Here is picture, Mr.Landvoigt from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1919

In Chronological Order-July 22,2009
Selected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]
Events: The Forrest City Times Herald-Successor to the Crowley Ridge Chronicle and the Forrest City Times Newspaper-Times-Herald Publishing Co.-J.M.Durst, President. Printed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
1/9/23 Tuesday A transaction of the New Year was the disposal by Benjamin Frank King of his interest in the insurance firm of KIng and Ferguson, to Mr.Ferguson, making him the sole owner of the business.
01/11/23 To reopen Crow Creek gravel pit. A number of prominent negroes from different parts of the state formed in Madison yesterday a corporation to general sand and gravel business, taking over the immense gravel beds of Scott Bond's in Crow Creek. They will also make drain tiles, brick building blocks and fence posts, etc. in addition to washing gravel to separate the rock and sand.
01/13/23 Carl Gustafson returned from Little Rock Wednesday where he attended a three day convention of state Optometrists.
01/16/23 Strikers driven from Harrison, one is lynched. They are demonstrating against the M. and N.A. Railroad.
01/16/23 Annual Statement of the City Light & Water Co. for 1922-Total Light Earnings=$32,958.72, Total Water Earnings-$17,689.35-Salaries:Supt-Clifford Barton=$2,700/Cashier-W.R.Ferguson=$1800
01/20/23 Advice from Marianna reports Mr.Julian R.Simmons is in critical condition. His sister, Mrs.B.D.Hatcher and brother, Mr.Chas.L.Simmons went down to Marianna.
01/20/23 New Ford runabout, $269 F.O.B.Detroit. With one man top and slanting windshield.
1/27/23 Saturday Big Dirigible for the U.S.Navy, expected ready by next June. Parts of airship made from intestines of 1,600,000 slaughtered steers.
2/1/23 Thursday C.P.Muller, proprietor of the Elite cafe‚ has been ill for the past few days with influenza.
2/1/23 Thursday Contest for Dodge auto drawing soon: mostly ladies, with one man in the District one of 48 contestants. Winner on Feb.17 at 8 p.m.-Times-Herald contest. 3/6/23 Tuesday Contest ends soon! Ha Ha. 3/17/23 Saturday Contest ends tonight! 3/20/23 Tuesday Winner of Dodge Coupe Mrs.Mary Sanders Folbre-Forrest City/Second Prize:$150-Mrs.Guy V.McCleskey.
2/8/23 Thursday Last of the American forces serving overseas arrives home at Savannah, Ga. on the St.Mihiel owned by the United States Transport Company of 908 men.
2/13/23 Tuesday Sgt.J.E.Spaulding left Friday for Blytheville where he is looking after Uncle Sam's interests.
2/13/23 Tuesday Civil war veteran, aged 110 is dead. Poplar Bluff, Mo.-William Mayfield died at his home in Wilborne yesterday of influenza. He was in Gen.Robert E.Lee's army, and smoked incessantly and drank black coffee all his life.
2/13/23 Tuesday Cornerstone of new $75,000 building for the Presbyterian church is laid on Feb.21, with completion by early summer. The name will be The W.S.Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church of Forrest City.
2/15/23 Thursday Captain and Mrs.James Fussell returned from Memphis Sunday where he had been taking treatments during the past few weeks.
2/13/23 Tuesday Ed Ash, proprietor of the Maid-Well Garment Co. left for St.Louis, New York and Chicago on a business trip.
2/17/23 Saturday Friends will be sad to learn that Miss Elizabeth Grobmyer who is very ill with typhoid, is reported not improved this morning.
3/8/23 Thursday Bryan Fuller, principal at New Castle School, is leaving for California after school is out, and has several household items for sale.
3/10/23 Saturday Donald Gatling returned from Washington D.C. on Tuesday, where he graduated from the National University Law School, and will stay with his mother, Mrs.E.G.Gatling before making a permanent location.
3/10/23 Saturday Governor signs Riggs Income Tax Bill, proceeds to be devoted to schools of the state.
3/17/23 Saturday John J.Hughes in Bankruptcy. John J.Hughes, of Haynes, merchant, planter, banker, and one of Lee County's representatives in the recent general assembly, has gone into bankruptcy.
3/31/23 Saturday Women Kill Mates on Trial for Murder: Prosecuting Attorney C.E.Yingling, will clear the docket of two cases that have hung fire for the past three terms, that of Mrs.Eunice Lane Trapp-Gregory charged with the murder of Syd McDaniel Trapp, in August 1921, and Miss Bertha Jayroe, charged with the murder of Mike Jones, who stated at the time was the father of her unborn child. Jury of Mrs.Trapp which started today is: G.P.Wood, P.R.Arnold, G.R.Southall, Jesse Wooten, R.W.Peevey, Ebb Hooper, J.S.Fleming, Jesse Aycock, John Watson, A.O.Harris, Joe Brown, and Ed Burroughs.
4/3/23 Tuesday Women Acquitted. Mrs.Trapp plead self defense, who was represented by Norfleet and Norfleet-Judge R.J.Williams. Mrs.Jayroe was defended by Judge W.J.Lanier.
4/5/23 Thursday Seventeen Women organize a local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at the home of Mrs.H.A.Knight on Mar.28,1923. The officers elected were:Pres-Mrs.T.D.Rambo of Widener/Vice-Pres-Mrs.W.C.McCoy/Sect/Treas-Mrs.John W.Alderson; Custodian-Mrs.J.P.Moore. It will be named for T.C.Merwin, late county official and member of the Confederate veterans.
4/10/23 Tuesday Planter Wounded, Shoots Assailant: T.E.Manle, a plantation owner was shot and seriously wounded in the neck near Parkin Wednesday afternoon in an exchange of gunfire with Howard Sims, a negro farm hand, who was wounded in the stomach. The shooting is said to have resulted from an argument and disagreement over wages. Witnesses declared the negro fired the first shot. Manle is under treatment of physicians in Parkin, and Sims was taken to Wynne, and later Forrest City for safe keeping.
4/26/23 Thursday Forrest City Motor Company-New Quarters-Home of Chevrolet, Studebaker, and Chalmers. R.C.Eldridge/Bert Mallory/J.R.Scott.
5/1/23 Tuesday St.Francis man at 74 has his 24th child. W.A.Bennett, one of the prosperous farmers of the north end of the county, near Colt, was the father of his 24th child, a son, named J.D. after J.D.Baugh.
5/5/23 Saturday W.R.Mann Speaks to Haynes Graduates. The grads: Elizabeth Hodges, Willie Cox, John Curtis, Lucile Curtis, Wilma Curtis, and Bill George.
5/8/23 Tuesday FCHS Senior Night is May 11. This year they have 40 graduates. 18 boys, 22 girls. 5/10/23 Thursday Class night performers:Ruth Paslay, Annie Rush, Catherine Jones, Rebecca Sanders, Jenelle Eldridge, Mildred Doyle, Watt Magness, Katherine Lanier, Pearl Batts, Elizabeth Scott, Ella Yoffie, and Maxine Wilkinson.
5/12/23 Saturday Prophecy of the Class of 1923. Norton Nunnally, Watt Magness, Otto Bridgforth, Murray Hambleton, Clinton Satterfield, Lucille Davenport, Nall Bogart, Mignon Fisher, Irvin Runyan, Harry Stevens, Ettyle Ulen, Catherine Jones, Jo Christian, Catherine Lanier, Jack Rich, Annie Rush, Reuben Benson, Dora Casbeer, Virginia HInes, Mildred Doyle, Leon Bohne, Ruth Paslay, Ella Yoffie, Charles Havens, Jenelle Eldridge, Pearl Batts, Frances Manley, Audrey Vandiver, Harry Knight, hard to read.
5/17/23 Thursday Senior Play tonight: Basil Hodges, Otto Bridgforth, Annie Rush, Jack Rich, Lillian McLain, Willie Mae Neel, Rebecca Sanders, Emile McMillen, David Bridgforth.
5/26/23 Saturday Mrs.Brice Fletcher left for Halls, Tenn. for a two week visit with her parents Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Wyatt.
5/29/23 Tuesday Mr.and Mrs.Loyd Myers leave for their new life in Marianna on Thursday.
5/29/23 Tuesday Paul Duburough, formerly of St.Francis county, but for the past fifteen years in the US Army as band leader has retired and returned. He has served in Siberia, Honolulu, Japan, China, and most of the European countries.
05/31/23 Thursday Rev.W.Cas.Edwards of this city who has taken an active part in Klan affairs in this county introduced Dr.John R.Moore of Pine Bluff who lectured at the Imperial Theater Wednesday night.
6/2/23 Saturday Wheatley Oil well had gotten down to 1,800 feet says F.T.Whitted, Sect/Treas of the Wheatley Oil & Gas Co., and is the first of five test wells to be drilled. 6/9/23 Saturday Down to 2,100 feet so far. 6/16/23 Saturday Cap rock found at 2,335 feet, will continue to the sand and test it. 6/23/23 Saturday At 2,340 feet they found salt water, the third well to prove a failure in search of oil.
6/5/23 Tuesday Dr.and Mrs.H.A.Stuart and Mr.and Mrs.A.M.Haraway and son, of Olive Branch, Miss., and Mrs.John Backstrom and children of Leakesville, Miss. are guests in the home of Mr.and Mrs.T.W.Horney.
6/7/23 Thursday 338 paid Income Tax in St.Francis County per the IRS. This is all married persons making over $2,000 and single persons making over $1,000.
6/7/23 Thursday The division in the local Baptist church seems to increase over the pastor. The pastor, Rev.W.Cas.Edwards came to the church in the spring of 1921.
6/7/23 Thursday Pine Tree News: Well, it has rained so much that the fish have taken wings; too much water for them.
6/12/23 Tuesday Miss Mildred and Mr.George Walker, and Mr.Earl Fisher returned from Hendrix College in Conway where they have been students for the past term.
6/12/23 Tuesday Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Fisher left for El Dorado Sunday night, this is where they will make their new home.
6/14/23 Thursday Finish of race at Indianapolis race with Tommy Milton crossing the finish line. Picture on page.
6/19/23 Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.J.K.Sales purchase the Mrs.John Pope home on N.Forrest Street, and will move thereto as soon as S.Leach and family vacate.
6/19/23 Tuesday Comments by Col.Landvoigt: Suppression of Cruelty to Husbands- A society was organized Saturday night, (place of meeting a secret, aka as K K K), it purport being the "Suppression of Cruelty to Husbands." There was quite a gathering, and some of them showed plainly the need for protection!
6/21/23 Thursday Mr.and Mrs.Raleigh Roebuck of Haynes were in town Wednesday.
6/26/23 Tuesday Dinner for Confederate Veterans planned by the T.C.Merwin Chapter, U.D.C., has arranged with a chicken dinner at the Elks home.
7/5/23 Thursday Senator Smoot declares the Soldier's Bonus bill will pass, even over veto of President. 8/21/23 Tuesday Predicts the new congress will pass the bonus bill. Republican of Utah.
7/12/23 Thursday Judge J.S.R.Cowan visits city Tuesday.
7/19/23 Thursday Charles Lewis and Kirke Becker came down from Chicago looking after business and farm interests Monday.
7/19/23 Thursday Mrs.W.E.Winfield, one of the pioneer residents of the city, suffered a stroke of paralysis Monday afternoon at her home on Hill Street, and since that time is speechless.
7/24/23 Tuesday Bus line between Forrest City and Memphis started today by the Gregory Bus Line, C.F.Collins named as agent. The depot is the C.P.Muller's Elite Cafe‚, the fare is $1.75 each way.
7/24/23 Tuesday Miss Lucille Sales and sister Margaret of Ashville, N.C. arrived Sunday and are visiting their brother J.K.Sales of this city.
7/26/23 Thursday Friends of Mrs.Mollie Jackson will regret to learn their is no improvement in her condition, she lives at the northwest corner of Rosser and Cook Street.
7/28/23 Saturday Mr.and Mrs.Lester Hemenway of Eutaw, Alabama are here visiting with Mrs.Hemenway's sister, Miss Julia Bonner.
8/2/23 Thursday Willis Reuben Hightower from Forrest City enlisted in the U.S.NAVY on June 18th, and was transferred to Great Lakes, Illinois for training.
8/2/23 Thursday Effective August 1 the Times-Herald will be published bi-weekly on Tuesday and Thursday, discontinuing the Saturday edition.
8/7/23 Tuesday Dr.and Mrs.F.R.Kummel left Saturday for Little Rock where he will now practice chiropractics.
8/14/23 Tuesday In response of call from Mayor Crunk of Hughes Saturday night, Sheriff J.G.Sanders sent special deputies to assist in roundup of law violaters, and netted 27 arrests relating to drinking and gambling.
