRS JONES 8 19 1850 4 13 1924 MARIANNA Mrs.Sallie Jones Slaughter died at two o'clock Sunday morning, April 13,1924, at her home in Brinkley after an illness from an attack of paralysis. Mrs.Slaughter was born in Mississippi county on Aug.19,1850 and was the daughter of William Irby and Elizabeth Buckner Jones. As a child she came to this county with her parents and lived with them on what was known as the Sugar Hill Plantation about eight miles below town. On Feb.28,1871 she married Lon Slaughter, and for awhile they lived on the home place, and since leaving there her life had been spent in Lee county, with the exception of the past few months spent in Brinkley. Three daughters were born of her marriage: Maude, Bessie and Bertha, all of whom, except the latter, who is now Mrs.J.H.Stevens, preceded her mother in death. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon with interment in Marianna cemetery and conducted by Rev.C.L.Hammock, pastor of the First Baptist Church there. Mrs.Slaughter's body was laid to rest beside those of her daughters. In 1869, she united with what was then the Forrest Chapel Baptist Church and since that time had lived a truly consistent Christian life. Surviving are her husband, and her daughter, Mrs.J.H.Stevens, and three grand children: Mrs.S.H.Mann, Sr., and Mrs.A.A.French of this city are nieces. and nephews, John I.Jones and Lawrence Jones.
4/17/24 Thursday WORRALL ANNA HANNAH MRS YOUNG 1846 4 12 1924 McDaniel Mrs.Anna Young Worrall died at her home south of Forrest City about 6:30 Saturday night, Apr.12,1924, from the result of burns received the previous Thursday. Very little hope was held for her recovery from the moment the extent of the burns was learned, though every effort was made to alleviate her suffering, and to effect a recovery is such had been possible. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon, Rev.Myron L.Morley affiliating. Burial was had at the McDaniel family cemetery, with the following as pall bearers: W.P.Gorman, J.M.Gilliam, J.E.Ferguson, H.A.Knight, Wilbur S.Alley, and James Alley. Mrs.Worrall was born in England 78 years ago. Forty one years ago she married Samuel Worrall, coming to the United States immediately afterward. Mr.and Mrs.Worrall spent a few months in Tennessee, then moved to Forrest City where they have resided for more than fifty years, loved, honored and respected by all the people of the community. She was a communicant of the Episcopal church. Mrs.Worrall is survived by her husband, three children:J.W.Worrall and Mrs.S.P.McDaniel of Forrest City and Albert E.Worrall of Texarkana; other relatives are step? daughter, Mrs.Annie Ophelia Wilkie of Forrest City, nine grand children.W.E. and J.S.Worrall, Carl E., S.P., Mildred, Thomas, Elizabeth McDaniel and Myra and Archie Wilkie.
05/08/24 NOLAND INFANT DAUGHTER 4 27 1924 5 6 1924 YOCONA On Tuesday, May 6,1924, the infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Wil Noland died at the age of ten days. Funeral services were conducted at Yocona cemetery Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev.Blount F.Davidson, pastor of the First Baptist Church.
05/15/24 PREWITT MAGGIE MEDUSA MRS DeRossitt 1857 5 14 1924 CITY Mrs.Maggie Prewitt died Wednesday noon, May 14,1924. Mrs.Prewitt had been in ill health for several years, and death came as a release. She was born in Prestonburg, Ky. sixty seven years ago, and came to Arkansas in 1878. She was the relict of Mr.George Prewitt, well known in St.Francis county. She is mourned by her only brother, Mr.Jim DeRossitt, who is the last of the old DeRossitt family. The funeral took place from the residence. Interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Mrs. Prewitt was a good woman and her many acts of kindness to her neighbors will perpetuate her name. "Love thy neighbor as thyself' was her creed. d/o Tolbert DeRossett and Madusa Deanw/o (1st) John Thomas Powers Srw/o (2nd) George Elgin Prewett m/o Frank Monroe DeRossitt*, John Thomas Powers Jr, James Weston Powers, and 4 children by George Prewett who died very young of yellow fever per find a grave site
05/15/24 WILSON SON 1912 5 13 1924 HUGHES? The twelve year old son of Mr.and Mrs.James Wilson, of Pine Tree, who had been ill with pneumonia, died Tuesday night. Funeral services were held at 11 o'clock this morning, conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns.
05/22/24 SWAN JAMES W. 6 24 1861 5 20 1924 HUGHES James W.Swan passed away Tuesday night, May 20,1924, at the residence of his nephew, J.B.Swan, in Johnson township, after failing health for two or more years. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev.W.S.Sherman, interment in the Hughes cemetery. James W.Swan was born in Mississippi, June 24, 1861, and came to St.Francis county with his parents in 1871, and has resided here in the Newcastle neighborhood ever since, where he had been engaged in farming and carpenter work until his illness, which began with a partial paralysis about two years ago. Bright's Disease complicated his troubles, so his passing, while bringing sorrow to a wide circle of friends, was not unexpected. Deceased was one of five brothers, the only surviving one being R.K.Swan of the city. He is survived by a number of nephews and nieces, John and Tom Swan of Memphis coming over to attend the services. James W.Swan never married, but remained at the family home until the passing of his parents, his mother going to her reward in 1915. He was a good and useful citizen, and his passing is mourned by the community.
05/22/24 PEEVEY JAMES J. 9 21 1848 5 20 1924 YARBROUGH J.J.Peevey, of Colt, died Tuesday morning, May 20,1924, at his home in Colt. Funeral services will be held this afternoon with interment in the Yarbrough cemetery. Mr.Peevey was a resident of St.Francis county for more than a half century, coming in 1872 from Alabama. He was formerly engaged in the mercantile business in Colt, but retired on account of his advanced age several years ago. He was a substantial planter, a substantial citizen, and his passing brings sorrow to a large circle of friends.
