The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED August 20,2009 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1911 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-6-1911 - THOMAS - ED - - - - UNK - 1 3 1911 - BIBLE UNION - DEATH=We are called upon to chronicle the death of Mr.Ed Thomas, son of Louis Thomas, deceased at his home at Pine Tree, on Tuesday, Jan.3,1911. The family formerly lived on what is know known as the Aiken place, just west of town, owned by Brandon & Baugh, Mr.Thomas was ill only a short time. The remains were interred in Bible Union cemetery Wednesday afternoon. The Times extends sympathy to the bereaved relatives. He was the son of Lewis Thomas, and brother of Henry Thomas. 1-6-1911 - JETT - R. - T. - - - 1861 - 1 2 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MR.R.T.JETT=Mr.R.T.Jett, who left here just before Christmas to visit his niece, Mrs.E.W.Bumpass of Little Rock, died there Monday afternoon, Jan.2,1911, after a short illness. The remains were shipped here the same afternoon and carried to his home near Caldwell, and on Tuesday morning were interred in the Hughes cemetery, to which place the funeral cortege was followed by a large number of friends and relatives. Mr.Jett was in his 50th year at the time of his death, and is survived by a widow, three daughters, Misses Mamie C., Annie Mae, and Mattie Holmes Jett, and three sons, R.S., Geo. W., and William, all of this county. Deceased was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and of the Episcopal church. He was an honest, industrious, God fearing Chirstian gentleman, and his death leaves a vacancy that will be hard indeed to fill in that community. He numbered his friends in this county and city in fact wherever he was known by the score, and they will join us in extending to the bereaved family and relatives deep and sincere sympathy in this dark hour of bereavement. 1-13-1911 - SANDERS - Joseph - Boone - Prof. - - 8 19 1834 - 11 6 1910 - CITY - DEATH=IN MEMORY OF J.B.SANDERS=The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson courty, in the State of North Carolina on the 19th day of August,1834. He was married in 1856 to Miss Eva Denson, with whom he lived happily until the summons came from her Lord, and she passed into eternal life. To this union were born three children, of which only one survives, Mr.R.H.Sanders, of Devalls Bluff, Ark. He was married a second time to Miss Lucy Gwyn, in 1865, who survives him. Of this union there were born seven children, of whom five, W.T.Sanders, J.G.Sanders, J.T.Sanders, Mrs.Alice Longest and Mrs.Lucy Hargraves-all living. His life span was 76 years, of which he gave 60 years in loving service to the Lord. He had a Christian home, and all his children have turned to God. He was a brave soldier during the Civil war, and served with the 18th Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers, under N.B.Forrest, and he was always ready to engage old comrades and friends in pleasant conversation about their common experiences in and principal events of army life. After the war, he with vigor pursued his vocation of teaching and farming, soon repairing his broken fortunes. He moved from Mississippi to Arkansas, and settled in Prairie county in Des Arc. He came from Hazen in that county to Forrest City in 1894, and resided here until his death, which occurred on Nov.6,1910. Committee:J.F.Fondren/W.W.Campbell/J.M.Prewett. 1-13-1911 - TATE - J. - B. - MRS - - 1872 - 1 8 1911 - BAYOU METO - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.D.B.TATE=Mr.S.B.Kelley, of the Times office, received a long distance telephone call last Saturday afternoon telling him of the serious illness of his sister in law, Mrs.D.B.Tate of Jacksonville, Ark., and advising him if he wished to see her before she died, he should come at once. Mr.Kelley left Sunday morning, and upon arriving in Jacksonville learning that she had passed away. Mrs.Tate had been ill only a few days, after contracting a falal case while visiting her sister in this city about four weeks ago, suffering from pneumonia. She was in her thirty ninth year at the time of her death, she was a native of Lee county. She leave her husband, and one sister, Mrs.S.B.Kelley of this city. Her remains were interred in the Bayou Meto cemetery. 1-13-1911 - WORTHAM - INFANT - - - - UNK - 1 8 1911 - FCTIMES - DEATH=Mrs.J.B.Terry went to McCrory to attend the funeral of her sister's infant daughter. Her sister is Mrs.Mattie Wortham. The little one died Sunday morning, Jan.8,1911, and was buried in the cemetery at McCrory Monday. 1-20-1911 - SIPF - JOHN - - - - 4 14 1855 - 1 15 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=PEACEFULLY PASSES AWAY=Mr.John Sipf dies Sunday morning, Jan.15,1911, at the infimrary in Memphis. The death Sunday morning, at the Maury and Elliott Infirmary, of Mr.John Sipf, while not unexpected, nevertheless cast a deep feeling of gloom over the community where he was so universally loved and esteemed. He had been ill for almost a year, suffereing from a liver complaint, and many remedies had been resorted to in hopes of proloning his life, but when taken to the Infirmary on Dec.28, it was decided that surgery was necessary. Afterwards, he had survived the operation successfuly, but grew weaker, and his death occurred on Sunday morning. Mr.Sipf was a native of Louisville, Kentucky, having been born there fifty six years ago. He came to this State twenty six years ago, settling in Pulaski county. He was married in Little Rock on Mar.1,1882, to Miss Margie Hare. He came to this county shortly after his marriage, and until about six years ago was engaged in farming on the Ridge, north of town. He had been in the grocery business here for six years. He is survived by a widow, three sisters-Mrs.Sophie Matthews, Mrs.H.C.Rayen, and Mrs.Emily Kemp.-and one brother, Mr.Fred Sipf, all of Indianapolis, Indiana. The funeral was held Tuesday from the Presbyterian church, of which he had long been a member, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker officiating. Interment was had at the Hughes cemetery, the funeral services at the grave under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor lodge of the I.O.O.F. Mr.Sipf was a member of Forrest Camp No.29, WOW. 2-10-1911 - HODGES - JESSE - B. - - - 1837 - 2 5 1911 - YOCONA - DEATH=The Forrest City Times, Feb, 10, 1911. Another Pioneer Dead. "Uncle" Jesse B. Hodges Goes to His Reward Last Sunday Night as Result of Paralytle Stroke. A brother of St. Francis County's loved citizens answered the final summons on Sunday night at 10:12 o'clock when MR. Jesse B. Hodges, or "Uncle Jesse," as he was familiarly called by those who knew and loved him as well, passed to his eternal reward, after a long and useful life, as an upright, conscientious Christian gentleman. Mr. Hodges had been in feeble health for a number of years, but had not until recently been confined to his room and bed. On Sunday he had been up and about as usual until about the middle of the afternoon he was stricken with the fatal stroke, from which he never recovered, and to which his gallant spirit finally succumbed, in spite of all that scientific skill and kindly loving care could do to alleviate his suffering and prolong his life. Mr. Hodges was in his 74th year, and had long been a resident of this county, where he lived and worked, and had all of his interests. He was a life long member of the Missionary Baptist church, and was one of the founders of the church of that denomination at Popular Grove. The following brief sketch of his life taken from "Memories of Eastern Arkansas," a volume published in 1890, bells in better language than we could hope to express, his life story up to that time: "Jesse B. Hodges, one of the prominent tillers of the soil in this section, was born in Beaufort county, N. C. in 1837, being the son of John L. and Cynthia (Rodgers) Hodges, natives of North Carolina. Jesse B. came to Arkansas with his parents in 2-10-1911 - HODGES - JESSE - B. - - - 1837 - 2 5 1911 - YOCONA - DEATH=HODGES CONT.-1850, settling on a farm not far from his present residence. His educational advantages were limited, his help being needed on his father's farm, but notwithstanding this fact, he is a well informed man, having given considerable attention to reading, which, added to keen observation, has enabled him to be conversant on all the important topics of the past and present. When 22 years of age he accepted a position as manager of a farm, so continuing until the beaking out of the war, when he enlisted in 1861, in the Confederate service, in Company G, 13th Arkansas Regiment, participating in the battles of Shiloh, Richmond, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, New Hope, Resace, also Peach Tree Creek, Decatur, Jonesboro, Spring Hill, Franklin and Bentonville. Subsequently, or at the close of the war, his regiment surrendered to Sherman at Greensboro, N. C. , on April 26, 1865. As this sketch will show, Mr. Hodges participated in all of the principal engagements of the late war in which the Tennessee army took part. After peace was declared he returned home, resuming the occupation of farming, and in 1868 was united in marriage to Miss Mary F. Matthews, a daughter of Lawrence and Lydia A. (Crawford) Matthews. No children have been given them. Mr. Hodges owns 400 acres of excellent land, with 275 under cultivation. He has a pleasant, comfortable place, and all the improvements and conveniences that all so much to the happiness of home. He also is quite extensively occupied in stock raising, and has been very sucdessful. His political views are Democratic. Himself and wife are members of the Baptist church." Mr. Hodges left no near relatives, his wife having preceded him to the grave a number of years However, numberous nephews and nieces, and a host of others, to whom, though he was not related, he was dearly beloed, mourn his death. Interment was had Tuesday morning at Yacona, the precious remains being laid to rest almost in the shadown of the sacred edifice which he had founded. Elder E. P. J. Garrott, of the Baptist church of this city, officiated, and paid a glowing tribute to the worth and virtues of the man to whom the congregation had gathered to apy their last sad respects. "Uncle Jesse" was a good man, he had led a good life, full of good deeds and kindly acs. He had lived out his allotted three score and ten, and his life had been lived in vain. His passing away removed another of the venerable landmarks that are becoming all too few, and many a heart is saddened at the thought of his passing. But, for a goodly soul like his, death had no sting. He was ready and willing to go - ready to say in all faith and sincerity, "Thy will not mine be done," and in peace to meet the loved ones gone before. 2-10-1911 - LEWIS - MARGARET - LUCILLE - - - 9 5 1900 - 2 4 1911 - MT.VERNON - DEATH=The Forrest City Times, Feb. 10, 1911. LOVED LITTLE GIRL DIES. Margaret Lucille Lewis, Only Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lewis, Passes Away Saturday Night. 'Tis a sad duty indeed, when in the course of the day's work, it becomes necessary to chronicle the deaths of whose we love. 'Tis a sad duty even when the subjects of our feeble efforts have lived their alotted three-score and ten, or when they were personally unknown to us and the chronicling is largely a matter of mechanical effort. But when the subject is one whom the writer has known and loved, the duty then indeed becomes a painful task, and one from which we shrink. On last Sunday morning when the news reached us of the death the night before, shortly after 11:30 o'clock, of little Margaret Lucille Lewis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wright Lewis, we could scarely credit the shocking tidings. It seemed that there must have been some horrid mista,e, that it had been only a few short days since we had seen this sweet, daring little girl in all her childish innocence, about the streets with her loving, devoted parents, and on her way to and from school, and then to hear of her death jut as she was on the threshold of life, seemed to us almost incredible. Lucille had been ill for only about a week, and seriously ill for only three or four days. She was stricken just seven days before her death with an attack of the measles, which grew worse in spite of all that medical skill and kindly, loving care could do, and finally on Saturday night the gentle little body gave up its spirit and little LUcille went to dwell in her Father's house, and left desolate a home in which she had been the brightest jewel. We well know the anquish and the aching of the hearts of her fond parents, who were captive to the charm of her perfect, trusting love and con. dence, and her sweet, beautiful, innocent 2-10-1911 - LEWIS - MARGARET - LUCILLE - - - 9 5 1900 - 2 4 1911 - MT.VERNON - DEATH=LEWIS CONT.-character and disposition, and we would that we had the power to pen a word, a line or a page that might somehow or in some way lessen even so much as one tittle the pain and futility or terrible longing, the fearful hunger of those hearts to have her back for one brief moment. But God has given her an He has taken her away, and He only can comfort. oh! It is sad, sad indeed to give up such a child. Lucille was in her eleventh year, having been born on September 5th, 1900. She was a bright, cheerful little lady and had a happy facuity of endearing herself to all with whom she came in contact. She was industrious and attentive in her studies, and at school was a favorite with her teachers and mates. She was known and loved by all the force of The Times office, where she was a frequent visitor. To know this darling child was to love her, and the anquish of the bereaved family, where she was almost idoilzed, must, indeed, be hard to bear, for the death of the little girl causes a feeling of sadness to almost overwhelm the hearts of those even to whom she was but slightly known, and to those lives were so closely entwined about her, her death comes as a crushing blow, indeed. The funeral was held Monday morning from the family residence, Rev. Geo. H. Kirker, of the Presbyterian church, officiating, and was attended by a large concourse of loving friends, who came to mingle their tears with those of the bereaved parents and other relatives. Interment was had in the Mt. Vernon Cemetery, and to this lovely burying ground a large part of the congregation followed the little casket that led the sad and processin to her last resting place. Rev. Kirker's words as he pronounced the solemnly beautiful burial service of his church over the precious remains brought a tear to every eye, and as the words "earth to earth: were spoken, there went up involuntary sigh from the assemblage, and it seemed that left an emptiness, an aching void, and a feeling of desolation. Little Lucille has gone to dwell with the angels, and though she has left desolate her parents' hearts, they have the consolation of knowing that their loved little one has gone to a land that is fairer than this, and there will dwell in perfect peace and great content with Him who said "suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven," and that there they will meet her again on the beautiful resurrection morn. May God bless and comfort them. - Brenda Huntley 2-10-1911 - TRAPP - SYDENHAM - BENJAMIN - COL. - - 1 16 1841 - 1 20 1911 - ALABAMA - DEATH=S.B.TRAPP-Mr.Trapp was born in Macon, Ga. on Jan.16,1841, educated in Greensboro, Alabama, and came to make Cuthbert, Ga. his home in 1859. Rev.T.E.Davenport was officiating at the religious ceremonies. In 1861, when the war cry sounded, he was one of the first volunteers, and remained in service till the end of the war. Mr.Trapp was married to Miss Mollie George in January 1871. He moved to Anniston, Alabama and went into business with Gov.G.B.Comer in the grocery business, hence to Montgomery when the partnership dissolved and lived there five years. He then went to Oklahoma City to engage in the wholesale manufacture of vinegar, cider and pickles. After a tragic fire that took everything, he returned to Alabama and took a position with the Tennessee Coal Company. On Friday morning, Jan.20,1911, the messenger called and took his spirit away. Mrs.JohnF.Kiddoo, Cuthbert Ga.Leader. Deceased was father of Mr.S.B.Trapp, Jr. of this city. Mrs.Kiddo was sister to his wife, Mollie George. 2-10-1911 - PASLAY - W. - H. - ELDER - - 12 18 1831 - 2 11 1911 - CITY - DEATH=REV.W.H.PASLAY=The Forrest City Times, Feb. 10, 1911. DEATH OF ELDER PASLAY. Venerable Reverend Passes Away Sunday Afternoon After Long Illiness. The death last Sunday afternoon at his home in this city of Elder. W. H. Paslay marks not only the passing of an able, earnest disciple of the Creator, but the one of the old landmarks of St. Francis county and of Forrest City. Another beloved citizen has gone to his reward, The voice of an able churchman is stilled, and in the hearts of countless congregations of those who in years gone by have listened to him as he expounded the gospel, as it was given to him to preach, a feeling of an expressible sadness comes, and in all of our city there was not a heart but quickened with pain and many eyes, but held a tear, when the sad tidings flew, as sad tidings always do, on Sunday afternoon, of the death of that venerable partriarch, who for so many years had faithfully served this people, and though his death was not unexpected, yet none the less were the tidings sad, and . . . less the tears that flowed. Elder W. H. Paslay was born in Laurens county, South Carolina, on December 18, 1831. His father was a Baptist minister and a physician of note. After receiving an academic course in the different branches of studies, he entered Furman University, in Greenville, S. C., and graduated with first honors from that unstitution. After this he moved to Dallas county, Alabama, where he taught school. In 1858 he entered the ministry, in which he has since been actively engaged. Mr. Paslay came to Arkansas in 1872, and located on a farm near Wheatley. He has been married three times, and has now living three sons and three daughters, as follows: Mr. H. W. Paslay, of this city; Messrs. R. E. and Willie Paslay, of Oregon; Mrs. J. T. Johnson and Mrs. Murray Hambleton, of ;this city, and Mrs. C. H. Paslay, of Memphis. Elder Paslay was greatly honored by his denomination, being elected Treasurer and Moderator of Mt. Vernon Association consecutively for the last thirty years. He held the position of County Examiner for several years, and was closely identified with the educational interests of this state and county. He was also a member of the Masonic fraternity, having taken the degrees of the Commandery, and was ever ready to put into practice the honorable tenants of this illustrious fraternity, dispensing light in darkness, joy in sorrow, and sustenance to the needy. Elder Paslay had been in feeble health for a number of years, but only recently would he consent to give up the work he had so long and faithfully performed. He had been confined to his room and bed for over twelve months, and though all that medical skill, and the loving care and attention of a devoted family could do, was done to prolong his life, all efforts wre unavailing, and the gentle spirit passed to the Maker, whose disciple he had been through all the years of his maturity, and ". nls" was written in the story of a life well spent - a life that was not lived in vain. In his daily 2-10-1911 - PASLAY - W. - H. - ELDER - - 12 18 1831 - 2 11 1911 - CITY - DEATH=PASLAY CONT.-walks he has been called upon to unite scores of loving hearts in the holy bonds of matrimony, and has spoken most comforting words to hundreds of families in this and adjoining counties, when in the Providence of God they have been bereft of loved ones. In the pulpit he was eloquent because earnest, and his supplications at the throne of Grace were the most beautiful we ever heard, and made the heart quicken with their sincerity. The funeral services were held from the Baptist church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Elder E. J. P. Garrott, officiating. Interment was had in the City Cemetery, to which last resting place the funeral cortege was followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, who went to pay their last respects to Elder Paslay, and to mingle their tears with the members of the bereaved family. The life of a good man needs no epilogue. Any words of commendation we might write of him, would be all unexpressive of the sincere esteem and veneration in which he has hald by our people, and by all those who knew and loved him. Would that we could pen words that would in some degree assuage the pain of the aching hearts of those who are left to mourn. But to them can come the sweet assurance that Elder Paslay was ready and willing to go - that he could, in all sincerity, face the inevitable, with a feeling of perfect peace and contenment, lay aside his earthly cares, and truthfully say, "Master, I am ready." To the bereaved family, we tender our sincerest sympathy in this their sad hour of bereavement. Their sorrow is a common one, for Elder Paslay was a welcome, familiar figure in this county prior to his illness, and the sorrow of his immediate family is shared by everyone who knew him intimately. May he rest in peace!- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/29/2007 2-17-1911 - SAGE - KATHERINE - - MRS - - UNK - 2 12 1911 - MISSISSIPPI - DEATH=Just as we go to press, we learn of the death of Mrs.Katherine Sage of Cockrum, Miss. on Sunday, Feb.12,1911. She is the beloved mother of our Mrs.Nora Swan. 2-17-1911 - LIPPMANN - ALLIE - B. - JR. - - 1907 - 2 13 1911 - AUGUSTA - DEATH=We just learned of the death of little Allie B.Lippmann, Jr. of Augusta on Monday, Feb.13,1911. Mrs.Alice I. Taylor and her niece, Miss Nonie Rogers left Monday. The little 3 and half year old baby was the son of Mr.& Mrs.A.B.Lippmann, nee Miss Mary Word as a result of membraneous croup. 2-17-1911 - DUNCAN - JOHN - - - - UNK - 2 14 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=John Duncan, who killed George Nichols in March 1909, and who was exonerated, was himself shot and assassinated at his home two miles west of Beck's Switch, Wednesday night, Feb.14,1911, by unknown parties. Three men are held by officers as suspects, viz., Sam Lyons, John Shelton, and Joe Walker. It seems that Duncan was a witness in a justice's case in Palestine Wednesday against Lyons in a case he had there about a cow, and Shelton was a witness for Lyons, and they had words that day. Shelton and Walker were together. Two or three attempts have been made on Duncan's life within the last two years, and his friends advised him to leave the countty. 2-24-1911 - FARRIS - HARRIET - L. - MRS. - - 5 29 1827 - 2 17 1911 - ARKANSAS - DEATH=LOSES MOTHER=Rev.J.K.Farris, presiding elder of the Helena district, lose his mother at Cato, Ark., Mrs.Harriet L.Faris, widow of Mr.E.A.Farris, both of whom were natives of York County, S.Carolina. Mrs.Farris born May 29,1827, and died, after an illness of two weeks, Feb.17,1911. She was a noble woman, a devoted mother, a kindly, thoughtful neighbor, and had been a consistent Christian since childhood. She was the mother of nine children, six of whom survive her. The precious remains were laid to rest the day following beside her lifetime companion. Rev.Farris had been with his mother for six days prior to her death. 2-17-1911 - KLOTZ - HENRY - - - - 11 25 1860 - 2 16 1911 - FLORIDA - DEATH=DEATH OF HENRY KLOTZ=The hardware store of W.F.Klotz was closed last Friday on account of the sad news of the death of their brother, Mr.Henry Klotz, at his home in Jacksonville, Florida on Thursday, Feb.16,1911. Mr.Klotz was prominent in the community in which he lived. He was born in Baltimore, Md., Nov.25,1860, and in 1874 with his parents moved to Pinckneyville. His father died twelve years ago and his mother preceded him in death three years ago, 1908. He was married to Miss Katherine Ricks Oct.5,1892 who survives him. Mr.Klotz united with the Central Christian church fifteen years ago. The services were by Spencer Taylor and J.R.Watt of the church. 