The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoigt and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological OrderSelected Articles in The Paper[Announcements/Births/Marriages/Deaths, and Phone List]June 14,2009 updated Jun.7,2012 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1913 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" 1913 Events: 01/03/13 S. Goldberg Bankrupt-According to attorney S. S. Hargraves. The store at the corner of Washington and Jackson Street conducted under the firm name S. Goldberg, went into voluntary bankruptcy on Monday. 01/03/13 Turley Bros. and Gilliam has gone into bankruptcy per Honor R.J.Williams. The firm was composed of members L. and C. E. Turley, and James Gilliam. 01/10/13 Tenth Statement of Business filed by Bank of Forrest City:Total Assets=$667.851.64, of which $100,000 was Capital and Surplus. Directors:E.A.Rolfe/Eugene Williams/J.D.Baugh/L.J.Pugh/T.A.Buford/Ellis Turley/W.W.Bryan/B.F.McCrary/Robt.L.Pettus/C.M.Wilkinson/S.B.Trapp. 01/10/13 Jess Hess may be the recipient of estate of relative in Switzerland per B.F.McCrary who was in receipt of letter from Jake Hess of Shepherd, Michigan. 01/10/13 Prof.R.J.Hubbard of Hornenville, Mo., formerly superintendent of schools of St.Francis County, Missouri, and who comes highly recommended has succeeded Prof.N.C.R.Anderson as principal of the public school at Palestine. Mr.Anderson resigned to take a position in the Forrest City post office. 01/10/13 Governor George W.Donaghey appoints newspaper man, J.N.Heiskell to succeed Senator Jefferson Davis who recently died in office. He was the editor ot the Arkansas Gazette in Little Rock. 01/17/13 Mr.William J.Jordan and Son, Otho, have purchased the dry goods and general merchandising business until recently conducted at Goodwin, by Messrs.Wilmouth & Dyal, known as the Wilmouth Grocery Co., and will conduct business at the same location as the W.J.Jordan & Son style. 01/17/13 Cross-State Highway from Little Rock to Memphis proposed-only opposition is in St.Francis County, Arkansas. 01/17/13 Sheriff J.F.McDougal and family removed Monday to the residence on the corner of Forrest and Davis Streets, formerly occupied by Judge S.H.Mann, but which was purchased by the sheriff a short time ago. 01/24/13 Judge John S.R.Cowan promoting new townsite-New town of Hughes, situated on Cowan's place in east Blackfish Township, being opened up, depot and new stores, sawmill, etc. One of the stores being opened up by two prominent citizens of Marianna, Messrs. Frank Love and Custus Friar, and Mr.L.L.Dale has also built a store. Captain Russell Gardner, of St.Louis, the famous Banner buggy man and captialist, who owns a 12,000 acre game preserve near the town, plans to build a hunting lodge near that station of Hughes. 01/24/13 Mr.A.F.Hargraves, of Ingalls, Arkansas, brother of attorney S.S.Hargraves of this city, has been spending several weeks in this city and vicinity on business and visiting his brother. 01/31/13 Found Dead in Canebrake-Peterson Jackson, a prominent citizen and planter of Griggs Township, who only recently returned from Hot Springs to his farm on Sand Ridge, St.Francis County was in the city Tuesday night and reported the body of an unidentified white man discovered Saturday in a dense cane brake by two negro trappers. The man's throat had been cut, and, according to Jackson's account, the corpse was found 150 yards from the railroad on the new line between Memphis and Marianna, known as the Marianna cut-off, about two miles east of the station at Hughes. Two poles were laid across the body in the shape of a cross. The dead man is described as being about 55 or 60 years of age, bald headed, sandy mustache, snaggle teeth, neatly dressed, tan shoes, gold rimmed eye glasses, and thought to have been a conductor or boss. Squire W.S.Thomas of Democrat, empaneled an inquest, and the body was buried where found, without knowing of the identity. 01/31/13 For Sale:My 10 room residence and home property on east Davis Street, consisting of about two acres. Healthful location, convenient to the business section of the city. Contact Mrs.M.Isaacs, Forrest City, Ark. 02/14/13 Prohibition Up to the Governor-Liquor Dealer must get White Male Adults to sign petition for a license for a negro. Also, a majority of the local citizenry must request that liquor be sold, or it will be prohibited on a town or city basis. House passes Senate Bill No.118 by a vote of over three to one. 02/28/13 The only Forrest City residents to attend the upcoming inaugural of President Woodrow Wilson next week will be Misses Genevieve and Evelyn Pettus with chaperon Mrs.Semple, in whose school of music in New York, Miss Evelyn will graduate in May. 02/28/13 Mr.and Mrs.W.R.Ferguson and children, and Mrs.L.J.Folbre and family, have all packed up their household goods and effects, ready to ship out to San Antonio,Texas to take up their permanent residence. We regret their departure. 03/07/13 Mr. and Mrs.J.M.Dillon, who have been employed at the Times office, in the mechanical department, for about a year and a half are no longer connected with this paper. They have made a deal and are planning on reviving "The Crowley Ridge Chronicle." 03/14/13 Mr.Louis F.Haven, who has been employed at Burdett, Arkansas, returned home Saturday from the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson in Washington, and a trip to New York City also on the trip. 03/21/13 Casteel Indicted-Grand Jury Returnes First Degree Murder True Bill Against Accused Slayer of McCain-The grand jury investigating the charges of murder against Gordon D.Casteel, Dan Kauerhauf and "Jim" Powers. The charges against the last two were dismissed, while Casteel was indicted on first degree murder charge, for the alleged killing of Levert S.McCain, a well known traveling man of Jonesboro, in the Hotel Marion, on the night of Oct.7,1912. Casteel's trial, as the accused slayer of McCain, was set for Mar.24. 03/21/13 Grand jury has not yet returned a true bill against Smith, accused slayer of John Banner Terry, but it is believed it is being considered. 03/21/13 Grand jury has returned true bills for murder in the first degree, the two being Herman Simpson for the murder of Dessie Pulley and Chas.Wilburn who killed his wife about three months ago near Forrest Chapel church, in Johnson Township, about six miles north of Forrest City. 03/21/13 Dr.L.H.Merritt came upon a pair of robbers on the public road about a mile and a half north of the city Saturday night, and lost his $60 dollar watch and three pennies, although at the time he had six pennies, they split it with him! 03/21/13 Circuit Court organized with new officials. The court opened on Monday morning, with the recently appointed Judge Jamison Jackson, of Phillips County, presiding, and Hon.J.N.Rachels of Searcy, White County, the newly elected County Prosecuting attorney. Members of the grand jury are:Ray Bonner-Foreman; C.C.Fogg, of Widener, and John Hall of Wheatley, clerks; W.H.Bynum, Walter Hill, S.R.Lyon, J.O.Bridgeforth, C.M.Kelly, H.A.Horton, J.R.Armstrong, Berry Fussell, Ed Lewis, W.P.Wllis, S.P.McDaniel, Tom Rowland, Story Wood, H.W.Fisher, and Bill Brown. F.T.Whitted, of Wheatley township was sworn in as special deputy sheriff to wait upon the grand jury. 03/21/13 Circuit Court Murder Cases-The names of the accused are Dan Garrett, John Johnson, Cape Roberts, McKinley Lewis, Gordon D.Casteel, James Powers, Dan Kauerhauf, Pug Smith, Robert Goodloe, Chas.Williams, and Henry Simpson. 03/21/13 Dr.L.H.Merritt just became an automobiler, he purchased a Ford Runabout from Dr.J.O.Rush, the local agent. 03/21/13 Miss Annie Campbell just returned from Memphis on Tuesday, where she was visiting her cousin, Miss Linnie Beauchamp. 03/28/13 Circuit Court: Robert Goodloe, who killed Abe Young three or four weeks ago over a debt amounting to about $3 or 4, plead guilty to second degree murder Monday, through his attorney W.J.Lanier, and was sentenced to five years hard labor on the county roads. 03/28/13 Circuit Court: Hermon Simpson, murderer of Dessie Pulley, in Franks township, was allowed to plead guilty to second degree murder, and sentenced to five years hard labor on the county roads. 03/28/13 Circuti Court: McKinley Lewis, 15 year old negro boy pleaded guilty to involunary manslaughter and was sentenced to one year in reform school, the defendant was charged for murder of Annie Ward, near Palestine on May 12,1912, with a shotgun. 03/28/13 Ford's For Sale- By Dr.J.O.Rush-Agent-Prices run about $525 for a runabout-$600 for a touring car, and town car for $800. F.O.B. Detroit. 03/28/13 Mr.William Haven, who together with Mr.Roy Golightly, is now conducting a prosperous meat market business in Augusta, was in town with friends and homefolk the latter part of last week. 04/04/13 Mr.James P. Moore, who will be remembered as an employee of the Rock Island at the station here a few years ago and who later married Miss Mary Eppes, charming daughter of Capt.and Mrs.W.F.Eppes, of Madison, this county, has returned to Forrest City and accepted his old job as ticket agent with the Rock Island, vice Mr.W.W.Smith, who goes to Little Rock to accept a more lucrative position with the company. 04/04/13 Circuit Court News:Gordon Casteel Acquitted-Pug Smith case venued to Phillips County. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty on Monday after having been out since Saturday evening, considering a verdict. Several witnesses for the defense included Judge S.H.Mann, and Judge M.B.Norfleet, and also attorney J.W.Morrow. Pug Smith, represented by Attorney Fred Harrelson of the firm of Hargraves and Harrelson, assisted by ex-Congressman R.Bruce Macon, of Helena, succeeded in obtaining two victories, that of bail, and change of venue. Trial is set for May 19. 04/04/13 Mrs.G.W.Leggett, who has been in very ill health for some time, was taken to the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Little Rock Wednesday, where we hope she will be speedily restored to health. 04/11/13 Reaches High Ground-Mr.J.T.Simmons, manager for Mr.H.W.Robinson on his large Lakeside plantation, reached high ground in the vicinity of Madison Tuesday with forty-two head of negroes and twenty-nine head of mules. The gentleman informed a Times man that his employer has at least about sixty-five head of cattle in the bottoms which it would be necessary to bring out on a barge due to the flooding. 04/18/13 Buster Brown" Here: Major Ray, known all over the country as Buster Brown, accompanied by his dog Tige, who do special advertsing for the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co. of St.Louis, was here Tuesday in the interest of the merchandising firm of Brandon, Baugh & Co., who are the exclusive agents in this territory for "Buster Brown" shoes for boys and girls. 04/18/13 National Guard is working to save Levee at Cairo, Illinois, water overflows the St.Francis Basin, it is estimated that 40 percent of valley covered by flood water. 04/25/13 Mr.Milas P.Kirby, an old St.Francis Co. boy, now the leading liveryman and horse and mule trader of Marked Tree, was a genial visitor is in town. 04/25/13 Mrs.Harry Plummer of Marianna, formerly Miss Ruth Hatcher, of this city, spent several days this week at the home of Mrs.Maggie Hatcher. 05/02/13 Madstone Applied. A couple of weeks ago Mrs.Maud Nance's little 5 year old daughter who is living with her uncle, Mr.H.Boulton, south of town, was playing with a dog in the yard when she was bitten when the animal became vicious. Mr.Boulton came to her rescue and was bitten by the animal also. Fearing that the dog was afflicted with rabies, called for Mr.Will Pittman of Ripley, Tenn., who is the owner of the celebrated St.Francis County madstone. The stone was applied and all concerned were relieved and feel no apprehension. 05/16/13 United Confederate Veterans Special Train to Chattanooga, Tenn. for the May 25 trip from Little Rock, by the Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Railway, via Memphis and the Southern Railway. 05/16/13 Forrest City High School Commencement Exercises: May 19. Baccalaureate sermon by Rev.F.W.Gee, address by Principal, Prof.Weatherly, at the Court House, 8pm. 05/16/13 Moon Lake Times: Party at home of Mr.J.W.Able's on Tuesday, May 20, to celebrate the 19th anniversary of their marriage. 05/16/13 Notice of the dissolution of partnership between Mr.John L.Pope and Mr.George E.Parker under the firm name and style of The Forrest City Furniture Co. due to retirement of Mr.Pope. Mr.Parker will continue in business, assisted by Mr.Paul Pope. 05/16/13 Messrs. Price McDaniel, Sam Hodges, and J.I.Brown inaugurated the fishing season on Tuesday with a visit to Keathley Lake. Forty "punkinseed" rewarded their effort. 05/16/13 Mr.Charles L.Thompson, of Little Rock, architect, was in town to work on plans for mansion for S.H.Mann, costing between $10,000 and $15,000. He was the architect for the Courthouse. 05/16/13 The Times job department has printed this week a very handsome invitation and programme of the commencement exercises of the colored public school of this city, which is a credit to that race, and especially to the Principal, W.L.Purifoy and his assistants. The exercises will be held at the A.M.E.Church beginning May 18 thru the 23rd. The baccalaurate sermon will be condutcted by Rev.A.G.Bailey at the First Baptist Church. Class Roll-Mabel Martha Ann Hodges, Thelma Beatrice Williams, Herman Lee Williams. Faculty:W.L.Purifoy, Principal; Miss Eugenia E.Bell, Mrs.Caroline H.Allman, Mrs.Matilda E.Eleby, and Miss Willie E.Duncan. 05/23/13 Dispatches from Helena earlier in the week stated that the court experienced little difficulty in securing a jury in the Pug Smith murder case, and the trial proceeded without delay. About 50 citizens of this county attended the trial, some as witnesses. The unwritten law was the main defense of Smith, he also claiming self defense. The jury was out about three hours, when they returned a verdict of not-guilty, and Smith is a free man. Defense was Mr.Fred Harrelson, of Forrest City, the procecutor was Mr.Rachaels. The family and friends of deceased believe that the law has been outraged by this decision, while many others, believing the story of the desecretion of Smith's home, think that the verdict could not have been otherwise. In the evidence presented by the state it was claiming pre-meditation in the killing of Terry by Smith. The former was shot on the afternoon of Feb.5 in the rear of the premises of Smith, by the latter, and died shortly afterwards. The defense averred that the defendant on the afternoon of the tragedy was preparing to leave town and had gone home to pack his belongings; that while packing he found his pistol and stuck it in his pocket. On his discovering the deceased in his (Smith's) backyard, a scuffle is said to have ensued and but one shot fired from the fatal weapon, which struck Terry and later ended his life. 05/23/13 The bridge at Fifteen Mile Bayou is no more, it is broken in half in the center. 05/23/13 Graduation Class of 1913 FCHS:Four members, Miss Virginia Rollwage, Valedictorian; Norton Neel, Fred and Tom Stout-twins. Forrest City High School Commencement Exercises: May 19. Baccalaureate sermon by Rev.F.W.Gee, address by Principal, Prof.Weatherly, at the Court House, 8pm. 05/23/13 Graduation Class of 1913 for Palestine High School: Graduates were Helen Boswell; Leta Hall; Mabel Stayton; and Nora Bell. Prof.R.J.Hubbard Principal 05/23/13 Prof.J.M.Weatherley, principal of the Crowley Ridge Institute during the late term, has been re-elected for the fall term. 05/23/13 Capt.William L.Lancaster, of Caldwell, was in the city Monday preparing to attend the U.C.V. Convention at Chattanooga. He has been promoted to the rank of Colonel, as Chief of Transportation of the First Regiment U.C.V. of Arkansas. 05/30/13 Colt Times: Mr.H.E.Martin has purchased the broom factory business belonging to Mr.Newt Matthews and will continue business at the old stand. 06/06/13 Colt Times: Mr.Jack Allen returned from Chattanooga where he attended the U.C.V. Convention last week. 06/06/13 Our Senior, Ed Landvoigt is celebrating his "steenth birthday on the 11th of June." The Colonel will not tell his age, but admits to having a distinct recollection of the Civil War. 06/06/13 Honor Otto B.Rollwage returned from the U.C.V. Convention Monday. He also visited his daughter, Mrs.Samuel B.Chandler, and family at Union City while on this trip. 06/06/13 Quite a shake up at the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill the past week in the clerical force, which resulted in the transfer of Mr.Lindsey Bridgforth to Little Rock Cotton Oil Mill as traveling seed buyer, and Mr.H.W.Cook to Pine Bluff who had been here for ten years. 06/13/13 Newcastle Times: Mr.W.O.Pirtle has been appointed justice of the peace to fill the unexpired term of Mr.W.R.McLaren, deceased. 