Bell’s 1990 Obituaries from Forrest City Times-Herald
By Paul V. Isbell-Jan. 7, 2018
Index Alpha:Number is page in
Adams, Charles T. Sr. 24
Adamson, Tommye Lucille Browning
Ambrose, Samuel "Ed"
Amos, Nathaniel Sr.
"Pete" 12
Astin, Lavania 53
Ault, Clifton Clayton 16
Austin, Robert Lee 70
Austin, Robert Lee 73
Backer, Gertrude 74
Bailey, Luther 72
Baldwin, Fannie Mae 10
Banks, James Oliver 38
Barksdale, John Robert 1
Barnett, Pierce W. St. 16
Barton, Irma B. 76
Baskins, Virgie Frances 61
Bassett, Steve 75
Beavers, Mayme 44
Benton, Maxine Crisman 50
Berry, Peggy 57
Billingsley, Fannie 15
Blackard, Jack Lee 69
Bland, R. B. Rev. 65
Botto, Amelia F. 78
Bradford, Josephine T. 71
Bradford, Una 75
Bradford, Willie Auri 79
Bradley, Horace 15
Brandon, Virgie C. 11
Brantley, Virginia 62
Braxton, Curtis Rev. 53
Breathitt, Lydia Byndom 20
Brigman, Richard Price 63
Brown, Evelyn V. 35
Brown, Lyle J. "Jack"
Brown, Will 56
Bryant, Lillie 54
Buford, Brenda Joyce 48 49
Burfield, Wilmer 55
Burgess, Nina 30
Burns, Abe M. 64
Burr, Jim 6
Busby, Bruce 16
Bynum, Lola Mae 22
Cadwell, Dovie A. 61
Callahan, James Louie 45
Campbell, Benjamin Franklin 19
Campbell, Dolores Jean 71
Campbell, Pearl L. 66
Carmichael, Modie 80
Casey, Lura Mae 74
Cato, Winnie 39
Chandler, Alberta 62
Chandler, Thomas Glen 39
Chapman, Joseph Preston 19
Chism, John Edward 41
Chism, Robert Andrew 67
Chou, Anna Wong 64
Clanton, Alma Stewart 2
Clark, Dollie 79
Clark, Imogene 80
Clark, Lester 33
Clark, Mary Louise 40
Cogburn, Harold Dr. 19
Cole, Haston Jr. 58
Cole, Minor E. Rev. 7
Coleman, Eddie Lee 60
Conlee, Coolidge 29
Conner, Morris J. 61
Cook, Jodie B. Sr. 74
Cook, John Henry 72
Cooper, Beulah 72
Cooper, Odell 36
Cope, Thomas 43
Copper, Eddie 58
Cowan, Katherine Velor 35
Cox, Walter 2
Crawford, Floyd Jr. 3
Crowder, Lee Junior
Crump, Janie 5
Culley, Cleveland 37
Cunningham, Sionia B. 18
Cupit, James 51
Cupples, Horace Edwin Sr. 26
Curtis, Victoria Archie 62
Cuzzort, Lanta Hughes 76 77
Daniels, Tommie 38
Darnell, James J "Jim"
Davis, Curtis Lee 15
Davis, Elizabeth 77
Davis, Johnna Kay 5
Davis, Kate 38
Davis, Wavie 37
Davis, William Frank 45
Davison, John Leon 1
Dawson, Moses 62
Dawson, Willie B. 58
Day, Charles 4
Day, Inez Doni 21
Dearing, Marcella Willie 47
Dennis, W. C. "Crate"
Devazier, Patricia Lynn 74
Devereux, Mary Owen 79
Dill, E. R. "Relmon"
Dougherty, Betty Jean 78
Douglas, Jo Ann 24
Douglas, Lola M. 27 28
Duke, Prince Farley Sr. 2
Dunavion, Lavell Lowell 50
Dunn, Joe 48
Durrett, John Lewis 55
Durrett, John Lewis 57
Early, John 26
Elliott, Neva Young 32
Ellis, Flossie L. 70
Emerson, Wallace C. 52
Emerson, Wallace C. 53
Emmerson, Lucille 41
Ervin, Nellie Fisher 57
Erwin, Violet 9
Evans, Johnny 28
Fackler, Kody Christen 35
Farrington, Allen A. 23
Ferguson, W. A. 18 19
Fiser, Doris 77
Fleming, Dema Honeycutt 36
Floyd, Jewell McCafferty 48
Foster, Roberta
"Bobbie" Miss 51
Fowler, Willie Oliver 45
Frames, E. J. Sr. 17 18
Frison, Ora 25
Fry, Octavia 30
Gaines, Novella 30
Gamble, Wanda 50
Gatewood, Robert M. 17 18
Gibbs, Jack P. 63
Gibbs, Lee Garfield 6
Gilbert, Lillian Jane York 32
Graham, James 52
Grandy, Walter 42
Grant, Effie Mae 72
Gray, Frances Watson 23
Green, Monzella 53
Gregory, William H. Sr. 70
Grimes, Doris Emogene Sullins 8
Guss, Moses E. 32
Guyton, Della 29
Hall, Amos Lee 10
Hall, Donald Rev. 34
Hamblin, Lloyd W. 65
Hamilton, Boy Lee 6
Hamilton, Herman 79
Handcock, Elmo 31
Hardin, Frieda F. 58
Hardy, Gertrude C. E. Trudy 36
Hargraves, J. T. 63
Harmon, Robert W. 3
Harps, George 72
Harris, Morsie 6
Harrison, Alice Joy 27
Hart, Minnie Barnes 78
Haven, Charles N. 60 Sep.20,1990
Hawk, Anna Bell 66
Hawley, Lewis Chamberlain 56
Hayes, Julia Olive 17
Haywood, Read C. 21
Henderson, Vera (Edgar) Mrs. 44
Hendley, Samelia 76 78
Heustess, Lida 9 10
Hicks, Ella 37
Hightower, Birtha Mrs. 47
Hill, Florence Catherine Kelso
Hinton, Melvina 47 July 7,1990
Hodges, Alton 62
Hodges, Norma Sellers 75
Hodges, Randolph (Dolph) 31
Holiday, Mattie 15
Holland, Juanita Stidum 69
Holland, Rosie Lee 28
Holliday, Walter 22
Hollis, Gladys, Pearl 30
Holloway, Horace Dennis 25
Holt, Calvin Jr. 44
Holt, Floyd S. Rev. 4
Holt, Lowell N. 17
Horton, Delia Isard 35
Horton, Herman 25
Howerton, John Wesley 5
Howerton, Sylvester
Humphrey, Velma Lois 59
Hutchinson, Leonard Dale 47
Hutchison, Norris C. 67
Irby, Nannie Hine 22
Izard, Mary 77
Jacks, Onie Lee Stiger 48
James, Ann Paslay 78
James, Charles Martin 24
Johnson, Irene 34
Johnson, M.E. "Gene"
Jolley, William A.
Jones, Abbie 47
Jones, Carrie Lee Peacock 39
Jones, Irene 60
Jones, Johnny Jr. 79
Jones, Kiara Desha 6
Jones, McKinley 68
Jones, Michael Andrew 2
Jones, Virginia Clark 61
Jumper, Clara Sue Byrd 66
Jumper, Gerald "Tincy"
Kennedy, Clyde Gordon 55
Kennedy, Marion Jefferson 73
Kennedy, Omer Drew 57
Kester, Beulah 40
Key, Maudie 4
Keys, James 11
Kimble, William Monroe 48
Kimbro, Hunter 72
King, Alfred L. 30
Knox, John Henry 21
Kosser, Charles E. 62
Lane, Edna Mae 53
Lattimore, Willie Lee Sr. 35
Laws, James Mote 18
Lawson, Bessie Irene 36
Lawson, Cindy Lou 27
Lawson, Mary V. 33
Laxson, Margaret 10
Lee, Rex E. 7
Lindauer, Mary Helen Armstrong 6
Lindsey, Mabel Harris 52
Lockett, Latoya 47
Logan, Rosie Mary 31
Luallen, Myrtle Blake 15
Luker, Theresa Collen 38
Main, Mildred 71 or Maine
Malone, Waymon C.
"Mac" 4
Mancle, Maudie 20
Mann, Mary Louise 8
Marcum, Lela Bridgett 56
Marks, B. D. Jr. 40
Marks, Martha Ann DeRossitt 79
Martin, Ellie 12
Martin, Harley 77
Martin, Imogene B. 14
Martin, Letha Ritter Yon 46
Mash, Rubie 40
Mason, Leon 54
McCartney, Jewell M. 23
McCollum, Fred N. Jr. 26
McCormack, Doris Veda 32
McCoy, Thomas James
"Tommy" 8
McElya, Joshua Seth 42
McGee, Allie Jewel 23
Middleton, Brenda Faye 44
Miller, Mary Roebuck 42
Milton, Ludia Mae 11
Mitchell, Ruby Matlock 56
Mitchusson, Lonnie J. 46
Mitchusson, Willie J. Thweatt 25
Mobley, Marcus G. Sr. 23
Mooney, James 39
Moore, Allie Tate 5
Moore, Deloise Ann 5
Moore, Mary Bessie 14
Morgan, Alvin 76
Moss, Ollie 46
Nash, William "Buddy"
Jr. 59
Nelson, Emmett L. Rev. 60
Nesbitt, Clotelia Mrs. 48
Nesbitt, Rosie Emma Amos 33
Nichols, Floyd 55
Nolan, Brent L. 8
Norman, Jerome Sr. 4
Norrington, Glen 70
Oswalt, Anne Conner 13
Oxner, Rosie 33
Oxner, William Bright 5
Parish, Noma 80
Parr, Virgil Neal 67
Patterson, Pauline Funderburg 29
Peacock, W. T. 68
Pearson, Paul 59
Peeler, Jake 3
Perkins, Vera Mae 74
Person, Edward 20
Piersfield, Thenia Mae 64
Pipkin, Steven W. 63
Ponder, Omie Lee 78
Poole, Ray Thompson 20
Powell, Floyd Sr. 23
Presley, Millie 37
Priddy, Walter L. 74
Pugh, Janie Marie 34
Quarrells, Johnny 30
Rachel, Garland 40
Ray, Carrold E. Sr. 8
Rhodenizer, John E. 73
Rhodes, Joe Henry Jr. 55
Richards, Ethel 39
Ridgway, Dora Vickery 11
Robert, Wilbert 1
Robinson, Lillie 51
Robinson, Willie 45
Rogers, Mary Louise Taylor 70
Ross, Della Mary Bell 29
Rowland, Pearl A. 13
Rowlett, Tim K. 69
Rowton, Lou Ellen Ripper 70
Roy, Janice C. 27 28
Sains, Mary 69
Sampley, Nora 2
Sanders, Hugh Walter 65
Scott, Iola 72
Seward, Mike Augustic Sr. 65
Shaddock, J. Glen 21
Shapkoff, Donald Sr. 19
Shaw, Radford Roosevelt 54
Shields, Herman
"Popeye" 75
Shults, Elmer Rev 69
Simmons, Frank 64
Simpson, Annie Lawson 7
Sims, B. D. 12
Sims, Claude T. 49
Smith, A. M. Mae 16
Smith, Charles David 65
Smith, Doris Willine 42
Smith, Helen C. 31
Smith, Linda Cottrell 67
Smith, Mack 61
Smithee, Bill E. Jr. 52
Sohma, Tanemichi Mrs. 51
Starkey, Christopher Edwin 36
Starkey, Fanny D. 25
Starns, Troy L. 41
Stephens, Hattie Emison 28
Stephens, Ruben Odell 53
Stevens, Scarlett Cornwell 44
Steverson, Lee Andrew 63
Stewart, Charline P. 14
Stewart, Wilburn Jr. 31
Stidum, Canary 15
Stidum, Kenneth L. 58
Suez, Yuen So Chan 68
Sullivan, Gladys C. 11
Summage, Louis 71
Swinea, Beatrice 10
Sykes, Lawrence Clayton 7
Tanner, Margie 32
Tarrants, Joann Hall 22
Taylor, Ozoine 14
Templeton, Dave Jr. 33
Tharpe, Macon 12
Thomas, Ethel 61
Thomason, Sarah Sutton 17
Thompson, Algene Lippman 55
Tillman, Sidney 67 68
Tousant, Calvin Coolidge 64
Tousant, Flora B. 59
Tousant, Frank 9
Trapp, Mary Francis Webb 54
Tucker, Gertrude King, Mrs.
(Fred) 24
Turner, John T. 25
Tyson, Dovie Ruff 46
Underwood,Theo 52
Vailes, William "Bill"
Vanderburg, Hazel 16
Venson, Bobby Jean 77
Wade, Ulysses 5
Wade, Walter Sr. 66
Walker, Edward 40 41
Wallace, Richard G. 1
Walls, Rickey 68
Ware, Walter Giggs Jr. 29
Waring, Alice N. 46
Washington, Leroy 51
Watson, James Hobbs 24
Weaver, Waverly 59
West, John Manuel 3
White, Charlie White 7
White, Verlon Carl 20
Whitehorn, James F. 42 43
Whiteside, Cordelia E. 2
Wiese, John Vance
"Jack" 9
Williams, Leavy Sr. 37
Williams, Robert "Tweety
Bird" 26
Williams, Samuel 69
Williams, Willie B. 20
Williamson, J. D. 22
Wilson, Pauline Thomas 3
Wims, James Elbert 13
Winfield, Richard Jr. 34
Witcher, J. B. 12
Wolters, Margaret Ann Perdzock
Woods, Fannie F. 41
Wright, Claudine K. 54
Wright, Lula 34
Wright, Mable Irene 31
Zane, Elton Corson 64
Ault, Clifton Clayton-Obit: Mr.
Ault of Colt died Mar.11,1990 at Crestpark Skilled care, age 73. Born
Mar.18,1916 in Marshfield, Wisc. Lived in Colt since 1986 selling furniture and
antiques. Survivors include his wife, Katherine Friedrich Ault of the home; a
son, Jack Rodney Ault of the home; two daughters, Shirley Jane Ault Layton of
California, and Gloria Ann Ault Douglas of Forrest City; two brothers, Marvin
George Ault of Warrens, Mich., and John Ault of Monroe, Wisc.; two sisters,
Vivian Rufer of Monroe, Wisc. and Marian Boeck of Albany, Wisc.; and three
grand children. Kernodle Fun. Home, burial in West Clarno Cem. In Monroe, Wisc.
Done Parents:Lorenzo D. Ault (1888 - 1956) M. Ellen Donmeyer Ault (1892 - 1939)
Siblings:Ervin Leroy Ault (1910 - 1988)*Alvin Sprgun Ault (1911 - 1949)*
Clifton C. Ault (1916 - 1990) Vivian E. Ault Rufer (1918 - 1998)*John Jay Ault
(1923 - 1997)*Marian B. Ault Boeck (1926 - 1990)*FAG 54997827 done.
Austin, Robert Lee-Born Jul. 4,
1913 Died Nov.14,1990 at Forrest City home. He was 77. A retired auto mechanic.
He leaves a daughter, Lillie Austin Williams of Jennings, Mo.; a son, Lee Vern
Austin of Rochester, N.Y.; a brother, Thurman Austin of Forrest City; a sister
in law, Ioma Austin of Forrest City. Clay Fun.Home-with burial in New Casteel
Cem. Done FAG 24753497 per Sherry Gibson: Robert Married Jennie Farmer Austin.
Born were 7 children:Lilly Beeman, Sherry Austin, Wanda Austin, Carolyn Austin,
Wayne Austin, Irwin Austin "Boo Boo", Robert Lee Austin. Step sister:
May Lu Harden, Loretta Shelton. He is my husband Mike's stepfather. He was
living with his sister in Arkansas. He came home from work one day and his
sister was cooking dinner and he told her that he had a headache and that he
was going to lay down for a while, he never woke up.
Backer, Gertrude-Mrs. Backer of
Forrest City died Nov.25,1990 at Geriatrics Nursing Home, she was 88. Born
Oct.8,1902 in Madison. Preceded in death by her husband, she leaves a host of
relatives and friends. Clay Fun.Home, burial in New Forrest City Cem. Done FAG 186177422
Bailey, Luther-Of
Crawfordsville, died Dec.2,1990 at The Baptist Hosp. in Memphis, he was 94. A
farmer, he was preceded in death by three children and his wife. Survivors
include four step children, 13 sisters and brothers; a sister in law, Edna Earl
Ford of Jeanette; 20 grand children, 43 great grand children, and 10 great
great grandchildren. Kennedy Fun.Home, Paradise Gardens in Edmondson. Done FAG 186175439
Baldwin, Fannie
Mae Mrs.-Of Forrest City, died Feb.21,1990 at Bapt.Mem . Hosp. in Forrest City, she was 82. Born Jan.1,1908.
She leaves five daughters, Allie Anderson of Winter Garden, Fla., Emma Lee
Hudson of Chicago, and Arzella George, Lendora
Hawkins, and Stella Baldwin, all of Gary, Ind.; three sons, N.L. Ernest
Baldwin,Jesse and Eddie Baldwin, all of Forrest City; 27 grand children, 17
great grand children, and one great great grandchild. Clay Fun.Home, Shady
Grove Cem. For Burial. Done
Banks, James Oliver-Of Forrest
City, died Jun.11,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City, he was 82. Born
Nov.22,1907 in Dansby, Ark. He was son of Rufus and Ara Stringfellow Banks. He
spent most of his life in the Forrest City area. He is survived by his wife,
Lillie Mae; two sons, Rufus Banks of Forrest City, and James Banks of
Bakersfield, Calif.; two daughters, Ara White and Earnestine Russell, both of
Forrest City; four stepchildren, Estella Lumas, Captola Moore, and Thresa
Richardson of Chicago, Ill., and Virgie Mathews of St.Louis, Mo.; 18 grand children,
eight great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild. Clay Fun. Home,
burial in Dansby. Done
Barksdale, John Robert-Obit-Of
Colt, died Jan.13,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp, Forrest City, he was 84. Born
Nov.13,1905 in Huntsville, Ala., the son of Arthur Barksdale and Georgia
Ragsdale Barksdale. He had lived in the Newcastle community most of his life.
He was a retired painter and member of the Forrest Chapel Methodist Church. He
leaves his wife, Irene Dearing Barksdale, of the home; two daughters, Dorothy
Lawson of Colt, and Jo Ann Peterson of Forrest City; two brothers, Arthur
Barksdale of Oraville, Calif., and Willie Barksdale of Forrest City; four
grandchildren, Larry Lawson, Sharon Hanner, Beverly Devazier and Jimmy Peterson
and six great grand children. Burial in Forrest Park Cemetery under Stevens
Fun.Home direction.
Barton, Irma Barrett Mrs.-Of
Devalls Bluff, Ark, died Dec.21,1990, she was 87. Born in Selma, Ark.
Jun.16,1903, the daughter of James Edgar Barrett and Ida Walton Barrett. She
lived in Selma until 1943 before moving to Devalls Bluff. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Tarvie T.Barton in 1983. She leaves three daughters,
Clara B.Moody of Devalls Bluff and Elizabeth b. Haven and Audrey B. Pearson,
both of Forrest City; a sister, Eddie Mae Magness of Rockdale, Texas; and six
grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home with burial in
Oaklawn Cemetery in Devalls Bluff. Parents:James Edgar Barrett (1870 - 1949) Ida
Walton Barrett (1878 - 1958) Siblings:Rubie Lee Barrett (1898 - 1905)*Claud B
Barrett (1900 - 1916)*Irma Barrett Barton (1903 – 1990) FAG 99143446 done.
Baskins, Virgie Frances Mrs.-Of
Parkin, she died Oct.5,1990 at Cross Co. Hosp. in Wynne, she was 89. Born in
Texas on Nov.1,1900, she had lived in St.Francis Co. before moving to Parkin in
1965. She was preceded in death by her husband, James M.Baskins in 1975. She
leaves a daughter, Shelby Littlejohn of Parkin; five grandchildren, and five
great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home, with burial in Hughes Cemetery. Done
Bassett, Steve-Of Forrest City,
died Dec.13,1990 at Bapt. Central Hosp. in Memphis, he was 71. Born Oct.2,1919
in Grider, Ark. the son of Charles Pope Bassett and Maude L.Jennings Bassett.
He lived in Forrest City for most of his life, a former police officer and
River Transportation engineer, he was a veteran of WW II, member of First
Baptist Church, and a Mason. He leaves a wife, Jean Armstrong Bassett of
Forrest City; a daughter, Connie Bassett of Atlanta; and a brother, Jesse Lucy
of Denver, Colorado. Graveside services at Forrest Park Cemetery by Stevens
Fun. Home. Done FAG 186178349
Beavers, Mayme-of Little Rock,
died Jul.9, 1990 at Crestpark Retirement Inn of Forrest City after a long
illness, she was 76. Survivors include her husband, James O. Beavers; one
brother, R.H.McCollum of Pasadena, Texas; one sister, Jennie Smith of Little
Rock; one son, Bob Beavers of Forrest City; two grandchildren, Brad Beavers of
Forrest City and Beth Beavers of Memphis; and two great grandchildren.
Griffin-Leggett in charge with burial in Mt.Carmal Cemetery in Cabot. done
Benton, Maxine Crisman Mrs.-Of
Forrest City, died Jul.27,1990 at Methodist Hosp. in Memphis, she had been in
poor health for the past several years. Born Jul.1,1922 in Beaumont, Texas to
Guy S.Crisman and Minnie Dagnell Crisman. She had lived in Forrest City for
most of her adult life. A member of Graham Mem. Presbyterian Church. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Dr.W.W. Benton in 1973. She is survived by
two daughters, Patricia Benton Spivey of Longview, Texas, and Susan Benton of
Memphis; a son, Tommy Benton of Odenville, Alabama; and two grandchildren.
Graveside at Forrest Park Cemetery with Stevens Fun. Home in Charge. Done FAG 15604420
Spouse: William W. Benton (1920-1973) done.
Berry, Peggy m.Christian, Mrs.-
Aug. 20, 1900 Death: Aug. 29, 1990 Obit-Died Aug. 29, 1990 at Baptist Mem.
Hosp, Forrest City. She was 88. She had made her home in Forrest City all of
her life. She was a housewife and a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Parents:
b.Wheatley to George W.Christian Sr. and Mary Casselberry
Christian-Family:Preceded in death by husband, Clyde Berry in 1969; Survived by
sister, Mrs.Lynnie Boone of Knoxville, Tenn. and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held on Sep. 2, 1990 in Stevens FH Chapel. Burial to
follow at Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse:Robert Clyde Berry (1901 - 1969)
Billingsley, Fannie Mrs.-Of
Palestine, she died Mar.6,1990 at the Bapt. Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City, she was
92. She had been in poor health for two years, and was a member of the First
Baptist Church of Palestine, and a housewife. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Claude Billingsley. She is survived by a son, Joe Billingsley of
Palestine; four daughters, Florene Parker of Pleasant Plains, Irene Sulcer,
Patsy Burns, and Dean Parker, all of Palestine; 30 grandchildren, and 52 great
grandchildren. Burial in Mars Hill Cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home.done
Blackard, Jack Lee-Of
Middleboro, Ky. he died Nov.11,1990 at East Tenn. Bapt. Hosp. in Knoxville,
Tenn., he was 57. Born Jul.23,1933 in Clarksville to Jack and Neva Frost
Blackard, who are originally from Forrest City. He attened Memphis and Ark.
State before graduating form the Univ. of Tenn. School of Pharmacy. Survivors
include his wife, Opal Blackard of the home; a daughter, Lisa Michelle Blackard
of Knoxville, Tenn.; two sons, Michael Lee Blackard of Lexington and Mitchell
King Blackard of Middlesboro. Shumate Fun.
Home in charge in Middleboro. FAG 170383266
Requested. Parents:Marvin Jack Blackard (1904 - 1996) Neva Frost Blackard (1909
- 2001) Spouse: Opal Fox Blackard (1933
- 2002) Children:Mitchell K. Blackard (1966 - ____)*
Bland, R. B., Rev.-Of Madison,
died Oct.20,1990 at his home. Born in Grenada Co., Miss. the son of Richard and
Phoebe Thompson Bland. He received a bachelor and doctoral degress in Divinity.
He moved to Madison in 1950 and served as pastor of Madison Light Baptist
Church. He leaves a daughter, Virgie Bland Patterson of Memphis; a sister,
Lillie Taylor of East St.Louis, Ill. ; a sister in law, Alvesta “Bess” Lowe of
Madison; two grandchildren, Marcus and Stephanie Bland of Memphis. Clay Fun.
Home in Charge, with burial in New Casteel Cemetery.
Botto, Amelia F. Mrs.-of Palestine,
died Dec.24,1990 at her residence. She was 63. Born Nov.6,1927 in Cross County,
she was daughter of Fred Gates and Nellie Wheeler Gates. She lived in Palestine
for the past 31 years and was a housewife and member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church of Palestine, and was a member of the Eastern Star Order.
She leaves her husband, Joe Botto of the home; two daughters, Marsha McFarland
of Mansfield, La. and Donna Runyan of Little Rock; a brother, Fred Gates Jr. of
Atlanta; and three grand children. Stevens Fun. Home in Charge, burial in Bell
Cemetery. FAG 68839878 Requested.
Bradford, Josephine T. Mrs.-of
Forrest City, died Nov.27,1990 at Methodist Central Hosp. in Memphis, she was
66. Born May 21,1924 in Pine Bluff, the daughter of John Speers Toney, Sr. and
Virginia Osborne Toney. She moved to Forrest City in 1957 and was an Adm. Sect.
for Production Credit Assoc. until her retirement in 1986. Since then she was
with the Forrest City Savings and Loan Assoc. as secretary. She was a member of
the Episcopal church. She leaves a son, Charles Frost Bradford III of Germany;
a brother, John S. “Jack” Toney Jr. of Forrest City; a sister, Janet Toney
Honeycutt of Little Rock; two grandchildren, Charles Frost IV and Katie Ann
Bradford. Stevens Fun. Home, plans incomplete. Done FAG 186174965 Burial in
Graceland Cemetery in Pine Bluff.
Bradford, Una Mrs.-Of Forrest
City, she died Dec.15,1990 at Bap. Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City, she was 76. Born Feb.2,1914 in Heber Springs, the
daughter of Henry Walker and Josie Holmes Walker, she had lived most of her
life in St.Francis Co.. A retired seamstress, and a member of the Church of
God. She was preceded in death by a grandson, Scott Bradford in 1979. She
leaves her husband, Willie “Bill” Bradford of Forrest City; a son, William
“Bill” Bradford of Chickamauga, Ga.; two brothers, Carl Walker of House
Springs, Mo. and John Walker of Heber Springs; a sister, Mamie Abram of House
Springs;two grandchildren, Lauri Burns of Forrest City, and Randy Bradford of
Chickamauga; and three great grand children. Stevens Fun. Home in charge, with
burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. Done FAG 116691262 Spouse: Willie Auri
Bradford (1901-1990)
Bradford, Willie
Auri-Mr.Bradford of Forrest City, died Dec.26,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. of
Forrest City, he was 89. Born Dec.23,1901 in Higden, Ark. to Jim and Laurie
Porter Bradford. He lived most of his life in Forrest City and was the former
owner/operator of Bradford Grocery in Haynes. He was preceded in death by his
wife, Una Walker Bradford earlier this year, and by a grandson, Scott Alan
Bradford in 1979. He leaves a son,
William “Bill” Bradford of Chickamauga, Ga.; a sister, ida Walker of House
Springs, Mo.; a brother, Walter Bradford of Forrest City; two grandchildren,
Randy Bradford and Lauri Burns, both of Forrest City; and three great
grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge, with burial in Forrest Park
Cemetery. Done Spouse: Una Walker Bradford (1914-19FAG 116691085*
Bradley, Horace-Of Forrest City,
he died Mar.6,1990 at Bapt. Hosp. Central in Memphis, he was 49. Born
Aug.20,1940, the son of Arthur Bradley and the late Lily Williams Bradley. In
addition to his father, he is survived by other relatives. Clay Fun. Home in
Charge, burial in New Forrest City Cemetery. done
Brandon, Virgie C. Mrs.-Age 79,
of Memphis, died Feb.8,1990 at St. Joseph Hosp. in Memphis. She lived in
Forrest City from 1975 to 1984, and Memphis the rest of her life. She was a dry
cleaner.Survivors include a son, Willie J. Brandon of Marianna; a daughter in
law, Louise Fields of Forrest City; four grand children, and four great
grandchildren. M.J. Edward Fun. Home of
Memphis, with burial in Paradise Gardens in Edmondson. Done
Brantley, Virginia Naomi- Age
81, of 328 Trenton in Forrest City, died Oct.13,1990 at the Bap. Mem. Hosp in
Forrest City. She was a member of the Forrest City First Baptist Church and was
a school teacher. She was born in St.Francis Co. Aug.9,1907 to Alonza and Emma
Carr Brantley. She spent the last 35 years in California. Stevens Fun. Home in
Charge, with burial in City Cemetery. Done
Braxton, Curtis, Rev.-Longtime
resident of Forrest City, died Aug.11,1990 in Cleveland, Ohio, he was 67.Born
Apr.26,1923. Survivors include his wife, Cora Lee Braxton of Cleveland; six
daughters, Ethel Hazley, Lucille Hayden,
and Thenia Lastery all of Cleveland, Ida Patton, Rosetta Cooks and
Corine Buford, all of Forrest City; six sons, Eddie, Eugene,Charles, Jerry,
James and David Braxton, all of Cleveland; two sisters, Lucille Berry and
Elizabeth Braxton, both of Earle;one brother, Gene Braxton of Birdson; 45 grand
children, and 12 great grand children. Clay Fun. Home with Burial in New
Casteel Cemetery. done
Breathitt, Lydia m.Byndom
Mrs.-Age 35, she died Apr.1,1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W. Memphis. Born
on Feb.5,1955 in Forrest City, she was a Baptist. Survivors include her
husband, Jordan Breathitt Jr. of Chicago; a daughter, Chassity Breathitt of
Forrest City; her mother, Irene Byndom of Forrest City; three brothers, Joseph,
Leroy Byndom, both of Madison,. And Mose Byndom of Toledo, Ohio; two sisters,
Gracie Davis of Chicago, and Addie Byndom of Forrest City. Clay Fun. Home in
Charge, burial in New Casteel Cemetery. Done
Brigman, Richard Price-Age 64,
of Palestine, died Oct.12,1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W.Memphis. Formerly
of W. Memphis, he was the owner and operator of Cotton Co. Liquor Store. He
leaves his wife, Alline Brigman of the home; three daughters, Pat Hunt of
W.Memphis, Gwen Jones of Wynne, and Dianna Sanders of Evening Shade; two sons,
Dicky Brigman of Memphis, and Rodger Brigman of Crawfordsville; a sister, Janie
Lawless of Pendleton; a brother, Troy Brigman of Ingles, Ind.; ten
grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. Roller-Citizens Fun. Home in
Charge, with burial in Crittenden Mem. Park. done
Brown, Evelyn V. Mrs., of
Widener, died May 25,1990 at the Baptist East Hosp. in Memphis, she was 75. She
had been in poor health for the past two months, born Oct.27,1914 in Melwood to
Gus Henry Roswell and Lydia Stanford. She had made her home in Widener for the
past several years. She was prededed in death by her husband, John T. Brown, in
1985. Survivors include two brothers, Earl Boswell of Memphis, and Edward
Boswell of Floral; a host of nieces and nephews. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of
burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Brown, Lyle J. “Jack”-Obit-of
Colt, died Jul.24,1990 following a car accident near Pine Tree, he was 47. Born
Mar.20,1943 in Caldwell, the son of Raymond Brown and Verna Holman Brown, he
had lived here all of his lfie. A roofer, and a veteran of the Vietnam war, a
member of the Pine Tree Baptist Chruch. He leaves his wife, Ann Walls Brown of
the home; a daughter, Tricia Brown of Colt; four brothers, Harry Fussell of
Harrisburg, William Brown and Rudolph Brown of Colt, and Morgan Brown of Wynne;
three sisters, Martha Hide and Retha McCurley, of Forrest City, and Fay Hixon
of Colt. Services at Barnishaw Cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home.
Buford, Brenda Joyce, Mrs.
–Obit-of Forrest City, died July 24,1990 in automobile accident, she was 36. Born
in Forrest City on Sep.14,1953, the daughter of Preston H.Buford and Lula Belle
Buford. She had lived in St.Francis Co. most of her life, and was a student at
Ark.State Univ. and was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include
her father of Miami, Fla., and mother of Forrest City; a son, Vincen W. Smith
of Forrest City; a brother, John P. Buford of Forrest City; and her maternal
grandmother, Hattie McPhail of Forrest City. Stevens Fun. Home in Charge of
burial in McPhail Cemetery in Slate Springs, Miss.
Burgess, Nina Mrs., who lived at
1213 Airport Rd. from 1968 to 1990, died Apr. 16, 1990 in Chicago, she was 85.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Archie Burgess. Survivors include a
step granddaughter, Darnell Blackwell.DONE
Burns, Abe M. Obit: Mr. Abe M.
Burns of Palesine died Oct. 19, 1990 in Memphis at Baptist Mem. Hosp., he was
79. Mr. Burns was born Dec. 6, 1910 in Palestine to David K. Burns and Georgia
Martin Burns. He was a 33rd degree Mason, a member of Forrest City
Lodge 198 Free and Accepted Masons of Arkansas, and a member of Eastern
Arkansas Scottish Rite Bodies. Mr. Burns was also a veteran of WW II. He leaves
his wife, Elizabeth D. Burns of Palestine; a son, Jerald Burns of Palestine; a
brother, Donald Burns of Palestine; and two grandchildren. Funeral services at
Bell Cemetery under Stevens FH. Spouse: Elizabeth Dodson Burns (1917-2002) FAG 68851273
Burr, Jim Obi:Mr. Jim Burr, 85,
of Widener, died Jan. 8, 1990 at Geriactrics Nursing Center. He leaves his
wife, Mary Burr, three newphews whom he raised, Sherman Lucas, Jr. and Jesse
Carson, Jr., both of Widener, and Walter Jones of Clarksdale, Ark.; a niece,
Cherl Lucas of Wynne, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral
services will be Jan. 14 at Riverside Missionary Baptist Church in Widenere.
Burial will be in Paradise Gardens Cemetery by Clay FH.FAG 186275792 done.
Busby, Bruce Obit:Mr. Bruce
Busby, retired sand and gravel operator, of Marianna died Mar. 10, 1990 at
Baptist Mem. Hosp. Central in Memphis. He was 84. Mr. Busby was born Dec. 16,
1905 in Charleston, Miss., the son of Thomas Glen Busby and Ada Murphree Busby.
He had lived in St. Francis Co. most of his life. He was a member of the
Baptist Church in Moro and a 60 year member of the Woodmen of the World. He
leaves his wife, Mary Busby of Marianna; two daughters, Robbie Hobbs of
Covington, Va. And Marilyn Dickson of W. Memphis; a son, Bruce Busby of Benton;
four sisters, Ida Lindsey of Caldwell, Lorene Thomas of Wynne, and Ruby Kay and
Mary Ellis, both of Forrest City; nine grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. Funeral services at Stevens FH Chapel with Rev. James Busby
officiating. Burial follows in Forrest Park Cemetery. FAG 11332293 done.
Parents: Thomas Glynn Busby (1881 - 1963) Ada Murphree Busby (1882 - 1952)
Spouse: Mary Lindsey Busby (1905 - 2001)
Siblings: Bruce Busby (1905 -
1990) Dewitt Busby (1910 - 1968)** Ida
Carrie Busby Lindsey (1913 - 1994)**
Mary E. Busby Ellis (1917 - 1994)**
Lorene Thomas (1920 - 2005)* Marilyn Busby Dickson (1933-2016)
Bynum, Lola Mae m.Johnson, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Lola Mae Bynum, aged 91, died Tuesday, April
10, 1990 at Crestpark Skilled in Forrest City. She had been in poor health for
the past six years. Mrs.Bynum was born Dec. 4, 1898 in Tishimago, Miss., to the
late Tom C. Johnson and Julia Virginia Luttrell. A housewife and Bapist, Mrs. Bynum lived most
of her life in Forrest City. She is survivrd by a daughter, Mrs. Flora Bess
Jones of California; a son, Billy Jack Bynum of Hollyood, Calif., three sisters
Mrs. Nell Brooks of Phonix,Ariz., Mrs. Ann Webb of Bradenton, Fla. and Mrs Ruth
Pettus of Forrest City; one brother, Richard Johnson of Canton, Ohio and 4
grandchildren. She was preceeded in death by her husband, Jack Bynum. The
couple was married in 1920. Graveside services at Hughes Cemetery are scheduled
for 10 a.m. Thursday with the Rev. J.D. Webb officiating. Steven Funeral Home
is in charge. Note: This is from Forrest City newspaper. There was a misprint
for her brother his name was Beecher Johnson from Canton, Ohio . Parents:Thomas
Cordelia Johnson (1872 - ____) Julia Virginia Luttrell Johnson (1870 - 1949)
Spouse: Squire Jackson Bynum (1899 - 1974) Siblings: Lola Mae Johnson Bynum
(1898 - 1990) Willie C. Johnson (1902 - 1977)*
Nona Johnson Taylor,Ellis,Clayton (1902 - 1978)* Tom Eugene Johnson (1906 - 1984)* Anna
Johnson Webb (1908 - 1992)** Beecher Louis Johnson (1910 - 2001)* Laura Ruth
Johnson Pettus (1912 - 2005)* FAG 53700019 done
Cadwell, Dovie m.Abbott,
Mrs.-Obit:age 83, of 220 E.Cook Street, Forrest City, died Oct.8,1990 at
Rebsamen Mem.Hosp. in Jacksonville, Ark.;born Jul.20,1907 in Earle to James
Roseman Abbott and Minnie Williams Abbott;preceded in death by her husband William Wesley Cadwell in 1963;Survived by
daughter, Mrs.Carolyn Whatley of Little Rock;two sons, James Brazile of Forrest
City and John “Johnny” Cadwell of Cabot (Still Living with wife, Rita, in
1998;sister, Mrs.Chloe Tally of Wright City, Mo.;9 grand and four great
grandchildren. Burial in Forrest Park Cem. by Stevens FH.
Callahan, James Louie-Obit-of
Forrest City, died Jul.13,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp. in Forrest City. He was 76.
