The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED August 20,2009 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1912 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: 1-5-1912 - NORMENT - RICHARD - W. - - - 1841 - 1 4 1912 - CITY - UNCLE BOB NORMENT DEAD=Richard "Uncle Bob" Norment, a gentleman of the old school, died at his home in Whitmore yesterday, Jan.4,1912, morning. In accordance with his often expressed wish, he will be buried today at Forrest City, Ark., beside the side of his wife, to whom he was supremely devoted during life. "Uncle Bob" numbered his friends in West Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas by the hundreds. He was known for his big hearted generosity, never turning down even the meanest tramp from his door without food or shelter. He was a great lover of hounds, and had followed the chase practically all his life, from early childhood. He talked to his hounds as he would to a human friend. He had lived alone with no other friends but his dog and pony for several years, as his wife was dead and he had no children, and indeed, no relative nearer than Memphis. He was well known in this city, where he had a number of friends. When a boy, he went to school at the Falkner school on McCall Ave. He was a schoolmate of Col.Wm.H.Carroll and the late Senator Thos.B.Turley . The mother of Tom Johnson, former Mayor of Cleveland, was also a pupil at the school at that time. A number of years ago he moved to Arkansas. To George Taylor he entrusted the affairs of his burial, impressing his friend with his one great desire, to be buried next to his wife. Commercial Appeal. The body was shipped here Saturday morning, and the funeral was held Sunday morning from Stevens Funeral Parlor, and the remains taken to the Forrest City Cemetery, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker, officiating. His sister, Mrs.H.E.Perkins, and niece Mrs.Daisy Mulheron, and her daughter Sarah, of Memphis, attended the funeral. Per undertaker Mr.Ainsworth, the following was presented:Mr.Richard Norment, age 70 years, who supposedly died Thursday, was found on Friday morning by Mr.F.G.Wilson. Heart disease was in all probability the cause of his death, as he had just shaved and cleaned up, with the intention of going away from home for the day, and when taken sick he headed for the bed, and fell by the side of the bed. Jan.5,1911 FCTimes. 1-5-1912 Mr.W.A.Johnston, Jr., C.E., of Marianna, was in the city Wednesday, en route to Whitmore to take care of his relative, Bob Norment. 1-5-1912 - EVANS - ROBLEY - D. - - - 1846 - 1 1912 - UNKNOWN - ROBLEY D.EVANS DIES SUDDENLY=Washington-Rear Admiral Robley D.Evans, "Uncle Bob" to an admiring nation, died suddenly at his home here in Washington. Acute indigestion ended the career of one of the most popular officers in the U.S.Navy. He was ill less than three hours. Admiral Evans was born sixty five years ago, in Floyd County, Virginia. For years a sufferer from wounds received during the Civil War, and from frequent recurrent bouts with rheumatic gout, displayed surprising high spirits at breakfast, and ate a hearty lunch at noon. While in his library about 2 o'clock, the admiral was stricken. After the doctor came, he rested until about 4:30 pm, when he arose saying he was choking, and died fifteen minutes later, conscious to the end. 1-5-1912 - JARRATT - J. - R. - HON. - - UNK - 1 1 1912 - CEDAR HEIGHTS - A GOOD MAN GONE=Hon.J.R.Jarratt, of Marianna, is dead. He was one of it's leading citizens, and one to whom that city owes an everlasting debt of gratitude for his personal interest in its welfare and his help in a financial and every other way in making it what it is. He was a Southern gentleman of the old school, a Chesterfieldian in his manner and bearing, and one of its best citizens. He died Monday, Jan.1,1912, and was buried Tuesday in the Cedar Heights cemetery, the funeral being attended by a very large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends who will miss and mourn him. He had lived in Marianna thirty seven years, having been a member of the old and highly esteemed firm of Jarratt & Rodgers, one of the oldest firms in Lee County. He had retired from business several years ago. Capt.Jas.Fussell went down to Marianna Sunday to be at his bedside, and remained for the funeral. He speaks in glowing terms of his old friend's manly virtues, and deeply deplores his death. 1-5-1912 - BEAZLEY - W. - C. - - - UNK - UNK - UNKNOWN - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS COURT=W.L.Beazley, administrator of estate for W.C.Beazley. 1-5-1912 - SIMS - POLK - - - - UNK - UNK - UNKNOWN - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS COURT=Walter Sweet, administrator of estate for Polk Sims. 1-5-1912 - MARSHALL - L. - S. - - - UNK - UNK - UNKNOWN - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS COURT=L.C.Marshall, administrator of estate for L.S.Marshall. 1-5-1912 - IRBY - W. - W. - - - UNK - UNK - UNKNOWN - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS COURT=Mrs.A.L.Buchanan, administrator of estate for W.W.Irby. 1-5-1912 - SATTERFIELD - INFANT - - - - UNK - 1 4 1912 - HUGHES - Mr.W.W.Hughes, of six miles north of town, was in the city yesterday, and we learned of the death of the infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Ben Satterfield, who live on the Ben Giles place, died yesterday, Jan.4,1912, of whooping cough, and will be buried today in the Hughes cemetery. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents. 1-5-1912 - MANNING - NELLIE - - - - 9 1911 - 12 30 1911 - UNKNOWN - Nellie Manning, aged 3 months, infant daughter of Mr.Harry Manning, who lives on the Ed Vickers farm, died Dec.30,1911, and was buried Monday. 1-12-1912 - HOWARD - LELA - - - - 1882 - 1 2 1912 - PIPPIN - DEATH OF MRS.LELA HOWARD=Mrs.Lela Howard, beloved wife of Mr.Edward Howard died on Tuesday, Jan.2, 1912 at their home about six miles east of Haynes. Death was due to heart failure and was quite sudden. The remains were buried in the Pippin graveyard, near Haynes. Mrs.Howard was a native of Lee county, and was in her thirtieth year of her life. She was a sister of the late L.B.Jones, of Madison, and is survived by her husband, and adopted son, one sister, Mrs.Cook, of McRae, Ark., and one brother, Dr.D.I.Jones, of Palmetto, Fla. 1-19-1912 - WALKER - GREEN - - - - UNK - 1 13 1912 - UNKNOWN - Green Walker, a prosperous farmer of the bottoms, died last Saturday, Jan.13,1912, and was embalmed and buried near Forrest City Monday. He leaves an estate of $30,000. 1-26-1912 - DAVIS - VIRGINIA - H. - - - 1 26 1843 - 1 19 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.T.C.DAVIS WHO DIES IN FLORIDA=Mrs.Virginia H.Davis after long illness, dies at home of daughter in Sanford, Fla. on Friday, Jan.19,1912. Mrs.Davis had been a long time resident of Forrest City, but had moved to live with her daughter, Mrs.John T.Brady several years ago. Mrs.Davis was born in Brandon, Miss. on Jan.26,1843. She was married their to Lieut.T.C.Davis of the 6th Kentucky Infantry. They moved to Forrest City in 1872, and on Feb.5,1872, Mr.Davis passed away, and was buried in Forrest City Cemetery. Mrs.Davis was a member of the Baptist church, having joined that denomination in early childhood. Mrs.Davis was the mother of three children, two of whom, Mr.William Earl Davis of Waco, Texas, and Mrs.Florence Thomas Brady of Sanford, Fla., survive her. The other child died at the age of three years. Mrs.Davis was one of eleven children, of whom only three sisters survive her, Mrs.B.T.Manning and Mrs.T.V.Prude of Forrest City, and Mrs.W.J.Prude of Hartshorne, Okla. Besides these members of her immediate family, numerous other relatives of this city survive her, the Pearsons and the Semmes of Memphis. The remains were embalmed, and shipped to this city for burial accompanied by Major and Mrs.John T.Brady, her son in law, and daughter. Funeral services were held at the residence to Mrs.B.T.Manning on Monday, and Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church substituting for Rev.Garrott of the Baptist church whose son is sick with scarlet fever, officiating at the Forrest City Cemetery. The following gentlemen were pall bearers:Mr.J.D.Baugh, Mr.J.M.Prewett, Mr.J.M.Davis, Mr.T.W.McClendon, Mr.J.T.Sanders, and Mr.J.B.Terry. 1-26-1912 - DAVIS - T. - C. - LIEUT. - - UNK - 2 5 1872 - CITY - HUSBAND OF MRS.VIRGINIA DAVIS-SEE OBIT 1-26-1912 - DAVIDSON - M. - - - - 1862 - 1 22 1912 - MEMPHIS - DEATH OF M.DAVIDSON=Mr.M.Davidson, a long time resident of Colt, in the northern part of this county died at his home on Monday, Jan.22,1912, and was buried Tuesday in the Jewish cemetery in Memphis. Mr.Davidson had been in a mercantile business at Colt for several years, and was very much loved and respected in that neighborhood, and in fact, throughout the county. Deceased was nearly 50 years of age, was a member of the Odd Fellows and Masonic lodges. He had not been in the best of health for some time, but had not been confined altogether, and no serious apprehensions had been felt to his condition, hence the suddenness of death caused quite a shock. He leaves besides a widow, five children to mourn his loss. 1-26-1912 - PARRISH - A. - G. - MRS - - 1848 - 1 25 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.A.G.PARRISH=Mrs.A.G.Parrish, a sister of Mrs.L.J.Sanders, of this city, died Thursday morning, Jan.25,1912, at the home of her niece, Mrs.J.T.Sanders, and was buried at the Forrest City cemetery Thursday afternoon, Rev.J.A.Smith, former pastor of Yocona church, officiating. Mrs.Parrish was sixty four years of age, and born in Gloucester county, Va. She moved with her family to Mississippi in 1861. and then moving to Arkansas where she married Mr.Hilliburton, of Arkansas county, who proceeded her to the grave. She then married to Dr.Parrish of Hazen county, who is also dead. She was a devoted and consistent member of the Baptist church, and her funeral Thursday was widely attended. 1-26-1912 - BARROW - CHARLES - - - - UNK - 1 24 1912 - WYLDS - Mr.Charles Barrow, son of Mr. J.J.Barrow of the cutoff, died at "fifteen" Wednesday night, Jan.24,1912. Young Barrow had just reached the age of manhood, and on Sunday the day he was taken sick, he was the very picture of health. Congestion was the cause of death. Mrs.Barrow, his mother arrived from Hot Springs yesterday to attend the funeral, at Wyld's graveyard today. 2-2-1912 - TRICE - SARAH - IDA - MRS - RAMSEY - 11 3 1850 - 1 28 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.R.B.TRICE=Mrs.Sarah Ida Trice, beloved wife of Mr.Richard B.Trice, and mother of Mr.Enos T.Altman, of this city, died Sunday, Jan.28,1912 after an illness that lasted from early December last year. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the family residence on Izard Street, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church, officiating, and interment at the Forrest City cemetery, a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends followed the funeral cortege to the cemetery. Mrs.Trice was born in Red House, Va. on Nov.3,1850. She was married at Elsah, Illinois on Sep.5,1878 to Mr.John W.Altman. To this union one child, Mr.Enos T.Altman, who survives her, was born. Mr.Altman died in 1883 and his widow was married to Mr.R.B.Trice, Oct.11,1885, at New Providence, Tenn., where she was then living with her brother, Mr.L.L.Ramsey. Mr.& Mrs.Trice moved to Arkansas in the fall of 1891 from Kentucky, and settled at Marianna, and after three years, moved to Forrest City. Besides her husband and son, Mrs.Trice leaves two brothers, Mr.L.L.Ramsey, of Memphis; Mr.Elihah Ramsey of Red House, Va.; and one sister, Mrs.Ella Terry of Elsah, Illinois. Mrs.Trice had been in failing health for nearly a year, but as not altogether confined to her room until early in December. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church, having joined in her girl hood. She was also a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and at the grave the choir sang "Nearer My God to Thee" and other hymns. L.L.Ramsey, T.W.Ramsey, and Miss Eddie Ramsey, brother, nephew, and niece of Memphis attended the funeral. 2-16-1912 - MALLORY - GEORGE - B. - SHERIFF - - 2 25 1845 - 2 12 1912 - MT.VERNON - DEATH OF GEORGE B.MALLORY=Sheriff and Tax Collector George B. Mallory, passes away peacefully. Another of Forrest City's landmarks, a pioneer citizen, a tried, true, and faithful servant, has gone to his reward after a well spent life, during which he made friends of all with whom he came in contact, and departing, has left behind him naught but loving memories and a feeling of deep sorrow. Mr.George B.Mallory, died peacefully at his home Monday morning, Feb.12,1912, surrounded by family and friends. For several years Mr.Mallory had been in a desperate battle with the grim destroyer, who had claimed him as a victim in the guise of the white plague, and during the last four or five years had spent much of his time in Colorado or other resorts trying to regain his health. Mr.Mallory was an honest, upright Christian gentlemen, one of nature's noblemen-a man of whom it could be truly said that no man could say aught that was detrimental or hurtful,and whom it was a pleasure to know. He was a loyal member of the Methodist church, and of Forrest City lodge No.198, F.& A.M. Besides his widow, he leaves one son, Mr.Bert Mallory, two daughters, Mrs.T.A.Buford, and Mrs.Geo.P.Taylor, one brother, Mr.I.W.Mallory. and two sisters, Mrs.W.E.Williams and Mrs.Pauline Goddard, all of whom except Mrs.Goddard live in this city. The funeral services were held at his late residence, Tuesday, the Rev.J.K.Farris presiding. Mr.Mallory was born in Memphis Feb.25,1849, and was in his sixty third year. His parents moved to this county about a year after his birth, and since then he has resided here. His parents died when he was young leaving a family of five children, of which he was the oldest. He engaged in farming as he raised the other children. He first entered politics in 1896 to the office of circuit and county clerk's office. In 1910, he was elected Sheriff to succeed his brother in law, Mr.W.E.Williams. Interment was in the Mt.Vernon cemetery along with the parents and others of his family. 2-16-1912 - SIPF - MARGIE - - - MAY - 1850 - 2 12 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MRS.SIPF=The Forrest City TImes, Feb. 16, 1912, DEATH OF MRS. SIPF. Popular and Much Loved Lady, Passes Peacefully Away Monday Morning. News of the death of Mrs. Margie Sipf, which occurred Monday morning shortly after 8 o'clock, cast a shadow of sorrow over the entire community, though her death was not altogether unexpected, the good lady having been in feeble health for several months. Mrs. Sipf was the widow of the late John Sipf, who died about eighteen months ago. She was a native of this county, and was in her sixty-second years. She had been in failing health since the death of Mr. Sipf, and though every method known to science and all that kindly, loving care and attention of relatives and friends could do, was done for her, she gradually grew weaker and weaker and finally succumbed the inevitable, after having been confined to her room and bed for over a month with a paralytic attack. Deceased is survived by a sister, Mrs. Ab. Sanders, of this county, and one brother, Rev. J. G. May, of Heber Springs, besides numerous other relatives in this city and county. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and was a devout, Christian woman, who was widely known, and as universally loved and respected. The interment took place Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Hughes cemetery, Rev. George H. Kirker, of the Presbyterian church, officiating and a large concourse of sorrowing friends following the remains to their last resting place to mingle their tears with those of the bereaved relatives, and thus attesting the love and esteem in which she was held. We wish to join the relatives and other sorrowing ones in extending heartfelt and sincere sympathy. - Brenda Huntley Added: 3/24/2007 2-16-1912 - JONES - JOHN - R. - - - 1 26 1854 - 2 14 1912 - BELL - DEATH OF JOHN R.JONES=Mr.John R."Rich" Jones, council commander of the Palestine Camp of the Woodmen of the World, and an esteemed and highly respected citizen of Prairie township, died at his home near Palestine Wednesday, Feb.14,1912, after a painful illness resulting from the effects of a carbuncle on his neck. He was buried Thursday at the Bell cemetery, about two miles north of Palestine, the funeral being under the auspices of the lodge of which he was an honored member. Sovs.J.T.Johnson, A.D.Boyle, T.W.McClendon, B.F.McCrary, M.P.Remley, and W.F.Horney of the lodge of this city, and Dr.N.P.Beauchamp of Wheatley attended the funeral. 2-23-1912 - BERRY - FLORA - - - STOUT - UNK - 2 20 1912 - HARRISBURG - DIED=Mrs.Flora Berry, wife of Dr.A.A.Berry, of Harrisburg, passed away Feb.20,1912, and was interred in the Harrisburg cemetery the following evening, funeral services being conducted at the Methodist church by Rev.Talkington. Mrs.Berry was born and reared in this county, being the second daughter of Capt.J.W.Stout. 3-1-1912 - LEWELLEN - MARGARET - - - - 1899 - 2 25 1912 - UNKNOWN - DEATHS FROM TORNADO-TUNI TIMES in LInden Island Area=Miss Margaret Lewellen, twelve years of age, daughter of Mr.Charles Lewellen, who was living in a tent house on the Hughes place at Old River from which she was blown into a barbed wire fence, breaking her neck. Mr.Lewellen leg was broken. Name could be Lewellen. 