The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898Here are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 25,2008 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1904 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: - - - - - - - - 1-1-1904 - WITHERS - T. - J. - - - UNK - 12 31 1903 - WIDENER - T.J.Withers Killed-Sam McFall, a farmer shoots him twelve times through the intestines. News reached here by telephone yesterday morning, Dec.31,1903, of an shooting affray between T.J.Withers, a merchant of Widener, and Sam McFall, a farmer, with whom he had business. McFall had brought a bale of cotton in, and after a spirited bidding between the buyers at Widener, it was sold by Withers consent to McBee, McFall claimed money for picking the cotton, and McBee told him to come back in the morning and he would pay it. In the meantime, Withers stopped this payment, claiming the cotton on account. The men were standing on or near the railroad track, in front of the business place of Withers, and had some conversation about this money for picking, McFall insisting that he was entitled to it and Withers should pay it. McFall says that Withers remarked to him, "Sam, you're going to keep on until I hurt you bad and quick; I'll do it now," and with that he backed off and drew his gun, a 32 calibre S & W, and began firing. McFall drew his gun, but it hung in his sweater, but in an instant both men emptied their guns. Withers shot five times at McFall, three shots taking effect one in his left forearm, and one on either side of his body, about six or eight inches below the armpits. None of these wounds are serious, all being flesh wounds. McFall shot four times, one cartridge missing fire, two of which took effect in the abdomen of Withers and from which he died in about three hours. McFall called the sheriff to give himself up,and then came over on the morning train. He was taken to the doctor's office, where he had his wounds dressed, and then was put in jail. Withers, though close in money matters and considered a hard man to deal with in a financial way, was a good citizen, a member of and leader in the church, and had the best interests of the community at heart. His untimely death is sorely regretted by a large circle of friends, and McFall himself says he is very sorry indeed that the tragedy occurred. His family has the sympathy of the entire community. 1-1-1904 - SPROLL - - - UNK - - 1889 - 1903 - UNKNOWN - Unk Sproul, aged 14, died of convulsions and apoplexy in Blackfish township. 1-1-1904 - HALL - - - MRS. - - 1830 - 1903 - UNKNOWN - Unk Hall, aged 73 years, died of pneumonia, mother of J.B.Hall of Pine Tree. 1-1-1904 - DUDLEY - BURLEY - - - - 1898 - 12 27 1903 - PALESTINE - Squire W.S.Nugent, of Goodwin township, was in town Monday to secure a coffin for his grandson, little Burley Dudley, son of Robert and Edna Dudley, who died Sunday night of dyptheria, Dec.27,1903.The remains were interred in the Palestine cemetery Tuesday, Rev.John ? conducting the ceremonies. The boy was five years old, and was the pride and joy of the household. Grandpa Nugent was especially fond of the little fellow, and sorely grieved at the sudden and untimely taking off of his favorite. Grandpa had intended to buy his pet a lot of "Santa Claus," but Christmas was a sad one to him. We extend our friends sincere sympathy in this sad hour of darkest gloom. 1-1-1904 - FONDREN - NANNIE - LOU - MRS. - - 1831 - 12 24 1903 - CITY - Death of Mrs.N.L.Fondren-Mrs.N.L.Fondren died on Thursday, Dec.31,1903, at the residence of her son, Mr.J.T.Fondren, of pneumonia, after an illness of seven or eight days, in her 73rd year. Mrs.Fondren was born in Lafayette county, Mississippi, in January 1831, and was married to Rufus S.Fondren, in January 1849, who died in October 1868, thirty five years prior to her death. She had resided in Forrest City since 1877?, and leaves one son, Mr.J.T.Fondren, cashier of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and many other dear relatives and friends, including five grandchildren, to mourn their loss. Mrs.Fondren was a fond mother, a devoted Christian, and a member of the Baptist church from girlhood, who never thought any kind of church work too hard or too much trouble. She was always thinking of the comfort and welfare of others rather than her own and was loved by all who knew her. The remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery Christmas day, religious services conducted by Elder Milton Hall. We extend our heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved relatives and especially to the son who had been her joy and comfort in her declining years. 1-1-1904 - FONDREN - RUFUS - S. - - - UNK - 10 1868 - UNKNOWN - HUSBAND OF MRS.N.L.FONDREN 1-1-1904 - SANDERS - HALL - - - - 2 9 1879 - 12 26 1903 - CITY - AWFUL CHRISTMAS TRAGEDY=Hall Sanders, a sterling young man, shot to death by Gordon Casteel. Per Descendant, Jean Meaney:Documents collected by Judge Olmon Hall HargravesTranscribed Nov. 24, 2007, by Jean Rawlings MeaneyFrom FC NewspaperDec. 28, 1903Tragedy on Xmas NightThe killing of Hall Sanders on Christmas night by G. D. Casteel on the streets of Forrest City, was indeed a horrible tragedy from the effects of which the city will not soon recover.Hall Sanders was a young man full of the promise of youth-loved and esteemed by his fellows and the idol of his family by reason of being the youngest son. He was energetic, honest, and full of manliness and deep indeed must be the remorse of his slayer.The unfortunate incident cast a pall of gloom and distress over the entire city and those who had been celebrating and making merry left off their fun as the news spread and soon a regular Sunday night quietude prevailed, whereas an hour before everything had been in an uproar with holiday enthusiasm. At his preliminary hearing Casteel was bound over to the circuit court without bail. It is said the prisoner broke down upon hearing the decision of the court and that Squire J. B. Sanders, father of the deceased, arose and extended his hand, saying: "Gordon, I forgive you and I hope God will forgive you also." This was a most pathetic incident and showed the grand old man's greatness of soul.Hall expired in the hospital at Memphis upon the day following the shooting and was buried Sunday in the family burying ground at the Forrest City cemetery. The funeral was one of the largest ever witnessed.Funeral Notice.The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of HALL C. SANDERS,at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Sanders, this Sunday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock.Services at the Baptist church at 3 o'clock by Elds. Milton Hall and W.H. Pasley.Interment in Forrest City Cemetery.Forrest City, Ark. Dec. 27, 1903From Picture, it is found that Mr.Sanders was born in Hazen, Arkansas on Feb.8,1879 son Of Joseph B.Sanders and Mrs.Lucy Gwyn Sanders. 1-1-1904 - SANDERS - HALL - - - - 2 9 1879 - 12 26 1903 - CITY - Per Descendant, Jean Meaney:Found Obit in 1904 relaying the Murder in 1903 by Gordon Casteel, to Wit:Hall Sanders, a Sterling Young Man, Shot to Death by Gordon Casteel-No Reasonable Cause for the Deed, and Casteel Claims that it Was an Accident.-Shot Fired at Close Range from a S.& W. 38 Calibre Double-Action. Bullet Plows Its way Through Intestines..Heart of Forrest City Stirred.------The very heart of Forrest City was pierced and deeply wounded by the news of the awful Christmas tragedy which occurred at about 7:15 last Friday night on North Washington Street, at which time Hall Sanders was fatally shot with a 38-calibre Smith & Wesson double-action revolver by Gordon Casteel. The terrible tragedy occurred about fifteen feet north of the southwest corner of the vacant lot owned by Capt.J.W.Beck, across the street, north of the residence of Judge John Gatling, and was so sudden and unexpected that those present scarcely realized for several seconds that such an awful deed could have benn committed by one of their number, and even then could scarce believe their eyes and ears when they saw that noble young man sink to the ground and heard him cry out that he had been shot. It was simply appalling! It was wholly unexpected and none dreamed or had the slightest intuition of serious trouble. Had the bystanders thought for a moment that serious consequences would have followed the little misunderstanding, the fearful result could have been prevented. According to the evidence adduced at the examining trial of Gordon Casteel it seems that James L.Alley, Hall Sanders, Paul Pope, and Guy Eldridge met by chance on Christmas night about 7 o'clock at Sanders' Drug Store. Being filled with the buoyancy of Christmas, these young men agreed upon a proposal from one to purchase a little sport. Accordingly they purchased then and there a supply of Roman candles, torpedoes, and dynamite canes, and started. They went east to J.W.Beck & Co.'s corner, thence north on Washington street, and as they were crossing the alley between Folbre & Co.'s and Nelson & Co.'s saloons they met Gordon Casteel. James Alley, who was in front, thinking that Gordon was a deputy marshall, and knowing that the explosion of fireworks had been prohibited within certain districts by an order of the mayor, but not being satisfied as to the boundaries, stopped and asked Gordon as to the lines. Gordon told them they could shoot fireworks north of Jackson street, and they proceeded north, to Garland street, two and a half blocks north of where they had met Gordon. When they reached the Baptist church, or just north of it, they began to shoot Roman candles. Shortly after they left Gordon Marshall Rainbolt came along en route to the Iron Mountain depot, and Gordon asked him if he had seen these Marianna boys shooting fireworks. He saw the glare of the fireworks, but did not know who were shooting them, Gordon joined him, and they proceeded up Washington street to where the others were firing their Roman candles. Rainbolt said he was surprised to find that the boys were Forrest City boys, and he cautioned them to not fire into any person's yard or house, and not to fire low as there was danger of hurting someone. The boys disclaimed any intention to violate the laws, and there was quite a good deal of talk about the laws, and Alley said to Rainbolt that if they were violating the law, they would cease at once and pay a fine, but did not think they had violated the conditions of the mayor's order. The marshall thought that they had not violated the law, but cautioned them not to. In the meantime Gordon had wrenched a Roman candle out of Paul Pope' hand, broken it in two, and thrown it to the ground. Paul told Gordon he wanted 5 cents for it, and Gordon said "I'll pay you fifty", and he ran his hand in his pocket and gave Paul the money, which being being by this time a little sore, he took and put in his pocket. About this time Guy Eldridge spoke up and said,"well Gordon told us we could shoot north of Jackson street." Gordon asked hime what had to do with it, and Hall 1-8-1904 - BYNUM - JAMES - H. - - - 3 8 1866 - 1 4 1904 - HUGHES - The community was shocked last Monday, Jan.4,1904, to learn of the death of James H.Bynum. The writer has known this man from boyhood, and even in childhood. He was noted for his truthfulness and honesty. Jim was a great reader and thinker from a mere boy, and being in possession of more than average intellect, he had gathered a vast store of knowledge. Being in possession of this most valuable article, he was enabled to accumulate a good share of this world's goods, which leaves his family well provided for. He also left about $2,100 of insurance. He was an obedient son, a loving companion and a model father-one that ruled with firmness and love. He was a conservative member of the Christian church, a good neighbor and a true friend. He was taken with pneumonia, but fought it with untiring energy for more than two weeks, until it sapped him of his vitality, and when he felt he must go, he gave instructions to those that he had chosen to help his wife with business matters, and later called his wife to his bedside, and told her he could not stay with her, but that she could come to him. He seemed to consign himself to God's will. He leaves a wife, five children, seven brothers and sisters, two aunts, and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Caldwell Times. He died at his home, two miles east of Caldwell. He was about 39 years of age and married. His remains were laid to rest in Hughes Cemetery on Wednesday. 