The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED March 17,2008 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1903 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: - 1-2-1903 - WILLIAMS - JOHN - - - 1870 - 12 26 1902 - UNKNOWN - KILLING AT WHITMORE-At a dance in a dive in Whitmore last Saturday night, Dec.26,1902, John Williams, single, about 32 years of age began tormenting Charley Humphreys, married about the same age, in the presence of Humphries wife, said that "he owed him monepay me what you owe me", and cursing. Humphreys tried to avoid him by going to another room, but Williams persisted. When Humphreys picked up a shotgun, and ordered Williams to stop cursing in front of his wife, the gun went off killing Williams imediately. Sheriff McKnight and his trusty assistant, R.K.Swan, repaired to the scene at once, but Humphreys could not be apprehended. However, upon investigation, was shown that Humphreys' gun was brought to him from his home by his wife shortly before the tragedy occurred, to shoot a mad dog. 1-2-1903 - GALLOWAY - - - MRS. - UNK - 12 1902 - UNKNOWN - Capt.James Fussell spent several days in Memphis the first of the week attending the funeral of his mother in law, Mrs.Galloway. 1-9-1903 - SPARKMAN - R. - H. - DR. - 5 10 1828 - 12 31 1902 - CITY - Dr.R.H.Sparkman died Wednesday night, and was buried yesterday in the Forrest City Cemetery. Fuller notice next week.1-2-1903-1-9-1903 DEATH OF DR.R.H.SPARKMAN-One of St.Francis County's pioneers, died at his home in Forrest City Dec.31,1902, just as the old year was passing away into the past to be forgotten by many and revered as a memory by others. Dr.R.H.Sparkman died Wednesday night, and was buried yesterday in the Forrest City Cemetery. Fuller notice next week.1-2-1903-1-9-1903 DEATH OF DR.R.H.SPARKMAN-One of St.Francis County's pioneers, died at his home in Forrest City Dec.31,1902, just as the old year was passing away into the past to be forgotten by many and revered as a memory by others. The remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery on New Year's day, and were followed to their last resting place by relatives and many old time friends. The funeral tookplace from the family residence and was conducted by Eld.W.H.Paslay. Dr.Sparkman was a mason, a good citizen and a christian gentleman. He was quiet and unostentatious, and was loved, honored and respected by all who knew him well. At the time of his death he was in his 75th year, and his demise was probably due as much to his years as to any other cause. He leaves the partner of his life's joys and sorrows in her declining years to mourn her loss alone. In her deep affiction and loneliness our hearts go out to her in tender and sincere sympathy. May she be comforted with the thought that all things are ordered by an all-wise Creator for the best, and that the parting will but make the meeting a greater joy.The remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery on New Year's day, and were followed to their last resting place by relatives and many old time friends. The funeral took place from the family residence and was conducted by Eld.W.H.Paslay. Dr.Sparkman was a mason, a good citizen and a christian gentleman. He was quiet and unostentatious, and was loved, honored and respected by all who knew him well. At the time of his death he was in his 75th year, and his demise was probably due as much to his years as to any other cause. He leaves the partner of his life's joys and sorrows in her declining years to mourn her loss alone. In her deep affiction and loneliness our hearts go out to her in tender and sincere sympathy. May she be comforted with the thought that all things are ordered by an all-wise Creator for the best, and that the parting will but make the meeting a greater joy. R. H. Sparkman, M. D., one of Forrest City's enterprising citizens, was born in North Carolina, May 10, 1828, being the son of John and Nancy (Wooten) Sparkman. John Sparkman owed his nativity to North Carolina, but moved to Tennessee when the subject of this sketch was quite small, locating in Shelby County, Tenn. 1-16-1903 - COBBS - JOHN - W. - - 8 9 1852 - 1 13 1903 - CITY - Death of J.W.Cobbs-J.W.Cobbs, aged 49 years, died at his home in Wynne, Monday afternoon, Jan.13,1903, of pneumonia. The remains were brought to Forrest City and interred in the Forrest City Cemetery, Tuesday, services at the grave by Rev.J.K.Farris, of Wynne. J.W.Cobbs was the eldest son of Kit Cobbs, and lived in this city prior to his marriage, He amrried Miss Hattie T.Sutton, of La Grange, who survives him, and has resided in Wynne since. He leaves no other immediate family, though there are large number of relatives who are sorely bereaved. He was a first cousin of Mrs.Emma Lou Alley, of this city. Mr.& Mrs.Hopkins, of Texarkana, Mrs.Julia Allen, of Colt, Mrs.Bradford and son, Mrs.Geo.E.Davis and son, Mrs.Ed Brewster, Mr.Burke and Mr.J.W.Williams, of Wynne,and Mr.C.H.Cobbs, of Clarendon, attended the funeral. The Times extends smypathy to the grief stricken wife and other bereaved relatives. 1-16-1903 - BRYANT - BEN - - - 1886 - 1 9 1903 - UNKNOWN - Ben Bryant, a 17 year old colored boy was shot and instantly killed last Friday by his 12 year old brother, on the old Clements place opposite the Casteel farm, in this county. Ben had been hunting rabbits, and when he returned, handed his little brother the gun, and jestingly remarked "now shoot me." Thinking the gun was not laoded, the boy took aim and pulled the trigger, with the result above stated. boys cannot be too careful in handling firearms, and should be taught the danger of pointing weapons at each other. 1-30-1903 - TYERS - MARY - - MRS. - UNK - 12 15 1902 - UNKNOWN - Death of Mrs.Mary Tyers-Dept.of State, Washington, D.C.-Jan.26,1903-Information has been received that Mrs.Mary Tyers of Forrest City in Sierra Leon, Africa, on Dec.15,1902. Mr.John T.Williams, Consul of the United States, Sierra Leone. 1-30-1903 - CALLAHAN - WILLIAM - - - 1884 - 1 23 1902 - UNKNOWN - Accidentally Shot-Wm.Callahan, aged 18 years was accidentally shot Friday afternoon, Jan.23,1903, resulting in his death in a few hours. The particulars of the shooting as we learn are as follows: Callahan and a young man named Wm.Miller, were engaged in fishing on the river below Madison, and observing some ducks in their flight, Miller seized a shot gun which was in the boat and fired at the birds. On replacing the gun in the bottom of the boat it was, from some unknown cause, exploded, the load of shot entering Callahan's arm in the rear, just below the shoulder, nearly tearing away the limb. Miller immediately pulled for the shore and ran for assistance, some three miles distance and on returning found Callahan had fainted from the loss of blood. He revived, however, sufficiently to tell of the accident, exhonorating Miller from blame. Coroner Alley held an inquest at Miller's insistence. The jury finding the above facts to be true, discharged Miller. 2-6-1903 - AVEN - SELDENE - E. - - 2 6 1877 - 2 3 1903 - HUGHES - Death of S.E.Aven-At 5 o'clock Tuesday evening, Feb.3,1903, the spirit of S.E.Aven (familiarly known as Selly) took its flight to the great unknown beyond. In the vigor of young manhood-just past his 26th year-full of life and hope, he was stricken with malarial hematuria about ten days before his death, and notwithstanding the unremitting attentionof physicians and friends, he passed away, leaving many friends to regret his untimely death. S.E.Aven was the only son of J.W.Aven, and had been engaged in the cattle business, which required his presence in the bottoms, where he contracted the fatal illness. Selly was a boy well liked by all, a stauch friend, charitable to his fellow man, and a genial companion, and others besides his family will mourn his death. The burial took place at Hughe's graveyard on Wednesday afternoon, Rev.W.H.Dyer, of the Methodist church oficiating. The bereaved relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. 2-13-1903 - SANDERS - ABBIE - - AUNT - 1813 - 2 10 1903 - UNKNOWN - Aunt Abbie Sanders, (colored), died Tuesday, Feb.10,1903. She belonged to Prof.J.B.Sander's father during slavery, and was well liked by all who knew her. She was 93 years old. 2-13-1903 - MOSS - W. - H. - - UNK - 2 1903 - UNKNOWN - W.H.Moss, colored, an old time resident and prosperous farmer, fell dead from heart disease on the ferry at Big Eddy. He resided at New Castle and was respected by both white and black. 2-13-1903 - WATERMAN - CATHERINE - - MRS. - 9 2 1877 - 2 10 1903 - HUGHES - Mrs.John A.Waterman died Tuesday morning, Feb.10,1903, after a short illness. Her remains were buried in the Hughes graveyard Wednesday morning. To her husband and the little helpless children the sympathy of the entire community is extended. 2-20-1903 - RUCKER - ANNA - DOZIER - MRS. - UNK - 2 17 1903 - UNKNOWN - Anna Dozier Rucker, wife of Houston Rucker, colored, died on the Cook farm, near Widener, Tuesday, Feb.17,1903, from meningitus. She was much respected by both white and blacks. 2-20-1903 - SMITH - NELLIE - - MISS - UNK - 2 20 1903 - UNKNOWN - COMMITTED SUICIDE=Miss Nellie Smith, of this city, ends her life in a frighfful manner. About 11 o'clock today the rumor spread over town that Miss Nellie Smith, daughter of Mr.G.B.Smith, proprietor of the stave factory, had been shot and killed. The particulars as gleaned are as follows: About 11 o'clock, Miss Smith sent the servant up town on some errand, and on her return she passed into to kitchen without seeing her. Mr.Smith came home to dinner and found his daughter's room locked, and the servant, hearing him knock, entered the room from the kitchen and found Miss Smith lying on a cot with a bullet wound in her head. The would was of such a character that death must have ensued instantly. No cause is assigned for the rash act. 2-20-1903 - HUNTER - CHARLEY - - - 1848 - 2 13 1903 - CITY - DEATH OF CHARLEY HUNTER=Last Friday evening at 8:35, Feb.13,1903, the sad tidings of the death of Charley Hunter spread over the city. A few hours before he was in the enjoyment of health, and just before the hour stated above he complained of a pain over the heart, and notwithstanding all was done that human aid could render his spirit passed to its maker. Charley Hunter was born in Bolivar, Tenn, in 1848, and removed to St.Francis county in 1859, since which time up to his death, he has resided, excepting a year or so during his married life, when he lived in Little Rock. After the death of his wife he returned to St.Francis county, and was engaged in the timber business at the time of his death. Out of the nine in number ofhis father's family who moved to this county, only one is living, Dan Hunter. Charley died at the residence of his brother Dan, and everything which family and friends could do was done, and to the friends in need on the occasion, Mr.Dan Hunter wishes to express his thanks. The remains were laid away in the family plot in God's acre on the hill. Perhaps no one in the county was more familiarly known than Charley Hunter, and his kind and pleasing manner won him friends among both whites and blacks. He had his faults-(who has not) but with all, none was quicker to respond to the call of duty. 3-6-1903 - KINNAMON - S. - G. - - UNK - 2 26 1903 - DEMOCRAT - Died from His Wound-Last Monday week, D.Davis had a difficulty with S.G.Kinnamon in the neighborhood of Democrat, in which Kinnamon received a blow from a hoe, in the hands of D.Davis, which felled him to the ground. From all the evidence Kinnamon made a motion as to draw a weapon, crowding on Davis, who picked up a hoe and felled him. Nothing was thought of the wound, and Davis dressed it, and sent Kinnamon on home. When, on Friday, Feb.27,1903, it was heard he was dead on the 26th. The Coroner's inquest by Squire Thomas found Davis justified in his actions. It was later learned that his skull was broken. He was buried at Democrat, and is survived by a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Oscar Rawlison, a very promising young man from Rawlison, Ark., came up here Saturday after his wife, Mrs.Kinnamon and moved her to Rawlison with him. 3-13-1903 - THOMPSON - A. - G. - - UNK - 3 10 1903 - UNKNOWN - A.G.Thompson, a citizen at Widener, passed away last Tuesday, March 10,1903, from malarial hematuria. 