Born April 26,1914 in Madison to James Franklin and Myrtle Michael Callahan. A
retired fisherman, he lived in St.Francis Co. all his life. A member of the
Widener Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Meadows, in
1989. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Anvil Thetford of Forrest City; three
brothers, John D., and Dow Callahan of Madison, and Arby Callahan of Colt; two
step daughters, Ethel Mae Williford of Center, Texas, and “Tootsie” Lancaster,
of Forrest City; several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Stevens Fun.
Home in charge at Forrest Park cemetery.
Campbell, Benjamin Franklin, Jr.-of Forrest City,
he died Apr.2,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City, age 70. Born
Aug.11,1919 in Louisbury, Kan., the son of Benjamin F. Sr. and Hannah Dixon
Campbell, he had lived in Forrest City since 1961, and was retired from AT
&T. after 40 years of service. A veteran of WW II, he was preceded in death
by his wife, Betty K. Couch in 1987. He leaves a son, Michael Wayne Campbell of
Forrest City, and a sister, Thelma Williams of Paola, Kansas. Stevens Fun. Home
in charge of burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Campbell, Dolores Jean m.Watson,
Mrs.-Obit: age 52 of Windom, Texas, formerly Forrest City, died Oct.30,1990 at
the McCuistion Reg.Med.Center in Paris, Texas;born July 8,1938 in Round Pond to
Dewey Walter and Alice Madge Watson; survived by mother of Forrest
City;husband, Robert R.Campbell of the home;daughter, Jeanett Minus of Yukon,
Okla.;two sons, Robert Campbell of Dell City, Okla., and Harvey Campbell of
Windom;brother, Harold Watson of Forrest City;two sisters, Violen Jenkins of
Cabot and Rose Hiblong of Carlisle;7 grandchildren;burial in Windom Cem. by
Cooper Sorrells FH. FAG 14483744 done.
Campbell, Pearl Lacy, Miss-
Obit: Miss. Pearl Lacy Campbell, 100, of Colt, passed
away October 26, 1990. Born Jan. 8, 1890. She was preceded in death by her
parents, John H. Campbell and Sarah Annie Swinea Campbell and four sisers, Miss
Willie Campbell, Miss Nellie Campbell, Mrs. Clara Midkiff and Mrs. Tolise
Stutts. She as a member of the Frist Christian Church of Wynne and a retired
Switchboard Operator for Southwestern Bell Telephone, for more that 40 years. Miss
Campbell is survived by her foster daughter, Ernestine Brawner of Colt,
nephews, J. C. Stutts of Mississippi, Kemp Midkiff of Wynne; niece, Mary Ann
Sulfridge of Jonesboro. Parents: John
Campbell (1862 - 1895) Sarah Annie
Swinea Rhodes (1868 - 1946) Siblings: Pearl Lacy Campbell (1890 - 1990) Willie Florence
Campbell (1892 - 1893)*Clara Mae Campbell Midkiff (1893 - 1967)*Nettie Bell
Campbell (1895 - 1896)*Tolise Rhodes Stutts (1898 - 1964)** FAG 26774555 done.
Carmichael, Modie, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Modie Carmichael, age 100, died Dec. 27, 1990 at the Crestpark Nurshing
Home. She was a Baptist. She is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth Smith of St.
Louis; a son, Luther Vauters of Forrest City; one granddaughter, Mary Hall of
St. Louis; two great granddaughters, Tamika and Teela Hall both of St. Louis;
and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were Dec. 31 at Beth
Salem Baptist Church with Rev. Sam Turner officiating. Burial in Forrest City
Cemetery with Kennedy FH in charge. FAG 186205856 done.
Casey, Lura Mae, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Lura Mae Casey of Forrest City died Nov. 20, 1990 in St. Louis. She was 86.
Mrs. Casey leaves two daughters, Thelma Casey and Ethel Jones, both of St.
Louis; two sons, Lorenzo Casey of St. Louis and Willard Casey of Forrest City;
10 grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services
Nov. 27 at Salem M. B. Church. Burial followed at Forrest City cemetery Clay
FH. FAG 186177549 done.
Cato, Winnie Mrs.-of Walnut
Ridge, died Jun.18,1990, she was 77. Mrs. Cato was the mother of Mary Ann Stipe
of Forrest City. A retired director of social services for Lawrence and
Randolph Counties for 20 yars. A member of First Baptist Church of Walnut
Ridge. She was preceded in death by her husband, C.Jack Cato. Other survivors
include a son, Jack B.Cato of Little Rock; two other daughters, Jane Foster of
Jonesboro, and Sue Warner of Arkadelphia; a brother, Bill Batson of Greenbriar;
two sisters, Mary Elizabeth Love of Amarillo, Texas and Elsie Faye Williams of
Granbury, Texas. 8 grandsons. Higginbotham Fun. Home in charge of burial in
Lawrence Mem.Cemetery.
Chandler, Alberta, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Alberta Chandler, 84, 127 Elise St., Forrest City, died Oct. 11, 1990 at
the Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City. She was a member of the New Light
Baptist Church and a housewife. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe
Chandler. Survivors include one nephew, Ulysses Overton of Forrest City.
Funeral services were held Oct. 14 with burial in Casteel Cemetery under
direction of Clay FH. Cemetery Not on FAG
Chandler, Thomas Glen-of Forrest
City, age 26, died Jun.15,1990 in Tulia, Texas. Born Nov.6,1964 in Indianola,
Miss. the sone of Bobby L. Chandler and Jean Durham Chandler. He had lived in
Forrest City one year, coming here from W.Memphis. He leaves his parents and
his wife, Nola Jane Stain Chandler of Forrest City; two sisters, Patsy Ann
Adams of W.Memphis and Wanda Jean Chandler of Paris, Ark.; his paternal
grandparents, Herschal and Gladys Chandler of Paris; his maternal grandmother,
Mrs.Durham of Mississippi. Stevens Fun. Home in Charge of Services.
Chapman, Joseph Preston Obit:
Mr. Joseph Preston Chapman of Mishawaka, Ind. Died Mar. 17, 1990 near Elkhart,
Ind. in an auto accident. He was 18. Born Jan. 13, 1972 in Wynne to Lonnie Dean
Chapman of Mishawaka and Shriely Ann Clark Summerhill of West Helena. He was a
senior at Penn High School in Mishawaka. Survivors include his parents; a
sister, Deana Davison of Little Rock; two half sisters, Lanelle Chapman and
Kimberly Summerhill; four step sisters, Barbara, Sharon, Lisa and Angel
Summerhill; his grandparents, Virgie Shepherd of Forrest City and Lester and
Mable Clark of Forrest City. Funeral services at Kernodle FH Chapel in Wynne,
with Rev. Phillip Harris officiating. Burial will follow in Harris Chapel Cem.
In Wynne. FAG 42755601 done.
Chism, John Edward, age 92, of
Forrest City, died Jun.29,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp., he was a retired farmer.
Survivors include five daughters, Lizzie and Gladys Taylor of Little Rock,
Minnie Dillard of Madison, and Mae Ella White and Doretha Beard, of Forrest
City; four sons, Edward and Moses Chism, both of Pine Bluff, Robert and Johnny
Chism of Forrest City; a brother, Hoover Bowden of Middleton, Tenn.; 48 grand,
2 great. Kennedy Fun. Home in charge of burial in Mt.Zion Cemetery.
Chism, Robert Andrew Obit: Mr.
Robert Andrew Chism, 51, of Forrest City, died Oct. 26, 1990 after a long
illness at his home. Mr. Chism was a machinist. He leaves his wife, Ethel Chism
of the home; two daughters, Blendean A. Chism and Gloria D. Chism, both of
Forrest City; four sons, Robert Chism, Jr. and Samuel, Michael and Jamie Lee
Chism, all of Forrest City; five sisters, Lizzie Taylor and Gladys Taylor, both
of Little Rockk, Doretha Beard and Mae Ella White, both of Forrest City, and
Mamie Dillard of Madison; four brothers, Edward and Rev. Moses Chism, both of
Pine Bluff, Johnny Chism of Forrest City, and Joseph Chism of Madison. Funeral
services Nov. 3 at Day Temple C. O. G. I. C. in
Forrest City, with Elder Moses Chism officiating. Burial to follow in
Mt. Zion Cemetery under direction of Kennedy FH. FAG 91278673 Requested
Chou, Anna Wong, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Anna Wong Chou, 64, Van Nuys, Calif., died Oct. 11, 1990. She was a member of
Trinity Episcopal Church and a homemaker. She was born May 6, 1926 in
Faribault, Minn. To Wong Sing and Ma See. She spent her childhood in Forrest
City and attended Schools there. In 1953 she married Gordon Chou and later
moved to Pine Bluff. He preceded her in death June 28, 1990. She is survived by
three daughters, Tina Chou, Pine Bluff, Janet Chou, Valencia, Calif., and Mamie
Chou of Van Nuys, Calif.; one son, Charles Choe, Van Nuys, Calif.; one sister,
Nellie Chu, San Francisco, Calif.; and one brother Henry Wong of Van Nuys,
Calif. Funeral services were at the Hollywood Hills Chapel. Burial was in the
Forest Lawn Cemetery by Ralph Robinson and Son FH of Pine Bluff. FAG 85859294
Requested. Spouse: Gordon Chou (d.1990)
Clanton, Alma m.Stewart Mrs.-Obit-Of
Colt, age 31, died Jan.13,1990. Survivors include her husband, James Clanton of
Forrest City; a daughter, Gayle Clanton of Colt; her mother, Irene Stewart of
Colt; eight sisters, Hatti Morris of Forrest City, Jean Orr of Columbus, Ohio,
Marie Stewart of Ohio, Loistine Bowman of St.Peters, Mo., Mandy Brown of
St.Louis, MO., Aretha James of Memphis, and Beala Moore Barber and Lillie King,
both of Chicago; seven brothers, Wardell Stewart of Frankfurt, Germany, Lee
Ernest Stewart of Ft.Worth, Tex., Clarence Moore of Oakland, Calif., and
Rainey, L.C., and T.J. Stewart, all of Forrest City; five step children, and a
host of relatives and friends. Interment in the new Forrest City cemetery under
Kennedy Fun.Home charge
Clark, Dollie, Mr. Obit: Mr.
Dollie Clark of Widener died Dec. 23, 1990 at Baptist Hosp. after a long
illness. He was 91. Mr. Clark was an usher at Pilgrim Rest M. B. Church in
Widener. He leaves his wife, Lula Mae Clark of the home; three daughters,
LaWanda Clark of the home, and Debora M. Pounds and Patricia A. Thomas, both of
Parkin; six sons, Robert Thomas and Dollie Clark, Jr. both of Heth, Theodis
Thomas of Ft. Hood, Texas, and Louis, Levell and Levertis Clark all of the
home; a sister, Mattie Harrington of Detroit; a brother, Roosevelt Clark of
Detroit; and six grandchildren. Funeral servives Dec. 29 at Pilgrim Rest M. B.
Church with Rev. James L. Brooks officiating. Burial in Paradise Gardens by
Kennedy FH. FAG 186205348 Done.
Clark, Imogene m.Moore, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Imogene Clark of Pennsauken, N. J. died Dec. 31, 1990 at Cooper Med.
Ctr. In Camden, N. J.. She was 72. Mrs. Clark was born Jan. 7, 1918 in Widener,
the daughter of Frederick Lee Moore and Agnes Callie Moore. She had lived in
Forrest City most of her life. She was a housewife and a Baptist. She was
preceded in death by her husband, John D. Clark in 1964. She leaves a sister,
Eloise Guidotti of Pennsauken; two brothers, Fred L. Moore of Forrest City and
John F. Moore of Huntsvillel Ala.; and several nieces and Nephews. Graveside
services Jan. 4 at Forrest Park Cemetery with Rev. Berton Davis officiating by
Stevens FH. Spouse: John D. Clark (1913-1964) married Jan. 19, 1935 FAG 16437659
Clark, Lester, of Forrest City,
died May 21,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp of Forrest City, he was 84. Born
Sep.13,1905 in Mineral Springs, Miss., the son of Rufus Lynn Clark and Florence
Faulkner Clark. A farmer, and a Baptist, he had lived in Forrest City for most
of his life. He leaves his wife, Mable Clark, of the home; three daughters,
Peggy and Faye Clark, both of Forrest City, and Shirley Summerhill of W.Helena;
five sons, Jessie, Larry, and Gary Clark of Forrest City, Floyd of Little Rock,
and Jerry of W.Helena.; three brothers, Paul and Calvin Clark of Forrest City,
and Frank of S.Carolina; a sister, Mildred Crowe of Elgin, Ill.; 24
grandchildren, and 12 great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of
burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Clark, Mary Louise, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Mary Louise Clark of Rt. 1, Box 26, Calumet, Okla., died June 19, 1990.
Mrs. Clark was born Jan. 1, 1921 in Crockett’s Bluff, Ark. She had lived in St.
Francis Co. most of her life prior moving to Oklahoma. She is survived by her
husband, Jack Garland Clark of Calumet, two sons, Bobby Clark of Corpus
Christi, Texas and Bill Clark of Forrest City; one daughter, Jackie Casey of El
Reno, Okla.; seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren; four brothers
and two sisters. Funeral services at Red Rock Methodist Church in El Reno, on
June 23, 1990 with Wilson FH of El Reno in charge. FAG 44921730 Requested. Spouse: Jack Garland Clark
Cogburn, Harold N., Dr.-of Forrest City, he died
Mar.19,1990 at his home, age 68. Born Dec.9,1921 in Deleon, Texas, the son of
N.R.Cogburn and Artie Brown Cogburn. He had lived in FC for the past 44 years,
a Navy Veteran of WW II, he was a physician and a member of the Lindauer Road
Church of Christ. Preceded in death by his first wife, Virginia House Cogburn
in 1985. He leaves his wife, Johanna Cunningham Cogburn of the home, a
daughter, Jeanne Wyatt of Oxford, Miss.; a son, John House Cogburn of Dallas; a
sister, Betty Drew of San Antonio; a brother, James Cogburn of Arlington,
Texas, and six grandchildren. Graveside at Peach Creek Cemetery in Sardis,
Miss., with Stevens Fun. Home in charge.done
Cole, Haston, Jr. –Obit: Mr.
Haston Cole, Jr. of Dallas, Texas, formerly of Forrest City, died Sep.2, 1990
in Forrest City, he was 40. Mr. Cole was born June 29, 1950, in Forrest City,
the son of Fannie Mae Cole and Haston Cole, Sr. He was a sales representative
for Soft Sheen Products in Dallas. He leaves two sons, Lamont Cole of Forrest
City and Haston Cole III of Dallas; 11 sisters, Catherine Shelton of Nashville,
Vera Lewis of W. Memphis, Hazel Jewel of S. Carolina, Delois James of Forrest
City, Carolyn Cole of Killeen, Texas, Evelyn Cole of Brooklyn, N. Y., Ruth L.
Cole of Baton Rouge, La., Pat Cole of Milwaukee, and Mardean, Myrtle and
Josephine Cole, all of Chicago; five brothers, Seccer Cole and Theodis Cole,
both of Forrest City, Wayne Cole of Killeen, and Dave and Johnny Cole, of
Chicago. Funeral services at Salem M. B. Church with Rev. Tyrone Johnson
officiating. Burial to follow in Forrest City Cemetery under direction of Clay
FH. FAG 186054150 done.
Cole, Minor E., Rev.-Of Baton
Rouge, formerly of Forrest City, died Jan.18,1990, he was 94. Rev.Cole was
pastor of First Baptist Church in Forrest City from 1941 to 1950. Preceded in
death by his wife, Laberta McDow Cole. Survivors include two daughters, Marie
Caldwell of Houston, Texas, and Joy Miller of Baton Rouge, La.; six
grandchildren, and several great grandchildren. Burial in Greenoaks Mem. Park
with Rabenhorst Fun. Home in Charge. Done
Coleman, Eddie Lee-Obit: Mr.
Eddie Lee Coleman of Colt died Sep. 29, 1990 at Cross Co. Hosp. in Wynne. He
was 87. Mr. Coleman was born Aug. 28, 1903 in Ponotoc, Miss., the son of Henry
Coleman and Julia Aaron Coleman. He was a retired night watchman from the
Forrest City City Cotton Oil Mill and was a deacon of the House of Prayer
Church in Colt. He leaves his wife, Cora B. Coleman of the home; two daughters,
Kathleen Coleman and Lucille Coleman, both of Memphis; a son, W. B. Coleman; a
step daughter, Mary Like of Colt; three sisters, Annie Mae Adamson and Margaret
Wallace, both of Forrest City, and Maybell Johnson of W. Memphis; and 10
grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren, and 13 great great grandchildren.
Funeral services Oct. 1 at the House of Prayer Church, burial followed in
Hughes Cemetery under direction of Morgan FH. FAG 28915649 Spouse:Cora Bishop
Coleman (1898 - 1993) Requested.
Conlee, Coolidge, aged 65, died
Apr.24,1990 at Wadley Reg. Hosp. in Texarkana. Born Aug.4,1924 in Cardwell, Mo.
the son of Gary and Caroline Foster Conlee. He is survived by his wife, Jonnie
Conlee of Forrest City; a son, Kenneth Conlee of Fayetteville; a daughter,
Julia Ann Conlee of Forrest City; a brother, Dennis Conlee of Colt; two
sisters, Melba Gannon of Little Rock and Peggy Cureton of Forrest City; two
grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge at Forrest Park Cemetery. He had
made his home in St.Francis Co. all of his life, the former Mayor of Forrest
City, and Sheriff of St.Francis Co., a veteran of WW II.done
Conner, Morris J.-Obit: Mr.
Morris J. Conner of Forrest City died Oct. 7, 1990. He was 78. Mr. Conner was
born Oct. 25, 1911 in Columbus, Miss., the son of the late James and Classie
Hill Conner. Survivors include two sons, James A. Sims of Washington, D. C.,
and Larry Stanford of Memphis; two sisters, Lillie Mae Burks and Daisey Beck,
both of Memphis; three grandchildren and a special friend, Rosie Lee Brown of
Forrest City. Funeral services will be Oct. 13 at New Light Baptist Church with
the Rev. Jessie McClure officiating. Burial in Paradise Gardens Cemetery under
direction of Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 186112583 Done
Cook, Jodie B., Sr. Obit: Mr.
Jodie B. “Allie” Cook, Sr. of Madison died Nov. 26, 1990 at his residence. He
was 92. Mr. Cook was born Apr. 25, 1898 in Hot Springs Co., the son of Jodie
Cook and Plyna Cook. He had lived in St. Francis Co. for 50 years. He was a
retired carpenter and a member of the Madison Methodist Church. He was preceded
in death by a son, Glen Bin 1990. He leaves his wife, Allie Shambley Cook of
Madison; four daughters, Dorothy Herbert, Jennie Hartman, and Milrean Horton,
all of Forrest City, and Adrene Kelley of Madison; five sons, Vernon Cook of
Wilton, Ark., C. J. Cook of California, and Grady Cook, J. B. Cook, Jr. and
Maxie Joe Cook, all of Forrest City; two sisters, Rose Davis and Grace Johnson,
both of Malvern; and a host of grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great
great grandchildren. Funeral services at Stevens FH Chapel on Nov. 28, with
Burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse:Allie B.
Shambley Cook (1908 - 1999)* Children:Dorothy Faye Cook Herbert (1925 - 2011)*
Milrean Cook Horton (1934 - 2013)*Maxie Joe Cook (1938 - 1997)* FAG 15674616
Cook, John Henry Obit: John
Henry Cook of Palestine died Dec. 9, 1990 at Crestpark Nursing Home. He was 79.
Mr. Cook was a carpenter. Survivors include a daughter, Bertha C. Rogers of
Forrest City; two grandchildren, Nicolette Rogers and Anna Rogers, both of
Forrest City; and other relatives and friends. Funeral services Dec. 13 at
Rising Sun M. B. Church with the Rev. Armstead Slayton officiating. Burial In
Union Hill Cemetery in Palestine by Kennedy FH. FAG 186175754 done.
Cooper, Beulah Embry Hodges,
Mrs.-Obit:age 84, died at Crestpark Ret.Inn on Dec.3,1990;born Sep.7,1906 in
Cherry Valley and lived most of her life there;preceded in death by her
husband, Burness John Hodges in 1963, and by a son, Jim Hodges in 1986;survived
by two sons, Gary and Ryan Hodges, both of Memphis;daughter Frances Scanlon of
Sheridan;brother, Ted Embry of Forrest City;9 grand and 11 great grandchildren.
burial in Tyre Cem. near Harrisburg by Morgan FH. FAG 186175583
Cooper, Odell-Obit:age 66, of
Palestine died May 26,1990 at the VA Med.Center in Memphis, a farm worker and
WW II Vet;Survived by his wife Mrs.Dora Lee Cooper; four sisters, Fannie Hobbs,
Pearline Grady and Irene Horton, all of Forrest City;and Ella Mae Williams of
San Francisco, Calif., and brother, Eddie Cooper of Forrest City. Kennedy FH in
charge at Casteel Cem.
Cope, Thomas-Obit-Longtime
treasurer of St.Francis Co., died Jul.4,1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest
City, age 72. He was born Nov.28,1917 in Lake Providence, La., to Daniel Thomas
and Peggy Carlton Cope. He spent most of his life in Forrest City, and retired
as treasurer after 42 years of service. A veteran of WW II, a member of the
Catholic Church, and the American Legion, and V.F.W., and a member of the
Disabled Veterans. He is survived by his
wife, Mary Elizabeth Webber Cope of Forrest City; a sister, Adlle Shelton of
Forrest City; a brother, James A. Cope, also of FC; a niece, Ruby Dell Gracey
of Mountain Home; and a nephew, Scooter Hodges of Cabot. Another brother, the
late Bob Cope, had served as Mayor of Forrest City prior to his death. Burial
in Forrest Park by Stevens Fun. Home.
Copper, Eddie-Obit: Mr. Eddie
Copper died Aug. 29, 1990 at Geriatrics Nursing Center in Forrest City. He was
75. Mr. Copper was born July 31, 1915 in Mineralville, Miss., the son of the
late John H. Copper and Lena Ingram Copper. Survivors include two daughters,
Pearl Baldwin of Oklahoma and Odess Copper of W. Memphis; a son, Quan Copper of
W. Memphis; four sisters, Irene Horton, Fannie Hobbs, and Pearl Grady, all of
Forrest City, and Ellen Mae Williams of California; a sister in law, Dora Lee Copper of Palestine; four
grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be Sep. 5 at Hedge Providence M. B. Church in Palestine
with the Rev. N. Gray officiating. Burial will follow in Casteel Cemetery under
direction of Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG
Cowan, Katherine Valor Mrs., of
Wynne, died May 24,1990 at her home, she was 72. Born Jun.22,1917, in Cushing,
Okla. A resident of Cross Co. for most of her adult life, and a member of
Shiloh Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Clovis
Cowan, in 1989. She leaves two daughters, Paula Jean Smith of Littleton, Colo.,
and Marie Rodgers of Wynne; two brothers, Dellard Meyers of Oklahoma, and
Charles Meyers of Wynne; a sister, Pauline Williams of Wynne; and 3
grandchildren. Graveside in Crosslawn Cemetery by Kernodle Fun. Home.done
Cox, Walter J.-Obit-Of
Forrest City, died Jan.16,1990 at Crestpark, he was 94. Born Aug.16,1895 to
Charles and Jennie Cox of Chattanooga, Tenn. He was married to the former Mamie
Dunning, who preceded him in death. A retired Ford Motor Co. employee, he was a
member of Park Ave.Baptist Church in Memphis. Survivors include one daughter,
Mrs. Leonard Sampley of Forrest City; three grand daughters, Ms.Anita Hodges,
Ms.Debbie Montgomery and Ms.Kay Murry, all of Forrest City; and five great
grand children. Interment in Memphis Memorial Park.
Crawford, Floyd Jr.-Obit-Of
Forrest City, died Jan.2,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp., Forrest City, he was 57. He
was born Nov.21,1932 in Round Pond, the son of Floyd Crawford Sr. and Emma
Burse Crawford. A veteran of the Korean War, he was employed by Sanyo Mfg. Co.,
and was a member of the New Light M.B.Church. In addition to his parents of
Forrest City, he leaves two daughters, Linda Crawford Lane of Delville, Ala.,
and Brenda Crawford of Forrest City; four sons, Steven, David, Robert and
Michael, all of Cleveland; three sisters, Christine Pollack of Maryland,
Geraldine C.Jordan of Nashville, Tenn., and Emma Bell Cross of Forrest City; a
brother, Walter Crawford of Forrest City; and six grandchildren. Interment in
new Casteel Cemetery under Kennedy Fun.Home.
Crowder, Lee Junior, of Colt,
died May 17,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City, he was 53. He was born
Jul.15,1937, the son of Mr.and Mrs. Oscar Crowder. He had lived in St.Francis
Co. most of his life, and was a retired merchant. He leaves two sons, Tony Lee
Crowder of Colt, and Paul Henry Crowder of Wynne; two brothers, Eugene and Lee
Crowder, both of Little Rock; a sister, and three grandchildren. Stevens Fun.
Home in charge at Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Crump, Janie Mrs.-Obit-Of
Stuttgart, she died Jan.1,1990 at Crestpark Retiremen Inn of Marianna, Ark.,
she was 96. Mrs.Crump was born Dec.25,1894 in Holly Grove, Ark. She leaves a
niece, Mattie Wiggins of Stuttgart. Burial in Shady Grove Cemetery in Stuttgart
by Kennedy Fun. Home.
Culley, Cleveland Obit: Mr.
Cleveland Culley of 127 W. Midway, Forrest City, died Jun. 2, 1990 at Baptist
Mem. Hosp. in Memphis. He was 60. Mr. Culley was born Jun.6, 1929. He was
employed at Yale Industrial Products, Inc. and had served on the Forrest City
City Council since 1971. He was preceded in death by a son, Charles Culley.
Survivors include his parents, Willie H. and Odallier Culley of Colt; his wife,
Willie Ann Culley of the home; three daughters, Betty Culley of Forrest City,
Dianne Hannah of Benton and Pamela Desha Cook of N. Little Rockk; seven sisters,
Clara Robinson of Wilmington, Del., Augustine Crawford of Minneapolis, Minn.,
Pearlie White of Dover, Del., Clora Neal of Flint, Mich., and Lennie Ashcraft,
Elthine Hubbard, and Moserine Harris, all of Little Rock; four brothes, Jack
Kelly of Corpus Christi, Tex., Willie Culley II of Omaha, Neb., Clarence Culley
of Gary, Ind., and Mardell Culley of Chicago; and a host of other relatives and
friends. Funeral services Jun. 6, 1990 at New Light Missionary Baptist Church
with the Rev. S. W. Baker officiating. Burial to follow in Shady Grove Cemetery
by Clay FH. FAG 186278453 done.
Cunningham, Slonia B. m.Goodrich,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Slonia B. Cunningham of Clarendon died Mar. 24, 1990 at
Stuttgart Mem. Hosp.. Mrs. Cunningham was born Feb. 9, 1902 to Willis and Samella
Goodrich. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Addie Gipson. Survivors
include a son, Huby C. Allen of Clarendon; nine grandchildren, 13 great
grandchildren, three great great grandchildren; and a host of other relatives
and friends. Funeral services on Mar. 31 at Union Baptist Church in Clarendon
with Rev. E. J. Richardson officiating. Buril to follow in Shady Gravoe
Cemetery in Clarendon by Kennedy FH. FAG 186279148 done.
Cupit, James-Obit:age 40 of
Forrest City died Aug.5,1990 at his home;Born May 5,1950 in Port Gibson, Miss.
to John Henry and Corene Cupit, Sr.; a self employed construction
lineman;Survived by wife, Debbie Cupit;four sisters, Mamie Jackson, Lola
Waters, Catherine Sanders, and Sarah Musick all of Mississippi;three brothers,
John Henry, Wallace and Pete Cupit, all of Mississippi;Services at Brookhaven,
Miss. by Morgan FH
Cupples, Horace Edwin, Sr.-78,
of Hughes, a retired farmer. Died Tuesday. A Church of Christ member, survivors
are his wife, Mamie Cofield Cupples; seven sons, Horace Jr., Billy, Victor,
Richard, John, and Dennis Cupples of Hughes and Thomas Cupples of
Crawfordsville; a stepson, Edwin Cofield; three daughters, Mildred Riley of
Crawfordsville, Judy Bartoush of Hughes, and Donna Griffin of Paducah, Ky.; two
step daughters, Peggy Young and Patsy Callahan of Houston, Miss.; three
brothers, L.W. of W.Memphis, J. W. of Hughes, and Troy of Ebony; 28
grandchildren, and 16 great grandchildren, 17 step grandchildren, and 19 step
great grandchildren. Services by Roller-Citizens in Crittenden Mem.Park in
Curtis, Victoria Archie, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Victoria Archie Curtis, age 90, of Forrest City died Oct. 12, 1990
at Geriactrics Nursing Center in Forrest City. Mrs. Curtis was born Apr. 18,
1900 in New Albany, Miss, to the late Ben Archie and Virginia Pye Archie. She
was a member of the Jennings Temple Church of Hughes. She leaves many cousins
and friends. Funeral services Oct. 17 at Day’s Temple Church of God in Christ
with Elder J. H. Jenning officiating. Burial in Casteel Cemetery under
direction of Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG.
Cuzzort, Lanta Hughes,
Mrs.Obit:-age 90 of Palestine, died at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. Forrest City on
Dec.19,1990;born Mar.26,1900 in McClurg, Mo. the daughter of Martin Siegel
Hughes and Mattie Palmer Hughes.preceded in death by her husband in 1950,
Richard Cuzzort, and by her only son Cecil Cuzzort in 1985;survived by two
grandsons, Lee Cuzzort of Palestine and Wayne Cuzzort of Harrisburg;four great
grandchildren, Kimberly and Larry Cuzzort of Harrisburg, and Ashley and Greg
Cuzzort of Palestine;burial in Forrest Park Cem. by Morgan FH. FAG 15604076
Daniels, Tommie Obit: Tommie
Daniels of Madison, died Jun. 8, 1990 in her home. She was 81. Daniels was born
on May 8, 1909. Funeral services on Jun. 16 at Madison Light M. B. Church with
Rev. R. B. Bland officiating. Burial will follow in the Madison cemetery by
Clay FH. Not on FAG.
Darnell, James J. “Jim”, 86, of
Forrest City died Apr.18,1990 at Methodist Hosp. in Memphis. Born May 8,1903 in
Brookland, Ark., the son of Albert Martin and Nancy Ellen Winder Darnell. He
had lived most of his life in St.Francis Co., and was retired from Forrest Mem.
Hosp., a member of the First Assembly of God Church. He was preceded in death
by his wife, Etta Peral Henson Darnell in 1984, and by a daughter, Faye Hammond
in 1965. He leaves three daughters, Beatrice Ward of Forrest City, Bernice
Sanders of Atlanta and Jimmie Ellen Guy of Plant City, Fla.; three sons, J. D.
of Woodville, Texas, Billy of Memphis, and Ray of Smithville; 18 grand
children, 21 great grandchildren, and four great great Services by Stevens Fun.
Home in Hughes Cemetery.done
Davis, Curtis Lee Obit: Mr.
Curtis Lee Davis, 47, died Mar. 6, 1990 at Jackson Madison Co. General Hosp. in
Jackson, Tenn. He was the son of the late Dewitt and Claudie Maebell Hamerick
Davis of Wynne. He was a truck driver and an employee of Dixie Garden Foods of
Bells, Tenn. He was a member of Crossroads Baptist Church. His survivors
include his wife, Dorothy Davis of Alamo, Tenn.; a son, David Lee Davis of
Jacksonville, Fla.; two daughters, Cindy Hooker and Lisa Lee, both of Forrest
City; two stepsons, Randy Joe Emison and James Bradley Emison, both of Bells,
Tenn.; a stepdaughter, Angela Legions of Alamo; three sisters, Faye Burns of
Forrest City, Bertha Broadway of Bryant, and Ann Smith of Vanndale; four
brothers, Earl and J. D. Davis, both of Wynne, Troy Davis of Caldwell, and Bill
Davis of Houston, Texas; and four grandchildren; Funeral services Mar. 8 at
Ronk FH Chapel in Alamo, with burial in Oak View Mem. Cem. FAG 17408870
Davis, Elizabeth, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis died Dec. 16, 1990 in an automobile accident. She was 44.
Mrs. Davis was born Dec. 1, 1946 in Forrest City to Henry Davis and Roberta
Robinson Davis of Flint, Mich. She leaves eight sisters, Ozia Driver of
Augusta, Ark., Annie Smith, Debra Davis, and Vera Davis, all of Madison, Guggie
Ford of W. Virginia, Rosie Lee Townsend of Flint, Mich., and Lillie Barten of
Palestine; five brothers, Herbert Davis of Madison, Walter Davis of Dale Fla.,,
Samuel Davis of Pine Bluff, Eugene Davis of Forrest City and Howard Robinson of
Chicago; her step mother, Loubertha Davis of Madison; her fiancé, O. D.
Patterson, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services held Dec. 22
at Cornerstone M. B. Church with Rev. Clarence Wyatt officiating. Burial in
Whitmore Cemetery in Round Pond by Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 186203483 done.
Davis, Johnna Kay Ms.-Obit-Age
17, of N.Little Rock,
Ark., died Dec.31,1989, in a auto accident. Miss Davis was the daughter of
John and Naomi Pierce Davis of N.Little Rock and the granddaughter of Otis
Davis of Colt. Other survivors include a brother, Richard Davis; four sisters,
Heather, Jennifer, Marlena and Christina Davis; and her grandmother, Lucile
Pierce, all of N.Little Rock. Burial in Pine Crest Mem.Park with Roller Owens
Fun. Home in charge.
Davis, Kate Elizabeth m.Fields,
Mrs. Obit: Parents: died Jun. 10, 1990 b.Jan.
18, 1889 Memphis to D.C. and Elizabeth Weatherly Fields. She was a housewife
and lived most of her life in St. Francis Co. She was a member of First United
Methodist Church in Forrest City. Graveside services held Jun. 11 at Forrest
Park Cem. With Rev. Ellsworth Watson officiating with Stevens FH in Charge.
Family:She married Winfield Davis in 1911, and he preceded her in death in
1939; Survivors include a daughter, Bettye Davis of Memphis; two sons, Tom
Davis of Memphis and Richard Davis of Forrest City; a sister, Miss Edna Fields
of Memphis. Could you please add the following. Kate E. Fields Davis was born
in Memphis, Shelby Co., Tennessee. Thank you for all your work on FAG. Could
you please add the following to this memorial? Her middle name was Elizabeth.
Parental Links: Father: # 44303703. Mother: # 44303702. Thank you very much.Spousal
link: #15132615. Thank you. Arlene Schroeder Parents:Dewitt Clinton Fields
(1863 - 1906) Maria Elizabeth Weatherly Fields (1863 - 1898) Spouse:Winfield
Davis (1883 - 1939) Children: Richard W
Davis (1918 - 2001)*Bettye M. Davis (1923 - ____)* Siblings: Kate Elizabeth
Fields Davis (1889 - 1990) Leora Fields Thaxton (1892 - 1976)*Noland Embry
Fields (1895 - 1971)* Rosa Edna Fields (1897 - 1990)* Alberta Fields Puckett
(1903 - 1984)**
Davis, Wavie Obit: Mr. Wavie
Davis age 50, of Helena, died Jun. 3, 1990. Mr. Davis was the son of Arthur L.
Jones and Melissa Stacy. He is survived by his father and his stepmother, Georgia
Mae Jones of Forrest City; his wife, Rosie Lee Davis of Chicago; a son, Arthur
Davis and a daughter, Joyce Ann Davis, both of Chicago; eight sisters, Ophelia
Davis of W. Helena, Mrs. Eddie Wallace and Ruby Jones, both of Forrest City,
Thelma Bryant of Evanson, Ill., Delores Perkins of Little Rock, and Paticia
Jones of California; three brothers, Arthur Jones, Jr. of Forrest City, Elijah
Davis of Helena, and Leonard Davis of Chicago; and a granddaughter. Funeral
services Jun. 9 at Miracle Temple Church in W. Helena, Jackson and Highley FH
in Charge. Not on FAG
Davis, William Frank-Obit-of
Forrest City, age 77, died Jul.13,1990 at Methodist Central Hosp., in Memphis.
Born Aug.30,1912, in Tula, Miss. the son of Delphis Delis Davis and Dottie Bell
Davis. Preceded in death by a son, David Dean Davis in 1949, and by two
brothers, Julian Dean and James D. Davis. He was a farmer. He leaves his wife,
Mrs. Marie Robertson of the home; a daughter, Frankie Ann Davis of Forrest
City; a son, David Gene Davis of Forrest City; and two grandchildren. Funeral
by Morgan Fun. Home in Forrest Park cemetery.
Davison, John Leon
Obit: Mr. John Leon Davison, 72, of Forrest City, died Jan. 14, 1990 at
Crestpark Retirement Inn. Mr. Davison was born Feb. 27, 1917 in Montrose, Ark.,
the son of John Davison and Susie Frances Bilbo Davison. He was a retired
welder from Yale and a member of the Midway Baptist Church in Palestine. He was
preceded in death by his wife, Rodessal Davison in 1988. Survivors include two
daughters, Michelle and Donna Davison, both of Marianna; a stepdaughter, Martha
Wallace of Marianna; a stepson, Richard Holland of Compton, Calif.; and seven
grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be Jan. 16 in
Morgan FH Chapel with Rev. Danny Weatherford officiating. Burial to follow in
Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse:Rodessel Davison (1924 - 1988) FAG 16438089 done.
Dawson, Moses Obit: Mr. Moses
Dawson, Sr. age 67 of Forrest City died Oct. 12,1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp.
in W. Memphis. He was born Feb. 28, 1923 to the late Moses Dawson and Lula
Jordon Dawson of Haynes. Survivors include his wife, Lue Bertha Dawson of the
home; three sons, Moses Dawson, Jr. of Forrest City, and Jerry and Bruce Dawson
of Little Rock; a daughter, Martha Dawson Bond of Forrest City. He also leaves
two sisters, Mary Weatherall of Forrest City and Winnie Howard of Chicago; and
a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be Oct. 17 at
Day’s Temple Church of God in Christ with the Rev. O. B. Brown officiating.
Burial will follow in Paradise Gardens Cemetery under direction of Clay FH. FAG
186113157 done.
Dawson, Willie B.-Obit: Mr.