05/29/24 DAVIS ARTHUR WILSON 3 18 1876 5 23 1924 ARIZONA Arthur W. Davis, a native of St.Francis county but for the past twenty five years, a resident of Prescott, Arizona, died suddenly at his home in Prescott, Friday, May 23,1924, of heart failure. Just a few moments before his death Mr.Davis had phoned to friends in Phoenix of and intended visit there a day or two later. Funeral services were held in Prescott Sunday afternoon. Arthur Wilson Davis was born in St.Francis county Mar.18,1876, the son of the late Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Davis. He is well and favorably remembered here by a large number of the people of the county, who sorrow with the family in bereavement. He is survived by his wife and two children, who are in high school, Arthur Jr. and Nellie May Davis of Prescott, Ariz., and the following brothers and sisters; Mrs.Eugene J.Barrow, Mrs.John Cargill, and Miss Pearl Davis, of Forrest City; Mrs.Joe Mosby, of Crawfordsville; Mrs.John Mosby, Mrs.M.R.Atkinson and Miss Myrtle Davis of Memphis; Ben Davis, Little Rock, and J.L.Davis of Prescott. On account of insufficient time to reach Prescott before the funeral, but during the funeral hour all the surviving brothers and sisters, save J.L.Davis, (who was in Prescott) assembled in Forrest City. He had been a contractor, working on such projects as the early railroad construction in the west, and had been become an locomotive engineer, who ranked high. One of his exploits was to make a record run across northern Arizona at the throttle of the "Death Valley" Scotty on his transcontinental trip, and that eccentric traveler and spender had remembered Art, with a beautiful engraved gold watch, which he carried until his death. His last great work was the Williamson Valley, where he conceived the idea of building a great truck farming district. The Williamson Valley dam was to have been started on June 10 with construction forces arranged and a good start toward the ultimate financing. He was one of the most active members of the Chamber of Commerce. The funeral will be in charge of the Elks Prescott Lodge No. 330.
06/12/24 TERRY ELIZABETH JANE MRS NEWMAN 8 20 1849 6 7 1924 HUGHES The body of Mrs.Elizabeth Jane Terry arrived here Monday from Knoxville, Tenn., where she died Saturday morning, June 7,1924, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.J.E.Darr. Mrs.Terry's death came after a long illness and she passed out peacefully with her children and grand children gathered at her bedside. The deceased had lived a useful and happy life and went to her eternal reward at the ripe old age of 75 years, 9 months, and eighteen days. She was the widow of James Alvin Terry. Mrs.Terry was born in Cleveland, Tenn., but at an early age was brought to Forrest City by her parents, who were pioneer settlers of this section. On Sep.10, 1866 she was united in marriage to Mr.Terry, and from this happy union nine children were born, of whom three survive: Funeral services for Mrs.Terry were held in Knoxville Sunday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev.Joseph H.Miller, or Park City Presbyterian church assisted by Rev.Fred F.Brown of the First Baptist Church. On arriving here, the remains were taken to the home of her daughter in law, Mrs.E.C.Walker. The funeral was held on Tuesday morning from the W.S.Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, and was conducted by Rev.Miller, who accompanied the body from Knoxville, assisted by Rev. H.M.McLain pastor of the church, Rev.Blount F.Davidson of the Baptist church, and Rev.W.V.Womack, of the First Methodist church. Mrs.Terry left Forrest City about eleven years ago, having spent the last four years of her life with her daughter in Knoxville. The active pall bearers were: Messrs. C.E.Turley, W.W.Campbell, W.C.Fletcher, R.C.Eldridge, J.G.Sanders, O.W.Rollwage, and T.A. Buford; honorary, Messrs. N.B.Nelson, E.A.Rolfe, A.L.Stevens, J.M.Nichols, R.L.Pettus, Dr.J.O.Rush, J.D.Baugh, and H.W.Fisher. Among those from out of town were Mrs.J.E.Darr and her children, John Edgar and Ernest Darr; a son, Dr.P.E.Terry and wife of Holly Grove, and their children Ernestine, May Belle, and J.B.Terry; another son, Ernest Terry and wife of Atlanta, Ga.; a grand daughter, Mrs.M.C.Maxwell and husband of Knoxville; A daughter in law, Mrs.M.R.Terry of Cotton Plant; Mrs.Frank Bright, of Cotton Plant; Earl Montgomery of Memphis; Miss Earle Ballard of Bartlett, Tenn., and Rev.Miller of Knoxville. Those unable to attend were a grandson, Bronte Terry of Dallas, Texas, and a grand daughter, Miss Eunice Terry, but the later were at the bedside when death came.
06/19/24 CRAIG IDA MRS Unk 6 16 1924 ELMWOOD The body of Mrs.Ida Thomas Craig, 70, former Memphian, who died Monday morning, June 16,1924, was brought to Memphis this afternoon and buried at Elmwood cemetery. Brief services were held at the grave side. Memphis relatives who survive Mrs.Craig and Richard G.Craig, a nephew of 273 Avalon street and Mrs.W.M.Slack, a niece of 254 North Stonewall Place. A daughter, Mrs.M/B.Norfleet, Sr., of Forrest City, Ark., and a son P.G.Craig, of Little Rock, also survive. J.T.Hinton & Sons were in charge of funeral arrangements. The funeral services in Memphis attended by members of the Norfleet family in this city, Mr.and Mrs.Norfleet accompanying the body from Little Rock. From Tuesday's News Scimitar.
06/19/24 WEBB MOLLIE S. MRS THOMAS 3 12 1848 6 19 1924 CITY Funeral services for Mrs.Mollie Webb will be held Friday morning, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Linn Turley. Services will be conducted by Rev.Myron L.Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd. The remains will be laid to rest in the Forrest City Cemetery, alongside those of her husband, Dr.W.M.Webb, who passed on to his reward a couple of months ago. Mrs.Webb had been ill only a short time, suffering a stroke of paralysis about one week ago. Very little hope for her recovery had been entertained at any time, and she passed away this morning, June 19,1924, at about 5 o'clock. Mrs.Webb is survived by one daughter, Mrs.Linn Turley, and has no other close relatives. Deceased was 76 years of age at the time of her death. She came to this county with Dr.Webb and their children in 1890, and since that death has removed two of her sons, John V. and Will Webb, one daughter, Mrs.J.H.Sanders, and her husband, leaving Mrs.Turley the lone survivor. During the past fifteen years she had lived with her chief interest for the welfare and comfort of her husband, who was afflicted, always cheerful, always trusting the wisdom of her Maker. During the past few months she has made her home with her daughter.
06/26/24 DIXON E. C. MRS Unk 6 20 1924 UNKNOWN Cotton Belt Kills Woman at Widener Rail Crossing: From Saturday's Gazette: Mrs.E.C.Dixon, aged 26, of St.Joseph, Mo., was killed; her husband age 33, and their six year old son, Herbert Craig Dixon, were injured seriously when the Cotton Belt train No.625, west bound, struck their automobile at a crossing about 50 yards east of the passenger station at Widener, St.Francis County, at noon yesterday. Mrs.Dixon was the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Leveck, 2600 Battery Street. The body is at Healey & Roth place. The couple were driving a Chalmers touring car, and apparently did not see the train coming toward them when he attempted to cross the tracks. Mr.Dixon also died on Sunday night according to article on June 23.
