In Chronological Order-
Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]
April 8,2008
Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note:
Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1905 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell
Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money"
DEATHS: - - - - - - - - 1-6-1905 - ZOLINGER - IDA - - MRS. - CRIPPEN - 1888 12 30 1904 - UNKNOWN - Thrown From Horse and Killed=A very sad and distressing tragedy occurred last Friday, Dec.30,1904, at on near Madison, four miles east of this city, in which Mrs.Ida Zolinger, the 16 year old wife of Mr.Willie Zolinger, was killed. The particulars as near as we can learn are as follows: Mrs.Zollinger, it seems was very fond of horseback riding, and perfectly fearless. She was passing Scott Bond's place and admiring a young and fiery animal, proposed to ride it. She was informed that it would be dangerous, but could not be dissauded from the perilous undertaking, and the beast was saddled up and she mounted and galloped away. It is supposed the animal became unmanageable, and that her foot was caught in the stirrup and she was dragged to death. Her body was picked up on the hill near Spring Creek church, at the Uncle B.Bond place. Her neck was broken, head crushed, one eye forced from its socket, and Mrs.Chaney, who assisted in preparing the body for burial says she was horribly bruised all over the body. Mrs.Zolinger was the former Miss Ida Crippen, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her husband is employed with the Walton-Knox Box Factory, and is almost prostate with grief at the loss of his young and beautiful life partner. He is less than twenty years of age. 1-13-1905 - BROOKS - DAUGHTER - - - - 1895 1 2 1905 - UNKNOWN - Wm.Murray, 14 years of age, accidentally shot and killed the 10 year old daughter of Wiley Brooks, on the W.C.Ferguson place, at Fergusonville, Monday, Jan.2,1905. The boy had been out hunting, came in, and rested his loaded shotgun against the house, afterwards picking it up and accidentally discharged it, the load of squirrel shot penetrating the child's heart at close range, killing her instantly. The coroner held an inquest, and the jury rendered a verdict of accidental shooting. 1-13-1905 - McKNIGHT - JOHN - DAVID - DR. - - 3 12 1842 1 6 1905 - CITY - Death of Dr.J.D.McKnight=Died very suddenly of Congestion of the Lungs. Was High Sheriff of St.Francis County-Dr.J.D.McKnight is dead. This was indeed appalling news to his friends as they awoke on Monday morning, Jan.9,1905; and when we say, his friends, that includes every citizen of St.Francis County who has ever come in contact with him. He had not an enemy. Even political opponents were his personal friends, and their is scarcely a family in the county to some member of which he has not done some personal favor or kindness. He was universally esteemed. He was Mason in the true sense, and not in name only, and this is as great a compliment as we can pay our deceased brother. John David McKnight was born near Somerville, Tenn., Mar.12,1842, where he resided until 1871, when he came to Arkansas, locating near Wittsburg, where he had charge of a large plantation for one year. He then removed to Forrest City and resided here three years, going hence to New Castle where he lived until eight years ago, when he returned here to Forrest City until his death. He was a gallant and fearless Confederate soldier, who knew no right above his country's welfare. He enlisted in the 13th Tennessee Regiment in 1861, and served faithfully throughout the war, participating in the battles of Belmont, Shiloh, Perryville, Richmond, Murphreesboro, all engagements between Sherman and Joseph E.Johnson from Murhreesboro to Jonesboro, including the battle of Mission Ridge, above the clouds, Franklin, Tenn., and many others of less importance. He was married on March 13,1867 to Miss Victoria Williams, with whom he lived happily until her death in 1891. She was the daughter of Judge J.W.Williams of Winchester, Tenn., and sister of Hon.R.J.Williams of this city, and Prof.J.B.Williams of Devall's Bluff, Ark., Mrs.A.M.Moore of Byhalia, Miss., and Mrs.C.F.Gates of Winchester, Tenn. To this union five children were born, three of whom were raised and lived to man and womanhood in this county. Dr.Clarence McKnight, his eldest child preceded him to the grave only six months, having died June 1904. He next married Mrs.Mattie E.Horney, only one child, Freddie, blessed this union. He leaves two step daughters, MIss Addie and Beverly Horney, who were as dear to him as his own. Dr.McKnight has been a practicing physician in this county for twenty five years. He had diplomas from Vanderbilt University and the Memphis Medical College. He was twice elected to Sheriff and Tax Collector for St.Francis County. He was a member of the Methodist church, the Masonic Lodge, and the Odd Fellows, He had only been sick for a few minutes when he passed away. The funeral was from his residence, Rev.S.H.Babcock conducting the ceremonies, assisted by Elder J.A.McCord of the Baptist church. The remains were interned in the Forrest City cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, and was laid away in his Confederate uniform. He died Jan.6,1905 on Sunday night of congestion of the lungs. 1-13-1905 - MAY - JOHN - D. - - - 7 30 1852 1 12 1905 - HUGHES - Death of J.D.May-Mr.John D.May, a well known and highly respected farmer, living one mile west of Fulwood, died Thursday morning, Jan.12,1905, of pneumonia, he was about 50 years of age. He was taken ill last Saturday a week ago, with a chill, and rapidly developed this dread malady, which is so prevalent and fatal. He leaves a heart broken widow. Mary S.May, to mourn her loss. Mr.May was born and reared in this county and within a half mile of his home where he died. He was a member of the Methodist church, and when asked by Mr.Henry May his last words were, "Not a shadow of doubt." The remains were interned this morning in the Hughes cemetery, Rev.W.C.Davidson in charge with services at the grave. 1-20-1905 He found Miss Mittie Giles in his younger days, and married her Dec.23,1886, and settled on the farm almost within sight of his old home. He was a brother of Rev.H.E.May, of the White River Conference. His funeral was conducted from the New Hope church, and his body was laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery. He left behind four brothers in addition to his widow. W.C.Davidson, Jan.18,1905. 1-13-1905 - PIPKIN - A. - J. - MRS. - - 1875 1 8 1905 - TEXAS - Death of Mrs.A.J.Pipkin-Mr.& Mrs.A.J.Pipkin went to Thornton, Texas on Dec.23,1904 in response to a message announcing that Mr.Pipkin's brother, Frank was dangerously ill. He died on New Year's day, but they got to see him before he passed away. Mrs.Pipkin had a cold when she left here, she gradually grew worse, and died Jan.8,1905, of pneumonia, and was laid to rest the next day there in Thornton. She was Miss Susie ?ton, and was married to Jack Pipkin in 1883, his second wife, and she cared for his son, F.M.Pipkin. Her parents died young, and she lived with her Aunt , Mrs.Pinkston in the Tuttle neighborhood. At the time of her death, she was 30 years of age, and a consistent member of the Methodist church. Mr.F.M.Pipkin, the step son tried to reach her before she passed away, but was too late. 1-20-1905 - BYRD - RUFUS - - - - 1896 1 15 1905 - YOCONA - Rufus, the 9 year old son of Mr.& Mrs.A.Byrd, died Sunday, Jan.15,1905, of typhoid malaria, at the home of his parents in the Yocona neighborhood. The precious remains were interned in the Yocona cemetery the following day. 1-20-1905 - ADAMS - NAPOLEON - - - - UNK 1 18 1905 - UNKNOWN - Napoleon Adams, living on the C.M.Wilkinson place, five miles northwest of Palestine, went rabbit hunting Wednesday morning, Jan.18,1905, with Julian Maries. While engaged in chasing a rabbit and shooting, Maries accidentally shot and killed Adams. He lived only a half hour, their was no inquest. 1-27-1905 - RANDOLPH - A. - - - - UNK 1 26 1905 - UNKNOWN - A.Randolph, and old and highly respected colored citizen of this city died at his home yesterday morning, Jan.26,1905, of pneumonia and after exhaustion. He was out of danger, from the disease, but was so exhausted that he could take no nourishment. He was familiar figure in Forrest City, was a carpenter by trade, and a handy man to have in the community. He was quiet, courteous, honest, and industrious, and had many friends who will sorely miss him. 1-27-1905 - LOVEJOY - J. - M. - PROF. - - UNK 1 23 1905 - UNKNOWN - Prof.J.M.Lovejoy, who is kindly remembered here by a large circle of friends at Wheatley where he taught school, died at Rector on Monday, Jan.23,1905, at his home. He was the father in law of Mr.John Hamlin, the bar keeper at Mallory & Vaccaro bar, and he attended the funeral. 2-3-1905 - MARTIN - JANE - F. - MISS - - 1871 1 27 1905 - UNKNOWN - Miss Jane F.Martin, a young woman 34 years of age, who has visited this city frequently of late, was horribly burned last Friday morning, and died the same evening at Little Rock, Jan.27,1905. She was loading wood into the stove, when the sleeve of her gown became ignited by the fire, and the garment burned completely from her body before assistance reached her. The dispatches say she came to Little Rock from St.Louis five months ago to solicit insurance for the Equitable Life and was known as one of the most successful solicitor in Arkansas. 2-3-1905 - McCRARY - LEILA - - MISS - - 9 5 1904 1 3 1905 - CITY - Our Little Lelia-It was Jan.3,1905 when we lost our baby Lelja. Her sweet disposition and pale face brightened our home for the short time with us. We laid our darling to sleep in the Forrest City cemetery Jan.4,1905. 2-10-1905 - TYSON - J. - B. - - - UNK 2 2 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mr.J.B.Tyson, a very clever and popular young man who had been in the employ of Bond Supply Co. of Widener, and who had been ill with pneumonia for several weeks in the hospital at Memphis, died on Thursday of last week. 2-10-1905 - WIDENER - JOHN - - UNCLE - - UNK 1 1905 - UNKNOWN - Word has just reached us of the death of Uncle John Widener, which occurred at Heber, Ark., the latter part of January. Widener was one of the pioneers of St.Francis bottoms, having located there in 1840, near the site of the town of Widener, which was named after his brother. About a year ago he and his son moved there. He was universally loved and respected, his word was law, and many differences were settled amicably by his judgment. His old friends and acquaintances will grieve to learn of his demise. Peace to his ashes. 2-10-1905 - BROOKS - BLANCHE - - MRS. - NICHOLS - UNK 1 25 1905 - El Paso - Mrs.Paul Brooks, nee Miss Blanche Nichols, sister of our townsman, Mr.J.M.Nichols, died at her home in El Paso, Texas, Jan.25,1905. Mr.Nichols attended the funeral, returning the following Friday. She lived in Wheatley, in this county for several years, and was a teacher in the public school of that town. She leaves a husband, and three small children to mourn her loss. 2-17-1905 - TACKETT - WILLIAM - - - - UNK 2 1905 - UNKNOWN - From a letter from Mrs.W.Milam on Wednesday, we learned of the death of her brother at Lake City, Craighead Co., William Tacket. She arrived too late to see him before he passed away. He is survived by a widow, one child, five brothers, and two sisters to mourn their loss. Mr.Tacket was an exemplary Christian man, a good citizen, and a kind husband and father. 2-24-1905 - TIPTON - BABY GIRL - - - - 12 29 1904 2 18 1905 - CITY - The loving, friendly, and heartfelt sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Tipton, on the loss of their baby girl, on Feb.18,1905, of pneumonia.The little one was born on Dec.29,1904. The precious remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev.S.H.Babcock performing the ceremonies. 2-24-1905 - BARROW - TEMPERANCE - - MRS. - DAUGHERTY - 1826 2 19 1905 - TENNESSEE - Mr.E.J. and T.W.Barrow left Tuesday morning for Columbia, Tenn., in response to a telegram of the death of their mother and grandmother, respectively, Mrs.Temperance Daugherty Barrow, who died in that city on Feb.19,1905. Mrs.Barrow was in her 79th year. 2-24-1905 - HARTIELL - DALLAS - - MRS. - - UNK 2 18 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Dallas Hartiell, of Widener, widow of the late Willard E.Hartiell, who was well and favorably known to the business community of Forrest City, died at her home at Widener, Saturday afternoon, Feb.18,1905, of pneumonia. after a short illness, and was buried the following day. She leaves three small children, one boy and two girls, to battle life's pathway, without the comfort and sweet advice of a mother. She had been keeping a hotel or boarding house at that village for some time. 2-24-1905 - GIBSON - JONAS - - - - UNK 2 17 1905 - UNKNOWN - Jonas Gibson, living with his wife on the Houston place, three miles north of Widener, on the St.Francis river was found dead in his chair, last Friday evening, Feb. 17,1905, who had just returned from a visit to her mother on an adjoining farm. He was tied to the chair with a towel, and had apparently been choked to death. She had been said to be friendly with another man, and it is supposed that he did the deed. He had also been stabbed in the abdomen and scrotum area by a long blade knife, found next to the chair. Two men are jailed by Dep.Swan until the matter can be resolved. 