3-13-1903 - MATHEWS - HUGH - - MRS. - 1823 - 3 12 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Hugh Mathews died at Caldwell yesterday, Mar.12,1903, at the home of her son-in-law, Sandy Jett. She was about 80 years of age, and has resided in the county almost half a century. 3-13-1903 - AVERY - EUNICE - - MISS - 1884 - 3 11 1903 - UNKNOWN - The sad tidings came over the wire of the death of Miss Eunice Avery at Hot Springs, March 11,1903, she was the youngest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Avery, formerly of this city, Mrs.C.L.Knight and Miss Deviling Rollwage were visiting her at the time of her death. She was the valedictorian of her class, and at the tender age of 19, she was in the full bloom of womanhood. 3-13-1903 - BROWN - J. - H. - - UNK - 3 9 1903 - UNKNOWN - Two weeks ago the Times mentioned a reign of white capping in Cross County, near the St.Francis county line. The negroes from several plantations had been driven off. The sheriff of Cross County hired J.H.Brown, a detective from Memphis, to work up the case. Last Monday, Brown was instantly killed, March 9,1903, while sitting in a negro shanty. The sheriff of Cross County went to the scene of the murder, and from evidence found on the body, arrested seven men, who it is said were acting as jurors on the inquest. 3-20-1903 - HICKS - VIOLET - - MRS. - 1835 - 3 17 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.Violet Hicks, colored, died Tuesday, Mar.17,1903, and was buried Wednesday afternoon. Rev.W.F.Lovelace, of the Baptist Church officiating. She was the grandmother of W.E.Duncan, the barber, and was 68 years of age. 3-20-1903 - ALLEN - JOHN - THOMAS - - 1899 - 3 14 1903 - BRINKLEY - Their many friends were saddened to hear of the death of John Thomas Allen, young son of Mr.& Mrs.N.C.Allen, of Brinkley, last Saturday, Mar.14,1903. He was four years of age, and the idol of his parents. His remains were buried in the cemetery in Brinkley Sunday. The mother is prostrated with grief, and is staying with her parents, Mr.& Mrs.T.W.Yerzey, in this city. 4-3-1903 - PATTERSON - JOHN - - CAPTAIN - 1811 - 3 31 1903 - UNKNOWN - Death of Capt.John Patterson-News reached the city Wednesday, of the death of Capt.John Patterson, the day previous, March 31,1903, at his home near Shell Lake. The Captain was well known throughout the county as a hunter of note, having killed more big game than perhaps any man in the state. His age, how long he has lived in St.Francis county, and from whence he came is unknown. He reared a family in the deep wilds of the bottom country, whose only unhappiness was the encroachment of civilization. He knew the bottom country as if it were laid out in streets, and could go to any point the darkest of nights. His pride were his dogs-a rack of deer and bear hounds, and the constant use of saddle and rifle, made him equal to Buffalo Bill. Genial and accomadating, he was in demand with hunting parties, who will miss him. Fear was a stranger to him. It is related of him that on one occasion he camped for the night, and was attacked by three panthers-a female and two grown cubs. He shot one, and killed the other two with clubbed rifle. His encounters with wild beasts would fill a volume. Yet he was modest in telling them. Notwithstanding the wild life of Capt.Patterson, he had many traits of character which showed that his heart was in the right place, and many friends will regret his demise. Peace to his ashes. Based on the following:Uncle" John Patterson, off the Military road, was a visitor to the city Friday. He is a typical backwoods pioneer, 86 years of age, and has made his home in the swamps since 1858. He is yet as agile as the average young man, an expert horseman, an quick, sure shot, and is a stranger to fear of any wild animal that roams the forest, and is a staunch friend of the levee. 6-4-1897-He was born in 1811, and came to St.Francis county in 1858. April 3,1903 4-3-1903 - GRIGGS - WILL - - - UNK - 3 27 1903 - UNKNOWN - RIVER ACCIDENT AT MADISON=Last Friday Afternoon, Mar.27,1903, about 5 o'clock, the steamer Hazel Rice, with a large derrick and barge of logs in tow, while attempting to pass the draw of the railroad bridge at Madison, on the St.Francis river, struck the pier, sinking the barge, and damaging the boat and derrick. During the excitement, Will Griggs, who was assisting Station Agent Chaney in operating the draw of the bridge, became panic stricken, and leaped into the river. A rope was thrown to him, and every effort was made to rescue him, but all to no avail, as he soon sank out of sight. The body has not been recovered. 4-3-1903 - GOLDBERG - ISRAEL - - - 1858 - 3 28 1903 - UNKNOWN - SUICIDE OF ISRAEL GOLDBERG=Israel Goldberg, one of the most prominent and wealthy citizens of St.Francis county, committed suicide at his home in Wheatley, twenty miles west of here, last Saturday morning, Mar.28,1903, by shooting himself five times with a Smith & Wesson pistol. The balls entering just above the heart. He expired almost immediately. He was 45 years of age, and had been conducting a general merchandise business there for the last twenty years. An inquest was held,but no cause could be found. He is survived by a wife and three children, to whom we extend sympathy in their great bereavement. 4-17-1903 - BROWN - WILLIAM - M. - - - 4 9 1903 - BELL - Died at Egypt, on Thursday, Apr.9,1903, William M.Brown. He was a son of Fred H.Brown, and the second to die from that dreadful disease, consumption. He had suffered for about a year, which he bore with great fortitude. The remains were interred at the Bell Cemetery in Palestine. The old man, Fred H.Brown, was a soldier one year in the Mexican War, and enlisted in New Orleans in the year 1860 in the Confederate Army and served for three and a half years. He is now 72 years of age. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. 4-24-1903 - JENKINS - WILLIE - ALVIN - - 1879 - 4 22 1903 - MYRICK - Willie Alvin Jenkins, age 24, died Wednesday afternoon, Apr.22,1903, at the home of his mother in the north part of the city, from pneumonia. He was buried under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No. 196 of the I.O.O.F. in the Myrick graveyard, six miles east of Haynes yesterday. 5-15-1903 - WHEAT - THOMAS - H. - JR. - 1888 - 5 9 1903 - UNKNOWN - Thomas H.Wheat, Jr., fifteen years of age, grandson of Mrs.Jennie McCormick, died at a Little Rock infirmary last Sunday, May 9,1903, of blood poison, The family formerly lived in this city where they have many friends and acquaintances. The Times extends sympathy to the parents. 5-22-1903 - BRIDGEWATER - G. - W. - - UNK - 5 21 1903 - UNKNOWN - G.W.Bridgewater, formerly of this city, died in Oklahoma City yesterday, May 21,1903. He was a member in good standing of the Knights of Honor of this city and in good standing. 5-22-1903 - THOMAS - G. - G. - - UNK - 5 18 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mr.W.S.Thomas, of Democrat, passed thru the city Monday on the way to Nettleton to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr.G.G.Thomas who died the same day, May 18,1903. 6-5-1903 - ALDERSON - TOM - G. - - UNK - 5 30 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mr.John W. Alderson left Friday night for Wise, Va. on notice by telegram of illness of his brother, Mr.Tom G.Alderson, by the time he got to Memphis, a second telegram notifying him of his death was received by Mr.Alderson. He was greatly distressed, and we extend the sympathy of the entire community. 6-12-1903 - WILLIAMS - JOHN - W. - - 1827 - 6 8 1903 - CITY - Death of John W.Williams-John W.Williams died Monday, June 8,1903, and was buried the same day at the Forrest City cemetery, under the auspices of the Masonic order. Mr.Williams was the father of Mrs.Mooneyham, at whose residence he was tenderly cared for in his last illnesses by relatives and friends. He was 76 years of age, and formerly worked at the blacksmith trade in this city. He resided abroad when taken sick, and came to his daughter's home here. Rev.Dyer and Elder Hall conducted the religious ceremonies. Mrs.Williams left Tuesday evening for Marvell, Arkansas, where she will reside. We extend sincere sympathies to the family in their bereavement. 6-12-1903 - STOCKARD - J. - R. - - 1871 - 6 8 1903 - MT.VERNON - Death of J.R.Stockard-The sad news of the death of Mr.J.R.Stockard, reached his parents and other relatives and friends in Forrest City Sunday morning. He died Sunday, June 7.1903, at Memphis of meningitus, after an illness of only two days, his father, brother and wife being with him in his short illness. The remains were brought here and interred in Mt.Vernon cemetery Sunday, Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. Rush Stockard, as he was familiarly called, was born near Forrest City, and was 32 years of age, being the younger son of Mr.J.F.Stockard, formerly of Goodwin township. He was a young man of many noble traits, a true friend, a kind husband, and a delightful neighbor. He leaves a wife and relatives here, to whom the Times extends sincere sympathy and condolence in their sudden and unexpected bereavement. 