Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1829
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Alexander, C. H. (Art.1829), 5
Arnold, John (Art.1829), 5
Balentine, L. (Art.1829), 5
Barnet, Arther (Art.1829), 5
Bates, James W. (Art.1829), 5
Battle, John (Art.1829), 5
Bell, Moses (Art.1829), 5
Billings, John E. (Art.1829), 5
Biscoe, Henry (Art.1829), 5
Calvert, John W.- Adm'r. (Art.1829), 5
Carothers, John (Art.1829), 4
Carver, Armstrong (Art.1829), 5
Clark, Edwin T. (Art.1829), 5
Clark, William L. (Art.1829), 5
Conner, Robert (Art.1829), 5
Crayton, Abner (Art.1829), 5
Crouch, Spencer-Clerk (Art.1829), 3
Donoho, James (Art.1829), 5
Drusnuski, Andrew-Deceased (Art.1829), 5
Dunn, Hiram (Art.1829), 5
Dunn, William (Art.1829), 5
Ector, Thomas (Art.1829), 5
Elliott, Wright W. (Art.1829), 5
Evins, H. W. (Art.1829), 5
Evins, William B. (Art.1829), 5
Farnesworth, George W. (Art.1829), 5
Farnold, John H. (Art.1829), 5
Ferebee, John (Art.1829), 5
Fillingim, Samuel (Art.1829), 4
Foster, John J. (Art.1829) Postmaster St.Francis C.H., 6
Fowler, Henry (Art.1829), 5
Franks, Chesley (Art.1829), 5
Gilbert, Isaac (Art.1829), 5
Giles, Elizabeth, Mrs. alias Elizabeth Taylor (Art.1829), 3
Gray, Thomas (Art.1829), 5
Grunesley, Isaac T. (Art.1829), 5
Guion, Samson (Art.1829), 5
Hampton, Erithia-Administratrix, of John Hampton, deceased (Art.1829), 5
Hanks, Unk (Art.1829), 5
Harrison, George (Art.1829), 3
Harrison, Susannah, Mrs. alias Susannah Mitchell (Art.1829), 3
Hind, John (Art.1829), 5
Horner, Thornton (Art.1829), 5
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1829), 5
Hunt, James (Art.1829), 5
Izard, Samuel F. (Art.1829), 5
Johnson, John (Art.1829), 5
Jones, John (Art.1829), 5
Jones, William, Deceased (Art.1829), 4
Levingston, John T. (Art.1829), 5
Lewis, James L. (Art.1829), 5
Lore, James (Art.1829), 5
Lucker, James (Art.1829), 5
Marttell, G. K. (Art.1829), 5
Marttell, W. (Art.1829), 5
McAdoo, Samuel (Art.1829), 5
McBay, Elisha (Art.1829), 5
McDaniel, Archibald (Art.1829), 4
McGunnegle, William (Art.1829), 5
McMenomy, John (Art.1829), 5
Miller, John W. (Art.1829), 5
Mitchell, Abner, Deceased (Art.1829), 4
Mitchell, Daniel-Adm'r. (Art.1829), 4
Nash, Stephen (Art.1829), 5
Nicum, Robert (Art.1829), 5
Noble, John (Art.1829), 5
Odle, Hiram (Art.1829), 5
Oliver, Edward (Art.1829), 4
Parker, George S. W. (Art.1829), 3
Parker, Mary, Mrs. alias Mary Myrick, 3
Paul, Benjamin (Art.1829), 5
Pinkham, William (Art.1829), 5
Poe, Benjamin (Art.1829), 5
Richards, David, Adm'r. (Art.1829), 4
Roll, Price (Art.1829)
Samuel, John Sr. (Art.1829), 5
Samuel, L. (Art.1829), 5
Sanford, Mason (Art.1829), 5
Shaver, Charles (Art.1829), 4
Shirardson, David (Art.1829), 5
Simmons, Thomas (Art.1829), 5
Smith, Sarah (Art.1829), 5
Smith, Warner (Art.1829), 5
Southard, Henry (Art.1829), 5
Starnes, Elam (Art.1829), 5
Stewart, Walter (Art.1829), 5
Strong, William (Art.1829) Agent for Gazette, 3
Strong, William-Resigned as Postmaster (Art.1829), 6
Strong, William-Sheriff and Collector St. Francis Co. (Art.1829), 5
Taylor, Noah (Art.1829), 3
Tremble, Moses (Art.1829), 5
Vanhorn, Wm. G. (Art.1829), 5
Wall, E. (Art.1829), 5
Wats, Joseph (Art.1829), 5
Watson, William E. (Art.1829), 5
Welsh, Benjamin (Art.1829), 5
Wimimon, Freal (Art.1829), 5
Woodruff, Richard C. (Art.1829), 5
Woodruff, Wm. (Art.1829), 5
01/06/1829 Agents for the Gazette:Wm. Strong, P.M. - St. Francis County
