Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1832
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Adam, Allen (Art.1832), 6 Alexander, C. H.-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Allen, Renna C. (Art.1832), 6 Andrews, George (Art.1832), 6 Austin, Jeremiah (Art.1832), 6 Barrett, Robert W. (Art.1832), 7 Blackwell, John H. (Art.1832), 6 Boyd, Alexander (Art.1832), 7 Brown, Fountain (Art.1832), 7 Brown, R. (Art.1832), 8 Brown, Ruffin (Art.1832), 6 Brown, Thomas (Art.1832), 6 Brown, Turner (Art.1832), 6 Bryan, Samuel (Art.1832), 6 Caraway, Joseph (Art.1832), 7 Cardwell, John (Art.1832), 8 Carlton, James-Sheriff Monroe Co. (Art.1832), 4 Chase, Benjamin, Rev. (Art.1832), 8 Cheatham, John (Art.1832), 8 Cheatham, John B. (Art.1832), 6 Clopton, N. B., Esq. (Art.1832), 7 Clopton, Nicholas B.-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Cock, Wm. G. (Art.1832), 6 Cocke, William G. (Art.1832), 7 Costeel, John (Art.1832), 6 Costeel, Willis (Art.1832), 6 Crawford, Elineger (Art.1832), 7 Crawford, Moses (Art.1832), 6 Crawley, Samuel (Art.1832), 8 Crouch, Spencer, Esq.-Clerk-Deceased May 2,1832 (Art.1832), 6 Crouch, Spencer-Circuit Court Clerk deceased (Art.1832), 6 Crouch, Spencer-Clerk St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 4, 5 Crouch, Spencer-resigned P. M. St.Francis Co. (Art.1832), 4 Crowson, Wm. (Art.1832), 7 Cupps, James (Art.1832), 6 Curl, T. J.-Sheriff St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 5 Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff (Art.1832), 6 Curl, Thomas J.-Sheriff St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 4 Curl, Thomas-Sheriff and Collector (Art.1832), 8 Davis, Cornelius (Art.1832), 6 Davis, David-Coroner St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 5 Dickerson, Townsend (Art.1832), 8 Dobson, Mary (Art.1832), 6 Dunn, Thomas (Art.1832), 6, 7 Eads, Mathias (Art.1832), 7 Egbert, Rachael (Art.1832), 8 Eldridge, Chester (Art.1832), 8 Ellis, Harry (Art.1832), 8 Farnold, Thomas (Art.1832), 8 Ferguson, William D. (Art.1832), 8 Foran, David-Coroner Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 5 Forbes, Isaac (Art.1832), 6, 8 Forbes, Isaac-Surveyor St. Francis Co. (Art.1832), 5 Foster, Ambrose (Art.1832), 6 Fox, William (Art.1832), 8 Gilbert, Isaac T. (Art.1832), 8 Gilbrith, Samuel (Art.1832), 6 Green, B. (Art.1832), 6 Grunt, John (Art.1832), 6 Halbert, James (Art.1832), 7 Hanks, Fleetwood-Sheriff Phillips Co. (Art.1832), 4 Harden, Joseph B. (Art.1832), 7 Harden, Wm. B. (Art.1832), 7 Hardin, Joseph B. (Art.1832), 6 Harris, John (Art.1832), 6, 7 Hartfield, Asa-Surveyor Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 5 Hattel, Nathan (Art.1832), 8 Hiatt, Wm. G. (Art.1832), 6 Hudgens, John (Art.1832), 8 Hudgens, William (Art.1832), 8 Hunt, Samuel F. (Art.1832), 8 Izard, Mark W.-President, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 James, Elisha (Art.1832), 6 James, Ellice E. (Art.1832), 6 Johnson, K. (Art.1832), 6 Johnson, Lemuel (Art.1832), 7 Jones, John T. (Art.1832), 8 Kendrick, Austin deceased (Art.1832), 9 Kendrick, Austin-P.M. (Art.1832), 6 Kendrick, Austin-P.M. St.Francis Co. (Art.1832), 4 Kendrick, Austin-to be Clerk Circuit Court (Art.1832), 6 Kendrick, Austin-Treasurer, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Lamb, Abner (Art.1832), 8 Laurant, Francis (Art.1832), 7 Lincecum, Green B., Esq. (Art.1832), 9 Lincecum, Van Buren-Infant Deceased (Art.1832), 9 Linch, Henry E. (Art.1832), 8 Littell, Philander Secretary, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Littell, Philander-Clerk Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 5 Littell, Philander-St.Francis Co. Attorney (Art.1832), 8 Livingston, James (Art.1832), 8 Long, Phillip G. (Art.1832), 7 Maddox, Alpheus (Art.1832), 7 Mainus, Louis (Art.1832), 6 Martin, Elizabeth (Art.1832), 8 McClellened, William (Art.1832), 8 McDaniel, Archibald (Art.1832), 7 McDaniel, Archibald P. M. Languelle P.O. (Art.1832), 4 McGuire, John (Art.1832), 8 McLaughlin, Nancy (Art.1832), 8 McMichael, Green (Art.1832), 8 Mitchell, Daniel (Art.1832), 7 Mitchell, Samuel (Art.1832), 8 Montgomery, John C.