Willie Dawson of Forrest City died Sep. 4, 1990 at University Hosp. in Little
Rock. He was 36. Mr. Dawson was the son of P. D. Dawson and Odessie Droughn. He
was a mechanic. In addition to his mother, he leaves seven sisters, Dessie
Marshbank and Ruthie Patton, both of Chicago, Evelyn Hancock and Carla Droughn,
both of Little Rock, Vhaness Brooks of Madison, and Loretta Norris and Maggie
Dawson, both of Forrest City; two brothers, Cecil Kellum of Baltimore and
Nathaniel Droughn of Little Rock, and a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services will be Sep. 8,1990 at Clay FH Chapel with the Rev. James
Brooks officiating. Burial to be in Clay Hill Cemetery east of Haynes. FAG
19019122 Requested.
Day, Charles Junior-Obit-Of
Devine, Texas, formerly of Forrest City, died Jan.3,1990 at Methodist Hosp, in
San Antonio, age 64, following a short illness. He was born in Beebe, Ark., the
son of Inez Day and the late Luther Day on Jul.19, 1925, and he was a Catholic.
Survivors include his mother of Forrest City; two brothers, Robert Day of
Forrest City, and Sammy Day of South Elgin, Ill.; three sons, Charles Edward
Day of Orland Hills, Ill., Carl Wayne Day of Frankfort, Ill., and Jimmy Day of
Oxnard, Calif.; three daughters, Sheila Montet of McHenry, Ill., Carol Fricke
of Corpus Christi, Texas, and Dodi Day of Seguin, Texas; and eight
grandchildren. Burial in Forrest Park Cemetery under direction of Morgan Fun.
Home. USAF Korea veteran. FAG 16438845
Inez Doni m.Rainey, Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Inez Doni Day, 84, of 733 N. Izard, Forrest
City, died Mar. 31,1990 at her home. She was born Apr. 5, 1905 in Beebe to Thomas
Oliver Rainey and Minnie Wilkes Rainey. She had lived in Forrest City for the
past 65 years. She was a member of the Second Baptist Church and was a
housewife. She was preceded in death in 1975 of her husband, Luther Day.
Survivors include two sons, Robert Day of Forrest City, and Sammy Day of Elgin,
Illinois; one sister, Betty Warren of Forrest City; one brother, Thomas O.
Rainey of Forrest City; and 12 grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren.
Funeral services at Stevens FH Chapel on Apr. 2, with burial in Forrest Park
Cemetery. Spouse: Luther Day (1889 – 1975) Children: Charles
Junior Day (1925 - 1990)* Robert L. Day (1934 - 2010)* FAG # 15604112 done.
Marcella Willie, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.Marcella Willie Dearing, 66,of Forrest City,
died Saturday July 21,1990. A retired Factory worker for General Industries,
she was also a member of the Widener Baptist Church. Dearing is survived by two
sons, Ronald Dean Billingsley of Independence, Iowa, and Vernon Ray Billingsley
of Palestine; three daughters, Mary Ellen Crestman of Wheatley, Melba Jean
Hocks of Hunter, and Brenda Marie Varner of Conway; a stepson, Jimmy Dearing of
Florida; a step-daughter, Ann Woods of Helena; a brother, James A.Willie of
St.Louis; a sister, Catherine Inez Dennis of St.Louis; eight grandchildren,
five great grandchildren, and four step grandchildren. Services were held on
Monday at the Wheatley Baptist Church with the Rev.Bubba Hoggett and the
Rev.Tommy Nowlan officiating. Burial in Bell cemetery by Bob Neal and sons of
Brinkley. FAG 55724036 done.
Walter C. “Crate” Obit: Mr. Walter C. “Crate” Dennis died Feb. 15, 1990 at the
Mississippi Extended Care in Greenville, Miss. He was 98. Mr. Dennis was born
in Denton, Texas, but moved to Arkansas where he was involved in the timber
industry and was a farmer. In 1964, he retired and moved to Leland, Miss. He
was a member of the Craighead Co. School Board for 16 years. Survivors include
his wife, Dollie Brewer Dennis of Greenville, Miss.; two daughters, Mildred
McCullar of W. Memphis, and Alberta Carson of Lewistown, Pa.; six sons, Larry
and Bob Dennis of Scott, Miss., Dan Dennis of Forrest City, Bub Dennis of Lake
Providence, La., Gene Dennis of Leland, Miss. and Dutch Dennis of McCrory; 19
grandchildren, and 21 great grandchildren. Funeral services Feb. 17 at the
Boone-Wells FH in Greenville, Miss. Burial followed in Potter’s Cemetery in
Lepanto, Ark. FAG 98340887 Requested. Spouse:Carrie “Dollie” Dennis (1900 -
Patricia Lynn m.King, Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Patricia Lynn Devazier of Palestine died
Nov. 26, 1990 at her home. She was 42. Mrs. Devazier was born July 27, 1948 in
Helena, the daughter of Lowell King and Luvenia Abbott King. She was a
housewife. She leaves her husband, J. D. Devazier of the home; a son, Malcolm
King of Helena; a brother Jim Ward of Little Rock; four sisters, Barbara Gore
of Memphis, Shirley Peoples of Helena, and Delores Clark and Betty Royal, both
of Millen, Ga.; and one grandchild. Funeral services Nov. 28 at Morgan Chapel.
Burial to follow in Bell Cemetery by Morgan FH. FAG 115183333 done.
Devereux, Mary Owen,
Mrs.-Obit:age 83, of Forrest City, died Dec.27,1990 at Crestpark Retirement
Inn;Born Dec.13,1907 in Athens, Ala. to John William and Laura Inez Johnson
Owen;she lived in Forrest City most of her life;preceded indeath by her
husband, Hugh S.Devereux in 1986;survived by sister, Leetie Taylor of
Florida;several nieces and nephews;Burial in Hughes Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 77631867
Spouse: Hugh S. Devereux (1907-1986)
Dill, Ernest Relmon Obit:age 65
of Colt, died Nov.26,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. Forrest City; born Oct.30,1925 in
Colt to Claud P. and Hattie Matlock Dill;a retired truck driver and veteran of
WW II;he lived in St.Francis Co., all his life;Survived by wife, Sadie Kerr
Dill of the home;daughter, Denise Yates of Jonesboro;mother of Forrest City,
three sisters, Allene Cox and Mary Helen Burnett of Forrest City, and La/von
Adkisson of Wynne;grandson, John Robert Yates of Jonesboro. Burial by Stevens
FH in Hughes Cem. Spouse:Sadie Faye Kerr Dill (1930 - 2009)*FAG 77581615 done.
Dougherty, Betty Jean
m.Connaway, Mrs.-Obit:age 66 of 212 Victoria, Forrest City, died in
Jacksonville;born Jan.26,1924 to Marshall and Elizabeth Harris Connaway; she
married in 1942 to Conway Dougherty and was widowed in 1976;survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Engles, of Cabot, and Mrs. Kathryn Rogers, St. Louis;brother,
Jim Connaway of Little Rock;four grandchildren; Preceded in death by son, Al
Dougherty. Burial in Forrest Park Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 15603977 Parents:
Marshall Bush Connaway (1901 - 1955) Elizabeth Harris Connaway ( d. bef. 1990) Spouse:Marion Conway Dougherty (1920 - 1986)*
Children: Alfred Conway Dougherty (1948 - 1977)* Sibling: Betty Jean Connaway
Dougherty (1924 - 1990)James Lowry Connaway (1934 - 2013)*
Douglas, Joann m.Berthett, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Joann Douglas of Marianna died Apr. 6, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of
Forrest City. She was 35. Mrs. Douglas was born Jan. 23, 1955. She leaves her
father, George Berthett of Forrest City; her mother, Marie Berthett of
Marianna; her husband, Fred Douglas of Marianna; four sisters, Barbara Lawson
and Wanda Hobbs, both of Little Rock, and LaToya and Stephanie Berthett, both
of Marianna; three brothers, James and Maurice Lambert, both of Little Rock,
and Jerald Lambert of Marianna; and a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services Apr. 14 at New Bethel Baptist Church in Marianna, with burial
in Pilgrim Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 183927546 Requested.
Douglas, Lola M. m.Clark Mrs.,
of 706 Laughrun Dr. in Forrest City, died Apr.22,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp of
Forrest City, she was 79. Born Mar.29,1911 in Calhoun City, Miss. to Eddie
Clark and Stella Martin Clark, a member of the Landmark Baptist Church. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Sidney Douglas in 1958; a son, Eddie Clark in
1982; and a daughter, Rosa Kidd in 1974. Survivors include one brother, Hosea
Clark of Forrest City; five grandchildren, and four great grand children. Services
by Morgan Fun. Home at Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Duke, Prince Farley, Sr.-Obit-Of
Marianna, died Wed. Jan.17,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp. in Forrest City, he was
86. A retired grocery store operator and a 32nd degree Mason, and a
member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include three daughters, Martha
D. Manley of Aubrey, Peggy L. Duke and Marcia D.Graham of Marianna; one son,
Prince F.Duke, Jr. of Shelby, N.C.; five grand children, and six great grandchildren.
Burial in Marianna Mem.Park.
Dunavion, Lavell Lowell-Obit:age
60 of Tuckerman, formerly of Hernando, Miss., died Jul.29,1990 at Newport; born
Apr.6,1930 the son of Lige and Addie Dunavion;survived by wife, Marie Dunavion
of the home, son, Russell Anson Dunavion of Tuckerman;three daughters, Sheeri
McEwen, Susan Johnson, and Miriam Odom of Tuckerman;two sisters, Wanda Andrews
and Willadean Spath, both of Marianna;8 grand and two great
grandchildren;burial in Barnishaw Cem. by Jackon FH. In Newport. FAG 32727046
Spouse: Marie Juanita Dangeau Dunavion (1931 - 2017)*Children: Lowell L
Dunavion (1952 - 1972)* Done.
Dunn, Joe-Obit-of Caldwell, he
died Jul.23,1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W.Memphis, age 72. Born
Dec.24,1917 in St.Francis Co., the son of Otto Dunn and Lucille Busick Dunn, he
had lived here all his life. An avid deer hunter, a member of the Garnett
Hunting club and the Shiloah Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by a
sister, Doris Brewer, of Memphis, in
1967. Survived by his wife, Helen Dunn of the home; three daughters, Cathryn
Brockwell of Little Rock, Lidna Smith of W.Helena, and Brenda Carmon of
W.Memphis; two sons, Sonny Dunn of Hot Springs, and Bobby Dunn of Palestine;
two sisters, Allie Satterfield of Tupelo, Miss. and Augustine Miller of
Arlington, Texas; a brother, Earl Dunn of Forrest City; seven grandchildren,
and five great. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial in Hughes cemetery.
Early, John, Rev. Obit: The Rev.
John Early died Apr. 16,1990 at Clay-Cliff Nursing Home in Brinkley. He was 82.
Rev. Early was born Jul. 1, 1907 in Arkansas, to John and Mattie Early. He was
preceded in death by his wife. Survivors include a son, Floyd Early of Toledo,
Ohio; a daughter, Etehyl R. Clark of Milwaukee; a brother, Isaiah Early of Brinkley;
a sister, Calantha Cobbs of Brinkley; two grandchildren; and a host of
relatives and Friends. Funeral services Apr. 21 at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in
Monroe with Elder Silas Rufus officiating. Burial in Bains Cemetery by Kennedy
FH. Cemetery not on FAG
Elliott, Neva Young, Mrs.
Obit:Mrs. Neva Young Elliott, 79, of Palestine, died May 5, 1990 at Baptist
Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. Mrs. Elliott was born Nov. 25, 1910 in Palestine.
Albert and Elizabeth Boswell Young-Family: she leaves her husband, Cecil
Elliott of Palestone; a daughter, Carolyn Sue Hoskins of Liberty, Miss.;a son,
Gary Elliott of Palestine; her step-mother, Mattie Lee Young of Palestine, and
three grandchildren.- Parents:Carroll Albert Young (1883 - 1958) Elizabeth
Boswell Young (1883 - 1917) Spouse: Cecil Johnson Elliott (1916 - 2001)*
Sibling: Neva Young Elliott (1910 - 1990) Standish Miles Young (1913 - 1979)*
FAG 17521526 done.
Ellis, Flossie L. m.Chalk,
Mrs.-Obit:age 76 of Colt died Nov.15,1990 at Bapt.Central Hosp. in Memphis;born
Jan.10,1914 in Higden, Ark. to Jim and Cora Gould Chalk, she lived most of her
life in Pine Tree;preceded in death by her husband, Jim Ellis, in 1984;survived
by son, Louis E.Ellis of Colt;two sisters, Bessie Wilson of Hot Springs, and
Eula Emmerson of Bradford;three step daughters, Marie Eldridge and Louise
Jolley, both of Forrest City, and Florence Latham of Pine Tree;4 grandchildren.
burial in Barnishaw Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 8936418 Spouse:James L Ellis (1895 - 1983)*
Emmerson, Lucille Mrs.-of
Forrest City, died Jun.28,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp Forrest City, she was 84. A
housewife, and member of the Ragland Mem. Presbyterian Church. She was preceded
in death by her husband, Sam Emmerson. She leaves three daughters, Leta Pearl
Marler, Lillian Haffener and Guylena Emmerson, all of Forrest City; a brother,
Vernon Dallas of Forrest City; and 2 grand., 4 great. Burial in Forrest Park
Cemetery by Morgan Fun. Home.
Ervin, Nellie Fisher, Mrs.-Obit:
Mrs. Nellie Fisher Ervin of Marianna died Aug. 23,1990, after a long illness.
She was 76. She is survived by her husband, Herbert Ervin; on daughter, Sue
Fisher Gray of Forrest City; two son, Erma Louis Fisher and Dickie Fisher, both
of Marianna; two sisters, Grace Underwood and Dona Holiday, both of Marianna;
two brothers, Raymond Shirley of Forrest City and Henry Shirley of Octilla,
Calif.; five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral services were
held Aug. 25 in the chapel of Roller Citizens FH with the Rev. Garry Anderson
officiating. Burial was in Marianna Mem. Park. FAG 186053865 done.
Erwin, Violet, Mrs.-Obit:of
Forrest City, formerly of Beebe, died Jan.24,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp, Forrest
City, she was 75;former employee of Anderson’s Restaurant in Beebe, the widow
of A.S.(Bro.)Erwin; survived by daughter, Anita Sue Jones of Forrest City;two
sisters, Christine Nutt of Longview, Tex., and Anita McCarter of Tyler,
Texas;two grandsons, Cliff and Carter Jones of Forrest City. Westbrook FH. In
charge of interment in Beebe Cemetery.
Johnnie Yeargan Obit: Mr. Johnny Evans of 317 Garland St., W. Helena, died at
Helena Reg. Med. Ctr. Apr. 25, 1990. He was 77. Mr. Evans was born in
Tullahoma,Tenn. On Nov. 17, 1912 to George T. and Lillie Dial Evans. He was
employed at Chicago Mill for 34 years. He is survived by two daughters, Mary
Ruth Webster of Forrest City and Peggy Annette Beebe of Wasiolla, Alaska; a son,
Clarence David Evans of Carrollton, Texas; two sisters, Effiemae Lawson and
Ethel Thomas, both of Tullahoma; a brother, Paul Evans of W. Helena; and six
grandchildren. Funeral services at Roller Citizens Chapel with Bro. Worley
Ferguson officiating, with burial in Odd Fellows Cemetery. Parents: George T
Evans (1878 - 1925) Lillie Dial Evans (1884 - 1926) Spouse: Edna Stevens Evans
(1919 - 1977) Children: Clarence David Evans (1947 - 2001)* Siblings: Juanita
Evans (1907 - 1907)* Effie Mae Evans Lawson (1908 - 1998)* Johnnie Yeargan
Evans (1912 - 1990) Ethel Oveta Evans Thomas (1916 - 1999)* Paul George Evans
(1920 - 1995)* FAG 61189702 Requested.
Fackler, Kody Christen Obit:
Kody Christen Fackler, the infant son of Petty Officer Timothy John Fackler,
Sr., and Pamela E. (Kribbs) Fackler of Mashpee, Mass. Was born and died May 22,
1990. Mrs. Fackler was formerly of Forrest City. In addition to his parents, he
leaves two brothers, James and Timothy John Fackler, Jr.; and his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Caspary of Stockbridge, Ga. And the Rev. and Mrs. David W.
Kribbs of Twin Falls, Idaho. Rev. Kribbs is a former pastor of Calvary Baptist
Church and was the first administrator of Calvary Christian Church. Not on FAG
Farrington, Allen A. Obit: Born
Jul. 5, 1910 Died Apr. 10, 1990-He moved to Atlanta, Texas four years ago from
Forrest City. He died in St. Michael Hosp. in Texarkana, he was 79.-Parents:
b.N.Carolina to Charley and Lula Farrington. He was a veteran of WW II and a
Mechanic. Family:Survived by his wife, Mrs.Beulah H.Farrington of the
home.-Married July 23,1944-Died in Texarkana, Texas. Stevens FH Chapel on Apr.
13, with burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse:Beulah Harper Farrington (1908
- 1993) FAG 16438869 done.
Ferguson, W. A.-of Colt, died
Mar.23,1990 at his residence, age 84. Born Nov.17,1905 in Vardman, Miss. the
son of John Wesley Ferguson and Mary Alice Roebuck Ferguson. He lived in Colt
for most of his life, and was a retired farmer and railroad worker. A member of
Colt Methodist Church. He leaves a wife, Rita Mullin Ferguson of Colt; a son,
W. A. Ferguson Jr. of Colt; a daughter, Sandra McCormick of Gosnell; two
brothers, G. P. Ferguson of Colt, and J. W.Ferguson of Arizona; three sisters,
Pauline Ferguson and Christene Archer, both of Caldwell, and Lorinne House of
Crawfordsville; and five grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial.done
Fiser, Doris Essie, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Doris Fiser of W. Palm Beach, Fla. Born July 4, 1923 Died Dec. 18, 1990 in Humana Hosp. in W. Palm
Beach. She was 67. Mrs. Fiser was a former resident of Wynne, and she was
married to Thomas Alfred Fiser, Jr.
Survivors include seven daughters, Ruth Caubble of Wynne, Pat McEntire
of Walnut Ridge, Barbara Hensley of Margate, Fla., Gloria Lawson of Midland,
Texas, Martha Hamilton of Marion, Ohio, Mildred Fiser of Little Rock and Mary
Michaelis of Goodwin; two son, Al and Mack Fiser, both of W. Palm Beach; 18
grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Funeral in Elmwood Cem. In Morrilton
by Harris FH. In Morrilton. FAG 59344661 Spouse: Thomas Alfred Fiser, Jr. (1912-1979)
Fleming, Dema Honeycutt m.Tilley
Mrs.-of Marion, died May 31,1990 at Johnson-Hopson Nursing Home in Marion. Born
Jan.27,1924 in Stone Co., the daughter of Henderson Tilley and Oma Lawrence
Tilley, she had lived here in St.Francis Co. for 25 years before moving to
Marion six months ago. A retired nurses aide and a member of the Church of
Christ. She leaves a daughter, DeAnna Perkins of Marion; five sons, Richard
Honeycutt of Florida, Ranel Honeycutt of Clarksdale, Tenn., Drury Honeycutt of
Lansing, Ks., Dewayen Honeycutt of Ohio and Winston Honeycutt of Forrest City;
three sisters, Joyce Fleetwood of Florida, Pauline Hoselton of Forrest City and
Irene Tilley of Forrest City; 19 grandchildren, and 10 great. Burial in Hughes
Cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home.
Floyd, Jewell McCafferty,
Mrs.-Obit:age 64, of Palestine, died Jul.17,1990 at Methodist Hosp. in
Memphis;born Mar.29,1926 in Forrest City, to Luther and Clemmie Griffin
McCafferty;prededed by son, Wayne Ellis, in 1970;survived by two sons, Larry Streur
of Germany, and Gary Streur of W.Memphis;a daughter, Frances Jackson of Warren,
Mich.;two sisters, Emily Perry and Helen Culpepper, both of Palestine;brother,
Luther McCafferty, Jr. of W.Memphis;15 grand and 2 great grandchildren. Burial
in Bell Cem. by Morgan FH.
Foster, Roberta “Bobbie”
Miss.-Obit-Fun.Services at Canale Fun. Home in Memphis for the sister of
Mrs.Olmon Hargraves of Forrest City. She resided at 1067 Fairmeadows, Memphis,
and died last week after an illness of about a year. The daughter, of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster of Memphis. She had retired after 35 years as
Clinical Director of Dietary Service at the Baptist Mem. Hospital in Memphis. A
member of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic church. Survivors are two sisters,
Mrs.Jean Hargraves of Forrest City, and Mrs. Gus (Rose) Marie Strebeck of the
home in Memphis, eight nieces and nephews.
Fowler, Willie Oliver “W.
O.”-Obit-of Wynne, died Jul.11,1990, at the Cross Co. Hosp. in Wynne. A retired
farmer, he was born in Brownsville, Tenn. on Aug.31,1907. He lived in Cross Co.
since he was 9 years of age, and was a member of the Union Ave. Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Eloise Bennett Fowler, of the home; a son, David W.
Fowler of Wheatley; three daughters, Mrs. Willine Hampton, Mrs. Kathryn Milton,
and Mrs. Vonnie Lawson, all of Wynne; on step daughter, Mrs. Linda Bennett of
Houson; one step brother, Ira White of Wynne; 3 half brothers; one step sister;
eight grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Services at Harris Chapel
cemetery by Kernodle Fun. Home.
Frames, E. J. Obit: Born Jan.
12, 1936 Died:Mar.25, 1990 Obit-Parents: b.St.Francis Co. to Lue and Gladys
Banks Frames. Security Guard for the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill-
Family:Survived by his parents of Bono, Ark., his wife, Nellie
"Tincy" Frames of the home; his step-grandmother, Edna Taylor of
Wynne; a son, E. J. Jr. of Wynne; a Step-son Ricky Clark of Belton, Mo.' Four
daughters, Debbie Mayhan, Sherry Frames, and Susie Lucas, all of Forrest City,
and Barbara Connell of Houston; two step-daughters, Bertha and Eva Owens of
Warrensburg, Mo.; two brothers, Donald Frames of Cherry Valley, and Jerry
Frames of Parkin; five sisters, Delores Johnson and Wilene Warnick of
Jonesboro, Linda Barber of Forrest City, Brenda Dunn of Paragould, and Jan
Cranford of Truman; five grandchildren, and five step-grandchildren.
Parents:Lue Frames (1910 - 1996) Gladys Banks Frames (1918 - 2012) Spouse: Shirley
Harris Frames (1937 - 1979) Children: E. J. Frames (1961 - 2010)*FAG 16437090
Frison, Ora, Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Ora
Frison, formerly of Forrest City, died Apr. 14, 1990 at the home of her sister
in Chicago where she had resided the past several years. She was 96. Mrs.
Frison was born May 1, 1893 in Mississippi. She made her home in Forrest City
are most of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband, Elijah Frison.
Survivors include a brother, W. D. Jones of Forrest City; two sisters, Pecolar
Owens of Chicago and Edith Bell Porter of Forrest City; two step daughters,
Alice Beard of Florida and Ethel Pratt of W. Memphis; a stepson, Eugene Frison
of St. Louis. Funeral services Apr. 21 at Summerfield Baptist Church, Forrest
City, conducted by Rev. J. V. Lockhart. Burial to follow in Forrest City
cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 186404050 done.
Fry, Octavia Mrs., of Forrest
City, died May 5,1990 at her home. She leaves her husband, Library Fry of the
home, and a brother, Rufus Clark of Widener. Burial by Clay Fun. Home in New
Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG
Gaines, Novella Mrs.-of Forrest
City, died Apr.27,1990 at Cross Co. Hosp.in Wynne, she was 93. She was preceded
in death by her husband, she is survived by three sons, William Phillips of
Jefferson, Ark., Otis Gaines of Memphis, and Sylvester Gaines of Forrest City;
two daughters, Renola Williams of Forrest Ciy and Juanita Ursery of Widener; a
sister in law, Clara Norris of Michigan; 40 grandchildren, 85 great
grandchildren, and 14 great great grandchildren. Clay Fun. Home in charge of
burial at New Casteel Cemetery.done
Gamble, Wanda, Mrs.-Obit:age 82
of Palestine, died July 28,1990 at Geriactrics NH in Forrest City;born
Aug.7,1907 in Palestine to John and Nora Gamble and lived in St.Francis Co. all
her life;survived by brother, Tom Gamble of W.Helena;graveside at Hopewell Cem.
in Gill by Stevens FH. FAG 45627288 Requested.
Gatewood, Robert M. Obit: Mr.
Robert M. Gatewood of Madison Died Mar. 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp in Forrest
City. He was 42. Mr. Gatewood was born Feb. 1948 to John Gatewood and Betty
Gatewood. In addition to his mother, He leaves his wife, Juanita Gatewood of
the home; a grandmother, Carrie Bogart of Marianna; six sons, Terry Gatewood of
Green Bay, Wisc., Marvin Gatewood, Jr. of Davenport, Iowa, and Kemothy, Torris,
Jason, and Robert Gatewood, Jr., all of Madison; five daughters, Melissa,
Wanda, Stacey, Caren and Rachel Gatewood, all of Madison; nine sisters, Doris
Summage and Lula Mae Franklin, both of Omaha, Ernestine Lewis and Mary Butler,
both of Little Rock, Evester Gatewood of Detroit, Pearlie Mae Bartlett of Rochester,
N. Y., and Lillie B. Watson, Linda Gatewood and Louise Milles, all of Forrest
City; six brothers, Clevon Gatewood of Florida, Sonny and Thomas Gatewood, both
of Little Rock, John Gatewood of Mississippi, and Ernest Gatewood of Chicago,
and Edward Gatewood. Funeral services Mar. 31 at Day’s Temple Church of God in
Christ with Rev. J. D. Alexander officiating. Burial to follow in Casteel
Cemetery by Kennedy FH.Cemetery not on FAG
Gibbs, Jack P. Obit: Mr. Jack P.
Gibbs of Ft. Smith died Oct. 12, 1990 at Sparks Hosp. in Ft. Smith, he was 66.
Mr. Gibbs was born Sep. 22, 1924 to Marshall and Veryl Gibbs. He leaves his
wife, Loretta; four children; three brothers, William M. Gibbs of Forrest City,
Jerry Gibbs of Greenwood, and Pat Gibbs of Olsburg, Kansas; and eight
grandchildren. Funeral services at Rye Hill Baptist Church on Oct. 15 at Ft.
Smith. Burial followed in Jenny Lind Cemetery under direction of Lewis FH. WW
II Vet-FAG 49091418 Requested.
Gibbs, Lee Garfield-Obit:of
Forrest City, died Jan.5,1990 at Methodist Central Hosp. in Memphis, he was 73;
Born May 11,1916, in Myrtle, Miss. the son of Walter Gibbs Sr. and Fannie Gray
Gibbs; survived by his wife, Mildred Gibbs of the home, daughter, Mattie Mae
Gibbs of Blue Mountain, Miss.;three sisters, Maggie Weathington and Gertrude
Payne of South Bend, Ind., and Mattie Weathington of Grand Rapids, Mich.;three
brothers, Walter Jr. of Forrest City, Matthew Gibbs of St.Louis, and Frank
Gibbs of New Albany, Miss.;five grand and seven great grandchildren; burial in
Casteel Cem. with Kennedy FH. In Charge.
Gilbert, Lillian Jane Mrs., 77,
of Forrest City, died May 14,1990 at the Methodist Hosp. in Memphis. A
housewife, and the widow of James Lamar Bilbo Gilbert. She was a member of the
Kelso Bapt. Church. She leaves two sons, Carl Gilbert of N.Little Rock and
Edward “Bo” Gilbert of Arkansas City; three daughters, Jeane Smith of Forrest
Ciy, Joyce McMahan of Jacksonville, and Carolyn Nelson of W.Memphis; a brother,
Earnest York of Vicksburg, Miss.; a sister, Ruby Hellums of Arkabutla, Miss.
and 12 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. Burial in McGehee, Ark. by
Griffin Fun. Home.done
Grandy, Walter Obit: Mr. Walter
Grandy, 84, of Geriactrics Nursing Home in Forrest City died Jul. 1, 1990 at
Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. Mr. Grandy leaves a sister, Annie Willis of
Gary, Ind.; nieces and nephews. Funeral services Jul 5 at Kennedy FH. Chapel by
Rev. James Toney, with burial in Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG
Grant, Effie Mae m.Hall,
Mrs.-Obit:age 90, died Dec.1,1990 at Geriactrics NH;born Jan.16,1900 in
Atanamba, Miss., the daughter of William L.Hall and Mollie Bowen;she lived in
St.Francis Co. most of her life; preceded in death by husband Hubert Mark Grant
in 1979;and daughter, Marie Grant Pettus in 1950;survived by son, Edward Grant
of Colt;three sisters, Dell Null and Dena Neister and Clytee Baucum, all of
Colt;brother, Elmer Hall of Searcy;5 grand and 12 great, and 3 great great
grandchildren. burial in Hughes Cem. by Stevens FH. Spouse: Hubert Mark Grant
(1888-1979) FAG 186150108
Gray, Frances Watson, Mrs. FAG 89326222 Requested.
Gregory, William H., Sr. Obit:
Mr. William H. Gregory, Sr. died Nov. 9, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. Forrest
City. He was 73. Mr. Gregory was born Feb. 17, 1917 in Osceola, the son of
Major Gregory and Fannie McGauchy Gregory. He leaves his wife, Pearlie Moore
Gregory; five daughters, Pearlie Mae Rucker and Brenda Robinson, both of
Jonesboro, Diann Taylor and Patricia Gregory, both of Forrest City, and
Charlene Covington of Jacksonville; Three sons, William Gregory II, Alvin
Gregory and Aaron Gregory, all of Forrest City; a brother, Major Gregory Jr. of
Forrest City; a sister, Victoria Miller of Forrest City; 23 grandchildren, and
a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services on Nov. 16 at New Light M. B.
Church with Rev. Jessie McClure officiating. Burial in Casteel cemetery on Hwy
70 West of Forrest City, by Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 62828196 requested/
Grimes, Doris Emogene m.Sullins,
Mrs. Birth: Feb. 21, 1924 Death: Jan. 17, 1990 Obit-Mrs.Grimes was married to
the late Stanley Grimes Jr., she was the manager of Loeb's BarBcue in Forrest
City.She is survived by two daughters, Wanda Goforth of Monticello, and Barbara
Garner of Augusta; two sisters, Naomi Harold of Vanndale, and Romona House of
Hickory Ridge; nine grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Spouse:Stanley
Grimes (1920 - 1979) FAG 16437010 done.
Guss, Moses E. Obit: Mr. Moses
E. Guss died May 10, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. He was 81. Mr.
Guss was born Jan. 1, 1909, the son of Walter Guss and Fannie Young Guss.
Survivors include two daughters, Myrte I. Joplin and Ruby D. Davis, both of
Forrest City; a son, Ernest Howar of Chicag; six grandchildren, five great
grandchildren. Funeral services May 9 at United Christian M. B. Church with
Rev. J. W. Lockhart officiating. Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. Not on FAG.
Guyton, Della, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Della Guyton of 11 Dawson Rd. in Forrest City died Apr. 26, 1990 at the Baptist
Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City. She was 77. Mrs. Guyton was preceded in death by
her husband, Jack William Guyton. Survivors include two nieces, Mae Gratis
Humphrey of Forrest City and Louise Sanders of St. Louis; a nephew, Luther
Pearson of Chicago; a cousin, Lavern Anderson of Madison; and a brother in law,
Jesse Guyton of Forrest City. Funeral services May 1 at the New Light M. B.
Church with Rev. J. McClure officiating. Burial will follow in Casteel
cemetery. Cemetery is not on FAG.
Hall, Amos Lee Obit: Mr. Amos
Lee Hall of Wynne, 78, died Feb. 7, 1990 at Crestpark Nursing Home in Wynne.
Born June 27, 1911, Hall had lived most of his life in Cross County. He worked
for the Arkansas Hwy Dept. ten years, retiring in 1976, and was a member of
Wynne Baptist Church and a mason. Survivors include six sons, Jerry Hall of
Rosebud, Terry Hall of Scottsbluff, Neb., Ronny Hall of Warner Robins, Ga.,
David Hall of Mabelvale, Donald Hall of Cabot and Bobby Hall of Little Rock;
two daughtrs, Carolyn Hall and Barbara Tarnowsky, both of Mabelvale; seven
stepchildren, Dexter, Wayne and Linwood Doss, Linda Sue Baker, Betty Marcuml
Charlene Smith and Helen Wood; two brothers, Roy Hall of Vanndale and Woodrow
Hall of Trumann; five sisters, Bernice Tyner, Dorothy Vaughn, Kathryn Burks and
Ruth Cook, all of Little Rock, Adelia Gowen of Caldwell; and 14 granchildren
and three great grandchildren. Mr. Hall was preceded in death by his first
wife, Lillian Cornealius Hall, born 1911, died in 1960, his second wife, Dottie
Doss Hall, in 1986, and a son, Lester Hall also in 1986. Funeral services held
at Kernodle FH Chapel on Saturday by Rev. Berlon Davis with interment in Harris
Chapel Cemetery. FAG 19862558 Requested.
Hall, Donald, Rev.-Obit:of
Palestine, died May 14,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. of Forrest City, he was 57 and a
farmer and pastor of Walls Chapel Miss.Baptist Church at Holub
Crossing;Survived by wife, Eva Green Hall of the home;two sons, Benny Hall of
Gill and Ron Hall of Palestine;two daughters, Deb Jumper and Pam Burns of
Palestine;sister, Myrtle Rutledge of Georgetown, Texas;brother, Alvin Hall of
Marianna, and three grandchildren. Burial in Hopewell Cem. by Roller Citizens
Hamblin, Lloyd W. Obit: Mr.
Lloyd W. Hamblin, age 66, of Forrest City died Oct. 19, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp.
in Forrest City. He was born Jun. 8, 1924 in New Albany, Miss. the son of Otha
Hamblin and Linda Pearl Cobb Hamblin. He had lived in St. Francis Co. for 15
years. He was a WW II Veteran. He was in the upholstery business and was a
Baptist. He is survived by two daughters, Patricia Furr of Hattiesburn, Miss.
and Jackie Mastel of Wakima, Wash.; two sisters, Mabel Fratini of Memphis and
Lucille Patin of Memphis; three
brothers, Tommy Hamblin of Forrest City, Bill Hamblin of Napomi, Calif., and
Harry Hamblin of Memphis. Funeral services on Oct. 22 at Stevens FH Chapel with
Rev. Mike Brown officiating, with burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. Parents:Otha
J. Hamblin (1896 - 1982) Pearl Cobb Hamblin (1899 - 1989) Sibling:Royce Edwin
Hamblin (1926 - 1990)* FAG 16435656 done.
Hamilton, Boy Lee-Obit:of
Forrest City, died Jan.5,1990, at the Methodist Hosp. in Memphis, age 57;he
leaves his wife, Juanita Hamilton of the home, three daughters, Rose Ann
Robinson of Bream, Texas, Shirley Brown of Forrest City, and Patricia Ann
Williams of Jacksonville, N.C.;five sons, Jessie White, and Michael Hamilton of
Bream, Boy Lee Hamlton Jr. and Arthur White, both of Forrest City; and Boy
Hamilton of Minneapolis;fours sisters, Ammie Jordan and Varnell Bailey, both of
Forrest City, Doris Dinwiddie of Minlow Park, Calif., and Estell Foy of
Chicago;brother Herman Lee Hamilton of Forrest City;12 grandchildren. Burial in
Casteel Cem. by Clay FH.
Hamilton, Herman Obit: Mr.
Herman Hamilton of Forrest City died Dec. 25, 1990 at the Methodist Hosp. in
Memphis. He was 61. Mr. Hamilton was a farmer and a member of the Pilgrim Rest
M. B. Church. He leaves his wife, Mozella Hamilton of Forrest City; four
daughters, Georgetta Hamilton, Claudean Shannon and Glinda Hamilton, all of
Forrest City, and Belinda Johnson of N. Carolina; three sons, Edward Lee
Hamilton and Roy Lee Hamilton, both of Forrest City, and Donny Hamilton of
Bingham, Texas; four sisters, Ammie Jordan and Vernell Bailey, both of Forrest
City, Doris Dinwiddie of Menlo Park, Calif., and Estelle Foy of Markham,
Illinois; and 17 grandchildren. Funeral services Dec. 30 at Pilgrim M. B.
Church, Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetey by Clay FH. Cemetery not on FAG.
Handcock, Elmo Obit: Mr. Elmo Handcock of Colt died May 4, 1990 at
Methodist Hosp. in Memphis. He was 74. Mr. Handcock leaves his wife, Emmalene
Handcock of Colt; three brothers, Stanley Handcock of Omaha, Neb., N. A. and
Calvin Handcock, both of Caldwell; three sisters, Willie Hobbs, Vastie Binford,
and Bertha Rogers, all of Colt; and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral
services May 13 at Mt. Sinai Church with burial in Clark Cemetery at Caldwell,
under Clay FH Direction.FAG 186431521 done.
Hardin, Frieda F. m.McClure,
Mrs.-Obit: Mrs. Frieda F. Hardin of Colt died Sep. 9, 1990, at Methodist Hosp.
in Memphis. She was 69. Mrs. Hardin was born Nov. 8, 1920, in Green County. She
was the daughter of Ella Ree McClure and Ida Bell Richmond McClure. She had
lived in Pine Tree most of her life, and was a farm manager. She was a member of
Pine Tree Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by a son, Jim Hardin in
1980. She leaves her husband, James A. “Doc” Hardin of Pine Tree; a son, Robert
Vernon Hardin of Cross County; two daughters, Marrianna June Scott of Concord
and Dena Faye Robison of Pine Tree. Funeral services will be Sep. 8 at Pine
Tree Baptist Church with Rev. Mike Petty officiating. Burial will follow in
Barnishaw Cemetery under direction of Stevens FH. FAG 8940679 Requested.
Spouse: James A. Hardin (1920-1998) Son: James E. Hardin (1938-1980)
Hardy, C. E. “Trudy” Mrs.-Age 85, of Colt, died May 29,1990, and
had been in poor health for two years. The daughter of Ruben Grizzard and Lura
Lee Dunaway, she was born in Talucah, Ala. on Feb.15,1905. She was married to
C.E. Hardy in 1923, and had made her home in Pine Tree since 1953. A member of
the Old Fashion Baptist Church in Palestine. She is survived by two daughters,
Mrs.Evelyn Gutridge and Mrs. Iva Lawson, both of Pine Tree; one sister, Mrs.
