Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1837
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Conway, James S.-Governor of the State of Arkansas (Art.1837), 2Cooper, Rody A., Miss-Married (Art.1837), 2Curl, Thomas J.,Esq. St. Francis C.H. (Art.1837), 1Dorris, J. S.-JP (Art.1837), 1Franks, Chesley Crow Creek, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 1Gowen, Levi-Horse stealing (Art.1837), 2Hotchkiss, E.-Adm'r. (Art.1837), 2Hutson, Benjamin-of Franklin county, Alabama (Art.1837), 1May, A. S., Esq. (Art.1837), 2McDaniel, A. G.-P.M., L' Anguille, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 1Mitchell, Isaac-P.M., St. Francis C.H. (Art.1837), 1Neely, Charles-P.M., Walnut Camp, St. Francis Co. (Art.1837), 1Sherrel, Jesse B.-Deceased (Art.1837), 2Sparks, John-Horse stealing (Art.1837), 2Strong, William (Art.1837), 2Thompson, James J. Married (Art.1837), 2Watkins, R. A.-Secretary of State (Art.1837), 2 02/28/1837 AGENTS FOR THE GAZETTE: Charles Neely, P.M., Walnut Camp, St. Francis co .A.G. McDaniel, P.M., L' Anguille, St. Francis co./Chesley Franks, Crow Creek, St. Francis co./ Isaac Mitchell, P.M., St. Francis C.H./Thomas J. Curl, Esq. St. Francis C.H.07/11/1837 JAILOR'S NOTICE Was committed to my custody, on Tuesday, the 4th day of July, by J.S. Dorris, an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the county of St. Francis, a mulatto boy, who calls himself SILAS, and says he is the property of Benjamin Hutson, of Franklin county, Alabama. Silas is a likely mulatto boy, about five feet six inches high, of a very pleasant countenance, appears tolerable intelligent, and is about 22 years old. The owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs.Tho's. J. Curl, Sheriff and Jailor of St. Francis county, Ark's.St. Francis county, July 5, 183707/11/1837 Married, In St. Francis county, on the 29th ult., at the house of Col. Strong, by A.S. May, Esq., Mr. James J. Thompson, to Miss Rody A. Cooper, sister-in-law of Col. William Strong, all of the same county.08/01/1837 ADMINISTRATION NOTICE THE undersigned having obtained Letters of Administration on the estate of Jesse B. Sherrel, dec'd, from the county court of St. Francis county, at the November term, for 1836, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims against said estate, to present the same, duly authenticated, within one year, from said term, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said claims are not presented within five years they will be forever barred. E. Hotchkiss, Adm'r.St. Francis county, July 20, 183708/15/1837 $600 REWARD-A PROCLAMATION By the Governor of the State of Arkansas,Whereas, I have been informed that Levi Gowen And John Sparks stand indicted in the county of St. Francis, in this State, of the crime of horse-stealing; and that, having escaped from prison, they are now refugees from justice: Therefore, I, James S. Conway, Governor of the State of Arkansas, to the end that said horse-thieves be brought to justice, and the laws faithfully executed, and by the authority in me vested by the constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, to the end that said horse thieves be brought to justice, and the laws faithfully executed, and by the authority in me vested by the constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, do hereby offer a reward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Levi Gowen, to the Sheriff of St. Francis county, in this State, and a reward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said John Sparks to the Sheriff of St. Francis county, in this State, and all officers, civil and military, are enjoined to spare no pains to secure and bring to justice said horse thieves.In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the State to be affixed at Little Rock, this 11th day of August A.D., 1837. J.S. Conway By the Governor: R.A. Watkins, Secretary of State