182903/11/1829 United State of AmericaTerritory of Arkansas,St. Francis Circuit Court, January Term, A.D. 1829 Susannah Harrison, alias Susannah Mitchell, Pl'ff.Vs.George Harrison, Def't.Libel for Divorce. It appearing by the Sheriff's return, that the said George Harrison, is not an inhabitant of this county; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that an alias summons issue, and that a copy of this order be published for six weeks in succession, previous to the next term of this Court, in the "Arkansas Gazette."A copy, teste,Spencer Crouch, Clerk March 11, 1829
03/11/1829 United States of AmericaTerritory of Arkansas Ties St. Francis Circuit Court, January Term, A.D. 1829 Noah Taylor, Plaintiff Vs.Elizabeth Giles, alias Elizabeth Taylor, Defendant Petition for Divorce It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by the Sheriff's return, that the said Elizabeth Giles, alias Elizabeth Taylor, in no inhabitant of this county; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that an alias summons issue, and that a copy of this order be published for six weeks in succession, previous to the next term of this Court, in the "Arkansas Gazette."A copy - teste, Spencer Crouch, Clerk-March 11, 1829
03/11/1829 United States of AmericaTerritory of Arkansas St. Francis Circuit Court, January Term, A.D. 1829 Mary Parker, alias Mary Mydrick, Pl'ff.Vs.George S.W. Parker, Def'd.Petition for DivorceIt appearing by the Sheriff's return, that the said George S.W. Parker, is no inhabitant of this county; It is therefore, ordered by the Court, that a plurias alias summons issue, and that a copy of this order be published for six weeks in succession, previous to the next term of this Court, in the "Arkansas Gazette."A copy - teste, Spencer Crouch, Clerk March 11, 1829
03/18/1829 ADMINISTRATION NOTICE THE undersigned having obtained, from the Circuit Court of the county of St. Francis in the Territory of Arkansas, at its last January term, Letters of Administration on the estate of William Jones, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice to all persons having just demands against said estate, to present them, properly authenticated according to law, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said demands be not presented as aforesaid, within five years, they will be for ever barred.All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. Daniel Mitchell/ David Richards, Adm'rs. Of William Jones, dec'd.March 18, 1829
03/18/1829 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE THE undersigned having obtained from the Circuit Court of the county of St. Francis in the Territory of Arkansas, at its last January term, Letters of Administration, on the estate of Abner Mitchell, late of said county, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having just demands against said estate, to present them duly authenticated, according to law, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said demands be not presented as aforesaid, within five years, they will be for ever barred.All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. Daniel Mitchell, Adm'r. of Abner Mitchell, dec'd.March 18, 1829
03/18/1829 SALE OF LOTS IN THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN,The Seat of Justice of St. Francis County.On the first Monday in May next, will commence the sale of the Town Lots in the Town of Franklin, the Seat of Justice for the county of St. Francis, Arkansas Territory, the sale to continue from day to day until the whole are disposed of, or until the commissioners think the interest of the county makes it necessary to suspend the sale.Suffice it to say, that this county possesses a larger portion of first rate farming land than is ordinary, and in point of convenience, commercial advantages, &c. it is not surpassed by any county in this Territory. This