2-24-1911 - THOMAS - HENRY - - - - UNK - 2 21 1911 - BIBLE UNION - DEATH=About two or three weeks ago The Times chronicled the death of Mr.Ed Thomas, who some years ago lived just at the skirt of woods west of town. This week we have the sad duty of recording the death of his brother, Mr.Henry Thomas, who died Wednesday night, Feb.21,1911 at his home five miles west of Colt of pneumonia, and was buried yesterday at Bible Union cemetery. He was formerly for a number of years the postmaster at Pine Tree, giving up that position about a year ago, when the office was abolished. He is survived by a wife, and one daughter, a sweet child about 9 years of age, to mourn his loss. He was a son of Lewis Thomas, who resided on the place just west of town, now owned by Brandon, Baugh & Co. We extend our sympathy to the family and friends. 2-24-1911 - CALDWELL - THOMAS - B. - - - UNK - 2 1911 - OKLAHOMA - DEATH= We have just learned of the sudden and tragic death of our oldtime friend and fellow citizen, Mr.Thomas B.Caldwell two weeks ago. He left this county about two years ago and located at Frederick, Okla., where he became a highly respected and popular citizen, being elected to the office of assessor of the county, which position he held, and served his constituents faithfully and well and with honor and credit. He was in the middle of a campaign for reelection, and was sitting reading a paper when he said Oh, and grasped his chest, and died. We extend our sympathy to the friends and relatives. 2-24-1911 - ARNETT - CHILD - - - - UNK - 2 1911 - DUNN - DEATH=LULU TIMES=Mrs.Arnett has the sympathy of the community on the death of her smallest child. It was buried at the Dunn's cemetery. 2-24-1911 - FRUILL - TWINS - - - - 2 1911 - 2 1911 - UNKNOWN - BABY=Mrs.S.Fruill is to be congratulated on the birth of beautiful twin babies. Both of whom died within a few days. Goodwin Times. 3-3-1911 - MALLORY - CHARLIE - M. - - - 2 15 1889 - 2 26 1911 - MT.VERNON - DEATH=CHARLIE M.MALLORY DIES=Mr.Charlie M.Mallory dies at Deering, Mo. Monday evening, Feb.26,1911. The news of the death was about 9 pm, of Mr.Charlie M.Mallory, a native of this city, and who up until about a year ago was a resident of Forrest City, and which came to be generally known Tuesday morning, came as a bolt from the clear sky, and spread a deep gloom over the city, and among our people. He was born in this city Feb.15,1889, and was therefore just entering his 22nd year-just in the dawn of a promising life. He was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage, and died about 15 minutes later. Mr.Mallory had been an inspector for lumber with the Forrest City Manufacturing Co., and then went to work for International Harvestor's plant at Deering, Mo. doing the same duties, where he worked until the time of his death. His precious remains were laid to rest in Mt.Vernon cemetery from the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Nelie Buford. Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church officiating. Mr.Mallory was a member of the Odd Fellows, and a member of the Methodist church. His father, brother, and Fenner Laughinghouse went to Deering to pick up the body, and accompanied the remains back home, along with Mr.Arthur Shelton who had been employed with the same firm, and had for many years been a friend. 3-3-1911 - ADAMS - JOHN - - - - 1861 - 3 1 1911 - BARNISHAW - DEATH=We regret to have occasion to chronicle the death of Mr.John Adams of near Pine Tree. which sad event occurred Wednesday night, Mar.1,1911, at his home , of pneumonia. He leaves a wife, Mary Jane, and five almost grown children, three girls and two boys, to whom and other relatives and friends we extend sincere sympathy. The remains were interred in Barnishaw cemetery. 3-10-1911 - BYNUM - MATTIE - J. - MRS. - - 2 26 1886 - 3 8 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=The Forrest City Times. March 24, 1911. Death of Mrs. Mattie Bynum. Mrs. Mattie Bynum, beloved wife of Mr. Lon Bynum, died Wednesday morning at her home north of the city after a short illness. Mrs. Bynum was in her twenty-fifth year at the time of her death, and leaves besides her heartbroken husband, four children, two boys and two girls, and a mother, three brothers and two sisters survive her. She had been a consistent faithful member of the Methodist church for seven years, and the funeral Thursday afternoon was from the residence, Rev. J. R. Nelson officiating and interment being had in the beautiful Hughes Cemetery. Deceased was a lovable Christian character and was greatly admired by all who knew her. To her husband and the little ones who are thus left without a mother's care, and to the other bereaved relatives we extend our sincerest and heartfelt sympathy.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/30/2007 3-10-1911 - PETTIT - J. - H. - - - 12 5 1865 - 3 5 1911 - CITY - DEATH=The Forrest City Times Newspaper of Forrest City, AR. Mar.10,1911 (page 250 of CD - 1910-1912 archives from the Newspaper)Death of J. H. Pettit Mr. J. H. Pettit, who in 1906, conducted a general store at Beck's Spur, and afterwards removed to and has since resided in Forrest City, and was lately employed at Bonner's store, died at his home in the Pettus & Williams addition last Sunday morning at 4 o'clock, after an illness of several weeks, terminating in pneumonia. The funeral services at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, were conducted at the residence by Rev. J. R. Nelson of the Methodist church, and at the grave were in charge of the Geo. P. Taylor Lodge, No. 198, I. O.O. F. Interment was made in the Forrest City, cemetery, in the presence of a large number of friends of the family, and the bereaved relatives. Mr. Pettit was a good man and a valued citizen, a loving husband and an indulgent father. He was a member of the Christian church, the Masonic Lodge, the I.O.O. F., the W. O. W., and perhaps other Christian and benevolent organizations, and tried to live up to the teachings and tenets of all of these, and his own high ideas of Christian manhood. He leaves a heart-broken widow and three small children to mourn, and in this great sorrow they have the kindly and sincere sympathy of the entire community. May God comfort and provide for them.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/6/2007 3-10-1911 - COX - JOHN - W. - - - UNK - 3 5 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=DICK COX DEAD=John W. "Dick" Cox, as he familiarly known, died Sunday, Mar.5,1911, at his home in Johnson township, of pneumonia, and was buried Monday afternoon at Hughes cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. He was a good man, and highly esteemed by a large circle of friends who had been drawn around him due to his sterling integrity and true manhood. He is survived by a wife, and several children to mourn their loss, and we would that we could write some word to assuage their grief. But words seem cold and unfeelings, and we can but commend them to God, who alone can succor the widow and orphans. 3-10-1911 - FISHER - J. - J. - - - UNK - 2 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mr.Max Yoffe has been appointed the administrator for the estate of J.J.Fisher, deceased, who died about three weeks ago and left an estate estimated to be worth $7000 or $8000. 3-17-1911 - GOVAN - DANIEL - CHEVILLETTE - GENERAL - - 7 4 1827 - 3 12 1911 - HILLCREST=HOLLY SPRINGS, MISS. - DEATH=ANOTHER CONFEDERATE JOINS SILENT BIVOUAC=Gen.David C.Govan, old confederate soldier, Indian agent under Cleveland, and for the past forty years he was one of the most popular planters in the tri-state territory, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.P.H.McKellar, yesterday morning, Mar.12,1911, at the advanced age of 84 years of age. The funeral will take place at Holly Springs, Miss. this morning, and the interrment will be in the family burial ground. Gen. Govan was a native of North Carolina, having been born in that state July 4,1827. When only a boy he moved with his father to Mississippi and settled in Marshal county, near Holly Springs. He was educated at the University of North Carolina, at Columbia, graduating from that institution in 1848. The following year he was seized with gold fever, and went to California, and in company with General Benjamin McCulloch and and a party of Tennesseans and Mississippians, he sought his fortune in the golden west. He returned in 1852, but moved to Phillips county, Arkansas, in 1853, and resided their until the outbreak of the Civil War, when he enlisted with the Confederacy. He organized a company, was made Captain, and went out in Cleburne's Division, Hardee's Corps. Later he was promoted to Colonel, and placed in command of the Arkansas brigade in Cleburne's Division. He took part in the battles of the army of Tennessee, serving under Sidney Albert Johnston and all the other commanders of that army. He and about 600 of his brigade were captured by Gen.Sherman in the battle at Jonesboro, Ga. He was never out of the service during the entire four years of the war. The Marianna division of the Daughters of the Confederacy bears his name. After peace was declared, he settled near Marianna, and used all his energies toward rebuilding his own fallen fortunes and those of his beloved Southland. He led the life of a planter until 1895, when he was appointed Indian agent by Pres.Cleveland, with Headquarters at Washington. For the past few years, he has lived with his children in Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee. Gen.Govan married in 1853 to a daughter of James Harvey Otey, Episcopal Bishop of Tennessee. Several children blessed this union, three of whom are still living. They are Mrs.P.H.McCullar of this city, Mrs.J.J.Sample of Magnolia, Miss., and B.M. Govan of Marianna Ark. Commercial Appeal Mar.13,1911. Deceased was well known here, and thoughout Eastern Arkansas. He was an uncle of Mrs.T.C.Merwin, and had visited here many times over the years. Mr.E.H.Govan came up from Helena on Sunday, and accompanied by Capt.T.C.Merwin to go to Holly Springs on Monday for the services. From notes on FindAGrave: During the California the gold rush, Govan, and his cousin Benjamin McCulloch who, along with his brother Henry Eustace McCulloch, would also become a Confederate general//He was commisioned Brigadier General on Feb.29,1863. 3-17-1911 - SMITH - SARAH - JANE - MRS. - - 12 9 1827 - 3 10 1911 - BYHALIA - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.SARAH JANE SMITH=There passed away Friday night, Mar.10,1911, at the home of her nephew, Mr.Wilbur Alley, in this city, one of the oldest and most venerated citizens of the city, in the person of Mrs.Sarah Jane Smith, who succombed to the inevitable after being an invalid for the last four or five years, and having been confined to her room and bed for about five weeks. Mrs.Smith was a native of Tennessee, having been born in Moscow, in that state on Dec.9,1827, and was the oldest child of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Alley. Mrs. Smith moved with her family to Byhalia, Miss., where she was married to Dr.Ben Smith, who preceeded her to the grave, having passed away in June, 1883. No children were born to this union. She is survived by two brothers, Mr.J.H.Alley of this city, and Mr.T.H.Alley of Colliersville, Tenn. and two sisters, Mrs.Martin Ballard of Rossville, Tenn., and Mrs.J.F.Bass of Beebe, besides numerous nephews and nieces, to all of whom, as well as those others, who numbered themselves among her friends, her death, although not unexpected, came nevertheless, as a sad shock. Mrs.Smith was a devout Christian woman, having joined the Methodist church in early girlhood, and in which she worked many years until her health prohibited her particiapation. The interment took place in Byahlia, Miss. cemetery Sunday afternoon, with Rev.Davis of Methodist church, that city, officiating, and the funeral widely attended. 3-17-1911 - KANE - W. - H. - - - UNK - 3 14 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=News reached the city Wednesday morning, of the death of Mr.W.H.Kane in Little Rock on Tuesday, Mar.14,1911, who for a long time was the fireman on the Rock Island switch engine here. Mr.Kane has a host of friends here, was highly esteemed, and quite popular. The news of his sudden death came as a distinct shock and is universally regretted. 3-17-1911 - STOKES - ONES - - - - UNK - 3 11 1911 - STODDARD FARM - DEATH=DEMOCRAT TIMES=Ones Stokes, of this county, was accidentally killed last Saturday night, Mar.11,1911, at Heth. He was buried on Mr.Stoddard's place, where his father and mother are buried. There are three brothers and four sisters to mourn his death. They have everyone's sincerest sympathy. 3-24-1911 - AVERY - LYMAN - J. - - - UNK - 3 21 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=DEATH OF MR.LYMAN J.AVERY=Relatives in this city were notified Tuesday night of the death, in Hot Springs, at 6 o'clock that night, Mar.21,1911, who succumbed to the inevitable after a two weeks' illness of grip. The young man was a son of Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Avery, who formerly lived here, and he himself was born here and lived here until his manhood, when he removed to Hot Springs, where he has since resided with his parents, and the news of his sad death, in the youthful heyday of a useful life, came as a sad and sudden shock. At the time of his death, he was a cashier of the Rick's National Bank in Hot Springs, and was held in the highest esteem and trust by his employers. He is survived by his father and mother and one sister, Mrs.William S.Lake who lives in San Francisco, California. He was a nephew of Mrs.C.L.Knight, of this city, and she and her son, Mr.H.A.Knight, went to Hot Springs Tuesday night upon receipt of the message announcing the death. The time for the funeral has not been announced, awaiting arrival of the sister from California. 3-31-1911 - BROWN - JOHN - M. - JR. - - 2 27 1885 - 3 25 1911 - CITY - DEATH=JOHN M.BROWN, JR. DIES=Though not unlooked for, the news Saturday, Mar.25,1911, that Mr.John M.Brown, Jr., had passed away that morning at his home in this city, caused a sincere wave of sorrow to sweep over the community, where the young man was so well known and universally beloved. Mr.Brown had been in failing health for about fourteen months, and various treatments had been resorted to in hope of saving or prolonging his life. He had been examined and underwent treatment at the hands of various physicians in Memphis and Little Rock, as well as home, and finally underwent an operation just before Christmas in Little Rock, from which he recovered, and after which he seemed to get better. But the improvement was only temporary, and in a few weeks was compelled to take to his room and bed, and in spite of all that medical care and kindly loving care could do, grew gradually weaker and weaker until the end. Deceased was the eldest son of Mr.& Mrs.John M.Brown of this city, and was in his twenty sixth year, having been born on Feb.27,1885, and had spent his life in this city. He was a quiet, unassuming young man, of a kindly, gentle disposition-sober, industrious and honest, and was beloved by all that knew him. Two years ago he was elected City Recorder, a position he held until his failing health caused his resignation. He had been a consistent member of the Methodist church for four years. He is survived by father and mother, one brother, William M.Brown, of this city, and two sisters, Misses Lelia A, and Alma A., of this city. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Forrest City cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church. Interment was had in the family plot, to which an immense concourse of sorrowing friends followed the hearse to pay their last respects to the deceased, and mingle their tears with those of the bereaved family. ONFAG 3-31-1911 - GUEST - ELLA - - MRS. - - UNK - 3 23 1911 - SAND RIDGE - DEATH=Mrs.Ella Guest, wife of Dr.W.M.Guest of Heth, died in the St.Joseph Hospital in Memphis, Thursday, Mar.23,1911, of last week, and was buried at the Sand Ridge cemetery where most of her people are buried. A large crowd of sorrowing friends witnessed the interment. She leaves a husband, who is confined to his bed with pneumonia, and was unable to attend the funeral, two grown daughters, and a little girl about four years old, besides other relatives to mourn her death, all of whom your correspondent begs to join with them in their hour of sorrow, and may God comfort their broken hearts and help them bear their troubles. Democrat Times, Silver Bill, No.2. MARCH 31,1911 FORREST CITY TIMES NEWSPAPER 4-7-1911 - HELBY - JAKE - - - - 1880 - 3 31 1911 - FAMILY GRAVEYARD - DEATH=DEATH OF JAKE HELBY=Mr.Jake Helby died at the residence of Mrs.Reed, in this city, Mar.31,1911. Mr.Helby returned from Ashville, N.Carolina, on Sunday evening previous to his death, the altitude of Ashville not agreeing with his health. After his return he seemed to improve under the careful attention of his mother and friends, but Death had claimed him, and on Friday his soul winged its way to heaven. Mr.Helby was the eldest son of Mrs.Tennie Helby, was born and reared in the St.Francis bottoms, and was 31 years of age. Jake was well thought of by all who knew him, and endeared himself to all by his genial and accomodating ways. The remains were carried to Whitmore, thence to the old home, and interred in the family graveyard, amidst a large crowd of sorrowing friends. Mrs.Helby, Mrs.Reed and Mrs.Smith desire to return thanks to the kindly neighbors and friends for aid in this hour of sickness and death. 4-14-1911 - GESSING - OTTO - - - - 1855 - 4 9 1911 - GERMANY - DEATH=DEATH OF OTTO GESSING=St.Francis county loses another honored and respected citizen. The sudden and unexpected taking away on Sunday night, Apr.9,1911, of Mr.Otto Gessing at his home Lakeside, about twelve miles below Madison on the St.Francis river, removed another landmark of that section, and a man who was widely known and universally loved and esteemed. Mr.Gessing had not been ill at all, he complained of being tired when he went to bed Saturday night, and asked at his store to not be disturbed, during the day Sunday. When the family went to his bedside, they found him unconscious, having suffered an attack of heart failure, and was unable to regain consciousness before his death. Mr.Gessing was in his 56th year, and was a native of Obernhan, Saxony, Germany, where he has a brother, Attorney Carl Gessing, and a sister, whose name we were not able to obtain. These and some nephews and nieces living in Colorado are the only known relatives. He came to this country about twenty five years ago, and settled in Madison, where until four years ago he was employed with Mr.Ed Berry, when he entered into a partnership with Mr.H.W.Robinson in the mercantile business in Lakeside. Mr.A.L.Stevens went down Monday to prepare the body, and brought it to Madison, where on Wednesday morning services were held under the auspices of Memphis Lodge No.26, B.P.O.E., of which he was a member, at the Methodist church. After the services, he was brought here to take a train to St.Louis, for cremation, then the ashes taken back to Germany for interrment. 4-14-1911 - GREER - SALLIE - - MISS - - UNK - 4 10 1911 - MARIANNA - DEATH=Miss Sallie Greer, ward of Lon Slaughter, died Monday, Apr.10,1911, at Palestine. The remains were embalmed by A.L.Stevens, and shipped to Marianna for burial. She was born in Marianna, and when her mother died two or three years ago, she went to live with Mr.& Mrs.Lon Slaughter of Palestine. Last week she returned from a visit to her sister in Millerton, Oklahoma, where she spent several months. From her letters, Mr.Slaughter surmised she was ill, and asked her to come home. She was so ill, she had to be carried from the train Thursday, and with the best medical skill available, it was not sufficient to stop the suffering until her death on Monday. The remains were brought here for interment on Tuesday, and the services were held at the Baptist church, where Rev.Arthur Fox performed the ceremonies. To her sisters Mrs.Mina Jones and other relatives, and to Mr.& Mrs.Lon Slaughter, we extend the Times sympathy. A pathetic incident in connection with the death of this lovely young lady was the presence of Mr.Elliott of Millerton, Okla., to whom she was engaged to be married in June. Marianna Index. 4-21-1911 - SCHMIDT - P. - H. - - - 1845 - 4 11 1911 - MAYBERRY - DEATH=DEATH OF P.H.SCHMIDT=Old and respected citizen of Wheatley passes away at his home after short illness. Last week we printed a local chronicle of the illness of our friend, Mr.P.H.Schmidt, and in this issue of the Times, it becomes our painful duty to pen the lines announcing to his friends and the public generally the death of this well known, and univerally esteemed character, the sad event having occurred Tuesday, Apr.18,1911, at his home near Wheatley, where he had been ill about three weeks with an attack of typhoid pneumonia. Mr.Schmidt was in his sixty sixth year, and was a native of Germany, though he had been living in this country for many years. He was a tailor by trade, and a master of that trade. He was also engaged in farming just north of Wheatley, where he raised three boys and two girls. About four of five years ago he opened a tailor shop in this city, and left the farm to his sons. He was a member of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No.1961, I.O.O.F, of this city. The funeral was held in the Mayberry church Wednesday afternoon, four miles north of Wheatley, under the auspices of the Odd Fellows of this city, Messrs.T.W.McClendon, Max Yoffie, Dr.F.J.McDougal, J.B.Terry, R.W.Payne, B.F.McCrary, W.A.Pearson, Robt.Brittain, L.M.Royal, and J.G.Sanders carrying out the impressive ceremonies in the burial service over the remains of their brother. He leaves a widow, three sons all grown, one married daughter, and a daughter of about 13 years of age, to mourn his death. 4-21-1911 - SULCER - SAM - - MRS. - - UNK - 4 16 1911 - LITTLE ROCK - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.SAM SULCER=Mrs.Sam Sulcer died at her home in Palestine, Saturday night, Apr.16,1911, after a short illness. Mr.Ainsworth of the A.L.Stevens undertaking establishment of this city, embalmed the body and shipped the remains to Little Rock, her former home for burial. The services were held at the home of her sister, Mrs.Saffenfield, 1100 Welch Street, Sunday afternoon, Rev.Few officiating. The pallbearers were selected from the Woodmen of the World, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, of which she was a member, and from Hunter Memorial church from which she previously worshipped. She is survived by her husband, two brothers, H.M.Hughuley of Atlanta, and R.J.Hughuley of Newport, and one sister, Mrs.Saffenfield. It is barely two years since Mr.Sam Sulcer claimed her from Little Rock to Palestine. 4-28-1911 - PATTY - KATIE - LUCILE - MISS - - 1910 - 4 21 1911 - GOODWIN - DEATH=Miss Katie Lucile Patty, seven month old child of Mr.& Mrs.J.A.Patty, died last Friday night, Apr.21,1911, and was buried the following day at the Goodwin cemetery. Goodwin Times. 4-28-1911 - HANCOCK - A. - T. - - - UNK - 4 25 1911 - HAYNES - DEATH=DEATH OF MR.A.T.HANCOCK IN HAYNES=This commuity was shocked Tuesday, Apr.25,1911, to learn of the death of A.T.Hancock, a worthy citizen of this county, who died at his home that morning. His death was the result of a stroke of paralysis, which came upon him about ten days ago. He had been in feeble health for several months. Mr.Hancock made his home here in Marianna for several years not long since, and was well known and liked by our citizenry. Somewhat eccentric, he was nevertheless, a man of unquestionable veracity and integrity. He never minced matters or veiled his meaning. The remains were interred in Haynes yesterday. Lee County Examiner. 