Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1824
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Able, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ackman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Acorn, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Adair, Catharine (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Adams, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Adams, Elijah (Art.1824), 22
Adams, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Agard, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Aldudge, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Alexander, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Alright, Ludwick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Alsbury, Michael (Art.1824), 23
Ambrose, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ames, Simeon C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ammon, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Anderson, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Anthony, Berry-Adm'r. (Art.1824), 18
Argue, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Arnold, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Atrendre, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ausbern, John (Art.1824), 23
Ayres, David K. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Babcock, James H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Badger, John (Art.1824), 22
Baker, Benjamin M. (Art.1824), 23
Baldwin, Frederick S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ball, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barber, Elias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Barber, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barker, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barker, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Barlow, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Barnard, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Barrell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Barrow, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bartan, James (Art.1824), 23
Bartholeman, Louis (Art.1824), 22
Bassett, Ezekiel (Art.1824), 22
Bassett, Nathaniel (Art.1824), 22
Bassett, William (Art.1824), 22
Basworth, David (Art.1824), 22
Batty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bazielle, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Beach, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Beatty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Beckman, Abm. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Belincour, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bell, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bender, Joseph A. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Benn, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bennett, R. (Art.1824), 22
Berdue, Albert (Art.1824), 22
Berider, Unk (Art.1824), 23
Berry, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bersaw, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bevines, Patrick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Biggs, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Billett, J. (Art.1824), 22
Binwell, Jesse (Art.1824), 23
Bishop, Coleman (Art.1824), 23
Black, William-Deceased (Art.1824), 18
Blackburn, Meredith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Blair, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Blaze, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bliss, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Blodget, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Blodgett, Jesse (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Boddy, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Boden, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bonne, Michael (Art.1824), 22
Boon, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bougaf?, Claudius V. (Art.1824), 22
Bower, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Boyd, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Boyd, John (Art.1824), 22
Bracken, Isaac (Art.1824), 23
Bradford, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Bradley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bragdon, Gideon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bragdon, Gudcon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Branner, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Brannon, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brent, Thomas G. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bridges, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Bridges, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Briggs, Gray (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Briggs, Phineas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brothers, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Brower, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brown, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brown, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brown, Richard (Art.1824), 23
Brown, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Brown, Spicer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Brunel, Abel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Brynom, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Buckaman, Archelaus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Buckhamon, Jere (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Buckley, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Budwell, Solomon (Art.1824), 22
Buel, Norman (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Buffaloe, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bunch, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Bunker, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Burk, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Burland, Aaron (Art.1824), 22
Burnett, Moses (Art.1824), 22
Burrell, Hardy (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Burrell, Peter (Art.1824), 22
Burriss, John (Art.1824), 22
Burton, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Bustle, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Byram, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Cain, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cameron, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Campbell, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Campbell, James D. (Art.1824), 22
Campbell, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cane, James R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Canklin, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Carbon, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Carley, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Carnes, John (Art.1824), 22
Carnett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Carney, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Carter, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Carter, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Carver, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Carver, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Cassidy, Henry (Art.1824), 22
Cassidy, Patrick (Art.1824), 22
Caswell, Allison (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Catey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Catlett, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Catlett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Caton, James (Art.1824), 22
Chadwick, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Chambers, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Champlin, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Chapman, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Chartiage, Enos (Art.1824), 22
Chase, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Chead, Rufus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cherry, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Childress, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Christy, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Clarke, Eli (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Clarke, James (Art.1824), 23
Clarke, James M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Clarke, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 21
Clarke, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Clarke, Walter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Clarke, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Clarker, Deborah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Clay, Walter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Cloud, Cornelius (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Coburn, Alfred (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cofer, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cole, Hickman (Art.1824), 23
Coleman, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Colvin, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Combs, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Combs, Philip (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Compton, Cornelius (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Conkling, Gameliel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Conner, Hugh (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Conner, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Conway, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Cook, David C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cook, Polly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cooke, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Coombs, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cooney, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Cooper, Zache (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Copeland, Robertson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cornelius, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Cornwell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Corsmondit, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Corter, John (Art.1824), 23
Cotter, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Coun, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Courter, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cox, Achillas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cox, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Craddock, Eliza (Art.1824), 22
Crandel, Martin L. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Crandell, Sidney (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Crane, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cremwell, Morris M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Crowder, Nelson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Crownover, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Crowson, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cryndell, Wilson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Cummins, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Cunningham, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Cunningham, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Curter, Henry (Art.1824), 22
Curtis, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Daniels, Numus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Danley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Davidson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Davis, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Davis, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Davis, James (Art.1824), 22
