Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1831
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Alexander, John Bland (Art.1831), 3
Arbuckle, John Bird (Art.1831), 4
Beardley, Moses G. (Art.1831), 5
Bettis, Julius-Five runaway Slaves (Art.1831), 4
Brown, Porter H. (Art.1831), 4
Clapton, N. B., Dr.-Married (Art.1831), 4
Clark, J. H. (Art.1831), 5
Clark, Josiah (Art.1831), 5
Clark, Thomas P. (Art.1831), 3
Clark, William (Art.1831), 5
Clary, John W. (Art.1831), 3
Coomb, William (Art.1831), 4
Copeland, Urial A. (Art.1831), 3
Crawley, L. (Art.1831), 4
Crouch, Spencer-Esq. Postmaster St.Francis C.H. (Art.1831), 4
Cullin, Edwin T. (Art.1831), 3
Cunningham, Samuel (Art.1831), 4
Dick, John (Art.1831), 5
Dolison, Neely, Col.-Deceased (Art.1831), 3
Ebertine, Phillip (Art.1831), 4
Ferebee, John Heirs (Art.1831), 4
Fix, James C. (Art.1831), 3
Foster, J. T.-P.M. St.Francis Co. C.H. resigned (Art.1831), 4
Fowler, Alexander (Art.1831), 5
Fox, William (Art.1831), 5
Garroin, George (Art.1831), 3
Gibson, George W. (Art.1831), 4
Gilbert, William (Art.1831), 5
Gooch, Benjamin- to be Postmaster Corea Fabre, Union Co. (Art.1831), 3
Harland, Thomas (Art.1831), 3
Higgins, David (Art.1831), 5
Hoke, Isaiah T. (Art.1831), 5
Horner, John H. (Art.1831), 5
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1831), 5
Howard, Tobias (Art.1831), 3
Hullet, David Heirs (Art.1831), 4
Jacobs, T. C. (Art.1831), 3
Johnson, Jesse (Art.1831), 5
Johnson, John, Judge-(Art.1831), 4
Johnson, Margaret, Miss. Married (Art.1831), 4
Johnson, Nancy C., Miss. Married (Art.1831), 6
Johnson, Nathan (Art.1831), 4
Johnson, William (Art.1831), 5
Jones, William (Art.1831), 5
Kellams, W. (Art.1831), 3
Kendrick, John Austin-P.M. Helena (Art.1831), 3
Kendrick, John W. (Art.1831), 4
Lamb, Austin (Art.1831), 4
Laughridge, John H.-Married (Art.1831), 6
Lester, Abner (Art.1831), 4
Livingston, Francis (Art.1831), 4
Marrow, John (Art.1831), 4
Marsh, Elijah F. (Art.1831), 3
Martin, James (Art.1831), 4
Martin, William (Art.1831), 4
McAdee, Lewis (Art.1831), 4
McCleland, Hugh (Art.1831), 4
McGill, Josiah (Art.1831), 4
McGound, William (Art.1831), 4
McGuire, Elizabeth (Art.1831), 4
McNabb, Larkin (Art.1831), 3
Meeks, Elisher (Art.1831), 3
Myrick, John T. (Art.1831), 5
Patterson, William (Art.1831), 4
Phillips, Brewster (Art.1831), 4
Phillips, K. (Art.1831), 3
Platt, William (Art.1831), 4
Price, James Jr. (Art.1831), 3
Ray, William (Art.1831), 4
Right, John (Art.1831), 4
Righter, David (Art.1831), 4
Robertson, Howell (Art.1831), 5
Robertson, Joseph (Art.1831), 5
Rotherford, William (Art.1831), 3
Roy, Sylvanus (Art.1831), 4
Russell, William (Art.1831), 4
Ryan, A. H. (Art.1831), 3
Saylors, John C.-to be Postmaster Litchfield, Jackson Co. (Art.1831), 3
Shaver, John, Dr. (Art.1831), 5
Smith, John (Art.1831), 3
Smith, Nicholas (Art.1831), 5
Smith, Thomas (Art.1831), 3
Smith, Warner (Art.1831), 5
Speaks, William (Art.1831), 3
Standefer, Lody (Art.1831), 3
Steton, H. (Art.1831), 5
Strong, John William-Sheriff and Collector (Art.1831), 5
Strong, William (Art.1831), 4
Tharp, Charles P. (Art.1831), 3
Ward, Elisher (Art.1831), 3
Watson, Samuel (Art.1831), 5
Weaver, D. K. (Art.1831), 3
Wells, Henry (Art.1831), 3
Whitehead, Britton (Art.1831), 5
Wiggins, Clayton K. (Art.1831), 3
Wiggins, John (Art.1831), 3
Wilkerson, David, Sen. (Art.1831), 5
Williams, John (Art.1831), 5
Wilson, James (Art.1831), 5
Woods, William C. (Art.1831), 3
Wright, Absalom (Art.1831), 3
Wroall, H. C. (Art.1831), 3