Jewell Whitten of Decatur, Ala.; 9 grandchildren, and 17 great, and 4 great
great. She was preceded in death by her husand and son, Fred Hardy. Burial in
Barnishaw Cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home.
Hardy, Gertrude “Trudy”,
Mrs.-Obit:Mrs.Gertrude (Charlie E.) “Trudy” Hardy, age 85 of Colt died May
29,1990. The daughter of Ruben Grizzard and Lura Lee Dunaway, born in Taluchah,
Ala. on Feb.15,1905. She married C.E.Hardy in 1923 and had made her home in
Pine Tree since 1953;Survived by two daughters, Mrs.Evelyn Gutridge and Mrs.Iva
Lawson, both of Pine Tree;sister, Mrs.Jewel Whitten of Decatur, Ala.;9 grand,
17 great, and 4 great great grandchildren. Preceded in death by husband and
son, Fred Hardy. Burial in Barnishaw Cem. by Stevens FH.
Hargraves, J. T. Obit: Mr. J. T.
Hargraves of Forrest City died Oct. 16, 1990 at Geriactrics Nursing Home, he
was 71. Mr. Hargraves was born Nov. 16, 1918 in Forrest City, the son of Horace
and Henrietta Hargraves. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Martha
Hargraves. He leaves a wife, Mable Hargraves of Forrest City; a sister, Francis
Dotson of St. Louis; seven daughters, Rosie Lee Johnson of Marianna, Earnece
Walker of Bowling Green, Ky., Bobbie Moseley of Louisville, Ky., Claudia Palmer
of St. Louis, Joann Taylor and Henrietta Hargraves, both of Dallas, and Debra
Hargraves of Forrest City; six sons, Horace Hargraves of Compton, Calif., J. T.
Hargrave, Jr. and Kenneth Hargraves, both of Detroit, Mich., Glenn Hargraves of
Haynes, Ulysses Hargraves of Marianna and Robbie Hargraves of Forrest City; 36
grandchildren and six great grandchildren, and a host of nieces and nephews,
other relatives and friends. Funeral services Oct. 20 at the United Christian
M. B. Church with Rev. J. W. Lockhart officiating. Burial will follow in Dansby
cemetery under direction of Clay FH. FAG 173377046 Requested.
Harmon, Robert W., Dr.-Obit-Of
Dallas, Texas, died Jan.3,1990 at Presbyterian Med.Center in Dallas, he was 56.
The son of Verlon P. and Lois H.Harmon, former Forrest City residents. He was a
1951 FCHS Graduate, and a former member of the First Baptist church of Forrest
City. He was a graduate of Memphis State Univ. and the Univ. of Arkansas
Med.Center. He was a physician in the U.S. Air Force for three years, where he
attained the rank of Captain. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his
wife, the former Christina Rhea of Dallas, and six children. Burial in Restland
Cemetery and Gardens, in Dallas.
Harps, George Obit: Born Apr.
23, 1898-Mr. George Harps of Marianna died Nov. 30, 1990 at Crestpark Nursing
Home in Marianna. He was 92. He was a deacon, trustee and church treasurer at
the New Bethel Baptist Church. He is survived by a daughter, Mary D. Hughes of
Marianna; two sons, Columbus Harps and R. D. Harps, both of Detroit, Mich.; and
25 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be
Wednesday at New Bethel Baptist Church in Marianna. Burial will be in Pilgrim
Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 183884966 done.
Harris, Morsie, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Morsie Harris of Palestine, died Jan. 7, 1990 at the Baptist Mem. Hosp.,
Forrest City. She was preceded in death by her husband. She leaves one son.
Funeral services Jan. 13 at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church with burial
inUnion Hill Cemetery by Clay FH. FAG 186318934 done.
Harrison, Alice Joy m.Jones
Mrs., of Forrest City, died at her home Apr.23,1990, age 57. Born Apr.24,1932
in Steele, Mo., to Cooper Jones and Azalle Biggs Jones. A member of the First
Baptist Church and the Eastern Star. She leaves a husband, William E. Harrison of
Forrest City; a daughter, Donna Lynn Durham of Jonesboro; five sons, James H.
Harrison and Samuel C.Harrison of Little Rock, Edwin L. Harrison of
Indianapolis, Ind., William E. Harrison III of Russellville, and Michael W.
Harrison of Bartlett, Tenn.; two sisters, Violet Christian of Overland Park,
Kansas, and Charlotte Bounds of Campbell, Mo.; five brothers, Cooper Jones Jr.
of Forrest City, Phillip Jones of Visalia, Calif., and Mervel, James and Larry
Jones, all of Steele. And nine grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of
burial at Mt.Zion Cem. In Steele.done
Hart, Minnie Barnes,
Mrs.-Obit:age 73, of Van Buren, died Dec.24,1990 in a Van Buren Hospital;
survived by three daughters, Patsy Speer of Ft.Smith, Mary Lou Huckeby of Van
Buren, and Martha Prince of Green River, Wyoming;three sons, Edward of
Perryville, Carl of Hackett, and Price T.Barnes of Ft.Smith;sister, Reba Holmes
of Van Buren; two brothers, Everett Young of Van Buren, and Max Young of
Alma;11 grand and 6 great grandchildren;burial in Forest Park Cem. by Ocker FH.
FAG 186204951 done.
Haven, Charles Norval, Jr.
b.Nov. 13,1906 d.Sep. 21,1990-Obit: -Charles N. Haven-1906 to 1990-Some of the
sunshine went out of our lives and our community with the recent death of
Charles N.Haven, community leader, city and bank executive, and citizen
extraordinaire. 'Charlie', as he was effectionately known to one and all, had a
long and fruitful life, and his service spanned the civic and business, church
and social life of this community. He had a long and cordial relationship wih
Planters Bank and Trust Company, his tenure being one of the longest in the
history of our organization. He was greatly loved and his flawless reputation
for excellence and ethical truths was admitted far and wide. Mr. Haven served on
the Planters Bank and Trust Company Board of Directors for many years and
finally, at age 70, he became an Honorary Board Member. A native of Forrest
City, Charlie Haven was employed at Planters as a cashier for 15 years. During
World War II he served in the Armed Forces in 1943 to 1945, leaving the City
Treasurer's Office in the watchful care of his wife, Margaret Buford Haven,
another beloved native Forrest Citian. For two years following his stint in the
military, Charlie reassumed his cashier position with Planters. In 1947, he
opened the poplular Haven Hardware Store which he owned and operated for many
years. First elected in 1933, Mr. Haven served as the Forrest City City
Treasurer for fifty years, giving his all for a half-century to make his hometown
a better place. In 1970 the City Clerk and City Treasurer were combined into
one office and Mr. Haven took over the dual duties, serving until his
retirement in 1983. Always active in community affairs, Mr. Haven was a
longtime member of the Forrest City Chamber of Commerce and served the chamber
as treasurer at one time. He was also a charter member of the Forrest City
Lions Club. Mr. Haven was active and enthusiastic alumnus of the Universtity of
Arkansas at Fayetteville. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity,
and remained true to that brotherhood. He was also an active and vocatl
supporter of the Arkansas Razorback teams thru the years. A longtime member of
the Forrest City Country Club, Charlie Haven also enjoyed many years of golf on
the local fairways and a tournament throughout the state. As a lifetime member
of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Mr. Haven served as Church
Treasurer for thirty-two years. His role as Graham Memorial was unique, and he
was a favorite with ministers and with the young and the old of the church
family. Charles N. Haven added many varied facets to the life of this
community. He will be greatly missed by his business and civic associates, his
large and loving family, and his friends who are legend. He is irreplaceable,
but he lives on in memories of his radiant smile, his busy days, and his
service to all about him BIO - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST
CITY)-C.N.Havens is of immeasurable assistance to the bank, Planters Bank &
Trust Co. as a Director, a position he has held since 1937, because of his
former acquaintance with the banking activities of the organization while
Cashier. Mr.Haven is owner operator of Haven Hardware & Sporting Goods
since Feb.17,1947, and has served as City Treasurer for many years. His store
is located in the building formerly occupied by the Economy Food Store. (Later,
it was the Economy Furniture & Appliance Co. when Charlie moved next door)
With his wife Margaret (Buford), the daughter of the late Mr.& Mrs.Tom Buford
of this city, and Walter Prewett, Charles Buford, Porter Heard, and Herman
Powell, the store is efficiently operated. A native of Forrest City, he is a
member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, the American Legion, a
charter member of the Lions Club, Vice President of the Country Club, a member
of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Old River Club. He has served as City
Treasurer since 1933, a graduate of the Forrest City High School, and the
University of Arkansas. Mr.Haven served as a Second Lieutenant in the home
State Guard before entering World War II to serve 27 months, part of which was
in New Guinea. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946-FAG
Parents:Charles Norval Havens (1883 - 1942) Ida Louise Simmons Havens (1886 -
1941) Spouse:Margaret Buford Haven (1907 - 2003)*
Hawk, Anna Bell m.Jones,
Mrs.-Obit:age 62 of Palestine, died Oct.23,1990 at her home;born Sep.22,1928 in
Palestine, the daughter of Samuel and Jeanetta Dover Jones, she lived in
St.Francis Co. most of her life and retired from General Ind. After 22
years;survived by husband, Bert Hawk of the home;two daughters, Holly Brewer of
St.Louis and Panda Adamson of Bald Knob;two sons, Ras.Hawk of Palestine and
Andy Hawk of Corning;four sisters, Lady Bridges, Jewel Good and Pat Howton, All
of Palestine, and Lois Johnson of Little Rock;brother, John T.Jones of
Palestine;7 grand and 1 great grandchild. Burial in Salem Cem. by Morgan FH.
FAG 186153252 done.
Hayes, Julia m.Olive, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Julia Olive Hayes of Holly Grove died Mar. 23, 1990. She was 90. Mrs.
Hayes was born Jan.11, 1900, the daughter of Edward and Letha Olive. She was
preceded in death by her husband. Survivors include a daughter, Ruby Ross of
Holly Grove; nine nephews, Charles and Mitchell Young, Donald and Harold Olive,
Kenneth Brown, Steve Johnson, and Ray Williams, all of Little Rock, and Billy
Olive and Jesse Walton of California; and one niece, Doris Olive of Texas.
Funeral services Apr.1 at the Norman Chapel C. M. E. Church in Holly Grove with
Rev. John Easter officiating. Burial in New Hope Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 186375949
Haywood, Read C.-Of Gainesville,
Ga., formerly of Forrest City, died Mar.31,1990, at Northeast Ga. Med.Ctr. in
Gainesville, he was 89. He was the retired plant manager for Pepsi Company in
Forrest City, and a member of the Forrest City First Baptist Church. He leaves
his wife, Lucille Lasley Haywood, of the home; a daughter, Mrs.Charles Stephens
of Gainesville; three sons, Read C. Jr. of Jackson, Miss., James R. Haywood of
Foley, Ala., and Thomas C.Haywood of Gainesville; and a brother and two
sisters. Graveside services were held at Oakwood Cem. In Brownsville, Tenn. by
Little/Davenport Fun. Home of Gainesville.done
Henderson, Vera m.Austin,
Mrs.-Obit:of Dallas, Texas, age 87, a longtime resident of Brinkley, died in
Dallas; the mother of Edgar Henderson, Jr. formerly of Forrest City, was born
in 1902 in Ashley County; a retired
teacher and grad of the old Central College and Ark.State Teachers College,
both in Conway;In 1923 Mrs.Henderson went to Brinkley and taught school for 46
years;she married Marvin Edgar Henderson, Sr. in 1924;he preceded her in death
several years ago;their son taught and coached here in Forrest City before
moving to Dallas; he survives her;two grandchildren, Mrs.Lewis (Fran) Henderson
Bunch of Hillsborough, Calif., and M.Edgar Henderson III of Dallas, and two
great grandchildren;Burial in Brinkley at Oaklawn Cem
Hendley, Samella,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Samella Hendley died Dec. 18, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. She
was 82. Mrs. Hendley was born Dec 8, 1908 in Cotton Plant, the daughter of the
late Louis Jimmerson and Lula Cannon Jimmerson. Survivors include one daughter,
Mary Hendley of Cotton Plant; a sister, Asilee Glyard of Forrest City; four
brothers, Louis Jimmerson of Brinkley, Richard Jimmerson of Forrest City, Joe
Jimmerson of W. Memphis,. And J. T. Jimmerson of Chicago; and a host of nieces
and nephews, relatives and friends. Funeral services on Dec. 24 at Faith Temple
Church of God in Christ in Brinkley. Burial in Pilgrim Cemetery by Woodhouse
Heustess, Lida Mrs.-Of Forrest
City, she died Jan.30,1990 in Durant, Miss., she was 86. A retired nurse and
member of First United Methodist Church in Forrest City. She was preceded in
death by her husband, C.W. Heustess. Survivors include three step-children,
Mary Oswalt and Paul Heustess of Forrest City, and Willie Holder of Memphis; a
brother, Ben Nabors of West, Miss.; a niece, Martha Bowie of West, and many
step-grandchildren. Burial in Wheeling Cemetery near West by Southern Fun. Home
in Durant.done
Hicks, Ella Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Ella
Hicks, aged 90, born Jan. 15, 1990, of Forrest City, died Jun. 6, 1990, in
Memphis, after a short illness. Hicks was a retired Sunday School teacher, a B.
T. U. quiz leader, a youth director, and the President of the Women’s
Missionary Society at Beth Salem M. B. Church. Mrs. Hicks had one daughter,
Arie Lee, who preceded her in death, and a son, Willie, from St. Louis, Mo. She
also had six grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren. Funeral services Jun. 11 at
Beth Salem M. B. Church with burial in Casteel Cemetery by Kennedy FH. Cemetery
not on FAG-Located Hwy 70 west of Forrest City. FAG 62144221 requested.
Hightower, Birtha, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Birtha Hightower, 84, of Forrest City, died Jul. 20, 1990 at her home. She
was born in Hamilton, Ala. To John and Georgia Palmer Colvin. A housewife, Mrs.
Hightower was a member of the Assembly of God. She was preceded in death by her
husband, Virgie Hightower. Mrs. Hightower is survived by three sisters, Velva
Melton of Forrest City, Birga Snelson of Texas, and Elizora Steel of W.
Memphis; three brothers, Gus Colvin and Lawrence Colvin of Forrest City, and
William Colvin of Palestine. Funeral services were Jul. 22 at Morgan FH with
Rev. William Witcher officiating, assisted by Rev. Chech Reagan. Burial in Bell
Cemetery. Spouse: Virgie Hightower (1906-1958) FAG 17521604 done.
Hill, Florence Catherine m.Kelso
Mrs.-age 59, of Forrest City, died Jun.13,1990 at the Univ. Of Ark. Med Center
in Little Rock after a sudden and unexpected illness. She was born on
Aug.5,1930 in Colt to Floyd Monroe and Florence Melton Kelso. She married Clovis
Eugene Hill in 1946 and was widowed in 1983. She lived in St.Francis Co. most
of her life, and was a member of Widener Baptist Church. She was preceded in
death by a son, Chester Hill in 1969. She is survived by six daughters, Patsy
Whitby of N.Little Rock, Eva Louise Murray of Parkin, Mona Jackson, Sheila
Copeland, and Kim Kennedy, all of Forrest City, and Brenda Barrack of Hayward,
Calif.; six sons, Stanley, David, Freddie, Walter and Mike Hill, all of Forrest
City, and Jimmy Hill of Wheatley;five sisters, Ruby Nichols and Nettie Shepherd
of Forrest City, Ruth Barnes of Belvedere, Ill., Peggy Godair of Olive Branch,
Miss., and Paulette Ramsey of Lexa; two brothers, Jerry Kelso and Roger Paul
Kelso, both of Forrest City; 26 grandchildren, and 3 great. Stevens Fun. Home
in charge of burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. FAG 148156565 done. Spouse:
Clovis Eugene Hill (1921-1983)
Hinton, Melvina, Ms. Obit: Ms.
Melvina Hinton, 95, was buried Jul. 7, 1990 at Paradise Garden Cemetery in
Crawfordsville. She was born Feb.20, 1895 in Hines, Miss. She died Jul. 1, 1990
at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W. Memphis. She was a member of New Home M. B.
Church in Crawfordsville, where she lived most of her life. Clay FH in Charge.
FAG 186455611 done.
Hodges, Alton Obit: Mr. Alton
Hodges died Oct. 10, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp., he was 58. Mr. Hodges leaves
his wife, Gloria D. Hodges of Madison; four daughters, Elouise Turner of
Chicago, Belinda and Jeanette Hodges and Elouise Mitchell, all of Madison; a
son, Martaz Hodges of Forrest City; five sisters, Dorothy McClain and Betty
Montgomery, both of California, Verdella Wooten and Lillian Miller, both of
Waterloo, Iowa, and Augusta Walker of Forrest City; four brothers, Bob Hodges
of California, Timothy Hodges and Curtis Hodges, both of Waterloo, and Colonel
Hodges of Madison; and three grandchildren. Funeral services Oct. 14 at St.
John Baptist Church in Madison. Burial to follow in the St. John cemetery under
direction of Clay FH. FAG 184603272 Requested.
Hodges, Norma Victoria m.Sellers,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Norma Sellers Hodges, 88 of Forrest City, widow of James Vernon
Hodges, died Friday, Dec.14,1990. She was a member of First Baptist Church,
American Legion Auxilliary, Comos Club, and a charter member of the Musical
Coterie. Funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Stevens Funeral Home by the
Revs.Delton Beel and Don Matthews. Burial will be in Forrest Park Cemetery.
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Glenn Hammons and Mrs. Kyle A. Woods, both of
Forrest City; and five grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Daughter of
Robert Emmett Sellers and Mary Catherine Williams who are buried in Hughes
Cemetery. Sister Robbie, who married William Nathan Peeples, and brother
Raymond Emmett Sellers, who is also buried in Hughes Cemetery. Norma took care
of her mother for many years at her home until she passed away, "Miss
Molly." Parents:Robert Emmitt Sellers
(1873 - 1932) Mary Catherine Williams
Sellers (1876 - 1953) Spouse:James Vernon Hodges (1899 - 1967)*Children: Mary Bob Hodges Hammons (1925 - 2008)*
Siblings:Norma Victoria Sellers Hodges (1902 - 1990) Robbie Sellers Peeples
(1906 - 1928)*Raymond Emmitt Sellers (1910 - 1934)* FAG 15603908 done.
Hodges, Randolph “Dolph” Obit:
Mr. Randolph (Dolph) Hodges, 30 of Madison, died May 8, 1990 in Hughes
following a shooting. Mr. Hodges was born Mar.17, 1960, the son of Sylvia Lee
and Wesley Curtis Hodges. He made his home in the Madison area all his life. He
leaves his mother of Madison, his father of Waterloo, Iowa; five sisters, Laura
Ann Anderson of Forrest City, Janie McNutt of Jacksonville, and Brenda Kay,
Kimberly and Chantale Hodges, all of Madison; and five brothers, Wesley, Benny
Ray, Barry, Scottie, and Roderick Hodges, all of Madison. Funeral services May
13 at Clay FH with burial in Madison Cemetery. FAG 143793883 Requested.
Holiday, Mattie, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Mattie Holiday of Forrest City died Mar. 16, 1990, at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of
Forrest City. She was 98. Mrs. Holiday was born Apr. 30, 1891. She leaves one
niece and one nephew. Funeral services at the Rising Sun Baptist Church with
Rev. A. Slayton officiating. Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetery by Woodhouse
Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG.
Holiday, Walter Obit: Mr. Walter
Holiday died Apr. 6, 1990, he was age 81. He is survived by a sister, Essie
Fowler of Forrest City. Funeral services Apr. 14 at St. Paul Baptist Church
followed by interment in Forrest City Cemetery by Clay FH. FAG 186379073 done.
Holland, Juanita Stidum, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Juanita Stidum Holland died Nov. 9, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp.,
Forrest City, she was 50. Mrs. Holland was born in Forrest City on Aug. 11,
1940, the daughter of Johnny Stidum and the late Esther Jordan Stidum. In
addition to her father, she leaves her husband, Charles Holland; two daughters,
Carol Holland and Yuette Holland, both of Palestine; two sons, Harold Holland
of Forrest City and Karl Holland of Dallas, Texas; five sisters, Ida Mae
Terrell of Brinkley, Bettye L. Rooks of Memphis, Vernell Stidum and Gloria
Smith, both of Little Rock, and Josephine Stidum of Forrest City; two brothers,
Johnny Stidum, Jr. and Cardell Stidum, both of Dallas; three grandchildren, and
a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services Nov. 15 at Union Hill
M. B. Church with Rev. Leonard Hawkins officiating with burial in Casteel
Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG.
Holland, Rosie Lee Davis, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Rosie Lee Holland of Forrest City died Apr. 24, 1990 at Methodist
Central Hosp. in Memphis. She was 65. Mrs. Holland was born Feb. 23, 1925. She
leaves four daughters, Sandra Holland and Ora Nesbit, both of Forrest City,
Jackie McGowan and Bernice Godfrey, both of Mt. Clemons, Mich.; four sons,
Nathaniel and Tommy both of Forrest City, James Holland of Syracuse, N. Y., and
William Holland of San Diego, Calif.; her stepmother, Velma Davis of Gary,
Ind.; three sisters, Bernice Johnson, Annentha Edmonds and Jean Jackson, all of
Gary, Ind.; three sons in law and four daughters in law; 47 grandchildren and
37 great grandchildren. Funeral service on Apr. 30 at Saints Temple Church of
God in Christ in Forrest City, with Elder Louis Bingham officiating. Burial in
New Sardis Cemetery by Kennedy FH. Spouse:Dewey Holland (1919-2007) FAG 170466504 Requested.
Hollis, Gladys Pearl m.Cross
Mrs., age 53, died Apr.24,1990 at Bapt. Mem.Hosp. in Memphis. She was born May
30,1936 in Marked Tree to Ernest Cross and Pearl McGee Cross. She lived most of
her life in the Marianna area, was a member of the Church of God, and worked at
Sanyo Mfg. Corp. in Forrest City for many years. Survivors include her mother
of Portigville, Mo.; her husband, Leroy Hollis of Marianna; two sons, James
Hollis of Marianna and Randy Hollis of Cabot; a daughter, Mary Ann Wooten of
Marianna; two brothers, Gerald Cross of Marianna, and Junior Cross of Missouri;
five sisters, Modean Parson of Moro, Thelma Jean Smith, Poly Bettuo and Lula
Faye McGill, all of Poplar Bluff, Mo., and Cathy Foster of Benton Harbor,
Mich.; and five grandchildren. Burial in Oak Grove cemetery by Morgan Fun.
Holloway, Horace Dennis-Obit:of
Wheatley, died Apr.14,1990 at his home, he was 63, retired from Wheatley True
Temper Co.;survived by wife, Louise Holloway of the home;four sons, Steven
Wayne and Carl Douglas Holloway, both of Brinkley, and Mark Holloway of
Russellville, and David Earl Holloway of the home;two daughters, Denise Cosner
of Brinkley, and Ada Mae Holloway of Russellville;two brothers, John C.Holloway
of Aubrey and Edgar Glenn Holloway of W.Memphis;five sistersEloise Holland of
Mt.Home, Hazel Cullem of LaGrange, Christine Jolly of Mayflower, and Alice
Marlar and Virginia Mae Lawson, both of Forrest City;5 grandchildren. Burial by
Riley Fowler FH in Johnson Cem. in Wheatley.
Holt, Calvin, Jr. Obit: Born:
Mar.19,1943, Mr. Calvin Holt, Jr. of Palestine died Jul. 9, 1990 at his home.
He was 47. Mr. Holt was a butcher. He was a member of the Shriners, the Al
Chymin Temple in Memphis, the Houck Lodge and the Scottish Rite. He leaves his
spouse,Joyce Holt of the home; a daughter, Rena Holt Washinton of Forrest City;
and two sons, Billy and Dewayne Holt, both of the home. Graveside services at
Bell Cemetery on Jul. 14 by Morgan FH. FAG 68854115 Requested.
Holt, Floyd S., Rev.-Obit-Manila-Of
Leachville, formerly of Cross and Woodruff Counties, died Jan.1,1990 at the
Manilla Nursing Home following a one year illness. He was 85. He served as a
Church of God minister for 30 years before retiring 10 years ago. He had
pastorates in Cross, Woodruff, White, and Mississippi Counties. He had resided
in Leachville since 1982. Survivors include his wife, Seveda Holt of the home;
three sons, Lowell Holt of Forrest City, Lavern Holt of Deer Park, Tex., and
Aubrey Hold of W.Memphis; plus three sisters, Mrs.Mamie Ball, Mrs. Ellen
Winford, and Mrs. Lorene McCuan, all of McCrory; a brother, Eunice Holt of
Hammond, Ind.; six grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.
Holt, Lowell N. Obit: Mr. Lowell
N. Holt of Forrest City died Mar. 26, 1990, at U. T. Bowld Hosp. in Memphis. He
was 61. Mr. Holt was born Jul. 26,1928 in Woodruff Co., Ark., to Floyd S. Holt
and Margie Campbell Holt. He had lived in Forrest City for the past 27 years.
He was a salesman for Reelfoot Package Co. and a member of the First Baptist
Church of Forrest City. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Janis Westbrook
in 1982. Survivors include his wife, Janis Howton Holt of the home; two
daughters, Jo Wright of Lubbock, Tex., and Susan Oguin of Wynne; a
stepdaughter, July Bailey of Gulf Breeze, Fla.; two stepsons, Tom and Gary
Mason both of Memphis; two brothers, Aubrey Holt of W. Memphis, and L. A. Holt
of Deer Park, Texas; and 11 grandchildren. Funeral services on Mar. 29 at
Stevens FH Chapel with Rev. Don Mathews officiating. Burial to follow in
Forrest Park Cemetery. FAG 6438242 done.
Horton, Della m.Isard Mrs., of
Newcastle, died May 24,1990 at Cross Co. Hosp. in Wynne, She was 91. Mrs.
Horton was born Jan.1,1899 in Marysville, Kansas, the daughter of Clarence Lee
Isard and Maggie Wilson Isard. A member of Forrest Chapel Methodist church, she
had made Newcastle her home for most of
her life. A member of the William Strong Chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lee B. Horton,
in 1970. She leaves two sons, Gene Horton of Forrest City and Russell Horton,
of Maryland; a sister, Bessie Forbes of Wynne; 3 grandchildren, and 6 great
grandchildren. Burial in Loughridge Cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home.done
Horton, Herman, Jr. Obit: Birth:
Oct. 25, 1929 Midnight, Miss. Death: Apr. 14, 1990 -of Forrest City-Parents:b.
Midnight, Miss. to Herman Horton Sr. and Mae Price Horton. He was a retired
carpenter. Family:He leaves his wife, Milrean Cook Horton of Forrest City;
three sons, Steve of Colt, and Mike and Rodney of Forrest City; a daughter,
Janet Horton Grady of Caldwell; a brother, Burford Horton of Forrest City; nine
grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Spouse:Milrean Cook Horton (1934 - 2013) FAG 16439573 done.
Howerton, John Wesley-Obit-Age
76 of Marianna, died Jan.9,1990 at Helena Hospital. Born Jan.31,1913, the son
of John Frank and Melvina Helton Howerton. He was a retired truck driver and a
Baptist. He leaves a brother, Sylvester Howerton of Marianna. Burial in
Mem.Park Cemetery under Morgan Fun. Home direction.
Howerton, Sylvester-Obit:age 79
of Marianna, died Nov.6,1990 at his home;a retired farmer and
carpenter;preceded in death by his wife, Eunice Howerton in 1985;Survived by
two daughters, Clarece Watts of Marianna and Virginia Linn of Newark,
Calif.;son Willie Howerton of Marianna;7 grand and 6 great Grandchildren.
Morgan FH. FAG 158617330 Spouse:Eunice M. Howerton (1920-1985)Married Oct. 20,
1934 on Tombstone Requested.
Humphrey, Velma Lois m.Ruston,
Mrs.-Obit: Mrs. Velma Lois Humphrey of Wynne, died Sep. 12, 1990, at St.
Bernard’s Hosp. in Jonesboro. She was 83. Mrs. Humphrey was born July 26, 1907
in Poinsett Co. A homemaker, she had lived in and around the Bay Village,
Cherry Valley and White Hall area most of her life before moving to Wynne in
1970. She held membership in the Union Ave. Baptist Church in Wynne, the Wynne
VFW Post #4566 and the Senior Citizen Olympics. She was preceded in death by
her husband William Sylvester Humphrey in 1970. Survivors include a son,
William Lafayette Humphrey of Jackson, Miss.; three daughters, Betty Jean Sides
of Wynne, Joan Hill of Oxford and Charlene Humphrey of Wynne; a sister, Mildred
Dunn of Tampa, Fla.; 18 grandchildren, four great grandchildren, four great
great grandchildren and two step great grandchildren. Funeral services at
Kernodle FH Chapel with Rev. Shelby Bittle officiating. Burial was in Bay
Village Cemetery. FAG 9097379 Parents:Charley A Ruston (1874 - 1919) Fannie M Tillery Ruston (1877 - 1942)
Spouse:William S Humphrey (1904 - 1970)*Children: Betty Jean Humphrey Sides
(1930 - 2012)*William Lafeyette Humphrey (1936 - 2013)*Sibling: Charles Gilford
Ruston (1903 - 1989)* Not Requested
Hutchison, Leonard Dale-Obit:age
48, former owner of the Wagon Wheel Rest. In Forrest City, died July 7,1990;he
served in the U.S.Army;Survived by son, Colon W.Hutchison of Cherry
Valley;daughter, Becky Ferguson of Wynne;father, Leonard Hutchison of
Wynne;brother, Bobby Joe Hutchison of Newport;four sisters, Betty Tapley of
Wynne, Phyllis Camp of Springdale, Geraldine Wilhite of Wynne, and Billie
Cordell of Newport;1 grandchild. Burial in Cogbill Cem. by Thompson-Wilson FH.
Hutchison, Norris C.-Obit: Born
Jan. 17, 1918, age 72 of Forrest City, died Oct.29,1990, a retired
farmer;survived by his wife, Mrs. Pearl Hutchison, Forrest City;two sons, David
of Forrest City, and Harvey Lee of Indianapolis, Ind.;two daughters, Louise
Hutchison of Forrest City, and Mary Ann Freeman of Indianapolis, Ind.;9 grand
and 1 great grandchild; burial in Marianna Mem.Park by Roller-Citizens FH. FAG 148460563
Irby, Nannie Hine Mrs.-Of Little
Rock, died Apr.7,1990, aged 84. A native of Forrest City, she was the daughter
of the late Clarence Rice Hine Sr. and Nannie Julia Lindsey Hine of Forrest
City. After graduating from FCHS, she attended the Univ. of Virginia. She
served as director of the Women’s Southern Golf Assoc. for 12 years. Survivors
include her husband, Freeman B. Irby; a son, Freeman B. Jr. of Little Rock;
three sisters, Virginia Hine of Forrest City and Mary Dial and Jean Glenn, both
of Windemere, Fla.; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services by
Ruebel Fun. Home with graveside services at Walnut Grove Cem. done
Izard, Mary, Mrs.-Obit:age 78 of
Jonesboro, died Dec.19,1990 at St.Bernard’s Hosp. in Jonesboro, formerly of
Forrest City;Born Jul.7,1912 in Forrest City to Charles Ruben and Mattie Cobb
Izard. A graduate of Mary Hardin Baylor in Austin, Texas;employed with the
Social Sec.Admin.for many years including Washington, D.C., Lawton, Okla.,
Ft.Worth, Texas, Memphis, W.Memphis, and Forrest City as well as
Jonesboro;Survived by two sisters, Mrs.Sedley Lipscomb and Mrs.Fred Trout both
of Jonesboro;and two nephews, James Lipscomb of Shreveport, La. and Fred
Lipscomb of Jonesboro;burial in Mt.Vernon Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 16436490
Parents:Charles Reuben Izard (1872 - 1954) Mattie Elizabeth Cobbs Izard (1886 -
1973) Siblings: Virginia Lee Izard (1906 - 1983)* Rachael Sullivan Izard Troutt (1908 - 1996)*
Mary Izard (1910 - 1990) Jessie Annette Izard (1915 - 1922)* Emma Sedley Izard
Lipscomb (1919 - 1994)*
Jacks, Onie Lee Stiger, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Onie Lee Stiger Jacks of Forrest City died Jul. 15, 1990, she was
100. Born in Fayette Co., Mrs. Jacks was the daughter of Oscar and Cora Rogers
Stiger. She leaves a son Arthur Rupert Jacks of Forrest City; a daughter, Inez
Thomas of Memphis; 21 grandchildren, 40 great grandchildren, and four great
great grandchildren; two daughters in law and a sister in law. Funeral services
on Jul. 21 at Lane Chapel CME Church in Forrest City with burial in Casteel
Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG.
James, Ann m.Paslay,
Mrs.-Obit:age 74 of Poplar Grove, died Dec.21,1990;Born Jun.1,1916 in Forrest
City to Will and Lenna Paslay, the widow of Shelby Travis James;survived by
daughter, Neena Pumphrey of Sheridan; son, Travis Allen James of Pocatello,
Ind.; three sisters, Ruth McCain of Pine Bluff, Helen Dudley of Little Rock,
and Willenna Heustess of Forrest City;one granddaughter, Rebecca Shell of
Conway;burial st Sunset Mem.Park by Roller-Citizens FH. Of W.Helena FAG 119435121
Parents:Henry William Paslay (1876 - 1951) Lena Nail Paslay (1880 - 1932)
Siblings:Helen Paslay Dudley (1904 - 1993)* Ruth Paslay McCain (1905 - 2005)*Dorothy
Mable Paslay (1909 - 1989)* Nilenna Paslay Heustess (1912 - 1994)* Ann Paslay
James (1916 - 1990)
James, Charles Martin-Obit:of
W.Helena, formerly of Forrest City, died Apr.15,1990 at the Baptist Hosp. in
Memphis;WW II Veteran, retired from Helena Chemical Plant;Preceded in death by
his wife, Inez Howard James;survived by three daughters, Imogene Lynn and Patsy
Snyder, both of W.Helena, Wanda Dunavon of W.Memphis; five brothers, Gene James
of Forrest City, Jo James of Anniston, Ala., James of E.Gadsen, Ala., and
Carroll James of Royal Oak, Mich.;four sisters, Mary Gann and Gladys Taylor of
Forrest City, Martha Hards of Findley, Ohio, and Ruth Sims of Piedmont, Ala;7
grand and 10 great grandchildren.burial in Sunset Mem.Park in W.Helena.
Johnson, Irene Mrs., age 73, of
Forrest City Rt.1, box 151, died May 17,1990 at her home, following eight years
of poor health. She was born on Linden Island on July.29,1916, the daughter of
Walter and Sissy Swan McDaniel. She was the widow of Tom E. Johnson, and had
lived in Forrest City all her life. She leaves a daughter, Ms.Eloise Johnson of
Forrest City; two sons, Tommie E. Johnson Jr. of Forrest City, and James F.
Johnson of Augusta;one sister, Beula Cupples of Forrest City, and five
grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Graveside at Hughes cemetery by
Stevens Fun. Home.done
Johnson, M. E. “Gene”-of 17
Merrill, Forrest City, died Mar.14,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City,
after six months of poor health. Born Jun.7,1911 in Forrest City, the son of
William Murry Johnson and Harriet Harris Johnson. He lived in St.Francis Co.
for most of his life, and was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife,
Mildred Johnson of Forrest City; four sons, William Murry Johnson, Sammy Lee
Johnson, Jerry Otto Johnson, all of Forrest City, and James Allen Johnson of
Tyler, Texas; one daughter, Peggy Harris of Caldwell; one brother, Taft Johnson
of Wynne; 12 grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Hom in
charge, with burial in Hughes Cemetery.done
Jolley, William A.-b.Jan.22,1922
d.Jun.28,1990-died at his residence, he had been ill for the past year and a
half. Born in St.Francis Co., he had lived in Ft.Worth, Texas for the past 20
years. The son of J.H.Jolley and Ressie Mae Vaughn Jolley, he was a WW II
veteran and was a farmer and parts supplier. He leaves his wife, Margaret
“Skeet” Johnson, of Ft.Worth, whom he wed in 1947, one son, Alan Jolley of
Texarkana, Ark.; two sisters, Mrs.Al Slizys and Mrs. Harold Evans of Ft.Worth;
one brother, A.L.Jolley of Forrest City, and 2 grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home
in charge of burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.
Jones, Abbie, Mrs. Obit:Mrs.
Abbie Jones, aged 76, of Crestpark Nursing Home, Died Jun. 29, 1990 in Marianna.
She is survived by four daughters, Elnora Jones of Marianna, Jessie B. Lipton
of Milwaukee, Wisc., Mae King of Chicago, and Louise King, also of Chicago;
Three sons, Jessie Jones of Chicago, Robert Jones of Evansville, Ind., and
Ernest Jones of Augusta, Ga.; two sisters, Roberta Howell and Audrey Anderson,
both of Chicago; 35 grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren. Funeral services
on Jul. 7 at Walnut Grove M. B. Church in Marianna, with Rev. E. R. Gaines
officiating. Burial in Paradise Garden Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 186455877
Jones, Carrie Lee Peacock Mrs.
of Haynes, died Jun.1,1990 at Crestpark Retirement Inn, she was 85. Born May
3,1905 in Mississippi to John B. Peacock and Mattie Woods Peacock. She had
lived most of her life in St.Francis Co., and was a member of the Haynes
Baptist Church. She leaves a husband, Willie Lee Jones; three sisters, Imo Tate
of Osceola, Helen Crum of Kennett, Mo., and Lois Ramsey of Broken Arrow, Okla.;
two sons, Stanley Jones of Haynes and John Samuel Jones of W.Memphis; two
daughters, Wynette Tittle of W.Memphis, and Barbara Floyd of Forrest City; 6
grandchildren, and 2 great. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of Burial in Forrest
Park Cemetery.
Jones, Irene m.Hill, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Irene Jones of Marianna died Sep. 28, 1990 at her home. She was 83. Mrs.
Jones was born Mar. 17, 1907, the daughter of William Hill and Hannah Parnell
Hill. She was a housewife and a member of St. John M. B. Church in Marianna.