Davis, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Dawse, Adam (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dawse, Adams (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Day, Abraham (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Deamond, Allen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dean, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Deane, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Degear, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Delaney, Murk (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Delk, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Denning, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Dennis, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dent, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Deplace, John B. (Art.1824), 22
Dever, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Dewese, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dian, John (Art.1824), 22
Dillon, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Doane, Onas (Art.1824), 22
Dobbins, Andrew (Art.1824), 22
Dobbs, Abraham (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Dougherty, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Douglass, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Dowd, Asa (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dowlin, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Downing, Bela (Art.1824), 22
Downing, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Doyle, William (Art.1824), 22
Drake, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Drake, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Drinkard, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Druyer, Anthony (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Dudley, Enoch (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Duff, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dunham, Ephraim (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Dyches, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Eaton, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 20
Edwards, Gideon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Edwards, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ellis, Levis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Enos, William (Art.1824), 22
Erett, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Evans, Amos (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fabian, John D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fales, Jabes (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fanning, E. B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Fargue, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Farley, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Farrell, Fragus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fields, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fields, Richard (Art.1824), 22
Findley, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fisher, Levin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fitzgerald, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
FitzGibbon, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fleming, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fletcher, Clement B. (Art.1824), 22
Floyd, Thomas W. (Art.1824), 23
Fondrie, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Fooy, Benjamin d.18231227 Obit (Art.1824), 17
Fooy, Sarah, Mrs.-Adm'x. (Art.1824), 18
Forbis, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Force, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Ford, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Ford, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Forgey, James (Art.1824), 22
Foster, John H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Foster, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Fowler, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Frazier, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Frazier, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Freeman, Amy & Harriot (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Freeney, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
French, Silas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Frenger, George (Art.1824), 22
Frisby, Amos (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fritts, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fugway, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Fuller, Frederick (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Furr, Sherwood (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Galloway, John B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Gardner, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Garret, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gates, Edwart T. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Genty, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Gibbons, Angush (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gibbs, Varnell (Art.1824), 22
Gibson, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gibson, Joseph C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gillispie, David (Art.1824), 22
Gillispie, Matthew (Art.1824), 23
Glede, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Gleson, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Godfrey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Gollaher, Catherine (Art.1824), 22
Goodsell, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Goss, Nathan (Art.1824), 22
Gough, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Grace, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Graves, John (Art.1824), 23
Gray, Ebenezer (Art.1824), 23
Gray, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Green, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Green, Edward (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Green, Thomas B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Greenleaf, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Gressam, Thomas B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Grissom, William (Art.1824), 23
Hacket, John S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hagans, William (Art.1824), 22
Hailey, Coleman (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hain, Alijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hall, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hammond, Chistopher (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hanks, Millender (Art.1824), 22
Hanna, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hardwick, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hargrave, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Harland, Thomas E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Harley, Dennis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Harris, Charles (Art.1824), 22
Hart, Hardy (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hart, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hart, Warren (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hart, William M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Harwick, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hatcher, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Haverlow, Stapleford (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hayden, Newell (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
He?ten, Johnathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Heath, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hebden, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hecks, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Heiser, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Henderson, John T. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Henderson, Mathew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hendrick, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Henry, John (Art.1824), 23
Hightower, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hill, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hill, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hiller, Eleazer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Himes, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hobbs, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hobbs, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hogan, John (Art.1824), 22
Holcomb, Colvin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Holdher, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Holling, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Holmes, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hopkins, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Horner, William B. R. (Art.1824), 23
Hornor, Samuel (Art.1824), 22
Houge, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Houser, Christopher (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Howe, Calvin B. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hubble, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hudgens, Henry (Art.1824), 23
Hudgens, John (Art.1824), 23
Hudgens, Stephen (Art.1824), 23
Huffman, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hull, Elijah (Art.1824), 23
Hulsey, Hardin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hunter, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hutchinson, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Hyden, John H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Hynes, Ferdinand (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Hynes, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Isaacs, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Isbel, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Isler, Anthony (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Jackman, Jeremiah C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Jackson, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Jacobs, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
James, Martin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Jameson, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Jannis, Antoine (Art.1824), 22
Jenkins, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Jenkins, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Jennings, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Johnson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Johnson, John K. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Johnson, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Johnson, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Johnson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Johnson, William (Art.1824), 22
Jones, Bennett (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Jones, Hubbard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Jones, Josiah E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Keeting, Hiram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Kelly, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Kennedy, Moses (Art.1824), 23
Kennister, Jonathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Kenrick, Alexander (Art.1824), 23
Kepley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Kimble, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
King, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
King, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Kingsland, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Kittles, Bartholemew (Art.1824), 23