07/03/24 KIMBLE MABEL 1 1924 6 30 1924 WYLDS Mabel Kimble, infant daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Kimble died Monday, June 30,1924, morning at the age of six months. Funeral was held Monday afternoon, with interment in the Wylds cemetery, services were conducted at the home by Rev.Blount P.Davidson, of the Baptist Church, and at the grave by Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church.
07/03/24 WOLFE F. BRUCE 4 14 1911 6 29 1924 CITY Bruce Wolfe, aged 13 son of Mr.and Mrs.F.B.Wolfe, was horribly burned Saturday night about dark when fumes from a gasoline tank became ignited by a lantern he was holding, and he died about 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 29,1924. His father, in tearing the burning clothes from the boy, suffered severe burns on his hands and arms. The tragedy occurred on the Riverview Plantation of John W.Naylor, near Old River Club. Mr.Wolfe, who is a highly esteemed citizen of this county, and farm manager for Mr.Naylor, was drawing gasoline from a tank, near dusk, and Bruce had brought a lantern to enable his father to see his work. Bruce ran when the flames ignited his clothing, and before his father could overtake him, he was burned nearly all over his body. They were brought to Forrest City where the boy was treated by Dr.J.A.Bogart and F.L.Proctor, and Dr.McCown treated the father. Later Bruce was carried to the home of Mr.and Mrs.John W.Alderson, where he passed away later. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon by Father Norton and the remains laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery.
07/10/24 TRAPP SYDENHAM B. 11 25 1874 7 4 1924 GEORGIA-CUTHBERT-Greenwood Cemetery Mr.S.B.Trapp passes away at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis last Thursday night. The remains were carried to his home in Cuthbert, Ga. for interment. 07/17/24 The funeral services of the late S.B.Trapp was held in Cuthbert, Ga. on Friday, July 11, Rev.E.M.House, pastor of the Methodist church officiating. Mr.Trapp requested to be buried with his father and brothers in Cuthbert, which was also his birth place. Mrs. Lola F.Trapp returned Saturday evening accompanied by Mrs.C.H.White of Plattsburg, N.York, sister of Mr.Trapp, also by Mr.and Mrs.T.F.Everetts, of Beaumont, Texas. Birth and Death per Death Certificate Memphis, Tenn. Cause of Death was ptomain poisoning due to meat. Father at same cemetery, same name: Birth: 1841 Death: 1911 Cuthber, Randolph County Georgia, USA- A member of Co. F, 5th Reg. "Cuthbert Rifles" Randolph Co. Ga., May 10, 1861, transferred to Co. A: to Co. C, 28th Battn. Ga Siege Artillery August 1, 1864. He has a family marker. (CSA)
07/17/24 PEARSON WILLIAM A. 1857 7 14 1924 CITY After a lingering illness of a number of months' duration Wm.A. Pearson passed away on Monday morning, July 14,1924. He was 67 years of age and had spent the greater part of his life in this county, having come from Brandon, Miss., with his parents, about 1873. His parents were George W. and M.A.Pearson, both of whom passed away here and are buried in this cemetery. He leaves a sister, Mrs.C.C.McMurchey, and two aunts, Mrs.T.V.Prude and Mrs.B.T.Manning. He belonged to the Woodmen of the World and was a very active Odd Fellow. At his request, the Odd Fellows had full charge of the funeral services and was laid away by a large number of brothers who used the beautiful and impressive burial ritual of the lodge. Bill Pearson had the reputation among all who knew him of being kind and generous to a fault. He was always ready to aid the needy or distressed and was always on hand to help the sick. He will be missed by a large circle of friends and we extend the sincere sympathy to his lonely sister and aunts.
07/17/24 FRIAR BENJAMIN CUSTER 4 13 1876 7 15 1924 CITY The announcement of the sudden death of Benjamin Custer Friar, of this city, which occurred in Hughes Tuesday morning, July 15, 1924, came as a shock to his immediate family and a host of friends. Death was due to heart failure. Mr.Friar was born April 13, 1876, near Haynes, Lee County, and during the greater part of his life has operated large farming interests in the county near Hughes. Funeral services were held in Forrest City Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev.Homer McLain pastor of the Presbyterian church, of which the deceased was a member. Immediately following the funeral services his remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery, surrounded by a large circle of relatives and friends who came to pay last tribute to one they loved and held in high esteem. Active pall bearers were: R.C.Eldridge, Bert Mallory, S.J.Dean, D.E.Hoshall, Louis McDaniel, H.A.Knight; honorary:T.A.Buford, S.A.Rolfe, E.A.Rolfe, T.B.Green, A.L.Stevens, J.F.McDougal, John W.Alderson, A.D.McDaniel, J.J.Hughes, Jr., M.E.Newburn, Will Newburn, R.C. Nickle, W.A.Spivey, D.L.Griffin, C.C.Michiner, and J.O.McDougal. The deceased was married in 1902 to Miss Annie Lynch, of Haynes, to which union was born one daughter, Miss Kari Friar. Besides the widow and daughter, two sisters and a brother survive him:Mrs.Tom Connor of Cody, Ark.; Mrs.J.T.Pipkin of Dallas, Texas; and Mr.John Friar of Marianna.
07/17/24 WILLIAMS HENRY Unk 7 14 1924 Unknown Coroner Eugene Barrow was called Tuesday to hold an inquest over the body of a negro man named Henry Williams, who was killed by another negro named Bogie Guyton, Monday morning, July 14,1924, in the northwest corner of the city. A car occupied by a half dozen negroes halted in the middle of the street, and as Williams started to get out, Guyton stabbed him, reaching the heart on the first blow. They had quarreled over a woman. Guyton was captured and is now in jail.
07/17/24 SCOTT J. M. Unk 7 12 1924 Unknown In a raid on a still near Heth Sunday morning by Federal and county officers, headed by Sheriff Sanders, J.M.Scott, of Memphis, was killed and L.M.Crawford, also of Memphis, was wounded in the leg. The men ran, according to the testimony given in the coroner's inquest, when the officers opened fire, hitting Scott three times in the back and wounding Crawford in the leg. The verdict of the inquest were that the deceased was killed by officers in the performance of their duty.
07/17/24 TANKERSLEY OLLIE 1898 7 12 1924 OAKLAWN Ollie Tankersley Dead in an Auto Smash-Jonesboro, July 13-William Ollie Tankersley of Juddhill, a small town in Poinsett County near Trumann was killed in an automobile accident sometime last night, July 12, 1924, but owing to the fact that he was alone when killed the details will never be known. He was found by Felix Archer, a man of this city, who was driving from Jonesboro to Memphis. A Ford car in which Tankersley had been riding was found turned over in a ditch in several feet of water, and pinned the body underneath the car. He was 26 years of age, and was engaged in farming near Juddhill. He was formerly of Forrest City, being the oldest son of Mr.and Mrs.John Tankersley of Widener. He was educated at the Jonesboro State Agricultural School in 1918 and was a football player second to none in the history of the school. He married Miss Dorothy Diamant of this city, and to this union there has been one daughter, both of whom survive with his parents. The funeral will be held in this city tomorrow with interment in the Oaklawn Cemetery.