4-28-1911 - DYKE - R. - H. - - - UNK - 4 19 1911 - MISSOURI - DEATH=THE DEATH OF DR.R.H.DYKE=A letter to Mr. & Mrs.W.W.Bryan from St. Louis, brings the sad news of the death of Dr.R.H.Dyke, which occurred in that city Apr.19th, 1911. The deceased was a prominent physican and druggist of Bell Flower, Missouri. His health having failed him, he and his wife went to St.Louis for treatment on Feb.12th, but to no avail. The remains were shipped to Prince Branch, Missouri, his boyhood home for burial by the Masonic order in the presence of his family and a large concourse of friends. The deceased was well known in Lee and St.Francis counties, having at one time practiced medicine at Haynes. He is a relative of Mr.W.W.Bryan. 4-28-1911 - MILLER - JOHN - OLIVER - PATROLMAN - - 11 9 1869 - 4 23 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=MURDERED POLICEMAN BURIED AT HUGHES CEMETERY=The remains of Mr.John Oliver Miller, the Little Rock patrolman, who was shot Sunday morning, Apr.23.1911. by a coachman named Will Williams, whom he was attempting to arrest, were brought to this city Wednesday and taken in charge by undertaker Stevens and taken to his old home near Colt, where services were held by Rev.May of the Methodist church, and the remains were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives, many attending from this city as well as the area surrounding Colt. Mr.Miller had only been on the job ten days. He was a native of this county having been born and raised near Colt. He is survived by a widow. one daughter, and a sister. 4-28-1911 - PILLERS - GEORGE - - - - UNK - 4 22 1911 - ILLINOIS - DEATH=Mr.Geo.Pillers drowned at the mouth of the Old River=He was employed at the Robinson place, Lakeside, and fell from a dugout or boat about six o'clock Saturday afternoon, Apr.22,1911, and drowned. He and another man, was crossing the river from a trip to Colden's trading boat, which is tied up at that point, and some how or another, he lost his balance and fell into the water. His body was not found for several hours. The body was brought to the city Monday afternoon, and undertaker Stevens communicated with the family, reaching a son, Mr.Chas.Pillers, and a daughter, Mrs.L.M.Bauer of St.Louis. The children came and claimed the body, had it shipped to St.Louis for services, and thence to Illinois for burial. 4-28-1911 - DIXON - HESTER - - MISS - - UNK - 4 23 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mrs.G.E.Fisher received a letter Sunday from Mr.S.E.Dixon, of Reyno, Ark., conveying the sad news of the death of his siter Miss Hester Dixon, who formerly resided in this city with Mr.& Mrs.John Hanna, had died at his home On Easter Sunday after a short illness. She had undergone an operation the day before for kidney trouble, and never recovered. Miss Dixon was a niece of Mr.Frank Danehower of near Haynes, and was well known here. 6-9-1911 - MILLER - P. - C. - JR. - - 7 1910 - 6 8 1911 - TRENTON, TENN. - DEATH=Death of Baby Miller=Prof.P.C.Miller left last week for Trenton, Tenn., where his family have been visiting with their friends and relatives for a month, in answer to a summons to the bedside of his precious son, P.C.,Jr., aged eleven months, who was said to be in a precarious condition, and suffering greatly from a malignant attack of whooping cough. There was rumor abroad here Monday that he had died, but that was a mistake, however he did die yesterday morning, Jun.8,1911. Arrangements are unknown. 6-9-1911 - BRANTLEY - HAZEL - ROWENA - - - 12 1910 - 6 5 1911 - CITY - DEATH=Hazel Rowena, 7 months old baby daughter of Mr.& Mrs.A.N.Brantley died at their residence in the Fussell addition last Monday, June 5,1911, of congestion, and was buried that afternoon at Forrest City cemetery. Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding. 6-16-1911 - WILLIAMS - BEULAH - ALICE - MISS - - UNK - 6 11 1911 - CITY - DEATH=Birth: unknown Death: Jun. 11, 1911 Miss Beulah Williams. After Long Illness and Brave Struggle With Grim Reaper, Passes Peacefully to Her Reward. The Times has from week to week during several weeks noted the serious illness of Miss Beaulah Williams, and her then condition, with sadness and still alarm, but with hope that she might yet win the brave and patient fight that she was making for her life; and even last week, we noted that her loved ones, who watched at her bedside thought her conditon improved. The supposed improvement was but the sweetness of her hope of heaven when it was revealed to her mind, June 11th, 1911, the pure soul left its earthly habitation of clay, and winged its flight to its Maker on high. And there was rejoicing in heaven. Miss Beulah Williams was a sister of Messrs. James W., of Wynne, and Elmer, of Washington state, and of Mesdames Fondren and O. E. Hambleton, of this city, and Rose West, of Felton. She was born near Union Springs, Alabama, and came to this county with others of her family many years ago. Of late years she has made her home at Wynne, with her brother Mr. Jas. W. Williams, and for several years was a in the millinery department and bookeeper of his store. She was entirely devoted to her relatives and they to her, and her untimely desmise is indeed a sad bereavement to them, and to many friends with whom she had surrounded herself by her kindly disposition and sweet devotion. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Elder Aldexander, of Wynne, assisted by Elder Garrott, the local pastor at the Baptist church, on Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, in the presence of a large congreation of relatives and friends which overflowed the building. In commenting upon her pure life and Christian character her pastor paid her glowing and deserved tribute. Friends spoke their love in generous and beautiful offering of flowers and all followed her earthly remains to the Forrest City cemetery where they were tenderly laid away to await the resurrection morn, when angels will sing: "Oh, grave where is thy victory, Oh, breath where is they sting?" and she will rise in glory everlasting. The Times feels deep and sincere sympathy for its friends, her bereaved brothers, sisters and other relatives. Her's was a lovely and lovable character, pure in every thought and deed, to whom they were deeply devoted. To them we know that our feeble pen can bring no surcease of sorrow, nor lessen their great loss one iota. We would that we could assurage their grief, or bind up their lacerated hearts, but this is divine, and God, who alone knows why it is best, says by faith we may see her again. To Him then they must go for consolation, and He will give them rest. Active Pallbearers:Capt.James Fussell/Mr.W.W.Campbell/Mr.Jno.W.Naylor/Mr.L.E.Davenport/Mr.Robert Benson/ and Mr.John W.Alderson.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/13/2007 FORREST CITY TIMES NEWSPAPER JUN.16,1911. 6-16-1911 - REED - ANDY - - MRS. - - UNK - 6 12 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=COWARDLY MURDER=Monday morning, Jun.12,1911, about 7 o'clock, Andy Reed brutally murdered his wife, at Madison, four miles from this city. We learn from Deputy J.T.Johnson the following particulars: Reed and his wife had separated, on account of his conduct with his step daughter. Sunday, he sent word to his wife to come and get her clothes, when she arrived, Reed emptied a shotgun into her body, not contented with this, he fired two rounds from a rifle, and fiendishly finished with a revolver, killing her instantly. He was under the influence of whisky, and gave himself up to Mr.M.O.Ballard. 12-8-1911 The jury found 6-16-1911 - BOYETT - FRANK - - - - UNK - 6 13 1911 - CITY - DEATH=FRANK BOYETT DROWNED=Tuesday evening, Jun.13,1911, news reached the city that Frank Boyett, only son of Mrs.Jennie Boyett, while in swimming with a party of boys at Madison, in the St.Francis river just below the Rock Island bridge had drowned. Immediately the family rushed to the scene, and on arrival found that Ples Young and Walter Scales had rescued the body from about fifty feet from where he had disappeared. Young Boyett had sent for his bathing suit, but the mother refused, and he borrowed a bicycle and came to get it himself. He was a good swimmer, and while swimming across the river, he was waiting on a snag waiting on his companions to reach a given point, then he was going to rejoin the swim. A.L.Stevens took the body, and prepared for burial, then took to the home near the Iron Mountain depot. The remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Rev.E.T.Mabley officiating. He leaves a mother, four sisters, and other relatives to mourn his loss. JUN.23,1911=Mrs.Bob Lawson, of Bogota, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs.Boyett, having come over for the funeral of Frank. 6-16-1911 - NASH - CHESTER - R. - - - UNK - 6 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=News reached the city last week of the death of Chester R.Nash, at Oakland, Calif. Mr.Nash was the son of Mr.A.M.Nash, a timber man who formerly resided and died here years ago. Chester was also a nephew of Mr.John Bell. 6-23-1911 - HARRIS - SAM - - - - UNK - 6 19 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=KILLED BY LIGHTNING=Coroner Todd was called Tuesday morning to hold an inquest over the body of Sam Harris, found dead in John Blount's field, about a mile east of town on the Choctaw Road. Harris was working in the field for Blount on Monday, and thinking he had jumped work, Blount and another man went to the field when they found his body, upright, next to a walnut tree. The verdict was death by lightning, as his shirt was holding him up by being driven into the tree by the force of the lightning bolt. Date of death was determined to be Monday evening, June 19,1911. 6-23-1911 - KIRKPATRICK - J. - W. - JUDGE - - UNK - 6 19 1911 - TENNESSEE - DEATH=JUDGE J.W.KIRKPATRICK=Ripley, Tenn., June 19,1911-After an illness of a month, Judge J.W.Kirkpatrick died here this afternoon at 4:15 pm. He had suffered an attack of pleurisy and developed peritonitus, and last Thursday his condition became serious, and Dr.B.G.Henning of Memphis, was called in consultation with Dr.G.A.Lusk, of this city. Judge Kirkpatrick had been a citizen of this place about thirty five years, and held many positions of trust. He was chairman of the county court about ten years, member of the Ripley bar for over fifteen years, and was the local attorney for the Illinois Central Railway and the Beech Creek Coal Co., of Kentucky, in which he owned considerable stock, as well as much valuable property in Ripley and Lauderdale county. He was prominent in business and his profession, a member of the Presbyterian church and an exemplary citizen. All his children were present at the time of his death. The funeral will be held here Tuesday. Mr.Kirkpatrick was the father of Scott Kirkpatrick, who in last December married Miss Ardale Rollwage, of this city, and Miss Montine Kirkpatrick, who is remembered for her frequent visits here. 6-23-1911 - HAWK - B. - C. - - - 1879 - 6 16 1911 - CITY - DEATH=DEATH OF MR. B.C.HAWK=Birth: 1879 Death: Jun. 16, 1911 Mr. B. C. Hawk died last Friday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of his brother, Mr. J. I. Hawk, in this city, after a short illness of some liver affection. Mr. Hawk came here on Wednesday of last week to visit his brother, whom he had been seen in some time, and on Thursday morning of the same week he went to Lexa to see about securing employment, he being a railroad fireman. Thursday afternoon Mr. Hawk received a phone message from a friend in Lexa, saying that his brother was quite ill, and he requested this friend to see to it that he was sent to this city. However, the young man did not reach here until Friday morning. He complained of feeling badly, and Dr. Rush was sent for, in the afternoon he grew worse, and in spite of all that could be done to relieve him, at the hour stated above, he answered the final summons and passed away. Deceased was a native of Lincoln county this state, and was in his thirty-second year. Besides his brother, Mr. J. I. Hawk, of this city, he leaves a father, who lives in Fordyce; one sister in Fort Smith, and one in Little Rock, to survive him and mourn his untimely taking off. Deceased had lately been working at Rochelle, Louisiana, and came from that place here. The funeral proceeded from the Hawk residence Saturday morning at 9, interment being had in the Forrest City Cemetery, where services were conducted by Rev. E. J. P. Garrott, of the Baptist church. While we did not know the young man, our sympathy goes out to the bereaved relatives in this sad hour of their deep sorrow. - Brenda Huntley Added: 3/22/2007-Forrest City Times Newspaper-June 23,1911 6-23-1911 - PROCTOR - JOHN - H. - - - 9 6 1852 - 11 1910 - WYLDS - DEATH=Sovs.M.N.Gaines, Orrin Winford, M.R.McCrary, Jno.M.Brown, and W.A.Pearson of Forrest Camp No.29, W.O.W went down to the Dan Wylds' place Sunday and unveiled a monument to Sov.J.H.Proctor. The unveiling was conducted with the usual apppropriate and beautiful ceremonies of the order, in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives of the departed brother. He was the husband of Adila Proctor who died Oct.6,1910. 6-30-1911 - BEEDLE - RUTH - - MISS - - 4 1910 - 6 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Little Ruth, 16 months old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Virgil Beedle died at the home of its grandparents, Mr.& Mrs.J.J. Reedy. Mr. & Mrs.Beedle are from Garrett, Illinois, and were here on a visit to relatives. Littte Ruth was their only child. 6-30-1911 - LEWIS - HARRY - G. - - - 5 2 1890 - 6 29 1911 - MT.VERNON - DEATH=Birth: May 2, 1890 Death: Jun. 29, 1911 Death of Harry Lewis. This community was inexpressibly shocked Thursday afternoon to learn that Harry G. Lewis, the 18-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lewis, had died at 4 o'clock that afternoon in a hospital in Knobel, succumbing to injuries received early that morning in falling from a moving freight train at Harvel, a small station on the Iron Mountain betwen Knobel and Poplar Bluff. The young man was picked up by the crew of a southbound train taken to Knobel, and his parents notified. His father left on the morning train for that city to be with the boy, and upon reaching there found that he was seriously hurt and almost in a dying condition. He rallied some during the day and Mr. Lewis phoned the anxious waiters at home that there were hopes of saving the boy's life. But the hopes were unfounded and in spite of all that could be done to prolong his life, he passed away at 4 o'clock. Deceased was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lewis, and besides his parents, leaves three brothers, Messrs, Wright, Tom and Walter Lewis, and two sisters, Mrs. Hugh McCormack, of this city, and Mrs. Max Durborow, of Laredo, Texas, to mourn his death. The remains were brought here this morning. The funeral is announced to take palce from the family residence this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Geo. H. Kirker, of the Presbyterian church officiating. Interment in Mt. Vernon cemetery.Forrest City Times Newspaper.-June 30,1911- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/22/2007 -12-8-1911 Andrew Reed and Dink Jackson were sentenced to hang Jan.19,1912 for this murder. 6-30-1911 - PEARSON - R. - M. - MRS. - - UNK - 6 30 1911 - LITTLE ROCK - DEATH=News reached the city at noon of the death of Mrs.R.M.Pearson at Little Rock this morning, Jun.30,1911. Mrs.Pearson was the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Tom Oury, who formerly resided here for several years. "Miss Effie" as she was known by all her friends, had been confined to her room and bed for a year or more suffering with muscular rheumatism, which suffering she bore with the patience and fortitude which marks the Christian. The funeral will be at Little Rock Sunday. 7-7-1911 Mrs.C.F.Hinton of Wynne was enroute to attend the funeral of Mrs.Pearson in Little Rock last week, who was her relative. Col. Ed Landvoight of the Times also attended the funeral. 7-7-1911 - BERGMAN - JOSEPHINE - R. - MRS. - - 8 30 1865 - 7 2 1911 - CITY - DEATH=Birth: Aug. 30, 1865 Death: Jul. 2, 1911 The Forrest City Times. July 7, 1911. Death of Mrs.Josephine Bergman. Mrs. Henry Bergman, of this city, died Sunday in Memphis after a surgical operation, and the remains were brought here Monday, arriving at 2 o'clock, and were taken to the family residence in the west part of town, and there lay in state until Tuesday afternon, when the funeral services were had, being conducted by Rev. J. R. Nelson, of the Methodist church, at the home at 5 o'clock, after which the remains were conveyed to the Forrest City cemetery and there interred under the auspices of the Knights & Ladies of Honor, in the presence of quite a number of friends and the surviving relatives. Mr. Bergman came here about six years ago, and has been employed with the Forrest City Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Bergman and children did not come until later, about eighteen months ago. They soon found friends among their neighbors, and were highty esteemed, as is evidenced by the many kind though sorrowful words of those who knew her best. Deceased early married a Mr. Fox, and two children blessed their union, but soon the Grim Reaper took him from her, and afterwards she was again happily married, this time to Mr. Bergman, with whom she has spent 23 years of happy married life and to their union four children were born, three of whom survive her. At the time of her death she was 46 years of age, and was an active member of the Methodist church, the Home Missionary Society and the K. & L. of H. She was a kind mother, a devoted wife, and accommodating and genial neighbor, whose death is deeply mourned by her family and those friends with whom she was intimately associated. We deeply sympathize with the bereft family in this, the greatest grief they have ever known. May God comfort them.- Brenda Huntley Added: 4/8/2007 7-7-1911 - AXLEY - MARION - - - - 1886 - 7 3 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Marion Axley, a young man about twenty five years of age, was killed Monday near Quigley in the St.Francis bottom. The young man was employed as a logging teamster in the George Rumage timber camp and met his death thru an accident while loading a sixteen foot oak log which rolled off a wagon and fell on his body, bruising and crushing him so severely that he died from his injuries in less than an hour. Coroner Todd was called and found the circumstances to be as stated. The A.L.Stevens undertaking establishment took the body and held until notified by family of disposition. 7-14-1911 - WALBRAUM - AUGUST - - - - 1895 - 7 10 1911 - BRINKLEY - DEATH=ONE KILLED, TWO INJURED-Accident at Crow Creek gravel pit results in the death of Mr.Gus Walbram and injury of two others. Last Monday afternoon, Jul.10,1911, while the switch engine crew with Engine No.1272 in charge of Engineer William Huffman of Argenta, and Conductor R.R.Ramsey, of Brinkley, was spotting empty gravel cars under the gravel trap in Crow Creek, the caboose had been placed between a string of eight empty cars and seven loaded ones which the engine was handling down the gravel spur, was shoved against the trap knocking it down and instantly killing Gus Walbraun, and injuring Mr.K.M.Wilkins of this city, and breaking the leg of Mr.Earl McPhaul, of Madison. These three men were resting under the trap in the shade. Coroner Todd after hearing testimony of Conductor Ramsey, Engineer Huffman, and others of the train crew, and Mr.Clem Walbraun, brother of the deceased, and son of Mr.Joe Walbraun of Brinkley who has the contract for loading gravel, the jury decided the cause of death was falling timbers caused by the fall of the trap being struck by the caboose. Gus Walbraun was a young man about 15 or 16 years of age, the youngest son of Mr.Joe Walbraun. Afterwards, the remains were released to go to Brinkley for burial. Aug.25,1911-Suit brought for $20,000 against the Rock Island by Administrator Joe Walbraum. 7-14-1911 - DOLAN - THOMAS - - - - UNK - 7 6 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=THOS.DOLAN SHOT BY J.J.HUGHES=Mr.J.J.Hughes of Haynes, and Memphis, was arrested in Memphis Sunday night charged with murdering Thomas Dolan, former Jockey, bartender of that city. From the Commercial Appeal:Thomas Dolan was shot and instantly killed Sunday, July 6,1911, in the Cordova Hotel by J.J.Hughes, merchant of Haynes, Arkansas, with a town residence in the Graham flats on Madison Ave. The shooting occurred in Room No.27 of that hotel, which had been taken by Hughes that morning. Four shots were fired by Hughes from an old style 45 calibre single action Colt's revolver. Hughes statement to Capt.O.H.Perry was that Dolan was a bad fellow, and had his diamond stud valued at $250 and refused to give it up, but said that when Dolan got to the room with Hughes, Dolan demanded $50 for the return of the stud. This brought words from both, and the shooting ensued. They had been out for two nights and he go my stud last night. Hughes three brothers, all wealthy men, prepared to spend their fortune in defending him, they are J.J. Hughes, J.L.Hughes, and W.S.Hughes. The accused is widely known as a merchant, polictician, planter, and banker of Haynes, Arkansas, with extensive holdings in Memphis. JULY 21,1911-Hughe Denied Bail=Prosecuting attorney asks Hughes if he has killed four other men, he admits to several. But he was never convicted of murder, he exclaimed, and that he had shot some men that did not die. 11-3-1911 Mr.J.J.Hughes is out on bond, and went to his home in Haynes, bond granted by Judge J.W.Parker after being denied initially by Judge Galloway in Memphis.12/1/1911-Mr.Hughes is ill with Bright's disease, and the Governor of Tennessee has asked for Governor of Arkansas to grant him to the authorities of Memphis. 7-14-1911 - BOOTH - BENJAMIN - F. - - - 8 28 1870 - 12 2 1910 - HUGHES - DEATH=Caldwell Camp No.421 W.O.W., will unveil a monument to Soveign Ben F.Booth at the Hughes cemetery on next Sunday, July 16,1911.Birth: Aug. 28, 1870 Death: Dec. 2, 1910 Mr.Ben Booth, who is quite well and favorably known to a large circle of friends, died in St.Josephs Hospital in Memphis at 9 o'clock this morning, Dec.2,1910, of dropsy and complications. The remains will be brought here this afternoon for interment at Hughes cemetery about 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Ben had been ill for a year and boarded with Mrs.Alice Rowland. We regret his demise sincerely. Forrest City Times Newspaper Dec.2,1910 7-21-1911 - LESTER - TOM - - - - UNK - 7 15 1911 - MISSISSIPPI - DEATH=SATURDAY NIGHT KILLING= Tom Lester, a timberman in the employ of Tom Green, who was driving a team near Cicalla, dead. Slim Daley, another timberman employed near Heth, a fugitive from justice, and a woman said to be the cause of the altercation, from the result of caused his death. A prisoner in the "bastille" is said to know more than he has said, about the Saturday night, July 15,1911, murder. Lester's body was found on the Rock Island switch between the rails, and upon examination it was found that there were several bruises on his face, and other parts of the body the Coroner decided cause of death was stamping by the foot of Daley to Lester's body. His body was brought to A.L.Stevens undertakers for holding until shipment to Hernando, Miss. 12-22-1911 Mr.D.B.Medaris charged with murder of Tom Lester has been arrrested and placed in the St.Francis county jail. 7-28-1911 - DYAL - JOHN - T. - - - 3 29 1861 - 7 23 1911 - GOODWIN - DEATH=DEATH OFJOHN T.DYAL=News reached this city last Sunday, July 23,1911, of the death of Mr.John T.Dyal. which occurred that morning in Troy, Ohio, where he and Mrs.Dyal were visiting, cast a gloom over this city where he was so well known and universally esteemed. The news came as a telegram to Dr.J.A.Bogart, and asking that he go to Goodwin and break the news to his son, Mr.Frank Dyal. It turned out that he and his wife were in Henderson, Tenn. and unable to be contacted until late Sunday afternoon and apprised of his father's death. The body was prepared in Ohio, and shipped to Goodwin for burial on Wednesday morning. Mr.Dyal was born in Ohio, having been born in Dover, Dover county on Mar.29,1861, and was therefore in his fifty first year. He came to Arkansas with his father in 1877, settling near Goodwin, where they resided until 1888, then returned to Ohio, where he was married to Miss Ella Fleming on Oct.26,1884. They returned to Goodwin in October 1888, and had since resided there. They raised three children, two of whom, Mr.Frank Dyal, and Mrs.John Wilmuth, and the widow survive him. He also has a brother, Mr.Frank Dyal of Seattle, Washington, and numerous other relatives who reside in Ohio. Mr.Dyal was one of St.Francis county's leading citizens. As farmer, stock raiser, and merchant he had made his mark and was looked up to and his word was as good ad his bond. The funeral was held at Goodwin Wednesday, by Elder J.K.Farris, of the Methodist church officiating. He was a member of the Odd Fellows and Woodmen of the World, and these lodges participated in the ceremonies. Pallbearers were:Judge E.A.Rolfe, Mr.Eugene Williams, Dr.J.F.McDougal, Mr.Chas.Walker, Mr.E.N.Harrod, Dr.G.A.McCormack, Dr.J.A.Bogart and Mr.L.R.Grobmyer. It is said over 500 attended the funeral, including:Messrs.A.L.Stevens, Chas.H.Sanders, Capt.T.C.Merwin, R.W.Payne, F.Laughinghouse, E.A.Rolfe, Eugene Williams, Mrs.Geo.Walker, Grandma Walker, L.R.Grobmyer and wife, Chas.Walker, B.D.Hatcher, John Tankersley, Dr.Bogart, Rev.J.K,Farris, Dr.J.F.McDougal. 