8/23/23 Thursday Steve Devereaux, of Newcastle reports that the boll weevil has destroyed all but 45 acres of his 300 acres.
8/28/23 Tuesday Superintendent of schools, M.S.Smith, returned Wednesday from vacation trip to several states.
8/28/23 Tuesday The Forrest City Ice & Coal Co., recently sold by G.S.Barnes to S.R.Morgan, is under receiver ship of Dr.J.F.McDougal.
8/30/23 Thursday Miss Bessie Hemenway left for Memphis to enter nurses training at the Baptist Memorial Hospital. Brinkley Argus.
8/30/23 Thursday Mr.and Mrs.John Stinson, who have come here from Wilmette, Illinois, where he is new manager of the Forrest City Box Co. They will move into the T.C.Merwin residence, Mrs. Merwin expects to go to Colorado to live with her son, Will Merwin.
8/30/23 Thursday Snyder-Johnston Company sold to Henry Martin of Memphis. John W.Snyder, President and general manager, announced today
8/30/23 Thursday John Moore low bidder on new negro school building to be built here. Judge W.J.Lanier awarded the contract, plans were drawn by James Gatling of Memphis, and calls for a brick veneer construction. Bids for the building ran from $15,795.70 by H.F.Nunnally to $10,964.02 by Moore. Probably the Lincoln High School building.
9/4/23 Tuesday Miss Hazel Brummitt of Conway, who taught high school here last year will resign and not return to Forrest City.
9/4/23 Tuesday Tri-State Fair at Memphis Sept.22 to 29th.
9/4/23 Tuesday Crowley's Ridge is good fruit section. A visit to the orchards of R.A.Simmons, near Wynne, Ark. in Cross County where he raises peaches.
9/4/23 Tuesday Col.Landvoigt's Gleanings: Our coroner is working up quite a business. Five inquests within the week. There will be a scramble for that office in the coming primary.
9/4/23 Tuesday Jesse W.Wynne motored over from Memphis on Monday to visit friends.
9/4/23 Tuesday Misses Lucille Davenport, Annie Rush, and Mildred Doyle left today for Batesville to attend Arkansas College.
9/6/23 Thursday Miss Bernadette Connoaway will leave for Columbia, Mo. to attend the University of Missouri. Miss Helen Sherman leaves for Searcy to attend Galloway College. Murray Hambleton leaves for Greenville, S.C. to attend Furman University. Edgar Taylor Jr. leaves for Bell Buckle, Tenn. to attend Webb School. Miss Katherine Jones will leave for Fayetteville to attend the University of Arkansas.
9/6/23 Thursday Jack Rich leaves for Atlanta, Ga. to attend Atlanta Dental College. Miss Grace Vadakin leaves for Ann Arbor, Mich. to attend Ann Arbor Business College. Otto and David Bridgforth will leave for Fayetteville to attend the University of Arkansas as well as Dennis Horton.
9/6/23 Thursday Harry Knight, Leonidas Merritt, and Harry Stevens leave for Starkville, Miss. to attend Mississippi A & M College. Miss Katherine Lanier leaves for New Orleans where she will attend Sophie Necomb College while Joe Lanier will resume studies at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Ga..
9/6/23 Thursday Miss Mildred Walker and George Walker will leave for Conway to attend Hendrix College. Miss Lillian McClain will leave for Holly Springs, Miss. to attend Mississippi Synodical College. Miss Rebecca Sanders will leave for Arkadelphia to attend Quachita College, and Miss Elizabeth Sweet will leave for St.Charles, Mo. to attend Lindenwood College.
9/11/23 Tuesday Antoine and Anna Mary Muller leave for Memphis to attend the St.Agnes Academy.
9/13/23 Thursday Friends will be interested to know that Eugene Williams and family left for New York City from Memphis to make their new home.
9/20/23 Thursday John Dillon left for Arkadelphia to attend Quachita College.
9/25/23 Tuesday Act 240 of the Arkansas General Assembly is now in force, and county road work is suspended, and home and farm agents dismissed because the County Judge is prohibited from distribution of funds for anything other than pay of Clerks, Sheriffs, jurors, witnesses, and other court officials.
9/27/23 Thursday Miss Brosey Edwards left for Arkadelphia to attend Quachita College.
10/2/23 Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.E.Drummond Beck motored in from Marianna in response to message of illness of father, Mr.Joe B.Beck. Mr.Beck had to take to his bed Saturday and had been in failing health for several months.
10/11/23 Thursday Harrelson Road Act is passed by the legislature, our Rep.F.F.Harrelson introduced the measure.
10/18/23 Thursday Roy Caldwell, for the past four years the Linotype operator for the Times-Herald had to go to New Albany, Miss. on account of the illness of his father, H.T.Caldwell, Publisher of the Union Weekly Times. We will miss him. 11/20/23 Tuesday He returned this week from his duties in New Albany.
10/18/23 Thursday Mr.and Mrs. Louis R.Grobmyer celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary this evening.
10/30/23 Tuesday Seven Warships to be Scrapped:Philadelphia-The cruisers are the Constitution and the United States which had been under construction for some time, then five battleships will be scrapped after these, the Minnesota, South Carolina, Michigan, and New Hampshire, which are out of commission. The eighth battleship,The Washington under construction at the Camden, N.Jersey will be shattered by gunfire and sunk along with the South Carolina at sea by the Atlantic fleet.
10/30/23 Tuesday Boarding House changes hands. The one conducted by Mrs.George P.Taylor, and formerly Mrs.B.D.Hatcher, will be operated by Mrs. Pauline Goddard, she having experience in the Marion Hotel.
11/6/23 Tuesday Cotton Ginned in Arkansas Prior to Oct.18,1923:State down from 651,568 in 1922 to 304,846 this year. St.Francis down from 16,203 to 6,789 bales.
11/6/23 Tuesday Smallpox case at Caldwell:Gabe Crawford, who just returned from Toledo, Ohio is the victim according to Dr.P.P.Boggan, County Health Officer.
11/29/23 Thursday Listed as draft evaders in error by the government:James Arthur Smith/John Robinson/John H.Sisson/Ernest Jennings/Sam Fletcher/Jesse Coleman/and Wili Franklin.
12/4/23 Tuesday Dr. W. H. Alley very ill, and not expected to last the day, his condition had caused him to go to his bed about ten days ago. His daughter, Mrs.L.R.Brown, and Mr.Brown, of Houston, Texas arrived this morning, Miss Pearle Vaccaro of Memphis has been here several days.
12/4/23 Tuesday Mr. M. Emmons has sold his grocery store on N.Division Street to Mr.W.N.Davis, and plans to move to Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Davis for a number of years has been bookkeeper for J.J.Hughes in Haynes.
12/18/23 Tuesday For Sale: on account of moving from the city. Mrs.Matt A. Grasmick, phone 288. Hoosier kitchen cabinet; 1 wardrobe; 1 congoleum rug; 1 coal heater; 1 gasoline heater; 1 three burner oil cook stove, with oven, Mr.M.A.Grasmick and son Wilford, and sister, Mrs.Mathews left Sunday for Pittsburgh, Penn. to make their home.
1/23/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Stevens Friday a baby girl.
1/23/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Frank Warren Monday a baby boy.
1/23/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Carrol Wood Monday a baby boy.
1/23/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.C.McAlexander in Memphis at the Lucy Brinkley hospital a baby girl.
3/1/23 Thursday Mr.and Mrs.Henry Johnson are rejoicing over birth of a fine boy on Monday on the Robert Todd place, and Grandpa Jack McGee is all smiles.
3/13/23 Tuesday Mr.and Mrs.Jim McCrary are proud parents of a baby girl born on Thursday night.
3/20/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Elmer Cobble a baby girl on Monday-Madison.
3/20/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.B.Coats a baby boy last Saturday-Madison.
4/5/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Roy Fisher a baby boy on Wednesday afternoon.
4/17/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.B.O'Keefe a baby boy on Wednesday night at their home at Lakeside.
5/10/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Bob Littrell a baby girl, the seventh child, on Thursday morning.
6/9/23 Saturday Born to Sgt. and Mrs.J.E.Spaulding. at the home of her parents in Magazine, Ark. Monday morning, a girl.
7/7/23 Saturday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Horace White a baby boy on Wednesday.
7/13/23 Saturday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Walter Greenacre a baby girl on Friday night.
7/26/23 Thursday Born, Sunday evening, to Mr.and Mrs.Rufus Woody a baby boy.
7/26/23 Thursday Born, Saturday, to Mr.and Mrs.Charles Prude at their home in Houston,Texas, a baby boy.
7/26/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.George Morledge last week at Memphis hospital Lucy Brinkley, a son.
7/26/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Earl E.Horton at their home in Newcastle a baby boy July 18th.
8/16/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.William Tucker at the home of Mrs.Tucker's parents in Arkansas City a baby daughter.
8/30/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.G.C.Massey a baby girl on Saturday.
9/4/23 Tuesday Born Wednesday night, to Mr.and Mrs.Leon Warr a baby boy at their home in Palestine.
9/20/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.James Thomas a baby girl Friday night.
9/20/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.R.C.Eldridge a baby boy Thursday, Paul Ritchie Eldridge.
10/18/23 Thursday Born to Mr.and Mrs.Chester Hartman at their home south of town on last night, twins, boy and girl.
10/30/23 Tuesday Born to Mr.and Mrs.John Lanier a baby boy, John Thomas Lanier Jr.,on Wednesday.
12/4/23 Tuesday Born, Friday morning, to Mr.and Mrs. Edgar Householder a baby boy.
12/4/23 Tuesday Born Monday evening, to Mr.and Mrs.B.Frank King a baby boy.
12/6/23 Thursday Born Thursday night, in Green Bay, Wisc. to Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Grossman a baby boy.
1/4/23 Thursday Shue-Bell: We are in receipt of an announcement of the marriage between Miss Leah Bell and Mr.Merrill Shue, the ceremony performed in the home of and by Rev.J.N.Tarkington of Beebe on Dec.23,1922. Miss Bell is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.H.Bell of Searcy. Mr.Shue is son of Mr.and Mrs.C.S.Shue of Beebe.
1/11/23 Thursday Bowers-Meyers: From the Okla.City Oklahoman-Mr. and Mrs.L.C.Meyers announces engagement of her daughter Vonnette to Mr.Bryan Bowers on Jan.9,1923. The wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Rev.Herman H.Hulten conducting the ceremony.
1/13/23 Saturday Oliver-Brickelle: Mr.Harry Oliver and Miss Edythe Brickelle were married. Wesley and Good Hope Times.
1/23/23 Tuesday Reese-Allen:Mrs.Callie Allen, chief operator for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., this city, and Mr.A.C.Resse, engineer on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad were married in Memphis Sunday night at the home of her mother, Mrs.W.E.Allen. The bride is a native of St.Francis County.
3/8/23 Thursday Dougherty-Mitchell: Mr.Tom Dougherty and Miss Eva Mitchell of Wesley were married at the home of Will Smith Sunday afternoon.
3/10/23 Saturday Gambrell-Duffey: Mr.Stanley Gambrell and Miss Elizabeth Duffy were married Friday night by Rev.W.C.Edwards at the Baptist parsonage. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr.P.O.Duffy, and has worked at the local bakery for several months.
3/15/23 Thursday Weeks-Webb:Miss Nora Lee Webb and Mr.Willie Weeks were married Wednesday near New Castle. Miss Weeks is the daughter of Mrs.Gordy, of that neighborhood. Mr.Weeks is from Widener.
3/20/23 Tuesday Harris-Barnhardt: Mrs.Bettie Barnhardt and Mr.A.O.Harris were married Monday by Rev.M.L.Morley rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd at the home of the bride.
3/27/23 Tuesday Prewett-Sulcer:Mr.Chester Prewett and Miss Vera Sulcer were married Sunday-Pine Tree Items.
3/31/23 Saturday Peskind-Burd: Mr.and Mrs.Sam W.Burd announce marriage of daughter, Sadie, to Mr.J.Pekind of Belleville, Illinois in June.
4/3/23 Tuesday Morley-Pettus: Announced marriage between daughter of Mr.Frank Gurney Pettus, Mary Joe, to Rev.Myron Lewis Morley on April 21,1923 at the Church of the Good Shepherd. 4/24/23 Tuesday Bishop James R.Winchester of Little Rock performed the ceremony.
4/17/23 Tuesday Peevey-Heath: Mr.R.H.Peevey and Miss E.Heath were married Saturday at the home of Rev.J.S.Burns on N.Division Street who also performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.D.M.Heath, Rt.1, this city. The groom is holding a position with the Mosely Steam Laundry and will return from Iuka, Miss where they went to visit with his parents.