3-10-1905 - BECK - JOHN - W. - CAPT. - - 2 23 1838 3 8 1905 - CITY - AN HONORED CITIZEN DEAD-Capt.John W.Beck passes to his eternal reward Wednesday night, Mar.8,1905. A progressive business man. As the Times closes its forms, and goes to press, today, the mortal remains of its one-time friend and patron, Capt.John W.Beck lies in state at the family home, awaiting the hour of 8 o'clock when the funeral ceremonies will be said by Rev.P.H.Hensley, of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev.W.C.Davidson, of the Methodist church. The body will then be taken to the Forrest City cemetery for interrment. Capt. John W.Beck was born in Washington, Wilkes Co., Georgia Feb.28,1838, and died in the Petty Sanitarium in Memphis, of complicated general debility. He was the son of John and Esther Beck, and his early life was spent upon the farm and in attendance upon the schools of his neighborhood, He moved to Mississippi a few years before the great conflict between the States, and when that bloody carnage began, he was one of the first volunteers to enter the Confederate service. He was a member of Co.G, of the gallant 22nd Mississippi Regiment, and served faithfully and heroically for four years and three days, surrendering at Greensboro, N.Carolina. He was a true soldier, and knew not the meaning of the word lose. After the war Capt.Beck went to Memphis, and for four years was a salesman in one of the stores in that city. In 1869 he came to Forrest City, and was similarly employed by A.L.Grady & Co. At the expiration of two years, in 1871, he became a member of the firm of Wynne, Dennis & Beck, which for many years was one of the leading business houses in Eastern Arkansas. They did a large furnishing business and were very successful. In 1874 he was happily married to Miss Alice L.Casteel, daughter of Uncle Bob Casteel, as he was familiarly known, to which union were born four children, the first, a boy, died in infancy. His wife, and three daughters, viz: Mrs.D.C.Webb, Miss Emma and Miss Attie Beck, survive him. In 1889, the firm was dissolved, Capt. Wynne moving to Memphis, and Capt.Dennis retiring to private life, and shortly afterwards crossing the great river and going to his reward. Capt.Beck then reorganized the firm, taking in a partner, Mr.Jno.M.Nichols, who had for long years been in employ of the firm. The new firm the J.W.Beck & Co.. Until the first of this year, Capt.Beck had been active in the company, when it was dissolved due to his failing health. He had been unable to attend to his business about two weeks ago,and ten days ago was taken on Sunday was taken to the Petty Sanitarium in Memphis, accompanied by his wife and son in law, Mr.D.C.Webb. Capt.Beck had been identified with the history of this city in its every upward and onward step. He was a member of the Baptist church, to which he gave liberally, and also to the schools of the city. His estate is estimated to be between $40000 to $60000. He owned stock in the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, President of the Hotel Co., and until recently was a director of the Choctaw Railroad Company. He was a Mason, a Knight of Pythias, and an Odd Fellow. The precious remains arrived from Memphis yesterday noon, and his brother of Valden Miss., Mr.D.W.Beck was in town for the funeral, he is the father of Mr.George Beck of this city. 3-10-1905 - TERRY - JAMES - ALVIN - - - 2 24 1838 3 5 1905 - HUGHES - Obituary-James Alvin Terry, son of Wm. and M.Terry, was born in Lafayette Co., Tenn., Feb.24,1838. He and one brother, (now living in the Indian Territory) have for some time been the only survivors of ten sons and two daughters. In 1859, he moved to Harrisburg with his parents. In 1861 he enlisted as a volunteer in the 5th Arkansas Regiment, Co.F, and remained in the service until the close of the war. He was distinguished for his gallantry on six occasions, and in the battle of Murphreesboro was severely wounded. At the close of the war, he settled in St.Francis Co. six miles north of Forrest City. On Sept.18,1866 he married Miss Eliza Jane Morgan, who with four sons and one daughter remain to deplore his demise. Three older sons and one daughter have passed on before. In 1874 Mr.Terry united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Good Hope, and in 1904 transferred his membership to the Presbyterian church of Forrest City. Of both these churches he has been a consistent member. His death occurred on Sunday, Mar.5, 1905, at the age of 67 years and 9 days. The surviving members of his family include:Mrs.E.J.Terry, and four children; Mr.Hanner Terry, Ernest, of Fayetteville, and Miss Maggie of Forrest City, Dr.F.E.Terry of Brinkley, and Dr.H.F.Terry of Devall's Bluff. The funeral services were conducted at the Good Hope church Monday March 6,1905, by Rev.P.H.Hensley of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Elder J.A.McCord of the Baptist church, both of Forrest City, and the precious remains were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery, in the presence of a large number of sorrowing and sympathetic friends, 3-10-1905 - TAYLOR - WILL - - - - UNK 3 4 1905 - UNKNOWN - Will Crisp killed Will Taylor at Whitmore, Saturday night, March 4, 1905, and made his escape. The difficulty arose over the visits of Crisp to the home of Taylor. From all we can learn, Crisp was justified in using his gun to such good effect. He is still at large. Both are colored. 3-10-1905 - DEAN - ALFRED - - - - UNK 3 6 1905 - UNKNOWN - Alfred Dean, colored, had his leg and two fingers cut off while trying to board a moving train at Madison last Sunday night. He was brought here and taken care of by Deputy S.B.Swan until he died Monday, March 6,1905. Dean was on his way home to Widener, and had rode a freight train to Madison, and was trying to board the eastbound passenger train when the accident happened, and because he did not want to pay 18 cents fare, he lost his life. His wife took charge of the remains. 3-10-1905 - CHASTAIN - J. - J. - - - UNK 2 25 1905 - BLACKTON - Mr.J.J.Chastain died Saturday, Feb.25, 1905, in Monroe County, and was buried at Blackton Sunday under the auspices of the Farmers Union. Mr.Chastain formerly resided in this city, and was known by many, who regret his untimely demise. He was ill but a few days with pneumonia. 3-17-1905 - WALSH - ED - - - - UNK 3 12 1905 - UNKNOWN - A fast freight on the Bald Knob branch, was ditched near Levesque, by running into a cow which was caught in the cattle guard, Sunday, March 12,1905, and Fireman Ed Walsh was killed, and Conductor C.C.Cashin and Brakeman Wydrick were seriously wounded. The engine struck the cow, and was thrown down an embankment and seven or eight cars behind it were derailed. All passenger trains due to pass that way were due to pass that way came by this city. 3-24-1905 - FORBES - A. - B. - REV. - - 1828 3 16 1905 - UNKNOWN - Many friends in the circle of the Times circulation will be pained to learn of the death of Rev.A.B.Forbes, a well known Presbyterian minister. He died at the home of relatives at Lake City, Ark., on Thursday, March 16,1905, at the advanced age of 77 years. 3-31-1905 - PODESTA - LOUIS - E. - - - 1845 3 26 1905 - UNKNOWN - Louis E.Podesta, aged sixty years, a traveling man who for many years had called upon the trade of Forrest City; and to whom and many other citizens he was well known, died at his family residence, in Memphis, Sunday, Mar.26,l905. Steve Podesta, a well-known horseshoer of this city, is his son, to whom we extend our sympathy. 3-31-1905 - RICHARDSON - LOUIS - - - - 1893 3 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Mollie Richardson, of the Wylds neighborhood, who recently lost her son Louis, aged about 12 years, by death, has two other children who are quite ill. 4-14-1905 - ROLLWAGE - LOUIS - - - - 4 24 1851 4 11 1905 - CITY - LOUIS ROLLWAGE=The closing of a Great and Beautiful Life=The immortal spirit of Mr.Louis Rollwage passed to its maker Tuesday, April 11,1905 at 6:30 am. His death was not unexpected, as he had been confined to his room several weeks by a malignant cancer of the throat, having not been seen in his usual walks of business since Feb.24th, on which day, the accidental explosion of an alcohol lamp with which he prepared his medicinal treatment, gave him a severe shock and painful burns about his face. Louis Rollwage was born in Cincinatti, Ohio, April 24,1851, and had he lived until the 24th day of this month, would have been 54 years of age. He spent his boyhood days in Cincinatti and received a common school education in the public schools of that city. He began work at the age of 13 at the Franklin Type Foundry as an assistant bookkeeper, until he left for the south. He and his brother, Hon.Otto B.Rollwage formed the L.Rollwage firm in 1874. When the firm was dissolved, Mr.John Alderson came into the firm replacing Otto, and the name changed to Rollwage & Alderson. On the first of this year, the firm was changed merged with Fussell, Graham & Co. into the Fussell, Graham, Alderson Company. He was involved with the Bank of Eastern Arkansas as a large shareholder and vice president, and President of the Forrest City Hotel Co., treasurer of several other benevolent firms established here, and interested in the Forrest City Ice & Power Company. He was a Knight Templar Mason, a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. He was married to Miss Lizzie McDaniel in 1873, daughter of Mr.John McDaniel, deceased, who with one son, Louis F. and four daughters, viz: Mrs.J.L.Jelks, of Memphis; Mrs.Alice McRae, recently of Texas; Mrs.John W.Alderson, and little Miss Allyn Rollwage, survive him. The funeral services took place at the residence on Wednesday afternoon, the Rev.George E.Hancock of the Episcopal church presiding. A large concourse of friends, relatives, and acquaintances followed the precious remains to the Forrest City cemetery, where they were laid to rest under the auspices of the Forrest City Lodge, No.198, F.& A.M. He also leaves an aged father, Mr.F.Rollwage, and one brother, Hon.Otto B.Rollwage, to both of whom he was very dear, and whose hearts are terribly lacerated by his untimely death. He was the eldest son of Mr.F.Rollwage. Pall bearers were:Capt.James Fussell; Mr.Sol Lewis; Mr.John M.Nichols; Judge John Gatling; Mr.F.Laughinghouse; and Mr.M.Isaacs. Honorary Pall bearers:Mr.Thos.J.Fondren;Mr.G.N.Laughinghouse;Judge N.W.Norton; Mr.John W.Aven; Mrs.S.H.Mann; and Mr.Berry Fussell. It is believed his estate to be from $50000 to $70000, including life insurance. The remains were interned in a handsome casket, which was lowered into an Oakey steel frame burial vault, and hermetic ally sealed. 4-14-1905 - ELLIS - BESSIE - - MISS - - 1899 4 1905 - UNKNOWN - Miss Bessie Ellis, the six year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Felix Ellis of Wynne, who was bitten by a dog on March 20, and subsequently brought to this city for treatment by the Pittman madstone, is dead from hydrophobia. 4-14-1905 - JARVIS - ROBERT - - - - 1830 4 8 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mr.Robert Jarvis, a well known bottom farmer and stock ranger, died at his home on the St.Francis river on April 8,1905, and was buried the following day. We are informed that he willed his farm to Mrs.A.Bird. He was an old subscriber to the Times, but we have been unable to learn any of his history. It is believed that he was about 75 years of age. Peace to his ashes. 4-14-1905 - SHELTON - HENRY - CLAY - - - 1881 4 12 1905 - MADISON - Henry Clay Shelton, aged 24 years died Wednesday morning, Apr.12,1905, of malarial hematuria, at the home of his mother, 3 miles east of the city. He was ill about nine days, and even though he received the best of loving care and attention of doctors, it was of no avail His remains were interned in the Madison cemetery yesterday, under auspices of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, of which he was a loyal member. We regret to report that his twin brother, Frank, is dangerously ill. The Times extends to the bereaved family its sincere sympathy. 4-14-1905 - REGARD? - - - MRS. - - UNK 4 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Regard, of Griffithville, sister of Mrs.J.T.Dement of this city, died Friday, Apr.7,1905. She is survived by a bereaved husband and three children, aged about 4, 6 and 10. The precious remains were interned Saturday. Mrs.Dement returned in time to be in the Iron Mountain train wreck at Colt. Later, news reached Mr.Dement, that his brother in law, Mr.A.M.Burton of Marianna, father of Miss Bessie Burton, who is so well known and greatly loved by a large circle of friends here, was dead on Saturday, Apr.8,1905. He was buried on Sunday, and Mr.Dement attended the funeral. 4-14-1905 - BURTON - A. - M. - - - UNK 4 8 1905 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Regard, of Griffithville, sister of Mrs.J.T.Dement of this city, died Friday, Apr.7,1905. She is survived by a bereaved husband and three children, aged about 4, 6 and 10. The precious remains were interned Saturday. Mrs.Dement returned in time to be in the Iron Mountain train wreck at Colt. Later, news reached Mr.Dement, that his brother in law, Mr.A.M.Burton of Marianna, father of Miss Bessie Burton, who is so well known and greatly loved by a large circle of friends here, was dead on Saturday, Apr.8,1905. He was buried on Sunday, and Mr.Dement attended the funeral. 4-28-1905 - ANDERSON - JAMES - P. - - - 1 22 1854 4 27 1905 - LOUGHRIDGE - Death of James Anderson-Mr.James P.Anderson, of Johnson township, near Newcastle, a prosperous farmer and an upright citizen died last night, Apr.27,1905, at his home of congestion. He was about 51 years of age, brother in law of Dr.J.F.McDougal, Mr.J.V.Casbeer, Bud and Tom Dorris. He was married in 1883 to Miss L.K.Dorris, daughter of Esquire O.E.Dorris, and leaves a wife and two children, one girl, Ethel, age 18, and a boy, Ed, aged about 17. He was a nephew of Dr.W.J.Matthews, deceased. The remains will be interned in the Hughes Cemetery today. His death is deeply mourned by his relatives and a large group of friends. Other records show burial in Loughridge Cemetery. 5-5-1905 - HANNER - JARIBOE - - - - 1900 5 3 1905 - UNKNOWN - Rosa Hanner, colored, who has been cooking for Mrs.R.K.Swan, is well nigh crazed with grief at the horrible and sudden death of her 5 year old son, Jariboe. The mother occupies a room and makes her home at night at the Potts Hotel on South Washington street, where the boy called home. It happened in a drainage ditch just south of the hotel, Wednesday morning, he was sent home from the St.Francis Hotel by his mother, May 3,1905, and he apparently fell in and drowned without being seen by anyone. The body was not found until the next day when they dragged the ditch again. The coroner said the boy died from accidental drowning. 