She was preceded in death by her husband. Survivors include a daughter, Betty
Jones of Marianna; a son in law, James H.Jones, Sr. of Marianna; and one
grandchild. Funeral Services will be Oct. 3 at St. John M. B. Church in
Marianna with the Rev. Harrell Johnson officiating. Burial will be in Mt.
Bethlehem Cemetery by Kennedy FH. Can’t find Cemetery on FAG
Jones, Michael Andrew-Birth:Oct.
16, 1949 Death: Jan. 12, 1990 Obit-of Sherwood-d.N.Little Rock-Parents:born in
Memphis, the son of Andy Jones and Claudine Bumpers Jones-A Carpenter-Survivors
include his wife, Mary Jones of the home, his father of Little Rock; his mother
of Forrest City;three daughters, Mika Jones of Dallas, Texas, Olivia Dean and
Jennifer Suchecki of Sherwood; a son, Michael Suchecki, also of Sherwood; a
sister, Lenora Ann Jones of Daly, Calif. Parents:Andrew Jones (1928 - 2008) FAG
16438146 done
Jones, Johnny, Jr. Obit:
Mr.Johnny Jones, Jr. of Colt died Dec. 23, 1990 at Geriatrics Nursing Home in
Forrest City. He was 104. Mr. Jones was born Mar. 25,1886. He leaves a son,
Herman Jones of Chicago; two daughters, Rodessa Tabron Motley of Colt and Annie
Bell Mims of St. Louis; nine grandchildren, and 36 great Grandchildren. Funeral
services will be Dec. 29 at Mt. Moriah M. B. Church. Burial in Clark Cemetery
by Clay FH. FAG 186205697 done.
Jones, Kiara Desha-Obit:age 3
months of Forrest City, died at Baptist Mem.Hosp.;born Sep.12,1989 in Forrest
City, the daughter of Derek Smith and Jorimer Jones. In addition to her
parents, survivors include grandparents, Fairy Lee Jones of Forrest City,
Charley Lee Jones of Kansas City, Mo. and Mr.and Mrs.Albert Smith of
Brinkley;Her grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Lay of Madison, and Mrs.Ollie
L.Walker of Palestine;great great grandmother, Mrs.Carrie Boyd of Marianna.
Burial in Casteel Cem. by Kennedy FH.
Jones, McKinley Obit: McKinley
Jones of Forrest City died Nov. 6, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Memphis, he
was 80. He was born May 11, 1910 in Mississippi, the son of Wills Jones and
Ellise Bell Jones. He is survived by six daughers, Carrie Fleming, Gloria
Jones, Helen Montana, Barbara Jones, all of Chicago, Henrietta Jones and Elisa
Massey, both of Forrest City; five sons, McKinley Jones III of Memphis, L. C.
Jones of Chicago, Overtis Jones and Robert Jones, both of Forrest City, and
Floyd Jones of Conway; three sisters, Areella Moncy of Forrest City, Chaney
Willis of Chicago, and Rosetta Coats of Muncie, Ind.; two brothers, Clinton
Culler of Forrest City and Willis Jones of Marvell; a mother in law, Mary Lue
Henry of Forrest City; 45 grandchildren, and 25 great grandchildren, and a host
of relatives and friends. Funeral services to be held at Rising Sun Baptist
Church Saturday with Rev. James Brooks officiating. Burial will be in Casteel
Cemetery under direction of Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG.
Jones, Virginia m.Clark, Mrs.
Obit-age 70, of Forrest City, died Oct.9,1990 at Bapt.Hosp. in Memphis;Born
Jun.28,1920 in Earle, to William A. and Charlotte Clark;preceded in death by
her husband, C.W.Jones;Survived by two sons, Ed Carilee of Heber Springs and
Billy Carilee of Memphis;two daughters, Mrs.Jimmy Harrison of Bartlett, Tenn.
and Mrs.Ron Jabaley of McCaysville, Ga.;three sisters, Mrs.Carl Barker of
Wynne, Mrs.Bill Lieblong and Mrs.Bert Sulcer of Forrest City;8
grandchildren.Burial in Forrest Hills East Cem., by Forrest Hills East FH.
Jumper, Clara Sue m.Byrd,
Mrs.-Obit: Born Feb. 28, 1937, age 54 of Palestine, died Oct.23,1990, a
secretary for the Lee Co. courthouse and longtime resident of the Salem
Community; survived by mother, Mamie Byrd of Salem Community; two daughters,
Teresa Jumper of Forrest City and Vivian Jumper of Brinkley; step son, Wayne
Jumper of Palestine;step daughter, Diane Douglas of Alabama;four brothers,
Kenneth, Derward, Augusta, and Romey Byrd of the Salem area; two sisters,
Mrs.Letha Wheeler, Wheatley, and Mrs.Ernestine Jumper of Little Rock;1 grand
and 4 step grandchildren. Burial in Salem Cem. by Bob Neal & Sons FH. FAG 90135073
Requested. Parents:Glenond K Byrd (1904 - 1974) Mamie V Jones Byrd (1906 -
1992) Sibling: Kenneth I Byrd (1931 - 2010)*
Jumper, Gerald “Tincy” Obit: Mr.
Gerald “Tincy” Jumper, 61, of Palestine, died Oct. 23, 1990. Mr. Jumper was
born May 11, 1929, in Palestine to Claud and Lillie Cooper Jumpber. He had
lived in the Palestine area most all of his life. He was self employed with
Jumper Well Works for the past 35 years. He was a member of the Twin Assembly
of God Church in Palestine. He leaves his mother, Lillie Jumper of Palestine;
three daughters, Dianne Jumper Douglas of Boaz, Ala., Teresa Jumper of Forrest
City and Vivian Jumper Faughn of Brinkley; a son, Wayne Jumper of Palestine; a
sister,Claudie Jones of Palestine; a fiancé, Christine Jolley of Forrest City;
seven brothers, Derwood Jumper of Atlanta, Texas, Joel Jumper of West Helena,
Vance Jumper of Madison, and Clovis, Homer, Dester, and Avan Jumper, all of
Palestine; and five grandchildren. Funeral services on Oct. 26 at Twin Assembly
of God Church, with burial in Bell Cemetery under direction of Stevens FH. Rev.
Jerry Lee Mize, assisted by Rev. Jerry Lawson, will conduct the services. FAG 68878181
Claude Jumper (1896 - 1952) Lille Belle Cooper Jumper (1898 - 2003) Spouse:
Marie Jumper (1932 - 1949)* Siblings: Clovis Dalton Jumper (1914 - 2013)*Dester
Lee Jumper (1916 - 2007)* Homer D Jumper (1918 - 2006)* Vance Jumper (1921 -
2010)*Claudia Bell Jumper Jones (1923 - 2009)* Durwood Jumper (1925 - 2006)*
Gerald Jumper (1929 - 1990) Avan Jumper
(1931 - 2012)* Requested.
Kennedy, Clyde Gordon-Obit:age
67 of Colt, died at Cross Co.Hosp. on Aug.22,1990;born May 14,1923 in Hunter,
Ark., a retired truck driver, he lived most of his life in St.Francis Co., past
commander of the local VFW Post 2869 in Forrest City;Survived by his wife,
Pauline Neisler Kennedy of the Colt;two sons, Clyde Anthony Kennedy of
Palestine, and Danny Kay Kennedy of Forrest City;daughter, Donna Marie Kennedy
of Corinth, Miss.;brother, Sidney M.Kennedy of Wynne;sister, Hazel Anne
Brockington of N.Little Rock;8 grandchildren;burial in Hunter Cem. by Kernodle
Kennedy, Marion
Jefferson-Obit:age 53, of Madison died Nov.16,1990 at Bapt.Central Hosp., in
Memphis;retired saw mill worker;born Dec.31,1937 in Red Bay, Ala. to Sidney
Cecil and Dora Beth Wilemon Kennedy;he lived in St.Francis Co. for the past 30
years;survived by two daughters, Carol Faye Stuehrenberg and Sandy Faye Cruser,
both of Greensboro, Ind.; two sons, Danny Ray and Randy Lee Kennedy, also of
Greensboro;four sisters, Oma Walters of Sardis, Miss., Christine Hankins of
Biloxi, Miss.,Mary Sutton and Sarah Ann Kelso of Forrest City;four brothers,
James William Kennedy of Madison, Willie Doyle Kennedy of Shelbyville, Ind.,
Chester C.Kennedy of Dewitt, and James Aaron Kennedy of Florida;10
grandchildren. Burial in Hughes Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 28915486 Requested.
Kennedy, Omer Drew-Obit: Mr. O.
D. (Drew) Kennedy of Nebo died Aug. 15, 1990 at his residence. He was a retired
restaurant manager and a member of Masonic Lodge No. 327. He leaves his wife,
Opel Kennedy of Nebo; three sons, Duke Kennedy of Houston, Texas, John Kennedy
of Boles, Ark., and Scott Kennedy of Jena; three step daughters, Tina Broussard
of Jena and Susan Stoker and Beverrly Kennedy, both of Austin, Texas; a
brother, H. P. Kennedy of Haynes; and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were
held Friday with the Revs. B. G. Dyess and R. C. Hammock officiating. Graveside
services held in Chalk Hill Cemtery, Trout, with the Rev. Eugene Love
Officiating. Spouse:Opal LaCroix Kennedy (1942 - ____)Inscription:Married on
Jan 31, 1975 FAG 21225399 Requested
Kester, Beulah m.Armstrong Mrs.-age
49, of W.Memphis, died Jun.20,1990 at Methodist Central Hosp. in Memphis. She
is survived by her father, Joe Armstrong of Forrest City, her husband, Gerald
Kester of W.Memphis, 3 daughters, Connie McCurley and Sarah Thomas of
W.Memphis, and Sally Brown of Centrailia, Mo.; a son, Toney McCurley Jr. of
Palestine; a sister, Willine Rawlison of Tuscon, Ariz., a brother, Joe
W.Armstrong of Forrest City; and 3 grand. Burial by Roller-Citizens Fun. Home
in Forrest Park Cemtery.
Key, Maudie Mrs.-Obit-Died
Dec.30,1989, at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. of Forrest city, she was 86. Born Nov.4,1903 in
Augusta to Dora Lane. She had lived in Forrest City most of her life. A member
of Harmony Chapel Presbyterian Church, a housewife and a Gold Star mother. He
had been in poor health for several years. She leaves behind her husband, Ocie
Key of Forrest City; six daughters, Dora McMickle of Forrest City, Nelle Hobson
of Picayune, Miss., Margie Key of Forrest City, Audrey Hobson of Kerrville,
Tex., Elizabeth Riley of Reno, Nev., and Margaret gunter of Jonesboro; a son,
Cecil Key of Longview, Texas.; a sister, Nellie Lusk of Jamestown; and 15
grandchildren, and 13 great grandchildren. A son, John Andrew Key, and a
daughter, Helen Jaunita Key, had preceded her in death. Burial at Forrest
Memorial Park with John Threat officiating under Stevens Fun.Home direction.
Keys, James-Of Forrest City,
died Feb.7,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. Born Nov.24,1942 in Cross
County to Silas Walter Keys and Dovie Alfreda Massengale Keys, he was a
machinist and a Baptist. Survivors include a son, James Keys of Forrest City;
two daughters, Deborah Keys Illinois, and Patricia Keys of Palestine; a sister,
Dicie fisher of Wynne, and one grandchild. Graveside at Hughes Cemetery by
Morgan Fun. Home. Done
Kimble, William Monroe “Willie”
Obit: Mr. Willie M. Kimble, 80, of Forrest City, died Jul. 20, 1990 at
Methodist Central Hosp. in Memphis. A retired carpenter, Mr.Kimble had lived in
St. Francis Co. most of his life. He was preceded 1989; Survived by five sons, W.Monroe Kimble
of W.Memphis, Roy Neil Kimble of Batesville, John David, James Albert and Carl
Ray of Forrest City; three sisters, Olivia Sutton, Mary Jane Emmerson, and
Annie Chaney of Forrest City; a brother, Emmitt Kimble of Forrest City;13
grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Spouse: Katie May Brown Kimble (1914 - 1989)*
Children:John David Kimble (1935 - 2011)*Roy Neal Kimble (1940 - 1995)* Carl
Ray Kimble (1942 - 1996)*FAG 16439029 done.Note:Per Charles Shores, this is Sr.
and Middle name is Monroe. uncle Marion Francis Kimble -Find A Grave Memorial#
16435796 Sons:John David Kimble, Roy Neil Kimble, William Monroe Kimble, Jr.
and James Albert Kimble.
King, Alfred L. Obit: Mr. Alfred L. King of Forrest City died May
1, 1990 at his home. He was 72. Mr. King leaves a wife, Priscilla King of the
home;four sisters, Lula Brown and Emma Heingbough of , both of Springfield,Mo.,
Ethel Porter of Eldon, Mo., and Mary Ellen King of Little Rock; and two
brothers, Bill King of Forrest City, and George King of Eldon. Funeral
services May 3 at Morgan FH Chapel with
burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. Inscription: PVT-USARMY-WWII
Kimbro, Hunter Lane Obit: Born
May 28, 1918 d.Dec. 11, 1990-Hunter Lane Kimbro died Dec. 11, 1990, of 217
Laney Drive, died in Holly Grove, of Forrest City, he was 72. A member of the
First United Methodist Church. He lived in Forrest City for 40 years where he
was a veteran field representative. -Parents:born in Blytheville to H. J.Kimbro
and Carrie Yates Kimbro-Family:Survivors include his wife, Lonnie Hargett
Kimbro, Forrest City; one son, Kim Kimbro, Little Rock;one daughter, Kitty Crial,
Jonesboro;one grandchild. Funeral services Thursday at the First Methodist
Church, Forrest City, with Rev. Elsworth Watson officiating. Burial in Forrest
Park Cem. By Stevens FH. BIO - The Arkansas Paint & Supply store on
Washington across from Stevens Funeral Home is one of the most attractive store
fronts in Forrest City, and is operated and owned by Eura W, (Dick) Stone and
Hunter L. Kimbro. In the fall of 1948 three businessmen opened the store, Allen
Redd of Memphis, President; Dick Stone of Blytheville, Sect.Treasurer; and
Robert Coleman of Blytheville, Vice- President. On July 1,1951, Dick and his
brother in law, Hunter Kimbro of Jonesboro, purchased the company. Hunter, who
married Lon Jo Hargett, took an active civic role. The Kimbro's have a
daughter, Karen Lynn, and are members of the Methodist church. He attended
Arkansas State College and later was graduated from the University of Arkansas.
He served as a Naval fighter pilot as a lieutenant on the Carrier
U.S.Enterprise in the South Pacific during World War II, was wounded, and
received the Purple Heart. [1954 History of St.Francis County] WWII U.S. Navy
Aircraft Carrier Muster Rolls, 1939-1949 about Hunter L Kimbro Name: Hunter L
Kimbro Ship Name: Enterprise Ship
Number: CV-6 Sail Date: 18 Sep 1945 Roll: MIUSA2006_082841 Spouse: Lon Jo
Hargett Kimbro (1922 - 2002) FAG 15603741 done.
Knox, John Henry Obit: Mr. John
Henry Knox, 56, died Mar. 28, 1990 at Geriactrics Nursing home in Forrest City.
He was born July 28, 1933 to Wallace and Mary Knox. He was a retired employee
of H. and H. Wood Products. Survivors include his wife, Clara B. Knox of
Palestine; eight sons, James Edward Knox, John Knox, Bernard Knox, Sidney Knox,
Alvertiis Gatlin, allof Palestine, Charles Knox of Jacksonville, Fla., and
Darrin Knox of Little Rock and Endrea Knox of Conway; six daughters, Philca
Knox and Clara Denise Knox, both of Conway, Bernadine Gatlin, Linda Argola, and
Janice Gatlin, all of Houston, and Ima Jennings of Palestine; four brothers,
Nathaniel Green of Widener, Wallace Knox, Jr. of St. Louis, Roosevelt Knox and
Willie Knox of California; two sisters, Willie Mae Hollis of Kansas City, Mo.
And Letha Ann Knox of Forrest City; 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Funeral services Apr. 1 at Stanley Grove Baptist Church of Caldwell, and burial
in Stanley Grove Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 186378355 done.
Kosser, Charles Ellis, Sr.-Obit:
age 72 of Forrest City, died at Baptist Hosp. in Memphis Oct.10,1990. A retired
School administrator of Forrest City Middle School, over 50 years teaching in
Ark, Texas, and Tenn.;Survived by his wife, Virginia F.Kosser of Forrest City;
three sons, Charles E.Jr. and Mike Kosser, both of Winberly, Texas, and Tom of
New Braunfels, Texas;five granddaughter and two great granddaughters. Services
at Batesvile by Crouch FH. WW II Vet=FAG 133849535 Spouse: Virginia E. Kosser
(1919-2004) Requested.
Lattimore, Willie Lee, Sr. Obit:
Mr. Willie Lee Lattimore, sr. of Madison died May 20, 1990 at his home. He was
79. Mr. Lattimore was a retired construction worker and a member of the Spring
Creek M. B. Church, where he was a deacon and a Sunday School teacher. He
leaves his wife, Mandy Lattimore of the home; four daughters, Mary Lee Dawson
of Chicago, Ruthie Jones and Bernice Harris, both of Forrest City, and
Ernestine Johnson of Pontiac, Mich.; two sons, Willie Lattimore, Jr. of Forrest
City and Willie Jewel Lattimore of Fayetteville, N. Y.; 30 grandchildren and 13
great grandchildren. Funeral services May 27 at Spring Creek M. B. Church in
Madison, with Rev. Elbert Carr officiating. Burial in the Forrest City Cemetery
by Kennedy FH. FAG 186450440 done.
Laws, James Mote-of Forrest
City, he died at Crestpark Nursing Home, he was 97. Born May 9,1892 in
St.Francis County to Will Laws and Emma McDaniel Laws. He was a retired farmer
and veteran of WW I, and a member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. He leaves
his wife, Minnie Leslie Laws of Forrest City; a son, Forrest Laws of Forrest
City; two brothers, Louis and Grady Laws of Forrest City; a nephew, Eugene
Melton of Tuscson, Ariz.; four grandchildren, Forrest Laws Jr. of Clarksdale,
Miss., Darryl Laws of Little Rock, and Leonard and John Laws of Forrest City;
four grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home of charge of
burial at Hughes Cemetery.done
Lawson, Bessie Irene Miss.-A
resident of Crestpark Retirement Inn in Forrest City, died May 26,1990 at the
Bapt. Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City, she was 86. She had been in poor health for
the past two years. Born Sep.13,1903 in Tullhoma, Ten. To Wylie and Bettie Ann
Lawson. She had lived in St.Francis Co. for most of her life, and was a
Methodist. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Goldie Hollis of Gill. Stevens
Fun. Home in charge of Forrest Park Cemetery burial.
Lawson, Cindy Lou Obit: Miss
Cindy Lou Lawson, 24, died Apr. 22, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City.
She was born Jan.14, 1966 in Forrest City to Carl Lawson and Joyce Gore Lawson.
She was a housewife and a member of the Church of Christ in Palestine. In
addition to her parents, she leaves two daughers, Samantha Michelle Lawson of
Longview, Texas, and Melissa Rae Lawson of Forrest City; two sisters, Lisa Van
Portes of Dallas and Kathy Lin Lawson of Ft. Worth; her maternal grandmother,
Mary B. Lawson of Colt; and her maternal grandmother,Maxie Gore of Palestine.
Funeral services at Stevens FH Chapel on Apr. 23 with Rev. Don Martin officiating.
Burial in Bell Cemetery. FAG 67680412 done.
Lawson, Mary V. m.Kelson Mrs.,
of Colt, died May 23,1990 at her residence, she was 80. Born Nov.7,1909 in
Greebriar, the daughter of Oscar Kelson and Hattie Williams Kelson. She had
lived most of her life in Colt, was a Baptist and a housewife. She was preceded
in death by her husband, Odis Lawson in 1959, and by a daughter, Sue Mauppin in
1979. She leaves three daughters, Willene Peterson and Linda Jones, of Forrest
City, and Jewel French of Colt; five sons, Billy, Charles, Carl and Phil of
Colt, and Odis Lawson of Forrest City; 20 grandchildren, and 14 great
grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial in Harris Chapel
Laxon, Margaret m.Terhune, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Margaret Terhune Laxon of Pine Bluff, age 59, an award winning volunteer
and former school teacher, died Feb. 3, 1990. Formerly of Fayetteville, Laxon
had been a home demonstration club agent in St. Francis County from Jun. 1,
1955 to Sep. 15, 1956. Although she stopped teaching in 1976, she continued as
a reading tutor for children. She received the Arkansas Hero Award from the
Arkansas Times in 1988 and many, many other awards and honors. Laxon received
bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Univ Of Arkansas, was chairman and
member of several groups and comittees at Wesley United Methodist Church, was a
school volunteer and was a founder of the Pine Bluff Stroke Club. Survivors
include a son, Darrell Laxon of Alexander; two daughters, Cheryl L. Brown of
Sherwood and Carol L. Turley of White Hall; a brother, Bill Terhune of
Brinkley; two grandchildren. Funeral services Tuesday at Wesley United
Methodist Church in Pine Bluff. With graveside services in Oaklawn Cem. In
Brinkley. FAG 186324091 done.
Lee, Rex E. Obit: Mr. Rex E. Lee,
80, of Palestine, died Jan. 21, 1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W. Memphis;
Mr. Lee was born Jan.3,1910 to James L. Lee and Ida Bell Kingery Lee in Eureka,
Kansas. He had lived in Palestine most of his life and was retired from Russell
Implement Co. and was a member of the Church of Christ. He leaves his wife
Vernal King Lee of the home; a daughter, Donna Lee Elliott of Palestine; two
sisters, Chana Halbert and Venus Hooker, both of Palestine; three grandchildren
and one great grandchild. Funeral services on Jan. 23 at Stevens FH Chapel with
Rev. Alan Howton officiating, assisted by Bro. Bill Smotherman. Burial in Bell
Cemetery. Spouse: Vernal King Lee (1910-2003) Married May 12, 1929 per
inscription. Requested. FAG 67782649
Lindauer, Mary Helen m.Armstrong,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Mary Helen Armstrong Lindauer of Palestine died Jan. 10, 1990
at Crestpark Nursing Home in Forrest City. She was 77. Mrs. Lindauer was born
Mar. 4,1912 in the Newcastle community. She was married to the late Henry
Lindauer. Her parents were John Richmond Armstrong and Delia Snowden Armstrong.
She was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a retired waitress at
Watkin’s Café. She had been in failing health for the past several years. She
is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mary Frances Hall of Palestine. Funeral
services on Jan. 12 at Stevens FH Chapel, with burial in Bell Cemetery. FAG 68828270
Requested. Spouse: Henry L. Lindauer (1905-1969) Parents: John Richmond
Armstrong (1863-1927) FAG 18467952 Delia Snowden Armstrong (1878-1955) FAG 18467972
Lockett, Latoya, Infant Obit: Latoya Lockett, age 5, died Jul. 16,
1990 at LeBonheur Childrens Hosp. in Memphis. She was born April 21, 1985 to
Jimmy Ray Lockett and Patricia Splunge Lockett of Turner Circle in Forrest
City. In addition to her parents she leaves a maternal grandmother, Essie Mae
Lockkett of Forrest City; a maternal great grandmother, Alice Splunge of Cotton
Plant; seven sisters, Racheal, Carylon, Sharlo Lockett of Forrest City, Sherann
Splunge of Forrest City, and Sakita McKinney, Pakita Lockkett and Essie Mae
Lockett, all of Milwaukee, Wisc.; three brothers, James, Jimmy and Jeffrey
Lockett, all of Milwaukee. Graveside services at Casteel Cemetery by Clay FH.
Cemetery not on FAG.
Logan, Rosie Mary Obit: Mrs.
Rosie Mary Logan of Forrest City died May 6, 1990 at University Hosp. in Little
Rock. She was 68. Mrs. Logan was born Jan. 15, 1921 to Ernest and Viola
Mitchell. She leaves her husband, Arizona Logan of the home; a son, Scott Logan
of Forrest City; three sisters, Martha Franklin of Hughes, Lula Payne of
Forrest City and Vicky Marie Moore of Chicago; a brother, Ricky Moore of
Chicago; five grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. Funeral Services
May 12 at Bountiful Blessings Church of God in Christ on Broadway street with
Elder William Thomas officiating. Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetery by
Kennedy FH. Cemetery not on FAG
Luallen, Myrtle Blake m.Coleman
Mrs.-Of 504 Laughrun, Forrest City, she died Mar.11,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp. in
Forrest City after a long illness. Born Feb.9,1923, the daughter of James
Lonnie Coleman and Mary Crowder Coleman.
A housewife, and a member of the Church of God on Division Street.
Survivors include three sons, J. L. Blake of Mississippi, Bud Blake of Colt,
and Billy blake of Forrest City; four daughters, Mary Carty of Lorton, Va.,
Betty Lenderman of Colt, Dean Colvin of Paragould, and Linda Renigar of Forrest
City; six brothers, Lois Coleman of Judsonia, Daniel Coleman of Colt, Chester
Coleman of Searcy, Pete Coleman of Parkin, and Wesley Coleman; two sisters,
Janie Steele of Nashville, Ark., and Shirley Shinault of Aurora, Ill.; 16
grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Burial in Hughes Cemetery under
Morgan Fun. Home.done
Luker, Theresa
Collen, Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Theresa Collen Luker of Palestine died Jun. 14, 1990 at
her residence. She was 59. Mrs. Luker was born Jan. 4, 1931 in Palestine to
Hubert and Lille Gwathney Hurt. A life long resident of Palestine. Mrs. Luker
was retired from Sanyo and was a member of the Twin Assembly Church of God. She
leaves her husband, James Luker of the home; a daughter, Shelly Denise
Satterfield of Wynne; a son, Timothy Carl Staggs of Cleveland, Tenn.; two
brothers, C. H. Hurt of Henderson, Texas, and Ray Hurt of Palestine; a sister,
Rita Jayroe of Palestine; and one grandson, Jeremy Satterfield. Funeral
services at Stevens FH Chapel Jun. 16 by Rev. Worley assisted by Rev. Jerry
Lawson. Burial to follow in Bell Cemetery. FAG 186452266 done.
Maine, Mildred m.Huff,
Mrs.-Obit:of Pleasant Plains, formerly of Palestine, age 78, died at White
Co.Mem.Hosp. on Nov.24,1990;born Apr.23,1912 the daughter of Earl and Rose
Crawford Huff;preceded in death by three children, Joseph Leroy Main, Rufus
Irene Main, and Virginia Sue Main;Survived by husband of 63 years, Rufus Main
of the home;seven daughters, Edna Fletcher of Pleasant Plains, Bonnie Burton
and Margaret Baker both of Palestine, Rose Ellenburg of Marvel, Lois Taylor of
Helena, Patricia Ratten of Whitehaven, Fla., Shirley Stinett of Searcy;two
sons, James Main of Cherry Valley and Harvey Main of Pleasant Plains;56 grand,
52 great, and 11 great great grandchildren;Burial in Bell Cem. by Morgan FH.
FAG 68853972 Children:Edna Juanita Maine Fulks (1929 - 2001)*Joseph L. Maine
(1931 - 1979)* Spouse:Rufus Frank Maine (1907-1995)
Malone, Waymon C.”Mac”-Obit-Aged
76, died Dec.29,1989 at a Fulton Co. Nursing home. He had been in poor health
for several years. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty, his father,
W.E.Malone and his mother, Mrs.Edna Malone Dalton. He formerly resided in
Forrest City. Survivors include two brothers, Gurd Malone and W.C. “Bud”
Malone, and two sisters, Mrs. Louise Greene and Mrs.Meredith Julia Reed. Roller
Fun.Home in Charge.
Mancle, Maudie M. m.Vincent,
Mrs. Obit-Born Nov.18, 1927 Died Apr.1, 1990-of Forrest City, died in Little
Rock hospital-Parents:Clyde Vincent and Pearl Browner Vincent-Family:Survivors
include two sons, Frankie Mancle of Forrest City and Coy Turbyfill of Illinois;
one daughter, Cindy Thompson of Forrest City; two brothers, Coy Vincent of
Illinois and Royal Vincent of Missouri; four grandchildren, two step
grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Spouse:Frank Mancle (1906 - 1980)
FAG 15602752 Married Jul.1, 1950. Done
Mann, Mary Louise m.Greenlaw,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Mary Louise Mann, 94, of
Marianna died Jan.19, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City. She was born
Apr. 26, 1895 in Spring Hill, Tenn., and came to Lee County in 1917 as a young
bride. She was the mother of the late John W. Mann, Jr., an attorney of Forrest
City and William C. Mann, an architect in Memphis. She was also preceded in
death by her husband, John W. Westwood Mann, Sr. Survivors include a son, Lon Mann
of Marianna; a sister, Mrs. A. L. Williams of Nashville, Tenn.; six
grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services Jan. 20 at First
United Methodist Church in Marianna with Rev. Denzel Stokes officiating, with
burial in Marianna by Roller-Citizens FH. Pallbearers were Bob McGinnis, Bill
Gerrard Jr., Clyde Andrews, George McClure, Wilson Kell, John Jacks, Dan Felton
III and J. B. Smith. Ushers were: Henry Boyer, Ira Merritt, Trent Felton, and
David Smith. Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church, Marianna,
or to the charity of the donor's choice. (submitted by Marilyn Dickson on
August 19, 2005) Parents: Alonzo E Greenlaw (1869 - 1937) Cynthia C Greenlaw
(1872 - 1938)Spouse:John Westwood Mann (1892 - 1951) Children:John Westwood Mann
(1920 - 1986)*Alonzo Greenlaw Mann (1924 - 2003)*Sibling:Infant Son Greenlaw*
Mary Louise Greenlaw Mann (1895 - 1990) FAG 51336291 done.
Marks, B. D. Jr.-of Forrest
City, died Jun.23,1990 at Bapt. Mem. Hosp of Forrest City, he was 71. Born
Aug.12,1918 in Fordyce, the son of B.D.Marks Sr. and Virginia Atwood Marks, he
had lived in St.Francis Co. most of his life and was a Methodist. He was a
retired postal worker and had owned and operated the Blue and White Café. He
leaves his wife, Joyce Harp Marks of the home; a son, B.D. Marks III of
Raleigh, N.C.; a daughter, Doris Jean Elder of Austin, Texas; two stepsons,
Charles Turner and Michael Harp, both of Forrest City; three brothers, Lamar
Marks of Elaine, Zollie Marks of Haynes, and Murphy Marks of Searcy; 5 grand,
and 6 step grand. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial in Forrest Park
Marks, Martha Ann m.Derossitt,
Mrs.-Obit:age 65, of Okolona, Miss. died Dec.27,1990 at Okolona Comm.Hosp.;Born
Dec.12,1925 in Forrest City to James Prentice and Louise Alderson
DeRossitt;graduated FCHS, the Univ.of Arkansas, and Gulfport College;preceded
in death by her husband, Myer Franklin Marks in 1968;survive by parents of
Forrest City;son, Meyer Marks Jr. of Little Rock;two daughters, Gina Miller and
Frances Earl, both of Little Rock;brother, Prentice DeRossitt of Forrest
City;two sisters, Ada Louise Fletcher of Forrest City and Frances Edens of Okolona,
Miss.;2 grandchildren;Burial in Forrest City Cem. by Stevens FH
Martin, Ellie Obit: Mr. Ellie
Martin, aged 91, died Feb.12, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. Forrest City. He was
born Apr. 10, 1898 in Aberdene, Miss. to Henry Martin and May Etta Rodgers. Survivors
include a daughter, Rebacca Martin f Abidene; four nieces, four nephews, and
other relatives and friends. Funeral services at Union Grove Bapist Church on
Feb. 18 with Rev. Charles Latham officiating, with burial in Casteel Cemetery
by Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery not on FAG
Martin, Harley Zack Obit: -Died
Dec. 19, 1990, age 66 of Holly Grove-A bulk oil plant manager and a member of
the Methodist Church.-Family:He leaves a son, Charles Richard Martin,
b.Dec.30,1949 Bexar Co., Texas, of Forrest City; two brothers, Hayward and
Kinsey Martin, both of Minden, La.; two sisters, Lorene Dickinson and Arlene
Grigsby of Minden, and one grandchild, Elizabeth Marie Martin of Forrest City.
Funeral services Dec. 20 at Fowler FH of
Brinkley, with burial in Macedonia Cemetery. Parents: Richard Hayward Martin
(1895 - 1966) Lena Anderson Martin (1899 - 1974) Spouse: Imogene Becton Martin
(1925 - 1990)* Siblings: Lorene Martin Dickinson (1917 - 1997)* Arlene Martin
Grigsby (1919 - 2001)*Richard Hayward Martin (1921 - 1998)* Harley Zack Martin
(1924 - 1990) Kinsey Dale Martin (1932 - 2004)* WW II Vet-FAG 168477374 Married
Jul.26, 1947 per tombstone. Done.
Martin, Imogene B., Mrs.-Obit:of
Holly Grove, formerly of Forrest City, died Feb.13,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. in
Memphis, she was 64;Born Apr.28,1925 in Wheatley;survived by husband, Harley
Martin, son Charles Martin, her mother, Ellen Frasier, and one granddaughter;
Graveside at Macedonia Cem. in Holly Grove.
Martin, Letha Ritter Yon, Mrs.
–Obit-of Forrest City, died Jul.30,1990 at Methodist Hosp. in Memphis, she was
66. Born in Edgemont, Ark., she was the daughter of Henry and Jane Pittman
Ritter. A housewife, she was preceded in death by her 1st husband
Henry Yon, in 1961, and 2nd Buck Martin on 1970, and by a grandson,
Bobby Yon Jr. in 1987. She leaves a son, Bobby Yon of Forrest City; two
daughters, Mary Ann McClellland of Jackson, Tenn., and Carolyn Sue Davis of
Marshall, Ark.; three sisters, Ethel Stafford and Junie Ritter, of Wichita,
Kansas, and Esther Coleman of Salem, Mo.; 10 grandchildren, and five great
grandchildren. Services at Davis Special Cemetery in Shirley by Morgan Fun.
Mash, Ruby Mrs.-of Forrest City,
died Jun.22,1990, at Crestpark Retirement Inn, she was 90. Born Mar.9,1900 in
Dawson, Texas, the daughter of James Leon Bell and Nannie Mae Perkins Bell. She
had lived in St.Francis co. for 30 years. She was a Jehovah’s Witness. She was
preceded in death by her husband, O.A. Mash in 1929. She is survived by a son,
Neil Gaddis of Ventura, Calif.; a brother, R. O.Bell of W.Memphis; four
sisters, Cheri Stoops of Tuscon, Mary Chapman of Austin, Texas, Nadine Russell
of Kilgore, Texas, and Georgia Dickson of Houston, Texas; 3 grandchildren. V.
B. Rose Fun. Home in charge of burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.
Mason, Leon-Obit:of Union City,
Tenn., died Aug.21,1990, age 62;born Jan.26,1928 to Bailey and Lou Ella Rudd
Mason, he had lived in the Forrest City and Palestine area before moving to
Holly Grove, a retired farmer and trucker;Survived by his wife, Betty Patterson
of Union City;daughter, Judy Bailey, of Gulf Breeze, Fla.;two sons, Thomas and
Gary Mason, both of Memphis;mother, Louella Rudd Mason of Osceola;two sisters,
Sandra Spears of Jonesboro, and Patsy Dabbs of Osceola;one brother, Harold
Mason of Wheatley;6 grandchildren;graveside at Macedonia Cem. in Holly Grove by
Stevens FH.
McCartney, Jewell M. Mrs.-of
Round Pond, died Apr.11,1990 of injuries in auto accident at the Medical Center
in Memphis, she was 64. Born July 27,1925 in Savannah, Tenn. to Jerry and
Minnie Thrasher McCartney, who was a store owner, lived in St. Francis Co. most
of her life. She was a member of the Central Baptist Church in Hughes.
Survivors include her husband, J. W.McCartney of the home; three daughters, Jo
Ann Gardner and Joyce Feltman, both of Hughes, and Sherry Taylor of Forrest
City; two sisters, Esther Lee Wilkins of Marked Tree, and Annie Mae Lee of
Bellville, Mich.; one brother, Albert Thrasher of Lepanto; six grandchildren.
Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial at Forrest Park cemetery.done
McCormack, Doris Veda m.French
Mrs., of Jacksonville, Fla., formerly of Forrest City, died May 14,1990 at her
residence. She was 46. She was born in Forrest City on June.18,1943, the
daughter of Austin French and Alpha Adams French. A college professor, and a
member of the Mandarin United Methodist Church in Jacksonville. In addition to
her mother of Goodwin, she is survived by her husband, J. E. McCormack, a son,
Austin McCormack, and a daughter, Michelle McCormack, all of Jacksonville.
Funeral by Stevens Fun. Home at Salem Cemetery.done
McCoy, Thomas “Tommy”
James-Obit:of Wynne, died Jan.17,1990 at Cross Co.Hosp., he was 49;Born
Oct.1,1940 in Wynne to Littie Wigley McCoy and the late Earnest H.McCoy;married
to Georgia Carol Cagle, and a postal clerk for the Wynne Post Office since
1966;Preceded in death by his father, and a daughter, Sherry Lynn Parish who
died in 1987;survived by wife, three sons, Stephen Joseph and Eric Jason McCoy
of Wynne and Thomas Wayne Parish of Wynne;three daughters, Elizabeth Jane Bell
of Wynne, Holly Mitchell and Linda Carol Parish both of Wynne;his mother,
brother, Charles McCoy of Wynne;sister, Carolyn Nicholas of Forrest City;and a
grandchild. Burial in Harris Chapel Cem. by Kernodle FH.
McCullum, Frederick Newton, Jr.
Obit:Frederick Newton McCollum, Jr. age 64, died Apr. 18, 1990 at his home on
North Forrest in this city. Mr. McCollum was the son of the late Frederick N.