site is located at the place called the Village, near the United States' Road, opposite to Esquire Strong's, and within two miles of the St. Francis River.We would invite all persons who are possessed of funds to vest in town property, to call and examine the great advantages appertaining to the Town of Franklin, and take an interest in this promising Town, &c. &c.The sale will take place on the lots. Terms of Sale, will be one-third paid in hand, the balance twelve months credit.Due attendance will be given by us.Samuel Fillingim,Charles Shaver,John Carothers, Archibald McDaniel, Edward Oliver, Commissioners March 14th, 1829
04/08/1829 NOTICE WHEREAS, on the 8th day of February, 1825, I executed, together with Chesley Franks, Hiram Dunn, and William Dunn, as securities, a note to Erithia Hampton, Administratrix, of John Hampton, deceased, for one hundred and seven dollars, payable twelve months after date. Now, I forewarn all persons from trading for, or taking an assignment on said note, as I am determined not to pay it, unless compelled by law, as I am a legal heir, and am entitled to three times that amount as a legacy. William Strong St. Francis Co. March 28, 1829
08/05/1829 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE THE undersigned having obtained, from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Phillips county, Arkansas Territory, Letters of Administration on the estate of Andrew Drusnuski, late of said county, deceased, bearing date the 20th May 1829, hereby gives notice to all persons having just demands against said estate, to present them, duly authenticated according to law, within one year from the date of said Letters, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said demands be not presented as aforesaid, within five years, they will be for ever barred. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, living in Union township, St. Francis County. John W. Calvert, Adm'r. of Andrew Drusnuski, dec'd.July 30, 1829
08/12/1829 The following is a list of Members elected to the next General Assembly, as far as can be ascertained by the imperfect returns which have been received. Phillips - Council, - Hanks, Unk, H. of Rep's. Edwin T. Clark St. Francis - Council, John Johnson; H. of Rep's. Wright W. Elliott
08/19/1829 Sale of Lands for Taxes In St. Francis County, Arkansas Territory Names of Owners: Alexander, C. H.= Arnold, John; Bates, James W.=Biscoe, Henry; L.Balentine = John Battle; John E.Billings= Moses Bell; Arther Barnet= Robert Conner; Abner Crayton= William L.Clark & Armstrong Carver;, James Donoho= Thomas Ector= Wm. B. & H.W..Evins; John Ferebee=George W.Farnesworth; Henry Fowler= John H.Farnold; Thomas Gray= Samson Guion; Isaac Gilbert= Isaac T.Grunesley; Thornton Horner= Wm. B.R.Horner; John Hind= James Hunt; Samuel F.Izard= John Johnson; John Jones= John T.Levingston; James Lucker= James Lore; James L.Lewis= John W.Miller; Samuel McAdoo= Wm.McGunnegle; G.K. & W.Marttell= Elisha McBay; John McMenomy= Robert Nicum; John Noble= Stephen Nash; Hiram Odle= Benjamin Paul; William Pinkham= Benjamin Poe & Price Roll; Sarah Smith= Warner Smith; Mason Sanford= Henry Southard; Samuel, L.=Samuel, John Sr.;Simmons, Thomas= Starnes, Elam; Stewart, Walter= Shirardson, David; Tremble, Moses =Vanhorn, Wm. G.;Welsh, Benjamin= Woodruff, Wm.; E.Wall= Richard C.Woodruff; Wm. E.Watson= Joseph Wats; Samuel Wimimon Freal. Wm. Strong, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County, A.T.St. Francis, August 13, 1829
10/20/1829 Mr. John J. Foster has been appointed Postmaster at St. Francis C.H. in the room of Wm. Strong, Esq. resigned.