5-5-1905 - STONE - MANSFIELD - RODGERS - MRS. - DUPUY - 1 5 1850 5 3 1905 - CITY - THE CITY MOURNS, Mrs.J.E.Stone Dead=This sentence has been upon the tongues of thousands since Wednesday, May 3,1905, when the spirit of Mrs.Mansfield Rodgers Stone, beloved wife of Dr.J.E.Stone of this city, took its winged flight to brighter realms above, and a terrible gloom was cast upon the remaining lifetime of her devoted husband. Mrs.Stone was born in Marshall County Mississippi, near Byhalia, on Jan.5,1850, being the eldest of two children of Mr.& Mrs.J.L.Dupuy. She was married to Dr.J.E.Stone on May 10,1879, then of Walnut Bend, and they removed to Forrest City in the year 1883, where they have since resided. Deceased was a member of the Eastern Star Lodge, and was a charter member of the Church of the Good Shepherd. The funeral took place from the Church of the Good Shepherd Thursday afternoon, Rev.George Hancock presiding over the solemn Episcopal church ceremonies. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery, and the pall bearers were:James Fussell, Ike Mallory, John Nichols, Jas.Gilliam, Ellis Turley, and Harry Knight. She was the second wife of Dr.Stone. Her sister left on 5-12-1905 for her home in Memphis, she is Mrs.J.S.Horne. 5-12-1905 - CONGER - WILLIAM - - - - 1878 5 6 1905 - HUGHES - Killed by Train-Will Conger, a well to do farmer, residing at or near Colt, was in town Saturday, May 6,1905. He mingled with friends and acquaintances, and partook of liquor in temperately. He went to the Iron Mountain depot at nightfall, and after waiting some time, decided he could walk faster. He had reached the G.B.Pettus place, about three and a half miles on the tracks, and was overtaken and rundown, severing his head and legs, by the northbound passenger train which left the city at 8:32pm, and was instantly killed. The coroner's inquest found that the death was accidental due to being run over by the Iron Mountain train. Conger was about 27 years of age, and left a wife to mourn his horrible death. He was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor at Colt, and was always gay, full of mirth and fun. He leaves a mother, three sisters, and one brother, in addition to a devoted wife. This is the second life lost by this same train and engineer, within a year on this ten mile stretch of track between Colt and Forrest City. 5-19-1905 - COOPER - WILL - - - - UNK 5 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - Three Negroes Drowned-News reached the city Sunday evening, May 7,1905, of the drowning of three negroes in Crow Creek, about one mile west of Madison, and below the railroad bridge about a quarter of a mile. Will Cooper, a brave and fearless man, lost his life in an attempt to recover the bodies of two negro children who had been drowned about an hour before, bathing in the creek, which was very much swollen by the recent rains. Cooper was formerly an employee of Walton-Knox Box factory at Madison as a fireman. While diving for the bodies, it is supposed he had cramps or struck his head by a rock, and was unable to save himself. All three bodies were recovered later, including Alex Mason, age 8, and Turner Mays, age 6 years. 5-19-1905 - MASON - ALEX - - - - 1897 5 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - Three Negroes Drowned-News reached the city Sunday evening, May 7,1905, of the drowning of three negroes in Crow Creek, about one mile west of Madison, and below the railroad bridge about a quarter of a mile. Will Cooper, a brave and fearless man, lost his life in an attempt to recover the bodies of two negro children who had been drowned about an hour before, bathing in the creek, which was very much swollen by the recent rains. Cooper was formerly an employee of Walton-Knox Box factory at Madison as a fireman. While diving for the bodies, it is supposed he had cramps or struck his head by a rock, and was unable to save himself. All three bodies were recovered later, including Alex Mason, age 8, and Turner Mays, age 6 years. 5-19-1905 - MAYS - TURNER - - - - 1899 5 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - Three Negroes Drowned-News reached the city Sunday evening, May 7,1905, of the drowning of three negroes in Crow Creek, about one mile west of Madison, and below the railroad bridge about a quarter of a mile. Will Cooper, a brave and fearless man, lost his life in an attempt to recover the bodies of two negro children who had been drowned about an hour before, bathing in the creek, which was very much swollen by the recent rains. Cooper was formerly an employee of Walton-Knox Box factory at Madison as a fireman. While diving for the bodies, it is supposed he had cramps or struck his head by a rock, and was unable to save himself. All three bodies were recovered later, including Alex Mason, age 8, and Turner Mays, age 6 years. 5-26-1905 - DAVIS - THOMAS - A.R. - - - 12 4 1835 5 21 1905 - CITY - Death of T.A.R.Davis-Mr.Thomas A.R.Davis, was born Dec.4,1835 near Oxford, Miss., and was the eldest child of Rev.& Mrs.Arthur Davis. He became a member of the Methodist church at the age of 14, and has been a consistent Christian since, the bible being his guide through life. On July 17,1859 he married Miss Anna Atley of Mt.Pleasant, Miss. He served three years in the Civil war under Gen.N.B.Forrest. He came to Arkansas in Dec.1873, locating in St.Francis county, where he has since resided. He and Mrs.Davis were blessed with eight children, five of whom survive him, viz: Mattie C.; Henry A.; Tommye A.; Charlie A.; and Winfield. Two sisters, and two brothers, Mrs.Eliza C.Evans of Earlington, Ky., and Mrs.John M.Davis of this city, Dr.A.H.Davis, of Little Rock, and Mr.R.R.Davis of Cleburn, Texas. He died at his home of rheumatism of the heart, Sunday morning, May 21,1905, at the age of 69, after an illness of only a few days. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church by Rev.S.H.Babcock, whence a large number of friends and bereaved relatives followed the remains to the Forrest City cemetery, where they were laid to rest. The pall bearers were Messrs.John Eldridge, George Mallory, T.W.McClendon, James Fussell, B.F.McCrary, and F.C.Neely. Mrs.Geo.E.Davis of Wynne came down for the funeral of T.A.R.Davis, returning Monday night. Also, Mrs.Alma Fields from Memphis. 5-26-1905 - IRBY - HENDERSON - ATKINSON - - - 9 3 1822 5 25 1905 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mr.H.A.Irby-Mr.H.A.Irby, died last night, May 25,1905, after an illness of 5 days of general debility and old age. Henderson Atkinson Irby was born near Lebanon, Tenn., Sep.3,1822, came to this state and located here. He was a brick mason and contractor, and built the Wynne, Dennis & Beck block first, then the Rollwage block. He was married to Mrs.Litton, Oct.22,1888, and his wife survives him. He leaves two sons by a former marriage, viz:Wm.C., of Memphis, and James P., of Little Rock. He joined the Christian church about three years ago. The funeral will take place today, services at the cemetery by Revs.Hensley and Babcock. 5-26-1905 - HENDERSON - JOHN - - - - UNK 5 19 1905 - UNKNOWN - MURDER MOST FOUL=Last Friday night, May 19,1905, a murder was committed in St.Francis bottoms, near Gray's store, 12 miles north of Madison, which for cold blooded atrocity is not surpassed in the criminal annals of this county. A box party was held by the colored folks, largely attended. among the guests being the family of Monroe Madison, with their uncle, who was murdered, and Silas Jones, the man who did the killing. A woman, Sally Madison accused Jones of stealing her knife, and while he was denying it, someone picked his pocket and gave it back to her, and when she asked "I thought you said you didn't have my knife," whereupon he slapped her on the face. In the scuffle, Jones finger was cut, and then John Henderson stepped up and told Jones to not do that anymore. Before the party ended, Jones slipped out to the cabin of Madison, and wanted to borrow the shot gun of George Madison, but stepped into the next room and stole the gun, and went off to get shells. Later after the Madison family had retired, Jones knocked on the door, and when they opened it, Jones partly stepped in and told Henderson he wanted the knife, but before he could reply, Jones shot him dead, and then fled in the darkness. He was captured by Constable T.L.Humble, at Widener, the next day at Heth. Henderson was acting as guardian of the household while the head of the family, is in jail for selling mortgaged cotton, Monroe Madison. 6-2-1905 - NEELEY - ROSE - - MRS. - DURBOROW - UNK 6 1 1905 - LITTLE ROCK - Death of Mrs.Neeley-Mrs.Rose Neeley, wife of Mr.James Neeley, a well known traveling salesman, and daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.S.Durborow, of this city, died at St.Vincent's Infirmary in Little Rock, yesterday, June 1,1905. Mrs.Neeley had gone to the Infirmary and was operated on Monday night for appendicitis. Her parents were with her during the operation, and thought she was doing so much better, they returned home. During the day on Wednesday, she worsened, and blood poisoning set in. The family received a telegram telling of her worsening condition and that she would not survive. The grief stricken parents, along with Rosalie, the sweet little daughter of Mrs.Neeley left on the train, but she died before they arrived. She was one of the most beautiful women of Arkansas, and was loved and admired by a large circle of friends here and in Little Rock. The precious remains will be interned in the cemetery in LIttle Rock tomorrow. 6-9-1905 - FERGUSON - L. - D. - JR. - - UNK 6 3 1905 - TENNESSEE - Master L.D.Ferguson, Jr.,of Memphis, a relative of Mr.W.C.Ferguson and sons of this county, and who has been confined to his bed for two months with inflammatory rheumatism, and an affection of the heart,died at his home Saturday night, June 3,1905, and the remains were taken to Bolton College and interned Sunday afternoon. The young man had been visiting in Franks township, and became worse, when his father came and took him home. 6-9-1905 - SLATER - FRED - - - - UNK 6 8 1905 - UNKNOWN - FRED SLATER KILLED=Fred Slater, a car repairer, was crushed to death beneath the wheels of a car upon which he was work on in the yards of the Illinois Central Railroad yesterday, June 8,1905 per the Commercial Appeal. He was under the car, when an switch engine pulled the car over his body, from which he died shortly afterwards. He owned a farm in this county, and we regret exceedingly his death. 6-16-1905 - GRAY - WALTER - - - - UNK 6 6 1905 - COLLIERSVILLE - AN ATTROCIOUS DEED-Walter Gray, merchant and farmer on St.Francis river, brained with an ax, body loaded with iron, and thrown into the river. Three white men and a negro charged and in jail for committing the inhuman deed. On Saturday morning, June 10,1905, while employed in catching logs, at the river near Madison, Andy Reed, a negro, discovered the body of a man floating downstream, at a point near the box factory. Reed immediately caught the gruesome find, and tied it up to the bank, and notified the citizens of Madison, who notified the coroner and sheriff. Coroner Alley proceeded to the scene at once, and empanelling a jury, held an inquest, at which the only witness, Reed, was examined. The result was an unknown man, hit with an ax in the head which caused his death. It was soon learned that Mr.Walter Gray had been missing since June 6. HIs location is nine miles north of Madison on the St.Francis river. The examination of his place revealed evidence of foul play, on Sunday Undertaker Stevens took the body for preparation, and shipped it to Colliersville. Mrs.Gray, mother of Walter Gray, swore out a warrant for Gus Benton, who had been staying with Gray at his store since January. A colored man, who had been doing work for Gus Benton, upon investigation, John Davis, confessed to the plot of Gus Benton, Bob Martin, and Henry Minor, stating that Benton had planned the deed. They waited until he was asleep, then came in and used the ax on him, resulting in his death. Over $600 was in the store, and Benton deposited $200 in the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and Martin was spending money freely in town a day or two after the killing.Judge Hutton to Try Men Who Killed Walter Gray-Sheriff W.E.Williams on orders of Judge Hutton, convened a special grand jury on Monday to look into the murder of Walter Gray. There has been talk of a lynching. 6-16-1905 - CARR - T. - D. - - - UNK UNK - UNKNOWN - The name of Mrs.Mollie E.Carr, widow of T.D.Carr, deceased, has been presented to the clerk for presentation to the pension board, as a suitable and deserving person to receive a pension. In support of her claim, the original parole of her husband, dated April 10,1865, was presented. 7-7-1905 - THOMAS - NEWTON - R. - - - 1867 7 3 1905 - CITY - N.R.Thomas Dead=N.R.Thomas, aged 38, a lifelong resident of the county, died at his residence in the city, Monday night, July 3,1905, and his remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of the Knights of Honor, of which order he was a member. He leaves a wife, Mrs.Mittie Thomas, and four children. A pathetic feature is distinctly connected to his death. Some two weeks ago, Mr.Thomas had partially recovered from a case of fever, and in driving with his family to a barbecue, his team ran away with the carriage, throwing all the occupants to the ground. He and his wife were slightly injured, while two of his children, a boy and a girl, respectively, had a leg and arm broken, the shock of to Mr.Thomas causing a relapse, which resulted in his death. Resolutions of Respect-St.Francis Lodge No.409, K.of H.-N.P.Beauchamp/G.M.Dooley/M.R.McCrary-committee. 7-14-1905 - DELANO - CHARLES - EDWARD - - - 4 1904 7 9 1905 - CITY - AT REST-Chas.Edward, the sweet little fifteen month old baby of Mr.& Mrs.Chas.Delano, was called to rest Sunday, July 9,1905, after an illness of only a few days. The little darling was interned in the Forrest City cemetery Monday morning, the funeral services being conducted by Rev.P.H.Hensley of the Presbyterian church. 