3-8-1912 - NORTON - NATHAN - WILLIAM - JUDGE - - 10 15 1850 - 3 6 1912 - CITY - JUDGE NORTON PASSES AWAY=Again the icy hand of the Death Angel has fallen heavily upon Forrest City, and once again a bereaved widow and children, mourn the absence of one whose voice is forever stilled. The news of the death of Judge Nathan William Norton Wednesday night, Mar.6,1912, after an illness of only two weeks from an attack of uremic poisoning. came as a surprise to the people of the city, but when it became generally known the expressions of grief and sympathy for the bereaved family were general deep and sincere. Judge Norton was a learned, scholarly man, a jurist of great renown, and a man whose death causes a vacancy that is hard to fill, not alone to the people of his home town, who knew and loved him so well, but throughout the state at large, he was widely known, and as highly esteemed. He was the senior member to the law firm of Norton & Hughes, of this city, and a former President of the State Bar Association. Judge Norton was born on Oct.15,1850 in Blue Lick Springs, Kentucky, and was a son of William and Rebecca (Kennedy) Norton, who came to Kentucky from Virginia at an early day. He was educated in the schools at Oxford, Ohio, and in addition to this added a wealth of information and knowledge from reading, close study and observation. He came to Cross county in 1869, and began his business career by teaching school, he later held the position of deputy clerk of that county, followed by bookkeeping. He resided in Cross county from the time he was nineteen years of age, until 1885, representing that county in the legislature that year, and soon after came to Forrest City, where he has since resided continuously. He married Miss Carrie V. Roleson, of Cross county, on Nov.13,1879, and she and three sons, and a daughter survive. Two of the sons, Messrs.Charles W. and Edward R. are in business in Benton, and another son, Mr.Nathan B., and a daughter, Miss Virginia Norton, reside in this city. He had at various times filled the bench of both the Circuit and Supreme Court, as special judge, and was prominently mentioned as a candidate for election to the associate justice of the supreme court, and at a later day as a candidate of the Democratic nomination for gubernatorial office. He was also a Vice President of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas and financially interested in other ventures in the city. The funeral proceeded from the family residence to the Forrest City cemetery, where interment was had, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding at grave side services. The pall bearers were:W.W.Campbell, Louis McDaniel, H.A.Knight, Eugene Williams, W.P.Gorman, and John Grobymer. Honorary Pall bearers were:Walter Gorman, S.H.Mann, W.W.Hughes, Chas.Lewis, E.A.Rolfe, Jas.Fussell, T.O.Fitzpatrick, and T.C.Merwin. 3-15-1912 - GORDON - WILLIE - - - - UNK - 3 6 1912 - UNKNOWN - MYSTERIOUS DEATH NEAR REESE=Mr.W.H.Cook, Justice of the Peace of East Blackfish township, in the southeastern part of the county, was in the city Monday afternoon, and reported the mysterious killing or death which was discovered near his home last Wednesday, Mar.6,1912. On that morning, E.G.Nelson, a white trapper, was running his traps and discovered the body of a young woman, Willie Gordon in the woods about two miles from his house. She had been in the company of Will Bennett, at the Marianna-Memphis loop camps of the Iron Mountain railroad, who after leaving the Newell camp with Gordon was not seen again until the body was found, with a broken neck. Bennett has not been found since that time. 3-15-1912 - STONE - J. - E. - DR. - - 2 10 1839 - 3 15 1912 - CITY - DR.STONE PASSES AWAY FRIDAY MORNING=After a well spent life of 73 years, the spirit of Dr.J.E.Stone took its flight Friday morning, Mar.15,1912. His death was not unexpected, for he had been in ill health since the greatest sorrow of his life occurred-the death of his beloved on May 8,1905,-but nevertheless his passing away causes regret and sorrow among his many friends here and elsewhere. Dr.Stone was a native of Virginia, having been born in Boyton, Va. on Feb.10,1839. He attended the schools of his native county until early childhood, but received his literary education principally in Tennessee. He began the study of medicine, however in Arkansas, under a tutor, and graduated with honors from the Missouri medical college located at St.Louis. Dr.Stone was a brave and gallant soldier, entering the Confederate army in May 1861, in Company R, First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, and serving over four years. He was an earnest and fearless participant in the battles of Springfield, Missouri and Pea Ridge, Ark., was severely wounded during the former. He was then transferred to the Army of Tennessee, and took an active part in the engagements at Jackson, Mississippi; Chickamauga, Richmond, Kentucky, Duggin's Gap, New Hope church, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Franklin and elsewhere. When hostilities ceased, he located in Van Buren county, Arkansas, where he practiced his profession for five years. He then went to Memphis, and thence to Walnut Bend, Arkansas, and in 1883 came to Forrest City where he has since continuously resided. He had been in the city council at intervals for twenty years, and also was twice elected mayor. He was a member of the Episcopal church and of several Masonic lodges of the city. Funeral Sunday morning, at the Forrest City cemetery, under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, services by Rev.E.T.Mabley of the Episcopal church. Dr. Stone was married to Miss Ora Branch, of Shelby Co., Tennessee, on the 22nd day of October, 1872, who died on the 24th of October 1874. He was again married on May 10,1879, to Miss Mansfield Rodgers Dupuy, to whom he has been entirely devoted until her death May 3,1905. He owns considerable property in this and Lee county. 3-15-1912 - HIGGINS - WALTER - M. - - - 3 23 1887 - 3 7 1912 - HUGHES - It is the sad and painful duty to chronicle the death of one of our neighbor boys, Mr.Walter M.Higgins, the eldest son of Mr.& Mrs.T.M.Higgins. On Mar.7,1912, but grieve not mother and father, brothers and sisters, for he left a bright and glowing message that all was well, and that he was going to meet his maker, and was interred in Hughes cemetery.. 4-5-1912 - SMITH - HENRY - - - - UNK - 3 30 1912 - UNKNOWN - Caleb Robertson shot and instantly killed Henry Smith Saturday night, Mar.30,1912, at Round Pond as the outcome of a drunken quarrel. Robertson was arrested by Dep.Sheriff Chas.Fleming, who brought him to Forrest City Sunday morning. Coroner Todd was summoned which found that Robertson said Smith attacked him with a knife, when he fired, the shot penetrating his left breast. He was captured about two and a half miles south of Round Pond. 4-5-1912 - YOUNGBLOOD - SALLIE - - MRS - - 1851 - 3 31 1912 - HOLLY GROVE - DEATH OF MRS.SALLIE YOUNGBLOOD=Mrs.Sallie Youngblood, age 51 years, and mother of one of the popular members of the faculty at Crowley Ridge Institute, Mr.Joe Youngblood, died last Sunday, Mar.31,1912, of congestion, at the home of Mrs.S.F.Sutton, in this city. The remains were removed to the family home at Holly Grove Monday and the funeral held there Tuesday. Rev.J.K.Farris officiating, and her body laid to rest under a mound of floral offerings from her friends here and elsewhere. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church, and had resided in this city with her son for about two years. She was a devout and saintly Christian character and was loved and revered by all who knew her. 4-5-1912 - SMITH - JOHN - L. - - - 1911 - 4 1 1912 - CITY - BABY DROWNED=The infant son of Mr.& Mr.E.Bruce Smith chokes to death. One of the saddest accidents that we have been called upon to chronicle happened last Monday, Apr.1,1912, afternoon when Joseph L. Smith, the year old baby, met a sad death by drowning, the accident occurring at the home of the family, in the Fussell addition. From what we have learned, the little one was left alone on the back porch of the dwelling, while Mrs.Smith had gone to the front of the house for some purpose. During her absence, the little boy evidently pulled himself up against the side of a large candy bucket, which had been left about half full of water upon the porch, and in some manner became over balanced, pitching head first into the bucket. He could not extricate himself, or cry out, and by the time the mother reached him he was nearly choked or strangled to death. Mr.Smith and physicians were called, but to no avail and the little one died. Interment was had in the Forrest City Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church officiating. K.BELL RECORDS SHOW NAME AS JOHN L.SMITH. 4-5-1912 - HAMILTON - NELLIE - - MRS - EZELL - 1883 - 4 4 1912 - CITY - Mrs.Nellie Hamilton, wife of Noble Hamilton, died yesterday, Apr.4,1912, at the family home in Memphis, and the remains will arrive her this afternoon. The funeral services will be conducted tomorrow morning at the home of her father, Mr.O.A.Ezell, deceased, and the interment will be in the Forrest City Cemetery, Mr.& Mrs.Tim Ezell of Wynne came down for the funeral of Mrs.Nellie Ezell Hamilton. 4-5-1912 - REED - ANDREW - - - - UNK - 7 5 1912 - MADISON - Execution set on June 21,1912 of Andrew Reed, convicted of killing his wife Mollie Reed on June 12,1911, by Governor Donaghey.6-21-1912 Hanging set for July 5,1912 by Gov.Donaghey. 4-5-1912 - HOSHALL - THOMAS - RANDAL - - - 6 21 1845 - 4 3 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF THOMAS RANDAL HOSHALL= On Wednesday morning, Apr.3,1912, Mr.Thomas Randal Hoshall died at his home south of the city, after a lingering illness had rendered him almost an invalid for over a year. Mr.Hoshall was a native of Mississippi, having been born near Corinth, in June 1846, and was thus in his sixty sixth year. He came to St.Francis county in the early seventies and was married here in 1872 to Miss Nannie Evans, who with one son, Mr.D.E.Hoshall survives him. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs.Sallie Dillworth, who lives in Memphis. The interment was had Thursday at the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.J.K.Farris, presiding elder of the Methodist church officiating. The deceased was a polished courtly man, a gentleman of the old Southern school, and was widely known and as widely loved and esteemed for his many noble traits of character. 4-5-1912 - FOREMAN - BELLE - - MRS - - UNK - 4 1 1912 - MEMPHIS - The remains of Mrs.Belle Foreman, who died at her home Monday, Apr.1,1912, passed through the city Wednesday morning en route to Memphis for interment. Mr.& Mrs.M.H.Ford and Mr.Gregory, of Marianna accompanied the remains. 4-12-1912 - VADAKIN - HURLBURT - - - - 11 29 1892 - 4 1 1912 - CITY - HURLBURT VADAKIN DEAD=That the Grim Reaper truly loves a shining mark was never more strikingly exemplified than in the death Monday morning, Apr.1,1912. of Hurlburt Vadakin. after an illness of only a few days. Hurlburt had been attending the State University Of Arkansas at Fayetteville and was taken sick with a chill on Wednesday night of last week, though nothing was known here of the illness until his father received a telegram from Dr.Ellis at Fayetteville, stating that his son was dangerously ill. Telephonic communication with the physician elicited the information that the young man had been stricken with spinal meningitis, and that his condition was critical. Mr.& Mrs.Vadakin at once made preparations for the trip to Fayetteville and left on the 1:30 Rock Island train for that city, reaching there Saturday afternoon. A telegram Saturday morning from Dr.Ellis, revealed that Hurlburt had lived through the night, a later message from Mrs.Vadakin that he was some better, but not out of danger. Until Monday morning when the message arrived with the tidings that the boy had died at 1:45 am that morning. Arrangements were made at Fayetteville as soon as it was ascertained that the remains could be shipped, and it was expected to be here by Tuesday morning. They reached here at 7:40 pm on Tuesday night. The funeral was held Wednesday morning in the family plot at the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.E.T.Mabley of the Presbyterian church presiding. Hurlburt was in his twentieth year, being born in Forrest City Nov.29,1892, and had a great deal of his spare time here, though since his school age he had lived with his aunt, Mrs.W.B.Townsend, of Shelbyville, Illinois. He was a manly young gentleman with a kindly, generous disposition, and with a character as gentle and pure as a babe. He was a considerate, obedient son, a gentle and loving brother, and it was his nature to make friends of all with whom he came in contact. His sister, Miss Edith Vadakin was able to attend the funeral, and his aunt, Mrs.Townsend. His cousins, Miss Nell Townsend of Chicago was unable to arrive due to train problems with the floods of the Mississippi River. 4-12-1912 - JACKSON - DINK - - - - UNK - 7 5 1912 - MADISON - Governor Donaghey sets date of hanging for Dink Jackson as July 5,1912. He was convicted of murder of Noah Powell. 4-19-1912 - WOMACK - JOHN - - - - 1852 - 4 12 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF JOHN WOMACK=It is sweet to think and know that friendship is more than a mere word. The death of Mr.John Womack and his burial prompted these thoughts, held at the Undertaking Parlors of A.L.Stevens, where a few old time friends, who had stood by John from early days, through sickness and death, ministering to his wants, gathered to pay last tribute to his memory. Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church, officiated. Interment was had in the Forrest City cemetery when the cortege left the parlors to follow the remains to the final resting place. John was a native of Virginia, and was about sixty two years of age. He moved to this city in 1872, coming here with his cousin, Abe Long, and going into business with him in a building which then stood near where Turley Bros. & Gilliam are now doing business. Later the business was moved to a building where now stands Hatcher's Livery Stable. John here following his trade as a tinner. Reverses came to this business, and he was thrown on his own resources. He worked his trade here at Forrest City, in Memphis, and at other places until failing health compelled him to cease his labors. John had been in bad health for several years, but had been able to keep going through the assistance of a few faithful friends. His last modest venture was made a few months ago, and he was able to scrape along until the last illness made him bedfast, until he passed last Friday night, Apr.12,1912. 4-19-1912 - HOWE - KATHERINE - - MISS - - UNK - 4 14 1912 - LAGRANGE - MISS KATHERINE HOWE=Miss Katherine Howe, an old resident of Phillips county, died at Eureka Springs, Sunday, Apr.14,1912. Her remains will be brought here for burial. Funeral services will be held at St.Mary's Catholic church, and interment in the Catholic cemetery. Helena Daily News, Monday Apr.15,1912. Miss Howe was an aunt of Mr.John W.McCrary of this city, and was known to many of our citizens. She was a longtime agent, and telegraph operator at LaGrange in Lee county. The remains were brought through here and on to LaGrange where burial was held instead of Helena. 4-19-1912 - WALTERS - MARY - - - - 1852 - 4 18 1912 - UNKNOWN - Mary Walters, aged sixty, died at her home in the Moore addition Thursday morning, Apr.18,1912, of spinal meningitis. 5-3-1912 - WILLIAMS - CHARLES - F. - - - 1894 - 4 28 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF CHARLEY WILLIAMS=Charley Williams died at the home of his mother, Mrs.Julia Williams in Arkadelphia, where he was a student in the high school, Sunday afternoon, Apr.28,l912, after a long and painful illness of typhoid fever. The remains were prepared for burial in Arkadelphia, and funeral services held at the First Baptist Church, Rev.H.L.Winburn, officiating. The remains were then shipped to Forrest City and conveyed to the residence of Mrs.Kate Ferguson, aunt of the deceased, where they remained until the interment in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was 19 years of age, had been born here and was a son of Mrs.Julia Williams, formerly of this city. He is survived by his mother, two brothers, Mr. Roger Williams and Mr.Allmath Williams, two sisters, Miss Julia Williams and Miss Vivian Williams, all of Arkadelphia. 5-3-1912 - GOLDEN - JOHN - - - - UNK - 5 1 1912 - INDIANA - John Golden, the owner of several small boats on the St.Francis and L'anguille rivers, died on one of his boats Wednesday night, May 1,1912, after only a short illness. The deceased was formerly a citizen of Jeffersonville, Indiana, and his remains were shipped there for interment, accompanied by his wife, who has been here on the river for some time past. Marianna Index. Capt.Golden had extensive acquaintance in Forrest City, who regret his death. 5-17-1912 - PLOUGH - J. - R. - - - UNK - 5 16 1912 - LITTLE ROCK - Death of Mr.J.R.Plough, of LIttle Rock, was received in this city Thursday evening, May 16,1912. He is the brother of Mrs.J.E.Wydrick of this city who had been attended her brother in Little Rock, and returned home after the funeral Friday from St.Andrews Cathedral, Little Rock, Father T.V.Tobin officiating. 5-17-1912 - WARD - ANNIE - - - - UNK - 5 4 1912 - UNKNOWN - Two men, Mr.McKinley Lewis and Mr.Robinson, were arrested by Dep.Sheriff Henry Jordan, and brought here for shooting and killing Annie Ward at a church festival near Palestine, May 4, 1912, and were given a hearing before Squire Turley, the trial resulting in the release of Robinson, and holding over Lewis for the Grand Jury. 5-24-1912 - CASBEER - RICHARD - - MRS - - 2 17 1858 - 5 13 1912 - LOUGHRIDGE - DEATH OF MRS.RICHARD CASBEER=The subject of this sketch, Mrs.Arra Casbeer, was born in St.Francis county Feb.17,1858, and was married to Mr.Richard Casteel Jan.13,1891, and departed this life May 13,1912 at the home of Mr.& Mrs.T.D.Hampton, of Colt. She leaves two sisters, Mrs.A.H.Taylor, of Wynne, and Mrs.Hampton of Colt. Miss Arra, as she was familiarly known and called, was a faithful and devoted wife, and never did fully recover from the loss of her husband, Dick Casbeer, who died some twenty years ago. She was laid to rest under a mountain of roses next to him in the Loughridge cemetery. She lived an upright Christian life and always tried to walk in the path of the Nazarene. FORREST CITY TIMES NEWSPAPER May 24,1912. 5-31-1912 - WHITTENTON - JOHN - I. - - - 11 4 1870 - 5 28 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MR.JOHN I. WHITENTON=Died at his residence west of the city, Tuesday morning, May 28,1912, after a short illness. The announcement of his death Tuesday morning was the first intimation his many friends in the city had of Mr.Whittenton ever being seriously ill, much less the victim of the dread Angel of Death, and was received with profound sorrow and regret. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery Tuesday afternoon, under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World, and a large number of friends paid their last tribute by their attendance. Mr.Whittenton was 41 years of age at the time of his death, was born in Tennessee, but had practically lived in St.Francis county his whole life. Mr.Whittenton leaves a wife and nine children, four boys and five girls. He was a member of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No.196, I.O.O.O.F. 5-31-1912 - CARSON - THOMAS - J. - - - UNK - 5 28 1912 - UNKNOWN - News was received in the city of the death of Mr.Thomas J.Carson, of Hensley, Ark. , May 28,1912. He was the brother of Mr.Ernest Carson, local barber of this city. He had been ill for over a year with consumption. Deceased was a native of North Carolina, but had been in Arkansas for most of his life. He leaves a wife, a mother, who lives in Hensley, and five brothers who live in Forrest City, Hensley, and Little Rock to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Royal Circle of Friends, and the A.M.E. Church. The funeral held Saturday morning from the Baptist church in Hensley. 