-Clerk Monroe Co. (Art.1832), 4 Myrick, Lee (Art.1832), 6 Nickum, John (Art.1832), 8 Patten, Benjamin-Notary Public Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 5 Peck, Nathan (Art.1832), 8 Perry, Roots (Art.1832), 8 Rich, Henry S. (Art.1832), 8 Richards, David (Art.1832), 7 Robertson, John, Jr. (Art.1832), 8 Robinson, Alex (Art.1832), 8 Roil, Sarah (Art.1832), 8 Roy, William (Art.1832), 8 Sanders, William Married (Art.1832), 7 Sanford, John R.-Clerk Phillips Co. (Art.1832), 4 Smith, Alfred (Art.1832), 6 Smith, Mathew-Executive Committee, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Stacy, Stephen (Art.1832), 7 Stephenson, Unk Arrested for Horse Stealing (Art.1832), 4 Stephenson, William-Hung for Horse Stealing (Art.1832), 5 Stokes, George W. (Art.1832), 6 Stokes, George W.-Postmaster Bayou St.Francis (Art.1832), 8 Strong, William, Late Sheriff in 1831 (Art.1832), 6 Strong, William-St. Francis C.H. Agent for the Gazette (Art.1832), 6 Strong, William-to be Clerk of the Circuit Court (Art.1832), 9 Strong, William-Vice President, Bible Society (Art.1832), 8 Vaughn, Phebe, Miss Married (Art.1832), 7 Wadly, Thomas (Art.1832), 6 Wallace, Richard (Art.1832), 8 Watson, J. (Art.1832), 8 Watson, James (Art.1832), 8 Watson, Joseph (Art.1832), 8 Webb, Townsen (Art.1832), 8 Wharton, Franklin (Art.1832), 8 White, William-Sheriff Sevier Co. (Art.1832), 5 Wooden, John (Art.1832), 6 02/01/1832 The following is a list of Clerks and Sheriffs ascertained to be elected as far as returns have been received, which we have not already announced:Phillips County: - John R. Sanford, Clerk, and Fleetwood Hanks, Sherif St. Francis - Spencer Crouch, Clerk, and Thomas J. Curl, Sheriff.Monroe: - John C. Montgomery, Clerk, and James Carlton, Sheriff.02/15/1832 Austin Kendrick has been appointed Postmaster at St. Francis, in the room of Spencer Crouch, resigned.A new Post-office has been established in St. Francis county, called Languelle P.O., and Archibald McDaniel appointed by President.02/01/1832 Warning to Horse-thieves! - At the late, Special term of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, Judge Bates, presiding, a fellow by the name of Stephenson, was arraigned on an Indictment for horse-stealing, found guilty, and sentenced to be executed on Tuesday next, the 7th inst. There were three other indictments found against him, for burglary and forgery.02/29/1832 CLERKS, SHERIFFS, &c.Sevier: - Philander Littell, Clerk; William White, Sheriff; David Foran, Coroner; Benjamin Patten, Notary Public; Asa Hartfield, Surveyor.St. Francis: - Spencer Crouch, Clerk; T.J. Curl, Sheriff; David Davis, Coroner; Isaac Forbes, Surveyor.03/21/1832 For the Arkansas Gazette-William Stephenson, was hung, in St. Francis county, on the 7th Ult., agreeable to sentence, for the crime of Horse Stealing.This wretched man has been in custody since last summer, under three several indictments, viz: Horse- Stealing, Burglary, and Forgery, and, at a special term of the Circuit Court, held the first Monday of January, Judge Bates, presiding, - he was tried on the first indictment, found guilty, and sentenced to be hung.Some excitement was produced and considerable sympathy felt for his fate, but such was his general character, that none were inclined to claim for him the Executive clemency, consequently the awful sentence of the law was carried into effect, and was witnessed by a large portion of the citizens, with a profound respect for the dignity of the laws. When he was brought from his place of confinement to the gallows, his wretched appearance aroused an involuntary exclamation of "poor wretch!" Many hearts were softened to the