The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoigt and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological OrderSelected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]June 21,2009-This is the last of the paper under this title avaiable from the Forrest City Times Herald Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1914 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" 1914 Announcements: Events: 01/02/14 Mrs.W.H.McDermott, of Kingsville, Texas, formerly Miss Winnie Doyle returned Saturday to her home in the Lone Star State after a visit over the holidays with her mother, sisters, and other relatives. 01/02/14 Mr.and Mrs.A.O.Wilson and daughter, Marie, who have been residents of Forrest City for five years, removed to Blissville. 01/16/14 Under auspices of Forrest City High School, a presentation at the Opera House by noted humorist W.E.Vaughn January 17th. 01/23/14 Mr.Dan Wylds, Jr., has secured the agency to sell Buick automobiles for St.Francis County, and received three handsome 1914 Buick cars Monday, one of which he sold before the consignment was unloaded, to Mr.and Mrs.Ben Lewis. 01/23/14 Mr.J.H.Stevens, genial manager of the Banks Co., at Palestine, was circulating among friends in the city Monday. He advised the new Palestine High School which is just now about completed, it will be a consolidated school. 01/30/14 For Sale: My place at Forrest City known as F.J.Izard place, consisting of a 7 room house and 13.55 acres of land; on beautiful western slope of Crowley Ridge. Dr.John S.Izard, Park Place, Ark. 02/06/14 Considerable talk about the successor to the Hon.T.O.Fitzpatrick as postmaster of Forrest City about the four aspirants. 02/06/14 Dinner for Dr.C.S.Aldrich at the Block hotel to celebrate his 62nd birthday last Friday, January 30, 1914. 02/06/14 Miss Annie Campbell returned from her trip to New Orleans where she visited her cousin, Miss Polly Hunter and other relatives and friends. She has taken a position at the Forrest City post office vice Miss Lyda Mason, who has resigned eff. the 1st. 02/13/14 Mr.Samuel L.Hodges has announced as candidate for Justice of the Peace for Madison Township. He is a working Democrat of the rock ribbed, died in the wool variety. 02/13/14 Some of the Palestine residents here for trial of Tom Shores were Squire Hugh Coffey, Landlord W.E.Patterson, and Messrs. J.A.Sulcer and D.K.Burns. 02/20/14 Mrs.E.L.Vadakin, accompanied by Miss Edith went to Hot Springs to visit her husband who is enjoying the local weather, and responding to treatment there in the Vapor City. 02/27/14 Prof.Price Anderson, formerly principal of the Forrest City high school, was in town. He now is in charge of schools at Marvell, Phillips County. 02/27/14 Distress is evident on news of the cases of diphtheria for Mr.Ray Bonner and Mr.Adolph Chilner on Monday morning when the news spread. 03/06/14 The well known merchandising firm of Aldridge & Sons, on Washington Street, has dissolved partnership, the senior member retiring and sold his interest to Mr.John I.Jones. 03/13/14 Three banks make record of their Reports of Condition:The Bank of Eastern Arkansas; The Bank of Forrest City; and The Planters Bank and Trust Co. of Forrest City. 03/20/14 Dr.and Mrs.John S.Izard and little son Ralph, are removing from Park Place to this city this week. 03/20/14 Two more banks post records:The Rice Growers Bank-Wheatley, and The Bank of Palestine. 03/20/14 Mr.Arthur McDaniel, postmaster and first citizen of Happy, Arkansas, was a business and social visitor to the city Tuesday. 04/03/14 Mr.and Mrs.Tom Gatling and Mr.A.R.Nimocks returned from Fayetteville, N.C., where they went with the remains of their late partner, Commodore R.M.Nimocks. 04/10/14 Mrs.W.J.Rogers, nee Miss Fannie Izard, returned to her new home in Panola, Alabama Monday, after spending 10 days with her father, Mr.R.J.Izard. 05/01/14 Mrs.Beulah Thompson, of Broken Bow, Okla. was in town visiting her sister, Mrs.John S.Izard. She went to Memphis to visit with Dr.and Mrs.N.P.Beauchamp. 05/22/14 Mrs.Fred Jones of Fayetteville, nee Louise Laughinghouse, arrived in the city last week and will make her home here with her parents. 06/05/14 Unprecedented Outrage:Senior Editor of The Times Assaulted by W.J.Lanier with Pocket Knife. Mr.Lanier, Pres. of the Forrest City School Board, outraged by last week's editorial under the title "Seem Queer", and the more he read it, the madder he got. He reached our office about 7 o'clock with a copy of the paper, demanding to know who was responsible, and our Senior, Col.Landvoigt, said, Mr.Vadakin wrote it, but I am responsible, whereupon Mr.Lanier said it was a lie. Col.Landvoigt denied this, and asserted that every word was the truth. Lanier then said you are a ..... liar, putting the paper in his pocket, and pulling a pocket knife from his pocket at the same time. Col.Landvoigt rose from his seat, accusing him of being a cowardly cur, and Lanier then slashed across his cheek with the knife, causing a gash of an inch and a half just in front of the left ear. The two were separated by Mr.Hanson, a compositor on the Times, and Mr.Tom Joice, the horseshoer in the employ of Dr.C.S.Aldrich. Lanier after attempting to do further damage, was led off down the street, while Landvoigt went to get his shotgun, he was locked in his office. Later he went to Dr.Rush for help with the wound. Chief Deputy Tankersley was at the courthouse, and came hurriedly to find Lanier gone, and followed him to the Rock Island depot and placed Mr.Lanier under arrest, and bond was made. The next morning, Col.Landvoigt had a warrant issued for his arrest for assault with intent to kill. 06/05/14 The article referred to in the Unprecedented Outrage contained nothing that could give any reasonable man such offense as would justify losing his temper; nothing to justify his act. Any public official acts are subject to review in an opinion by the newspaper. 06/12/14 Mr.Horace Gatten is wearing overalls and straw hat, trying to make people think that he is working. If he is, it is the first time since his birth. Colt Times. 06/12/14 The Frying Pan Club of Forrest City Dined: Composed of six members, viz: Sen.F.W.DeRossitt, Messrs. Jas.DeRossitt, S.P.McDaniel, Ed Landvoigt, J.M.Davis, and Sam Hodges whose aggregate age amounts to 382 years. On June 7th, Mr.Jas.DeRossitt celebrated his 64th birthday, on the 11th, Col.Ed Landvoigt celebrated his 74th birthday. 06/19/14 Hon.Ellis Turley appointed postmaster of Forrest City. The first democrat to hold the position since Judge R.T.Scott, twelve years ago. 06/19/14 A huge bear made its appearance near Keithley Lake several days last week. From its actions many believe it to be a pet, as it seemed not to be afraid of anything, shambling along the highway, and even stretching out on a log. Several shots were fired at the bear, but none struck. Mr.A.L.Stevens and other famous hunters went over in an auto to investigate, but did not get sight of the bear. 06/26/14 Grandpa Sloniker celebrates 81st birthday, June 21st. Sloniker Mill Times. 06/26/14 Arkansans in Collision. Shreveport, La.-Mr.and Mrs.H.J.Jordan and son were involved in an auto accident June 24th, Mrs.Jordan being paralyzed from the accident. Mr.Jordan is a planter and stock raiser and Deputy Sheriff of St.Francis County. She did pass on, see obit below. 06/26/14 Squire Turley resigned to become postmaster, and Mr.Sam Hodges was appointed Justice of the Peace. 07/10/14 Dr.J.O.Rush sold three automobiles and delivered them on Monday: one to Mr.George P.Taylor, Mr.Eugene Williams, and Master James DeRossitt, Jr. 07/17/14 According to records in the clerk's office, there are now 61 automobiles in St.Francis County. 07/24/14 According to the school census maintained by Mr.James G.Sanders, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Forrest City School District No.7 we have 1030 people of school age, 596 white, and 434 colored. Enrollment is 857, 487 white, and 370 colored. 08/07/14 Fire in the Times Office: Just before three o'clock Sunday morning a fire was discovered in The Times office. The first to see the fire was Mrs.Walter Stevens, who resides upstairs in the Stevens Building at the west end of the block. She had been aroused by the cries of her baby, when glancing out the window, she saw th west side door of the Times office in flames. She immediately aroused her husband, who quickly gave the alarm. Damage was extensive, and almost destroyed everything. 08/07/14 Deputy Sheriff Charles Hulen, of Proctor shot Sunday night by a negro named Jink Williams. Deputy Hulen had thrown him out of his store. The shot from a Winchester rifle struck him in the elbow, shattering the bones. It is felt the arm will be useless in the future. 08/07/14 Mr.T.W.Yerzley left Tuesday for a visit of a month or more with relatives in Southern Mississippi and Louisiana. At Natchez, he will attend the annual reunion of the Mississippi Confederate Veterans, which was in session this past week. Although a Mississippian, he enlisted in the Confederate Army from Arkansas. 08/14/14 Great Armies are Grimly Preparing. Allied forces massing on the frontier to meet the German invasion. 08/14/14 Death of Mrs.Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President, died Tuesday night of last week in the White House. The remains were conveyed to Rome, Georgia, her old home, where interment was made on Tuesday. 08/14/14 W.L.Purifoy, principal of the colored school informed the Times man yesterday of the teachers for fall term:Eugenia Bell, Caroline Altman, Matilda Eleby, Willie Slaughter, and Fannie Greenlee. He expects 375 to 400 students. 08/14/14 Election at Madison Results: Mayor-E.Butler, Recorder-Bruce Wilgus, Treasurer-W.G.Jones, Marshall-Geo.Schmidt, Aldermen:R.D.England, R.L.Berry, Sam Posey, Wm.Robinson, and Geo.Crippen. 08/14/14 Walker West, colored, who poses among his people as a voodoo doctor, was arrested Monday charged with practicing medicine without a license. The charge was dismissed in Squire Hodges court because no proof that he had charge for medicine or treatment could be provided. However, he was fined for "gun toting". 08/21/14 Three spans of the Forrest street viaduct are up, and that structure is steel reaching skyward. It will come in handy in case of attack by an invading army! 08/21/14 Charles A.Haven, agent Bower's chief of staff at Iron Mountain station, accompanied by Mrs.Haven and son Charlie left for visit to relatives of Mrs.Havens in Eads, Tenn. 08/28/14 County Examiners Report on Schools: Mr.James M.Wilson reports that the county has 9, 194 students:, enrollment of 7,262, ending June 30,1914. 08/28/14 Mr.Jim Rogers, of Oklahoma City arrived in the city Saturday night on a visit to his aunt, Mrs.C.H.Havens. His son, Laddie Rogers of Memphis came over for a visit. 09/04/14 Paris Preparing for Great Siege. A Paris dispatch received in London reports a German aviator flew over the city and dropped five bombs on Paris Sunday afternoon. 09/04/14 Successful bear hunt by Mr.George P.Taylor last Friday when they jumped a bear on W.A.Pearson's place on Crow Creek. A cub was captured and brought back alive for exhibition. 09/04/14 Mr.Charles R.Izard has been made a member of the Times Staff. 09/04/14 Confederate Pensioners of Arkansas receive $636,261.50. There are 9,527 pensioners in state, against 9,287 for year 1913. 12/11/14 First Public Christmas Tree to be erected on St.Francis County courthouse lawn. Births: 01/02/14 Santa Claus brought a new baby boy on Christmas eve to Mrs.Monroe Shirley, Dec.25. 