The Forrest City Times NewspaperHere are pictures of the OWNER AND EDITOR, RESPECTIVELY, Mr.Landvoight and Mr.Vadakin from 1905 and The Banner Line in 1898
In Chronological Order-Selected Articles in The Paper[Deaths/Births/Marriages/Announcements, and Phone List]UPDATED Oct.7,2012 Original:August 20,2009 Date: - Main Entry: - First Name: - MI/Prefix: - Note: Forrest City Times Newspaper-Year 1909 Articles have been summarized! Paul V. Isbell Motto:Forrest City Times:"Fear God, Tell the Truth and Make Money" DEATHS: 1-8-1909 - MACKEY - LEORA - - MRS. - - Unk - Unk - UNKNOWN - DEATH OF MRS.MACKEY-UN READABLE! 1-8-1909 - CARSON - ERNEST - F. - JR. - - 5 31 1904 - 1 2 1909 - UNION - Ernes,t F.Carson, Jr., aged four years, seven months, and two days, son of E.F.Carson, the barber, was taken suddenly ill on Friday evening, Jan.1, 1909, and died Saturday morning, Jan.2,1909 of auto-toxemia, and was buried Sunday at the Union cemetery in this city. Ernest was a bright little fellow and had many friends among his papa's customers, all of whom were sorry indeed to learn the news. Carson and wife have the sympathy of the entire community. 1-15-1909 - HAYNES - LIZZIE - ANN - MRS. - TAYLOR - 9 4 1876 - 12 8 1908 - BIBLE UNION - DEATH OF MRS.J.W.HAYNES=Mrs.Haynes was the wife of Mr.J.W.Haynes of Horton, Arkansas. She died Dec.8,1908, and was buried at Bible Union cemetery Dec.10. She was born in Illinois Sep.4,1876, her maiden name being LIzzie Ann Taylor. On Oct.23,1894 she married Mr.Haynes. In 1896, Mr.Haynes moved from Maldern, Missouri to St.Francis county where he now lives. Mrs.Haynes was the mother of eleven children, five living, and six dead. Triplets were born to them on Thursday, June 23,1904, and departed this life on the same date.The oldest living child was born June 11,1896, and the youngest was born Dec.8,1908. The little infant had to be taken away from home, but it has found a new home with Mr.& Mrs.E.R.Haynes of Palestine. Mrs.Haynes was a member of the K.L.& H. order, and was buried by that order. She leaves a husband, five children, a mother, four sisters, two brothers, and a host of other relatives and friends. She was a good Christian woman, a good wife, and a kind and loving mother. 1-15-1909 - BABCOCK - S. - H. - MRS. - - UNK - 1 2 1909 - JONESBORO - The news of the death of Mrs.S.H.Babcock at Jonesboro on Jan.2,1909 was received here a few days later with deep regret by a large circle of friends. She was the mother of Rev.Sidney H.Babcock, formerly pastor of the here, and a widely known and noble woman, whose lovely Christian character was admired by all who knew her. 1-22-1909 - HOSHALL - ELBERT - P. - - - 1826 - 1 15 1909 - MEMPHIS - Died at his residence McLemore Ave. in Memphis, Tenn., Jan.15,1909, at 8 o'clock, Mr.Elbert P.Hoshall, in the 83rd year of his age. Funeral services conducted at the residence by Rev.Dr.Ramsey, Monday afternoon. Mr.Hoshall was the eldest brother of Mr.T.R.Hoshall of this county, and Mr.& Mrs.T.R.Hoshall went to Memphis to pay their last respects. 1-22-1909 - MITCHELL - BOB - - - - Unk - Unk - UNKNOWN - Mr.S.N.Mitchell of Concord, Tenn., a brother of our long time friend, Uncle Bob Mitchell, deceased, was in the city yesterday on business winding up the estate. He was accompanied by his counsellor, Mr.M.L.Russell. We had the pleasure of meeting both gentlemen and they were favorably impressed with this country. 1-22-1909 - SIMMONS - BESSIE - MAY - MISS - - Unk - 1 16 1909 - HARRISBURG - BESSIE MAY SIMMONS=Beautiful and accomplished young woman passes away. Miss Bessie May Simmons is dead! This was the awful , sad news that reached the ears of her relatives and scores of Forrest City friends, the first of the week. She died suddenly at her home in Harrisburg, on Saturday night, Jan.16,1909 of heart failure. after a lingering illness covering a period of several years, with that dread destroyer, tuberculosis of the lungs. Miss Simmons was the daughter of Dr.& Mrs.M.D.Simmons, of Harrisburg, and a niece of Mrs.B.D.Hatcher, Mrs.Johnnie McKie and Mr.Charles L.Simmons, of this city, where she was also well known and greatly beloved and admired by a large circle of friends made during her stay while studying at the Crowley Ridge Institute. Bessie May was an accomplished pianist, and a graduate of the M.F.C.Institute at Jackson, Tenn. She was heard here during the meeting of the A.F.W.C. in 1907. She has a very large class of pupils at Harrisburg, and has taught piano music very successfully. The precious remains were interred at Harrisburg, and Rev.M.M.Smih of Paragould, former presiding elder of this district, and her pastor, Rev.Walker conducted the funeral ceremonies in the presence of a very large concourse of relatives and friends. 1-29-1909 - WHITTENTON - NAOMI - - MISS - - 1899 - 1 16 1909 - CITY - We are saddened to learn of the death of little Miss Naomi, the sweet and beautiful ten year old daughter of our friend and patron, Mr.J.A.Whittenton, which sad event occurred on Saturday, Jan.16,1909 at the home 5 miles southwest of the city, in Franks township. She had an attack of gastritus and complications caused her death. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City Cemetery on Sunday, following, Elder W.E.Pippin of the Baptist church conducting the religious ceremonies in the presence of a large number of friends of the bereaved family. 1-29-1909 - KINGSTON - JNO. - - - - Unk - 1 17 1909 - UNKNOWN - Sunday night, Jan.17,1909, around 11 o'clock, a westbound freight train on the Choctaw struck and killed a man on a trestle, killing him almost instantly. According to a note in his pocket, he name is Jno. Kingston of Albion, Penn. He was ragged and dirty. Coroner Todd held an inquest and the jury exonerated the railroad in the death. 1-29-1909 - BRUMBY - AND SON - - MRS. - - Unk - 1 1909 - NEW CASTLE - New Castle Times=Mrs.Brumby has died of pneumonia since we began writing the column. Mr.Brumby had just buried his only boy, who died with the same disease.\ 2-5-1909 - BARKER - GEORGE - - - - UNK - 1 29 1909 - MADISON - The remains of Mr.Geo.Barker were interred in the cemetery at Madison Sunday, Rev.W.L.Wilford of the Methodist church, of this city officiating. Mr.Barker had been ill for some time, and was found lying across his bed in a timber camp near Parkin last Friday night, dead. 2-12-1909 - LODDIE - JOHN - - - - UNK - 2 10 1909 - UNKNOWN - P.A.GORMAN KILLS A MAN=About six o'clock on Wednesday evening a rumor reached here that Mr.Paris Gorman had shot and killed a man named John Loddie. near Widener, in this county. Mr.Gorman arrived in Forrest City about 7:30 and surrendered to Dr.McDougal, Deputy Sheriff, and was taken before E.Turley, JP, who placed him under bond of one thousand dollars for his appearance. The inquest was held by Coroner Todd the next day at Sheriff Williams place, south of Widener where the shooting occurred, and found that Mr.Gorman had shot Mr.Loddie with a pistol. Apparently the two had separate ways around Jan.1, and then Loddie came back and tore down a calf lot on his premises without his permission and taken some cotton seed. Upon questioning Loddie, he advanced on Gorman and he felt endangered, and shot in self defense. Both Paris and his father Walter Gorman appreciate the support of the community in this time of trouble. 2-12-1909 - HOOD - ROSS - - - - UNK - 2 9 1909 - UNKNOWN - DEATH OF ROSS HOOD=Little Ross Hood, son of Mr.& Mrs.James Hood of the Yocona neighborhood met with a fatal accident on Tuesday evening, Feb.9,1909. While playing at recess, he was grabbing at the wagon passing, and was drawn under the wheel. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, by Elder Pippin of Forrest City, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery nearby. 2-19-1909 - SMITH - JACOB - - - - UNK - 2 13 1909 - CITY - A SUDDEN DEATH=A sad death occurred in the western part of town last Saturday night, Feb.13,1909. Mr.Jacob Smith, of Franklin, Ohio, who had been working and lodging with Mr.Bark Ezell, the carpenter, started home Saturday night, and as it was raining they were hurrying. The exertion brought on a spell of coughing, followed by severe internal hemorrhages, while only a short distance from home, He died within five minutes of reaching home. Mr.Ezell decided that an inquest was necessary, and Coroner Todd who summoned a jury, which determined that the death was due to unknown causes. Mr.Smith's daughterm who lives in Franklin, was notified, but she was unable to afford the expense of having the remains brought to her home. The remains were laid to rest in the Forrest City cemetery on Monday. Mr. Smith was a sufferer from asthma and had come south for relief. 2-19-1909 - TAYLOR - M. - A. - MRS. - - UNK - 2 19 1909 - UNKNOWN - MRS.W.A.TAYLOR DEAD=Mrs.W.A.Taylor, well known as the matron of the Old Ladies Home, located just east of the city, was painfully and perhaps fatally burned on Tuesday, Feb.16.1909 at her room with Mr.& Mrs.Jim Weaver. She was standing in front of the fireplace and her clothing caught fire, and before it could be extinguished, had burned her limbs and body up to her waist in a horrible manner. Dr.Longest is attending her and has little hope of her recovery on account of her extreme age. Later-Mrs.Taylor died this morning at 7 o'clock, Feb.19,1909. She was a familiar figure on the streets of Forrest City and was always busy. She will be missed and her death is regretted by her friends. She had no relatives here, but we understand that she had kinspeople in Little Rock. Miss Goodrich, a niece, came over Wednesday to take her to the hospital, but she could not be moved. God bless her soul. 2-26-1909 - LEE - HENRY - SHERMAN - - - 3 1908 - 2 16 1909 - AUGUSTA - BABY CARL LEE DEAD=Mrs.Emma Cummings and Mr.Henry F.P.Gorman left Tuesday for Augusta in response to a message that conveyed the sad intelligence of the death of Little Henry Sherman, the sweet little eleven months old baby boy of Mr.& Mrs.Carl Lee, which sad event occurred the same morning about 3 o'clock, Feb.16,1909. They attended the funeral which took place on Saturday. Mrs.Lee, nee Miss Lollie Gorman, had many friends here who were shocked to learn of the tragedy. 2-26-1909 - McCAIN - BABY - - - - 1907 - 2 24 1909 - CITY - The sweet little two year old baby of Mr.& Mrs.W.A.McCain is died Wednesday, Feb.24,1909, and the precious reamains were buried at the Forrest City cemetery the following day. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their friends in their great affliction. 3-5-1909 - BOTTOMS - DAVE - - MRS. - - UNK - 3 3 1909 - MT.VERNON - MRS.DAVE BOTTOMS DEAD=Mr.& Mrs.Dave Bottoms, of Memphis, came home on Feb.17 on a visit to his mother and other friends and relatives. They were comfortably domiciled at the home of his mother, and for awhile enjoyed our healthful climate and waters, but Mrs.Bottoms was taken sick on Monday, and on Wednesday morning, Mar.3,1909, she passed away peacefully. Her remains were interred in the Mt.Vernon cemetery Wednesday afternoon, Rev.W.L.Wilford of the Methodist church conducting the funeral services at the gravesite in the presence of a large number of friends of the family. Mrs.Bottoms was a devoted wife and leaves a heart broken husband to mourn her loss. She was not a member of any church, but when in health took a lively interest in doing good. 3-5-1909 - ISABELLE - HENRY - - - - UNK - 2 26 1909 - UNKNOWN - MAN KILLED=A man named Henry Isabelle, formerly employed by Mr.S.B.Trapp and afterwards by Mr.T.J.Davis was shot twice and instantly killed by Mr.S.E.Hammond, who is also in Mr.Trapp's employ as bookkeeper, on Feb.26,1909. Mr.Hammond was exonerated by the Coroner's jury as Mr.Isabelle had been drunk to Mr.Hammond, and became impudent when wanting his account brandishing a pistol. 