7-28-1911 - HARVEY - T. - A. - - - 1886 - 7 19 1911 - BEEBE - DEATH=Mr.T.A.Harvey, aged 29 years, died on July 19,1911, after an illness of only eight hours, of congestion, seven miles southwest of Palestine, and the remains were shipped from Goodwin to Beebe by the Stevens Undertaking Establishment. Deceased had come here to work one week ago when death overtook him. 8-4-1911 - TOZER - GEORGE - W. - - - UNK - 8 1 1911 - HOUSTON, TEXAS - DEATH=A letter to Mrs.Jennie A.Harris from her daughter, Mrs.Nannie Harris Tozer tells of the death of her husband, Mr.George W.Tozer. He died last Tuesday, Aug.1,1911 and was buried Thursday. He had been confined to his bed for two weeks, knew them all till the last, but could not speak as his tongue was paralyzed. They lived at Houston, Texas. He leaves two children by his first wife, and four by his last wife. 8-4-1911 - RICHARDS - JAMES - EVANS - CAPT. - - 1833 - 7 28 1911 - RUSSELLVILLE - DEATH=DEATH OF J.E.RICHARDS=Arkansas Gazette, Saturday July 29,1911=Capt.James Evans Richards, 78 years old, died at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, July 28,1911, at the home of his son, William D.Richards, 2328 Izard Street. He was born in Alabama and is survived by two sons, William D. and W.H. Richards, and one daughter, Mrs.J.R.Lancaster of Siloam Springs, Ark.. He was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor of Russellville and of the Presbyterian church. Funeral services were held at the residence of W.D.Richards Sunday afternoon. Captain Richards was a member of the Second Arkansas Regiment, Company B., During the Civil War and was mustered in at Helena. under D.C.Govan, Hindman's Legion, Army of Tennessee of Confederacy. He fought in the battles of Murfreesboro, Lookout Mountain, Shiloh and several others. He was wounded in the battle of Franklin, Tenn. He was promoted from Second Lieutenant to Captain after the battle of Shiloh and remained a Captain in the Second Regiment until the end of the war. He was captured at Bardstown, Ky., and remained a prisoner for several months, after which he was discharged at Fort Chase. Capt.Richards was for some time a resident of St.Francis County having come here in his manhood, and where he married Miss Eliza Jones of this city, residing first in the L'anguille river country west of the city. Later he purchased a farm about eight miles south of town, and resided there until the eighties when his wife died, he disposed of the place and went to Russellville, Ark., where he married his second wife, a Miss McClure, who also preceded him to the grave. Since that time he has been spending part of his time in Little Rock, with his sons, part in Siloam Springs, and some time in this city and county, where it was his habit to spend a part of every fall in hunting and camping expeditions, being a great fox hunter, and very fond of sport. He was well known here and universally loved and esteemed. He was an uncle by marriage to Mrs.A.E.Matthews, Mr.John I.Jones, Mrs.A.A.French and Lawrence Jones, and to these and the other bereaved relatives and friends we offer our sympathy. 8-4-1911 - McADOO - ALVIN - - - - UNK - 8 3 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=John Winston, killed Alvin McAdoo, about two miles east of Goodwin, Thursday night, Aug.3,1911. Squire John Sherman did an inquest and found the murder justifiable homicide. 8-4-1911 - ELLIOTT - MARIA - - MISS - - UNK - 7 31 1911 - MISSISSIPPI - DEATH=A telegram received in this city Monday, July 31,1911, by Mrs.J.O.Winfield, brought the sad news of the death of Miss Maria Elliott, of Okolona, Mississippi. Miss Elliott resided here for some time a number of years ago and taught music in the public school. She was one of the brightest and jolliest of our young women in those days and very popular with a large circle of friends. 8-11-1911 - GORDON - GEORGE - WASHINGTON - GENERAL - - 10 5 1836 - 8 9 1911 - ELMWOOD - DEATH=GENERAL GORDON IN FINAL FIGHT=MEMPHIS, TENN.-SOLDIER, LAWYER AND STATESMAN DEAD=Worn out by an illness dating from his last political campaign, Gen.Geoge W.Gordon, when he was re-elected to the national house of representatives, the last General of the Confederacy to serve in that body has answered the summons to join the invisible majority. Weakened by the heat of the past few days and first taken ill at the reunion in Little Rock, he succombed to the ravages of a slow illness on Aug.9,1911. George Washington Gordon was born in Giles county, Tennessee Oct.5,1836. In his early childhood his parents removed to Texas, and later to Mississippi, but as a youth he returned to Tennessee and entered the Western Military Academy, from which he graduated in 1859. At the outbreak of the Civil War General Gordon enlisted as drill master of the Tenth Infantry of the Confederate States. Within a few weeks, he was made a Captain and later promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. A year later he was commisioned Colonel. In 1864 he was named Brigadier General. General Gordon participated with distinction in a number of engagements and at one time was taken prisoner, but was exchanged in 10 days. At the close of the war, he studied the law and was admitted to the bar. He first became Attorney General of Shelby County, after which he held a number of offices of public trust, and was elected to the Sixtieth congress from the tenth district of Tennessee. re-elected to the Sixty First, and Second. He was elected Commander in Chief of the United Confederate Veterans in Mobile and subsequently re-elected last May at the Little Rock reunion. He was credited with being one of the organizers of the Ku Klux Klan in Tennessee. 8-11-1911 - STEPHENSON - MARY - ANNA - MRS - - 1825 - 8 4 1911 - LAGRANGE - DEATH=Mr.Ainsworth of the Stevens Undertaking Establishment went over to LaGrange to attend the funeral of Mrs.Mary Anna Stephenson Saturday morning, she had died on Friday night, Aug.4,1911. Mrs.Stephenson was eighty six years of age, widow of the late John Stephenson of Memphis, mother of the late Beverly M.Stephonson, also of Memphis, and a great aunt, Mrs.W.Gorman, of this city, and died at her home in LaGrange, Tenn. Mr.W.P.Gorman and his mother went over to LaGrange Saturday and remained until the funeral Monday, Mr.Gorman returning Tuesday, and his mother remained for a longer visit. Mrs.Stephenson formerly lived in Memphis, and was a member of a prominent family there. We extend our sympathy to the family. 8-18-1911 - JONES - LOUIS - B. - - - 8 28 1868 - 8 5 1911 - MADISON - DEATH=CARD OF THANKS=We wish to extend our heartfelt and sincere thanks to all of those who so kindly assisted us in any form or manner during the illness and after the death of Louis B.Jones who died at his home here on Saturday morning, Aug. 12,1911. Words cannot express the deep sense of gratitude we feel toward those here in Madison, in Forrest City, and in fact, throughout the entire section where he was known, who proved themselves, indeed, in times of need. Sincerely, Mrs.L.B.Jones, W.T.Jones, Mr.& Mrs.E.Butler. Madison, Arkansas Aug.14,1911. Louis B.Jones, prominent merchant and respected citizen of Madison dies at his home Saturday morning, from typhoid fever after an illness of eighteen days. Mr.Jones was born in Hardeman county, Tennessee Apr.28,1868. He moved to this state about twenty five years ago, and since moving here lived first in Felton, Lee county, and then at Haynes. Later he moved to this county, living first on the Beck farm west of the city, and later taking a position as manager of the Graham farm, where he remained until the time he opened a business in Madison four or five years ago. He was a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist church, having joined that church about ten years ago. He was also a member of the Knights of Maccabees of the World, Woodmen of the World, and of the Odd Fellows, holding membership in the lodges of these orders in this city, and as he was in his duties to his family, his friends, and community, so he was in his church and lodge duties, a devoted guide and protector. The funeral Sunday evening proceeded from his residence, where presiding Elder J.K.Farris conducted the services, and then interment in the Madison cemetery, where the services were under the auspices of the Geo.P.Taylor Lodge No. 196, about forty five members attending. Mr.Jones is survived by heart broken widow, one son, W.T.Jones, of Madison, and three daughters, Mrs.E.Butler of Madison; Mrs.Ed Howard, of near Haynes, and Mrs.E.Cook of McRae. The following gentlemen were pall bearers:Mr.B.Fussell, of Forrest City;Mr.Ollie Sherrod, Mr.Joe Hendrickson, Mr.L.A.Lashua, Mr.Wm.Robinson, of Madison; and Mr,Fred Shreeve of Linden Island. 8-18-1911 - THOMAS - B. - F. - - - UNK - 8 7 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mr.B.F.Thomas died at his home in Jericho Monday, Aug.7,1911, at 10 o'clock am. He leaves a wife and five children to grieve. The family has our deep sympathy in their bereavement. Sloniker Mill Times. 8-18-1911 - JOHNSON - HARVEY - - - - UNK - 8 15 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=ACCIDENTAL KILLING NEAR QUIGLEY=Coroner Todd held an inquest Thursday at Heth over the body of Harvey Johnson, a young man who had been employed with a timber camp on the train road a mile or so north of Quigley. It seems that four oR five men were taking a lady who had visited friends in the camp to Quigley on a handcar Tuesday evening, Aug.15,1911 to catch the train to Memphis. On the way, he fell off unknown to the others. When they noticed him missing, they went back and found him unconscious, and took him to Quigley where he died within minutes. Coroner Todd found the death to be from accidental causes. 8-18-1911 - FRANKS - JOE - - MRS - - UNK - 8 13 1911 - CITY - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.JOE FRANKS=Birth: unknown Death: 1911 The Forrest City Times Newspaper of Forrest City, AR. August 18, 1911(page 375 of CD - 1910-1912 archives from the Newspaper)Death of Mrs. Joe Franks / Mrs. Joe Franks died at her home in this city last Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Franks had been in faliling health for the past several years, and the last spell of illness which ended in her death had lasted about four months. Mrs. Franks was born and reared in this city. She was a member of the Baptist church. She leaves besides her husband, a mother, four brothers, three sisters and a family of eight children; four boys and four girls, to mourn their loss. The funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock, the funeral preceeding from the house and interment being had in the Forrest City Cemetery. Elder Garrott, the pastor of the Baptist church, being absent from the city, Rev. E. T. Mabley, of the Episcopal church conducted the funeral services. We extend our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken husband, and the orphaned children who are left at an early age without a tender mother's care. Brenda Huntley. 8-18-1911 - STEELE - S. - R. - MRS - - UNK - 6 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mrs.S.R.Steele, wife of the new Forrest City High School Principal, died a couple months ago in Waco, Texas. Prof.Steele's mother, Mrs.H.R.Steele, was a Yarbrough who was born and raised in this county. 8-25-1911 - WASHINGTON - GUS - - - - UNK - 8 24 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Gus Washington, a hobo, who gave Plummerville, this state, as his home, had his leg nearly cut off, and died here Thursday, Aug.24,1911, morning after lingering several hours. It appears he was riding the second section of through freight train No.91 on the Rock Island, he got off the train, hearing of the treatment by locals of riders, and waited by the oil mill spur a short distance west of the station, and while attempting to board the train, he slipped and fell underneath the train. His cries for help alerted Mrs.Roberts, wife of the section foreman, and they got Dr.Rush to try and help him, but to no avail. The coroner's inquest found accidental death as cause. 8-25-1911 - KILLOUGH - MARY - E. - MRS - - 3 27 1840 - 8 8 1911 - VANNDALE - DEATH=Mrs.John W.Killough, of Vanndale, beloved wife of the ex-sheriff of Cross County, and mother of Hon.Ollie N.Killough, her only surviving child, and who is so well and favorably known here, died at her home on Aug.14,1911. She was one of the old residents of Cross County, enjoyed a wide acquaintance, and was loved by all who knew her. Friends in this and other counties greatly regret her death, and we join them in sincere sympathy to her son and other surviving relatives. 9-1-1911 - ISAACS - M. - - - - 1834 - 8 30 1911 - MEMPHIS - DEATH=DEATH OF M.ISAACS=One of Forrest City's foremost citizens crosses over, after long and painful illness. Mr.M.Isaacs, of this city, died at his home on East Cross Street, on Wednesday, August 30,1911, at 11:20 o'clock, after a long and painful illness, and the remains were shipped to Memphis for interment in the Jewish cemetery, on Thursday, Aug.31,1911. Mr.M.Isaacs was born in Posen, Russia in 1834, and was subsequently seventy-seven years of age at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife and seven children, the present Mrs.Isaacs being his third wife and mother of two of his children Miss Norma and Mr.Phillip Isaacs. He came to Arkansas early in life, and lived in Haynes a number of years, then he moved to Forrest City and engaged in the mercantile business and at one time being at the head of one of the largest and wealthiest concerns in Eastern Arkansas, and was located on the Southside, we think, where Judge B.D.Hatcher's Livery Stable now stands. He met reverses, but has manfully battled with life's uncertainties, and has always made a comfortable provision for his family, who later became well to do through inheritance. He had lived in Forrest City and Haynes about 37 years during which long time he has been a good citizen, a genial friend, and a believer in the future of this country. He engaged in the cotton business for years, being a buyer for the Lesser-Goldman Cotton Company, of which Julius Lesser, the deceased millionaire, was the "power" behind the throne. He was high in masonry, having reached the thirty second degree, and was a member here when they had a temple. Acting as escort, the Masons went with the body on the Rock Island, to include:Messrs.Sol Lewis, Isadore Yoffie, Rev.Kirker, A.L.Stevens, Robert Hamilton, and Charles H.Sanders. Arriving in Memphis, the remains were taken to his sister's home, Mrs.Ralph Bernhold, where Dr.M.Samfield, Jewish Rabbi, who performed the Jewish ceremonies, then the Memphis Lodge No.118, as he was a charter member of the Desoto lodge, F.& A. M., of that city fifty years ago. He was struck with rheumatism about a year ago, and had gone to Hot Springs for relief, but to no avail, and he returned home for the last year in bed. 9-8-1911 - MILLS - ROGER - QUARLES - SENATOR - - 11 30 1832 - 9 2 1911 - OAKWOOD - DEATH=ROGER Q.MILLS, SOLDIER AND STATESMAN DEAD=Corsicana, Texas-Roger Q.Mills, former Texas United States Senator, died at his home here, Sep.2,1911, He was noted Confederate soldier and one of the best known statemen of Texas. He was a native of Todd county, Kentucky, but when a young man moved to this state, starting out as a drug clerk and studying the law until admitted to the bar. He entered the war as a lieutenant colonel in the Tenth Texas infantry. Later he succeeded to the post of Command of the Regiment, and at Arkansas Post in January 1863, distinguished himself by withstanding for weeks a superior force of Union troops, finally being captured. He several months he was a prisoner of war at Columbus, Ohio. After his release he commanded regiments under Generals Braggs, Johnson, and Hood. His congressional carrer began in 1872 as a representative at large from Texas, followed by four terms from the Fourth District. He was elected to the Senate in 1892 and served until he resigned in 1899. Mr.Mills was seventy nine years of age. 9-8-1911 - LEGG - ROSA - - MRS - LANIER - 1868 - 9 6 1911 - COGBILL - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.E.H.LEGG=News reached the city Wednesday, Sep.6,1911, of the death of Mrs.E.H.Legg of Wynne, formerly Miss Rosa Lanier, of this city. Mrs.Legg had suffered for several months with a complication of stomach troubles, having been operated on in Memphis about three months ago-for gall stones, and after the operation, cancer of the stomach appeared. All that medical skill and care was unable to stem the disease. Mrs.Legg was in her 43 rd year, was a native of this county, having been born and reared on the Lanier homestead just north of the city. Besides her heartbroken husband, she leaves a sister, Mrs.Sallie Wise, of Paragould, and three brothers, Mr.W.J.Lanier, of this city; Mr.R.J.Lanier, of Caldwell; and Mr.J.L.Lanier of Memphis, to mourn their loss. Mrs.Legg was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and the funeral proceeded from that church to the cemetery in Wynne this morning. 9-8-1911 - FOLEY - MYRTLE - - MISS - - 11 14 1898 - 9 5 1911 - GOODWIN - DEATH=GOODWIN TIMES-Little Myrtle May, the twelve year old daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Foley, died Tuesday, Sep.5,1911, and was buried the following day at the Goodwin cemetery. 9-8-1911 - HAMBLIN - J. - L. - MRS - - UNK - 9 7 1911 - MISSISSIPPI - DEATH=Mr.J.E.Satterfield came down to make arrangements for the burial of Mrs.J.L.Hamblin, who died last night, Sep.7,1911, of congestion, she lived on his place. The remains were embalmed by Stevens Undertaking Establishment, and will be shipped to Mississippi, for interment. 9-8-1911 - TODD - WALTER - - - - 1907 - 9 6 1911 - WYLDS - DEATH=Mr.& Mrs.Joe Todd have the sympathy of the community on the loss of their darling little son, Walter who died Wednesday, Sep.6,1911, of congestion, at their home near the Cut Off. Litle Walter was about four years old, and was the idol of his fond parents hearts. The precious baby was laid to rest in the Wylds cemetery Wednesday afternoon in the presence of friends and family. 9-15-1911 - MYERS - BENJAMIN - - - - 1830 - 9 4 1911 - NORTH STAR - DEATH=DEATH OF MR.BENJAMIN MYERS-The funeral of Benjamin Myers, who was found dead in bed Monday morning, Sep.4,1911, and who died as a result of injuries sustained from being hit in the head with a base ball, will be held today at the Truesdale chapel on West Main Street, and burial will be at Riverside. Myers who lived at 509 Phelps Ave., was watching a base ball game on the East avenue diamonds Sunday morning, when he was hit by a batted ball just above the left ear. Dr.L.H.Stewart was summoned and the injured man was revived. Sunday night he retired in apparently good health. His wife was in Otsego, and Monday morning when his sister went to call on him for breakfast, she found him lying face downward on his bed dead. Death had resulted in a hemmorhage of the brain. The Kalamazoo Gazette, Mich.-Sept.6,1911. Deceased was a brother of Mr.John Myers of this city, and he went to the funeral last week. 9-15-1911 - WOOD - J. - J. - SQUIRE - - 1827 - 9 8 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=DEATH OF SQUIRE J.J.WOOD=One of St.Francis County's oldest and best citizen goes to his reward. We have received meager news of the death of Squire J.J.Wood, of Prairie township. He was born in Maury County, Tennessee, in 1827, came to this county soon after the war, about 1865 or 1866, and died at his home near Palestine, Sep.8,1911, of kidney trouble and complications. He was 84 years of age. A member of Cumberland Presbyterian church and of the Masonic fraternity, and lived an upright, Godly life. His remains were interred in the family cemetery on Saturday in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives, and we have heard the Presbyery was in session, and ministers held the ceremony who attended the body. He is survived by several children, Bob and Lucius Wood, Mrs.Watts, of Texas, and others whom we did not receive the names. Squire Wood was a familiar figure in Forrest City and will be missed. 9-15-1911 - ROGERS - R. - O. - MRS - - UNK - 9 12 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=The Commercial Appeal special announces the death of the wife of Rev.R.O.Rogers, formerly pastor of the Christian church here, She died Tuesday, Sep.12,1911, at her home in Altus, Oklahoma, and the remains were brought back here to Paragould, their old home, for interment yesterday. Rev.Rogers established the church at Paragould. 