Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1827
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Tyer, Stephen JP St.Francis Co. (Art.1827), 1 11/06/1827 OFFICIALCommissions, for the term of two years, were issued, by the Governor of the Territory of Arkansas, on the 15th October 1827, to the following persons, as JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, in and for the Townships and Counties to which their names are respectively affixed, and deposited in the Office of the Secretary of the Territory, at Little Rock.: St. Francis County, Stephen Tyer*, Mitchell Lovely County, Benjamin Weaver** Commissions issued on 23d October 1827.10/13/1827 St. Francis County was established October 13 1827. It was bounded on the south by Monroe and Phillips Counties, on the east by Crittenden. on the north by Lawrence, on the northwest corner by Jackson County and on the west by Pulaski County. 1830