3-19-1909 - FOOTE - PORTLY - H. - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - FRANTZ - CHARLES - - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - STOVALL - HARRY - - - - 1892 - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - STARRAT - J. - L. - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - PHILLIPS - ETHEL - - MRS. - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - HOOD - A. - M. - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - BRADEN - BELLE - - MRS. - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - REED - ISAAC - - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - REED - RUSSELL - - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - REED - ISAAC - - MRS. - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - REED - RAYMOND - - - - UNK - 3 15 1909 - BRINKLEY - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 35 people dead, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - HARTMAN - M. - L. - - - UNK - 3 18 1909 - KENTUCKY - Mr.M.L.Hartman of Carrollton, Ky., father of Mrs.L.R.Grobmyer and her brother Mr.Henry Hartman who is employed with his brother in law here. He passed away on Thursday morning, Mar.18,1909. 3-26-1909 - McMICKLES - CLYDE - - - - 1901 - 3 20 1909 - OKLAHOMA - Clyde McMickles, 8 year old son of Mrs.Lillian McMIckles, Oklahoma City, was accidentally shot in the head with a 22 calibre target rifle Saturday morning, and died that night, Mar.20,1909 from the wounds. He was a half brother of Mr.Willie McMickles of this city's post office. 3-26-1909 - HUNTER - MELISSA - ANN - MRS. - JOHNSON - 9 3 1928 - 3 23 1909 - CITY - MRS.M.L.HUNTER IS DEAD=The sad news reached the city Wednesday that Mrs.M.L.Hunter, of New Orleans, is dead. Mrs.Hunter was a former resident of this city, and had many friends and acquaintances who remember the family kindly and regret her death. About ten years ago they moved to Wynne, and three years later moved to New Orleans, where she has resided since. She passed away on Tuesday, Mar.23,1909 in her 80th year, of general debility and complications. Mrs.Hunter was a sister in law of Mrs.John M.Parrot, and an aunt of Mrs.H.P.Dooley, of this city. She also leaves two daughters, Mrs.Noble nee Miss Jimmie Hunter, and Miss Polly Hunter to mourn her loss. The family are also dear friends of Mr.& Mrs.L.E.Davenport. The precious remains were shipped to Forrest City and will be interred in the Forrest City cemetery tomorrow. The funeral services will by held by Rev.W.L.Wilford of the Methodist church at that place after the arrival of the morning train from Memphis.The Forrest City Times. April 2, 1909. Mrs. M. A. Hunter. In New Orleans on Thursday, March 23, at 12:30 a.m. , Mrs. M. A. Hunter, aged 80 years, one of the early settlers of Arkansas and a former resident of Forrest City, widow of the late James A. Hunter, of Crowley Ridge, after a painful and protracted illness of many weeks, passed into eternal rest, and the enjoyment of that perfect peace which God giveth to those who love and serve Him. Mrs. Hunter was born in Claysville, Alabama, on August 3rd, 1828 and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, formerly of South Carolina. She was married in 1856 to Mr. James A. Hunter, of St. Francis county, Arkansas, whom whe survived a quarter of a century. In 1896 Mrs. Hunter removed with her family to New Orleans, at which place she resided to the day of her demise at the ripe age of four score years. During her residence in and near Forrest City, Mrs. Hunter endeared herself to a large circle of friends and acquaintances by her gentleness and helpfulness of spirit, and the exhbition in her quiet and unostentiatious way of those Christian virtues which are the crown and ornament of the true womans life. To the poor and needy she cheerfully extended a helping hand, (how the Lord loveth a cheerful giver.) To the sick she was a ministering angel, and to those who were in sorrow she gave the balm of her boundless sympathies, as well as her tenderest ministrations. She was a consistent and exemplary member of the Methodist church, and throughout her long and useful career, "adorned the doctrine and walked in the faith." Mrs. Hunter left to mourn her loss, and to cherish the remembrance of a life well spent, four daughters, one granddaughter, four grandsons and four great grandchildren. Her daughters, are Mrs. W. H. WIlls, Mrs. W. L Seaborn, Mrs. J. H. Noble and Miss Pop Hunter. To them we extend our deepest sympathy. May they have grace to "trust God in the dark," and find in Him that comfort and strength which the world cannot give nor take away. Shortly before Mrs. Hunter's remains were taken from her late residence, 129 University Place, New Orleans, funeral services were held in the presence of a large number of her friends and those of her family. Many beautiful flowers and appropriate floral offerings of exquisite design testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Hunter was held: they also expressed sweetly and tenderly the deep love and sympathy that is felt in all hearts for the sorrowing ones bereft of their treasure. - Brenda Huntley Added: 4/1/2007 4-9-1909 - CANALE - FATHER - - - - 1843 - 3 4 1909 - ITALY - Mr.Pete Canale, the popular and courteous resturanteur at the corner of North Washington and Jackson Streets, received the intelligence that his father had died at Palermo, Italy on March 4,1909, at the age of sixty six. Our Mr.Canale's friends, of whom he has made many during his sojourn among us, condone with him on his bereavement. 4-9-1909 - NICHOLS - GEORGE - - - - UNK - 4 2 1909 - UNKNOWN - KILLING AT BECK'S SWITCH=Mr.George Nichols was shot on Friday night of last week, Apr.2,1909, and killed at Beck's Switch, west of town per the following as reported to us. At a church meeting, Nichols raised a window, and was told to lower it by Dep.Sheriff John Duncan, present to preserve order. He did so, but later did it again, and a quarrel ensued when Nichols threw his hand to his hip pocket, whereupon Duncan shot him. Duncan was held over by Cornoner Todd in jail, and was allowed out on bail of $750. 4-16-1909 - McHANEY - WILLIAM - - - - 1809 - 4 2 1909 - UNKNOWN - I regret to announce the death of Mr.William McHaney, father of Miss Neda McHaney, who taught school at Oak Grove last year. The sad event took place at Paragould, Ark. on Apr.2, 1909 at the advanced age of 90 years. The death of this noble man was full of years of honor. His circle of friends was large, but select. Though neither a politician nor writer on public topics, his influence on public questions was by no means inconsiderable: in short, he was one of those men who make a distinct impression on the history of the day. I was pleased to know that his old age was spent in quiet retirement, free from the cares and anxieties of life; that a useful career was crowned by a happy and contented end. A Friend. 4-23-1909 - STECKER - WILLIAM - - - - UNK - 4 21 1909 - ST.LOUIS - Mrs.J.W.Barnhart was called toSt.Louis, last on account of illness of her brother, Mr.William Stecker. Mr.Stecker died Sunday, Apr.21,1909, and Mrs.Barnhart is expected home tomorrow. 4-23-1909 - KNIGHT - E. - R. - CAPT. - - UNK - 8 1879 - TENNESSEE - The remains of Capt.E.R.Knight were exhumed last Monday from his family burial grounds mear the old home in the northeast part of the city, and shipped by Stevens Bros. to Madison, Tenn. for re enterrment. He will be remembered by some of the older residents as a kindly, courteous gentleman. 5-7-1909 - EBERHARDT - WILLIAM - - - - UNK - 5 7 1909 - UNKNOWN - WILLIAM EBERHARDT DROWNED=William Eberhardt, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board and well known to many of our citizens, was drowned Wednesday night, May 7,1909, in the Mississippi river at Pecan Point. A special dispatch to the Little Rock Gazette gives the following brief particulars: "In an unsuccessful effort to save the lives of his sister-in-law Mrs.B.F.Chiles, and her little daughter Virginia Chiles, aged 12 years,. William Eberhardt, 25 years old, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board, a wealthy plantation owner and a son of a prominent Memphis merchant, was drowned in the Mississippi river near Pecan Point., Ark., last night. The party were crossing from Pecan Point to Island ?, where Mrs.Chiles lived in a bateau towed by a gasolene launch. " In some way, the occupants of the bateau were suddenly thrown into the water. Eberhardt, who is an excellent swimmer went to the rescue of Mrs.Chiles and daughter. For fully half an hour he battled with the swiftly flowing current and again and again succeeded in getting the struggling woman and child to the overturned boat, only to lose his hold and and finally all three sank. Mr.Eberhardt represented Mississippi county in the Levee Board where he had large property interests." 5-7-1909 - CHILES - B. - F. - MRS. - - UNK - 5 7 1909 - UNKNOWN - WILLIAM EBERHARDT DROWNED=William Eberhardt, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board and well known to many of our citizens, was drowned Wednesday night, May 7,1909, in the Mississippi river at Pecan Point. A special dispatch to the Little Rock Gazette gives the following brief particulars: "In an unsuccessful effort to save the lives of his sister-in-law Mrs.B.F.Chiles, and her little daughter Virginia Chiles, aged 12 years,. William Eberhardt, 25 years old, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board, a wealthy plantation owner and a son of a prominent Memphis merchant, was drowned in the Mississippi river near Pecan Point., Ark., last night. The party were crossing from Pecan Point to Island ?, where Mrs.Chiles lived in a bateau towed by a gasolene launch. " In some way, the occupants of the bateau were suddenly thrown into the water. Eberhardt, who is an excellent swimmer went to the rescue of Mrs.Chiles and daughter. For fully half an hour he battled with the swiftly flowing current and again and again succeeded in getting the struggling woman and child to the overturned boat, only to lose his hold and and finally all three sank. Mr.Eberhardt represented Mississippi county in the Levee Board where he had large property interests." 5-7-1909 - CHILES - VIRGINIA - - - - 1897 UNK - 5 7 1909 - UNKNOWN - WILLIAM EBERHARDT DROWNED=William Eberhardt, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board and well known to many of our citizens, was drowned Wednesday night, May 7,1909, in the Mississippi river at Pecan Point. A special dispatch to the Little Rock Gazette gives the following brief particulars: "In an unsuccessful effort to save the lives of his sister-in-law Mrs.B.F.Chiles, and her little daughter Virginia Chiles, aged 12 years,. William Eberhardt, 25 years old, a member of the St.Francis Levee Board, a wealthy plantation owner and a son of a prominent Memphis merchant, was drowned in the Mississippi river near Pecan Point., Ark., last night. The party were crossing from Pecan Point to Island ?, where Mrs.Chiles lived in a bateau towed by a gasolene launch. " In some way, the occupants of the bateau were suddenly thrown into the water. Eberhardt, who is an excellent swimmer went to the rescue of Mrs.Chiles and daughter. For fully half an hour he battled with the swiftly flowing current and again and again succeeded in getting the struggling woman and child to the overturned boat, only to lose his hold and and finally all three sank. Mr.Eberhardt represented Mississippi county in the Levee Board where he had large property interests." 5-7-1909 - DAVIS - ANDREW - - MRS. - - - 5 5 1909 - CITY - Mrs.Andrew Davis, who resided a short distance northeast of town, died Monday night, May 5,1909, and was buried in the Forrest City Cemetery Wednesday morning. Mrs.Davis had long been a sufferer from consumption, but bore up under her illness with a patience and fortitude which proved the faith of her Christian profession. The Times extends its sympathy to the bereaved family. 5-14-1909 - THOMPSON - PEARL - ALENE - MISS - - 1 1909 - 5 10 1909 - CITY - Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Thompson, of Proctor, arrived in the city Monday afternoon seeking medical treatment for their little infant daughter, Pearl Alene, aged five months. A physican was summoned, but at 10:20 pm that night, May 10,1909, the child died at the Forrest City Hotel, where the parents had sought accomodations. The interment took place Tuesday afternoon at the Forrest City cemetery. Rev.T.Vance of the Christian church, assisted by Elder W.E.Pippin of the Baptist church officiating . The little grave was covered with beautiful flowers and formed one of the prettiest sights we have ever witnessed. Our sympathy goes out to the stricken family. 