Knight, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Knowland, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Kookin, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Kramer, Belthazer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
La Bounty, Washington (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lacount, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Lambert, Jessee (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Landon, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lang, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Larimore, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Larivieve, Louis (Art.1824), 22
Lawton, Luther (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Leader, Thomas C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Leed, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lefevre, Pierre (Art.1824), 22
Leonard, Luther (Art.1824), 22
Levet, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lewis, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lewis, William (Art.1824), 22
Liffarts, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lindsey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Little, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lockart, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Long, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Longshore, Mathew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Lore, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Loring, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Love, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Lowrey, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lowry, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Lucas, Garland (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Luckey, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Lytle, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Mansell, Chauncey (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Maples, William (Art.1824), 23
March, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Marsh, Darius (Art.1824), 22
Marsh, Ephraim H. (Art.1824), 22
Marshal, John (Art.1824), 22
Martin, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Martin, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Maseo, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Massee, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Maswell, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Mathews, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Matterson, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
May, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McAdams, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McAllister, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McArter, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
McArtney, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McClemens, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McClemon, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McCollister, Nathaniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McCool, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McCorkle, William (Art.1824), 22
McCoy, Hugh (Art.1824), 23
McCoy, Robert (Art.1824), 22
McCraven, Archibald (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McDaniel, Hugh (Art.1824), 23
McDaniel, Joshua (Art.1824), 23
McGanghey, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McGasas, Robert (Art.1824), 23
McGohagan, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McGorend, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McGowen, Cormack (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
McGuire, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
McLane, Robert E. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McMenomy, Robert (Art.1824), 22
McMullin, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
McNamara, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
McNutt, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Meeks, Larkin (Art.1824), 23
Meeks, Will (Art.1824), 23
Meeks, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Merriman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Michael, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Miles, Lemuel O. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Miles, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Miles, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 21
Miller, Asa (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Miller, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Miller, Jabol (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Miller, Onan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Milner, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Mobley, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Moncrief, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Monholland, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Montgomery, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Mooney, A.-Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County (Art.1824), 22
Mooney, Daniel, Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County, A.T. (Art.1824), 22
Morrow, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Morse, Mark (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Muler, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Mullin, Henry K. (Art.1824), 22
Murphey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Murphy, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Myers, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Nash, George (Art.1824), 22
Nash, Hiram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Neal, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Neavel, John F. (Art.1824), 23
Necks, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Neville, James (Art.1824), 23
New, Unk (Art.1824), 23
Newman, Richard R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Newman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Nicholas, Abner (Art.1824), 22
Nicum, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Nobles, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Norwood, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
O'Burt, Charles H. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Odell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
O'Feling, Emanuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ogelsby, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Oliver, Henry (Art.1824), 23
Oram, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ormesbee, George W. (Art.1824), 22
Owens, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pair, Milly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Pakiel, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Parish, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Parker, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Parks, Francis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Parre, John (Art.1824), 22
Parry, Jacob (Art.1824), 22
Pasley, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Passard, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Pate, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Patterson, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Patterson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 20
Patton, George (Art.1824), 23
Patton, Mighile (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Payne, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Peacon, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Penchen, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Pendell, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Penny, Elliott (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Penrod, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Perkins, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Perry, John W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Perry, Levi (Art.1824), 22
Pertuis, Louis (Art.1824), 22
Pertuis, Pierre (Art.1824), 22
Pettiere, F. (Art.1824), 22
Pettison, Cornelius D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Pinkham, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Platt, Brewster (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pledger, Silas (Art.1824), 22
Pofitto, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pollard, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pool, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Pool, John P. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Porter, Alexander (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Porter, John (Art.1824), 23
Prat, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Probest, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Proctor, Josiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Prophet, Anderson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pry, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Pryor, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Putney, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Quinn, Edward (Art.1824), 22
Quinton, Andrew (Art.1824), 22
Racine, Francis (Art.1824), 22
Raimer, Phillip (Art.1824), 22
Raines, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ralston, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ramsey, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ramsour, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ransum, Arastus (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Rapse, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Rathbon, Lemuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Rawson, Jeremiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Reed, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Resler, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Reynolds, Stephen (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Rice, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ricketts, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Ricketts, Drury (Art.1824), 22
Rison, Jacob (Art.1824), 23
Roberts, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Roberts, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Robertson, Nathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Robertson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Robertson, William (Art.1824), 22
Rogers, Barney (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Rollings, Richard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Rollins, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Roper, William W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Rothe, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Rouce, Nicholas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Rowland, Reese (Art.1824), 22
Roy, Beverly (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ruble, Jessee (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Rush, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Russell, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Russell, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Russell, William (Art.1824), 22
Sanderlin, Griffith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Sanders, Edward (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Sattewhite, P. & F. (Art.1824), 22