5-31-1912 - WALKER - GREEN - A. - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS=L.J.WALKER, ADM. 5-31-1912 - McCLAIN - JOHN - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS=J.D.BAUGH, ADM. 5-31-1912 - KENDRICK - W. - R. - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS=W.R.KENDRICK, JR., ADM. 5-31-1912 - McMANUS - M. - - - - - UNK - FCTIMES - ADMINISTRATORS' AND EXECUTORS=MAX YOFFIE, ADM. 6-7-1912 - LANDVOIGHT - HARRY - - - - UNK - 5 29 1912 - GLENWOOD - Harry Landvoight, a book binder, and son of the late D.W.Landvoight, at one time foreman for the ruling department, government printing office, died at the Emergency Hospital, May 29,1912, after a brief illness of heart failure. The deceased was unmarried, and lived at the Arizona Hotel. He is survived by his sister, Mrs.Florence Haskins, of Mt.Rainier, MD., who was summoned to her brothers bedside. The interment took place at the Glenwood cemetery in the family plot. The deceased was born in Washington, and lived there almost his entire life. Washington, D.C. Star, May 29th, 1912. Deceased was a nephew of our Col.Ed Landvoight. 6-7-1912 - PREWETT - EMMA - - MRS - COULSON - 10 1854 - 6 6 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.JOHN M.PREWETT=The news that spread across the city yesterday, June 6,1912, that Mrs.John M.Prewett had died at her home, in the west end of the city that morning, caused a wave of inexpressible sadness to sweep over the city. Mrs.Prewett had been in bad health, and practically an invalid for the last year, she had seemed to improve last winter from a visit to a sanitarium, she gradually weakened. She was fifty seven years of age last October. Before her marriage, she lived in Tennessee and received her education principally in Memphis. Her maiden name was Miss Emma Coulson. Since her marriage, she has resided in Forrest City. Besides her grief stricken husband, she leaves a sister, Mrs.J.M.Stewart of Little Rock, two sons, Mr.Fred Prewett and Mr.Edwin Prewett, two daughters, Mrs.Lester Collier, and Miss Norton Prewett, all of this city to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Baptist church, the Cosmos Club, and other organizations in the city. She was a noble Christian woman, beloved by all who knew her. Funeral services were held at the late residence this morning, and the interment was in the Forrest City cemetery, under the auspices of Rev.E.P.J.Garrott of the Baptist church. 6-14-1912 Mr.Tom Prewett of Helena, nephew of Mrs.Prewett came up for the funeral. 6-7-1912 - HOUSTON - BOB - - - - UNK - 6 2 1912 - UNKNOWN - Bob Houston, a long time resident of Forrest City, employed with Forrest City Grocer as a porter and driver, died Sunday morning, June 2,1912, of Bright's Disease, after a long illness. Bob was an honest, hard working man. His remains were taken in charge of Stevens Undertaking Parlor, embalmed, and buried in the cemetery. 6-14-1912 - STARKS - WILL - - - - UNK - 6 6 1912 - UNKNOWN - ANOTHER KILLING FOR HETH=The little town of Heth on the western edge of the county, added another killing to its long list of crimes committed on Wednesday, June 5,1912, when Will Starks was shot and killed by Richard Jackson, in a three cornered row that resulted from a poker game, in which the deceased, Jackson, and Jerry Williams had been engaged. Starks was shot twice with a pistol. He was brought to Madison, where he died the next morning, June 6.1912. Jackson and Williams made their escape, but were captured Friday at Lake Cormorant, Miss. After being returned by Dep.Sheriff B.S.Moore, Squire T.D.Carr convened the hearing, and released Williams, but indicted Jackson. 6-14-1912 - LEWIS - H. - BEECHER - MRS - HALL - UNK - 6 4 1912 - BRINKLEY - Mrs.H.Beecher Lewis, wife of Representative H.Beecher Lewis, of St.Francis County, died at their home in Wheatley, on June 4,1912, and was buried in the Brinkley cemetery on the 5th. Her father, Judge J.T.Hall, of Lawrence County, Ark.,and her brother, Dr.W.F.Hall of Holdenville, Okla., and G.C.Hall, cashier for the K.C.& S.Ry. of Texarkana, and other relatives, attended the funeral conducted by Rev.W.H.Gregory of Wheatley, at the residence. Mrs.Lewis was a sister of our fellow townsman, Mr.R.W.Hall, who is the manager of the Hudson & Dugger Heading Factory in Forrest City. BRINKLEY ARGUS 6-21-1912 - LAMBERT - ALBERT - - - - 12 1900 - 6 20 1912 - YOCONA - Mr.Albert Lambert, age 10 years and seven months, son of Mr.O.W.Lambert, died at the home of his mother, south of town, of tubercular meningitis, June 20,1912, after an illness of many days and was buried this morning at Yocona. He was a beloved student, ambitious, aspiring child, who was loved by all that knew him. His teacher, Miss Libbie McCrary. 6-28-1912 - WOLFF - OSCAR - PRESLEY - - - 5 8 1852 - 6 27 1912 - LOUGHRIDGE - DEATH OF MR.OSCAR PRESLEY WOLFF=Esteemed citizen succumbs to tuberculosis after long and painful illness. Mr.Oscar Presley Wolff, one of the best known citizens of St.Francis county and a gentleman who was greatly esteemed by a legion of good friends, died yesterday, June 27,1912, at his home in this city and was buried this morning in the Loughridge graveyard in Johnson township. Deceased was sixty years of age the 8th day of May last, and since the spring of 1908 when he, in company with his friend Mr.S.M.Blalock of Colt, narrowly escaped being asphyxia ted in a room at the Fransiota Hotel in Memphis, has steadily gone downward physically. For 5 or 6 months past, deceased had been in such a delicate and frail condition, he was unable to leave his home. O.P.Wolff was a native of St.Francis county, having been born at the old family homestead on Taylor's Creek, near Colt in Telico township. He was a brave and fearless man and for quite a number of years was a prominent figure in the life of our city and county. At the time of his death he was, and for the past six or eight years had served the levee board as tax collector for this county. Prior to his election as collector for the levee board, he had served as City Marshall of Forrest City for several terms where he served with distinction. Deceased was married in the latter 70's to Mrs.Annie Gurley to which union three children were born, viz, Annie, Edward, and Loyd, the former now being the wife of Mr.Paul Logston of Little Rock, all of whom survive him. The funeral arrangements include passage of the remains on the Iron Mountain to Colt, and thence by hearse to Loughridge where Father Bearinger of the Catholic church will perform the last rites. 6-28-1912 - DOUGHERTY - ROBERT - LEE - - - 3 18 1865 - 6 28 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MR.LEE DOUGHERTY=The harvest of the Grim Reaper in Forrest City this week has been appalling. This morning, June 28,1912, death entered the home of Mr.& Mrs.Lee Dougherty and claimed the body of the former, leaving the good wife broken-hearted and distraught in the anguish of grief and bitter despair. Lee Dougherty, prior to the fatal illness, brought on by a complication of diseases, by which he was laid low a couple of months ago, had served the people and business men of this city as Night Marshall for over four years. By all his friends, and they were many, he was recognized as a man of high courage and a stranger to fear. At the time of his death, the deceased was forty six years of age. When a boy of seventeen, he took up the life of a railroad man-first as a fireman, then as a locomotive engineer, and later as a steam shovel man, and at various times he had worked for the old Little Rock & Memphis Railroad, the Illinois Central, and the Rock Island. At one time he was affiliated with the B. Of R.T. and the Elks lodges, and at the time of his death was a member in good standing of the Woodmen of the World, Odd Fellows, and the Woodmen Circle. R.L. (Lee) Dougherty was born at Spring Creek, Phillips county, Arkansas, and was married fifteen years ago to Miss Mattie Tyler, of this county. The remains will be laid to rest at the Forrest City cemetery Sunday under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No.196 I.O.O.F. Religious services by Rev.E.T.Mabley. 6-28-1912 - SANDERS - FRANK - FITZSIMMONS - - - 2 1912 - 6 26 1912 - CITY - DEATH CLAIMS BABY BOY=Little Frank Fitzsimmons Sanders, precious baby boy of four months, infant son of Mr.J.G.& Mrs.Bertie Sanders, died here Wednesday night, June 26,1912, at the home of his parents, after having suffered for a brief period with pneumonia. The funeral services were conducted at the family residence and interment was made in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.F.M.Gee of the Methodist performing the last rites. 6-28-1912 - JOHNSON - S. - E. - - - UNK - 6 9 1912 - UNKNOWN - S.E. "Sam" Johnson, who lived in Forrest City back in the latter 70's and early 80's, at which time he was associated with J.H.Avery in the hotel business here, and who was married to Miss Mamie Thayer, died on June 9,1912, at his home in Hot Springs. A short time before his death, deceased was elected Grand Commander of the Knights Templar of Arkansas. The Times extends their condolence to the family and friends. 6-28-1912 - BAKER - W. - K. - - - UNK - 6 1912 - CROSS COUNTY - The remains of Mr.W.K.Baker, who for a number of years the postmaster at Wynne, passed through the city Tuesday en route to his home in Cross County for interment. For the past four or five years, he had been living with his daughter's family, Mr.& Mrs.C.P.Austin, in Pine Bluff, where he died the first of the week after a brief illness. 7-5-1912 - WHITE - CHARLES - R. - - - 12 8 1848 - 6 30 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MR.CHARLES R.WHITE=On Sunday morning, June 30,1912, at his home in this city, after a short illness of only two weeks duration there passed the spirit of Mr.Charles R.White, an old and respected citizen of this county and city. Funeral services were held from the residence Monday, and interment was had at the Hughes cemetery, Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church officiating. Deceased was a native of Missouri, being born in St.Louis in 1847. He came to Arkansas in the late sixties, and settled in this county. He married in 1871 to Miss Ludie Higgs, to which union were born three children, one alone, Lonnie White is surviving him. His first wife preceded him to the grave, and in 1893 he married Miss Sadie Johnson, who with one son, Master Charley White survive him. Upon coming to Arkansas he was a farmer and owned and operated a very successful farm on Crowley's Ridge north of Forrest City, which he sold and came to Forrest City and started a boarding house, where he lived when he died. He had been a member of the Methodist church for forty years, and was a Christian gentleman. We will miss him. 7-5-1912 - LEWIS - SARAH - - MRS - - 1831 - 6 29 1912 - MEMPHIS - DEATH OF MRS.SARAH LEWIS=On Saturday, June 29,1912, at Kenosha, Wisconsin, where she had been undergoing treatment for nearly a month, passed away the spirit of Mrs.Sarah Lewis, venerable and beloved mother of Messrs. Sol and Charles Lewis, and Mrs.A.Becker of this city. Mrs.Lewis was 81 years of age, having been born in Frankfort-on-main, Germany, in 1831. She first came to this country in 1852, stopping first at New York, where she married . She later lived in Richmond, Va., where Mr.Lewis died in 1870. To their union were born nine children, three of whom survive her, as mentioned before in this column. She came with them to Forrest City in 1876 and has since resided in this city. The remains were shipped to Memphis, where they were buried in the Jewish cemetery Monday evening, Rabbi Jos.M.Samfield officiating. 7-5-1912 - WEBB - JIM - - - - UNK - 7 3 1912 - UNKNOWN - WILL SMITH KILLS JIM WEBB=An unfortunate killing occurred just over the county line, beyond Johnson township, Wednesday evening, July 3,1912. Will Smith killed Jim Webb under circumstances which may be considered justifiable homicide. Both the men were best of friends and Webb was a frequent visitor to the home of Smith. When he came Wednesday, he was so intoxicated, that Mrs.Smith told him to leave. Webb ran into Smith on the road home, and was told he was always welcome when sober. Later, Webb showed up with a gun and threatened to kill all hands, and when told to stop, he continued forward when Smith shot him. 7-5-1912 - JORDAN - LEONA - - - - 2 1 1901 - 6 28 1912 - BELL - News reached the city last Friday morning, June 28,1912, of the death of little Miss Leona Jordan, eight year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Henry Jordan of Palestine, which sad event occurred at their home, of congestion.The little one was buried in the Bell cemetery Friday afternoon, Mrs.Tom O'Brien went over for the funeral. 7-5-1912 - CROCKETT - E. - C. - - - UNK - 6 28 1912 - UNKNOWN - Rev.Edward T.Mabley was called upon Monday morning, July 1, to officiate the funeral of Mr.E.C.Crockett, who for the past year has been living on one of the Hughes places, about two miles south of Haynes. Mr.Crockett came to this place from Mississippi, and was comparatively a stranger, He leaves a widow, and four children to mourn his loss. besides a brother, who conducts a brokerage office in Chicago, and several other relatives. He had been ill for two or three weeks with malaria, and died Friday, June 28,1912. Funeral services were held at the house, and interment was in the cemetery about four miles east of Haynes.(maybe Casteel) 7-12-1912 - THOMPSON - NONIE - CATHERINE - - - 1905 - 7 7 1912 - McDANIEL - DEATH OF LITTLE NONIE CATHERINE THOMPSON=The remains of Little Nonie Catherine Thompson, who died Sunday, July 7,1912, at the home of her parents, Mr.& Mrs.Jim Thompson, in Oak Grove, La., were brought to Forrest City Monday, and taken by Stevens Undertaking Estab. to the home of Mrs.Kate Ferguson, sister of Mrs.Thompson, the grief stricken parents, and Mrs.Julia Thompson, its grandmother, accompanying. The little girl was five years of age, and the oldest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Jim Thompson, who formerly resided here, but moved to Louisiana two years ago. She was born here, and was a bright, sweet, devoted little girl, who was the idol of the parents. Funeral services were held from the home on Tuesday, and the remains taken to the McDaniel cemetery for burial, with Rev.E.J.P.Garrott of the Baptist church officiating. 7-12-1912 - WILLIAMS - W. - E. - EX-SHERIFF - - 5 16 1850 - 7 11 1912 - MT.VERNON - GRIM REAPER TAKES PIONEER- Once again, the Grim Reaper has laid a heavy toll upon our devoted people, and once again his harvest of the dead has been fruitful and freighted with the soul of one of St.Francis' oldest and best citizens, in the person of Hon.W.E.Williams, ex-sheriff, prominent politician and successful farmer and business man, who passed to the arms of Him who gave, on Thursday evening, July 11,1912, of apoplexy. "Bill Williams is dead!" Mr.Williams had been known to be in failing health for some months, but had not been confined to his bed. He was up in town until 10 am, when he went home complaining of a neuralgia-like pain in his head. A physician was called, and to quiet his pain was given a hyperdermic of morphine, which seemed to give him relief. When the family took him supper, they found him dead. Mr.Williams was a native of Murry county, Tenn.. having been born there May 16,1850, and was thus entering his sixty third year. His family moved to the county in 1855, his mother having died some three years earlier/ At the age of twelve, his father died and he was thus left an orphan. In 1871 he was married to the only daughter of Captain Edward Haskins, who died of pneumonia scarcely five weeks after they had plighted their troth. On the last day of July 1873, Mr.Williams was again married to Miss Eddie, youngest daughter of Judge.& Mrs. Edwin Mallory, of this county, and to their union fifteen children were born, six boys, Eugene, William, Robin, Mallory, and Russell, six girls, Mrs.Jef Winship of Poplar Bluff, Mo.; Mrs.Fred Atkins, of Holly Grove, Ark.; Mrs.Geo.E.Parker, Miss Bessie Mae, Sweetie or Evelyn, and baby, all of whom survive him. Mr.Williams was elected sheriff for ten years starting in 1892, when he voluntarily resigned. In 1906, on the death of Dr.J.D.McKnight, he was appointed sheriff, and remained until 1908, when he stepped down again. He has served since 1902 on the State Board of Charitable Institutions. He was a man of rugged, sterling integrity, sober and industrious. His good word earned the nickname, Honest Bill. Funeral was held in the Mt.Vernon cemetery, services being conducted by Revs.J.K.Farris and F.W.Gee of the Methodist church. 7-12-1912 - DOUGLAS - MARY - ANTOINETTE - MRS - - 3 24 1850 - 7 5 1912 - LOUGHRIDGE - DIES OF GRIEF OVER CONVICT SON= Shock of Ensley Douglas conviction for assault kills aged mother.Mrs.Mary A.Douglas, 62 years of age, mother of Ensley Douglas, who, a few days earlier, received a penitentiary sentence of 10 years, died at her home, July 5,1912, in Argenta. It is said she died of a broken heart, brought on by worry over her son's arrest, and subsequent conviction and sentence. The sad affair has profoundly shocked the community in which she has lived for twelve years. She leaves three daughters and two sons. Her health has declined since the ordeal her son has suffered. The body will be taken to her old home, Colt, and burial. Services will be held in Argenta this evening, Rev.P.C.Fletcher, of the Methodist church will officiate. Gazette, 6th. 7-12-1912 - CURRY - ELMER - - - - 3 1900 - 7 8 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF ELMER CURRY=After a month's illness of typhoid fever, Elmer Curry, son of Mr.& Mrs.B.A.Curry, succumbed to the dread destroyer and passed peacefully away at the home of his parents on last Monday morning, July 8,1912. Elmer was twelve years and four months of age, and was a native of this county, having been born at Wheatley. The young man was a promising boy, and numbered among his friends all who knew him. He is survived by his parents, a brother, Mr.Jim Curry of Rector, and three sisters, Mrs.F.W.Kramer of Memphis, and Misses Alice and Loudie Curry, of this city, who with his parents, live in Forrest City. Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon, Rev.E.T.Mabley officiating, and interment in the Forrest City cemetery. 7-19-1912 - RAIFORD - DEBBY - - - - UNK - 7 14 1912 - UNKNOWN - KILLING AT BLACKFISH=Squire W.H.Cook of Lulu, in Blackfish township, came over Tuesday afternoon, having with him a man, Henry Banks, who is charged with the murder of Debby Raiford, new New Hope, in that township Sunday, July 14,1912, a plow coulter being used to perform the deed. From the testimony of the dead woman's husband, and brother, it appears the woman, not of sound mind, and was left alone in the house Sunday afternoon, and that her dead body was found by them on their return to the house shortly after dark. It appears that Banks had been seen going to the house and coming away with Raiford's mule, and that he had told witnesses of some trouble he and another man had, and that he was going to return to his house for a shotgun and return and kill him. Banks was taken into custody and taken to Forrest City for custody. 