06/13/13 Judge S.H.Mann has let the contracts for his new home, Mr.W.R.Brewer is the contractor, Mr.S.P.McDaniel for plumbing, Mr.Samuel L. Hodges as the tinner. 06/20/13 Handsome invitations have been received to celebrate the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr.and Mrs.Edward Roleson, at their home on Dillard and Rosser, Saturday, June 21,1913. 07/04/13 Mrs.J.A.Houser, of Marion, Ind., who was formerly Miss Lena Williams, of this city, is spending several weeks with relatives and friends. Vistiing with the J.T.Fondren's in the city, and Mrs.Wood, a few miles southwest of the city. 07/11/13 Prof.Roger Williams, who is spoken of in most complimentary terms, is an old-time Forrest City boy. His grandfather, Mr.James H.Thompson, deceased, was one of St.Francis county's most honorable citizens. He is also a nephew of Mrs.Kate Ferguson and Mrs.Alice I. Taylor, of this city, Mrs.Word, of Augusta, Mrs.Black, and others in this county who are known and loved by a wide circle of friends. The Williams family lived at Haynes for a number of years where, J.A.Williams, his father, died leaving his wife, three sons and two daughters, all of whom Mrs.Williams has been eminently successful in rearing and educating. Her son, referred to here, is now a Professor of English at the University of Arkansas. 07/18/13 Mrs.Chas.Haven and little son, Charles Jr. arrived home Monday from a most delightful visit of a month with Mrs.Haven's aunt, Mrs.J.F.Morris of Eads, Tenn. 07/18/13 Col.William Lancaster of Caldwell, was in town Monday looking as spry as a youngster. He said he couldn't see the city on account of the crowd at Chickamauga at the U.C.V. Reunion. He recounted an encounter showing his bravery whereby he by himself alone made fifty yankees run-they ran after him, and he kept in the lead! 07/18/13 The Goodwin camp of the W.O.W. unveiled a monument Sunday, for the late Deputy Sheriff B.S.Moore. 08/08/13 Bank of Forrest City Closes it Doors! Judge S.H. Mann has been appointed Receiver. County Judge E.A.Rolfe, President of the bank states that, "I am not broke", and I want it understood that no one stole any money 08/29/13 Mr.E.R.Lienhardt, a Dutch baker of the old school has leased the plant and building of the Forrest City Bakery, has announced his intentions to open. 08/29/13 Uncle Alf Taylor, one of the pioneer citizens of Cross and St.Francis counties, who is making his home at Wynne, spent a couple days in the city at the home of his cousin, Mrs.Annie Wolff. He lived in Forrest City when there was only one store building here, and raised cotton on the land where the town of Wynne now stands. 08/29/13 Mr.Leo Grobmyer opens a new garage and auto supply business in the building formerly occupied by the Imperial theater on Jackson street, next door to the Airdrome. He will have gasolene, oils, tires, and parts, and do repair work. 08/29/13 Jim Rainbolt, who grew up here in Forrest City, is now performing as a clown with the Kit Carson Buffalo Ranch and Wild West Show which will be in town on Sept.20. 08/29/13 Mrs.Murphy Andrews, formerly Miss Mignon Knight, is visting her relatives Mr.and Mrs.H.A.Knight. 09/05/13 Mother E.J.Terry and grand daughter, Mrs.M.C.Maxwell (nee Miss Lydia Terry), arrived last Saturday from Atlanta, Ga., the attend the unveiling ceremonies given by the Woodmen at the grave of Mr.J.B.Terry, deceased, Sunday, where they unveiled the monument to his memory. 09/19/13 Satterfield Bound Over: The preliminary trial of Mr.J.E.Satterfield, charged with the shooting of Mr.W.R.Wynne, one of his tenants, was had Saturday before Squire T.D.Carr. The shooting was over the use of a team with which he had made his crop. Satterfield posted bond, after giving himself up to the sheriff, and trial is pending in Circuit Court. 09/19/13 Mr.A.L.Stevens, of the Forrest City Grocer Co., left yesterday morning for Gilmer, Texas, in response to a message that his brother, W.M.Stevens was seriously ill with typhoid fever and not expected to live. 09/19/13 Imperial Theatre Features:"The Tragedy of Big Eagle Mine" and "Discipling Daisy" from Vitagraph. Admission 5 cents and 10 cents. 10/03/13 Panama Canal nearly ready for the big ships. 10/03/13 Woodmen of the World unveil monument to the memory of Mr.Charles W.Bernard at the Forrest City Cemetery on October 5th. 10/10/13 Mr.W.L.Bryan named new postmaster at Bryanville, Ark. He is a planter and merchant south of Palestine. 10/17/13 Mr,C.A.Ahlstedt returned home Wednesday. He had been operating for the last three years in Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri. 11/07/13 A crowd of bear hunters, headed by George P.Taylor, with the finest pack of hounds in the state, will leave here Monday for a hunt in the Mud Lake neighborhood. They expect to treat Gov.Hays of Arkansas, and Gov.Elliott W.Major of Missouri, who are due to arrive here Wednesday. 11/14/13 Mrs.Chas.R.Izard, accompanied by Misses Rachel and Mary, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs.J.W.Christopher. 11/28/13 City Marshall J.M.Davis, the veteran bear hunter of St.Francis County and County Treasurer George P.Taylor, the mightiest of the mighty hunters of Eastern Arkansas, have a Thanksgiving bear pelt to their credit. 12/12/13 Mrs.Rayborn Ray, of St.Louis, formerly Miss Rayborn Hicks, daughter of the former Mr.Peter J.Hicks, and oldtime Forrest City resident, is spending a few days in town. 12/19/13 Monument erected by Woodmen of World honoring Sheriff W.E.Williams at the Mt.Vernon Cemetery. 12/26/13 Rock Island wreck, East bound Passenger train derailed one mile east of Forrest City early on Monday morning. 12/26/13 Egypt Times: Mr.Dillard Ford, of Hickory, Okla., is visiting his brother, Mr.Will Ford. It is the first time in twenty seven years the brothers have seen each other. 12/26/13 H.M.Wheeler has sold out his mill in Madison to Mr.Billie Prichard, of Memphis. He then will move to Jonesville, La. and start a new sawmill there. Births: 01/03/13 Born to Mr.and Mrs.Roscoe Delano, who reside in Marianna, on Jan.1st, a fine baby girl. 01/17/13 Notice was received Wednesday, Jan.15, of the birth of a baby boy, the third child of the family, to Mr. and Mrs.Percy Eldridge, of Benton, Mo. 01/24/13 News has reached The Times bringing the glad tidings that a sweet baby girl was born to Mr.and Mrs.H.B.Bateman, Jr., of Clarendon, on Jan.17,1913. The happy little mother is the former Miss Stella Mae Bryan, the daughter of our good friends Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Bryan of Yocona. 01/31/13 News reached the city yesterday to the effect that a third son has been born to Mr.and Mrs.Hubert Folbre, at their home in San Antonio, Texas. 02/28/13 Just as we were going to press last week, we received the news that Mr.and Mrs.Geo.Dearrington, of Madison, are rejoicing over the birth of a fine 10 pound boy, on Feb.19, who was named Eugene Rolfe after our poplular County Judge. 03/14/13 Among the recent births is that of a sweet baby girl at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Will Fisher last week, and joins her brother in the home. 03/21/13 Mr.and Mrs.Julius Jolly are rejoicing over the birth of a fine baby boy that arrived on the 13th to their home in the Yocona neighborhood, of Franks township. 04/04/13 The stork visited Virgil Thompson a few days ago and left a fine baby girl. Sloniker Mill Times. 04/04/13 Messrs. Lee and Julius Jolly, and their good wives, of about six miles southwest of Forrest City, and who live on adjoining places are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy at each residence. 04/18/13 Mr.and Mrs.John Boyce are rejoicing over the birth of a fine boy on Tuesday, Apr.15th. 05/09/13 In a letter received by our Col.Landvoigt from San Mateo, Costa Rica reads:" Dear Grandpa: thought you would be interested to know of the arrival of your twin grand-daughters. Their names are Clara and Frances. Your loving grand-daughter, Nettie Powers Ford McCormick." Mrs.McCormick is the eldest daughter of Mrs.Charles L.Powers, of Phoenix, Ariz., who was formerly Miss Nettie Landvoigt. Mr.and Mrs.McCormick reside in Costa Rica, where Mr.McCormick is interested in the Aguocate Mines. 05/23/13 Democrat Times: Mr. and Mrs.J.A.Dempsey have a fine baby girl. 05/23/13 Mr. and Mrs.Henry Abel have a brand new baby boy at their home, he arrived last Saturday night, May 17. 07/04/13 A nice young lady arrived at the home of Mr.and Mrs.N.C.B.Anderson yesterday morning, July 3. This is the fourth child, the other three are boys. 07/04/13 The Times extends congratulations to Mr.and Mrs.J.J.Tharp on the birth of a fine 8 pound baby boy born on Sunday, June 29th. 07/11/13 Mr. and Mrs.John Malouf are celebrating the birth of a baby girl at their home on the 7th of July 07/18/13 Mr. and Mrs.Effie Parker are the proud parents of a baby girl born a few days ago.Sloniker Mill Times 07/18/13 Mr.and Mrs.A.D.Beasley are the parents of a bouncing twelve pound baby boy who came on the 14th, named Dolph Moore. 07/18/13 Mr. and Mrs.R.L.Butler are the parents of a sweet baby girl yesterday. 08/15/13 Big Jim Taylor was mingling with friends in town Wednesday and gave us a call and informed us that the new baby is getting along fine, her name is Alice Mann, after Mrs.S.H.Mann. 09/05/13 The stork visited the happy home of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Malone on last Friday night, Aug.29, and left a sweet and beautiful new baby girl. 09/19/13 The stork visited the jail last Friday, Sep.12, and left a fine ten pound baby boy to Dep.Sheriff and Mrs.J.E.Tankersley 09/19/13 Mr.and Mrs.Frank Puckett are the proud parents of a new ten pound baby girl, born early Monday morning. 09/26/13 Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Green are the new parents of a baby girl who arrived on Saturday afternoon, Sep.20. 09/26/13 Mr.and Mrs.Tom Tarver had a baby girl on Tuesday, the 14th which we inadvertently failed to mention last week. 10/03/13 Madison Times: The stork made a visit to the home of Mr.and Mrs.Bruce Wilgus and left a beautiful baby girl. 10/03/13 Mr. and Mrs.Althus Crippen had a visit from the stork and was joyous over the baby boy on the 19th at their home. 10/03/13 News of the birth of a baby girl to Mr.and Mrs.Sam Rushing of Augusta was received Monday, she was named Emma Virginia. Mrs.Rushing was the former Miss Mary Jones. 10/03/13 News comes from far away Houston, Texas, of the birth of baby boy to Mr.and Mrs.W.J.Prude, Jr. on Sept.23, and was named William Austin. 10/10/13 Hughes, Times:Mr.and Mrs.Young are the proud parents of a baby girl. 11/07/13 Mr.and Mrs.T.J.Rowland, Jr., are the proud parents of a new baby boy, their second child, born Monday. He is the seventh grand child born to the Rowland household. 11/07/13 The stork visits the home of Mr.and Mrs.D.C.Webb where it left a sweet baby girl on Tuesday afternoon. They have named her Mary Louise. 11/07/13 Announcing the birth of an eleven pound boy to Mr.and Mrs.Will Pittman on Monday morning, Nov.3. 11/28/13 Sloniker Mill Times. Mr.and Mrs.George Henry were visited by the stork and left a baby girl on Sunday, Nov.22. 11/28/13 Mr.John Grobmyer had another fine girl last last Tuesday, the third to grace the home of Mr.and Mrs.John Grobmyer. 11/28/13 The stork has arrived at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Lawrence Chaney and left a fine baby boy weighing ten pounds at Yocona on Tuesday. 12/05/13 The home of Mr.and Mrs.Willard Whittington was blessed with a sweet baby girl on Tuesday, Dec.2. 12/12/13 The stork visited the home of Mr.and Mrs.Mallon Folbre Friday afternoon, Dec.5,1913, and left a fine baby girl. 12/19/13 A baby boy was born Wednesday night to Mr.and Mrs.Ab Sanderlin, four miles north of town. Marriages: 01/10/13 Mr.S.S.Durham, age 21, and Miss Grace Puckett, age 20, of Arkadelphia, were married in the lobby of the Marion Hotel Dec.29,1912 by Squire Ellis Turley. They are school teachers and met in Memphis by appointment and came here to be married. 01/17/13 Mr.William Hambleton Seacat, a prominent young Memphian, and Miss Bessie Hood, formerly of Franks Township, were married by Rev.F.W.Gee at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.M.A.Hood. 01/17/13 Married, came to Forrest City to live. Mr.G.W.Johnson, the handsome traveling salesman in this territory for the Water-Pierce Oil Co., was happily married on Suinday, the 5th. to Miss Myrtle Hicks, of Sheridan, Ark. They will rent rooms at the home of Mr.and Mrs.W.C.Oursler. 01/17/13 Wedding announcements received:The marriage of Miss Florence Lesser, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Morris Lesser, to Mr.Milton S.Binswanger, on Wednesday, Jan.22nd, will take place at the Hotel Gayoso in Memphis. Per the Marianna Index 01/24/13 Married in Memphis-Our good friend, Mr.W.A.Johnston, Jr., the well known and successful civil engineer of Marianna, passed thru the city Tuesday morning, Jan.21st, enroute to Memphis, where he was happily married at high noon, at the Central Baptist Church, in that city, to Miss Hortense Howard of La Grange, Ark. 01/31/13 Skallscky-Wilkins Nuptials-Benedict Skallscky, of Colorado Springs, Colo. and Mrs. Alice Lacy Wilkins, daughter-in-law of Mr.and Mrs.W.A.Wilkins of this city, were happily married Sunday, Jan.12,1913, at the First Presbyterian parsonage, Colorado Springs, the Rev.Sam Garvin officiating. They will reside in Colorado Springs. 02/07/13 Mr.John Martin arrived home on Friday of last week from Blytheville, where he was happily married on Tuesday, the 28th of January, to Miss Lillie Mae McCarty of that city, the Rev.Father Mahon officiating. For the present they will reside with the groom's sister, Miss Alice Martin, in the old D.I.Hunter residence at Forrest and Garland streets. 02/07/13 Mr.Frank Cox and Miss Hannah Phillips, two prominent young people of Griggs township, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the St.Francis Co. Courthouse in this city last Saturday, Feb.1,1913. Squire G.W.White officiating. 02/21/13 Moonlake Times: Invitations have been received by friends of Miss Lua Anna Satterwhite, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.C.Satterwhite, to Mr.Jeff Tiner on Sunday evening, March 2,1913. To take place at the home of the bride's parents. Rainbow Bill. 03/28/13 Mr.John Gatling was in Little Rock on Tuesday for the wedding of his brother, James, to Miss Faye Chesnut, a prominent young social favorite of that city, but who was originally from Pine Bluff, and a descendant of one of the best known families of the state. 03/28/13 Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Donald Boyle have sent out invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Miss Mary Euphemia, to Mr.Karl Edwin Gustafson, on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 16, at the home of the bride's parents. At the wedding which was solemnized by Rev.George H.Kirker of the Presbyterian Church. The groom came to Forrest City several years ago to accept a position as jeweler and optician with Mr.A.D.Boyle. 04/04/13 Mr.and Mrs.Walter Neel, who had spent a week or ten days in this city on a honeymoon visit with the groom's parents, Mr.and Mrs.J.Z.Neel. Young Mr.Walter Neel has only been recently married to a most charming Memphis lady, and he and his bride came over to pay his parents a nuptial visit. 04/04/13 The invitations are out announcing one of the most important nuptial events in the history of Forrest City, and by which two well known and highly esteemed families will be united, brought together and cemented into closest bonds of friendship. The cards give the joyful news that Miss Helen Nichols, only, charming and accomplished daughter of Mr.John Nichols, county assessor, and grand-daughter of Mrs.J.H.Bard, will be married on the afternoon of Thursday, April 17th, 1913, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, in this city, to Mr.Walter Edwin Stevens, second son of Mr.and Mrs.A.L.Stevens. The Times extends congratulations and best wishes in advance. The Rev.Edw.T.Mabley officiated at the wedding 04/04/13 Mr. and Mrs.John Gatling announce the marriage of their daughter, Emily, to Mr.John Walker Morrow, at the Chuch of the Good Shepherd, on Thursday, the tenth of April. Forrest City, Ark. Rev.Charles H.Lockwood, dean of Helena, performed the ceremonies. Judge Samuel H.Mann, relative and law partner, was the best man vice Mr.Wilson Northcross, unavoidably detained by the flood. He is also a relative. 04/11/13 Brown-Hinton: Another wedding of unusual interest to citizens of Forrest City, who know and esteem both the contracting parties, occurred on Monday, at the Catholic Church in Memphis, where Mr.William Brown, second son of Mr.and Mrs.John M.Brown, of this city, and Miss Bertha Hinton, eldest daughter of Judge and Mrs.C.P.Hinton, of Wynne, were joined in holy wedlock. 