01/16/14 A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr.and Mrs.Ernest Cash of Memphis Jan.8th, so says Mrs.John T.Holland, the maternal grandmother who went over to visit. 02/13/14 The stork has visited the home of Mr.and Mrs.Walter Stevens and left a ten pound boy on Tuesday night. The great-grandparent is very happy, Mrs.Bard. 02/20/14 The birth of a baby boy to the home of Fenner Laughinghouse, Jr., on Monday evening, Grandpa A.L.Stevens is very happy with the two grandsons in the past two weeks. 02/27/14 A beautiful baby boy was born on Monday night to Mr.and Mrs.James Fussell Jr., Feb.23. 04/03/14 News of the birth of a fine baby girl in the home of Mrs.Alma Jones, formerly Miss Alma Pirtle of Newcastle, Ark., now a resident of Greenfield, Ark. Grandpa Oscar is a very proud man. 04/03/14 Born to Mr.and Mrs.J.H.Cofield on Thursday afternoon, Mar.26,1914, a sweet baby girl weighing 8 pounds. Mrs.Cofield was formerly Miss Francis Hoard. 05/01/14 The stork has visited the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Cranor last week and left a bouncing baby boy that weighed ten pounds. 05/08/14 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Winfield Davis, on Monday night, May 4,1914, a bouncing baby boy. Both are doing well. 06/05/14 The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs.Ben Webb some time ago and left a baby girl. 06/05/14 On Thursday night, the stork left a seven pound baby girl to Mr.and Mrs.Robt.C.Smith. 06/26/14 Mr.and Mrs.Leon Parker are celebrating the birth of a baby girl who arrived a few days ago. 06/26/14 Mr.and Mrs.H.L.Metcalf are rejoicing over the birth of a fine baby boy at their home in the old Mallory homestead a mile and a half northeast of town. 07/24/14 Mr.and Mrs.Harry Thomas have a new 10 pound baby boy Wednesday morning. 08/14/14 Mr.and Mrs.L.B.Peevy have a new baby girl born on Sunday morning, Aug.9. Colt Times. 08/14/14 Mr.and Mrs.L.G.Fitzpatrick welcomed a baby girl on Monday, Aug.10. Colt Times 08/21/14 The stork visited the home of Mr.Johnnie Hood and left a bouncing baby boy a few days ago. Sloniker Mill Times 08/21/14 The stork also visited the home of Mr.Jim Williams and left a boy there also. Sloniker Mill Times Marriages: 01/09/14 White-Simpson: Mr.A.D.Simpson, the expert and efficient jeweler and watchmaker at A.D.Boyle jewelry, who spent the holidays in DeQueen, Ark., returned with his new bride, Miss Annie Lee White, where they were united in marriage at the bride's home Christmas day. Rev.J.T.Purvis performed the ceremonies. 01/09/14 Nicholls-Littlefied:Mr.Willie Nicholls and Miss Littlefield were married at the mouth of the Sand Slough, Christmas day, and are now making their home with the groom's parents. Newcastle Times. 01/16/14 Copping-Norton: Announcement of the marriage by Mrs.Nathan W.Norton, of her daughter, Miss Virginia Norton to Mr.Norman J.Copping, of Toronto, Canada at the home of the bride on Feb.28,1914. The service was conducted by Rev.O.M.Yerger of the Church of the Good Shepherd. 01/16/14 Blake-Taylor: Miss Lena Taylor, the charming daughter of Mr.John Taylor, and Mr.John Blake, two popular people of Colt, were married in Caldwell on Sunday afternoon, where Squire William Brown tied the knot. 01/16/14 Williams-Meek: The home of Mr.and Mrs.George A.Crill was the scene of a happy marriage on Wednesday afternoon, Jan.14,1914, between their niece, Miss Mary Meek and Mr.Thayne L.Williams. The ceremony was conducted by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of Forrest City. 01/30/14 Johnson-Bernard: One of the happiest little weddings of the year was solemnized on Monday at the home of Mrs.Hattie Bernard at Fergusonville, in the Franks township, on which occasion her fair daughter, Miss Lillian was given in marriage to Mr.Paul Johnson, of this city, Rev.George H.Kirker of the Presbyterian Church presiding. 02/13/14 Teeter-Allen: News of the marriage of Miss Lucille Allen to Mr.Anthony Teeter at the home of the bride's uncle, Mr.M.W.Cobb of Wynne, on Monday. The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.N.J.Allen of Colt. 02/20/14 Altman-Hughes: Mrs.T.M. Hughes announces engagement of her daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth, to Mr.Enos T.Altman, at the home of her daughter Mrs.Rena Taylor on March 11,1914, Dr.F.W.Gee, of the Methodist Church, officiating. 02/27/14 Meyers-Mason: Mr.Loyd Meyers and Miss Lyda Mason were quietly married at the home of the bride's mother on Saturday night, the ceremonies performed by Rev.F.W.Gee. Rev.James Mason, the bride's father came down from Wynne. The couple were both employed at the post office, and nature took its course. 03/06/14 McCrary-Sims: The marriage between Miss Lola Sims of Vicksburg, Miss., to Mr.John H.McCrary of Forrest City, took place Sunday morning, Mar.1,1914, at the Harbet Avenue Christian Church, Rev.W.H.Trice officiating. 03/06/14 Holland-Lyons: Mr.Jack Holland and Miss Alice Lyons, of near Caldwell, were married at the Methodist parsonage, this city Sunday, Dr.F.W.Gee officiating. 04/17/14 Dawson-Barrow:Mrs.Carrie Barrow was wed to Mr.William Dawson Saturday evening, Apr.11,1914, by Rev.Dr.O.M.Yerger of the Episcopal Church. The couple are locals. 04/17/14 Fondren-Johnson: Miss Pattie Lloyd Johnson and Mr.James Fondren, Forrest City, were married at Ripley, Tenn. Sunday night, Apr.12,1914, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.W.R.Johnson, by Rev.J.W.Waters of the Methodist church. 04/17/14 Hartman-Matthews: Cupid in a run a way, Tuesday morning, Apr.14,1914, Mr.Chester Hartman, son of Mr.and Mrs.Henry Hartman, of this city, and Miss Garnett Matthews of Marianna slipped away at the house of Father White in St.Francis Catholic Church, where they were joined in holy wedlock. The groom is 21, while the bride is just 18. 04/17/14 McDaniel-Kirkpatrick: Mr.Louis McDaniel, accompanied by best man Mr.William Campbell, went to Ripley, Tenn. to consummate the marriage to Miss Montine Kirkpatrick of that city. The knot was tied by Rev.Smalley 04/17/14 Hays-Boyett: Miss Eva Boyett, was married to Mr.Homer Hays, Rev.F.W.Gee officiating, last Wednesday, Apr.8,1914. 05/01/14 Stewart-Ruff: Miss Velma Ruff was married to Mr.Homer Stewart, of Little Rock, at the home of Mr.and Mrs.L.H.McGuffey, she is their niece. Rev.G.W.Gee of the Methodist Church officiating April 28,1914. They will make their home in Little Rock. 05/01/14 Jones-Vogel: Forrest City was agog last Sunday over the marriage of Miss Mattie Vogel, of this city, to Mr.Albert L.Jones, of Memphis, on April 26,1914, at the home of Mrs.M/R.Terry, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist Church officiating. 05/01/14 Penninger-Hardy: Miss Emma Hardy, of McClure, Ark, and Mr.O.C.Penninger of Alma, Illinois, were married at the Hotel Block, in this city, by Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church. last Saturday morning, April 24,1914. 05/08/14 Clark-Taylor: Mr.Oscar Clark and Miss Miranda Taylor were happily married on Sunday morning, April 26, 1914, at Colt, Squire C.T.Moore officiating. Both are locals. 05/22/14 Wylds-Conners: Dan Cupid lands Dan Wylds. Miss Aggie Conners of Marianna snagged Dan Wylds 05/22/14 Twenty Seven Graduates from Crowley Ridge Institute: Hatie Horton/Bessie Davis/Mildred Perkins/Marye York/Nellie Taylor/Mabel Fisher/Nan Wilkins/Muriel Rogers/Mary Sanders/Carrie Evans/Anna Sanders/Rebecca Cowan/Julia Barrow/Mildred Bean/Mae Laughinghouse/Edna Aldridge/Catherine Walker/Bessie Delano/Julia Rose/Sadie Borden/Jennie Warshavsky/Mary Eldridge/Catherine Perkins/Gazzola Vaccaro/John Lanier/Raiford Payne/Tom Campbell. 05/22/14 Mr.T.W.Yerzley was in town Wednesday, and returned to Brinkley yesterday, where he is making his home with his daughter, Mrs.Annie Allen. 05/22/14 Mrs.Sallie Wyse, of Paragould, is in town visiting her brothers, Hon.W.J. and Robt.J.Lanier. 06/05/14 Renigar-Cook: Mr.Will Renigar and Miss Minnie Cook were married Sunday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.S.C.Cook. Squire John Newman officiating. Goodwin Times. 06/19/14 Norton-McClintock: June 13, Mr.and Mrs.W.S.McClintock, Marianna, announce the upcoming marriage of their daughter Miss Mary Lou to Mr.Charles Norton, of Forrest City, on June 24,1914. Rev.T.J.Horne of the Presbyterian church of Blytheville officiating in Marianna. 06/26/14 Hart-Shade: Mrs.Mary Shade that was Mrs.Fred E.Hart that is, sent her subscription with a note of her marriage last Tuesday afternoon to Dr.Fred E.Hart, one of the best dentists in the city. 07/03/14 Ivey-Cowan: Miss Lula Cowan and Mr.Burnett Ivey were happily married in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on June 25th, 1914. Mr.Ivey is from Dallas, Texas, and is connected with an Electric Company. Miss Cowan is the daughter of Judge and Mrs.J.S.R.Cowan of this city. They will make their home in Denver or Colorado, Springs. 07/10/14 Ventress-Dougherty: News reached this city and office Thursday of the marriage of Mrs.R.L.Dougherty to Mr.J.E.Ventress, of Pauls Valley, Okla., on July 2,1914. The bride is a native of St.Francis County, the groom is a 42 year old merchandiser of that city. 07/17/14 Douglass-Campbell: Squire Sam Hodges performed his first wedding for Miss Cora Campbell to Mr.Buck Douglas, on Monday night, at the squire's residence. The groom is an employee of the Forrest City Ice and Power Co., he and bride are both of this city. 07/31/14 Taylor-Wolfe: Mr.H.K.Taylor, efficient and popular Mackay lineman of this city, was happily married last Sunday to Miss Loyd Wolfe, charming daughter of Mrs.O.P.Wolfe, also of this city, at the Methodist parsonage, the pastor Rev.Dr.F.W.Gee officiating, Mrs. Otis Stevens being the only witness. 07/31/14 Berry-Townsend: Mr.George W.Berry of Canton, Illinois, married Miss Nelle Townsend of Shelbyville, Illinois yesterday afternoon performed by Rev.William Shaw at the First Methodist church 07/31/14 Rumage-Bridewell: Mr.Romey George Rumage was married to Miss Clara Lee Bridewell on Wednesday afternoon, July 29,1914 , Bonnerville Times. They were married at the home of her brother, Mr.A.C.Bridewell of this city, the Rev.O.M.Yerger of the Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. 09/04/14 Williams-Christian: Mr.J.Powers Williams and Miss Elizabeth Christian, of Forrest City, were married Sunday morning at the home of Mr.and Mrs.William J.Brooks, of Drew, Miss., with whom the bride was visiting. The festivities performed by Rev.Dr.Lagrane of Clarksdale, Miss., being Methodist minister of that place. The groom is a cashier at the bank in Drew, Miss. Deaths: Burial: 01/02/14 SULLIVAN NETTIE MRS TAYLOR Unk 12 28 1913 Unknown News of the suicide on Monday, Dec.28,1913, of Mrs.Nettie Sullivan, nee Nettie Taylor, of near Colt, reached this city. It is said the lady took her own life shooting herself with a shotgun as a result of a disagreement between her and her husband. The latter, it is said wanted to sell out and leave St.Francis county, and Mrs.Sullivan would not agree to go. The two had quarreled and Mr.Sullivan had stepped out to the lot to feed his stock, when he heard the report of a gun, and rushing back in found his wife struggling in the last throes of death as a result of her rash act. 01/09/14 CODY GEORGE Unk 12 26 1913 Unknown Mr.George Cody, a lifelong citizen of this community and county, took too much laudanum Christmas eve, and died from the effects before day next morning. As he was complaining some in the early part of the night, his daughter offered to set up with him, but he insisted that he felt better, and told the family to go to bed; and they did, and between that time and daylight he got up and took about half an ounce of the drug and was found dead the next morning. His half brother was buried here a few days ago. We extend sympathy to the family and relatives. Newcastle Times. 