Saul, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Schemerhorne, John C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Scott, James F. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Scrupture, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Seabourn, George (Art.1824), 22
Sead, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Senkler, John C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Sheckle, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Shelton, Newson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Shervey, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Shuniway, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Simms, William D. (Art.1824), 22
Simonton, Aaron (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Simpson, Francis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Slay, William (Art.1824), 22
Sledge, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Sloop, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Smith, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Smith, Ebenezer (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, Elias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, Ferdinand (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Smith, Henry C. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Smith, James S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, Jordan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, Ralph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Smith, Richard (Art.1824), 22
Smith, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, Robert S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, Samuel (Art.1824), 23
Smith, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Smith, William H.-Adm'r. (Art.1824), 18
Smoots, Leonard (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Snodgrass, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Snyder, George R. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Snyder, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Solomon, Drury (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Souligney, L. (Art.1824), 22
Southard, Samuel L. (Art.1824), 22
Speak, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Speaks, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Spear, Hugh (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Spencer, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Spillman, Nathaniel (Art.1824), 22
Stafford, Joel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Staples, Benoni (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Stargess, Anne W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Statham, John D. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Stayton, Arthur (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Steadman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Stephens, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19, 21
Stephens, Moses (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Stephenson, S. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Stice, Mary (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Stiles, Samuel, Jr. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Stinson, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Strebblin, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Strong, Abram (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Stroud, Catharine (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Sullivan, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Suter, Arthur (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Sutton, Ambrose (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Sutton, Robert (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Swain, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Sweeney, Peter (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Sweet, George W. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Symes, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Symonds, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Tail, Jacob A. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Tally, Helkiah (Art.1824), 23
Tayler, Silas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Taylor, Aaron (Art.1824), 22
Taylor, Charles (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Taylor, Crosier (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Taylor, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20, 21
Taylor, Isaac (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Taylor, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Taylor, John (Art.1824), 22
Taylor, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Theaber, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Thomas, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Thompson, Benjamin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Thompson, Hezekiah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Thompson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Thompson, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Thornton, Mordacai (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Thrasher, Elnathan (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Thrift, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Thurman, Philip (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Tignor, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Tinsley, James M. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tissier, Joseph (Art.1824), 22
Tracy, Amelia (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Trascendrider, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Treadwell, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Treat, Barbara (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Trent, Simon (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Trudel, Antoine (Art.1824), 22
Trueblood, Alfred (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tucker, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Tuel, Elisha (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Tulman, Woodman (Art.1824), 23
Tungate, Meredith (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Turner, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Ussury, John (Art.1824), 23
Valmore, Michael (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Van Osdell, Cortland (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Vance, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Vittorice, Martin (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Voshall, Joshua (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wagner, John (Art.1824), 23
Walker, Jacob (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Walker, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Walker, William B. (Art.1824), 23
Wallace, Irv (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wallace, Joseph (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wallace, Micajah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Wallace, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Walt, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Warren, Sampson (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Watt, Thadueus (Art.1824), 23
Weakley, Cyrus F. (Art.1824), 22
Weatherington, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Weaver, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wedding, John F. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Welch, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Welch, P. (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Wells, Berry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Welter, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
White, Daniel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
White, Jesse (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Whitehead, Lemuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Whitman, Ruth (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Whitney, David (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Wilcox, Hazard (Art.1824), 23
Wilder, Elijah (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Willard, Shirlock (Art.1824), 22
Williams, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Williams, Robert (Art.1824), 22
Willis, Henry (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Wilson, Benjamin (Art.1824), 23
Wilson, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Winters, Thomas (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Witlum, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Wolf, Andrew (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wood, James (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20, 21
Wood, Levi (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 22
Wood, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Woodbury, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Wooten, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wormington, Nancey (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wortman, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Wortz, Samuel (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Wright, George (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 20
Yarborough, Lewis (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Yockam, John (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Yocumb, Mathias (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 21
Young, William (Art.1824 Bounty Lands), 19
Yours, John D. (Art.1824), 23
03/02/1824 OBITUARY [Communicated]The feelings of regret and sorrow, felt at the departure of a valued friend, may sometimes be suspected of pourtraying in too high colors, the merits and virtues of that friend. He who is the subject of this notice, having possessed many of the estimable qualities of our nature, the writer of this will not be suspected of exaggeration, by those who had the pleasure of an intimate acquaintance with him in his lifetime.Died, at his residence at Hopefield, Phillips County, A.T. on the 27th December 1823, Benjamin Fooy, Esq. supposed to have been about 65 years of age. Mr. Fooy was a native of Holland, and came in early life to America. Some 30 years ago he settled in the vicinage of Hopefield, and during the greater part of that time, resided on his farm at that place. Until within a few years previous to his death, Mr. Fooy was almost constantly engaged in the service of the Territory in which he lived, either as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, or as a magistrate of his county. In the performance of the duties of these offices, he never failed to afford that satisfaction, which a general accuracy of decision is calculated to ensure. But it is in the private walks of life, that the intrinsic value of character is to be sought, and there indeed, the amiable character of the deceased appears peculiarly conspicuous. In addition to all those endearing qualities which constitute the fond husband, indulgent father, and good citizen, the deceased possessed in a rare and eminent degree, that generous philanthropy and hospitality so grateful to the object of distress, and to the stranger; and which, upon the banks of the Mississippi, tended essentially to the benefit of the orphan, and to the comfort of the way-worn, and often times diseased, traveller. But, alas! He who delighted in doing good to his fellow beings is no more. He has gone to receive that just reward which a life here below cannot give - leaving behind him a large family, to bewail a loss which to them is irreparable.