5/3/23 Thursday Barker-Allen: Miss Mary Betty Allen and Mr.Thomas O.Barker Jr. were married in Memphis Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Rev.C.H.Williamson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church with Rev.Williamson performing the ceremony. Miss Allen is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.G.Allen, this city, and graduated in 1916 from the high school. Mr.Barker is a traveling salesman for the Hen Biscuit Company in Memphis, and he is from Jackson, Miss.
5/10/23 Thursday Grobmyer-Littrell: Miss Maggie Littrell and Mr.Louis R.Grobmyer Jr. were married Tuesday night at rectory of the St.John's Catholic church in Brinkley by Father Norton. The bride is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Littrell of Tiptonville, Tenn.
5/15/23 Tuesday Gorman-Wilkinson: Mr.Henry Gorman and Miss Aubrey Wilkinson were married at Reno, Nevada. Miss Wilkinson is daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.M.Wilkinson of Palestine, and the groom is the son of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Gorman of this city. They make their home in Reno.
5/29/23 Tuesday Hughes-Tatum: Mr.Jesse Hughes of Haynes and Miss Myrtle Tatum were married at the rectory of the Episcopal church May 12 by Rev.M.L.Morley. Miss Tatum is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs B.T.Tatum of the Bonair community.
6/16/23 Saturday Mitchell-Folbre: Newport, June 15- A wedding that proved of interest at St.Paul's Episcopal Church Monday afternoon between Dr.Leonard G.Mitchell of Oklahoma City, Okla, and Mrs.T.C.Folbre of Newport by Rev.A.E.Lyman Wheaton officiating. Mrs.Folbre lived here in Forrest City several years ago.
6/16/23 Saturday Potts-Craig: One of the prettiest weddings took place in Haynes in the marriage of Miss Mattie Craig to Mr.Louis Potts of Blytheville, at high noon Tuesday. Rev.Wm.Sherman conducted the ceremony, and the honeymoon couple planned to visit his parents in Mississippi before making their home in Blytheville.
6/23/23 Saturday Peskind-Burd: Mr.Joseph Peskind of Belleville, Illinois and Miss Sadie Burd were married at the home of her aunt, Mrs.S.M.Freeman, St.Louis, Mo. on June 10th. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Miller of St.Louis. The bride was given by Mr.Sam Burd of this city.
6/26/23 Tuesday Lambert-Brantley: A wedding of interest was the marriage of Miss Fairis Brantley, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.L.Brantley, of Tyro, Miss. to Mr.Herman Lambert of this city. The ceremony on Saturday was performed by Rev.J.C.Mason at his home.
6/30/23 Saturday Mabley-Batjer: Announcement of marriage by Mr.and Mrs.W.F.D.Batjer of daughter Miss Clara Dunovant to Rev.Thomas Mabley June 23rd at Cathedral of St.John the Divine, New York City.
7/6/23 Thursday Beazley-Clark: Mr.H.Grady Beazley and Miss Ruby Mae Clark, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Ed Lockhart of Bassett were married Wednesday night in Wynne by Rev.Evans.
7/10/23 Tuesday Coffey-Kuykendall: The wedding of Miss Esther Kuykendall to Mr.Clarence H.Coffey of this city at the home of Mrs.S.Gains, sister of the bride in Enid, Miss. on Sunday afternoon. She taught school here for several terms, and Mr.Coffey is head of the Coffey Mercantile Company.
7/10/23 Tuesday Johnson-Cahill:Miss Ethel Cahill and Mr.Ulysess Johnson of Griggs township were married Sunday afternoon by Rev.J.S.Burns under the shade of an oak tree between Widener and Twin Bridges. The couple hailed Rev.Burns as he was passing in the car with Homer Folbre and J.G.Sanders from visit to Twin Bridges.
7/17/23 Tuesday Henson-Montgomery:Mr.John Henson of Hulbert and Miss Georgia Montgomery of Johnson township were married Sunday by Rev.J.S.Burns at his home. The bride is the daughter of Billie Montgomery of Johnson township where she was born and reared. The groom is in employ of the Rock Island Railroad at Hulbert.
7/21/23 Saturday Miller-Armistead: The marriage of Miss Linville Armistead, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.M.Armistead of Hughes, and Mr.Max D.Miller of Marianna took place Monday at the parsonage of the St.Paul's Methodist church, the Rev.J.M.Jenkins officiating. News Scimitar. The wedding took place in the home of the minister, Rev.John C.Jenkins, pastor of the church. The groom is employed at the Miller Lumber Co., and was born and raised in Marianna.
7/24/23 Tuesday Eldredge-Gilliland: Mr.and Mrs.Fletcher McClure Gilliland announce marriage of daughter, Dorothy Monroe, to Lieut. Hugh Gwynne Eldredge, U.S.N., son of Mrs.W.A.Eldredge of Memphis, to take place at St.John's Methodist church the later part of August.
8/14/23 Tuesday Bowen-Richardson: News of the marriage of Miss Gladys Richardson of Chicago, and Mr.Jack Laurin Bowen of Memphis has reached here. The ceremony was in Memphis July 28,1923. Mrs.Bowen is the daughter of Mrs.Elizabeth Richardson of Rule Springs, Miss., and the groom is the son of Mr.and Mrs.B.S.Bowen of this place. Tupelo, Miss. Journal. He had worked here for J.S.Shields drug store and Oursler Brothers Grocery.
8/21/23 Tuesday Ellis-Neill: Miss May Belle Neill, the charming daughter of Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Neill of Pine Tree, and Mr.Claude Ellis, son of Mrs.Mollie Ellis of Hunter were married in Wynne on Sunday afternoon.
8/23/23 Thursday Harrell-Pipkin: Miss Pauline Pipkin and Mr. George Frank Harrell were married Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride in Haynes by Rev.Wm.Sherman. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Ruben Pipkin, the groom is employed in the bank at Hughes where they couple will make their home.
8/23/23 Thursday Billingsley-Curtis: A pretty home wedding took place in Haynes Tuesday afternoon when Mr.and Mrs.Walter Curtis gave their daughter Ina Zue to Mr.E.A.Billingsley, the service performed by Rev.Wm.Sherman. The groom operates a drug store in Little Rock.
9/4/23 Tuesday McMickle-Fisher: Mr.and Mrs.W.D.Fisher of Forrest City announce marriage of daughter Miss Gladis Ophelia to Mr.James Calvin McMickle of Marianna in early September. Marianna Courier-Index. Mr.McMickle is former St.Francis county resident, but for the last 9 years in Marianna as a postal employee. They were married by Rev.W.V.Womack at the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday, Sep.9,1923.
9/4/23 Tuesday Walls-Busby:Rev.Dr.J.T.Brown married Miss Olive Busby and Mr.Frank Walls at Tuttleton neighborhood Saturday afternoon with the couple sitting in their car. They plan to live on the Brandon and Baugh place in Tuttleton.
9/11/23 Tuesday Caldwell-Fields: Mr.Willis Caldwell and Miss Olivia Fields were married in Marion on July 29th. Mrs.Caldwell is daughter of Mrs.Alma Fields of this city. They will make their home with Mrs.George Taylor.
9/13/23 Thursday Charles Havens Jr. left for Fayetteville to attend the University of Arkansas.
9/18/23 Tuesday Gearhart-Monroe: News has reached here of marriage between Dr.Floyd S.Gearhart and Mrs.M.L.Monroe in San Diego, Calif. on June 30. The bride was a former resident of this city.
10/9/23 Tuesday Bogart-Stockton: Mr.Forrest Bogart and Miss Lucille Stockton were married Saturday, Sept.29 at Marion, the ceremony performed by Rev.Nelson of the Methodist church. The bride has worked here with the S.W Bell Telephone Company, and lived with her aunt, Mrs.S.Leach. The groom is the elder son of Dr.and Mrs.J.A.Bogart, and is chief operator at the Imperial Theater here.
10/16/23 Tuesday Gatling-Kennedy: Announcement of engagement of Mr.Henry Gilliam Gatling, formerly of this city, now living in Albuquerque, N.M., and Miss Celeste Maurine Kennedy of Rochester, Minn. on Nov.7,1923 at Sante Fe, N.M.
10/18/23 Thursday Turley-Silvertooth: Mr.Oliver Jones Turley and Miss Louise Silvertooth, daughter of Mrs.Caroline H.Silvertooth, were wed by Rev.P.F.Luter in the Methodist church in Hernando, Miss. Commercial Appeal.
11/8/23 Thursday Tyre-Kilgore: On Oct.29,1923, Mr.James Tyre and Miss Jessie Kilgore were married at the home of the bride in Colt, the ceremony performed by Rev.J.C.Crenshaw of the Methodist church. The bride has been a school teacher in St.Francis county. The groom is a bookkeeper for a firm in Wynne.
11/8/23 Thursday Armistice Day parade planned for Nov.11 to be large with floats representing clubs, societies and churches.
11/27/23 Tuesday Rippy-Martin: Announcement of engagement of Miss Vivian Ruth Martin and Mr.Ethridge Rippy Nov.28, in Memphis. Miss Martin is a former resident of Palestine, daughter of Mr.A.R.Martin.
11/29/23 Thursday Futrall-Apple: Marriage of Mr.Edward B.Futrall and Mrs. Carrie Louise Apple, both of Marianna, at the Calvary Episcopal Church in Memphis on Tuesday by Rev.Charles F.Blaisdell. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.M.H.Ford, while Mr.Futrall is associated in banking circles in Marianna.
12/6/23 Thursday Lacy-Allison: From the Arkansas Gazette: Mrs.Grace H.Allison of this city and Mr.Watson M.Lacy of El Dorado were married Saturday evening at the home of Rev.W.H.Harrison, pastor of the Twenty-Eighth Street Methodist church. Mr.Lacy is insurance man of El Dorado with New York Life.
12/13/23 Thursday Sherman-Martin: Mr.Selwyn Howard Sherman, son of Rev.and Mrs.William Sherman and Miss Quida Martin of Stillmore, Ga. were married last August in Augusta, Ga. They met in Stillmore, where the groom is the high school principal and the bride was a teacher.
12/20/23 Thursday Ferguson-Bryan: Mr.W.R.Ferguson and Mrs.Annie Joe Bryan were married at the Church of the Good Shepherd rectory by Rev.Myron L.Morley this afternoon. Both of Forrest City.
Deaths: Burial:
1/4/23 Thursday ANDERSON STEPHEN CAPT. Unk 1 1 1923 MISSOURI Stephen Anderson Dead: New Year was indeed a sad day for the family of Capt.Stephen Anderson residing on North Forrest street, this city, he having suffered an attack of heart failure after starting the fire about 6 o'clock Monday morning, that caused his death. Capt.Anderson was for a number of years past in charge of the snag boat which plies the St.Francis river and tributaries with moorings at Madison. During the summer he moved his family to Forrest City from Madison, in the hopes of benefitting the children's health. He was in the employ of the Government for over 20 years, removing to this county several years ago from Campbell, Mo., and is survived by a wife, three small children, and one brother residing in Campbell, Mo., where the remains were shipped for burial, Monday afternoon, accompanied by the his family and brother in law, O.G.Tucker. We extend sympathy to the grief stricken family.
1/9/23 Tuesday HORNSBY JOHN HENRY 12 23 1908 1 2 1923 Unknown In Memorial: On Tuesday, Jan.2,1923, John Henry Hornsby was called from this life to a better land. He was 14 years, and ten days of age. He had been sick for five weeks. He first took bronchitis from which he grew worse and is spite of loved ones and physicians was called away to that beautiful land of elsewhere. He was a sweet and devoted child to his parents, always had a smile for every one. My only dear brother is "gone but not forgotten." He was plucked like a rose and from a bush from which his light shall shine, here no more, but in heaven above where all is joy and peace. His Sister.
1/9/23 Tuesday RAWLISON MAUMUS Unk 1 8 1923 HUGHES Maumus Rawlison Dead: Mamus Rawlison died yesterday afternoon, Jan.8,1923, from apoplexy, having been stricken earlier in the day. The remains were laid to rest in Hughes cemetery this afternoon.
1/20/23 Tuesday HARRIS MARY MRS LYNAUGH Unk 1 19 1923 CITY Death of Mrs.Charles Harris: Mrs.Charles Harris, nee Mary Lynaugh, died at her home two miles north of Madison Friday night, Jan.19,1923, of pneumonia. Mr.Harris, a step son, and their daughter, age 10,, have been down for many days and Mrs.Harris was waiting on them when she became ill, and her death came as a surprise to relatives and friends. Interment will be had in the Forrest City cemetery this afternoon. Mr.and Mrs.James E.Harris of Wynne, arrived this morning for the funeral.