07/24/24 COLLINS FRED Unk 7 1924 Unknown Coroner Eugene Barrow was called to hold an inquest over the body of a negro named Fred Collins, employed by the bridge gang for the Rock Island, who was drowned in the St.Francis river under the railroad bridge crossing that stream. The foreman testified that they were working on a float, and when noon was called for dinner, Collins instead of going by rope to safety, handed him two dollars, saying he would swim ashore. When asked if he could swim, he answered yes and overboard he plunged. No notice was taken until he was observed thrashing around in the water when he was about 15 to 20 feet away. Efforts were made to rescue him, but he sank to rise no more. The body was recovered later and taken to the Stevens Undertaking Establishment, where the inquest was held. The verdict was accidental drowning.
08/07/24 HOMEWOOD DORRIS Unk 8 2 1924 Unknown Little Dorris Homewood, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.D.L.Homewood, was killed suddenly by a log rolling over her Saturday afternoon, Aug.2,1924, at the home of R.F.Clems. She had just left the house to play with her sister, and playmates, in the wood lot. They were trying to kill a scorpion under a log; they turned the log over, not thinking that it would keep rolling and it rolled over her before the children knew it was down hill.
08/14/24 CHEW ROBERT EDWARD CAPT. 10 28 1839 8 1 1924 HOLLY SPRINGS Captain R.E.Chew, father of Mrs.William Dawson of this city, died in Memphis, Tenn. Friday, Aug.1,1924, in the home of his daughter, Mrs.Ted Jones. Deceased served in the Confederate army throughout the war, giving distinguished service. He was one of the pioneer merchants and planters in Northern Mississippi, and had made his home in Holly Springs for a long number of years. He was a deep thinker, making many contributions to newspapers and magazines of wide circulation. He died at the age of 87 years. His body was carried to Holly Springs for interment, accompanied by Mrs.Dawson from this city, and a number of relatives and friends from Memphis and other points. He is survived by six children as follows:Mrs.M.K.Upshaw and Mrs.R.B.Byersley of Helena; Mrs.Ted Jones and R.E.Chew Jr., of Memphis; Mrs.William Dawson of Forrest City; and F.H.Chew of Little Rock. Date of Death and Birth Per Death Certificate-Memphis, Tenn.-Father John Chew, mother Mary Ann (Smith)-both born Mississippi. Cause of death chronic nephritis. Per 1920 census, he lived with wife. Mary P. Chew, in the household of Mr.and Mrs.Wiliam T.Jones and wife Eva B. Helena, Ward 2, Phillips Co.,Ark. His parents born in Maryland.
08/14/24 NORVELL W. L. Unk 8 16 1924 Unknown Coroner Eugene Barrow was summoned to hold inquest over the body of W.L.Norvell on Saturday, Aug.16,1924,. At first it was supposed that Norvell had committed suicide, but upon investigation, the jury came to the conclusion that death was accidental. Mr.Norvell was Superintendent of the Morgan & West Box Co. at Madison, and stood well with his employer and employees.
08/14/24 SHERMAN JOE Unk 8 11 1924 Unknown The Deadly Watermelon: Joe Sherman and C.S.Gladden quarreled over the division of a watermelon Monday morning, Aug.11,1924, near Rawlison, Result; the Coroner, Eugene Barrow, held inquest over the body of Joe. Gladden used a shotgun, with effect, buckshot taking effect in Sherman' shoulder. Both were white men, and Gladden is out on $500.00 bail.
08/14/24 MANN MAMIE MISS Unk 8 15 1924 PINE BLUFF Miss Mann Passes Away Last Friday: The city was saddened last Friday morning by the receipt of a message announcing that Miss Mamie Mann of this city had passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs.W.T.Brasher, of Pine Bluff, a victim of typhoid fever. Six weeks ago, accompanied by her mother, Miss Mann went to Pine Bluff intending to pass the summer with her sister, but immediately upon her arrival there she developed symptoms of typhoid fever and took to the bed from which she never arose. The end came at 12:50 a.m., Friday, Aug.15, 1924. All of the family, except her brother, Judge S.H.Mann, who is on a trip in Europe were at the bedside when the end came. The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs.Brasher, conducted by the Rev.Mr.Whorley of the Methodist church, on Saturday, followed by interment in Pine Bluff. The deceased was born in Brownsville, Tenn., the youngest of 13 children of William Burkley and Victoria Wilson Mann. While she was a small child, the family moved to Pine Bluff, where she resided until twelve years ago, when she and her mother moved to Forrest City, making this their home. He mother, seven sisters and three brothers survive; Mrs.V.V.Mann, Mrs.W.A.Morrow of Forrest City; W.R.Mann of Marianna; Mrs.J.T.Herron of Jackson, Tenn.; J.H. Mann of Pine Bluff; S.H.Mann Sr., of Forrest City; Mrs.W.J. Northcross of Memphis; Mrs. M.B.Barker of St.Petersburg, Fla. Mrs.A.Knox of Baltimore, Md.;Mrs.W.T.Brasher of Pine Bluff; Mrs.William Crutcher of Pine Bluff. Another sister, Mrs.J.K.Walker of Memphis, Tenn. passed away last December. Miss Mann was an aunt of Mrs.J.B.Johnston, S.H.Mann, Jr., Mrs.B.Frank King, and Mrs.W.W.Campbell of Forrest City. During the twelve years of residence in this city Miss Mann endeared herself to all with whom she came in contact.
08/28/24 CLARK DAVID A. JR 4 2 1909 8 23 1924 HUGHES David A.Clark, son of Mr.and Mrs.David A.Clark Sr., died Saturday morning, Aug.23,1924. His death was the result of mitigated malaria. He was 15 years of age at the time of his death. Deceased was a bright and cheerful boy, and the news of his death came as a sad and sudden shock. He was taken ill Thursday and succombed to the illness Saturday morning at 1:15 a.m. Funeral services were conducted in the home by Rev.C.G.Schwratz. Interment was had in the Hughes cemetery.