1-8-1904 - LANDRUM - J. - P. - - - UNK - 12 28 1903 - UNKNOWN - Death of Polk Landrum-J.P.Landrum, who lived on Blackfish Lake, where the old military road crossed it, in St.Francis County, died on the night of the 28th of Dec., 1903. He was one of the most unique, as well as most widely known men in that part of Arkansas. He had an extensive acquaintance with Memphis men who were members of the various hunting clubs that frequent that famous section for the purpose of fishing and hunting. 1-8-1904 - DAVID - JOHN - H. - - - 6 4 1838 - 12 22 1903 - HUGHES - John David-John David was born in Louisville, Ky., June 4,1838. He came to Arkansas in childhood, and resided near Helena for some time. Afterwards, he came to Forrest City where he lived for some fifteen years. Since leaving Forrest City, he has lived on his farm near Colt, Arkansas. From this place he passed to another world Dec.22,1903. On Oct.1,1871 he married Miss Mary Henley, and to them were born seven children, four of whom and the mother survive. He joined the Baptist church in Forrest City in 1883. He was well known at this place, and leaves behind him a good name and a clean record. The writer conducted the ceremonies in Good Hope church and his body was laid to rest in the nearby and well known cemetery. Rev.W.C.Davidson. 1-15-1904 - THOMPSON - A. - N. - - - 6 4 1850 - 12 28 1903 - UNKNOWN - In Memoriam-Mr.A.N.Thompson, died of pneumonia at his home near Pine Tree, Ark., Dec.28,1903, age 53 years 6 months and 25 days. Gone but not forgotten. While loving kindred and sorrowing friends were assembled at his bedside watching every movement of the sufferer, hoping to see some sign of recovery; but alas, the grim monster, death was standing over him with outstreched arms and welcoming smiles, waiting for the first opportunity to seize the soul and release the body of its burden. He was born in Georgia, June 4,1850, and in 1857 he came to Arkansas with his parents where he lived the remainder of his life. He was a prosperous farmer and stock raiser at which he had accumulated enough in the last few years of his life to enable him to live at ease. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn their loss, to all of whom we extend our greatest sympathy. 1-15-1904 - THOMPSON - JAMES - W. - DR. - - 1835 - 12 31 1903 - BUTLER CREEK - Death of Dr.Thompson-From the Speaker Monthly, published at Sulphur Springs, Ark., we glean the sad intelligence of the death of Dr.James W.Thompson, a relative of Mrs.Daniel Wylds, of this county, and a man who had many friends and acquaintances in this county. He died on the morning of Dec.31, 1903. He was sixty eight years of age, and was a kind and devoted father and husband. The funeral was conducted by a Masonic fraternity, of which deceased had long been prominent and highly respected member. Some 28 of that order came over from Bentonville, and nearly as many more from Gravette and other points besides those of the local lodge, also other citizens in carriages made up a procession which stretched from the residence to the depot. On Jan.1,1904, the remains were taken and interred at Butler Creek cemetery where the last sad rites were performed in accordance with the customs of that order. 1-29-1904 - SHORTER - MAJOR - - - - UNK - 1 25 1904 - UNKNOWN - Major Shorter, a familiar old negro in this county, and who was released from the penitentiary on Jan.10,1904, after serving a term of two years for manslaughter,dropped dead on the front porch of Aunt Julia Nevil's home on the western part of town Monday night, Jan.25,1904. A Coroner's inquest was held at Stevens & Co., undertakers, at which very little evidence could be adduced bearing directly upon the cause of death. He had arrived from Little Rock on the 6:25 pm train, and had been seen eating at the Nelson & Co. saloon lunch counter about 6:30. In talking to some of his friends he mentioned he had been sick. The remains were buried by the county. 2-5-1904 - WOMACK - S. - - - - - 2 4 1904 - UNKNOWN - Killed by Cars=It was reported that Squire John J.Ables, of Little Rock, had been run over and killed by the north bound No.102, Engineer William Burns, and Conductor Chas.Moore of the St.Louis and Iron Mountain RR passenger train at Colt last night. The Times called up Mr.Block, at Colt, this morning, and he informed us that a man had been killed by the train last night, about two miles south of Colt, on the Littlefield farm; that he was a stranger; that he had a bible in his pocket, with the name Hiram Warnick written on the fly leaf; that he had evidently been very drunk; had vomited, and had a bottle of whiskey on his person at the time of the accident. The Coroner Alley went up this morning, and has not returned as we go to press.2-12-1904 It is learned that Coroner Alley had the body buried by a man in a hole, no coffin or blanket, shame on him as he had money and it should have been used by the Coroner to bury the stranger in a better manner than that which he had done. Signed:M.E.Williams/C.E.Vinson/G.W.Leget/V.G.Milton/J.T.Phillippe/W.A.Weddington and about ten others signed the note. 2-5-1904 - ROWLAND - GEORGE - M. - - - 1852 - 2 4 1904 - UNKNOWN - Death of George M.Rowland=George M.Rowland, Assessor of St.Francis County, died last night, Feb.4,1904, at his home in Colt; after an illness of about three hours. While working in his barnyard about 6 pm, he was taken with a pain in his jaw, and the pain increased down his neck and into his left side. He suffered terribly, and Dr.L.H.Merritt was sent for and arrived about 8 pm. Everything was done that could be thought of, and a few minutes before he died, he seemed to be resting much easier. Death had put its quieting hand upon him, and he passed away around 9:15 pm. George Rowland was widely known, loved, and respected throughout the county, and his death is regretted by hundreds of friends and acquaintances. He was about 52 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child, a boy of 14 years. The remains will be interred in the Hughes or Roy cemetery today. 2-12-1904 - HILL - C. - H. - - - UNK - 2 7 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mr.C.H.Hill, aged 47 years, of Pine Bluff, had been ill and brought here for convalescing, had a relapse, and died last Sunday, Feb.7,1904. He was well known and highly respected. Difficult to read, may be 17 years of age. 2-19-1904 - VAUGHN - TILLMAN - - - - 1833 - 2 17 1904 - MT.VERNON - Death of Tillman Vaughn and Wife=The grim reaper has made quick work in the Vaughn household, and the friends and relatives of the family are appalled at the fatalities which occurred therein in the last ten days. It was just ten days ago that Chas.Padgett, the second husband of their daughter in law, died in the home of Tillman Vaughn, in Franks township, near Haynes. On Wednesday evening, Feb.17,1904, Tillman Vaughn himself passed away, aged 71 years. He had pneumonia and his advanced years made him an easy prey to the disease. The remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Undertaker Stevens had just arrived at the house, and had the remains in his casket, when Mrs.Vaughn, wife of the deceased, and two years his senior, passed away from old age and general debility. She will be buried this afternoon alongside her husband. They were well respected in the community, and we extend our sympathy to the friends. The cemetery might be in Haynes, not in New Castle. I had heard of another Mt.Vernon cemetery there. 2-19-1904 - VAUGHN - TILLMAN - - MRS. - - 1831 - 2 17 1904 - MT.VERNON - Death of Tillman Vaughn and Wife=The grim reaper has made quick work in the Vaughn household, and the friends and relatives of the family are appalled at the fatalities which occurred therein in the last ten days. It was just ten days ago that Chas.Padgett, the second husband of their daughter in law, died in the home of Tillman Vaughn, in Franks township, near Haynes. On Wednesday evening, Feb.17,1904, Tillman Vaughn himself passed away, aged 71 years. He had pneumonia and his advanced years made him an easy prey to the disease. The remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Undertaker Stevens had just arrived at the house, and had the remains in his casket, when Mrs.Vaughn, wife of the deceased, and two years his senior, passed away from old age and general debility. She will be buried this afternoon alongside her husband. They were well respected in the community, and we extend our sympathy to the friends. The cemetery might be in Haynes, not in New Castle. I had heard of another Mt.Vernon cemetery there. 2-19-1904 - PADGETT - CHAS. - - - - UNK - 2 9 1904 - UNKNOWN - Death of Tillman Vaughn and Wife=The grim reaper has made quick work in the Vaughn household, and the friends and relatives of the family are appalled at the fatalities which occurred therein in the last ten days. It was just ten days ago that Chas.Padgett, the second husband of their daughter in law, died in the home of Tillman Vaughn, in Franks township, near Haynes. On Wednesday evening, Feb.17,1904, Tillman Vaughn himself passed away, aged 71 years. He had pneumonia and his advanced years made him an easy prey to the disease. The remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery. Undertaker Stevens had just arrived at the house, and had the remains in his casket, when Mrs.Vaughn, wife of the deceased, and two years his senior, passed away from old age and general debility. She will be buried this afternoon alongside her husband. They were well respected in the community, and we extend our sympathy to the friends. 2-19-1904 - HARDIN - CHILD - - - - 1902 - 2 1904 - UNKNOWN - The two year old child of Mr.& Mrs.Hardin died last Tuesday of dropsy. We extend our sympathy to the family and friends. Democrat Times. 3-4-1904 - BRAZLE - W. - M. - - - UNK - 2 27 1904 - UNKNOWN - W.M.Brazle, known as Braze, a very old colored man, died at this place last Saturday morning, or pneumonia. Democrat Times 3-11-1904 - McMICKLE - W. - L. - - - 12 1 1865 - 3 7 1904 - BIBLE UNION - W.L. McMickle died yesterday afternoon, Mar.7,1904 at his late residence in the Fussell addition of pneumonia, after a short illness. Services were held at the residence this morning, and the remains were interred in the Bible Union cemetery today. 3-11-1904 - BUFORD - EDWIN - J. - - - 1833 - 3 9 1904 - MT.VERNON - Death of Mr.E.J.Buford=Mr.E.J.Buford died Wednesday afternoon, Mar.9,1904, after an illness of three months. He was born in Mecklenburg County, Va., served through the Civil war with Co.A 12th Virginia Infantry. Removed to Okalona, Miss. immediately after the war and held the office of deputy clerk for twenty two years, until he moved his family to Forrest City about 1892, to be near his son who is in business at Pettus & Buford. He was a devoted member ot the Masonic lodge. Knights of Pythias, and the United Confederate Veterans. While only here for a short time, he was a pleasant kind gentleman. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn their loss. The funeral took place from the residence yesterday morning, and the remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery, Rev.Geo.Hancock presiding. NEXT TO ANNA H.BUFORD-IMAGE2342 3-11-1904 - HILL - J. - R. - MRS. - KELLY - UNK - 3 6 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.J.R.Hill of Pine Tree died Sunday, Mar.6,1904, of pneumonia. Mrs.Hall was the daughter of the late Joe Kelly and makes the fourth death in the Hill family since Christmas day. 3-18-1904 - OSBORNE - E. - - MRS. - - 1844 - 3 14 1904 - HODGES - Mrs.E.Osborne died at the residence of Jesse Hodges in Yocona, last Monday night, Mar.14,1904, and was buried in the Hodges family cemetery on Tuesday. Mrs.Osborne was about 60 years of age, and was an old resident of the county. She recently came from Texas, where she had resided for the last two years. 3-25-1904 - COWAN - HAROLD - KIMLOCK - - - 12 22 1902 - 3 21 1904 - CITY - Little Harold Kimlock Cowan Dead=Harold Cowan, infant son of Judge John S.R.Cowan and Mrs.Cowan, was taken from this world of disappointment and sorrow last Monday morning, Mar.21,1904. He had been sick only a few days and no one supposed he was so seriously ill, but Sunday night it was evident that he could not stay with his loved ones for long. His little life had been one continued flow of love and delight to his father and mother and sisters, his passing away was beautiful. He was laid to rest in Forrest City cemetery on Wednesday at the residence, the Rev.George E.Hancock officiating. 