Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1828
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Alexander, William (Art.1828), 7 Ammod, John (Art.1828), 7 Arnold, John (Art.1828), 8 Babcock, J. H. (Art.1828), 7, 8 Bailey, Silas (Art.1828), 7 Baldwin, F. S. (Art.1828), 8 Ball, Henry (Art.1828), 8 Ballow, Leonard (Art.1828), 8 Bates, James W. (Art.1828), 7 Beardsley, John H. (Art.1828), 7 Beech, William (Art.1828), 8 Beel, Norman (Art.1828), 8 Benn, Lewis (Art.1828), 9 Bertney, Jeremiah (Art.1828), 8 Bevins, Patrick (Art.1828), 9 Bicker, Henry (Art.1828), 7 Biscoe, Henry L. (Art.1828), 7 Blaize, William, 8 Bower, Isaac (Art.1828), 7 Boyd, J. (Art.1828), 8 Bragoon, G. (Art.1828), 8 Brewster, L. D. (Art.1828), 7 Brown, John (Art.1828), 8 Brown, Samuel (Art.1828), 8 Bryant, William P. (Art.1828), 7 Buckman, Archibald (Art.1828), 7 Buckman, J. (Art.1828), 7 Buckner, William (Art.1828), 7 Bulger, William (Art.1828), 8 Burke, Thomas (Art.1828), 7 Burnette, J. S. (Art.1828), 8 Burt, James (Art.1828), 8 Burton, James (Art.1828), 8 Calvert, William H. (Art.1828), 7 Campbell, James D. (Art.1828), 8 Cane, James R. (Art.1828), 8 Carbon, James (Art.1828), 8 Carey, John (Art.1828), 8 Carter, John (Art.1828), 8 Case, Jacob, 8 Casteel, Moses (Art.1828), 7 Casteel, Phillip (Art.1828), 7 Caswell, A. (Art.1828), 8 Chadwick, Isaac (Art.1828), 7 Childress, William (Art.1828), 7 Clark, John (Art.1828), 7 Clark, Michael Gould (Art.1828), 8 Clark, Samuel M. (Art.1828), 8 Clarke, John (Art.1828), 7 Coleman, John (Art.1828), 8 Collins, H. (Art.1828), 8 Comb, Philllip (Art.1828), 8 Conklin, Isaac (Art.1828), 7 Cooper, John (Art.1828), 7 Cornelius, William (Art.1828), 8 Cotton, J. Fitzgibbon (Art.1828), 8 Cotton, Samuel (Art.1828), 8 Cotton, William (Art.1828), 8 Coulter, William (Art.1828), 7 Courter, Aaron (Art.1828), 7 Craddock, Elijah (Art.1828), 8 Crandell, Sydney (Art.1828), 8 Crandle, John (Art.1828), 7 Cromwell, M. M. (Art.1828), 8 Crouch, Spencer- of Crawford County to be Clerk of St. Francis Co. (Art.1828), 7 Crownover, D. (Art.1828), 7 Cunningham, William (Art.1828), 7 Damout, Allen (Art.1828), 7 Davidson, William (Art.1828), 7 Davis, James (Art.1828), 8 Davis, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Devine, David (Art.1828), 8 Devon, Luke (Art.1828), 8 Doane, Onat (Art.1828), 8 Donihew, Thomas (Art.1828), 7 Dowd, Asa (Art.1828), 7 Dudley, Enoch (Art.1828), 8 Dukey, William (Art.1828), 8 Dunn, William-Deceased (Art.1828), 7 Duval, Conrod (Art.1828), 8 Dyer, Right-Adm'r. (Art.1828), 7 Early, Thomas (Art.1828), 7 Edwards, Gideon (Art.1828), 7 Edwards, Peter (Art.1828), 7 Elds, Henry (Art.1828), 8 Farnold, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Ferebee, George W. (Art.1828), 8 Fields, Joseph (Art.1828), 8 Fisher, Leven (Art.1828), 9 Fleming, John (Art.1828), 8 Fletcher, Clement B. (Art.1828), 8 Forbes, Isaac (Art.1828), 8 Franklin, Joseph (Art.1828), 8 Franks, Elisha (Art.1828), 8 Franks, Henry (Art.1828), 8 Franks, Littleberry (Art.1828), 8 Galman, Gabriel (Art.1828), 8 Godfrey, John (Art.1828), 7 Goodall, Nathaniel (Art.1828), 8 Gordon & Wells (Art.1828), 8 Gould, Michael (Art.1828), 8 Green, Drewry (Art.1828), 8 Griffin, J. (Art.1828), 8 Guertner, Michael (Art.1828), 8 Gwin, Edward (Art.1828), 8 Hall, James (Art.1828), 9 Hall, Judge (Art.1828), 7 Hall, Warren (Art.1828), 8 Hannah, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Harper, Willis V. (Art.1828), 8 Hart, Hardy (Art.1828), 8 Hart, Warner (Art.1828), 8 Hartfeld, Asa (Art.1828), 8 Heininger, J. (Art.1828), 8 Hines, Henry (Art.1828), 7, 8 Hocke, William (Art.1828), 