7-14-1905 - McNAIR - TOM - - - - UNK 7 10 1905 - UNKNOWN - Tom McNair, a negro farmer, was killed by a westbound freight on the Rock Island Monday, July 10,1905, at Round Pond. He was overtaken on the trestle, and stepped aside, but the pilot beam struck him, knocked him off, and he died within twenty minutes. He was picked up and brought to Widener. 7-14-1905 - HASLEY - JAMES - - - - 1847 6 30 1905 - ALABAMA - James Hasley is Dead=The Times is in receipt of news of the death of Mr.James Haslay, which sad event occurred on Friday, June 30,1905, at his residence in Birmingham, Alabama. He was 58 years of age, and a prominent Macabee, and a most excellent gentleman. He formerly resided in this county where he engaged in farming. He lost his farm because of a default on a mortgage, while a candidate for Congress, which he lost. He re-established himself in the shoe business in Birmingham. He also issued a weekly paper here for several months, called the Swamp Democrat. He leaves a wife and several children, one of whom is Mrs.D.Addington, of Birmingham. 7-14-1905 - McGEE - LAILA - - MRS. - ROOKH - 9 24 1874 7 9 1905 - CITY - Death of Mrs.McGee=Death has again robbed a mother of her eldest born, a husband of a devoted wife; a daughter of her dearest friend; a brother of his only sister, and many relatives and friends of one who was dear to all of them in her life time. Mrs.Laila Rookh McGee, wife of Mr.W.L.McGee, and daughter of Mrs.Alice Casteel, of this city, died Sunday, July 9,1905, at their hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, whence they had gone hoping to restore her health, after a lingering illness of several months. The precious remains were brought to this city, Wednesday, on the Rock Island railroad, where they were met and the remains taken to the residence of her mother in the city. Yesterday, the interned the body in the Forrest City cemetery, Elder J.A.McCord, of the Baptist church, in charge. Rev.P.H.Hensley of the Presbyterian church assisting. Mrs.McGee was born in this city, Sep.24,1874, and was the eldest child of Milton and Alice Casteel. She was married twice, the last time to Mr.W.L.McGee of St.Louis, and to this union was born one child, a daughter who survives her. She was an accomplished and a cultured woman. 7-21-1905 - McDOUGAL - JAMES - F. - DR. - - 1825 7 15 1905 - UNKNOWN - LAND MARK GONE=Dr.James F.McDougal, of Savannah, Tenn, dies at a ripe old age. The death of Dr.James F.McDougal which occurred Saturday, July 15,1905, at Savannah, removed one of the last land marks of that section, and one of the best known practitioners of west Tennessee. Dr.McDougal was 80 years of age, and had been a citizen of Savannah for forty years. having moved there from Wesland Springs, Lawrence county, where he was born. He was an uncle of Senator W.W.Carmack, and one of the staunch democrats of the county. He was for many years a leader in the Methodist church, and with the Masonic lodge. He is survived by a widow, his second wife, and eight children:Aren? McDougal, a lawyer at Sapulpa; Dr.James F.McDougal, of Forrest City; Dr.Alex McDougal of Cero Gordo,Harden County; John McDougal, a farmer at Savannah; Mrs.Agnes Harvey, of Cero Gordo; Mrs.Dan Broyles, of Savannah; and Mrs.H.J.Cox, Selmer, McNairy County, Tenn.-Commercial Appeal. 7-21-1905 - MULHOLLAND - BABY - - - - UNK 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - A casket was sent out yesterday for the precious baby of Mr.& Mrs.Mulholland, of Johnson township. 7-21-1905 - SIMPSON - UNKNOWN - - - - UNK 7 1905 - UNKNOWN - Killed Her Brother-C.A.Starkey, who lives in Cross Co., who is known in the St.Francis bottoms, obtained a marriage license at Wynne, to marry Miss Mattie Simpson. both live at Parkin. It seems that a brother of Miss Mattie was to help with the elopement, but changed his mind when the time arrived, upon which Starkey drew his gun and fired and killed Simpson, and seriously wounded Simpson's wife, who was also to help with the elopement. Then Starkey made his escape. 7-28-1905 - DEVINE - HOWELL - - - - UNK 7 22 1905 - MADISON - Mr.Howell Divine died at the home of his niece, Mrs.F.M.Chaney, at Madison, Sunday night, July 22,1905, and was buried the following day at the Madison cemetery. He had been in bad health a long time, and had been staying at the home of his niece. He was taken ill with flux Thursday of last week, and survived the attack only three days. His wife, and two daughters, aged 4 and 7 years, are somewhere near Vicksburg, Miss. There being no minister present, a service was held by Mr.George Crippen. Deceased was brother of Mrs.Mollie Carr of this city. 7-28-1905 - DEVAZIER - JAMES - H. - - - 9 22 1852 7 26 1905 - HUGHES - Mr.James Devasier, aged 54 years, who came to this county in his early childhood, died Wednesday night, July 26,1905, at his home in Caldwell, and was buried at the Caldwell cemetery yesterday afternoon. He leaves a family, two sons being employed with the Forrest City Ice & Power Co. in this city, to whom we extend sincere sympathy in their great bereavement. Spelling Devazier in the Hughes cemetery. 8-11-1905 - NELSON - MOSES - A. - - - 1897 8 3 1905 - CITY - Mr. & Mrs.D.L.Nelson, of two miles north of town, have our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of their son, Moses, who died at their home on Thursday of last week, Aug.3,1905 of congestion of the stomach, age 8 years.The precious remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Friday afternoon, the religious ceremonies conducted by Rev.Owens. Shown as age 4 in cemetery records of Kathleen Bell, M.A.Nelson was the name on the record. 8-11-1905 - MURPHY - M. - E. - MRS. - MAY - 1847 8 8 1905 - HUGHES - Death of Mrs.Murphy=Mrs.M.E.Murphy, adopted mother of Mrs.Johnnie Johnson, of this city, whose critical illness was chronicled in the Times columns last week, died at the home of her daughter, Tuesday, Aug.8,1905, of consumption. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev.S.H.Babcock and the remains were interned at the Hughes cemetery Wednesday morning. Mrs.Murphy was a member of the Methodist church, and for 20 years has taught classes in the Sunday school. She was 58 years of age and a sister of Messrs.Bud, Ben, and Arch May of Johnson township, and Henry May of Telico Township. She had been confined to her bed for ten weeks, and suffered terribly until death released her tired spirit. 8-18-1905 - HEAD - ELIZABETH - PEARL - MISS - - UNK 8 9 1905 - UNKNOWN - Captain and Mrs.George Head have the sympathy of a host of friends over the loss of their daughter, Elizabeth Pearl, whose death occurred on Wednesday night, 8-9-1905, after an illness of several weeks with typhoid fever. The interrment took place Thursday afternoon, Rev.J.J.Cornish performing the ceremonies. Marianna Index. 8-25-1905 - GREENACRE - TEDDY - - MASTER - - 1898 8 17 1905 - CITY - Mr.& Mrs.George Greenacre have the sympathy of the community over the loss of their 4 years old son, Teddy, who died on Thursday of last week, Aug.17,1905, at their home on the Stone place east of Dr.Dooley's. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery last week. 8-25-1905 - COTTON - ROSA - - MISS - - 1901 8 21 1905 - UNKNOWN - Rosa, the little four year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.R.Cotton, departed this life on Aug.21,1905. She came as a ray of sunshine into that home, and her own sunny temper and lovable ways reflected a light to those around her, and we are moved to ask why should one so pure and beautiful perish so early? Silver Bill, Democrat Times. 8-25-1905 - HORTON - MILDRED - FLOY - MISS - - 6 10 1903 8 15 1905 - LOUGHRIDGE - Floy Mildred, the 2 year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Dave Horton, of Horton, died on Tuesday of last week, Aug.15,1905, and was buried at the Loughridge cemetery the following day. The sweet baby had been such a comfort and joy to the household, and en twined herself about their hearts until the pang of parting was hard indeed to bear. The family have our sincere sympathy in their great loss. 8-25-1905 - MORLOCK - MINNIE - - MISS - - 1902 8 18 1905 - UNKNOWN - In Memoriam-We assembled at the home of Mr.J.A.Morlock, Saturday evening, Aug.19, 1905, on a sad mission, where the day before, the angels had visited, and taken from their arms, their little daughter Minnie, and borne her away to the land of our Father. Mr.Morlock and family are prominent citizens of our community, and their sweet little daughter, though just three years old, was dearly beloved by all who knew her. 8-25-1905 - BURNETT - ETTA - - MISS - - 1898 8 21 1905 - HUGHES - On last Monday evening, Aug.21,1905, Death came to the home of Mr.& Mrs.William Burnett and robbed it of their little daughter, Etta, aged about 7 years. The remains were interned in the Hughes graveyard Tuesday. Sloniker Mill Times. 9-1-1905 - BLACK - BOB - - - - UNK 8 1905 - UNKNOWN - Joe Dorsey, colored, was arrested Sunday on the Mears Hughes place on a warrant charging him with the murder of Bob Black, also colored, about two weeks ago near Round Pond. Black was a section boss on the Round Pond railroad, and became intimate with Dorsey's wife, and Dorsey killed him. Dorsey had an examining trial yesterday before Squire J.B.Sanders, and was discharged. 9-8-1905 - STOCKARD - MARY - JANE - MISS - - 1877 9 7 1905 - MT.VERNON - Mary J.Stockard Dead=Miss Mary Jane Stockard, eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.F.Stockard, of this city, died at the family residence yesterday, Sep.7,1905, of nervous prostration, and was buried the same evening in Mt.Vernon cemetery. Rev.W.C.Davidson conducting the funeral ceremonies. Miss Stockard was 28 years of age, and had been an invalid for several years. She bore her afflictions patiently and passed away peacefully. 9-8-1905 - HALBERT - THOMAS - L. - - - UNK 8 30 1905 - UNKNOWN - Resolutions of Respect=The Caldwell lodge of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, No.2425, in its sore bereavement of the loss of Brother Thomas L.Halbert, who was taken from us on Aug.30,1905. Committee:James M.Wilson/Fannie Stokes/A.N.Brantley 9-8-1905 - ABEL - UNKNOWN - - MISS - - 1901 9 1905 - BELL - The little 4 year old daughter of Mr.G.G.Abel died Sep.1905 at the home of her grandparents, Mr.& Mrs.O.S.Abel, with whom the sweet baby had been living a mile and a half west of Palestine, and was buried at the Bell cemetery the following afternoon. Rev.Win Harper of the Moon community in charge of the ceremonies. Beck Times. 9-15-1905 - FRANKS - BERTIE - - MISS - - 1902 9 10 1905 - CITY - Bertie Franks, the little 3 year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.James Franks, died Sunday, Sep.10,1905, of congestion, and was buried on Tuesday at the Forrest City cemetery, Eld.J.A.McCord in charge of the ceremonies. The family have our sincere sympathy in their sore bereavement. could be Birdie Mae buried in Hughes Cemetery, death on Sep.5,1905. 9-15-1905 - HODGES - J. - R. - - - 1842 9 9 1905 - HODGES - Death of J.R.Hodges=Mr.J.R.Hodges, familiarly known as Bob Hodges, died at the home of his brother, Mr.Jesse B.Hodges, seven miles southwest of the city in Franks township, Sep.9,1905, of congestion. He was 63 years of age, and a veteran of the civil war, having served the entire period. He enlisted under Captain Luther Dunn, who took out the second company from this county, serving under General Pat Clebourne, and at the time of his death, was an honored member of the Forrest Camp U.C.V. of this county. Bob Hodges was a lifetime resident of St.Francis county, where he was widely known and respected. He leaves three children, one brother, and a host of friends to mourn his departure. His remains were laid to rest in the family graveyard the following day, with Elder W.H.Paslay conducting the religious ceremonies. 9-15-1905 - CHILNER - CHARLES - - - - 1835 9 11 1905 - MARIANNA - Death of An Old Citizen-Charles Chilner, one of Marianna's oldest and most highly respected citizens, died Monday morning, Sep.11,1905, after a lingering illness of typhoid fever. Mr.Chilner was past 70 years of age, and having been in poor health for several years, his condition was regarded as critical, leaving little hope of his recovery. For 25 years, he has served the city of Marianna as night watchman. The funeral services were held from the Methodist church Tuesday morning by Rev.J.A.Jeffett, and the concluding services at the grave by the Knights of Honor. Marianna Index. Mr.Chilner was the father of Adolph Chilner, of this city, to whom the Times extends its sincere sympathy. 9-29-1905 - BROWN - HENRY - - - - 1888 9 25 1905 - UNKNOWN - Henry Brown, son of Mr.Fred Brown, deceased, died at the home of Mrs.Sarah Moore Monday morning, Sep.25, 1905, after several days illness with slow or malarial fever. Age about seventeen. 10-6-1905 - DANIEL - CHARLOTTE - - MRS. - - 1857 9 30 1905 - CITY - Mrs.Charlotte Daniel, of Whitmore, was stricken ill on Monday of last week, and died Saturday, Sep.30,1905, of pneumonia, aged 48 years. She leaves two children, a son and daughter to mourn her sudden demise. The remains were brought here for interrment in the Forrest City cemetery, and Elder J.A.McCord of the Baptist church performed the religious ceremonies. She has been a consistent member of the Baptist church for 18 years, and a Christian who will be missed by all who knew her. 10-6-1905 - WILLIAMS - LAWRENCE - F. - - - 1 19 1905 9 19 1905 - HUGHES - We regret exceedingly to learn of the death of one of the twin babies, Lawrence F., of Mr.& Mrs.L.F.Williams, of Colt, which sad event occurred on Tuesday of last week, Sep.26,1905. The precious remains were interned in the Hughes cemetery on the following day. The boy was named Lawrence F. and Norvella M. respectively. when we took pictures during the summer for the Art Souvenir. 10-13-1905 - HAHN - A. - J. - - - UNK 10 1 1905 - BRINKLEY - Mr.A.J.Hahn, formerly telegraph operator at this place, and for seventeen years at Brinkley, died in that city, Oct.1,1905, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.F.T.Murphy, nee Hahn. 10-13-1905 - MERRITT - WALTER - - - - UNK 10 6 1905 - UNKNOWN - Walter Merritt, the negro who said he believed that God was keeping him alive until he should be baptized in a bath tub, last Thursday evening, died Friday night, Oct.6,1905, in accordance with his predictions. There is something extraordinary about this case, which has attracted considerable attention. 