09/04/24 HUMPHREY JOEL BRUCE JR 1 20 1866 9 2 1924 HUGHES After an illness of about three years, Joe Bruce Humphrey, well known farmer, passed away Tuesday morning, Sep.2,1924,at his home about four miles north of the city. Heart trouble was given as the cause of death. He had been in extremely bad health since last June, and death came as a relief to his sufferings. Funeral services were held at the Hughes Cemetery Wednesday morning, conducted by Rev.Homer M.McClain of the Presbyterian Church, of which faith the deceased had been a devoted and useful member since early manhood. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and the Odd Fellows. He is survived by his widow, who before her marriage was Miss Docia Satterfield, and by two sons, Norman and Lamar Humphrey. Another son, Earl died in 1917. He is also survived by two brothers, R.L.Humphrey, of Forrest City, and S.P.Humphrey, of Gastonia, N.C. A sister, Mrs.W.B.Weaver, passed away last year. Joe Bruce Humphrey was born in Gastonia, N.C., January 20,1866, and moved to Forrest City in 1888. He was a useful citizen, a true Christian, a kind father, and loving husband, and his passing has brought sorrow to many hearts.
09/04/24 BURNS INFANT DAUGHTER Unk 8 30 1924 CITY The infant daughter of Rev.and Mrs.J.S.Burns died Saturday, Aug.30, 1924, and was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery on Sunday.
09/18/24 CONNAWAY PHILLIP KEARNEY 3 4 1865 9 14 1924 CITY Phillip K.Connaway, postmaster of Forrest City, died Sunday night, Sep.14,1924, from the effects of a second stroke of paralysis, sustained on the fourth day of August. The end came peacefully, and he was conscious up until a few minutes before death. Deceased was stricken about one and a half years ago, and never recovered the use of his right arm. The second stroke came on the night of Aug.4, while at the Rock Island depot. He improved slightly the next few days, but his condition grew gradually worse and he grew weaker until the end came. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning from the Christian church, of which he was a member, conducted by the pastor, Rev.J.G.Mason, assisted by Rev.J.S.Fuller and Rev.William Sherman. Interment was had at the Forrest City Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were in charge of W.E.Stevens & Co., and the pall bearers were as follows:Active:John I.Jones, Dale Choate, Chas.Waterman, Fred Herring, H.T.Royce and J.F.Hunter. Honorary:W.H.Aldridge, W.L.Lawrence, Victor H.Hunt, John C.Bell, W.J.Lanier, P.B.Buford, E.J.Buford, J.F.Stout, A.L.Stevens, Walton Beazley, Calvin Nail, Lamar Humphreys, Norman Humphreys, H.W.Gregory, Harry Kinnerman, Grady Beazley, and H.P.Dooley. He is survived by his widow, two brothers, and three children. The brothers, D.H.Connaway of Dodge City, Kansas, and J.W.Connaway of Columbia, Mo. The children:Marshall, Bernadine, and Fred. Marshall was in Salt Lake City, Utah, and unable to attend the funeral but is expected to arrive today. Mr.Connaway was born in Stockton, Mo., March 4,1865. He came to Forrest City in Dec.1915, with his family, and they have resided here since that date. He engaged in the mercantile business and was proprietor of the Connaway Variety Store at the time of his appointment to postmaster to succeed Linn Turley in July, 1922. He was a Republican in politics, and loyal to his friends and party. His widow, Mrs.Emma W.Connaway, has been appointed to succeed him in the postmaster of Forrest City position recommended by H.L.Remmel and John C.Bell, county leader of the Republicans.
10/16/24 JOHNSON ROXIE MRS MOORE 1897 10 15 1924 WIDENER Mrs.Roxie Moore Johnson,of Widener, died about 11 o'clock last night, Oct.15,1924, from burns received from an exploding can of kerosene a few hours earlier. Death came as a relief from his sufferings, as it was realized from the first that he would not recover. Her entire body, face and head were burned beyond recognition. Deceased was an orphan child of the late H.K. and Belle Davis Moore of Widener, and was making her home with Mrs.Pat Roberts. She has one brother, Charles Moore, of Widener, two sisters, one living in Wynne, and the other in California. She was 27 years of age, and had lately been employed in one of the mercantile establishments at Hughes. For a number of years she was the assistant post mistress of Widener, and had numerous friends, who are grieved over her untimely end. About 6:30 p.m. she went to the kitchen to start a fire, intending to make some candy. Not realizing there were live coals in the stove, she started pouring kerosene from a five gallon can on the kindling in the stove. The explosion followed, and everything was done to alleviate the pain, but the burns were so extensive and deep, that medical science was of no avail. Funeral services are expected this afternoon, with interment in Widener.
10/16/24 SUTTON SARAH FRANCES MRS 1835 10 15 1924 CITY Mrs.Sarah Frances Sutton, aged 89 years, died about ten o'clock last night at her home on Division street, of acute indigestion. She is survived by one sister, Mrs.E.A.Henderson of Oklahoma, one daughter, Mrs.Frank E.Smith of Little Rock, and one step-daughter, Mrs.J.E.Wagnon of Lachapoka, Alabama. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev.J.R.G.White of Little Rock, former beloved pastor of the church of this city, in which the deceased had been a devoted member for a long number of years. Mrs.Sutton had numerous friends in the city and county, and they will read of her passing with sorrow.
10/16/24 JONES ED Unk 10 14 1924 Unknown Two Killed near Hughes: Tuesday, Eugene J.Barrow, Coroner was called to the J.O.E.Beck place, 4 miles south of Hughes, to hold an inquest over the body of Ed Jones, who had been killed by Will Lewis. Will Lewis, who had been drinking, witnesses say, went to a party given at one of the negro homes on the Beck place, and in a quarrel pulled a gun but was disarmed by several of the negroes that were present. He left, but returned later with another pistol and proceeded to take the place, and when Ed Jones tried to quiet him, Lewis shot and killed Jones. Deputy Sheriff G.T.Duke, of Hughes, had learned that Lex Harrell, a negro living on the Goodhope place, east of the Beck place, was the vendor of the white mule and started to arrest him. Harrell resisted and drew his gun, at this Duke shot and killed him. The coroner's verdict was that Jones came to his death at the hands of Will Lewis, and he was held without bond to the grand jury on a charge of murder.
10/16/24 HARRELL LEX Unk 10 14 1924 Unknown Two Killed near Hughes: Tuesday, Eugene J.Barrow, Coroner was called to the J.O.E.Beck place, 4 miles south of Hughes, to hold an inquest over the body of Ed Jones, who had been killed by Will Lewis. Will Lewis, who had been drinking, witnesses say, went to a party given at one of the negro homes on the Beck place, and in a quarrel pulled a gun but was disarmed by several of the negroes that were present. He left, but returned later with another pistol and proceeded to take the place, and when Ed Jones tried to quiet him, Lewis shot and killed Jones. Deputy Sheriff G.T.Duke, of Hughes, had learned that Lex Harrell, a negro living on the Goodhope place, east of the Beck place, was the vendor of the white mule and started to arrest him. Harrell resisted and drew his gun, at this Duke shot and killed him. The coroner's verdict was that Jones came to his death at the hands of Will Lewis, and he was held without bond to the grand jury on a charge of murder.