8 Holder, John (Art.1828), 8 Horner, John (Art.1828), 8 Horner, William B.R. (Art.1828), 8 Hoverlon, S. (Art.1828), 7 Hunt, John W. (Art.1828), 8 Hutchison, Alexander (Art.1828), 7 Hynd, James (Art.1828), 8 Jackman, J. C. (Art.1828), 8 Jackson, Isaac (Art.1828), 8 Jeffers, William W. (Art.1828), 8 Jemp, Joseph (Art.1828), 8 Jesley, Anthony (Art.1828), 7 Johnson, J. R. (Art.1828), 8 Jones, Burrell-Murdered (Art.1828), 9 Jones, John F. (Art.1828), 8 Kendrick, Austin (Art.1828), 8 Killy, Robert (Art.1828), 8 King, William (Art.1828), 8 Knoker, James (Art.1828), 7 Lake, Justus (Art.1828), 8 Landrum, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Lawrence, D. (Art.1828), 8 Lester, Francis (Art.1828), 8 Lewell, George (Art.1828), 8 Lewis, William (Art.1828), 8 Lincecum, Gabriel (Art.1828), 8 Lincecum, Grabel (Art.1828), 9 Livingston, James (Art.1828), 8 Long, Samuel (Art.1828), 7 Loring, Jacob (Art.1828), 8 Love, Alexander (Art.1828), 8 Ludwick, Allright (Art.1828), 8 Lund, Peter (Art.1828), 8 Maggard, Henry (Art.1828), 8 Magness, Morgan (Art.1828), 8 Manell, James (Art.1828), 8 Martin, Samuel (Art.1828), 8 May, John (Art.1828), 7 McAdoe, William (Art.1828), 8 McBay, John (Art.1828), 8 McCreary, John L. (Art.1828), 8 McCreeless, John (Art.1828), 8 McDaniel, John (Art.1828), 8 McGorend, Josiah (Art.1828), 8 McGuire, John (Art.1828), 8 McLaughlin, David (Art.1828), 8 McMenomy, Robert (Art.1828), 8 McMullin, Margaret (Art.1828), 7 McNabb, James Y. (Art.1828), 8 Mellen, James (Art.1828), 8 Miller, Samuel (Art.1828), 8 Mitchell, Mrs. of St. Francis County (Art.1828), 7 Mobley, Isaac (Art.1828), 8 Morgan, William (Art.1828), 8 Morrow, Samuel M. (Art.1828), 8 Morrow, William (Art.1828), 7 Nash, George (Art.1828), 8 Nash, Hirson (Art.1828), 8 Neel, C. B. (Art.1828), 8 Neille, John (Art.1828), 8 Newton, Thomas W. (Art.1828), 8 Nicum, Jacob (Art.1828), 8 Norwood, Joseph (Art.1828), 7 Noulton, E. (Art.1828), 8 Overman, John (Art.1828), 8 Palmer, Turner (Art.1828), 8 Park, Seaburn (Art.1828), 8 Patterson, William Adm'r.St. Francis County (Art.1828), 7 Penny, E. F. (Art.1828), 8 Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1828), 8 Pinkham, Benjamin (Art.1828), 8 Pitts, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Plat, Brewster (Art.1828), 8 Prescott, Stephen (Art.1828), 7 Profit, Anderson (Art.1828), 8 Ralph, Anderson (Art.1828), 8 Reed, John (Art.1828), 8, 9 Reed, William (Art.1828), 8 Right, David (Art.1828), 7 Rightor, Nicholas (Art.1828), 8 Ripley, John (Art.1828), 8 Roane, Andrew-Deceased-Esq. - Clerk of the Circuit Court St.Francis Co. (Art.1828), 7 Robertson, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Robertson, William (Art.1828), 8 Robuck, George (Art.1828), 8 Roll, Sarah (Art.1828), 8 Roll, William (Art.1828), 8 Ross, Nicholas (Art.1828), 8 Rublege, Ellison (Art.1828), 8 Russell, William (Art.1828) Sailing, George (Art.1828), 8 Sanderlin, G. (Art.1828), 8 Saul, George (Art.1828), 7 Sayling, George (Art.1828), 7 Scearcy, George (Art.1828), 8 Seader, Thomas C. (Art.1828), 8 Seal, Joseph (Art.1828), 8 Searcy, George (Art.1828), 8 Sevier, Joseph (Art.1828), 8 Sherodsen, David (Art.1828), 8 Simons, John (Art.1828), 8 Skipwith, Andrew (Art.1828), 8 Slay, William (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Ebenezer (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Isaac (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Jordan (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Noah (Art.1828), 8 Smith, R. (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Reuben (Art.1828), 8 Smith, Warner (Art.1828), 