1/23/23 Tuesday SIMMONS JULIAN ROGERS 1881 1 20 1923 MARIANNA The announcement of the death of Mr.Julian Rogers Simmons at Marianna, Saturday night, brought sorrow to the hearts of many in Forrest City, where he was well known and loved. Deceased died at 11 o'clock of pneumonia, following the flu. He had been ill about one week. He was 42 years of age, and was a registered pharmacist. He is survived by his wife, mother, and two brothers, Messrs.Marshall D.Simmons of Harrisburg, and Chas.L.Simmons of Forrest City, and two sisters, Mrs.B.D.Hatcher and Mrs.Johnnie McKie of Forrest City. Funeral services were held at Marianna Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev.House of the Methodist church.
1/25/23 Thursday HUGHES MATTIE H. MRS 7 24 1850 1 24 1923 WYLDS Mrs.Mattie H.Hughes, aged 72 years and six months, died yesterday at her home on North Rosser street from pneumonia. She was born in Woodruff County, but has long been a resident of Forrest City, having many friends here who will regret to learn of her death. The funeral was held in the residence, with interment in the Wylds cemetery, Rev.W.C.Edwards, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of which the deceased was a member, conducting the ceremony. The pall bearers were:Messrs.E.B.Smith, R.C.Eldridge, T.A.Buford, S.A.Rolfe, H.A.Knight, and Matt Grasmick. Surviving Mrs.Hughes, to mourn their loss, are five children:Freeman, T.M.Hughes, John Utley, Mrs.E.T.Altman, and Mrs.Walter Taylor, all of this city and county.
1/25/23 Thursday TRAIL WARREN H. 11 16 1922 1 20 1923 JAMES Died Saturday, Jan.20,1923. Interment was made in the James cemetery, Rev.E.R.Craig of the Methodist church conducting the ceremony. The infant son of Mr.and Mrs.Will Trail, little Warren H.Trail, died as a result of influenza. He was 2 months and five days old at the time of his death. Aunt Grace.
1/27/23 Saturday TIPTON MATTIE E. MRS Unk 1 26 1923 TENNESSEE A message was received yesterday announcing the death of Mrs.Mattie E.Tipton, at her home in Dyersburg, Tenn. Her son, J.H.Tipton, was called their Monday on account of his mother's illness, her death resulting from pneumonia.
2/3/23 Saturday ROBERTS AGNES 1910 1 27 1923 Unknown Death of a Child: Jan.31,1923-A death angel of heaven swept over the home of Mr.and Mrs.Albert Roberts last Saturday, Jan.27,1923, and baring away with her a little girl of thirteen, named Agnes. She is gone but not forgotten. Her school friend, Oliver Lucille Hamilton.
2/3/23 Saturday DEAN MAE MRS Unk 1923 Unknown We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs.Mae Dean, resulting from pneumonia. Madison Items.
2/6/23 Tuesday LINDSEY W. J. Unk 2 6 1923 HUGHES W.J.Lindsey, of Caldwell, died about 11:30 this morning, 2/6/23 Tuesday, from influenza. Funeral services will be held Sunday with interment in the Hughes cemetery. Deceased was a well known citizen of this county, a successful planter and merchant, and for several terms a member of the Quorum Court.
2/17/23 Saturday POSEY JOHN Unk 2 16 1923 Unknown Coroner Eugene Barrow and Deputy Sheriff C.M.McGaha were called over north of PIne Tree to hold an inquest over the remains of John Posey on Friday afternoon. The facts brought out that:John Posey and two daughters, age 14 and 18, were driving to Hunter in a log wagon, drawn by four mules. At Second Creek the water was out of its banks and the mules pulled off road into about 8 to 100 feet of water. Posey got out to unhitch them, but became so weakened that he was unable to get back to the wagon, but managed to get to a tree, and was rescued from the tree by his daughters, who swam out to him, bringing him back to the wagon. They left him in the wagon, waking to Hunter for assistance. Posey died from exposure, before assistance reached him. Two of the mules were drowned.
3/1/23 Thursday WITT ISHMAN Unk 2 24 1923 Unknown Will Crawford shot and killed Isham Witt, who operated a restaurant in the Mann block north of the Forrest City Gin, Saturday night,, and is now in jail awaiting trial at the March term of court.
3/1/23 Thursday BONNER C. A. 1863 2 26 1923 Unknown Man, 84, Kills his Rival in Love, 60: Marianna, Feb.27-C.A.Bonner, age 60, a farmer who lived about three miles south of Marianna, was shot and fatally wounded about 9 o'clock last night. He told officers that he was wounded by I.T.Hilton, 84, his neighbor. Hilton is being held in the Lee County jail here without bond pending a preliminary hearing, which probably will be held this week. In his dying statement to officers, Bonner said he was driving home alone on the road near where he lived when he was overtaken by Hilton, who began cursing him. Hilton claimed that Bonner was responsible for his wife leaving him, and told him "he was going to blow his brains out." Bonner jumped out of his wagon, he said, and sought refuge behind it. Hilton then fired a shot from his pistol, and Bonner's team became frightened and ran away, leaving him un-protected, according to statements of the officers. Hilton fired several more shots, one of which inflicted a fatal wound. Bonner died about an hour after being shot. Officers say Bonner was not armed when he was fired upon. Hilton was married about seven years ago, his wife is 60, and left him last summer. Hilton had often accused Bonner of causing the separation as he had often visited the friend at his home when Mrs.Hilton was married to the friend. Bonner is survived by his wife and son. D.P.Hilton, cotton buyer, is a son of the accused man. Both Hilton and Bonner are farmers and well known in the county.
3/3/23 Saturday DAVIS HESTER A. MRS DAVIS 5 15 1855 3 3 1923 CITY Mrs.J.M.Davis died at her residence, 202 West Cleveland Street, an early hour this morning, Mar.3,1923, of acute indigestion. About 11 o'clock Thursday night she aroused her husband who was up with her for several hours. Friday morning, she was apparently well and when asked whether she desired medical aid replied that she was all right and was apparently so all day Friday. She passed to her reward about 1 a.m. Saturday morning, Miss Pearle, her daughter, on going to her beside found her dead. She is survived by her husband, one sister, Mrs.E.C.Evans, who made her home with her for many years, and ten children, three boys, Ben of Little Rock, Arthur and John of Prescott, Ariz.; seven daughters, Miss Pearle Davis of this city, Mrs.Joe Mosby of Crawfordsville, Mrs.Eugene Barrow, this city, Mrs.John Cargill, Miss Myrtle Davis. Mrs. J.L.Mosby and Mrs.M.R.Atkinson of Memphis. Funeral services will be held at the residence Sunday afternoon by Rev.W.F.Sherman and Rev.W.V.Womack, presiding elder and pastor of the Methodist church, of which deceased was a devout member. Interment in the Forrest City Cemetery.
3/3/23 Saturday GRASMICK PETER 1855 3 2 1923 CITY Peter Grasmick died last night, Mar.2,1923, at the home of his sister, Mrs.Louis R.Grobmyer,after an illness lasting about four weeks. Deceased was born in Carrolton, Kentucky, in 1855, but had lived for the past thirty years in Forrest City. For a number of years, he was associated with Mr.Grobmyer in the conduct of the Grobmyer Market, and for the last several years has been associated with him in the operation of his farm and live stock activities. During his long residence here he has made many warm friends, who mourn with his family in their bereavement. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs.L.R.Grobmyer of this city, and Mrs. John Barar of Memphis; one brother, Mr.Matt Grasmick of this city, who were with him during his illness. Funeral services will be held Monday from the Catholic church, conducted by Father Norton, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery.
3/3/23 Saturday BROWN EGBERT LEE Unk 3 1 1923 HUGHES Colt Man Lose Life in Accident Aboard Destroyer: Manilla, Mar.1-A flare back of oil in the boiler room of the US Destroyer Hulbert snuffed out the lives of six enlisted men, one of whom is from Colt, Edgebert Lee Brown. The cause of death was suffocation from lack of oxygen. It had been ordered to use steam to extinguish the flames which were out of control, by Lt.Commander Frank A.Braisted.
3/13/23 Tuesday WEIER CHARLES G. 1852 3 13 1922 CITY In Memorial:In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Charles G.Weier who died Mar.13,1922 one year ago today.
3/13/23 Tuesday DeSilver W. B. Unk Unk Unknown Administrator's Settlement E.N.Harrod, Administrator-First Settlement.
3/22/23 Thursday McMURCHEY CLAUD CLANTON 10 1 1866 3 19 1923 CITY Claud Clanton McMurchy died at his home, 206 Walnut Street, this city, Sunday afternoon after an illness of two months of influenza. C.C.McMurchy was born in Fayette, Jefferson County, Miss. Oct.1,1866 and prior to moving to the city was chief operator at the state house at Baton Rouge, La., for 20 years. Since coming to this city five years ago, he has been employed by the Missouri Pacific as chief operator. Funeral services were conducted from the family residence by Rev.W.C.Edwards Monday afternoon, followed by interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Deceased is survived by his wife, three sisters, and three brothers, Mr.A.P.Baker of Mobile, Ala.; Mrs.Berta Cornwell of Greensboro, Ga.; Mrs.Howard Reynolds of Lafoncia, Fla.; Miles M. of Earle, John of Ft.Worth, Texas, and Forrest of Eddington, Miss. Mr. McMurchy was a sturdy businessman, ever at his post of duty and had a host of friends who will miss him.
3/24/23 Saturday BROWN MOLLIE A. MRS HAMBLETON 1876 3 19 1923 CITY The remains of Mrs.F.A.Brown, who died at her home in Portsmouth, Va., Monday morning, Mar.19,1923, reached the city Thursday morning accompanied by Mr.Brown, and were taken to the home of her brother, Murray C. Hambleton, from whence the funeral was held Friday with interment in the Forrest City Cemetery, Rev.W.C.Edwards performing the funeral service. The deceased was a native of this county and had a host of friends here who regret to learn of her death. Relatives attending from out of town were Mr.and Mrs.Sol Hambleton and son Oliver, of Memphis, and Mr.and Mrs.Bedford Hambleton of Wynne, and Dr.Ben Pope of Memphis. Suspect this to be Mollie Hambleton in City Cemetery.
3/27/23 Tuesday TWEEDY CHARLES 1909 3 25 1923 MADISON Accidentally Killed While Playing Ball: Charles Tweedy, 14 year old son of Mr.and Mrs.Ed Tweedy, of Madison, accidentally met his death while playing ball at Madison on Sunday afternoon, Mar.25,1923. Some of the boys were late in showing up for play, and they chose a negro boy to fill in until the tardy one showed up. The game had progressed about a half hour and young Tweedy had made second in safety; and was coming to third when a ball thrown by the negro lad, in an effort to put him out, struck young Tweedy over the heart and caused his death before medical aid could be summoned. Coroner E.J.Barrow held an inquest over the body and found the killing purely accidental. The remains will be laid to rest this afternoon in the Madison cemetery. Mr.and Mrs.Tweedy remember when Charley was almost killed in 1921 when an oil truck that ran him down while crossing the main street near Berry's store, from which he suffered a broken leg and severe bruises.
3/29/23 Thursday GATLING EUNICE MRS NIMOCKS 9 13 1886 3 28 1923 CITY Mrs.Thomas Gatling passed away during the really early morning hours Wednesday, Mar.28,1923, at her home on North Rosser and Garland Streets. Deceased had made a hard but lasting fight for restoration of her health for the past several years, and at times it looked like a winning field, but a turn for the worse came in the late fall, and her condition had gradually grown worse. Eunice Nimocks Gatling was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, but came to Forrest City with her father, the late R.Nimocks, and except for her absence in the last few years in an effort to regain her health, had resided here since that time. She is survived by her husband, Thomas Gatling, three brothers, Alfred B. of Forrest City, George of Wilmington, N.C., and Ray of Fayetteville, N.C.; and two children, Thomas Nimocks and Mary Murchison. Funeral services will be held Friday morning by Rev.Myron Lewis Morley of the Church of the Good Shepherd, of which the deceased was a devout and consistent member. Out of town relatives to attend the funeral are her brother, George Nimocks of Wilmington; her sister in law, Mrs.Evelyn Gale of Winston-Salem, N.C., and her uncle, John Colbreath of Fayetteville, N.C. Interment will be in the Forrest City cemetery, and the pall bearers will be:Messrs.James L.Gatling, Lindsay Bridgforth, John Gatling, James M.Gilliam, Donald Gatling, and Fred Eldridge.
3/29/23 Thursday JOHNSON O. C. Unk 3 27 1923 HUGHES O.C.Johnson, "Tez", age 66, died in his home in Johnson township Tuesday night, Mar.27,1923, of influenza. His remains were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery Wednesday with Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church presiding. Deceased is survived by a brother, John R.Johnson, of this city, and two sisters, Mrs.James H.W.Winthrop, and M.V.Hancock of Oakland, California. He was a substantial citizen, a prosperous planter and leaves many friends to mourn his death.