melting point until the wretched criminal began to disclose some of his horrid deeds. In addition to the crime for which he was about to suffer, he acknowledged having taken the life of three of his fellow creatures - one in New Orleans, one on the Mississippi river, and another in this Territory - to some of which he pretended to plead justification, and the right he ought not to suffer death for the for the crime of which he was convicted. He claimed of the Sheriff the last moments, and a strong hope of relief was visible in his countenance until the last. The drop fell at one and a half minutes before the expiration of the time, and the wretched man was launched into Eternity, praying to his God for pardon.Some doubts had existed as to his real name, and initials on his arms were examined and found to differ from the name he has borne. On the right arm was the capitals "P.P. & W.A." and the emblem of liberty, and one the left, was "W.A.S.P." His struggle in death was uncommonly severe, and offered singular phenomena. The pulse was sixty to the minute, at eight minutes, and very distinct at thirteen minutes, after the drop fell.A BY-STANDER, February 18, 1832 04/04/1832 AGENTS FOR THE GAZETTE Wm. Strong - St. Francis C.H.04/18/1832 LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at St. Francis, A.T. on the 31st day of March 1832. Austin, Jeremiah/Adam, Allen/Allen, Renna C., Andrews, George;Blackwell, John H.; Bryan, Samuel -2;Brown, Thos. -2;Brown, Turner; Brown, Ruffin ;Crawford, Moses ;Costeel, Willis; Cock, Wm. G. -2;Cheatham, John B.;Costeel, John -2;Cupps, James ;Davis, Cornelius ;Dunn, Thomas ;Dobson, Mary; Forbes, Isaac ;Foster, Ambrose -1;Gilbrith, Samuel; Grunt, John ;Hardin, Joseph B. -2;Harris, John ;Hiatt, Wm. G.;James, Elisha ;K.Johnson; Ellice E.James, Lee Myrick, Green, B. -2;Mainus, Louis ;Stokes, George W.;Smith, Alfred; Wadly, Thomas; Wooden, John. Austin Kendrick, P.M.04/18/1832 TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD Ran away from the undersigned, Sheriff of St. Francis county, A.T. on the night of the 10th April, Charles, a negro man, about five feet seven inches high, one tooth out before, a scar over his right eyebrow and also across his forehead; dark complexion, can read and write a little, has with him a hymn book; wore off a cap, and a drab round coat and pantaloons. The said negro was committed to the care of the late Sheriff, Wm. Strong, in September 1831. I will give the sum of Twenty Dollars, for the delivery of said negro to me, if taken up out of the county, or Ten Dollars, if taken up in the county.Tho's J. Curl, Sheriff-St. Francis Co., A.T.05/02/1832 Appointment by the Acting Governor - Austin Kendrick, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, vice Spencer Crouch, deceased.05/02/1832 DIED - In St. Francis County, on the 22d ult., Spencer Crouch, Esq. Clerk of the Circuit Court of that county. 06/06/1832 [Communicated]MARRIED - In St. Francis County, on the 23d ult, by N.B. Clopton, Esq. Mr. Wm. Sanders to Miss Phebe Vaughn - all of that county.05/09/1832 [Although the death of Mr. Crouch was announced in our last paper, we trust the following shall tribute to his memory, which reached us by last mail, will not be the less acceptable and soothing to his friends, on account of his not accompanying that annunciation.] - Ed. Gaz.DIED - In St. Francis county, of Typhoid Pneumonia, on the 22d April, Spencer Crouch, Esq. Clerk of the Circuit Court in that county, in the 41st year of his age. He has left a wife, and four small children, to lament the irreparable loss.06/06/1832 The United States of America Territory of Arkansas, County of St. Francis, Township of Franklin, URSUANT to the within, to us directed, we have this day viewed a stray - a dark iron gray MARE, shown to us by William G. Cocke , of Mitchell Township, and we do find the same to be a dark iron gray mare, three