Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1825
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Adams, David (Art.1825), 3 Almand, William (Art.1825), 3 Anderson, Thomas (Art.1825), 3 Badbury, Thomas (Art.1825), 3 Bailey, Boyd (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Bailey, William (Art.1825), 3 Bills, William (Art.1825), 3 Biscoe, Henry L.-Clerk of Phillips Co. resigned (Art.1825), 3 Bogy, Louis-Ark.Co.Sheriff declined. (Art.1825), 3 Bonne, Bernard (Art.1825), 3 Brown, Henry (Art.1825), 3 Brown, William (Art.1825), 3 Burress, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Campbell, Samuel (Art.1825), 3 Carleton, Unk (Art.1825), 3 Case, Jessee (Art.1825), 3 Caul, Zarah (Art.1825), 3 Choteau, Pierre (Art.1825), 3 Clayton, John (Art.1825), 3 Corseley, James (Art.1825), 3 Council, John (Art.1825), 3 Darden, Baptiste (Art.1825), 3 Des Ruisseaux, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 Dieman, Julius (Art.1825), 3 Downing, Bela (Art.1825), 3 Dozen, Richard (Art.1825), 3 Du Chassin, Antoine (Art.1825), 3 Du Chassin, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 Dunn, Joseph C. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Edwards, Peter (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Elsberry, Michael (Art.1825), 3 Fagart, Elisha (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Ferebee, George W.-Clerk of Phillips County (Art.1825), 3 Ferguson, Champion (Art.1825), 3 Fletcher, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Fooy, Henry (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Forbes, Thomas (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Fulton, John (Art.1825), 3 Gardner, Russell (Art.1825), 3 Gilbert, Andrew (Art.1825), 3 Gillispie, Mathew (Art.1825), 3 Goza, Isaiah (Art.1825), 3 Green, Elijah (Art.1825), 3 Hampton, Henry (Art.1825), 3 Hampton, Henry W. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Hanks, James (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Hayne, James (Art.1825), 3 Helm, Shadrech (Art.1825), 3 Horner, William B. R. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Hudgeons, Henry (Art.1825), 3 Hudgeons, John (Art.1825), 3 Huffman, John (Art.1825), 3 James, Stephen Thomas (Art.1825), 3 Jardelas, Jean (Art.1825), 3 Jenkins, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 Kennedy, Jesse (Art.1825), 3 Larruse, Francis (Art.1825), 3 Latour, Balthazar (Art.1825), 3 Lewis, Benjamin (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Lord, Charles (Art.1825), 3 Luisse, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 Mareshal, Francis (Art.1825), 3 McClain, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 McGlaughlin, Joseph (Art.1825), 3 Meeks, William, Sen. (Art.1825), 3 Millet, Abraham (Art.1825), 3 Mills, Thomas I. (Art.1825), 3 Mooney, Daniel (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Mooney, Nevil D.-Sheriff Phillips County (Art.1825), 3 Owens, Edward (Art.1825), 3 Padget, Nathaniel (Art.1825), 3 Page, Charles (Art.1825), 3 Pasons, George (Art.1825), 3 Patterson, William H. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Perleus, Pierre (Art.1825), 3 Perpius, Pierre (Art.1825), 3 Pleader, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Pyburn, John (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Raney, Unk (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Roberts, Obadiah (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Rodrigues, Manuel (Art.1825), 3 Shaw, James (Art.1825), 3 Sloy, William (Art.1825), 3 Smith, W. H. (Art.1825 Militia Officers), 3 Smith, Warren (Art.1825), 3 Stewart, Charles (Art.1825), 3 Stroud, Thomas (Art.1825), 3 Stroud, Thomas D. (Art.1825), 3 Thetford, A. B. K.-Sheriff of Arkansas County (Art.1825), 3 Vasseur, Etienne (Art.1825), 3 05/24/1825 List of Claimants whose claims against the Osages, under the Treaty of 25th September 1818 have been allowed by the Secretary of War. Baptiste Darden;Etienne Vasseur;Jean Jardelas;Joseph Des Ruisseaux;Pierre Perpius;Bernard Bonne;Manuel Rodrigues;Joseph Du Chassin;Francis Larruse;Antoine Du Chassin;Pierre Perleus;Joseph Luisse;Pierre Choteau; and Julius Dieman;Balthazar Latour;Joseph Jenkins.06/14/25 PERSONS COMMISSIONED Terence Farrelly:Note - In the above List of Officers of the Militia in the Territory of Arkansas, it is probable that some errors occur in the dates of the Commissions, and that some of the names are inserted of Officers, who have resigned, or have left the Territory. Information on these subjects, addressed to the Adjutant General's Office, Little Rock, will be attended to, and a corrected list will be published at a future moment.Phillips County - Eighth Regiment:Daniel Mooney;W.B.R. Horner;Henry Fooy;Elisha Fagart;John Burress;W.H. Smith;Henry W. Hampton;John Fletcher;Peter Edwards;-Unk-Raney;Joseph C. Dunn;John Pleader;Benjamin Lewis;James Hanks;John Pyburn;Wm. H. Patterson;Thomas Forbes;Boyd Bailey;Obadiah Roberts.08/23/1825 APPOINTMENTS BY THE GOVERNOR:A.B.K. Thetford, Sheriff of Arkansas County, vice Louis Bogy, declined.George W. Ferebee, Clerk of Phillips County, vice Henry L. Biscoe, resigned12/06/1825 A LIST OF DELINQUENTS And Insolvents, owing Territorial and County Taxes for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, within the county of Phillips, and territory of Arkansas. David Adams; William Almand; Thomas Anderson; William Bailey;Henry Brown; Thomas Badbury; William Bills; William Brown; James Corseley;Zarah Caul;-Unk Carleton; Jessee Case; John Council ;Samuel Campbell; John Clayton; Bela Downing; Richard Dozen; Michael Elsberry; Champion Ferguson;J ohn Fulton; Mathew Gillispie; Elijah Green; Andrew Gilbert; Russell Gardner; Isaiah Goza; Shadrech Helm; Henry Hudgeons; John Hudgeons;James Hayne; John Huffman; Henry Hampton; Jesse Kennedy; Charles Lord; William Sloy, Sen.William Meeks; Thomas I. Mills; Abraham Millet; Francis Mareshal; Joseph McClain; Joseph McGlaughlin; Edward Owens; Nathaniel Padget; George Pasons;Charles Page;James Shaw; Charles Stewart; Warren Smith; Thomas Stroud; Thomas D. Stroud; Stephen Thomas James/ Nevil D. Mooney, Sheriff Phillips County, A.T.Helena, November 15, 1825