01/09/14 BIRD GEORGE J. Unk 12 30 1913 Forest Lawn Memorial Park-Omaha-Douglas County, Nebraska, USA We are in receipt of a notice of the death of Mr.George J.Bird, which occurred at his home in Omaha, Nebraska, Dec.30,1913. Burial took place Jan.1,1914. Two years ago Mr.Bird visited the home of his daughter, Mrs.Geo.W.Wright, who was at that time a resident of Forrest City, and, during his stay here, made many acquaintances and formed numerous friendships. 01/16/14 BATTS JOHN EDWARD SR 7 13 1838 1 10 1914 HUGHES Mr.J.E.Batts, Sr., the venerable and highly respected citizen of this county, died on last Saturday at the home of his son, Mr.J.J.Batts, north of the city, and was buried the following day at Hughes Cemetery, Rev.G.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church, conducting the funeral services. Deceased was born in Limestone Co., Alabama, July 13,1838, and departed this life Jan.10,1914, the ripe old age of 75 years, 5 months, and 28 days. He was twice married, the first time to Miss Martha Myers, Apr.6,1860. which union was blessed by two children; and the second time on Feb.27,1869 to Miss Sarah M.Martin, to whom were born seven boys. Deceased removed to St.Francis Co., Ark. on Nov.15,1890, where, with his family, he lived until the time of his death. He was a member of the Baptist church, and was known as un upright Christian gentleman, a devoted husband, an ardent lover of the southland, and a staunch Democrat. Deceased is survived by five sons, viz.:T.R., G.M., J.J., and W.E. of this county, and J.E.Batts of Limestone Co., Alabama. 01/23/14 ABLES J. W. 1872 1 15 1914 BELL Obituary:The death angel has again visited us and taken from our midst, Mr.J.W.Ables, age 42. He was stricken with hematuria on Monday, the 12th, at his home near Palestine. kind hands and loving hearts exhausted every effort for his relief, but his gentle spirit took its flight on Jan.15, 1914. The remains were quietly laid to rest in Bell Cemetery Friday afternoon at 2 p.m., to await the resurrection. A wife and three children survive and mourn for him. He also leaves his parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Ables of Little Rock, who were called to his bedside several hours before death claimed him, three brothers, three sisters, and many relatives and a host of friends to mourn their loss. He was a devoted husband and good citizen, and always had a good word for everyone and was loved by all who knew him. He was genial, kind and true. 02/13/14 HOFFMAN ALBERT 1839 2 1914 PROCTOR, ARK Died Alone: Sustaining injuries which left him a nervous wreck in the San Francisco earthquake, which destroyed his home and in which the lives of all his family members were blotted out, the dead body of Albert Hoffman was discovered one day the latter part of last week on a sawdust pile near the plant of the Brown Lumber Co., at Proctor. Papers removed from his body revealed that he was about seventy five years of age, and was of German nationality, a machinist by trade, member of the German Aid Society, the German Soverign and other German organizations. Squire Bob Stevens and Constable J.T.Johnson, of this city went to Proctor to make an investigation when it was reported here that an unidentified white man had been killed at that point. Both these officials state that Hoffman died from his afflictions and infirmities, and there is no foundation in fact for the rumor that he met his death through violence. The papers removed from the body reveald names of many persons all over the country. His body was buried at Proctor. In his pocket was an article from Charleston, S.C. stating that Hoffman was doomed to walk to avoid complications from injuries received in the San Francisco eathquake arrived here after walking all the way, leaving on May 1,1906, traveling about nine miles a day. 02/13/14 YOUNG JOHN H. 1874 2 11 1914 MADISON Mr.John Young, aged 40, a brother in law of Mr.Will Taylor, died yesterday morning, Feb.12,1914, at his home near Robinson's mill , after an illness of two or three years from tuberculosis, and will be buried today in the Madison cemetery. 02/20/14 SELLERS T. S. CAPT 1838 2 19 1914 HUGHES Capt.T.S.Sellers, age 76 years, an ex-confederate soldier and member of the N.B.Forrest Camp of U.C.V.of this city, and one of the county's most venerable and highly esteemed citizens, died yesterday at the home of his son, Mr.J.W.Sellers. in Telico township, Feb.19,1914, and was buried this morning at Hughes cemetery. Deceased was father of our esteemed townsmen, Messieurs. Thad E. Sellers and R.E.(Bob) Sellers, and Mr.D.C.Sellers of Snow Lake, ark., and by Mr.J.W.Sellers, by who all of whom in addition to a large number of grand children and numerous other relatives and admiring friends, he is survived. The Times joins in sincere heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends in this hour of sorrow and bereavement. May God comfort them and bring peace to the soul of the beloved one who has passed on to that other and brighter shore. 02/20/14 MACKEY WILLIAM Unk 2 15 1914 Unknown Pay Boss Killed at Proctor:News of a foul murder at Proctor on Saturday night, reached the city Sunday morning. It is thought that the two negroes responsible for the murder made their escape, although one negro was arrested and locke up, following a chase of bloodhounds. The Commercial Appeal of Monday morning contained the following story with reference to the murder over which the citizens of Proctor were considerably wrought up. "Two police bloodhounds were taken to Brown's Spur near Proctor, Ark., last night by George Simpson at the call of J.B.Finley, logging foreman for Geo.O.Brown & Co., at Brown's Mill in trail the murderer of William Mackey, killed shortly after midnight, Saturday.. Mackey was shot five times with an automatic pistol while in the lumberyard on his way to the Landcar used to take the men back and forth to the camp at Spur. The body was discovered still warm, by the night watchman, named Heypie, about 1 o'clock, and some person unknown, supposed to be the slayer of Mackey, fired a shotgun at the night watchman, who was slightly injured. Mackey usually carried a large sum on his person, according to Mr.Finley, who came to this city yesterday morning. He had only about $60 though the night that he was killed. Mackey had worked under Finley in the lumbering regions of the south for the past twenty years. He had been at the Brown's Mill about two years. His former home was at Springfield, Mo., and his wife from which he is supposed to have been divorced, and four children live at Stafford, Mo. In addition, a mother living at Springfield, Mrs.Emily Mackey, he has three brothers, and two sisters residing at points in Kansas and Missouri. William Mackey was the paymaster for the Brown Lumber Co., at Proctor. " 02/27/14 COOK JAMES P. 1880 2 1914 FAMILY HUGHES TIMES:Once more we are made to feel the visit fo the Death Angel, who took from our community our friend and citizen James P.Cook. He had been in ill health for some time and was taken with measles, from which he never recovered. He leaves a father, two sisters, and four brothers and a host of friends to mourn his death. He was quietly laid to rest in the family cemetery near here. He was 34 years of age, and a member of the Hughes W.O.W. Camp No.930. 03/06/14 YERZLEY MELINDA MRS DeGRAY 12 1 1839 2 27 1914 MT.VERNON Mrs.M.D.Yearzley, aged 84 years, beloved wife of Mr.T.W.Yearzley and mother of Mrs.N.C.Allen of Brinkley, and Mr.William Yearzley of Newark, New Jersey, died Friday at the family home southwest of the city and was buried Sunday at the Mt.Vernon cemetery, Dr.F.W.Gee officiating. The body of the deceased lady was held in order that her son might be given time to reach the city for the funeral, which was also attended by other members of the family from Brinkley and a large concourse of sorrowing friends of this city and community. Deceased lady had been feeble for several months, and while her death was no surprise, it was the source of deep and sincere regret to those who loved her as wife and mother and considerate and thoughtful friend. The Times joins in heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and friends in this hour of affliction. Believe name is Yerzley. Could be Mt.Vernon cemetery near Haynes. Prob.b.1839 03/13/14 TAYLOR G. C. 1852 3 8 1914 Memphis Widener Merchant Burned to Death: The following story of the tragic death of Mr.G.C.Taylor, well known merchant and citizen of Widener, appeared tin the Commercial Appeal of Monday: The efforts of G.C.Taylor, 62 years old, of Widener, Ark., to save his belongings from fire caused by an exploding oil stove, cost the aged man his life. The oil stove used to heat the room in which Mr.Taylor spent, adjoining a supply store at Widener, exploded about 11 o'clock Saturday night, March 7,1914. Mr.Taylor died at 12 o'clock yesterday noon, and the body was brought to Memphis by his brother, T.J.Taylor, Kerr Ave. and Marjorie Street yesterday afternoon. According to his brother, his brother had been a resident of Widener a number of years, resided in a little one room building adjoining the supply store in which he worked. He returned home from the store about 9 o'clock, retired, and was awakened from his sleep by the explosion of the stove, which had been left burning to remove chill from the room. It is said that the aged man realized he had time to make his escape from the house, but he believed he could combat the flames successfully, and thereby save his belongings. But the oil on his clothes caught fire, and he was burned so badly when neighbors arrived, that he was past assistance. Mr.Taylor is survived by three brothers, T.J, P.H, and Hon.Zack Taylor, and five sisters, Mrs.Sue M.Hanford, Mrs.C.M.Wilkinson, Mrs.H.J.Baskins, Mrs.T.T.King, and Miss Gray Taylor. The funeral will take place from the home of Mr.T.J.Taylor this morning. 03/13/14 CHILDERS J. M. Unk 3 1914 HUGHES Resolution:Whereas God In His Infinite Wisdom has taken from our midst, our beloved brother, Mr.J.M.(Dock) Childers, and his death has created a vacancy in the Colt Lodge of I.O.O.F. We resolve that the usual badge of mourning be worn for thirty days. Respectfully:Charles F.Walker, William J.Lindsey, and James M.Wilson. 