11-10-1911 9-22-1911 - MANN - MARY - - - RAMSEY - 1 24 1869 - 9 15 1911 - CITY - Believe this to be the wife of local attorney and Judge, Samuel Henry Mann. They were the driving force behind the Forrest City Public Library.MRS. MARY RAMSEY MANN. Beloved Wife of Judge S. H. Mann; Passes Peacefully to Her Maker. Died in Little Rock Sanitarium. News Casts Dark Veil of Gloom Over Entire Community of Friends and Lacerates the Hearts of Her Family. Last Friday was a day of real and deep sorrow to many hearts and minds in Forrest City. News was early abroad that Mrs. S. H. Mann was dying in the Battle Creek Sanitarium at Little Rock, and rapidly spread deep gloom over the entire community of her friends; but when later the knell of death was sounded, hearts were torn and lacerated, and grief knew no bounds. Mrs. Mary Ramsey Mann was the eldest daughter of Nathaniel P. and Judith D. Ramsey, and was born January 24, 1869, at Trenton, Tenn. She spent much of her girlhood in school at Franklin, Tenn., and graduated in Nashville at Price's College with the highest honors of her class. She was married to Mr. Samuel H. Mann at Humboldt, Tenn., on June 5, 1889, and to their union four children were born, viz: Frances R. Mann, Sam H. Mann, Jr., Mattie H. Mann and Edwin Earl Mann, all of whom survive her except the latter, who died in Forrest City in 1898, while yet an infant. With the exception of the first two years, she lived all her married life in Forrest City. Three brothers, Messrs. R. W. and J. B. Ramsey, of Memphis, and E. D. Ramsey, of Clinton, Ky., two sisters, Mrs. W. C. Porter, of Clinton, Ky., and Mrs. J. H. Davis, of Baltimore, Md., and her husband, Judge S. H. Mann., of this city, also survive her. Mrs. Mann had been in falling health for several years, and had sought the advice and skill of the best physicians. It was with hope tht the diet, the quiet and the scientific treatment woudl benefit her, that she went a short time ago to the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Little Rock. While there she had the most careful nursing, and at first seemed to improve. Even as late as the early part of last week there had been no alarming symptons of any change for the worse, and it was not until Tuesday that Judge Mann, upon his arrival here from Memphis, where he had been on professional business, learned from his daughter, Miss Frances, who had received the sad news during his absence, that Mrs. Mann was nod doing so well, and requesting his presence at her bedside. Mr. Mann and daughters left at once, and upon reaching their destination saw the terrible truth that she could scarcely survive another day, and they remained there watching and hoping against hope, until the end. Mrs. Mann died at 3 o'clock, p.m., on Friday, September 15, 1911. The remains were prepared for burial and shipped here, being accompanied by Judge Mann and other relatives and friends, the young ladies and Sam, Jr., having returned on an earlier train. Upon arrival here, scores of kind and loving friends met the grief-stricken husband and other relatives, and the remains were tenderly removed form the train to the hearse by friends and taken in charge by the Stevens undertaking establishment and conveyed to the family residence, where they lay in state until Sunday afternoon at 1 o'vlock, when the funeral corlege wended its way to the Forrest City Cemetery, where, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives, near and dear friends and acquaintances, the precious remains were interred. Rev. J. R. Nelson, of the Methodist church, officiating. The service of song by the choir, composed of friends of long standing, and of tunes dear to the heart of deceased, was beautiful indeed, and when the officiating minister spoke so tenderly and feelingly of the sweet, womanly life that had been taken, there were tears of sincere sorrow in the eyes of every person present. Mrs. Mann was a most excellent woman. Endowed with great natural ability, talented, cultured, and of great intellectual attainments, she was, withal, so modest and unpretentious, quiet and courteous, that she had surrounded herself with a very large circle of earnest friends, with whom, when in health, she passed many pleasant hours in doing good. She was a member of the Methodist church, of the Comos Club, the Ophelouslan Circle, the Knight and Ladies of Honor, and perhaps some other organizations, in all of which she was most hightly esteemed and an active member. Her death was a great shock to the entire community of her friends and acqaintances. and our heart goes out to him whose heart is sore and bleeding at the loss of her who has been his other self, the sweetest, gentlest and wisest counsellor and truest, bravest and best of friends, throught all the years, in tender sympathy. Few women who ever lived in Forrest City were more greatly esteemed than Mrs. Mann, and the attestation of her noble character and the esteem in which she was held in the community was shown in slight degree by the large assembly of sympathetic and loving friends who paid tribute to her memory and piled her grave high with rare and beautiful flowers emblematic of her pure sweet life. The out of town relatives and friends who came to mingle their tears of sorrow with the immediate family, and comfort them as best they could were: Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ramsey, Earl Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Northcross, Memphis; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mann, Mr.s V. V. Mann, Miss Mamie Mann. Estes Mann, Burk Mann, John Mann, Vlertoria and Pearl Mann, Mrs. A. Knox, Eva Knox, James Knox, Mrs. Will Brasher, Pine Bluff: Mrs. B. G. Green, Elizabeth Green, Virginia Green, Coldwater, Miss: Mrs. J. H Davis, Baltimore, Md.: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Walker, Brownsville, Tenn: Mrs. J. T. Herron, Jackson, Tenn: Judge E. A. McCulloch, Little Rock, Ark. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas: The Great Supreme Exalted Ruler has called from his dide the beloved wife and helpmeet fo our worthy brother and friend. Hon. S. H. Mann; and Whereas; We know that this has been to him a fearful calamity, and that his heart is sore and lacerated by this awful and quite sudden seperation from her who has b 9-22-1911 - O'DANIEL - H. - T. - - - UNK - 9 17 1911 - GRAHAM - DEATH=DEATH OF H.T.O'DANIEL=H.T.O'Daniel was born May 17,1840 at Holly Springs, Miss., and came to Arkansas twenty five years ago, where he has since resided. He was twice married, his last wife being Mary Camp, and to which union one child, Miss Lillian was born, and survives him. He joined the Baptist church in early life, and his membership transferred to the church in Wynne, Ark. He was a planter and a good one, earning a very satisfactory livelihood. When the Civil War came, he enlisted in the 27th Mississippi Infantry, and was a brave and gallant soldier, participating in some of the fiercest affrays. He died at his home in the Higgs Hotel in this city, Sunday, Sep.17,1911, of Bright's disease, and though he had sufferered much, he had wonderful fortitude and tenacity, and was only confined to his bed one day. The funeral was conducted by Elder E.J.P.Garrott of the Baptist church on Monday, and the remains were interred in the Graham cemetery in the presence of a large number of sorrrowing friends and relatives. Mr.O'Daniel was a good man, and a familiar figure on the streets of Forrest City. His daughter, Miss Lillian is the chief operator of the telephone exchange. 9-22-1911 - COX - JOHN - - - - 6 7 1833 - 9 19 1911 - CITY - DEATH=THE FORREST CITY TIMES Sept. 22, 1911-GOOD MAN GONE. Uncle John Cox, of Yocona, Passes to His Reward, Aged 78 Years. John Cox, Sr., aged 78 years, was born in South Carolina, in 1833, spent his early life in Mississippi, and came to Arkansas in 1869, having lived in the State 42 years, and for 38 years resided continuously in his dear old home, in the Yacona settlement, in this county, about five miles Southeast of Forrest City, where he died on Tuesday evening, September 19th, 1911, at 5:45 o'clock, of congestion. The funeral took place from the home about 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, and the remains, followed by sorrowing relatives and a large circle of friends, were brought to Forrest City and interred in the Forrest City cemetery, under the auspices of Forrest City Lodge No. 198, F. & A. , M. at 4 o'clock. Eld E. J. P. Garrott, of the Baptist church, conducted religious ceremonies, and the Baptist choir sang a number of the old and beautiful gospel hymns of which he was so fond during his life. Immediately after Eld. Garrott's remarks, Rev. Geo. R. Kirker, W. M. and Bro. Eugene Williams, Chaplain, read the beautiful ritual burial service of the Masonic lodge, and all that was left of our dear old friend, was tenderly and lovingly laid to rest by his brother Masons. Uncle John Cox, as he was familiarly known, has been our good friend for 25 years. His was a familiar figure in Forrest City where he frequently came on business, and mingled with friends, of whom he had many. He was an honest, upright man, gentle and patient with humankind, unpretentious, and hence hightly esteemed by all who knew him. He lived a quiet, peaceful life, joining the Methodist church in his younger days, and eighteen years ago uniting with the Baptist congregation at the Poplar Grove church in his neighborhood, and living a consistent christian life. He leaves four sons, Messrs, John, Tom, Roe and Jesse and two daughters Miss Iva and Mrs. Danehower, besides other relatives and a large number of close friends to mourn his death. He was a Mason in good standing, having been an active and consistent brother for many years, and , we are informed, was also a member of the Knights & Ladles of Honor. John Cox, Sr., was a confederate soldier, Sanders' Battalion Cavalry, (we could not learn further particulars of his entlistment) and and served his country faithfully and well. He had been having chills, and feeling badly for several days, but died rather suddenly, having been seriously ill but one day. He was in town only last week, and when we met him was feeling quite as well as usual. He has gone to his reward, and we deeply sympathize with the family who are so terribley bereaved. May God comfort them. The floral offerings were very beautiful, and the newly made grave was piled with rare flowers as a slight token of esteem in which he was held by the donors.- Brenda Huntley Added: 3/23/2007 9-22-1911 - KIESEL - LIZZIE - - MRS - TUCKER - 2 16 1889 - 9 16 1911 - EAST HILL - DEATH=A letter received from Palestine, Texas from Mr.Ed Kiesel, formerly of this paper, announces that his wife, Mrs.Lizzie Kiesel is dead at the age of 22 years, 7 months, she died in that city Saturday, Sep.16,1911 of malarial fever and eara pelas, after a brief illness of two weeks. The funeral took place from the residence of her mother, Mrs.M.E.Tucker, and itnerment was done at East Hill cemetery on Saturday afternoon. She leaves a husband, and two little girls, her mother, and several other relatives to mourn her loss. 9-22-1911 - CARROLL - E. - T. - - - UNK - 9 15 1911 - ELDORADO - DEATH=BRAVE MAN KILLED=Mr.E.T.Carroll, depot agent at Caldwell, shot to death by desperate criminal. Officers were notified last Friday, Sep.15,1911, that Agent E.T.Carroll, of the Iron Mountain Railroad, at Caldwell, a small station about six miles north of the city, had been shot while serving with a posse which had been deputized by Deputy Sheriff Cliff Brown to arrest Joe Cantrill, a criminal, from Cross County for a shooting in Earle in the spring. While in a home of Willie Thellman, where Cantrill had hid under a bed, Mr.Carroll was shot with a Colt automatic 32 pistol six times. A shootout ensued, and Cantrill escaped. The next day his dead body was found about three hundred yards from the house where he had hidden. Carroll's body was brought to Forrest City Friday night, and shipped to Eldorado, Ark. for interment. 9-22-1911 - CANTRILL - JOE - - - - UNK - 9 15 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=BRAVE MAN KILLED=Mr.E.T.Carroll, depot agent at Caldwell, shot to death by desperate criminal. Officers were notified last Friday, Sep.15,1911, that Agent E.T.Carroll, of the Iron Mountain Railroad, at Caldwell, a small station about six miles north of the city, had been shot while serving with a posse which had been deputized by Deputy Sheriff Cliff Brown to arrest Joe Cantrill, a criminal, from Cross County for a shooting in Earle in the spring. While in a home of Willie Thellman, where Cantrill had hid under a bed, Mr.Carroll was shot with a Colt automatic 32 pistol six times. A shootout ensued, and Cantrill escaped. The next day his dead body was found about three hundred yards from the house where he had hidden. 9-29-1911 - PETTY - J. - H. - - - UNK - UNK - CITY - DEATH=MONUMENT UNVEILED BY WOODMEN OF THE WORLD=On last Sunday, the Woodmen Camp of Forrest City dedicated a monument in the Forrest City cemetery to their dead Sovereign J.H.Petty, An organ was taken to the cemetery and the choir with:Mrs.B.T.Manning, Mrs.T.V.Prude, Mrs.Henry Pettus, Messrs.W.W.Hughes, and A.A.French. Hon.Wm.H.Rector, Assistant Attorney General of Arkansas, of Little Rock delivered the magnificent address. 9-29-1911 - MYERS - DAVE - - - - 1905 - 9 24 1911 - ELMWOOD - DEATH=Mr.& Mrs.W.E.Allen received the news that their beloved little grandson, Dave Myers, son of Mr.& Mrs.D.R.Myers, of Memphis, and are sorely bereaved. The little fellow died Sunday, Sep.24,1911, from blood poisoning from a scratch on one of his feet, aged about six years, and was buried at Elmwood cemetery in Memphis. The bereaved family have our sympathy in their sore distress. 9-29-1911 - HARRIS - FRANK - RUSH - - - 6 8 1869 - 9 23 1911 - MADISON - DEATH=DEATH OF FRANK RUSH HARRIS=Frank Rush Harris was born in Forrest City in 1868, and was therefore 43 years of age at the time of his death, which occurred at his home one half mile east of Crow Creek, on what is known as the old Sam Cobb place, on Saturday night, Sep.23,1911, of pneumonia, after an illness of about three weeks. He was the second son of Terrill R. and Jennie A.Harris, and his mother, two brothers, Chas. and Claud Harris, and two sisters, Mrs.Tozer of Houston, Texas and Mrs.Ed Gurley, of Memphis, his wife and six children, 3 boys and 3 girls, the oldest being Miss Ethel being 14 years of age, survive him. The funeral took place Sunday from the family residence, and the remains were interred in the Madison cemetery, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Frank Harris was a member of the Methodist church of Madison, and the Knights of Honor, in which latter organization he carried $500 in insurance. He had lived on the Sam Cobb place about two years, and was engaged in farming. He leaves a large family and they are in rather straightened straits, by reason of much illness. Mrs.Harris and two of the children being quite sick, and requiring medical attention. 10-6-1911 - POKER - WILL - - - - UNK - 10 3 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Last Tuesday, Oct.3,1911, a man named Tom Walker killed Will Poker, near Fishing Lake, by emptying two loads of shot in his body. Walker came to town and gave himself up, claiming justification under the "unwritten law." 10-6-1911 - HUMPHREYS - WILLIAM - - - - UNK - 10 5 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Old man William Humphreys, a respected and enterprising, well to do man who lived about two miles east of town died at his home, yesterday morning, Oct.5,1911. 10-6-1911 - COOK - W. - H. - MRS - - UNK - 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mr.W.H.Cook has been In an unhealthy condition for two years, and who has been seriously ill, has been taken to St.Joseph Hospital in Memphis, just after his wife's death. He has returned and has gradually improved. Mrs.Cook had been unhealthy for a long time, and gradually grew worse, and finally entered into peaceful rest. She leaves a husband, and seven children, and five grandchildren to mourn her loss. Her eldest daughter, Mrs.Joe Gross, has been ill ever since, but she is better now. Democrat Times. m 10-6-1911 - THOMAS - HENRY - - - - UNK - 9 29 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=An honest man is one of God's noblest works, and death surely claimed on when he laid his hand on Mr.Thomas Henry, a prosperous farmer of Griggs township. His death occurred last Friday night, Sep.29,1911 at his home on Fishing Lake. Henry had the respect and confidence of everybody, and his word was eqaul to a secured bond. He leaves quite a landed estate, $3,500 in insurance, and was an extensive renter. His son, Walter, is a merchant in Madison will continue his planting interests. 10-20-1911 - WHITTENTON - ROBERT - IRVIN - - - UNK - 10 16 1911 - CITY - DEATH=DEATH OF ROBERT IRVIN WHITTENTON=The second son of Mr.& Mrs.John I. Whittenton of Yocona, neighborhood, died at the home of his parents, Monday night, Oct.16,1911, after nine days of sickness with malarial hematura. The young man, who was a brght, lovable boy was attending school at Yocona schoolhouse at the time of being stricken with his fatal illness. Besides his parents, he leaves four brothers, Clifford, Thomas, Jack and Jamie, five sisters, Mrs.Will Fisher, of this city, and Misses Nora, Deta, Mabel, and Ola survive him and mourn the loss of their loved one. The funeral proceeded from the family residence to the Forrest City cemetery, where Elder E.P.J.Garrott of the Baptist church, of this city, performing the ceremonies. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. 10-20-1911 - LACEY - NATHAN - - - - UNK - 10 16 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=ONE FIEND LESS A TERRIBLE EXAMPLE-Nathan Lacey, a notorious rapist, meets his deserts. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs.Tom Cox, while ironing clothes, was oblivious to the entrance thru the back door of Nathan Lacey, employed on the farm, and he grabbed her throat, and threw her on the hot stove where she was burned, they went into the yard where he continued his attack, when the young boy shouted that his father was returning, and would cul ol Nate's head off for killing mama, Lacey became alarmed, and fled from the neighborhood. A crowd of very angry men formed a posse, and pursued him, and Sunday night, found him on the Jim Wood homestead on the Yarbrough farm about three miles east of Colt. He was in bed, and when commanded to get up, he did so readily, and was taken to jail for safekeeping. After rumors of militia being sent by Governor to protect him, a crowd of 200 surrounded the jail, and took Lacey out to Summit, an old brick yard, about a mile east of the city, and lynched him. Lacey was out on bail for a similar assault offence, posted by the same Mr.Tom Cox. On Tuesday morning, Mr.A.L.Stevens and S.B.Courad cut him down, and was buried in a wooden coffin brought with them, and buried by the Rock Island section gang, on the right of way for the railroad. Judge Rolfe, Sheriff Mallory, and other officers of the court tried to prevent this from happening, but they were overtaken by the crowd. 10-20-1911 - COLLIE - ROBERT - - - - 1856 - 10 12 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=Mr.Robert Collie died on Thursday of last week, Oct.12,1911, at his home in the Fulwood neighborhood, about 5 miles northeast of Forrest City, of malarial hematuria, after a brief illness of only three or four days, and the remains were interred in the Hughes cemetery in the presence of a large number of friends. He was 55 years of age, a good citizen, and had the respect of all who knew him. He leaves a family of four children, two married, and two unmarried. We extend to the bereaved ones sincere sympathy in their darkest hour of adversity. 10-20-1911 - BLACKMAN - BETTIE - LEE - MISS - - - 10 12 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=The young and beautiful daughter, Bettie Lee, of Mr.C.Y.Blackman died at their home in the New Castle neighborhood on Thursday of last week, Oct.12,1911, of convulsions, and was buried at the Hughes cemetery on Friday. The family and others bereaved have our sincere sympathy. She was a splendid girl, smart, and studious and had a lovely disposition, and was popular with a large circle of friends and schoolmates. 10-20-1911 - COFFMAN - FRANK - A. - - - 1850 - 10 12 1911 - CITY - DEATH=The remains of Mr.Frank Coffman, which have been held at Stevens Undertaking Establishment, awaiting his relatives wishes, has been buried in Forrest City Cemetery. Funeral from Stevens Parlor. AGE 61. Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church on Oct.29,1911 conducted the funeral services in the presence of friends and strangers. Mr.Coffman was but a stranger in our city, having followed farming for a livelihood, in various parts of the county, and his acquaintance was limited. The brothers in the north, who who are quite wealthy, were contacted but did not respond, after asking if he left an estate, which he did not, and they became silent. Mrs.Geo.H.Abell, a cousin of Mr.Coffman, was the only one with a spark of sympathy in her heart, but was unable to get the family to bring him home for burial, and she was unable to help financially herself. Comment is unncecesary. 10-27-1911 - TARVER - CHARLEY - BIRD - - - 7 31 1873 - 10 26 1911 - CITY - DEATH=CHARLES BIRD TARVER DEAD=The death of Charley Tarver cast a deep gloom and great sorrow over the city yesterday when it became known. After a long, painful, and severe illness, against which he struggled manfully, and through which he was given every attention that medical skill and kindly loving care could suggest. Charley Bird Tarver passed to his reward Thursday morning, Oct.26,1911. Mr.Tarver was born in Pleasant Hill, Mississippi, July 31,1873. He moved to Arkansas about eight years ago and has resided here and in Wynne almost continuously since. He was married to Miss Mary Mason shortly after moving to this state and she with one son, survive him. He had been in ill health for several years, having been compelled to give up a lucrative position in a bank in Wynne on account of the close environment. He was a victim of the dread White Plague, and was finally compelled two months ago to take to his room and bed, from which he never left. The services at the grave were performed by Rev.J.R.Nelson, of the Methodist church were most impressive, and while the choir sang the hymns while his remains were interred in the Forrest City cemetery. His parents, brothers and sisters and several other relatives from abroad followed the body to the grave. Charley Bird Tarver was an honest, upright, enterprising Christian gentleman. He leaves a wife, and a boy of five years, besides his parents, brothers and sisters, and other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Mr.& Mrs.Tom Tarver of Widener, attended the bedside of his brother, Mr.C.B.Tarver. 11-3-1911 Mr.W.P.Mason of St.Louis, brother in law of Mr.Tarver came down, even though he missed the funeral to help his sister in her loss. Rev.J.A.Mason also attended the funeral. 11-10-1911 Mrs.Tarver and daughter Anita went to St.Louis with her brother Mr.W.P.Mason for a month. 10-27-1911 - WRIGHT - JOE - - JR. - - 4 1910 - 10 20 1911 - SAND RIDGE - DEATH=Democrat Times=Mr.& Mrs.Joe Wright lost their little baby boy, Joe Jr., last Friday night, Oct.20,1911. The little fellow was 18 months old and had been ill for three weeks and a half. They took him to the doctor several times and did all they could to help save him, but to no avail. Father, mother, little sister, and grandparents, besides other relatives, mourn his death. He was buried in Sand Ridge cemetery. They have our kindly sympathy. 10-27-1911 10-27-1911 - GARRETT - GERTRUDE - - - - 3 1911 - 10 26 1911 - CITY - DEATH=The sweet little seven months old daughter, Gertrude, of Mr.& Mrs.Garrett, who live on the W.T.Clark farm, northeast of town, died yesterday, Oct.26,1911, and was buried today in the Forrest City cemetery. The bereaved parents have our sincere sympathy. 10-27-1911 - ADAMS - J. - F. - MRS - - UNK - 10 25 1911 - BARNISHAW - DEATH=Mrs.J.F.Adams died at her home near Pine Tree Oct.25,1911 of heart trouble, and was buried at Barnishaw cemetery yesterday. Mr.Adams died sometime last spring-we think in February. She leaves a large family of small children, seven or eight, who have the sympathy of the entire community. 10-27-1911 - BARBER - LEAH - - - - UNK - 10 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Official notice has arrived in Clerk Merwin's office of the death of Leah Barber, admitted from this county to the State Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Aug.28,1908. 10-27-1911 - NIPPER - MARTHA - - MRS - - 1883 - 10 27 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=Mrs.Martha Nipper, age 28, died at her home near Colt this morning, Oct.27,1911, and will be buried tomorrow at the Hughes cemetery. We have been unable to find out the particulars. 11-3-1911 - JONES - DAN - - - - UNK - 10 29 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Dan Jones was shot and killed by Major King, in Democrat Sunday, Oct.29,1911, per Squire W.S.Thomas who did the investigation on Monday over the altercation about a fifty cent piece. King thought that Jones was pulling a pistol, and shot him with a shotgun. 11-10-1911 - HEUSTESS - W. - S. - - - 1850 - 11 5 1911 - SPARKMAN - DEATH=DEATH OF W.S.HEUSTESS=Another of the county's pioneer citizens goes to his home beyond the skies. Mr.W.S. "White" Heustess, has died was the news that hit the city Sunday night, Nov.5,1911, at his home half a mile south of Bonair. Mr.Heustess had long been a resident of the county, coming here at an early age with his parents, shortly before the war, and locating at Madison, where he lived during the whole time of the war. While living at Madison, the town was attacked by Federal troops, and his father was taken prisoner. The Federals carried his father to a point south of Haynes, at what is known as Hughes Ferry, and camped that night. The next morning they were attacked by Parson's Texans, and routed. After the battle, Heustess was found dead on the field. After the war, young Heustess took his widowed mother and went back to the farm; after farming for a few years, he ran the ferry at the Hughes Ferry, and then decided to try farming once more, buying a place in the Yocona neighborhood, near the Jesse Hodges' place. He lived there a number of years, and then bought the Sparkman place, about a half mile south of Bonair, where he lived until his death. He was married about thirty years ago to Miss Matthews, and she with three sons, William, Jessie, and Charles of this county, and one sister, Mrs.Eliza McGuffey, of Oklahoma City survive him. Mr.Hughes was in his sixty first year at the time of his death. He had been in failing health for some little time, but was sttricken with the fatal malady which caused his death only a few weeks ago. He had been suffering with a rising in his head, and this formed a pressure on the brain which resulted in his death. Mr.Heustess was a Justice of the Peace for Franks township, was a model citizen, and an upright honest God fearing man. Rev.E.J.P.Garrott, of the Baptist church, of which Mr.Heustess had been a consistent member for thirty years. performed the ceremonies at the residence on Monday. and at the Sparkman graveyard, three miles west of Haynes. The funeral was largely attended. 