04/11/13 Runaway Match: Mr.C.L.Littell and Miss Lela Grissom were very quietly married at the lovely home of Squire and Mrs.E.Turley on Saturday night at 9 o'clock, Squire Turley officiating. The bride is the ward of Mr.and Mrs.C.T.Grissom, while the groom is a member of the Pike Littell family, which has resided in St.Francis county for a number of years, and is a brother of Mr.Bob Littell, a painter of this city. 04/11/13 Upcoming Marriages:In the next three weeks, Mr.J.T.Sullivan, of the Forrest City Mfg.Co. to Miss Norton Prewett; Mr.Walter Morrow to Miss Emily Gatling; Mr.Karl Gustafson to Miss Mary Boyle; and Miss Helen Nichols to Mr.Walter Edwin Stevens. 04/11/13 Mr.George W.Woerner and Miss Myrtle Belle Tearse were united in marriage on Thursday, April 3rd, at the groom's home in Stuttgart. The bride will be remembered as a member of the operating force of the S.W.T.& T.Co., of this city. 04/18/13 Married in St.Louis: A marriage of much interest to friends all over Arkansas and in other places, was that of Miss Claudia Vinson, from Colt, Arkansas, to Prof.Elmore Perry of Valpariso, Indiana, at St.Louis on April 5th. 04/25/13 A surprise wedding-Mr.Jeff Downey, of this city, and Mrs.Hattie Bryan, of Prairie township, journeyed quietly to Memphis the latter part of last week, where they were happily married, returning Friday to the home of the groom's parents in this city. They plan on making Heber Springs their home. 05/02/13 Sullivan-Prewett: A very quiet and simple wedding took place Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Baptist church, when Mr.John T.Sullivan, of Forest Hill, Tenn., a valued employee of the Forrest City Mfg.Co. in the capacity of stenographer and typewriter, was happily married to Miss Norton Prewett, younger daughter of Mr.John M. Prewett, of this city, Elder E.J.P.Garrott, officiating in his usual happy and impressive manner. The morning of the marriage was the 33rd anniversary of the marriage of the bride's parents, Mrs.B.T.Manning, then a young girl, also played for them the wedding march. 05/02/13 Pickens-Delancy: A few days ago Mr.Will Pickens secured a license to marry Miss Ressie Delancy. The bride's parents, who had been kept in ignorance of the intentions of the young people, found out their secret and hurried the bride off to Tipton, Tenn., in the hope of frustrating the wedding plans. To no avail, however, Cupid stood staunchly by the groom, who followed his lady love in her enforced flight through the floods, returning to this city accompanied by Miss Delancy, who came back a blushing bride, as the wife of William Pickens, and they left for Griggs township where they will work with Mr.DeRossitt's Fishing Lake ranch. 05/02/13 Bourne-Rose: Mr.Crawford Bourne, a Rock Island flagman, from Little Rock, arrived in Forrest City last Saturday and was quietly married to Miss Jessie Rose of Lonoke, who has been employed with the S.W.T.& T.Co. for the last eight or ten months. 11/02/06 Folbre-Laird:Miss Mary E.Laird, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Laird of Newport, and Mr.Thomas Clarence Folbre, Jr., were happily married on Oct.20,1906. Marriage:FOLBRE-LAIRD=Mr.Thomas Clarence Folbre, Jr. and Miss Mary Elizabeth Laird were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.R.M.Laird in Newport, Rev.M.B.Umsted performing the wedding ceremony. The groom is the eldest son of Judge T.C.Folbre. Miss Laird is one of Newport's fairest and sweetest girls. Nov.2,1906-Forrest City Times Newspaper 05/09/13 Hughes-Robinson: A wedding that was a distinct surprise to Mariannians was that of Miss Pearl Robinson to Mr.John J.Hughes, Jr., which occurred on Wednesday night at the home of Mrs.R.G.Apple. The ceremony was conducted by Rev.T.F.Patterson, of the Christian Church, and the only witnesses were Mr.James Ewart of Forrest City, Mrs.Apple and Mr.and Mrs.John P.Pilkington. The bride was born in Marianna the second daughter of the late Dr.T.J.Robinson and wife. The groom was born and raised at Haynes. Lee County Courier. 05/09/13 Gordy-Webb: A pretty wedding in which two well-known people of Johnson township were the principals, was solemnized on Sunday, May 4, were Mr.Will Gordy and Mrs.Webb, widow of the late "Jim Webb", were joined in the holy-bonds of wedlock, at the Forest Chapel, by Rev.McKelvey, officiating. 05/09/13 Sandlin-May: News reached us Monday from Johnson township to the effect that Mr.Ab Sandlin, one of the best-known citizens and farmers of that section, had been married on Sunday, May 4, to Miss Gladys May, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.A.C.May, 'Squire Henry Hughes officiating. 05/16/13 Laughinghouse-Stevens: There were no cards, but a large number of friends of the high contracting parties and their families, assembled at the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon, May 14, at 5 p.m., to witness the marriage of Mr.Fenner Laughinghouse to Miss Bessie Stevens, which took place at that time and place, Rev.F.W.Gee, Pastor, officiating. Mrs.Laughinghouse is the second daughter of Mr.and Mrs.A.L.Stevens, and the groom is the only son of Mr.and Mrs.F.Laughinghouse. 05/23/13 Hambleton-Nelson: Announcements by Mr.and Mrs.N.B.Nelson on the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Mamye Louise, to Mr.Ellsworth Robert Hambleton at the home of the bride on June 4th. No cards. Miss Mamye is eldest daughter, and was born and raised in Forrest City, and the groom is presently employed at Marianna. Rev.F.W.Gee performing the ceremonies. 05/30/13 Sweet-Prewett: Mr.and Mrs.T.E.Prewett, of this city, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, MIss Elizabeth, to Mr.S.Emory Sweet, Jr., the wedding to take place June 11th, at the Methodist church. Rev.J.K.Farris, presiding elder of the Helena District officiating. 06/06/13 Osten-Shaul: On last Friday morning, Mrs.Jake Shaul accompanied by her daughters, Misses Frances, Irene, and Carrie and Mrs.I.B.Katzenstein, with the latter's two children, little Miss Addie and "Toodles", passed through the city enroute to Memphis, where Miss Frances will be married to Mr.Harry Osten, a highly respected businessman of Birmingham, Alabama, on June 1st. Mr.Jake Shaul has long been the postmaster at Marianna. 06/06/13 Jones-Pirtle: On last Sunday morning, June 1st, Miss Alma Pirtle, accompanied by Miss Hattye Horton, boarded the east-bound train for Memphis without creating the slightest suspicion that anything unusual was going to take place. When they arrived in the Bluff City, they were met by Mr.Fred Jones, and were hurried out to the minister's home in an automobile, where Mr.Jones and Miss Pirtle were made man and wife. They plan to make Greenfield, Ark. their home. The bride is the only daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.O.Pirtle of Newcastle, and the groom is an merchant of Greenfield. 06/20/13 Coffield-Hoard: On Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, a pretty, though quiet home wedding, was solemnized at the home of Mrs.R.H.Sparkman on East Dillard St., when Mr.J.C.Hoard gave in marriage his daughter, Frances Elizabeth, to Mr.Joseph Henry Coffield of New York. The ring ceremony beind said by Rev.E.P.J.Garrott. Owing to the recent death of the groom's father, only the relatives witnessed the ceremony. Both bride and groom were raised in N.Carolina, but Miss Hoard has made her home here for six years, with her aunt Mrs.Sparkman. 06/20/13 Strauther-Duncan: A wedding occurred on Wednesday evening, June 18th, in this city that held unuusal interest for our best known colored citizens when J.L.Strauther, a clever and polite tonsorialist, was married to Miss Willie B.Duncan, at the home of the bride's mother, Rev.J.R.Burdett. 06/27/13 Bridgforth-Gatling: Cards were received last week by their friends announcing the approaching marriage of Miss Elizabeth Gilliam Gatling to Mr.Lindsey Bridgforth, June 28th,1913, at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Miss Elizabeth is the daughter of Judge and Mrs.John Gatling of this city, and the groom is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs.J.O.Bridgforth, prominent planter and capitalist. Dr.Charles H.Lockwood, dean of Helena, presiding over the ceremonies. 07/04/13 Henson-Holly: Mr.W.H.Henson, who succeeds Mr.H.W.Cook as bookkeeper at the Cotton Oil Mill, arrived on Thursday of last week. He was married on Thursday in Little Rock to Miss Margaret Holly. 07/18/13 Pavatt-Adkins: News of the happy marriage of Miss Lizzie Adkins, charming daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H.G.Starcher, to Mr.Marcus Pavatt at Widener on Wednesday afternoon, July 16, Justice J.W.White officiating. 05/22/14 Twenty Seven Graduates from Crowley Ridge Institute: Hatie Horton/Bessie Davis/Mildred Perkins/Marye York/Nellie Taylor/Mabel Fisher/Nan Wilkins/Muriel Rogers/Mary Sanders/Carrie Evans/Anna Sanders/Rebecca Cowan/Julia Barrow/Mildred Bean/Mae Laughinghouse/Edna Aldridge/Catherine Walker/Bessie Delano/Julia Rose/Sadie Borden/Jennie Warshavsky/Mary Eldridge/Catherine Perkins/Gazzola Vaccaro/John Lanier/Raiford Payne/Tom Campbell. 07/18/13 Jackson-Mattice: One of the most notable society events of the season and in the history of Madison, was the beautiful wedding of Miss Loreno Freida Mattice to Mr.Henry Sheridan Jackson, which was solemnized at the Methodist Church last evening, July 17,, with the Rev.Mr.Yerger rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. 07/18/13 Wilson-Farwell: Monticello couple to be wed here as "papa and mama objected", said pretty Miss Mabel Farwell who with her lover, Mr.James B.Wilson, arrived in Forrest City on Sunday July 13th. They were wed by Rev.George H.Kirker of the Presbyterian Church. 08/15/13 Faulkner-Bullard: Miss Georgia, youngest daughter of Mrs.Ella Bullard of Haynes, was happily married on July 31st, at the residence of the bride's mother, to Mr.H.N.Faulkner, late of Lousiana, who has been a resident of Haynes for about eleven months, and been employed as agent with the Iron Mountain Railroad. Rev.Johnston of the Methodist church at Haynes, officiating. 08/29/13 Thomas-Wilkins: Announcement of marriage of Miss Ann Wilkins to Mr.Harry Sims Thomas will take place on Sept.17, at the Methodist Church, Forrest City. Rev.Gee officiated at the wedding. 08/29/13 Bussey-Mann: Announcement by Mr.and Mrs.S.H.Mann of marriage of their daughter, Francis Ramsey, to Mr.James R.Bussey, of Helena, Ark., which will take place Oct.1, at the Methodist Church. 10/10/13 Stratton-Mulheron: Announcement of marriage of Mrs.Daisy Mulheron and Mr.Thomas A.Stratton that took place Saturday night, Oct.4,1913. The wedding was solemnized in the parsonage of the Baptist Church, Rev.A.F.Boone officiating. Memphis Commercial Appeal. Her former husband was manager of the telephone exchange here at one time. 10/17/13 Futrell-Lynch: Our local depot agent, Mr.Futrell went over to Marianna to wed Miss Lynch last Sunday night. They returned to Haynes to set up residence. 10/24/13 Fitzsimmons-Porter: Forrest City boy wed in Chicago. We are in receipt of an invitation to wedding of Mr.Frank Philip Fizsmimmons to Miss Frances Marie Porter on Oct.23 at St.Jarlet's Church in Chicago. 10/31/13 Sulcer-Thomas:Mack Sulcer and Miss Nannie Thomas were wed in holy wedlock Oct.22 at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.Pearl Teller. Squire Frank Sulcer officaiting. Sloniker Mill Times. 11/21/13 Bowes-Palmer: Miss Mayme Palmer, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.E.D.Palmer, and Mr.David Reed Bowes were married last evening in the Mississippi Avenue Christian Church, Rev.L.D.Biddle officiating. Mr.Bowes is a local businessman, and the bride is a member of the musical set of Memphis, and was music teacher at Crowley Ridge Institute. 12/05/13 Sims-Cooke: On Tuesday morning, Dec.2,1913, Miss Anna A. Cooke, of Oklahoma City, and Mr.Jesse W.Sims also of Oklahoma City, were married by Rev.O.M.Yerger at the rectory. 12/12/13 Mullen-Moore: Mr.Will Mullen and Miss Paralee Moore were married by Squire R.S.Stevens on Saturday night, Dec.6,1913. Mr.Mullen is a valued employee of the Forrest City Veneer Co., and Miss Moore has been making her home at the Wendt Hotel for several months. 12/12/13 Worsley-Cunningham: Mr.A.A.Worsley married Miss Annie May Cunningham in Memphis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.James Cunningham of Forrest City. Mr.Worsley works in Clarksdale, and also resided in Forrest City in the past, as well as his parents. 12/19/13 Dickert-Pemberton: At the home of Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Pemberton, on Sunday, one and a half miles east of Goodwin, Miss Dessie Pemberton and Mr.Homer Dickert, a prosperous farmer, were married by Squire J.H.Cavanaugh. 12/19/13 Wood-Myers: The marriage of Mrs.Agnes Myers, nee Agnes Allen, only daughter of our townsman Mr.W.E.Allen, to Mr.Carroll D.Wood, a valued Iron Mountain Railroad employee in Little Rock took place last week. Deaths: Burial: 01/10/13 MOORE B.S. DEP.SHERIFF UNK 12 18 1912 GOODWIN Chas.Simmons and Frank Sherman, the two citizens of Prairie Township who have been confined in the jail the past three weeks on a charge of being accessories after the fact in the killing of Dep.Sheriff B.S.Moore in this city on the morning of Dec.18,1912, were given a preliminary hearing before Squire T.O.Carr on Thursday afternoon, Jan.2,1913, where they were bound over to the the grand jury in the sum of $1,000 each, and failing to make bond, both were returned to jail. 01/17/13 BRYANT LANEY AUGUSTUS 11 9 1879 1 8 1913 BELL Death Follows Operation-Laney Augustus Bryant, was born in Lonoke Co. in 1879 and died at the St.Joseph Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis, Jan.8, 1913. In 1902 he was married to Miss Hattie Shields, who survives and mourns him. He also leaves his parents, Mr.and Mrs.A.W.Bryantm who reside at Palestine, Ark., five sisters: Mrs.Gosset, of Oklahoma, Mrs.Geo.Hudspeth, Mrs.Sam Walker, Misses Nora and Lady Bryant, and one brother, Warwin Bryant, all of Palestine. He was a devoted husband and a good citizen. Always had a good word for everybody and was loved by a host of friends; was genial, kind and true. May the God of all grace guide and comfort his bereaved wife and loved ones until they all reach that happy home above, where sad parting shall come no more. A friend. 01/24/13 HARDY ED UNK 1 18 1913 Unknown Unknown Whites Kill Negro in Shooting Spree-Ed Hardy. the victim, brought to this city Monday from scene of the murder at Cicalla, Saturday night, Jan.18,1913.-Inquest Held. Ed Hardy, in company with his half brother, Silas Sampson, two negroes, rode the through freight out from Argenta, east on Saturday afternoon, when the train took the siding at Cicalla, in obeyance to meeting orders, the two negroes unloaded and built a camp fire, about which they were soon soon joined by another negro. Later two white men came up and drawing their guns, demanded that the negroes throw up their hands, but instead, the negro Ed Hardy, who had about $14 on his person, made a dash for the timber. At this time the white men began to shoot, and after running about thirty or forty steps, Ed Hardy, according to the evidence, fell mortally wounded, and expired in a few moments. The other two negroes were run off by the white men with gunshots, and after the train departed, the white men disappeared in the night. 01/24/13 FRIERSON ANDERSON 1843 1 16 1913 Unknown Death of Anderson Frierson-Horton, Ark.-Jan.20,1913. Editor of the Forrest City Times:Please allow space for this notice. Anderson Frierson, and well known, industrious and thrifty colored farmer, after three days of illness, died at his home on the evening of Jan.16th. He was a type of the ante-bellum negro. His exact age is unknown, but we judge he had passed the Bible age of three score years and ten. Forty years ago he came to Arkansas from Tennessee with an over-land immigrant wagon train of about twenty colored families. They had heard of the good chances for colored men to own homes and rise to success in the then undevelped district of Eastern Arkansas. He first settled near Forrest City and lived there a number of years. Twenty-three years ago he moved to L'Anguille township where he took advantage of the government donation of land and obtained a home which he improved very nicely. Frierson was one of the pioneer colored settlers of this part of the county, for at the time of his coming to this section, the few white people who then lived here, looked upon the coming of the negro as an encroachment of their rights. But he lived to see this spirit die out and by his straight forwardness soon gained many friends among them. It was reported on good authority that he carried a large life insurance in one of the "Old Line Insurance Companies." He was a member of the Stanley Grove Baptist Church. He leaves a wife, one brother, a number of grand-children and a host of friends to mourn his demise. Respectfully, A Colored Subscriber. 01/31/13 BASKINS SAM MRS UNK 1 5 1913 Unknown Sloniker Mills Times-Mrs.Sam Baskins died at her home Sunday, Jan.5,1913, of pneumonia. 