04/03/14 NIMOCKS ROBERT MITCHELL 2 16 1856 3 28 1914 Fayetteville, N.C. Prominent Wholesale Merchant Falls from Third Story of Majestic Hotel: The shocking news which bowed the hearts of his many friends and spread across the entire citizenship reached this city early Saturday morning, of the tragic death of Mr.R.M.Nimocks, President and founder of the Forrest City Grocer Co., at six o'clock the same morning, as a result of falling from a third story window of the Majestic Hotel in Hot Springs, where he had been staying for a few for a few days, and where he had gone for recreation and recuperation. He had been felling lowly for a couple of weeks, as a result of overwork. He was a hard worker, and seldom lost any time from business during working hours. He was very regular in his work habits. took excellent care of his health, and contrary to published reports, has never had any heart of kidney problems, as far as known by his his most intimate friends. He had gone to Hot Springs on Saturday a week previous to his death, and on last Friday night his son, Mr.Al Nimocks, received information that his father was not feeling too well, and he left on the midnight train to attend him. At about 5:45 o'clock a.m., the night watchman had found him feeling better on his visit to the room. This was about 15 minutes before his death. Upon entering his room, it was discovered that his nose had been bleeding, as there was blood on the pillow, in the cuspidor, and evidences where he he had shaved his face in the lavatory. He had evidently discovered his nose bleeding, arose, slipped on his trousers, shoes, etc., and after bathing his face, had gone to the window for a breath of fresh air. It will never be known if just how it happened. He had a crippled arm, and it may have been that he lost his balance, or he might have fainted. At any rate, he fell onto a concrete porch, killing him instantly. His business partner, Mr.A.L.Stevens and Mr.Fred Eldridge, left immediately for Hot Springs, on the first train, arriving there about 6 p.m., and they, along with Mr,Al Nimocks accompanied the body home to Forrest City, where the latter's sister, Mrs.Tom Gatling and husband boarded the train for trip to Fayetteville, N.Carolina, where his body was interred. He was born in Decatur, Miss., on Feb.16,1856, moved to Fayetteville, N.Carolina when he was about 12 years of age. He was married in 1882 to Miss Mary Murchison Culbreth, who died in 1899, leaving six children, four sons, and two daughters, viz:Mrs.Tom Gatling, nee Miss Eunice Nimocks, and Messieurs.Alfred R., of this city, George T. of Wilmington, N.C., and D.R. and R.G. of Fayetteville, N.C., who survive him. One daughter who died. He leaves besides one brother, Mr.Q.K.Nimocks of this city. WIFE:Mary Murchison "Minnie" Culbreth Nimocks=.Birth: Oct. 29, 1859Death: Oct. 19, 1899Cumberland County north Carolina, USADaughter of John and Lydia J. Culbreth; wife of Robert Mitchell Nimocks. Burial:Cross Creek Cemetery #2 Fayetteville cumberland County north Carolina, USAPlot: Block 2. 04/03/14 HEMENWAY CHARLES FRANK 9 23 1857 3 28 1914 JOHNSON Death of C.F.Hemenway: News reached the city of the sudden and tragic death of Mr.C.F.Hemenway, merchant, planter and postmaster at Wheatley. He had been quite indisposed and was stricken with cramp colic. Having no other remedy at hand at just that time and being in such acute pain, and it was convenient, he is said to have taken a dose of laudnam to relieve his terrible sufferings, and by some means took an overdose from which he died the following day. Last Saturday an item in the Scimitar of Memphis, stated that he had committed suicide. We have seen Mr.F.C.Neeley and others, from Wheatley, and we understand this is a mistake. At least we are informed that the family and many friends and citizens of Wheatley do not believe he took the medicine with suicidal intent, and there is nothing about his life or the circumstances of his death to lead one to such belief. Mr.Hemenway has been a citizen of Wheatley about 25 years, and was identified with every enterprise of that little city. He is survived by his widow, and three daughters: Mrs.Ben Lewis, of Forrest City, Grace of Marvell, and Agnes, four sons: Charles, Lester, Algernon, and Frank of Wheatley. The writer knew deceased very well, he was a republican in national politics, but affiliated with the local democracy. He was full of energy and business. The firm of Henenway Bros., of Wheatley, was for many years considered one of the strongest in the county, but successive crop faliures and other unfortunate misfortunes led them into failure a few years ago. 04/03/14 HOY ANNE J. MRS 1 2 1830 4 1 1914 McDANIEL Death of "Aunt Jennie" Hoy: Mrs.Anne J. Hoy, widow of the late Thomas B.Hoy, and one of the dear, motherly ladies of St.Francis county, died on Wednesday, April 1,1914, in the home of her niece, Mrs.J.M.Cambpell at Caldwell, and was buried the following day at McDaniel Cemetery in Franks township. Deceased lady was known to many friends throughout this section as "Aunt Jennie," and to her niece, Mrs.Cambpell, she was a constant and loving companion and in her death this lady's heart is wrung with bitter sorrow. Deceased lady was 84 years of age at the time of her death and removed to St.Francis county from Virginia with her husband in the early days, having crossed the Mississippi river before railroads were built through this section and made the journey across the country over the old Military road. Deceased husband, Thomas B.Hoy was at one time engaged in business in Forrest City, as a member of the firm of Noe, Hoy & Co., later, however, the family moved to Millbrook in Franks township, where Mr.Hoy first established the first store ever constructed at that place after the building of the Iron Mountain railroad. Deceased was an aunt of Mr.S.P.McDaniel, of this city, and was greatly esteemed by legions of friends throughout this section. 04/03/14 SHERROD OLLIE C. DEP.SHERIFF 1874 4 1 1914 MADISON Death of Ollie C.Sherrod: The sad news of the death of Mr.Ollie C.Sherrod, a well known citizen of St.Francis county and deputy sheriff of Madison, reached this city Wednesday morning. Deceased had only been ill a few days and was a victim of pneumonia. He was forty eight years of age and a member of the Sherrod family who lived in this county fifteen or sixteen years ago. Deceased was a member of the Forrest City Lodge No.196, I.O.O.F., and was also a member of the W.O.W.Lodge of this city. He was buried at 2:30 p.m. this afternoon at the Madison cemetery, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows, the religious ceremonies being in charge of Rev.Johnson of the Haynes circuit. 04/10/14 ALLEN N. C. Unk 4 2 1914 BRINKLEY N.C.Allen's Death: Mr.N.C.Allen, who for the past year or two has been in a poor state of health, died on Thursday at a Little Rock hospital and was brought home for burial today, Friday the 3rd. Mr.Allen suffered a stroke of paralysis about two years ago and has gradually been failing ever since. He was attended by his daughter, Miss Linda. The funeral is planned at the Presbyterian church, Rev.Thomas E.Spaildng officiating at 3:30 p.m. Mr.Allen was prominent in Brinkley business circles for many years. He was known as one the finest grocery men in Eastern Arkansas and in business circles had a large number of friends. He was a member of well known firm, the Gazzola Grocery Co., which has been closed out of respect to his memory since his death. A wife and six children are left to mourn his death, viz.:Linda, Annie May, Alfred, Lewis, H.B., and Dorothy. He was a member of the Masonic, Woodman, and A.O.C.W. fraternities. Mrs.Allen, formerly Miss Annie Yerzley, of this city, was prostrated with grief, and during the funeral exercises at the church, swooned away, and had to be removed to her home, being unable to follow the remains to the grave. 04/10/14 BECK ALICE CASTEEL MRS 6 11 1850 4 3 1914 CiTY A Noble Woman Dead: Mrs.Alice Beck is dead. This sad announcement, which spread over the city on last Friday morning, struck a note of sorrow and deep regret in the hearts of all, to whom the news came as a distinct shock. On the previous Wednesday, April 1, the deceased lady in company with her sister, Mrs.Emma Cummings, went to Memphis and entered the Baptist Hospital for treatment. Mrs.Beck had suffered for many months with asthma, and was very weak when she went to the hospital in Memphis, but her friends and loved ones here had no idea that her condition was so serious or that she was close to death's door. Deceased was a noble character. She was one of the city's dearest and most loveable of women.. Before she became an invalid, Mrs.Beck was a leader in all good works-prominent and active in all religious, charitable, and social movements-a consecrate Christian lady. Deceased had been a member of the Baptist church for over forty years. She was also one of the organizers and Charter members of the Gleaners, one of the oldest religious societies in the city. Deceased remains were returned to the city on Saturday, and the body remained in state awaiting arrival of members of the family and friends from a distance, until Tuesday, when the funeral was solemnized and interred at the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.F.W.Gee officiating. Deceased was the daughter of R.W. and Eliza G.Casteel, and was born in Helena, Ark., June 11,1850. She was married to John W.Beck, who for many years was one of the leading business men of St.Francis county. Deceased is survived by three daughters, Mrs.D.C.Webb, of this city, Mrs.J.A.Porter of Brawley, Calif., and Mrs.A.L.Britton, of Los Angeles, Calif., and also one brother, Mr.J.B.Casteel. and one sister, Mrs.Emma Cummings, both of this city. 04/17/14 HUCKLEBY TOM Unk 4 9 1914 MADISON Lakeside Times:Mr.Tom Huckleby who was sick with pneumonia, died last Thursday, and was buried at the Madison Cemetery Saturday afternoon. 04/24/14 FITZHUGH RUFUS KING COL. 6 3 1852 4 18 1914 Augusta Memorial Park AugustaWoodruff CountyArkansas Death of Col. R.K.Fitzhugh: Sad news of the death of Col.R.K.Fitzhugh, at his home in Fitzhugh, Ark., was received at the Times office yesterday morning. Deceased was the honored and beloved husband of Mrs.Lollie Davis Fitzhugh and the news came to us that the many friends of the family were inexpressibly shocked and pained through Col.Fitzhugh's death, following a hemorrhage of the stomach, at 12:30 o'clock on Saturday, April 18, 1914, Deceased's general health, for the past year, was thought to be greatly improved, and his family and friends felt that he had a new lease on life, but death came upon him like a thief in the night, and his life, which was so precious to his legion of good friends and loved ones, was snuffed out almost in the twinkling of an eye. 04/24/14 JETTON WILLIAM T. 1881 4 23 1914 Memphis Memphian Dies Here Suddenly:The remains of William T.Jetton, a traveling man representing the White-Wilson-Drew Co., wholesale grocery dealers of Memphis, who died at the Hotel Marion in this city yesterday afternoon, were shipped to Memphis over the Rock Island this morning at 4 a.m., under escort of the mother and father of deceased, Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Jetton, and a brother, Mr.H.J.Jetton, who arrived here yesterday. The deceased had been here since Tuesday, and who, although had been complaining, his symptoms did not indicate that he was seriously ill. It is said that he suffered from heart trouble, and his death was attributed to heart failure. He was about 33 years of age, and was buried in his hometown of Memphis. 04/24/14 BARRETT JERRY C. DR. 1836 4 23 1914 CITY Death of Another Old Soldier:News of the death of Dr.Jerry C.Barrett, at the age of 78 years, at the Old Soldiers Home in Gulfport, Miss., was received in the city yesterday. For many years, the deceased had lived in this city, was an ex-confederate soldier, well known and highly esteemed by many of our soldier citizens, who have known him for a long period of years. He was father of Mrs.C.S.Aldrich and of Mrs.Cass Pittman, whose family formerly resided here, and whose son Mr.Will Pittman, resides here now. The Times is informed that the body of the deceased will be returned here for burial, and the funeral is announced for Friday, this evening. 