4-1-1904 - NEAL - WILLLIAM - M. - COLONEL - - UNK - 3 30 1904 - UNKNOWN - Col.Wm.M.Neal, the talented editor of the Helena World passed away suddenly at the infirmary in Helena on Wednesday morning, of apoplexy, Mar.30,1904, after an illness of only twelve hours. His heartbroken wife, the former Miss Margaret Bedford, is one of the brightest women in the state, being at present President of The Arkansas Federation of Women's Clubs. Peace to his ashes, and may God comfort her. 4-29-1904 - McGee - WILLLIAM - - - - UNK - 4 22 1904 - CITY - William McGee, who lived on the P.L.Gray place in St.Francis bottom, died on Friday, Apr.22,1904, of pneumonia, and was buried in the Forrest City cemetery the following day. 5-6-1904 - AHLSTEAD - HENRY - A. - - - 1853 - 5 4 1904 - MEMPHIS - Henry A.Ahlsted, aged about 51 years, died Wednesday, May.4,1904, at his residence west of the L'anguille river in this county. He is better known by the name Foster having taken that name some time ago, on account of some trouble he had in Mississippi. He is well connected in Memphis and his remains were embalmed and shipped there by Stevens & Co. Undertakers yesterday. 5-6-1904 - DODD - HARRY - - - - UNK - 4 28 1904 - UNKNOWN - News reached the city Sunday of the drowning on Thursday of last week, Apr.28,1904, of Harry Dodd in the St.Francis river, about 15 miles south of Madison, a young man employed in the rafting of timber. It seems he fell asleep in his dugout, fell out, and was unable to recover from the shock. 5-6-1904 - BURNETT - DAVEY - ELIZABETH - - - 9 9 1902 - 3 26 1904 - UNKNOWN - Davey Elizabeth Burnett, daughter of Luke and Annie Burnett died Mar.26,1904, age 1 year 6 months, 17 days, of pneumonia. Sloniker Mill Times 5-13-1904 - BLANTON - J. - P. - - - UNK - 5 11 1904 - CITY - Death of J.P.Blanton=Mr.J.D.Baugh received a telegram Wednesday afternoon, May 11,1904, dated at Elsinore, Calif., and from Mrs.Blanton, bearing the sad news of the death of her husband, Mr.J.P.Blanton, at that place, and also stating that she would leave there with the remains and return to Forrest City on Monday. All arrangements have been made, and the interrment will take place at the Forrest City cemetery, and Elder Milton Hall will preside. Mr.Blanton had been a familiar figure in this city for many years. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He is survived by a wife and two children, one boy and one girl, to whom we extend our sincere sympathy. Mr.Blanton is rumored to have an estate of over $20,000 to $35,000 which will help the family overcome his absence. Rev.W.H.Paslay and Rev.S.H.Hancock conducted the services. Mr.John Seaborn, half brother to Mrs.Blanton, was down with his wife from Paragould for the services. 5-20-1904 - BANKS - HENRY - - - - UNK - 5 18 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mr.C.H.Banks of Marianna, passed through the city Tuesday morning to visit his sick brother, Henry Banks in Memphis, who later died on Wednesday, May 18,1904. 5-20-1904 - DAVIS - DAVID - WARD - - - 1816 - 5 17 1904 - CALVERT - Last of the Cartigans=David Ward Davis, died at his residence near Haynes, May 17,1904, and was buried May 18 at Calvert Cemetery. Uncle Dave, as he was familiarly known, was from the old dominion stock, born in 1816, when Kentucky was yet an outpost of a westward moving civilization, when men were born to meet the conditions which surrounded their cradle, strong, sturdy, temperate, strenuous, capable of felling forests or building empires, when the law of conquest held away, and men were built in large and expansive moulds. He came to Arkansas with his father's family in 1829, and settled upon his abode until his final summons. The small band of early pioneers who came with him, invited by the rich promise and future of the land, bent their courage and energy towards reclaiming the territory east of the L'anguille river, when it was a far cry to human habitation from its west bank. He leaves behind a vast number of relations, prominent in the developments, but of his immediate family, his near kith and kin, he was the last survivor, the final link, that bound together the past and present generations, the old and the new, the quick and the dead. In his approximate 90 years of Christian life, he journeyed farther and nearer the throne of God than is given the average man in his temple of clay, and far out on life's way, weary of his burden he fell asleep. 5-27-1904 - HALL - BILL - T. - MRS. - - UNK - 5 24 1904 - CITY - After an illness of two week with pneumonia, Mrs.Bill T.Hall passed away Tuesday afternoon, May 24,1904. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. The remains were interred at the Forrest City cemetery Wednesday morning, under the auspices of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, of which organization she was a faithful member. Rev.S.H.Babcock presiding over the services. 5-27-1904 - HUBBARD - WILL - - - - UNK - 5 23 1904 - UNKNOWN - Killed on the Road=Last Monday morning, May 23,1904, the eastbound 6:18 train on the Choctaw ran into and killed a man about 200 yards from Riley Orchard crossing, about one and a half miles east of the city. The train, with Engineer Bob Wilder, stopped and picked up the body, of Will Hubbard, deaf mute familiarly known as Dummy. His gun was found twisted on the fender of the engine. Death was instantaneous, and he had been on his way for a fishing and hunting expedition. The remains were given to the brother and conveyed to his home on the ridge, north of the city for burial. 5-27-1904 - MONROE - INEZ - - MRS. - - UNK - 5 23 1904 - CITY - Death of Mrs.M.L.Monroe=The sudden and untimely death of Inez, Mrs.M.L.Monroe, Monday afternoon, May 23,1904, was a painful shock to her relatives and friends. Her husband was in St.Louis and unprepared for the shock. Mrs.Monroe was taken violently ill at midnight of heart failure. Even though the medical community, doctors and nurses, did its best, she passed in the afternoon. The funeral took place from the residence at 5 o'clock Tuesday, and the remains were laid to rest at the Forrest City cemetery along side two of her children who had preceded her into the great unknown. Elder W.H.Paslay officiating. 6-3-1904 - ALEXANDER - MARGARET - - MRS. - - UNK - 5 31 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Margaret Alexander died in Johnson township, Tuesday night, May 31,1904, and was buried the next day. Mrs.Alexander was an old residenter of the township, a consistent member of the Methodist church, and every one of the large crowd who attended the funeral will miss her. 6-10-1904 - GREEN - MIKE - - - - UNK - 6 13 1904 - CITY - Mike, infant son of T.B.Green, of near Rawlinson, died June 13,1904, and the remains were brought here for interment in the Forrest City Cemetery the following day. We extend the bereaved our sincere sympathy. 6-10-1904 - McDONALD - O. - A. - MRS. - - UNK - 6 6 1904 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mrs.McDonald- The sad news of the death of Mrs.O.A.McDonald, wife of our good friend and brother, Capt.J.P.McDonald of Fullwood, reached the city Tuesday morning, and cast a gloom over the city, as she passed away on Monday, June 6,1904, after an illness of two weeks, and was buried the following day at the cemetery just beyond T.O.Fitzpatrick's place. Mrs.McDonald was a noble woman, a devoted wife, a fond and indulgent mother, and a sweet and neighborly neighbor. She leaves a husband, and a sweet little girl to mourn their loss. could be June 13,1904. 6-17-1904 - MALLORY - MARTHA - A. - MRS. - - 1 9 1832 - 6 14 1904 - MT.VERNON - Death of Mrs.J.W.Mallory-Mrs.Martha A.Mallory, wife of Mr.John W.Mallory of this city, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.Nellie Buford, Tuesday evening, June 14,1904, of typhoid fever and old age. The funeral took place from the residence on Wednesday, and the remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery, Rev.W.C.Davidson and Rev.S.H.Babcock officiating. Mrs.Mallory was born on Jan.9th, 1832 in Sussex Co., Va.. She moved here with her parents to Mississippi in 1844, and was married to John W.Mallory in Marshall Co., Miss. They later moved and settled at Mt.Vernon in St.Francis county, and have resided there since that time. She was converted by the Methodist Episocopal church south, in which she lived and died a faithful and thoroughly devoted Christian. She was active up until an accident seven years ago which made her an invalid. She leaves a husband, three daughters, and three sons, and goes forth to meet other children long since crossed over. The surviving children are Mrs.F.Laughinghouse, Mrs.Cora Crews, Mr.Emmet Mallory, Mr.John W.Mallory Jr., Mr.Ed Mallory, and Mrs. Nellie Buford. 6-24-1904 - LINDSEY - JOHN - - MRS. - - 1842 - 6 19 1904 - HUGHES - Mrs.John Lindsey,aged 66 years, died at her home in Fullwood Sunday night, June 19,1904, of general dibility and old age, after an illness of three months. She was consistent member of the Methodist church, and was beloved by all who knew her. She leaves three sons, and two daughters to mourn their loss as follows: Messrs.Ollie and Billie Miller, Charles Lindsey, and Mrs.Bud May, and Mrs. Lillian Littlefield, all of Johnson township. The remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery, Rev.W.C.Davidson presiding. 6-24-1904 - STOKES - PEARL - - MISS - - 1882 - 6 19 1904 - HUGHES - Miss Pearl Stokes, daughter of George Stokes, and aged 22 years died with consumption at the residence of her uncle, Mr.W.J.Lindsey, at Caldwell, Sunday night, June 19,1904. The remains were buried in the Hughes cemetery the following day. She had suffered a long and tedious illness, and just recently returned from Texas where she had gone to seek relief. 7-1-1904 - HAYNES - TRIPLETT BOYS - - - - 6 23 1904 - 6 23 1904 - FCTIMES - Mrs.Jacob Haynes, of Horton gave birth to triplett boys last Thursday, two of which only lived two hours, the third being stillborn. 7-1-1904 - BATTLE - MERISE - - MISS - - 1897 - 6 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Grace Battle just sent a communication announcing the death of sweet little seven year old Merise, after an illness of one week. They are in Guthrie, Ky., Merise was the pride of the mother's heart and will be missed by all who knew her here. 7-8-1904 - DAVIS - D. - W. - - - 12 9 1833 - 6 27 1904 - CITY - Death of D.W.Davis=Two weeks ago today, Mr.D.W.Davis accidentally discharged his hammerless shotgun, the entire load of squirrel buckshot with which it was loaded passing into his foot. The wound was dressed by a local physician, and later, Dr.John Maury of Memphis, was called and he too dressed the wound. It was thought that he would survive, but ten days later, after the accident, June 27,1904, tetanus set in and in a few hours our friend and fellow citizen was a corpse. D.W.Davis was born in St.Francis county Dec.9,1833. He was son of Cornelius, a brother of John M. and T.J.Davis, Mrs.John C.Lynch, Mrs.F.D.Hayden, of Arizona, and a half brother of James M.Davis, formerly of this county. He was related to the Honorable Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, and was an exemplary citizen, who took a lively interest in all affairs which affected the people. His father came to this county from Kentucky in 1828, and our subject was reared in the wilds of this territory at that time. He spent a great deal of his time in the hunt and chase, and it is remarkable that he was always so careful with his guns and that at last he should lose his life accidentally by his own hand. Mr.Davis had meagre school advantages in his younger days, but as he grew older, and greater opportunities presented themselves, he took advantage of them, and at his death there was perhaps not a better posted man in this county. He taught school and earned the means to take him through college, and finally took a course in civil engineering in McKendrie college. From Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas, we learn that subsequently he went to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and took part in the border warfare in Missouri and Kansas. He then followed surveying in Nebraska for a short time, when he returned to this county and held several political positions. When his country called to arms, he enlisted in the Crittenden Rangers, the first company raised in Arkansas. A few months later, he aided Marah Walker in raising his regiment,of which he was made Captain and Commissary. After the war, he came home, took up the practice of law, but soon resumed farming, and was later engaged to some extent in politics. In 1873, he was President of the Board of Supervisors of this county, a position at the time was about the same as that of County Judge. The county seat was at Madison at that time, and he and Capt.John Parham, now deceased, devised a scheme whereby it could be lawfully done, and did it one night while the inhabitants were asleep and without their consent. The extended the corporate limitsof the town of Madison westward about ten miles to L'anguille river, which was accordingly done, and that night the records were removed to Forrest City at the courthouse on Front Street. He was married in 1863 to Mrs.McClintook, and five children blessed their union:Blanche, now Mrs.J.S.Stuart, of Texarkana; DeWitt, also of Texarkana; Annie, David and Mabel, the later now Mrs.S.G.Norton, all of whom survive him. All were at the funeral from the residence, to interment at the Forrest City Cemetery. Rev.George E. Hancock officiating. Mr.Davis was a member of the Episcopal church, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and in politics, a Swamp Democrat. He served on the Board of Directors for the public schools here, and styled himself as father of free schools in one campaign. He leaves his wife in fortunate circumstances, and each of the children have deeded their interest to their mother. 