McCollum, Sr. and Varnelle Bonner McCollum. He was born in Memphis Jul.27, 1925
and grew up in Clarendon, Ark. After attending Clarendon HS, he attended
Georgia Military Academy and Ark. State TeachersCollege in Conway. He servied
in the U. S. Army in WW II with service in Japan. He had made his home in
Forrest City for all of his adult life and was a retired planter and automobile
dealer. On Sep. 5, 1947 he married Miss Mary Allison Tipton of Forrest City,
and they were the parents of five children, four daughters and one son. They
had made their home for many years on North Forrest Street, and he was active
in civic and social affairs of the community. Mr.McCollum was a member of the
Forrest City CC and an avid sportsman and hunter. He was a member of the First
United Methodist Church. Mr. McCollum is survived by his wife of the home; four
daughters, Mrs. Allison Crawley of Texarkana, Mrs. V. Bonner McCollum of
Memphis, Mrs. Libby Thalheimer of Little Rock, and Mrs. Lisa Wray of Searcy;
and one son, Frederick Newton “Rick” McCollum III of this city; one brother,
Bonner McCollum of Forrest City; and two sisters, Mrs. Counts Felton, Jr. of
Felton and Mrs. Martha Jane Mann of Forrest City; and by ten grandchildren.
Funeral services on Apr. 20 at the First United Methodist Church. Interment in
Forrest Park Cemetery by Stevens FH. Parents:Frederick
Newton McCollum (1899 - 1963) Varnelle Bonner McCollum (1903 - 1982) Spouse:
Mary Allison Tipton McCollum (1930 - 2015)
Siblings:Eleanor Counts McCollum Felton (1923 - 2010)* Frederick Newton
McCollum (1925 - 1990) Martha Jane McCollum Mann (1929 - 2014)* FAG 16848032
McElya, Joshua Seth-Aged 2, of
Parkin, died Jun.30,1990 at Children’s Hosp. in Little Rock. Born Dec.4,1987,
in Wynne, the son of Michael Stevenson of Parkin. Other survivors include a
sister, Cindy Lynn Stevenson of the home; his maternal grandmother, Mrs.Kathy
Maxwell of Parkin, and paternal grandparents, the Sid Stevenson’s of Forrest
City. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial in Hughes Cemetery.
McGee, Allie Jewell m.Kelson,
Mrs. Obit: -of Colt, died Apr. 16, 1990 in
Wynne hospital-She was born Jul.10, 1904 to Oscar Kelso and Hattie Williams
Kelso-Survived by three sons, Arthur Leon McGee of Mountain Home,Jimmy Smith of
Colt, and Gary McGee of Argos, Ind.; six daughters, Patricia Elizabeth Shatwell
of Ozark, Dorothy (Todd) Sharp of Greenwood, Lucille Morgan of Colt, Garnet
Orman of Forrest City, Patricia Redding of Alma, and Paulette Detwiler of
Argos, Ind.;one sister, Mary Lawson of Colt;27 grandchildren, and 33 great
grandchildren. Parents: Oscar K. Kelso
(1868 - 1940) Hattie A. Williams Kelso (1880 - 1969) Spouse: Arthur Garfield
McGee (1905 - 1959) FAG 18466797 Done.
Middleton, Brenda Faye
m.Casalman, Mrs. Obit:Born:Aug. 14, 1959 Died: Jul. 6, 1990, of Forrest
City-Born in Cross County to James and Myrtle Mae Mitleff Casalman-She was a
covenience store clerk. Family:Survived by her parents, her husband Harold
Middleton of the home; one daughter, Amanda Thomas of the home;three brothers,
James Allan Casalman of Harrisburg, Robert Wayne Casalman of Wynne and David
Ray Casalman of Cherry Valley; two sisters, Mrs.Diane Easley and Mrs. Peggy Sue
Hale, both of Cherry Valley; and her grandmother, Mrs.Neil Mitleff of Cherry
Valley. Funeral services held Jul. 9 at Stevens FH Chapel with Rev. Gary Chapman
officiating. Burial to follow in Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse: Harold Charles
Middleton, Jr. (1943-1999) FAG 16435908 done
Miller, Mary Roebuck, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Mary Roebuck Miller of Colt died Jun. 28, 1990 at her residence. She was
59. Mrs. Miller was born Apr. 20, 1931 in St. Francis Co. to the late Mr. and
Mrs. George Roebuck. She leaves her husband, Willie Miller; four daughters,
Willie Ann Jones of Colt, Linda Harris of Little Rockk, and Sherry Washington
and Theresa Sinclair, both of Forrest City; five sons, Louis Roebuck of Los
Angeles, Charles and Oliver Miller, both of Forrest City, and Reginald and
Berry both of Little Rock; two sisters, Earlene Cox of Los Angeles and Fannie
Blaine of Colt; four brothers, George Roebuck, Jr. of Dana, Fla., Earvin
Roebuck of Forrest City, and Verdo and Thomas Roebuck, both of Colt; 28
grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services on Jul. 2 at
Redeeming Christian Spiritual Church #1 with Rev. Therother Phillips
officiating, with burial in Casteel Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. Cemetery
not on FAG.
Milton, Ludie Mae Mrs.-Of Colt,
she died Feb.5,1990 at Crestpark Nursing Home in Wynne, she was 80. Born
Mar.11,1909 in Tennessee, she lived all her adult life in Cross and St.Francis
Counties. A member of New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church. She was preceded
in death by her husband, Fred Milton in 1965, and by a son, Murell Milton in
1989. Survivors include two sons, Gerald Milton of Colt and Terrel Milton of
Birch Run, Mich.; a daughter, Lola Reynolds of Searcy; 15 grandchildren, and 27
great grand children, and one great great grandchild. Kernodle Fun. Home in
charge, with burial in Loughridge Fun. Home.done
Mitchell, Ruby Matlock,
Mrs.-Obit:of Parkin, formerly of Newcastle, died Aug.13,1990 at Cross Co.Hosp,
she was 91;Born Aug.12,1899 in Selma, Tenn., to Gately and Jane Ledord
Matlock;preceded in death by her husband, John Mitchell;survived by daughter,
Johnnie Ruth Dunn of Gulfport, Miss.;two sisters, Hattie Dill of Colt and Grady
Roberts of Newcastle;one grand and 3 great grandchildren;Burial in Loughridge
Cem. by Citizens FH. Of W.Memphis.
Mitchusson, Lonnie J. –Obit:
Born Feb.8, 1942, of Wynne, age 48, died July 16,1990 at his home. He was born
Feb.8,1942 in Marked Tree to Jack and Connie Mac Armour Mitchusson. He had
lived in St.Francis co. most of his life, and was employed by Dristrank
Company. A veteran of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, he was a member of the Pine
Tree Baptist Church, the American Legion and Boilermaker Union 69. He leaves
three daughters, Cindy Louise Crapps of S.Carolina, Renee Smith and Rachael
Mitchusson, both of Wynne; two sons, Billy Wayne Hancock of Indiana, and Jim
F.Mitchusson of Wynne; two sisters, Dorothy Kennedy of Caldwell and Jane
Fleming of Charleston, S. C.; two brothers, Charles Bud Mitchusson of Forrest
City, and Allan Mitchusson of Kennedy, Texas; and seven grandchildren. Funeral in Forrest Park Cemegtery by Stevens
Fun. Home. FAG 16438286 done.
Mitchusson, Willie J. Thweatt,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Willie J. Thweatt Mitchusson of Madison died Apr. 13, 1990 at
Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. She was 69. Mrs. Mitchusson was born Mar.
3, 1921 in Oxford, Miss. to William Thweatt and Ella Mae Jenkins Thweatt. She
had lived most of her life in Madison. She was a Baptist and a housewife. She
leaves her husband, Willie “Bill” MItchusson of the home; three daughters,
Virginia Leslie of Widener, Marjorie Haustein of N. Little Rock and Sharon
Mitchusson of Russellville; two sons, James Mitchusson of Widener and Johnny
Mitchusson of Santa Fe., Texas; a sister, Stella Kierce of Memphis; a brother,
Gilbert Thweatt of Memphis; 13 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Funeral services Apr. 16 at Stevens FH Chapel. Burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.
Parents: William Frederick Thweatt (1874 - 1933) Ella
Mae Jenkins Thweatt (1887 - 1928) Spouse:
Willie Mitchusson (1913 - 2006) Children:Johnny L. Mitchusson (1942 -
2006)*Siblings:Martha Estelle Thweatt Yon (1910 - 1939)* William Linder Thweatt
(1911 - 1981)* Lonnie N. Thweatt (1915 - 1982)* Luther Lloyd Thweatt (1917 -
1989) Gilbert Lee Thweatt (1918 - 1999)*Willie J. Thweatt Mitchusson (1921 –
1990) Stella Mae Thweatt Facelli (1923 -
2004)*FAG 16439155 done
Mobley, Marcus G., Sr. Obit:
Mr.Marcus G. Mobley,Sr. of Marianna died Apr. 9, 1990 at the Baptist Hosp. in
Memphis. He was 63. Mobley was born Aug. 29, 1926 in Marianna. Survivors
include his wife, Minnie Mobley of Chicago; two sons, Marcus Mobley, Jrf. And
Vernon Mobley,both of Chicago; two daughters, Shadyne Mobley and Sharon Denise
Williams, both of Chicago; his mother, Julia Marie Mobley of Marianna; six
brothers, Charlie Mobley of Forrest City, Thodosia Mobley of Kansas City, Hamp
Mobley of Atlanta, Therman Mobley of Union City, Tenn., Fred Mobley of Chicago,
and Julius Mobley of Oregon; three sisters, Eliza Smith of Marianna, Emma
Bowman of Los Angeles, Alma Clemmer of Marianna; 10 grandchildren, and a host
of relatives. Funeral services at Pilgrim Baptist Church on Apr. 14 with Rev.
S. George officiating. Burial in Pilgrim Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 183899674
Requested. Parents:Hamp Mobley (1898 - 1980) Julia M Jones Mobley (1905 - 1996)
Sibling: Marcus G Mobley (1926 - 1990) Emma Jean Mobley Bowman (1938 - 1981)*
Mooney, James Obit: Mr. James
Mooney of Fargo died Jun. 15, 1990 at the St. Joseph Retirement Home in
Brinkley. He was 86. Mr. Mooney was born Aug. 2, 1904 in Forrest City to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mooney. He was a member of the Union Baptist Church in
Brinkley. He is survived by his wife, Arella Mooney; two daughters, Elamie
Mooney Barron of Forrest City and Maxine Bell of Chicago; a step daughter,
Willie Bell Borden of Little Rock; two sons, Joe Mooney of Dallas and Theophus
Briscao of Brinkley; three sisters, Emma Mooney of Pine Bluff, Ora Mooney
Wright and Dorothy Mooney Conwell, both of Forrest City; a brother, Willard
Mooney of Dayton; 15 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Funeral
services Jun. 19 at the Union Baptist Church in Brinkley with Rev. Ernest James
offciating. Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetery by McNeal FH. Cemetery not on
Moore, Allie Tate m.Young Mrs.-Obit-Of
Mariann, died Jan.6,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp, of Forrest City, she was 100.
Born Oct 19,1889 in Mississippi, her parents were William Young and Elizabeth
Miles Young. She was a member of New Morning Star Baptist church, and a retired
school teacher. She is survived by a niece, Clara Driver of Memphis. Burial in
Paradise Gardens in Edmondson by Kennedy Fun. Home.
Moore, Deloise Ann Ms.-Obit-Of
Forrest City, she died Jan.5,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp, in Forrest City, age 26.
Born Apr.24,1963, the daughter of Theodis Moore and the late Mattie Mae Moore.
In addition to her father, she leaves six sisters, Ora Jean Hilard, Mattie
Moore, Willie Mae Moore, and Emma Moore, all of Forrest City, Shirley Childress
of Memphis, and Patricia Moore of Palestine; two brothers, Theodis Moore Jr. of
Memphis, and Willie James Moore of Forrest City, and a host of other relatives
and friends. Burial in new Casteel Cemetery by Clay Fun. Home.
Moore, Mary Bessie m.Rhodes,
Mrs. Obit:Mrs. Mary Bessie Moore died Feb. 17, 1990, in Malden, Mo. She was 76.
Moore was born Nov. 13, 1913 in Lutesville, Mo. To John Rhodes and Mary Caroline
Denton Rhodes. She was a housewife and a member of the First Assembly of God
Church. Survivors include her husband, Loran E. Moore of Malden; one son, Lloye
E. Moore of Forrest City; two daughters, Brenda Fitzpatrick of Liberty, Mo. And
Linda Lemings of Malden; two brothers, Franklin D. Rhodes of Maryland Heights,
Mo. And William “Clyde” Rhodes; three sisters, Lillian Denbow and Flossie and
Hattie Rhodes; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral
services held Feb. 20 at The First Assembly of God Church in Malden by Rev.
Dale Shoup officiating. Burial followed in Mem. Park Cemetery in Malden. FAG 186355038
Morgan, Alvin Obit: Mr. Alvin
Morgan of Palestine, died Dec. 13, 1990 at his home. He was 26. Mr. Morgan was
born Nov. 8, 1964 in Forrest City, the son of Wilmon Morgan and Frankie Seward
Morgan. In addition to his parents,he leaves eight sisters, Dorothy Hawkins of
Palestine, Lille Morgan, Catherine Morgan, Margaret Spears and Lela Gilbert,
all of Chicago, Warlena Bonds and Vernell Bambi, both of Memphis, and Angie
Avant of Springfield; and nine brothers, Wayne Morgan of St. Louis, Elgin
Morgan of Florida, Orvil Morgan of Palestine, Neamon Morgan, Charlie Morgan,
Eugene Morgan, Comelius Fisher and Vertis Fisher, all of Chicago, and Gerald
Morgan of Memphis. Funeral services to be Dec. 20 at Salem Baptist Church with
Rev. Leonard Hawkins officiating. Burial in Union Hill Cemetery by Woodhouse
Mortuary. FAG 186179106 done.
Moss, Ollie Obit: Mr. Ollie Moss
of Forrest City died Jul. 13, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp of Forrest City. He was
94. Mr. Moss was born Mar.28, 1896 in Georgia. He was a retired farmer. He leaves
his wife, Augustine Moss of the home; several children. Funeral services Jul.
18 at Clay FH Chapel with burial in Casteel Cemetery. Not on FAG
Nash, William M.“Buddy”, Jr.
Obit-age 57 of Hunter, died Sep.17,1990 at St.Vincent’s Hosp. in Memphis;a retired
farmer, he leaves his wife, Sandra Nash of Hunter;three sons, Randy, Steve, and
Bill all of Brinkley;two daughters, Lisa Kersey of Brinkley, and Betty Lee Nash
of Hunter;three brothers, Bob of Marshall, Ronald of Hot Springs, and Freeland
of Brinkley;five sisters Edvath Dorough of Hot Springs, Loretta Bennett of
Caldwell, Sue Baker of Little Rock, Cora Henderson of Brinkley, and Betty Mason
of Wheatley;10 grandchildren; burial in Johnson Cem. in Wheatley by Bob Neal
& Sons FH-FAG 32866459 Parents:William M. Nash (1892 - 1947)Geneva E Fisher
Nash (1896 - 1938) Requested
Nelson, Emmett L.,
Rev.-Obit: The Rev. Emmett L. Nelson of
Crestpark Retirement Inn died Sep. 28, 1990. He was 87. The former pastor and a
member of First Baptist Church in Forrest City. He was also a retired school
teacher from Lincoln HS. He was preceded in death by a son, Leon Nelson. He
leaves his wife, Nella Mae Nelson of the home; two daughters, Rosetta Scott of
Memphis and Dessie Smith of Chicago; a brother, Lewis White of Chicago; and 10
grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at
First Baptist Church Oct. 4, Cross Street, with Rev. S. W. Baker officiating.
Burial will follow in Forrest City cemetery by Clay FH. FAG 186097731 done.
Nesbit, Rosie Emma Amos, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Rosie Emma Amos Nesbit of Los
Angeles, formerly of Palestine, died May 12, 1990. She was 93. Mrs. Nesbt was
born Jun. 20, 1896 in Danville, Ark. to Ralph R. Amos and Rosie Emma Cason
Amos. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Nesbit, Jr. She leaves
three sons, Eugene of Seattle, Wash., Ralph of Palestine, and Charlie Nebit of
Los Angeles; a daughter, Willie Shields, also of Los Angeles; a sister, Lydia
Sanders of Pine Bluff;eight grandchildren, and nine great great grandchildren.
Funeral services May 18 at Grant A. M. E. Church in Los Angeles with Rev.
Daniel W. Pinkard officiating. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery by Angeles FH.
FAG 186432887 done.
Nesbitt, Clotella, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Clotella Nesbitt of Detroit,Mich. Died Jul. 12, 1990 at the Henry Ford
Hosp. in Detroit, and was buried Jul. 19, 1990 in Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Nesbitt
was born Nov. 22, 1898 in Forrest City to Monroe and Sophia Phillips. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Otto Nesbitt. She leaves one daughter, Mrs.
VeElla Luckett of Detroit; one grandson; three nieces, Ms. Lillie May Berry,
Ms. Evelyn Peeler, and Ms. Gloria Jean Amos. Parkway FH in Charge with Rev.
Julius Charles Turnipseed officiating. Not on FAG.
Nichols, Floyd Obit: Floyd
Nichols, 55,died Aug.23, 1990 in Michigan. Born Oct. 29, 1935 in Des Arc, Ark.
to Charlie and Minnie Nichols of Forrest City. He was a member of the First
Church of the Nazerine. He is survived by his wife, Shirley; two sons, Ronald
and Daniel; four daughters, Barbara Wilson, Juanita Dye, Rebecca Nichols and
Jolene Nichols, all of Michigan; four brothers, Charles Nichols of W. Memphis,
Raymond Nichols of Houston, Texas, Clarence Nichols of Eusgis, Fla. And Lloyd
Nichols of Forrest City; three sisters, Rebecca Fryer of Memphis, Nina Shaw of
Forrest City and Billie Mosses of Tonopah, Nev. Burial Aug. 25, 1990 in
Michigan.not on FAG.
Nolan, Brent L. Obit: Mr. Brent
L. Nolan of Pensacola, Fla., formerly of Forrest City, died Jan. 20, 1990 in
West Florida Hosp. He was 36. Mr. Nolan was born Aug. 22, 1953 in Forrest City,
the son of Kathryn Inez Houston Nolan and the late James L. Nolan. A building
Contractor, he had made his home in Forrest City until moving in 1985. He was a
graduate of FCHS and attended Memphis State University. Mr. Nolan was a member
of First Baptist Church in Forrest City, and of Delta Sigma. He leaves his
mother, Inez Nolan of Forrest City; a brother, William Nolan of Arlington,
Texas; two sisters, Marsha Gibson of Osceola and Betty Hopkins of Helena; a
step grandmother, Mrs. O. S. Houston of Tallahasse, Fla.; and a nephew and
three nieces. Funeral services at Stevens FH Chapel Jan. 23, with Rev. Don
Mathews officiating, assisted by Rev. Delton Beall. Burial in Forrest Park
Cemetery. Parents:James L. Nolan (1921 - 1962) Kathryn Inez Houston Nolan (1923
- 2009) FAG 16437749 done.
Norman, Jerome, Sr. “Buster”-Obit-Of
Forrest City, a retired truck driver, died Dec.28,1989 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp, of
Forrest City. He was born on May 9,1931 in Palestine to Arthur and Willie
Driver Norman. He was 58. Survivors include his wife, Juanita Norman of Forrest
City, 17 children, Barbara Gatlin, Gina Norman, and Betty Moore of Palestine,
Renee Norman of Detroit, Mi., Charles Norman Sr. of Forrest City, Loretta White
of Helena, Estella Banks, Ida Kellen, Jancie Sproats, Kendra Williams,
Geraldine Coleman, Jerome Norman, Jr., Bobby Norman, Author Norman and Robert
McFrield, all of St.Louis; three sisters, Mary Williams of St.Louis, Martha
Seals of Buffalo, N.Y., and Dorothy Johnson of Columbus, Ohio.; six brothers,
Earl and Willie Walker of Buffalo, John Walker of Memphis, Oliver Walker of
St.Louis, Joe Lewis Norman of Detroit; 82 grandchildren, and one great
grandchild. Interment in West Cemetery in Palestine, under Clay Fun.Home.
Norrington, Glen-Obit:age 80 of
Palestine, died Nov.9,1990 at the VA Med.Center in Memphis;a U.S. Army veteran
of WW II;he leaves three sisters, Fannie Mae Winston and Floriida Culler, both
of Forrest City, and Magnolia Barton of Palestine;services by Kennedy FH. At
Casteel Cem. Cemetery not on FAG
Oswalt, Annie m.Conner,
Mrs.-Obit:of N.Little Rock, died Feb.14,1990 at Ark.Bapt.Mem.Hosp, she was
63;Born Sep.5,1926 in Marianna;survived by husband, Barney L.Oswalt of N.Little
Rock;daughter, Anne O.Walker of N.Little Rock;son, Edward G.Oswalt of
Sherwood;two brothers, Edward D.Conner of Costa Mesa, Calif., and William
L.Conner of Pensacola, Fla.;and four grandchildren. Griffin Legget FH in
Oxner, Rosie Evahoff, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Rosie Evahoff Oxner, 74, of Marianna, died Monday at the Univ. of Tenn.
Med. Center in Memphis, following a stroke in January caused by a brain tumor.
She was the widow of William Bryant Oxner who died in January. She leaves two
daughters, Mrs. Louise Wooten of Marianna, and Mary Rose Sailer of Palestine;
two sons, Marco Oxner of Fayetteville and William Oxner of Houston; four
sisters, Mary Rose, Alga Fuller, Thelma Wilson, all from Okla. City, Okla.,
Helen Coley of Norman, Okla.; two brothers, John Evanoff of Okla. City and
Alexander Evanoff of Clinton, Mo.; six grandchildren and seven great
grandchildren. Services May 23 at Rondo Baptist Church with Rev. James Wilcox
presiding. Burial in Marianna Mem. Park Cemetery by Roller-Citizens FH. Spouse:
William Bryant Oxner (1913-1990) FAG 148113580 Requested.
Oxner, William Bright-Obit-He
died Jan.8,1990 at Geriatrics Nursing Center in Forrest City, age 76. A retired
farmer, he was a U.S.Navy veteran of WW II and a member of the American Legion.
He leaves his wife, Rose Evanoff Oxner; two daughters, Mrs. Glen Siler of
Palestine, and Mrs.W.J.Wooten of Marianna; two sons, William Oxner, of Houston,
and Marco Oxner of Fayetteville; two sisters, Mrs. Belle James of Bloomington,
Ind. And Mrs.Roy McKinney of Rondo; six brothers, Owens Oxner of Rondo,
J.D.Oxner of Cherokee Village, Lee and Daniel Oxner of Marianna, Odell of El
Paso, Texas, and Dean Oxner of Mountain Home. Burial in Marianna Mem.Park under
Roller Citizens Fun. Home. Spouse: Rosie Evahoff Oxner (1915-1990) FAG 148113489
Requested. Parents:Ruben Oxner (1887 -
1959)Jessie Lee Dailey Oxner (1884 - 1956)
Parish, Noma m.Billingsley,
Mrs.-Obit:age 83 of Palestine, died Dec.31,1990 at Crestpark Retirement
Inn;Born Jan.9,1907 in St.Francis Co., to Kirk and Emma Lou Parker Billingsley;
retired from Forrest Mem.Hosp.;preceded in death by her husband, Albert
M.Parish in 1972, and son, Marion Parish in 1958;survived by son, James
C.Parish of Searcy;sister, Erma Wood of El Reno, Okla.;one grandchild, and
several nieces and nephews; burial in Bell Cem. by Stevens FH. Spouse: Albert
Marion Parish (1902-1972) FAG 17522443 done.
Parr, Virgil Neal Obit: Mr.
Virgil Neal Parr of Wynne died Thursday at his home. He was 72. Mr. Parr was
born Aug. 8, 1918, in Tuckerman. He moved from Marianna to Cross Co. in 1950.
He was a mechanic for the Arkansas Hwy Dept., retiring in 1979, and was a
member of Wynne Baptist Church, where he served as President of Keenagers, He
was also a volunteer at the Good Shepherd. He served with the 4th
Armored Div. in Europe as a sergeant in WW II, and received the Purple Heart.
He leaves his wife, Annie Mae Brown Parr, a son, Virgil Taylor Parr of Aurora,
Illinois; two daughters, Linda Ambrose and Brenda Hill, both of Forrest City; a
sister, Nettie Webb of Judsonia; six grandchildren, and two great
grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday with Rev. Robert Tucker and
Mr. Earl Cumby officiating. Burial was in Cogbill cemetery by Kernodle FH. FAG 18005014
Requested. Spouse: Annie Mae Parr (1920 - 1999)*Children: Linda Ambrose Parr
Bright (1944 - 2015)*
Patterson, Pauline m.Funderburg,
Mrs., of Madera, Calif., formerly of Hughes and
Forrest City, died of kidney failure, she was 64. Born in Mississippi on
Dec.10,1925 to Clint and Gracie King Funderburg. In 1941 she married Robert
Patterson of Harrisburg, and moved to California in 1963. Survivors include
four sons, Tommy Patterson of Alabama, Jerry Patterson of Scott Air Force Base
in Illinois, Larry Patterson of Stockton, Calif., and Johnny of Madera; two
daughters, Sandra Lipsky of Stockton, and Linda Martin of San Diego; three
brothers, David Funderburg of Calipatria, Calif., A. C.Funderburg of El Centro,
Calif., and John Funderburg of Madera; four sisters, Janette Eldridge of Miami,
Betty Crawford of Madera, Joann Watlington of Forrest City and Claudette
Christian of Widener; six grandchildren, and two great grand. A brother,
Charlie Funderburg, also of Madera, preceded Mrs. Patterson in death. Graveside
services at Arbor Vitae Cemetery.done
Peacock, W. T.-Obit:age 73 of
Haynes, died at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. of Forrest City;born Nov.2,1916 in Duckhill,
Miss., the son of Charlie and Elizabeth Woods Peacock;he lived in Haynes all
his life, and was a farmer;Preceded in death by his wife, Mrs.Ruby M.Maxwell
Peacock, earlier this year. He leaves a son, L.T.Peacock of Haynes;three
daughters, Marie Montgomery of Van Buren and Carolyn Henard and Brenda Dilks,
both of Marianna;two sisters, Mae Howerton and Lula Dell Potts, both of Forrest
City;13 grand and 6 great grandchildren. Burial in Forrest Park Cem. by Stevens
FH. FAG 16435973 Parents:Charles Richard Peacock (1875 - 1957) Elizabeth Woods
Peacock (1885 - 1952) Spouse: Ruby Maxwell Peacock (1917 - 1990)*Children:
William Eugene Peacock (1941 - 1967)* Brenda Faye Peacock Dilks (1946 - 2016)*
Pearson, Paul-Obit: Mr. Paul
Pearson of Norristown, Pa., formerly of Forrest City, died Sep. 9,1990 at
Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Forrest City, following a visit here. He was 63. He was
the son of Fannie Pearson and the late Joe Pearson. In addition to his mother,
survivors include his wife, Gussie M. Pearson; six daughters, Glady M. Hick and
Gwendolyn B. Edward, both of Forrest City, and Paulette Wright, Jacquelyn
Knight, Evelyn Sanders, and Gloria Stegall, all of Norristown; seven sons,
Ronnie, Melvin, Paul Jr., Michael, Morvin, Terry and Christopher Pearson, all
of Norristown; two brothers, Kremit Pearson of Madison and Robert Pearson of
Norristown; eight sisters, Earnestine Mixon of Chicago, Mary Smith of
Norristown, Irine Brown, Arline Pearson, and Jessie Brown, all of Forrest City,
Velma Phillips of Madison, Berline Harris of Los Angeles and Mary Sykes of
Rochester, N. Y.; 34 grandchildren, three great grandchildren; and a host of
relatives, nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral service at Clay FH Chapel. Rev.
Leon Sims will officiate. A second service on Sep. 13 in Norristown, Pa., with
burial in Rolling Green Cemetery in Chester, Pa. FAG 186097444 done.
Peeler, Jake-Obit-Services
held Jan.6,1990, at the Mem.Gardens Cemetery, north of Paragould, he was 61. He
retired from Lone Star Arsenal in Texarkana. He is survived by three sisters,
Nancy Threat of Cherry Valley (formerly of Forrest City:, Dollie King of
Texarkana, and Mary Andrews of Russellville, Mo.. John Threat officiated at
graveside service.
Perkins, Vera Mae, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Vera Mae Perkins of Devalls Bluff died Nov. 21, 1990 at Stuttgart. She was
66. Mrs. Perkins was born Nov. 5, 1924, in Devalls Bluff. She leaves her
husband, Eddie Z. Perkins of the home; a daughter, Elegtha Perkins of Oklahoma;
and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services to be Nov. 28 at
Mt. Olive M. B. Church in Devalls Bluff, burial in Oaklawn Cemetery under
direction of Clay FH. FAG 186178144 Spouse: Eddie Z. Perkins (1913-1994) done.
Person, Donald Obit: Mr. Edward
Person, 76, of W.Helena, died Apr. 3, 1990 at Helena Reg. Med. Center in
Helena. He was born July 27, 1913. He was employed at the Chicago Mill Lumber
Yard for nine years and was a member of Zion Hill Baptist Church in Helena.
Survivors include his wife, Emma Person; three daugters, Zodie Moore of St.
Louis, Edna
Sim of Flint, Mich., and Dorothy Holley of Kansas City, Kan.; one son, Willie
Lipsey of Memphis; one brother, Cornelius Jones of Crawfordsville; two sisters,
Teresa River of Crawfordsville and Mattie Barnes of Chicago; 28 grandchildren;
15 great grandchildren, and a host of nieces and nephews. Funeral on Apr. 8 at
Zion Hill Baptist Church in Helena. Rev. A. L. Woodson officiating. FAG 186377087
Piersfield, Thenia Mae,Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Thenia Mae Piersfield of Cleveland, Ohio, died Oct. 14, 1990 at the
Metro Skill Nursing Facilities following a long illness. She is survived by a
son, Louis E. Hobbs Piersfield; five sisters, Annie Lee Stewart, Blanchie
Carton, Willie B. Braxton, Cora Braxton and Franklin Mae Smith, all of
Cleveland; three brothers, Leo Boyd, John Boyd, George Larmare, all of
Cleveland; and one grandchild. Funeral services at Rising Sun M. M. Church in
Forrest City on Oct. 21 officiated by Rev. A. Slayton, Jr. Burial to follow in
Casteel Cemetery under Clay FH. Cemetery not on FAG.
Pipkin, Steven W.-Obit:age 29, of
P.O.Box 71, Widener, died Oct.11,1990 in a fishing accident at Old River on
Linden Island. Born Feb.24,1961 in Forrest City to James R.Pipkin and Elsie
McKinney, he lived in St.Francis Co. all his life, preceded in death by his
father;survived by his mother, Mrs.Elsie Pipkin of Magazine, Ark., seven
brothers, Ronnie R.Womack of Osceola, Billy and James Pipkin of Widener, James
M. Pipkin of Vanndale, Robert L.Pipkin of Blytheville, Michael G.Pipkin of
Booneville, and Bay Dorrought of Magazine;three sisters, Debra Joyce Cummings
of Blytheville, Sharon Floyd of Forrest Hills, La., and Donna Dorrough of
Magazine;burial in Widener Cem. by Stevens FH.
Ponder, Omie Lee m.Sampley,
Mrs.-Obit:age 79 of Forrest City died Dec.22,1990 at her home;born Mar.26,1911
in Perry County, the daughter of Dan and Sallie Finn Roberts Sampley, retired
from Caldwell Public Schools;preceded in death by her husband, Joseph “Jeff”
Ponder;survived by four sons, Byron, Kenneth, Jerry and Wayne Ponder of Forrest
City;10 grand and 5 great grandchildren; Burial in Hughes Cem. With Rev. Bro.
Jerry Grace officiating, burial by Morgan FH. FAG *93343632 Requested. Spouse:
Joseph C. Ponder (1909-1971)
Poole, Ray Thompson Obit: Died
Mar.30, 1990, of Forrest City-Parents:Born Nov. 6, 1919 in St.Louis, Mo. to
Robert E.Poole and Lois Key Poole-Lived in Forrest City for 37 years, retired
from Airtherm Products-Family:Surviving are his wife, Virginia W. of the home;
a son, Larry Jones of Forrest City; a daughter, Linda Jones Story of Forrest
City; and six grandchildren-Ginadell Adams, Allison Jones, Joseph Jones, Emily
Story, and Bentley Story, all of Forrest City, and Jeff Jones of
Memphis.-Parents: Robert E. Poole (1887 - 1949) Lois Kee Poole (1898 – 1975)
Spouse:Virginia West Poole (1927 - 2013) FAG 15738398 done.
Powell, Floyd, Sr.-Obit:of
Jonesboro, formerly Forrest City, died Apr.6,1990 at his residence; He was 90,
and the osn of Lem and Mary Morman Powell of Carlisle. In 1954 he made his home
in Jonesboro where he worked as a tradesman and collector;survived by two
daughters, Mrs.Blanche Powell Perkins of Forrest City, and Mrs.Debbie Hutchins
of Oklahoma City;son Floyd Jr. of St.Louis;brother, Lem of Marianna;two
sisters, Effie Getters of N.Little Rock, and Dedie Boggard of Detroit;14
grandchildren.; a daughter, Alice Manning and his wife preceded him in death.
Burial at Paradise Gardens in Edmondson.
Presley, Millie m.Williams, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Millie Presley of Forrest City died Jun. 2, 1990 at Baptist Mem.
Hosp. of Forrest City. She was 75. Mrs. Presley was born Jan. 23, 1915 in
Haynes to Henry Williams and Ora Shelton Williams. She had lived in St. Francis
Co. all of her life and was a housewife and a Baptist. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Monroe Presley, in 1978. She leaves two daughters,
Earnestine Adair of Tulsa, Okla. and Ruby Presley of Forrest City;a slster,
Rosa Ward of Houston; a brother, Marshall Williams of Forrest City; seven
grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren, and five great great
grandchildren. Spouse: Monroe Presley (1907 - 1978) FAG 16438313 done.
Priddy, Walter L.-Obit:age 64 of
130 Cardinal, Forrest City, died in auto accident in Florida on
Nov.27,1990;born Nov.28,1924 to Albert E. and Mable Young Priddy;Survived by
wife, Jane Spies Priddy of the home;two sons, David of Springfield, Va., and
Mike Priddy of Missoula, Montana;daughter, Sandra Fanning of Springdale;four
brothers, Albert Priddy Jr. of Cabot, John Priddy of LIttle Rock, Raymond
Priddy of Del Ray Beach, Fla., and Charles Priddy of Midland, Texas;8 grandchildren;
burial by Stevens FH. WW II Vet. FAG 16436012 Walter L. Priddy, 64, salesman for W. L.
Roberts Co., died Nov. 27 in a car accident on Interstate 10 near Crestview,
Fla. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at First Baptist Church of Forrest City with
burial in Forrest Memorial Park Cemetery. Priddy, the husband of Jane Priddy,
also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Sandra Fanning of Springdale; two sons, David
Priddy of Springfield, Va., and Dr. Mike Priddy of Missoula, Mont.; four
brothers, Albert Priddy Jr. of Cabot, John Priddy of Little Rock, Raymond
Priddy of Delray Beach, Fla., and Charles Priddy of Midland, Texas, and eight
grandchildren. Published in The Commercial Appeal on 01-03-1991. Parents:Albert
E Priddy (1895 - 1972) Mabel M Clemmons Priddy (1900 - 1988)
Pugh, Janie Marie m.Griffin,
Mrs. Obit: Born
Aug. 8, 1924, of Forrest City-Died May 21,
1990, in Winterhaven, Fla.-Parents:Born in Hughes to Tom Griffin and Delia
Riley Griffin-Retired from Realtoc Mfg. after 26 years-Family:Preceded in death
by her husband, George Pugh in 1987; In addition to her mother, Delia Fowles of
Lake Alfred, Fla., she leaves a son, Lewis Henry Pugh of Forrest City; six
daughters, Frances Stidham and Mildred Gonzales, both of Forrest City, Doris
Banbridge of El Campo, Texas, Hazel Moran of Wynne, Georgia Basser of Lakeland,
Fla., and Sarah Lancaster of Little Rock; a brother, James Griffin of Harrison;
a half brother, Louie Faughn on Sneads, Fla.; 16 grandchildren, and several
great grandchildren. Spouse: George Pugh (1910 - 1987)* FAG 16437764 Done.
Quarrells, Johnny Obit: Mr.
Johnny Quarrells of Palestine died May 5, 1990 at his home. He was 87. Mr.
Quarrells leaves five daughters, CeBlla Dixion, Roberta Allen and Annie M.
Saines, all of Chicago, and Odessa Vick and Dora Wallace, both of Forrest City;
five sons, Edison of Palestine, Theo of Chicago, John T. of Memphis, Leon of
Orlando, Fla., and Nolan Quarrells of Helena; 35 grandchildren and 43
greatgrandchildren, and one great grea grandchild. Funeral services on May 12
at United Christian M. B Church with Rev. J. W. Lockhart officiating. Burial to
follow in Slonigan Mill Cemetery in Palestine by Clay FH. Cemetery not on FAG.
Rachel, Garland Obit: Mr.
Garland Rachel, age 81, of Marianna, died Jun. 19, 1990 after a prolonged
illness. Mr. Rachel is survived by his wife, Carlene Olivia Payne Rachel of St.
Louis; five daughters, Juanita Moore of Detroit, Geraldine Jones, Brenda
Coffin, Carolyn Rachel and Janet Orr, all of St. Louis, Mo.; two sons, Garland
Rachel and Michael Rachel of St. Louis; three sisters, Velma Rachel, Ceola
Westbrook and Bernice Sanders, all of Marianna; a brother, Willie Rachel of
Aubrey; 16 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Funeral services Jun. 23 at
Walnut Grove M. B. Church in Marianna, burial in Hempshire Cemetery in Aubrey
by Kennedy FH. Cemetery not on FAG.
Ray, Carrold Earl, Sr. Obit: Mr.
Carrold E. Ray, Sr., of Marianna died Jan. 17, 1990 at his home. He was 59.
Mr.Ray was a attorney with a law practice in Marianna. He was a 32nd
degree Mason, a Rotarian and a member of the Arkansas Bar Assoc. as well as the
American Bar Assoc. He was married to the former Billie Ann Standrod. Survivors
include his wife; one son, Carrold E. Ray, Jr. of Little Rock; one daughter,
Mary Ann Ray Powell of W. Memphis; five brothers, Leon, Ralph, and Joe Ray, all
of Memphis, Harold Ray of Jonesboro, and David Ray of Blytheville; four
sisters, Mary Evelyn Cox of Charlotte, N. C., Glenda Spaulding and Marcella
McArthur of Bedford, Texas; and two granddaughters. Funeral services Jan. 19 at
First Baptist Church in Marianna with Rev. Mike Montalbano officiating with burial in Marianna Mem. Park by
Roller-Citizens FH. FAG 158072991 Requested.