6-19-1903 - WHITE - C. - C. - DR. - 1871 - 6 13 1903 - ELMWOOD - An AwfulTragedy-Dr.C.C.White, the victim of barking dogs and a vicious horse, thrown from buggy and killed. Not since the day that poor John Webb lost his life in Keathley Lake by accidental drowning has this community been so horribly shocked and grieved until the news spread of the terrible fate of Dr.White. Sometime in the earlier hours of Friday night Dr.White received a summons to go to Caldwell to see Mrs.J.M.Wilson. As usual, he had his buggy brought around by Mose Myers, his colored hostler, and at about 11 o'clock they started from the doctor's residence towards town, it being necessary to go to the drug store for medicines. Mose Myers is an old family servant, having been with the doctor two and a half years, and with his father at Byhalia prior to that time. The horse had always shown spirited action, and on this occasion was especially restless, and at the outset undertook to run away. Myers said the Doctor just laughed and remarked "we've got a long trip before us, and she won't feel so good by the time we get home." He had scarcely finished the sentence when some dogs ran out from the side of the street barking and yelping, and the mare began kicking. About the second kick, the animal made she caught the lines and jerked them away from the driver. This occurred just past Brandon & Baugh's stable, and left the doctor and driver at the mercy fo the frantic horse. At this time the driver jumped, and landed safely, except being slightly stunned, bruised and his eyes filled with dust. The doctor followed the driver, but was thrown on his head at the crossing on Grant and Dillard streets just west of the Brandon & Baugh homestead, his head or back of neck striking one of the stepping blocks, inflicting fatal injuries. Bill Lewis, who was passing, got to the doctor before the driver. They thought him to be dead, and conveyed him to his home. He was consious for a few minutes. Asked for water and his mother, and for S.A.Rolfe, and said "please save me." He lingered unconscious until 1:25 p.m. on June 13,1903, when he expired. Dr.White was from Byhalia, Miss., and 32 years of age, being the elder son of Mr.& Mrs.S.W.White, one of the most prominent families of South Mississippi. His parents later moved to Memphis, and he moved to Forrest City to practice his profession in 1892. He was a graduate of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., and readily built up a fine practice and was very popular with the people of St.Francis County. He had at one time been a hero of a small pox outbreak in this county, and valiantly risked his life for the people. Dr.White was a master Mason, and a member of the local camp of Woodemen of the World. On Jan.22,1901, he was happily married to Miss Linnie McNeil, daughter of Dr.McNeil of Olive Branch, Miss., who with one child, a lovely little one and a half year old girl, survive the ill-fated father and doctor. The remains were interred by Stevens Mortuary, and shipped to Memphis for burial in the family plot of Elmwood Cemetery. The following Masons and Woodmen as pall bearers, accompanied the remains: Rev.W.H.Dyer, John M. Nichols, B.F.McCrary, J.T.Johnson, W.P.Evans, M.N.Gaines, Max Yoffie, and Dr.N.P.Beauchamp. Also Dr.J.Dunnavant, Mr.E.A.Rolfe, who were very close friends of Dr.White. 6-19-1903 - PAYNE - ELI - - - UNK - 6 15 1903 - UNKNOWN - Killed by Caboose-Eli Payne, an almost worthless man about town, was killed by eastbound freight No.88 on the Choctaw Monday just at noon, June 15,1903. The accident occurred at the depot, and was the result of a drunken attempt, on his part, to board the train while it was in motion. He attempted to get on the front end of the caboose, and missing his hold, he fell between the platform and truck and rolled under the rear wheels, killing him instantly, The Coroner held an inquest and determined the death by carelessness and drunkeness on the part of Payne. His body was prepared for burial by Stevens Funeral Home, and buried in the local colored cemetery. 6-19-1903 - JONES - MATTHEW - - - UNK - 6 18 1903 - UNKNOWN - Matthew Jones, postmaster at Cooper, died yesterday, June 18,1903. 6-19-1903 - JOHNSON - MAMIE - - MRS. - THAYER UNK - 6 16 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mr.H.A.Knight went to Hot Spings Wednesday, June 17,1903, in response to a telegram announcing the death of Mrs.Sam Johnson, nee Mamie Thayer, his niece. Mrs.Johnson lived here at one time and was very popular. Mrs.Johnson had been ill for about three weeks, but was much better that morning, and intended on getting up. She was seized with a coughing paroxism and died suddenly from heart failure on Tuesday last week, June 16,1903. The precious remains were interred Thusday afternoon, services being conducted by Rev.Thompson of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev.Dowling of the Episcopal church. 6-26-1903 6-19-1903 - SOICE - EDWARD - - - UNK - 6 17 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.J.C.Bell went to Plymouth, Indiana in response to a telegram announcing the death of her brother, Mr.Edward Soice, at Quincy. 6-26-1903 - BARD - J. - H. - - 1842 - 6 21 1903 - OAK HILL - Death of J.H.Bard-The entire community was sincerely grieved last Monday when news was received of the death of Mr.J.H.Bard, one of the purest and best men of citizens. He had been in wretched health for several years, gradually becoming more feeble and weak. He died at his home on North Washington street Sunday night, June 21, 1903, and the remains were taken to Little Rock Monday morning and interred in the beautiful Oak Hill cemetery. The remains were accompanied by his wife, Mr.& Mrs.John Nichols, Judge and Mrs.N.W.Norton, Mr.& Mrs.Edward Roleson, Hon.Walter Gorman, and Judge John Gatling. The ceremonies were conducted by Rev.Mr.Lewis of Little Rock. He was 62 years of age, and had been an editor of a newspaper in Kentucky. The following biographical sketch is from the Souvenir Edition of the Times of March 11,1892, and gives a fairly good pen picture of his character. 3-11-1892 - BARD - J. - H. - - 1842 - 6 21 1903 - ARKHISBIO - BIO:J.H.Bard is manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company's office in this city, and signal services officer of the United States government, having charge of the weather and turning out a quality equal to any of Uncle Sam's representatives. The subject of our sketch was born near Bardstown, Ky., on the very day that Grandpa Harrison died, which occurred just fifty years ago; consequently Mr.Bard was is fifty years old, and is also a grandpa. In his early youth, Mr.Bard learned the art of telegraphy, and has, like all telegraphers, seen service in all phases, having been manager at Bowling Green, Ky., Corinth, Miss., unreadable, Ark., Jackson, Tenn., and was placed in charge of the telegraph and signal station at this place in 1888, where he has remained. and no man has ever given so much satisfaction to the public or the company as Mr.Bard. His sterling worth, close attention to business, and courtesy have won him the highest esteem of all with whom he has come in contact. Mr.& Mrs.Bard have two children, one of whom, (Wllie) is night chief operator of the Little Rock office, and the other, (Addie), is the wife of Mr.John Nichols, a well known young businessman of this community. In politics, Mr.Bard is a democrat. He is a consistent member of the Old School Presbyterian church. 7-3-1903 - RAMSEY - A. - W. - - UNK - 6 27 1903 - KENTUCKY - Mr.A.W.Ramsey, Clinton, Ky., brother of Mrs.S.H.Mann, who was with him, died Saturday evening, June 27,1903. She has the kindly sympathy of the entire community. 7-3-1903 - SISK - B. - P - - UNK - 6 27 1903 - THOMAS - Obituary=Mr.B.P.Sisk, a former citizen of this county, died last Sunday morning, June 27,1903 in Little Rock, after an operation for stone in gall sac. His remains were brought to Haynes and interred in the Thomas graveyard, funeral services conducted by Elder W.H.Paslay, and Rev.Lindsey. Mr.Sisk was a noble specimen of manhood, fine physique, strong and atheltic. He was doing well financially until a year ago, when the disease which caused his death made its appearance. The deceased leaves a devoted wife, who is the daughter of the late Major Thomas. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved wife and sisters of the deceased. 7-3-1903 - BOYETT - JAMES - FRANKLIN - - 2 27 1863 - 6 27 1903 - MT.VERNON CEMETERY - Death of Frank Boyett-Frank Boyett, general blacksmith and woodworkman, associated with Walter Batts in a business way, died suddenly Saturday afternoon, June 17,1903, of cholera morbus. He had been complaining of indispostiion for several days, and on Friday night was taken seriously lill suddenly, with the above result. He was 40 years and 4 months of age, was born in Missouri, reared in Tennessee, resided in Forrest City for 15 years, and had many friends, who regret his loss. The remains were interred in the Forrest City Cemetery the following day, Elder Milton Hall officiating, He leaves a wife, Jennie, and five children, four girls and a boy-to whom we extend sympathy in their great bereavement. per picture, in Mt.Vernon Cemetery. 7-10-1903 - CASTEEL - ISABELLA - - MRS. - 10 12 1820 - 7 8 1903 - CITY - Death of Grandma Casteel-Mrs.Isabella Casteel, widow of the late lamented Calloway Casteel, died Wednesday morning, July 8,1903, of cholera morbus, and was buried in the Forrest City cemetery the same day, Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. Mrs.Casteel was born Oct.12,1820, and therefor would have been 83 years of age if she had lived to October. She was happily married to Abraham Calloway Casteel in 1843, and their union was blessed with ten children-three boys and seven girls-all of whom preceded their parents to the grave. The deceased professed faith in the Methodist Church early in life, and continued faithful until death. In her declining years, her religion was a great comfort to her, and she was reconciled to death, expressing her willingness to enter into heavenly rest at the call of her Lord and Master. Her husband died Dec.26,1901, and though she was lonely and aged, she bore her grief with great fortitude. She was an invalid for about six months previous to her death, and for four months had resided with her daughter in law, Mrs.Alice Casteel of this city, whom she called to her bedside and bade her good bye with her last words. Grandma Casteel was greatly respected and loved by a large number of grand children and great-grandchildren, as well as a large circle of friends and other relatives. She possessed a wonderfully sweet dispostion, a fine memory, and was always entertaining to those who came in social contact with her, her fund of knowledge, wit and memories always falling upon interested ears. May she Rest In Peace. 7-17-1903 - SKINNER - J. - W. - - 1842 - 7 15 1903 - UNKNOWN - Justifiable Homicide=An unfortunate killing occurred in Johnson township, near Fulwood, on Wednesday afternoon, July 15,1903, between 6 and 7 p.m., when J.W.Skinner, a well known and familiar figure in this city was intstantly killed. The circumstance which led up to the shooting were as follows: T.J.Wall and J.W.Skinner were planting a crop together on Skinner's farm, and Wall and wife occupied the residence. Skinner had his faults, and Wednesday afternoon a quarrel arose between the two men relative to the crop and Skinner picked up a club and approached Wall threatening him. Wall backed to the hosue and reached for a shot gun, at the same time trying to pacify Skinner by saying "let us talk the matter over." "Damn you, I'll show you how to talk," replied Skinner, raising the club to strike, whereupon the gun was discharged, tearing away part of Skinner's head, killing him almost instantly. Wall said he did not intend to shoot, and regrets the killing very much. An inquest was held by Squire McLaren, and a verdict of justifiable homicide was determined, and he was released. Later-Wall was arrested yesterday by Deputies Murphree and Swan, lodged in jail. He will have a preliminary hearing tomorrow.7-24-1903 Another story has come forward about the killing, it is said Skinner was sitting in a chair in his room when a shot from behind was fired, as evidenced by the blood, and afterwards the body was taken out into the yard. Skinner was 60 years of age, and a respected member of the community. Could be James W.Skinner, bio online born in 1842. Judge Folbre is hearing the case, and the body was exhumed to study the wounds. Hon.R.J.Williams represents the defendant, and the state is represented by W.J.Lanier. 