7-15-1904 - NEEL - D. - W. - - - 4 22 1863 - 7 5 1904 - CITY - Death of D.W.Neel-Mr.D.W.Neal, familiarly known as Dock Neel, died at his home, about four miles south of east of Forrest City, last Tuesday, July 7,1904, of cancer of the stomach, and his remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery the following day, Elder W.H.Paslay officiating. Dock Neel was forty years of age, and came to this county twelve years ago from Fayette Co., Tenn. Ten years ago he was married to Miss Nora Whittington, who together with three children, survive him. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church, and had a legion of friends and loving relatives who sorely regret his death. He has been a patient sufferer, having gone to Memphis for treatment, but it was of no avail. In the post mortem examination of the body, it was found a large tumor originating from the pancreas to the left kidney. 7-22-1904 - ELLIS - FELIX - - - - UNK - 7 18 1904 - UNKNOWN - Felix Ellis, a nephew of Mr.W.H.Aldridge, died at Wynne Monday, July 18,1904, and was buried at Hamlin Tuesday. 7-22-1904 - LEVY - ROSALIE - - MRS. - - 1832 - 7 18 1904 - MEMPHIS - Mrs.Rosalie Levy, mother of Levy brothers, of this city, died Monday evening, July 18,1904, aged 78 years of old age and general debility at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Gus Levy. She had been ill for about three years as a result of an accident in New York City when she was run down by a wagon. She was born in Germania, and had been in this country thirty years, and moved to her daughter about a year ago in Kansas City, when she decided to move here to be with her sons, which she arrived on July 7, and survived the trip just eleven days. Her remains were sent to Memphis to be interred in the Jewish Cemetery in the presence of her three sons. Peace to her ashes. 7-29-1904 - PREWETT - MARK - W. - - - 5 13 1854 - 7 29 1904 - CITY - Mr.Mark Prewett, of Helena, well known here, where he spent his boyhood, is at the infirmary in Helena, lying at the point of death. On his head, just back of the left ear is an infected area, and he had to have an operation performed. Mr.John M.Prewett of this city, a brother of Mark went down last Sunday, when the operation was performed, as all surpassed quite successfully. He has never rallied however, and his death in momentarily expected. The peculiar phase of this case is he is quite rational, and does not seem to suffer any pain. Later=Mr.Prewett died at noon today. Funeral will take place at the Forrest City cemetery tomorrow at 10 am. 8-5-1904 Death of Mark W.Prewett=As the Times was going to press last Friday afternoon, the sad news of the death of Mark W.Prewett, of Helena, reached the city. He was born at Taylor's Creek, in this county, May 13,1854, consequently was 50 years of age last May. He was the second son of Capt.F.M. and Nancy E.Prewett, the former a pioneer of Eastern Arkansas, and a Mexican War veteran, who survive him. Mr.Prewett was twice married; first to Miss Mattie Davant, by whom he had four children, three of whom are now living, Marion D., Mark, and Tom, all of whom are most excellent young men who have excellent positions: Marion D. with J.B.Pillow in Helena for seven years; Mark with Byford for five years, and Tom who is married at Oakland, California. Second to Miss Ella Hawkins, niece of Judge Thomas B.Hanly of Helena, with whom he had five children, all of whom survive him along with the second wife. He was a brother of Messrs. John M, and T.E.Prewett, and three sisters, cannot read. 7-29-1904 - JAMES - A. - W. - PROF. - - UNK - 7 22 1904 - UNKNOWN - Prof.A.W.James, a traveling music and dancing teacher, died at Texarkana last Friday, Jul.22,1904, of congestion, suddenly. He was a Confederate veteran, and had taught dancing in every county of Arkansas. He will be remembered by a great many of his pupils here. We remember that he taught in the old Winthrop Opera House here. 7-29-1904 - ROBINSON - PETER - - - - UNK - 7 23 1904 - UNKNOWN - Peter Robinson, the negro who had small pox in the McDaniel building, just south of the Marion hotel last week, died Saturday, Jul.23,1904, and the marshall had a difficult problem finding anyone to bury the man. There was some talk of burning the old shack, but this was not done. 7-29-1904 - BATTS - JAMES - BRUCE - - - 7 12 1903 - 7 23 1904 - HUGHES - James Bruce Batts, aged one year and eleven days, infant son of Mr.& Mrs.Walter Batts, died at their home in the northern part of the city Saturday morning, Jul.23,1904, and was buried on Sunday in the Hughes cemetery. Rev.S,H,Babcock of the Methodist church officiating. The dear baby was a smart little fellow, and the pride and joy of his parents. 8-5-1904 - GILLILAND - WILL - - - - UNK - 7 28 1904 - UNKNOWN - Last Thursday, week, Jul.28,1904, Robt.Cobb shot and instantly killed Will Gilliland at the home of Wm.Henry Cobb. about a mile and a half southwest of Colt. He was arrested, and at the inquest, he pleaded it was an accident. He was discharged after the examining trial. 8-12-1904 - PETTUS - MARY - - MISS - - 9 9 1903 - 8 9 1904 - CITY - Mary, the sweet little 11 months old baby girl of Mr.& Mrs.S.L.Pettus who reside in the Fussell addition, died Tuesday, Aug.9,1904, and the remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery the following day, Eld.J.A.McCord officiating. 8-26-1904 - WILSON - SAMUEL - C. - - - 1825 - 8 24 1904 - CITY - Death of Mr.S.C.Wilson-Died at his home In Forrest City Wednesday, Aug.24,1904, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, aged 79 years. Mr.Wilson was born in the state of Ohio, in 1825, emigrated south at the age of 19, and located in Mississippi. In 1858 he married Mrs.Mary L.Williams, whose maiden name was Miss Beck, Sister of Mr.J.W.Beck of this city. In 1860 he came to St.Francis Co., where he has resided ever since. The children of this union are as follows:Mrs.Mary (Mollie) Eliza Hannah of Fayetteville, Eugene and Mortimer Wilson, all of whom survive him. Mrs.Alice Casteel, is his step daughter. On March 26,1891, he married Mrs.Virginia Fogg, sister of Messrs.Emmet and Homer Fogg, who survives him. Mr.Wilson's long and active career in Forrest City made him a conspicuous character-bold, aggressive, independent, self reliant, and fearless. He had opinions on all sorts of questions pertaining to the public weal, and never hesitated in stating them. Mr.Wilson was a contractor and builder, and many of the buildings of our city are a direct result of that labor. The funeral took place yesterday at Forrest City cemetery, Elder J.A.McCord officiating. The bereaved relatives have our sincere sympathy. Mr.Samuel C.Wilson was on the 1880 census, showing occupation as undertaker. In Bio also on this site, he was in the Civil War. Stevenrord's Battery, CSA. 8-26-1904 - MURPHREE - WILLIAM - - - - 3 25 1866 - 8 29 1904 - CITY - Card of Thanks=Mrs.Wm.Murphree desires us to extend to all those friends who have been so kind and sympathetic and all who have in any way been instrumental in administering to her or her late husband prior to his death, her sincere appreciation and thanks, and will ever hold them in grateful remembrance. John Williams, Negro Ex-Convict and desparado, shot to death City Marshall W.W.Rainbolt, and Chief Deputy William Murphree on last Saturday about 6:45 o'clock pm., Aug.29,1904. Williams body was riddled with bullets from revolvers of Swan, Rainbolt, and Murphree, also killing him. John Williams had lived on the Louis Pugh place south of town, and Mr.Pugh told him to leave after he had terrorized other negroes with a pistol. He reported the same to Deputy Swan when he came to town Saturday, and he notified the other offficers in town. The story is long and detailed, but essentially they attempted to arrest Williams, and the gun battle ensued. Mr.Murphree was born in Mississippi March 25,1866, and at the time of his death was 38 years, 4 months, and 26 days of age. He removed to Arkansas with his parents at the age of 11 years. locating in Monroe Co., where he was later married to Miss Evette, by whom he had one child, a girl. His wife died, and he moved to Wheatley, in this county, and on Oct.4,1898, moved to Forrest City. On Nov.6,1898, he was happily married to Miss Annie Elliott, of this county, by whom he had two children, all of whom survive to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Baptist faith. He was an exemplary citizen, an honest man, a loving husband and indulgent father, a good neighbor, and a steadfast friend. He was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and Odd Fellows. He leaves his family in moderately good circumstances. 9-2-1904 - RAINBOLT - W. - W. - MARSHALL - - 10 14 1855 - 8 29 1904 - CITY - Mr.J.W.Rainbolt, of Springfield, Ark., arrived Monday night to attend the funeral of his brother, and returned home the following day. Also a cousin, Mr.Will Adams of Talahatchie attended the funeral. John Williams, Negro Ex-Convict and desparado, shot to death City Marshall W.W.Rainbolt, and Chief Deputy William Murphree on last Saturday about 6:45 o'clock pm., Aug.29,1904. Williams body was riddled with bullets from revolvers of Swan, Rainbolt, and Murphree, also killing him. John Williams had lived on the Louis Pugh place south of town, and Mr.Pugh told him to leave after he had terrorized other negroes with a pistol. He reported the same to Deputy Swan when he came to town Saturday, and he notified the other offficers in town. The story is long and detailed, but essentially they attempted to arrest Williams, and the gun battle ensued. Both Murphree and Rainbolt were buried in the Forrest City cemetery on Monday under the auspices of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which both were beloved members. Rainbolt was also a member of the Woodmen of the World. Mr.Rainbolt was born in Kentucky, and removed to Arkansas with his parents when quite young. He came to Forrest City from Little Rock in 1897 and was married to Miss Rosa E.Lannan, Oct.12,1887, by whom he had three children, Annie, aged 15, James, aged 12, and Ruth, aged two years. Mr.Rainbolt was of the Catholic faith, but there was no priest available. 9-2-1904 - WILLIAMS - JOHN - - - - UNK - 8 29 1904 - UNKNOWN - John Williams, Negro Ex-Convict and desparado, shot to death City Marshall W.W.Rainbolt, and Chief Deputy William Murphree on last Saturday about 6:45 o'clock pm., Aug.29,1904. Williams body was riddled with bullets from revolvers of Swan, Rainbolt, and Murphree, also killing him. John Williams had lived on the Louis Pugh place south of town, and Mr.Pugh told him to leave after he had terrorized other negroes with a pistol. He reported the same to Deputy Swan when he came to town Saturday, and he notified the other offficers in town. The story is long and detailed, but essentially they attempted to arrest Williams, and the gun battle ensued. 