7-19-1912 - BROWN - ROBERT - L. - - - 1874 - 7 15 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF ROBERT L.BROWN=On Monday, July 15,1912, at the home of his brother in law, Prof.J.M.Wilson, at Caldwell, after a long and painful illness of pellagra. Mr.Brown, a native of Mississippi, but had lived in this county for many years. His home was formerly at or near Caldwell, but for the past two years had been conducting general merchandise business at the Cut-Off, and just a few days before his death, he had moved his stock of merchandise back to Caldwell. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World, and his funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the Hughes cemetery under the auspices of that lodge. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. 7-19-1912 - CHALMERS - JIM - - - - UNK - 7 13 1912 - UNKNOWN - TWO MORE KILLINGS-ONE AT YOCONA NEIGHBORHOOD AND WHEATLEY=The torrid July weather seems to germinate crime and every summer brings its long list of killing and shooting scrapes. Despite the fact that two men were hung from the gallows on the 5th, within ten days two more killings have occurred. The coroner was called to Yocona Sunday morning, to investigate the killing of Jim Chalmers by Louis Barnett in a duel of pistols in a drunken brawl at a frolic the night before, July 13,1912. Sunday morning also, news reached the city that Gettie Whitby and John Washington, residents of Wheatley township, who had a long standing feud, met at the post office and began to fight, finally when Washington succeeded in drawing his weapon and firing four or five shots into Whitby, among the other wounds which included a broken neck, July 14,1912. Both men made their escape. 7-19-1912 - WHITBY - GETTIE - - - - UNK - 7 14 1912 - UNKNOWN - TWO MORE KILLINGS-ONE AT YOCONA NEIGHBORHOOD AND WHEATLEY=The torrid July weather seems to germinate crime and every summer brings its long list of killing and shooting scrapes. Despite the fact that two men were hung from the gallows on the 5th, within ten days two more killings have occurred. The coroner was called to Yocona Sunday morning, to investigate the killing of Jim Chalmers by Louis Barnett in a duel of pistols in a drunken brawl at a frolic the night before, July 13,1912. Sunday morning also, news reached the city that Gettie Whitby and John Washington, residents of Wheatley township, who had a long standing feud, met at the post office and began to fight, finally when Washington succeeded in drawing his weapon and firing four or five shots into Whitby, among the other wounds which included a broken neck, July 14,1912. Both men made their escape. 7-19-1912 - MARTIN - AUNT - - - - UNK - 7 15 1912 - UNKNOWN - Aunt Martin, an aged woman, residing in the Fussell addition, died without a struggle Monday night, July 15,1912, while seated in a rocker on the porch of her residence, apparently of heart disease. Her husband was absent in a lodge meeting in Hot Springs. The remains were cared for by friends. 8-2-1912 - WHITTENTON - J. - A. - MRS - - 6 1868 - 7 27 1912 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.J.A.WHITTENTON=On last Saturday morning, July 27,1912, the soul of Mrs.J.A.Whittenton of the Yocona neighborhood, passed to its maker, after a painful illness of nine days. Mrs.Whittenton was in her forty fourth year, having been born in June 1868. She came to Arkansas when a child with her parents, Mr.& Mrs.John Cox, and resided in this county continuously until her death. She married in Nov.1898 to Mr.J.A.Whittenton, and to their union were born eleven children, one of whom, Mr.Willard Whittenton, in addition to her husband survive her. Mrs.Whittenton joined the Baptist church when seventeen years of age, and was a conscientious, consistent Christian woman, who was loved by all who knew her. The remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery Saturday, Elder James A.Smith officiating. 8-16-1912 - FOLBRE - THOMAS - C. - JUDGE - - 6 14 1841 - 8 10 1912 - CITY - AGED CITIZEN PASSES AWAY=Judge T.C.Folbre, stricken by icy hand of death Saturday afternoon, Aug.10,1912. Again are the people of Forrest City and St.Francis county called upon to mourn the death on one of their most prominent and popular fellow citizens, a good man, honest and true, in the person of Thomas C.Folbre, Sr., who departed this life last Saturday evening, after having suffered for several months with a malady that had held him prisoner in his home, and mostly confined to his bed. Judge Folbre had been in extremely bad health since early in the spring, and though all that medical skill and the skillful attentive care was done for him, all to no avail. Thomas C.Folbre, Sr., was born in Aurora, Indiana in 1841. He received his education in the public schools of that state and Kentucky, and came to Arkansas in 1850, settling in this county. At the age of sixteen he began business for himself at Linden in the southern edge of this county, and in 1869 came to Forrest City as a salesman for Altheimer Bros., a general merchandise on the corner of Washington and Front Streets, where the Rollwage building now stands. In 1870, when Forrest City was incorporated, he was on the first city council. He was tax assessor of the county for four years, as well as a salesman for L.Rollwage & Co. In 1894, he was elected circuit and county court clerk, which he held for two years. Next he was selected to be the office of county and probate judge for three terms, retiring in 1908. He was a continuous resident, except two years spent in San Antonio for his health. Judge Folbre was a gallant Confederate soldier, having enlisted in August, 1861, and served throughout the entire war, surrendering on May 1865, at which time he held the rank of lieutenant in Company A, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry. Just before the last resting place of the body was begun, taps were sounded by Bugler Joe Reltano of Wynne and Forrest City, and this remembrance of what he had been as a soldier, and citizen, and his now departing, brought fresh tears to the eyes of not only his devoted family, but of the onlooking friends. He was a member of the Episcopal church, the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Honor, Knight and Ladies of Honor, and Red Men. Judge Folbre was married, first in 1870 to Miss Henry Adams, the wedding taking place on the Walker place, near Haynes. One child, a little girl who died in infancy, was born to this union, and its mother only lived two years after the marriage. In 1874 he was married to Miss Dora McCrary, of this county, and the couple lived together for about eight years, before they separated. To this union four boys, Thomas, Jr., Claude, Herbert, and Homer, all except Claude survive him. In 1889, he was married to Mrs.L.J.Andrews, the marriage taking place when she visited her sister, Mrs.J.M.Brown. To this union were born four children, three of whom survive, Frank, Gene and Gerald. He also leaves three cousins, Misses Clara, Elizabeth, and Mary Folbre, of Aurora, Indiana; a nephew, Mallon Folbre, a step daughter, Mrs.W.R.Ferguson, and grandchildren:Reullura and Lillian Ferguson. Hubert's two children, Charles Hubert, Jr. and Thomas Walthall; and Homer's daughter, Dora Belle. Funeral services were held at the home, and interment was in the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.E.T.Mabley officiating. The services were under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No.196, I.O.O.F., and the pall bearers from that lodge: W.A.Pearson, George Swartz, Robert Brittain, Max Yoffie, J.R.Carder, and P.W.Lewis. 8-23-1912 - HUGHES - THOMAS - A. - - - 3 1 1835 - 8 16 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF OLD CITIZEN=THE FORREST CITY TIMES, AUG. 23, 1912. DEATH OF OLD CITIZEN. Thomas A. Hughes was born at Jackson, Madison county, West Tennessee, March 1st, 1835 and departed this life August 16, 1912, age 77 years, 5 months, 16 days. He came with his parents to Arkansas in the year 1852. They settled in what is now Johnson township, St. Francis county. He entered the Confederate army in 1862, and remained until the close of the war. He died in the home where he had loved continuously for 62 years. The county never had a better citizen or the community a better neighbor. Brother Hughes may have had his faults, if so we throw the mantle of Charity over them and look only at his virtues, because it is human to ere. He stood for every thing that would help his fellow man: his hospitality knew not bounds, and as an entertainer was second to none. We read in the ninth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, of one Dorcas, who was full of alms, and when she was dead, the people stood by weeping, and showed the garments she had made and given to the poor. Just so will a great host of the church people, when they hear of the death of Brother Hughes, recount the many pleasant hours spent in that unassuming home. It is more than probable that Brother Hughes entertained more of the church people, than any man in the county. A good man is gone - one of the pioneers of Crowley Ridge - one who cut the cane and built his home; one who, band in hand with his neighbor, built the log church and school house. Well may the family of intelligent boys and girls, feel proud of their noble sire. To the bereaved family we would speak a word of comfort; Grieve not for his departure; his life work is done, yea and well done and from; his own testimony, we believe that while we write this brief notice of death, his happifled soul is already in possession of the mansions prepared for God's dear children. Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears, where lights and shades alternate at will; how bright the unchanging morn appears. Farewell inconstant world Farewell. Written by his friend A. C. Thompson. He left a wife and eight children namely Miss Lonnie White, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. John Johnson, Miss Nettie Hughes, Messrs. Henry, Charlie and Jesse Hughes. The Tlmes tenders its sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. DONATED LAND FOR HUGHES CEMETERY. 8-23-1912 - CARDWELL - LEN - - - - UNK - 8 20 1912 - UNKNOWN - SATURDAY AFTERNOON KILLING=Len Cardwell shot and killed by J.E.Hood, Saturday afternoon, Aug.20,1912,over an old quarrel. Details of what must have been a cold blooded premeditated case of way laying and murder, were brought to Forrest City this morning by Coroner F.P.Todd as he brought Richard and Clyde Hood, and W.M.Morris, young men who live in the Dark Corner neighborhood, about nine miles north of Forrest City. The Hood boys and Morris were arrested as a result of a coroner's jury finding J.E.W.Hood, father of the boys responsible for killing Cardwell, a farmer who lived in the same neighborhood. Later J.E.W.Hood gave himself up, and the boys were released. From testimony, the two were returning from Wynne, in separate wagons, and the men had words on the way, and in a scuffle Hood's pistol fell from his belt, whereupon Cardwell picked it up. Later, Hood went back, and telling his boys that he was going back with a shotgun and shoot Cardwell while way laying him on the road. Upon investigation, some pistol wounds were also found in the body of Cardwell. The murdered man leaves a wife and four children, and came here from Kentucky to farm. Hood had eight children, four of them being grown boys. 8-23-1912 - SLAUGHTER - CLARENCE - - - - 6 1908 - 8 15 1912 - TEXAS - News reached the city Wednesday in a letter to Mrs.E.A.Henderson, from Mr.& Mrs.J.C.Slaughter, formerly of this city, now of MIneral Wells, Texas, of the death of their sweet little baby on the 15th of August after an illness of only two days, he was four years and two months of age. The boy had been in bad health for over a year, and the move to Texas was in hopes of helping him. 8-23-1912 - WARE - C. - C. - MRS - - 1852 - 8 16 1912 - PALESTINE - PALESTINE-Squire Coffey reported that Mrs.C.C.Ware had died, last Friday, Aug.16,1912, of general debility and stomach trouble, and was buried the following day in the Palestine cemetery. Rev.E.T.Mabley of this city officiating. Mrs.Ware was about sixty years of age, and leaves a husband, and three grown children, all of whom are married, to mourn their great loss. 8-30-1912 - SANDERS - ALEX - - - - UNK - 8 18 1912 - UNKNOWN - WEEK END KILLING=At Heth, twenty miles east of Forrest City, on the Rock Island railroad, Alex Sanders, a laborer employed on the Crittendon railroad was stabbed, Sunday afternoon, Aug.18,1912, by Corinne Warfield of Helena, and visits on pay days for several weeks. It seems that while eating her lunch at the hotel, the drunken Sanders bumped into her, and then left the hotel, returning with a stick to strike the woman, when she stabbed him with a Barlow knife, killing him. A Coroner's inquest found the woman responsible for the murder. 8-30-1912 - DYER - M. - A. - MRS - - 1839 - 8 28 1912 - MADISON - DEATH OF MRS.M.A.Dyer and son Will=Last Wednesday evening, Aug.28,1912, the spirit of Mrs.M.A.Dyer took its flight to the Great Unknown. "Grandma", as she was called, by all who knew her, was a familiar figure in Widener, and was probably 80 years of age. She was well known for her charitable disposition, and was always ready and willing to answer the call of the distressed, following the scriptural injunction of "not letting the left hand know the right doeth." As God saw fit, Mr.Will Dyer, her 50 year old son, died last night, Aug.29,1912, and both will be buried today at Madison, providing the daughter of Mrs.Dyer arrives in time from Georgia. 8-30-1912 - DYER - WILL - - - - 1862 - 8 29 1912 - MADISON - DEATH OF MRS.M.A.Dyer and son Will=Last Wednesday evening, Aug.28,1912, the spirit of Mrs.M.A.Dyer took its flight to the Great Unknown. "Grandma", as she was called, by all who knew her, was a familiar figure in Widener, and was probably 80 years of age. She was well known for her charitable disposition, and was always ready and willing to answer the call of the distressed, following the scriptural injunction of "not letting the left hand know the right doeth." As God saw fit, Mr.Will Dyer, her 50 year old son, died last night, Aug.29,1912, and both will be buried today at Madison, providing the daughter of Mrs.Dyer arrives in time from Georgia. 8-30-1912 - BATTS - INEZ - - - - 5 28 1912 - 8 28 1912 - HUGHES - Mr.& Mrs.Walter Batts have the sympathy of the entire community over the death of their sweet baby girl, Inez. The little one was the twin of Irma, and was three months old. She died Wednesday, Aug.28,1912, and was buried at the Hughes cemetery yesterday, Rev.George H.Kirker officiating. Irma has also been sick, but is reported better this morning. 9-6-1912 - PHILLIPS - J. - M. - MRS - - UNK - 9 2 1912 - ROGERS - DEATH OF MRS.J.M.PHILLIPS=Last Monday, Sep.2,1912, at the Forrest City Hotel, after an illness of only six hours' duration, Mrs.J.M.Phillips gave up her life for a son. She leaves a heart broken husband, a little girl, and the newborn son, who will miss the loving care of a wife and mother. Mr.& Mrs.Phillips are comparative strangers, and Mr.Phillips is with the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co. The remains were prepared by Undertaker Stevens, and shipped that night to Rogers, Arkansas, her former home, for burial. Mrs.Mary Lancaster accompanied Mr.Phillips. 9-6-1912 - BEAZLEY - J. - R. - JUDGE - - 1842 - 9 6 1912 - CONFEDERATE - A notice that Judge J.R.Beazley died this morning at St.Joseph's Hospital in Memphis was received too late for today's paper. Details are unknown at this time. 9-13-1912 Judge Beazley was born in Richmond, Va., about 1842, being it is said, about 70 years of age. He came to Forrest City from Winchester, Tenn., about thirteen years ago, and made it his home ever since, until two weeks ago when due to his health, he went to Memphis for care at St.Josephs' Hospital. His friends here never heard from him after he left, and knew nothing of his condition until a message came he was dying. He expired last Friday, Sep.6,1912, and his remains were interred in the Confederate Cemetery in Memphis, under the auspices of the local camp. The career of Judge Beazley has been a remarkable one, but we do not have the data at hand. He was a Confederate soldier and was living at Memphis at the time of his enlistment. We think he was once in the newspaper business, at Knoxville, Tenn., where he was shot with a pistol in the hands of Judge Sneed of the Supreme Court, whom he had criticized in the columns of the paper, the ball shattering one of his arms. He was an able lawyer, but not particularly successful, because he usually championed the right, and justice is very fickle. He spent his declining years principally in trying to preserve the rightful heirs to the Hiram Evans estate, but the courts have been against him, and he had not succeeded. Judge Beazley had no family, having never married, and we know of no known relatives His illness and death were perhaps indirectly due to an runaway accident several months ago, at which time a mule that he was driving to a buggy, was frightened at an automobile, and subsequently threw the Judge and caused severe bruises, and he became emaciated after that, and died from inflammation of the bowels. He was a genial, polished gentleman of the old school, and was respected by all that knew him. 9-6-1912 - BABER - E. - E. - MRS - - - 9 1 1912 - WALNUT RIDGE - Mrs.J.F.Bass and little son Paul returned Wednesday from Walnut Ridge, where they had been attending the bedside of her mother, Mrs.E.E.Baber, who passed away Sunday morning, Sep.1,1912. Mrs.Baber had been ill for about three months. She was buried Monday in the Walnut Ridge cemetery. 