04/24/14 GRAYSON BOB Unk 4 19 1914 Unknown Bob Grayson Killed: Two Negroes, Oscar Williams and Bob Grayson, engaged in a difficulty Sunday morning at Riverview, on the St.Francis River, supposedly over a crap game, in which Williams killed Grayson with a shotgun. The man Williams was a share cropper for A.Bird, Grayson was formerly the keeper of the Tennesaw club house, but at the time of the killing, was running some sort of a "Joint" at Riverview. Officers from this city went down Sunday night in search of the slayer, Williams, but he had fled the country and had not been captured as of time of printing. 05/08/14 CHRISTIAN EDWARD BROOKS 10 10 1910 5 4 1914 CiTY Edward Brooks, infant son of Prof..and Mrs.George W.Christian died at the family residence on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, of pulmonary gangrene, aged 3 years, 6 months, and 24 days. The remains of the precious baby were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery on the following afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev.Yerger of the Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. He was a bright and promising boy, the joy of the household, beloved by all who knew him. His death is a sad bereavement to his devoted parents and other members of the family, and is regretted by their many friends. We join in extending sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the family in this trying hour. May God comfort them. 05/22/14 PARROTT CYNTHIA A. MRS-WITTER 8 29 1834 5 18 1914 CiTY Death of Old Citizen: Mrs.Cynthia A. Parrott, mother of Mrs.H.P.Dooley and who had made her home with Dr. and Mrs.Dooley for some years. In fact since after the death of her husband, Judge John M.Parrott. died Sunday evening, Mary 15,1914, at 5 o'clock of old age and general debility, aged 79 years, 10 months, and 18 days, and was buried in the Forrest City Cemetery on Monday following, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist Church, of which she had been a devout member for forty years officiating. She came to Mt.Vernon in 1841, and has resided in this county since. A short time after coming here she was married to Hon.Gus Johnson, then High Sheriff of this county,when she was sixteen years of age, and three daughters survive her, namely:Mrs.Dooley, Mrs.Geo.W.Martin of Memphis, and Mrs.Ida Miller of Johnson township. Eight grand children survive her, viz three children:Mrs.S.B.Swan, four children of Mrs.Ida Miller, and one child of Mrs.Geo.W.Martin. Hon. Gus Johnson died in 1855?. Some years after the death of her first husband, she married the late Judge John M.Parrott, who was county judge of St.Francis County, who died in 1896. Grandma Parrott was a splendid woman. In her life time she was a kind and indulgent mother, a neighbor who would go to help in sickness or distress. She watched by the bedside of the sick, nursed the babies, and was an invaluable friend. Her death is a great bereavement not only to her devoted relatives, but to scores of other citizens who have at some time or other been the beneficiaries of her kindley administration. 05/22/14 FERRELL A. B. DR. 1849 5 19 1914 BELL Dr.A.B.Ferrell Dead: Dr.A.B.Ferrell, of Carlisle, formerly of Widener, and well known in this city, died very suddenly on Tuesday, May 19,1914, at his home, of acute indigestion, and was buried in Bell cemetery, two miles north of Palestine, on Wednesday forenoon, at 11 o'clock, Rev.Sanders of Carlisle officiating, in the presence of friends and relatives, and a large concourse of friends. Dr.Ferrell was sixty five years of age, and had practiced medicine in this county for twenty five years. He had been complaining some of late of feeling badly, but was able to be up and attend to his duties, and no uneasiness was felt. His death was sudden, and his family and friends were terribly shocked, and could scarcely believe that their loved one had passed away. Dr.Ferrell had removed from Widener to Carlisle about three months ago, and had built up a very nice practice there. He leaves a heart broken widow, two daughters, Mrs.C.C.Crews and Miss Gertrude of Memphis; two sons, Mr.H.A.Ferrell of this city, and Dr.Stanley Ferrell of Carlisle, to mourn their loss. He was a kind husband, an indulgent father, a generous friend, a good neighbor, and a careful physician, and will be greatly missed. Hon.O.B.Rollwage, Dr.J.T. Longest, Mr.J.T.Sanders, and Misses Myrtle and Elizabeth Davis of this city; Mrs.S.E.Sweet, Mr.and Mrs.A.G/Sweet, Mr.and Mrs.A.G.Sweet, Jr., Mr.Walter Sweet, Mrs.Riley Kendrick, Miss Malley Hall, and Miss Thelma Fogg of Widener, and a number of friends from Carlisle attended the funeral and followed the remains to their last resting place. The Times extends sincere sympathy to the family in their bereavement. 05/29/14 WOLFE OSCAR PRESLEY MARSHALL 12 20 1877 5 23 1914 YARBROUGH Wesley Times:Mr.Oscar Wolfe was buried Sunday at the Yarbrough Cemetery. A large number of friends attended the funeral. COLT TIMES:We are sorry to lose our friend Mr.O.P.Wolfe Mr.Wolfe died Saturday night, May 23,1914, and was buried Sunday afternoon at th Yarbrough Cemetery. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss. His death was due to complications from nicotine poison. Services were conducted by Rev.J.L.Newsome of Colt. May God comfort his family and may his soul rest in peace. 05/29/14 FRANKS HENRY A. Unk 5 25 1914 CiTY Death of Mr.Henry A.Franks: News reached the city Monday morning of the death of Mr.Henry A.Franks, at Argenta. He was found in the yard of his charming house lying on his face, unconscious, with a partly empty bottle of carbonic acid near him. At first it appeared he had committed suicide, but at the coroner's inquest, it was discovered he had died of a heart failure, as there was no evidence of his drinking the fluid, and furthermore, that he was using diluted acid for hemorrhoid. The remains were brought to this city on the ten o'clock train, Tuesday, accompanied by Messieurs.M.E.Vogel, and R.A.Meyers, and taken to the residence of his sister and brother in law, Mr.and Mrs.Robt.Meyers, and at five o'clock the body was laid to rest by the side of his parents at the Forrest City cemetery Rev.O.M.Yerger of the Episcopal church officiating. Henry was born and raised in this city and was well thought of and liked by all acquaintances. He leaves a brother and sister in this city, to wit:Mr.Joe Franks and Mrs.Robt.Meyers, Mr.Jim Franks, a brother of Luxora, Ark., and Mrs.Pete Canale, sister, of Memphis, Tenn., all of whom were here to pay their last respects. 06/05/14 SHERMAN LUCINDA MRS 2 6 1840 5 27 1914 Salem Cemetery New Salem (Lee County)Lee CountyArkansas, USAPlot: Sec A, Row B-12 Goodwin Times: Mrs.Lucinda Sherman died at her home near Palestine, last Wednesday, May 27, 1914, and was buried the following day in the Salem cemetery. Deceased was in her seventy fifth year. She is survived by four sons and one daughter:Frank Sherman of Memphis, C.J. and Walter Sherman of Palestine, and Mrs.Lee Cross of Goodwin, all of whom have lived a good number of years in this place. 06/12/14 BRADFORD LILLIE M. MRS 1868 6 6 1914 CiTY A sad funeral cortege arrived in this city Monday accompanying the precious remains of Mrs.Lillie Bradford, who died at her home in Wynne last Saturday, June 6,1914, and she was buried in the family plot, in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.Lindsey of Wynne officiating. Among those who came from Wynne upon this sad mission were Mrs.Geo.E.Davis, Mr.M.W.Cobb and wife, Mrs.Norris, Mr.Teeters and wife,Mrs.Prince, Miss Daltroff, Messrs.Mebane Koonce and John Graham, and several others whose names we did not learn. 06/12/14 LEWIN AL Unk 5 20 1914 KENTUCKY We have just learned of the sad death of Mr.Al Lewin, formerly of this city, who died at Hickman, Ky. May 20,1914. He had a number of friends here who will be sorry to hear of his death. 06/19/14 POWERS JOHN DEPUTY Unk 6 13 1914 LINDEN ISLAND An unfortunate shooting occurred Saturday, June 13,1914, on Linden Island, resulting in the death of Mr.John Powers. A negro, named Slaughter was arrested by Messrs.Bert Grey, Walter Love, and John Powers, deputies on a charge of stealing harness, etc. from the plantation of Mr.John Young. He was handcuffed, yet made a break for liberty, and in the scuffle Powers was accidentally shot through the head by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of Mr.Bert Grey. No inquest was held as it was entirely accidental. 06/19/14 STOCKARD NANCY ELVIRA MRS Unk 6 18 1914 MT.VERNON Death of Mrs.Stockard: The sad news reaches us just as we are closing our forms for this paper of the death of Mrs.Nancy Elvira, beloved wife of Mr.James F.Stockard, who died last night, June 18,1914, of old age and debility. She had been in failing health for several months, and passed away peacefully. The funeral took place from the family residence this afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church officiating, and the precious remains were laid to rest in Mt.Vernon cemetery. Mrs.Stockard was a kind and thoughtful neighbor, a true friend, a loving and dutiful wife and mother. She was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends here and elsewhere in the county. Hers was noble Christian character, and her place in the home and church and society can never be filled. She leaves a son, Mr.R.L.Stockard, and a daughter, "Miss Tommy", who is Mrs.Hammond of Brinkley. 06/26/14 VOGEL SALLIE MRS 5 3 1867 6 22 1914 CiTY Death of Mrs.Vogel: Mrs.Sallie Vogel, widow of Mr.Charles Vogel, died at her home in this city on Monday, June 22,1914, at 1:05 o'clock, of pellagra, and was buried at the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The funeral services took place at the family residence and the religious ceremonies were conducted by the Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church, in the presence of the family and a large number of friends and acquaintances. Mrs.Vogel had been confined to her bed for about two weeks, and received every care that loving children and friends and a careful physician could render. She leaves a family of seven children, viz: Mrs.Walter L..Reaves and Mrs.Albert L.Jones of Memphis, Louise, Hilmer, and Charles W., August, and Herbert, all of whom were present at her bedside when the Angel of Death entered their home and took away their best friend. Mr.Charles Vogel, her husband died on June 29,1909. The family have resided in this city about 14 years. Mrs.Vogel was 47 years of age, and was loved and esteemed by a large circle of friends for her kindly motherly disposition. She was an indulgent mother, a kind neighbor, and a good woman. 06/26/14 WRIGHT JOHN H. 5 1912 6 17 1914 ILLINOIS John H.Wright, aged two years and one month, son of Mr.and Mrs.George W.Wright, of Springfield, Illinois, died at the home of his parents Wednesday morning, June 17th, of bronchial pneumonia, following an illness of four months. The couple had resided in Forrest City for two years. 07/03/14 HAVEN CHARLES HENRY 10 22 1844 6 30 1914 CiTY Born Germany, Last name could have been Harms per folklore in family-My Great Grandfather on Maternal Side of my family.--Death of C. H. Haven-Familiar Figure of Man Who Succeeded, In Spite Of all Vicissitudes Passes Away.Chas. H. Haven was born in Germany on October 22. 