8-3-1903 Witnesses that were part of the inquest were questioned about their part in the story of Wall, as it appears Skinner was shot, probably asleep, while sitting on his porch, and pulled out into the yard afterwards. Afterwards the County Court in granted bail of $2000 for Wall in habeus corpus proceedings. 7-17-1903 - BAUGH - L. - C. - - UNK - 7 1903 - TENNESSEE - J.D.Baugh received a telegram announcing the death of his brother, L.C.Baugh in Elkton, Tenn.. He was unable to attend due to no train connections. 7-31-1903 - MORROW - DAVE - - - UNK - 7 28 1903 - UNKNOWN - Accidental Death at Crow Creek-Dave Morrow, a laborer, while attempting to board a tender of the locomotive while it was moving, fell under the wheels and had his left arm and leg smashed, from the effects he died Tuesday night about midnight, on July 28, 1903. Engine No. 141, with Josie Myers at the throttle, pulling one flat car, hauls the gang of laborers to and from Forrest City every morning and evening. He had been brought to town, and the operation to sever the limbs ended in the death of the victim. 7-31-1903 - POUNDERS - J. - P. - - 1857 - 7 9 1903 - HUGHES - Death of J.P.Pounders=The deceased was born in Desoto County, Miss., and at his death, on July 9th, 1903, at his home in St.Francis County, near Colt, was about 45 years of age. He came to Arkansas and settled near Colt about 1880. In 1883, he married Miss Engoma Christopher, a beautiful and accomplished young lady, and from one of the oldest and most respected families in the county. He made no pretensions toward Christianity, yet he was a model moral and business man, conscious of no evil designs himself, he suspected none in others. In his death, the community has sustained a great loss, and his family, they and God alone, can only tell what a great loss they will have to sustain. 7-31-1903 - JONES - J. - J. - - UNK - 7 27 1903 - UNKNOWN - Fell from Train and Died-J.J.Jones, Little Rock, aged 24 years, head brakeman on the extra freight going east on the Choctaw railroad Monday, July 27,1903, fell from and between the cars at milepost 54, two miles west of Palestine, receiving injuries from which he died about two hours later. The body was discovered by farmer, Lloyd Bryant, who happened to be passing by a few minutes later. Bryant immediately notified J.J.Manahan, the section foreman, who was at work near Palestine. He repaired to the scene at once, and found the body lying four feet from the track, with his left leg horribly crushed. He took the body on his handcar, and after receiving medical treatment for his sufferings, and rested well for about two miles, begging to be taken off the car to rest, but he was brought on to Forrest City, where he died about ten minutes after arrival. The body was exhumed by Undertaker Stevens, and the remains shipped to Little Rock per the railroad's request. An inquest found the death to be by accident. 7-31-1903 - COBB - THOMAS - - - UNK - 7 25 1903 - UNKNOWN - Shot to Death-At a dance and picnic at Bonair, Saturday, was the scene of a three cornered shooting affray, which resulted fatally to one man, Thomas Cobb, and the outlawry of two others, named Harve Houston and Sam Simmons. It seems that Houston and Cobb quarreled about a woman, and got their guns into action, when Simmons pulled a six shooter, just because he was a bad person, and got into the fun. Cobb only fired one shot before backing off, but his two assailants kept up the fusilade and pumped him full of lead. He had six or seven holes in him and died at once.The others were uninjured, and fled to parts unknown. 8-7-1903 - BASKINS - BABY BOY - - - UNK - 7 26 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mr.& Mrs.J.D.Baskins lost their little boy on July 26,1903. The sweet little fella suffered so much, but he is past all suffering now, and is now at rest. JERICHO TIMES 8-7-1903 - THOMASSON - D. - P. - MRS. - UNK - 8 3 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mrs. D.P.Thomasson died Monday night, Aug.3,1903 at her home near Pine Tree. Mrs.Thomasson was a Christian lady, loved by all who knew her, and will be sadly missed in her neighborhood. She is survived by a husband and son to mourn her demise. JERICHO TIMES 8-14-1903 - HODGES - SUSANNA - - MRS. - HODGE 1853 - 8 11 1903 - YOCONA - Death of Mrs.J.B.Hodges-Susanna, the beloved wife of Uncle Jesse B.Hodges, died at her home in Yocona, Tuesday afternoon, Aug.11,1903, of typhoid fever and pneumonia, age about 50 years, and the remains were interred in the Yocona graveyard Wednesday, Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. She was sick about one week, Mrs.Hodges was formerly Miss Hodge, and was married in July 1900. She was a member of Poplar Grove Baptist Church, and a Christian woman of many splendid traits. Could be off by as much as two weeks dating by the paper reviewed. 8-14-1903 - HARRIS - FRANK - - - 1873 - 8 10 1903 - HARRIS - Frank Harris was taken ill at his place five miles north of town Friday with a chill. The case developed into malarial hemauria Saturday morning, and he died Monday morning, Aug.10,1903. Funeral services were conducted at the yard under auspices of a large gathering of friends, by Rev.W.H.Dyer, and remains were interred in the home cemetery on the Harris place Monday. Deceased was a nephew of Burel Harris, and made his home with Burel Harris homestead, he was unmarrried, and about 30 years of age. Could be off by as much as two weeks dating by the paper reviewed. 8-14-1903 - LAMAR - JOHN - - - 1823 - 8 10 1903 - UNKNOWN - After a long illness, John Lamar passed over to the great beyond Tuesday, Aug.10,1903. Uncle John was well known in this community,and for many years held the position of porter in the Bank of Eastern Arkansas. He reached the ripe old age of 80 years, lived the life of a Christian, and has gone to meet his reward. Could be off by as much as two weeks dating by the paper reviewed. 9-4-1903 - LEE - H. - H. - - UNK - 8 30 1903 - UNKNOWN - Arthur McDaniel Kills a Man-Mr.S.P.McDaniel received a telegram from his brother, Arthur J.McDaniel stating that he had killed a man. Mr.H.H.Lee, a bridge contractor for the El Dorado and Bastrop Railway was shot and killed at Lake Landing, Saturday evening, Aug.30,1903, by Mr.A.J.McDaniel, a foreman working under him. Lee shot McDaniel once. Arthur was reared in this county, and it is believed the killing was done in self defense. He had been in an altercation over a charge by McDaniel as to Lee's competence, and in an argument, Lee hit McDaniel from behind with a cant-hook handle. While trying to stop the blood in his tent, he noticed that Lee was approaching via boat from across the river, and when McDaniel told him to drop his pistol, Lee raised his pistol when McDaniel fired and killed him. 9-11-1903 - STOKES - SON - - - UNK - 9 1903 - UNKNOWN - The son of C.D.Stokes died last week, we have been unable to determine the name of the boy, but he was sick only two days. DEMOCRAT TIMES 9-11-1903 - BLANTON - MARY - ELIZABETH - - 4 1902 - 9 5 1903 - UNKNOWN - It was a sad scene as the parents, relatives and friends gathered Sunday morning around the mound which covered all that was mortal of Mary Elizabeth Blanton, the infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.P.Blanton; and as the grave was covered with flowers and the stricken parents turned awey the injunciton of the Savior-"Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" scarce suffice to assuage their grief. Little Mary was but fifteen months old, of a sweet dispostion, and the pet of the household. Full of childish life on Friday; and it was not dreamed of on Saturday, Sep.5,1903, its little spirit would be wafed away to its giver. The sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved parents. 9-11-1903 - EZELL - ELMER - - - UNK - 9 7 1903 - CITY - Elmer Ezell, infant son of Mr.& Mrs.O.E.Ezell died Monday after an illness of barely two days. The remains were laid to rest in the City Cemetery Tuesday, Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. Elmer was a bright little fellow, and his taking away will leave a void in the household. The parents have the sympathy of all; but for real consolation they will have to look to Him who doeth all things well. 9-11-1903 - WILSON - WILLIE - MARIE - - 9 1 1899 - 9 9 1903 - HUGHES - The sad tidings reached us yesterday of the death of little Marie, the four year old daughter of Prof. and Mrs.J.M.Wilson, of Caldwell of congestion. The death occurred on Wednesday night, Sep.9,1903, and the remains were buried at the cemetery in Caldwell. Elder Grase Hewlitt conducted the burial services. Little Willie Marie Wilson died after an illness of three days. She became ill on Monday with a chill and fever that never cooled until death. She was but four years and nine days old. 9-25-1903 - SULLIVAN - LILLIE - - MRS. - CALDWELL UNK - 9 20 1903 - UNKNOWN - Our community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs.Lillie Sullivan, nee Lillie Caldwell on Monday. She was one of the most respected ladies of Caldwell and a very successful teacher. She supported a mother and two brothers several years by teaching, and also went to the cotton fields when needed. Last year Mr.James Sullivan won her hand in marriage and they moved to a farm in the south part of Cross county. She passed away on Sunday night, Sep.20,1903, and leaves a husband, mother, three brothers, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. 10-2-1903 - COTTON - JESSIE - - - 7 6 1903 - 9 21 1903 - UNKNOWN - Little Jessie, the infant son of Mr. & Mrs.Will Cotton died Monday morning, Sep.21,1903, he had been ill for some time, but was thought to be much better. When they awoke they found him dead, he was two months and sixteen days old. We extend our sympathy. Democrat Times 10-2-1903 - SULCER - DOVIE - AMERICA - MRS. - 1 3 1856 - 9 29 1903 - BELL - Death of Mrs.Sulcer-Mrs.Dovie Sulcer, the wife of S.C.Sulcer, of Palestine, died at Little Rock, as the result of a surgical operation on Sep.29,1903, and the remains were interred in the Bell cemetery near Palestine the following day. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.W.H.Dyer, of Forrest City. She was born in East Texas, and she spent most of her life in Palestine. She was the mother of four children-three sons and one daughter-the latter having preceded her to the Celestial City by several years. All who knew her loved her, and many of her friends have said to the writer, "There has never lived in Palestine a better woman or more consecrated Christian than she is." \ 10-2-1903 - MINOR - BABY BOY - - - 9 23 1903 - 9 28 1903 - CITY - The five day old son of Mr.Berry Minor, of Big Eddy, was taken ill with tonsillitus a few days ago which rapidly developed into membraneous croup. The child was brought to the St.Francis Hotel in this city, and medical attention paid, to no avail. The little spirit passed to its maker Monday, Sep.28,1903. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery on Tuesday, Rev.Dyer of the Methodist church presiding over the services. 10-23-1903 - CHILNER - STELLA - - MISS - UNK - 10 19 1903 - MARIANNA - Miss Stella Chilner, sister of Adolph Chilner this city died at Marianna Monday, Oct.19,1903, of slow fever. 10-23-1903 - DAVENPORT - ROBERT - EDGAR - - 8 20 1878 - 10 18 1903 - CITY - Death of Robert Edgar Davenport-All that was mortal of Robert Edgar Davenport was laid to rest in The Forrest City Cemetery Monday afternoon, under auspices of Woodmen of the World, amid a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, Rev.W.H.Davidson officiating. Bob had been an invalid for over a year with stomach troubles, and had just returned from the Northwest, where he had gone in hopes to recuperate, when he was compelled to take to his bed, and notwithstanding the care and attention of friends, he rapidly failed and his spirit passed away Sunday afternoon. He was born in Washington County Miss. in 1878, and came to Arkansas in 1883. His industry and business qualifications secured him clerkship with the firm of Pettus & Buford, with whom he served until his death, and as an acknowledgment of his worth, the store was closed at time of funeral. Bob was a quiet, unobtrusive young man, and a model as to morals and gentlemenly qualifications, and he will be missed by a circle of friends. 10-30-1903 - KOCH - ERNEST - F. - - UNK - 10 28 1903 - UNKNOWN - Ernest F.Koch, formerly a meat cuttter in the employ of L.R.Grobmyer, was shot to death Wednesday. Oct.28,1903, at Cotton Plant by Town Marshall T.A.Smith. Bad feeling had existed for some time between the men, and Koch today demanded a retrraction of a bad name Smith had called him. Koch used a shotgun to force the retraction, and after getting it. He then came on the street again. Smith approached him and fired four shots at Koch, only one of which took effect. 10-30-1903 - ODOM - J. - HOBART - - 4 30 1860 - 10 27 1903 - BELL - BROKE HIS NECK-J.H.Odom, Palestine, a prominent farmer and timber man falls from running horse and sustains fatal injuries.On Tuesday, Oct.27,1903, Mr.J.H.Odom, left his home on horseback and started for Forrest City. The road lies along the Choctaw railroad, and rumors say that he was seen to be riding rapidly, apparently racing with the train, which, it is said, he distanced about a mile into town.. He had not been drinking when he left home, but this action would seem to indicate that he must have done so just after leaving and probably enroute. At any rate when he was next noticed he was considerably intoxicated, and had to be coaxed by friends to desist, and go on about his business, which he finally concluded to do. The object of his trip had been to go to Mud Lake to look after some four bales of last years cotton which he stored in that vicinity. He rode rapidly, and was seen by several persons as he almost flew upon the road. Ben Rodgers family saw him as he passed their house riding fast, and Rodgers himself saw the horse come to a sudden stop, and climbed upon the fence to see what had happened. He little dreamed that Hobart Odom's life had been summoned before its maker to give an account of his brief abode here below. He had fallen from the running horse, and had had his neck broken. Death was instantaneous. Gordon Evans was the first to find the body. He was passing in the road, and saw Mr.Odom lying there dead, with one foot in the stirrup. He removed the foot, and tied the horse to the fence, and notified Rodgers. The place where Odom lost his life was about 150 yards from Ben Rodgers residence, and about 3 1/2 miles south of Forrest City. Sidney Black and Jesse Garrett, came upon the body but were so frightened they did not stop. The body was brought to town, and Stevens Undertaking establishment prepared the body for burial. Coroner Alley formed an inquest, and death was from fall from horse. Mr.Odom was about 44 years of age, and is survived by a widow, Mrs.Clara Odom, and a father, and at the time of his death, was quite well to do. He had a good farm, some town property and perhaps some money. S.J.Wilsford, a friend of the family came to accompany the remains to Palestine Wednesday, where and when they were interred. 11-20-1903 - SULLIVAN - J. - W. - - - 11 3 1903 - UNKNOWN - Resolutions of Respect-We the brothers of the Rising Star Lodge No.211,F.&A.M. dedicate to our member J.W.Sullivan, who passed away Nov.3,1903. He had been a member for 34 years, since 1869. Committee-J.P.England, D.Duncan, Robert Brown. 11-27-1903 - NANCE - SARAH - A. - MRS. - 1821 - 11 23 1903 - CITY - Death of Grandma Nance-Mrs.Sarah A. Nance, familiarly known in Grigg's township as Grandma Nance, died Nov.23,1903, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.R.Bolton on the Hunter place, Grigg's township, at the advanced age of 82. She was born in Lincoln County Kentucky in 1821, and has moved to Phillips county in 1859, and has since resided in St.Francis county a number of years. She was the mother of twelve children, of whom only two survive, Mrs.H.Bolton, and Mrs.Caldwell, the latter residing in Illniois. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday, the Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. She was kind an charitable, and her demise will be regretted by all who knew her. 12-4-1903 - LOVE - - - MR. - UNK - 12 1903 - UNKNOWN - Democrat Times-We are sad to hear of the death of Mr.Love, of Bledsoe, and Mrs.Boswell of Lulu. Both died unexpectedly. 12-4-1903 - BOSWELL - - - MRS. - UNK - 12 1903 - UNKNOWN - Democrat Times-We are sad to hear of the death of Mr.Love, of Bledsoe, and Mrs.Boswell of Lulu. Both died unexpectedly. 12-11-1903 - FERGUSON - CHARLEY - - - UNK - 12 1903 - MEMPHIS - Cody Ferguson, who is braking on a passenger run in Oklahoma, was in town Saturday. He had been to his brother Charley's funeral in Memphis. Cody is doing fine and looking handsome. 12-11-1903 - SPEARMAN - MATTIE - - - UNK - 12 11 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mattie Spearman, wife of Tom Spearman, porter at the N.B.Nelson & Co.'s saloon, was found dead with a bullet hole through her body, this morning, Dec.11,1903, at her home. The Coroner's inquest rendered a verdict of suicide. 12-18-1903 - WHITE - CLARENCE - - - 1880 - 12 14 1903 - HUGHES - Death of Clarence White-Clarence White, aged about 23 years of age, died of pneumonia at his parent's home about 2 1/2 miles north of town on Monday, Dec.14,1903, and was buried the next day in the Hughes cemetery. He was only confined to his bed a short time, though he had been experiencing chills for quite awhile. He was a young man of many noble qualities of head and heart, and his untimely demise will be regretted by his many friends. 12-25-1903 - FONDREN - N. - L. - MRS. - UNK - 12 24 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mrs.N.L.Fondren, mother of Mr.J.T.Fondren, died at the residence of the latter yesterday, Dec.24,1903. The funeral took place from the residence Christmas afternoon. 12-25-1903 - DAVID - JOHN - - - UNK - 12 22 1903 - UNKNOWN - Mr.John David, a former resident of the city, but now of Dark Corner died Tuesday night, Dec.22,1903. He was an old resident, and a confederate soldier. BIRTHS: 1-2-1903 - WEBB - BABY BOY - - - 12 29 1902 - UNK - FCTIMES - On last Monday, Dec.29,1902, Mrs.Lee Webb gave birth to a fine ten pound boy. The mother and son are doing nicely, and Grandpa Joe Logain is just touching the ground in the high places. 1-9-1903 - GLASS - BABY BOY - - - 1 1 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Max Glass are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, born January 1,1903. 1-16-1903 - MINOR - BABY GIRL - - - 1 7 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Berry Minor, of the Big Eddy, are the happy parents of an eleven pound baby girl born Jan.7,1903. Mother and baby are doing fine. 1-16-1903 - HAMILTON - BABY BOY - - - 1 9 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Hamelton, of Helena, nee Miss Nellie Ezell, are rejoicing over the birth of a 12 1/2 pound baby boy on Jan.9,1903. All are happy over the event, more especially Grandpa Gus Ezell. 2-20-1903 - MOODY - BABY GIRL - - - 2 16 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Jesee Moody are rejoicing over the coming of a ten pound girl baby Monday night. 2-27-1903 - TURLEY - BABY GIRL - - - 2 16 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - There is a great rejoicing in the Ellis Turley household on the advent of a baby girl Monday afternoon at 4. 3-13-1903 - PASLAY - BABY GIRL - - - 3 8 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Will Paslay are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl on Sunday night. 4-10-1903 - BOND - BABY GIRL - - - 3 30 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.G.A.Bond are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl born Monday, and weighs 10 pounds. 4-24-1903 - SMITH - BABY BOY - - - 4 18 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.Bruce Smith is rejoicing over the birth of a baby boy born Saturday, and his partner, Rufus Fondren said that these things must happen on another day, as it interferes with business. 5-22-1903 - BECK - BABY BOY - - - 5 17 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Joe Beck Sunday. 6-19-1903 - WILSON - BABY GIRL - - - 6 13 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Prof. & Mrs.James Wilson at Caldwell last Saturday. 7-3-1903 - MAYS - TWINS-BOY & GIRL - - - 6 27 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.A.S.Mays, seven miles north of town, are rejoicing over the birth of twins, one boy, one girl, at their home Saturday night. 7-10-1903 - HAMILTON - TWINS-BOY & GIRL - - - 7 3 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Ben Hamilton, nee Alice Gaines, Daughter of M.N.Gaines of this city, gave birth to twins-one boy, one girl-On July 3,1903. 7-17-1903 - BATTS - BABY BOY - - - 7 11 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Walter Batts are celebrating the birth of a baby boy weighing nine pounds on Saturday. 8-14-1903 - CASTEEL - BABY BOY - - - 8 14 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Gordon Casteel is the happiest man in town on arrival of a baby boy this morning. 8-14-1903 - WOODS - BABY GIRL - - - 8 12 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Tom Woods at Goodhope are rejoicing over arrival of a baby girl Wednesday. 9-4-1903 - ALDERSON - BABY GIRL - - - 9 1 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.John W.Alderson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl last Tuesday. 9-18-1903 - FERGUSON - BABY GIRL - - - 9 23 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.W.E.Ferguson are rejoicing over the baby girl who arrived on Wednesday afternoon. 