years old, fourteen hands and a half high, branded with the letter B on the nigh side, and on the nigh rump letter B, on the off shoulder with letter S, on the off thigh, the letter B; these are all the brands or marks to be seen, and we do appraise the said estray to the sum of thirty-five dollars. Certified under our hands, this the 5th of April 1832. Daniel Mitchell, David Richards, Stephen Stacy, Appraisers Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the Township of Franklin and County aforesaid. S. Shepherd, J.P.A true copy from the stray book - teste:A. Kendrick, Clerk.07/18/1832 A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at St. Francis, A.T. on the 30th June 1832. Austin, Jerremiah ;Brown, Fountain; Boyd, Alexander; Barrett, Robert W.;Crowson, Wm. -2;Caraway, Joseph; Crawford, Elineger; Dunn, Thomas; Eads, Mathias; Halbert, James; Harden, Wm. B.;Harden, Joseph B.; Harris, John; Johnson, Lemuel; Long, Phillip G.;Laurant, Francis; McDaniel, Archibald; Maddox, Alpheus ;Mitchell, Daniel; Mitchell, Samuel ;Perry, Roots ;Roy, Wm.;Wharton, Franklin. by Austin Kendrick, P.M.07/18/1832 Philander Littell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RESIDES at St. Francis C.H., and will regularly attend all the Courts holden in the counties of St. Francis, Chicot, Crittenden, Phillips, Arkansas, and Monroe. Business intrusted to his care shall be promptly attended to.June 25, 183207/25/1832 A Post Office has been established at the Bayou St. Francis, in St. Francis county, and George W. Stokes appointed Postmaster07/25/1832 THE ST. FRANCIS BIBLE SOCIETY Was organized under the superintendence of the Rev. Benjamin Chase of Louisiana, General Agent of the American Bible Society, on Sunday, the 8th day of July 1832 at the St. Francis Court House, whereupon the following persons were chosen as its officers: Mark W. Izard, President; William Strong, Vice President, Bible Society (Art.1832); Austin Kendrick, Treasurer; Philander Littell, Secretary; Nicholas B. Clopton, C.H. Alexander, and Mathew Smith, as Executive Committee on the part of said Society. Whereupon the Society adjourned until the second Wednesday in August 1832. Extracted from the minutes. Philander Littell, Sec'y. 08/29/1832 Sale of Land for Taxes In St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory Names of Owners:Brown, R. ;Cheatham, John ;Cardwell, John ;Forbes, Isaac ;Crawley, Samuel ;Dickerson, Townsend ;Egbert, Rachael ;Eldridge, Chester ;Gilbert, Isaac T.;Hattel, Nathan ;Hunt, Samuel F.;Hudgens, Jno. & Wm.;Jones, John T.;Lamb, Abner ;Livingston, James ;Linch, Henry E.;McMichael, Green ;McGuire, John ;McClellened, Wm.;Roil, Sarah ;Robertson, John Jr.;Rich, Henry S.;Wallace, Rich. C.'s Heirs ;Watson, James ;Webb, Townsen's Heirs;Watson, J.;Ellis, Harry ;Farnold, Thomas ;Peck, Nathan ;McLaughlin, Nancy ;Nickum, John ;Robinson, Alex's Heirs;Fox, William ;Watson, Joseph; Martin, Elizabeth ;Ferguson, Wm. D.;Thomas. By Curl, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory St. Francis, August 29, 183209/12/1832 SALE OF LOTS IN FRANKLIN WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on a credit of twelve months, at the next November term of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, the LOTS remaining unsold in the Town of Franklin, the Seat of Justice of said county. Franklin is situate at a point known by the name of the Old Cherokee Village, near the United States' Road from Memphis to Little Rock, and two miles from the St. Francis River. A part of the Public Buildings have been erected in the place; and the respectable and growing population of the country, offer considerable inducements to merchants, mechanics, &c. St. Francis county, in point of health and fertility of soil, is considered to stand at least on an equality with any other county in the Territory. A respectable Bible Society has been recently established