10-13-1905 - TODD - ARTHUR - B. - - - 12 25 1885 10 8 1905 - WYLDS - Arthur B.Todd, was among many young converts in the recent revival in Madison, he was born in Mississippi in 1885 on Christmas day, and came with his parents at an early age to Arkansas. Some three weeks ago he was taken ill with typhoid pneumonia, and thought he was getting better, but all that could be done was not enough, and he succumbed on Oct.8,1905. After his conversion, he was baptized in the Methodist Episcopal church by the writer. Arthur's body lies in Wylds cemetery, awaiting the glad call of God's resurrection angel. W.C.Davidson, Oct.11,1905. 10-20-1905 - COLE - J. - R. - - - 1855 10 19 1905 - CITY - J.R.Cole, a well known merchant of Beck's Switch, died last night, Oct.19,1905, after an illness of ten days. He was about 50 years of age, and had been a resident of this county for twenty five years. He was widely acquainted and highly esteemed by a large number of our people, who recognized and appreciated his many sterling qualities. The interrment will take place tomorrow morning at the Forrest City cemetery, services to be conducted by Rev.P.H.Hensley, of the Presbyterian church. 10-20-1905 - LOWENTHAL - - - MRS. - - UNK 10 18 1905 - ST.LOUIS - Mrs.Lowenthal died Wednesday, Oct.18,1905, at her home in St.Louis. She was a sister of Mrs.M.Isaacs and Mrs.A.Meyers of this place and was well known here on her visits. They were joined by their brother and sister, Mr.Morris Lesser and Mrs.S.Rotholz of Marianna on the trip to the funeral in St.Louis. 10-20-1905 - MITCHELL - BOB - - MRS. - - UNK 10 17 1905 - UNKNOWN - The many friends of "Uncle" Bob Mitchell, will join us in sympathy with him on the loss of his wife, who passed away Tuesday night, Oct.17,1905, at her home near McGoffin. Mrs.Mitchell was one of the oldest residents of the county, and was a woman greatly beloved by all of who enjoyed the privilege of her acquaintance. Her end was peaceful, she dying in the full assurance of a happy future. We regret to hear Uncle Bob is quite ill also. 10-20-1905 - COOK - A. - B. - - - 7 17 1848 10 16 1905 - CITY - The remains of Mr.A.B.Cook arrived on the delayed Iron Mountain train Wednesday, and in one of the worst rain storms ever witnessed were laid to rest at the Forrest City cemetery, where Rev.S.H.Babcock of the Methodist church presided over the religious ceremonies. He was well known to the old citizens of this community, who remember him well. He was a relative of Messrs.J.L. and Peyton Scott. 10-20-1905 - CLIFTON - WILLIAM - THOMAS - - - 3 23 1823 10 16 1905 - CITY - Death of An Old Citizen-On Monday night, Oct.16,1905, our people were startled and shocked to learn of the death of Mr.W.T.Clifton, one of the oldest residents of Forrest City. At 8 o'clock, his son, Mr.W.A.Clifton left home for a walk uptown, and at that time, his father was in his customary health. But shortly thereafter, he became ill and in less than two hours was dead of a heart attack. William Thomas Clifton was born on March 28,1823, at Halleyville, the present site of Birmingham, Alabama. In 1848, after his marriage, he left for Arkansas, making his home at Helena. Soon after the foundation of Forrest City in 1869, he came to this place, where he since resided. His wife died in 1899, and at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning he was laid to rest by her side. Three children-W.A.Clifton, Mrs.Mattie Davis, and Mrs.Mollie Ritter survive him. He was a good man, and a good citizen. SEE BIO. 10-20-1905 - SELLERS - BELLE - - MRS. - - 1870 10 15 1905 - HUGHES - Mrs.Belle Sellers, wife of Mr.J.W.Sellers, died Sunday morning, Oct.15,1905, at her home near the old Hughes schoolhouse, a few miles north of the city. The interrment was laid to rest Monday morning in the Hughes cemetery. The deceased was about 35 years of age and had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for 15 years. Two sons, a daughter, her mother, and two sisters, and a brother survive her. A brother in law, Mr.R.E.Sellers is a valued employee of Mallory & Vaccaro, and to him and other members of the bereft family, the Times offers sincere condolence. 11-3-1905 - RUFF - DOVEY - E. - MRS. - - UNK 11 2 1905 - HUGHES - Mrs.Dovey E.Ruff died yesterday at Madison, Nov.2,1905, of consumption. She was a widow and leaves eight children. Her eldest son was killed ten years ago by being crushed by a tree he had felled. Mrs.Ruff was a sister to Mrs.L.H.McGuffey of this city, and she and the bereft children have our sincere sympathy. The funeral services were in Madison at her home, and interrment was in the Hughes cemetery this afternoon. Mrs.Lee Dougherty of Memphis, came to the funeral of her aunt. 11-10-1905 - BARNES - BABY BOY - - - - 11 5 1905 11 5 1905 - BELL - A baby boy was born to Mr.& Mrs.D.L.Barnes last Sunday night, Nov.5,1905, but our heavenly father took him and gave him a home beyond the skies. The remains were buried at the Bell cemetery Monday, services at the grave conducted by Rev.W.T.Price. Sloniker Mill Times. 11-17-1905 - LIPSEY - NAT - - - - UNK 11 12 1905 - UNKNOWN - Nat Lipsey, a well known Forrest City negro died Sunday at Wynne, Nov.12,1905, where he has resided for some time. His remains were brought here for burial. 11-17-1905 - SATTERFIELD - STELLA - - MISS - - 9 1902 11 5 1905 - GOOD HOPE - OBITUARY-Miss Stella, died of diphtheria, St.Francis County, Nov.5,1905, at the age of three years, two months and some days, daughter of Mr.F.M. & Mrs. D.O.Satterfield. The burial took place the next day at the church of the Good Hope cemetery. 12-1-1905 - HANCOCK - GEORGE - EDWIN - REV. - - 8 2 1871 11 27 1905 - CITY - Beloved Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd Dies-Attack of malaria revives chronic hip trouble, necessitating amputation of his leg. Operation performed in Memphis on Monday, Nov.27, 1905, from which he never recovered, and died at 10 pm. A fearful pall of gloom o'er spread this city on Tuesday morning, when the news of the death of Rev.George Ewin Hancock, Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, became generally known. Rev.Hancock had been ill for some time. He had an attack of malaria in October, immediately after his return from a very pleasant vacation at Sewanee, Tenn., and he had been a sufferer for many years of a chronic hip trouble, and this illness revived that affliction, and when he was strong enough, went to Memphis for assistance. The precious remains were brought to this city Tuesday afternoon, accompanied by Rev.Dr.Thomas D.Windiate, of Memphis, and were met at the train by a large concourse of friends. They were taken to the rectory and there lay in state until Wednesday morning, when they were moved to the church. The services were held by Rev.Dr.L.L.Lloyd, Arch deacon of Arkansas, assisted by Rev.G.Gordon Smedes of Little Rock; Rev.Joseph J.Cornish, now of Marianna, and Dr.Thomas Windiate was with Mrs.Hancock and sweet baby Inez Morrell, during the services until the remains were laid to rest. The services at the Forrest City cemetery were supervised by the George P.Taylor Lodge, followed by a large crowd of friends. The subject of this sketch was born in Warren Co., Ky., Aug.2,1871, and was a son of John W. & Elizabeth Hancock, both of that state, his father having served in the Southern cause during the Civil war. His mother died when he was but three years of age. He attended public school until the age of 15, and entered Union College at Barboursville, Ky. Jan.1,1894 and graduated with honors in 1896. After serving as Chair of History and Latin in his alma mater for four years, he became Supt.of schools in Pineville, Ky., for a few months, when he was called by the Bishop of Lexington to take up missionary work among the native mountaineers in Eastern Kentucky, beginning this work in Corbin, Ky. He was married on June 7,1894, to Miss Salome Otey, who is a relative of the Pioneer, Bishop Otey, of Tennessee., one child was born, and survives him along with his wife. SEE BIO. Mr.Milton Hancock, brother of Bowling Green, Ky. attended the funeral. 12-8-1905 - PEARSON - GEORGE - W. - - - 12 25 1830 12 5 1905 - CITY? - DEATH OF GEO.W.PEARSON=Passes away peacefully after long illness, at advanced age. Was Efficient Recorder. "Mr.George W.Pearson, died on Tuesday, Dec.5,1905," The funeral was on the following day, Elder J.A.McCord presiding over the religious ceremonies. The hand of disease was laid on Mr.Pearson almost a year ago, and although a sufferer for so long, he continued to take an active interest in the affairs of this life, discharging his business duties until the last day. On Friday previous, he worked on the books as Recorder, trying to leave them in order. The disease, although not painful, was very wasting in its effects, and in spite of a strong constitution and a determined will, the brave man was compelled to take to his bed, but not until a day or two before the end. The services at the church were edifying and comforting, and the Masonic ritual at the cemetery impressive. Mr.Pearson had lived in Forrest City for many years, and ever in his business relations was found just and robust, and in social and religious activities, kind, true, reliable and faithful. To his wife and children, a tower of strength, to his fatherless sister-in-law, a father and friend. Biographical:Mr.George W.Pearson was born Dec.25,1839, in Simpson County, in the southern part of Mississippi, and was the son of John Atkin and Nancy (Nichols?) Pearson. His father was a noted Methodist preacher of that section, and did much toward the up lifting of the people in the wide sweep of country over which his administrations extended. Mr.Pearson was educated in his native county, afterwards entering the old Centennial College at Jackson, Louisiana, from which institution he was graduated. He began his business career as a farmer, but abandoning that work for bookkeeping, at which he became an expert. In 1852, he was married to Miss Margaret Ann Taylor, of Brandon, Mississippi, and to their union was born a son, William A, and a daughter, Annie, were born, both of whom reside at the old homestead together, and together with their mother survive him. Mr.George W.Pearson was a gallant Confederate soldier. He enlisted as a private, in Co.I, Sixth Mississippi Regiment, CSA. under command of Colonel (afterwards General) Lowery, since Governor of the state, and served bravely during the continuing hostilities. He located in Forrest City in 1872, and soon thereafter was appointed station agent of the Memphis & Little Rock Railroad-now the Rock Island, in which capacity he served for nine years, and is conceded to have been one of the best agents the company ever had at this place. In the early days of the town, Mr.Pearson was elected Recorder, for which position his training especially fitted him, and after the lapse of years, he was again chosen for that honored position, and was serving on his third term at the time of his death. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church, which he attended regularly, and the Masonic Lodge, of which he was the efficient steward and tyler. He owned his home and 120 acres of farming land, located two miles northwest of Forrest City, and may be said to have left his family in confortable circumstances. He was a devoted husband and father, a true friend; a man of unquestioned integrity and the very best principles. He was one of the most familiar figures in our city, and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. 12-8-1905 - GLOVER - RUBE - - - - UNK 12 3 1905 - LULU - Mr.Rube Glover, one of the oldest citizens in this part of the state, died on last Sunday, Dec.3,1905, and was buried the following day at Lulu. Democrat Times. 12-15-1905 - MANGUM - KINCH - - REV. - - UNK 12 12 1905 - MEMPHIS - NEGRO PREACHER ASSASSINATED=Particulars of a diabolical assassination reached town Wednesday, Dec.13,1905, from Rawlison, a post office twenty miles southeast of Forrest City, on Frenchman bayou. It seems that almost a year ago, a three or four "sanctified" negroes from Tennessee, or Mississippi came to that neighborhood, among them a preacher named Kinch Mangum. Application was made for permission to use their church, which was positively denied. So they put up a tent, and erected it on the Crowder place, at the intersection of the roads and adjoining the Ashworth place. On last Tuesday night, Dec.12,1905, at the meeting, a pistol shot rang out upon the stillness, just after a prayer, and Mangum fell dead. The negroes did not wait for an inquest, and brought the body immediately to Forrest City, where Stevens Bros. prepared the remains for burial, and returned to Memphis for interrment. Their is no clue as to the identity of the assailant. 12-22-1905 - ELLIOTT - MELISSA - J. - MRS. - ADAMS - UNK 12 19 1905 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mrs.Elliott-Mrs.M.J.Elliott, the venerable mother of Mrs.Anna Murphree of this place, died at the residence of her daughter on Tuesday, Dec.19,1905, after an illness of several days. The remains were taken the following day to the family graveyard, in the Dark Corner neighborhood, where they were laid away to await the resurrection morn. Miss Melissa Adams was born in Graves County, Ky., near Mayfield. She was married to Wm.Elliott in 1862, and her married life passed in this county. She was a devoted member of the Baptist church for many years, and bore an enviable reputation as a good, spiritually minded woman. Four children, three of which preceded her to the better land, blessed their marriage, and seven or eight grandchildren mourn their loss. 12-22-1905 - STOUGH - BETTIE - - MRS. - - 12 15 1833 12 16 1905 - CITY - Mrs.Bettie Stough, mother-in-law of R.F.Baxter, died Dec.16,1905, at her son's residence two and a half miles south of town. Interrment in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mrs.Stough was 72 years of age, born in North Carolina; came to Arkansas in 1885. She was a member of the Lutheran church for fifty years, and died in its faith. 