10-23-1903 - MOODY - BABY BOY - - - 10 19 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.J.B.Moody are rejoicing over the birth of a baby boy on Monday morning. 10-23-1903 - CAMPBELL - BABY BOY - - - 10 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - A fine boy was born to Mr.& Mrs.Joe Campbell of Caldwell last week. 10-30-1903 - SHORT - BABY GIRL - - - 10 28 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.E.A.Short are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl on Wednesday. 11-27-1903 - SWAN - BABY BOY - - - 11 24 1903 - UNK - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Robert Swan are happy with their new son born on Tuesday. WEDDINGS: 1-9-1903 - DOUGHER - CECIL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Miss Maud E.Bennett, ward of S.F.Sulcer of Palestine and Mr.Cecil L. Daugher, married last Monday night at the home of Mr.& Mrs. Ira Gorum, Squire J.H.Cavanaugh presiding. 1-23-1903 - PREWETT - J. - W. - - - NA - FCTIMES - FITZPATRICK-PREWETT=A very pleasing sensation was sprung on their numerous relatives and friends Tuesday evening by Miss Garnet Fitzpartick and Mr.J.W.Prewett, when they emergedfrom the residence of Rev.W.C.Davidson, and announced they were man and wife. Miss Fitzpatrick is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.T.O.Fitzpatrick of Telico township, and Mr.Prewett is the son of Mr.& Mrs.John M.Prewett, where they are now residing. Mr. Prewett is engaged in the land surveying and real estate business. The wedding was delayed by reluctance of the bride's father to agree to the union. 1-23-1903 - COULTER - D. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MOODY-COULTER= D.Coulter and Miss Addie Moody were married at the home of the bride's mother, Sunday afternoon by Rev.W.C.Davidson. Mr.Coulter is a valued employee of the Iron Mountain Railroad at Memphis. She is the daughter of R.S.Moody, deceased, who was well known of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. 2-13-1903 - HALL - MILTON - - ELDER - - NA - FCTIMES - GRAY-HALL=Quite a little surprise was sprung upon the good people of this city last Wednesday by the marriage of two people least suspected of such intention. Mrs.E.T.Gray, and Elder Milton Hall. She had moved to Florida several weeks ago, and he went there and married her on Feb.8,1903 in Tampa, Florida, at the residence of Mrs.A.E.Finley by Rev.Nash of the Tampa Heights Baptist Church. Elder Hall is originally from Kentucky, and has been in charge of the Baptist church here but a few months. 2-20-1903 - CAMPBELL - JAMES - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GRAY-CAMPBELL=Miss Ethel Marie Gray and Mr.Jas.Campbell were married by Rev.J.K.Farris. They had met while she was teaching school in Caldwell. Miss Gray is the daughter of Mrs.M.A.Gray of Millbrook, and the groom is with the law firm Campbell & McKnight of Caldwell. 2-27-1903 - BURNETT - O. - M. - - - NA - FCTIMES - BONNER-BURNETT=Miss Franne H.Bonner and Mr.O.M.Burnett, of Crews, Miss. were married by Rev.W.H.Dyer. The bride is the daughter of Mr.R.F.Bonner. 2-27-1903 - SWEET - AUGUSTUS - GARLAND - - - NA - FCTIMES - Announcements are out for Mr.Gus Sweet, and Miss Mary Lancaster, scheduled for March 4,1903 at the Methodist church. Gus Sweet is the son of Mr.& Mrs.Silvious Emory Sweet, of Memphis. The bride was born and raised in our midst, in St.Francis County. Among the visitors from abroad, Mr.& Mrs.Clarence Lancaster and baby, Wynne; Mrs.E.H.Legg, Wynne; Mr.Walter Sweet, Galveston, Texas; Miss Mary Sweet, Memphis; Mrs.Josephine Spaine, Brinkley. Elder W.C.Davidson of the Methodist church presiding. 3-6-1903 - WALTERS - ARTHUR - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WALTERS-WEDDINGTON- Arthur Walters and Miss Emma Weddington of Colt were happily married at the Methodist parsonage in this city, Sunday, Rev.W.H.Dyer officiating. 3-13-1903 - TERRY - H. - W. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - TERRY-HUMPHRIES=Dr.H.W.Terry and Miss Emma Humphries, of Forrest City, were married yesterday af the parsonage of the Christion church, presiding Rev.J.N.Jessup, Kearney, Arkansas=Arkansas Democrat. 3-20-1903 - BYNUM - LOONEY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BYNUM-EVANS=Wednesday afternoon, Judge Folbre married Looney Bynum and Miss Ida Evans, This was Judge Folbre's first ceremony, and had to have Clerk Merwin write the words down for him. 3-20-1903 - HOUSER - JAMES - A. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - HOUSER-WILLIAMS=At the Baptist Church, Mr.James A. Houser, of Marion, Indiana, and Miss Lena Williams of this city were married yesterday afternoon. 3-27-1903 - CRIPPEN - W. - A. - - - NA - FCTIMES - CRIPPEN-CLARK=The home of Mr.& Mrs.O.A.Ezell was the scene of a spring wedding last Sunday, Mr.W.A.Crippen and Miss Eunice Clark, both of this county, were married by Rev.W.H.Dyer of the Methodist church. 4-3-1903 - BROWN - LOUIS - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Judge Folbre performed another wedding, it was for Louis Brown and Miss Lou Taylor. F.A.Coffman, the potato king acted as the sponsor. 4-3-1903 - GORUM - F. - M. - - - NA - FCTIMES - At Selfa, Texas, on Tuesday night at the residence of the Bride's parents, Mr.F.M.Gorum, of this city, and Miss Birdie Powell were married. Mr.Gorum is a member of the firm of Gorum & Gilbert, and brother of H.L.Gorum of Palestine. 4-17-1903 - HUGHES - STEWART - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HUGHES-HIGGINS=Mr.Stewart Hughes and Miss Mollie Higgins will be married next Sunday at the home of the bride in Fulwood. 4-24-1903 - EPPES - JOHN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - EPPES-VOSS=Mr.John Eppes, formerly of Madison, and now Little Rock, married Miss Ellie Voss at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.A.D.McDaniel in Franks township Wednesday morning. Mr.Eppes is an employee of the Choctaw railroad, and Miss Voss has made her home with Mrs.J.F.Lynch for some years., Rev.Lindsey performed the ceremony. 5-1-1903 - ELLIS - ED - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ELLIS-PRICE=Ed Lewis and Miss Effie Price were married Sunday afternoon at the residence of Mrs.Richardson, near Tuttleton, By Squire F.M.Pipkin 7-10-1903 - TAYLOR - OLLIE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CRIPPEN-TAYLOR=Miss Addye Crippen and Mr.Ollie Taylor were joined in holy wedlock by Squire J.E.Stone Friday at the court house. The bride is from Madison, where she is one of the most charming and pretty women, and the groom is in the mussel shell and pearl business there. 7-17-1903 - GRAY - ROBERT - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GRAY-HODGES=Miss Eliza Hodges, daughter of L.H.Hodges of Yocona, and Mr.Robert Gray, age 25, were happily married at the courthouse by Hon.Walter Gorman. Both of Yocona, it being a runaway match, being assisted by Tom Tatum and Chas.Padgett. 7-31-1903 - PYLE - ALBERT - BERTIN - - - NA - FCTIMES - PYLE-TAYLOR=Not even the bride herself could have informed her relatives of friends the day before she was to be married, She informed her mother last Sunday that she would be married to Mr.A.B.Pyle, the bride is Miss Norma Taylor, and they were married that night at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.George.P.Taylor, the Rev.W.H.Dyer officaiting. Mr.Albert Bertin Pyle is a sterling young business man of Conway, being Cashier of the Bank of Conway. The daughter of the late General George P.Taylor will reside in Conway with her new husband. 9-11-1903 - THOMPSON - GEORGE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - THOMPSON-DEVAZIER=Mr.Geo.Thompson and Miss Janette Devazier found Esq.M.S.Hill at his home and they were married 10-9-1903 - HODGES - JACK - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HODGES-PUGH-Jack Hodges and Miss Min? Pugh were married by Rev.W.H.Paslay at Yocona. 10-23-1903 - FORT - W. - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - FORT-MASSEY-Mr.W.H.Fort and Miss Ella Claude Massey were married last Saturday, Oct.17,1903, at the residence of Jesse Hodges in Yocona, Uncle Jesse giving the bride away and Rev.W.H.McClain performing the ceremony. Mr.Fort is employed at the Oil Mill. 10-23-1903 - McFARLAND - WM. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McFARLAND-JONES-Mr.Wm.McFarland and Miss Maggie Jones, of Cleveland County were married Wednesday, Oct.21,1903, by Squire Stone. 10-23-1903 - GARRETT - JOHN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GARRETT-BENSON-Mr.John Garrett and Miss Mollie Benson of Lee County were married by Arch Deacon Dr.Lloyd of the Episcopal church in Little Rock, who was in town, last Saturday, Oct.17,1903. 11-6-1903 - McLAIN - H. - M. - Rev. - - NA - FCTIMES - McLAIN-JOHNSON-Rev.H.M.McLain and Miss Louise Barksdale Johnson were happily married at Clarksville, Tenn. Nov.4,1903, They expect to be back here in two weeks. Rev.McLain is a graduate of the University here, and has many friends in Clarksville. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Bailey Johnson. Rev.McLain is pastor of the Presbyterian church in Forrest City, Ark. 11-6-1903 - WEBSTER - ALLISON - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WEBSTER-BARROW-Miss Olvia Barrow of Columbia, Tenn, a niece of Mr.T.W.Barrow of this city, was happily married to Mr.Alison Webster on Wednesday. 11-13-1903 - CATHEY - WILLIAM - L. - - - NA - FCTIMES - CATHEY-HICKS-Mr.William L.Cathey and Miss Clara Hicks will be married on Nov.11,1903 in Conway. The bride is the eldest daughter of Thos.J.Hicks, deceased, former owner of the Times. 11-20-1903 - HOSTETTER - ROBERT - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HOSTETTER-GLENN-Mr.Robert Hostetter, of Lexington, and Miss Letia Glenn eloped and were married Wednesday evening, Rev.M.H.Moore officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Robert Glenn, of this city. Carrollton, Missouri, Democrat. 12-4-1903 - HILL - CHARLES - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HILL-HAYNIE=A love affair of unusual interest was conducted Wednesday forenoon, when the Pine Tree residents, Charles Hill and Miss Esta Haynie were married by Judge Folbre. Mr.R.A.Haynie, is the father of the bride and arrived in time to give his daughter a kiss. 12-11-1903 - WILSON - EUGENE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WILSON-BURNS-Mr.Eugene Wilson and Miss Mary Virginia Burns will be married Dec.18,1903, at Fayetteville, at the residence of Mrs.Cornelia Crozier. Eugene is the son of Mr.S.C.Wilson of this city. 12-25-1903 - MATHIS - J. - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - MATHIS-SMITH=Mr.J.H.Mathis and Miss Bertha Smith were happily married Wednesday morning at the courthouse in Memphis, Tenn. She is the elder daughter of Mr.& Mrs.R.G.Smith, he is a millwright at the Consumers Oil Mill. 12-25-1903 - BALDWIN - GEORGE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BALDWIN-LAWSON=Mr.George Baldwin, of Drew County, and Miss Mary Lawson of Wheatley were married in the clerk's office Wednesday morning, by Hon.Walter Gorman. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1-2-1903 - SMITH - AL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - It is rumored on the streets Wednesday that Al Smith, who is well known and liked among the business men, had been killed at Proctor. The sheriff has no such information, and we cannot confirm or deny the report. 1-2-1903 - SIPES - M. - W. - - - NA - FCTIMES - M.W.Sipes, of this city, was adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, Dec.30th, 1902, in the U.S.District Court at Helena. Liabilities $6.700, Assets $4,500. Mr.Sipes came here about three years ago from Tennessee, and was supposed to be doing a thriving business. 1-9-1903 - YARBROUGH - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.A. Yarbrough are moving to Forrest City from Paragould, they were popular residents for twelve years, and he operated a brick manufacturing company until he sold out to Pratt Pressed Brick Co. recently. He plans on manufacturing bricks in Forrest City now. 1-16-1903 - STEVENS - JOHN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - John Stevens has disposed of his property in St.Francis county, and will shortly go to Robertsville, Missouri, to reside. He has made a success of farming and stock raising here, and has accumulated a comfortable little fortune. 1-16-1903 - ATKINS - J. - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - J.H.Atkins, the hardware dealer, will go out of business here about the 1st of February, and remove the remainder of his stock to Holly Grove. Mr.& Mrs.F.R.Atkins will go and will engage with his father there in the general merchandise business. We are sorry to lose these good citizens. 1-16-1903 - SWEET - GUS AND EMORY and Walter - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sweet Brothers-Sweet Brothers is the style of the new mercantile firm which will cast its fortunes with the good citizens of Widener on or about Feb.1,1903, succeeding Hon.F.W.DeRossitt, who comes to reside in Forrest City. The firm is composed of three brothers, Walter, Gus, and Emory, all of whom hve been raised in this city. 2-6-1903 - FINLEY - JOHN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Shooting Affray-Monday afternoon, at the Greentree Saloon, John Finley and R.E.Hostetter had a personal encounter which resulted disastrously to the former, who had been imbibing too freely, and was not physical match for the object of his attack. Later Finley brandishing a single barrelled shotgun, had made dire remarks for what he would do to Hostetter, while at the Choctaw talking with the operator, he was warned of Finley coming toward him, and he went to the Marion hotel where he was staying, obtained a pistol, and when Finley approached, he shot him in both arms, encapacitating him. Hostetter then sought out the night watchman, Hodges, and surrendered himself. Hostetter came here about three months ago from Kansas City with the Western Union gang, but since has been engaged with the electric light plant since November.The trial will be held next Monday. 2-13-1903 - BUCHANAN - CHIGA - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Comercial Appeal-A Missing Husband-One Chiga B.Buchanan, feather merchant and traveling salesman, is missing. His wife, the former Susie Tackett, of Forrest City, where she had been the proprietoress of the Sf.Francis Hotel, where they met on one of his visits to her hotel. They had been married a fortnight when he disappeared. He is a man of medium build, aged 41 and weighs about 145 pounds. 2-20-1903 - SULCER - S. - F. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.S.F.Sulcer, of Palestine, has removed his family to Little Rock to make it his permanent home. 3-6-1903 - YARBROUGH - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - At the monthly meeting of the N.B.Forrest Camp, they welcomed Mr.A.Yarbrough, Co.A, 8th Kentucky Infantry as he was enrolled as a member. 3-6-1903 - SANDERSON - WILL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Will Sanderson, who shot J.H.Brown at Bonair Monday of last week, had a preliminary hearing before Squire Sander, Wednesday morning, and was dismissed. 3-6-1903 - ABLES - J. - J - - - NA - FCTIMES - COLT TIMES-Mr.J.J.Ables has moved to Little Rock, and his son, Mr.J.B.Ables has taken charge of his drug store at this place. 3-13-1903 - N.B.FORREST CAMP MEETING - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Seventeen members attended the monthly meeting Mar.7,1903:J.E.Eldridge, 1st Arkansas Cavalry; Col. Edwin Landvoight, 1st Confederate Cavalry; T.C.Folbre, 1st Lt, Co.A-15th Arkansas; T.E.Hoshall, 18th Mississippi Infantry; G.W.Pearson,6th Mississippi Infantry; W.H.Smith, Tennesse Infantry; A.Yarbrough, Co.A.8th Kentucky Infantry; T.W.Verser, 5th Arkansas Cavalry; W.D.Lowder, N.C.Infantry; J.D.McKnight, 13th Tennessee; J.B.Sanders, 18th Mississippi; J.B.Hodges, Arkansas; J.F.Stockard, Arkansas; T.C.Merwin, 1st Arkansas Cavalry; G.H.Johnson, 13th Tennessee; A.J.Winford, Ordinance; T.A. Wilson, Wheelers Cavalry; A.L.Weatherford, Georgia Infantry; T.N.Taylor, Arkansas Infantry; T.E.Haskins, Virginia Infantry; G.W.Littlefield, J.T.Crippen, Hunter Crippen, S.F.Sulcer, 4thAlabama Cavalry Co. E. (Hard to read) 3-20-1903 - CASTEEL - CALLOWAY - - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Calloway Casteel is the guest of her daughter in law, Mrs.Alice Casteel. The old lady is in very feeble health. 3-20-1903 - RICKETTS - JOHN - F. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.F.Ricketts is disposing of his interests in St.Francis county and moving to Stockton, California. Mr.Henry McDaniel bought his home, and Illinois people bought his bottom land. 3-27-1903 - COOK - GEORGE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - COAL MINE IN ST.FRANCIS COUNTY=A number of years ago, George Cook, deceased, brought specimens of coal to the Times office that he found about six miles south of the city on the N.B.Nelson place. About six months ago, a party of tie makers and haulers from Missouri came to this country to make a living, and a Mr.Montgomery among them, found an outcropping on Crowley's Ridge of coal, and found a seam of about seven feet in width and inexhaustibile in supply. Mr.Montgomery has purchased the land, and will continue to develop the mine. 3-27-1903 - CLIFTON - W. - T. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.W.T.Clifton is celebrated his 80th birthday last Tuesday. The old gentleman has been a resident for 55 years, and is in good health in spite of his advanced age. 4-3-1903 - MITCHELL - B. - B. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.B.B.Mitchel of Cocoa, Alabama, reached the city Tuesday, and hung out his shingle. He is a graduate of Mehara Medical College of Nashville, Tenn. 4-24-1903 - SHORT - E. - A. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.N.G.Short, mother of our E.A.Short was visiting from Varden, Miss., she is 77 years of age, but hale and hearty. 5-1-1903 - FIZER - PAUL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Paul Fizer is now in Hong Kong on board the Battleship New Orleans. He is doing better, and has given up the circus business. 5-15-1903 - CALHOUN - J. - W. - - - NA - FCTIMES - J.W.Calhoun, Heth, was a caller at the Times office Saturday. Mr.Calhoun is an old Confed, and "fought and bled" with the Co.K, Second Tennessee. 5-15-1903 - PORTER - T. - G. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.T.G.Porter, who moved from Philips Co. to Palestine, is practicing medicine there and we wish him the best. 5-22-1903 - JACKSON - STONEWALL - - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - Confederate 13th Annual Reunion in New Orleans, May 20,1903-Mrs.Stonewall Jackson is special guest, and Commander In Chief was General John H.Gordon. 5-22-1903 - ATTENDEES OF THE 13TH CONFEDERATE REUNION - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Parrott, Mrs.Dooley, Miss Cowan, Bruce Smith, B.F.McCrary, Mrs.Lucy Williams, Mrs.Linn Turley, Col.Neely Harris of New Castle, W.O.Pirtle of New Castle, F.Laughinghouse, Prof.W.L. and Mr.J.C.Prewett 5-29-1903 - GWYNN - EDYTHE - AVERY - MISS - - NA - FCTIMES - Only graduate of the Crowley Ridge Institute. 5-29-1903 - WILLIAMS - JOHN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - John Williams, father of Mrs.Mooneyham, is criticall ill at her residence, and is 78 years of age. 6-5-1903 - MERWIN - T. - C. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes T.C.Merwin, County Court Clerk, as the one armed, gallant Confederate soldier, a native of Louisville, Ky., who fought with the 1st Arkansas Cavalry, under Gen.Albert Pike, and was a prisoner on Johnson's Island when the surrender came. 6-5-1903 - McKNIGHT - J. - D. - Dr.-Sheriff - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Dr.J.D. McKnight, Sheriff of St.Francis County, has long been a leading physician of this community; was born in Fayette Co., Tenn. March 12,1842, he graduated at Memphis in 1884. Was a non commisioned officer in the 13th Tennessee, Co.G, Confederate Army; fought with Gen.Bragg, was wounded a number of times, badly at Jonesboro, Ga.. Moved to Arkansas in 1870. 6-5-1903 - MURPHREE - WILLIAM - - DEP.SHERIFF - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.William Murphree, Deputy Sheriff was born in Mississippi in 1860. His father from South Carolina, mother from Mississippi. Has lived here since 1875. 6-5-1903 - ROLESON - EDWARD - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.Edward Roleson, manager of Consumers Cotton Oil Co., which was organized in 1899. He was born in Witttsburg, and is one of the most elegant gentlemen in Arkansas. 6-5-1903 - TAYLOR - EDGAR - P. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.Edgar P.Taylor, co-owner of the Taylor-Knight & Co. in the courthouse, Insurance, Real Estate, and Loans. Mr.Taylor is a native of this city. 6-5-1903 - KNIGHT - H. - A. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.H.A.Knight, co-owner of the Taylor-Knight & Co., Insuance, Real Estate & Loans, in the courthouse. He was born in Forrest City, his family from Illinois; graduated from the Gem City Business College, Quincy, Illinois. 6-5-1903 - GORMAN - WALTER - D. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.Walter D.Gorman, manager of the Ice Plant, is 21 years of age, son of Mayor Gorman, and educated in Sewanee, Tenn., the very swellest school in the south. 6-5-1903 - SMITH - L. - P. - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.L.P.Smith, engineer of the Water Plant, is from Tennessee, and has been here since 1880. 6-5-1903 - BRADY - JOHN - T. - MAJOR - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Major John T.Brady, who was born in Johnstown, Ohio, in 1873. Came to Forrest City in 1888. Was a member of Co.I. 1st Arkansas State Guard, and was changed to the 2nd Regiment, commanded by Col.Cook who camped at Chickamauga in 1898, on the same spot he did in the Civil War. Major Brady organized a company in 1894, and was second, first lieutenant, and then captain. Has a beautiful jewelry store. 