06/22/1824 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,TO all creditors and distributees of the estate of William Black, late of Phillips county, Arkansas Territory, deceased, that unless they exhibit their respective demands duly proven and allowed by the proper court, to the undersigned, administrator of said estate, within five years from the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, they will be for ever barred - the said estate of William Black, deceased, having been declared insolvent by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Phillips aforesaid, at their December term, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three.Wm. H. Smith, Adm'r of Wm. Black, deceased.Phillips County, A.T. June 15, 1824
08/10/1824 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: THE undersigned having obtained letters of Administration on the Estate of Benjamin Fooy, late of Hopefield, Phillips County, A.T. deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate, are requested to present them (duly authenticated) for payment; and all persons indebted to said Estate, are requested to come forward and make arrangements by payment.Sarah Fooy, Adm'xBerry Anthony, Adm'r Hopefield, July 29, 1824
08/2/1824 Military Bounty Lands, For Sale For Taxes:NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,THAT there will be sold on Monday, the eight day of November next, at the Court House door in the town of Helena, in the County of Phillips, and Territory of Arkansas, the following tracts or parcels of Military Bounty Lands, lying and being situate in said county, or so much of each of them as will be sufficient to pay the taxes and costs due thereon, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, unless the said taxes and costs due on the said lands are paid before that time, by the owners or agents thereof. The sale will be continued from day to day, until the whole are sold.Colvin Holcomb;Lewis Williams;Henry Boden;Dennis Harley;Micajah Wallace;Andrew Michael;John McClemens;Ferdinand Smith;George W. Sweet;Philip Thurman;William Roberts;William Patterson;Benjamin Carley;William Dougherty;Joseph Deane;Lewis Brothers;John W. Biggs;George Rapse;Charles Taylor;Charles Jenkins;Thomas Payne, &c.;William Hatcher, &c.;Jesse Blodgett, &c.;Achillas Cox;Benjamin Fowler;John Snyder;Jacob Conner;Lewis Yarborough;Benjamin Cummins;Isaac Long;Robert Martin;Hezekiah Thompson;Leonard Smoots;Robertson Copeland;William Campbell;Joseph Curtis;John Monholland;John Pate;Joel Stafford;Moses Stephens;Samuel Grace;Charles H. O'Burt;William Wood;Henry Ramsour;John H. Hyden;Joseph Dyches;P. Welch's Heirs;Thomas Holling's Heirs;William Barber;Thomas Coombs' Heirs;Edward Sanders;George Knowland;John H. Foster;Thomas Stinson;George Shervey;William Woodbury;Jacob Heiser;Peter McGohagan;John Odell;John Stephens;Jonathan Downing;Silas Tayler;Joseph McNutt;Newell Hayden;David Jennings;John Penchen;Martin L. Crandel;William Hill;Samuel Johnson;Jabol Miller;Chauncey Mansell;Thomas E. Harland;Henry Speak;Newson Shelton;Samuel Eaton;Amy & Harriot Freeman;Martin Vittorice;Joseph Fondrie;John Hardwick;Joseph Barnard;William Young, &c.;Thomas Genty;Cornelius Cloud;William Bridges;Thomas Glede, &c.;Peter Heath;Stephen Murphy;George Isaacs;Mathew Longshore;John Ambrose;Samuel Gough;Elisha Crowson;James Hebden's Heirs;Robert Maswell;Peter Bersaw's Heirs;Levi Gleson's Heirs;Hardy Burrell;James Boon;Milly Pair, &c.;Abel Brunel;John Holdher;John Clarke;Benjamin Scrupture;David Whitney;William Bell;Henry Ball;David K. Ayres;Thomas Peacon;Peter Maseo;Samuel Barker's Heirs;William Newman;Isaac Davis;John Thomas;Francis Simpson;Spicer Brown;Thomas Farley;Asa Miller, &c.;Richard Rice;John Prat;John Gardner;William Batty;Cormack McGowen;Mathew Henderson;John Pendell;John Blair's Heirs;Calvin B. Howe;John S. Hacket;Benoni Staples;Deborah Clarker, &c.;William Hightower;Fleming, Michael;Benjamin Smith;William M. Hart;William