11-10-1911 - KEY - IRB - - - - UNK - 11 5 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=ANOTHER SUNDAY KILLING=Mr.J.A.Cornelius kills his son in law Mr.Irb Key, Coroners jury justifies him. News reached the city Sunday evening, when Hud Cornelius came into the city as a messenger from his father, J.A.Cornelius, and informed the officers, that his father had killed Mr.Key at their home at the head of Old River, shortly after 2 pm, Nov.5,1911. Coroner Todd and Chief Deputy, Dr.McDougal went to perform the inquest where Mr.Key was accused of abusing his wife, and when he had remonstrated with him, Key had made a motion to go for his gun, whereupon he shot him using a derringer pistol. 11-10-1911 - DAVIS - THOMAS - BRANDENBURG - - - 9 1 1880 - 11 3 1911 - CITY - DEATH=APPENDICITUS PROVES FATAL=Mr.Thomas Brandenburg Davis dies on Friday, Nov.3,1911 at St.Vincent's Hospital in Little Rock where he had undergone surgery on Tuesday for appendiciius. He was the youngest son of Mr.& Mrs.T.J.Davis of Happy Home, three miles south of the city, where he was born Sep.1,1880, and his boyhood life was here, and he received the foundations of his education in the public schools. After graduating here, he attended the Unif.of Arkansas for three and a half years, worked two years in Colorado, then took a course at Cornell for one year, after which time he went as an engineer for the American Smelting and Refining Co. to design, and superintend the building of a plant Santa Barbara, Mexico. Afterwards, he accepted a chair of applied mathematics at the Unif.of Nebraska, Lincoln for one year. Then he accepted a position with the Jeffrey Mfg.Co. of Ohio, to work on the Panama Canal. His last position was with the Arkansas Farm Co. of Little Rock, with whom he remained until his death. The precious remains were prepared for burial in Little Rock and shipped here Saturday morning. The funeral proceeded from the parents home to the Forrest City cemetery, where he was interred, Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church performing the ceremonies. Selected pall bearers:Mr.E.A.Breach, and Mr.P.A.Reichardt, of Little Rock; and Mr.James Wolfe, Mr.Wilbur Alley, Mr.Walter Gorman, and Mr.A.D.McDaniel of this city. Some attending were:Mrs.R.K.Fitzhugh, sister of the deceased with her husband and family of Augusta; Mr.J.H.Davis, brother of Baltimore, Md.;Miss Mattie Mai Davis, a sister of Memphis; Mr.Joe Mosby, a cousin of Crawfordsville; Mr.James Lewis of Memphis; Miss Neil Minor of Memphis. He is survived by his parents, three sisters, Mrs.S.C.Neel, Mrs.R.K.Fitzhugh, MIss Mattie Mai Davis, and one brother, Mr.J.H.Davis, who is an electircal engineer with the B.& O. Railroad.. 11-17-1911 - STANLEY - ESMOND - C. - - - 1900 - 11 12 1911 - McDANIEL - DEATH=Esmond C.Stanley, an eleven year old orphan boy, who had been making his home with Mr.& Mrs.Sam Worrall, south of the city, died Sunday, Nov.12,1911, at their home and was buried Monday at the McDaniel cemetery near Bonair. The young man, several weeks ago, accidentally swallowed a green cockle burr, which had been surgically removed from his throat by an operation in Memphis. He apparently died from convulsions because the incisions did not heal properly. Rev.Edward T.Mabley of the Church of the Good Shepherd performed the ceremonies. 11-24-1911 - GALLIE - ALFRED - - - - UNK - 11 19 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=MAN KILLED BY MOB=Mr.Alfred Gallie (Gulley?) shot to death Sunday night, Nov.19,1911.Coroner Todd returned Tuesday night from the Jim New place at the head of Old River, where he had investigated the murder of Mr.Gallie. Gallie had been accused of abusing his wife and children, Four men, Will Jackson, Rob Lindsey, Thomas Smith, and George Glenn and the wife, Mrs.Josephine Gallie were held in jail that night. 12-1-1911 - McANNANY - MICHAEL - - - - UNK - 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Hon.T.O.Fitzpatrick noticed an announcement in the Commercial Appeal of the death of Mr.Michael McAnnany, of Milwaukee, and was reminded of a former acquaintance and association with deceased in 1870. In that year, McAnnany and himself made a joint canvass of representatives of five counties, all of the counties voting for four representatives, the same as they do now for state senator. They were Cross, Poinsett, Craighead, Mississippi, and Jackson, and these gentlemen were candidates on the republican ticket. McAnnany was the editor of the paper at Jacksonport, and figured very prominently in politics in those days, afterwards, leaving the state and locating in Milwaukee, where he was editing the Globe at the time of his demise. 12-1-1911 - WILLIAMS - JIM - - - - UNK - 11 27 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=GOODWIN TIMES=Mr.Jim Williams died at the home of Mrs.E.N.Brown, Monday morning, Nov.27,1911. of hemmorhage of lungs. 12-8-1911 - HOWELL - ELLA - E. - MISS - - 1898 - 12 1 1911 - HAZEN - DEATH=DEATH OF ELLA E. HOWELL=Died at the home of her parents, near Tuttleton, Friday, Dec.1,1911, age 13 years, Ella E.Howell. The remains were taken to Hazen for interment, where a large concourse of friends and relatives had assembled to pay their last respect. Ella was the second daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.O.Howell of Franks township She was but ill one hour before she passed over. They live about seven miles south, near Dan Wylds. 12-15-1911 - BLOCK - JOE - - - - UNK - 12 14 1911 - UNKNOWN - DEATH=Mr.Joe Block of Wynne, well known here and esteemed by a large circle of friends, died suddenly of heart failure, yesterday afternoon, Dec.14,1911. He was a deaf mute, brother of Mr.Nate Block of this city and the Blocks of Cross county. Mr.Nate Block went to Wynne last night, to attend the funeral. 12-15-1911 - FLETCHER - W. - R. - - - 1862 - 12 8 1911 - WHTIE HALL - DEATH=DEATH OF W.R.FLETCHER=Prominent farmer and citizen of Johnson Township died in Memphis hospital last Saturday, Dec.8,1911. The sad news of the death Saturday at the Presbyterian church at Memphis of Mr.W.R.Fletcher, who had been undergoing treatment for three weeks. Mr.Fletcher was taken ill in September during the Circuit Court session. While being treated, he became weaker and weaker, and was taken to Memphs, where an operation was done, he appeared to be getting better, but the rally was short lived. Mrs.Fletcher, son Clabe, and Mrs.Fletcher's mother, Mrs.Brice Hamilton were in the room when he passed away. The remains were brought over from Memphis Sunday, to Stevens Undertaking Est., where they stayed until Monday, and were taken to the church at White Hall for services, held by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church here. Then the Odd Fellows took charge of the services at the grave, Mr.Fletcher being a member of the Colt Lodge, as well as the Woodmen of the World. Mr.Fletcher was a native of this county, having been born and raised on a farm in the northern part of the county. He was forty nine years of age, and up until the illness had always been in vigorous health. He was married twice, the first to Miss Ida Henry, to which union were born four children, three of whom, one son, Clabe, and two daughters Mrs.Mark Garner, and Mrs.John Farr, of Johnson township, survive. His first wife died in 1892, and then he married Miss Annie Hamilton, who survives him along with four children were born, Three of these survive him, two daughters, Mrs.Bill Williams, of Paragould; and Vivian, and a son, Brice, the latter two at home. The pallbearers were:Dr.J.F.McDougal, and Mr.Will David of this city; and Mr.Tom Hampton, Mr.Luther Peevey, Mr.John Christopher, and Prof.J.M.Wilson, of Colt. 12-22-1911 - VUN KANNON - EVA - - MRS - SELLERS - UNK - 12 17 1911 - HUGHES - DEATH=DEATH OF MRS.EVA VUN KANNON= News of the death of Mrs.Eva Vun Kannon, wife of Mr.George Vun Kannon, who expired on Sunday, Dec.17,1911 at the family home in Johnson township, will be received by the family's legion of friends thoughout the county with deep regreat and sorrow. The remains of the deceased lady were buried at Hughes cemetery on Monday, Rev.George H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church conducting the ceremonies at the grave. The lady is survived by her husband, and two little baby girls, Lucille and Willie Mae, also three brothers, Messrs.Bob, Thad, and Dee Sellers of this city. 12-29-1911 - HATCHER - J. - M. - - - UNK - 12 26 1911 - WOODLAWN - DEATH=DEATH OF J.M.HATCHER=Jonesboro, Ark.-Dec.26,1911-Mr.J.M.Hatcher died at the residence of his sister, Mrs.J.H.Snyder, here as the result of the stroke of apoplexy and paralysis, at Nettleton, while waiting in a hotel enroute to his home in Monette from St.Louis. He never fully regained consciousness. He was buried at Woodlawn cemetery, and is survived by a wife and five children, and two brothers, B.D.Hatcher of Forrest City, and P.A.Hatcher of Jonesboro, and two sisters, Mrs.E.A.Rolfe, of Forrest City, and Mrs.J.H.Snyder of Jonesboro. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 1-6-1911 - BARNES - BABY - - - - 1 3 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.J.W.Barnes are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl who came Tuesday night, Jan.3,1911. 1-6-1911 - DOUGLAS - BABY - - - - 1 1 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.H.O.Douglass claim that they have the nicest present ever, a little baby girl born New Years Day. 1-6-1911 - PETTIT - BABY - - - - 1 4 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Pettit are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl born Jan.4,1911. 1-6-1911 - COLLIE - BABY - - - - 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.Archie Collie was the happy recipient of a baby girl over his Christmas present. NEW CASTLE TIMES 1-13-1911 - LANIER - BABY - - - - 1 6 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.W.J.Lanier celebrate the arrival of twin baby boys last Friday, Jan.6,1911. 1-13-1911 - FERGUSON - BABY - - - - 1 16 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Jack Ferguson are happy at the arrival in their home of sweet little baby girl last Monday, Jan.16,1911. 2-17-1911 - SHERMAN - BABY - - - - 2 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=GOODWIN TIMES-Mr.Walter Sherman is wearing a broad smile now, it is a girl. 2-24-1911 - FRUILL - TWINS - - - - 2 1911 - 2 1911 - FCTIMES - BABY=Mrs.S.Fruill is to be congratulated on the birth of beautiful twin babies. Both of whom died within a few days. Goodwin Times. 3-10-1911 - KAUFMAN - SARAH - - - - 3 5 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Israel Kaufman are celebrating the birth of their daughter last Sunday, Sarah was named by Prof.Joe Rubenstein at the Hebrew ceremony "Maselltof". 3-17-1911 - SATTERFIELD - BABY - - - - 3 9 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.F.M.Satterfield are the proud parents of a baby boy last Thursday 3-17-1911 - SMITH - BABY - - - - 3 17 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.E.Bruce Smith are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy this morning at 5:30 am. 3-31-1911 - USSERY - BABY - - - - 3 28 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mrs.Dora Ussery is celebrating the birth of a fine baby girl born Mar.28,1911. 3-31-1911 - BEEZLEY - BABY - - - - 3 29 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Dolph A. Beezley welcomed the new baby daughter who arrived on Wednesday to bless their home. 3-31-1911 - NOLAND - BABY - - - - 3 23 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Will Noland greeted their new arrival, a fine nine pound baby girl last Thursday. 4-7-1911 - DEVASIER - BABY - - - - 3 25 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.William Devasier received a fine baby boy on Mar.25, mother and son are doing fine. Sloniker Mill Times 4-7-1911 - MYERS - BABY - - - - 3 30 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Boby Myers are the proud parents of a new baby boy of ten pounds last Thursday. 4-21-1911 - BROWNING - BABY - - - - 4 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.J.R.Browning were visited by the stork who left a baby girl the first of the week. 5-26-1911 - GATLING - BABY - - - - 5 20 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr. & Mrs.Tom Gatling welcomed arrival of eleven pound boy last Saturday. Grandpa Nimocks is very proud. 5-26-1911 - ANDERSON - BABY - - - - 5 14 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Prof. and Mrs.N.C.B.Anderson celebrate arrival of a fine ten pound boy on the 14th. 6-9-1911 - GILBRETH - BABY - - - - 6 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Gus Gilbreth are rejoicing over birth of a ten pound baby boy. 6-16-1911 - DODD - BABY - - - - 6 7 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=A fine 10 pound baby boy arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Frank Dodd Wednesday night of last week. 7-14-1911 - BROWN - BABY - - - - 7 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.C.C.Brown had a baby girl. Goodwin Times. 7-28-1911 - PARKER - BABY - - - - 7 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Charley Parker celebrate the arrival of a baby boy.Sloniker Mill Times. 7-28-1911 - STEWART - BABY - - - - 7 22 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr. & Mrs.Buford Stewart of Yocona welcomed a new baby boy last Saturday, and Grandpa Pugh is happiest of all in the household. 8-11-1911 - LOGAN - BABY - - - - 8 7 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Joe M.Logan of Elmwood are rejoicing over the birth of a ten pound baby boy Monday night. 8-18-1911 - BROWN - BABY - - - - 8 11 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Another baby girl was born to Dr.& Mrs.Leon B.Brown last Friday night. They are at the home of Dr.& Mrs.Alley, parents of the mother. 8-18-1911 - MERRITT - BABY - - - - 8 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Dr. & Mrs.L.H.Merritt had a visit from the stork which left a baby daughter. 8-25-1911 - TAYLOR - BABY - - - - 8 20 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr. & Mrs.George P.Taylor have a new son born on Sunday morning. 9-8-1911 - PARKER - BABY - - - - 9 5 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Geo.E.Parker are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl last Monday. It is harder to tell who is prouder, the father or Grandpa Bill Williams. 9-29-1911 - HUDSON - BABY - - - - 9 14 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Elmo Hudson are the proud parents of a ten pound boy, born Sep.14 9-29-1911 - FRENCH - BABY - - - - 9 13 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.A.A.French are the proud parents of a baby girl on Sep.13. 9-29-1911 - SWEET - BABY - - - - 9 18 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs. Walter Sweet at Widnener had a baby girl born on Sep.18. 10-6-1911 - O'BRIEN - BABY - - - - 10 4 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Tom O'Brien had a visit by the stork and it left a baby girl Wednesday night, Oct.4 10-20-1911 - FUSSELL - BABY - - - - 10 5 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.James Fussell Jr. were visited by the stork who left a baby girl on Thursday, Oct.5 11-3-1911 - MALLORY - BABY - - - - 10 28 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Emmett Mallory were visited by the stork Saturday night and left a baby girl. 11-24-1911 - HENRY - BABY - - - - 11 19 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Henry are celebrating the arrival of a baby girl on Nov.19. 12-8-1911 - GROBMYER - BABY - - - - 12 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Albert Grobmyer were visited by the stork and it left a cute little baby girl Wednesday. 12-15-1911 - GREDELL - BABY - - - - 12 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.C.B.Gredell are the proud parents of a baby girl, news received that occurred at Purcell, Okla. via telegram, where she is visiting. 12-29-1911 - RUTHERFORD - BABY - - - - 12 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.James T.Rutherford, of Okla.City, Okla. are the proud parents of a new baby boy born on Dec.23,1911. She is the former Miss Mary Oursler, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.C.Oursler 12-29-1911 - TAYLOR - BABY - - - - 12 25 1911 - UNK - FCTIMES - BABY=Mr.& Mrs.Edgar P.Taylor received a baby boy on Christmas morning. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-6-1911 - MALONE - JAMES - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MALONE-LANDERS=The marriage in Jonesboro of Mr.James W. Malone and Miss Jimmie Helen Landers, of this city, was consummated last Friday at the home of Mr.& Mrs.A.L.Landers by Rev.H.Watson, Pastor of the Methodist church. Miss Helen is only daughter of Mrs.Nina Landers, born and reared here. The groom is the nephew of Hon..& Mrs.O.N.Killough of Wynne. 1-6-1911 - BRIDGFORTH - JAMES - THOMAS - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BRIDGFORTH-LOGAN=The wedding of Mr.James Thomas Bridgforth and Miss Ethel Logan occurred on Monday evening at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Henry Pettus, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church presiding. Mr.Bridgforth is the youngest son of Mr.& Mrs.J.O.Bridgforth and is the cotton weigher at the Forrest City Gin Company, the bride is the daughter of Mrs.Emma Logan, and a neice of Messrs.Joe, Will, and Jack Ferguson. 1-6-1911 - DANEHOWER - SAM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DANEHOWER-COX=On Dec.28,1910, Mr.Sam Danehower and Miss Nora Cox were happily married by Elder J.F.P.Garrott, of the Baptist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr.John Cox, and the groom is a son of Mr.F.G.Danehower, who lives in Haynes. 1-6-1911 - COX - ED - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - COX-GIBBS=Squire Turley married Mr.Ed Cox, 22, and Miss Dora Gibbs, aged 18, daughter of Mrs.W.L.Baker of Hickory Ridge along with her other daughter, Daisy. He is a prosperous farmer of the St.Francis bottoms. 1-6-1911 - BAKER - WALTER - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BAKER-GIBBS=Squire Turley married Mr.Walter Baker, aged 18, to Miss Daisy Gibbs, aged 14, daughter of Mrs.W.L.Baker of Hickory Ridge. He is a prosperous farmer of the St.Francis bottoms. 1-6-1911 - JOHNSON - RAY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JOHNSON-FOSTER=Mr.Ray Johnson of Caldwell wed Miss Bettie Sue Foster at her parent's home, in West Point, by Rev.Yarbrough of the Methodist church. The groom is formerly of West Point, and is the eldest son of Mrs.Henry Johnson, and a nephew of Mr.J.F.Bass of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and the couple will be at home in Caldwell. Wedding date was Dec.28,1910. 1-6-1911 - KIRKPATRICK - SCOTT - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - KIRKPATRICK-ROLLWAGE=Mr.& Mrs.Scott Kirkpatrick, after a honeymoon trip to New Orleans and Biloxi, are visiting in Forrest City with the parents of the bride, Hon. & Mrs.O.B.Rollwage. They had been visiting his parents in Ripley, Tenn, and will finally reside in Memphis. 1-6-1911 - DEVEREUX - PHIL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DEVEREUX-HARRIS=On Sunday morning, Jan.2,1911, Mr.Phil Devereux and Miss Kattie Harris were married by Squire W.O.Pirtle at the home of the bride's father, Mr.Wes Harris. NEW CASTLE TIMES 1-13-1911 - MANN - EDWARD - HARVEY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MANN-HARDIN=Senatobia, Miss., Jan.11-Mr.Edward Harvey Mann, of Memphis, Tenn. and Miss Pattie Hardin at her sister's home, Mrs.J.C.Twilley, by Rev.E.R.Witherspoon of the Presbyterian church. Mr.Mann had for a long time been a salesman with the J.W.Beck Company. 1-13-1911 - GREDELL - C. - B. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GREDELL-BOUDREAU=Mr.C.B.Gredell, engineer at the Forrest City Ice & Fuel Co., who left the city shortly before Christmas for visit to his old home in Illinois and Oklahoma, returned Thursday of last week with a new bride, Miss Marie Boudreau, at her home of Purcell, Okla., Jan.9 at the Catholic church. She is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Steve Boudreau of Purcell, and Mr.Gredell is a native of Quincy, Illinois. 2-3-1911 - RUTHERFORD - JAMES - TAYLOR - - - - NA - FCTIMES - RUTHERFORD-OURSLER=The marriage of Mr.James Taylor Rutherford, of Oklahoma City, and Miss Mary Oursler on Tuesday by Rev.Mr.Nelson at the Methodist church. 2-3-1911 - WORSLEY - JAMES - NOBLE - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WORSLEY-McFADDEN=Mr.James Noble Worsley and Miss Pearl Pauline McFadden were married last evening by Rev.W.W.Armstrong officiating at the home of Mrs.Bessie Bloodworth. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.A.S.Worsley who lived here for five years, and the groom is of Memphis. 2-10-1911 - FARR - JOHN - C. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - FARR-FLETCHER=Mr.John C.Farr and Miss Jessie Fletcher were married by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr.W.R.Fletcher, and the groom is the son of Mr.& Mrs.Clayborn O.Farr. Both parents are substantial citizens of St.Francis county. 2-10-1911 - POWERS - JOHN - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - POWERS-WEEKS=Mr.John A.Powers, aged 24 and Miss Lou Weeks, aged 21, both living near Tuttleton, were married by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church in Clerk Merwin's office Wednesday, Feb.8,1911. 2-10-1911 - HOWTON - SAM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HOWTON-JONES=Mr.Sam Howton, aged 21, and Miss Bertha Jones, Aged 18, of near Goodwin, were married Feb.8,1911 by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church. 2-17-1911 - WATERMAN - WALTER - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WATERMAN-LEWIS=Mr.Walter Waterman and Mrs.Cora Lewis were married last Sunday at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.Alex Cahopa, where the bride has made her home. The groom is a member of Waterman Bros., and the bride is from Marianna. Rev.Arthur Fox of the Baptist church officiating. 2-17-1911 - BRUMLEE - - - MR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - BRUMLEE-WILLIAMS=Mr.Brumlee and Miss Williams of Wheatley were married at the Hotel Marion by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church last Sunday. 2-17-1911 - PARKER - LEON - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - PARKER-MORRIS=Mr.Leon Parker and Miss Lounettie Morris were married Sunday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Jericho Times. 3-17-1911 - GARNER - FRED - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - GARNER-WOODS=Mr.Frank Garner of Tuttleton, and Miss Hettie Woods of Colt were married at noon Wednesday, Mar.15,1911 at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.Story Woods by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church. The groom, a local farmer, was represented by his father, Mr.Payne Garner and Mr.Charles Lewis. 3-17-1911 - WINFREY - IRA - T. - PROF. - - - NA - FCTIMES - WINFREY-RIDDLE=Prof.Ira T.Winfrey and Miss Emma Riddle were married Friday night, Mar.10,1911, in Little Rock, returning home Saturday night. GOODWIN TIMES 3-17-1911 - McCORKLE - E. - N. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McCORKLE-McPHAUL=Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church, officiated Sunday at the wedding of Mr.E.N.McCorkle and Miss Willie McPhaul, both of Wheatley. 