1844, and came to this country when but three years of age, and at the time of his death was 69 years, 8 months and 8 days old. The story of his life would make a book of wonderful interest, and is of great value to boys, as showing what energy conserved and enterprise and tenacity in a chosen life work will accomplish. The writer of this feeble memorial knew C. H. Haven for upwards of a quarter century. We knew him at a time when he had invested his last penny in property and business in this city and had not prospered as he deserved. He was discouraged for a brief moment, and the thought occurred to him to give up, but he said no to me, "No sir, I am going to stay with `em, and sink or swim." And he did, and from that day he prospered. He began in a small way. He owned a gin and saw mill. He purchased lot after lot in the old Dillard & Chouffin addition, cheap, and when business was dull he took his mill hands and built a house. He continued in this line for years, and at the time of his death owned 49 dwelling houses in this city from which he derived a monthly income of six or eight hundred dollars. It was his stick-to-ittiveness that won. He was honest almost to a fault, and straight forward in all his dealings. He paid his debts and was esteemed by a very large circle of friends. We lately saw him on the streets and talked with him just a few days ago. He was Comparing this year with last, and related some of his experiences. We have often laughed with him about the time he told us he would "let `em take it," meaning what little property he had at that time, when had almost come completely discouraged, but took another grip on himself, and went to win out and did so. We thought him in splendid health. On Wednesday of last week he had some indication of heart trouble. He had been effected similarly several times lately. He was prevailed upon to go to Memphis, which he did on Thursday morning of last week. He first went to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tim Ezell, and later to the home of another daughter, Mrs. Frank Barlow, and gradually grew worse until Tuesday night at 9 o'clock when his spirit quietly took its flight, it left its earthly habitation without a struggle. The remains were prepared for burial and returned here Wednesday afternoon, arriving at 4:30 over the Rock Island, and lay in state at his late residence until yesterday afternoon, when in the presence of a very large gathering of relatives and friends, Rev. F. W. Gee of the Methodist church conducted religious services and delivered a brief address, the funeral cortege leaving the home at 10 o'clock. The remains were interred in the FORREST CITY Cemetery in the presence of one of the largest gathering ever seen there.C. H. Haven was a member of the Methodist church. He was quiet, and unostentatious, honest in his dealings with all men, a loving husband, kind and indulgent father, a good neighbor, charitable and "true blue." He was a soldier of the Civil War, in which he wore the Gray. He leaves to mourn their great love, a broken hearted widow, four daughters and four sons, as follows: Mrs. Mattie Barlow, and Mrs.Nannie Ezell of Memphis; Mrs.Emma Hodges of this city, and Mrs.Lucy Looney of Dupo, Illinois; Messrs. John Haven of Wynne, Charley, Willie and Louis of this city, all of whom, with their families, were present around the casket.It is a remarkable fact that until this death this large family ....had suffered a death in the trunk of the family...the first to give up the fight. 07/03/14 HOLMES OLLIE 1889 6 29 1914 WYLDS Mr.Ollie Holmes, aged 25, died on Tuesday, and was buried Wednesday at Wylds cemetery. He leaves a heart broken widow and one child to mourn their loss. 07/03/14 MARTIN H. E. MRS UNK 6 25 1914 HUGHES The death Angel visited the home of Mr.H.E.Martin on last Thursday afternoon, June 25, 1914, at 1:30 and took the dear wife and mother. Mrs.Martin was greatly loved in Colt and is very much missed not only in the home, but she leaves a large number of friends to mourn their loss. Mrs.Martin's death was due to congestion. She became ill and died within eleven minutes. She leaves five small children, a baby scarcely seven months old. Interment was had at the Hughes cemetery Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev.Alonzo McKelvey of the M.E.Church officiating. Colt Times 07/03/14 ALLEN WILL Unk 6 30 1914 Unknown A killing occurred here last Tuesday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock. Mr.Bob Simmons of Wynne killed a negro by the name of Will Allen. It is said the negro was working on Mr.Simmons farm, and told Mr.Simmons to bring him $5, which Mr.Simmons refused to do. The man met him on the road and jerked Mr.Simmons off his buggy and shot him in the left arm and Mr.Simmons started shooting, and after four shots, the negro was dead. Colt Times 07/03/14 LITTLEFIELD JOHN A. 9 30 1866 6 27 1914 HUGHES Death of John Littlefield: Mr.John Littlefield, who lived on the ridge about five miles north of town, came down on Friday of last week with the intention of going to Hot Springs for the purpose of taking the baths and treatment for Bright's disease. He had been suffering for several months, but would never give up, and after coming to town Dr.Bogart was called to see him and was advised him to abandon his trip, as he was not able to go then, and to go to bed and wait a few days. He accordingly was taken to the home of Mr.and Mrs.R.K.Swan, who are related by the marriage of his daughter to Mr.Bozeman Swan, and rapidly grew worse until Saturday night, June 27,1914, when he died at 9 o'clock. John Littlefield was a good citizen, a prosperous farmer, a kind neighbor, and ad devoted husband and indulgent father. He leaves a heart broken wife, one daughter, Mrs.Swan, and other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. The funeral took place from the home of Mr.Swan Sunday forenoon and the remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church officiating. Deceased was 46? years , 8 months, and 27 days old. He was a member of the Woodmen Lodge. 07/03/14 JORDAN FLORA A. MRS 6 15 1878 6 28 1914 BELL Mr.H.J.Jordan was in town yesterday and gave us the following particulars of the death of his wife, by being crushed in an overturned auto. Mr.and Mrs.Jordan had gone to Shreveport, La., in their auto to visit their daughter, Mrs.Henry Johnson, and while enjoying a ride on Wednesday, June 24th, a large touring car belonging to a lumberman by the name of Jones overtook them. Mr.Jordan turned to the right to allow the car to pass, when the large car struck the hind wheel of his car, skidding it around enough to strike in full force the front wheel, completely demolishing the wheel and overturning the car, pinning the occupants beneath. Mrs.Jordan received the weight of the car across her shoulders, paralyzing her from the shoulders to her feet. She did not lose consciousness, and lingered until Sunday when she died. The occupants of the car were Mr.and Mrs.Jordan and a 3 year old boy, Mr.and Mrs, Johnson, and Alice May Johnson, none of whom were seriously hurt, except Mrs.Jordan. A jury of investigation was held, at which none of the Jordan's were present, and Mr.Jones was exonerated by saying the car did not strike Jordan's car. Yet Mr.Jordan says the condition of the car proves that it was struck, as marks on the axle clearly shows. The remains of Mrs.Jordan were brought to Palestine last Tuesday, and were interred in the Bell cemetery, amid a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Prof.J.M.Wilson, County Examiner, went to Little Rock Monday, on business, and to meet the remains of Mrs.Jordan, who was his relative and accompany them to Palestine. 07/03/14 JONES DORMER MRS-ROLFE 10 5 1860 6 24 1914 VANNDALE Judge and Mrs.E.A.Rolfe, Mr.and Mrs.S.A.Rolfe, Mrs.O.N.Warren and Miss Sallie Buford went to Vanndale to attend the funeral of Mrs.R.A.Jones, a sister of the Rolfe brothers, who died on Wednesday, June 24,1914. Mrs.Jones had been ill for several weeks, and Mrs.S.A.Rolfe had been attending her bedside for several days prior to her death. The bereaved relatives have the kindly sympathy of a large circle of friends in their deep sorrow. 07/10/14 TAYLOR ALICE I. MRS-KOONCE 1850 7 6 1914 CiTY Mrs.Alice I.Taylor, widow of the late Hon. George P.Taylor, is dead, and a deep gloom hangs as a canopy over the home where she has lived, and reigned supreme in love for so many years. And other homes, too, the homes of her children who have grown up, married, and made homes for themselves, are saddened by the awful fact that "Mother" and "Grandmother" has gone sleep until that great day. Mrs.Taylor, before marriage, was Miss Alice I. Koonce, a native of St.Francis County. She was married to George Pressley Taylor in February, 1873. To this union six children were born. Her beloved husband died in 1902, and her children have all grown to man and womanhood, and married. On June 13,1914, she went to Augusta to visit her sister, Mrs.Lucy Word. While there she became ill, and though she had the loving care of relatives, and the attention of the best physicians, she gradually grew weaker and on Monday afternoon, July 6,1914, at 2:35 o'clock she passed to her reward. The precious remains were brought home on Tuesday morning and lay in state at her late home until afternoon. At 4 o'clock, funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church by her late pastor, Elder E.P.J.Garrott of Little Rock, and after religious ceremonies at the church, a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends followed to Forrest City Cemetery, where she was laid beside him, who had been her companion in life for so many years. Deceased leaves five children, viz: Edgar P., Alva, now Mrs.Luther Patton of Oklahoma; Norma A., now Mrs.A.B.Pyle; Mrs.Nannie Barringer, and George P.Jr., all of this city; the sixth, Walter R. having died recently, and many loving relatives and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The pall bearers were:Messrs.H.O.Watson, T.A.Buford, J.T.Sanders, H.A.Knight, John W.Alderson, and Fenner T.Eldridge. Family attending the funeral:Mr.and Mrs.Luther Patton, of Oklahoma; Mrs.Lucy Word and Mr.A.B.Lippman of Augusta; Mrs.Koonce and son, Melame, of Wynne; Mrs.Mattie Ford of Marianna, Mrs.Emma Black and daughter, Mrs.McCutcheon of Franks Township; Mr.and Mrs.Peyton Scott of Butler, Miss Julia Thompson of . Louisiana. Had she lived, she would have been 65 years of age in August. She was a devout member of the Baptist church, belonged to the Knights & Ladies of Honor, and the Gleaners Society. 07/10/14 HORN ELIZABETH P. MRS 1829 7 6 1914 BYHALIA Byhalia, Miss. July 6,1914: Mrs.Elizabeth Horn died here suddenly this morning at the home of her son, E.B.Horn, age 85 years. She was a most excellent Christian woman and had been a resident of this town for nearly 60 years, where she was much esteemed and revered by a large circle of friends and relatives. Three sons and two daughters survive her, viz: E.S.Horn of Memphis; H.H. Horn of Red Banks, Miss.; Mrs.A.S.Ashford of Memphis; Mrs.R.L.Pettus of Forrest City, Ark. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev.McKown presiding. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.Pet\tus left Sunday via Helena to attend the funeral. Mrs.Horn was well known and beloved by a large circle of friends here, all of whom regret her death. 07/10/14 BROWN W. E. Unk 7 7 1914 KENTUCKY W.E.Brown, agent for the Rock Island at Madison, died Tuesday afternoon, July 7,1914, at 12:30 of pellagra, and the remains were shipped to his old home in Kentucky for burial. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn the loss of husband and father. It is stated that deceased worked at his desk up to noon of the day he died, and passed away suddenly just after eating a hearty dinner. Mrs.Brown had just left the dining room a few moments, and heard him strangling, and rushed to him and he died in her arms. Mrs.Brown was prostrated with grief, and Mrs.J.R.Carder, of this city was called in to nurse her. She is now some quieter and getting along as well as can be expected. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy. 07/31/14 GORMAN ELISE BRADDOCK MISS 6 19 1874 7 26 1914 CiTY Gone to Rest: Death leaves a shining mark, and in the death of Miss Elise Gorman, which sad event occurred at the family residence in this city Sunday evening about 5:30, July 26,1914, and took her from her devoted parents and of her relatives, and a host of friends, one of the purest, sleetiest and most talented girls ever reared in this county. She had been ill for some time, and only a few months ago returned from San Antonio where she had gone with her mother in hope of benefitting her health, and lately had seemed much improved. She visited friends and relatives in Tennessee recently, and had written a letter just a short time before her death. She was alone with her mother, and grandmother, Mrs.Peticolas, with wonderful fortitude, called for help, and Mr.James Fondren hearing her ran to her assistance and summoned help. Her father was in his office and her brother, Walter P.Gorman, was at the depot, to take a train to Memphis on business. An automobile was dispatched for them, and medical assistance hurriedly summoned, but the dear girl had passed to her reward. The precious remains lay in state during the day Monday, and in the evening at 5:00 o'clock were conveyed to the Church of the Good Shepherd, of which she was a devout communicant, and the beautiful funeral service of the church was read by the rector, Rev.O.M.Yerger, after which a number of friends followed to the Forrest City cemetery, where interment was made. The pall bearers were Messieurs:H.A.Knight, J.S.Shields, James P.Wolfe, E.B.Smith, James M.Gilliam, and Charles W.Norton. Miss Gorman was born in LaGrange, Tenn., on June 19,1874. She was loved and admired by all who knew her wonderfully sweet, pure and quiet character. She was an artist of rare ability, her brush tracing the lines of dainty and classic pictures with a skill and talent seldom seen in communities like this. 07/31/14 YOUMANS JACOB S. 1840 1914 Pataskala Cemetery PataskalaLicking CountyOhio, USA We are in receipt of a copy of the Pataskala, Ohio, Standard, containing the memorial to Mr.J.S.Youmans. It is stated that the day before his death on the lakes near there, and it is intimated that the injury received last year while hunting, as the result of his gun bustling, had something to do with his sudden death. He had a newspaper in his hand still in its wrapper, very likely a copy of the Forrest City Times, when he expired while sitting on his veranda. He was 74 years of age, and a retired banker. The Standard reprints what the Times had to say of Mr.Youman's death, and also contained the following notice of Mr.G.N.Laughinghouse's visit: Mr.Newman Laughinghouse, of Forrest City, Arkansas, arrived here Friday evening to attend the funeral of J.S.Youmans. These two gentlemen were very close friends. Mr.Laughinghouse almost annually entertained Mr.Youmans, when the latter took a hunting trip in the south. Mr.and Mrs.Youmans were prepared to entertain Mr.and Mrs.Laughinghouse and daughter, when the host was suddenly summoned. 07/31/14 NALL T. C. MRS Unk 7 29 1914 KENTUCKY A GOOD WOMAN'S DEATH: The friends of the family were shocked and grieved Wednesday upon receipt of the intelligence of the death of Mrs.T.C.Nall, which occurred at 12:30 that morning, July 29,1914, in a hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Mrs.Nall was a niece of Dr.E.J.P'Poole, and a letter from his sister, Mrs.Jennie M.Griffin dated July 29th and received yesterday contained the following particulars of the sad event: Last Saturday Mrs. Nall was operated on for that old trouble, and her appendix was removed Tuesday, at 5 p.m.. She began to grow worse and she passed away at 12:30 a.m. Prof.Nall was with her when she died, and Wednesday afternoon Dr.J.A.Bogart and Mr.A.L.Stevens left for Princeton, Ky., the old home, where interment was made yesterday Thursday. Prof.and Mrs.Nall came to St.Francis county about fourteen years ago, and have since been in continuous charge of the Wheatley school, except two terms, when Prof.Nall was Principal and Mrs.Nall assistant of the Forrest City School. They were considered two of the most capable teachers ever seeking service in this county. In Forrest City, they were popular, and many of our young people, received their first aid to an educational direction from this admirable couple are mourning the death of their former tutor and friend. Mrs.Nall was a good Christian woman, endowed with a high degree of intellectuality and possessed of thorough training in her chosen vocation, and was respected and beloved by all who came within the circle of her charm of personality. 07/31/14 HULEN CHARLES MRS 1883 7 26 1914 GREEENWAY,ARK. Mr.A.C.Shreeve, of Proctor, was in the city Monday to select a casket for the remains of Mrs.Charles Hulen, of that place, who died some time during the night Sunday, July 26, 1914. Mr.Shreeve advised the Times man that Mr.and Mrs.Hulen retired as usual Sunday night, in separate rooms, and that when he awoke on Monday morning he found Mrs.Hulen dead. He had not been awakened, and there was no evidence of any struggle, and she must have died in her sleep. Mrs.Hulen was 31 years of age, and they had been married three and a half years. She left no children. The remains were shipped to Greenway, Arkansas, her former home on Wednesday. 07/31/14 YERZLEY WALWORTH LESSING 1904 7 19 1914 Unknown Walworth Lessing, ten year old son of Mr.and Mrs. Wm.N.Yerzley, of Newark, N.Jersey, died July 19,1914. He had gone to Asbary Park hoping that he would be benefitted. It was found that a second operation on his tonsils was necessary, which proved fatal. 07/31/14 WILSON WALTER ORLANDO 1914 7 27 1914 CiTY Walter Orlando, infant son of Mr.and Mrs.L.B.Wilson, died at an early hour Monday morning, July 27,1914, of cholera infection, and the interment took place in the Forrest City cemetery at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, the Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church presiding. The little one had been ailing for some time, and his condition was not thought to be serious until just before the end, and his death was a crushing blow to his parents. A twin brother survives little Orlando and we hope he will prove a comfort and consolation to the father and mother in this dark hour of affliction. 08/14/14 JOHNSON JOHNNIE MRS Unk 8 14 1914 Unknown Mrs.Johnnie Johnson, died at 2:15 this afternoon, Aug.14,1914, after a lingering illness. Funeral arrangements incomplete as of print time of the Times. 08/14/14 WOLF RALPH MRS Unk 8 8 1914 DESOTO, MO. Mr.Chris Muller and sister, Mrs.Frank Wagener, and brother Mr.Geo.Muller of Brinkley, came over Saturday evening and took the Iron Mountain railroad bound for Desoto, Mo., to attend the funeral of Mrs.Ralph Wolf, who died in St.Louis Saturday, Aug.8,1914. Interment took place in the Desoto, Mo. cemetery in the family plot. Mrs.Wolf was Mrs.Muller's sister. 08/14/14 REED Unreadable 1898 8 14 1914 Unknown ??? Reed, a 16 year old colored employee of the Forrest City Mfg.Co., plant met his tragic death Friday afternoon, Aug.14,1914. A large log was being hoisted from a flatcar, when a cable broke and the heavy boom swung around and struck the boy upon the head, killing him instantly. A nerve wracking scene occurred when the boy's mother arrived on the scene, and only the most calloused could but sympathize with the mother. 08/21/14 JOHNSON MARY ELEANOR MRS 3 25 1870 8 14 1914 HUGHES Mrs.Mary E.Johnson was born in St.Francis County, Ark., in the neighborhood of Good Hope church, on Mar.25, 1870, She was married Nov.5,1887 to Mr.John R.Johnson. Four children, three daughters and one son, were born of this union of hearts and lives. Zelma Lee, who died in infancy, and Olive, now Mrs.E.J.Kyle, of this city, Lucile, now Mrs.E.E.Chinnock, of Memphis, Tenn., and Mr.John Johnson, Jr., of this city, who, with their father remain to mourn the loss of wife and mother. Her home was her greatest interest. Sister Johnson was convertee at age 14 to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at that time, and since then has never wavered in her Christian life. During the last few years of her life, she suffered from a variety of diseases. Her remains were gently laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery, services conducted by Rev.F.W.Gee, her pastor on Saturday, Aug.15,1914. Signed F.W.Gee. 08/21/14 BUTLER MARGARET MRS 1834 8 17 1914 Ft.SCOTT, Kansas Mr.A.L.Stevens returned Friday afternoon via Memphis from Ft.Scott, Kansas, where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother in law, Mrs.Margaret Butler, who died suddenly Monday afternoon, Aug.17,1914, of heart failure. Mrs.Stevens was unable to attend due to illness. Mrs.Butler was 80 years of age and was laid to rest on Wednesday. 08/21/14 BROYLES D. W. Unk 8 14 1914 TENNESSEE Sheriff J.F.McDougal returned Wednesday morning from Savannah, Tenn, where he had been summoned to attend the bedside of his brother in law, D.W.Broyles, but arrived too late to find him alive. Sheiff McDougal reached his destination at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, but his relative had died at 1 o'clock. 08/21/14 PARKER JOHN 1898 8 16 1914 Unknown John Parker, a 16 year old colored boy living on the Williams place near Widener, was drowned at two o'clock Sunday afternoon, Aug.16,1914, in the St.Francis river. The boy, with a number of smaller companions, were bathing in the river, when he stepped off into deep water, and being unable to swim, soon sank and drowned. None of the other boys was large enough to effect the rescue. The body was discovered after about three hours. 08/21/14 GATES GEORGE E. 2 7 1867 8 18 1914 CiTY A SAD DEATH:Mr.George Gates, a member of the crew doing the reconstruction work now in progress in this city by Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co., died Tuesday night, Aug.18,1914, in a Memphis hospital following an operation for appendicitis. Mr.Gates and family came here something over two months ago, and as the job upon which he was engaged promised to be a long one, went to housekeeping in a cottage in the northwestern part of the city. He was a quiet unassuming man of 56 years of age, was steady and faithful, and held the respect and esteem of his fellow workmen and others with whom he came in contact. He developed appendicitis some time ago, and refused to have the medical treatment until Monday night. But it was too late, and he passed away because he waited too long. The remains were returned to Forrest City Tuesday, and interred in the Forrest City Cemetery, the Rev.F.W.Gee officiating. 08/28/14 WEEKS MITTIE H. MRS 9 2 1886 8 27 1914 HUGHES Mrs.R.R.Weeks, residing in the northern part of town, died yesterday afternoon of malaria hematuria. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery. 12/11/14 FOLBRE THOMAS CLARENCE JR 2 13 1874 12 6 1914 CiTY Thomas C.Folbre, Jr., eldest son of Judge T.C. and Mary Medora (McCrary) Folbre, died at 6:45 a.m. Sunday morning, Dec.6, 1914, in the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, where he had been taken for an operation for the relief of gall bladder and kidney trouble. The intelligence was quickly flashed to Forrest City, where it created a profound sadness among a wide circle of friends. The fatal operation was the third which he had undergone, and the two previous ones had left him too frail of physique to withstand the added draft upon his resistive powers. At his bedside when he passed away were his wife and his brothers Homer and Frank. The remains were brought back to Forrest City on the 4:10 train Sunday afternoon, and the funeral party were met at the station by a large concourse of grieving friends and escorted to his late residence. Interment was made at the Forrest City cemetery at 2:30 p.m. Monday afternoon, following funeral services at the home by Rector O.M.Yerger, of the Episcopal Church, and was attended by a throng of friends, former schoolmates and boyhood companions. The deceased was born in Forrest City on Feb.13,1874, and was educated and grew to manhood here. At an early age he engaged in business with his father, and practically all his life has been spent in or near this place. On Oct.20,1906, he was married to Miss Mary E.Laird, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Laird, of near Newport, and the union was a singularly happy one. He is survived by his wife, his stepmother, Mrs.Lillie Folbre of San Antonio, Texas; his stepsister, Mrs.Courtney (Andrews) Ferguson, also of San Antonio; and five brothers; Homer, Hubert, Frank, Eugene, and Gerald. The active pallbearers were:Messieurs.James Wolfe, E.P.Taylor, John Grobmyer, Eugene Williams, H.A.Knight, and Emmett Griner. Honorary Pallbearers were: S.B.Trapp, Linn Turley, Scott Kirkpatrick, D.E.Hoshall, R.W.Benson, and J.S.Shields. 12/11/14 ROSS JOHN Unk 12 8 1914 Unknown Murder at Heth: Mary Ross, Negress, Cuts the Nuptial Knot with a Shotgun. Mrs.Ross became enamored of one Walter Dartch, a neighbor, and decided to kill her husband, The filled a shotgun with buckshot, on Tuesday, Dec.8,1914, and found her husband standing by the Rock Island road, and ignoring the fast approaching east bound train No.46, she cut loose with the shotgun into his stomach, whereupon he fell in front of the train. Squire Hodges at the preliminary hearing on Wednesday that she should be bound over for first degree murder. Phone Numbers: 1 W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS 1902 1903 - - - 5 R.S.Fondren-Residence 1913 6 MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. 1902 - - - 12 Vadakin & Landvoigt-The Forrest City Times 1914 16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1908 1911 - - - 17 FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY 1901 1903 - - - 18 KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. 1911 - - - 18 FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE 1903 - - - 19 J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 1908 - - - 21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913 24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - - 26 A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY 1909 - - - 28 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 1911 - - - 29 G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY 1903 - - - 29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913 29 MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS 1908 - - - 31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913 31 THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. 1909 - - - 31 HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE 1911 - - - 34 W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY 1908 - - - 34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913 34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - - 40 HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY 1901 - - - 41 FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 1902 - - - 42 LANDVOIGT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE 1908 1911 - - - 44 THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- 1911 - - - 47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913 48 F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS 1909 - - - 49 NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. MALLORY & ELDRIDGE IN 1914 1910 - - - 49 FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. 1910 - - - 52 NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS 1911 - - - 58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913 58 PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING 1902 - - - 60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913 61 N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON 1902 1903 - - - 61 THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 1901 - - - 68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913 71 J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. 1902 - - - 71 NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES 1908 1909 - - - 73 E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1908 - - - 73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913 75 GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 1912 - - - 75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - - 77 BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 1901 - - - 79 PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. 1912 - - - 81 NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES 1908 - - - 82 KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - 84 FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS 1908 - - - 86 NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY 1909 - - - 88 C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 1901 - - - 91 T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 - - - 91 THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN 1911 - - - 91 ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. 1910 - - - 91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913 97 JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK 1908 - - - 100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913 101 W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY 1901 - - - 103 J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. 1903 - - - 108 HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET 1902 - - - 108 RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY 1903 - - - 112 TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET 1910 - - - 112 E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING 1902 - - - 122 D.Downey-Residence 1913 124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - - 126 W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1902 - - - 126 STEVENS BROS., UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT 1903 - - - 126 IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. 1901 - - - 131 A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY 1902 - - - 134 J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 1902 - - - 134 ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS 1901 1902 - - - 134 L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET 1911 - - - 137 PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. 1909 - - - 147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1911 - - - 147 R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE 1902 1901 - - - 147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1912 - - - 150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1913 155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913 170 FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. 1910 1911 1912 1913 - - 174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - - 174 BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE 1909 - - - 184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - - 184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913 186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913 187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers 1913 188 ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 1910 - - - 189 BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER 1911 - - - 191 THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO 1908 1909 - - - 191 FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1902 - - - 192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913 199 J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 1902 - - - 204 W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS 1912 1911 - - - 204 McDaniel & Watson, Successor to W.F.Klotz-Harry O.Watson and Louis McDaniel 1914 209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - - 211 PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. 1908 - - - 212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - - 225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913 225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - - 228 W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY 1909 - - - 232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913 239 JIM THOMPSON HAULING 1910 - - - 244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913 245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913 248 NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES 1908 - - - 248 LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD 1911 - - - 248 L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY 1908 - - - 248 CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. 1910 - - - 252 W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD 1909 - - - 253 A.A.French-Residence 1913 254 FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET 1908 1911 - - - 257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913 269 B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE 1909 - - - 272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913 273 Rose's Home Grocery-1 Block West of Public School 1914 293 C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER 1910 - - - 294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913 299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - - 299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913 299 R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING 1909 - - - 300 FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER 1910 - - - 311 WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD 1911 - - - 312 A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING 1912 - - - 335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1913 341 JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911 345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913 354 Sharpe The Tailor-Corner Washington and Jackson 1914 355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913 357 We Deliver-COD 1914 367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913 368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913 388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913 814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913 815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913 808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913 808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913 808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913 808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913 808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913 808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913 820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913