12-22-1905 - FERGUSON - O. - B. - - - UNK 12 14 1905 - TENNESSEE - A GRUESOME EXPERIENCE=Mr.W.J.Todd makes a startling discovery, awoke in his room at the Old Central Hotel in Memphis, and found his roommate dead on the floor. Finding his roommate as a corpse, W.J.Todd of Forrest City had an unexpected experience per the Commercial Appeal of Dec.14,1905, and one which caused him to ask that a coroner's inquest be held to determine the cause of death of O.B.Ferguson, who had the night before had gone to rest with him in a room at the old Central Hotel in apparent good health and the best of spirits. According to the statement, Todd had been visiting in the city, when he met Mr.Ferguson, the latter a representative of the Queen Insurance Company from Little Rock, and had insured some property for Todd. They spent the early evening together, they had been drinking, and Ferguson accompanied him to the hotel where they retired to the room with each in a different bed. When Todd awoke, he found Ferguson in a sitting posture on the floor, his head resting on the bed rail. He did not find a pulse when he checked the body, and reported the death to the authorities. The autopsy showed death from heart failure. The remains will be shipped to Ripley, Tenn. for interrment. 12-22-1905 - WHITTENDON - MAI - - MISS - - UNK 12 2 1905 - CITY - A TRIBUTE OF LOVE=Darling Mai, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Joe and Fannie Whittendon departed this life on Dec.2,1905, and was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Saturday, Dec.3. On the Sunday following, little Stella Mai Bryan, who could not be at the funeral, laid flowers from Austin, Texas with loving hands on the grave of her bosom friend and schoolmate. 12-29-1905 - BELL - DANIEL - - - - UNK 12 26 1905 - UNKNOWN - DANIEL BELL KILLED=Daniel Bell had an altercation on Tuesday, Dec.26,1905. at the home of C.C.Sartin, in which the two Sartins, and maybe others, were engaged. Bell left the house making threats, and later returned , and was about to assault old man Sartin, when Joe Sartin struck him in the head with a hammer, two or more blows, from which he died a few hours later. The Sartins were brought to town by Deputy Sam Swan, and Joe was arraigned Wednesday before Squire Sanders, charged with murder. Squire Sanders dismissed the charges saying, on the ground that he had the right to defend his castle. 12-29-1905 - SCOTT - W. - H. - - - UNK 12 27 1905 - BELLE - Mr.W.H.Scott, died Wednesday morning, Dec.27,1905, and was buried at the Belle graveyard. He leaves a wife to grieve her loss, who has the sympathy of the entire neighborhood in her bereavement. Sloniker Mill Times. He died from pneumonia, and his wife Mrs.Nancy Scott is quite sick and has been under the doctor's treatment for several days. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - 1-27-1905 - EVITTS - BABY BOY - - - - 1 23 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.C.W.Evitts are rejoicing over the new baby boy born Tuesday night at their home. 2-10-1905 - GLASER - BABY GIRL - - - - 2 5 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Max Glaser are happy with the new baby girl born Feb.5,1905 at the home of Mr.& Mrs.B.Levy, Max left for Holly Springs yesterday. 2-17-1905 - BENSON - BABY BOY - - - - 1 28 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Robert W.Henson are happy with their son, born Jan.28, 1905 at their home. 3-17-1905 - SANDERS - BABY GIRL - - - - 3 14 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.J.T.Sanders are happy with their bouncing baby girl born on Tuesday at their home. 3-24-1905 - CALDWELL - BABY BOY - - - - 3 18 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.J.W.Caldwell, of Caldwell, were given a 12 pound baby boy last Saturday. 4-21-1905 - BRIDGEFORTH - TWIN BOYS - - - - 4 20 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.& Mrs.Bridgeforth had twin boys last night at their home. 4-21-1905 - BATTS - BABY GIRL - - - - 4 17 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Walter Batts had a bouncing baby girl on Monday. 4-28-1905 - CONRAD - BABY BOY - - - - 4 24 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.S.B.Conrad are rejoicing the birth of a baby boy Monday. 5-12-1905 - HAMBLETON - BABY BOY - - - - 5 8 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.M.C.Hambleton are happy with the new ten pound baby boy born on Saturday. 5-19-1905 - CHRISTOPHER - BABY BOY - - - - 5 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Christopher has another baby boy at his home. 6-9-1905 - DeROSSITT - BABY GIRL - - - - 6 5 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Hon.& Mrs.F.W.DeRossitt are happy with the new ten pound baby girl who arrived on Monday. 6-9-1905 - KELLEY - BABY GIRL - - - - 6 6 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.S.B.Kelley are celebrating the birth of a daughter, weighing 12 pounds, on Tuesday at their home. 7-14-1905 - BATTS - BABY BOY - - - - 7 7 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Jud Batts are happy with the new baby boy born last Friday, just north of town. 7-14-1905 - COFFEY - BABY GIRL - - - - 7 10 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Hugh C.Coffey, of Palestine, are rejoicing over the birth of their baby girl born on Monday. 7-21-1905 - KNIGHT - BABY BOY - - - - 7 16 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Harry Knight were joined by a baby boy on Sunday. Grandma's Knight and Merwin are happy! 8-25-1905 - MOORE - BABY GIRL - - - - 8 22 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Wm.Moore had a nice girl on Tuesday. 9-22-1905 - SWINEA - BABY GIRL - - - - 9 12 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.John W.Swinea had a nice baby girl on Sep.12, at their home. 12-1-1905 - FISCHER - BABY BOY - - - - 11 27 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mrs.D.Davis was advised Monday of the birth of a ten pound boy in Memphis at the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Fischer, he was formerly of this city. 12-15-1905 - DAVENPORT - BABY GIRL - - - - 12 7 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.L.F.Davenport are happy with the new baby girl born Thursday of last week. 12-15-1905 - PASLAY - BABY GIRL - - - - 12 12 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.H.W.Paslay are happy with the new baby girl born Tuesday. 12-15-1905 - NEBLETT - BABY BOY - - - - 12 14 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - A happy family had a ten pound boy yesterday, Mr.& Mrs.H.R.Neblett. 12-29-1905 - SLONIKER - BABY GIRL - - - - 12 25 1905 UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.W.O.Sloniker had a Christmas baby girl. Sloniker Mill Times. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - 1-6-1905 - THOMPSON - ERNEST - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HOOD-THOMPSON=Mr.Ernest Thompson, a promising young businessman from Hampshire, Tenn, and Miss Mattie Sue Hood, a niece of Mr. & Mrs.T.J.Davis, were married at the bride's relatives residence three miles south of Forrest City, On Jan.1,1905, Eld.W.H.Paslay in charge of the religious ceremonies. The left afterwards to Hampshire to make their new home. 1-13-1905 - LYONS- BEN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GILES-LYONS=Mr.Ben Lyons, age 24, and Miss Maud Lyons, age 20, were married at the home of the bride's parents near Fulwood last Sunday, Rev.S.H.Babcock in charge of the religious ceremonies. 1-13-1905 - MALLORY - WILLIAM - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MALLORY-DAVIS=Mr.William Mallory, son of Lowery Mallory, of Anniston, Alabama, formerly of this city, was married to Miss Fannie Lee Davis, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Clay H.Davis of the same city Wednesday, Jan.11,1905. 1-13-1905 - HARRISON - ADOLPH - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HARRISON-GOBBLE=Mr.Adolph Harrison, age 30, was married to Miss Annie Gobble, age 20, at the court house last Monday, Rev.S.H.Babcock conducting the religious ceremonies. Both are from Proctor, Crittenden County. 2-17-1905 - TAYLOR - EDGAR - P. - - - NA - FCTIMES - TAYLOR-FUSSELL=Announcements are out of the wedding of Mr.Edgar P.Taylor, of the Taylor Knight & Co. firm, and eldest son of the late George Pressley and Mrs.Taylor, and Miss Fannie Fussell, elder daughter of Capt. and Mrs.James Fussell. It will happen on Mar.1,1905 at the Presbyterian church in this city. Rev.P.H.Hensley conducting the ceremonies. 3-3-1905 - HARBIN - HENRY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HARBIN-HARBIN=Mr.Henry Harbin and Mrs.Minnie Harbin, both of Lee County, were married in the office of the Circuit Clerk Monday, Judge T.C.Folbre in charge. The bride was the sister in law of Mr.Harbin. 3-31-1905 - WILLIAMS - D. - J. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - WILLIAMS-ASHFORD=Dr.D.J.Williams, a recent graduate of medical school who will practice here, and Miss Pearl L.Ashford, Sister of Rev.and Mrs.T.J.Searcy, will be wed Mar.23,1905, according to the invitation received by the Times. 4-7-1905 - ODELL - W. - F. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ODELL-WILLIAMS=Mr.W.F.Odell and Miss Sulia Williams of Crittendon County, near Proctor, were married by Squire J.B.Sanders in the St.Francis Hotel Sunday afternoon. 4-28-1905 - CALDWELL - HENRY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CALDWELL-JETT= Mr.Henry Caldwell, son of Mrs.Annie Caldwell, and Miss Mamie Jett, daughter of Mr.R.A.Jett of Caldwell, on Wednesday night, Elder Henry May conducting the ceremonies. 5-19-1905 - FONDREN - RUFUS - S. - - - NA - FCTIMES - FONDREN-WEST=Mr.Rufus S.Fondren, of Fondren, Smith & Co., and Miss Garland West, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Boze West of Lee County were married by Rev. Lindsey in LaGrange Sunday. 5-19-1905 - SWAN - SAM - - DEPUTY SHERIFF - - NA - FCTIMES - SWAN-SAGE=Mr.Sam Swan, deputy sheriff, and Miss Nora Sage were married at Cochran, Miss. on Thursday night at the bride's parents home, Rev.Huggins of the Methodist church presiding. 5-26-1905 - WILLIAMS - THOMAS - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WILLIAMS-McGUFFEY=Mr.Thomas Williams, a steward of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis, and Miss Nora McGuffey, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.L.H.McGuffey. Rev.J.A.McCord of the Baptist church presiding last Sunday. She is the only daughter of the family. 6-9-1905 - FOGG - H. - C. - - - NA - FCTIMES - FOGG-TRIMUE=Mr.H.C.Fogg, who had just returned from Tishomingo, Indian Territory, was happily married on Wednesday morning tot Mrs.Nannie V.Trimue at the home of the bride, in Telico township, Judge T.C.Folbre performing the ceremony. 6-9-1905 - PARKER - VIRGIL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - PARKER-BEARD=Mr.Virgil Parker and Miss Mattie Beard, daughter of Mr. J.Beard, were happily married at the home of the bride's father, 4 miles south of Palestine, June 6,1905. 6-9-1905 - DOYLE - WM. - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - DOYLE-SLAUGHTER=Mr.Wm.H.Doyle, of Wilburton, Indian Territory, formerly of this city, has happily married to Miss Grace Slaughter of Hartshorne, Indian Territory on Sunday. He is a valued member of the Pacific Express Company. 6-9-1905 - IZARD - CHARLES - R. - - - NA - FCTIMES - IZARD-COBBS=Mr.Charles Izard, and MIss Mattie Cobb, daughter of Sedley Cobb, deceased, her mother afterwards marrying Mr.John Christopher, and his step daughter, and were married Sunday by Deputy Clerk Walker Seaborn, a cousin of the bride. 6-9-1905 - CLINK - CHARLES - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CLINK-DAVIS=Miss Harriett Davis, formerly of this county, was happily married to Mr.Charles Clink of Shreveport, La., at Little Rock at the residence of Rev.Ben Cox. The bride is a relative of Mr.John M.Davis and others here. 6-30-1905 - DUDLEY - WILL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DUDLEY-CULPEPPER- Mr.Will Dudley, of Franks township, and Miss Willie Culpepper were married in open court in Squire J.H.Sanders' courtroom. 6-30-1905 - NEEL - S. - C. - - - NA - FCTIMES - NEEL-DAVIS=Mr.S.C.Neel, and Miss Lula Davis, eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.T.J.Davis of Franks township, were married by Rev.W.C.Davidson on Wednesday. 6-30-1905 - COTTON - GUY - PREWETT - - - NA - FCTIMES - COTTON-WOODS= Mr.Guy Prewett Cotton, formerly of this city, and Miss Callie Woods, of Memphis, were married in Little Rock at the Winfield Memorial Church last Sunday evening, Rev.T.Y.Ramsey presiding. The groom is a prosperous grocer of Little Rock. 7-7-1905 - DOTY - H. - M. - - - NA - FCTIMES - DOTY-PREWETT=Mr.H.R.Doty, of Milan, Idaho, and Miss Joy Prewett, youngest daughter of Capt.F.M.Prewett, veteran of the Mexican war, and one of the first settlers in St.Francis county, and who embarked on business in Forrest City merchandising when Gen.Forrest was building the railroad through here. Elder J.A.McCord conducting the ceremony. The groom is in the insurance business in Milan. 7-7-1905 - WRIGHT - J. - C. - - - NA - FCTIMES - WRIGHT-WOOD=Mr.J.C.Wright, and Miss Pearl Wood were happily married last Wednesday, at Beulah, Esquire W.S.Thomas performing the ceremony. 7-14-1905 - BURFORD - W. - A. - - - NA - FCTIMES - BURFORD-HURT=Mr.W.A.Burford, of Wynne, and Miss Edna Hurt, were married at Palestine at the home of the bride. Mr.Burford is the junior member of the Wynne Brick Co. 7-14-1905 - DALLAS - DEE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DALLAS-HAMRICK=Mr.Dee Dallas, of Caldwell, and Miss Lula Hamrick of Colt, were married at the home of Mr.& Mrs.E.N.Gilliland by Rev.W.C.Davidson. The groom is a cousin of Mr.Gilliland. 8-4-1905 - WILLIAMS - R. - E. - - - NA - FCTIMES - WILLIAMS-STANFORD=Mr.R.E.Williams, of Caldwell, and Miss Lillian Stanford, also of Caldwell, were married last Sunday, Rev.McCarthy conducting the ceremony. 