Rhodenizer, John E. Obit: Born
May 6, 1909 d.Nov.18, 1990-Obit-of Forrest City-Died in Baptist Central
Hospital in Memphis-A retired insurance representative and US Navy
Veteran-Parents:Born in Holly Grove to Walter Rhodenizer and Lydia Byrd
Rhodenizer-Lived in Forrest City since 1953-Survivors include his wife, Lois
Gann Rhodenizer of the home; one daughter, Etta Kay Franks of Claremore, Okla.;
one son, John G.Rhodenizer of Dallas; one sister, Evelyn "Tippie"
Wilkins of Wynne; six grandchildren, and Three great grandchildren. Spouse: Lois Gann Rhodenizer (1917 - 2004)
Children:John G. Rhodenizer (1940 - 1999)* FAG 15738430 done.
Richards, Ethel, Miss-Obit: age
60, of Forrest City, died Jun.16,1990 at the Crestpark Retirement Inn;survived
by Nettie Richards of Forrest City;four brothers, Henry and Johnnie of Forrest
City, Jack of Hughes and Amy of W.Helena;Graveside at Hughes Cem. by
Roller-Citizens FH of W.Memphis.
Ridgway, Dora Vickery Mrs.-Of
Forrest City, died Feb.10,1990 at St.Vincent Hosp. in Little Rock following a
short illness, she was 85. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Levi King
Vickery, a 46 year resident of Forrest City, she was a school teacher here for
many years, and once was selected as “Teacher of the Year.” A member of the
First United Methodist Church of Forrest City and professional organizations.
She founded the Candy Stripers at the hospital. She was preceded in death by a
daughter, Virginia Brooks of Covert, in 1989. Survivors include her husband,
Melvin H. Ridgway of Forrest City whom she married in 1928; a son, Melvin
V.Ridgway of Jacksonville, Fla.; a daughter, Jo Ann Miles of Little Rock; eight
grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Burial in Forrest Park Cem. By
Stevens Fun. Home. done
Robert, Wilbert-Obit-Of
Forrest City, he died Jan.9,1990 at the VA Med.Center in Memphis, he was 74.
Born Mar.19,1915 in Oklahoma, Miss., the son of Andrew L. and Mattie Ford
Robert. He served in the U.S. Army, retiring after 23 years, and then worked
for the Forrest City School District as a janitor for 18 years. Survivors
include his wife, Ottie Mae Bryant Robert; four daughters, Ora Ingram of
Dallas, Jacquelyn Twillie of Jonesboro, Melinda Robert of New London, Ct., and
Tina Williams of Ft.Worth, Texas; three sons, Phil S. Robert of Decatur, Ga.,
Deaderick L. Robert of Roswell, Ga., and Phelix B. Robert of El Reno, Okla.;
one sister, Littie Ann Robert of Toledo, Ohio, and one brother, Harmon Robert
of Rochester, N.Y. Interment will be in the National Cemetery in Memphis.
Robinson, Lillie, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Lillie Robinson of Forrest City died Jul. 29, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp of
Forrest City, she was 45. She was born Nov. 29, 1944 in Mississippi. She leaves
her husband, Albert Robinson of the home; her father, John Lewis Cook of
Mississippi; four daughters, Shirley Allen, Joyce Akbar and Mae F. Robinson,
All of Little Rock, and Susie Robinson of Forrest City; three sons, Robert E.
Robinson of Houston, Texas, Albert J. Robinson and Dwayne E. Robinson, both of
Forrest City; two sisters, Dorothy Bass of Beloit, Wisc., and Bobbie J.
Robinson of Forrest City; three brothers, Herman Ranson of Erie, Pa., Louis
Chester Cook and Louis Chester Cook, both of Forrest City; six grandchildren.
Funeral services Aug.4 at Mt.Vernon M.B. Church with burial in Mt. Vernon
cemetery by Clay FH. FAG 186457391 done.
Robinson, Willie Obit: Willie
Robinson, 72, died Jul. 8, 1990, of Crestparkk Retirement Inn of Forrest City
Skilled. Robinson is survived by three daughters, Sandra Houston of Forrest
City, Beverly Whitehead of Cairo, Illinois, and Verla Mae Dell of Benton
Harbor, Mich.; one son, Charles A. Campbell of Little Rock; three sisters,
Laura Lee of Forrest City, Verla Mae Moore of Fryes Point, Miss., and Mary
Jackson of Chicago; three brothers, Henry Campbell of Helena, Kidd Campbell of W.
Helena, Jimmy Campbell of Washington Park, Illinois; 19 grandchildren. Funeral
services to be Jul. 12 at Clay FH with Elder Gatlin officiating. Burial in
Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG.
Rogers, Mary Louise m.Taylor,
Mrs.-Obit:graveside for a former Forrest Citian who died in Florida last week;a
native of Forrest City, the daughter of the late Mary and George P.Taylor of
this city;survived by two daughters, Mrs.Joe Gaither and Ms.Patty Rogers, seven
grandchildren, and several cousins including Mrs.Charles (Margaret) Haven of
Forrest City;services in Coral Gables, Fla. and Memphis before graveside at
Mt.Vernon Cem. Parents:George Pressley Taylor
(1887 - 1938) Mary Jane Mallory Taylor (1883 - 1972) Siblings:Mary Louise
Taylor Rogers (____ - 1990) Infant Son Taylor (1912 - 1912)*George Pressley
Taylor (1912 - 1973)* FAG 186174173 Done.
Ross, Della Mary Bell,
Mrs.-Obit:of Palestine, died Apr.25,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. in Forrest City, she
was 89;Preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Cleo Ross;survived by four
sons, Melvin and Jerry Ross, both of Palestine, Austin of Marianna, and Ralph
of Forrest City;brother, Luther Nicholas of W.Helena;13 grand, 20 great, and 1
great great grandchild. Burial in Central Cem. by Roller Citizens FH.
Rowland, Pearl A. m.Doss Mrs.-Of
Forrest City, Died Feb.15,1990 at Bapt. Central Hosp. in Memphis, she was 87.
Born Jan.23,1903 in Hunter to W.M.Doss and Rebecca Sartin Doss. A resident of
Forrest City for most of her life, and a member of the First United Methodist
Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Oliver L. Rowland, in 1954
and by a daughter, Ruth R. Sossaman in 1987. She leaves a son, Oliver L.
“Buddy” Rowland Jr., of Forrest City; a sister, Luella Dewitt of Mishawaka,
Ind.; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home with
burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Rowlett, Tim K. Obit: Mr. Tim K.
Rowlett died Nov. 11, 1990, in a car accident in Arlington, Texas. He was 26.
Mr. Rowlett who was born May 30, 1964, is survived by his father, Tim D. Rowlett
of Forrest City; his grandfather, Warren C. Price of Memphis; his grandmother,
Landys Price of Blytheville; two sisters, Melissa Carnes of Odessa, Texas, and
Amy Rowlett of Thornton; and a brother, Damon Rowlett of Thornton. Funeral
services incomplete, Cobb FH in Charge, with Rev. John Williams of Crossett to
officiate. FAG 186170210
Rowton, Lou Ellen Ripper, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Lou Ellen Ripper Rowton of Marianna died Nov. 14, 1990 at Crestpark
in Forrest City. She was 66. She was a retired Store clerk and the widow of
Hugh “Tooter” Rowton. Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Libby
Grantham of Jacksonville and Carolyn Bennett of Aubrey; one son, Butch Rowton
of Forrest City; two brothers, Tommy Ripper of Marianna and J. B. Ripper of
Panama City, Okla;seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral
services on Nov. 17 at Aubrey Missionary Baptist Church in Aubrey. Burial to
follow in Marianna Mem. Park Cemetery. Rev. Clayton Hales officiating,
Roller-Citizens FH in Charge. FAG 158085676 Spouse:Hugh Rowton (1922-1975)
Roy, Janice m.Campbell, Mrs., of
Germantown, Tenn., died April 21,1990 at Hillhaven Convalescent Home in
Memphis, she was 70. Born Feb.18,1920 in Humboldt, Tenn., she was the daughter
of Zack and Corrine Boling Campbell. She had made her home in Forrest City
since 1941 before moving to Memphis 11 years ago. She was a member of Graham
Mem. Presbyterian Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr.J. Max
Roy in 1973. She leaves a son, William Max Roy of Memphis, two daughters, Judy
Hoffman of San Francisco, Calif., and Linda Reed of Trenton, Tenn. Stevens Fun.
Home in charge of services at Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Sains, Mary, Mrs. Obit: Mrs.
Mary Sains of Colt died Nov. 9, 1990 at Crestpark Nursing Home. A housewife,
Mrs. Sains leaves two daughters, Louise Thomson of Palestine and Mayola Chism
of Colt; a son, Roosevelt Sains of Colt; a sister, M. J. Ware of Toledo, Ohio;
and nine grandchildren; 20 great grandchildren; three great great
grandchildren; and three step grandchildren. Funeral services to be Nov. 13 at
Stanley Grove M. B. Church with the Rev. Thomas officiating. Burial in Stanley
Grove Cemetery by Kennedy FH. Note: Roosevelt Sain, Sr. b. 1919 d.2002 in same
cemetery. FAG 186170391
Sampley, Nora Eunice m.Roberts,
Mrs. Obituary:Mrs. Nora Eunice Sampley of Forrest City, 91, died Tuesday
Jan.16,1990 at Crestpark. She was born in Cross County on Sept.23,1898 to Jim
and Lou Colquitt Roberts and had made her home in and around Forrest City most
of her life. A housewife, she was a member of First Baptist Church in Forrest
City. Her husband, D. F. "Fletch" Sampley preceded her in death.
Survivors include one son, Leonard Sampley, of Forrest City; two daughters,
Mrs.Dora Lee Smith of Forrest City, and Mrs.Willene Ramsey of Memphis; two
sisters, Mrs.Blanche Alford and Mrs.Myrtle Davis, both of Forrest City; and
nine grand children, 10 great grand children, and one great great grandchild.
Services held by Rev.Delton Beall, assisted by Rev.Don Matthews at Hughes
Cemetery. Married to David Fletcher Sampley 20 Jan 1915 Age: 16 Parents:Parents:James
Henry Roberts (1873 - 1959) Julia Lou Colquitt Roberts (1877 - 1933) Spouse:David
Fletcher Sampley (1889 - 1980)* Children: Dora Lee Sampley Smith (1918 - 2010)*
Ralph Leonard Sampley (1920 - 2001)* David Fletcher Sampley (1927 - 1957)*
Sibling:Nora Eunice Roberts Sampley (1898 - 1990) Blanche Roberts Alford (1902
- 1997)* FAG 55625749 done.
Sanders, Hugh Walter, Sr. Obit:
Rev. Hugh Walter, Sr., 79, of Sunrise Beach, Texas died Oct. 20, 1990. He was
born in Forrest City where he worked for the U. S. Post Office for 22 years
before moving to Austin,Texas to prepare for the Presbyterian ministry. He
served as pastor of churches in Llano, Texas, and Pleasant Hill, Mo. Before
retirement. Afterwards he supplied churches in Lampasas, Santa Anna, and
Sunrise Beach. He was preceded in death by his wife of 57 years, Dorothy N.
Sanders. Survivors include a son, H. Walter Sanders; a daughter, the Rev. D.
Eleanor Sanders, and two grandchildren, all of Austin. Funeral services at
Sunrise Federated Church with the Rev. Charles Hughes and Rev. George Belford
officiating. Interment in Sandy Mountain Cemetery. Arrangements by Cook-Walden
FH. In Austin, Texas. FAG 26613318 Requested. Husband of Dorothy Nelle Newsom
Sanders, father of Dorothy Nelle Sanders and Hugh Walter Sanders, Jr. Graduate
of the University of Texas at Austin and the Austin Presbyterian Theological
Seminary. Owner of Home Drug on "the Drag" in Austin, TX. Spouse:
Dorothy Nelle Sanders (1907-1988)
Scott, Iola, Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Iola
Scott, 133 E. Scott Street, Forrest City, died Dec. 7, 1990 at Methodist Hosp.
in Memphis. She was 65. She was a homemaker and member of the Rising Sun M. B.
Church. She is survived by three daughters, Jessie Mae Scott and Hazel Welch,
both of Kansas City, Mo., and Patsy Scott, Forrest City; three sons, James
Scott of Forrest City, Alfred Scott and Randy Scott both of Kansas City, Mo.;
11 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services Dec. 15 at
Rising Sun M. B. Church with Rev. A. Slayton officiating. Burial in Casteel
cemetery by Clay FH. Cemetery not on FAG
Seward, Michael “Mike” Augustic,
Sr.-Obit: Michael “Mike” Augustic Seward, Sr., died Oct. 18, 1990 at St.
Joseph’s Med. Center in Joliet, Illinois. He was 84. Mr. Seward was born Aug.
24, 1906, a son of Jim and Lula Seward. He married the late Onezer Stegall
Seward on July 2, 1927. They had nine children. He was preceded in death by his
wife, two daughters, and three sons. Survivors include five sons, Herbert of
Mt. Clemens, Mich., David of St. Louis, Mike Jr. of Joliet, Jermal “Leon” of
St. Louis, and Theodis of Mt. Clemens. Funeral services on Nov.3 at New Sardis
Missionary Baptist Church of Forrest City, with Rev. S. W. Baker officiating.
Burial in New Sardis cemetery under direction of Clay FH. FAG 170466797
Requested. Spouse: Onezer Stegall Seward (1908-1984)
Shaddock, Glen Obit: Mr. Glen
Shaddock of Forrest City died Apr. 1, 1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp. in Memphis. He
was 63. Mr. Shaddock was born Nov. 15, 1926 in Sparkman, Ark. to Doyle Shaddock
and Allie Shambley Cook Shaddock. He had made his home in Forrest City all his
life. He was a WW II veteran, a retired farmer and a member of the Madison
Methodist Church. He leaves his wife, Mary Lena Price Shaddock of the home; two
sons, Donnie Shaddock of Pigeon Forge, Tenn. And Jay Shaddock of Orlando, Fla.;
two daughters, Glenda Beene of Hughes and Brenda Byrd of Forrest City; a
sister, Adriene Kelley of Forrest City; his stepparents, J. B. Cook, Sr. and
Allie Cook of Madison; a step mother, Ella Rae Mitchell of Michigan; four
brothers, Vernon Cook of Wilton Ark., and Grady Cook, J. B. Cook, Jr., and
Maxie Joe Cook, all of Forrest City; six sisters, Jennie Hartman, Dorothy
Herbert, Milvean Horton, all of Forrest City, and Bobbye R.George, Patricia
Tottingham, both of Michigan, and Carolyn Wilsonn of Florida; eight grandchildren
and three great grandchildren. Funeral services Apr. 3 at Stevens FH Chapel
with Rev. Doug Criss officiating with burial in Forrest Park Cemetery. WW II Vet. FAG 16439322 done.
Shapkoff, Donald George, Sr.
Obit: Mr. Donald George “Donnie” Shapkoff, Sr. of Leesville, La., formerly of
Forrest City, died Mar. 18, 1990 in Rapides Gen. Hosp. in Alexandria, La. He
was 58.Mr. Shapkoff was born in Adana, Ohio Dec. 25, 1931 and was managing
partner in the Vernon Moving and Storage in Leesville. He is survived by two
sons, Joseph Franklin Shapkoff of Dallas and Donald G. Shapkoff II of
Leesville;his father, James Shapkoff, Sr. of Leesville; two brothers, James
Shapkoff, Jr. of Leesville and Stephen Shapkoff, both of Leesville; and one
grandchild. Funeral services on Mar. 20 at St. Michael’s Catholic Church with
Rev. Ray Woodworth officiating. Burial followed in Forest Lawn Cem. By
Beauregard/Vernon FH of Leesville. FAG 26526556
Shaw, Radford Roosevelt-Obit:age
71, of Rt.4, Box 206A, Forrest City, died Aug.18,1990 at Bapt.Mem.Hosp. Forrest
City;Born Aug.29,1918 in Mt.Ida, Ark., to Caleb Shaw and Kitty Durham
Shaw;retired from Airtherm;Survive by his wife, Josphine Harper Shaw of the
home;daughter, Cathy Ann Powers of Pocahontas;three sons, James Heath and Billy
Wayne Banks, both of Forrest City;Darrell Lynne Shaw of the home;three sisters,
Ailean Clark of Colt, Myrtle Squashic of Salem;Lorraine Broach of Little Rock;9
grand and 1 great grandchild;Morgan FH in charge at Forrest Park Cem.
Shields, Herman “Popeye”,
Jr.-Obit:age 51 of Los Angeles, died Dec.4,1990;born in Forrest City on
Jul.21,1939 to Herman and Willie Shields; he moved to Los Angeles the same year
he was born;U.S.Navy Veteran as a jet launcher;survived by his mother, Willie
Shields; five sisters, Marion Warmack, Emma Johnson, Anna Edwards, Christy
Baker, and Elizabeth Shields;brother, Paul Shields;Burial in Veterans Cem.,
Riverside, Calif. FAG 3848777 done.
Shults, Elmer, Rev.-Obit:age 84,
of Rt.1, Telico Trails No.8, Forrest City, died Nov.7,1990 at his home; a
minister and member of the Caldwell
Baptist Church; born Mar.6,1906 in Sullivan, Mo.;preceded in death by his wife,
Dollie Lambeth in 1988;survived by son, Louis Shults of Caldwell; two sisters,
two brothers, three grand and 4 great grandchildren. Burial in Loughridge Cem.
by Stevens FH. FAG 37927241 done.
Simmons, Frank Obit: Mr. Frank
Simmons of Forrest City died Oct. 19, 1990 at Baptist Central Hosp. in Memphis,
he was 77. Mr. Simmons was born July 27, 1913 in Newton, Miss., the son of John
Simmons and Jan Wheeler Simmons. He had lived in Forrest City for the past 45
years and was a retired implement salesman. He was a veteran of WW II and a
member of First Baptist Church. He leaves his wife, Mary Simmons of Forrest
City; a daughter, Janette Cross of Little Rock; two stepsons, James Immel of
Forrest City and Larry Immel of Memphis; three brothers, Clarence, Dan and Fred
Simmons; a sister, Janelle LaBouve of Virginia Beach, Va.; and eight
grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Graveside services in Forrest Park
Cem. On Oct. 21 under direction of Stevens FH. Spouse:Mary Simmons (1915 -
2006)* FAG 16438116 done
Sims, Bonnie D.Obit: Mr. Bonnie
D. Sims, 67, of Earle, died Feb. 11, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Memphis
after a long illness. Mr. Sims was a decorated veteran of WW II, serving with
the U. S. Army in the Southern Phillipines during the Phillipine Liberation. He
was a retired employee of Pigeon-Thomas Iron of W. Memphis, where he served as
President of the International Assoc. of Structural & Ornamental Iron
Workers Local Union #813 for several years. He was a member of the Earle Church
of God. Sims is survived by his wife, Mildred; a sister, Carline Hall of
Conway; a brother, Bill Sims of Benton; three daughters, Donna Aldridge of
Marion, Gayle Berry and Deborah England, both of Earle; a son, Carroll Dee Sims
of Earle; seven grandchildren; five step grandchildren and seven great step grandchildren.
Funeral services on Feb. 14 by McNutt FH in Conway at Mt. Olive Baptist Church
in Guy, with interment in Copper Springs cemetery in Guy. Wife is Mildred
McCarley per FAG 15506230 Children:Donna Sue Sims Aldridge (1948 - 2011)* Deborah
C. Staggs (1958 - 2009)* Carroll Dee Sims (1961 - 2007)* Spouse: Mildred
McCarley Sims (1928-1999) Requested.
Sims, Claude T. Obit: Mr. Claude
T. Sims, of Forrest City, age 33, died Jul. 24, 1990 in a traffic accident on
Interstate 40 in Van Buren, Ark. He was born Mar.17, 1957 in St. Francis Co. to
Leon Sims, Sr. and Earnestine Rodgers Sims. He was a truck driver. He is
survived by his parents; a son, Princeton of Forrest City; four sisters,
Annette Slater and Brenda Sims of Little Rock, Lula McNight and Ollie Golatt of
Forrest City; five brothers, Jimmy, Raymond, Leon, Gary and Albert, all of
Forrest City. Funeral services Jul. 28 at Salem Baptist Church with Rev. Leon
Sims, Jr. officiating. Burial in Casteel Cemeteryby Woodhouse Mortuary. Not on
Simpson, Annie Lawson,
Mrs.-Obit: Mrs.Simpson, age 87, died Jan.24,1990 at Baptist Mem.Hosp. Forrest
City, she was 87; a lifelong resident of Wynne, her husband, Fred, preceded
here in death;Survivors include son, Ray Simpson of Forrest City, and grandson,
Allen Ray Simpson of Forrest City;burial in Harris Chapel Cem. by Thompson
Wilson FH.
Smith, Allie M. “Mae”, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Allie M. “Mae” Smith of Little Rock died Mar. 10, 1990. She was 89.
The retired Vice President of Archer Drug Co. of Little Rock. Mrs. Smith was a
member of Second Baptist Church, past President of her Sunday School Class,
past President of the Business and Professional Womens Club, and a member of
the Women’s City Club, Altrusa Club, and the Literary Guild, all of Little
Rock, and a Red Cross volunteer. Survivors include a daughter, Sue Springer of
Hot Springs; a brother, Jasper Garrison of Sherwood; four grandchildren, one of
whom is Mrs. Bud (Sue) Drury of Forrest City; six great grandchildren, three of
whom are Alan, Melissa and Angela Drury of Forrest City; and a great great
grandchild, Alan Drury II of Forrest City. Funeral servies Mar. 13 at Roller
Drummond FH in Little Rock. Burial to follow in Roselawn Cemetery in Little
Rock. FAG 173380016 Requested.
Smith, Charles David-Obit:age 67
of Forrest City, died Oct.20,1990; born Jan.18,1923 in Mississippi;He had lived
in St.Francis Co. most of his life, a retired farmer, and veteran of WW
II;Survived by four daughters, Lola Ponder of Forrest City, Charlotte Barnett
and Belinda Hollis of Wynne, and Sharon Hillis of Proctor;three sons, Larry
Smith of Waverly, Tenn., David Smith of Hot Springs and Chris Smith of Santa
Rosa, Calif.;two sisters, Pearl Smith and Gracie Woods of Forrest City;
brother, Carl Smith of Forrest City, and 13 grandchildren. burial in Loughridge
Cem. by Stevens FH. Not Requested. FAG 8617618
Smith, Doris
Willine m.Wade, Mrs.-Obit-of Little Rock, she died Jul.2,1990 after a prolonged
illness. She was born on Apr.22,1923 in Hamlin, Ark., to Vernon and Kate Wade.
She was raised in Forrest City and was a housewife. A member of the First
Baptist Church in Forrest City. She is survived by her husband, Woodrow W.Smith
of N.Little Rock, whom she wed in 1949; a daughter, Deborah Kaye Chancey of
Plattsburgh, N.Y.; two sisters, Verneal Hughes of Marianna, and Agnes Porter of
Killeen, Texa; and two grandchildren. Burial in Forrest Park cemetery by
Stevens Fun. Home. FAG 16439351 done.
Smith, Helen Virginia m.Carrick
Mrs., the former Helen Virginia Carrick, of Chattanooga, Tenn., died May 5,1990
at the Park Ridge Hosp. in Chattanooga. Smith, a Forrest City native, was a
retired antiques dealer. Her parents were Thomas A. Carrick and Virgie A.
Carrick. She was preceded in death by her husband, Banks E. Smith; Survivors
include three sisters, Mrs.John D. Callan of Dunedin, Fla., Mrs. Russell E.
Wood of Clearwater, Fla., and Mrs. George W. Attix of Lynchburg, Va.;and
several nieces and nephews.done
Smith, Linda Cottrell, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Linda Cottrell Smith, of Forrest City, died Nov. 1,1990 at Baptist
Mem. Hosp. in Memphis. She was 27. Mrs. Smith was born July 22, 1963, the
daughter of Marvin and Juanita Cottrell. In addition to her parents, she leaves
a son, Cedric of the home; seven brothers, Lonnie, Timmy, Terry, Tracy, and
Martaz Cottrell of Forrest City, Alex Cottrell of Little Rock, and Ulysess
Cottrell of Lincoln, Neb.; six sisters, Cynthia, Chanta, Pearl, Wanda, Angela,
and Michelle Cottrell, all of Forrest City; and a host of other relatives and
friends. Funeral services on Nov. 10 at The Elcannon M. B. Church in Palestine,
with Rev. Robert Cowan officiating. Burial in Elcannon Cemetery under direction
of Clay’s FH. FAG 186154891 done.
Smith, Mack-Obit: Mr. Mack Smith
of Forrest City died Oct. 4, 1990 at Forrest City Mddle School. He was 57. Mr.
Smith was born June 22, 1933 in Greenville, Miss., the son of the late Mack and
Emma Smith, Sr. He was employed with the Forrest City School District. He
leaves his wife, Carrie Humphrey Smith of the home; six sons, Mack, Jr. III,
and Robert Smith, both of Forrest City, Kieth, Robert, Mark and Vance Smith,
all of Houston; three daughters, Monica Smith of Forrest City and Marnita and
Latanya Smith, both of Houston; four stepsons, David, Dallas, Jimmy, and
Sylvester Humphrey, all of Forrest City; two step daughters, Lucille and Joann
Humphrey, both of Forrest City; a twin brother, Nathaniel Smith of Chicago; a
sister, Lucinda Smith Potts of Chicago; 17 grandchildren, and a host of nieces
and nephews and friends. Funeral services at Spiritual #1 Church on Oct. 11,
with interment in Forrest City cemetery under direction of Clay FH. FAG 186112776
Smithee, Bill E., Jr.-Obit:of
402 E.Davis, age 17, died on Aug.1,1990 in an auto accident; a student, he was
born in Paragould on Oct.3,1972;survived by parents Glen and Angie Cartillar of
the home and Bill E.Smithee, Sr. of Rector;sister, Kimberly Cartillar of the
home;two brothers, Jerry and Jeffrey Cartillar, both of the home;grandparents,
Guy and Billie Earnhart of Colorado and Carl and Jessie Smithee of Paragould;Burial
in Forrest Park Cem. by Morgan FH.
Sohma, Tanemihci m.Yoriko,
Mrs.-Obit:Servicesat Romaine FH. In Sarasota, Fla., died Monday, July 1990,
night at a hospital in Sarasota;a native of Japan, moved to the mid south
several years ago after marriage to Mr.Sohma, an official of Sanyo Mfg.Co., who
moved upon retirement to Florida.
Starkey, Fanny D., Mrs.-Obit:of
Colt, died Apr.16,1990 at Baptist Central Hosp. in Memphis, she was 82;Survived
by five daughters, Daisy Paddock of Silverdale, Wash., Minnie Miles of Battle
Creek, Mich., Lela Rogers of Earle, Velma Otten and Barbara Laird of Colt;13
grand and 7 great grandchildren. Burial in Gibson Bayou Cem. by Roller Citizens
Starns, Troy L.-age 79, of
Widener, died Jun.28,1990 at Bapt. Central Hosp. in Memphis. He had been in
poor health for the past week. Born Jul.9,1910 in Lee Co., Miss., and a member
of the Widener Bapt.Church, he had lived in St.Francis Co. most of his life.
Starns was the son of Adam Gipson and Nancy Jane Graves. He leaves his wife,
Robbie Starns of Widener; three daughters, Opal Webb of Blue Springs, Miss.,
Sharron D’Asenzo of Bay Shore, Mich., and Linda Burtsfield of New Hope, Ark.;
one son, Richard Starns of Jacksonville; two sisters, Opellee Barker of Forrest
City and Odell Western of Benton, Ark.; 15 grand, and 15 great. Stevens Fun.
Home in charge of burial in Loughridge Cemetery.
Stephens, Hattie Emison Mrs.,
96, of Bells, Tenn., died Apr.23,1990 at the Jackson Reg.Hosp. in Jackson,
Tenn. She leaves her husband, R.O.Stephens of the home; three sons, R.B.
Stephens of Forrest City, Billy Stephens of Memphis, and Dalton Stephens of
Bells; a daughter, Jessie Vaughn of Crossnoe of Bells; seven grandchildren, 8
great grandchildren, and one great great. Services by Bells Fun. Home in
Cypress Cemetery.done
Stevens, Scarlet m.Cornwell,
Mrs. Obit: Born: Dec.29, 1942 Died: Jul.10, 1990-Mrs. Scarlett Cornwell
Stevens, 47, died Tuesday at her home. She had been in poor health for six
months. She graduated from Dardenelle HS and the Univ. of Arkansas, where she
was active in Chi Omega. She married in 1964 to Walter E. Stevens, III Services
will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church in
Forrest City conducted by Rev. Melton Ware, where she was a member, with burial
in Forrest Park Cemetery. Stevens Funeral Home has charge. She was a member of
the Governor's Mansion Board, Chi Omega sorority and Forrest City Junior
Auxiliary. Mrs. Stevens, the wife of Walter E. 'Steve' Stevens, also leaves two
daughters, Miss Sara Ashley Stevens of Little Rock and M iss Blair Elizabeth
Stevens of Forrest City; her parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Cornwell of
Dardanelle, and a brother, John Blair Cornwell of Russellville. Source:
Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN), 11 July 1990.Parents:Gilroy Scarlett Cornwell
(1906 - 1994) Roberta Ola Blair Cornwell (1917 - 2001) Spouse:Walter Edwin
Stevens (1942 - 2003)* FAG 16847961 done.
Steverson, Lee Andrew, Rev.-
Obit: The Rev. Lee Andrew Steverson died Oct. 14, 1990 in Marianna, following a
long illness, he was 95. Rev. Steverson was pastor of Pleasant Valley M. B.
Church in Brickeys. He had serves as pastor over 60 years. He was preceded in
death by his wife and by four children, Alfred Lee Steverson, Wallace Lee Steverson,
and Myrtle Brown and Betty Davis. He leaves six daughters, Sadie Lee McIntosh
of Memphis, Ethel Dene Speight and Mildred Cunningham, both of Detroit, Mattie
Linton of Chicago, Doris Wooten of Covert, Mich., and Irma Jones of Marianna;
three sons, Jeff Steverson of Forrest City, Hamp Steverson of Marianna, and Lee
Andrew Steverson, Jr. of Chicago; two sisters, Virginia Parnell of Marianna and
Ruth Miller of Chicago; 118 grandchildren, 136 great grandchildren, 26 great
great grandchildren, and eight great great great grandchildren. Funeral
services at Antioch M. B. Church with Rev. J. V. McKenzie of Paradise M. B.
Church of Kansas City, Mo. Officiating. Burial will follow in Antioch Cemetery
by Kennedy FH. Requested FAG 184034650
Stewart, Charline P. m.Mrs.-Obit:of
Wheatley, died Feb.17,1990 at Bapt.Hosp. in Little Rock, she was 77;born
Jul.3,1912 in Wheatley, the daughter of George C.and Julia Mae Paslay Smith, a
lifelong resident of Wheatley;retired from the Unemployement Security Division
of Arkansas;preceded in death by her husband, Redmond “Greg” Stewart in
1975;survived by son, Greg Stewart of Wheatley;a daughter, Sandra Stewart Good
of Searcy;brother, Horace H.Smith of Centre, Alabama;sister, Marjorie S.Harris
of Marion, and seven grand, and 5 great grandchildren.
Stewart, Wilburn, Jr. Obit: Mr.
Wilburn Stewart, Jr., died May 6, 1990 at the Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Memphis. He
was 75. Mr. Stewart was born Aug. 14, 1914 to Wilburn Stewart, Sr. and Cathrine
Stewarnt. He was a maintenance engineer for the First National Bank in
Marianna,and was a veteran of WW II. Survivors include his wife, Martha Harris
Stewart; five sons, Wilburn III, James, Thomas, and David Stewart, all of
Marianna, and Curtis Stewart of Oakland, Calif.; two daughters, Gloria Stewart
Wilson of Houston, and Barbara Stewart of Marianna; one grandchild; Funeral
services May 12 at Kennedy FH Chapel with Rev. Morris Wilson officiating.
Burial to follow in Antioch Cemetery in Aubrey. FAG 186432147 done.
Stidhum, Kenneth L.-Obit: Mr.
Kenneth L. Stidum, 28, of Forrest City, died Sep. 2, 1990, at Doctors Hosp. in
Little Rock, following a long illness. Mr. Stidum was born in Goodwin, the son
of Johnny Stidum and Esther Jordan Stidum. He was a manager and former deputy
Sheriff in Dallas, Texas. He was preceded in death by his mother and a brother,
Fredrick D. Sitdum. In addition to his father, of Forrest City, he leaves a
daughter, Dereka F. Stidum of Milwaukee, Wisc.; four sisters, Juanita Nollands
of Palestine, Betty Rooks of Memphis and Vernell Stidum of Little Rock; two
brothers, Johnny Stidum, Jr. and Cardell Stidum, both of Dallas. Funeral
services will be Sept. 8 at St. Luke A. M. E. Church in Forrest City. The Rev.
Diane Burl will officiate. Burial will follow in Casteel Cemetery under direction
of Kennedy FH. Cemetery not on FAG
Stidum, Canary Obit: Mrs. Canary
Stidum of Goodwin died Mar. 7, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest City. She
was 81. Mrs. Stidum was born Sept. 30, 1918,the daughter of Austin Johnson and
Mamie Berry Johnson. She leaves a host of friends and relatives. Funeral
services will be Mar.10 at the Goodwin Church of God in Christ. Burial will
follow in Goodwin Cemetery by Clay FH. Not sure of Cemetery.
Sullivan, Gladys Clease Climber,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Gladys Clease Climber Sullivan of Wynne died Feb. 7, 1990 at
Woodruff Nursing Home in McCrory following a long illness. She was 81. A former
resident of Cherry Valley and the Birdeye Community, Mrs. Sullivan was a member
of the Church of God. She was also a former Wynne Elementary School employee.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Napoleon Sullivan. Survivors include
three sons, James Edward Sullivan of Bakersfield, Calif., and Charles and Gene
Sullivan, both of Forrest City; three daughters, Edna Austin of McCrory,
Charline McGuire of Forrest City and Dianne Alley of Marion; two half brothers,
Robert Wilson of Modesto, Calif. And Allen Wilson of Knight’s Landing, Calif.;
a sister, Gertis Morrow of Colt; a half sister, Aline Justice of Pocola, Okla.;
and 19 grandchildren and 23 great
grandchildren. Funeral services at Thompson-Wilson FH Chapel Feb.10, with Rev.
John Threat officiating. Burial will be in Cogbill Cemetery. FAG 9739892 Not Requested. Spouse: Napoleon Sullivan
Swiney, Alice Beatrice Obit:
Miss Alice Beatrice Swinea of Forrest City died Feb. 21,1990 at Baptist Mem.
Hosp. in Forrest City. She was 80. Mrs. Swinea was born Mar. 28, 1909 in
Palestine, to John William Swinea and Emma Alice Miller Swinea. She had lived in
St. Francis Co. all her life and was a retired laundry worker. She was a member
of Lindauer Road Church of Christ. Miss Swinea leaves two sisters, Jewell
Gustafson of Memphis and Lillie Swinea of Daytona Beach, Fla.; ten nieces and
nephews; and a host of friends. Funeral Services at Stevens FH Chapel on Feb.
24 with Bro. Worley Ferguson officiating. Burial to follow in Bell Cemetery. Parents:John
W. Swinea (1871 - 1936) Emma M. Miller Swinea (1879 - 1935) Siblings: Hazel Pearl Swinea (1903 - 1980)*
Birtie Swinea (1905 - 1982)* Alice Beatrice Swinea (1909 - 1990) Jewell Lee Swinea
Gustafson (1912 - 2000)* Clara Lillie Swinea (1919 - 2012)*FAG 68878782
Sykes, Lawrence Clayton-Of Pine
Bluff, formerly Forrest City, died Jan.22,1990 at Jefferson Mem. Hosp. in Pine
Bluff, he was 41. Born Jan.21,1949 in Forrest City to Charlene Sykes Moore and
the late Malvin Sykes. An Associate professor and librarian at the Univ. of
Arkansas at Pine Bluff. In addition to his mother and stepfather, Shelton Moore
of Madison, he leaves his wife Mary Haggins Sykes of the home; a son, Brandon
S. Sykes of the home; two brothers, Melvin Charles of Vicksburg, Miss. and
Ralph C.Sykes of Los Angeles; three sisters, Shirley Sykes Ingram of Ft.Wayne,
Ind., Sherrye Sykes Blakely of Helena, and Iris L. Sykes of Madison. Brown Fun.
Home in Charge. Done
Suez, Yuen So Chan, Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Yuen So Chan Suez of Forrest City died Nov. 1, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp.
Forrest City, she was 85. Mrs. Suez was born Nov. 5, 1904, in China, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chan. She had lived in Forrest City for the past seven
years, and was a retired high school principal andwas a member of Calvary
Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert K. W. Suez in
1984. She leaves a son, Kang Suez of Forres City; a granddaughter, Kim Suez of
Forrest City; two brothers, Yeun Pak Chan and Yuen Like Chan, both of Hong
Kong; and a sister, Yuch Chi Chan Liang of Hong Kong. Funeral services will be
Nov. 3 at Stevens FH Chapel with the Rev. Dan Gauw officiating. Burial to
follow in Forrest Park Cemetery. Spouse:Robert K. W. Suez (1908 - 1984)* FAG 15738571
Summage, Louis Obit: Mr. Louis
Summage of Forrest City died Nov. 22, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp in Forrest
City. He was 80. Mr. Summage was born Apr. 10, 1910 in Clarendon to John and
Judy Summage. Survivors include his wife, Francise Rucker Summage of the home;
four daughters, Ruthie Phillip of Widener, Louise Rogers, Dorothy Summage, and
Ella Mae Watson, all of Forrest City; three sons, A. J. Johnson of Stuttgart,
James and John Summage of Forrest City; 40 grandchildren, and six great
grandchildren. Funeral services Dec.1 in Woodhouse Mortuary Chapel with Bro.
Foster Bolden officiating. Burial in Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG.