3-24-1911 - DEMPSEY - JACK - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DEMPSEY-THOMAS=The marriage of Mr.Jack Dempsey, of near Democrat, and Miss Burleye Thomas, also of Democrat, at the school house, Elder J.K.Farris offiicating after noon Sunday. The bride is the eldest daughter of Squire and Mrs.W.S.Thomas of Democrat, the groom is in the timber business here. 3-31-1911 - STEVENS - THOMAS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - STEVENS-PERRY=Sloniker Times=Mr.Thomas Stevens and Miss Ruth Perry were married last Saturday, Mar.25,1911, by Rev.T.L.Woodiel. 3-31-1911 - ROGERS - PUGH - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ROGERS-LAMBERT=Mr.Pugh Rogers and Mrs. MInnie Lambert were married Monday night at the White boarding house, Squire Ellis Turley officiating. Mr.Rogers is employed with the Rock Island as a car repairman. 4-7-1911 - PLUMMER - H. - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - PLUMMER-HATCHER=Mrs.M.E.Hatcher announces the upcoming marriage of her daughter, Miss Ruth, to Mr.H.T.Plummer of Marianna, Ark. at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Apr.26,1911. 4-28-1911 Mrs.A.C.Bridewell, sister of the bride, was the Matron, and the bride was given away by Mr.H.P.Gorman, and the ceremony performed by Rev.Edward T.Mabley. Mr. Plummer is a member of the firm of Plummer & Davis. They will make Marianna their home after a honeymoon to the west coast, via New Orleans and San Antonio via the Southern Pacific. 4-14-1911 - LANGSTON - C. - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LANGSTON-SWAN=We were advised by Mrs.R.B.Trice of this city, Mrs.Nora Swan of Cockrum, Miss. was married in her home to Mr.C.J.Langston, childhood sweetheart. 4-21-1911 - CHILNER - W. - F. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CHILNER-GRIMES=Mr.W.F.Chilner, and Miss Minnie Grimes were married Sunday night at the home of the groom's aunt, Mrs.A.T.Henley, Squire John Sherman officiating. The groom is a prosperous farmer, and the bride is the daughter of the late J.A.Grimes. Goodwin Times. 4-21-1911 - SMITH - WALTER - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - SMITH-GREEN=Miss Florence Green and Mr.Walter Smith were married Tuesday morning by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker, of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Smith is a lineman employed with the American Telephone & Telegraph company, the bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Tom Green, who moved to this city last summer from Kansas. 4-28-1911 - HORNEY - TOM - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HORNEY-WHITE=At the home of Dr.and Mrs.L.H.Merritt, the marriage of Mr.Tom Horney and Mrs.Linnie White took place Saturday night, Elder J.P.Garrott, of the First Baptist Church presiding. Mr.Horney was born here, and is employed as a prescriptionist at the J.T.Sanders Drug Store, and the bride is a native of Olive Branch, Mississippi, and teaches music at the Crowley Ridge Institute since last fall. 5-5-1911 - BRADFORD - ROBERT - EPSEY - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BRADFORD-MERITT=Announcement of the marriage on May 15 between Miss Minnie Meah Meritt and Mr.Robert Epsey Bradford at the Central Methodist Church, Fayetteville, Ark. Mr.Bradford Is the Editor of the Lonoke Democrat, while the bride has been an editor in Fayetteville. 5-12-1911 - ROBERTSON - G. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ROBERTSON-SNOWDEN= On Sunday afternoon, MAY 7,l911, Mr.G.W.Robertson and Mrs.Ida lee Snowden were married by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church. Mr.Robertson is construction superintendant for the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Co., and a resident of Little Rock. Mrs.Robertson is a native of this county. 5-26-1911 - BAKER - WILLIAM - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BAKER-WILKINS=Mr.& Mrs.K.M.Wilkins annoucne the marriage on June 7th of their daughter at their residence, Miss Myra Louise to Mr.William J.Baker. Rev.W.T.Bolling of Fulton, Ky, Uncle to bride's mother performed the Methodist church services. Mr.Baker is a native of Tennessee, having come here four years ago to work in engine room for Mr.A.A.French at the cotton oil mill. 6-9-1911 - McCURDY - CORNELIUS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - McCURDY-LAUGHINGHOUSE=Miss Marguerite Laughinghouse, second daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse, and Mr.Cornelius McCurdy, of Augusta, Ark., will be married next Wednesday at the Methodist church, Rev.J.R.Nelson presiding. 6-9-1911 - POPE - WESLEY - MARVIN - - - - NA - FCTIMES - POPE-WHEELER=Mrs.Henry Perry Wheeler annnouces engagement of her daughter, Miss Pansy to Mr.Wesley Marvin Pope June 28 in Memphis. 6-16-1911 - ALFORD - J. - L. - - - orn - NA - FCTIMES - ALFORD-MYERS=Miss Jennie Myers and Mr.J.L.Alford, both of Tallahasse, Fla., were married in Macon, Ga. on June 8. The bride is the daughter of Mr.Charles Myers, formerly of this city, and a niece of Mr.Will Myers, now deceased, and cousin of Miss Annie Pearson. 6-23-1911 - MAY - JESSE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - MAY-STOKES=Miss Fannie Stokes and Mr.Jesse May were married at Colt Sunday, June 18,1911. at the residence of the bride's cousin, Prof.& Mrs.James M. Wilson, in the Baptist parsonage, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.John Stokes, deceased, since their death she has made her home with her uncle, Mr.B.Lindsey. Mr.May is a native of Cleburne county, coming here about eight years ago and associated with the John Sipf Co. Grocery business, having an interest therein. 6-30-1911 - LEWIS - BENJAMIN - C. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LEWIS-HEMENWAY=Mr.& Mrs.C.F.Hemenway announce the marriage on July 12,1911, of their daughter Miss Florence E.Hemenway to Mr.Benjamin C.Lewis at the home of Mrs.W.P.Evans. The Rev.Mr.Nelson of the Methodist church officiating. Mr.Lewis is the eldest son of Mr.and Mrs.Sol Lewis 7-7-1911 - BUFORD - EMMET - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BUFORD-POPE=Mr.Emmet Buford and Miss Blanche Pope will be married July 12,1911, at the home of the bride's parents, Cashier & Mrs.J.T.Fondren. The Rev.E.J.P.Garrott of the Baptist church presiding. 7-7-1911 - NEW - JAMES - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - NEW-McLEAN=Mr.James New and Miss Littie McLean, of near Lakeside on the St.Francis River, were married at the Hotel Fisher Wednesday by Squire T.D.Carr. The bride is the daughter of Mr.John McLean, and the groom Is a farmer. 7-7-1911 - RATCLIFF - HENRY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - RATCLIFF-HIGGS=The news of the marriage of Mr.Henry Ratcliff to Mrs.Lula Higgs took place on July 4th in Helena. They own and operate the Higgs Hotel near the Iron Mountain railway here in the city. 7-28-1911 - HARRELSON - FREDERICK - F. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HARRELSON-CRIPPEN=Mr.Frederick F.Harrelson and Miss Pearl Crippen were married at the residence of the Mrs.Lamiza Prewett, her aunt, on Thursday morning, Jul.27,1911. Elder J.K.P.Garrott of the Baptist Church officiating. The groom is from Watten, Arkansas where he is an attorney with Bradham & Harrelson, he is a graduate of the U.of A. law department in June. 7-28-1911 - BECK - ROBERT - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BECK-MAY=Mr.Robert Beck of Wynne and Miss Stella May of Colt, the eldest daughter of Rev.H.E.May, were married Wednesday night, July 26,1911. Mr.Beck is the local teacher. 8-11-1911 - ROSS - GEORGE - V. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ROSS-MATTHEWS=Mr.George V.Ross and Miss Martha Matthews of McGehee, arrived Wednesday and proceeeded to County Clerk Merwin's office for a license, and were wed by Rev.Geo.H.Kirker, and left on the train for Memphis. 8-25-1911 - LEIGH - LARMARTINE - BASCOM - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LEIGH-GATLING=Miss Olive Gilliam Gatling, first daughter of Hon. & Mrs.John Gatling of this city, and Mr.Larmartine Bascom Leigh, wealthy banker of Little Rock, were married Aug.22,1911 at the home of her parents in Forrest City, Rev.Chas.H.Lockwood officiating. Miss Olive had been a high school teacher for several years in Little Rock. She was educated here, the U.of Arkansas, Vanderbilt, and received a degree from Randolph-Macon Woman's College in Lynchburg, Va., and also studied at the Univ. of Chicago. The groom is a member of the L.B.Leigh & Co. Insurance agency, President of the Little Rock School Board, and a Vice President of the Bank of Commerce, Little Rock. 9-1-1911 - DAVIS - WINFIELD - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DAVIS-FIELDS=Miss Katherine Elizabeth Fields and Mr.Winfield Davis were married in Memphis on Thursday, Aug.17, Rev.B.S.McLemore presiding at the Pennysvania Ave.Methodist church. The bride is a niece of Mr.Wilbur S.Alley of the Fussell-Graham-Alderson Company, and the groom is a businessman of this county. 9-15-1911 - WOLF - RALPH - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WOLF-MULLER=Mr.Ralph Wolf and Miss Eleanor Muller, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Anton Muller, of this city, were married in Desoto, Missouri Aug.30th, Rev.Father Daley of the Catholic church officiating. Mr.Wolf is the only son of Mr.& Mrs.Leo Wolf of St.Louis. 9-15-1911 - NOLDS - R. - D. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - NOLDS-FLEMING=Mr.R.D.Nolds, age 31, and Miss Laura Fleming, age 16, of Round Pond, were married Sunday at the courthouse by Judge E.A.Rolfe. They were the guests of MrsJune Hodges while in town. 9-29-1911 - JORDON - OTHO - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JORDON-HERRING=Mr.Otho Jordon of this place and Miss Mary Herring of Lee county were married at the home of Squire and Mrs.John Sherman Sunday night. Mr.Jordon is a rising Prof., and the bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.R.L.Herring of Lee county. Goodwin Times. 10-6-1911 - COX - R. - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - COX-REITZEL=Mr.R.J.Cox and Mrs.Manie Reitzel, both 28 and from Memphis, were married here Tuesday, and were married in the court house at the County Clerk's office. Mr.Cox is a traveling salesman, and the bride is a half sister of Mrs.C.H.Havens of this city. Judge Rolfe presiding. 10-6-1911 - JACKSON - ANDREW - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JACKSON-STALLWORTH=Mr.Andrew Jackson and Miss Annie Stallworth were married in Memphis at the manse of the Presbyterian church, ceremonies by Rev.Williamson. Mr.Jackson is the son of Prof. and Mrs.G.L.Jackson, and is an electrician with the Forrest City Water & Light Co., the bride came here from Alabama for the reunion last May. 10-20-1911 - JONES - PAUL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JONES-THOMAS=Mr.Paul Jones and Miss Emma Thomas were married Oct.10,1911, by Rev.T.L.Woodiel, at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr.& Mrs.Sam Baskins.Sloniker Mill Times. 10-27-1911 - ALLEN - HOWARD - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ALLEN-PEEVEY=Mr.Howard Allen and Miss Jesse Peevey, of Colt, were married at the residence of Mr.& Mrs.W.W.Cobb in Wynne, Oct.15,1911. The bride is the daughter of Mr.Hal Peevey, a prosperous farmer of that neighborhood. 11-3-1911 - REMLEY - ESTELLE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - REMLEY-CARR=Mr.Estelle Remley and Miss Ruth Carr, were married at the home of the grooms parents, Mr.& Mrs.M.P.Remley Tuesday afternoon, by Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.W.E.Kirby, and was born in this county, and been at the telephone exchange as an operator. Mr.Remley is also an employee of the Southwestern,, and until recently was stationed at Pine Bluff. They expect to make their home in Marvell. 11-3-1911 - WILLIAMS - J. - I. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - WILLIAMS-ROBERTS=Mr.J.I.Williams and Mrs.Willie Roberst, both of Proctor, were married at the Methodist parsonage in this city by Rev.J.R.Nelson Tuesday afternoon. Mr.Williams is a timberman in Proctor. 11-3-1911 - THOMPSON - JAMES - H. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - THOMPSON-PIPPIN=Mr.James H.Thompson and Miss Ila Mai Pippin were married Oct.13,1911, at the Baptist church parsonage by Elder E.P.J.Garrott. The groom is a hard working teamster, and the bride is the daughter of Mrs.W.E.Pippin. 11-3-1911 - LANCASTER - W. - L. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - LANCASTER-WILDER=Mr.W.L.Lancaster and Mrs.Mary Wilder were married Oct.31,1911 at the home of Mr.& Mrs.J.I.Brown of the Fussell addition, Elder E.J.P.Garrott, of the Baptist church performing the ceremonies. Mr.Lancaster in engaged in the mercanitle business in Caldwell, where they will make their home. 11-3-1911 - NEBLETT - HARRY - R. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - NEBLETT-THOMAS=Mr.Harry Neblett and Miss Agnes Thomas, of Senatobia, Miss. were married in Memphis at the Lenox Methodist church, by Rev.Geo.H.Martin. The bride is a cousin of Messrs. Harry and Beattie Thomas and sisters. 11-10-1911 - CHINNOCK - EARL - E. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CHINNOCK-JOHNSON=Mr.Earl E.Chinnock and Miss Lucille Johnson were married by Rev. J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.John R.Johnson. She is the second daughter and was born in this city. Mr.Chinnock is a native of Wisconsin, the son of Mr.& Mrs.F.E.Chinnock, coming here with them when his father was placed in charge of the Round Pond Terminal. They plan on making Madison their home. 11-24-1911 - RAWLISON - JESSE - - JR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - RAWLISON-DAVIS=Mr.Jesse Rawlison Jr., age 22, and Miss Lottie Davis, age 14, of Johnson township were married at E.C.Old's store, Squire Turley officiating. The groom Is employed in timber business near Widener, and had worked for the father of the bride, Mr.Marsh Davis. Mr.Rawlison is the son of Mr.Maumus Rawlison. 11-24-1911 - BACHS - C. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - BACHS-POPE=Mr.C.W.Bachs was married to Miss Rosebud Pope at the home of the bride Wednesday evening by Rev.J.B.Alexander, pastor of the Baptist church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.Allie Pope. Mr.Bachs came here about three years ago as a dispatcher for the Iron Mountain Railway. 12-1-1911 - THOMPSON - J. - O. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - THOMPSON-MILLER=Mr.J.O.Thompson, of Aubrey, and Miss Ethel Miller of Poplar Grove, in Phillips county came up and got their license were married at the courthouse by Judge E.A.Rolfe. 12-1-1911 - DORRIS - T. - O. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DORRIS-REYNOLDS=The marriage of Mr.T.O.Dorris and Miss Annie Reynolds, both of Colt, took place on Tuesday at the Hotel Marion, Rev.J.R.Nelson of the Methodist church presding. The bride is the sister of Dr.J.C.Reynolds, and came here from Mississippi last year, Mr.Dorris is a native of this county as a merchant and cotton ginner. 12-8-1911 - KYLE - E. - J. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - KYLE-JOHNSON=Dr.E.J.Kyle and Miss Olive Johnson were married Wednesday morning at the Methodist church by Rev.J.R.Nelson. The bride, with her sister, Mrs.E.E.Chinnock, while Dr.Kyle is from Tennessee, but has resided here for years. 12-15-1911 - HAMMOND - A. - R. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - HAMMOND-STOCKARD=Mr.A.R.Hammond of Brinkley, and Miss Tommye Stockard of this city, were married at the home of the bride's parents last Sunday, Rev.Geo.H.Kirker of the Presbyterian church. The groom is a prominent business man of Brinkley. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.F.Stockard of this city. 12-22-1911 - ALLEN - WALTER - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ALLEN-LINDSEY=Christmas wedding, Mr.Walter Allen, and Miss Stella Mary Lindsey was announced by Mrs.Mary M. Lindsey on Wednesday, at the Methodist church in Haynes. 12-22-1911 - JONES - W. - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - JONES-McDANIEL=Mr.Wiley.T.Jones, of Madison, and Miss Nonie Lee McDaniel were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.& Mrs.L.O.McDaniel, she is their second daughter, this city. Rev.C.F.Wilson presiding. The groom is the son of the late L.B.Jones of Madison, and continued at the head of the mercantile business there, L.B.Jones & Co. 12-29-1911 - CRANOR - JAMES - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CRANOR-FINLEY=Mr.James Cranor and Miss Vesta Elizabeth Finley were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.C.E.Finley, Rev.J.L.White, D.D., officiating. Both are from Tennessee, and he owns a farm near the old D.D.Davis place at Democrat. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - 1-6-1911 - EDWARDS - CHARLES - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Charles Edwards, Editor ot the Haynes Tattler, says he has printed his last copy of the paper and is moving to Nettleton and establish the Nettleton News. 1-6-1911 - ROBERTSON - E. - D. - JUDGE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Chancery Court, Judge E.D.Robertson presiding, has been in session this week. 1-6-1911 - MORROW - J. - W. - ATTORNEY - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.W.Morrow is moving to Forrest City to take a partnership with Mann & Rollwage, Attorneys. Wynne Progress. He had located in this city two months ago 1-13-1911 - ERISMAN - CHARLES - N. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Man attached by mountain lion, Mr.Charles N.Erisman, age 31, at Shell Lake shore, in his cabin, where the lion pounced on him thru an open window. He is a trapper, taxidermist, and hunter of St.francis county. 1-27-1911 - ELKS LODGE INSTALLED - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Forrest City Lodge No.1219, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks Installed-banquet at Hotel Marion with a spread for over 200. Exalted Ruler:Judge S.H.Mann/Esteemed Leading Knight:Lieut.Linn Turley/Esteemed Royal Knight:Bard Nichols/Esteemed Lecture Knight:R.W.Benson/Secretary:John Schlosser/Treasurer:William W.Campbell/Tiler:T.A.Buford/Trustees:G.Dye and John H.Tipton. 1-27-1911 - MAY - JESSE - J. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Jesse J.May has taken over the general merchandise business of his uncle, Mr.John Sipf in the Gatling Building. 1-27-1911 - JUSTICES OF THE PEACE - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Notice to Road Overseers:The undersigned Justices of Peace for Madison request your attendance at the Sheriff's office Feb.4,1911:Ellis Turley/T.D.Carr/J.M.Brown 1-27-1911 - MILLER - P. - C. - PROF. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Prof.P.C.Miller, principal of Crowley Ridge Institute advises classes resume next Tuesday for last term of 1910-1911. 2-3-1911 - STEWART - WILEY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Wiley Stewart confesses to throwing three switches on the Iron Mountain Railroad tracks and the Rock Island almost caused a train collision here Jan.20,1911 here in Forrest City. He implicated Frank Boyett as having given him the switch key and told him what to do, and he denies this allegation. 2-10-1911 Mr.Boyett was released after proving his alibi by the court of Squire Turley. 2-3-1911 - CHANEY - F. - M. - REAR ADMIRAL - - - NA - FCTIMES - Rear Admiral F.M.Chaney of Madison was in town on Sunday. 2-10-1911 - GATLING - JOHN - - JUDGE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Judge John Gatling was stricken ill at meeting of the Congregation of the Episcopal Churh of the Good Shepherd church. He fainted from acute auto taxemia precipitated by acute indigestion. 2-10-1911 - MATTHEWS - G. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Broom factory opened one mile from Colt by Matthews Brothers. 2-10-1911 - McDANIEL - ARTHUR - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Arthur McDaniel of Singer, Miss. was on visit on Sunday to his brother, Mr. S.P.McDaniel and other relatives. 2-10-1911 - AD=PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO. - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Ad for Planters Bank & Trust Co.-4 percent interest on time deposits:Officers:L.R.Grobmyer, Pres./J.T.Sanders, VP/H.P.Gorman, Cashier/M.W.Seaborn, Asst.Cashier. 2-17-1911 - AD=THE BANK OF FORREST CITY - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Ad for The Forrest City Bank-4 percent interest on time deposits:Officers:Geo.B.Pettus, Pres./J.D.Baugh-VP/Eugene Williams, Cashier. 2-17-1911 - AD=THE BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Ad for The Bank of Eastern Arkansas=Absolute Safety-Officers:James Fussell, Pres./J.T.Fondren, Cashier. 2-17-1911 - NEW ADDITION TO TOWN - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Izard Tract-New Addition for City:Messrs.Eugene Williams and E.A.Rolfe have purchased the Izard Tract, north of town, formerly known as the old Fair Grounds, Mr.Guy Johnson, Civil engineer of Marianna, has just platted it for them. 2-17-1911 - CENSUS FOR CITY - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The lastest census figures show 2,484 citizens in Forrest City, while Marianna shows 4,800. The Southwestern Telephone company says we have 390 telephones, and Marianna has 365 subscribers. 3-3-1911 - CENSUS FOR COUNTY - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The census bureau reports 5,836 citizens in St.Francis County are over 21 and males and eligible to vote, a total of 22,548 citizens. 3-10-1911 - AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.Bogart was involved in an auto accident when a dangling telephone wire became entangled with the vehicle. The wire caught the vehicle just above the hood, and stripped the woodwork and windshield level, striking Dr.Bogart and his passenger, Mr.Jeff Neeley of Palestine before he could stop the car. 3-10-1911 - DOUGLAS - H. - O. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.H.O.Douglas, who for nearly four years has been superintendant for the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill here. He has taken a post in Memphis with the Richmond Cotton Oil Mill. 3-24-1911 - McDANIEL - W. - H. - MRS - - - NA - FCTIMES - Another car for Forrest City, Messrs.Barnhart and McDaniel, unloaded another Overland auto, ordered for Mrs.W.H.McDaniel. This makes three Overlands in town, one for Dr.Bogart, and the other for Mr.Otis Stevens. 3-24-1911 - EAST - TENNIE - - MRS - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Tennie East Helby, and sons, Ed and Jake Helby, of Griggs township, after selling their 160 acres of bottom land to Mr.R.J.Williams for $4,000 cash, left for Ashville, N.Carolina, where she hopes her son Jake can recover from tuberculosis.3-31-1911 They returned last Sunday due to the high altitude of Ashville was too much for Jake.4-7-1911 He died Mar.31,1911 3-31-1911 - NICHOLS - BARD - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Another car for Forrest City, an E.M.F.sold by Mr.Ray Benner, to Mr.Bard Nichols, now there are eight autos in Forrest City. 3-31-1911 - GORMAN - HENRY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Henry Gorman, son of cashier of the Planters Bank, Mr.H.P.Gorman left for Bakersfield, Calif. to join his two brothers in business in that city. 4-7-1911 - CITY ELECTION AT WIDENER - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - CITY ELECTION AT WIDENER:MAYOR-W.W.Bee, 51/Marshall-W.L.Roberts, 36; J.M.Crabtree, 12; Chas.Rutledge, 2/Treasurer-A.G.Sweet, 49; Recorder-G.C.Taylor, 51; Alderman (5) S.E.Sweet, Jr., 30; W.R.Kendrick, 26; J.A.Houston, 31; A.B.Ferrell, 23; J.W.Hall, 29; C.C.Fogg, 35; H.G.Starcher, 24; I.R.Hodges, 21. 4-7-1911 - CURTIS - JOHN - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.John Curtis, of Haynes, was in town at the Times sanctum yesterday. Mr.Curtis and our senior were boys together in the Auld Lang Syne. 4-14-1911 - LEWIS - BEN - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Ben Lewis brought over from Memphis last Friday an Indian Motorcycle, which he recently purchased. 