3/29/23 Thursday STEWART MART Unk 3 29 1923 WYLDS Mart Stewart died at the home of his mother, Mrs.M.J.Stewart of Widener, this morning, Mar.29,1923, of tuberculosis. He was a native born Arkansan near Marianna, and in early childhood moved to St.Francis County and made his home in Widener. Deceased is survived by his mother and others, unreadable. Burial in Wylds cemetery.
3/29/23 Thursday COATES ANNA MRS 1846 3 1923 UNION Mrs.Anna Coates, age 77, died at her residence Saturday evening, after a lingering illness. Mrs.Coates was a daughter of the late William C.Hudson and was born near Vildo. She married the late John Coates in 1879, one son, Oscar survives her. Mrs.Coates was a noble Christian woman, a member of the Methodist church for many years. The remains were laid to rest in Union Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, Rev.F.H.Cumming conducting the funeral service. The Bolivar Tenn. Bulletin.
3/29/23 Thursday RAWLISON J. T. Unk Unk Unknown Administrator's Public Auction, Mar.26,1923 in Johnson township. S.C.Armstrong-
4/12/23 Thursday FREEMAN BESSIE MRS Unk 4 11 1923 ST.LOUIS Mrs.Sam Burd left Wednesday night for St.Louis, being called there on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs.Bessie Freeman. A message received here stated that Mrs.Freeman died this morning.
4/12/23 Thursday TORRANCE L. C. 1870 4 11 1923 MISSOURI L.C.Torrance, well known Civil Engineer died at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis, about midnight Wednesday as the result of an operation the latter part of last week. Deceased had returned to Forrest City following the operation, which was made necessary from an abscess of the upper jaw bones. The operation last week necessitated the one yesterday, for mastoid in the ear, and it was the second operation that proved fatal. Deceased is survived by his wife, Lucy Torrance, and two children, Ruth and Hazel. The remains will be sent from Memphis to Pocahontus, Mo., for interment. Mrs.Torrance was with him at the time of his death and in the morning Mr.S.S.Hargraves and Mrs.R.W.Benson took Ruth and Hazel over to Memphis. L.C.Torrance was 53 years of age, the last several years had been spent in St.Francis county where he had made many warm friends, and news of his death here brought sorrow in the hearts of many. He was engineer for Road Improvement District No.2 during the first two years of the existence of the distinct, and as such he supervised the construction of the first hard surfaced road in the county. He was also engineer for Districts 4 and 5, which ran south and west from Hughes, and was engineer for a proposed district in Lee County.
4/21/23 Saturday MANN JOHN Unk 4 19 1923 Unknown Resist Arrest; One Killed, and One Escapes: John Mann, colored, working for L.L.Nelson, manager of the Lee Cook plantation south of the Bankhead highway on the road leading to Hughes, was killed Thursday afternoon by officers in the discharge of their duties. Mann with Theodore Golden became angered early in the afternoon and refused to do what Nelson bade them do, armed themselves, with a high powered rifle and shotguns and ordered Mr.Nelson to leave the plantation. Nelson in turn went for J.B.Black, they in turn notified Frank Folbre, a deputy who was working along the road in that vicinity and the three went to the house of Mann and found all of them armed and refused to surrender to Deputy Folbre, bidding them leave the place. Folbre then notified officers here and Deputies Lacefield, Brown, McGaha, and Gene Folbre left for the scene of trouble and met the two men on the roadside near their home, commanded them to halt. They made a break for the house and the officers fired in front of them several times in hopes of stopping them. Since they did not stop, the officers then fired killing Mann and wounding Golden. Esther Golden was also wounded by a stray bullet.
4/21/23 Saturday BOWMAN COLLINS Unk 4 8 1923 Unknown Collins Bowman was stabbed to death by Wes Austin in the public road near the Cottrell place on Sunday, Apr.8th,1923. Coroner E.J.Barrow was not notified of the affair, but accidentally heard of it and upon investigation discovered the facts as follows: The two had an altercation some time during the week previous and on the date mentioned Austin it is said, slipped up and grabbed Bowman around the shoulders and stabbed him to death.
5/8/23 Tuesday STATEN RUFUS SAMUEL Unk 5 8 1923 ROSE HILL-HARRISON Friends here will regret to learn of the death of Rufus Samuel Staten, who died this morning at Harrison, Ark. The deceased had been claim agent with the Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad for many years, and made his home in Harrison. For the past three months, he had been ill and practically confined to his bed with chronic Bright's Disease. With him at the time of his death was his daughter, Miss Lily May Staten and brother, R.E.Staten. The funeral will be held in Harrison Thursday afternoon, a brother, E.L.Staten and a sister, Mrs.W.R. Cox and husband, leave this afternoon to attend the funeral. The remains were laid to rest in the Harrison Cemetery with ceremony conducted by Rev.W.P.Bradley of the Presbyterian church assisted by the Baptist and M.E.south ministers. Mr.Staten was born in Pontoctoc, Miss. on April 20,1870, and died in Harrison, Ark., May 8,1923. The cause of death was a stroke of apoplexy.
5/15/23 Tuesday FUSSELL JAMES VAULX CAPT. 6 23 1849 5 13 1923 ELMWOOD Captain James Fussell Passed Away Sunday Afternoon: Captain James Fussell, Sr., passed away at 4:25 Sunday afternoon at his home in the city, surrounded by all of his immediate relatives except his sister, who arrived from Oklahoma about one hour later. The end had been expected since Saturday, though his weakened condition was not generally known over the city until a few hours before his death. Captain Fussell had suffered with a partial paralysis, from which he never fully recovered. Difficult to read. He was at the ball game between Forrest City and Paragould towards the end of the game when he suffered a slight collapse, caused by weakening of the heart, and from this collapse he never entirely recovered, though his condition had improved Friday. He lost consciousness Saturday afternoon. He is survived by his second wife, and by two children, James Fussell Jr. of Forrest City, and Mrs.Burke Mann of Marianna; one sister, Mrs.Fannie Cole of Oklahoma City, Okla.; one brother, Berry Fussell of the city; and five grandchildren, Elizabeth and James Fussell children of Mr. and Mrs. James Fussell, Jr.., and Edgar, James, and Alston Taylor, sons born to Mr. and Mrs. E.P.Taylor, Mrs. Taylor died about two years ago. Funeral services were held Monday morning by Rev.Homer M. McLain, and the remains carried to Memphis for interment in Elmwood Cemetery, in the family burial plot. Funeral arrangements in Forrest City were under the direction of W.E.Stevens Undertaking Co. Pall bearers, active were: John W.Alderson, M.C.Hambleton, W.W.Campbell, W.S.Alley, E.B.Smith, and J.F.Wolfe. Honorary: Walter Gorman, S.H.Mann, J.D.Baugh, R.J.Williams, C.W.Norton, Walter Allen, R.J.Lanier, Ed Landvoigt, J.T.Fondren, John B.Johnston, S.C.Campbell, Eldridge Butler, A.G.Sweet, Chas.Lewis, John W.Naylor, S.T.McDaniel, who accompanied the body to Memphis, and the following honorary pall bearers at Memphis:Joel E.Wynne, H.A.Ramsey, Joe Stewart, John Johnson, Joe L. Mewborn, and E.L.Rice. The body was met in Memphis by the pall bearers, the immediate family. He was born in Trenton, Tenn. June 23,1849, the son of James Vaulx and Louisa (Alston) Fussell, who were natives of Davidson County, Tenn. and Chatham County North Carolina, respectively, and was directly descended from the Alston and Ramsey families, prominent in the history of North Carolina. The family moved to Memphis when he reached manhood, and he worked in that city as a cash boy for a dry goods firm, and as an accountant for Stewart, Gwynne & Co. prior to coming to Forrest City forty eight years ago. An incident which he related to the writer occurred while he was selling newspapers in Memphis. When the news of the first battle of Bull Run reached Memphis, the Appeal published an account of the same as an extra-paper. A newspaper extra was a great event in those days. He sold the first of these extras. He came to Forrest City in 1875 to straighten out some business affairs for Stewart, Gwynne & Co., and the same year formed a business connection with them under the firm name Pollick, Fussell & Co., which business continued for a short time and was changed to Fussell, Graham & Co., and later to the present corporation Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co.
5/15/23 Tuesday FUSSELL JAMES VAULX CAPT. 6 23 1849 5 13 1923 ELMWOOD Captain Fussell was married on Nov.1, 1880 to Miss Lucille Galloway, daughter of Colonel Matthew Campbell Galloway, who was prior to his death was one of the most prominent of Tennessee's distinguished editors and statesmen. Four children blessed their union, three of which survived their mother, who died in 1894, and two their father. On Mar.1,1897, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Randolph of Memphis, who won a warm place in the affection of the children, and proved a devoted and loving wife, and who survives him. Captain Fussell was one of the original incorporators of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, organized in 1886, and was its vice president for the first two years, and has served as President for the remaining time. He was also President of the Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co. and of the Forrest City Gin Co. These three institutions have been important factors in the growth and development of the city and county. He was one of the originators of the St.Francis Levee project, and spent weeks and months of his time in company with the engineers in making the first surveys for this great undertaking.
5/17/23 Thursday BROWN EGBERT LEE Unk 3 1 1923 HUGHES The remains of Egbert Lee Brown, who died in the Phillipines, were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery Wednesday, Rev.J.A.Crenshaw of the Methodist church conducting the ceremonies. He joined the Navy in 1917, and is survived by one sister, Mrs.John Roy of Caldwell, and one brother, Mr.Eugene Brown. Hard to read. He gave his life in service to his country-peace to his ashes.
5/17/23 Thursday WEAVER WILLIAM B. MRS 2 4 1860 5 14 1923 HUGHES Mrs.W.B.Weaver, age 62 years, 9 months and 24 days died at the family home in Johnson township Monday. Her remains were laid to rest in Hughes cemetery Tuesday afternoon with services by Rev.Homer M.McLain. Deceased is survived by her husband and one son, Rusa.
5/17/23 Thursday LUDEVIKREN CHARLES M. 1844 5 7 1923 McDANIEL Died at the home of Mr.Sam Worrall, on May 7th, 1923, a few miles south of the city, Charles M.Ludevikren, aged 79 years. The remains were laid to rest in the McDaniel cemetery, Rev.Homer McLain of this city officiating. He is a landmark in this county, having made his home with the Worrall's for the past 40 years. He came from France to this country and had been in correspondence with relatives there until the breaking out of the war. He was a great lover of children, and fairly worshiped the Worrall children, who while grown up will miss him.
5/19/23 Saturday DAVIS JOHN M. 7 11 1845 5 18 1923 CITY It was with sorrow and regret that the news of the death of Mr.John M.Davis, better known as "Uncle Jack", was received over the city today. He died Friday night and had been ill for several weeks and passed away peacefully surrounded by family and friends. In the death of Uncle Jack another of the old landmarks is obliterated, he having been born in St.Francis county, 78 years ago, July 11, 1845. He was the son of Cornelius and Eliza Halbert Davis, who were early settlers of the county in the Millbrook Community a few miles from the city. He leaves 10 children who will greatly miss him:B.L.Davis of Little Rock, A.W. and J.L.Davis of Prescott, Ariz.; Miss Pearl Davis of the city; Mrs.Joe Mosby of Crawfordsville; Mrs.E.J.Barrow of this city; Mrs.J.A.Cargile of Memphis; Miss Myrtle Davis of Memphis; Mrs.John Mosby of Memphis; and Mrs.M.R.Atkinson of Memphis. Uncle Jack served as high sheriff of St.Francis county in the early days, and was a familiar figure in old time politics. He had been a famous bear hunter and his exploits in chasing bruins was listened to with interest by all. Interment will take place Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. Services by Rev.W.V.Womack, of the Methodist church. Active pall bearers: W.P.Gorman, J.F.Wolfe, J.L. Alley, Arthur Mosby, Minor Atkinson, A.D.McDaniel, Rolfe Eldridge, Bert Mallory,. Honorary:Ed Landvoigt, Jim DeRossitt, M.H.Gaines, W.J.Lanier, W.A.Pearson, H.A.Ferrell, E.B.Smith, Dr.D.A.Pelton, Robt.Brittain, J.R.Scott, D.E.Hoshall, W.S.Alley, J.V.Campbell. Peace to his ashes.