01/26/1831 New Post Routes and Post Offices: - It gives us much pleasure to announce, on the authority of a letter from Mr. Sevier, that the Postmaster General has recently established the following new Post-offices and Post routes, in this territory, viz:A Post-office at Corea Fabre, Union County, and Benjamin Gooch to be Postmaster. [This route will diverge from Washington, Hempstead County.]A Post Office at Litchfield, Jackson county, and John C. Saylors to be Postmaster. [This office will be supplied with the mail by a new route, which will diverge from our present Memphis route, at Strongs, on the St. Francis, and run through Jackson county to Batesville.]
05/04/1831 A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Helena, A.T. on the first of April 1831. Alexander, John Bland, Thos. P.Clark, Edwin T. -Cullin, John W.Clary, Urial A.Copeland, James C.Fix, George Garroin, Tobias Howard, Thomas Harland, T.C.Jacobs, W.Kellams, Elisher Meeks, Larkin McNabb, Elijah F. Marsh, James Jr .Price, K.Phillips, Wm.Rotherford, A.H. Ryan, William Speaks, Lody Standefer, John Smith, Thomas Smith, Charles P.Tharp, D.K.Weaver, H.C. -Wroall, John Wiggins, Henry Wells, Absalom -Wright, Wm. C.Woods, Clayton K.Wiggins, Elisher Ward, By John Austin Kendrick, P.M.May 4, 1831
05/18/1831 [Communicated] Departed this life, in St. Francis county, on Wednesday, the 20th ult. Col. Neely Dolison, aged 57 years. He was a respectable and honorable man, dearly beloved by those who knew him well, and his death is deeply lamented by all his neighbors and acquaintances. A faithful public servant, he had filled many offices of trust, with credit to himself and advantage to the state in which he resided. He emigrated to this Territory only a few years since, and although his stay here was of short duration, the urbanity of his manners, the frankness of his disposition, and the generosity of his soul, created for him many of the warmest friends. Proverbially hospitable, his house was a thoroughfare for all who shared his esteem.May 4th, 1831
05/18/1831 Spencer Crouch, Esq., has been appointed Postmaster at St. Francis C.H., in the room of J.T. Foster, resigned.
06/01/1831 MARRIED - In St. Francis county, on the 13th ult., by S. Crouch, Esq., Dr. N. B. Clapton, to Miss Margaret L., daughter of Judge John Johnson - all of that county.
06/01/1831 RUNAWAY SLAVES WERE committed to the care of me, the undersigned, Sheriff of St. Francis county, Arkansas Territory, on the 18th inst., FIVE RUNAWAY SLAVES, to wit:BEN, a stout black man, about 53 years old, a large beard, and slight impediment in his speech. BILL, a stout likely young fellow, 23 or 24 years old, about 5 feet 9 inches high, stout built. HANEY, the wife of Bill, about 24 or 25 years old, black, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high. HETTY, wife of Ben, about 22 years old, of a yellow complexion; and NANCY, of a yellow complexion, a sister to Hetty, stout built, and thick lips, about 18 years old.The said Negroes say they belong to Julius Bettis, living on Bayou Fidelle, thirty-five miles above the Grand Gulph, on the Mississippi, and that they ran away about the middle of December last, and took with them a rifle and shot gun, and ten dollars in money, belonging to their master. They have also in their possession, a rifle gun and shot bag, two axes, sundry bed clothing and wearing apparel stolen from different persons on their route by way of the Post of Arkansas, White river, and on the United States road to this neighborhood, where they were taken up. They say there was another negro man in company, when they left home, also belonging to Mr. Bettis, when left their company.