9-2-1904 - DAVIS - DEE - - - - - UNK - UNKNOWN - Resolutions of Respect=To the officers and members of Forrest City Lodge No.329, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Whereas our esteemed brother Dee Davis has been taken from our midst. The lodge laments his loss. W.T.Sanders/T.W.McClendon/C.D.Terrell=Committee. 9-9-1904 - WEIR - RACHEL - - MISS - - UNK - 9 3 1904 - CITY - Death claims as its victim, Rachel, the sweet little daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Charles G.Weir, Saturday, Sep.3,1904. The little one was but ill only a few hours, with congestion of the brain. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City Cemetery on Sunday. The Times extends sympathy for the bereaved family. 9-9-1904 - McCLANE - SAMUEL - - - - 1892 - 9 4 1904 - UNKNOWN - The Same Old Story-Last Sunday morning, Jno. Taylor and Samuel McClane, aged 14 and 12 respectively, who lived with their parents on the L.O.McDaniel place, and were neighbors to S.T.McDaniel's family, went over to S.T.McDaniel's home to play with his children. During the forenoon, John Taylor, when playing, picked up a target rifle, the property of one of McDaniel's children, and pointing it back at his step-brother, said "I'm going to shoot you, " and pulled the trigger. He did not know it was loaded, and will go to his grave regretting that he was so careless as to murder his step brother. The bullet just barely missed the cheek of Louis McDaniel's left cheek, just grazing it, the boy died within a few minutes. 9-16-1904 - POPE - BENJAMIN - P. - - - 1828 - 9 9 1904 - CITY - Death of B.J.Pope=Mr.B.J.Pope was born in South Hampton Co., Va. in 1828, came to Arkansas in 1869. locating in this county, and has lived here since, until his death, from catarrh of the stomach, which sad event occurred Thursday night, Sep.9,1904. He was buried in the Forrest City cemetery Friday afternoon. He was married to Miss Nannie Woodard of South Hampton in 1854. R.J.Pope was well and favorably known in this county. He was a good neighbor, a loving husband, and considerate father. He leaves a wife and three grown children to mourn their loss: they are:Mr.J.A.Pope of Norfolk, Va.;Mrs.M.A.Hood of this county; and Mrs.Hamilton Jordan, nee Sallie Pope, of Keyser, W.Va. He was a brave Confedrate soldier for four years, and was with Lee at Appomattox. During his last illness, he was attended by his family, and all that could be done by love and science was unable to change the outcome. He has gone to his reward. The Times extends sympathy to the friends and family. Note:middle initial might be J. 9-23-1904 - ALFORD - BABY GIRL - - - - UNK - 9 16 1904 - UNKNOWN - The angel of death came to the home of Mr.& Mrs.Will Alford of Newcastle, and took the life of their little baby girl, last Friday, Sep.16,1904. 9-23-1904 - DANFORTH - P. - A. - - - UNK - 9 10 1904 - GEORGIA - Mysteriously Disappeared-Missing in Memphis, P.A.Danforth dies here Saturday night of Congestion. He arrived here on Sep.8th and leisurely perambulated into the St.Francis Hotel, and asked Mr.Milam, the proprietor, the location of the post office, the express companies office, and other general information. He went out, but returned and took a room. He was well dressed and had the appearance of a businessman. He then went across town and purchased a new suit of clothes and other apparel. He awoke the next morning, and told Mr.Milam he felt a cold chill, and then took to his bed. When Ed Milam saw he was not better, he called for Dr.Rush, and later Dr.Strong and Alley, but death had set its seat upon the living, and breathed his last on Saturday night about 10:30pm. After seeking relatives, they found a brother in Pittman, Georgia, and he wired the full instructions, and the body was sent back to him for burial by Stevens Bros.Undertakers. 9-30-1904 - MARTIN - LEONARD - - - - 1883 - 9 27 1904 - UNKNOWN - Unfortunate Accident= A very unfortunate accident occurred at the gin owned and operated by Consumers Cotton Oil Co. at Colt, Tuesday, Sep.27,1904, in which Mr.Leonard Martin, aged about 21, lost his life. He got his hand caught in the machinery, and sawed off his arm at the shoulder before it could be stopped. Dr.England, the local physician was hurredly called to attend to his wounds, but arrived too late to render services. He lived about two hours after the accident. 9-30-1904 - GRAY - R. - P. - - - 1882 - 9 1904 - UNKNOWN - Negro Killed at Palestine=R.P.Gray, aged about 22 years, was shot by Mr.Henry Jordan of Palestine last Saturday. It arose over the place where Gray was told to store cotton that he picked. Unable to read the particulars. Gray lived a couple of days and died from the pistol shot. 10-14-1904 - BOROUGH - ELLEN - - MRS. - - UNK - 10 12 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Ellen Borough dropped dead Wednesday, Oct.12,1904, at the Grobmyer place south of town. 10-21-1904 - DORRIS - BABY - - - - UNK - 10 17 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mr.& Mrs.G.G.Doris of Johnson township lost their baby Monday night, Oct.17,1904. The live about nine miles north of the city 10-21-1904 - THOMAS - BABY GIRL - - - - 4 1903 - 10 15 1904 - CITY - Mr.& Mrs.J.N.Thomas lost their sweet little baby girl on Saturday, Oct.15,1904, she was but 18 months old, and the remains were buried in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday afternoon, Rev.J.A.McCord officiating. 10-28-1904 - McDANIEL - WILLIAM - HOWERSON - - - 1 17 1834 - 10 21 1904 - CITY - Death of Capt.W.H.McDaniel-The dealings of providence with the beings created by omnipotent power are wonderful, mysterious, and oft-times perplexing. When on last Friday, it became known that the spirit of Capt.W.H.McDaniel had left its frail, enfeebled body, friends remarked on the vitality and strength of constitution which enabled him to battle so many years against the inroads of time. William Howerson McDaniel was born in St.Francis County Jan.17,1834, and died Oct.21, 1904. His love for his native state and county, was shown by his continued residence here during his entire life. When the Civil war began and volunteers were first called he was one of the first to enlist, joining the 13th? Arkansas as a First Lieutenant. At the battle of Shiloh, he replaced his captain lost in battle. He survived the war, being wounded several times at Murfressboro. At Chickamauga, when the smoke had cleared of that great battle, he and his friend, Jesse Hodges stood among the thousands of dead and dying, and being the sole survivors of their company. He chose to return home to enlist more to the cause, when he was captured on this trip, and sent to Johnson's Island where he remained until the end of the war as a prisoner. At the close of the war, he returned home and married Miss Mollie Elender Fondren, of Tennessee, on Jan.24,1867. They were the parents of three children:Mrs.John W.Naylor, Mrs.Sydenham R.Trapp, Jr., and Mrs.Percy H.Barker, all of whom were with him, and ministered to his wants. He was a successful businessman, an interested citizen. The services at the church were simple, Rev.W.H.Paslay officiating, and then the body was laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery by his Confederate Veteran comrades with the battleflag entwined with crepe over all that was mortal of W.H.McDaniel. 11-4-1904 - EZELL - MYRA - LEE - MISS - - 6 5 1904 - 10 31 1904 - CITY - Death of Mrs.Myra Lee Ezell= The Times regrets to have to report the death of Myra Lee, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.O.A.Ezell, which sad event occurred Monday morning, Oct.31,1904. The little one had been sick four of the five months of life, and gradually wasted away. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery the same afternoon, Elder J.A.McCord officiating. 11-4-1904 - DUNCAN - WILL - E. - - - 1861 - 11 3 1904 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mr.W.E.Duncan=Will Duncan is dead. The news spread like a flash over the city yesterday, Nov.3,1904, and caused universal regret among both white and colored citizens. He was well known and favorably known by a large majority of the white citizens of this county who do residing in Forrest City, and he had more white friends than any other. He was born in Perry, Georgia in 1861, and was about 43 years of age. He came to Forrest City when he was 13, and has resided here ever since. He was the proprietor of the Imperial Barber Shop, and no one ever left there with cause for regret. He married a daughter of Louis Moody, and has seven children to mourn his loss. His remains will be buried in the cemetery just east of Dr.Dooley's home, Sunday morning. 11-11-1904 - HASKINS - THOMAS - E. - CAPT. - - 1836 - 11 7 1904 - CITY - Death of Capt.T.E.Haskins=Capt.T.E.Haskins has gone to his just reward. He had been ill at times during the last three years of his life, and was recently brought to his bed by a malignant attack of pneumonia. He died Monday morning, Nov.7.1904, surrounded by friends and relatives. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from his country home, and the remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, under auspices of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, Rev.H.M.McLain assisted Rev.S.H.Babcock in the religious services, and the choir of the Methodist church sang several of his favorite hymns. "This time for Thomas Edward Haskins-soldier, patriot, citizen, Christian-familiarly known as Captain Haskins." He was born in Prince Edward County, Va., in the fall of 1836. While quite young, he moved to Mississippi. He enlisted with the 18th Mississippi, and after being sent to Virginia, he was transferred to Co.K, 34th Cavalry, Wickam's Brigade, Fitz Lee's Division, and served with Stewart's cavalry from the beginning of the Civil war to the end. On June 12,1876 he was married to Miss Fannie Moore, and they had five children, one of whom survives him. His wife preceded him to heaven by 27 years. He has lived at Forrest City since 1872, and has served as bookkeeper, general merchant, and public office. He was sheriff by appointment, and was elected Treasurer for St.Francis county for three consecutive terms. He was a man of clean life, and gentlemanly bearing. He was a longtime member of the Presbyterian church, and led an exemplary life as a Christian gentleman. Attending the funeral:Mr.Archer Haskins, brother of deceased, Mehaernia, Va.; Mrs.Gertrude Wiggins, and little daughter, of St.Louis, niece of deceased; and Miss Patty Moore of Memphis, sister in law of deceased. 11-18-1904 Card of thanks from Miss Fannie and Mr.Archer Haskins to Capt.James Fussell and Mr.G.B.Mallory, the Times and others who were so kind in their late distress. 12-16-1904 Tribute in Scott County Register, Mississippi, by his friend, Jno.J.Hood-We were intimate friends before the war, but then this feeling was intensified during the war, at his fathers home in grand old Virginia. The old Virginia hospitality was liberally dispensed at that splendid home, where was assembled the highest type of southern womanhood and the chivalry and honor of the south's peerless manhood. Capt.Haskins rode with the Knightly Stuart, and followed his black plume wherever his dauntless courage led. It is needless to say that where Stuart fought and passed, there lies today a shaft of light and fame, and to those who followed him the glory of his great achievement. After the war he merchandised with his cousin, Capt.David M.Womack. 11-11-1904 - HALL - MARY - TULA - MRS. - PASLAY - 8 3 1859 - 11 8 1904 - CITY - Death of Mrs.Hall=Mary Tula Paslay Hall was born in Dallas Co., Alabama on Aug.31,1859, and later moved to with her parents to this county. On Dec.5,1878, she was married to Mr.E.T.Gray, who lived and prospered in this community until his death late in 1892, at which time he left a sorrowing widow and two bright little boys, vz.Henry and Thomas. She then married Elder Milton Hall, the then presding elder of the Baptist church, and died at her home in this city, Nov.8,1904, of consumption.The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, and religious ceremonies were conducted at the grave by Elder J.A.McCord of the Baptist church. She was the eldest daughter of Elder W.H.Paslay, by his first wife, and leaves in addition to her father, a husband, and two boys, three brothers and three sisters to mourn her loss. 11-18-1904 - LINDSEY - CHAS. - - - - UNK - 11 13 1904 - HUGHES - Death has been reaping a harvest the past week in Johnson township, last Sunday, Nov.13, 1904, Chas.Lindsey passed away, leaving a wife and one child. The remains were laid to rest in Hughes cemetery Monday. He was a good citizen, and will be missed. 