9-13-1912 - HENDERSON - W. - J. - MRS - - 1887 - 9 10 1912 - WYNNE - DEATH OF MRS.W.J.HENDERSON=Dr.W.J.Henderson (McCauley) has the kindly sympathy of his many friends and acquaintances in the untimely death of his wife, who died Tuesday, Sep.10,1912, at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis, of uremic poisoning, after a short illness. The precious remains were shipped to Wynne where they were interred Wednesday, Rev.Branson of the Baptist church officiating. Mrs.Henderson was 25 years of age, and from Mississippi. They were married on Feb.28,1911 at Wynne, where they both resided then. They moved to Forrest City about five months ago and made this their home. Mrs.Henderson was a grand daughter of Mrs.S.A.Holland of this city, and has a number of other relatives and friends here. 9-13-1912 - ADAMS - WILL - - - - 1895 - 9 9 1912 - UNKNOWN - Will Adams, a boy aged 17 years, was shot and killed by his cousin, Aleck Adams in Jericho Monday, Sep.9,1912. The coroner held an inquest, and found the death to be accidental. However, there was some doubt as the boys had been scuffling, and afterward Aleck procured the gun, and tried to shoot, but it snapped. He pulled the trigger the third time and it went off. 9-13-1912 - LANCASTER - H. - L. - - - 1847 - 9 12 1912 - HUGHES - News reached us yesterday afternoon that Mr.H.L.Lancaster, who resides on the Pettus & Buford place up the St.Francis river, died yesterday morning, Sep.12,1912, after an illness of only two days. He was taken with a chill Tuesday afternoon. The funeral took place this afternoon and the remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery. He was about 65 years of age, and leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter to mourn their loss. 9-20-1912 - LEVITT - MARY - ANN - MRS - YOUNG - 11 10 1858 - 9 12 1912 - BELL - Mrs.Sol Levitt, of the Moon Lake settlement, died on Thursday of last week, Sep.12,1912 of congestion, and was buried at the Bell cemetery the following Saturday. She was about 45 years of age, and left a husband and a large family of children, some grown, and other relatives to mourn their loss. She was an only sister to Messrs.Billy and Henry Young. 9-20-1912 - SLAUGHTER - J. - C. - MRS - - UNK - 9 13 1912 - TEXAS - News reached us Sunday that Mrs.J.C.Slaughter, of Mineral Wells, Texas, died last Friday night, Sep.13,1912. She had been in bad health for years, and had just lost her son recently. 9-20-1912 - REED - THOMAS - M. - - - 1877 - 9 15 1912 - HUGHES - Mr.T.M.Reed, of Colt, died Sunday, Sep.15,1912, of malarial hematuria, and was buried in the Hughes cemetery Monday, Rev.McKelvey offficiating. Mrs.Reed died about a month ago. They leave four small children, aged two, five, twelve, and sixteen years. They and other relatives have our kindly sympathy. 9-20-1912 - REED - THOMAS - M. - MRS - - UNK - 8 1912 - HUGHES - Mr.T.M.Reed, of Colt, died Sunday, Sep.15,1912, of malarial hematuria, and was buried in the Hughes cemetery Monday, Rev.McKelvey offficiating. Mrs.Reed died about a month ago. They leave four small children, aged two, five, twelve, and sixteen years. They and other relatives have our kindly sympathy. 10-4-1912 - MORGAN - PLEASANT - G. - - - 9 10 1846 - 10 2 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF PLEASANT G.MORGAN=Died at Colt, Wednesday, Oct.2,1912, Mr.P.G.Morgan. The funeral took place at Hughes graveyard Thursday, Rev.McKelvey officiating, and the body was interred under the auspices of Colt Lodge 531 I.O.O.F. In Mr.Morgan's death another old landmark has passed away. He was 69 years of age, 40 years of which was here in St.Francis county. He was born in Carroll County, Tenn. He leaves a wife, Jennie E.Morgan, and three daughters to mourn his death. 10-11-1912 - McNEILL - A. - C. - CONDUCTOR - - UNK - 10 9 1912 - UNKNOWN - ROCK ISLAND WRECK AT RICEVILLE-TWO DIED=Running into what is known as a split switch, fast westbound passenger train number 41 out of Memphis, known as the Oklahoma Limited, was wrecked on Wednesday, Oct.9,1912, in the yards at Riceville, about 34 miles east of this city. The rear sleeper and the tourist car were thrown from the tracks and crashed into a boxcar, both being completely demolished. The two train conductors, A.C.McNeill of the Panhandle division, who with his wife and daughter were en route their home in Bowling Green, Ky. The other fatality was Manic. Dr.J.O.Rush and S.B.Conrad were called to the scene, and the wounded were taken to the Bluff city as quickly as possible. 10-11-1912 - MANIC - - - CONDUCTOR - - UNK - 10 9 1912 - UNKNOWN - ROCK ISLAND WRECK AT RICEVILLE-TWO DIED=Running into what is known as a split switch, fast westbound passenger train number 41 out of Memphis, known as the Oklahoma Limited, was wrecked on Wednesday, Oct.9,1912, in the yards at Riceville, about 34 miles east of this city. The rear sleeper and the tourist car were thrown from the tracks and crashed into a boxcar, both being completely demolished. The two train conductors, A.C.McNeill of the Panhandle division, who with his wife and daughter were en route their home in Bowling Green, Ky. The other fatality was Manic. Dr.J.O.Rush and S.B.Conrad were called to the scene, and the wounded were taken to the Bluff city as quickly as possible. 10-11-1912 - LAMB - M. - B. - MRS - - UNK - 10 4 1912 - UNKNOWN - GOODWIN TIMES=Last Friday morning, Oct.4,1912, everyone in our little town were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs.M.B.Lamb, wife of the agent here. Mr.Lamb and his little daughter have our sympathy. 10-11-1912 - HIGGINS - JESSIE - - MISS - - UNK - 10 6 1912 - HUGHES - Miss Jessie Higgins, daughter of Mr.T.M.Higgins, a former resident of this neighborhood, died last Sunday, Oct.6,1912, and was buried in the Hughes graveyard on Tuesday. Only a few months ago Mr.Higgins lost his son Walter. Fullwood Times. 10-18-1912 - MOORE - MITTIE - S. - MRS - SRUM - 1867 - 10 10 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MRS.C.T.MOORE=Birth Date Estimated as 1867:The Forrest City Times, Oct. 25, 1912. DEATH OF MRS. MITTIE MOORE, On October 10th, 1912, Mrs. Mittie Moore, beloved and idolized wife of Esq. Creed T. Moore, passed from earth to glory. For twenty-five sweet and sad years we trod life's rugged pathway together. No purer, nobler, sweeter soul e'er shared the life of man. She took me when a stranger, wandering from the folds of God, with no fortune but may talents, no friend but my strong right arm, a stranger, in a strange land she dared to chain her snow white barque to this stranger's craft, and oh, as I look back o'er these twenty-five years of earthly bliss, sprinkled with sorrow; as I sit alone today and brood o'er the past, I can now more fully than ever realize my loss. Thought reared an orphan and having never known the tender love and undying devotion of a mother, yet God inspired her pure and noble soul with a spirit and love that will never, no never die, but will live on enshrined forever in the hearts of those whom she was left behind. Mrs. Mittie Moore was a grand-daughter of Mitchel Taylor, and a daughter of Jonas Srum. She has one brother living at Colt, Ark., Laurence W. Srum, and one at Hartford, Ark., W. H. Srum. She was married to Creed T. Moore, a native of Chichasaw county Mississippi, in the month of September, 1887. Eight children blessed their union - four of whom preceded her to that beautiful home over there while four remain on earth to cheer and comfort as best they can her sad and broken hearted husband. Yes, dear wife, dear Mittie, you have left us, our brightest, earthly light has gone out, but the shadows of thy departed spirit will ever beckon me on to purer, higher and nobler things. I will meet you darling, I will greet you in the sweet bye and bye. Husband. TO MY WIFE. On October tenth, nineteen twelve, My darling wife left me. And went to Heaven to dwell. While I must live and be. Twenty-five sad and sweet years ago I met and loved this orphan girl Many sweet faces had I met before, But here in her, I found my little world. But oh my darling, no tongue or pen, Can e'er portray my beauteous gem, That noble brown and heart so pure, Will guide me on the Heaven secure. Those faithful hands - that mother's love, Was inspired by One above, Together we trod this earthly shore, Through eternity may we ever go. Mittie, darling you are gone, But In that Resurrection morn, I will meet you, I will greet you On that ever-green shore. Of our children you have four. Over on that other shore, Keep them closely, sweetly, dear, While I struggle on here. Of our children, I have four, Over here on this shore, Pray and watch me Angel wife, That I my children may guide aright. And now when time and earth have passed away, And we have awakened to another day, God grant that our little band of ten, Will be reunited in the end. CREED T. MOORE.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/24/2007 10-18-1912 - ALDRIDGE - WILSON - MOTLEY - - - UNK - 10 10 1912 - WASHINGTON - W.M.ALDRIDGE LAID TO REST=Everybody who lived in Forrest City twenty to twenty five years ago, will remember kindly, and be sorely grieved to learn of the death of Benial "Bill" Aldridge. He worked for L.Rollwage & Co., in the middle 80's, and afterwards went West to "grow up with the country." The following eulogy of his wholesome character, tells the story of how he succeeded. He leaves a wife, and son, besides other relatives and many friends to mourn their loss. Wilson Motley Aldridge, the pioneer merchant of this city, who died last week in Seattle, was held in Eagle's Hall. His remains were interred in the Forrest Park cemetery, Rev.W.M.Grafton officiating. Concrete Enterprise, Washington. Mr.Aldridge located here when this was just a little trading post. He was a man who united sound sense with strong convictions and a candid out spoken temper, eminently fitted to mould the rude elements of pioneer society into form and consistency, and aid in raising a high standard of citizenship in our young and growing state. He never hesitated in extending an open hand to weak and poor. Goodby "Bill." 10-25-1912 - WRIGHT - JODY - - - - UNK - 10 8 1912 - UNKNOWN - DEMOCRAT TIMES=Mr.Jody Wright passed from this earth on Tuesday, Oct.8,1912. His remains were buried in the cemetery on Wednesday. He leaves a wife and one little girl,, an uncle, a sister, and many other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. 10-25-1912 - ROLLWAGE - HERMAN - ANDERSON - - - 4 5 1892 - 10 18 1912 - CITY - Birth: Apr. 5, 1892 Death: Oct. 18, 1912 The Forrest City Times, Oct 25, 1912. DEATH OF HERMAN ANDERSON ROLLWAGE. One of the saddest and most impressive funerals ever held in this city was that solemnized here on Sunday when Herman Anderson, third son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Rollwage, of this city, was laid to rest in the family lot in the Forrest City cemetery, surrounded by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The passing of this young man, standing, as, he was, upon the thresh hold of young manhood, with every prospect for a bright and promising future, was the source of poignant sorrow in a home where for so many years there has been nothing but happiness and the fullness of life, comfort and peace. Deceased was stricken with fever something over a month ago while at work with his brother in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Just as soon as the news of his illness reached this city, the devoted mother hurried to his side, and by her he was attended to in the family home in this city, where he was nursed lovingly and tenderly until the silent messenger came to still his voice and close his lips to those who cherished and loved and held his life as among their dearest and most priceless of earthly possessions. The face of the deceased's mother as she sat through the funeral service was a study that will not soon be forgotten. It seemed that the imprint which this bitter trial had left upon her noble features, was glorified and made beautiful through the fortitude and steadfastness of the Christian faith which sustained her, calm and unperturbed through it all. The hearts of all who saw the stricken mother were touched, and many perhaps, who were there through curiosity, remained to weep. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. George H. Kirker and a most pathetic song service was given by the Presbyterian choir. The pall bearers were, active - Walker Morrow, Charles Norton, Thomas Wortham, Edward Mallory, Homer Gee, Bert Mallory, Kenneth Knight and Walter Prewett; honorary- W. W. Campbell, Nathan Norton, Bard Nichols, John Gatling, Jr., Paul Johnson, John Johnson, John L. Pope, George E. Parker and Louis McDaniel. Among the out-of-town members of the family in attendance were Otto W. Rollwage of Muskogee, Oklahoma, Mrs. Sam Chandler of Union City, Tennessee, Mrs. Emma Berry and Mrs. Joe McGreggor of Cotton Plant and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Woodtln of Brinkley. The Times joins in sympathy for these dear friends in their great bereavement and affliction. May the spirit of the departed one abide in peace and rest. In another column we print a very beautiful tribute to the memory of deceased contributed by the young ladies and gentleman of the Forrest City high school, who were among his closest intimate friends in life. - Brenda Huntley Added: 3/24/2007 10-25-1912 - BUSBY - HAROLD - WILLIAM - - - 1888 - 10 1912 - KANSAS - HAROLD BUSBY DEAD=Harold William Busby, a traveling agent for the Iron Mountain Railroad, died early this morning, at the home of his parents, Mr.& Mrs.S.H.Busby, on North Fourth Street, of typhoid fever. A splendid young man, and news of his death will cause deep grief among a large circle of friends here and in railway circles. He is survived by his wife, who will not arrive from Monroe until tomorrow, his parents, two sisters, and a brother. Harold Busby was only 24 years of age and had been in the employ of Missouri Pacific since he became 14 years of age. On his arrival here Sept.30, to visit his parents and attend the Corn Carnival, he was stricken with chills and fever. Born in Frankfort, Kansas, was a serious point of view, he went to work as a messenger in Little Rock for the Missouri Pacific, and has so since been employed by them. About four years ago, he married Miss Alice Gurry of Forrest City. No children were born to them. His sisters are Mrs.Frank Poole, of Mayette, Ks., and Miss Blanche Busby of this city, and a brother, Charles Busby with Missouri Pacific in Concordia. Atcheson (Kansas) Daily Globe. 11-1-1912 - CLIFTON - WILLIAM - ALVIS - - - 3 22 1856 - 10 26 1912 - CITY - Birth: Mar. 22, 1856 Death: Oct. 26, 1912 The Forrest City Times. November 1, 1912, DEATH OF W. A. CLIFTON. The remains of W. A. Clifton, who dropped dead of heart failure on Sunday afternoon at his home in Argenta, were brought to this city Monday morning, and buried that afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Forrest City cemetery under the auspices of the Woodmen of the World of this city, the religious service being conducted by Rev. Kirker. A beautiful song service was rendered by Mrs. T. V. Prude, Mrs. B. T. Maning and Miss Annie Pearson. The remains of deceased, who was formerly a resident and highly respected citizen of Forrest City, but who for the past ten or twelve years had been living in Argenta, were brought to this city under escort of his wife and daughter, who have the deep and heartfelt sympathy of a legion of good friends here in their affliction and bitter grief. The Clifton family is well known to all the older readers of The Times and deceased has been known and highly esteemed by us for more than twenty-five years and it is with sincere regret and the greatest compassion for his loved ones that we come now to chronicle his untimely demise. Deceased was fifty-six years of age at the time of his death.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/24/2007 11-8-1912 - RICHARDSON - JAMES - A. - - - 9 11 1881 - 10 28 1912 - HUGHES - Birth: Sep. 11, 1881 Death: Oct. 28, 1912 The Forrest City Times, Nov. 8, 1912. DEATH OF JAMES A RICHARDSON. Let us now pause in our rapid flight across the vista of time, and pay tribute to him who lived among us, and who was our friend and neighbor. "Jim" Richardson was born in Franklin county, Alabama, September 11, 1881, and died October 28, 1912. He came with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richardson, to St. Francis county, in the year 1895. Thus it will be seen that he was but a mere child when he crossed the great fathers of waters and joined destinies with Arkansas and her people. A father and mother, three sisters and one brother, a host of dear relatives and friends are left behind to mourn their loss and cherish his memory. It was our pleasure to know this boy for 17 years. We have watched him climb life's ladder rung by rung, and to say that his life, as far as it went, was a success, would be but to tell the plain unvarnished truth. A sturdy, industrious, hard-working, home-loving boy; a devoted son, affectionate brother and a faithful friend. What a record to leave behind us; what more could one desire?, and to crown it all, his dying hours were triumphantly happy. And his sun thought in its noon-tide zenith, sank slowly and peacefully amid the splendors of an eternal dawn. We knew him in life, we watched beside him in death. He lived a noble life, he died a triumphant death. Jim Richardson's place can never be filled. Time may soften but can never erase his memory. Weep not, dear parents; sorrow not, dear sisters, for in that sweet bye and bye you can live with Jim over on that other shore. Let us emulate his many noble virtues and cherish his memory, let us live as he lived, and we will make this a purer, fairer, sweeter and better world in which to live. Good bye Jim, we will meet you, we will greet you, over on that other shore. C. T. Moore- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/24/2007 11-1-1912 - SMITH - J. - E. - JUDGE - - UNK - 10 28 1912 - UNKNOWN - Attorney and Mrs.R.D.Smith, of Marianna, passed thru the city Monday en route to the funeral of Judge J.E.Smith, at Wynne, the former's brother, who died that morning, Oct.28,1912, at his home in Cross County. Deceased had suffered more than a year with kidney and stomach trouble. He was known throughout this section of the state as one of the most able and successful practitioners before the Eastern Arkansas bar. 11-8-1912 - STUTTS - JOHN - - MRS - - UNK - 10 21 1912 - BELL - Birth: unknown Death: 1912 Oct 1912, The Forrest City Times. Death of Mrs. John Stutts. Mr. John Stutts, of Palestine, was a visitor in the city Tuesday morning and informed a Times man of the death of his beloved wife at the family home near Palestine on October 21. The deceased lady was buried the following day in the Bell cemetery, rev. Jake Sloniker, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. John Stutts were married at Corinth, Miss., in 1860, shortly afterwards the couple removing to St. Francis county where they have resided continuously ever since, having lived together in happiness and comfort for more than fifty-two years. Deceased was a native of Virginia, and was a saintly Christian character, who was loved an revered by numerous friends wherever she was known. The Times begs to join the many friends of the sorrowing husband in deep and heartfelt sympathy in this hour of trial and affliction. 