5/19/23 Saturday SRUM HERBERT J. 12 4 1901 5 17 1923 HUGHES The city was shocked about six o'clock Thursday afternoon when the announcement of the death of Mr.Herbert J.Srum had committed suicide. The young man was of excellent habits, and held in the highest esteem by friends though out the county. His body was found hanging from the transom of his room, in the home of Mr. and Mrs.Loyd Myers. The last seen of him alive was earlier in the afternoon, as he started from town for his room. The cord of his robe was used as the rope. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Hughes cemetery, conducted by Rev.W.F.Sherman, Rev.W.V.Womack and Rev.J.B.Crenshaw. Pall bearers were:Tom Seay, Loyd Myers, Jesse Aycock, Eugene Rolfe, Sam Rolfe, and A.B.Wolfe. Deceased was the only child of Mr.and Mrs.Lawrence Srum of the Colt community, and was born Dec.2,1901. He had been in the employ of Brandon & Baugh for the past four years. No cause can be determined, he had been taking a business course by mail, and his lesson was ready to mail, and the book open on the bed. It is felt he became unbalanced with over study.
6/7/23 Thursday ATKINS GEORGE Unk 6 5 1923 Unknown George Atkins Dead: He died Tuesday at his home and was buried Thursday, Rest unreadable.
6/9/23 Saturday COPELAND OTTO PERRY 5 4 1870 6 9 1923 CITY Two Killed when train hits auto at Round Pond: O.J.Copeland and Walter Coleman were instantly killed about eleven o'clock today when Rock Island Passenger Train 602, Little Rock to Memphis, struck an auto in which five were riding. The other three, John Copeland, Gertrude and Alfred Martin, were injured. John Copeland was seriously injured and was carried to Memphis on the train for hospital treatment. The Martin's were not as serious, and were brought to Forrest City and Dr.P.P.Boggan dressed their wounds. The car which they were driving was set afire during the wreck, and completely destroyed. The crossing at Round Pond is up a rather steep grade.
6/9/23 Saturday COLEMAN WALTER Unk 6 9 1923 Unknown Two Killed when train hits auto at Round Pond: O.J.Copeland and Walter Coleman were instantly killed about eleven o'clock today when Rock Island Passenger Train 602, Little Rock to Memphis, struck an auto in which five were riding. The other three, John Copeland, Gertrude and Alfred Martin, were injured. John Copeland was seriously injured and was carried to Memphis on the train for hospital treatment. The Martin's were not as serious, and were brought to Forrest City and Dr.P.P.Boggan dressed their wounds. The car which they were driving was set afire during the wreck, and completely destroyed. The crossing at Round Pond is up a rather steep grade.
6/14/23 Thursday PASLAY CHARLES H. 8 28 1854 6 12 1923 OAK LAWN Charles Paslay died at his home in Memphis Tuesday morning, June 12,1923. Funeral services were held in Brinkley Wednesday morning from the residence of his daughter, Mrs.W.D.Wade, conducted by Rev.W.Cas.Edwards of the Baptist church. Deceased leaves a wife and four children: Mrs.Wm.Belfrer of Memphis; Mrs.W.D.Wade of Brinkley; Mrs.John Rast of Chattanooga, Tenn.; and Mrs.George Smith of Wheatley. The funeral services were attended by Mr.and Mrs.M.C.Hambleton and Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Johnson of this city, relatives of the deceased. 6/16/23 Saturday From the Brinkley Argus-He was formerly of this city, but has been in Memphis for the past 15 or 20 years The burial was at Oak Lawn Cemetery. The deceased was born Aug.28,1854, back in North Carolina, and at an early age with his father, the late Dr.J.C.Paslay, moved to Arkansas. Only Mrs.Rast of the family was unable to attend the funeral.
6/16/23 Saturday FLEMING CHARLES 1897 6 10 1923 HUGHES Good Man Gone: Charles Fleming, age 26 years, died at the home of his parents in Johnson township Sunday afternoon, June 10, 1923. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon with interment at the Hughes cemetery, conducted by Rev.J.S.Burns. The services were attended by a large number of friends of the deceased, and friends of the family, held in high esteem in the county. He is survived by his parents, and two brothers, Dan and Alvin. Charles Fleming early gave his life to Christ, and died happy in the Christian faith. Just a few hours before his death he gave this statement to those around his bedside: "There is a beautiful mansion above, and that is where I am going, Daniel, I want you and Mittie Bell and your children to meet me in heaven. For I am now ready to die, I hope He will call me today for I have done my part of suffering here in this old world. Life is only a short while here in this old world. Any other world is bound to be better than this one." A Friend.
6/28/23 Thursday JOHNSON REEDUS Unk 6 26 1923 CITY Reedus Johnson, Boy Scout Drowns at Kamp Kia Kima: Reedus Johnson, son of Mr.and Mrs.Atkins Johnson of this city, and a member of the Boy Scouts party that left Sunday for an week's outing at Hardy, was drowned Tuesday, Jun.26,1923, while swimming. His remains were not found until Wednesday, when they were prepared for burial and brought here this morning. Funeral services will be held this afternoon, with interment in the Forrest City cemetery, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack. The untimely death of young Johnson has cast a gloom over the city, and the sincere and deep sympathy go out to the family in their sorrow. Reedus was an unusually bright young fellow, and his playmates are inconsolable in their loss. The Boy Scouts camping party was broken up, and they accompanied the remains back home and will attend the ceremonies. This from article in the Commercial Appeal: Johnson was among 40 boys from Forrest City who composed the swimming party admitted to the river at the Boy Scout camp. There were five life guards on duty at the time of disappearance, but he was not found to be missing until supper time.
7/17/23 Tuesday CODY A. J. 1888 7 12 1923 HIGDEN Killed by Falling Tree: A.J.Cody, age 35 years, was killed Thursday by a falling tree, while working in some timber three miles south of here, on what is known as the Wylds place. Mr.Cody moved here about four months ago from Higden, Ark.. His wife and five children came over about four weeks ago. His remains will be shipped to Higden for burial today. Deceased had neither property or life insurance and the charitable people of this place cared for all necessary expenses.
7/21/23 Saturday WINFIELD MARY ELIZABETH MRS 12 6 1842 7 19 1923 MT.VERNON Mrs.Mary Elizabeth Winfield, who was stricken with paralysis Monday afternoon, passed away during the early hours of Thursday night, July 19,1923, surrounded by all the immediate members of the family. Death had been expected since a short while following the stroke. Funeral services were held from the residence by Rev.W.V.Womack and Rev.W.S.Sherman of the Methodist church, on Friday. Interment was at Mt.Vernon cemetery, besides the remains of her husband, William Wirt Winfield, who died in 1879. There were many floral offerings, and a large number attended the service, paying last tribute to one of the noble women of the city. Pall bearers were:Active:H.A.Knight, W.W.Campbell, J.S.Shields, R.C.Eldridge, Fenner Eldridge, Fenner Laughinghouse; Honorary:E.L.Bonner, James F.Wolfe, W.J.Lanier, Dr.H.R.Clark, E.P.Taylor, W.S.Alley, Clarence Coffey, and W.A.Pearson. Deceased is survived by two sons and two daughters, one grand son, and one great-grand daughter, as follows:John Oliver Winfield, Richard Harwell Winfield, Miss Frances Elizabeth Winfield, Miss Anna Westwood Winfield, Richard Harwell Winfield, Jr., Mrs.Gladys Williams, and Gladys, the baby of Mrs.Williams. Born on Dec.6, 1842, in Greenville county, Va., of fine ancestral parentage on each side, a descendant of Sir Francis Wyatt, she received all the advantages that was afforded in those times. With her parents, she left Virginia when about 12 years of age, and settled with them in LaGrange, Tenn. That was before the railroads penetrated Tennessee, the trip being made by wagons. Through private instruction she became one of the best educated women of her times, a master of French and accomplished in music. She came here with her husband in 1870, and he passed away in 1879. Twenty seven years of her life was spent teaching children, in all grades, from the primary through college courses, but her preference was for the primary department. She also served two terms as Postmaster, first being appointed by Pres.Grover Cleveland, in his first term, and then by Pres.Benjamin Harrison. She joined the Methodist church at the age of eleven and all through her life was active and steadfast to the last.
7/21/23 Saturday HAMILTON FANNIE LEE MRS PEEVEY 8 27 1888 7 18 1923 YARBROUGH After a lingering illness, Mrs.Fannie Lee Hamilton died Wednesday, July 18,1923, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jim Peevey, in Colt, at the age of 35 of leakage of the heart. Interment was made at the family plot in the Yarbrough cemetery Thursday afternoon, Rev.J.W.Crenshaw, pastor of the Methodist church at Colt, officiating. She is survived by her father and mother, two sisters and a little daughter, Lois.
8/2/23 Thursday STATEN TWIN BOYS 7 29 1923 7 29 1923 Unknown Born, Sunday night to Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Staten, twin boys, both dying shortly after birth. Mrs.Staten is doing nicely.
8/2/23 Thursday TRAIL GRACE A. MRS Unk Unk Unknown Card of thanks to friends for their kindness and thoughtfulness during the illness and death of our mother and grandmother, Mrs.Grace A.Trail. Special thanks to Dr.Bradford for his kind and patient attendance. Family
8/7/23 Tuesday HARDING WARREN G. PRESIDENT Unk 8 3 1923 OHIO President Harding funeral party reaches capital today. He died in San Francisco. His body will lie in state in Washington until Thursday, and then the body will be shipped to Marion, Ohio for burial.
8/7/23 Tuesday JACKSON MARY MRS EVANS 11 2 1859 8 5 1923 CITY Mrs.Mollie Jackson, widow of the late George L.Jackson died at her home on N.Rosser Street Sunday night, Aug.5,1923. Deceased had been ill for several months, and suffered a stroke of paralysis a few weeks ago, which hastened the end. Deceased was born in St.Francis county sixty-four years ago, on the old Evans place in Franks township; her parents, Hiram and Eliza Evans having preceded her in death years ago. She is survived by three sons, Andrew, Earl, and John Jackson; one sister, Mrs.N.A.Hoshall of this city; two brothers, J.J.Evans of Little Rock, and W.E.Evans of Kansas City, Mo. Funeral services were conducted Monday by Rev.J.C.Mason, of the Christian church, of which faith the deceased had been a faithful member for a long number of years. interment was in the Forrest City cemetery, in the family burial plot. Pall bearers were:E.B.Smith, V.L.Hunt, J.F.Wofle, C.R.Hine, R.L.Stockard, and R.E.Hudson. There were many beautiful floral offerings and a large number of people who attended the service, paying their last tribute to a fine Christian woman and mother whose spirit has been called to its Maker.
8/14/23 Tuesday LITTELL RICHARD 7 21 1907 8 12 1923 HUGHES Richard Littell, age 16, was drowned in the St.Francis river at Madison Sunday afternoon, Aug.12,1923. The body was not recovered until this morning. Funeral services will be held this afternoon. Richard was one of a party of bathers in the St.Francis river Sunday. He was unable to swim, and had used a plank to float. On account of the number in, and a baptizing service going on near there, he had gotten in water above his head, and where the current was swift, before he, or his associates realized his danger. His calls for help attracted attention, but too late to reach him before sinking the third time. All efforts to recover the body that afternoon proved un-availing, and the search was continued until today, when it was found by Walter Watts of Madison, two and one half miles south of the Rock Island bridge. Upon word reaching Madison Ed Tulley went to Watt's assistance, bringing his body back to Madison in a gasoline launch, where it was received by Walter E.Stevens, who was in charge of the funeral arrangements. Richard was the son of Mr.and Mrs.Bob Littell of this city. He was born in Dardenelle, Ark., July 21,1907, and came to this city with his parents a number of years ago. He is survived by his parents, three sisters, and two brothers, who have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. Funeral was had from the residence in the Hughes cemetery.
8/28/23 Tuesday DUNN WILLIAM 1914 8 1923 Unknown Pine Tree Times: The death angel visited the home of Mr.and Mrs.Otto Dunn and removed from their home, their little son, William, age about 9 years. He was a bright and loving child, and we will miss him.
8/30/23 Thursday McCLURE I. D. MRS Unk 8 1923 Unknown Notice was received in the city today announcing the death, in Monette, of Mrs.I.D.McClure, wife of Rev. McClure who was at Widener, and was pastor of church in Widener and Madison.
8/30/23 Thursday WOMACK JAMES W. 8 5 1849 8 29 1923 CENTERTON J.W.Womack, father of Rev.W.V.Womack, died Wednesday morning, Aug.29.1923, at his home in Centerton, Benton County, aged 75 years, and was buried today. Rev.Womack was with his father at the time of his death. Mr.Womack is survived by eight children, four each. Mrs.Elizabeth Womack died about eight years ago in 1915.
9/4/23 Tuesday FORD SON 1911 9 3 1923 Unknown The twelve year old son of Mr.and Mrs.G.M.Ford of Horton died last night from an infected foot, gangrene having set in from a nail wound a few days ago.