8 Snyder, George R. (Art.1828), 8 Southard, Samuel L. (Art.1828), 8 Standlee, Joseph-Deceased (Art.1828), 6 Steadman, William (Art.1828), 8 Stephens, J. (Art.1828), 8 Stephens, Jessee (Art.1828), 8 Stephenson, J. (Art.1828), 8 Stinson, Charles (Art.1828), 8 Strong, William (Art.1828 agent for Gazette), 10 Strong, William Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County (Art.1828), 9 Stroup, Amos (Art.1828), 8 Sucker, James (Art.1828), 8 Taylor, Daniel (Art.1828), 7 Thompson, John (Art.1828), 7 Thompson, William (Art.1828), 7 Treadwell, James (Art.1828), 8 Turnham, Thomas (Art.1828), 8 Vanborn, Wm. G. (Art.1828), 8 Vansadale, C. (Art.1828), 8 Vashall, Joshua (Art.1828), 7 Walt, David (Art.1828), 7 Warmington, Nancy (Art.1828), 8 Wartinan, William (Art.1828), 8 Warts, Samuel (Art.1828), 8 Watson, Joseph (Art.1828), 9 Watts, William B. (Art.1828), 9 Webb, Richard (Art.1828), 7 Webb, T. estate (Art.1828), 8 Webb, Townsend (Art.1828), 8 Webber, Rial (Art.1828), 8 Weir, David D. (Art.1828), 8 Welch, Charles P., Dr. (Art.1828), 9 Welden, Elijah (Art.1828), 8 Wentworth, John (Art.1828), 8 White, Frederick (Art.1828), 9 Williams, James (Art.1828), 8 Willis, Richard (Art.1828), 8 Wilson, Robert (Art.1828), 8 Wingard, George (Art.1828), 8 Wood, James (Art.1828), 7 Yoakum, M. (Art.1828), 8 02/27/1828 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE THE undersigned having obtained from the Circuit Court of Phillips County, Arkansas Territory, Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Standlee, late of said county, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having just demands against aid estate, to exhibit them, properly authenticated, within one year, or they may be precluded from deriving any benefit from said estate; and if said claims be not exhibited as aforesaid within five years, they will be for ever barred.The foregoing Administration has been removed to St. Francis County, where settlement will be made.Right Dyer, Adm'r. of Joseph Standlee, dec'd.St. Francis County, February 27, 182807/02/1828 NOTICE FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given, that I intend applying a the next September term of the Circuit Court of St. Francis county, for a final settlement of the estate of William Dunn, late of Phillips County, deceased.Wm. Patterson, Adm'r.St. Francis County July 2, 182807/23/1828 ARKANSAS AGAINST THE WORLD - FOR CHILDREN: We are credibly informed, that a Mrs. Mitchell, of St. Francis County, was recently delivered of a fine healthy child, which weighed, at the time of its birth, twenty-one pounds!07/23/1828 DIED - In St. Francis County, two or three weeks since, after an illness of about nine days, Andrew Roane, Esq. - Clerk of the Circuit Court of that county - much lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.07/30/1828 We understand that Judge Hall has nominated Mr. Spencer Crouch, of Crawford County, to the Governor, for the appointment of Clerk of St. Francis County, recently vacated by the death of A. Roane, Esq. and that a commission has issued to him accordingly.08/26/1828 SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES IN ST. FRANCIS COUNTY, ARKANSAS TERRITORYNAMES OF OWNERS - NAMES OF PATENTEES:Bates, James W. =- Stephen Prescott;Bower, Isaac=- James Knoker;Bailey, Silas= - David Right;Bryant, William P.= - William Childress;Brewster, L.D.