5-14-1909 - KEITH - ADA - LEE - MISS - - 3 26 1909 - 5 8 1909 - CITY - Miss Ada Lee, aged one month and 12 days , daughter of Mr.& Mrs.John W.Keith, died Saturday evening, May 8,1909, and was buried Sunday morning at the Forrest City Cemetery. Elder E.R.Carswell of the Baptist church officiating. We extend to the bereaved parents our sincerest sympathies. 5-21-1909 - JOHNSON - CHARLES - - MRS. - - UNK - 5 1909 - LOUSIANA - Mrs.Hattie A. Knight returned Tuesday from Baton Rouge, La. where she was called about three weeks ago to attend the bedside of her sister, Mrs.Charles Johnson. Mrs.Johnson passed away while Mrs.Knight was enroute, and her reception was sad indeed. Her relatives and and many friends welcome her home and offer their sympathy on her bereavement. 5-21-1909 - BARRON - ROBERT - - - - UNK - 5 19 1909 - WYLDS - Mrs.J.J.Barron was passed throught the city Sunday from Hot Springs enroute to Rosedale, Miss. to be by the bedside of her son Robert, who was very ill. A telegram yesterday morning to Mr.J.J.Barron announced that Robert had died Wednesday night, May 12,1909. Mr.Barron left last night to meet the remains, which will be brought here and interred in the Wylds cemetery. The Times extends to the bereaved family heartfelt sympathy. 5-28-1909 - MITCHELL - F. - W. - - - 1883 - 5 25 1909 - UNKNOWN - FLAGMAN FATALLY INJURED=F.W.Mitchell, whose home is either Argenta, or Conway, a Rock Island flagman, was fatally injured Tuesday afternoon, May 25,1909, when a gravel car cut off both his legs, close to the body as he was sitting on the track under the car. He was working at the Crow Creek gravel plant, about three miles east of the city, where he was a flagman when a shovel was brought up to the cut to do some ditching. An accident occurred when the engine moved a car and the shovel on the side track where he was sitting. He was taken to the Rock Island station, where the company surgeon, Dr.J.O.Rush, Dr.Merritt and others attempted to save his life. While enroute to the hospital in Little Rock, he passed away just outside Argenta. He was 26 years of age, and was to be married in the near future. 5-28-1909 - BEAZLEY - WILLIAMSON - CLIVE - - - UNK - 5 21 1909 - BEAZLEY - DEATH OF MR.W.C.BEAZLEY=Mr.W.C.Beazley, died Friday night, May 21,1909 in Little Rock, where he had been taken for treatment. The remains were brought to this city Saturday evening, and were interred Sunday at the family burying grounds near Good Hope, about five miles north of this city. The funeral proceeded from the residence, Rev.W.L.Wilford presiding. A widow, four sons and two daughters survive him, namely:Mr.H.L.Beazley of Coregido, Phillipines, P.L, and W.L. Beazley of Madison, and Misses Olive and Naomi Beazley of this county. Mr.Beazley had been a long time resident of this county, and was well known and unusually esteemed by all. Mr.E.J.Beazley and son of Marianna, and Mrs.Mattie Allen of Little Rock, brother and sister of the deceased, came to Forrest City to attend the obseques. The Times desires to join the bereaved family and relatives in extending sincere condolences. Per Jim Beazley III:Son of George Washington and Lucy Francis Michie Beazley and husband of Charlotte Delanie Henry Beazley. Parents ofof Harry Leslie (1877-1921), Robert Clive (1880-1882), William Lee (1883-1963), Howard Paul (1885-1886), James Walton (1887-1955), Henry Grady (1890-1968), Olive Ruth, Mrs. Joe P. Fogg, (1893-1976) and Naomi (1895-1951). 6-4-1909 - HARRIS - EUGENE - - - - 1906 - 5 31 1909 - LITTLE ROCK - Their many friends in this city will regret to learn of the death of Eugene, the three year old son of Mr.& Mrs.H.E.Harris, which occurred at Little Rock last Monday night, May 31.1909. Mr.Harris is a nephew of Mr.E.Bonner of this city. 6-11-1909 - DEANE - DORA - ANNETTE - MRS. - - 9 9 1887 - 6 9 1909 - CITY - MRS.CLIFFORD F.DEANE=Mrs.Clifford F.Deane, formerly Miss Dora Annette Vadakin, eldest daughter of Editor Edwin L.Vadakin, dies in Little Rock Wednesday night, June 9,1909, from the effects of an operation performed two days earlier at Physicians and Surgeons Hospital, after several weeks illness. The remains were brought to this city Thursday evening by her father and grandfather, and funeral services were held at the family residence, Rev.Edward T.Mabley of the Presbyterian church conducting the services. Interment was Friday in the family lot of the Forrest City Cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends, who came to mingle their tears with those of the bereaved family. Pallbearers included:Hon.Otto B.Rollwage, Harry Knight, Eugene Williams, Frank Bass, Robert Benson, and James Gilliam. Attendees included:Mrs. W.R.Townsend, Mrs. Nellie Reiss, and Miss Edith and Hurlburt of Shelbyville, and Mrs.Maggie White, Mrs.Laura Morrell, and Miss Mollie White, of Memphis, relatives of deceased. She was educated in the public schools of Forrest City, Memphis, and Shelbyville, Illinois, and took three sessions in vocal instruction, and gave promise of becoming an accomplished musician and singer. Her mother passed away in 1900, she was the granddaughter of Col..Edwin L.Landvoight, publisher of the Times. She was born in Forrest City, Sep.9,1887, being twenty years of age plus 9 months when she passed away. She had been married a little over a year and lived in Little Rock. 6-18-1909 - ATKINS - JAMES - HOWELL - - - UNK - 6 6 1909 - HOLLY GROVE - One of the saddest deaths that we have had occasion to chronicle in a long time occurted in this city Sunday, June 6,1909. when little James Howell Atkins, only child of Mr.& Mrs.Fred Atkins, of Holly Grove, died at the residence of his grandparents, Sherif and Mrs.W.E.Williams of this city, of ptomaine poisoning. The little one was taken ill Thursday evening of last week, and in spite of all that loving hands and aided by the best medical skill, died Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The remains were prepared for burial and shipped to Holly Grove Monday morning, and were interred in the cemetery that afternoon. Mrs.Atkins and Howell were were visiting here for a week with the family. Mr.Atkins mother, Mrs.Fred Atkins, met them at Clarendon enroute to Holly Grove. 6-18-1909 - LILLY - LENA - - - - 1 28 1909 - 6 12 1909 - WYLDS - LIttle Lena Lilly, age four months, infant daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Duncan Lilly, died at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.R.L.Hardee last Saturday morning, June 12,1909, of congestion, and was buried Sunday morning at the Wylds cemetery. Rev.B.L.Wilford officiating. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents. 7-2-1909 - VOGEL - CHARLES - - - - UNK - 6 29 1909 - CITY - CHARLES VOGEL DEAD=After eighteen months of pain and suffering all that was mortal of the late Charles Vogel passed from earth Tuesday morning, June 29,1909, at the family home, on the corner of Forrest and Garland streets. Deceased was well known in this city as a painter and paper hanger, and was industrious and skilled at his trade. Several months ago he was stricken with lead poisoning, followed by a complete nervous breakdown, from which he was never able to rally. In the home where he had suffered and lingered so long, surrounded by a loving wife and children, he has been given every care and attention. Deceased is survived by a widow, three sons and four daughters, viz; August, Herbert, and Charles Westley; Mrs.R.L.Reaves of Memphis, Misses Mattie, Hilmer, and Louise, all of whom were present at the bedside at the time of his death. Deceased's sister, Mrs.Emma Hankle of Memphis, sister in law, Mrs.P.C.Ring of Little Rock, and father in law, Mr.U.P.Dearing, of Wynne, and nephew Mr.Emil Vogel of Little Rock were among the out of town visitors who came to assist and comfort the bereaved family in caring for their dead. The funeral and interrment were solemnized at the Forrest City cemetery yesterday with a large concourse of sorrowing friends of the family and decesaed. 7-2-1909 - GIBBS - T. - M. - - - 1884 - 6 26 1909 - KENTUCKY - T.M.GIBBS KILLED BY TRAIN=T.M.Gibbs who was making his way from Little Rock to Memphis went to sleep on drawhead Saturday morning, June 26,1909, a short distance west of the city, falling between the cars while the train was in motion, with result that both legs were crushed off near the body. The accident happened in front of the residence of Mr.& Mrs.M.R.McCrary, and one of the McCrary children saw the man fall from the train about 6 o'clock am. The McCrary family did what they could for the man, and he was brought to the office of Dr.Rush in this city, where he died about 10:30 o'clock. He was a native of Kentucky, but had been employed in the sanitary department at Hot Springs. He was about 25 years of age, and claimed to be on his way to visit his mother in Kentucky. Stevens Bros. prepared the body for burial, which was done in the Forrest City cemetery Sunday. But late Sunday afternoon, a message from his mother had them ship the body back to Kentucky for burial, which was done Monday morning. 7-2-1909 - SWAN - SAMUEL - B. - - - 11 26 1864 - 7 1 1909 - HUGHES - DEATH OF MR. SAM SWAN=Yesterday morning, July 1,1909, Mr.Sam Swan died at his home in this city, of a long and painful illness. Mr.Swan had been afflicted since last fall with a cancer of the stomach, and through all that medical skill and loving hands could do to alleviate the suffering was done, the efforts were fruitless. Mr.Swan was in his forty fifth year, having been born in Memphis on Nov.26,1864. He moved to this county in 1871, and has lived here ever since having been engaged with his brothers in planting near here. For several years he was chief deputy sheriff of the county under Sheriff Williams, and shortly after giving up this position was stricken with this illness which resulted in his death. He spent several months in Hot Springs, and on his return it was thought he had recovered from his malady. Later he was taken to St.Joseph's Hospital in Memphis where an operation was decided upon, whereupon the cancer was discovered. He was brought home and for several months had been lying in a dying condition. He was married to Miss Mattie Parrott April 1895, who died August 17, 1901, to which union were born three children, two boys and a girl, Thomas, John and Annie. He was married May 1906 to Miss Nora Sage, of Cockrum, Miss. who with one child, survive him. Deceased was buried in the Hughes cemetery, Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church conducting the services. 7-9-1909 - WILKINS - WALTER - JACOB - - - 10 12 1884 - 7 5 1909 - CITY - Mr.Walter Jacob "Jake" Wilkins was drowned near Cotton Plant last Monday, July 5,1909, while fishing. Mr.Wilkins formerly resided here. His remains were brought to Forrest City and interred in the cemetery Wednesday afternoon. The Times extends its sympathy to the family. 7-23-1909 - APPERSON - SAM - - - - 2 22 1853 - 7 16 1909 - CITY - DEATH OF SAM APPERSON=It was with feelings of geniune sorrow and regret the people of Forrest City and St.Francis county, received the tidings of the death of Mr.Samuel D. Apperson. Sam, as he was familiarly called by everybody who knew him, had been in failing health for some time, but nothing of a serious nature, and was preparing to go to Eureka Springs last Tuesday. On Thursday evening of last week he was on the streets as jovial as ever; during the night he was attacked by acute indigestion. He had the best of medical aid, and was apparently doing quite well, but Friday afternoon, congestion ensued and his spirit passed to its Maker. Sam D. Apperson was born in Marshall County, Mississippi, near Holly Springs, Feb.22,1853, being the son of W.T. and Martha Apperson, originally from Virginia and Tennessee respectively, came to St.Francis County, in 1860, and has lived here till his death. Sam was a familiar figure in political and otherwise, and always took an interest in anything which pertained to progress. Congenial, jovial, charitable to a fault, he was well known and liked by everybody. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon at the Forrest City cemetery under the auspices of the Knights of Honor, of which he was a member. Rev.B.L.Wilford closing the ceremony. Amidst tears, regrets, and showers of flowers all that was earthly of Sam D.Apperson were consigned to the grave. 7-23-1909 - OURY - HARRY - - - - UNK - 7 16 1909 - MISSOURI - DEATH OF HARRY OURY=Despairing of ever being able to conquer a failing that periodically blasted his hopes, withered his ambition and impaired his physique, Harry Oury blew off the top of his head with a shotgun yesterday morning, July 15,1909, at his home on 322 North Front Street. The reason set forth is the belief of his family and intimate friends, who were cognizant of his hopeless despondency when ever he issued from seasons in which he indulged his single shortcoming. Charles Oury, a brother who was on a boat on the Black river; Mrs.Ed Shea of Memphis, and Mrs.Emma Oury of Little Rock, sisters, arrived last night. Another sister Mrs.Hartz of New Orleans, could not come. A brother, W.L.Oury of Little Rock was unable to attend the funeral. Poplar Bluff (Mo.) Citizen Democrat, Jul.16,1909. Mr.Oury was well known here in his boyhood days, being the son of Mr.Will Oury, formerly proprietor of the Forrest City Times. Many of his old acquaintances join the Times in extending sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives. 7-23-1909 - SHIELDS - FATHER - - - - UNK - 7 19 1909 - MISSISSIPPI - Dr.J.S.Shields left last Friday for Natchez, Miss. in reponse to a message informing him that his father, who had been in failing health for some time, was worse, and not expected to live. The gentleman succumbed to the death Angel Monday morning, Jul.19,1909. The funeral was held last Tuesday. The deceased was a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families in Mississippi, and was revered and respected for his many good and noble qualities by all who knew him. Our sympathies go out to Dr.Shields in his bereavement. 7-30-1909 - TURLEY - JASPER - - - - UNK - 7 23 1909 - MISSOURI - Squire Ellis Turley received the sad news that the death of his elder brother, Jasper Turley, at Flat Rush, Mo. last Friday, Jul.23,1909. Mr.Turley was an old Confederate and belonged to Co. E.,Second Missouri Cavalry. 8-6-1909 - GRAY - ELIZA - - MRS. - - 4 12 UNK - 7 19 1909 - HUGHES - IN MEMORIAM=The angel of death visited another home and plucked one of its sweetest flowers, when it called home Mrs.Eliza Gray on July 19,1909. She was born Apr.12,18?, and was married to Mr.J.J.Gray Dec.17,1879, professed religion and joined the Methodist church in August, 1889, her membership being kept in Wynne. All that knew her can realize the loss of a devoted little lady. Her life was an example to those who love God and keep his commandments. Her suffering was great, but her spirit was strong, she had been ill for eighteen months. She leaves a husband and eight children, a mother and two brothers to mourn her loss. Her remains were laid to rest in the Hughes cemetery on July 20. 8-6-1909 - FERRELL - OSCAR - - - - - 7 24 1909 - CITY - Mr.Oscar Ferrell, a timberman, was killed by a rolling log Saturday morning, Jul.24,1909, at or near Proctor. The remains were brought here and buried at the Forrest City cemetery Sunday afternoon. Rev.B.L.Wilford of the Methodist church officiating at the graveside ceremonies. 8-13-1909 - TYNER - GEORGE - - - - UNK - 8 7 1909 - UNKNOWN - MURDER NEAR PALESTINE=Last Saturday morning, Aug.7,1909, on the Gossett place, six miles west of Palestine, George Tyner, an old white man, was killed by Alfred Hill over an altercation in which Hill had insuniated that Tyner had been intoxicated at church the Sunday previous, a clubbed shotgun being used by Hill with murderous effect. He escaped, but was captured at Devalls Bluff. An inquest was held by Squire Cavanaugh, and the jury came in with a verdict of first degree murder. Both Hill and Tyner were tenants on the Gossett place. The shooting was at a well when Tyner said that anyone who said he was drunk, was a liar. Mrs.Gossett saw the events, when Hill took the shotgun and clubbed Tyner several times, and he died from the wounds that night. 8-13-1909 - TAYLOR - JACK - - - - UNK - 8 11 1909 - UNKNOWN - KILLING AT HETH=Coroner Todd was called over to Heth, a station about 16 miles east of the city, on the Rock Island road, yesterday morning, Aug.12,1909, to hold an inquest over the body of Jack Taylor, who was shot and killed by George Henry Lyttle Wednesday afternoon, Aug.11,1909. From the evidence it appears that Lyttle's wife went into the woods to meet Taylor to get a note for another woman. On her way home she heard the report of a gun, and soon met her husband who raised the gun and shot at her. But the appearance of the body and the disarrangement of his clothing, contradicts the womans testimony, and evidences that the husband had caught them in the act. Lyttle made his escape, and therefore the jury declared murder, instead of the "Unwritten Law" if he had stayed for the inquest. 8-20-1909 - WHEELER - H. - P. - - - UNK - 8 20 1909 - UNKNOWN - DEATH OF MR.H.P.WHEELER=News reached the city this morning that Mr.H.P.Wheeler, of Memphis and Madison, head of the Wheeler Lumber Co., had died this morning, Aug.20,1909. The death was entirely unexpected, the gentleman in good health, and about his duties all of the preceding day. A son in law of the deceased, Mr.Eaton of Memphis, came out on the early morning train with an undertaker, who prepared the body for shipment to Memphis, where Mr.Wheeler's family resides and where arrangements for final interment will be made. The deceased leaves a wife and one son, Mr.J.W.Wheeler, of Memphis, and three daughters, Mrs.Eaton and Miss Pansy Wheeler of Memphis, and Mrs.Lindsey of Chicago. Deceased was prominent in the lumber and timber business and was widely known and favorably known to a large circle of acquaintances, to all of whom the news of his death was a shock. 9-21-1909 - LANIER - JOHN - SIDNEY - - - 1901 - 9 18 1909 - MT.VERNON - DEATH OF LITTLE JOHN SIDNEY LANIER=One of the saddest duties of a newspaperman is to report the death of a young man, when last Saturday, Sep.18,1909, little John Sidney Lanier died from diptheria. He was the child of Mr.& Mrs.W.J.Lanier, the rest is un readable. 10-1-1909 - MITCHELL - ANNA - BELLE - - - UNK - 9 30 1909 - OKLAHOMA - News reached here Friday, that Miss Anna Belle Mitchell, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.C.C.Sartin, died at her home in Oklahoma Thursday, Sep.30,1909. 10-1-1909 - CRIPPEN - T. - J. - - - UNK - 9 26 1909 - MADISON - DEATH OF MR.T.J.CRIPPEN=Mr.T.G.Crippen died Monday night, Sep.26.1909. at his home in Benton, after a short illness. Mr.Crippen, a native of this county and up until about three years ago resided at Madison, at which place the funeral took place Wednesday morning in front of a large circle of sorrowing friends and relatives. Deceased was well and favorably known here and universally esteemed for his many kindly traits of character, and the news of his death came as a sad and sudden shock. He was taken ill last Friday, and succumbed to the illness on Monday night. Rev.Ira H.Russell, of the Methodist church oficiating at the interment. He is survived by three sons, Messrs.John and Lon of Benton, and Nat of Madison, and one brother, Mr.Geo.Crippen of Madison. 10-22-1909 - NEBLETT - JESSIE - A. - MRS. - THOMAS - 1 7 1880 - 10 16 1909 - CITY - DEATH OF MRS.H.R.NEBLETT=The news last Saturday morning, Oct.16,1909, of the death of Mrs.Jessie A.Neblett came as a shock to the many friends and acquaintances of the family as well as a painful bereavement to the family. Mrs.Neblett had been in poor health since the first of the year, and though all that could be done was done to relieve her, her condition became worse, and on Saturday morning, the final summons came to the lovely Christian soul, and she departed this life quietly and peaceably, surrounded by her husband, and children, and brothers and sisters. Mrs.Neblett was born in Mississippi Jan.7,1879, and was married Sep.17, 1902? to Mr.H.R.Neblett, who with their three children, Thomas, Harry and Richard, survive her. She leaves two brothers, Messrs.Beatty and Harry Thomas, and two sisters, Misses ? and Jean Thomas. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and was a member of the Woman's Home Mission. The funeral services last Sunday, and then the interment at the Forrest City cemetery, Rev.B.L.Wilford officating. FORREST CITY TIMES NEWSPAPER OCT.22,1909 10-22-1909 - ELLIS - MAUD - - MISS - - UNK - 10 18 1909 - MACEDONIA - DEATH OF MISS MAUD ELLIS=The news last Monday evening, Oct.18,1909, of the death of Miss Maud Ellis of Horton came as a complete surprise. Miss Maud was born in St.Francis county. She is survived by a father, sisters and brothers. The funeral took place at Macedonia cemetery, Bro.Summers officiating. Mostly Un readable. 11-5-1909 - LEVY - CAROLINE - - MRS. - - 1834 - 11 4 1909 - TEMPLE OF ISRAEL - MRS.CAROLINE LEVY DEAD=A resident of Memphis thoughout her life, during which time she made herself beloved of the people, Mrs.Caroline Levy, aged 75 years, died yesterday afternoon, Nov.4,1909, at the family residence, 87 Jackson Ave., after an illness extending over a period of 14 years.She came from Fellherm, Bavaria, three score years ago, when but a few stores and fewer residences occupied the site of Memphis. During the four years of the war, when others, whose interests in the city, were much larger, left for parts less dangerous. Then came the epidemics, and again Mrs.Levy announced her intention of staying in Memphis. Her friends, fearing for her life, tried to dissaude her, to no avail. Mrs.Levy was stricken with a serious case of rheumatism, fourteen years ago, and since that time had been a constant sufferer. She became worse about ten days ago, and with her children and grandchildren surrounding her, she departed this earth. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs.Sol Lewis of Forrest City, and Mrs.Theodore Foltz, one son, Jacob Levy, and two grandsons, Benjamin Lewis of Forrest City, and Henry Lewis of Memphis. The burial was in the Temple of Israel cemetery, Monday afternoon, Rabbi Max Samfield officiating. Commercial Appeal, Nov.1,1909. Mr.Sol Lewis, Mr.Chas.Lewis, Mr.Ben Lewis, and Mr.& Mrs.A.Becker of this city went to the funeral 11-1909 - HALBERT - WILLIAM - - - - - 11 25 1909 - HUGHES - We regret to announce the death of Mr.Wm.Halbert, which sad event occurred at the home of his nephew, Mr.Will Caldwell, in Oil Trough bottoms on Thursday, Nov.25,1909. The funeral took place from Mr.Caldwell's residence and interment was had in Hughes cemetery. 12-10-1909 - DAVIS - WILLIE - - - - 1895 - 12 1909 - WIDENER - CRUSHED TO DEATH BY TRAIN=Mr.Willie Davis, aged about 14 years of age, stepson of Mr.Powell, station agent at Widener, was killed by a train. His body was so mangled that only the clothes were the identifier for the bright young man, who was loved by all who knew him. The remains were interred at the Widener cemetery on Monday. Mostly un readable, in fact the last name is possibly wrong. 12-10-1909 - CREWS - J. - S. - - - 1855 - 11 13 1909 - UNKNOWN - IN MEMORIAM= Memorial of respect for our departed brother, Mr.J.S.Crews. Whereas, on Nov.13,1909, the Great Architect of the Universe called from his earthly labors our worthy friend and brother, J.S.Crews to his heavenly rewards as a recompense for faithfulness in his Master's cause while here on earth. Brother Crews was born in Tennessee in 1855, and moved to Arkansas in 1884 and settled in St.Francis county where he resided until his death. Brother Crews was a member of the Missionary Baptist church, and lived and died in his Master's cause. 12-10-1909 - SARTIN - INFANT - - - - UNK - 12 1909 - UNKNOWN - Goodwin Times=We are sorry to chronicle the death of the infant son of Mr.& Mrs.C.C.Sartin. 