11-18-1904 - MONTGOMER - HUGH - - - - UNK - 11 14 1904 - HUGHES - Death has been reaping a harvest the past week in Johnson township, on Monday, Nov.14,1904, Hugh Montgomery, step son of Mr.McNull died, and was buried Tuesday in the Hughes graveyard. He was a good citizen, and will be missed. 12-2-1904 - WOOD - A. - C. - - - UNK - 1904 - UNKNOWN - OBITUARY-God in his all wise but insrutable providence, has, brought the Angel of Death, visited our fold, and taken from our midst our beloved brother A.C.Wood. Brother Wood was a consistent and consecrated Christian. Always reliable to bear his part in every good word or work, and his place will be hard to fill. He was a devoted husband, a kind and affectionate father and an honored citizen. Truly a good man of Israel has fallen. His death was not altogether unexpected, as he had been in declining health for some time. The Baptist Church Nov.1904. 12-2-1904 - COX - JENNIE - - MRS. - WHITTENTON - 10 13 1846 - 11 26 1904 - CITY - Death of Mrs.John Cox= There was grief and regret among the relatives and friends of Mrs.Jennie Cox, when it was announced that her spirit had taken its flight to its maker on last Saturday, Nov.26,1904. She had been ill with pneumonia for about a week, and all the loving care and attention she received were of no avail and she died as she had lived, a thorough Christian, having been a member and followed the precepts of the Baptist church for over forty years. She was born in Tennessee in 1846, her maiden name being Jennie Whittenton. She was married in Arkansas to Mr.John Cox in 1871. Embraced the Baptist faith when she was fourteen years old, and now she leaves a heartbroken husband and seven children to mourn her loss. She was a member in good standing of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday, to await the great summons, Rev.J.A.McCord officiating. The Times extends sympathy to the bereaved family, Uncle John Cox has been our steadfast friend for many years. 12-2-1904 - PIPPIN - SUSIE - - MRS. - - 2 27 1870 - 11 29 1904 - HUGHES - Death of Mrs.Leon H.Pippin=The numerous friends and acquaintances of the family will regret, as we did, the news of the death of Mrs.Susie Pippin, of near Fulwood, Johnson township, which sad event occurred on last Tuesday evening, Nov.29,1904, of pneumonia, aged 34 years, 9 months, and 2 days, having been born on Feb.27,1870. The precious remains were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery the next afternoon. She leaves a husband, four boys, the eldest being eighteen, and a daughter four years, to mourn her loss. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church at Forest Chapel. Her parents and other relatives and friends reside at Embry, Mississippi. 12-2-1904 - HARPER - SON - - - - 1899 - 10 25 1904 - UNKNOWN - Lost Three Children=Rev.and Mrs.W.B.Harper and Mr.G.W.Harper of Prairie township, were in the city on business yesterday, and incidentally mentioned that they, Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Harper have recently been pathetically bereaved by the loss of all their children. On Oct.25th, they lost a fine boy, aged five years , of laryngitus, and at 7 o'clock last Sunday, Nov.27th, their sweet little baby, aged sixteen months. Five and a half hours later a beautiful little girl of three years died. Both of these died of complication of whooping cough and congestion. These good people have been living near Palestine, on Rev.Harper's place, but plan on moving into town 12-2-1904 - HARPER - BABY GIRL - - - - 7 1903 - 11 27 1904 - UNKNOWN - Lost Three Children=Rev.and Mrs.W.B.Harper and Mr.G.W.Harper of Prairie township, were in the city on business yesterday, and incidentally mentioned that they, Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Harper have recently been pathetically bereaved by the loss of all their children. On Oct.25th, they lost a fine boy, aged five years , of laryngitus, and at 7 o'clock last Sunday, Nov.27th, their sweet little baby, aged sixteen months. Five and a half hours later a beautiful little girl of three years died. Both of these died of complication of whooping cough and congestion. These good people have been living near Palestine, on Rev.Harper's place, but plan on moving into town 12-2-1904 - HARPER - BABY GIRL - - - - 1901 - 11 27 1904 - UNKNOWN - Lost Three Children=Rev.and Mrs.W.B.Harper and Mr.G.W.Harper of Prairie township, were in the city on business yesterday, and incidentally mentioned that they, Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Harper have recently been pathetically bereaved by the loss of all their children. On Oct.25th, they lost a fine boy, aged five years , of laryngitus, and at 7 o'clock last Sunday, Nov.27th, their sweet little baby, aged sixteen months. Five and a half hours later a beautiful little girl of three years died. Both of these died of complication of whooping cough and congestion. These good people have been living near Palestine, on Rev.Harper's place, but plan on moving into town 12-9-1904 - CURTIS - LULA - - MRS. - - 1867 - 12 8 1904 - INDIANA - Death of Mrs.Lula Curtis=Mrs.Lula Curtis, wife of Mr.A.C.Curtis, a painter who has been in this town for several months, died at their home near the residence of Mr.& Mrs.L.E.Davenport, yesterday, Dec.8,1904, of pneumonia, aged 37 years of age. The family came here from Indiana. The remains were taken to New Carlisle, Indiana for burial. She leaves a sorrowing husband and two children, a boy and a girl to mourn her untimely demise. Mr.Curtis asked us to thank those neighbors and friends who assisted them in their time of need. 12-9-1904 - MORRIS - STELLA - - MISS - - UNK - 12 5 1904 - CALVERT - Miss Stella Morris, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.S.Morris of Yocona, died Monday, Dec.5,1904, of typhoid fever, and was buried at the Calvert graveyard Tuesday afternoon, Miss Stella was a very bright and ambitious young girl, and will be sadly missed by her parents and companions. 12-23-1904 - SAWYER - WILSE - - - - 1825 - 12 1904 - UNKNOWN - Wilse Sawyer, aged 79, died at Little Rock, he served with Forrest's Cavalry in the Civil war. 12-23-1904 - EAGLE - JAMES - PHILLIP - GOVERNOR - - 8 10 1837 - 12 20 1904 - MOUNT HOLLY - Death of Ex-Governor, James P.Eagle=Arkansas' sixteenth Governor, James P.Eagle,is dead. He had been the head of the Southern Baptist Association for 21 straight years. ARKANSAS GAZETTE-DEC.21-Former Gov.James Philip Eagle died here Tuesday, Dec.20,1904, after a short illness. He was 67 years old. He was born in Maury Co., Tenn., in 1837, served in the Confederate army during the Civil War, in all grades from Private to Colonel, afterwards entering into the Baptist ministry and engaged extensively in cotton farming. He was four times a member, and once speaker of the Arkansas legislature, served as a member of the constitutional convention of 1874, and as one of the three commisioners on the adjustment of the Brooke-Baxter war for the governorship, and was Governor from 1890 to 1893. He was buried next to his wife, who died Feb.15,1903, and interment was in Mount Holly cemetery. He had been a devoted watcher at his brothers bedside, Col.W.H.Eagle, who lies critically ill only a few blocks from the governor's home at 219 East Seventh St.. He had no children. In the Civil war, in which he enlisted as a private in 1861, he took part in many battles in the Indian Territory, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina. He was once badly wounded, once a prisoner at Fort Delaware. He surrendered in North Carolina with Joseph E.Johnson in 1865. At the time he was a lieutenant colonel. In 1867 he attended school in Lonoke, and in 1870 and 1874 attended Mississippi college. In 1872 he was elected to the legislature. In 1888, he was elected governor, and reelected in 1890. He never lost an election in which he participated. He came to Arkansas in November 1839 with his parents. He is survived by one brother, Col.W.H.Eagle, of Little Rock; and three sisters; Mrs.Mattie Boyd, Mrs.Mary J.Jones, and Mrs.Sallie Mower, all of Lonoke. 12-23-1904 - NICHOLS - NACE - - - - UNK - 12 21 1904 - LOUGHRIDGE - Mr.Nace Nichols of New Castle, died Wednesday, Dec.21,1904, of pneumonia, at his home, and was buried at the Loughridge cemetery yesterday. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss, and to them we extend our sincere sympathy. 12-23-1904 - GORUM - DORRIS - - - - 1891 - 12 20 1904 - UNKNOWN - Dorris Gorum, 13 year old son of Mr.& Mrs.H.E.Gorum died at their home in Palestine Tuesday, Dec.20,1904, and was buried Wednesday. The Times extends sympathy to the bereaved family. They have been most unfortunate in the loss of their loved ones, several other children having passed away at an early age. 12-30-1904 - RAWLISON - MARTHA - - MRS. - - UNK - 12 22 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Martha Rawlison died on Dec.22,1904, and Mrs.Francis Johnson died Dec.16,1904, at Rawlison. They were mother and sister, respectively, of Mr.O.J.Rawlison, of the place, to whom and other relatives and bereaved ones. The Times extends its sincere and heartfelt sympathy. 12-30-1904 - JOHNSON - FRANCIS - - MRS. - RAWLISON - UNK - 12 16 1904 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Martha Rawlison died on Dec.22,1904, and Mrs.Francis Johnson died Dec.16,1904, at Rawlison. They were mother and sister, respectively, of Mr.O.J.Rawlison, of the place, to whom and other relatives and bereaved ones. The Times extends its sincere and heartfelt sympathy. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-15-1904 - McDANIEL - BABY BOY - - - - 1 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.S.P.McDaniel are rejoicing over birth of a baby boy born last week. 1-15-1904 - WORRALL - BABY GIRL - - - - 1 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Will Worrall are rejoicing over birth of a baby girl last week. 1-29-1904 - TERRY - BABY GIRL - - - - 1 20 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Dr.& Mrs.Henry Terry are rejoicing over birth of their baby girl on Wednesday of last week. 3-25-1904 - HODGES - BABY GIRL - - - - 3 22 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Louis Hodges are happy to have a new baby girl, born on Tuesday. 4-8-1904 - MURPHREE - BABY BOY - - - - 3 31 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Wm.Murphree are happy to have a new baby boy born on Mar.31,1904. 4-22-1904 - PREWETT - BABY GIRL - - - - 4 19 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Fred Prewett are rejoincing over birth of a baby girl, born Apr.19,1904. 6-10-1904 - HALL - BABY BOY - - - - 6 2 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.John W.Hall of Burnt Cane are rejoicing on the birth of a baby boy born last Thursday a week ago. 6-10-1904 - EZELL - MYRA - LEE - - - 6 5 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr. & Mrs. O.A.Ezell are rejoicing over the advent of a baby girl last Sunday. 7-1-1904 - HAYNES - TRIPLETT BOYS - - - - 6 23 1904 - 6 23 1904 - FCTIMES - Mrs.Jacob Haynes, of Horton gave birth to triplett boys last Thursday, two of which only lived two hours, the third being stillborn. 7-15-1904 - LANIER - BABY BOY - - - - 7 6 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr. & Mrs.W.J.Lanier are happy parents of a new baby boy born on Wednesday of last week. 7-29-1904 - JOHNSON - BABY GIRL - - - - 7 21 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Adkins Johnson are rejoicing over birth of new baby girl Thursday last week. 8-5-1904 - MAY - BABY GIRL - - - - 7 29 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.A.S.May, of about 5 miles north of town had a new baby girl last Friday. 8-5-1904 - FORD - BABY GIRL - - - - 7 27 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Will Ford had a baby girl Wednesday of last week. 8-5-1904 - WALKER - BABY BOY - - - - 7 29 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr. & Mrs. George W.Walker had a fine baby boy last Friday. 8-12-1904 - FRANK - BABY BOY - - - - 7 31 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Jim Franks are celebrating the two week old boy on Sunday. 