06/29/1831 $50 REWARD RAN AWAY from the subscriber, livng on the Bayou Videll, Parish Concordis, State of Louisiana, about the 10th of December last, one NEGRO MAN named Phil, in Company of five others. He left the others near the Post of Arkansas. Phil is about 35 or 40 years of age, upwards of six feet high, very dark complexion. He has a scar in his breast, and two scars on his right foot. I will give the above reward of Fifty Dollars, if lodged in Jail so that I can get him or Seventy-five Dollars, if delivered to Wm. Strong of St. Francis, in this Territory.Julius BettisJune 20, 1831
08/24/1831 Sale of Lands for Taxes In St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory:Names of Owners-Arbuckle, John Bird,Porter H.Brown, L.Crawley, Samuel Cunningham, Wm.Coomb, Phillip Ebertine, John's Heirs Ferebee, George W.Gibson, David's Heirs Hullet, Nathan Johnson, John W.Kendrick, Austin Lamb, Abner Lester, Francis Livingston, James Martin, Lewis McAdee, Wm.Martin, Elizabeth McGuire, John Marrow, Wm. McGound, Josiah McGill, Hugh McCleland, Wm. Patterson, William Platt, Brewster Phillips, Sylvanus Roy, William Russell, William Ray, John Right, David Righter, Nicholas Smith, Warner Smith, H. Steton, Britton Whitehead, James Wilson, Moses G. Beardley, J.H. Clark, Josiah Clark, John Dick, William Fox, William Gilbert, Isaiah T. Hoke, David Higgins, William Jones, John T. Myrick, Howell Robertson, John Dr.Shaver, David, Sen. Wilkerson, Samuel Watson, Joseph Robertson, Alexander Fowler, John H. Horner, W.B.R. Horner, By John William Strong, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis county, Arkansas Territory, August 11, 1831
08/24/1831 United States of AmericaTerritory of Arkansas-St. Francis County-CIRCUIT COURT, MAY TERM 1831. William Clark, by his attorney in fact, Against William Johnson-Attachment, Debt, $800 AND now at this day came the plaintiff, by his attorneys and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, William Johnson, is not an inhabitant of this county, and that due and proper service of said attachment had been made, by attaching, in the hands or possession of Jesse Johnson and George Dodson, administrators of James Dodson, deceased; and the said plaintiff having filed interrogatories to be answered by said garnishees, and Jesse Johnson, one of the said garnishees, having appearing in his proper person, and answered the said interrogatories, and admits that, at the time of the service of said attachment, there were some rights and dues in his hands belonging and coming to him the said defendant; whereupon it is considered by the Court, that the said Jesse Johnson be restrained from paying over to said William Johnson, the said rights, claims, and dues, until the farther orders of this Court, and that the said George Dodson answer the interrogatories here file, on or before the third day of the next term of this Court. And it is farther ordered by Court, that a publication, containing the nature and amount of said plaintiff's demand, notifying the said defendant, that an attachment has issued against his estate, and that, unless he appear, by himself or attorney, and file special bail to the plaintiff's action, on or before the third day of the next term of this Court, judgment will be entered against him, and his estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is farther ordered, that the plaintiff cause the same to be inserted in some newspaper printed in this Territory, for four weeks, successively, from the adjournment of this court. Spencer Court, Cl'k.C.C. St. Francis county August 3, 1831
10/26/1831 A RUNAWAY SLAVE, Has been committed to my care, who calls his name CHARLES, and says he belongs to a Mr. John Williams, residing in Madison county, in the State of Mississippi. He is a Negro Man, stout built, five feet 7 ? inches high, one of his fore teeth is partly broken out, producing a slight impediment in his speech. Has a scar running square across his forehead, and also a scar in his left eye-brown. Said slave was taken up on the United States Road, traveling in the direction of Little Rock, A.T. The owner of said slave is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law. By Wm. Strong, Sheriff and Jailer, St. Francis county, Arkansas Territory-October 15, 1831
11/23/1831 MARRIED - In St. Francis county, on the 10th inst. by Spencer Crouch, Esq. Mr. John H. Laughridge, of Mississippi, to Miss Nancy C. youngest daughter of Col. John Johnson, of the former county.