11-8-1912 - McCAIN - LEVERT - - - - 1884 - 11 7 1912 - JONESBORO - TRAGEDY IN ROOM 23=Viewed from every angle, what appears to be a cold blooded murder was committed in Room 23 of the Hotel Marion yesterday morning with a pistol, Nov.7,1912. The dead man is Mr.LeVert McCain, a traveling salesman, and member of a prominent of a Jonesboro, Ark. family, He was registered at the hotel for several days, and was twenty eight years of age at the time he was killed, and survived by a wife, and a little daughter, father, Capt.Chas. McCain, with the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., of St.Louis, and a brother, Dr.J.H.McCain, of Jonesboro, who arrived to escort the body home for burial. Three men, Gordon Casteel, "Jim" Powers, and Dan Kauerauf, were in the room with McCain at the time of his murder. They claimed to have no knowledge of how he died. After the coroner's investigation, Casteel was charged with murder, and the others were charged as accessories. Casteel has a reputation for killing when he is drinking, having killed Hall Sanders nine years ago on Christmas night, of which he was convicted and served four of twelve year sentence in the penitentiary. They apparently met by accident, and the result is bad news. 11-15-1912 - PULLEY - JESS - - - - UNK - 11 9 1912 - UNKNOWN - There was a killing in Yocona Saturday night, Nov.9,1912, in which Jess Pulley was a victim of a bullet from the deadly gun of Herman Simpson. Simpson ran away, but was found in Memphis by Constable Tom Johnson, who wired the description of the man to the police there. 11-22-1912 - OLIVER - JOHN - - - - UNK - 11 1912 - UNKNOWN - The sad news of the death of Mr.John Oliver, of pneumonia, in a Missouri hospital, reached the city yesterday. Deceased was a native of this county, and for many years has resided in Memphis as a traveling representative for a hat company. At the time of his death, his wife and daughter were on a trip to Cuba. 11-22-1912 - PANICH - M. - - MRS - - UNK - 11 18 1912 - MEMPHIS - Mrs.M.Panich, who met a tragic death in Marianna Monday morning, Nov.18,1912, while crossing the tracks of the Iron Mountain yards. It is said she is hard of hearing, and the southbound freight train of the Iron Mountain. Deceased was in the merchant tailoring business, and was survived by a hy a husband, and six children. Deceased was taken to the Jewish cemetery in Memphis for burial. She had many friends in this community. 11-22-1912 - WALKER - E. - B. - - - UNK - 11 15 1912 - MISSISSIPPI - Mrs.K.M.Wilkins returned Sunday from Holly Springs, Miss., where she went Friday night to accompany the remains of Mr.Wilkin's cousin, Mr.E.B.Walker, who died at Widener lasr Friday evening, Nov.15,1912, after an illness of only two days, of acute pneumonia. Mr.Walker was employed at the Widener gin as cotton weigher, and , while he had only been here a couple of weeks, had made many friends, and was a quality young man of many fine qualities. 12-6-1912 - SMITH - SARAH - VIRGINIA - MRS - HODGES - 1868 - 12 4 1912 - TENNESSEE - DEATH OF MRS.L.P. SMITH=Mrs.Sarah Virginia Smith, wife of former Superintendant of waterworks of this city, Mr.L.P.Smith, died Wednesday, Dec.4,1912, at her home, about six miles out of Millington, Tenn., of complications. Deceased was a sister of our fellow townsman, Mr.June Hodges, and was about 44 years of age. Their son Lester, died last year. She thus leaves only her husband, brother, and other distant relatives to mourn her loss, along with a wide circle of friends. 12-13-1912 - SNEED - V. - M. - MRS - - UNK - 12 1912 - TENNESSEE - Mrs.Walter Gorman and Mr.Walker Winston returned from LaGrange, Tenn., last week where they had attended the funeral of their aunt, Mr.V.M.Sneed. 12-20-1912 - MOORE - B. - S. - DEP.SHERIFF - - - 12 18 1912 - GOODWIN - MURDER TRADEDY AND ITS HORRIBLE SEQUEL=In the killing of Deputy Sheriff R.S.Moore, followed by the pursuit and subsequent killing of his slayer, Cecil Mallory, on Wednesday, Dec.18,1912, the citizens of Forrest City have again passed through a day of horror and excitement. These tragic events have taken from our midst one of the county's most and efficient officers, and on the other hand, brought grief to the homes of some of our best and loyal friends. Despite his waywardness, Cecil Mallory was loved by his grandmother, Mrs.Moore, where he could always go and find a welcome and by whom he was always loved and t whom he never appealed in vain. To Mrs.Moore, Cecil was never her "little boy," and she cherished, nourished and sheltered him, even when the world had turned its back on him, and even when the stories against him were the blackest. Young Cecil's father, Mr.Emmet Mallory, has always stood staunchly by his son and endeavored to keep him away from evil elements. His uncles, Messers.Ed, John and Ike Mallory, have never faltered in their loyalty and friendship to Cecil. It seems after killing Moore, Cecil decided that he would never surrender to the authority of the law. He took the deputy's gun and keys, recovered after he was shot down at Widener. He drew his gun when told to halt by two deputy's in pursuit, and they fired a double barrelled shotgun into Mallory, killing him within minutes without a word spoken. Moore's body was conveyed to the home of Col.and Mrs.D.Downey, until when the body was shipped to Goodwin township, to be buried at the family. The deceased's father, Mr.W.R.Moore, and his brother Mr.Lee Moore, of Goodwin accompanied the body. 12-20-1912 - MALORY - CECIL - - - - 9 26 1892 - 12 18 1912 - MT.VERNON - MURDER TRADEDY AND ITS HORRIBLE SEQUEL=In the killing of Deputy Sheriff R.S.Moore, followed by the pursuit and subsequent killing of his slayer, Cecil Mallory, on Wednesday, Dec.18,1912, the citizens of Forrest City have again passed through a day of horror and excitement. These tragic events have taken from our midst one of the county's most and efficient officers, and on the other hand, brought grief to the homes of some of our best and loyal friends. Despite his waywardness, Cecil Mallory was loved by his grandmother, Mrs.Moore, where he could always go and find a welcome and by whom he was always loved and t whom he never appealed in vain. To Mrs.Moore, Cecil was never her "little boy," and she cherished, nourished and sheltered him, even when the world had turned its back on him, and even when the stories against him were the blackest. Young Cecil's father, Mr.Emmet Mallory, has always stood staunchly by his son and endeavored to keep him away from evil elements. His uncles, Messers.Ed, John and Ike Mallory, have never faltered in their loyalty and friendship to Cecil. It seems after killing Moore, Cecil decided that he would never surrender to the authority of the law. He took the deputy's gun and keys, recovered after he was shot down at Widener. He drew his gun when told to halt by two deputy's in pursuit, and they fired a double barrelled shotgun into Mallory, killing him within minutes without a word spoken. Moore's body was conveyed to the home of Col.and Mrs.D.Downey, until when the body was shipped to Goodwin township, to be buried at the family. The deceased's father, Mr.W.R.Moore, and his brother Mr.Lee Moore, of Goodwin accompanied the body. 12-20-1912 - DEVEREAUX - MITCHELL - - MRS - - 1884 - 12 17 1912 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MRS.MITCHELL DEVEREAUX=Mrs.Mitchell Deveraux, widow of the late Edward Deveraux, died on Tuesday, Dec.17,1912, at the home of the deceased's sister, Mrs.Frank Kirby, at Rondo, Ark., and the remains were brought to this city Wednesday under the escort of Mr.& Mrs.Frank Kirby, and little daughter Miss Tommye, when interment was made at the Hughes cemetery, in Johnson township. Deceased's death was due to an acute attack of pneumonia. She will be remembered by many reader of the Times as Miss Mitchell Littlefield, who when a young lady resided at Madison, and was twenty eight years of age at the time of her death. 12-27-1912 - BERNARD - CHARLES - WALTER - - - 7 21 1856 - 12 23 1912 - CITY - CHARLEY BERNARD PASSES AWAY=This community, in fact, the whole county, white and black, and elsewhere, wherever he was known, were deeply shocked and the hearts of loved ones torn assunder and lacerated by the untimely and very sad death of Mr.Charley W.Bernard, which occurred in Memphis last Monday, Dec.23,1912. Mr.Chas.W.Bernard was born at Wall Hill, Marshal county, Mississippi, on July 21,1856, and at the time of his death was only in his 57th year. He was married to Miss Hattie L.Pace, at Coldwater, Miss., on Dec.3,1884, to which union eight children were born, Bessie, the first died in infancy, and four girls, Eva, Ethel, Lillian, and Lydia, and three boys, Henry, Clarence, and Charley, and his wife, Mrs.Hattie L.Bernard survive him. He moved here from Byhalia, Miss. about fourteen years ago and was first employed with Trapp, Barker & Co., and then traveled about a year with Chas.E.Lewis, out of St.Louis. He then accepted a position with Pettus & Buford, as a salesman with whom he has since been employed for eight years. Mr.Bernard was taken sick about a week before Thanksgiving, after Thanksgiving, he had to undergo surgery from which he had complications, and had to return Friday of last week to Gartley & Ramsey's hospital where he expired. He was not a member of a church, but indicated a preference for a Christian church, and was a sincere friend of that organization. He was also a member of the Woodmen lodge of this city, and the Mason lodge. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence on South Rosser with religious ceremony at the grave by Elder E.J.P.Garrott of the Baptist church. Pallbearers: Messrs.James M.Scott, John M.Nichols, F.Laughinghouse, and E.L.Vadakin, John Grobmyer, L.E.Davenport, Dr.J.F.McDougal, and Joe Ferguson. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-5-1912 - MULLER - BABY - - - - 1 2 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Chris Muller are rejoicing over the birth of a baby nine pound girl who arrived on Tuesday morning. 1-5-1912 - WHITTENTON - BABY - - - - 12 25 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.John I. Whittenton are celebrating the birth of a baby girl at his house on Christmas day. 1-19-1912 - BENSON - BABY - - - - 1 16 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Robert Benson are happy with the new baby boy that arrived Tuesday night. 2-23-1912 - GOLIGHTLY - BABY - - - - 2 20 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Roy Golightly are rejoicing over the birth of a new baby boy Tuesday. 3-15-1912 - HORTON - BABY - - - - 3 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.E.L.Horton is happy to have a new baby girl. 3-29-1912 - MALOUF - BABY - - - - 3 28 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.John Malouf are happy over arrival of a baby boy on Thursday. 3-29-1912 - OLD - BABY - - - - 3 23 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.E.C.Old are celebrating the birth of a baby girl who arrived last Saturday. 3-29-1912 - WILLIAMS - BABY - - - - 3 24 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Williams are happy with the birth of a new baby girl last Sunday. 4-12-1912 - KIRKPATRICK - BABY - - - - 4 8 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Scott Kirkpatrick are happy with the new baby boy who came on Monday. 5-3-1912 - McCURDY - BABY - - - - 4 26 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Cornelius McCurdy are happy over arrival of a new baby boy, last Friday night. 5-10-1912 - CHAPIN - BABY - - - - 5 7 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=A baby boy was born at Camp Izard, the refugee camp on Crow Creek, to Mr.& Mrs.Oscar Chapin Tuesday morning. 5-24-1912 - WRIGHT - BABY - - - - 5 18 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.George Wright had a telegram last Saturday morning, announcing the birth of a baby boy who arrived at Rogers, Arkansas, where Mrs.Wright is visiting. 5-31-1912 - BATTS - INEZ AND IRMA - - - - 5 28 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.George Batts are celebrating twin girls at their home who arrived Tuesday night. 6-21-1912 - GILLIAM - HENRY - GATLING - - - 6 14 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.James Gilliam welcomed a new baby boy last Friday night. 7-5-1912 - ASH - BABY - - - - 7 3 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Abe Ash are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy on Wednesday. 7-12-1912 - THOMPSON - BABY - - - - 7 9 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Jim Thompson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy on Tuesday. 7-19-1912 - SPRUILL - BABY - - - - 7 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Finis Spruill have a big nine pound baby boy last week. 8-16-1912 - LINDSEY - BABY - - - - 8 10 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Will Turner had an baby girl on Saturday. FULLWOOD TIMES 8-16-1912 - LEWIS - BABY - - - - 8 15 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Ben Lewis celebrate the new baby boy who arrived yesterday. 8-23-1912 - LEIGH - BABY - - - - 8 21 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.L.R.Leigh, nee Miss Olive Gatling, announce birth of their baby girl Wednesday. 8-30-1912 - BARNETT - BABY - - - - 8 24 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.L.Barnett of the wreck sale store, are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl on Saturday. 8-30-1912 - HARGRAVES - BABY - - - - 8 24 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.S.S.Hargraves are celebrating the birth of a baby boy Saturday. 9-6-1912 - PHILLIPS - BABY - - - - 9 2 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Phillips had a baby boy, at the Hotel Forrest City, but the mother died during childbirth. 9-13-1912 - TITTLE - BABY - - - - 9 3 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Silvestor Tittle are the proud parents of a new baby girl on Tuesday. 9-13-1912 - FERGUSON - BABY - - - - 9 10 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Elton Ferguson are happy with the new 10 pound baby boy that arrived Tuesday. 9-20-1912 - HODGES - VADIS - LOUISE - - - 9 19 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Samuel Lee Hodges had a nine pound baby girl born Thursday morning. 9-27-1912 - NEBLETT - BABY - - - - 9 19 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.H.R.Neblett are the proud parents of a new baby girl who arrived Thursday of last week. 9-27-1912 - BUTLER - BABY - - - - 9 11 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.E.Butler of Madison are rejoicing over the birth of a new baby girl on the 11th. 9-27-1912 - MAY - BABY - - - - 9 21 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Jesse J.May are happy new parents of a baby boy last Sunday. 10-4-1912 - ALLEN - BABY - - - - 9 29 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs. Howell Allen are happy with the new baby boy on Sunday night. 10-25-1912 - MYERS - BABY - - - - 10 20 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.John Myers are happy with the new baby boy born on Sunday night. 10-25-1912 - JACKSON - BABY - - - - 10 20 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.A.J.Jackson had a fine baby boy born on Sunday afternoon. 10-25-1912 - WATSON - BABY - - - - 10 16 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Harry Watson had a fine baby girl on Oct.16 11-1-1912 - HARRELSON - BABY - - - - 10 26 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Attorney and Mrs.Fred Harrellson have a new baby girl on Saturday morning. 11-15-1912 - GROBMYER - BABY - - - - 11 9 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=The stork arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.John Grobmyer and left a baby girl Sunday. 11-29-1912 - McCULLER - BABY - - - - 11 26 1912 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Arthur McCuller are happy new parents of a baby eight pound boy on Tuesday. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-5-1912 - ALLEN - WALTER - - - - - - - ALLEN-LINDSEY=Mr.Walter Allen, of Bonair, and Miss Stella Lindsey, of Haynes, were married in the Haynes Methodist church Dec.27,1911, by Rev.J.K.Farris. 1-12-1912 - HENDREN - WALTER - S. - - - - - - HENDREN-HILL-Mr Walter S.Hendren of this city, and Miss Alene Hill of Caldwell, were married at the Baptist parsonage yesterday by Rev.E.J.P.Garrott. The groom is in the concrete business, here, and came from Tennessee about a year ago as a brakeman on the railroad. 1-19-1912 - WADDELL - CLAY - - - - - - - WADDELL-MARTIN=Mr.Clay Waddell of Pine Tree, was married to Miss Martin of Huntland,Tenn. by Rev.Mabley. 1-26-1912 - ALLEN - GUY - - - - - - - ALLEN-ROY=Mr.Guy Allen of this city and Miss Callie Roy, formerly of this city, and now of Heth, were married Tuesday evening at the Baptist Parsonage by Rev.E.J.P.Garrott. The groom Is the son of Mr.& Mrs.W.E.Allen and is employed with the Rutsky Store, where he met Miss Callie. 1-26-1912 - JONES - LEE - F. - - - - - - JONES-DEVINNEY=Mr.Lee F.Jones and Miss Lizzie Devinney, both residents of Gill, Lee county, were married Wednesday evening at the County Clerk's office in the courthouse, Squire Hugh Coffey of Palestine officiating. Mr.Jones was born and raised in this county, and is a farmer. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Chas.Devinney. 2-2-1912 - BONNER - RAYMOND - C. - - - - - - BONNER-NORFLEET=At the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.R.Norfleet, on south Rosser Street, Mr.Raymond C.Bonner and Miss Grace Norfleet were married by Rev.L.T.Ward, of Colliersville, Tenn., a former pastor of the family. The groom comes from one of the state's oldest and best families. 2-2-1912 - BREWER - J. - C. - - - - - - BREWER-HIGGS=At the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs.Chas.White, Miss Myrtle Higgs was married to Mr.J.C.Brewer of Mesa, Ark., Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding. The bride Is a native of this county, recently working at the telephone exchange, and the groom a native of Mississippi, and employed as a telegraph operator. 2-9-1912 - TURNER - CHARLES - W. - - - - - - TURNER-SCHIMPF=Mr.Charles W.Turner and Mrs. Ida B.Schimpf, both of Marianna, were married Sunday evening, Feb.1,1912 by Rev.Fox of the Baptist church. The bride is the mother of Mrs.R.W.Delano, and her home is where the wedding was performed. Mr.Turner formerly lived in Forrest City, working for A.J.Vaccaro & Co. 2-16-1912 - STEVENS - J. - H. - - - - - - STEVENS-SLAUGHTER=Mr.J.H.Stevens and Miss Bertha Slaughter were married Wednesday at the bride's parents home, Mr.& Mrs.Lon Slaughter, in Palestine. Mr.Stevens is the manager for the Banks Company from Mississippi, and the bride is the only daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Lon Slaughter, pioneer citizens of this county. 3-15-1912 - WARREN - HUGH - - - - - - - WARREN-JONES=Mr.Hugh Warren and Miss Liddie Jones were married. Goodwin. Squire Sherman offficiating. 3-15-1912 - APPLING - CECIL - - - - - - - APPLING-HENLEY=Mr.Cecil Appling and Miss Pearl Henley were married.Goodwin. 