for the improvement of those who feel desirous of promoting the cause of religion; and for the recreation of those who devote a portion of their time to the scenes of high life, a Race Course has been constructed and a respectable Jockey Club organized.Bonds with approved security will be required from the purchasers by THE COMMISSIONERS-August 20, 183208/29/1832 ST. FRANCIS RACES. A RESPECTABLE Jockey Club purse will be run for, on the St. Francis Course, on the 1st, 2d, and 3d days of November next. There are four entries and the subscription will be kept open until the day previous to the Race. The Club to be governed by the Rules of the Nashville Turf. St. Francis, August 20, 1832 10/17/1832 DIED - In Saint Francis county, on the 6th of October, Van Buren, infant son of Green B. Lincecum, Esq. after an illness of four weeks. Thus, in this pure and innocent child, has cruel death torn from the dear and fonding caresses of the most devoted Father and Mother, the dearest object of their affection. But ah! Why should they weep and mourn, when it has escaped the cares and sorrows of this world, and departed, in its lovely innocence, to the welcome arms of its Savior! - Communicated10/24/1832 Appointment by the Governor - William Strong, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis County, vice Austin Kendrick, deceased.10/24/1832 DIED - At Memphis, very suddenly, on Monday, the 15th inst., AUSTIN KENDRICK, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis County, in the twenty-seventh year of his age. He reached that place only the evening previous, on his return home, after an absence of several weeks in Philadelphia and other eastern cities - ate a hearty supper - was attacked at 11 o'clock the same night - and died about 6 o'clock the following morning. We understand his attending physician pronounced the disease with which he died, to be the Cholera; and we have conversed with several gentlemen (two of whom are physicians) who passed through Memphis since his death, and they all concur in stating that the symptoms of his case bore every mark of that terrible disease.10/31/1832 CHOLERA!!!! - AT LAST!--- Several physicians were called on Sunday night, to attend a case, supposed to be one of the prevailing epidemic. It was a gentleman of St. Francis county, Arkansas, (Austin Kendrick, Esq.) who was on his return immediately from Philadelphia. Though the premonitory symptoms manifested themselves previous to his departure from Philadelphia, he was not taken violently ill, until the night after his arrival at this place. On Monday morning he was taken to the hospital, but did not survive more than an hour.11/23/1831 MARRIED - In St. Francis county, on the 10th inst. by Spencer Crouch, Esq. Mr. John H. Laughridge, of Mississippi, to Miss Nancy C. youngest daughter of Col. John Johnson, of the former county. 02/01/1832 The following is a list of Clerks and Sheriffs ascertained to be elected as far as returns have been received, which we have not already announced:Phillips County: - John R. Sanford, Clerk, and Fleetwood Hanks, Sherif St. Francis - Spencer Crouch, Clerk, and Thomas J. Curl, Sheriff.Monroe: - John C. Montgomery, Clerk, and James Carlton, Sheriff.02/15/1832 Austin Kendrick has been appointed Postmaster at St. Francis, in the room of Spencer Crouch, resigned.A new Post-office has been established in St. Francis county, called Languelle P.O., and Archibald McDaniel appointed by President.02/01/1832 Warning to Horse-thieves! - At the late, Special term of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, Judge Bates, presiding, a fellow by the name of Stephenson, was arraigned on an Indictment for horse-stealing, found guilty, and sentenced to be executed on Tuesday next, the 7th inst. There were three other indictments found against him, for burglary and forgery.02/29/1832 CLERKS, SHERIFFS, &c.Sevier: - Philander