12-24-1909 - PATTERSON - J. - T. - - - UNK - 9 1908 - UNKNOWN - HARDING GETS SENTENCE STAYED=Henry Harding, convicted of first degree murder for the killing of Hon.J.T.Patterson of Wynne last September, will not die on the gallows Friday. The story of the tragedy is as follows, Patterson was representing Harding in a civil suit, and had won the case for Harding. When it came to settlement between the attorney and the client, a misunderstanding as to the fee. Harding came to Patterson's office in Wynne, and after some words passed between the two men, Harding was asked to leave when the fatal shooting occurred. 12-24-1909 - HALWELL - WHIT - - - - UNK - 12 22 1909 - UNKNOWN - KILLING AT THE CUT OFF=An unfortunate affair occurred at the Cut Off on St.Francis river almost sixteen miles southeast of the city Wednesday evening, Dec.22,1909, resulting in the death of Whit Halwell. Halwell was in Laughinghouse's store intoxicated, and having a pistol and threatening everybody, Mr.Laughinghouse sent for Deputy Sheriff Cleve Bell, and he removed Halwell outside the store, and when he drew his pistol on Bell, Bell shot him dead. 12-31-1909 - BEARD - MOSE - - - - UNK - 12 30 1909 - UNKNOWN - Mose Beard, who had been with Dr.W.H.Alley for the past fifteen years, died yesterday, Dec.30,1909. He was a faithful and honest servant. He will be missed by all who knew him. BIRTHS: - - - - - - - - - 2-12-1909 - NEBLETT - DICK - - - - - - - Tom, Dick and Harry are a trio of fine boys now making their home with Mr.& Mrs.H.R.Neblett. Dick arrived Wednesday morning an tipped the scales at 12 pounds. Mother and son are doing fine. 2-19-1909 - JORDAN - BABY - - - - - - - The stork brought a ten pound boy to the home of Mr.& Mrs.Henry Jordan of Palestine. 2-26-1909 - O'BRIEN - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.T.O'Brien are rejoicing over the birth of a ten pound boy on Monday, mother and babe are doing fine. 3-5-1909 - FRENCH - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.A.A.French had a baby boy last Wednesday at Mrs.French's mother's home, Mrs.Annie Jones.. Mother and babe are fine. 3-19-1909 - DELANO - BABY - - - - - - - A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr.& Mrs.Chas.E.Delano on Sunday last week. Both mother and babe are doing fine. 4-2-1909 - BEAZLEY - BABY - - - - - - - A fine boy baby arrived for Mr.& Mrs.Walter Beazley Wednesday, weighing in at eleven pounds. 4-2-1909 - WALKER - BABY - - - - - - - A fine baby girl came to Mr.& Mrs.Geo.R.Walker yesterday afternoon, both mother and babe are doing fine. 6-4-1909 - MOSBY - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.John L.Mosby of Memphis had a ten pound baby boy last Sunday morning, Mrs.Mosby, nee Miss Claud Davis. 6-11-1909 - TAYLOR - JAMES - FUSSELL - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.E.P.Taylor are rejoicing over birth of their baby boy born Thursday last week. He will be named James Fussell Taylor after his grandfather 6-18-1909 - MARSHALL - BABY - - - - - - - The stork brought a ten pound girl to the home of Rev.L.F.Marshall last week. 6-25-1909 - ANDERSON - BABY - - - - - - - Prof.. and Mrs.N.C.B..Anderson are rejoicing over the birth of their second son Saturday a week ago. Both mother and baby are doing fine. 6-25-1909 - BURKART - JOE - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Frank Burkart are rejoicing over the arrival of a son last Sunday. He will be named Joe. 7-2-1909 - PASLAY - W. - H. - - - - - - Our friend Mr.W.H.Paslay is rejoicing over the birth of fine baby girl Monday night, both mother and baby are fine. 7-23-1909 - JOHNSEY - BABY - - - - - - - Democrat Times-The stork visited our faithful mail carrier, Mr. H.J.Johnsey last Wednesday and left a ten pound boy. 7-23-1909 - HENRY - BABY - - - - - - - The home of Mr.& Mrs.G.W.Henry are celebrating the birth of a fine baby boy last Friday morning, Jul.16,1909. 7-30-1909 - JONES - GWENDOLYN - - - - - - - Mr. and Mrs.George W.Jones have a new baby boy born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where the family is visiting. 7-30-1909 - PIPPIN - BABY - - - - - - - The stork visited the home of Elder and Mrs.W.E.Pippin Tuesday and left a fine baby girl. 8-13-1909 - FOLBRE - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.Hubert Folbre of San Antonio report the birth of a fine baby boy last Saturday. 8-13-1909 - LOONEY - BABY - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.J.C.Looney are happy over the arrival of a baby boy who arrived last Thursday, both are doing fine. 8-13-1909 - BRANTLEY - BABY - - - - - - - At the home of Mr.& Mrs.A.N.Brantley, a baby girl on Monday arrived. 10-1-1909 - ATKINS - BABY - - - - - - - A baby girl arrived at the home of the mother's parents Mr.& Mrs.W.E.Williams, to Mr.& Mrs.Fred Atkins home Thursday night 11-5-1909 - EZELL - TWINS - - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.O.A.Ezell are rejoicing over the birth of twin boys at their home. MARRIAGES: - - - - - - - - - 1-1-1909 - STOUGH - THOMAS EDWIN - - - - - - - STOUGH-WORRALL=Runaways Married in Police Chief's Office=Following a hasty elopemen, in which the bride to be forgot to take her hat along, their interception in Memphis and an all day wait in anxiety for word from parents, pretty Annie Worrall, Age 17, and Thomas Edwin Stough, Age 20 of near Forrest City, were married Saturday afternoon in the office of Chief of Police George T. O'Haver's office by Magistrate John Maher. Miss Annie is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Worrall, residing three or four miles south of town. Thomas Stough is a nephew of Ed Stough, and resides in the same neighborhood. The mother of the bride had furnished the money for her visit on Christmas for the rendezvous with Mr.Stough. Memphis Press Scimitar Dec.27,1908. 1-1-1909 - HEUSTESS - WILLIE - EDWARD - - - - - - HEUSTESS-McCRARY=Mr.Willie Edward Heustess, and Miss Jennie Maude McCrary were married at the residence of Mrs.Williams and nee Mrs.Nora Neel by Rev.W.H.Paslay. Mr.Heustess is the son of Mr.W.S.Heustess near Bonair. 1-1-1909 - SULCER - FRANK - - - - - - - Palestine Times=SULCER-SCOTT=Squire Frank Sulcer and Miss Belle Scott were married Sunday evening by Rev.Elder Chase of the Presbyterian church on Dec.26,1907. 1-1-1909 - GILLIAM - JAMES - MULLEN - - - - - - GILLIAM-GATLING=Mr.James Mullen Gilliam and Miss Louise Gatling were married at the Church of the Good Shepherd last Saturday by Rev.E.T.Mabley. Miss Gatling is the daughter of Hon.John Gatling. The Miss Louise is the second daughter of Judge and Mrs.John Gatling. The groom is a member of the Turley Bros.& Gilliam. 1-1-1909 - SIMMONS - CHARLES - LAFAYETTE - - - - - - SIMMONS-PETTUS=Invitations on Jan.12 to marriage of Mr.Charles Lafayette Simmons and Miss Estelle Speed Pettus from Mr.& Mrs.Henry Pettus at the Methodist church are out. 1-8-1909 - OLIVER - R. - E. - DR. - - - - - OLIVER-DEVEREAUX=Dr.R.E.Oliver and Miss Kate Devereaux of New Castle were married at the Methodist parsonage Thursday afternoon by Rev.W.L.Wilford. 1-22-1909 - BARROW - EUGENE - J. - - - - - - BARROW-DAVIS=Mr.Eugene J.Barrow and Miss Emily H.Davis happily married in Memphis Tuesday, at the First Methodist church by Rev.Dr.Lewis Powell followed by a luncheon at the Peabody Hotel. They left on a trip via New Orleans to San Francisco. Commercial Appeal Jan.20,1909. Miss Emily, or Miss "Jude", was the third daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Davis, while Mr.Barrow is a native of Maury Co., Tenn. and now living in St.Francis county with large farming interests. 1-22-1909 - BROWN - JIM - - - - - - - BROWN-HUGHES=Mr.Jim Brown captured the pretty little Miss Allie Hughes, one of Johnson townhsip's most winsome young ladies. They drove to Forrest City on Sunday and were married. She is the daughter of Mr.& mrs.T.A.Hughes. 1-29-1909 - SWEET - WALTER - - - - - - - SWEET-WEST=News reached the city that Mr.Walter Sweet, of Widener, had married Miss Edith West on Wednesday at Searcy, home of the bride. The ceremony took place at the bride's parents home. The bride is a niece of Mr.Ben West, formerly of this county. 1-29-1909 - DOWNEY - ESSELMAN - - - - - - - DOWNEY-NORTON=Mr.Esselman Downey and Miss Stella Norton were happily married in Memphis on Jan.18, returning here the same day. The bride was formerly a saleslady with Mrs.Warshavsky. 2-5-1909 - HAWKINS - CAY - - - - - - - HAWKINS-PHILLIPS=Mr.Cay Hawkins, of the cashier of the Bank of Haynes and Miss Ollie Phillips were married Wednesday at the Methodist church. 2-5-1909 - DOOLEY - WILL - - - - - - - DOOLEY-LEATHERWOOD=Mr.Will Dooley and Miss Addie Leatherwood were united in holy matrimony last Saturday night at the Methodist parsonage, Rev.W.L.Wilford presiding. 2-19-1909 - JOHNSON - C. - B. - - - - - - JOHNSON-KEATH=SUNDAY WEDDING=Mr.C.B.Johnson of Brinkley, and Miss Nina Keath, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Keith was joined in marriage by Rev.Harris of Brinkley. Mr Johnson is with a firm in Memphis, Henry Wolff & Co. 2-19-1909 - NEBLETT - BEN - R. - - - - - - NEBLETT-GREEN=Mr.Ben R.Neblett, of Spokane, Wash, was married to Mrs.Green on the 6th, and plan to make their home in Pasco, Wash. where he owns a gents furninshings store. He is brother of Mr.H.R.Neblett, and was affiliated with Fussell-Graham, Alderson Co. here. 3-12-1909 - SULCER - S. - F. - - - - - - SULCER-ALCORN=The marriage of Mr.S.F.Sulcer and Mrs.Kate Alcorn was the result of cupid in the form of Mr.S.E.Sweet and was conducted by Rev.J.M.Workman of the Hunter Memorial church. Attendees included Samuel Sulcer, son of Mr.Sulcer, and Mrs.Alcorn's brother, J.Hugley of Newport. Proposal was made three days after introduction. 4-9-1909 - GOLDBERG - J. - - - - - - - GOLDBERG-DAVIS=Miss Sarah Davis, of Forrest City, was married to Mr.J.Goldberg of Nashville, Tenn. at the residence of Dr.Samford Monday, Mar.29th. Miss Sarah is the youngest daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Gus Levy of this city. The couple will be at home in Augusta, Ark. after the honeymoon. 4-16-1909 - NEEL - ASHBEL - CALLOWAY - - - - - - NEEL-HARRIS=Mrs.Gertrude Garrad Harris announces the engagement of her daughter Miss Helen Glenn to Mr.Ashbel Calloway Neel to take place at her home on April 14. Mr.Neel runs the electric light office here in Forrest City, and son of Mr.Cicero Neel 4-16-1909 - FAIRLY - W. - N. - REV. - - - - - FAIRLY-McCRAE=Mrs.Alice McRae, nee Rollwage, was married to Rev.W.N.Fairly of Fayetteville, N.Carolina, in the home of her mother Mrs.Louis Rollwage. Rev.P.H.Hensley of the Presbyterian church presiding. 4-23-1909 - GOODLOW - JEFF - - - - - - - GOODLOW-JOHNSON=Mr.Jeff Goodlow and Miss Evie Johnson were married by Elder Jones, Baptist denomination in the country, in the J.W.Beck Co. Tuesday afternoon. 4-30-1909 - RYAN - WILL - - - - - - - RYAN-DUNCAN=Mr.Will Ryan and Mrs.Emma Duncan were married last Saturday night in this city very quietly. 5-14-1909 - BRITTTON - LEROY - A. - - - - - - BRITTON-BECK=Miss Attie Beck was Married Apr.26 to Mr.Leroy A.Britton in the Imperial Valley in California, by Rev.F.B.Fraser of the Presbyterian Church. 5-14-1909 - GLASCO - ALEX - - - - - - - GLASCO-JONES=Miss Annie Pointer Jones wed Mr.Alex Glasco at the home Capt.Ben and Mrs. Jones, parents of the bride, at Fishing Lake Sunday afternoon. Squire White officiating. 5-14-1909 - SMITH - J. - R. - - - - - - SMITH-WRIGHT=Mrs.Mary Wright, after being granted a divorce in the Chancery Court by Judge Robertson, she proceeded to marry Mr.J.R.Smith, a witness in the divorce, proceeded to the Circuit Court office of Judge Rolfe who married the two with dispatch. 5-14-1909 - MARKWELL - - - MR. - - - - - MARKWELL-MILLENDER=Mr.Markwell and Mrs.M.J.Millender were married last Sunday morning by Elder H.J.Lillie. Sloniker Mill Times. 5-14-1909 - HOWARD - T. - H. - - - - - - HOWARD-MURPHY=Mrs.Annie Murphy, age 18, of near Newcastle, secured a divorce from her husband Mr.A.J.Murphy, age 21, and that evening married Mr.T.H.Howard in the Circuit Clerk's office, county Judge E.A.Rolfe officiating. 5-21-1909 - WATERMAN - CHARLES - T. - - - - - - WATERMAN-WILDER=Mr.Charles T.Waterman and Miss Mamie Guy Widler were married while seated in their buggy, in front of the home of the bride's mother, Rev.W.L.Wilford officiating. Mrs.Waterman is the only daughter of the late Marshal Henry Wilder and Mrs.Mary G.Wilder, and has spent most of her life in this city. Mr.Waterman is Deputy City Marshall under the present marshalll, and her father. 