01/31/13 UNKNOWN MAN UNK 1 25 1913 Unknown Found Dead in Canebrake-Peterson Jackson, a prominent citizen and planter of Griggs Township, who only recently returned from Hot Springs to his farmon Sand Ridge, St.Francis County was in the city Tuesday night and reported the body of an unidentified white man discovered Saturday in a dense cane brake by two negro trappers. The man's throat had been cut, and, according to Jackson's account, the corpse was found 150 yards from the railroad on the new line between Memphis and Marianna, known as the Marianna cut-off, about two miles east of the station at Hughes. Two poles were laid across the body in the shape of a cross. The dead man is described as being about 55 or 60 years of age, bald headed, sandy mustache, snaggle teeth, neatly dressed, tan shoes, gold rimmed eye glasses, and thought to have been a conductor or boss. Squire W.S.Thomas of Democrat, empaneled an inquest, and the body was buried where found, without knowing of the identity. 02/07/13 TERRY JOHN BANNER 6 28 1867 2 6 1913 HUGHES Community Shocked by Tragic Killing-County Treasurer J.B.Terry meets death at hands of "Pug" Smith, Coroner investigates. Accused man in jail. Like a bolt out of a clear skys came the news on Wednesday evening, Feb.5,1913, at about 6 o'clock that County Treasurer J.B.(Banner) Terry had been killed. The entire community was struck dumb with horror as the awed whisper passed from lip to lip: "Pug Smith has killed Banner Terry!" Treasurer Terry is survived by a daughter of his first wife, Miss Lyda Terry; about 21 years of age; mother, Mrs. Eliza Terry, 65 years of age, and a second wife and her four children, Misses Virginia, Pete and Mary York and Earl Montgomery; two brothers, Dr.P.E.Terry, Blackton, Ark., and Earnest Terry, clerk at the new Capitol Hotel in Little Rock; also one sister, Mrs.Edgar Darr, of Charleston, S.Carolina, and sister in law, Mrs.Emma Terry and little daughter, Eunice. The body was removed to the residence on South Washington yesterday afternoon, where it will remain in state until Sunday, awaiting arrival of family members from out of state. 02/14/13 ROWLAND JOSEPH WALTER 10 10 1877 2 8 1913 CITY Death of Joseph Walter Rowland-Age 36 years and four months, second son of T.J.Rowland, was born on the old Rowland farm and homestead south of Forrest City, on Oct.10,1877, and died at the home of his father, this city, on Saturday, Feb.8th, 1913 of tuberculosis, after a long and tedious illness, and after being confined to his bed for about eight weeks. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at 10 o'clock at the family residence, and the religious ceremonies were conducted by the Rev.F.W.McGee and Elder J.P.Garrott. The remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The services had been announced to be held at the grave, but owing to the rain and very inclement weather Monday morning, it was decided to hold the ceremonies at the house before leaving for the cemetery, which was accordingly done. The pall bearers were Messrs.J.H.Draper and J.J. Halbert, of Haynes; Elmer Fondren, of Wynne; W.A.Pearson, R.E.Hudson, and J.E.Ferguson of this city. Walter Rowland was unmarried. He is survived by his father, two brothers, a sister,Mrs.R.F.Hardison, of Ridgely, Tenn, and many other relatives and a host of friends, who sincerely mourn his demise. 02/14/13 PRICE DAUGHTER 1901 2 11 1913 WYLDS Lost eldest child, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Price lost their eldest child, a girl of 12 years of age, Tuesday, Feb.11,1913. She had been ill for some time with whooping cough which developed into pneumonia. and she died on Tuesday, as above stated. She was laid to rest in the Wylds graveyard Wednesday, and we understand there were no religious or other ceremonies. The family reside in the Brandon house, just west of Mr.L.E.Davenport. We also understand that Mr.Price and two other children are sick, and that the family is in destitute circumstances. They certainly have our heartfelt sympathy, and we commend them to the merciful consideration of the good people of this city. Mr.Price formerly worked for the late Mr.J.B.Terry. 02/21/13 COLEMAN SOL UNK 2 16 1913 Unknown Obits from 1913 to 1930's Death of Sol Coleman: We note with sincere regret, the death on last Sunday at St.Joseph's hospital in Memphis, of Sol Coleman. The name of Sol Coleman is known in every home in the South where the Memphis newspapers ever entered, and many more besides. You might truthfully say that "It was Sol Coleman who made Memphis famous," He has always kept his business before the people, and hence was successful. He was interested in several small manufacturing enterprises, and manufactured Chewing Gum during late years. "Coleman's Taffy Tulu," or some such brand, we do not remember it definitely, was a household joy to all the people. He came to Memphis in the late 60's and for several years worked as a traveling salesman, becoming familiar with all the Memphis commercial territory, and making acquaintances and friendships. After five or six years of salesmanship he established a small cigar business in 1865, and manufactured the famous Ross Concha cigar. Mainly through his extraordinary energy, coupled with a wonderful knowledge of advertising, which was an almost unknown science in those days, he built up a successful business and for a number of years has had one of the largest wholesale and retail cigar businesses in the South. He made money and was noted for his wise use of it, and for his unassuming charity. 02/21/13 WILLIAMS NATHANIEL UNK 2 15 1913 GILMORE Obits from 1913 to 1930's One more killing: The body of Nathaniel Williams, or a man whose coat pocket bore the name of "N.Williams," was brought into this city Sunday afternoon on Rock Island train, No. 603, a corpse from Round Pond. Upon inquiry it was learned that Williams had been shot sometime between 11 and 12 o'clock Saturday night in a negro barber shop, at Round Pond by Deputy Sheriff Cleve Young. it is said the officer had information to the effect that Williams had been bootlegging whiskey, and came upon the suspect in the barber shop and ordered him to throw up his hands. At this, it is said, Williams exclaimed, "yes, I've been selling whiskey," and, jerking a 38 calibre Smith & Wesson from his bosom, cried out to Deputy Young, "and here's my license!" It is reported that Williams then fired at the officer, who ducked behind the heating stove, from which vantage point he opened fire on the desperate bootlegger. At the first shot from Young's pistol, Williams broke and ran, but the deputy kept up the shooting until he had fired four shots. Williams ran out of the shop and over the railroad dump, where he dropped lifeless. Mr.J.C.Ligon, a brother of our former townsman, Mr.George Ligon, was standing near when the shooting began. In the excitement incident to the melee, Ligon was knocked down and run over and, drawing his gun, as a precautionm, the weapon was accidentally discharged and the bullet plowed into Deputy Young's right foot, inflicting only slight injury. It usually happens in affaries of this nature, that the "innocent bystander" gets the worse end of the consequences, but Mr.Ligon came off whole and is none the wose for wear on account of a little rough handling. The Coroner, J.F.Stockard was summoned from this city, went over to the scene of the killing Sunday morning, and empanneled a jury, which examined the body and made an investigation. It was found that two bullets had passed thru the dead man's breast, another had pierced his chin and still another had lodged in his right hand. The hammer of the pistol used by Williams had been shot off. They determined that a verdict exhonerating Young, and to the effect that the man Williams had met his death while resisting an officer. The body of Williams was prepared for funeral here and a member of the family came over from Gilmore, Ark., to superintend removal of the body. Up until the arrival of the relative, the impression was that Williams was a white man who had been passing himeself off as a negro. His relative, a half brother, did state that indeed he was a negro. 02/21/13 YOUNG ABE UNK 2 19 1913 Unknown Obits from 1913 to 1930's Another killing occurred on Wednesday afternoon between 12 and 1 o'clock just north of the Cut-Off on Old River. On this date, Robt.Goodloe, colored, walked out the front door of his house and opened fire with a 38 calibre Winchester rifle on Abe Young, another negro, who was passing along the big road. After four shots had been fired at Young he fell in a dying struggle on the river bank, about forty yards from the spot from where he was standing when Goodloe opened fire on him. The body of Young was brought to Forrest City and when the examination was made yesterday morning by Coroner J.F.Stockard, it was found that Young had been wounded just to the left of the backbone, once in the left shoulder, and a third time in the left elbow, At the time he was killed Young carried a heavy revolver and a large knife, but did not have the opportunity to make use of either, under the deadly fire of his assailant. According to the evidence brought at the inquest, Goodloe killed Young because he could not collect a debt of $4 which he claimed Young owed him. However, after the jury retunred a verdict to the effect that "the deceased, Abe Young had met his death, as a result of gun shots in the hands of Robt.Goodloe," the latter was held to the grand jury without bail. Goodloe claims that he was justifiable in killing Young. He came to Forrest City and gave himself up to the authorities and is in jail. Everybody is asking, "what can we stop these killings?" 02/21/13 GILES BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 7 5 1841 2 14 1913 HUGHES Obits from 1913 to 1930's Mr.Ben Giles, one of the pioneer citizens of this county, died last Friday at the ripe old age of 76 years, and was buried at the Hughes cemetery, Rev.McKelvey officiating. Deceased removed to St.Francis county in 1860, and had resided here continuously since that time, with the exception of three years he served in the Confederate army. Ben Giles was a noble, upright, Christian gentleman, He lived apart from the strifes, bitterness and contentions that harass and embroil other men, He lived a quiet life, and was loved and esteemed by a legion of good friends and relatives. The Times joins in heartfelt sympathy to the family in this sad hour of bereavement. 02/28/13 HEARTSILL RODNEY WILLARD 1900 2 26 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's Rodney Willard Heartsill, age 13 years, grandson of Mrs.Julia A.Golightly, who had been suffering for eight or ten months with symptoms indicating appendicitus, was sent to Memphis last week upon the advice of physicians, and died in the hospitial on Wednesday, after an operation. The remains of the unfortunate younth was brought to Forrest City yesterday on the Rock Island route, and interment made in the family lot at Forrest City cemetery at 4 o'clock, Eld.E.J.P.Garrott officiating. The Times desires to join the many friends of the grief stricken family in heartfelt sympathy and condolence in this hour or sorrow. 03/07/13 WINSTON WALKER 10 27 1858 3 4 1913 WASHINGTON CITY, D.C. CONGREGATIONAL CEMETERY-Accompanied by Capt.James Fussell and Miss Irene Freeman, and Mr.and Mrs.Isaac Winston, Mrs.Winston (Mrs.Graham), returned home from the funeral. Obits from 1913 to 1930's Walker Winston Drops Dead. Wealthy planter was buying farm supplies when he was stricken. On Tuesday afternoon, while apparently in the best of health and spirits, and while looking after his affairs, Mr.Winston Walker was suddenly stricken with heart trouble, or more specifically what is termed in the medical community, an aneurysm, and was dead in a few minites. At the time the fatal stroke came, Mr.Winston, in company with one of his overseers, Mr.G.S.Rice, and Mr.Bruce Smith, salesman; was looking at some farming tools in the ware-room of the Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co., upstairs over T.O'Brien's Palace Market. According to Mr.Bruce Smith, who was very courteous in furnishing the Times with all information available. Mr.Winston seemed to have a fainitn spell. and was in the act of falling, when both his companions rushed to his side and catching him in their arms, supported and eased him down gently to the floor. Mr.Rice ran out for a physician. Mr.Winston only remained prostate for a few seconds, when he arose to his feet, but had only stood up in an upright position an instant when another fainting spell seized him, and as the excited sufferer was again about to fall, Mr.Smith caught him and assisted him to sit on a tool box. The palor of death seemed to spread overspread the features of Mr.Winston's features until the doctor arrived. All the time thoroughly alarmed, Mr.Smith busied himself with Mr.Winston chafing his hands and bathing his face in water. A bed of mattresses and such other things that could be gathered up was improvised for the afflcited gentleman, but after he had been placed on the hurriedly made bed, Mr.Winston asked the doctor to let him get up, and, among other things, said "take off my shoes, put some more water on my face." The dying man seemed to talk somewhat excitedly and at random, although his poise and self expression never left him, even upon the very threshold of dissolution. The last words he uttered were: "I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home to my wife." as if he was pleading, and was afraid he would never see her again. Deceased was married in the spring of 1912 to Mrs.Parmella Graham, one of the best known and best loved ladies of St.Francis county. The wedding ceremony was performed in Chicago, but Mr.and Mrs.Winston did not arrive in Forrest City until last October, since which time the deceased had fallen "right into the harness," as it were, and had made friends with all the people he had met. He had already won the deserved reputation of a hustler and a worker and each day found him the possessor of some new friend, who had known Mrs.Winston before they were married. Mr.Winston's mother, and the mother of Mrs.Walter Gorman, were sisters. Deceased was born near Tuscumbia, Alabama, and was about 55 years of age at the time of his death. Deceased came to Arkansas first about the year 1870, when quite a young man, and accepted a position as salesman with R.and B.Block, at Old Wittsburg. Later coming to work with the Fussell, Gwynn Co., but later worked for Lemon-Gale & Co., in Memphis, later with a firm out of New York where he made his greatest success. The Winston family grew up near LaGrange, but deceased's widowed mother and sister, a married daughter and brother, Isaac Winston, now reside in Washington City, where the remains were shipped on Wednesday for interment. 03/14/13 ASHWORTH FLORENCE DAVENPORT MRS 1874 3 10 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's In the death of Mrs.Florence Davenport Ashworth wihich occurred last Monday afternoon, March 9,1913, in the family home at Rawlison, St.Francis County loses one of its most admirable and saintly Christian characters, the community a lady whose charities and good deeds endeared her to the hearts of all her neighbors and friends and the home a loving wife and an indulgent and sympathetic mother. It is indeed heartrending for those those dear ones to realize that she, whose life and whose presence was so precious and so necessary to the family's happiness, should be called from the midst of an earthly home where she was so cherished and where there was no thought but for her comfort and pleasure, should be snatched from then while yet in the prime of life. Deceased remains were brought to Forres City Tuesday by boat up the St.Francis river, via Madison, and taken to the home of her brother, Mr.L.E.Davenport, where in the presence of a large assemblage of sorrowing friends, the funeral services were solemnized at 3 o'clock p.m., Eld.E.P.J.Garrott, officiating, followed by interment in the Forrest City cemetery at 4 o'clock. Deceased was born in Mississippi, and at the time of her death was 39 years of age. She had been a wife for 18 years and was the mother of three children, by one of whom, Casey, a twelve year old son, she is survived. Other members of the immediate family who survive her are her husband, Mr.Samuel Ashworth, her brother's family, Mr.and Mrs.L.E.Davenport and children, L.E. Jr., Mary, Edward, and Lucille, and a sister, Mrs.Vaille Mauch of Princeton, Indiana. The Times joins in sincere and heart felt sympathy to these sorrowing friends who are thus bereft of the companionship and society of one whom they all loved so tenderly and dearly in life. Deceased joined the Baptist church when she was but a slip of a girl, and all her life had been consecrated to God. Although deceased had suffered for many months she bore up with patience and, even up until the end, had always a smile and a comforting word for those about her. "Blessed are they who die in the Lord." 03/21/13 EDGAR JOHNNIE ROBERTS INFANT 1911 3 13 1913 CiTY The Times extends sincere sympathy to Mr.and Mrs.Bob Edgar in the death of their sweet little 2 year old son, Johnnie Roberts, who died on Thursday evening, Mar.13, of last week, of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock by Eld.E.J.P.Garrott, and the precious remains were laid to rest in the City Cemetery at 11 o'clock Friday. 