Merriman;John Bridges;Drury Ricketts-Isle of White;Thomas Russell;Peter Freeney;Isaac Fargue;Benjamin Hargrave;Jabes Fales;John Cain;John Johnson;Josiah Hopkins;Peter Blodget;William Massee;Anthony Druyer;Richard Bliss, &c.;Archibald McCraven;John Myers;Christopher Houser;William Davis;Ambrose Rush;Michael Acorn;William Douglass;William Ford;Samuel Stiles Jr.;James Russell;James Trascendrider;Samuel Welter;David Denning;Nathan Lacount;Francis Parks;James Rollins;Thomas B. Green;John Hart;John D. Fabian;William Oram;Walter Clarke;Isaac Hubble;John Ralston;Eli Clarke;Charles Symes;Alexander Porter;William Findley;Ambrose Sutton;William Branner;Jacob Walker;James Theaber's Heir;Coleman Hailey;Nathan Kelly;Jonathan Houge;Jessee Ruble;William Harwick;Onan Miller, &c.;Thomas Aldudge;David Greenleaf;Abraham Dobbs;Thomas Miles;John Penrod;Mighile Patton;John Frazier;Thomas McClemon;Ambrose Crane;Joseph Bazielle;Meredith Tungate;Aaron Simonton;William Patterson;William Johnson's Heirs;Robert S. Smith;James S. Smith;Michael Sloop;Samuel Jacobs;William Catlett;Thomas Catlett;Cornelius D. Pettison;William Blaze;William Blaze;Daniel Symonds;John Smith;Elisha Luckey;Thomas Byram, &c.;Lewis Tignor;Richard R. Newman;Ruth Whitman, &c.;David Thrift;Elijah Drake;Joseph Fields;Thomas G. Brent, &c.;Andrew Coun;Joseph Norwood;Jacob A. Tail;Ferdinand Hynes;John W. Brower;Thomas Roberts;Barney Rogers;Garland Lucas;Thomas Smith;Cornelius Compton;James Gibson;Daniel Lytle;Moses Frazier;William Larimore;Levin Fisher;John Barlow;Richard Montgomery;Eleazer Hiller;Fragus Farrell;Amos Evans;Abm. Beckman's Heirs;George Hunter's Heirs;Angush Gibbons;Daniel Taylor;Thomas Leed;James King;John Carver;Washington La Bounty;Mary Stice, &c.;Sherwood Furr;Daniel Matterson;George R. Snyder;Jonathan Kennister;John Wooten;Thomas B. Gressam;John Kepley;James Carver;Jacob Perkins;Joseph C. Gibson;Aaron Fitzgerald;Thomas Winters;Charles McMullin;John Bradley;Elnathan Thrasher;William Meeks;Lemuel O. Miles;John Carter;John W. Perry;Joseph Brown;William Wallace;Lewis Benn;Elijah Cameron;James Anderson;William Dever;William Wortman;Hubbard Jones;Martin James;William Barker;Benjamin Buckley;Daniel Isbel;Henry Sheckle;Charles Lockart;Levi Adams;Levis Ellis;John P. Pool;James Edwards' Heirs;Andrew Liffarts;Nancey Wormington;Stephen Nobles;Benjamin Thompson;John Weatherington;Walter Clay;Numus Daniels;Joseph Delk, &c.;John Lowrey;David Davis, &c.;Jessee Lambert;Joseph Berry;James Pakiel;Alexander Brannon;William Cooney;John Swain;Daniel McArtney;Robert Smith;Hardin Hulsey;James Sledge;John C. Senkler;Phineas Briggs;Wm. Robertsons' Heirs;Berry Wells;Hiram Keeting;Nicholas Jameson;Charles Parish;David Combs;Joseph Taylor;Robert Mathews;Jonathan Chambers;John Carter;William Ackman;Isaac Cherry;Jeremiah Buffaloe;David Brown;Simeon C. Ames;James Garret;John Speaks;Henry Atrendre;John Cunningham;Joseph Milner, &c.;William Carnett;John T. Henderson;James F. Scott;Henry Weaver's Heirs;Andrew Corsmondit;Thomas Strebblin;Jacob Chase;Warren Hart;Isaac Ford;James Lindsey;Richard Rollings;Thomas Cox;John Neal;William Erett;Samuel Walker;Michael Valmore;Richard Hobbs;Daniel McAdams;Thomas Hanna;William Hecks;Benjamin Pinkham;Nicholas Rouce, &c.;Samuel Foster;Samuel Brown, &c.;Joseph Huffman;Nathaniel Goodsell;Ludwick Alright;Isaac Mobley;Hiram Nash;Samuel Eaton;Joshua Voshall;Robert Patterson;John Welch;James Kookin, &c.;John Danley;Robert E. McLane;William Little;James Dillon;Enoch Dudley;Samuel Vance;Mordacai Thornton;John Godfrey;John May;Ebenezer Smith;Samuel Lang;Thomas Burk;James Wood;Elisha Tuel;John Coleman;John F. Wedding;Joseph Gray;John FitzGibbon;Morrie M. Cremwell;John Able;Amelia Tracy, &c.;Isaac Canklin;Sidney Crandell, &c.;Robert Probest;James Burton;James Boyd;George Wright;John D. Statham;Drury Green;Joseph Carbon;Drury Solomon;James Treadwell;Frederick S. Baldwin;James Himes;John Spencer;Isaac Jackson;Iry Wallace;Allison Caswell;John Pofitto;William