5-28-1909 - COWDEN - CLAUDE - - - - - - - COWDEN-BOYETT=Mr.Claude Cowden and Miss Cornelia Boyett were married by Rev.W.L.Wilford at the Methodist parsonage Thursday afternoon, May 27.1909. Mrs.Cowden is the third daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.F.Boyett. Mr.Cowden is a native of Lee county who is working as an engineer with the City Water & Light Co. 6-4-1909 - GWYN - PAUL - A. - - - - - - GWYN-BLUME=Miss Pearl Blume and Mr.Paul A.Gwyn were married at the residence of the bride's parents, at Minden, La. on May 31,1909. Mr.Gwyn is the son of Mr.H.R.Gwyn of this city in the timber business. After a honeymoon to Denver, California, and other points on the Pacific slope, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle, before returning to their home in Forrest City. 6-18-1909 - CASH - EARNEST - - - - - - - CASH-HOLLAND=Colt Times=Miss Minnie Holland, the second daughter of Mr.John T.Holland, was happily married to Mr.Earnest Cash, of Kentucky, last Sunday evening, by Esq.C.T.Moore. 6-18-1909 - STATEN - E. - LYLE - - - - - - STATEN-STEWART=Miss Carill Mae Stewart, daughter of Col.A.P.Stewart of Brownsville, Tenn., and Mr.E.Lyle Staten of Pontotoc, Miss. at the home of Rev.H.P.Hurts who officiated. Mrs.W.R.Cox, of Forrest City, sister of the groom attended. They will make their home in Pontotoc, Miss. 6-25-1909 - POWERS - T. - D. - - - - - - POWERS-HUNTER=Mr.T.D.Powers, a Rock Island brakeman, and Miss Gladys, Hunter, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.D.J.Hunter of Forrest City were married by Father Demurger at his home in Little Rock. They will make their home in Argenta. 7-2-1909 - KIMINEUR - F. - A. - - - - - - KIMINEUR-BOTTOMS=Mr.F.A.Kimineur and Miss Mattie Bottoms were married at Wynne last Sunday morning. They returned to Forrest City and are now home at the bride's mothers home. 7-2-1909 - WILKINS - MAURICE - A. - - - - - - WILKINS-WALL=Mr.Maurice A. Wilkins, of this city, was marred to Miss Lydia Hall, of Tulsa, Okla. at Oklahoma City on June 12th by Rev.Brandon of the Methodist church. They will make their home in Brinkley where he is employed with the local gin company. The bride is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.W.A.Wilkins. 7-2-1909 - BURNS - ERNEST - - - - - - - BURNS-LEVITT=Mr.Ernest Burns and Miss Ada Levitt, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.S.Levitt, were married Sunday at Palestine where the groom conducts business, by Rev.L.M.Marshall, minister of the Christian church. 7-2-1909 - WINSHIP - LEF - - - - - - - WINSHIP-WILLIAMS=Mr.Lef Winship, of DeSoto, Missouri, and Miss Eula Williams, eldest daughter of Sheriff and Mrs.W.E.Williams at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev.Boone L.Wilford of the Methodist church presiding. Mr.Winship is a native of Buffalo, N.York, working for the Iron Mountain railway and had been stationed here in 1905, where he met Miss Eula. 7-9-1909 - BRYAN - CHARLES - HENRY - - - - - - BRYAN-MOYE=Mr.Charle Henry Bryan and Miss Annie Preston Moye were wedded On July 4 by Esquire Houston. Miss Moye is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.John C.F.Moye, and a niece of Mr.W.M.Boon, of Marianna. The groom is the youngest son of Mr.W.L.Bryan, deceased, brother to Mr.J.J.Bryan of Haynes, and Mr.W.W.Bryan of Bryanville. 8-13-1909 - SCHMID - FRED - - - - - - - SCHMID-FORBESS=Mr.Will Schmid and Mrs.Wilda Forbess, of near Wheatley, were married in the courthhouse yesterday by Squire Turley. 8-20-1909 - DETRICK - JOHN - RICE - - - - - - DETRICK-BERRY=Mr.John Rice Detrick and Miss Ora Virginia Berry were married Aug.14 at Zent, Ark., Rev.Davidson of Jonesboro officiating. The groom is a popular conductor on the Cotton Belt, and the bride is the daughter of Mrs.Emma Berry. 10-1-1909 - KLEIBER - FRED - - - - - - - KLEIBER-PRICE=Last Sunday afternoon, Mr.Fred Kleiber, and Mrs.Laura Price were married in Memphis, Rev.G.B.Baskervill of the Second Methodist church officiating. 12-10-1909 - GROBMYER - ALBERT - - - - - - - GROBMYER-EVANS=Last Thursday, Dec.2,1909, Mr.Albert Grobmyer and Miss Nannie Evans were married at the Catholic church by Father Fromen. Mr.Grobmyer is the second son of Mr.& Mrs.L.R.Grobmyer. 12-17-1909 - HOOD - JOHN - ETHERIDGE - - - - - - HOOD-DREWERY=An announcement of the marriage of Mr.John Etheridge Hood and Miss Mary Leta Drewery of Clarksbury at the Methodist church that city. ANNOUNCEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - 1-1-1909 - SALOONS OUT OF BUSINESS TODAY - - - - - - - - Due to the new ban on drinking, the local saloons are closed, and gambling as far as we know has ceased. The city now has five churches and fine schools. 1-1-1909 - RUSH - J. - O. - DR. - - - - - Mr. and Mrs.J.G.Rush, of Pittsville, Missouri, parents of Dr.J.O.Rush, and Dr. & Mrs.J.G.Rush and baby Ernest, of Kansas City, a brother of the doctor. and Mrs.Oca Cushman of Denver, Colo., a sister of Dr.Rush and who is superintendent of the St.Luke Hospital at Denver, arrived Christmas for a few days. 1-8-1909 - RED GIN BURNS ON NORTH ROSSER STREET - - - - - - - - CAPT.James Fussell, President announces the entire loss of his Red Gin on North Rosser Street on Tuesday morning. 1-8-1909 - AMERICAN EARTHQUAKES OF THE LAST FIFTY YEARS - - - - - - - - DEC.1862-Guatemala-150 buildings and 14 churches/Nov.20,1870-Quebec; slight damage./Mar.26 & 27,1872-California;30 lives lost/Aug.10 & 11,1884-Washington to New York/Nov.1893-New York City/Sep.2 to 17,1899;Landslide and earthquake, Yakutat, Alaska/Nov.13 & 14,1901-Utah; slight damage/Apr.18,1902;Guatemala-eight towns destroyed;900 lives lost/Feb.3,1903-Slight Shock, West Jamaica. 1-8-1909 - PASLAY - W. - H. - ELDER - - - - - We have the news that Elder W.H.Paslay has suffered a stroke yesterday morning on his right side with paralysis. 2-26-1909 Rev.Pasly continues to get weaker and weaker. Everything is being done to make him comfortable. 1-22-1909 - GATLING - JOHN - - JUDGE - - - - - Judge John Gatling has gone to Washington City to be admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court in the case of Edward Bonner and Edward L.Bonner, Plaintiffs in Error, vs.Henry Gorman. Administrator of the estate of Mary A.Cole, deceased. He returned last night from his first trip to Washington City since 1871. 1-29-1909 - McDONALD - J. - P. - CAPT - - - - - Capt.J.P.McDonald, long time resident of this county, has sold all his personal belongings, rented his farm, and departed for New Orleans where he will spend the winter. He says he is retiring for life. We wish him many pleasant years. 2-26-1909 A letter advises that while in New Orleans he became ill, and has returned to Hot Springs, Ark. for health reasons. 2-5-1909 - ST.FRANCIS RIVER BRIDGE COMPLETED - - - - - - - - The metal bridge at Madison over the St.Francis river was accepted by Commissioner DeRossitt and Consulting Engineer H.N.Pharr. It is a free bridge and one that all can be proud of for St.Francis County. 2-5-1909 - ASH - ABE - - - - - - - Mr.Abe Ash, of the Pearl Caf‚, is planning a trip to Syria sailing from New York or or about March 1, via Havre, France, then to Marseilles and thence across the Mediterranean Sea. 2-5-1909 - SCOTT - PEYTON - - - - - - - Mr.Peyton Scott has accepted a position with H.D.Tomlinson in Butler, Arkansas, which is in Mississippi county. 2-19-1909 - GERONIMO IS DEAD - - - - - - - - Geronimo, the Indian chief is dead at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla., where he had been held for many years. The city of Lawton was named for General Henry W.Lawton, who had led the 3,000 mile chase that resulted in the arrest of Geronimo under Miles command which started in Omaha, Nebraska in January 1885. Geronimo was 86 years of age. 2-19-1909 - KYLE - E. - J. - DR. - - - - - AD-DENTAL WORK=OFFICE OVER THE POST OFFICE. 2-19-1909 - BASS - J. - F. - - - - - - AD-NOTARY PUBLIC-OFFICE AT THE BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS. 2-19-1909 - ROBINSON - H. - W. - - - - - - AD-LAKESIDE, ARK.-ROBINSON & GESSING-GENERAL MERCHANDISE 2-19-1909 - GESSING - OTTO - - - - - - - AD-LAKESIDE, ARK.-ROBINSON & GESSING-GENERAL MERCHANDISE 2-19-1909 - TAYLOR - EDGAR - P. - - - - - - AD-TAYLOR & KNIGHT-OFFICE IN COURT HOUES-REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. 2-19-1909 - KNIGHT - HARRY - A. - - - - - - AD-TAYLOR & KNIGHT-OFFICE IN COURT HOUES-REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. 2-19-1909 - STEINBERGER - J. - H. - - - - - - AD-J.H.STEINBERGER-IN THE LONG BLOCK-FORREST CITY-REGISTERED OPTOMOLOGIST AND HARDWARE 2-19-1909 - EDWARDS - J. - W. - REV. - - - - - Rev.J.W.Edwards, of Moine, and Rev.F.E.Shult, of Rock Island, Illinois are in town looking after interests in the St.Francis bottom, where they own over 4,000 acres. 2-19-1909 - SHULT - F. - E. - REV. - - - - - Rev.J.W.Edwards, of Moine, and Rev.F.E.Shult, of Rock Island, Illinois are in town looking after interests in the St.Francis bottom, where they own over 4,000 acres. 2-19-1909 - WARREN - O. - N. - - - - - - AD-CITY DRUG STORE 2-19-1909 - POPE - JOHN - L. - - - - - - Mr.John L.Pope of the Forrest City Furniture Co., left Saturday for markets in Evansville, Chicago, and Rockford, Illinois to buy their stock of goods. 2-19-1909 - MABLEY - H. - C. - DR. - - - - - Dr.H.C.Mabley, of Cleveland, Ohio, and brother of our Rector, the Rev.Ed.T.Mabley, was in the city for a visit on Monday. 2-26-1909 - FOLBRE - PAT - - - - - - - The Commercial Appeal featured a likeness of Pat Folbre in the Sunday paper, Forrest City's crack baseball twirler. Pat reports he is to sign for Mr.Finn in Little Rock, and plans to report for practice March 26th. 2-26-1909 - BASKETBALL TEAM GOES TO HELENA - - - - - - - - The Forrest City Public Schools basketball team consisting of:Miss Helen Landers, Forward; Miss Helen Nichols, Forward;Miss Emily Gatling, Captain & Center;Miss Beatrice McDaniel-Guard;Miss Marfy McDougal-Guard;Miss Elizabeth Davis-Substitute;Miss Bridewell, Mr.Lambert, and Mr.Hensley accompany the team. 2-26-1909 - CARSON - ERNEST - F. - - - - - - AD-ARTISTIC BARBER & HAIR DRESSER-LOCATED IN THE ROLLWAGE BUILDING-HOT & COLD BATHS-AND UP TO DATE TREATMENTS OF THE FACE & SCALP 2-26-1909 - MATHIS - CHAS. - R. - - - - - - AD-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3-5-1909 - ABELL - C. - L. - - - - - - AD-THE ACCURATE OPTICIAN OF PRINCETON, KY. WILL BE AT THE MARION HOTEL MAR.9 AND 10,1909. 3-5-1909 - MERRITT - A. - H. - - - - - - Mr.A.H.Merritt, of Mt.Airy, N.C., father of our fellow townsman Dr.L.H.Merritt left Monday after a three week visit. While here, Mr.Haywood Merritt, brother of the doctor also came and left for Mardi Gras in New Orleans last week. 3-5-1909 - BARD - W. - D. - - - - - - Mr.& Mrs.W.A.Bard have moved to Wynne where he has accepted a position with the Iron Mountain Railway. 3-5-1909 - BRADY - JOHN - T. - - - - - - The friends of Mr.& Mrs.John T. Brady are saddened to learn that the Brady's are moving to Tracey City, Tenn. 3-12-1909 - CYCLONE HITS BRINKLEY - - - - - - - - The citizens and fire department led by Capt.McDaniel, and all the physicians went over to help in the recovery of bodies and help the wounded. Over six people were killed. Doctors helping:Merritt, Bogart, Longest, McDougal, Shields, and Warren. A fund of over $1,500 was raised from this city to help. All their fire fighting equipment was destroyed by the storm. 3-12-1909 - KLOTZ - W. - F. - - - - - - AD-W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-112 JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S 3-12-1909 - MATTHEWS - A. - E. - MRS. - - - - - AD-ST.FRANCIS CO. ABSTRACT CO.-OFFICE AT THE COURTHOUSE 3-12-1909 - WISE - SALLYE - - - LANIER - - - - Mrs.Sallye Wise, nee "Lanier", of Paragould is visting her brothers and other relatives and many friends in town this week as a guest of her brother, Mr.R.L.Lanier and family. 3-12-1909 - PASLAY - R. - E. - - - - - - Mr.R.E.Paslay "Punch", of Portland, Oregon, is in town at the bedside of his father Rev.W.H.Paslay. He is a traveling salesman. 