9/4/23 Tuesday BARAR LOUIS MRS Unk 9 3 1923 KENTUCKY Mrs.Louis Barar, sister of Mrs.Louis R.Grobmyer, Sr., died at her home in Memphis last night, Sep.3,1923. The remains will be taken to Carrollton, Ky. for interment, leaving Memphis tonight, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.L.R.Grobmyer, Sr. and Mr.and Mrs.Grasmick, of this city. Mrs.Barat had been in ill health for some time. She recently returned to Memphis after a visit here to the home of Mr.and Mrs.Grobmyer.
9/6/23 Thursday HOLMAN CARLOS 1903 9 5 1923 MISSOURI Rev.William Sherman left for Memphis to attend the funeral of Carlos Holman, son of Rev.and Mrs.D.C.Holman of Parkin. Mr.Holman, who is about twenty years of age, died in the Baptist hospital last night as a result of blood poisoning. Funeral services will be held in Memphis, and then the remains will be sent to Caruthersville, Missouri for interment.
9/18/23 Tuesday O'BRYANT JAMES H. REV. Unk 9 16 1923 ROGERS-BENTON CO.MEMORIAL PARK Earle, Sept.16-Rev.J.H.O'Bryant, 54, pastor of the Methodist church here, and one of the best known ministers in the North Arkansas conference, died here at 7:30 tonight, following a heart attack two weeks ago. Death came while the nurse and his daughter, Miss Eunice, were assisting to a sitting posture in the bed. He had his arms around the neck of his daughter when he suddenly fell back on the bed, dead. He came here from Paragould this conference year. He had previously served in Forrest City. The remains were taken to Rogers, Arkansas for interment after funeral services in Earle on Monday afternoon.
9/20/23 Thursday AVERY J. H. Unk 9 1923 HOT SPRINGS Harry A.Knight has returned from Hot Springs on Sunday where he was called on account of the illness and subsequent death of J.H.Avery, his uncle. Mrs.C.L.Knight, Mr.Avery's sister, who accompanied Mr.Knight, will remain for a few days. Married to Fru Anna Southard b.Jan.1,1870 d.1966.
9/20/23 Thursday WHITE MINNIE ANN MRS Harde 4 18 1862 9 19 1923 CITY Mrs.Minnie Ann White died suddenly about 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sep.19,1923, at her home 413 Franklin Street, from heart failure, at the age of 62 years. Mrs.White had been in ill health for some time, but was not considered in a serious condition up to the time of her death. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack and Wm.Sherman of the Methodist church, with interment in the Forrest City Cemetery. The deceased is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mrs.Lyman Duncan and Miss Linnie White of this city, and Mrs.L.H.Brewer of Little Rock; three sons, Clyde White of Hunter, and Auvergne and Clarence of this city. Out of town visitors for the funeral included: T.B.Tooms of Medina, Tenn., Mrs.John Harden of Humboldt, Tenn., Mrs.Dulin House of Arlington, Texas, the husband, C.I White of Memphis, daughter, Mrs.L.H.Brewer and Mr.Brewer of Little Rock, and son Clyde White of Hunter.
10/4/23 Thursday BECK JOSEPH B. 6 7 1834 10 4 1923 CITY Joe B.Beck who had been confined to his bed since Saturday week, died at his home East Dillard Street about noon today, Oct.4,1923. Funeral arrangements have not been made, pending arrival of relatives. 10/9/23 Tuesday Funeral services were held Friday afternoon over the remains of Joseph B.Beck, conducted at the residence by Rev.J.S.Burns and at the grave side by the Odd Fellows; interment in the Forrest City cemetery. Pall bearers:Wright Lewis, W.P.Evans, J.T.Johnson, V.L.Hunt, J.E.Surginer, and J.G.Sanders; funeral arrangements in charge of W.E. Stevens Co. Joseph Beck was born near Three Rivers, St.Joseph county, Michigan June 7, 1834. He came to Forrest City in 1872, and resided in this county until his death. Thursday, Oct.4,1923. He was a mill wright and carpenter, and in active days one of the best in the county. He had been in failing health for the past few years, and confined to his bed only a few days before his death. He was a staunch member of the Baptist church, and an active members of Odd Fellows. He is survived by his wife; one son, E.Drummond Beck of Marianna; one daughter, Mrs.P.E.Montgomery, of San Francisco, Calif.; one brother. S.P.Beck, who lives west of the city.
10/9/23 Tuesday LATNER CALVIN 1888 10 7 1923 Unknown J.Othello McDougal, Chief of Police, shot thru arm by bootlegger Jess Latner at Brinkley. Calvin Latner, nephew of Jess was shot by Chief McDougal at the same time and died Sunday morning from the shots. Mr.McDougal is alive simply because the automatic pistol of Latner snapped several times before firing. The affair happened at the Brinkley passenger depot where McDougal had gone in search of a party who committed several house robberies in Forrest City Thursday and Friday nights. The Latners had been arrested in Forrest City on March 17 by Chief McDougal and McGaha on a whiskey charge, and fined by Judge A.M.Bradford; at the time the Latners threatened that they would get avenged. Per Arkansas Gazette: Calvin Latner, age 35, attacked City Marshall McDougal. Jess Latner is under arrest facing a charge of assault with intent to kill, and is being held in the Monroe County jail at Clarendon.
10/11/23 Thursday BERKEWATE REV. Unk 10 10 1923 CALIFORNIA The Rt.Rev.Berkewate, for forty years a priest in New York, and the first Catholic priest from Asia to the United States, died in Clovis, Calif., last night, Oct.8,1923. He was an uncle of Ed and A.M. Ash of Forrest City, and a friend of the family of Mrs.Ed Ash, and was her instructor in school. Mr.and Mrs.Ed Ash are in New York but will probably go to California for the funeral.
10/16/23 Tuesday GOVAN ANDREW ROBISON Unk 10 16 1923 HELENA Andrew Govan, brother of Mrs.T.C.Merwin, of this city, died at eight thirty in Memphis this morning. The funeral will be held in Helena tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. Mrs.Merwin and her daughter Mrs.W.C.McCoy will attend the services from here.
10/16/23 Tuesday STATEN CARRIE L. MRS STEWART 3 24 1883 10 11 1923 CITY Mrs.E.L.Staten passed away at her home on South Washington St. Thursday, Oct.11,1923. Mrs.Staten had been a sufferer for several months and at times her suffering was almost beyond the endurance but tried to be patient, cheerful, and un-complaining in spite of it, and made a valiant fight for life, but the inevitable came and she passed without suffering. Carrie Staten (nee Stewart) was born in Brownsville, Tenn., March 24,1883. In 1908 she joined the Baptist Church at Brownsville, and later, her union with Mr.Staten she joined the Methodist church at Aubrey, Ark., and when they moved to Forrest City, placed her membership here. The deceased was a woman of gentle manners, friendly to all, and has many warm friends where she was known, and was very considerate of her loved ones. She leaves a husband, E.L.Staten; two daughters, Virginia and Carolyn; two step children, Frank and Mrs.H.B.Hughes of Haynes, Ark., and a father, J.E.Stewart; a brother, Floyd Stewart, and a sister, Mrs.Walter Baird of Brownsville, Tenn., to mourn her loss. Funeral services were conducted at the Forrest City cemetery Friday afternoon by Rev.W.V.Womack of the Methodist church.
10/23/23 Tuesday LITTLEFIELD DRUSILLA MRS 1842 10 19 1923 HUGHES Mrs.Drusilla Littlefield, 81 years of age, died suddenly Friday night, Oct.19, 1923, at the residence of Mr.and Mrs.Will Fisher, with whom she has been making her home. Death was presumably caused from heart failure. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon with interment at the Hughes cemetery conducted by Rev.Mason, minister of the Christian church. The deceased is survived by one brother, Jerry Halbert, of Corning, one son, George Littlefield, also of Corning, besides other relatives. Her brother and son, with his wife and child, were among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral.
10/30/23 Tuesday SMITH ALICE MRS 1 25 1878 10 27 1923 McDANIEL Mrs.Jerry Smith died Saturday, at her home four miles southeast of town, after an illness of several months. The funeral was conducted by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist church with interment in the McDaniel cemetery. The deceased was 45 years of age, and besides her husband, leaves eight children. 11/1/23 Thursday Card of thanks! Jerry Smith, husband; daughters, Katie, Blanche, and Virginia; sons, Jack, Jesse, Edgar, Floyd and Rodney.
11/13/23 Tuesday McCUTCHEN BILLY JOE 1917 11 9 1923 WIDENER Billy Joe, six years of age, little son of Mr.and Mrs.J.E.McCutchen, died Friday afternoon, Nov.9,1923, at his home in Widener, after an illness of several days of diphtheria and pneumonia. He was an usually bright child and loved by every one who knew him. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist church, with interment in the Widener cemetery.
11/15/23 Thursday SANDERS FIZER 1909 11 15 1923 CITY As we were going to press we were advised of the death of Fizer, little son of Mr.and Mrs.J.G.Sanders who died at 2 p.m. today,11/15/23, at the age of 14 years. Previous to an operation about seven months ago, Fizer was seemingly well and robust child, but on operating a tubercular condition was found which led to other complications from which he never recovered, but suffered patiently to the end. The funeral service will be conducted from the home tomorrow afternoon, by Rev.J.R.G.White, who will come from Little Rock for this purpose. Interment will take place in the Forrest City Cemetery.
11/20/23 Tuesday DENNIS HENRY WILLIAM 7 16 1862 11 17 1923 CITY Henry W.Dennis died Saturday, Nov.17, 1923, at the home of his son, Norman Dennis, after an illness of five months with Bright's disease. Mr.Dennis came here about a week and a half ago from Arkadelphia where he had been making his home since 1916, and died at the age of 61 years. Funeral services were conducted from the home Sunday by Rev.W.V.Womack, pastor of the Methodist church, with interment in the Forrest City Cemetery. Mr.Dennis was born in Portsmouth, Ohio. on July 16,1862, the son of Dr.and Mrs.J.W.Dennis. and came to Forrest City at the age of ten years. On July 9,1884, he married Miss Rosa G.Beazley and they made their home here until 1916 when they moved to Arkadelphia. For a number of years, he was in the employ of Wynne, Dennis & Beck, also he taught school in Forrest City. Surviving are the widow, and six children;Norman Dennis of Forrest City;Charles W.Dennis of Chicago;Mrs.A.C.Wood of Forrest City; Tillman Dennis of Pine Bluff; Misses Frances and Mattie Pearl Dennism Forrest City. Aside from the children, those from out of town in attendance were:Mr.and Mrs.E.S.Stevens, Chicago;Mrs.W.S.Allen and Mrs.Fred Roberson, Little Rock; Mrs. E.J.Beazley of Marianna. Pall bearers: Messrs.J.M.Wilson, Wilber Alley, John C.Roberts, Henry Gray, Lonzie Brantley, and W.M.Paslay.
11/20/23 Tuesday UPSHAW MORSE K. 1860 11 18 1923 HELENA Helena-Nov.19-The funeral of Morse K.Upshaw, 63, President of the Upshaw Hardware Co. here and former president of the Helena school board, who died at his home early yesterday, Nov.18,1923, will be held from the residence today under Masonic auspices. He is survived by his wife; a son, Capt.Morse K.Upshaw, medical student; and a daughter, Mrs.G.H.Gist; also by his mother, now past 90 and a resident of St.Louis; and a brother, Tazewell Upshaw, who resides in Oklahoma. Mrs.Wm.Dawson and Mrs.T.C.Merwin attended from this city.
11/22/23 Thursday BODRY WILLIAM 1902 11 20 1923 Unknown William Bodry burns to death when truck overturns and is set aflame. He is a St.Francis County boy, and a member of Co.H-Arkansas National Guard, and well known and liked by his associates, was burned to death Tuesday afternoon, Nov.20,1923, when a truck he was driving plunged through the viaduct approach to the Hanrahan Bridge in Memphis. From the Commercial Appeal, William Bodry, age 21, of Haynes, a truck driver and logger, literally was burned to death yesterday afternoon when an Army five ton truck, which he was piloting, plunged off the Crittenden County viaduct, a distance of 30 feet while his uncle, W.W.Pounders, 25, of Memphis, escaped by jumping as the vehicle toppled. Many attempted to rescue him but to no avail. The truck came from Reuben Mallory's logging camp, three miles from Miles Thompson's store, this side of Marion, Ark., to have a tire welded. He is survived by his father, J.J.Bodry of Haynes, three brothers, Walter, Eugene, and Hiram Bodry, and two sisters, Mary and Myrtle Bodry. The army truck had been converted to a logging conveyance. He was hauling logs owned by John Claybrook of Topaz, Arkansas.