Cotter;Patrick Bevines;Jeremiah Putney;Richard Pry;Nathaniel McCollister;William Thompson;John K. Johnson;Jeremiah C. Jackman;David Adams;William Davidson;Aaron Fugway;John Argue;Wilson Cryndell;Daniel Taylor;Lewis Bunch;John Arnold;Jeremiah Rawson;William King;Mathias Yocumb;S. Stephenson's Heirs;John Catey;Jere. Buckhamon's Heirs;Archelaus Buckaman;Ralph Smith;Josiah E. Jones;Thomas Rothe;Mark Morse;James Raines;James Carney;David Miller;Charles Bustle;James Cofer;Josiah Proctor;John Cooke;Silas French;Frederick Fuller;John McGuire;John Moncrief;Stephen Reynolds;Luther Lawton;Zache? Cooper;Charles Barrow;Elliott Penny;Andrew Campbell, &c.;Catharine Adair;Joseph Drake;Alexander Lore;Josiah McGorend;William Landon;Peter Sullivan;Edwart T. Gates;Aaron Nicum;Jonathan Clarke;James Witlum;William Hall;Daniel White, &c.;Jesse White;Hugh Conner;Alijah Hain?s' Heirs;Henry Duff, &c.;Charles Dean;Thomas Miles, &c.;John Bell;Catharine Stroud, &c.'William Pryor;Gudcon Bragdon;Adams Dawse;James Tucker;Samuel Wortz;James Murphey;Daniel Kingsland's Heirs;John Bower's Heirs;Anderson Prophet;Jordan Smith;Isaac Chadwick;Hugh Spear;Beverly Roy, &c.;William Beach;James H. Babcock;Jacob Loring, &c.;John Pasley;William Steadman;Alexander Hutchinson;William Morrow;George Hendrick;Elijah Wilder;Benjamin Owens;Henry Hynes;Anthony Isler;John Yockam;John Parker;John Stephens;Jacob Fritts;John Ammon;Gideon Edwards;Allen Deamond;Daniel Dowlin's Heirs;William Reed;Charles Love;Arthur Stayton;James M. Tinsley;Joseph Sead, &c.;Norman Buel, &c.;George Carter;Barbara Treat;Elias Barber;John Thompson's Heirs;Asa Dowd;John Taylor;Solomon Rathbon, &c.;John Kimble;Isaac Taylor;David C. Cook;John Wilson;Nicholas Hill;Lemuel Whitehead;Gideon Bragdon;Adam Dawse;James Tucker;Samuel Wortz;James Murphey;Brewster Platt;Stapleford Haverlow;David Walt;Nathaniel Bunker;Aaron Levet;Thomas Cunningham;Abraham Day;John Colvin;Thomas Turner;Elias Smith;Lewis Martin;John C. Schemerhorne;Anne W. Stargess, &c.;Thomas Dennis;Christopher Hammond;Alfred Coburn;Hardy Hart;James R. Cane;George Saul;Michael Brynom;Polly Cook, &c.;Robert Sutton's Heirs;William Beatty;George Jenkins;Peter Sweeney;Joshua Necks;Sampson Warren;Joseph A. Bender;Emanuel O' Feling;Nathan Robertson;William W. Roper;Bennett Jones;Samuel Lewis;Alexander McAllister;William Alexander;Cortland Van Osdell;Peter Belincour;James M. Clarke;Arthur Suter;Thomas C. Leader;John Snodgrass;Griffith Sanderlin;William Dent;George Dewese;Aaron Courter;John Boddy;James Wood;Crosier Taylor;Alfred Trueblood;Amos Frisby;John B. Galloway;Ephraim Dunham;Joseph Shuniway;Elijah McCool;Rufus Chead's Heirs;David March;Richard Pollard;Benjamin McGanghey;Archibald Drinkard;Henry Hobbs;David Knight;Henry Willis;Daniel Resler;Nathan Champlin;James Ramsey;Samuel Miles;Edward Green;Joshua Holmes' Heirs;Crosier Taylor;John Cornwell;Joseph Agard, &c.;Belthazer Kramer;Gray Briggs;Johnathan He?ten;David Forbis;Gameliel Conkling;John Barrell;Murk Delaney;George Muler;John Clarke;Simon Trent;Archibald Christy;Nelson Crowder;Henry C. Smith;William Clarke;George Pool;Peter McNamara;Abram Strong;Moses Chapman; David Crownover;William Childress;Archibald Lowry;Arastus Ransum;William Passard;John Conway;John W. Bradford;Daniel Smith;Joseph Wallace;William Ogelsby;John Force, &c.;Meredith Blackburn;Andrew Wolf;William Cornelius;Levi Wood;John Degear;E.B. Fanning's Heirs;Robert McArter's Heirs;Joseph Johnson;Philip Combs;A. Mooney, Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County, Arkansas TerritoryHelena, August 12, 1824