3-12-1909 - WEBB - WM. - M. - DR. - - - - - Dr.Wm.M.Webb, formerly of this county, is in town visiting his wife, Mrs.Webb, and sister, Mrs.Linn Turley. He has been in hospital in Little Rock due to fall which broke his hip. He was the father of John and Will, both of whom have died, John accidentally drowned, and Will died at Brinkley some time afterwards. 3-12-1909 - DeROSSITT - F. - W. - SENATOR - - - - - Senator F.W.DeRossitt was home from Little Rock Saturday and part of Sunday. 3-19-1909 - TORNADO IN BRINKLEY - - - - - - - - A tornado almost completey destroyed Brinkley Monday night, the estimate is about 46 people dead, 225 injured, and property loss about $1,000,000. Among the dead:PORTLY H.FOOTE/CHARLES FRANTZ/HARRY STOVALL-AGE 17J.L.STARRETT/MRS.ETHEL PHILLIPS/A.M.HOOD/MRS.BELLE BRADEN/ISAAC REED/RUSSELL REED/RAYMOND REED/MRS.ISAAC REED/ 3-19-1909 - MANN FAMILY REUNION - - - - - - - - A reunion of the descendants of Burk Mann will be held in Marianna June 27 to July 1. There are 57 members living. Mrs.W.H.Mann, age 71 on June 29,1909 is the reason for the reunion. Judge S.H.Mann of this city is one of her sons. 4-9-1909 - HENSLEY - P. - H. - REV. - - - - - Rev.P.H.Hensley, Jr. has tendered his resignation of the Presbyterian church minister, and will leave for Tampa, Florida to take charge of the Cuban work. 4-9-1909 - WIDNER INCORPORATED - - - - - - - - Judge Rolfe passed favorably on the petition Monday to incorporate the city of Widener. 5-7-1909 - ALLEY - W. - H. - DR. - - - - - Dr.W.H.Alley has gone to Phoenix, Arizona to try and revive his health. While there he will probably also visit the Gold Ridge Mining & Milling Company in which he is very interested. 5-7-1909 - WEDDINGTON - WM. - M. - - - - - - FOUR BROTHERS IN THE CIVIL WAR=Mr.W.M.Weddington, of Concord, has the following in the Friday's Charlotte, N.Carolina Chronicle:" I saw a statement in the Chronicle about four brothers who served in the Confederate Army and are still living. I will give you a little history of us four brothers who served through the war and are still living. Wm.M.Weddington, Robt.L. and Sam A. belonged to Capt.N.Slough's company. We three were all shot down at Gettysburg within one hour, and all of us severely wounded. Our youngest brother, W.Taylor Weddington belonged to the Junior Reserves. He was shot throught the breast. We were all wounded from one to five times. Two of us were wounded by the same ball and we are all living today. Robert L. is living in Bryan, Texas, Sam A. is at Deritat, W.Taylor is in Charlotte, and W.M. is in Concord. These four brothers are uncles of W.A.Weddington of Colt, Arkansas. 5-7-1909 - WEDDINGTON - ROBERT - L. - - - - - - FOUR BROTHERS IN THE CIVIL WAR=Mr.W.M.Weddington, of Concord, has the following in the Friday's Charlotte, N.Carolina Chronicle:" I saw a statement in the Chronicle about four brothers who served in the Confederate Army and are still living. I will give you a little history of us four brothers who served through the war and are still living. Wm.M.Weddington, Robt.L. and Sam A. belonged to Capt.N.Slough's company. We three were all shot down at Gettysburg within one hour, and all of us severely wounded. Our youngest brother, W.Taylor Weddington belonged to the Junior Reserves. He was shot throught the breast. We were all wounded from one to five times. Two of us were wounded by the same ball and we are all living today. Robert L. is living in Bryan, Texas, Sam A. is at Deritat, W.Taylor is in Charlotte, and W.M. is in Concord. These four brothers are uncles of W.A.Weddington of Colt, Arkansas. 5-7-1909 - WEDDINGTON - W. - TAYLOR - - - - - - FOUR BROTHERS IN THE CIVIL WAR=Mr.W.M.Weddington, of Concord, has the following in the Friday's Charlotte, N.Carolina Chronicle:" I saw a statement in the Chronicle about four brothers who served in the Confederate Army and are still living. I will give you a little history of us four brothers who served through the war and are still living. Wm.M.Weddington, Robt.L. and Sam A. belonged to Capt.N.Slough's company. We three were all shot down at Gettysburg within one hour, and all of us severely wounded. Our youngest brother, W.Taylor Weddington belonged to the Junior Reserves. He was shot throught the breast. We were all wounded from one to five times. Two of us were wounded by the same ball and we are all living today. Robert L. is living in Bryan, Texas, Sam A. is at Deritat, W.Taylor is in Charlotte, and W.M. is in Concord. These four brothers are uncles of W.A.Weddington of Colt, Arkansas. 5-7-1909 - WEDDINGTON - SAM - L. - - - - - - FOUR BROTHERS IN THE CIVIL WAR=Mr.W.M.Weddington, of Concord, has the following in the Friday's Charlotte, N.Carolina Chronicle:" I saw a statement in the Chronicle about four brothers who served in the Confederate Army and are still living. I will give you a little history of us four brothers who served through the war and are still living. Wm.M.Weddington, Robt.L. and Sam A. belonged to Capt.N.Slough's company. We three were all shot down at Gettysburg within one hour, and all of us severely wounded. Our youngest brother, W.Taylor Weddington belonged to the Junior Reserves. He was shot throught the breast. We were all wounded from one to five times. Two of us were wounded by the same ball and we are all living today. Robert L. is living in Bryan, Texas, Sam A. is at Deritat, W.Taylor is in Charlotte, and W.M. is in Concord. These four brothers are uncles of W.A.Weddington of Colt, Arkansas. 5-7-1909 - WEDDINGTON - W. - A. - - - - - - FOUR BROTHERS IN THE CIVIL WAR=Mr.W.M.Weddington, of Concord, has the following in the Friday's Charlotte, N.Carolina Chronicle:" I saw a statement in the Chronicle about four brothers who served in the Confederate Army and are still living. I will give you a little history of us four brothers who served through the war and are still living. Wm.M.Weddington, Robt.L. and Sam A. belonged to Capt.N.Slough's company. We three were all shot down at Gettysburg within one hour, and all of us severely wounded. Our youngest brother, W.Taylor Weddington belonged to the Junior Reserves. He was shot throught the breast. We were all wounded from one to five times. Two of us were wounded by the same ball and we are all living today. Robert L. is living in Bryan, Texas, Sam A. is at Deritat, W.Taylor is in Charlotte, and W.M. is in Concord. These four brothers are uncles of W.A.Weddington of Colt, Arkansas. 5-14-1909 - BEAZLEY - J. - R. - JUDGE - - - - - Judge J.R.Beazley, returned Saturday from a trip to Richmond and Manchester, Virginia, in which section he was reared. While there, he made a visit to Washington City and had his name entered to be able to practice before the United States Supreme Court. 5-28-1909 - MALOUF - JOHN - - - - - - - John Malouf, Manager of the new Imperial Theatre. High class moving pictures every night. Matinees every Saturday at 2:30 pm. 5-28-1909 - DRILLING OF THE THIRD WELL UNDERWAY - - - - - - - - The third water well is being dug, at 400 feet so far, it started last week. The other well, mention was made of last week, and is now in operation. 6-4-1909 - INSTALLING METERS - - - - - - - - Messrs.Claude Cowden and Fenner Laughinghouse, electricians for the City Water & Light Co. have completed connections of 74 meters for electricity usage by customers. There are about 200 users in the city. 6-4-1909 - TRIBUTE TO THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIER - - - - - - - - This is from Mr.Charles Fitzgerald, Greenwood, Miss. will be read at the convention where it will be held this week. The manuscript was found in his desk after being shot and killed in Clinton. It. is noted that the last verse is incomplete.-THE CONFEDERATE SOLDER=From the days of brave Leonidas, adown the tides of life, In all their glory, pomp and pride and martial deeds sublime, Whether Saxon, Celt or Teuton or the flower of La Belle France, 'Mid the blazing belch of cannon, where the war steeds proudly prance, 'Mid scenes of death's wild carnage, where the war gods hold mad sway, Mortal eyes ne'er saw the equals of those glorious ranks of Gray. Paragraph:Of those born sons of freedom, on the deathless scroll of fame, Writ heroic deeds of daring in our Sunny Southland's name, Grand, grim, titanic warriors of a cause forever just, The bards of coming ages will defy your dust, And the Cycle of the centuries no grander troops will see, Than the vanished hosts of Jackson and the scattered ranks of Lee. Paragraph:Then we meet you and we greet you on this glad reunion day, Survivors of our Southland's cause! Your faine can ne'er decay. "Tis the heritage of freemen and your deeds were not in vain, For descendants of such heroes, will show ancestral strain. But for blood baptized Columbia, cast in heroic mould, Would repeat the deeds of daring of their fighting sires of old. Paragraph: But your gallant ranks are thinning and that glorious line of gray, Like mist before the day king, is fast falling away; And soon a sainted memory will be all that shall remain, Of those deathless, dauntless legions who marched to "Dixie's" strain. And with your earth-life ended and immortal spirits free, You'll rejoin the phantom columns of your Jackson and your Lee. Paragraph:We love you, grim old heroes, as in years gone by, When your courage thrilled the world, when you dared to do, or die; When proud Stars and Bars of Dixie ' mid the gonfalons of earth, Kissed first the breeze of Heaven and proclaimed a nation's birth. Greenwood (Miss.) Commonwealth. 6-11-1909 - UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS ATTENDEES HOME FOR VACATION - - - - - - - - Home from classes at the University of Arkansas for the summer:Messrs.Walter Stevens, Dick Payne, and Newman Laughinghouse of this city; Louis McDaniel of Bonair; and Joe Fogg of Caldwell. 6-11-1909 - ATTENDEES OF THE CONFEDERATE REUNION THIS WEEK - - - - - - - - These are the attendees of the Confederate Veterans convention:Messr.George Mallory,George P.Taylor, Rolfe Eldridge, Rufus Scott, Arthur Boyle, J.T.Johnson, Ray Bonner, D.E.Hoshall, James L.Alley, Roger Crews, and Bard Nichols, Will Pope, Bert Mallory, Cecil Bottoms, Bennie McCrary, Herman Rollwage, James Gwyn, and Walter Prewitt went over Wednesday. Dr.& Mrs.W.H.Merritt, S.P.McDaniel, Dr.& Mrs.C.S.Aldrich, Prof.and Mrs.George Jackson, also attendees. 6-11-1909 - PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSES - - - - - - - - Prof. C.H.Lambert reported the following for the school year just ended June 5,1909: Total enrollees, 317, average attendance 269.32;W.J.Lanier-President/J.G.Sanders-Secretary/T.A.Buford/T.O.Fitzpatrick. 6-18-1909 - JOHNSON - JEFFERSON - - - - - - - Uncle Jefferson Johnson, a Texas ex-Confederate soldier, and one of Colt's landmarks was visiting his daughter, Mrs.Julia Casbeer and other relatives this week. 6-18-1909 - ATTENDEES OF THE CONFEDERATE REUNION LAST WEEK - - - - - - - - COLT TIMES=our little city had the honor of sending six of the sixty one attendees to the Confederate Veterans' Reunion in Memphis last week:Capt.H.S.Richardson, Major J.M.Taylor, Col. J.S.Walters, Brig.Gen.Jack Cooper, Lieut.H.C.Stegall, Adv.Lieut.Richard Lemons. Among the other visitors from our city to the reunion:Capt.Wm.Stone,Mr.N.G.Williams,Mr.W.A.Weddington, Mr.Stewart, Mr.S.M.Key, Mr.G.G.Dorris, and Col.N.J.Allen. 6-18-1909 - ATTENDEES OF THE CONFEDERATE REUNION LAST WEEK - - - - - - - - PALESTINE TIMES=Attendees from here to the Confederate Soldier convention in Memphis last week:Mr.S.F.Sulcer, Mr.O.S.Able, Mr.C.M.Wilkinson, Mr.J.A.Sucler. Also, Squire J.J.Wood. 6-18-1909 - ATTENDEES OF THE CONFEDERATE REUNION LAST WEEK - - - - - - - - DEMOCRAT TIMES=Attendees from here to the Confederate Soldiers reunion in Memphs include:Sq.Thomas, Prof.George Jackson. 7-2-1909 - UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS RECORDS - - - - - - - - The University of Arkansas had 1200 students this year. We had five students from St.Francis County. 7-2-1909 - MANN FAMILY REUNION - - - - - - - - The following left the city for the reuinion:Mr.& Mrs.W.T.Brasher, Mr.& Mrs.J.H.Mann, and two children, Mrs.F.G.Bridges, and one child, Mr.