03/07/13 ELLIS ELLA MRS UNK 3 5 1913 BARNISHAW Obits from 1913 to 1930's The Times is in receipt of the sad news of the death of Mrs.W.P. (Wige) Ellis, which occurred on Wednesday night, Mar.5,1913, at the family home in L'Anguille township, the funeral solemnized on the following afternoon at the Barnishaw cemetery, where the reamains were interred. Deceased who was one of most dearly loved and consecrated Chrisitian ladies of the county, is survived by a heart-broken husband and a family of eight children. We join in sympathy to the bereaved family and friends. 03/21/13 WINTER J. H. MRS UNK 3 17 1913 Unknown News has reached the city Tuesday to the effect that Mrs.J.H.Winter, formerly Mrs.Andy Henley, of Goodwin, died on Monday, Mar.17,1913, at her late home near Moro. The lady was well known, highly esteemed and much loved by the readers of the Times, all of whom we join in sympathy to the bereaved family. 03/21/13 HUTTON HANCE NEWTON JUDGE 4 15 1832 2 15 1913 Unknown The members of the bar of the First Judicial Circuit Court today have assembled for the sad purpose of presenting to this court resolutions voicing in a small way the loss to the community and to the courts occasioned by the death of Judge H.N.Hutton, for the past eighteen years the presiding judge of this court. Judge Hutton died in harness, having left the bench at Searcy only a few days before his death. Signed:H.F.Roleson, W.W.Hughes, M.B.Norfleet-Committee. Biographical Sketch: He was born on Apr.15,1832, near the village of Winchester, in Franklin County, state of Tennessee, and was the eighth in number of twelve children, only one of whom survives him at this date. He entered the Murphreesboro Tennessee University, and graduated with honors from the literary department. He then taught school until 1855 when he matriculated in Cumberland University in the law department. He obtained his degree in due course and entered active practice in the town of Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tenn. On June 6, 1857 he married Miss Priscilla Motley, at the residence of Hon.Samuel T.Motley, Lebanon, Tenn. He left for LaGrange, Arkansas later in 1860. The rest is unreadable! 04/25/13 MILES WILLIAM UNK 4 17 1913 CiTY Obits from 1913 to 1930's The body of William Miles, who died at his home in St.Louis on the 17th of April, 1913, was brought here Monday morning, the 21st, under escort of deceased's wife and little daughter, Ruby, where interment was made in the Forrest City cemetery at 10 o'clock, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church, officiating. The grief of the heart-broken widow and her dear little child of 7 or 8 years was indeed pitiable and heartrending. Deceased was a son in law of Mr.and Mrs.A.S.Worsley, and about 45 years of age at the time of his death. All the members of the Worsley family were present at the funeral, including Mr.A.A.Worsley, of Clarksdale, Miss.; Mr.William Worsley and Mr. and Mrs.J.N.McFadden, of Memphis, the later being a sister of the widow of the deceased. The Times joins in condolence and deepest sympathy to these good friends in this dark and bitter hour of trial and sorrow. 04/25/13 McLAREN WILLIAM B. 1850 4 18 1913 HUGHES Obits from 1913 to 1930's An Old Landmark Passes Away: It is with feelings of deepest sorrow and regret that we come now to chronicle the death of one of St.Franics county's best known and most highly esteemed citizens, in the person of 'Squire W.B.McLaren, of Johnson township, who, after a brief illness of pneumonia, expired at his home on last Friday, the 18th of April, 1913, and was buried the following day at the Hughes graveyard. He was 63 years of age at the time of his death. Deceased was a native of Hardin Co., Tenn., and removed to St.Francis County in 1888 or 1889, settling and founding his home on the place where he died, in Johnson township. 'Squire McLaren was a leader and counselor in his neighborhood, and was looked up to in the community as a man of caution, mature deliberation,and wisdom. His advice and his views upon matters affecting the affairs of his township were sought, and he was honored and respected by a legion of good friends throughout the county, and neighbors, all of whom join in coldolences and heart felt sympathy to his grief stricken widow. W.R.McLaren was a lifelong demrocrat of the rock ribbed variety. He possessed a fine sense of humor and was wont to smile and appreciate the joke whenever he was referred to as a "hillbilly' or "redneck." Deceased was elected Justice of the Peace of Johnson township in 1894 and has served a loyal constituencey, in that office, continuously since that date- a record perhaps of long service in office that no other man of St.Francis county can boast. It is also said of the deceased that he had married more couples than any other justice of the peace who ever held office in the county. In the passing of 'Squire McLaren, a quaint and original character has vanished from our vision. He was an admirable man-open minded, open handed, and open hearted. He was our friend, and we shall miss him sorely. In his home he was the soul of hospitality and geniality. He lived simply and contendedly, and died at peace, both with God and his fellow man. Let us hope that his soul is at rest, and that his spirit has flown to meet the reward that awaits those who walk uprightly and jsutly, and in the fear and admonition of the Lord. 05/02/13 TUCKER FRED 1848 4 21 1913 Unknown Democrat Times:Mr.Fred Tucker, aged 65 years, died on the 21st inst. He was one of the most highly esteemed colored farmers in this locality. Silver Bill reporting. 05/02/13 NELSON JESSIE UNK 5 1 1912 Unknown Mrs.James L.Scott, left yesterday morning for Checotah, Okla. to attend the bedside of her brother, Mr.Jessie Nelson, who was reported to be critically ill with pneumonia. Later information reached the city this morning that Mr.Nelson died last night at midnight. 05/09/13 JEROME HOWARD 5 25 1867 5 5 1913 YOCONA Obits from 1913 to 1930's The remains of Howard Jerome, late farm manager for Brandon, Baugh & Co. on their Horseshoe plantation in the St.Francis bottoms, who died on Monday May 5,1913, as the result of an operation in a Memphis hospital at the age of 47 years, was brought to Forrest City Tuesday morning, and surrounded by a large assemblage of sorrowing relatives and friends, was buried that afternoon in the Yocona cemetery, in Franks township, Elder F.P.J.Garrott officiating. The Times joins in deepest sympathy and condolence to those sorrowing ones who are left behind, and especially do we sympathize with the heartbroken widow who is morely stricken in this dark and bitter hour. 12/11/14 FOLBRE THOMAS CLARENCE JR 2 13 1874 12 6 1914 CiTY Obits from 1913 to 1930's Thomas Clarence Folbre, eldest son of Thomas C. and Mary Madora (McCrary) Folbre, died at 6:35 a.m. Sunday morning, Dec.6,1913, in the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis, where he had been taken for an operation for the relief of bladder and kidney trouble. The intelligence was quickly flashed to Forrest City, where it created profound sadness among a wide circle of friends. The fatal operation was the third which he had undergone, and the two previous ones left him too frail of physique to withstand the added draft upon his resistive powers. At his bedside when he passed were his wife and his brothers, Homer and Frank. The remains were brought to Forrest City by train Sunday afternoon, and the funeral party were met at the station by a large concourse of grieving friends and escorted to his late residence. Interment was made at the Forrest City cemetery Monday afternoon, following funeral services conducted at the home by Rector O.M.Yerger of the Episcopal church, and was attended ty a throng of friends and former schoolmates and boyhood companions, who by their presence paid a lasting tribute to the dead. Tom Folbre was born in Forrest City on Feb.13,1874, and was educated and grew to manhood here. At an early age he engaged in business with his father, and practically all his life has been spent in or near this place. On Oct.30,1906 he was married to Miss Mary R.Laird, daughter of Mr.and Mrs.R.M.Laird, of near Newport, and the union was singularily happy one. He is survived by his wife, his step mother, Mrs.Lillie Folbre, of San Antonio,Texas; his step sister, Mrs.Courtney (Andrews) Ferguson , also of San Antonio; and five brothers, Homer, Hubert, Frank, Eugene, and Gerald, and those have the unqualified sympathy of many friends, who join the Times in condolence for their loss. The active pall bearers at the interment were:Messrs.James Wolfe, E.P.Taylor, John Grobmyer, Eugene Williams, H.A.Knight and Emmett Griner. Honorary pall bearers were: Messrs. S.B.Trapp, Linn Turley, Scott Kirkpatrick, R.E.Hoshall, R.W.Benson, and J.S.Shields. Many will mourn the death of Tom Folbre, May God rest his soul. 05/23/13 LANCASTER PONEY UNK 5 22 1913 Unknown Killing in Griggs Township Obits from 1913 to 1930's A.L.Richardson shot at Poney Lancaster five times with a 38 calibre Colt revolver yesterday afternoon just before sundown, May 22,1913, two or three of the shots taking effect in Lancaster's left side and shoulder, from the effects of which he died in a few minutes. Richardson says that at the time he killed Lancaster, the latter was in the act of drawing a 41 cailbre Colt pistol from a holster, with the intention of shooting him, (Richardson), and that he killed him in self defense. After the killing, Ricahrdson, in company with John Weeks, came to Forrest City and surrendered himself to Jailer John Tankersley who, locke him up in a cell in the county jail. Ever since Poney Lancaster ran away wtih A.L.Richardson's daughter, during the Christmas holidays, at which time Lancaster carried Miss Richardson to Memphis and married her, bad blood has existed between the two men. Lancaster bore the reputation of being a bad man and a shooter. Richardson did not want his daughter to marry such a character. And the fact that Lancaster had out-witted him and"stole the girl," as Richardson puts it, has rankled in his breast ever since. Lancaster came to town yesterday, on his way home it was necessary to pass his father in law's (Richardson's) house. it seems that Richardson had given his daughter the means to go visit with friends in Paragould, and Lancaster was angered because she had not returned. Lancaster stopped in front of his father in law's gate to" have it out" with him. Old man Richardson was not at home, but his wife and son were, and, it is said, Lancaster began to curse and abuse the whole family. During the time Lancaster was swearing and making threats, old man Richardson and John Weeks came up. Weeks tried to quiet Lancaster and make peace, but it is said, he called out, "Stand aside, old man, I am going to shoot." "Then," says ofd man Richardson, " I pulled my gun and opened fire on Lancaster, who fell from his horse, dead, in about seventy-five or eighty yards from where the shooting started." Both the Lancaster and Richardson families reside in Griggs township, about fifteen miles northeast from Forrest City. 05/23/13 HOWELL AMANDA MRS. HOLLAND 1869 5 17 1913 HUGHES age 52 Obits from 1913 to 1930's Mrs.Amanda Howell, of Memphis, sister of our townsmen, the Holland brothers, died last Saturday, May 17,1913, at the home of her mother Mrs.Sarah Holland, in this city, at the age of fifty two years, and was buried at the Hughes cemetery on Sunday, the funeral services being conducted by Eld.E.J.P.Garrott. She was stricken with paralysis the second time last December, and had gradually grown worse until the end came. She leaves six children and many other relatives to mourn her demise. The Times joins in heartfelt sympathy to all the grief stricken friends and relatives in this sad hour. 05/30/13 LEE JIM UNK 5 25 1913 Unknown Accidentally Kills Himself-Coroner J.F.Stockard was called Sunday evening to hold an inquest over the body of "Jim" Lee, who was found dead at his home that date with a bullet hole through his body. The bullet, entering under the left armpit, pierced his heart, coming out just below the right nipple. The first theory was of suicide, but the coroner's jury determined that the negro shot himself accidentally while changing his clothes to go to church. The report determined that while Lee was changing his pants, the pistol dropped out of the pockets to the floor, and discharged, while Lee was in a stooping position, the bullet passing through his body as above. Mr.Lee was a tenant on Mr.John Naylor's place at Bonair. Two pistols were found near the body. 05/30/13 SANDERS CHARLES HUGHES 2 22 1858 5 30 1913 Unknown Married Feb.27,1865 to Miss Mary Bettie Mosley. Was cashier at the Bank of Eastern Arkansas. On last Monday at Osceola, where he had been on business, Mr.Chas.H.Sanders, a prominent insurance man, of this city, was suddenly taken ill from ptomaine poisoning, from food taken that morning in Memphis. A physician was called, and administered to him, some hours later, and he was able to return home by way of Memphis, where he also had medical attention, arriving here Wednesday afternoon a very sick man. Local physicians were called in and ministered to his suffering, and everything that science and loving wife and friends could do was done for him, but the poison had done its work, and he lingered and suffered greatly, and at about 7 o'clock this morning, his spirit took flight. We are just closing our forms to go to press, and are unable to get full particulars. The funeral arrangments are incomplete, but the interment will be on Sunday morning. June 6-At the time of his death he was 55 years of age and was born in Rutherford Co.,Tenn. and was the son of Wm.R. and Susan E. Sanders. On the 27the of February, 1885, deceased was married to Mary Rettie Moseley, a most charming and and accomplished lady of this city, and this union was blessed with a daughter, who along with her mother, survive. Mostly unreadable, sorry. 05/30/13 BARBEE T. E. MRS 5 1913 YOCONA Mrs.T.E.Barbee, who in company with her husband, went over to Memphis Tuesday afternoon to take treatment at a hospital, was brought back to the city this morning, a corpse, and will be buried at Yocona cemetery this afternoon. 06/13/13 WOODS F. T. 1833 5 25 1913 POPLAR GROVE-TENN. Obits from 1913 to 1930's Obituary: At Millington, Tenn, on May 25,1913, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.E.H.Wood, Mr.F.T.Woods departed this life at the age of about 80 years, after a long and serious illness. He had been confined to his bed for nine weeks and was in poor health for a year or so-just old age and general breakd down. The precious remains were laid to rest at Poplar Grove cemetery, beside his wife, who died about 26 years ago. He was the father of a large family of children, only four of whom are living, viz: Mrs.J.D.Hodges, of this city, Eugene Woods, Kenneth Woods and Miss Addie Wood. He was an old Confederaate soldier, and was born and raised in North Carolina. Eight grandchildren survive him. He had been a member of the for a number of years. Besides his family he leaves many friends who mourn for him, to all of whom we extend deep sympathy. 06/13/13 FITZSIMMONS JOHN SR UNK 5 25 1913 CHICAGO News reached the city of the death of Mr.John Fitzsimmons, Sr., in Chicago, On Sunday, May 25,1913, of old age and general debility. He had been in ill health for several years, and about two years ago begin to lose his eyesight, later becoming blind. He had been living in Chicago for three or four years with his family, who and himself are kindly remembered here by a large circle of friends. He has a grandson, Master Burton Fitzsimmons living here. The Times extends sincere condolences to the bereaved relatives. 