-=- Isaac Conklin;- Henry Hines;- William Coulter=Babcock, J. H.; - J.H. Babcock=Biscoe, Henry L.; - Richard Webb=- Joshua Vashall;- L. Stephen's Heirs=- S. Hoverlon;- David Walt=- Allen Damout;- John Thompson's Heirs=- Asa Dowd;- Anthony Jesley=- John Clark;- D. Crownover=Bicker, Henry; - Margaret McMullin=Beardsley, John H.;Casteel, Moses= - Aaron Courter;Cooper, John -= James Wood;- George Saul=Casteel, Phillip;Cunningham, William =- Joseph Norwood;Calvert, William H.= - William Alexander;Clarke & Armstrong =- William Thompson-; John Crandle=- Daniel Taylor;- J. Buckman= Archibald Buckman;Clarke, John= - John May;- John Godfrey=- Samuel Long;- Thomas Burke-= William Davidson;- John Ammod=- Gideon Edwards;- Isaac Chadwick=- Alexander Hutchison;- William Morrow=Donihew, Thomas ;- George Sayling=Edwards, Peter; - William Buckner=Early, Thomas; - Thomas Early=Elds, Henry; - John Carter=Franks, Henry; - Thomas C. Seader=Forbes, Isaac; - George Scearcy=Franks, Elisha; - Thomas Hannah=- Norman Beel;- Anderson Profit=Franks, Littleberry;Ferebee, George W.= - Willis V. Harper;- Isaac Jackson-= Warner Hart;- John Overman=- George R. Snyder;- Alexander Love=Farnold, Thomas; - Thomas Farnold=Fletcher, Clement B.; - George Nash=Fleming, John; - Ellison Rublege=Gordon & Wells;Horner, William B.R.= - James D. Campbell;- A. Caswell=- J. Boyd;- Seaburn Parks-=- Elijah Craddock;Horner, John=Hynd, James ;- Nancy Warmington=Hart, Hardy; - Hardy Hart=Hartfeld, Asa; - Ebenezer Smith=Jemp, Joseph ;- Joseph Jemp=Jones, John F.; - David McLaughlin=Jeffers, William W.; - Leonard Ballow=Kendrick, Austin; - Joseph Seal=Lincecum, Gabriel ;- William Reed=Lewis, William; - William Slay=Lake, Justus;Lester, Francis= - David Devine;- George Sailing=Livingston, James ;- James Burton=Lawrence, D.; - William Blaize=McDaniel, John ;- G. Sanderlin=McCreary, John L.; - Brewster Plat=McCreeless, John; - Enoch Dudley=McAdoe, William ;- Turner Palmer=Magness, Morgan ;- Elijah Welden=Miller, Samuel; - John Coleman=McGuire, John ;- John McGuire=Manell, James -; William Cornelius=McMenomy, Robert; - Andrew Skipwith=Martin, Samuel ;McNabb, James Y. =- William Morgan;Newton, Thomas W. =- John Carey;Nicum, Jacob= - Jacob Nicum;Phillips, Sylvanus -= Benjamin Pinkham-; Hirson Nash=- John McBay;- William Hocke=- Ludwick, Allright;- Jacob Case=- William Cotton;- Conrod Duval-= Warren Hall-; Isaac Mobley-= Thomas Turnham-; William Dukey's Heirs=- William Cotton;- James Treadwell=- E.F. Penny;- C. Vansadale- =James Burt;- William Bulger=- E. Noulton;- Luke Devon=- James Davis;- George Robuck-= Joseph Sevier;- Jessee Stephens=- Charles Stinson;- John W. Hunt-= John Holder;- Henry Ball=- Samuel Warts;- John Arnold=- James Sucker;- Peter Lund's Heirs=- Nicholas Ross;- Samuel Brown=- Cotton,- Samuel; Neel, C. B.= Matthew's Heirs;- Warner Hart-= M. Yoakum-; Jeremiah Bertney-= Cotton, J. Fitzgibbon;- Townsend Webb's heirs=- Robert Wilson--= Edward Gwin;- William Robertson=- Samuel M. Clark;- Nathaniel Goodall=- John Neille;- H. Collins=Pitts, Thomas; - F.S. Baldwin=Ralph, Anderson ;- John Ripley=Rightor, Nicholas; - John Wentworth=- R. Smith-; James Mellen=- George Lewell;- Thomas Davis-= M.M. Cromwell;- J.R. Johnson-= J. Heininger's Heirs;- Steadman,-William= Morrow- Samuel M.; Clark, Michael Gould=- Onat Doane-; Noah Smith-= Thomas Robertson;- Thomas Landrum=- Josiah McGorend;- Gabriel Galman=- James Carbon;- William Wartinan=- James R. Cane;- Michael Gould- =Jordan Smith-; Joseph Fields=- J.S. Burnette-; John Simons=- Sydney Crandell;- J.C. Jackman=- J. Stephenson's Heirs;- Drewry Green-= Phillip Comb;- John Reed-= William King;Russell, William= - James Williams;- John Brown's Heirs-= J.H. Babcock;- Jacob Loring=Roll, Sarah ;- William Roll's Heirs=Smith, Warner; - William Beech=Stroup, Amos ;- Richard Willis=Smith, Reuben ;- Henry Hines=Southard, Samuel L.; - J. Griffin=Searcy, George; - George Searcy=Sherodsen, David; - Henry Maggard=Smith, Isaac; - Joseph Franklin=Vanborn, Wm. G. ;- Robert Killy=Webber, Rial ;- J. Stephens=Weir, David D.; - Michael Guertner=Webb, T. estate of; - G. Bragoon=Wingard, George; - George Wingard=Watts, William B.;White, Frederick =- Patrick Bevins;Joseph Watson= - James Hall;- Peter Interest=- John Reed-; Leven Fisher=- Lewis Benn;William Strong, Sheriff and Collector of St. Francis County, Arkansas TerritorySt. Francis, 14th August 1828(Art.1828) Two land speculators, Sylvanus Phillips and William Russell, created the present town site of Helena, which was originally part of a Spanish land grant. Phillips, who played the major role in the establishment of the town, arrived in the area about 1797 and moved to the present site of Helena around 1815. On May 1, 1820, the territorial legislature carved out part of Arkansas County and created a new county named in honor of Sylvanus Phillips. The legislature also gave permission to create a town, and the 640-acre site that was to become Helena was platted in December of the same year. In 1833, some two years after Phillips's death, the town of Helena was incorporated and named after his daughter, Helena Phillips, who had died on August 28, 1831, at the age of fifteen. Source: http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryID=95010/07/1828 MURDER - We learn, by gentlemen from St Francis county, that a murder, of a most atrocious character, was perpetrated in that county, on the night of the 23d ult. on the body of Mr. Burrell Jones. On that night, a short time after Mr. and Mrs. Jones had retired to bed, two men, on horseback, called at the house, (representing, themselves to be travelers) and inquired if they could procure lodgings there for the night. Mr. Jones and his wife got up and went to the door, and after speaking with them and inviting them to alight from their horses, Mr. J. stepped into the yard, for the purpose of picking up some wood to kindle a fire. When within a few steps of the supposed travelers, one of them snapped his gun at him, and the other fired, and shot him through the body. Mr. Jones staggered to the door, where his wife was standing, exclaimed "I am killed" and fell. The murderers then exchanged a few words with each other, in a low voice, when one of them observed "We have killed him - let's be off." They immediately started and made off at a gallop.Mr. Jones survived until the evening of the following day, when he expired. Before his death, he made oath before a magistrate, that the persons who murdered him were Dr. Charles C.P. Welch, and Grabel Lincecum, (both neighbors of Mr. J.) but he could not say positively which of them gave him the fatal wound.The murderers, finding that they were suspected, decamped on the following morning. Lincecum fled towards Batesville, but a party were in pursuit of him, and hopes were entertained that he would be overtaken and arrested. Welch took the road towards White River, and is has been ascertained that he passed in through the prairie to the Cherokee nation, where we understand, he was seen a few days ago. He told a person with whom he stopped in the prairie, that he was going to the Cherokee nation, and from thence to the Spanish Country.Welch and Mr. Jones had had a slight difference a few days previous to the murder, but it was not supposed to be of a serious nature. No difference was known to exist between Mr. J. and Lincecum.11/25/1828 AGENTS for THE GAZETTE:Wm. Strong, P.M., St. Francis County