Tanner, Margie Miss, of Forrest
City, died May 15,1990, at Bapt. Central Hosp. in Memphis, she was 67. Born
Feb.12,1923 in Brighton, Tenn, the daughter of William E. Tanner and Callie Sue
Ashe Tanner. She had lived in Forrest City for most of her life, and was a
member of the First Baptist Church. She
leaves two sisters, Doris Stewart and Carolyn Burkhart, both of Forrest City; a
nephew, I.B.Stewart of Little Rock, and two nieces. Stevens Fun. Home in charge
of burial in Misner Cemetery, in Cherry Valley.done
Tarrants, Joann m.Hall, Mrs. arrants,
Joann Hall Mrs.-Of Forrest City, she died Apr.16,1990, age 50. She was manager
of the Holiday Inn Restaurant in Forrest City, and a member of the Colt Baptist
Church. Survivors include a son, Ronnie Lee Tarrants of Palestine; two
daughters, Melody Ann Tarrants and Elizabeth Wilson, both of Forrest City; a
brother, Jerry Hall of Brinkley, two sisters, Betty Burns of Des Arc and Louise
Hollowell of Cotton Plant, and eight grandchildren. Burial in Oaklawn Cem. In
Brinkley by Fowler Fun. Home. FAG 152801747 done
Taylor, Ozoine, Rev. Obit: Rev.
Ozoine Taylor of Forrest City died Feb. 15, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in
Forrest City. He was 89. Mr. Taylor was born Oct. 2, 1900 in Mississippil, the
son of Nate Taylor and Hattie Martin Taylor. He was a retired minister.
Survivors include his wife, Betty M. Taylor; six daughters, Maggie Collins of
Pine Bluff, Arizona Taylor of Forrest City, Charlie M. Murphy of Little Rock,
Earnestine McGlaren of St. Louis, and Hattie Ware and Mary Devine, both of
Minneapolis; three sons, Arvell and Isaiah Taylor, both of Chicago, and Emmitt
Taylor of N. Little Rock; a niece, Ruth Jewell of Little Rock; 31 grandchildren
and 18 great grandchildren. Funeral services Feb. 21 at Union Grove M. B. Church
with Rev. Charles Latham officiating. Burial in New Home Cemetery in Widener by
Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 186355199 done.
Templeton, Dave, Jr. Obit: Dave
Templeton, Jrs., formerly of Forrest City, died May 18, 1990 at the VA Med.
Center in San Francisco. He was 68. Templeton was born Jun. 21, 1921 in Forrest
City to Dave Templeton, Sr. and Carrie Templeton who preceded him in death, and
brother John Wesley Templeton. Survivors include one son, Dave Templeton III of
Indiana; three sisters, Beatrice Brown, Daisy McKinnery and Julia Brown, all of
Forrest City; four brothers, James Templeton of Flint, Mich., Samuel and
Herman, both of Saginaw, Mich., and Ernest Templeton of Tulsa, Okla.; two
sisters, Mae Ola Knox and Lucille Hodges, both of Forrest City; an aunt, Julia
Templeton of Forrest City. Funeral services May 24 at Church of God in Christ
Congregational with Elder Robinson officiating. Burial in Casteel Cemetery by
Kennedy FH. Cemetery not on FAG
Tharpe, Macon-Obit:Services in
Houston, Texas, for Macon Tharpe, who died on Friday, Feb.8,1990, in Houston, a
native of Forrest City, the son of the late and Mrs.JJ.Tharpe; The brother of
Mrs.Carl (Christine) Tharpe Morris of This city;He was in grocery
business;survived by wife, a number of sons and daughter, two sisters,
Mrs.Morris of this city and Mrs.Lois Hunnicutt of Clarksville, Ark.
Thomas, Ethel m.Collier,
Mrs.-Obit:of Crestpark Nursing Home, age 85, died Oct.7,1990;born Nov.10,1904
to Bob and Nola Nipper Collier, she lived in St.Francis Co. most of her life;preceded
in death by husband Lee Thomas in 1968;survived by three daughters, Velma Chalk
of Forrest City, Frena Stepp of Groveland, Calif., and Betty Barnett of
Batesville;three sons, Louis Thomas of Ft.Worth, Tex., Curtis Thomas of
McCloud, Calif., and Dewey Thomas of Helena;sister, Freddie Barnes of
N.Hollywood, Calif.,;31 grand, several great, and one great great grandchild.
Burial in Barnishaw Cem. by Stevens FH.
Thomason, Sarah m.Sutton, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Sarah Sutton Thomason, 78, of Marianna, died Mar. 24, 1990 at Baxter
Reg. Hosp. in Mountain Home. Mrs. Thomason was born May 7,1911 in Trenton,
Tenn. To W. B. Sutton and Lidia Sharp Sutton. She was a retired postal clerk
and a member of the First United Methodist Church in Marianna. She was preceded
in death by her husband, Marvin J. Thomason. Survivors include two daughters,
Louise T. Hutchison of Mt. Home andJessica T. White of Forrest City; and four
grandchildren. Funeral services held at First United Methodist Church in
Marianna, with burial in Marianna Mem. Cemetery by Roller-Citizens FH. FAG 158041481
Requested Spouse: Marvin Jesse Thomason (1908-1966)
Tillman, Sidney Obit: Mr. Sidney
Tillman of Forrest City died Nov. 1, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Forrest
City, he was 62. Mr. Tillma was born Feb. 22, 1928, the son of Thomas Tillman
and Clara Tillman. He was a truck driver for Exxon Oil Co. He leaves his
mother, Clara Tillman of Tullahoma, Tenn.; a daughter, April Maria Tillman of
St. Louis; two brothers, Johnny C. Tillman of Louisville, Ky. And Gary Tillman
of Shelbyville, Tenn.; two grand children; and a host of other relatives and
friends. Funeral services will be Nov. 8 at Lane Chapel Church with the Rev.
Raymond Lyles officiating, with burial in Casteel Cem. By Clay FH. Cemetery not
on FAG.
Tousant, Calvin Coolidge-Obit:of
Forrest City, age 64, died at the VA Med.Center in Memphis Oct.16,1990;an
U.S.Army Veteran;Survived by daughter, Mae Francis Watson of Memphis;a son,
Harold Tousant of Detroit;a brother, Marshall Tousant of Forrest City;sister,
Ola Miles of Chicago;four grandchildren. burial in Casteel Cem by Kennedy FH.
Tousant, Flora B., Mrs.-Obit:
Mrs. Flora B. Tousant of Forrest City died Sep. 7, 1990 at her home after a
long illness, she was 68. Mrs. Tousant was born Feb.10,1922, in Forrest City.
She had retired after serving 24 years as an elementary school teacher. She was
a member of St. Temple C. O. G. I. C. She leaves three daughters, Florine
Bingham of Forrest City, Eva Bryant of Memphis, and Janet Smith of Sherwood;
three sons, Malvin Tousant of St. Cloud, Minn., Alvin Tousant of Jackson,
Tenn., and Steve Tousant of Minneapolis; a step daughter, Nina Hikes of Gary,
Ind.; a step son, Marshall Tousant, Jr. also of Gary, Ind.; three sisters,
Dollye Bonner and Lola Johnson, both of Forrest City, and Ruby Smith of St.
Louis; six brothers, Charlie Williams of Carson, Calif., John Leroy, Homer,
Floyd, and Earlixe Williams, all of Forrest City; and 28 grandchildren and 11
great grandchildren. Funeral services Sep. 15 at Saints Temple C. O. G. I. C.
with Rev. Lewis Bingham officiating, Burial in Casteel Cemetery by Kennedy FH.
Not requested, Cemetery not on FAG-
Tousant, Frank Obit: Mr. Frank
Tousant of Forrest City died Jan. 23, 1990, at Baptist Mem. Hosp. of Forrest
City. He was 94 years old. Mr. Tousant was born Feb.28, 1895m ti Mr. and Mrs.
Zack Tousant of Eunice, La. He had been a resident of Forrest City since 1915
when he moved here following his marriage to the late Bernadine Tousant. A
retired employee of the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill, Tousant was a member of
the First Baptist Church. He leaves a daughter, Ola Miles of Chicago, Ill.; two
sons, Marshall and Calvin Coolidge Tousant, both of Forrest City; 24
grandchildren, many great grandchildren, and several great great grandchildren.
Funeral Services at First Baptist Church on Jan. 26 by Kennedy FH with Rev.
Baker officiating. Burial to follow in Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG.
Tucker, Gertrude m.King, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Gertrude King Tucker, age 71, of Pine Bluff, a former Forrest
Citian, died Friday night, 1990, at the Jefferson Mem. Hosp. in that city. Mrs.
Tucker died suddenly and unexpectedly following a stroke. The former Gertrude
King, she was a native of Pine Bluff and the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Tom King of that city. She resided in Forrest City for many years and was
employed with Eaton, Tayle, and Towne Mfg. for a time. She had also been a
part-time employee of Mid America Travel Service in this city. She was a member
of the First Baptist Church in Pine Bluff. Mrs. Tucker is survived by her
husband, Fred Noel Tucker, a retired AP&L supervisor in Forrest City; one
daughter, Mrs. Trudy (E. A.) Nelson; one sister, Edna King Cook; and two
grandchildren, Noel and Tucker McIntyre, all of Pine Bluff. Funeral services
held today, Monday, at Ralph Robinson & Son FH in Pine Bluff, with burial
in Bellwood Cemetery in that city. Not on FAG.
Turner, John T.-of Forrest City,
age 82, died Apr. 15,1990 at Crittenden Mem. Hosp. in W.Memphis. Born
Sep.12,1907 in Tennessee, the son of John Turner Sr. and Ann Turner. He had
made his home in Forrest City since 1944. The retired owner of the Forrest City
Servicsoft Company, he was a member of the United Methodist Chruch. He leaves
his wife, Goldie Harris Turner of the home; a daughter, Beverly Ann Thompson of
Forrest City; a brother, Richard Turner of Heber Springs; two grandchildren.
Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial in Forrest Park Cemetery.done
Tyson, Dovie Ruff, Mrs.-Obit-of
Marianna, died Jul.29,1990 at Huntsville Hosp. in Huntsville, Ala. The daughter
of Emmitt James Ruff and Betty Jean Justice Ruff, on Jan.22,1920 in Madison.
She was raised in Forrest City, and lived most of her life in Marianna. She
founded Tyson Jewelry, and was involved in numerous civic projects, and was a
member of the First Baptist Church in Marianna. She was preceded in death by
her husband, Charles F. Tyson, Jr. in 1965. She leaves two daughters, Linda
Tyson Ausely of Huntsville, Ala., and Gay Tyson Schmitz of Marianna; a sister,
Norma Ruff Hurt of Marianna; seven grandchildren, includeing Charles and
Michael Schmitz of Marianna, and seven great grandchildren. Funeral by Stevens
Fun. Home in Marianna Mem. Cemetery.
Underwood, Theo m.Hillard,
Mrs.-Obit:of Round Pond age 77, he died at Crittenden Mem.Hosp. in
W.Memphis;born Dec.24,1912 in Yale Co. to Fatt Hillard and Julie Coker; she had
lived in Round Pond for ten years;survived by her husband, Ray of the home;five
daughters, Alice Duncan of Fulton, Miss., Lois Mullvain of Marengo, Ill., Hazel
Leffelman of Kingston, Ill., Patsy Tate of Hughes, and Betty Rose of
Crawfordsville;four sons, Bud of Widener, Leon of Round Pond, Gerene Underwood
of Compton, Ill., and Jimmy Underwood of Rochelle, Illinois;three borthers,
Veral Hillard of Lake Village, J.E. of Dermott, and H.E. of Palestine, Texas;24
grand, 28 great grandchildren;burial by Stevens FH. In Crittenden Mem.Park Cem.
Vailes, William “Bill”-Obit:of
Forrest City, died Aug.7,1990 at Methodist Central Hosp. in Memphis, age
82;Born Feb.16,1908 in Colt, Ark. to Frank Vailesand Leta Catherine Moore; he
had lived in St.Francis Co. all his life. Survived by five nieces and three
nephews; Graveside in Forrest Park Cem. by Stevens FH.
Vanderburg, Mary Hazel, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Mary Hazel Vanderburg of Hunter died Mar. 9, 1990, at her home. She
was 71. Mrs. Vanderburg was born Mar. 27, 1918 in Hunter, to Hillery and Eula
Sullivan Rice. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and lived her entire
life in Hunter. She is survived by her husband, Loyd Lafayette Vanderburg; two
daughters, Glenda R. Shivers of Hunter, and Betty G. Mauldin of W. Helena; two
sisters, Alma McGarity and Christine McBroome, both of Forrest City; four
grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were Mar. 12 at
the First Baptist Church in Hunter with Rev. Emanuel Long officiating. Burial
in Hunter Cemetery by Bob Neal and Sons FH. Spouse: Loyd Lafayette Vanderburg
(1912-1990) FAG 31860801 Requested.
Venson, Bobby Jean m.Houston,
Mrs. Obit: Mrs. Bobby Jean Venson of Marianna died Dec. 15, 1990 at her home.
She was 52. Mrs. Venson was the daughter of James Houston and the late Lillie
Bell Sanders Houston. She was a homemaker. In addition to her father of
Marianna, she leaves a daughter, Marie Venson of Marianna; a son, Byron Venson
of Marianna; a sister, Dorothy Lloyd of Las Vegas; two brothers, James E.
Houston Jr. and Billy Albert Houston, both of Marianna; and one grandson, Steve
Venson of Marianna. Funeral services will be Dec. 22 at St. Luke M. B. Church
in Marianna. Burial will be in Pilgrim Cem. By Kennedy FH. FAG 186204652 done.
Wade, Ulysses C.-Obit-Age
84, died Jan.6,1990 at his home in Widener. Born Mar.8,1905 to the late William
Wade and Joe Ellen Wade. Survivors include his wife, Vergie L.Tatum Wade of
Widener; four daughters, Daisy Juanita Rody of N.Little Rock, Glenda Wade and
Jennette Wade of Forrest City, and Elizabeth Jones of Los Angeles; two sons,
Lennell Wade of Haynes, and Andrew L. Wade of Kansas City, Mo.; a sister,
Mattie Smith of Chicago; a brother, Mark Wade of Parkin; 19 grandchildren, and
23 great grandchildren. Burial in Paradise Gardens in Edmondson, under
Woodhouse Mortuary direction.
Wade, Walter Lee, Sr. Obit: Mr.
Walter Wade Sr., died Oct. 26, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp., Forrest City. He was
71. Mr. Wade was born Jan. 1, 1919. He was preceded in death by a son, Walter
Wade, Jr. He leaves his wife, Lula Mae Wade of Haynes; eight sons, Ivory Wade
of Beloit, Wisc., Wibert, Tommy and Robert Wade, all of Milwaukee, and Willard,
Larry and Lonnie Wade, all of Forrest City; four daughters, Velma Turman of
Beloit, Wisc., Rose Taylor and Joyce Hayes, both of Milwaukee, and Joann Norris
of Little Rock; Five brothers, Leander, Eugene, Early and Neil Wade Jr., all of
Forrest City, and Willie Wade of Milwaukee; a sister, Lonneva Ferrell of
Forrest City; 23 grandchildren, and 12 great grandchildren. Funeral services on
Oct. 31 at New Mt. Zion M. B. Church with the Rev. Harry Noble officiating.
Burial will be in Casteel Cem. Under direction of Clay FH. FAG 62184651 Has
Tombstone Requested.
Ware, Walter Giggs, Jr. Obit:
Mr. Walter Giggs Ware, Jr. died Apr. 20, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. in Forrest
City. He was 66. Mr. Ware was born Apr. 10, 1924 in Widener to Walter Ware, Sr.
and Mary J. Ware. He was a U. S. Army veteran. He was preceded in death by a
sister, Emma Mary Ware. In addition to his mother of Toledo, Ohio, he leaves
his wife, Henriette Jones Ware; a step daughter, Elise Washington of Forrest
City; two brothers, Alfred and Marshall Ware, both of Toledo; five step
grandchildren and 12 step great grandchildren. Funeral services Apr. 28 at
Kennedy FH Chapel with Rev. Smith Foy officiating. Burial to follow in Stanley
Grove Cemetery at Jericho, Ark. Not on FAG.
Walker, Edward Obit: Mr. Edward
Walker died Jun. 17, 1990. He was born May 30, 1957 to Sylvester Walker, Sr.
and Louise Green Walker. He was a self employed auto mechanic. In addition to
his mother of Forrest City, he leaves his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Willie Walker of Forrest City; four children, Genecka, Edquina, Keeuntis and
Edward, Jr., all of Forrest City; six sisters, Annie Jean, Cynthia Ann, Lula
Jean, Sylvia Lynn and Cassandra Walker and Joanne Flintmond; seven brothers,
Sylvester, Jr., Tony, Jackie, Michael, Anthony, Rickey, and Overtis Walker, all
of Forrest City. Funeral services for Edward Walker, 33, of Forrest City will
be Jun. 23, 1990 at the New Light Baptist Church on Day Street in Forrest City
by Rev. Jesse McClure officiating. Burial in Jericho Cemetery under direction
of Marianna FH. FAG 186452797 done.
Wallace, Richard Glynn-Obit-Of
Cape Giradeau, Mo., died Dec.22,1989 at Southeast Missouri Hosp. He was born in
Mintern, Ark. o Jul.5,1923 to Herman and Rena Boleyn Wallace. He married Thelma
Joyce Bess in 1948. He was a past high priest of the Royal Arch Masons, and was
a scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 417 in Bonne Terre. Suvivors include his wife;
five sons, Michael , Kenneth, Thomas and Rick Wallace, all of Cape Giradeau,
and Herman of Germany; two daughters, Janice Nerrin of Sand Springs, Okla., and
Kay Lovelace of Troy, Mo.;three sisters, Mrs.Opal Emerson of Forrest City, and
Mrs. Vivian Huey and Beatrice Blackwell, both of Cape Giradeau; two brothers,
Bill of Jackson, Mo., and Ferris of Cape Giradeau; and eight grandchildren.
Walls, Ricky-M. Obit:age 34 of
Colt due to Auto Accident west of Colt, on Nov.4,1990. Born Aug.8,1956 in
Forrest City to W.H.and Rena Doris Walls, he lived in Colt most of his life;
survived by parents of Colt, two Daughters, Tracey and Christina Walls, both of
Colt;two sons, Timothy Walls and Jeffery Riley, both of Colt; four sisters,
Patricia Brown and Connie Dye, both of Colt, Brenda Chapman of Forrest City,
and Sandra Flannagan of Texarkana;two brothers, Terry Walls of Colt and Elton
Walls of Pine Tree. Burial in Barnishaw Cem. by Stevens FH. FAG 8941196
Waring, Alice N., Mrs.-Obit-of
Euless,Texas, died Jul.11,1990 after an extended illness. A former resident of
Hughes, and a school teacher. She was an
elder in the Presbyterian Church holding many offices for that order. She wrote
a biography of General Andrew Pickens, “The Fighting Elder”. The widow of A. L.
Waring, she is survived by two brothers, Dr.Philip Noble of Atlanta, and Cary
Noble of Natchez, Miss.; three grandsons, A., Billy and Jack Lofrau, and 10
great grandchildren. Roller Citizens Fun. Home in charge of funeral in
Crittenden Mem. Cemetery.
Washington, Leroy Obit: Mr.
Leroy Washington, age 73, died Aug. 2, 1990 at his home in Forrest City. He was
born Aug.17, 1916 in McGehee, to Johnny Washington and Mattie Bradley
Washington. He was a veteran of WW II and a member of Mt. Calvary Baptist
Church. He is survived by his wife, Betty Sharpe Washington of the home; three
nieces, Mable Jones and Betty Sharp of Dyersburg, Tenn.,and Katie Jean Sahrpe
of Robinson,Illinois; a nephew, Williams Jr. of Forrest City; and a cousin,
Maggie Tate of Pine Bluff. Funeral services Aug. 9 at Woodhouse Mortuary
Chapel, with burial in Casteel Cemetery. Cemetery not on FAG, Hwy 70 west of
Forrest City. FAG 62184815 Requested.
Watson, James Hobbs Obit: Mr.
James Hobbs Watson of Marianna died Apr. 11, 1990. He was 69. Mr. Watson was
born Aug. 6, 1911. He is survived by his wife, Grace Watson; one step son,
Robert Deckins of Marianna; one brother,Jack Watson of Marianna; two step
grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services on Apr. 18
at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Marianna, with burial in Paradise Gardens.
Rev. Ousley officiated, and Kennedy FH in Charge. FAG 186403845 done.
Weaver, Waverly-Obit: Mr.
Waverly Weaver, 78, of Palestine died Sept. 13,1990, in Memphis. He was a
farmer and a deacon of the Hodge Providence Baptist Church. Mr. Weaver is
survived by five sons, Waverly Weaver, Jr. of Desoto, Mo., Eugene Weaver, A. J.
Weaver, Cleveland Weaver, and Raymond Weaver, all of St. Louis; three
daughters, Hattie Moss of Palestiine, Mozella Smith of St. Louis and Della
Weaver Ingram of Chicago; a brother, Azil Patton Of Chicago; two sisters,
Ameather Love of Williamstown, N. J., and Sylvia Coleman of Forrest City; and
39 grandchildren, 46 great grandchildren, and three great great grandchildren.
Funeral services on Sep. 22 at the Antioch Baptist Church in Palestine, with
Rev. Napoleon Gaines officiating. Burial in Weaver Cemetery with Kennedy FH in
charge. FAG 80006871 Spouse:Idella Tomlin Weaver (1912 - 1987)
West, John Manuel Obit: U. S.
Navy WW II-John Manuel West of Mammoth Springs, died Jan. 4, 1990 in Little
Rock Baptist Hospital. He was born Feb. 26, 1915 in Lepanto, Ark. to John J.
West and Mollissia Lowder West. He had moved from Idaho three years ago.
Survivors include two sons, Johnny and Jimmy West, both of Boise, Idaho; three
daughters, Janet West of Boise, Idaho, Freda Williams of LaGrange, Illinois,
and Barbara Edmonds of Starkville, Miss.; four brothers, Everett of Mammoth
Springs, Henry and Charles West of Mountainburg, and Donnie West of Kenosha,
Wisc.; Four sisters, Ruby Everly of Mammoth Springs, Bonnie Roberts of Van
Buren, Ark., Maxine Painter of Mountainburg, and Imogene Joslin of Cabuzon,
Calif.; 11 grandchildren, and 12 great grandchildren. Parents: John J. West (1884 - 1972) Molissie
Lowder West (1896 - 1986) Siblings: John
Manuel West (1915 - 1990) Genevieve V. West Scissom (1919 - 1980)* Everett
Matthew West (1921 - 2000)* Henry Richard West (1923 - 2008)* Imogean West
Joslin (1926 - 2009)* Bonda Lee West Roberts (1929 - 2012)* Roseman Maxine
Painter (1931 - 2005)* Donald D. West (1936 - 2007)* FAG 40386400 done.
White, Charlie
Franklin-Obit:Mr.Charlie Franklin White of Marianna, died Jan.24,1990 at
Baptist Central Hosp. In Memphis, he was 79;born Sep.7,1910 in Plumberville, he
was a retired farmer;Survived by his wife, Opal Compton White of Marianna, four
daughters, Mae Burns and Dottie Keeling, both of Marianna, and Louise Scrape of
Jonesboro, and Nina Fitts of Brinkley;five sons, Gene and Wayne White of Corpus
Christi, Tex., Larry of Kingsville, Tex., James White of Irving, Texas, and
Jerry White of Marianna;two sisters, Jewel Herron of Marianna and Margret
Osburn of Stuttgart;20 grand and 12 great grandchildren.Burial in Marianna
Mem.Park by Roller Citizens FH.
White, Verlon Carl Obit: Mr.
Verlon Carl White of Beebe, died Apr. 3, 1990. A Methodist,he was a retired
water well driller and a livestock dealer. He was also a member of the Beebe
Water Commision and a 32nd degree Mason. He leaves two sons, Sidney
White of Beebe and Richard White of West Point, N. C.; two daughters, Beverly
Darwin and Katherine Cardwell of Little Rock; three brothers, C. B. White of
Beebe, Bill White of Hot Springs and Foster White of England: and a sister,
Mrs. Ellsworth (Delma) Watson of Forrest City; nine grandchildren and six great
grandchildren. Funeral services Apr. 6 at First United Methodist Church of
Beebe. Burial in Anitoch Cem. With W. L. Westbrook FH in charge. Child: Richard
Orlan White (1945-2016) Spouse:Thelma Irene Short White (1911-1989) FAG 48992404
Whitehorn, James
F. Obit: Mr. James F. “Frank” Whitehorn of Palestine died Jul. 4, 1990 at the
Methodist Hosp. in Memphis after being in poor health for the past year. He was
64. Mr. Whitehorn was born Aug. 4, 1925 in Parkin to James M. and Anna Moncrief
Whitehorn. He lived in Forrest City and Palestine for most of his life. A
retired shoe repairman, Mr. Whitehorn was a member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church and served on the Palestine City Council. Mr. Whitehorn is
survived by his mother, Anna Whitehorn, of Forrest City; his wife, Alice
Whitehorn of Palestine; two daughters, Frankye Adamson of Dallas, Texas, and
Valarie J. Giles of Canton, Mich.; a son, Bobby Whitehorn of Palestine; a
brother, Bill Hollis of Millington, Tenn.; three sisters, Marlene Whittenton of
Forrest City, Virginia Barnes of Rochelle, Ill., and Novie Love of Mountain
View; and seven grandchildren. Services at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in
Palestine on Jul.6 with Rev. Jerry Lawson to officiate. Burial to follow in
Bell Cemetery by Stevens FH. Child:Robert D. Whitehorn (1956-2011) FAG 68879096
Whiteside, Cordelia E. Mrs.-Obit-Of
Forrest City, died Jan.11,1990 at Cross Co.Hosp. in Wynne. Survivors include
her husband, George Whiteside of Forrest City; a daughter, Geneva Swift of
Forrest City; a sister, Mary Hawkins of Toledo, Ohio; and seven grandchildren;
and 10 great grandchildren. Interment in Paradise Garden Cemetery in Edmondson.
Wiese, John Vance “Jack”-Of
Germantown, Tenn., died at home on Jan.27,1990, he was 56. A graduate of Rhodes
College, he was a retired employee of the National Bank of Commerce. He is
survived by his wife, Sandra McLareen Wiese, the daughter of Mrs. Carrie
McLaren of Forrest City; a daughter, Lee Ann Thompson; a son, John McLaren
Wiese; a sister, Margaret Nye of Scottsdale, Ariz.; and a brother, Charles
Edward Wiese of Chesterfield, Mo. Graveside services at Memorial Park Cemetery.
Williams, Leavy, Sr. Obit: Leavy
Williams, Sr., aged 72, of Marianna, died Jun.1, 1990. Williams was a self
employed farmer and a member of the New Light M. B. Church. He was also a
Mason.Survivors include his wife, Ruby Lee Williams of Marianna; six daughters,
Lela Terrell of Peoria, Ill., Louise, Lorene, and Everlena Williams of Dallas,
Texas, Doris Jean Wafford and Loretta Williams, of Marianna; seven sons, Leavy
Williams, Jr., Louis and Lloyd, and Cary Williams of Gary, Ind., R. C. Williams
and Willie B. Williams of Marianna, and Early Williams of Peoria, Illinois. Mr.
Williams also leaves three sisters, Pearlie White of Marianna, Leller Thomas of
Forrest City, and Neoma Love of Spencer, Okla; 50 grandchildren and 19 great
grandchildren. Funeral services Jun. 9 at the New Bethel Baptist Church in
Marianna with Rev. M. C. Cooper officiating. Burial will be in Pilgrim Cemetery
by Kennedy FH. FAG 183813022 Requested.
Williams, Robert Obit: Mr.
Robert “Tweety Bird” Williams of Forrest City died Apr.17, 1990 at his home. He
was 39. Mr. Williams was born Feb. 8, 1951 in St. Francis Co. He leaves his
mother, Katie Mae Jones, and his stepfather, Euince Jones; three sisters,
Tempie Williams and Doris McShan, both of Forrest City, and Helen Stewart of
South Carolina; a brother, Jim Bailey of South Carolina; his step grandmother,
Tempie Jones and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services Apr. 22 at
the Cornerstone M. B.Church with Rev. Leon Sims officiating. Burial in Madison
Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 186405149 done.
Williams, Samuel Obit: Mr.
Samuel Williams of Caldwell died Nov. 7, 1990 at his home, he was 83. Mr.
Williams was born Apr. 16, 1907. He was a veteran of the U. S. Army. He leaves
three daughters, Beatrice McEwen of Riverdale, Md., Jacolyn Irby of Little
Rock, and Mable Odom of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and a niece, Mildred Foster of
Chicago. Funeral servies on Nov. 13. At Pine Tree church of God in Christ with
Elder Verlee Lucan officiating, with burial in Stanley Grove Cemetery by Clay FH.
FAG 186170509
Williams, Willie B. Obit: Mr.
Willie B. Williams of Little Rock died Apr. 2, 1990 at Doctor’s Hosp. in Little
Rock. He was 47. Mr. Williams was born in St. Francis Co. on Dec. 14, 1942. He
leaves his wife, Audrae Bolden Williams; his father, Benjamin Williams of St.
Louis; his mother, Euelena Williams Poke of Palestine; three daughters, Elois
Jones of Minneapolis, Minn., and Deitra and Ronell Williams, both of Little
Rock; four sons, Kelvin Williams of Kansas City, Mo., and Keith and Michael
Williams, both of Little Rock; two brothers,Gene Williams of St Louis and Jerry
Poke of Palestine; three sisters, Fredia Stone, Tony F. Poke and Neshell Gates,
all of Kansas City; five grandchildren. Funeral services Apr. 7 at Jericho
Church of God in Christ with Elder Nathaniel Pendleton officiating. Burial to
follow in Jericho Cemetery by Woodhouse Mortuary. FAG 186377666 done.
Williamson, J. D. Obit: Mr. J.
D.Williamson of Hughes died Apr. 9, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp. Forrest City. He
was 82. Survivors include his wife, Ollie Mae Williamson; 10 sons, J. D. Jr. of
Chattonooga, Tenn., James Williamson of Baltimore, Md., Jessie Gene Williamson
of Madison, L. D. Wiliamson of Marked Tree, Albert Rodgers of Hughes, Michael
Williamson of Joliet, Illinois, Jerome Williamson of Freeport,Illinois,
Clarence Williamson of Little Rock, Daniel and Joshua Williamson, both of
Hughes; 12 daughters, Rowena and Josephine Williamson, and Georgia Sparkman,
all of Forrest City, Margaret and Joann Williamson, both of Illinois, Carrie
Mae Williamson of Marked Tree, Delois Merchesun of Widener, and Maple, Sabres,
April and Rachel Williamson, all of Hughes; two brothers, Willie B. Williamson
of W. Memphis and Henry Williamson of Chicago; two sisters, Essie Hamp and
Daisy Fowlers. Funeral services Apr. 16 at Pleasant Plains Baptist Church in
Hughes with Rev. W. L. Jones officiating. Burial follows in Madison cemetery by
Kennedy FH. FAG 186379559 done. Spouse: Georgia Morgan Williamson for Jessie
Gene Williamson, Ollie Mae is step mother for him.
Wilson, Pauline Thomas
m.Parkman Mrs.-Obit-Of
Wynne, died Jan.3,1990, at Cross Co. Hosp. in Wynne, she was 79. Born
Jun.16,1910 in Forrest, Miss., the daughter of David Clynon Parkman and Sarah
Jane Hawkins Parkman. She had lived in St.Francis Co. most of her life, was a
housewife, and a member of the Forrest Chapel Methodist Church in Forrest City.
Preceded in death by her husband, Fred L.Thomas in 1984. Survivors include a
son, Billy Thomas of Forrest City; three daughters, Tolise Penna, Joyce Harris,
and Paulette King, all of Wynne; and 13 grand children, and 18 great grand
children. She is survived by Clark Wilson of Wynne. Interment in Forrest Park
Cemetery, Forrest City under Stevens Fun.Home. Done
Wims, James Elbert-Of Memphis,
died Feb.15,1990 at the Veterans Adm. Hosp. in Memphis, he was 59. Born
Sept.1,1930 in Widener, the son of Thomas Eli Wims and Bessie Coleman Wims. A
Veteran of the Korean War, a machinist, and a Baptist. He leaves four
daughters, Mary Wims Emmons of Aurora, Ill., Sharon Wims Bingham of Memphis,
Marcia Wims of St.Charles, Ill., and Janet Flesch of Genva, Illinois; two sons,
James A.Wims of Elgin, Ill., and Michael Wims of St.Charles, Ill.; five
sisters, Katie Jones of Texarkana, Essie Keeves of Clinton, Jewell Linn of
Montezuma, Iowa, Martha Ann Leharmann of Reisel, Texas, and Mildred Patton of
Blytheville, and six grandchildren. Stevens Fun. Home in charge of burial at
Hughes Cemetery.done
Winfield, Richard H. Jr., of Forrest
City, died May 19,1990 at his residence., age 82. He was born in Augusta on
Jul.18,1907, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Winfield,Sr. He had made his
home in Forrest City for most of his life, a veteran of WW II, he was a
businessman, and a member of the First United Methodist Church. He was preceded
in death by his wife, Jackie Rust Winfield, in 1981. He leaves several nieces
and nephews. Graveside at Forrest Park cemetery by Stevens Fun. Home. done
Witcher, J. B.-Of Forrest City,
died Feb.9,1990 at Methodist Hosp. Central in Memphis, following a six month
illness, he was 68. A former resident of Wynne, he moved here eight years ago,
and was a retired farmer and a member of the Oak Hill Church of God. Survivors
include three sons, The Rev.William Witcher of Forrest City, Terry Witcher of
Elkhart, Ind., and Steven Witcher of St.Joseph, Mich.; four daughters, Rachel
Boruff of Benton Harbor, Mich., Jo Ann Easley of Coloma, Mich., Judy Sarvela
and Marilyn Qualls of St.Joseph, Mich.; three brothers, Fred, Charles and
Eddie, all of Wynne; four sisters, Bertha Eddy of Jacksonville, Oydee Canady of
Cabot, Lorene Cox of Wynne, and Norene Strickland of Hazelhurst, Ga.; 19
grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. Burial in Barnishaw Cemetery
under Stevens Fun. Home.done
Wolters, Margaret Ann
m.Perdzock, Mrs.-Obit-Mrs. Margaret Ann (Perdzock) Wolters of West Plains, Mo.
died Oct.1,1990, age 67, born Dec.4,1922;Survived by husband, Norman A.Wolters
of West Plains; daughter, Helen Coulon of Tampa;three sisters, Mary Perdzock
and Mrs.Patricia W. “Pat” (J.W.) Vandiver, both of Forrest City, and Mrs.George
Gunter of W.Memphis;brother, Jo Ed Perdzock of Collierville;5 grandchildren;
Mass at St.Mary’s Church in West Plains. Burial in Howell Mem. Park Cemetery,
Pomona. FAG 118934761 Spouse: Norman Alvin Wolters (1924 - 2001) Requested
Woods, Fannie F., Mrs. Obit:
Mrs. Fannie F. Woods of Lexa died Jun. 27, 1990 at Crestpark Nursing Home in
Marianna. She was 85. Mrs. Woods was a housewife and a church mother at St.
Marks M. B. Church. She was preceded in death by her husband. She leaves a step
daughter, Rosie Mae Pickett of St. Louis; a stepson, Madison Woods also of St.
Louis; two sisters, Winnie Johnson of Rondo and Tina Mannings of Chicago; six
grandchildren. Funeral services Jun. 30 at St. Mark M. B. Church in Rondo with
Rev. Lavern Brown officiating. Burial in St. Mary Cemetery by Kennedy FH. FAG 143615054
Wright, Lula m.Parker, Mrs.
Obit: Mrs. Lula Wright of Forrest City died May 17, 1990 at Baptist Mem. Hosp.
of Forrest City. She was 84. Mrs. Wright was born Aug. 21, 1905 to the late
Elijah Parker and Lillie Ann (Stanley) Parker of Mississippi. She was preceded
in death by two sons, Ernest and Charles Wright. She leaves her husband, Bryson
Pete Wright of the home; five daughters, Allie Mae Adams, Lue Bertha Dawson,
Rosie Lee Sykes and Bernice Luckett, all of Forrest City, and Mary Hampton of
Haynes; four sons, Odell and Ozell Wright, both of Detroit, Bryson Wright, Jr.
of Forrest City and W. C. Wright of St. Louis; a stepson, Rufus Wright of
Widener; 54 grandchildren, 107 great grandchildren and four great great
grandchildren. Funeral services May 21 at Day’s Temple Church of God in Christ
with Bishop J. H. Jennings officiating. Burial in Paradise Gardens by Clay’s
FH. FAG 186450226 done.
Wright, Mable Irene m. Breeden,
Mrs. Born Jun. 8, 1907 Died May 10, 1990-Obit: of Byhalia, Miss,
formerly of Forrest City-She died in Memphis nursing home-Parents:Born in
Clarksville, Tenn. to William Bell Breeden and Elizabeth Hagwood
Breeden-Family:Preceded in death by her husband, Lewis Mathew Wright in
1960;Survivors include four daughters, Janice Mitchell of Newborn, Tenn, Myrtle
Pierce of Olive Branch, Miss., Betty Nelson of Salina, Kansas, and Ann Nichols
of Little Rock;six sons, Lewis Jr. of Forrest City, Don of Memphis, Robert of
Byhalia, Miss.,Billy of Collierville, Tenn., David and Solomon of Memphis;35
grandchildren and 37 great grandchildren. Spouse: Lewis Matthew Wright (1887 -
1960)* Children:Lewis Matthew Wright (1937 - 2003)*David Lee Wright (1949 -
2000)* FAG 16436261 done.
Zane, Elton Corson Obit-of Rt.2,
Forrest City-died at Methodist Central Hospital in Memphis-Parents:born in
Deerfield, N.J. to Charles Raymond Zane and Rachel Fredricka Cooper-Credit
Manager for Southern Furniture Co. Veteran of the Korean
Conflict-Family:Survivors include his wife, Margaret June Smith of Forrest
City;two sons, Kenneth Samuel Zane of Forrest City, and Gary Zane of Little
Rock;one daughter, Ellen Marie Zane Shuler of Forrest City;and two
grandchildren. USAF Korea-FAG 17669868 done.