06/20/13 BAILES BOB 6 19 1913 Unknown DOUBLE KILLING Obits from 1913 to 1930's A pitched battle occurred Thursday morning in St.Francis bottoms, near the Cross and St.Francis line, in the vicinity of the convict farm, between a posse of deputy sheriffs and Bob Elrod, in which Bob Bailes, a young farmer of good repute and circumstances, was killed, followed by the killing of Elrod, the outlaw. Elrod had fled the law in Cross county and was known to be a desperate man. Two deputy sheriffs of this county, one by the name of Tackett, had been notified that Elrod was hiding in the swamps about eighteen miles northeast of this city. came upon the this desperado some time Wednesday and arrested him, but in some manner Elrod quickly got the drop on the officers, and disarmed them, after which he unloaded their guns and relieved them of all their ammunition, and gave them back to them, telling them to "beat it," at the same time adding with emphasis that he did not intend to be arrested and that he would die before he would go to jail. Later Elrod and a man by the name of J.M.Fore went fishing, and some negroes heard them talking of the circumstances. Elrod, it is said, told Fore that he felt satisfied that a posse of officers would be sent after him. Fore, it is said, agreed to help Elrod and supplied him with another gun. Deputy Sheriffs John Tankersley and Chas.Walker left this city Wednesday night with instructions to bring Elrod to jail. When these two officers reached the locality of the convict farm, they were informed that Elrod had taken refuge in a deep thicket, and had sent out his note that he would kill the first man that came within range. A posse of six or eight men was gotten together. Elrod's rendezvous was surrounded. The advance from all sides began. True to his word, so soon had the first man who was stalking the criminal came within range when Elrod opened fire. shooting at and barely missing Deputy Chas.Walker, who immediately fell forward upon his face, as if he had been shot. Walker then crawled forward a few feet, and very cautiously raised his head. At the same time Elrod sighted Walker and raised his gun for a second shot at the deputy, but Walker raised his shotgun and fired two charges of buckshot at the criminal. A number of shots took effect, hitting him in both hands, one entering his eye, another his cheek, and still a third in his head. From this shot, Elrod never wavered, but turned his gun on another member of the posse, Bob Bailes, who was approaching from another direction, killing him at the first shot. Elrod was obscured from the officers in the thicket. He had them at a disadvantage, and was taking deliberate aim at them as they approached from the open. Deputy Sheriff John Pickins, who carried a Krugg-Jorgenson rifle, caught sight of Elrod, and taking deliberate aim shot him through the middle of his body, and Walker who had continued to advance, saw the desperado fall. The deputy went on in but when he was within almost ten feet of the spot where Elrod had fallen, the dying man scrambled, raised himself on his left elbow, at the same time making an attempt to shoot Walker, at which Walker fired the shot that finished him. It is said that after the last shot had been fired into Elrod's body, he snatched his cap from his head, fell over on it, and was dead almost instant. The officers who took part in this tragic affair say they never saw such desperate coolness and display of the fighting man to the last drop as that displayed by Elrod. It could not be learned what the charges were against Elrod. J.H.Fore and Chas.Durham? were arrested as accessories in murder of Bailes.. 06/20/13 ELROD BOB 6 19 1913 Unknown DOUBLE KILLING Obits from 1913 to 1930's A pitched battle occurred Thursday morning in St.Francis bottoms, near the Cross and St.Francis line, in the vicinity of the convict farm, between a posse of deputy sheriffs and Bob Elrod, in which Bob Bailes, a young farmer of good repute and circumstances, was killed, followed by the killing of Elrod, the outlaw. Elrod had fled the law in Cross county and was known to be a desperate man. Two deputy sheriffs of this county, one by the name of Tackett, had been notified that Elrod was hiding in the swamps about eighteen miles northeast of this city. came upon the this desperado some time Wednesday and arrested him, but in some manner Elrod quickly got the drop on the officers, and disarmed them, after which he unloaded their guns and relieved them of all their ammunition, and gave them back to them, telling them to "beat it," at the same time adding with emphasis that he did not intend to be arrested and that he would die before he would go to jail. Later Elrod and a man by the name of J.M.Fore went fishing, and some negroes heard them talking of the circumstances. Elrod, it is said, told Fore that he felt satisfied that a posse of officers would be sent after him. Fore, it is said, agreed to help Elrod and supplied him with another gun. Deputy Sheriffs John Tankersley and Chas.Walker left this city Wednesday night with instructions to bring Elrod to jail. When these two officers reached the locality of the convict farm, they were informed that Elrod had taken refuge in a deep thicket, and had sent out his note that he would kill the first man that came within range. A posse of six or eight men was gotten together. Elrod's rendezvous was surrounded. The advance from all sides began. True to his word, so soon had the first man who was stalking the criminal came within range when Elrod opened fire. shooting at and barely missing Deputy Chas.Walker, who immediately fell forward upon his face, as if he had been shot. Walker then crawled forward a few feet, and very cautiously raised his head. At the same time Elrod sighted Walker and raised his gun for a second shot at the deputy, but Walker raised his shotgun and fired two charges of buckshot at the criminal. A number of shots took effect, hitting him in both hands, one entering his eye, another his cheek, and still a third in his head. From this shot, Elrod never wavered, but turned his gun on another member of the posse, Bob Bailes, who was approaching from another direction, killing him at the first shot. Elrod was obscured from the officers in the thicket. He had them at a disadvantage, and was taking deliberate aim at them as they approached from the open. Deputy Sheriff John Pickins, who carried a Krugg-Jorgenson rifle, caught sight of Elrod, and taking deliberate aim shot him through the middle of his body, and Walker who had continued to advance, saw the desperado fall. The deputy went on in but when he was within almost ten feet of the spot where Elrod had fallen, the dying man scrambled, raised himself on his left elbow, at the same time making an attempt to shoot Walker, at which Walker fired the shot that finished him. It is said that after the last shot had been fired into Elrod's body, he snatched his cap from his head, fell over on it, and was dead almost instant. The officers who took part in this tragic affair say they never saw such desperate coolness and display of the fighting man to the last drop as that displayed by Elrod. It could not be learned what the charges were against Elrod. J.H.Fore and Chas.Durham? were arrested as accessories in murder of Bailes.. 06/27/13 CRAWFORD TOBE Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= M.C.Hambleton, Admin 06/27/13 SPEARMAN TOM Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= J.H.Culler, Admin 06/27/13 PAGE BEN Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= Thomas Page, Admin 06/27/13 DARDEN JOHN W. Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= Gus Fleming, Admin 06/27/13 BEARD MOSES Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= W.H.Alley, Admin 06/27/13 MALLORY G. B. Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= T.A.Buford, Executor 06/27/13 WILBURN CHARLES Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= Walter Gorman, Admin 06/27/13 KENDRICK W. R. JR Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= W.R.Kendrick, Sr., Admin 06/27/13 GRIGGS JOEL P. Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= T.A.Buford, Admin 06/27/13 CASBEER A. S. MRS Unknown Adminstrators' and Executors' Settlements-July 2,1913= T.D.Hampton, Executor 06/27/13 KELSO J. C. REV. Unknown RESOLUTION:Colt lodge extends to the widow and children our deep sorrow on the loss of Lodge No.531, I.O.O.F. in brother Rev.J.C.Kelso. Committee:T.S.Hampton/G.W.Matthews/J.W.Wilson 06/27/13 BARRETT GARNETTE MRS MILLER 6 1913 Unknown Deplorable Auto Accident takes life of former Forrest Citian at Monroe, La. Mrs.Barrett, formerly Garnette Miller, is dying from a fractured skull received in an auto collision late last night when they were run into by another car when turning a corner. Mrs.Crow-Nurse-June 25,1913 07/04/13 RIPPER INFANT 5 1913 7 2 1913 Marianna Child dies suddenly. The five month old babe of Mr.and Mrs.Charles Ripper died suddenly in the Warshavsky store in this city at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning. The parents were taking the child from their home at a timber camp in Jackson county to Marianna, where Mr.Ripper's father resides, for treatment, coming in on the 10:20 Rock Island train from the west. On the way to the depot, they stopped at the store to make some purchases. While there, Mrs.Warshavsky noticed the child's serious condition, and began washing the face with ice water, but in a few minutes the little one died in his mother's arms. Undertake Stevens prepared the body for burial, and the parents left on the train for Marianna, where interrment will be made. 08/01/13 TELLER MARION T. 5 3 1854 7 25 1913 BELL Mr.Marion Teller, who lived with his family about five miles north of Palestine, in Prairie township, died at his home on July 25th, of congestion, after a brief illness. He leaves a devoted wife and two little daughters, aged respectively, 4 and 18 months, besides a brother and many other relatives and friends, to mourn his loss. Mr.Teller came to this county about 25 years ago and located in Prairie township, coming here from Colon, Michigan. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor and had the respect and esteem of all who knew him well. Mr.George L.Teller, formerly of the Arkansas Experimental Station, was brother of Mr.Marion Teller, and was in town for his funeral. 08/08/13 GOVAN FRANCIS HAWKS CAPTAIN 1 7 1846 8 6 1913 Marianna-CEDAR HEIGHTS Marianna Pioneer Dead Obits from 1913 to 1930's Capt.F.H.Govan, died at his home in Marianna at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning, Aug.6,1913, after a lingering illness. He had been suffereing from Bright's Disease, and two weks ago was stricken with paralysis. He was prominent in the development of Maianna, held several poistions of trust, and a number of terms to the office of circuit clerk and ex-officiao recorder of Lee county. Captain Govan was born in Marshall Co., Mississippi, on Jan.7,1846, and is a son of Col.E.P.Govan and a nephew of Gen.D.C.Govan. He was a member of Morgan's Cavalry, and just before the close of the Civil served under the command of the army commanded by his uncle, Gen.D.C.Govan. He came to Marianna about 45 years ago, and had many times said that he had run horse races and seen cotton grow on the site of his residence, 22 East Main Street. He married Miss Mildred Ford, sister of M.H.Ford of this city, by whom he is survived, also two sons and two daughters, E.Pugh and Charles, and Mrs.F.N.Burke and Mrs.W.L.Ward; two sisters, Mrs.R.E.Chew of Helena, and Mrs.T.C.Merwin of Forrest City; two brothers, A.R.Govan and E.P.Govan of Helena. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, and was largely attended, there being quite a number of old friends from various parts of the state present. He was widely known and highly esteemed as a man and citizen. Capt.and Mrs.Merwin, Miss Georgie Merwin, Mr.and Mrs.H.A.Knight, Col.W.A.Morrow, of this city, and Arkansas Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Frank Smith, who was here, went down to attend the funeral. This writer knew Capt.Govan very well. He was a kind and genial man, and our dear friend. We deeply deplore his death, and extend sincere condolences to the bereaved. 08/15/13 HUGHES ROBERT UNK 8 1913 Memphis The people in this communtiy regret deeply the sad death of their good friend Mr.Robert Hughes which sad event occurred several days ago in Memphis. He has a son here and a dear good wife, in Senatobia, Miss. Young J.P., the surviving son will go to Senatobia in the near future where he will make his home with his mother. Hughes Times. 08/15/13 PARKER ALBERTA MISS UNK 8 11 1913 BELL In Memoriam: On Monday evening, Aug.11,1913, Alberta, the only daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Leon Parker passed from this earth to that sweet beyond-Home sweet home. Little Alberta was sick only a few hours. She was seized with spasms which ended her life very suddenly and to the deep regret and sorrow of family and friends. Her remains were buried at Bell's graveyard at 3 p.m. on Tuesday. LIttle Alberta was a sweet, smiling, bright, little child. Her father and mother, who loved her more than words can express, and a number of relatives are left to mourn her loss. Mr.and Mrs.Parker have the sympathy of the entire community in this sad hour of sorrow and berevement. Poem was included. 08/22/13 LITTLEFIELD GEORGE W. 1842 8 17 1913 HUGHES George Littlefield Suicides: Ill and in broken health, estranged for seven or eight years from his wife, despondent and sick, Mr.George Littlefield, one of the landmarks of Johnson township and a gentleman, who at one time was looked upon as one of the more substantial citizens of St.Francis county, hanged himself some time between midnight and day on last Saturday morning, Aug.17,1913, in an outhouse near the home of his son in law, Mr.J.B.Lindsey. From the details furnished the Times, deceased had been quite ill for some time. The family had been watching and caring for him. The doctor had visited him and left medicine. The patient did not think the medicine was benefitting him, and refused to continue its use after taking perhaps two or three doses. Mr.Lindsey remonstrated with the sick man, spoke harshly, mayhap, in urging his father in law to take the medicine that had been prescribed by the physician. Following the words that passed about the medicine, the old man, bent and emaciated, 71 years of age, crept away from the house of his son in law and took refuge in an outhouse. Here he was later visited by Squire Duncan, who was a frequent caller. After remaining with Mr.Littlefield for some time, 'Squire Duncan reported to Mr.and Mrs.Lindsey that their father was in a much more critical condition than anyone suspected. Hoping to concilliate and pacify their parent, Mr.and Mrs.Lindsey hurried to the outhouse and tried to persuade him to return to his bed and room in their home. and after their efforts proved futile, Mr.Lindsey remained until midnight. Then it is said that Mr.Littlefield told Mr.Lindsey to go back to the house, insisting, in fact, that he should not bother about him, at the same time remarking, "i'll be all right in the morningl" Filled with forebodings and misgivings, restless and anxious, Mr.Lindsey was up at daylight. He went immediately to the outhouse, where he was so shocked by the grewsome sight that met his vision that he turned and ran away in horror, never stopping until he had reached Squire Duncan, where he reported that Mr.Littlefield has hanged himself. The two men hurried back, arousing neighbors as they went, and the terrible and tragic news spread rapidly. A coroner's jury, made up of W.T.Turk, A.H.Bailey, Tom Walls, A.L.Turk, Tom Nichols, Fred Otto, Jack Counts, W.Hooper, Charley Samples, J.J.Howard, B.J.Weatherford, and V.K.Downing was quickly empaneled and investigation made. The only witness examined was the son in law, Mr.J.E.Lindsey, whose testimony He found the body at sunrise hanging by the rope, suspended from the ceiling joist by a cotton rope, and he was dead. Peace be to his ashes. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 08/22/13 TAYLOR WALTER RHODERICK 1 18 1878 8 17 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's In Memory of Walter R.Taylor: Just as the curtain of night was drawing its soft folds across the western horizon, last Sunday evening, a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed all that was mortal of the late Walter Rhoderick Taylor to its last resing place at the Forrest City cemetery. Deceased had been ill for the past two or three years, lately gradually growing worse, and death came to relieve his sufferings on last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. At that time the spirit wisted its way back to the God who gave it, the sufferer was surrounded by his family and friends at his home on North Forrest Street. Never, perhaps was there a more pitiable or heart rending disturbed scene. The grief of those near and dear to him, his wife, his heart broken mother, brothers, sisters, and children-knew no bounds. Walter R. was the second son of George P. and Alice I.Taylor, the heads of one of the foremost families in Eastern Arkansas. He was born Jan.18,1878. Deceased was married on July 25,1900 to Mrs.Rena Hughes, which union was blessed with three lovely children, Mattie Alva, Walter Rhoderick Jr. , and Alice Rena, by all ow whom he is survived. The funeral services were solemnized on Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian church, Revs.George H.Kirker, the pastor, and E.J.P.Garrott, of the Baptist church. The honorary pall bearers were:Messrs.R.W.Benson, John L.Pope, Harry A.Knight, Enos T.Altman, Harry Watson, and O.L.Rowland. The services at the cemetery were conducted under the auspices of the George P.Taylor Lodge No.196.I.O.O.F., of which deceased was a member, and which name from his honored father. The Times has always hele the Taylor family among its staunchest and truest friends. To the head of the family Judge George P.Taylor, before his death, we were bound by the closest ties and esteem and good fellowship.. 