10/16/24 HAMILTON ARTHUR TENANT 4 19 1877 10 11 1924 HUGHES Arthur Tenant Hamilton Slain Saturday by Lucius Stoddard: Arthur Tenant Hamilton, well known planter and cattleman of St.Francis county is dead from a pistol would inflicted by Lucius Stoddard, farmer living near Pine Tree. Stoddard received a flesh wound in the neck from a shot fired by Hamilton, witnesses state after the pistol of Stoddard had been emptied with shots fired at Hamilton.Stoddard is at liberty under a bond of $2,500 fixed by Coroner Eugene J.Barrow, pending an investigation of the case by the grand jury, which convenes on Monday, Oct.20. The tragedy occurred at Colt about 12:30 p.m., Saturday afternoon. Reports differ as to the facts in the case. Stoddard, it is said, claims that the first shot was fired by Hamilton. At least one witness, Mitchell Holt, testifies different. Mr.Holt's statement, as related to this paper by Dewitt Hamilton, brother of the slain man, is substantially as follows: Hamilton drove up in a buggy to the sycamore tree near the store of L.G.Fitzpatrick and called to Holt, who was standing nearby, that he wanted to see him. Holt and Hamilton walked in the south side of the street and stood talking for some fifteen minutes on the bridge across the south ditch. Stoddard came out while they were talking and walked up and down the sidewalk in front of the Fitzpatrick store, for some several minutes. Holt and Hamilton started to cross the street in a northeasterly direction, and about the time they reached the bridge across the ditch on the north side of the street Stoddard jumped from the walk in front of the Fitzpatrick store and upon reaching the Hamilton's buggy drew his pistol, resting the arm on the wheels of the buggy, and fired at Hamilton. The shot went wild, and as Hamilton was attempting to draw his gun Stoddard fired a second shot, which struck Hamilton in the breast, going through his body, and from which he died within less than ten minutes. Hamilton returned the fire, but the wound he received crippled his arm. Stoddard emptied his gun, but his aim was not as good with the other shots, and then turned and ran. So far the reason for the feud which had existed between the two for some months had not been made public. Stoddard who has a wife and several children, formerly farmed for Hamilton, and for a short time were guests in the Hamilton home in Johnson township. Arthur Tenant Hamilton was born April 19,1877, in Russellville, Alabama. He came to St.Francis County in 1892 and had resided here since that date. Twenty eight years ago he married Miss Dixie Snowden, youngest daughter of the late Steve Snowden, and to this union were born five children, three girls and two boys, of which four survive as follows: Mrs.Ramon C. (Freddye) Ruckle, of St.Louis, Mo.;Mrs.L.L. (Floye) Replogle, Perry McDougal Hamilton, and Miss Oliver Lucille Hamilton, the last three of this city. He is also survived by one brother, E.Dewitt Hamilton, of Colt; and three sisters, Mrs.Steve Devereaux, Mrs.Mae England and Mrs.Leslie Allen, and by his mother Mrs.Carrie Hamilton, aged 70. Arthur was a like able fellow, and the Hamilton home in Johnson township for a number of years noted for its hospitality. Always obliging and accommodating to friends he became his own worst enemy, and through the endorsement of notes for the accommodation of friends he suffered strong financial reverses in the crisis of 1924, from which he never fully recovered. He was a lover of the outdoors, and in his more prosperous times owned a fine kennel of hunting dogs. He had been warned of the threat on his life, he made no attempt to protect himself other than to inform the local authorities. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Hughes cemetery, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, of the First Methodist church, followed by an eloquent eulogy by Senator M.B.Norfleet.
10/30/24 DUSEK JOSEPH SR. MRS 1849 10 24 1924 HAZEN Mrs.Joseph Dusek, Sr., aged 75, died at her home in Goodwin, Friday, Oct.24,1924, at 3:30. Mrs.Dusek came to America in 1884, and was married to Joseph Dusek about the year 1877. Six children were born to this union, three of whom have preceded their mother to the better world. She is survived by her husband, two sons, Joseph Jr. and Frank of Goodwin, one daughter, Mrs.J.J.Wachal of Hazen, and four grand daughters. Her remains were laid away in the Hazen cemetery at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
11/13/24 JONES JAMES P. 4 22 1852 11 12 1924 HUGHES James P.Jones, of Caldwell, died Wednesday, Nov.12th,1924, of Bright's Disease. He was born April 22,1852 near Pine Tree but for the past few years has made his home with his nephew, Joe M.Campbell of Caldwell. He leaves a widow, two daughters, and one son. Funeral services this afternoon at Hughes cemetery.
11/27/24 WILSON VIRGINIA MRS FOGG 11 24 1842 11 25 1924 CITY Mrs.Virginia B.Wilson died Tuesday afternoon, Nov.25,1924, from burns received Sunday morning at her home on Cross street was almost totally destroyed by fire. Death occurred at the Stout Hospital in Brinkley, where she was carried for treatment a few hours after the fire. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, at the Christian church, and interment had at the Forrest City Cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev.J.C.Mason, pastor of the Christian church, of which denomination the deceased had been a devoted member since 1869. Deceased was born in Madison County, Alabama, Nov.24.1842, and therefore was 82 years and one day of age at the time of her death. She was united in marriage to S.S.Wilson in Forrest City in 1891. He passed to his reward a number of years ago and she continued to make her home in this city. She is survived by two brothers, W.E.Fogg, of Gainesville, Fla. and H.C.Fogg of Henrietta, Okla., and two nephews, Joe P.Fogg and Frank P.Fogg of this city. W.E.Fogg reached here in time for the funeral services. The fire occurred about 7 a.m. Sunday morning, when she had lit the oil stove, which it seems, ignited some drapery. She attempted to put the fire out, but unsuccessfully. Mr.Frank Fogg, her nephew, came to her rescue and led her to the next room, with the warning to go on out the front. Hurriedly dressing he left the building, making his exit through a window, thinking Mrs.Wilson had departed. Failing to find her, he re-entered the house and found her, where she attempted to retrieve some valuables, and the fleece lined gown she was wearing had caught on fire, and she was badly burned. Frank had sustained terrible burns himself in the attempted rescue.
