Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1830
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Alexander, Carnes H., 2 Barnes, Joshua JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 2 Bradshaw, Daniel JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 2 Carothers, John Commissioner (Art.1830), 3 Clements, James JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 2 Crouch, Specer-Clerk Circuit Court (Art.1830), 1 Crouch, Spencer JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 2 Dobson, Neely JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 2 Douglass, John-JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 Enos, William JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 Fillingham, Samuel JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 2 Fillingim, Sarah, Mrs. Deceased (Art.1830), 2 Forbes, Isaac-County Surveyor (Art.1830), 1 Foster & Strong (Art.1830), 4 Foster, John T. (Art.1830), 4 Franks, Chrisley JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 Hartley, James-Jailed for Murder (Art.1830), 2 Izard, Mark W. JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 2 Izard, Mark W.,Col.-Commandant (Art.1830), 1 James, Elisha K. JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 Johnson, John (Art.1830), 3 Johnson, John-County Judge (Art.1830), 1 Lincecum, Green B.-Coroner (Art.1830), 1 Love, James W. (Art.1830), 3 Lytle, Cyrus JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 McDaniel, Archibald Commissioner (Art.1830), 3 McDaniel, John JP Union township (Art.1830), 2 Mitchell, Daniel JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 2 Mitchell, Michael JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 2 Neely, George W. JP Johnson township (Art.1830), 2 Robbins, Joseph (Art.1830), 4 Shaver, Charles Commissioner (Art.1830), 3 Shaver, Charles JP Mitchell township (Art.1830), 2 Shaver, Joseph JP Franklin township (Art.1830), 2 Strong, William-Sheriff (Art.1830), 1 Tyer, Right-Adm'r. (Art.1830), 2 Wright, James (Art.1830), 3 02/23/1830 LIST OF OFFICERS WE publish below, a complete list of all the Officers elected by the People of the Territory of Arkansas, on the first Monday of January, 1830, agreeably to the returns made to the Governor. St. Francis County:John Johnson, County Judge;Spencer Crouch, Clerk Circuit Court;William Strong, Sheriff;Green B. Lincecum, Coroner;Isaac Forbes, County Surveyor;Mark W. Izard, Col.-Commandant.03/02/1830 A man by the name of James Hartley was brought to this place, in irons, on Sunday evening last, by the Sheriff of St. Francis County, and committed to Jail. We understand he is charged with murder of a man named McCloud, in the State of Mississippi, some time last autumn; and has been apprehended by order of the Acting Governor of this Territory, on the requisition of the Governor of the State of Mississippi, to which State he will be sent for trial by the first opportunity that offers of sending him down the river.We hope this prompt instance of the apprehension of a fugitive from justice will have some effect in redeeming the character of our Territory from the charge of its being a harbor for rogues and out-laws; and we hope it may operate as a warning to murderers and other fugitives from justice, not to look for a refuge in Arkansas, if they wish to escape the punishment which is their due, for the violation of the laws of their country.03/23/1830 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE The following is an official list of the JUSTICES OF THE PEACE elected by joint vote of the General Assembly of the Territory of Arkansas, on the 7th day of November 1829. ST. FRANCIS COUNTY: Union township - John Douglass, William Enos, Cyrus Lytle, Elisha K. James, John McDaniel, Chrisley Franks;Johnson township:Mark W. Izard, Carnes H. Alexander, Joshua Barnes, George W. Neely, Spencer Crouch:Franklin township: - Michael Mitchell, Samuel Fillingham, Joseph Shaver:Mitchell township: - Daniel Mitchell, Neely Dobson, Charles Shaver, Daniel Bradshaw, James Clements05/25/1830 Administration Notice The undersigned having obtained from the County Court of St. Francis county, in the Territory of Arkansas, at the last February term of said Court, Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Fillingim, late of said county, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having demands against said estate, to present them, duly authenticated according to law, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said demands be not presented as aforesaid within five years, they will be forever barred.All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Right Tyer, Adm'r.St. Francis co., May 17, 183009/08/1830 SALE OF LOTSI N THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN:THE choice Lots in the Town of Franklin the Seat of Justice for St. Francis county, Arkansas Territory, will be offered for sale, to the highest bidders, on the second day of the next term of the Circuit Court to be holden for said county, being the first Monday in November next.Terms - Five dollars on each lot will be required in hand - the balance in six and twelve months, purchasers giving bond with undoubted security.Terms - Five dollars on each lot will be required in hand - the balance in six and twelve months, purchasers giving bond with undoubted security.This Town is situated in a fine rich country, first high land west of the St. Francis river, and near where the National Road crosses the same. The St. Francis river admits of uninterrupted navigation for the largest steam-boats a distance of three hundred miles. The high land on this side of the St. Francis extends, in width about thirty eight miles and in length, from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, and promises to become a country of wealth and importance. The county in which Franklin is situated, in general, is considered equal, if not superior, in fertility of soil, and natural advantages, to any in the Territory. Its population is increasingly rapidly, and has already, though young, reached upwards of 1500 enterprizing and industrious citizens, chiefly from Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and Alabama, whose labors are richly rewarded by the abundance of their crops of cotton, wheat, corn, rice, and tobacco. Attendance will be given by Charles Shaver, Archibald McDaniel, John Carothers, CommissionersSt. Francis co. August 30, 183010/30/1830 CAUTION ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for, or taking an assignment of, a note, executed by me, in the year 1829, in favor of James W. Love, for one hundred dollars, payable in the year 1831, at Wm. Strong's on the St. Francis. As said note was fraudulently obtained, I do not intend paying it. James Wright-Mouth of Cache, September 10, 183012/01/1830 [The following has been sent to us for publication as an Advertisement, and is charged for as such.]TO THE PUBLIC John Johnson: This individual, who is now Judge of the County Court of St. Francis , has thought proper to assail the Postmaster at St. Francis, with imputations of midemanor in office, highly prejudicial to his character. The annexed copy of a letter from the Post Office Department, contains a list of complaints made by him to the Postmaster General; the object of which charges, will appear to the reader, to reference in the annexed letters and certificates. I am induced to believe, every candid observer will agree with myself, that the whole affair is a groundless, maliciously fabricated little underhanded business in his honor. And had he succeeded in the object of his undertaking, the profit of the office he would have acquired, surely would not have been equal to, or have balanced against, the infamy such conduct must bring down on him. That a man of his property would attempt to lie himself into a pitiful office, which would bring him in debt, and create enemies, and that, too, at the expense of a man, who has never, either directly or indirectly, injured or attempted to injure him in character or property, is, to me, altogether unaccountable. And that a man, who has so long had the confidence of the people, as to be elected by them in a seat in the councils of the Territory, should have the vanity and ignorance to suppose an officer of the government would be dissolved from officer, merely for his representation, without an investigation, is no less strange. This must, without doubt, have been his calculations, or he would not have ran the risk of so many unwarrantable and round assertations. It is, with me, a matter of regret, to be brought to the necessity of taking this course, more especially, as it is the first time. John T. Foster-Post Office DepartmentOffice of Appointments, April 2, 1830 12/29/1830 CAUTION ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for, or taking an assignment on a promissory note, executed by us, to Joseph Robbins, of Phillips county, we believe, some time early in November or late in October last, for the sum of Forty-six Dollars, and seventy-five cents, payable forty days after date, and credited by ten dollars, said the same day, as the property for which said note was executed proved unsound, we are determined not to pay for it. Foster & Strong St. Francis co. December 1829