08/29/13 DOYLE FRANCIS COURAN 1908 8 28 1913 CITY Diptheria's First Victim: A diptheria scare and the knowledge that quite a number of the children here had contracted the contagion, has been the cause of great anxiety in the city for the past two weeks and has been productive of conditions that are viewed with alarm by many, but this first victim of the this dread malady was not claimed until yesterday morning, Aug.28,1913, when the precious child, Francis, the five year old son of Mr.and Mrs.F.C.Doyle succombed. The Times is informed that the child had recovered from diptheria, and that his death resulted from paralysis of the heart. following that disease. The remains of the deceased was interred in the Forrest City cemetery, the services being performed by Rev.Roy J.King, of the Christian church. May God comfort and nurture them and shower His tender mercies upon the parents. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 09/05/13 HOLLAND EGBERT L. 1872 9 3 1913 HUGHES Mr.Egbert Holland, of this city, who had been ill since last December with a complication of diseases, died at the Presbyterian hospital in Memphis, on Wednesday evening, Sept.3,1913, at 3 o'clock, aged 41 years. The remains were brought here and interred in the Hughes cemetery yesterday afternoon, the funeral services conducted by Elder E.P.J.Garrott, of the Baptist church. Deceased leaves a mother, aged 80 years, three brothers, one sister, and a number of other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 09/05/13 DAVIS ARTHUR HARRISON DR. 1858 8 28 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's Dr.Arthur H.Davis, brother of Mrs.John M.Davis, of this city, died at his home in Little Rock on Thursday of last week, Aug.28,1913, of heart trouble, and the remains were brought here and interred in the Forrest City cemetery on last Satruday afternoon at 5 o'clock, Rev.F.W.Gee oi the Methodist church offciating, in the presence of a large number of friends and acquaintances of the famiy here. Dr.Davis was born in in Haywood Co., Tenn., in 1858, and removed with his father to Forrest City in 1871. He graduated from the medical school at Nashville when quite young, and practiced at his profession in the country around Forrest City for quite awhile. Later he and his brother, R.Davis, went into the drug business in Little Rock. The confinement being too great he afterwards began practice of medicine in Little Rock, but owing to failing health, he had done only office practice for several years. He was patient and long suffering, and never complained, and worked until the day before his death. His death was quite sudden, due to heart trouble. No truer or nobler man ever lived than Arthur Harrison Davis. He was so gentle and loving to all that he had no enemies. He leaves a dear little wife, to whom he was devoted, such devotion, in fact, is seldom seen. Two sisters, Mrs.J.M.Davis of Forrest City, and Mrs.R.C.Evans, of Hugo, Okla., a brother, R.R.Davis of Texas, many nieces and nephews who loved him truly, also survive him. He was the son of Arthur Davis who at one time was pastor in Forrest City for several years. He was married in Little Rock about nineteen years ago to Miss Claudia Downes, of Sheffield, Alabama. The out of town attendees include:Major and Mrs.Downes, Miss Belle Downes, of Sheffield, Ala., and Mr.Charley Downes of St.Louis, who are the mother, father, sister, and brother of Mrs.Davis, Mrs.W.L.Beasley of Earle, Mrs.Joe Mosby of Crawfordsville, Mrs.J.L.Mosby of Memphis, and R.L.Davis of Little Rock. Pallbearers were: Messrs. J.B.Casteel, James L.Scott, W.A.Pearson, J.M.Prewett, J.A.Cargill, and G.N.Laughinghouse. 09/12/13 CYPERT JESSE N. JUDGE 1824 9 1913 SEARCY JESSE NEWTON CYPERT-JUDGE IN TENN DIED 1856: Judge Jesse N.Cypert, 89 years old, widely known attorney of Whtie county, died last week at his home in Searcy. Judge Cypert went to Searcy in 1851, from Wayne Co.Tenn. He was member of the Secessional Convention of 1861. and was Major in the 5th Arkansas Battlaion during the Civil war. He was a member of the Reconstructional convention of 1874, which drew up the present constitution of Arkansas. Judge Cypert was elected judge of the First Judicial District in 1874 and served two terms. He is survived by his wife and one son, Eugene, a well known attorney of Searcy, recently candidate for circuit judge. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 09/12/13 FARR CLAYBORN 3 15 1832 9 6 1913 HUGHES Obituary from Forrest City Times:Mr.Claybourn Farr, a worthy and venerable citizen of Colt, died at an early hour Saturday morning at his home near that place of heart failure, and was buried the following Sunday afternoon at the Hughes Cemetery, Rev.McKelvey officiating at the funeral. Deceased is survived by his wife and two sons, also three stepsons, Messrs.James, Victor and Riley Hunt, the latter two residing in this city. The Times extends heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 09/19/13 WILLIAMS MATTIE MRS UNK 9 16 1913 Unknown A HORRIBLE UXORCIDE Obits from 1913 to 1930's 09/26/13 WILLIAMS M. ETLEY UNK 9 23 1913 BARNISHAW Wife Slayer Suicides: Mr.M.Etley Williams, who assassinated his divorced wife, Mrs.Mattie Williams, on the night of Tuesday, Sept.16,1913, is dead by his own hand. Before shooting himself through the heart with a charge of buckshot from the automatic shotgun which he carried, he wrote in a confession in which he stated that he killed his former wife because he loved her better than anything else in the world. Williams also wrote in his confession that he had been driven to suicide after he had exhausted every effort and means of persuasion in his power to induce his wife to return to him without success. He also accused his wife of having robbed him and of being untrue and unfaithful to him. The confession was four pages of a 5 cent tablet. Talking over the long distance telephone from Colt, Bud Dorris said that Williams killed himself in the home of his son in law, Riley Ells. It is said that Williams had threatened the lives of Riley and his wife in additon to his ex-wife. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 10/03/13 WHEELER J. W. UNK 9 1913 Unknown Capt.H.M.Wheeler, manager of the sawmill plant of J.W.Wheeler & Co., left the first of the week in response to a wire stating that his uncle, J.W.Wheeler, was dying. Later the family was notified of the dissolution of the sufferer, which was received with sincere regret and sorrow by the Wheeler family and a number of our citizens by whom the deceased was well known and esteemed. Out of respect, the plant of J.W.Wheeler & Co. was shut down for two or three days earlier in the week. The Times joins in heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved family and friends. 10/03/13 BASS MAMIE MRS-BEACHBOARD 3 23 1875 9 26 1913 TENNESSEE-HAZEL CEMETERY Mr.L.E.Beachboard, popular salesman withthe firm of Becker & Lewis, arrived home Wednesday after attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs.Mamie Bass, wife of S.H.Bass, of Bell Buckle, Tenn., he is cashier with the Munford Savings Bank & Trust Co., of Munford, Tenn., who was fatally injured in an automobile accident on last Friday. It was not apparent she was so seriously injured, after the accident she asked for the health of her children. Dr.Harry Ellison drove up about 5 minutes after the accident, and took Mrs.Bass to her home in Munford in his car. She lapesed into unconsciousness in about a half an hour after being injured, and died Friday morning. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 10/10/13 GORMAN PARIS ARTHUR 1876 10 4 1913 CITY Paris Arthur Gorman, eldest son of Hon.and Mrs.Walter Gorman, of this city, yielded up his life in his room at the family residence at 12:15 o'clock last Saturday, Oct.4,1913, and entered into rest. All deaths are sad, but the passing of this noble young man, to whom the doors of a most prominsing future, for which he had studied and prepared himself, were just opening, were particularly distressing, and his devoted parents, brothers, and invalid sister, and many other relatives and a host of friends, were terribly shocked and grieved by his act. The boy had studied hard. He was an expert stenographer and a young lawyer of great ability, and had just begun to put his talent and ability to the test. he was employed by the Government a few years ago in Washington City, and it was during this period that he suffered a physical and emotional break down, from which he never fully recovered. The precious remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery last Sunday evening, Obits from 1913 to 1930's 10/10/13 FINNERTY MARTHA ANN MRS-GARNER 9 1 1833 10 6 1913 CITY Death of Mrs.M.A.Finnerty, following a fall from the steps of her kitchen several months ago, she was severely shocked, and from the effects of which she has since been confined to her bed, Mrs.M.A.Finnerty, one of our city's now venarable and beloved Christian characters, expired Monday morning at her home in this city. Surrounded by her loved ones, death came to this patient lady as if she had been passing into a quite peaceful sleep. The funeral was solemnized Tuesday morning by Rev.E.P.J.Garrott and interment was made in the Forrest City cemetery, in the presence of a large assemblage of loving friends. Deceased was descended from a prominent family, the Garners of Alabama, who like many families were broken up by the Civil War. She removed from Waterloo, Ala., a widow, with the family of her first husband, Hiram R.Rawlings, in 1871, consisting of three small sons, Porter, William and Joseph, the two former surviving her. Soon after arriving in Forrest City, the widow was married a second time to Dr.John Evans, which union was blessed by a girl, Jeannie, who survives her. Deceased was married a third time to Mr.J.J.Finnerty, who died about twelve years ago at the family home in this city. Others surviving are three sisters: Mrs.Ripper, age 79 years of Oklahoma City, Mrs.Cornelia Martin 76 years of near Ft.Smith, and Mrs.Octavia Carroll, 71 years old of White Sulphur Springs, Tenn.; two brothers, W.P.Garner 65 years old, and Samuel Garner age 68 of Montague,Texas, Obits from 1913 to 1930's 10/17/13 KELSO Young Boy UNK 10 1913 Unknown Newcastle Times:Mrs.Arvie Webb was stricken with something like paralysis last week, and has been in a critical condition. Mr.Marvin Kelso had a three year old boy stricken with the same malady, and he only lived a few days. 10/24/13 GRIFFIN J. B. UNK 10 23 1913 Unknown Loses Life Beneath Wheels of Fast Freight:Mr.J.B.Griffin, an ex-brakeman of Alexandria, Mo. was dismembered yesterday afternoon on either side of Iron Mountain tracks just south of the Rock Island crossing. It is said he fell under the wheels while in the act of climbing out of the end window of a boxcar, and his body was dragged about one hundred yards. A man by the name of A.R.Woodley of Big Springs, Texas, who rode with Griffin, testified that the two had boarded the train at a point near Marianna, and had planned to go to Wynne where Griffin planned on getting his time check. They thought they were at Wynne and were getting out of the car when the accident happened. 10/24/13 BURNETT ROY UNK 10 18 1913 Moscow, Tenn. Roy Burnett Killed:He was about twenty eight years of age when he was shot and killed by Constable J.T.Johnson, early Sunday morning after a desperate fight at the home of Mr.and Mrs.H.J.Warshavsky, where the officer had been called to arrest Burnett, who was intoxicated and creating a disturbance. The Warshavsky's stated they were awakened by a hammering on the door of a negro servant's door in the room in the backyard of the home, Burnett's oaths were mingled with the screams of the terrified negro woman. The negroes were encouraged to come into the home, and while running across, Burnett jumped out and chased them into the house. He pursued them into the kitchen, but was locked out in the outer room where he still was when the Constable arrived, and when the Constable opened the door, Burnett shoved a pistol into his breast, threatening to kill him unless he dropped his weapon. The pistol was seized and the constable fired four shots, taking their effect. Burnett was said to be single, and had moved here about six years ago, while sober he was said to be good natured, courteous, and obliging. 10/31/13 LYNCH ALBERT S. 1 1 1857 10 27 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's Mr.A.S.Lynch, better known as Sid Lynch, one of the best men we ever knew, and a citizen who always fulfilled his duties of citizenship in the fullest sense, has gone to his reward. He resided near Haynes. He had been in failing health for some time, and about a month ago while on business visit ot Marianna, had an attack of ptomaine poisoning, from which and subsequent complications he never recovered. Later he was taken to Memphis, and entered the Baptist Memoiral Hosptial, where everything that science and careful nursing could do was done for him, and his last days were made as cheerful as possible to make them. Notwithstanding these facts, however, he gradually grew worse, and on Monday night, Oct.27,1913, at 11 o'clock at night, he passed into that deep and quiet sleep from which there is no awakening on this earth. His physicians pronounced the trouble as nephritis. The remains were prepared for burial and shipped to Forrest City on Tuesday, and were conveyed to the residence of his uncle, Marshall and Mrs.J.M.Davis, who reside in the Folbre residence on Cross Street, and lay in state there until afternoon, at which time Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church conducted the religious ceremonies. Afterwards, the remains were conveyed to the Forrest City cemetery where they were laid to rest. He was born Jan.1,1857, the son of John C. and Lizzie Lynch, and a brother of Mrs.A.D.McDaniel, the latter, his mother, and many more distant relatives survive him. 11/07/13 DUFFEY VELMA MRS EVANS UNK 11 2 1913 HUGO, OKLA Obits from 1913 to 1930's The sad news of the death of Mrs.P.O.Duffey at the family home in Hugo, Okla., reached this city Sunday morning. Deceased was the only daughter of Mrs.E.C.Evans and will be remembered as Miss Velma Evans by Times readers, at one time one of Forrest City's dearly beloved and most popular young ladies. Immediately upon the receipt of the news of Mrs.Duffey's death, her cousins, Miss Pearl Davis, of this city, and Mrs.W.L.Beazley, of Earle, left for Oklahoma to attend the funeral. Deceased lady was a niece of Mrs.J.M.Davis, of this city, and is survived by her mother and two little daughters, Mary Ella and Patti Mae, and a stricken and heart-broken husband, and a host of other relatives here and elsewhere, to all of whom we at the Times joins in sincere and heartfelt sympathy. 11/21/13 MERRITT ABRAHAM H. 7 18 1832 11 14 1913 NORTH CAROLINA-OAKDALE On last Wednesday morning, Dr.L.H.Merritt received the sad news of the critical illness of his father, Mr.A.H.Merritt, at the family home in Mt.Airy, N.C. After receiving the message, Dr.Merritt left on the next train for his father's bedside, only to find the venerable gentleman at the threshold of death, and the later report came that the sufferer had expired on Friday night, Nov.14,1913. Deceased was well known in his native state. His life had been an exemplary one and he had held many positiions of trust. He was a graduate of the University of North Carolina, class of '56, had taught in a number of the leading schools of the state with marked success and served the people of his native county of Chatham as Clerk and master of equiy for a number of years. Later he was elected to the state senate by a most flattering vote, after he had been nominated unexpectedly. At the time he was nominated and elected to the state senate, he was one of the presiding justices of the inferior court, and, in addition to his other accomplishments, was well grounded in the law and was held in high esteem by the members of the bar of his native county. The remains of this model and upright citizen were interred in the city cemetery at Mt.Airy, N.C. on Sunday in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing firends and relatives. Deceased is survived by four sons and three daughters, one of whom is Dr.L.H.Merritt of this city, and another, Miss Anna Merritt, who has visitied this city a number of times and enjoys a pleasant acquaintance with a large number of The Times readers and friends. Obits from 1913 to 1930's 11/21/13 EZELL NOLAN 11 6 1909 11 17 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mr.and Mrs.O.A.Ezell on the death of their precious little son, Nolan, who was the joy and sunshine of their home. The sweet spirit of little Nolan passed into the arms of his Maker on Monday, the 17th, and on the following day the dear form was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery, Eld.E.P.J.Garrott, conducting the religious ceremonies. Little Nolan was four years and 11 days old when God took him to heaven. The child was ill for five months during which time the anxious parents, assisted by kindly friends,and their physician, did all in their power to restore the baby to health, but tender care, tears and prayer were all in vain and, while the faithful watchers kept vigil around his bedside, Little Nolan went to sleep-the grim and unfeeling messenger had called for his spirit. Poem followed. 