11/29/23 Thursday WYNNE JOEL ECHOLS 5 1877 11 24 1923 ELMWOOD From the Sunday's Commercial Appeal: Funeral services for Joel Echols Wynne, prominent cotton man who died early Saturday morning, Nov.24,1923, as a result of heart trouble, will be held this afternoon at the family residence, 1286 Peabody Avenue. The services will be conducted by the Rev.T.W.Lewis, pastor of the Madison Heights Methodist Church. Interment will be in the Elmwood cemetery. Mr.Wynne's death removes from the civic and commercial life of Memphis a man recognized over this territory as a pillar of integrity. As President of the Wynne, Love & Co., cotton firm, and as a director of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas at Forrest City, he stood as a peer among substantial business men of the mid south. Mr.Wynne was a native of Forrest City, Ark. He was the son of Capt.J.W.and Margaret Ross Wynne. In early life, he came to Memphis and established himself in business. He was 50 years of age last May. His education was at the famous Webb School at Bell Buckle, Tenn., the alumni of which have distinguished themselves all over the south. Mr.Wynne married Miss Edyth Malone, daughter of Dr.G.B.Malone. Besides his widow, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J.M.Draughon, and two brothers, Hugh Ross and Jesse W.Wynne. He was a steward of the Madison Heights Methodist church. Active pall bearers:James Draughon, W.T.Cole, T.B.King, W.H.Humphreys, W.B.Ross, John T.Fisher, Taylor Malone, and John W.Alderson. J.T.Hinton & Son will have charge of the arrangement.
12/4/23 Tuesday FISHER ROY KINTON 4 4 1923 11 29 1923 CITY Roy Kinton Fisher, little son of Mr.and Mrs.Roy Fisher, died Thanksgiving morning at the age of eight months. He had been ill for about ten days with pneumonia and colitus. Services were held at the residence Friday afternoon by Rev.W.V.Womack, and interment was in the Forrest City cemetery.
12/6/23 Thursday WALKER MYRA MRS 4 24 1859 12 5 1923 FOREST HILL-MEMPHIS Announcement of the sudden death of Mrs.Myra Walker in Memphis Wednesday, Dec.5,1923, came as a shock to the Mann family and to their wide circle of friends in this city. Mrs. Walker was one of a party here Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs.V.V.Mann, and other members of the Mann family. Funeral services are being held in Memphis this afternoon attended by the following relatives from Forrest City: Mrs.V.V.Mann, Miss Mamie Mann, Mr.and Mrs.Samuel H.Mann, Sr., Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Morrow, Mrs.J.B.Johnston and S.H.Mann Jr. The following announcement appeared in today's Commercial Appeal: Mrs.Myra Walker, 64, member of one of the best known families in Arkansas and Tennessee, died suddenly at the family residence yesterday morning, Funeral services will be held at the residence this afternoon, with the Rev.T.W.Lewis, pastor of the Madison Heights Methodist church, and the Rev.R.H.Mahon, of Brownsville, Tenn. officiating. Interment will be in Forest Hill cemetery. The active pall bearers: J.A.Deaton, W.H.Claypool, R.R.Price, Lester Barton, R.Harding, A.L.Crabtree, A.A.Botts, Bolling Sibley, Leslie Thornton, T.H.Tutwiler, R.T.Fant, W.H.Reid. Honorary:Chas.F.Farnsworth, P.S.Smithwick Sr., R.O.Johnston, M.G.Bailey, Major M.V.Crump, J.E.VanTree, Dr. Willis Campbell, H.R.Chears, T.B.King, June Rudsill, J.R.Paine, among others. Recently a family reunion in Pine Bluff had 110 members present. Among Mrs.Walker's immediate survivors are her husband, John K.Walker, one daughter, Mrs.Frank G.Bridges of Pine Bluff, Ark., and James M.Walker, President of the O.K.Transfer & Storage, Southern Motor Car Co., and former President of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce. She was born in Brownsville, Tenn. April 24,1859, the daughter of William Berkley and Victoria Virginia Mann. She was one of 12 children, and in 1880 was married. She is the first of her family to die save her father. She was a sister of Miss Mamie Mann, Mrs.W.A.Morrow, Judge Samuel Mann, of Forrest City; J.H.Mann, Mrs.William Brasher, and Mrs.William Crutcher of Pine Bluff; Mrs.Marcus Barker, of St.Petersburg, Fla.; Mrs.Abbie Knox of Baltimore, Md. Mrs.J.T.Herron of Jackson, Tenn.; W.B.Mann of Marianna; and Mrs.W.J.Northcross of Memphis. J.T.Hinton & Son are in charge of arrangements.
12/11/23 Tuesday ALLEY WILLIAM H. DR 9 12 1861 12 6 1923 CITY Dr.W.H.Alley passed away Thursday night, Dec.6,1923, shortly before midnight. The end had been expected for several days, Dr. Alley realizing it himself earlier in the week that his condition was hopeless. Death was from diabetes, from which he had been suffering for some time, but had been confined to his bed for only 16 days. Funeral services were conducted grave side by Rev.W.V.Womack and H.M.McLain; interment in the Forrest City cemetery.The pall bearers were:Rolfe Eldridge, Leo Grobmyer, John R.Grobmyer, S.J.Dean, John W.Snyder, J.T.Harris, active, and T.A.Buford, S.H.Mann Sr., E.A.Rolfe, W.A.Pearson, J.M.Nichols, L.C.Marshall, A.C.Bridewell, W.W.Campbell, Burt Mallory, James Wolfe, M.B.Norfleet Sr., J.E.Ferguson, Dr.J.F.McDougal, Dr. P.P.Boggan, Dr.J.A.Bogart, Dr.N.C.McCown, and Dr.J.O.Rush honorary. Seldom has the city witnessed as large and out pouring to pay last respects to one of its departed citizens, the funeral cortege extended from the residence to the cemetery. Dr.W.H.Alley was born in Byhalia, Miss., in 1861. He was a graduate of Vanderbilt University, Nashville. He came to Forrest City in 1884, and has lived here since that date, practicing medicine from that time to sixteen days of his death. For a long term of years he was a practicing physician for the Rock Island and Missouri Pacific Railways. He is survived by his widow, Mrs.Emma Lou (Cobbs) Alley; his mother, Mrs.Ophelia E.Alley; his brother, James L.Alley; two sisters, Mrs.Pearle Vaccaro of Memphis and Mrs.Eva Cherry of Dallas, Texas; one daughter, Mrs.Leon K.Brown of Houston, Texas.
12/18/23 Tuesday WRIGHT HENRY Unk 12 15 1923 Unknown Coroner Eugene Barrow was called to the Wheeler Plantation in St.Francis bottoms Sunday morning, to hold an inquest over the body of a negro man named Henry Wright. Wright fell dead while dancing Saturday night, verdict, death from heart attack.
Phone Numbers:
1 Liberty Hardware Company- 1922 1919
5 R.S.Fondren-Residence 1913
6 Logan's Drug Store-Gibson Art Cards 1922
10 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919
10 Buford Grocery Co.-Phone 10 and 11-We deliver in a covered truck. 1922
11 Oursler Bros.-Pineapple, Strawberries, String Beans, Potatoes 1919 1917
12 Vadakin & Landvoigt-The Forrest City Times 1914
16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1920 In Mann Building 1908 1911 - - -
19 The Quality Grocery-Harry Thomas, Manager-119 Rosser Street 1919
21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913
24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - -
27 Lesser Goldman Cotton Co.-Office upstairs in the Pettus Building-I.H.Edwards, Manager 1923
29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913
29 John I. Jones-Thanksgiving Dinners-We carry everything in Staples. 1917
31 City Drug Store-H.G.Gray and T.G.Gray 1920
31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913
34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913
34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - -
35 The Fair No.35-R.C.Wilkinson, Mgr. 1919
38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - -
38 Van Houten-Marshall Lumber Co. 1917
44 Wylds Garage-Telephone when you need a service car, handling Buick and Dodge Vehicles 1917
46 Forrest City Grocer Co.-Wholesale Grocers, Produce Grain & Hay, BEVO Distributors 1917
47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913
49 Eldridge & Scott 1917
58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913
60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913
63 Dr.D.O.Bridgforth-over the Planters Bank Building-Office 63, and Residence 335 1920
66 Moseley Steam Laundry 1922
68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913
73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913
73 W.T.Sanders-Call 73 when you want quick delivery and lowest cash prices on groceries 1919
75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - -
75 VACCARO-GROBMYER CO.-Long Distance 1806, local 75 1922 1917
86 M.Rutsky & Co.-Dealer in Groceries, Clothes, and Shoes 1917
91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913
100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913
106 The Ideal Beauty Shop- Call Miss Lida Hinckley. 1920
114 Robert Bowens-Steam Cleaning and Pressing Club 1922 1920
122 D.Downey-Residence 1913
124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - -
147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1917 1912 - - -
150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1920 1913
152 St.Francis County Abstract Co.-Office in the Mann Building-Farm Loans available at 7 per cent interest.
155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913
158 The Bynn Yanns Store-Cash and Carry-L.N.Block, Local Trustee and Manager 1920
163 B.W.McCrary-Dentist-Office over R.W..Bensons-Call 163 1919
166 Taylor, Knight & Co.-Real Estate and Insurance 1922
170 Forrest City Ice Cream Company-one gallon $1.50 cash, $1.75 charge 1920
174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - -
175 Holland & Sellers-The Pure Food Groceries 1917
175 Pyle Piano Company-Pianos, Player Pianos, Edisons, Sonoras 1920
178 Forrest City Coal Co. Forrest City Ice & Coal-1922 1917
178 Forrest City Gin Co. for wood or coal 1917
184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - -
184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913
185 King's Greenhouses-Cut Flowers 1922
186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913
187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers N.B.Norton-Rollwage Building-1919 1913
192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913
204 McDaniel & Watson, Successor to W.F.Klotz-Harry O.Watson and Louis McDaniel 1914
206 The Elite Cafe-Wholesale and Retail for Schlitz Beer 1923
209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - -
212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - -
225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913
225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - -
232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913
241 Dr.Hugh Puckett-Graduate Veterinarian 1919
244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913
245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913
253 A.A.French-Residence 1913
257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913
263 C.Murphy & Co.-110 Washington Street Basement-Starr Made Pianos, Players 1922
270 A.H.Wood-Plumbing & Heating=217 N.Washington ST. 1917
272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913
273 Rose's Home Grocery-1 Block West of Public School 1914
275 Tharp Grocery 1919
282 Forrest City Produce Company-for Certo and Fruit Jars 1923
282 Canterberry-Nash Produce Co.-Rosser Street 1920
284 Herring and Schellhous-Land Engineers-Accurate Crop Measurements and Land Surveys-Mann Building 1919
285 Max Heuman-Dealer-Wynne, Arkansas-Hudson and Essex Cars 1920
290 Davis-Mize & Co.-Wholesale Only-Grocers and Dealer in Feeds 1923
294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913
298 Merchants Grocer Company-Wholesale Only-Edmond E.Stevens, Mgr.-Hill and Grant Streets 1919
299 J.L.Scott & Co.-South Front Street 1919
299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - -
299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913
301 Pettus & Ferguson-Insurance-F.G.Pettus and J.E.Ferguson-Office in Beck Building 1919
303 St.Francis Motor Co. 1923
304 Perry Cooperman's Furniture House-on Front Street 1919
335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1920 1913
338 Ira M.Walden-Painting and Decorating-Opposite New Methodist Church 1917
344 Smith's Service-Hauling and Towing 1920
345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913
352 David Grocery Co. gives merchants tickets for Trades Day June 20 1923
354 Sharpe The Tailor-Corner Washington and Jackson 1919 1914
355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913
357 We Deliver-COD 1914
367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913
368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913
379 Society and Personal-the Herald The Times Herald Publishing Co.-1919 1917
388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913
391 Coleman's Dairy-For delicious milk 1922
420 The Quality Motor Co.-N.B.Rice- 1919
422 Forrest City Bottling Co.-Mallory & Gorman, Props. Gorman & Gorman 1920 1920
426 Cash Market-R.E.Sellers, Manager-208 N.Washington-Choice Meats & Produce 1922
453 Dr.H.R.Clark-Dentist-Office in the Pettus Building 1920
485 B.F.King-Florist
502J M.Emmons-Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries and a nice line of meats 1917
500 Forrest City Gin Co. Filling Station-Road Service 1923 1922
814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913
815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913
808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913
808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913
808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913
808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913
808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913
819F14 P.W.McFall Garage and Service Station-Up to date Free Tourist Camp-Madison 1923
820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913