8-4-1905 - DOYLE - FRANK - C. - - - NA - FCTIMES - DOYLE-TAYLOR=Mr.Frank Doyle, and Miss Chaster Taylor, the beautiful daughter of Mr.Jake Taylor, the faithful night watchman for the city, were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Rev.P.H.Hensley performing the ceremony. Mr.Doyle is in charge of the freight depot for the C.,R.I. and P. Railway. 8-4-1905 - FITZHUGH - RUFUS - KING - - - NA - FCTIMES - FITZHUGH-DAVIS=Announcing marriage on Sep.6,1905, of Mr.Rufus King Fitzhugh, of Fitzhugh, Ark., to Miss Lollie Davis at the Methodist church in Forrest City were sent out. Rev.W.C.Davidson presiding, Mr.Carter Fitzhugh of Batesville was the best man. Mr.Fitzhugh is a native of Virginia, being related to the Lee's of that state. He is a graduate of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, who is a successful business man at Fitzhugh, about six miles from Augusta.The bride had taken courses at Vanderbilt University, and a year in school in France. 8-11-1905 - BARRY - CHURCH - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BERRY-HOOD=Mr.Church Barry and Miss Lila Hood were married at the residence of Mr.& Mrs. T..J.Davis Aug.9,1905, Rev.W.C.Davidson performing the ceremony. Mr.Barry is from Marlin, Texas and has been with Lem Banks' interstate at Askew,Arkansas for two years. 8-18-1905 - ROLLWAGE - LOUIS - F. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ROLLWAGE-MIZELL=We acknowledge the invitation to the wedding of Mr.Louis F.Rollwage, formerly of this city, and Miss Myrtle Mizell, of Walla Walla, Wash., on Aug.16.1905. They will make their home in Forrest City. 8-18-1905 - PASLAY - WOOD - DOZIER - - - NA - FCTIMES - PASLAY-THOMPSON=We acknowledge receipt of an announcement of the marriage between Mr.Wood Dozier Paslay, formerly of this city, and MIss Marie Wood in Pendleton, Oregon on Aug.2,1905. 8-25-1905 - HARDIN - J. - D. - - - NA - FCTIMES - HARDIN-ABLES=Mr.J.D.Hardin secured the marriage with Miss Luthema Ables, while another suitor had gone to get a license, Mr.Bass Ables. They secured a license in Wynne from Circuit Clerk Hammett. A few hours later, the first suitor and father of the bride arrived looking for the runaway couple. They were found a little time later at Rev.Jones' home a few miles south of Wynne, we do not know if they were married or not! Rev.J.W.Knight came forward Thursday and stated that he had married Hardin to the young lady. Blade Democrat. 9-1-1905 - DEVASIER - HARRY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DEVASIER-BROWN=Mr.Harry Devasier and Miss Fannie Brown were happily married at Caldwell, last Sunday night. The groom is the son of the late Mr.James Devasier. 9-8-1905 - BOWDEN - W. - M. - - - NA - FCTIMES - BOWDEN-McALEXANDER=Mr.W.M.Bowden, age 28, bookkeeper for Paslay & Johnson, married Miss Dorris McAlexander, age 19, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.McAlexander who conduct the hotel at Marianna, Tuesday by Squire J.B.Sanders. 9-8-1905 - PIERCE - JAMES - - - - NA - FCTIMES - PIERCE-DUDLEY=Mr.James Pierce, of Wheatley, and Miss Janessie Dudley, of our neighborhood, were happily married last Sunday, by Squire Coffee of Palestine.Sloniker Mill Times. 9-15-1905 - PALMER - ROBERT - ELLIOTT - - - NA - FCTIMES - PALMER-COLLINS=We acknowledge announcement of a marriage between Mr.Robert Elliott Palmer, our former townsman, and Miss Lillian Leta Collins of Ardmore, Indian Territory, on Sep.12,1905. Messers. T.C.Folbre, Jr., and J.S.Shields of this city attended. They will be home at Little Rock. 9-29-1905 - FITZPATRICK - LEE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - FITZPATRICK-ANDERSON=Mr.Lee Fitzpatrick, youngest son of Hon. and Mrs.T.O.Fitzpatrick, and Miss Ethel Anderson, were married at New castle at Forrest Chapel church on Wednesday, by Rev.W.C.Davidson. 10-6-1905 - HAVENS - CHARLES - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HAVENS-SIMMONS=Mr.Charles Havens and Miss Ida Lee Simmons were happily married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs.R. R.Trice, and Rev.P.H.Hensley performing the ceremony from the Presbyterian church. 10-20-1905 - STEWART - GEORGE - E. - - - NA - FCTIMES - STEWART-THOMPSON=Mr.George E.Stewart, and Miss Kelsie A.Thompson, appeared at the county clerk's office bright and early Sunday morning, asking T.C.Merwin to marry them, they had come from Widener that morning, so he contacted Squire J.B.Sanders to tie the knot of the fine young couple. 10-20-1905 - ATTERBERRY - W. - O. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ATTERBERRY-PARISH=Mr.W.O.Atterberry and Miss Martha Parish, who reside in the western portion of the county were issued a marriage license Monday morning. 11-3-1905 - McDONALD - J. - P. - CAPT. - - NA - FCTIMES - McDONALD-ENGLISH=Capt.J.P.McDonald was married to Mrs.English Sunday at Wynne. It was a surprise to the friends of Capt.McDonald. 11-3-1905 - SCOTT - PEYTON - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SCOTT-ROGERS=Mr.Peyton Scott and Miss Julia Rogers were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.W.C.Ferguson yesterday evening, with Rev.W.H.Paslay performing the ceremony. Mr.Scott is employed with Fussell-Graham-Alderson & Company. 11-3-1905 - SHIELDS - J. - S. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - SHIELDS-WORTHAM=Dr.J.S.Shields and Miss Helen Wortham were married yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr.& Mrs.E.A.Rolfe, Rev.S.H.Babcock performing the ceremony. The bride is from Norfolk, Va., and a niece of the Rolfe's. 11-10-1905 - DICUS - CLARENCE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DICUS-FRAZIER=Mr.Clarence Dicus, night operator of the Rock Island depot here, and Miss Mary Frazier, of Little Rock, were married on Thursday of last week at Lonoke. It was a 'Gretna Green' affair, the parents of the bride being opposed, so they went to Lonoke where he has relatives. 11-10-1905 - AYDELOTT - EMMETT - T. - - - NA - FCTIMES - AYDELOTT-WILLIAMS=Mr.Emmett T.Aydelott and Miss Nannie Williams were married at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Homer Folbre Sunday afternoon by Rev.J.A.McCord of the Baptist church. The groom is from Hazen, and is employed with Gibson's house furnishings in Memphis. The bride is the daughter of Prof.J.B.Williams, one time principal of Crowley's Ridge Institute, and a leading educator of Eastern Arkansas. She is the sister of Mrs.Folbre. 11-17-1905 - EASTWOOD - FRANK - BIRD - - - NA - FCTIMES - EASTWOOD-KIRBY=Mr.Frank Bird Eastwood, and Miss Georgia Evalena Kirby were married Saturday night, Rev.S.H.Babcock performing the ceremony. The groom works with the J.R.Wilson Picture Company from Caruthersville, Missouri. 11-24-1905 - ALLEN - UNKNOWN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ALLEN-HORNEY-Mr.Allen and Miss Addie Horney were married by Rev.S.H.Babcock, of the Methodist church, on Wednesday evening at the Baptist church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.J.D.McKnight. 12-1-1905 - FRANKS - HENRY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Henry Franks went to St.Charles, Ark., to marry Miss Ruby Doyle on Tuesday, accompanied by his sister, Miss E?se Franks. 12-1-1905 - TARVER - CHARLES - BYRD - - - NA - FCTIMES - TARVER-MASON=Mr.Charles Byrd Tarver and Miss Mary Mason were married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev.Sydney H.Babcock. Mr.Tarver is from Mississippi, having been with the J.W.Beck & Co., before the Straub Mercantile Co. of Helena. Miss Mason is the second daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.A.Mason, the elder being Mrs.H.A.Clark who was married last year. 12-22-1905 - COX - WILLIE - R. - - - NA - FCTIMES - COX-STATEN=The marriage of Mr.Willie R.Cox, son of Mr.& Mrs.John Cox of Yocona, and Miss Alma E.Staten, took place on Wednesday at Spring Creek, Arkansas. 12-22-1905 - MOOSE - T. - V. - - - NA - FCTIMES - MOOSE-TOMPKINS=Mr.T.V.Moose left last Saturday for Minden, Alabama, where he was married Wednesday to Miss Ethel Tompkins of that city. Mr.Moose is a photographer of Forrest City 12-29-1905 - SHORT - T. - M - - - NA - FCTIMES - SHORT-SMITH=Helena, Ark.-Dec.27,1905-Mr.T.M.Short and Miss Ina Smith were married at the residence of the mother of the groom, Mrs.Thomas on Pecan Street. The ceremony was performed by Rev.C.H.Lockwood, of the St.John's Episcopal Church. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - 1-13-1905 - HEATH - A. - M - MRS. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mrs.A.M.Heath was taken to the asylum in Little Rock Wednesday, we hope the scientific treatment will help her. 1-13-1905 - WILLIAMS - W. - E. - SHERIFF - - UNK - FCTIMES - W.E.Williams appointed Sheriff to fill the un-expired term of Dr.J.D.McKnight. 1-27-1905 - McLAREN - W. - R. - SQUIRE - - UNK - FCTIMES - Governor Davis appointed Mr.W.R.McLaren to replace the deceased J.D.May, Magistrate of Johnson county. 1-27-1905 - 800 SUBSCRIPTIONS MAILED OUT - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The Times has sent out over 800 subscriptions for renewal. 1-27-1905 - SMALLPOX OUTBREAK - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - An outbreak of 150 to 900 cases has erupted of smallpox in and around Palestine. No deaths to report yet. 2-10-1905 - DUNAVANT - J. - H. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.J.H.Dunavant has disposed of his business to Mr.J.T.West, who has been his first assistant many years. They are departing for New Mexico, we wish the best in their new home. 2-17-1905 - HODGES - J. - R. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.J.R.Hodges is moving again to Texas, of Yocona, Uncle Bob is wished the greatest success. 2-17-1905 - PETTUS - G. - M. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.G.M.Pettus had made a contract with Judge Folbre, to build a cantilever bridge across the Crow Creek on the road between the Wesley church and the Hughes cemetery. It is about 78 feet long. 3-10-1905 - FITZPATRICK - ERNEST - D. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The Times received a business letter from Mr.E.D.Fitzpatrick of Memphis, advising us of his position with the Tennessee Fibre Company. He is the eldest son of Hon.T.O.Fitzpatrick of this county. 3-17-1905 - SIMMONS - W. - C. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.W.C.Simmons and family, who have been prominent citizens of Forrest City for several years, left Sunday for Louisiana, where he has charge of large sawmill interests. We will certainly miss them and wish them the best. 3-17-1905 - BARRETT - J. - G. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.J.G.Barrett of this city, a veterinary surgeon, and an old Confederate soldier left for Little Rock to enter the soldiers home, and pass the rest of his short time left to him on this earth. He is almost totally blind and helpless. 3-17-1905 - MALLORY - ED - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Womack is the name of the new post office established at Round Pond. Mr.Ed Mallory has been appointed postmaster, Ed will soon be the whole cheese in that section-postmaster, school director, and road overseer, and deacon in the church. Well, why not? He's affright. 3-24-1905 - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - JR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Van Izard, Jr., who has been employed at Cotton Plant since the first of the year, returned home last week, and will remain indefinitely. 3-31-1905 - RUSH - J. - W. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.J.W.Rush, a brother of the doctor, has taken a position with Mr.J.T.Sanders. 4-7-1905 - DUNAVANT - J. - H. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.J.H.Dunavant has disposed of his business to Mr.J.T.West, and is now moving to Dallas, Texas, where he will go into manufacturing drug business. 4-7-1905 - MOORE - C. - T. - JP - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.C.T.Moore, was appointed Justice of the Peace of Telico township, by the governor, replacing H.C.Phillips, resigned. 4-7-1905 - DIAMOND - L. - F. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.L.F.Diamond, a liquor dealer of Raggio City, Lee County, was in town a couple of days this week, and said that he lived here in the past, and knows many of the older citizens. 4-28-1905 - HEMENWAY - C. - F. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.C.F.Hemenway and manly little son Charles Sterling of Wheatley were in town Wednesday. 6-2-1905 - IZARD - MARY - T. - MRS. - FONDREN - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.J.D.McKie, of Cotton Plant is in the city visiting his aunt, Mrs.V.B.Izard, and cousin, Mrs.J.T.Fondren. Also, Mrs.S.A.Murray of Oxford, Miss., on a visit to her aunt, Mrs.Izard. 6-2-1905 - DURBOROW - PAUL - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.John Durborow was in town yesterday, and left last night for Little Rock due to message his sister, Mrs.Rose Neeley, had died. 6-2-1905 - NEELEY - ASHBEL - CALLOWAY - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Ashbel Calloway Neel is to graduate from Purdue University on June 4 to 7,1905, in Lafeyette, Indiana. 6-30-1905 - WHITE - R. - F. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.R.D.England and son have sold their interest here in the drug business to Dr.R.F.White. Colt Times. 6-30-1905 - SIMMONS - ROBERT - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Robert Simmons, of Wynne, and brother of Mrs.Vital Snowden, was in town Saturday visiting her and Mr.Wilbur Alley. 7-7-1905 - McKNIGHT - CLARENCE - W. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - The Woodmen of the World unveiled a monument to Dr.Clarence W.McKnight last Sunday, he was their sovereign of the Palestine lodge. 7-14-1905 - BENTON - GUS - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Benton On Trial=A strong case made out against him, negro testimony strongly corroborated. One hundred and ten St.Francis County residents left for Searcy last weekend, to attend the trial, on July 24th, of Gus Benson, charged with the murder of Mr.Walter Gray. 7-28-1905 - YELLOW FEVER EPIDEMIC OF 1898 - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - YELLOW FEVER=There is no occasion for alarm, remember the lessons of the epidemic of 1898. Since the large outbreak in New Orleans recently, it is best to remember what we learned in 1898, that persons who kept their stomach, liver, and bowels strong and active were not affected by the disease; while others apparently healthy were stricken down. Remember to use the Prickly Ash Bitters! A notice in the paper! 