Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1836
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Addison, L. D. -(Art.1836), 3 Barneslee, I. H. -(Art.1836), 3 Blackwell, Francis -(Art.1836), 3 Brickey, William -(Art.1836), 3 Burke, G. -(Art.1836), 3 Carroll, Thomas-(Art.1836), 2 Casey, William -(Art.1836), 3 Christy, William -(Art.1836), 3 Clay, F. R. -(Art.1836), 3 Clay, Green -(Art.1836), 3 Collins, R. D. C., Lt. U.S.A. -(Art.1836), 2 Council, Simeon -(Art.1836), 3 Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff and Collector -(Art.1836), 3 Duncan, William B. -(Art.1836), 3 Egbert, Rachel -(Art.1836), 3 Erwin, James -(Art.1836), 3 Eskridge, Thomas P. -(Art.1836), 3 Fleming, John -(Art.1836), 3 Forbes, John -(Art.1836), 3 Forsythe, Henry H. -(Art.1836), 3 Foster, John T. -(Art.1836), 3 Fowler, John H. -(Art.1836), 3 Grayham, J. -(Art.1836), 3 Grayham, Jack -(Art.1836), 3 Halney, Thomas B. -(Art.1836), 3 Hary, William -(Art.1836), 3 Hill, Henry -(Art.1836), 3 Hill, John -(Art.1836) alias Nixon Curry, 2 Jackson, James -(Art.1836), 3 Lawson, James L. -(Art.1836), 3 Martin, Edmund H. -(Art.1836), 3 McComb, Elizabeth -(Art.1836), 3 McComb, Jane -(Art.1836), 3 McWharton, Andrew -(Art.1836), 3 Mecks, Larkin -(Art.1836), 3 Moore, Guion -(Art.1836), 3 Moore, T. P. -(Art.1836), 3 Moore, W. M. -(Art.1836), 3 Orr, Edward -(Art.1836), 3 Payne, Samuel -(Art.1836), 3 Robinson, James -(Art.1836), 3 Shaw, John -(Art.1836), 3 Shertil, Jesse B. -(Art.1836), 3 Smith, Claibourn -(Art.1836), 3 Strong, William -(Art.1836), 2 Sumpter, Turner -(Art.1836), 3 Taylor, Noah -(Art.1836), 3 Terrill, Micajah -(Art.1836), 3 Truss, George A. -(Art.1836), 304/19/36 Cane Hill College - Thomas Carroll-PUBLIC rumor says, that Thomas Carroll has collected, for Cane Hill College, hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. On the 4th inst., he made the following report to us, showing the amount collected, from whom, and where:Mr. William Strong, St. Francis - $12.0004/26/1836 100 LABORERS WANTED THE subscriber wishes to hire 100 Laborers, to work on the U.S. road from Little Rock to St. Francis, to commence on the first day of June next. The highest wages will be paid.R.D.C. Collins, Lt. U.S.A. and As't. Q.M.Little Rock, April 23, 183607/05/1836 $300 REWARD-I WILL give the above reward of Three Hundred Dollars, for the delivery to me, in St. Francis county, Arkansas, of John Hill Alias Nixon Curry, who was condemned to be hanged, Iredell county, North Carolina, for negro stealing and murder. Said Curry made his escape from North Carolina, about fourteen years ago, and was, a few weeks since, taken up and identified to be Nixon Curry, and committed to my custody; and, on the 23d instant, made his escape. Said John Hill, alias Nixon Curry, is six feet high, blue eyes, sandy hair, will weigh upwards of two hundred pounds when in good health. He was shot, about three months ago, the ball, having entered the right breast just above the nipple and came out near the point of the shoulder blade. He is a gambler and drunkard, plays the fiddle, and is fond of joking, and makes a great many shrew remarks - is good company, and a pretty smart man. He has lived in this county twelve or thirteen years, and has been elected to the legislature twice during his residence here.Thomas J. Curl, Sheriff of St. Francis county.Editors in the Southern states, who are friendly disposed to the detection of fugitives from justice, with render an essential service to the community by giving the above an insertion in their respective papers. 08/30/1836 Sale of Lands for Taxes in St. Francis County, State of Arkansas-Names of Owners: Addison, L.D. & Co.;Barneslee, I.H.;Brickey, William ;Burke, G.;Blackwell, Francis ;Casey, William; Council, Simeon; Christy, William ;Clay, Green & F.R.;Duncan, Wm. B. & Co.; Erwin, James ;Egbert, Rachel's Heirs ;Forbes, John ;Fleming, John ;Fowler, John H.;Foster, John T.;Forsythe, Henry H.;Grayham, J. & Jack;Hary, William ;Hill, Henry; Halney, Thomas B.;Jackson, James ;Lawson, James L.;Eskridge, Th's. P.;McWharton, Andrew; McComb, Jane & Eliz.;Mecks, Larkin ;Moore, T.P. & Guion ;Moore, T.P. & W.M.;Martin, Edmund H.;Orr, Edward ;Payne, Samuel ;Robinson, Ja's. Heirs ;Shertil, Jesse B.;Smith, Claibourn ;Sumpter, Turner ;Shaw, John;Taylor, Noah's Heirs ;Truss, George A.;Terrill, Micajah. Tho's J. Curl, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County, ArkansasSt. Francis, August 19, 1836