4-14-1911 - DALTON - F. - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Editor F.T.Dalton of the Rector Newsboy was in town Thursday on a visit to his son, Section Foreman Dalton of the Iron Mountain railroad. 4-21-1911 - FITZPATRICK - T. - O. - POSTMASTER - - - NA - FCTIMES - Rural route three has been established by the USPS, per Mr.T.O.Fitzpatrick, Postmaster. It will serve a large part west of the city, one hundred and forty boxes established. The carrier will cover the area south of the Rock Island railroad and west in the morning, and in the afternoon north of the Rock Island and west side, covering a trip of twenty four and one eight miles. 4-21-1911 - VANCE - G. - C. - MRS - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.G.C.Vance returned from visits to relatives in Memphis and Oxford, Miss.. 4-21-1911 - OLD - THOMAS - E. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Thomas E.Old, formerly of St.Louis, and brother of Mr.H.E.Old of this city with Sipf's Grocery, has located and purchased the wood business formerly conducted by Mr.J.E.Newsom. 4-21-1911 - MALLORY - JOHN - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.John W.Mallory has accepted a position in Anniston, Alabama and left Friday evening. 4-28-1911 - CONTESTANTS FOR RACES IN LITTLE ROCK - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The following Forrest City High School Contestants are going to Little Rock to compete in the Interschool Track Meet ON April 21,1911:Grady Remley, 100 yard and 22 yard dash, and discus throw, shot put (Second Place); Louis Havens, Broad Jump(First Place) and 440 yard run and relay race; Albert Buford, Low hurdles, mile (First Place) and relay race; Herman Rollwage, Half mile and relay race; Burton Fitzsimmons, MIle Race; Weston Payne, Pole vault and relay race. Relay first place:(Remley, Havens, Buford and Payne) 4-28-1911 - ROEBUCK - RALIEGH - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Raleigh Roebuck, popular and genial timberman of Haynes was in town Thursday. 5-5-1911 - STEWART - T. - J. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.T.J.Stewart was in Wynee Monday enroute to Forrest City on business. He recently moved to Vanndale from Colt. Wynne Progress. 5-5-1911 - IZARD - R. - J. - MR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.R.J.Izard just returned from three weeks trip to Fayetteville, Mammoth Springs, Fort Smith and other points in the northwestern part of the state. 5-19-1911 - CONFEDERATE REUNION IN LITTLE ROCK:Attendees - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - ATTENDEES:Prof.Geo.L.Jackson/Dr.J.E.Stone/W.W.Campbell/Sheriff J.S."Josh" Fitch, now of near Ft.Worth,Texas/Charles R.Izard/Will Havens/D.Downey/John and Rolfe Eldridge/John L.Pope/John W.Aven/Clabe Fletcher/Henry Bernard/J.I.Brown/G.G.Dorris of Colt/Dep.Sheriff B.S.Moore/Claude Cowden/Col.Ed Landvoight of the Times/Col.W.Gilmore Simms of Barnwell Court House, S.Carolina//Capt.J.J.Hobbs/Judge R.H.Peevey/J.F.Bass, Sr. of Beebe, father of our Mr.J.F.Bass of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas/ 5-19-1911 - CONFEDERATE REUNION IN LITTLE ROCK:Speakers - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Twenty First Annual Reunion held in Little Rock Speakers=C.J.Owens, Commander in Chief of the Sons of the Confederacy/Ex-Governor Dan Jones/Gen.GeorgeW.Gordon, Commander in Chief of the United Confederate Veterans/Gen.James F.Smith, Commander of the Arkansas division of the United Confederate Veterans/John H.Hinemon, Henderson College President/Rev.John H.Dye, Chaplain for Arkansas division of U.C.V./Eulogies for Gen.W.L.Cabell, late honorary commander in chief/ 5-19-1911 - HODGES - WILL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Will Hodges, brother of Mr.S.L.Hodges, southside tinner, was in town Monday from Clarksdale, Miss., enroute to La Grange, and spent a few days with his family. 5-26-1911 - COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - 1911 GRADUATES=High School=Miss Annie Mabley, With Honors/ 5-26-1911 - COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - 1911 GRADUATES=MEDALS=First Grade:Joe Lanier/Second Grade:Louise Turley/Third Grade:Ernestine Smith/Fourth Grade:Rebecca Yoffe/Fifth Grade:Azile Merritt/Sixth Grade:Louise Delano/Seventh Grade:Annie May Delano/Eighth Grade:Eleanor Mabley/Ninth Grade:Margaret Barrow/Tenth Grade:Goodwyn Tipton/Eleventh Grade:Annie Mabley/Essay:Albert Buford/High School Scholarship:Eleanor Mabley 5-26-1911 - COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - 1911 GRADUATES=Grammer School:Zelma Royal/Doris Hodges/Willie Sanders/Julia Barrow/Ethel Waldrop/Annie May Delano/Jennie Warshavsky/Guy Beard/Pete York/Othello McDougal/James Scott/Mallory Williams/Herman Izard/Henry Gray/Calvin Nail/Burton Fitzsimmons/Cecil Blanton/Thomas Mabley/John Lanier/Charlie Thomas/Aubrey Harris/Nolan Fields. 5-26-1911 - FOGG - W. - E. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.W.E.Fogg, formerly a prominent and highly esteemed farmer of Telico township, now of Fredericks, Okla. was in town last week. 5-26-1911 - VADAKIN - JAMES - HURLBURT - - - - NA - FCTIMES - 1911 Graduate of Shelbyville, Illinois shows Mr. James Hurlburt Vadakin, a 19 year old graduate with honors. 6-9-1911 - McCULLOUGH - JACK - - PROF. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Prof.Jack McCullough from Clarendon, came over to visit. He is the principal elect of the Crowley Ridge Institute.7-21-1911 Prof.McCullough has resigned. 6-9-1911 - LIGON - W. - T. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - W.T.Ligon of the firm of Ligon & Tankersley, of Round Pond, has sold his interest to J.B.Terry, and is going west in search of his health. 6-16-1911 - ROLFE - E. - A. - JUDGE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Another car for Forrest City, this time it is Judge E.A.Rolfe, a nice E.M.F.Touring car. 6-30-1911 - MALLORY - G. - B. - SHERIFF - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sheriff and Tax Collector for St.Francis County, Hon.G.B.Mallory reports tax collections 99 per cent collected at net $132,854 out of $144,140.55. 6-30-1911 - DRY RIDGE TIMES - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Those mentioned:Dry Ridge Times:Mrs.Price and son visit Mr.& Mrs.Newt Bynum; Messers.Henry Bynum and E.S.Royal go fishing; Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Browning were in Caldwell; Mr.Whit Bynum and Miss Lucy Bynum spent Sunday with their aunt; Mrs.Julia Royal and granddaughter visit Mrs.J.R.Browning; Miss Willie Browning spent several days visiting relatives; Messrs.Richard Porter and J.R.Browning went fishing on Crow Creek Friday. Arkansas Crank. 6-30-1911 - BATTLESHIP FLEET IN RUSSIA - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Czar Nicholas visited the fleet of American Battleships South Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas and New Hampshire under command of Rear Admiral C.J.Badger at St.Petersburg, Russia. 7-7-1911 - McDANIEL - S. - P. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.S.P.McDaniel left yesterday morning to work on the new Forrest City-Memphis Automobile highway. Much progress has been made, three bridges have been built- one across the Bivins bayou, one across Hill lake drain, and one across Middle Bayou. The Vincent club will furnish a ferry boat across Blackfish Lake. Aug.4,1911-New highway completed, following the route of the Old Military Road from the Mississippi River at Marion to the St.Francis river, thence down the east bank of the river to Madison, crossing the steel bridge at that point and over the Forrest City to Madison road from that point. The road west from this city parallels the Rock Island railroad to the county line in Brinkley. The route then goes south to Clarendon crossing the White River at Roe, and thence across the prairie country via Hazen, Lonoke, and Little Rock. 7-7-1911 - PREWETT - FRANK - M. - CAPT. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Capt.F.M.Prewett visited Helena last week to see his son Mr.Tom Prewett. Uncle Frank is now 82 years of age. 7-7-1911 - LEGGETT - G. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Fifty years ago, July 21st., Mr.E.Bonner "locked horns" at the battle of Manasas with Mr.G.W.Leggett, the former with the Confederate side, and the latter with the Federals. To-day, these warriors lock horns whenever they meet. 7-7-1911 - MALLORY - EMMET - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Emmet Mallory brought in to the Times office a bit of a reminder of "Fifty Years Ago." It was a ball of the old buck and ball cartridge used in the beginning of the Civil War. The ball was plowed up on the site of the battlefield of Mt.Vernon hill, where Dobbins' troops engaged a lot of Federals. 7-14-1911 - PENSION BOARD MEETS AND APPROVES GRANTS - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The Pension Board of this county, composed of Judge J.R.Beasley, chairman; Mr.Sam F.Sulcer and Mr.Dan Wylds met in regular session at the court house and conferred full pensions of $100 per year for Messrs.John R.Brown, Samuel Dempsey, Thos.A.Hughes, and Mrs. Susan Colbert Blalock. They also approved an increase for G.H.Johnson, John J.Ables, and Mrs.H.C.Britton for full amount, and for an artificial limb for Prof.Geo.L.Jackson, and we hope the State board will approves these right and proper decisions. 7-14-1911 - SLONIKER - W. - O. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sloniker Mill Times=Mr.W.O.Sloniker has moved here from the St.Francis bottoms, on account of his health. 7-14-1911 - ROBERTSON - HARRISON - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sloniker Mill Times=Uncle Harrison Robertson reports that his cattle are dying from Texas fever. 7-14-1911 - BARTOL THE DOG IS DEAD - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - DEATH=Bartol is Dead=Many of you remember that a good many years ago there lived in the county a Mr.John Bartol, a timberman who had a dog, which was afterwards called Bartol after his master. This dog once upon a time was stolen by one of its ardent admirers, and thereupon a lawsuit was forthwith launched for the recovery of the animal. In this suit, Bartol the man was successful, but the costs had amounted up to a considerable sum, and he finally agreed to give Mr.Wm.Murphree, the Deputy Sheriff, now deceased, having been murdered by a murderous dangerous outlaw, in performance of his duties, the ownership of the aforesaid dog, in liew of the costs accrued, and his proposition was accepted. The dog for eleven years since been the faithful companion of the dead sheriff's two little sons, Hugh and Bruce, but on Tuesday he ended his eventful career, and turned up his toes to the daisies. Bartol the man, and Bartol the dog, and the sheriff are all dead, but the memory of one, and the incident of the three, will iive on perhaps for ever. 7-21-1911 - OVERFIELD - E. - H. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - E.H.Overdield, former manager of the Forrest City Steam Laundry was in town, settlling accounts, he is now over Wynne and Searcy plants. 7-28-1911 - DANCE AT STUART SPRINGS - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Attendees of Dance Held at Stuart Springs:Messrs.Jas.Ewart, Bard Nichols, Sam Mann, Walker Morrow, Robin Williams, George Bickerstaff, John Schlosser, Al Nimocks, Ed Mallory, Nathan Norton, Dan Kaureauf, Will Merwin, John Gatling, Henry Gatling, Leo Grobmyer, Frank Folbre, Ira Proctor, Albert Buford, H.W.Cook, Lindsey Bridgforth, Herman Rollwage, Misses Madeleine Rollwage, Lulie Tate Fall, Virginia Norton, Emilie Gatling, Virginia Rollwage, Bessie May Williams, Eva Chew, Evelyn Pettus, Goodwin Tipton, Eva Bridgforth, Anna Mae Grobmyer, Lucille Fussell, Winnie Stevens, Mildred Oursler, Dainty Gatling, Mr.& Mrs.Joe Ferguson. 7-28-1911 - ERBES - FRED - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Fred Erbes of Centrailia, Illinois was in town looking after his interests in the bottoms near Whitmore. 7-28-1911 - SMALLEY - J. - H. - CAPT. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Capt.J.H.Smalley of Memphis was in town looking after his extensive farming interests in Democrat. 7-28-1911 - WYLDS - GROVER - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Received a card from Grover Wylds, he asked his address be changed to Colfax, Washington. 8-4-1911 - STEELE - S. - R. - PROF. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Prof.S.R.Steele of Waco, Texas has been selected to be head of the Crowley Ridge Insitute. 8-4-1911 - EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID FEVER - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.J.A.Bogart, President of the City Board of Health has declared an epidemic of Typhoid Fever due to eight cases confirmed, and several more possible cases. He warns people to not let their milk cows drink water near the mouth of sewers or drains unless the milk has been boiled, and also against the washing of clothes in water taken from such places. 8-11-1911 - ROYAL - A. - B. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.A.B.Royal, of Oxford, Miss. was in the city yesterday on business, and came by the office with his brother, Mr.E.S.Royal of Caldwell. 8-11-1911 - BRIDGFORTH - D. - O. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr. & Mrs.D.O.Bridgforth have returned from Memphis with the twins to live permanently. 8-18-1911 - WASHINGTON - BOOKER - T. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.Booker T.Washington, the educator, will speak at Madison as the guest of Scott Bond & Sons, and will be their guest. It is estimated that 8,000 persons heard his speech. 8-25-1911 - PREWETT - OSCAR - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.Oscar Prewett, arrived Saturday from Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America, where he is employed as on the railroad, in response to a message that his father, Capt.F.M.Prewett from his sister, was seriously ill. Capt.Prewett, who is in his 87 th year, was better and able to be up when his son arrived. Oscar says the railroad in Ecuador crosses the Equator, and when asked if it was very hot there, said it runs between 750 and 1000 feet above sea level, and that it is very cold. It is warm in a few places there sometimes. 9-1-1911 - BASS - J. - FRANK - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.J.Frank Bass, Cashier at the Bank of Eastern Arkansas has taken a position in Jonesboro with the American Trust Co. 9-1-1911 - HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR THE 1911-1912 TERM - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Teachers selected for High School term 1911-1912: Principal-Prof. S.R.Steele; Asst.Principal-Joe A.Youngblood; Miss Ruby Farmer, Miss Pearl Davis, Miss Iva Cox, Miss Dainty Gatling, Miss Lollie Habletom, Miss Stella Doyle, Miss Clara Bridewell, Miss Lulla Bridewell, round out the staff. 9-1-1911 - BOLL WEEVIL HERE-ALMOST - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Boll Weevil here, the first we have ever seen was brought in by Mr.Orrin Winford, of west of town. He stated that some were in the county last season. SEP.8,1911-Capt.James Fussell sent the weevil to the University of Arkansas for verification, and it said it was not the boll weevil, but was a weevil 9-8-1911 - IZARD - LINNIE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - We received a letter from Mr.Linnie (Mark W.)Izard, dated at Van Buren, in which he states he has located at Mena and is running a hotel there after Sep.10, in the Queen City of Western Arkansas, succeeding Mr.E.B.Spence as Proprietor. 9-8-1911 - CHIEFS OF OLD INDIAN NATION TO HONOR DESOTO - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - It is planned to have all the old chiefs from the tribes from surviving members who inhabited North Alabama, West Tennessee, Northern Mississippi, and Eastern Arkansas, and will be brought from the reservations in Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It will be held Sep.28 in Memphis to celebrate the discovery of the Mississippi river by DeSoto. Chiefs of the Chichashaw nation which inhabited Northern Mississippi and Western Tennessee, the Choctaws who were famed their fighting instinct and frequent triumph in Eastern Arkansas, the Cretes, Cherokees, and Seminoles, all of whom fought or befriended Desoto will be brought back from the far west. 9-8-1911 - REUNION OF THE BLUE AND GRAY AT MEMPHIS, SEPT.27 - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Photo showing the 1899 Confederate Reunion in Memphis, shows the late Gen.Clement A.Evans, commander in chief for the United Order of Confederate Veterans, shaking the hand of Maj.Gen.Frederick Dent Grant, son of Gen.U.S.Grant, and with whom he had fought fifty years ago. In times past, Adjutant General Nathan Bedford Forrest, probably the son of the Civil War General who died in 1877, of the United Sons of the Confederate Veterans, was among the enthusiastic members of the committee which invaded the country north of the old Mason & Dixon dividing line, Other prominent citizens of Memphis who members of the committee:Roane Waring, Kirk Allen, F.K.Deffrey, E.W.Jernigan, L.W.Dutro, J.A.Stackhouse, B.F.Powell, J.P.Norfleet, N.B.Forrest, N.J.Shelton, H.C.Myers, C.A.Desausabere, J.M.Williams, Thomas O.Conner, J.J.Mason, R.E.Urquart, A.H.Kertrecht, and C.C.Pashby. It is expected to draw over 100,000 to the event and the Tri-State Fair. 9-15-1911 - NIMOCKS - R. - M. - COMMODORE - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Geo.T.Nimocks of Wilmington, N.C., elder son of Commodore R.M.Nimocks of the Forrest City Grocery Co., spent several days in the city visiting. 9-15-1911 - TROOP OF BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA TO BE FORMED - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - A meeting to organize a Troop of the Boy Scouts of America will meet at the Methodist church next Monday for every boy age 12 to 18. 9-22-1911 - HAVENS - LOUIS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Louis Havens and Mr.Bennie McCrary left fot Sweetwater, Tenn. to attend the Tennessee Military College this fall. 9-29-1911 - PARSELL - JAMES - H. - CAPT. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Capt.James H.Parsell was in Palestine Monday. Goodwin Times. 10-6-1911 - OZELL - O. - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.O.A.Ezell presented to the Forrest City Times-wood from the Confederate gunboat Beauregard, sunk off Memphis by the Federal gunboats in 1862, The stick was manufactured by Claud Hamilton, Memphis, Tenn. 10-6-1911 - MARSHALL - LAWRENCE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The latest automobile in town, an Overland car was purchased by Mr.Lawrence Marshall. 10-20-1911 - KNIGHT - STANLEY - P. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Stanley P.Knight, brother of Mr.Harry A.Knight, of this city, is employed with the Tonopah Mining Company, of Nevada. 10-20-1911 - OLD - E. - C. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.E.C.Old of the John Sipf Co. has secured a contract to furnish 10,000 wagon loads of gravel for the new steel railroad bridge being erected at Raggio. 10-27-1911 - WOMACK - JOHN - - COL. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Col.John Womack is visiting a friend on the latter's plantation near Roe, they were boyhood friends and has not seen him since then. 10-27-1911 - BARNETT - LOUIS - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.Louis Barnett and two manly little sons, and Miss Mary Barnett, charming sister of Mr.Barnett, arrived from Louisville and plan to make this their home. 10-27-1911 - CARRICK - T. - A. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.T.A.Carrick of Paragould, came to Forrest City, and he left them with the children with her parents, Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Aldridge until he has a place for them in Kansas City, their new home to be, where he has accepted a position with a large stave and heading company of that city. She is nee Virgie Aldridge. 11-3-1911 - STERN - J. - G. - CAPT. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Capt.J.H.Stern is driving a new automobile he purchased while visiting his mother in Illinois recently. 11-3-1911 - GRAHAM - W. - S. - MRS - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mrs.W.A.Graham returned from a summer abroad in London, Switzerland, Italy, and other countries. 11-3-1911 - HAVENS - OPHELIA - - MRS - - - NA - FCTIMES - Miss Lucille Simmons, of Memphis, is visiting her sister, Mrs.Ophelia Havens of this city. 11-17-1911 - SLONIKER - GRANPA - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Sloniker Mill Times=Grandpa and Grandma Sloniker had a reunion to honor sons Mr.Chas.Sloniker of Burr Oak, Kansas and Mr.John Sloniker of Cincinatti, Ohio. 11-17-1911 - IZARD - VAN - - COL. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Col.Van Izard went to Pine Bluff for a meeting of the State Baptist Association. 11-17-1911 - BROWN - J. - T. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.& Mrs.J.T.Brown, nee Miss Ella May Teel, at Colliersville, Tenn., of Franks township are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary tonight. They were remarried by Rev.C.F.Wilson, of the Haynes circuit. Mr.& Mrs.Roy Weier, who were also celebrating their third anniversary, stood up for them, as also Mr.Dan Wylds and Miss Fannie Brown, daughter of the principals, and Mr.Ruffin Brown, son, and Miss Nannie Wilkins. Dr. & Mrs. Brown are the parents of eight children, the oldest twenty three, and the youngest, three years of age. All of the children are living and were present. 11-24-1911 - FERGUSON - WILL - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Will Ferguson returned from San Antonio, Texas sporting a new Ford Touring Car which he purchased there. 12-1-1911 - J.W.BECK & CO. BANKRUPT - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - J.W.Beck & Co., one of the largest mercantile houses in Eastern Arkansas fails, receiver appointed is Mr.N.B.Nelson a former stockholder. 12-1-1911 - STOREY - J. - W. - Judge - - - NA - FCTIMES - Judge J.W.Storey, of Harrisburg, came to visit his daughter, Mrs.W.J.Lanier. 12-8-1911 - JORDAN - E. - G. - Miss - - - NA - FCTIMES - Miss E.G.Jordan of Claremore, Okla. has leased the new Clayton Hotel, erected this summer at the corner of Seventh and Ash Streets by J.C.Stevens. It will have 52 rooms, and hopes to be open by Jan.12,1912. 12-8-1911 - YOFFIE - MAX - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Max Yoffie's stock and merchandise have been purchased by Mr.R.W.Benson who will remain in business. 12-8-1911 - BANKS COMPANY GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - The Banks Company of Palestine will close Dec.23,1911. 12-8-1911 - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - COL. - - - NA - FCTIMES - The reunion last Sunday of the Van B.Izard family had these attendees:four children, , two sons and two daughters with four grandchildren:Mr.& Mrs.Jas.W.Williams of Wynne; Mr.& Mrs.Richard J.Izard and daughter; Miss Izard, Master Herman and little Miss Mary;Dr.& Mrs.E.A.Long, and son, Master Ernest A.Jr. of Memphis; and Mr.V.B.Izard Jr. of Devalls Bluff. 12-8-1911 - HUFSTUTLER - HENRY - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Henry Hufstuttler, formerly of Johnson Township, now of Searcy, was in town and he advises he hopes to return to St.Francis county. 12-15-1911 - HARRIS - G. - W. - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Harris of Tennesse have arrived to make Forrest City their home. Their daughter is Mrs.G.W.Henry. 12-22-1911 - WEBB - LEE - - - - - NA - FCTIMES - Mr.Lee Webb and Mr.C.S.McCarvel, two well known farmers of Johnson township, loaded their stock, implements, and household goods on the Rock Island to move to Miller Station, Cleburn County. 12-22-1911 - GEE - F. - M. - REV. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Rev.F.M.Gee, the new pastor of the Methodist church will deliver the sermon next Sunday. 12-22-1911 - WARREN - O. - N. - DR. - - - NA - FCTIMES - Dr.O.N.Warren has departed for El Paso, Texas where he has taken a position as sales manager for the El Paso Drug Co. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAFÂ-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911