7-28-1905 - CASTEEL - GORDON - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Gordon Casteel's appeal of his conviction for murder, and a ten year sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court. He killed Hall Sanders Christmas day, 1904. He was taken to the penitentiary in Little Rock by Sheriff W.E.Williams deputy Swan and Wilder. 8-4-1905 - QUARANTINE AT HELENA - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Helena is enforcing a quarantine barring out the entire state of Louisiana and suspected points in Southern Mississippi. No more shipments of fruits from New Orleans will be allowed in the city, and persons on trains or boats must show a satisfactory health certificate. 8-4-1905 - BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING ON YELLOW FEVER - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Board of Health Meeting, on Aug.3,1905, to discuss the Yellow Fever epidemic, any suspicious persons or strangers are to be reported immediately. Governor Davis has ordered troops out to establish a quarantine wherever an outbreak is found. 8-11-1905 - U.C.VETERANS BARBQUE - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The barbecue given by Capt.Fussell for the United Confederate Reunion, has been changed to occur at Stuart Springs, next Thursday. 8-18-1905 - MOSQUITO PROOF - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Secret of South American natives have revealed the secret power against yellow fever, they use an agreeable perfume to ward off mosquitoes. It is being used in New Orleans. 8-18-1905 - SHERROD - J. - L. - CAPT. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Attending the barbecue at Stuart Springs for U.C.Veterans was Capt.J.L.Sherrod, Capt.W.P.Wilkins, both of Cross County, and Col.Mack Branch of Lee county. 8-18-1905 - WILKINS - W. - P. - CAPT. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Attending the barbecue at Stuart Springs for U.C.Veterans was Capt.J.L.Sherrod, Capt.W.P.Wilkins, both of Cross County, and Col.Mack Branch of Lee county. 8-18-1905 - BRANCH - MACK - - COL. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Attending the barbecue at Stuart Springs for U.C.Veterans was Capt.J.L.Sherrod, Capt.W.P.Wilkins, both of Cross County, and Col.Mack Branch of Lee county. 8-18-1905 - ATTENDEES OF UNITED CONFEDERATE CONVENTION AT STUART SPRINGS- - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Attendees:J.B.Sanders, age 71;S.E.Sweet, age 62; Gen.G.C.Govan, age 69; T.S.Sellers, age 80; W.T.Maclin, age 61; N.G.Williams, age 73; J.L.Sherrod, age 69; Col.Van Buren Izard, age 68; D.Downey, age 62; C.N.Bynum, age 67; Jno.W.Mallory, age 77; F.E.P.Usery, age 59; Jno.R.Brown, age 72; Geo.R.Mallory, age 56(GUEST); W.H.Smith, age 64; B.F.Giles, age 64; J.L.Childers, age 75; W.H.Brown, age 58; J.J.Wood, age 79; W.H.Pearson, age 75; J.E.Batts, age 67; J.H.Alley, age 71; D.W.Wylds, age 58; T.L.Lyon, age 61; Judge T.C.Folbre, age 64; T.L.Taylor, age 58; R.S.Weeks, age 59; Dr.H.P.Dooley, age 69; W.P.Wilkins, age 70; W.H.Cogdill, age 64; T.M.Taylor, age 71; N.H.White, age 57; R.M.Spain, age 72; S.B.Baskins, age 60; F.M.Prewett, age 77; J.M.Higgins, age 60; W.T.Lanier, age 60; G.B.Daniels, age 61; J.R.Eldridge, age 59; T.C.Merwin, age 59; J.W.Killough, age 65; F.Laughinghouse, age 59; A.J.Pipkin, age 60; J.G.Wilson, age 69; Thos.A.Hughes, age 71; J.T.Crippin, age 58; W.D.Louder, age 65; J.H.Hardin, age 62; Rev.W.H.Paslay, age 71; E.Bonner, Age 64; T.J.Outlaw, age 61; J.M.F.Branch, age 79; M.W.Campbell, age 62; J.L.Williford, age 74; J.S.Jackson, age 69; H.W.Fisher, age 57; H.L.Turneaster, age 57; O.J.Hall, age 67; C.H.Murphy, age 62; Geo.L.Jackson, age 59; Tom Hoshall, age 66; A.J.Winford, age 66; Capt.J.M.Levesque, age 71; Jesse Hodges, age 67; L.V.James, age 63; S.W.Norvill, age 61; W.P.Brown, age 59; S.A.Moore, age 63; W.T.Nichols, age 64; Judge J.R.Beasley, age 63; Ed Landvoight, age 65. 8-25-1905 - FITZPATRICK - LEE - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Lee Fitzpatrick has been named the new postmaster at Colt, succeeding Mr.Harry Mosley. 9-22-1905 - DAVIS - TOM - - JR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Tom Davis Jr., who was here for the FITZHUGH-DAVIS wedding, left for his assignment as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Univ.of Nebraska on Thursday. 9-22-1905 - BRADFIELD - R. - G. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.R.G.Bradfield joins the staff here at the Times, he will be working on the Art Souvenir mainly. 9-22-1905 - METHODIST CHURCH BURNS - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The roof of the Methodist church was the victim of a fire that started in an old frame building being rented, just south of the church. It had formerly been the telephone exchange, and owned by Mr.Partridge. 9-22-1905 - CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE OPENS - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The opening of the school with 275 students enrolled on Tuesday. 9-29-1905 - MOUNT VERNON HIGH SCHOOL - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mt.Vernon High School-sixth season begins Sep.11-contact W.J.Walker-Principal 10-13-1905 - BARRETT - J. - G. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.J.G.Barrett, formerly of this city, a veterinary surgeon, and an old Confederate soldier at the Confederate Veterans Home in Little Rock to the soldiers home, came home to visit his daughter, Mrs.C.S.Aldrich. He was mistaken for Jeff Davis as he meandered down the street. 10-20-1905 - ROOSEVELT - THEODORE - - PRESIDENT - - UNK - FCTIMES - The Rock Island will run a special train on the 25th to Little Rock for the speech by President Theodore Roosevelt, leaving at 7 am. 11-3-1905 - RUSH - J. - O. - DR. - - UNK - FCTIMES - The contract was let for the new handsome 15 room residence for Dr.Rush will be built on the old McDaniel lot at the corner of Izard and Front Street. The work of moving the old frame building, so long used as a hotel, began last week. John Waterman has the contract. This it the present St.Francis County Museum in 2008. 11-10-1905 - CIRCUS HERE NOV.21 - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The Robinson Circus with over 1500 wild animals will be here Nov.21, presented under ten acres of canvas tents with a million dollar potpourri of Amusement Novelties. 11-17-1905 - MALOUF - JOHN - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.John Malouf and family have returned to Forrest City after two years in Turkey. They will open a restaurant and grocery in the old bowling alley. 11-17-1905 - BARROW - T. - W. - - - UNK - FCTIMES - T.W.Barrow Assigns. Yesterday morning at 8 am the doors of the business of Mr.T.W.Barrow were closed, and he announced he had made an assignment, and gone into bankruptcy. 11-17-1905 - LANNAN - JAMES - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The concrete sidewalks are being laid by Mr.James Lannan, over 4700 feet have been laid by Mr.Lannan and the Madison Brick & Tile Co. combined. 2547 feet by Lannan, and 2143 by Madison Brick & Tile. 11-24-1905 - McDONALD - J. - P. - CAPT. - - UNK - FCTIMES - Capt.J.P.McDonald, postmaster at Fulwood was in town Monday, and went to Little Rock to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge. 12-8-1905 - FULWOOD POSTOFFICE CLOSED - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - The postoffice at Fulwood will be closed on Jan.16,1906, and will be Rural Free Delivery from Forrest City. PHONE NUMBERS: - - - - - - - - 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - - 1902 1903 - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - - 1902 - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - - 1908 1911 - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1901 1903 - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - - 1911 - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - - 1903 - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - - 1908 - - 24 - T.W.BARROW-SADDLERY, STOVES, AND HEAVY HARDWARE - - - - - 1905 - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - - 1903 - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - - 1909 - - 26 - OVERTON & MARTIN-GRAND CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB - - - - - 1905 - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - - 1911 - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1903 - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - - 1908 - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - - 1909 - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - - 1911 - - 31 - J.H.DUNAVANT & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - - 1905 - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - - 1910 1909 1911 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - - 1910 1911 - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - - 1901 - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - - 1902 1905 - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - - 1908 1911 - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - - 1911 - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - - 1909 - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - - 1910 - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - - 1910 - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - - 1911 - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - - 1901 - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - - 1902 1903 - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - - 1902 - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - - 1902 - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - - 1908 1909 - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - - 1908 - - 73 - BLUM & GILLILAND-TINNERS, PLUMBERS, AND STEAMFITTERS-WM.G.BLUM/E.N.GILLILAND= NO.210 WASHINGTON STREET - - - - - 1905 - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - - 1910 1911 - - 75 - FORREST CITY LUMBER COMPANY-R.J.WILLIAMS, JR., MANAGER-OFFICE AND YARD NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN DEPOT - - - - - 1904 - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 1912 - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - - 1901 - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - - 1912 - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - - 1905 1908 - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - - 1908 - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1909 - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - - 1901 - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - - 1910 - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - - 1911 - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - - 1908 - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1901 - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - - 1902 1905 - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1903 - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - - 1910 - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - - 1902 - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - - 1902 - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - - 1901 - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - - 1902 - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - - 1903 - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - - 1903 - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1902 1904 - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - - 1901 1902 - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - - 1902 - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - - 1911 - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - - 1909 - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - - 1902 1901 - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - - 1911 - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - - 1912 - - 148 - J.H.TIPTON & CO.-GINGHAMS, ALL MAKES - - - - - 1904 - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - - 1910 - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - - 1909 - - 178 - FORREST CITY GIN CO.-FORMERLY THE OLD RED GIN. ALL COAL SCREENED BEFORE DELIVERY. - - - - - 1905 - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - - 1910 - - 189 - T.G.PARHAM-REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE-OFFICE IN LONG BLOCK - - - - - 1905 - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - - 1911 - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - - 1902 - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - - 1908 1909 - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 1902 - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - - 1912 1911 - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - - 1910 - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - - 1908 - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - - 1911 - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - - 1908 - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1909 - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - - 1910 - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - - 1910 - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - - 1911 - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - - 1908 - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - - 1909 - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - - 1908 1911 - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - - 1909 - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - - 1910 - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - - 1909 - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 - 1910 - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - - 1910 - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - - 1911 - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - - 1912 - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD - - - - - 1911 - -