11/27/24 SANDERS R. H. Unk 11 25 1924 Unk News reached the city late Wednesday of the death of Mr.R.H.Sanders in Devalls Bluff of acute indigestion. The news came as a shock to relatives and friends in the city, as he had been in good health. Funeral arrangements had not been announced Wednesday, but it is said they will be Friday, to allow family member from a long distance to arrive. Mr.Sanders had three daughters, one of whom lives in Atlanta, Ga., and it is expected that all will be in attendance. R.H.Sanders is the eldest of the Sanders children of this city, and has lived in Devalls Bluff for the past fifty years, going there at the age of eighteen. He was the Senior member of the mercantile firm of Sanders & Frahlick, of Devalls Bluff. In addition to his three daughters, he is survived by his mother, Mrs.Lucy Sanders, one sister, Mrs.Solomon S.Hargraves, and three brothers, Messrs. J.T., J.G., and W.T.Sanders, all of this city.
12/11/24 SHAWVER B. G. 2 7 1849 12 5 1924 HUGHES B.G.Shawver, aged 75, former resident of St.Francis county was burned to death in a fire that destroyed the light plant at Manilla of which he was manager and owner, on Friday night, Dec.5,1924, of last week. Funeral services were held at the Hughes cemetery Sunday afternoon, about eight miles north of Forrest City. Mr.Shawver spent the greater part of his life in St.Francis county, leaving here with his son, Ben, in 1922 for Manilla to operate the light plant and garage at that place. He was aroused from his sleep about twenty minutes before the fire by a man wanting some gasoline, and had returned to his room. Upon discovering that the building was on fire, he carried his trunk and other personal belongings to safety, by re-entering the building, it is supposed, to see if he could succeed in extinguishing the flames. Mr.Shawver's son, Ben Shawver, who lived a short distance from the scene of the tragedy was told upon reaching there that his father had left the building and was safe, and not until after the fire did he discover that his father was almost totally consumed in the flames. Mr.Shawver made his home near Newcastle for years, where he reared a family of five daughter and two sons, all of whom survive him. Those surviving in addition to his widow, Mrs.Bell Shawver of Widener; Mrs.Sin Jackson and Mrs.Helen Smith, of Newcastle;Linn Shawver of Round Pond; Ed Shawver of Jonesboro; Taylor and Mae Shawver of Widener, and Ben Shawver of Manilla.
12/11/24 WYATT J. H. Unk 12 6 1924 NEWBERN, TENN. Mr.and Mrs.J.B.Fletcher and Miss Wanda Wyatt left Friday night for Halls, Tenn., being called there on account of the illness and death of Mrs.Fletcher and Miss Wyatt's father, J.H.Wyatt, who died Saturday morning, Dec.6,1924. Funeral services were held at Newbern, Tenn. Sunday afternoon. Besides his two daughters of this city, he leaves a widow, Mrs.Mattie G.Wyatt, of Halls, Tenn.; a son, Dr.J.N.Wyatt of Halls, Tenn. and a daughter, Miss Mary Wyatt, of Washington, D.C.
12/18/24 BROCK J.W. AND ALBERTA Unk Unk Unk Administrator's and Guardians Report for January 2, 1925 Term: Minors:Geo.Lattimore, guardian. Last Report
12/18/24 TAYLOR E. L. Unk Unk Unk Administrator's and Guardians Report for January 2, 1925 Term: A.C.Bridewell, Administrator First Report
12/18/24 STERNS J. G. Unk Unk Unk Administrator's and Guardians Report for January 2, 1925 Term: Ray Koph-Administrator, final settlement.
12/18/24 WALKER ROSEVELT, WALTER AND LUCY Unk Unk Unk Administrator's and Guardians Report for January 2, 1925 Term: Martha Chapman, Guardian. First and final report.
12/18/24 BARKER P. H. Unk Unk Unk Administrator's and Guardians Report for January 2, 1925 Term: A.C.Bridewell, Guardian- Final Report
12/18/24 LOFTIN JASPER Unk 12 12 1924 Unknown Saturday, the Coroner Eugene J.Barrow held an inquest over the body of Jasper Loftin. The cause of the killing was peculiar, Loftin and Roosevelt Powell, both colored, were engaged in a game of pool on Rosser Street pool room. Jasper asked Powell for a cigarette, Powell was on the opposite side of the table, with a cue in his hand. In reaching for the cigarette Jasper leaned over the table just in time to meet the end of the cue, which penetrated his face along side of his nose, the point of the cue penetrating the skull. Jasper died Friday, verdict, Accidental.
12/25/24 BROWN JOHN M. 3 31 1850 12 20 1924 FPARK Hon.John M.Brown died Saturday morning, Dec.20,1924, in the St.Joseph Hospital, Memphis, after an illness of a month. The remains were brought to Forrest City and the interment was had in the new Forrest Park cemetery Sunday afternoon, services by Father Norton of the Catholic church. John M.Brown was born March 31,1850, at Blackhawk, Miss., being a son of John and Euphemia McKinley Brown. He began business as a clerk, afterward learning the printer's trade, at which he worked for a number of years. He received a moderate education in private schools in Carrollton, Miss., facilities in that section being rather limited after the war, during his youth. In 1874 he located in Forrest City, where he engaged as a clerk and occasionally working as a printer. Mr.Brown was twice elected Recorder and three times Mayor of Forrest City, filling these positions with credit to himself and entire satisfaction of his constituents. In 1876 he was married to Miss Stella Miller, of Forrest City, but his married life was of short duration his wife soon dying. In 1880, he was wed to Miss Mary A.Long of Grenada, Miss. Two sons, John and William, two daughters, Lealia and Alma have blessed this union. John died in early manhood. I worked for some time with Mr.Brown in early days on the Times, and have known him for a half a century.
12/25/24 BISHOP JOSEPH OLIVER 8 23 1892 12 23 1924 FPARK Joseph Oliver Bishop, aged 32 years and four months passed away Tuesday night, Dec.23,1924, at his home south of Forrest City. Funeral services will be held in the parlors of W.E.Stevens & Co. this afternoon, conducted by Rev.Blount M.Davidson of the Baptist church. Interment will be had in the new Forrest Park cemetery south of this city. Mr.Bishop had been in failing health for about three years, and about two years ago he entered the government hospital in San Antonio, Texas, remaining there until a few months ago. Mr.Bishop served throughout the World War in the Army, spending several months in France. Surviving are his widow,Mrs.Joe Bishop, and one child, Joe Jr.; his mother, Mrs.Pete Lewis; brother, Jack Bishop of Memphis; and sister, Mrs.C.P.Muller of this city.