Littell, Clerk; William White, Sheriff; David Foran, Coroner; Benjamin Patten, Notary Public; Asa Hartfield, Surveyor.St. Francis: - Spencer Crouch, Clerk; T.J. Curl, Sheriff; David Davis, Coroner; Isaac Forbes, Surveyor.03/21/1832 For the Arkansas Gazette-William Stephenson, was hung, in St. Francis county, on the 7th Ult., agreeable to sentence, for the crime of Horse Stealing.This wretched man has been in custody since last summer, under three several indictments, viz: Horse- Stealing, Burglary, and Forgery, and, at a special term of the Circuit Court, held the first Monday of January, Judge Bates, presiding, - he was tried on the first indictment, found guilty, and sentenced to be hung.Some excitement was produced and considerable sympathy felt for his fate, but such was his general character, that none were inclined to claim for him the Executive clemency, consequently the awful sentence of the law was carried into effect, and was witnessed by a large portion of the citizens, with a profound respect for the dignity of the laws. When he was brought from his place of confinement to the gallows, his wretched appearance aroused an involuntary exclamation of "poor wretch!" Many hearts were softened to the melting point until the wretched criminal began to disclose some of his horrid deeds. In addition to the crime for which he was about to suffer, he acknowledged having taken the life of three of his fellow creatures - one in New Orleans, one on the Mississippi river, and another in this Territory - to some of which he pretended to plead justification, and the right he ought not to suffer death for the for the crime of which he was convicted. He claimed of the Sheriff the last moments, and a strong hope of relief was visible in his countenance until the last. The drop fell at one and a half minutes before the expiration of the time, and the wretched man was launched into Eternity, praying to his God for pardon.Some doubts had existed as to his real name, and initials on his arms were examined and found to differ from the name he has borne. On the right arm was the capitals "P.P. & W.A." and the emblem of liberty, and one the left, was "W.A.S.P." His struggle in death was uncommonly severe, and offered singular phenomena. The pulse was sixty to the minute, at eight minutes, and very distinct at thirteen minutes, after the drop fell.A BY-STANDER, February 18, 1832 04/04/1832 AGENTS FOR THE GAZETTE Wm. Strong - St. Francis C.H.04/18/1832 LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at St. Francis, A.T. on the 31st day of March 1832. Austin, Jeremiah/Adam, Allen/Allen, Renna C., Andrews, George;Blackwell, John H.; Bryan, Samuel -2;Brown, Thos. -2;Brown, Turner; Brown, Ruffin ;Crawford, Moses ;Costeel, Willis; Cock, Wm. G. -2;Cheatham, John B.;Costeel, John -2;Cupps, James ;Davis, Cornelius ;Dunn, Thomas ;Dobson, Mary; Forbes, Isaac ;Foster, Ambrose -1;Gilbrith, Samuel; Grunt, John ;Hardin, Joseph B. -2;Harris, John ;Hiatt, Wm. G.;James, Elisha ;K.Johnson; Ellice E.James, Lee Myrick, Green, B. -2;Mainus, Louis ;Stokes, George W.;Smith, Alfred; Wadly, Thomas; Wooden, John. Austin Kendrick, P.M.04/18/1832 TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD Ran away from the undersigned, Sheriff of St. Francis county, A.T. on the night of the 10th April, Charles, a negro man, about five feet seven inches high, one tooth out before, a scar over his right eyebrow and also across his forehead; dark complexion, can read and write a little, has with him a hymn book; wore off a cap, and a drab round coat and pantaloons. The said negro was committed to the care of the late Sheriff, Wm. Strong, in September 1831. I will give the sum of Twenty Dollars, for the delivery of said negro to me, if taken up out of the county, or Ten Dollars, if taken up in the county.Tho's J. Curl, Sheriff-St. Francis Co., A.T.05/02/1832 Appointment by the Acting Governor - Austin Kendrick, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, vice Spencer Crouch, deceased.05/02/1832 DIED - In St. Francis County, on the 22d ult., Spencer Crouch, Esq. Clerk of the Circuit Court of that county. 