08/24/1824 Phillips County Land for Sale for Taxes Owner's Names - Original Owners:Claudius V. Bougaf? - Ephraim H. Marsh;John Badger - John Badger;Bela Downing - Unknown;William Enos - William Enos;George Frenger - Unknown;Clement B. Fletcher - George Nash;James Forgey - Unknown;Richard Fields - Richard Fields;David Gillispie - Unknown;David Gillispie - Nathan Goss;David Gillispie - Unknown;Varnell Gibbs - Aaron Burland;Millender Hanks - James Caton;Samuel Hornor - Abner Nicholas;Charles Harris - Onas Doane;William Hagans - Drury Ricketts;William Lewis - William Slay, &c.;Luther Leonard - William Johnson;Robert McCoy - Albert Berdue;Robert McCoy - Pierre Lefevre;Robert McCoy - L. Souligney;Robert McCoy - R. Bennett;Robert McCoy - Pierre Pertuis;Robert McCoy - Louis Pertuis;Robert McCoy - Louis Bartholeman;Robert McCoy - Louis Larivieve;Robert McCoy - J. Billett;Robert McCoy - F. Pettiere;Robert McCoy - Antoine Trudel;Robert McCoy - Michael Bonne;Robert McCoy - Antoine Jannis;Robert McMenomyJohn Marshal ;- George W. Ormesbee William McCorkle ;- Aaron Taylor Henry K. Mullin; - Robert Williams Silas Pledger ;- William Enos Jacob Parry; - John Parre Edward Quinn; - David Basworth Reese Rowland; - Elijah Adams Richard Smith; - Unknown P. & F. Sattewhite ;- Andrew Quinton Samuel L. Southard ;- Unknown William D. Simms ;- Eliza Craddock, &c. Cyrus F. Weakley; - John Boyd Shirlock Willard; - Darius Marsh William Robertson; - William Robertson James D. Campbell; - James D. Campbell William Russell; - Francis Racine William Russell; - Enos Chartiage William Russell; - William Doyle William Russell; - John Taylor William Russell; - John Hogan William Russell; - Joseph Tissier William Russell; - Peter Burrell William Russell; - John B. Deplace William Russell; - John Carnes William Russell; - Pierre Degangney William Russell; - John Fields William Russell; - Moses Burnett William Russell; - Patrick Cassidy William Russell; - James Davis William Russell; - Solomon Budwell William Russell; - Henry Curter William Russell; - Levi Perry William Russell; - Henry Cassidy William Russell; - Ezekiel Bassett William Russell; - McKim William Russell; - Nathaniel Bassett William Russell; - William Bassett William Russell; - John Burriss William Russell; - Phillip Raimer William Russell; - George Seabourn Catherine Gollaher ;- Catharine Gollaher N. Spillman, heirs of ;- Nathaniel Spillman John Dian; - John Dian Andrew Dobbins; - Moses Burnett. Daniel Mooney, Sheriff and Collector, Phillips County, A.T.
09/14/1824 AGENCY PERSONS owning lands in the county of Phillips, who wish to have their deeds recorded, taxes paid, or information respecting those lands, will be served, on applying to William B.R. Horner, who attends punctually to all kinds of business within this county, or in the Territory generally. His residence is at Helena, Phillips County, Arkansas Territory.For the information of Non-residents, I insert the boundaries of the County of Phillips: Begining on the Mississippi River, and running along the northern boundary of the territory to the river St. Francis; thence a direct line to the northeast corner of township ten north in range four east; thence west, between townships ten and eleven to the meridian; thence south along the meridian to the northern boundary of township six north; thence west to White river; thence down White river to near its mouth; thence an imaginary line along to the Mississippi, and up the Mississippi to the begining.Wiliam B.R. Horner Helena, August 3, 1824
11/30/1824 Delinquent Tax List for Phillips County, A.T. 1824:John Ausbern;Michael Alsbury;Isaac Bracken;Benjamin M. Baker;Richard Brown;Jesse Binwell;James Bartan;Allen C?micil;Hickman Cole;Thomas W. Floyd;John Graves;Matthew Gillispie;Ebenzer Gray;Wm. Grissom;John Hudgens;Henry Hudgens;Stephen Hudgens;Elijah Hull;Bartholemew Kittles;Will Meeks;William Maples;Larkin Meeks;James Neville;Hugh McCoy;Hugh McDaniel;Samuel Smith;John F. Neavel;Henry Oliver;John Porter;George Patton;Danei Pal???erron;Jacob Rison;Woodman Tulman;Thadueus Watt;Hazard Wilcox;Benjamin Wilson;John Wagner;Coleman Bishop;---- Berider;John Corter;James Clarke;John Henry;Alexander Kenrick;Joshua McDaniel;Robert McGasas-;-- New;Helkiah Tally;John Ussury;Wm. B. Walker;John D. Yours;Moses Kennedy; C. Mooney, Sheriff, Phillips County, A.T.Helena, November 24, 1824