6-5-1903 - TURLEY - LINN - - 1ST LT. - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Lt.Linn Turley, who was a popular young officer in the 2nd Arkansas Volunteers, Spanish War, and since declined a commision for Phillipine service. He was born in Marshall Co., Miss., in 1873, and educated at the Univ.Of Arkansas. Enlisted April 1897, in Taylor Rifles, Co. I, 1st Lieut., and was changed in 1897 to the Second Arkansas. He is employed by R.L.Pettus, Gen.Merchandise. 6-5-1903 - FOLBRE - T. - C. - JUDGE - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Judge T.C.Folbre, who was born in Dearborn Co. Indiana, June15,1841, and grew up in Arkansas. Enlisted in the 40th Provisional Confederate Regiment; fought in Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Tennessee, Lousiana, Mississippi; captured on Island No.10, and sent to Springfield, Illinois, Camp Butler, exchanged and sent to Vicksburg, where they formed the 15th Arkansas and ordered to make the useless battle at Corinth, Miss.; then sent to Port Hudson; regiment under Col.Ben Johnson, Camden, Ark. where they battled off attacks by the Federals with twelve men, on May 21,1863. Seven out of the twelve were killed or wounded. Was surrendered July 8,1863. to Gen.Banks, at Port Hudson. Escaped from prison in dramatic fashion more than once. 6-5-1903 - WALTON - ALBERT - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Mr.Albert Walton, manager of the Walton-Knox Co., manufacturer of Fruit packages, Egg Crates, Veneers, and Baskets in Madison, Ark. He plans on building about thirty cottages for his workers, and employ about 200 men. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and enlisted in the 112th Illinios Infantry, 23rd Army Corps during the Civil War. 6-5-1903 - CHANEY - F. - M. - AGENT - - NA - FCTIMES - ARTICLE BY MRS.MARY T.WHITSON-ENTITLED FORREST CITY AFTER MANY YEARS-She describes Railroad Agent at Madison, Mr. F.M.Chaney, was born at "96". S.Carolina, and has been here since 1902. 6-19-1903 - FOLBRE - GERALD - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Little Gerald Folbre was taken ill Thursday of last week with typhoid-maliarial fever, and is very sick. 6-26-1903 - LONGEST - J. - T. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.J.T.Longest, Mississippi, has located here at Forrest City, and his office for present at the Imperial Hotel. 6-26-1903 - PRUDE - W. - J. - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.W.J.Prude is moving to Hartshorn, Indian Territory to be with her husband, who is with the Rock Island Coal Company. 7-3-1903 - HAMBLETON - SOL - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Sol Hambleton has purchased the interest of Hon.J.H.Tipton in the business of Tipton & Shields, and will operate the new firm as Shields & Hambleton. Mr.Shields is a registered pharmacist, and Mr.Hambleton has several years experience in the drug business. The ex mayor, Mr.Tipton has gone into the grocery business with J.B.Terry. and will be named J.H.Tipton & Co. on North Washington and Jackson street. 7-3-1903 - TIPTON - J. - H. - HONOR - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Sol Hambleton has purchased the interest of Hon.J.H.Tipton in the business of Tipton & Shields, and will operate the new firm as Shields & Hambleton. Mr.Shields is a registered pharmacist, and Mr.Hambleton has several years experience in the drug business. The ex mayor, Mr.Tipton has gone into the grocery business with J.B.Terry. and will be named J.H.Tipton & Co. on North Washington and Jackson street. 7-17-1903 - BRIDGEFORTH - D. - O. - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.D.O.Bridgeforth, Pleasant Hill, Miss., has set up practice here in Forrest City for medicine. 8-7-1903 - McCORMICK - JENNIE - - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs. Jennie McCormick, returned Friday from an extended visit to Argenta, where she was a guest of her daughter and family, Mrs.T.H.Wheat. 8-7-1903 - CLEMENTS - SAM - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Deputy Bob Swan and Constable Thad Sellers, paid a visit to the Colt community Saturday night, and arrested Sam Clements, on a warrant for murder of Tom Cobbs at the picnic at Milbrook on July 25,1903. The capture was made thru Geo.Dallas who assisted officers. 8-14-1903 - VANDERSLICE - LANGFORD - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Langford Vanderslice, formerly clerk at the Marion Hotel for about two years, has accepted a position in Memphis at the Peabody Hotel, Mrs.Pauline Goddard will miss him. 8-14-1903 - HUGHES - J. - T. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.T.Hughes made a depostion in Little Rock to wit:I am an ex-Confederate soldier, and followed General Lee from March 10,1861 up to the time of surrender. I was twice captured, but was in every battle that was fought on the Potomac. I was in Co.G.-41st Virginia. I have lived in Little Rock 27 years, and have been employed at the Blind School for 14 years and six months as a carpenter. The first day of June, 1902, I was discharged without any cause, and replaced by Sam Thatch, the brother in law of Governor Davis. 8-14-1903 - CONFEDERATE REUNION AT STUART SPRINGS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Over two thousand persons joined for a barbeque at Stuart Springs for the old veterans. Included were 850 ladies, in all over 1500 persons were fed. The N.B.Forrest Camp No.628 of the U.C.V. was in charge, Senator Jas.E.Wood, the editor of the Lee County Courier spoke to his fellow soldiers in a happy and feeling manner as to cheer their hearts and light up their faces with memories.Could be off by as much as two weeks dating by the paper reviewed. 9-4-1903 - SANDERS - CHARLES - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Charles H.Sanders resigns as Cashier at Bank of Eastern Arkansas which he founded coming here from Lebanon, Tenn. in 1886. Mr.J.T.Fondren, Asst.Cashier was elected to replace him. 9-11-1903 - McDANIEL - S. - PRICE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Price McDaniel returned from El Dorado where he was assisting his brother Arthur in his trouble over the shooting. 9-11-1903 - IZARD - JOHN - - DR. - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.John Izard returned home to Smthdale, Cross County, last Friday from the home of his brother in law, Dr.N.P.Beauchamp. He wished to be there for the upcoming election. 9-11-1903 - UNIV.OF ARKANSAS ATTENDEES - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The following will leave Sunday night to enroll at the Univ.of Arkansas at Fayetteville:Chas.W.McDaniel, Malion Folbre, Henry Gorman, and George Taylor. 9-18-1903 S.P.McDaniel returned from Fayetteville where he enrolled Charley and the other boys mentioned, plus Walter Garner of Marianna, and John Hughes, Hughes. 9-18-1903 - OURY - ROSA - - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Rosa Oury of Little Rock is visiting her brother, Mr.John M.Brown. 9-18-1903 - HAWKINS - MARY - E. - MRS. - - NA - FCTIMES - A postoffice has been opened at Heth, a station on the Choctaw, and Mrs.Mary E.Hawkins has been named Postmistress. 9-25-1903 - CROWLEYS RIDGE INSITITUTE OPENS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The Crowley's Ridge Institute held opening ceremonies, with 201 pupils enrolled. 10-2-1903 - CRUSADE BY DR.J.B.Andrews Successful - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BAPTIST CONVERTS:Carroll Wood/Dr.J.T.Longest/Louis Davenport, Jr./Mrs.June Hodges/Archer Hatcher 10-2-1903 - CRUSADE BY DR.J.B.Andrews Successful - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - PRESBYTERIAN CONVERTS:Mrs.Lewis Wright/Wright Lewis/Lulie Lewis/Chas.Havens/Mrs.A.L.Stevens/Mrs.Jas.Fussell/Annie Fussell/Lucille Fussell/Jas.Fussell, Jr. 10-2-1903 - CRUSADE BY DR.J.B.Andrews Successful - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - METHODIST CONVERTS:Estelle Pettus/Emily Davis/Beverlyl Horney/Fannie Mann/Mattie Terrell/W.J.Wilkin/Dewitt Terrell/Roscoe Delano/Bertha Smith/Johnny Malouf/Sam Malouf/W.H.Cook/F.Laughinghouse, Jr./F.C.Neely/Elizabeth Head/Alberta Head/Mrs.J.M.Crawley/Eva Davis/Mrs.M.E.Walker/Mrs.M.Hunt/Mrs.Geo.Head/Enos Altman/George Smith/Mrs.Scott/F.G.McCrary/James Scott/Fred Eldridge/Louis Jones/John Martin/Will Dawson/Bert Mann/Geo.Eldridge/Mrs.Mary Fisk/Mattie Coffey/Mary Jones/Hortense Williams/Bettie Dawson/Lida Terry/Mabel Smith. 10-16-1903 - MUCK - VALLIE - - MRS. - DAVENPORT - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.F.P.Muck, nee Vallie Davenport, arrived Wednesday from Princeton, Indiana to take care of her brother, Robert E.Davenport, who is critically ill. 10-23-1903 - JACKSON - GEORGE - L. - PROF. - - NA - FCTIMES - BIO: Prof.George L.Jackson was born in Alabama, at an early age of fifteen years he entered the Confederate Army, March 1861, and was terribly wounded in a battle around Atlanta, losing a leg thereby. The Professor came to Arkansas in 1877, and since that time has been teaching school, many of his old pupils still being in the county, merchants and farmers, living examples of his abiltiy as a scholar. The Professor has always been identified with the democratic party, and has never asked for favors of it until now, when he comes to the front and asks for support as a candidate for Treasurer of the County. 10-30-1903 - MERIWETHER - D. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - D.Meriwether, cousin of Capt.Jas.Fussell, and Messrs.J.S.Word and H.P.Farrar were in town Wednesday, they are with the Frisco surveying crew corp, who are surveying the new line through the county from Marion to Marianna. 11-13-1903 - SHORT - E. - A. - - - NA - FCTIMES - E.A.Short, jeweler of this city, is six fee tall, and lived in Mississippi, not Byhalia, and was well acquainted with Dr.Joseph Applewhite, deceased, brother of our late judge Applewhite of this place. 11-13-1903 - ALLEY - JAMES - H. - - - NA - FCTIMES - James H.Alley, farmer, who was in Morgan's raid through this section, remembers being at Salem, where he took possession of a buggy belonging to someone there. 11-20-1903 - BEAZLEY - HARRY - - 1st LT. - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.W.C.Beazley, from 1st Lt. Harry Beazley, The Phillipines-Sep.19,1903-Dear Mother: I have made 1st Lt. a few days ago. Irene and I are all ok. 11-27-1903 - HODGES - BOB - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Bob Hodges, who sometimes since went to Texas, has sent advice ahead that he will return to Yocona to reside, and will be here in about two weeks. His daughter, Mrs.Egbert Osborn, has already arrived and will reside near Caldwell. 11-27-1903 - HODGES - LEWIS - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Will Williams kidnapped a woman from John Young's camp at Old Town, near Helena. He was armed with a Colt persuader, and was getting along fairly well until he ran into Lewis Hodges at Jim South's lot, and threatened to kill the unarmed Hodges when he got into trouble. He was arrested by Deputy Rainbolt and Murphree on the work train going to Madison who pursued them on the road alongside the train, and stopped the train to arrest Williams. He claimed the woman owed him money, and that was the reason he kidnapped her. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911