8-19-1904 - HOWELL - BABY GIRL - - - - 8 14 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.E.J.Howell are celebrating the birth of a baby girl last Sunday. 9-23-1904 - VOGEL - BABY BOY - - - - 9 17 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Chas.Vogel are happy with the birth of a fine baby boy last Saturday. 9-30-1904 - WILLIAMS - BABY BOY - - - - 9 28 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Eugene Williams welcomed their new son last Wednesday. 10-14-1904 - WEBB - BABY BOY - - - - 10 6 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.D.C.Webb had an young son on Thursday of last week. 10-28-1904 - LEWIS - BABY BOY - - - - 10 17 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Wright Lewis are happy to have a son born on Monday. 12-23-1904 - TIPTON - BABY GIRL - - - - 12 22 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Tipton are happy to have a new baby girl born yesterday. 12-30-1904 - BARKER - BABY BOY - - - - 12 25 1904 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Percy Barker were the recipents of a new baby boy born Christmas morning at 5 am weighing ten pounds. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-15-1904 - GARRETT - DAVID - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GARRETT-WHITFIELD=Mr.David Garrett and Miss Polly Whitfield were married by Mayor Gorman at the Court House yesterday. 1-15-1904 - LONG - CHARLES - E. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LONG-SHADE=Mr.Charles E.Long of Kentucky, and Mrs.Mary Shade were married at the Hotel Marion on Friday, Jan.8,1904. Those present were Mrs.Georgia Winthrop, and Miss Fannie Winthrop, mother and sister respectively of the lovely bride, Mrs.S.B.Trapp, Mr.& Mrs.E.L.Vadakin, Mr.E.P.Taylor and Mr.Whit Wall, the latter acting as master of ceremonies. Rev.George E. Hancock of the Episcopal church performed the ceremonies. 1-22-1904 - McDERMOTT - GUY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McDERMOTT-DOYLE=Mr.Guy McDermott of East Alton, Illinois and Miss Winnie Doyle were married on Monday. She has taught school and worked for Mrs.Boyle, and worked at the post office, and is very pretty. The groom is a telegraph operator. 2-5-1904 - BYNUM - A. - L. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BYNUM-JOHNSON=Mr.A.L.Bynum and Miss Mattie Johnson were married by Judge T.C.Folbre at the courthouse Wednesday. Mr.Bynum is the son of our friend Mr.C.N.Bynum. 2-12-1904 - MOORE - JOE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MOORE-DOTSON=Mr.Joe Moore and Miss Maggie Dotson of Caldwell were married unable to read the rest. 2-26-1904 - BECK - ERNEST - DRUMMOND - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BECK-HUGGINS=A wedding will took place on the 21st between Mr.Ernest Drummond Beck and Miss Nora Bob Huggins of this Caldwell, at the Baptist church there, Rev.George Hancock of this city presiding. The bride was raised in St.Francis county, and the groom is the son of Mr.J.B.Beck of this city. 2-26-1904 - ASHFORD - HENRY - S. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ASHFORD-WINTHROP=Miss Frances Winthrop, of this city, and Dr.Henry S.Ashford, of Nashville, Tenn. were married Wednesday evening at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Rev.Geo.E.Hancock presiding. The bride is the younger daughter of Mrs.G.A.Winthrop. Her godfather, Dr.Stone gave the bride away. They left immediately for Nashville where they will make their home. 3-4-1904 - SPENCER - T. - ALBERT - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SPENCER-LOWERY=Mr.T.Albert Spencer, aged 31, and Miss Belle Lowery, aged 23, were married at the home of the bride's parents, on the Ferguson place in Franks township, Wednesday. Elder Milton Hall presiding. 4-8-1904 - BATTS - JUDD - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BATTS-MYERS=Judd Batts and Miss Alma Myers were married in their buggy last Sunday afternoon on the street by the courthouse by Judge T.C.Folbre. Both of Johnson township, where he is a farmer on the Mallory place. 4-8-1904 - TAYLOR - C. - E. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - TAYLOR-LITTELL=Mr.C.E.Taylor, formerly of Forrest City, and now of Wynne, and Miss Annie Littell were married at the residence of Major John T.Brady last evening. Rev.Sidney H.Babcok performed the ceremonies at the Methodist Episocpal church south. 4-15-1904 - SHILLING - JOHN - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SHILLING-WHITE=Mr.John Shilling and Miss Nora White were married Wednesday by Judge T.C.Folbre at the courthouse. 5-6-1904 - DALTROFF - LOUIS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DALTROFF-EVANS=Mr.Louis Daltroff of Memphis, and Miss Mary Evans of Caldwell were married at the Marion Hotel by Judge T.C.Folbre. Daltroff is a brother of Shields Daltroff of Wynne, and the bride is a cousin of Mrs.Nora Bates. Daltroff is a turnkey at the police station in Memphis. 5-6-1904 - MORTELL - WILLLIAM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MORTELL-CONNORS=Miss Eleanor Connors, formerly of Palestine, and Mr.Wm.Mortell, were married Monday at St.Joseph's church in that city. 5-13-1904 - SANDERS - J. - T. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - SANDERS-MOORES=Dr.J.T.Sanders left Tuesday for Russellville, Ark., where he will be married on Wednesday to Miss Lizzie Ross Moores at the Presbyterian church. Misses Alice and Lucy Sanders, sisters, and little Annie Clay Sanders, niece of the groom, and Mr.Archer Hatcher, the best man, accompanied him to Russellville. 5-27-1904 - CLARK - HERBERT - R. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - CLARK-PARHAM=Announcing the marriage of Dr.Herbert R.Clark to Mrs. Lulu Parham, to take place in this city in the home of the bride's parents, Rev.and Mrs.J.A.Mason on June 1,1904. Dr.Clark is the junior in the Long & Clark dentist office. Rev.S.H.Babcock presiding. 5-27-1904 - BRIDGEFORTH - DAVID - OLIVER - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - BRIDGEFORTH-ROLLWAGE=Announcements are out of the marriage of Miss Norma Allison Rollwage and Dr.David Oliver Bridgeforth, Wednesday, June 4,1904, at the Church of the Good Shepherd. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Otto Rollwage, and the groom is a practicing physician. 6-10-1904 Rev.George Ewin Hancock presiding, who was ordained yesterday morning, June 9, 1904, by Rev.Frederick P.Davenport of Memphis. 6-3-1904 - GUNTER - J. - M. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GUNTER-McCALL=Mr.J.M.Gunter and Mrs. Annie McCall were married by Squire Thomas last Sunday. Democrat Times 6-3-1904 - ERISMAN - CHAS. - N. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ERISMAN-TAYLOR=Mr.Chas.N.Erisman, of Forrest City, and Miss Bessie Taylor, formerly of Springfield, Illinois, and lately of Madison, were married by Squire Castleman at the Taylor Hotel in West Wynne Wednesday, after the ceremony they left for Jonesboro, Ark. where they will make their home. Blade Democrat. 6-10-1904 - MONTGOMERY - WILLLIAM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MONTGOMERY-HALL=Mr.William Montgomery and Miss Bessie Hall were married last night at the home of Jack Pipkin at Tuttleton, Squire F.M.Pipkin officiating. 6-24-1904 - ALTMAN - ENOS - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ALTMAN-JOHNSON=Mr.Enos T.Altman, son of Mrs.Charley White, and Miss Mary Magdaline Johnson, age 16, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.R.B.Trice, thank the friends who made the marriage a success. Rev.Sidney H.Babcock presided. Mr.Altman is associated with the Newstand and business office of the Times. 6-24-1904 - GORDONCHARLES - - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GORDON-WEAVER=Mr.Charles W.Gordon, with the Forrest City Ice & Power Co., and Miss Alice Weaver were married by Judge J.E.Stone. Miss Weaver has been a housekeeper for Mrs.Hall for some time. 6-24-1904 - JOHNSON - M. - S. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JOHNSON-BECK=MIss Mattie Beck, and Mr.M.S.Johnson, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.Joe Beck, by Rev.Sidney H.Babcock. The groom was recently connected with the Owl restaurant. 7-1-1904 - SMITH - HARDING - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SMITH-JOHNSONS=Mr.Harding Smith, and Mrs.Dora Johnsons of Franks township, on the bend near the Casteel place, were married in the office of the Circuit Court Clerk last Monday, Judge J.B.Sanders officiating. 7-15-1904 - COBLE - FRANK - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - COBLE-DAWSON=Mr.Frank Coble and Miss Nora Dawson were happily married at the residence of Mr.Charley Dawson, northeast of town, last Sunday afternoon by Squire J.E.Stone. Mr.Coble, now of Blissville, Ark., was formerly of this city when he worked at the spoke factory. He is engaged in the lumber business now. 7-22-1904 - TODD - ROBERT - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - TODD-USSERY=Mr.Robert Todd and Miss Ida Ussery were married Tuesday in their buggy at the home of Squire Dave Duncan of Johnson township. The bride is the daughter of F.P.Ussery. 8-12-1904 - DAVIS - JESSE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DAVIS-RAMSEY=Announcing the marriage on Sept.9,1904, in Clinton, Ky., of Mr.Jesse Davis, elder son of Mr.& Mrs.T.J.Davis of Franks township, and Miss Gertrude Ramsey, sister of Mrs.S.H.Mann of this city. 8-12-1904 - KING - HENRY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - KING-RUSSELL=Mr.Henry King and Miss Sallie Russell of Mount Pleasant, Tenn. were married in the parlor of the Marion Hotel Tuesday, Rev.Sidney H.Babcock officiating. 9-9-1904 - HARPER - J. - W. - REV. - - - NA - FCTIMES - HARPER-CALDWELL=Rev.J.W.Harper of Palestine, and Mrs.Delia C.Caldwell, of Kerrville, Tenn. were happily married in Memphis, at the courthouse, Aug.24th,1904. The bride had advertised in a matrimonial paper for a correspondent, and Rev.Harper obliged. They will make their home in Kerrville, Tenn. after the honeymoon. 9-16-1904 - McCUTCHEN - JAS. - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McCUTCHEN-TOOMS=Last Sunday afternoon, Mr.Jas.McCutchen and Mrs.Belle Tooms, at the groom's country residence, were married by Rev.H.M.McLain. 9-16-1904 - KNIGHT - HARRY - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - KNIGHT-MERWIN=Mr.Harry A.Knight, junior member of Taylor, Knight & Co., and Miss Mary Merwin, the elder daughter of County Clerk and Mrs.T.C.Merwin, were married Wednesday night, Rev.Geo.E.Hancock officiating 9-23-1904 - CASBEER - JOE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CASBEER-GATTEN=Mr.Joe Casbeer and Miss Mabel Gatten stole a match, and went to Memphis and were married. 10-7-1904 - GARNER - A. - B. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GARNER-MARTIN=Mr.A.B.Garner, age 33 of this county, and Miss Nora Martin, age 31 of Brinkley, were happily married in the parlors of Judge T.C.Folbre's home Wednesday. 10-7-1904 - SHEARLEY - V. - M. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SHEARLEY-SMITH=Mr.V.M.Shearley, age 22, was happily married to Miss Laura Viola Smith, age 18, at the court house, Squire J.B.Sanders offficiating. Both the parties are of this county. 10-14-1904 - SMITH - AL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SMITH-DAVIS=Mr.Al Smith, age 47, was happily married Wednesday afternoon to Miss Ida Davis, age 22. Squire J.B.Sanders officiating. They reside on the Stevens place above Madison. 11-25-1904 - SHENEP - HALL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SHENEP-ADAMS= Mr.Hall Shenep, age 32, and Miss Kate Adams, aged 18, of near Jeffersonville, Lee County, constituted parties to an elopement, and were married in the clerk's office last Thursday, Rev.S.H.Babcock officiating. 12-2-1904 - HAVENS - JOHN - KARR - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HAVENS-EVITTS=Miss Stella May Evitts, aged 17, went to Memphis Monday morning on the early train, and Mr.John Karr Havens, aged 24, of the firm of Havens Bros., went Monday night to Memphis. Both returned Wednesday, and in the meantime they were united in holy matrimony. From the Commercial Appeal of Wednesday morning: Last evening at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Barlow of Florida Heights, Rev.J.M.Stim said the ceremony uniting in marriage J.K.Havens and Miss Stella May Evitts, all of Forrest City. It was a quiet but pretty home wedding and was witnessed by relatives and a few close friends. Mr.