12/25/24 FARRAR ROBERT DURWARD 1918 12 19 1924 Unknown Robert Durward Farrar, six year old son of Mr.and Mrs.John S.Farrar, of Palestine, died Saturday night at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis as the result of injuries received Sunday, Dec.14, from a car driven by a negro. Durward was playing with a ball, and when it slipped from his hand he went into the street he rushed after it and was struck by the car. The injuries at first were not considered serious. Thursday, however, he developed Meningitis and was removed to the hospital in Memphis where he died last Friday morning. Funeral services were held Saturday at Palestine, where he is survived by his parents, and one brother, John Everad Farrar.
Phone Numbers:
1 Liberty Hardware Company- 1922 1919
5 R.S.Fondren-Residence 1913
6 Red Cross Drug Co.-Quick Service 1924
6 Logan's Drug Store-Gibson Art Cards 1922
10 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919
10 Buford Grocery Co.-Phone 10 and 11-We deliver in a covered truck. 1922
11 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919 1917
12 Vadakin & Landvoigt-The Forrest City Times 1914
16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1920 In Mann Building 1908 1911 - - -
19 The Quality Grocery-Harry Thomas, Manager-119 Rosser Street 1919
21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913
24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - -
27 Lesser Goldman Cotton Co.-Office upstairs in the Pettus Building-I.H.Edwards, Manager 1923
29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913
29 John I. Jones-Thanksgiving Dinners-We carry everything in Staples. 1917
31 City Drug Store-H.G.Gray and T.G.Gray 1920
31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913
34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913
34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - -
35 The Fair No.35-R.C.Wilkinson, Mgr. 1919
38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - -
38 Van Houten-Marshall Lumber Co. 1917
44 Wylds Garage-Telephone when you need a service car, handling Buick and Dodge Vehicles 1917
46 Forrest City Grocer Co.-Wholesale Grocers, Produce Grain & Hay, BEVO Distributors 1917
47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913
49 Forrest City Motor Company-Jackson Street-Mallory & Eldridge-Carload of Mules 1924
49 Eldridge & Scott 1917
58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913
60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913
63 Dr.D.O.Bridgforth-over the Planters Bank Building-Office 63, and Residence 335 1920
66 Moseley Steam Laundry 1922
68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913
73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913
73 W.T.Sanders-Call 73 when you want quick delivery and lowest cash prices on groceries 1919
75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - -
75 VACCARO-GROBMYER CO.-Long Distance 1806, local 75 1922 1917
86 M.Rutsky & Co.-Dealer in Groceries, Clothes, and Shoes 1917
91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913
100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913
106 The Ideal Beauty Shop- Call Miss Lida Hinckley. 1920
114 Robert Bowens-Steam Cleaning and Pressing Club 1922 1920
122 D.Downey-Residence 1913
124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - -
147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1917 1912 - - -
150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1920 1913
152 St.Francis County Abstract Co.-Office in the Mann Building-Farm Loans available at 7 per cent interest.
155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913
158 The Bynn Yanns Store-Cash and Carry-L.N.Block, Local Trustee and Manager 1920
163 B.W.McCrary-Dentist-Office over R.W..Bensons-Call 163 1919
166 Taylor, Knight & Co.-Real Estate and Insurance 1922
170 Forrest City Ice Cream Company-one gallon $1.50 cash, $1.75 charge 1920
174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - -
175 Holland & Sellers-The Pure Food Groceries 1917
175 Pyle Piano Company-Pianos, Player Pianos, Edisons, Sonoras 1920
178 Forrest City Coal Co. Forrest City Ice & Coal-1922 1917
178 Forrest City Gin Co. for wood or coal 1917
184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - -
184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913
185 King's Greenhouses-Cut Flowers 1922
186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913
187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers N.B.Norton-Rollwage Building-1919 1913
192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913
204 McDaniel & Watson, Successor to W.F.Klotz-Harry O.Watson and Louis McDaniel 1914
206 The Elite Cafe-Wholesale and Retail for Schlitz Beer 1923
209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - -
212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - -
225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913
225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - -
232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913
241 Dr.Hugh Puckett-Graduate Veterinarian 1919
244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913
245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913
253 A.A.French-Residence 1913
257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913
263 C.Murphy & Co.-110 Washington Street Basement-Starr Made Pianos, Players 1922
270 A.H.Wood-Plumbing & Heating=217 N.Washington ST. 1917
272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913
273 Rose's Home Grocery-1 Block West of Public School 1914
275 Tharp Grocery 1919
282 Forrest City Produce Company-for Certo and Fruit Jars 1923
282 Canterberry-Nash Produce Co.-Rosser Street 1920
284 Herring and Schellhous-Land Engineers-Accurate Crop Measurements and Land Surveys-Mann Building 1919
285 Max Heuman-Dealer-Wynne, Arkansas-Hudson and Essex Cars 1920
290 Davis-Mize & Co.-Wholesale Only-Grocers and Dealer in Feeds 1923
294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913
298 Singer Sewing Machines-J.D.Caldwell, Manager-Wynne, Arkansas 1924
298 Merchants Grocer Company-Wholesale Only-Edmond E.Stevens, Mgr.-Hill and Grant Streets 1919
299 J.L.Scott & Co.-South Front Street 1919
299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - -
299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913
301 Pettus & Ferguson-Insurance-F.G.Pettus and J.E.Ferguson-Office in Beck Building 1919
303 St.Francis Motor Co. 1923
304 Perry Cooperman's Furniture House-on Front Street 1919
335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1920 1913
338 Ira M.Walden-Painting and Decorating-Opposite New Methodist Church 1917
344 Smith's Service-Hauling and Towing 1920
345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913
352 David Grocery Co. gives merchants tickets for Trades Day June 20 1923
354 Sharpe The Tailor-Corner Washington and Jackson 1919 1914
355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913
357 We Deliver-COD 1914
367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913
368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913
379 Society and Personal-the Herald The Times Herald Publishing Co.-1919 1917
388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913
391 Coleman's Dairy-For delicious milk 1922
420 The Quality Motor Co.-N.B.Rice- 1919
422 Forrest City Bottling Co.-Mallory & Gorman, Props. Gorman & Gorman 1920 1920
426 Cash Market-R.E.Sellers, Manager-208 N.Washington-Choice Meats & Produce 1922
453 Dr.H.R.Clark-Dentist-Office in the Pettus Building 1920
485 B.F.King-Florist
502J M.Emmons-Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries and a nice line of meats 1917
500 Forrest City Gin Co. Filling Station-Road Service 1923 1922
814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913
815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913
808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913
808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913
808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913
808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913
819F14 P.W.McFall Garage and Service Station-Up to date Free Tourist Camp-Madison 1923
820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913