11/21/13 BAKER L. R. JR 1910 11 1913 Unknown Obits from 1913 to 1930's A notice of a Rock Island wreck on the Dardnelle Branch a short distance south of Centerville appears on another page of this paper. In this wreck, the little three year old baby boy of L.R.Baker, of this city was killed. Mr.Baker's family had been sojourning the past month with Mrs.Baker's parents in Dardnelle, and the family was on its way to join the husband and father in Forrest City. On the same morning of the wreck, Mr.Baker, who is an employee of the Rock Island Railroad here, left to meet the loved ones from whom he had received word that they would start toward Forrest City on the evening of the 18th. Mr.Baker left this city on the midnight train of that date to meet his family at Ola, but imagine the state of his mind on arrival at that point, only to find that his precious baby's life had been snuffed out in the wreck and his dear wife had been injured to such an extent that it was necessary to take her to the hospital in Little Rock for treatment. As a consequence, Mr.Baker was crazed with grief and his wife, suffering as she was from bodily injuries, was perfectly prostrated and heartbroken over the loss of their baby boy. 11/28/13 BONNER EDWARD COLONEL 11 5 1841 11 26 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's Col.Edward Bonner, Ex-Confederate soldier, and a classical Southern gentleman of the old school, expired early Wednesday morning at his home in this city, Nov.26,1913. Col.Bonner was one of our most venerable and highly esteemed citizens. Death came to him suddenly and was the result of paralysis of the heart. Col.Bonner was a rugged, and in some respecrs, a picturesque character. Up to two years ago, he was active and energetic in the business life of the community. About five months ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis, and the deceased gentleman's sufferings weakened him, but the strong will and keen interest in public affair, kept him up, and he made frequent visits to the city, although it was necessary to wheel him back and forth from his home in an invalid's chair. At the time of his death, deceased was at the head of the firm E.Bonner & Co.,one of the state's most substantial grocery and commision firms in Eastern Arkansas. He was a close observer, widely read, and a man of courage and convictions. Deceased was born Nov 5,1841, in Spartanburg, S.C., and died on Nov.26,1913. He was the son of Andrew and Louise Bonner. During the Civil war, deceased served as a member of Co.G-5th South Carolina Regiment, and participated in the battle of Manassas. Deceased's mind was filled with entertaining and trhilling reminescenes of the four years of strife and blood between the states. After the war, decdeased removed fo Forrest City in 1874 and immediately took his place and began to build up the reputation and character, which he enjoyed as one of the county's most public spirited citizens looking to the welfare and growth of the city and county. He was the postmaster in this city in the early 80's. Deceased was married in 1869 to Mrs. Julia Harris, nee Miss Julia Bay. This union was blessed with three children-Messrs.Edward and Ray Bonner, and Mrs. A.D.Chilner, all of whom survive. Deceased is also survived by a foster daugher, Miss Julia Kinton-Bonner, who was greatly devoted to him. Col.Bonner had spent most of the afternoon at the srote on Tuesday, and appeared to be in a cheerful and talkative mood with all whom he met. Deceased's funeral was solemnized on Thanksgiving day at ten o'clock at the home in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives, Rev.F,W.Gee of the Methodist church officiating. The interment was in the Forrest City cemetery and his remains were laid to rest beside the grave of his sainted wife and mother, whose death occurred twenty years ago. 11/28/13 TAYLOR WILL UNK 11 22 1913 Unknown KILLING AT PALESTINE Obits from 1913 to 1930's Deputy Prosecuting Attorney S.S.Hargraves went over to Palestine Saturday to investigate the killing of a negro by the name of WillTaylor at the hands of two white men by the names of Jim Reeves and Tom Shores of Lee County, who were charged with the crime. Attorney Hargraves states that the proof developed that the two white men came to Palestine on last Friday, and armed with a revolver, and a bottle of wine and a deck of cards, went up to a new barn belonging to the Banks Co., in company with the negro, Taylor, where the three became engaged in a poker game. The difficulty followed in which it was stated that the negro tried to "short change" one of the white men. The lie was passed. The negro, it is said, hit Reeves with a heavy piece of lumber, after which Shores, it is said, shot him, At the preliminary hearing of the two white men held on Saturday evening, before Squire Hugh Coffey, the two white men, Reeves and Shores were discharged. 12/05/13 WILLIAMS LUCY J. MRS-MARIS 6 8 1864 11 29 1913 SOMERVILLE,TENN Obits from 1913 to 1930's Our people were sorely grieved and terribly shocked Saturday night to learn of the death of Mrs.Lucy Williams, wife of attorney R.J.Williams, one of the most widely known lawyers of the state, a member of the local bar since the foundation of Forrest City, and recently retired prosecuting attorney. Mrs.Williams had never fully recovered from an attack of measles, with which she was stricken about two years ago, and which left the insidious blight in the form of a stubborn kidney infection. In the spring of the current year she appeared much improved, and great hopes were entertained for her ultimate recovery.. She spent a couple of weeks in Memphis, returned home for a short time, then went to Asheville, N.C. for a month, and then to Waynesboro, in the same state for three months, and was greatly benefitted by the mountain air. In October she returned to Forrest City. In a short time she caught a severe cold, following which her decline was gradual but sure. She was recently taken to the Lucy Brinkley hosptial in Memphis, where her malady was diagnosed as tuberculosis of the kidneys and on Saturday an operation was performed, removing the righ kidney. Despite the highest degree of skill, her death followed a few hours later at 5 p.m.. She never regained conciousness after going under the anesthetic. Miss Lucy J.Maris was born June 6, 1864, married to Hon.R.J.Williams on Feb.8,1906, and died Nov.29,1913. One sister, Mrs.Fannie Patrick of Arlington, Tenn., and her husband survive her, there being no other near living relatives except cousins at Somerville. 12/12/13 ROLESON ANNA VIRGINIA MRS 1830 12 1913 CITY Obits from 1913 to 1930's After an illness of two weeks at the Lucy Brinkley hosptial in Memphis of acute bladder trouble, Mrs.Anna V.Roleson, widow of the late Britton Roleson, of Cross County, and mother of Mrs.Carrie V.Norton and Mr.Edward Roleson, of this city, and Mr.Fletcher Roleson, of Marianna, expired yesterday, in her 84th year. Deceased has resided in Forrest City more or less for twenty years or more, where she and her family are loved and held in highest esteem. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed. Mrs.Norton was at her mother's bedside when death came, and Mr.Roleson left this morning for Memphis to assume charge of the funeral arrangements. The Times extends sincere condolences, and deeply regrets the death of this saintly lady, whose friendship during all these years has been unfailing. 12/26/13 BEARD ABNER UNK 1872 MAPLE HILL, HELENA Chancellor Robertson, of Wynne, and his little son Abner, went down to Helena Tuesday with the remains of the boy's grandfather, Captain Abner Beard, where they were interred in the Confederate Cemetery north of the city. The Captain was a Confederate Soldier and died in 1872, and was buried on his plantation in Texas township. He was a participant in the battle of Helena and it seems fitting that the old soldier should find a last resting place on the battle ground where he fought. The Lee County Courier. Obits from 1913 to 1930's Phone Numbers: 1 W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS 1902 1903 - - - 5 R.S.Fondren-Residence 1913 6 MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. 1902 - - - 16 R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS 1908 1911 - - - 17 FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY 1901 1903 - - - 18 KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. 1911 - - - 18 FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE 1903 - - - 19 J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 1908 - - - 21 Waters-Pierce Oil Co. Office 1913 24 ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- 1903 - - - 26 A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY 1909 - - - 28 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 1911 - - - 29 G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY 1903 - - - 29 Fondren Bros.Groceries 1913 29 MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS 1908 - - - 31 City Drug Store- Phone 31 1913 31 THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. 1909 - - - 31 HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE 1911 - - - 34 W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY 1908 - - - 34 Neblett, The Grocer-Groceries delivered as quick as the quickest. Phone 34 1913 34 H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 38 EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. 1910 1911 - - - 40 HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY 1901 - - - 41 FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 1902 - - - 42 LANDVOIGT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE 1908 1911 - - - 44 THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- 1911 - - - 47 Mrs.N.W.Norton-Residence 1913 48 F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS 1909 - - - 49 NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. 1910 - - - 49 FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. 1910 - - - 52 NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS 1911 - - - 58 Pettus & Buford-Forrest City Phone 58 1913 58 PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING 1902 - - - 60 John Schlosser-Residence 1913 61 N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON 1902 1903 - - - 61 THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 1901 - - - 68 C.P.Muller-Residence 1913 71 J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. 1902 - - - 71 NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES 1908 1909 - - - 73 E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1908 - - - 73 Miss.Alice Currie-Residence 1913 75 GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 1912 - - - 75 GROBMYER LUMBER 1910 1911 - - - 77 BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 1901 - - - 79 PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. 1912 - - - 81 NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES 1908 - - - 82 KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - 84 FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS 1908 - - - 86 NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY 1909 - - - 88 C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 1901 - - - 91 T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 - - - 91 THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN 1911 - - - 91 ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. 1910 - - - 91 Palace Market-T.O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 91 1913 97 JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK 1908 - - - 100 Dr.W.H.Alley-Residence 1913 101 W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY 1901 - - - 103 J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. 1903 - - - 108 HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET 1902 - - - 108 RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY 1903 - - - 112 TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET 1910 - - - 112 E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING 1902 - - - 122 D.Downey-Residence 1913 124 W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY 1902 - - - 126 W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1902 - - - 126 STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT 1903 - - - 126 IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. 1901 - - - 131 A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY 1902 - - - 134 J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 1902 - - - 134 ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS 1901 1902 - - - 134 L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET 1911 - - - 137 PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. 1909 - - - 147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1911 - - - 147 R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE 1902 1901 - - - 147 CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY 1912 - - - 150 J.W.Morrow-Residence 1913 155 Miss Blanche Smith-Residence 1913 170 FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. 1910 1911 1912 1913 - - 174 BECKER & LEWIS COAL 1913 1910 - - - 174 BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE 1909 - - - 184 W.E.KIRBY & CO. 1910 1909 1911 - - - 184 Dr.W.J.McCauley-Graduate Veterinarian at the Oklahoma Horse and Mule Barn-Forrest City Phone 184 and 179 1913 1913 186 J.E.Satterfield-Residence 1913 187 Norton & Hughes-Lawyers 1913 188 ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 1910 - - - 189 BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER 1911 - - - 191 THE PEARL CAFE-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO 1908 1909 - - - 191 FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1902 - - - 192 Walter Gorman-Lawyer 1913 199 J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY 1908 1902 - - - 204 W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS 1912 1911 - - - 209 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1910 - - - 211 PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. 1908 - - - 212 OUR BAKERY 1911 - - - 225 G.W.Christian-Residence 1913 225 J.I.HAWK-REALTOR 1908 - - - 228 W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY 1909 - - - 232 J.R.Johnson-Residence 1913 239 JIM THOMPSON HAULING 1910 - - - 244 L.Barnett-Residence 1913 245 Forrest City Bakery-D.E.Osborn-New Bakery at the old "Our Bakery"-Feb.7th Phone 245 1913 248 NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES 1908 - - - 248 LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD 1911 - - - 248 L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY 1908 - - - 248 CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. 1910 - - - 252 W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD 1909 - - - 253 A.A.French-Residence 1913 254 FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET 1908 1911 - - - 257 Dr.D.A.Pelton-Physician and Surgeon-Office over the Sol Lewis store. Phone 257 and 307 1913 269 B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE 1909 - - - 272 Darwin Thompson-Residence 1913 293 C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER 1910 - - - 294 A.Goldberg-Residence 1913 299 SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY 1911 1910 - - - 299 Scott and Ferguson-Home Needs Suppliers-Front Street Phone 299 1913 299 R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING 1909 - - - 300 FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER 1910 - - - 311 WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD 1911 - - - 312 A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING 1912 - - - 335 Dr.D,O.Bridgeforth-Residence 1913 341 JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911 345 Nathan B.Norton-Unimproved land in western portion of St.Francis County-1000 acres. Phone 345 1913 355 Paul Johnson-Residence 1913 367 Lula S.Blount-Residence 1913 368 Dr.E.M.Barnett and Dr.W.J.McCauley-Veterinary Surgeons and Dentists 09/26/13 Phone 368 1913 388 D.Edgar-Residence 1913 814 K.M.Wilkins-Residence 1913 815 A.Bird-Riverview 1913 808F02 Tom Bridgeforth-Residence 1913 808F03 J.A.Whittenton-Residence 1913 808F04 Sam Danehower-Residence 1913 808F05 John McCrary-Residence 1913 808F11 Clifford Whittenton-Residence 1913 808F12 W.T.Nolan-Residence 1913 820F02 W.R.McFall-Madison 1913