& Mrs.M.B.Barker, Dr.& Mrs.Wm.Crutcher, and two children, Mrs.V.V.Mann, Mr.& Mrs.J.M.Walkerand two children of Mangum, Okla., and Mr.& Mrs.J.K.Walker of Brownsville, Tenn., were guests Saturday of Judge & Mrs.S.H.Mann, enroute to the Marianna, Ark. reunion. 7-9-1909 - HAVENS - CHARLES - HENRY - - - - - - Mr.Charles Havens and son Louis departed for Missouri and Kansas to visit relatives and friends. 7-9-1909 - SWAN - S. - B. - MRS. - - - - - Mrs.S.B.Swan and baby left for Cockrum, Miss. where they will make their home. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr.Liston Sage. 7-23-1909 - STEWART - M. - J. - MRS. - - - - - Mrs.M.J.Stewart, of Widener, has taken charge of the Forrest City Hotel, having purchased the furnishings from Mr.Jack Casteel, who has moved to Tulsa, Okla. and is in the real estate business there. 7-30-1909 - BOGGAN - P. - P. - DR. - - - - - Dr.P.P.Boggan, and his estimable wife and daugher, Miss Mai, left here for Forrest City where they will make their home. Dr.Boggan came to East Prairie from New Madrid county in 1894, and at once became identified with the affairs of this city, taking an active part in the work of developing the city and country along educational and industrial lines. He was the president of the board of education for nine years. As a physician, he ranks with the best in his profession. He is striclty ethical being a member of the Mississippi county, the Misssouri, and the American Medical Association. The doctor is a democrat, and always ready to defend the principles of his party. He is an optimist, believing that there is a silver lining in every cloud. He is distinctly a gentleman of the old school, refined and generous, with a strict regard for his word, we will miss him and wish him the best in his new residence. East Prairie, Missouri, Eagle. 8-6-1909 - BRANTLEY - DAULTON - - PROF. - - - - - Prof.Daulton Brantley of near Palestine, where he is teaching school, was a guest of his brother, Mr.L.N.Brantley, Monday night. 12-3-1909 - HAVENS - CHARLES - - - - - - - Mr.Charles "Sweet" Havens left Thanksgiving evening for a brief pleasure trip to St.Louis and Desoto, Missouri to visit with Mr.Chris Muller, who had been visiting his parents and other relatives. Mr.Havens returned home Tuesday evening. PHONE NUMBERS: 1 - W.T.SANDERS-THE GROCERY MAN-TELEPHONE NO.1-BREAKFAST CEREALS - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 6 - MEMPHIS STEAM LAUNDRY-EDWARD ROLESON, JR. PROP. - - - - 1902 - - - 16 - R.H.WINFIELD & CO.-OPERA HOUSE BLOCK-DRY GOODS - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 17 - FONDREN AND SMITH, GROCERS-CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND JACKSON STREET-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 1903 - - - 18 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-JAMES TONEY PROP. - - - - 1911 - - - 18 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-MRS.J.B.MOODY, PROP.-ROLLWAGE BUILDING, SOUTH SODE - - - - 1903 - - - 19 - J.S.SHIELDS & CO.-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS - - - - 1908 - - - 24 - ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON- - - - - 1903 - - - 26 - A.J.VACCARO & CO.-PROPRIETORS OF THE EMPORIUM-LADIES MILLINERY - - - - 1909 - - - 28 - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-CALL 28 - - - - 1911 - - - 29 - G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE & CO.-G.N.LAUGHINGHOUSE AND T.E.HASKINS-DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEGETABLES IN SEASON-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 29 - MALLORY & FOGG-THE PALACE SALOON-COR.WASHINGTON & JACKSON STREETS IN THE WINTHROP BLDG..-FINE WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS-KEG & BOTTLED BEERS - - - - 1908 - - - 31 - THE CITY DRUG STORE-O.N.WARREN, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 31 - HATCHER & CALDWELL, CITY DRUG STORE - - - - 1911 - - - 34 - H.R.NEBLETT-GROCERY AND DRY GOODS - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - 1912 - - 34 - W.T.SANDERS-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-114 FRONT ST.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 38 - EWART-MARSHALL LUMBER CO. - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 40 - HOTEL MARION, FORMERLY THE BELSER, MRS.PAULINE GODDARD, PROP.-THE ONLY $2 HOUSE IN THE CITY - - - - 1901 - - - 41 - FUSSELL-GRAHAM-ALDERSON COMPANY-SUCCESSORS TO FUSSELL-GRAHAM & CO., AND L.ROLLWAGE & ALDERSON-TELEPHONE 41 - - - - 1902 - - - 42 - LANDVOIGHT & VADAKIN-BOOK, MUSIC STORE AND PRINTING OFFICE - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 44 - THE FORREST CITY BOTTLING WORKS- - - - - 1911 - - - 48 - F.W.DeROSSITT-WILL PAY CASH FOR MULE AND HORSE COLTS - - - - 1909 - - - 49 - FORREST CITY REAL ESTATE CO.-J.L.NEWSOME, PRES./W.H.BROWN,SCT./WM.W.CAMPBELL, TREAS. - - - - 1910 - - - 49 - NEWSOME, ELDRIDGE & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 52 - NEWSOME & FERRELL-REALTORS - - - - 1911 - - - 61 - THE PEARL SALOON-I.W.MALLORY PROP.-TELEPHONE 61 - - - - 1901 - - - 61 - N.B.NELSON & CO.-JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY-FORMERLY THE PEARL SALOON - - - - 1902 1903 - - - 58 - PETTUS & BUFORD-GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 59 - ROBERT L.PETTUS-CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS-INVITES YOUR TRADE-TELEPHONE NO.59-McCRARY BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - J.T.DEMENT-DEALER IN HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES-PHONE 71-SUCCESSOR TO V.B.IZARD & CO. - - - - 1902 - - - 71 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 73 - E.N.GILLILAND-TUBULAR WELLS, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING-NORTH WASHINGTON STREET BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1908 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER - - - - 1910 1911 - - - 75 - GROBMYER LUMBER & FEED CO.-DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES, ETC.-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1912 - - - 77 - BRANDON & BAUGH-NORTH FRONT STREET-LONG DISTANCE PHONE 77 - - - - 1901 - - - 79 - PURITY DAIRY-S.B.TRAPP-PROP. - - - - 1912 - - - 81 - NEELY & NEBLETT-DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - - - - 1908 - - - 82 - KLONDIKE BAKERY-FRED KLEIBER, PROP.-TELEPHONE 82-FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING - - - - - - - 84 - FORREST CITY ICE & POWER CO.-AGENTS FOR CUDAHY PACKING CO.'S PRODUCTS - - - - 1901 1902 1903 - - - 86 - THE COMBINATION SHOP-S.L.BERRY, MGR.-SHOE, SADDLE & HARNESS - - - - 1908 - - - 86 - NEW RACKET STORE-M.RUTSKY & CO., PROP.-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 88 - C.H.HAVENS, UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR-ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, BURIAL ROBES KEPT IN STOCK-TELEPHONE 88, TWO RINGS-1901 - - - - 1901 - - - 91 - ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET=SCHUH & CO. - - - - 1910 - - - 91 - THE PALACE MARKET AND GROCERY-TOM O'BRIEN AND WILLIE HAVENS, PROP.-ROSSER STREET OPPOSITE THE RED GIN - - - - 1911 - - - 91 - T.O'BRIEN-DEALER IN FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, POULTRY & PRODUCE-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 97 - JNO.W.NAYLOR-TEAMS WANTED TO TRANSFER LUMBER FROM ST.FRANCIS RIVER TO CROW CREEK - - - - 1908 - - - 101 - W.D.PASLAY & CO. ON JACKSON STREET, NEAR STONE'S LIVERY STABLE. TELEPHONE 101, FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1901 - - - 108 - HAVENS BROS.-J.K.HAVENS & CHAS.HAVENS-DEALERS IN STAPLES AND FINE GROCERIES, ETC.-LUNCHES TO ORDER-TELEPHONE NO.108-FREE DELIVERY-RUSH J.ASH'S STAND-WEST JACKSON STREET - - - - 1902 - - - 108 - RESTAURANT-SHORT ORDERS ONLY-RUSH J.ASH=STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES-ROLLWAGE NEW BUILDING,W.JACKSON ST.-TELEPHONE 108-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1903 - - - 112 - TURLEY BROS. & GILLIAM- IN THE HANCOCK BUILDING ON N.WASHINGTON STREET - - - - 1910 - - - 112 - E.TURLEY & CO.-BYHALIA CASH STORE-HANCOCK BUILDING - - - - 1902 - - - 124 - W.B.MANN, JR.- LAUNDRY - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - IZARD & WILLIAMS, FORREST CITY, ARK., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE-OFFICE OVER J.W.BECK & CO. - - - - 1901 - - - 126 - W.E.WILLIAMS & SON-REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS - - - - 1902 - - - 126 - STEVENS BROSL, UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS-SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH WASHINGTON AND FRONT STREETS-PHONE 126 DAY AND NIGHT - - - - 1903 - - - 103 - J.W.WILLIAMS-DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, ETC. - - - - 1903 - - - 131 - A.L.GRADY-DEALER IN DRY GOODS-NEW STORE-TELEPHONE 131-FREE DELIVERY - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - ATKINS & HORNE, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES, & TINWARE-J.H.ATKINS - - - - 1901 1902 - - - 134 - J.H.ATKINS-NEXT TO POST OFFICE-HARDWARE, TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, LUMBERMAN OUTFITS, CUTLERY, HARNESS,ETC.-TELEPHONE NO.134 - - - - 1902 - - - 134 - L.R.GROBMYER'S CITY MEAT MARKET - - - - 1911 - - - 137 - PETTUS & FOGG-GENERAL MERCHANDISE=ROBERT L.PETTUS AND E.K.FOGG, PROP. - - - - 1909 - - - 147 - R.C.PREWITT,PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON-OVER DUNAVANT'S DRUGSTORE - - - - 1902 1901 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1911 - - - 147 - CITY WATER & LIGHT COMPANY - - - - 1912 - - - 170 - FORREST CITY ICE & COAL CO.-BOTTLING WORKS AND STEAM LAUNDRY-GEO.P.TAYLOR, PROP. - - - - 1910 1911 1912 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS COAL - - - - 1910 - - - 174 - BECKER & LEWIS FURNITURE - - - - 1909 - - - 184 - W.E.KIRBY & CO. - - - - 1910 1909 1911 - - - 188 - ROBT.BRITTAIN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES - - - - 1910 - - - 189 - BUS SERVICE FROM IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD TO HOTEL FISHER - - - - 1911 - - - 191 - FORREST CITY CLEANING AND PRESSING CLUB-L.S.C.WILLIAMS, PROP.CHOP NEAR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - - - - 1902 - - - 191 - THE PEARL CAF-R.J.ASH BROTHERS, PROPS.-FRESH FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS, NUTS & CONFECTIONS. CIGARS & TOBACCO - - - - 1908 1909 - - - 199 - J.T.SANDERS, PH.G.-ENTERPRISE DRUG STORE-HOADLEY'S ICE CREAM-PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1908 1902 - - - 204 - W.F.KLOTZ-THE HARDWARE MAN-WEST JACKSON STREET-JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.'S IMPLEMENTS - - - - 1912 1911 - - - 209 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1910 - - - 211 - PLANTERS GIN-TALK TO ARTHUR BOYLE ABOUT YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR WINTER. - - - - 1908 - - - 212 - OUR BAKERY - - - - 1911 - - - 225 - J.I.HAWK-REALTOR - - - - 1908 - - - 228 - W.L.LAWRENCE-PROPRIETOR CITY GROCERY-PROMPT DELIVERY - - - - 1909 - - - 239 - JIM THOMPSON HAULING - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - CITY GROCERY-W.L.LAWRENCE PROP. - - - - 1910 - - - 248 - L.F.ROLLWAGE & CO.-HIGH CLASS GROCERIES, FRUITS, PRODUCE-QUICK DELIVERY - - - - 1908 - - - 248 - LAWRENCE'S CITY GROCERY-FRESH HOLSUM BREAD - - - - 1911 - - - 248 - NEW MEAT MARKET-B.FUSSELL, PROP.-BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL & POULTRY-ALSO HANDLE FRESH EGGS, BUTTER & VEGETABLES - - - - 1908 - - - 252 - W.J.STOLZER-PROPRIETOR-CONCRETE-PLANT ON MADISON ROAD - - - - 1909 - - - 254 - FORREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY-214 NORTH FRONT STREET - - - - 1908 1911 - - - 269 - B.B.BOGGS-THE NEW PLUMBER-RESIDENCE PHONE - - - - 1909 - - - 293 - C.C.WEIER-BRICKLAYER AND BUILDER - - - - 1910 - - - 299 - R.E.SELLERS-GROCERIES-PETTUS BUILDING - - - - 1909 - - - 299 - SELLERS & SCOTT GROCERY - - - - 1911 1910 - - - 300 - FORREST CITY STEAM LAUNDRY-E.H.OVERFIELD,MANAGER - - - - 1910 - - - 311 - WOOD FOR SALE-J.L.NEWSOM-FIRST CLASS WOOD YARD - - - - 1911 - - - 312 - A.D.BOYLE JEWELER-IMPERIAL BUILDING - - - - 1912 - - - 341 - JOE E.BECK-BLACKSMITHING-SHOP ON JACKSON STREET NEAR IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 1911