& Mrs.Havens leave tonight for their future home in Forrest City. Both young people are prominent in church and social circles in their native town, where Mr.Havens is one of the leading merchants of the place. In the meantime, things were happening. G.V.Evitts, father of the bride, is away from home in Mississippi, and Miss Evitts had permission to go to Memphis to visit relatives or friends. Rumors soon began to circulate that the couple were married, and sooner or later it reached the ears of the fond mother of the bride. She was frantic with rage and heartbroken it seemed with the news, and refused at first to believe her ears. She met several of the incoming trains, and declared that her daughter should not take it upon herself the marriage duties until she should become of legal age. Mrs.Evitts was simply enraged at the clandestine marriage of her heart's treasure, even going so far as to threaten their lives. It is stated upon good authority that Mrs.Evitts really had no objections to Mr.Havens as her son in law, it was that her daughter did it without permission. 12-9-1904 - McNAMEE - JOHN - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McNAMEE-MASON=Mrs.Lucy E.Mason, of Michigan City, Mississippi, and Mr.John T.McNamee of Forrest City were married at the parsonage of the Madison Heights Methodist church last night. Rev.E.B.Ramsey officiating. The bride is a niece of Mrs.M.E.Winfield of this city. 12-9-1904 - MONROE - M. - L. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MONROE-THELMAN=Mr.M.L.Monroe, Forrest City, was married to Miss Marion Thelman of Ann Arbor, Michigan, from article in the Arkansas Gazette dated Dec.6,1904. They were married at the residence of Robert Monroe, brother of the groom, in St.Louis by Rev.M.Cretzumann of the English Lutheran church of East St.Louis. 12-16-1904 - CONGER - J. - S. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CONGER-RICHARDSON=Mr.J.S.Conger and Miss Maggie Richardson of Colt, were happily married in their buggy in front of the Baptist parsonage, Elder J.A.McCord officiating. 12-23-1904 - BECK - GEORGE - D. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BECK-PREWETT=Miss Elise Prewett and Mr.George D.Beck were happily married Wednesday evening at the Baptist church, Elder J.A.McCord officiating. Mr.Beck is from Mississippi, he is a nephew of Capt.J.W.Beck of this city. Miss Prewett is the eldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.John M.Prewett. 12-30-1904 - ASH - RUSH - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Rush J.Ash, the popular Turkish restauranteur of Forrest City, returned to Forrest City Sunday, accompanied by his new wife, of three months. He was married at Reyrouth, Mt.Libnon, Turkey on Sep.2,1904. 12-30-1904 - SCOTT - FRED - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SCOTT-GARRETT=Mr.Fred D.Scott and Miss Annie Garrett were married at the Smith farm, 12 miles north of Madison, last Friday, Elder J.A.McCord officiating. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - 1-8-1904 - IZARD - JAMES - H. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - James H.Izard was the here the first of last week, and left Thursday for Wichita Falls, Texas, where he has accepted a situation. 1-22-1904 - McFALL - SAM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sam McFall was granted bail of $1,500 on the murder charge of T.J.Withers. 1-29-1904 - TODD - W. - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.W.J.Todd is a candidate for Constable of Madison township, and lives two miles southeast of town on the Linden Road. Joe Todd has been in this county for 15 years, and has been selling meat in this town for 10 years. He is a staunch Democrat, a farmer, and a man of good principles and of sterling integrity, and one for whom the Times has high regard. 2-19-1904 - HARDIN - J. - P. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.P.Hardin is a candidate for Coroner, of Telico township. He is a farmer, and a Democrat, and lives about three miles southwest of Colt, where he has resided for twelve years. He came here from Jackson, Tenn., and has never filled an office. 2-19-1904 - STOCKARD - J. - F. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.F.Stockard is a candidate for Coroner, familiarly known as Fred Stockard, now of Madison township. The writer has known Fred for nearly twenty years, and during all that time we have never heard aught of him to his discredit. He came here in 1855, and embarked in the livery business here in Forrest City, afterwards retiring to a farm until recently, when he moved back to town. 3-4-1904 - LEGGETT - G. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.G.W.Leggett was taken critically ill at his home on Thursday, last week, and later suffered a paralytic stroke, from which it is thought he will recover. Mr.Leggett is a carpenter by trade, and has been ill all winter. 3-11-1904 - FITZPATRICK - ERNEST - D. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.E.D.Fitzpatrick, brother of Mrs.Fred Prewett, came over from Memphis and spent Sunday. Ernest is with the Memphis Morning News. 4-1-1904 - DeROSSITT - FRANK - - HONOR - - - NA - FCTIMES - Hon.Frank DeRossitt has just been re-elected to the legislature to represent St.Francis county. 4-1-1904 - OTIS POSTOFFICE DISCONTINUED - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The Otis post office on the St.Francis river has been closed, all mail to go to Kinton. 4-29-1904 - KIMBER - T. - C. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - New postmaster appointed at Heth is T.C.Kimber, nee Mrs.M.E.Hankins, resigned. 5-13-1904 - HAVENS - C. - H. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.C.H.Havens left for a visit to see relatives in Williamsport, Oregon Monday night on the Iron Mountain RR. 5-27-1904 - VADAKIN - EDWIN - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The writer, accompanied by Mrs.Vadakin, departed last Sunday for St.Louis to attend the World's Fair. We traveled via the Iron Mountain and Southern Railway. 6-3-1904 - MORGAN - P. - G. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - P.G.Morgan has been induced by his friends to appy for a pension, "Pless" is a worthy citizen and a good man. We wish him success. Colt Times 6-3-1904 - CROWLEY'S RIDGE INSTITUTE GRADUATION - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Graduation ceremonies at Crowley's Ridge Institute:Grads were Miss Fannie Elizabeth Franks, John Gatling, and Edward Roleson, the latter two saluatorian and valedictorian respectively. 6-10-1904 - HANCOCK - GEORGE - EWIN - REV. - - - NA - FCTIMES - 6-10-1904 Rev.George Ewin Hancock was ordained yesterday morning, June 9, 1904, by Rev.Frederick P.Davenport of Memphis. He is the rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Forrest City. 6-10-1904 - SMITH - BILL - - CAPT. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Capt.Bill Smith represented the local chapter of the United Confederate Veterans in the Nashville, Tenn. reunion held there. 6-10-1904 - JACKSON - PETERSON - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Squire Peterson Jackson, of Democrat, is critically ill and it is feared he will not recover. 6-10-1904 - HARRIS - NEELY - - COLONEL - - - NA - FCTIMES - Col.Neely Harris attended the convention in Nashville of the United Confederate Veterans. 6-10-1904 - GATTEN - J. - A. - PROF. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Prof.J.A.Gatten of Colt, was in town Tuesday. The professor was a gallant soldier in the Civil War with the Co.D, 129th Ohio. The professor is about 59 years of age, and has taught 28 terms of school at Dist.1, and has a fence that was built in 1826 at his home built by the father of T.L.Taylor, the Road Commissioner. 6-24-1904 - EBERHART - A. - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - A.Eberhardt, of Memphis, the contractor who built the Crowley's Ridge Institute, was in town over Sunday. 8-5-1904 - DAVIS - JOHN - M. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - A reunion was held at the home of John M.Davis last Sunday. Those attending were Mrs.John F.Lynch, of near Haynes, aged 72 years; Mrs.Sallie D.Hayden, of Tempe, Ariz.; Mr.T.J.Davis, Franks township; John M.Davis, the host; and Uncle Joe Davis, aged 85 years, an old slave of the family. Children present were those of the host plus, Mr.C.T.Hayden, Misses Silde and Mary Hayden, Mrs.J.C.Lynch, David Davis, Mrs.Joe Mosby and son Archie of Crawfordsville. 8-12-1904 - JACKSON - JOHN - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - John Jackson, second son of Prof. and Mrs.George L.Jackson, who was hurt by falling from a horse some time ago, was taken to Memphis, Monday to be operated upon. The operation took place on Wednesday, and we hope the young man will recover. 8-19-1904 - WIDENER - J. - M. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - J.M.Widener, of Johnson township, has purchased an eighty acre farm in Cleburne Co., and will soon move there to live. 8-19-1904 - FUND FOR FREE SCHOOL - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - A fund for free schooling at Crowley's Ridge Instutute has reached $1,991 so far. 8-26-1904 - IZARD - BETTIE - - MRS. - HINES - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Bettie Izard, and charming daugher, Miss Mildred, also a cousin, Mr.Gurdon, of Athens, Alabama, are visiting relatives and friends in the county, and are guests of her brother Mr.Clarence Hines and family. 9-30-1904 - WITHERS - T. - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Monument erected to honor T.J.Withers, in his memory by the Woodmen of the World at the Widener cemetery on Sep.11,1904. Dr.N.P.Beauchamp, clerk of the order, delivered the eulogy 10-14-1904 - STONE - J. - E. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.& Mrs.J.E.Stone returned from their extensive trip to the west, including San Francisco, Calif. 11-18-1904 - ISAACS - M. - - JUDGE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Judge T.C.Folbre, who has gone to San Antonio for his health, has asked Governor Davis to appoint Mr.M.Isaacs to replace him until he is able to return. It will be effective in January 1905 for the term of county court then.11-25-1904 Governor revokes the appointment, and Judge Folbre says he will return in time for the session in January. 12-2-1904 - LIGHT PLANT SOLD - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LIGHT PLANT SOLD=Memphis firm the purchaser, will make it a first class facility. As Capt.Head had advise, he had been involved in a deal to sell, and it came true, On June 1,1905 the Memphis Gas and Power Co. of Memphis will take over the plant, and that Mr.Charles E.Taylor has been made superintendent. 12-9-1904 - CLARK - H. - R. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.& Mrs.H.R.Clark leave tomorrow for Alamagordo, New Mexico to take up residence, we will miss them. 12-16-1904 - IZARD - M. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.M.W.Izard of England, Ark. was in town on business and visiting relatives. 12-23-1904 - WILLARD - MAUDE - - MRS. - GURLEY - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Willard, nee Maude Gurley, of Memphis, was in town visiting her mother, Mrs.Oscar P.Wolff. 12-23-1904 - SURVIVING EX-GOVERNORS OF ARKANSAS IN DEC.1904 - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The following ex-governors are still alive in 1904:Powell Clayton, 1868, Ambassador to Mexico;Ozra A.Hadley, 1871, now in New Mexico; Thomas J.Churchill, 1850, Little Rock; James H.Berry, 1882, United States Senator; Simon P.Hughes, 1884, Little Rock; James P.Clarke, 1894, United States Senator; and Dan W.Jones, 1896, Little Rock. 12-23-1904 - STOKES - C. - D. - MRS. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.C.D.Stokes, of Lulu, reports that his wife is very low, and not expected to recover. PHONE NUMBERS: - - - - - - - - - 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - FORREST CITY LUMBER COMPANY-R.J.WILLIAMS, JR., MANAGER-OFFICE AND YARD NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN DEPOT - - - - - 1904 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - - 1902 1904 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - - 1912 - - - 148 - J.H.TIPTON & CO.-GINGHAMS, ALL MAKES - - - - - 1904 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 - 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911