3-22-1912 - APPLEBY - SCOTT - - DR. - - - - - APPLEBY-HAYNIE=Dr.Scott Appleby of Palestine and Miss Blanche Haynie, of Haynes, were united in holy matrimony at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs.R.S.Cornwell, Memphis, Mar.18 by Rev,Hofsted of the Lennox Methodist Church. The bride is the daughter of Dr.Haynie of Haynes, and the groom is a successful physician of Palestine. 3-22-1912 - HOLBERT - HENRY - - - - - - - HOLBERT-GUNTER=Mr.Henry Holbert and Miss Gladys Gunter were married Sunday at the home of the bride's parents Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Gunter by Squire John Sherman. Mr.Holbert is the postmaster at Goodwin. 3-29-1912 - MABRY - W. - H. - - - - - - MABRY-HENRY=Mr.W.H.Mabry of Wheatley and Miss Low Henry of Conway were married last Wednesday at Forrest City. The groom is a co-partner of the Wheatley Merc.Co. 4-12-1912 - GREEN - WILLIAM - ALLEN - - - - - - GREEN-HORNEY=Mr.William Allen Green will marry Miss Johnnie Horney on Apr.24,1912, per parents of bride Mr.& Mrs.William Fiske Horney at the Methodist church. Rev.F.W.Gee officiating. The groom is a native of Louisiana, but has been the cashier at the local office of the Rock Island railway office. 4-19-1912 - MANN - WILLIAM - BURKLEY - - - - - - MANN-FUSSELL=Announcements of the marriage for Mr.William Burkley Mann, of Marianna, and Miss Lucille Fussell, sister of Capt.& Mrs.Jas.Fussell at the Presbyterian church here in Forrest City on Apr.30. Rev.Geo.H.Kirker officiated. Mr.Mann is a rising attorney in Marianna, and was born and raised here at the home of Mr.& Mrs.William Mann. The bride is the youngest daughter of Capt.& Mrs.Fussell. 4-26-1912 - HAYNES - J. - N. - - - - - - HAYNES-THOMAS=Mr.J.N.Haynes and Mrs.Cora Thomas were married in Horton by Squire R.D.Ables on Apr.7. 4-26-1912 - BATEMAN - HENRY - - - - - - - BATEMAN-BRYAN=Mr.Henry Bateman, of Clarendon, a student at Hendrix, and Miss Stella Mae Bryan, a student at Central College, of Haynes, were married in Little Rock by Rev.P.C.Fletcher. Conway Apr.15,1912. Both had taken trains to meet in the appointed place! Arkansas Gazette. Mr.Bateman, age 21, is the son of, Mr.T.M.Bateman, a wealthy planter and business man of near Clarendon, and a trustee of Hendrix College. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.W.Bryan of Haynes. 5-10-1912 - SCHLOSSER - JOHN - HENRY - - - - - - SCHLOSSER-ROLLWAGE=Mr.John Schlosser and Miss Madeleine Rollwage will be married, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker presiding. The bride is the next to youngest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Otto B. Rollwage of this city. Mr.Schlosser is a native of Wisconsin, having moved here to work at the Forrest City Manufacturing Co. 5-17-1912 - COOK - H. - W. - - - - - - COOK-JORDAN= Mr.H.W.Cook and Miss Grace Jordan were married at the Presbyterian church in Kansas City on May 27,1912. Mr.Cook is the bookkeeper for the Cotton Oil Mill here in Forrest City. 6-28-1912 - WINSTON - WALKER - - - - - - - WINSTON-GRAHAM=Mrs.W.S.Graham was married in the Congress Hotel in Chicago to Mr.Walker Winston, of New York City, N.Y. Mrs.Graham was probably the wealthiest widow in St.Francis county, being estimated at over $1.000,000. The ceremony was attended by Col. Poindexter Dunn, Dr.and Mrs.Adams, Mr.& Mrs.F.M.Polhamius, and Capt.and Mrs.James Fussell. The groom is not a stranger in this city, being the cousin of Mrs.Walter Gorman, and is said to be a wealthy man in his own right. 6-28-1912 - SMITH - R. - C. - - - - - - SMITH-SHAWVER=Mr.R.C.Smith and Miss Helen Shawver, prominent young people of Johnson township, were married Sunday night at the home of the bride's parents at New Castle, Rev.McElvey of the Methodist church officiating. 7-5-1912 - DANIEL - J. - W. - - - - - - DANIEL-CHANDLER=Mr.J.W.Daniel and Mrs.Agnes Chandler, both of Widener, were married Wednesday in the Baptist parsonage by Rev.E.J.P.Garrott. The bride is a niece of Grandma Dyer, of Widener, and the groom is the manager for C.C.Fogg. 7-5-1912 - CHANDLER - WALTER - - - - - - - CHANDLER-WORRALL=On Monday evening, Mr.Walter Chandler and Miss Anna Worrall were married by Squire Ellis Turley at the home of Mr.J.D.Hodges of this city. The bride is the adopted daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Samuel Worrall, who lives just north of the city. The groom is the grandson of Grandma Dyer of Widener, and he is engaged in the timber business in Widener. 7-12-1912 - MENTZ - HENRY - ALVAN - - - - - - MENTZ-BRIDEWELL=At the Church of the Good Shepherd, Mr.Henry Alvan Mentz, of Memphis, and Miss Lulla Bridewell were married Wednesday evening. Rev.Edward T.Mabley officiating. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mrs.Mary Bridewell, and was born in Mississippi, but most of her life before her arrival here five years ago was in Louisiana. Her brother Will gave her away. The groom is an electrical engineer who grew up in New Orleans, and moved to Memphis about a year ago. They will make their home in Memphis after the honeymoon. 8-9-1912 - BEAZLEY - W. - L. - - - - - - BEAZLEY-DAVIS=Mr.W.L.Beazley and Miss Tommye A.Davis to wed at Methodist church Wednesday evening, Rev.F.M.Gee officiating. The groom is with a large timber manufacturing company in Earle. Both groom and bride were born and raised in St.Francis county, and the bride was the principal of the school at Madison, and they will make their home in Earle. 8-9-1912 - THOMAS - ROBERT - - - - - - - THOMAS-HARLIN=Mr.Robert Thomas and Miss Katie Harlin were married Tuesday morning at the courthouse, Squire T.D.Carr officiating. The groom is the son of Mr.& Mrs.J.R.Thomas of Boonville, Miss., who have been farming for two years in Lee county. 8-16-1912 - TRACY - D. - E. - - - - - - TRACY-McDONALD=Mr.D.E.Tracy of Forrest City, and Miss E.B.McDonald were wed by Rev.F.W.Gee of the Methodist church. The bride came all the way from California to wed Mr.Tracy, and was the result of a five year romance. He is with the Rock Island at Heth, and became ill, notifying his fiance‚, who came immediately. The bride is a native of Scotland, and the groom is a native of Illinois. 9-6-1912 - BUTLER - BYRON - L. - - - - - - BUTLER-BOYETT=Mrs.Jennie Boyett announces the approaching marriage on Sep.9,1912 of her daughter Annie, to Mr.Byron L.Butler at her residence on South Izard Street. Rev.J.Maury Taylor of the Christian Church offficiating. Mr.Butler is an employee of the Forrest City Ice & Fuel Co. 9-13-1912 - LAWS - CLAUD - - - - - - - LAWS-BROWNING=At the court house Wednesday, Mr.Claud Laws and Miss Nellie Browning, of Johnson township, were married by Squire Ellis Turley. 9-20-1912 - BRITTAIN - EARL - - - - - - - BRITTAIN-MAY=Mr.Earl Brittain and Miss Rosa May were married at Wesley Chapel last Thursday, Rev.McKelvey officiating. FULLWOOD NOTES 9-20-1912 - LEWIS - JAMES - NICHOLAS - - - - - - LEWIS-DAVIS=Mr.& Mrs.Thomas Jefferson Davis announce the marriage of their daughter, Mattie Mae, to Mr.James Nicholas Lewis, Oct.2,1912 at the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev.F.W.Gee officiating. The groom is a rising Memphis lawyer. 10-4-1912 - MANN - S. - H. - JUDGE - - - - - MANN-MATTHEWS=Judge S.H.Mann and Mrs.Alice E.Matthews were married Tuesday at the bride's pretty home. Rev.F.W.Gee, pastor of the Methodist church presiding. Judge Mann was born in Brownsville, Tenn. in 1867, and served as mayor several terms there. The bride is the owner of the St.Francis County Abstract Co. 10-18-1912 - RUSING - SAM - - - - - - - RUSING-JONES=Miss Mary Jones, a young lady well known and highly connected in this city, being a relative of the Eldridge and Dawson families was, happily married in Augusta Tuesday to Mr.Sam Rusing, the pastor, Rev.Galloway officiating. Among those visiting were Miss Emma and Mary Eldridge, cousins of the bride, and Master Harry Jones, brother of the bride. 10-18-1912 - HUDSPETH - DORRIS - - - - - - - HUDSPETH-JORDAN=Mr.Dorris Hudspeth and Miss Madle Jordan were married at Palestine, on Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.Henry Jordan of Palestine. 10-18-1912 - DERRICK - LEE - - - - - - - DERRICK-MAYFIELD=Mr.Lee Derrick and Miss India Mayfield, two prominent society people of Marianna, were married Tuesday. They passed thru en route to the City of Roses. 10-18-1912 - GARTSIDE - A. - F. - - - - - - GARTSIDE-BOEHM=Mr.A.F.Gartside of Buffalo, N.Y., and Miss Sarah Boehm of St.Louis were married by Rev.F.W.Gee at the Methodist parsonage. 10-25-1912 - McFERRIAN - HARTLEY - - - - - - - McFERRIAN-GREENLAND=Mr.Hartley McFerrian and Mrs. Sarah Greenland, of Memphis, were married by Rev.J.P.Smith at George Bowman's place in Burnt Cane, Tuesday. The groom is a prosperous farmer of this county and has worked for Mr.Bowman for some years. 10-25-1912 - McCRARY - J. - D. - - - - - - McCRARY-LEWIS=The news of the marriage of Mr.J.D.McCrary, eldest son of Mr.& Mrs.M.R.McCrary, was married . to Miss Ora Belle Lewis, of Trenton, Tenn., on Oct.16, 1912 at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Pine Bluff, by Rev.W.R.Davidson. Mr.McCrary is employed in Pine Bluff with the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co. 11-8-1912 - HOUSTON - ALFRED - - - - - - - HOUSTON-STONE=Mr.Alfred Houston, of Widener, and Mrs.V.A.Stone were married at the home of Mr.J.B.Terry by Judge E.A.Rolfe Wednesday afternoon. Both of Widener, he with the Widener Supply Co., and she as the landlady of the Widener Hotel. 11-8-1912 - POWERS - THOMAS - - - - - - - POWERS-LINDAUER=Mr.Thomas Powers, who works at the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill, and Miss Mary Lindauer were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.C.Lindauer, by Rev.George H.Kirker. She is the eldest daughter. 11-15-1912 - PADGETT - FRANK - - - - - - - PADGETT-CURRY=Mr.Frank Padgett and Miss Laudie Curry were married Friday at the bride's home by Rev.F.W.Gee. The bride is the twenty ninth employee of the telephone exchange to be married. Mr.Padgett is employed with the Rock Island railway, and the couple will reside in Brinkley. 11-15-1912 - WILKINS - WALKER - HAMBLETON - - - - - - WILKINS-BRYANT=Mrs.Lillian J.Folbre, announces the marriage of her foster daughter, Miss Esther Blanche Bryant, to Mr.Walker Hambleton Wilkins on Dec.4 at the family home. 11-29-1912 - MAY - P. - G. - - - - - - MAY-COX=The marriage of Mr.P.G.May and Mrs.Emma Cox was announced at Paragould, Greene County, on Sunday afternoon. Both are formerly of Johnson township and still own land here. 12-6-1912 - ELLIS - CHARLES - - - - - - - ELLIS-RICHARDSON=Mr.Charles, Ellis, the efficient night watchman in Forrest City, was happily married to Miss Lula Richardson, last Sunday, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.Mary Richardson, of near Tuttleton. Squire John Sherman of Goodwin officiating. Both the groom and bride were born and raised in St.Francis County. 12-6-1912 - METCALF - HOMER - STANTON - - - - - - METCALF-WILKINS=Miss Sykes Wilkins, youngest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.K.M.Wilkins, will be married in the family home on Dec.17th, to Mr.Homer Stanton Metcalf of Arkabutla, Miss., Dr.W.T.Bowling of Clinton, Ky. officiating. The groom came to Forrest City with his family four or five years ago. 12-6-1912 - WILKINS - WALKER - HAMBLETON - - - - - - WILKINS-BRYANT=The nuptials for Mr.Walker Hambleton and Miss Esther Blanche Bryant were held at the home of Mrs.Lillian J.Folbre, Wednesday afternoon, by Dr.W.T.Bolton of Clinton, Ky. The groom is the nephew of the minister. 12-27-1912 - GROSSMAN - WILLIAM - JOHNSTON - - - - - - GROSSMAN-ALDRIDGE=Miss Lottie Douglas Aldridge, fourth daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Adridge, and Mr.William Johnston Grossman were married Dec.23, 1912, the same being the 31st anniversary of the bride's mother. Rev.J.R.Taylor of Paragould, presiding. The groom came here about five years ago from Wisconsin, and is the bookkeeper at the Forrest City Mfg.Co. 12-27-1912 - McCRARY - GROVER - - - - - - - McCRARY-STEINBERGER=Mr.Grover McCrary and Miss Reca Steinberger of Memphis, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Steinberger, formerly of this city, on Dec.23,1912. The groom is the son of Mr.& Mrs.M.R.McCrary, of this county. 12-27-1912 - WHITTENTON - CLIFFORD - - - - - - - WHITTENTON-ROYAL=Mr.Clifford Whittenton, eldest son our late friend, Mr.John Whittenton, who died a short time ago at his home in Yocona, to Miss Zelma Royal, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Luther Royal. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - 1-5-1912 - BANK OF FORREST CITY RECORDS - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The Bank of Forrest City, shows $648,793.11 assets, including stock and surplus of $40,000, as of Dec.30,1911 1-5-1912 - SWEET - S. - EMORY - COL. - - - - FCTIMES - COLONEL SWEET REMINISCENT=Widener, Dec.30,1911-For the past 15 days, whenever you meet a man his first words are, did you ever see so much rain and mud in your life. I have frequently, but especially forty nine years ago, on the 15th of December,, when the 19th Tennessee Infantry was detached from the Army at Murphreesboro and sent to LaVergne fifteen miles from Nashville, and there employed as skirmishers to combat the whole Yankee army, until we reached Racon creek on the night of Dec.28th, where we burned the bridge, and delayed the battle of Murphreesboro one day, the Yankees having to rebuild the bridge before they could cross with their artillery. The rain having ceased on the night of the 29th, on the night of the 30th, we were placed in line of battle on the north bank of the Stone river, the ground frozen hard, we were not allowed a spark of fire or light; the Yankee army in line on the Wilkerson Pike with a battery composed of eighteen Napoleon guns, with their line of pickets and sharp shooters only 300 yards in front. We had orders from the commanding general, detailed each regiment by the Adjutant, to watch for the sky rocket that would go up in the town of Murphreesboro the next morning, for Cheatham's Division to open fire and advance on the enemy. We caught the Yankees napping, and got some of their good coffee and ham, something we had not had in a long time. I would like to know how many in St.Francis county today who were on that memorable field. And well do I remember on the night of the 31st, in line of battle all night, still cold and without light, and on Jan.1st, when the gallant General Raines charged those masked field pieces on the Murphreesboro Pike and thereby lost his own life, three comrades who were there, W.H.Coffey, W.H.McDaniel, and J.B.Hodges have crossed the river. I know no others besides myself, but possibly many others in this county were there. I had the honor, or misfortune to be there myself. I held the rank of high private in the rear rank of Company C, 9th Tennessee Infantry; since the close of war, I have held higher positions, having reached the rank as Colonel. Respectfully, S.Emory Sweet. Our Senior, Col. Edwin Landvoight, was in this memorable fight, as a member of the organization known throughout the army as "Clay King's Hellhounds," which was stationed on Breckinridges's right. Ed Vadakin, The Times. 1-12-1912 - SCOTT - JAMES - L. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR MAYOR=Mr.James L.Scott, who came here about twenty six years ago, and settled in Franks township, then to Forrest City. He was a farmer in Franks, and has since gone into merchandising. He is a Democrat of the old school. 1-12-1912 - WHITTED - FELIX - - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR ASSESSOR=Mr.Felix Whitted, of Wheatley, is running for Assessor. He was born in Phillips County, and has been in St.Francis county for twenty six years. 1-12-1912 - DAVIS - J. - M. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR CITY MARSHALL=Mr.J.M.Davis, is running for City Marshall. Mr.Davis is a lifelong resident of the city and county, and has held the position since the death of Mr.Henry Wilder. 1-12-1912 - SULCER - S. - F. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR REPRESENTATIVE=Mr.S.F.Sulcer, of Prairie township, is running for Representative of St.Francis County. He has practically lived in this county all his life. Mr.Sulcer is a Confederate veteran, his regiment being one of the first brigade under the command of Gen.Nathan B.Forrest. 1-12-1912 - HAMILTON - A. - T. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR ASSESSOR=Mr.A.T.Hamilton is running for Assessor, we have known him in Johnson township for many years, where he served as Constable for two terms and did a great job. New Castle Times. 1-12-1912 - SELLERS & SCOTT FAIL - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The firm of Sellers & Scott closed their doors yesterday, and appointed Hon.Otto B.Rollwage, appointed assignee. 1-19-1912 - STAYTON - JOE - - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR=Mr.Joe Stayton, a citizen in St.Francis since 1888, moving here from Monroe county. He attended Searcy College for four years, and has served as Road Commissioner under appointment by Judge E.A.Rolfe. 1-19-1912 - PETTUS - GEORGE - B. - - - - - FCTIMES - Monument erected by wife, now of Nashville, Tenn. and living with her daughter, for Mr.George B.Pettus in the Forrest City Cemetery. 1-26-1912 - WATTS - G. - L. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR ASSESSOR=Mr.G.L.Watts of Franks township, who is a longtime resident of St.Francis county near Palestine. 1-26-1912 - BROWN - JOHN - R. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR MAGISTRATE=Mr.John R.Brown is a longtime resident, having been here before the woods were cut, he is a gentleman, a scholar, and an ex-confederate soldier. 2-2-1912 - O'BRIEN - TOM - - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR RECORDER OF FORREST CITY=Mr.Tom O'Brien came here from St.Louis in 1904, and has been here since. 2-2-1912 - McCRARY - B. - F. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR CITY TREASURER=Mr.B.F.McCrary is hoping to be reelected, having served several terms, and has the nickname "Honest Mac". 2-9-1912 - MATTICE - W. - J. - - - - - FCTIMES - Celebrate China Wedding- Mr.& Mrs.W.J.Mattice of Madison celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary on Feb.8,1912. 2-16-1912 - McDougal - J. - F. - Dr. - - - - FCTIMES - The governor has appointed Dr.J.F.McDougal to fill the Sheriff position, replacing deceased Mr.George Mallory. 2-16-1912 - HEMENWAY - C. - F. - MRS - - - - FCTIMES - Mrs.C.F.Hemenway, accompanied by the children, Algernon and Frank, came over Friday afternoon to visit her daughter, Mrs.Ben Lewis. Mr.Charles Hemenway, brother of Mrs.Lewis came over Saturday for a visit. 2-23-1912 - HAVENS - CHARLES - - MRS - - - - FCTIMES - Mrs.Charles Havens went to Memphis to settle the estate of her grandmother, who died recently. 3-1-1912 - NEWSOME - J. - L. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR REPRESENTATIVE=Mr.J.L.Newsome is a native of Tennessee, having moved here about eight years ago, the last five in St.Francis County. He is a graduate of Normal University in Huntington, Tenn., and after teaching school a couple of years, is now engaged in real estate and loan business interests here. 3-1-1912 - HUGHES - J. - J. - - - - - FCTIMES - Trial for murder in Memphis results in conviction in the first degree of J.J.Hughes of Haynes, for the murder of Tom Dolan. 3-1-1912 - PATTERSON - JOHN - R. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.John R.Patterson, who lives on Military Road, and who is famed as being one of the mightiest bear hunters of the entire St.Francis bottoms, was a visitor in the city Wednesday, accompanied by his son Mr.Robert Patterson. 3-8-1912 - TAYLOR - WILL - R. - - - - - FCTIMES - RUNNING FOR MAGISTRATE=Mr.Will R.Taylor, of the West Blackfish township, in Rawlison, is running for re election, a native of Tennessee, he has lived in Arkansas fifteen years, eight of which spent where he now resides. 3-15-1912 - AHLSTEDT - C. - A. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.C.A.Ahlstedt was in the city visiting his family, he is still in the mining business, head quartered in Kansas City, and says his mine is a success. 3-15-1912 - IZARD - CHARLES - R. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.Charles R. Izard, former editor of the Crowley Ridge Chronicle, left Monday for Little Rock where he will join Mr.Eugene Williams, the newly appointed Donaghey campaign committee. 4-12-1912 - FREIDBERG - ISADORE - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.Isadore Friedberg of Edmondson came in Sunday morning and said that the overflow water from the flooding has completely covered his store and stock of goods. 4-12-1912 - ADAMS - W. - W. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.W.W.Adams of Round Pond, who is employed by the Round Pond Terminal Co., came in last night and said that the high water had driven him from his post, standing 3 feet deep in his office. 4-19-1912 - INLAND SEA ALONG MISSISSIPPI RIVER - - - - - - - FCTIMES - There is an inland sea up and along the Mississippi river due to flooding, Northeast and Southeast Arkansas, and Northeast Louisiana had suffered many levee breaks resulting in the flooding. The first breaks appeared in Hickman, Kentucky and opposite Memphis. 4-19-1912 - DARR - EDGAR - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.Edgar Darr, having interests in Round Pond, who have been making Forrest City their home for over a year, are moving to Charleston, S.Carolina. 4-19-1912 - IZARD - CHARLES - R. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.Charles R.Izard, who is in charge of the refuge camp at Crow Creek has his hands full! 5-3-1912 - BATTLESHIP TEXAS and NEW YORK TO BE LAUNCHED - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The Texas, the largest and latest of America's battleships, will be launched May 18, 1912, from Newport News, Va. shipyard, she is 27,000 tons displacement, and 573 feet long. The sister ship, the New York will be launched from the New York navy yard in July. 5-3-1912 - FANNIN - P. - C. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER-BOOT AND SHOEMAKER 5-3-1912 - TONEY - J. - S. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- KLONDIKE BAKERY 5-3-1912 - PALACE MARKET-ACROSS FROM RED GIN ON ROSSER STREET - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- 5-3-1912 - McCAULEY - W. - J. - D.V.M. - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- GRADUATE VETERNAIRAN-SIX YEARS PRACTICE-WYNNE-IN FORREST CITY EVERY FRIDAY 5-3-1912 - EWART MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- 5-3-1912 - ASH - R. - J. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- 5-3-1912 - TAYLOR, KNIGHT & CO. - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE 5-3-1912 - NORTON - N. - W. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER-NORTON & HUGHES- ATTORNEYS AT LAW-ROLLWAGE BUILDING-N.W.NORTON AND W.W.HUGHES 5-3-1912 - NORFLEET - M. - B. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- ATTORNEY AT LAW-MONEY TO LOAN-OFFICE IN PETTUS BUILDING 5-3-1912 - HARRELLSON - FRED - F. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- HARRELSON & HARGRAVES-ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE IN COURTHOUSE 5-3-1912 - HARGRAVES - S. - S. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- HARRELSON & HARGRAVES-ATTORNEYS AT LAW-OFFICE IN COURTHOUSE 5-3-1912 - HUGHES - W. - W. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER-NORTON & HUGHES- ATTORNEYS AT LAW-ROLLWAGE BUILDING-N.W.NORTON AND W.W.HUGHES 5-3-1912 - JOHNSTON - W. - A. - JR. - C.E. - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER-MARIANNA, ARK. 5-3-1912 - LEWIS - SOL - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- SOL LEWIS & CO.-CLOTHING 5-3-1912 - SANDERS - J. - T. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- DRUGS 5-3-1912 - YERBURY - C. - W. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING-MEMPHIS, TENN. 5-3-1912 - KLOTZ - W. - F. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- HARDWARE-JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS 5-3-1912 - BIRKICHT - C. - C. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- C.C.BIRKICHT-TICKET AGENT FOR ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM 5-3-1912 - SCOTT & FERGUSON - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- GROCERY/CLOTHING 5-3-1912 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO. - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- PEERLESS ROOFING 5-3-1912 - MALOUF - SAM - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- SHORT ORDER RESTURANT AND FANCY GROCERY-NEXT TO NEBLETT'S GROCERY STORE-MALOUF BROS. 5-3-1912 - MALOUF - MIKE - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- SHORT ORDER RESTURANT AND FANCY GROCERY-NEXT TO NEBLETT'S GROCERY STORE-MALOUF BROS. 5-3-1912 - NORTON - NATHAN - B. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- CHOICE LOTS IN FORREST CITY-I WILL BUILD A RESIDENCE IN EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED OR NON IMPROVED FARM LANDS 5-3-1912 - BOYLE - A. - D. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- JEWELRY OF QUALITY-IMPERIAL BUILDING 5-3-1912 - MATTHEWS - A. - E. - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- ST.FRANCIS COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. 5-3-1912 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY - - - - - - - FCTIMES - ADS IN PAPER- HERRICK DRY AIR REFRIGERATORS 5-3-1912 - TRAFFIC ON ROCK ISLAND FROM MEMPHIS OPENED UP - - - - - - - FCTIMES - Traffic was resumed out of Memphis on Wednesday, May 1,1912. The tracks are not ready for regular service yet, due to damage from the flooding, but were resumed on Thursday. 5-10-1912 - FOLSOM - W. - B. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.W.B.Folsom, editor and owner of the Brinkley Argus was in town Wednesday on business. 5-10-1912 - MERWIN - T. - C. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.T.C.Merwin and his wife left for Macon to attend the Confederate reunion Tuesday on the Rock Island. 5-17-1912 Returning, they had an enjoyable trip, but were disappointed in the slimness of attendance of people west of the Mississippi river. They did not see anyone they knew from Arkansas. 5-17-1912 - TIPTON - GOODWIN - - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE GRADUATES May 25,1912-only two people. 5-17-1912 - BUFORD - ALBERT - - - - - - FCTIMES - CROWLEY RIDGE INSTITUTE GRADUATES May 25,1912-only two people. 5-17-1912 - IZARD - FANNIE - - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - Miss Fannie Izard went up to Wynne Monday and returned the same day accompanied by her aunt, Mrs.J.W.Williams, who is visiting her parents, Mr.& Mrs.V.B.Izard. 5-24-1912 - CARTER - FRANKIE - STERLING - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - GRADUATING CLASS OF 1912 FOR FCHS ON MAY 31,1912. Misses Georgia Lyda Williams/Theodra Mrytle Granberry/Frankie Sterling Carter. 5-24-1912 - WILLIAMS - GEORGIA - LYDA - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - GRADUATING CLASS OF 1912 FOR FCHS ON MAY 31,1912. Misses Georgia Lyda Williams/Theodra Mrytle Granberry/Frankie Sterling Carter. 5-24-1912 - GRABERRY - THEODRA - MYRTLE - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - GRADUATING CLASS OF 1912 FOR FCHS ON MAY 31,1912. Misses Georgia Lyda Williams/Theodra Mrytle Granberry/Frankie Sterling Carter. 6-14-1912 - WEATHERLY - J. - M. - PROF. - - - - FCTIMES - Forrest City High School Principal is selected, Prof.J.M.Weatherly of North Carolina. 6-21-1912 - HENRY - J. - W. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.J.W.Henry of Palamo, Illinois arrived in the city this week, he owns several plantations in the bottoms. He states the flood left more fertilizer than the cost of repairing fences so he feels he came out ahead. 6-21-1912 - ANDERSON - JOHN - - CAPT. - - - - FCTIMES - Capt.John Anderson, of the U.S.Snag boat A.B.Johnson was in town this week Monday in preparations for his departure to Marked Tree on Wednesday. The Johnson has been tied up in Madison during the winter. 6-28-1912 - COGBILL - FRED - - - - - - FCTIMES - Fred Cogbill, of Wynne, passed through the city Saturday en route from Little Rock, where he had been to attend the state insurance and real estate agents convention. It is a shame Fred left his journalism posts in Cross county and with the Times at this locale. 6-28-1912 - STEWART - JAMES - M. - - - - - FCTIMES - A note from the Commercial Appeal-Mr.James M.Stewart, formerly of this city, is retiring from his post of twenty years due to health problems, with the Arkansas Building & Loan Association of Little Rock, where he served as Vice President and Treasurer. He had formerly held posts here as County and Probate Clerk of St.Francis county from 1874 to 1886, after twelve years. We wish that they return home for the retirement. 6-28-1912 - DAVIDSON - JOHN - - - - - - FCTIMES - John Davidson, is circulating a petition to organize an Surviving Ex-Slave Organization. He claims to have three hundred ex-slaves as charter members, and he is being assisted in his efforts to obtain 1,000 acres of land from the government for these ex-slaves. Mr.Davidson is a good example of these men and women. 6-28-1912 - LITTLEFIELD - JOHN - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.John Littlefield, of north of town, was taken to Hot Springs by Mr.W.W.Campbell, assistant cashier of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, to meet Uncle John Young to look after him. 7-5-1912 - DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS FOR PRESIDENT - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The Democratic party has chosen Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, and Thomas R.Marshall, of Indiana for their candidate for President and Vice President. 7-12-1912 - McDOUGAL - J. - F. - SHERIFF - - - - FCTIMES - Sheriff Ignores Replevin Writ=The M.Jacobs & Co. of Louisville, Ky, had a writ for release of whiskey taken into custody by Sheriff McDougal consisting of seven barrel's that had been sent to a John Doe care of this city several weeks ago. He claims it is the property of the court, and will not release until Squire Carr returns to the city and makes a judgment. 7-12-1912 - LANDON - EOLA - - MRS - FITZPATRICK - - - FCTIMES - Mrs.L.G.Landon, nee Miss Eola Fitzpatrick, accompanying her two manly sons, Masters Eugene and Thomas, arrived on Wednesday from their home in Windfall, Indiana to visit several weeks with her father, Capt.T.O.Fitzpatrick and family. 7-19-1912 - HODGES - SAM - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.Sam Hodges, the Southside tinner, was overcome by the heat last Friday, while working on a tin roof, and though he was able to be up town, the balance of the day, he was confined to his bed and his condition was serious. Even rumors that he had died, but they were false. He appeared at his shop finally on the next Thursday. 7-19-1912 - HUGHES - E. - A. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.E.A.Hughes, founder of the Hughes cemetery, of Johnson township, is very ill, and is in his eighty first year, being one of the oldest and best known residents of that place. 8-16-1912 - BOGGAN - D. - P. - DR. - - - - FCTIMES - Dr.D.P.Boggan and family moved into the Gray house, formerly occupied by Mr.J.M.Prewett last Friday, Aug.9,1912. 8-16-1912 - SCHMIDT - GEORGE - H. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.George H. Schmidt and Mr.Thos.Wilkie, of Riverton, Illinois, arrived here and went to Heth with Mr.J.W.Prewett to survey their 11,000 acres of land. 8-16-1912 - WILKIE - THOMAS - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.George H. Schmidt and Mr.Thos.Wilkie, of Riverton, Illinois, arrived here and went to Heth with Mr.J.W.Prewett to survey their 11,000 acres of land. 10-11-1912 - KNIGHT - MIGNON - - MISS - - - - FCTIMES - Miss Mignon Knight, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.C.L.Knight, who had been on a visit to her uncle, Mr.& Mrs.H.A.Knight, in this city, left for a visit with her relatives Capt.& Mrs.J.H.Avery in Hot Springs, The Avery's had lived here for many years. 10-11-1912 - FIZER - PAUL - - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.Paul Fizer, who is just completing nine years in the US navy, a former resident here, says he plans on visiting his sister and her family, Mr.& Mrs.J.G.Sanders for Christmas. 10-11-1912 - HORTON - E. - L. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.E.L.Horton, prominent merchant and planter of Johnson township, and who is Secretary of The Sf.Francis River Plantation, in Pittsburg, left Wednesday for Springfield, Illinois, where he will meet with his associates, and attend the big Springfield fair. Mr.Horton is a member of the company that bought the Fitzpatrick lands consisting of 2200 acres in the St.Francis valley. 10-11-1912 - IZARD - CHARLES - R. - MRS - - - - FCTIMES - Mrs.Chas.R.Izard and the two baby girls, Mary Elizabeth and Rachel, arrived home Friday from a visit to Mr. & Mrs.Van Blankenship. She also has a daughter named Virginia. 10-18-1912 - THE MILK IN THE COCOANUT - - - - - - - FCTIMES - Forrest City is a flourishing community of 5000 persons, has water from 500 feet deep from wells. 10-18-1912 - WYLDS - DAN - - COLONEL - - - - FCTIMES - Our old and esteemed friend, Col.Dan Wylds, accompanied by his two sons, Dan Jr,, and Grover, returned from an extended visit to the states of Nevada, California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. 10-18-1912 - COURTHOUSE DIRECTORY OF COUNTY OFFICERS - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The courthouse houses these St.Francis County Officers:County Judge E.A.Rolfe; County and Probate Clerk-T.C.Merwin;Circuit Clerk-R.W.Payne; Sheriff:J.F.McDougal; and Treasurer-J.B.Terry. 10-18-1912 - PARROTT SCHOOL GRADUATES - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The following were graduates of the Parrott Summer School and advance to High School: Mary R.Allen; Addie Null; Laura Anderson; Susie Powers; and Simon Capps. Fullwood Times. 10-18-1912 - BYNUM - LON - - - - - - FCTIMES - BETTER THAN A GOLD MINE=Mr.Lon Bynum six or eight years ago, purchased a tract of land on Crowley's Ridge consisting of 146 acres, and put down $800, and has made deferred payments since, on the profits out of the products on the place. On Tuesday, Bynum sold the land to F.W.Shouse, of Greene County for $4000. In addition to this sum Bynum owns livestock valued at $1400, and a tidy sum in the bank. He states that he made in cleared money, over $5000 during this same time period, over and above his expenses. 10-18-1912 - STEVENS - WALTER - - - - - - FCTIMES - Walter Stevens has resigned his position with the Forrest City Grocer Co., and is now in Chicago attending a course in embalming, in preparation of joining his father in the undertaking business in this city. John Gatling Jr., has taken the position at the grocery business in Mr.Stevens place. 10-25-1912 - IZARD - JOHN - - DR. - - - - FCTIMES - Dr.John Izard, of Haynes, a well know Medico, was a business visitor to this city the latter part of this week. 11-22-1912 - TAYLOR - GEORGE - B. - MRS. - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.George P.Taylor, accompanied by her mother, Mrs.Geo.H.Mallory, arrived in the city Monday from Little Rock where she had been several weeks in a sanitarium. 11-22-1912 - STEWART - R. - G. - CAPT. - - - - FCTIMES - Capt.R.G.Stewart, accompanied by his daughter Mrs.S.A.McDaniel, were visiting and shopping in the city Tuesday. Capt.Stewart is the father of Dr.T.J.Stewart of Vanndale, and all citizens are widely known and esteemed in St.Francis county. 11-22-1912 - VADAKIN - EDWARD - EUGENE - - - - - FCTIMES - Col.Ed Landvoight, our senior at the Times, and his grandson, Edward Eugene Vadakin, went out hunting Tuesday. Several nice quail were reposed in the bag on their return. 11-29-1912 - LAMB - S. - V. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.S.V.Lamb is the new agent for the Rock Island depot at Madison. 11-29-1912 - CHANEY - F. - M. - ADMIRAL - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.F.M.Chaney and family who have resided at Madison for the past fifteen or twenty years, have moved to Wheatley where Admiral Chaney will have charge of the Union Station of the Rock Island and the Missouri and North Arkansas Railways. Admiral Chaney left the first of the week, and the family, with Miss Mollie and Master William will follow in a few days. 11-29-1912 - McBEE - W. - A. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.W.A.McBee have moved to Floral City, Florida, having resided in St.Francis county for over fifty years. 11-29-1912 - LEWIS - SOL - - - - - - FCTIMES - Sunday, Nov.24,1912. was the 23rd birthday of Mr.Henry Lewis, and Monday, the 58th of his father, Mr.Sol Lewis. Mr.Henry Lewis of Memphis came over for his brother's birthday. 12-6-1912 - BLANKINSHIP - H. - V. - - - - - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.H.M.Blankinship have sold their home on Crowley Ridge, just west of Crow Creek, to Mr. and Mrs.Joe Barron, and are looking to move to the Ozarks. 12-6-1912 - FCHS BASKETBALL TEAM TO CLARENDON - - - - - - - FCTIMES - The FCHS women's Basketball team composed of:Misses Mary Eldridge and Mary York, Guards: and MIsses Doris Hodges and Sadie Borden, Centers; Anna Clay Sanders and Eloise Buford, Forwards; and Miss Edna Aldridge, Substitute, with Herman Tatum as Referee, all under the chaperon age of Misses Farmer and Harris went down to Clarendon where they defeated the team from Clarendon. 12-20-1912 - IZARD - W. - H. - MRS. - - - - FCTIMES - The Times received an subscription, from Mrs.W.H.Izard for the twentieth year for a paper to be delivered to her in Athens, Alabama. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAF-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911