06/06/1832 [Communicated]MARRIED - In St. Francis County, on the 23d ult, by N.B. Clopton, Esq. Mr. Wm. Sanders to Miss Phebe Vaughn - all of that county.05/09/1832 [Although the death of Mr. Crouch was announced in our last paper, we trust the following shall tribute to his memory, which reached us by last mail, will not be the less acceptable and soothing to his friends, on account of his not accompanying that annunciation.] - Ed. Gaz.DIED - In St. Francis county, of Typhoid Pneumonia, on the 22d April, Spencer Crouch, Esq. Clerk of the Circuit Court in that county, in the 41st year of his age. He has left a wife, and four small children, to lament the irreparable loss.06/06/1832 The United States of America Territory of Arkansas, County of St. Francis, Township of Franklin, URSUANT to the within, to us directed, we have this day viewed a stray - a dark iron gray MARE, shown to us by William G. Cocke , of Mitchell Township, and we do find the same to be a dark iron gray mare, three years old, fourteen hands and a half high, branded with the letter B on the nigh side, and on the nigh rump letter B, on the off shoulder with letter S, on the off thigh, the letter B; these are all the brands or marks to be seen, and we do appraise the said estray to the sum of thirty-five dollars. Certified under our hands, this the 5th of April 1832. Daniel Mitchell, David Richards, Stephen Stacy, Appraisers Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the Township of Franklin and County aforesaid. S. Shepherd, J.P.A true copy from the stray book - teste:A. Kendrick, Clerk.07/18/1832 A LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at St. Francis, A.T. on the 30th June 1832. Austin, Jeremiah ;Brown, Fountain; Boyd, Alexander; Barrett, Robert W.;Crowson, Wm. -2;Caraway, Joseph; Crawford, Elineger; Dunn, Thomas; Eads, Mathias; Halbert, James; Harden, Wm. B.;Harden, Joseph B.; Harris, John; Johnson, Lemuel; Long, Phillip G.;Laurant, Francis; McDaniel, Archibald; Maddox, Alpheus ;Mitchell, Daniel; Mitchell, Samuel ;Perry, Roots ;Roy, Wm.;Wharton, Franklin. by Austin Kendrick, P.M.07/18/1832 Philander Littell, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RESIDES at St. Francis C.H., and will regularly attend all the Courts holden in the counties of St. Francis, Chicot, Crittenden, Phillips, Arkansas, and Monroe. Business intrusted to his care shall be promptly attended to.June 25, 183207/25/1832 A Post Office has been established at the Bayou St. Francis, in St. Francis county, and George W. Stokes appointed Postmaster07/25/1832 THE ST. FRANCIS BIBLE SOCIETY Was organized under the superintendence of the Rev. Benjamin Chase of Louisiana, General Agent of the American Bible Society, on Sunday, the 8th day of July 1832 at the St. Francis Court House, whereupon the following persons were chosen as its officers: Mark W. Izard, President; William Strong, Vice President, Bible Society (Art.1832); Austin Kendrick, Treasurer; Philander Littell, Secretary; Nicholas B. Clopton, C.H. Alexander, and Mathew Smith, as Executive Committee on the part of said Society. Whereupon the Society adjourned until the second Wednesday in August 1832. Extracted from the minutes. Philander Littell, Sec'y. 08/29/1832 Sale of Land for Taxes In St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory Names of Owners:Brown, R. ;Cheatham, John ;Cardwell, John ;Forbes, Isaac ;Crawley, Samuel ;Dickerson, Townsend ;Egbert, Rachael ;Eldridge, Chester ;Gilbert, Isaac T.;Hattel, Nathan ;Hunt, Samuel F.;Hudgens, Jno. & Wm.;Jones, John T.;Lamb, Abner ;Livingston, James ;Linch, Henry E.;McMichael, Green ;McGuire, John ;McClellened, Wm.;Roil, Sarah ;Robertson, John Jr.;Rich, Henry S.;Wallace, Rich. C.'s Heirs ;Watson, James ;Webb, Townsen's Heirs;Watson, J.;Ellis, Harry ;Farnold, Thomas ;Peck, Nathan ;McLaughlin, Nancy ;Nickum, John ;Robinson, Alex's Heirs;Fox, William ;Watson, Joseph; Martin, Elizabeth ;Ferguson, Wm. D.;Thomas. By Curl, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory St. Francis, August 29, 183209/12/1832 SALE OF LOTS IN FRANKLIN WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on a credit of twelve months, at the next November term of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, the LOTS remaining unsold in the Town of Franklin, the Seat of Justice of said county. Franklin is situate at a point known by the name of the Old Cherokee Village, near the United States' Road from Memphis to Little Rock, and two miles from the St. Francis River. A part of the Public Buildings have been erected in the place; and the respectable and growing population of the country, offer considerable inducements to merchants, mechanics, &c. St. Francis county, in point of health and fertility of soil, is considered to stand at least on an equality with any other county in the Territory. A respectable Bible Society has been recently established for the improvement of those who feel desirous of promoting the cause of religion; and for the recreation of those who devote a portion of their time to the scenes of high life, a Race Course has been constructed and a respectable Jockey Club organized.Bonds with approved security will be required from the purchasers by THE COMMISSIONERS-August 20, 183208/29/1832 ST. FRANCIS RACES. A RESPECTABLE Jockey Club purse will be run for, on the St. Francis Course, on the 1st, 2d, and 3d days of November next. There are four entries and the subscription will be kept open until the day previous to the Race. The Club to be governed by the Rules of the Nashville Turf. St. Francis, August 20, 1832 10/17/1832 DIED - In Saint Francis county, on the 6th of October, Van Buren, infant son of Green B. Lincecum, Esq. after an illness of four weeks. Thus, in this pure and innocent child, has cruel death torn from the dear and fonding caresses of the most devoted Father and Mother, the dearest object of their affection. But ah! Why should they weep and mourn, when it has escaped the cares and sorrows of this world, and departed, in its lovely innocence, to the welcome arms of its Savior! - Communicated10/24/1832 Appointment by the Governor - William Strong, to be Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis County, vice Austin Kendrick, deceased.10/24/1832 DIED - At Memphis, very suddenly, on Monday, the 15th inst., AUSTIN KENDRICK, Esq., Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Francis County, in the twenty-seventh year of his age. He reached that place only the evening previous, on his return home, after an absence of several weeks in Philadelphia and other eastern cities - ate a hearty supper - was attacked at 11 o'clock the same night - and died about 6 o'clock the following morning. We understand his attending physician pronounced the disease with which he died, to be the Cholera; and we have conversed with several gentlemen (two of whom are physicians) who passed through Memphis since his death, and they all concur in stating that the symptoms of his case bore every mark of that terrible disease.10/31/1832 CHOLERA!!!! - AT LAST!--- Several physicians were called on Sunday night, to attend a case, supposed to be one of the prevailing epidemic. It was a gentleman of St. Francis county, Arkansas, (Austin Kendrick, Esq.) who was on his return immediately from Philadelphia. Though the premonitory symptoms manifested themselves previous to his departure from Philadelphia, he was not taken violently ill, until the night after his arrival at this place. On Monday morning he was taken to the hospital, but did not survive more than an hour.