Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1823
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Allen, Samuel, deceased (Art.1823), 3Ausburn, Samuel (Art.1823), 4Baker, Colber-Circuit Clerk of Clark Co. (Art.1823), 6Barkman, Jacob-P.M. Clark C.H. (Art.1823), 3Bazin, Peter B.-P. M. U.S.Factory, Spadre Bluff (Art.1823), 3Bennett, Peter H.-P.M. Point Chicot (Art.1823), 3Buford, John S.-deceased (Art.1823), 3Button, Thomas (Art.1823), 4Clark, John-Circuit Clerk of Chicot Co.(Art.1823), 6Councel, John (Art.1823), 4Councel, Redic (Art.1823), 4Crosby, Samuel (Art.1823), 4Deadman, Robert, of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Desha, Frances A., Adm. (Art.1823), 3Desha, Frances Ann-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 4Desha, Robert M., Captain, Deceased (Art.1823), 4Desha, Robert M.-deceased (Art.1823), 3Dooley, Thomas-Colonel of Militia in Hempstead County (Art.1823), 5Dorson, Richard (Art.1823), 4Fairfax, George of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Ferebee, George W., Adm. (Art.1823), 3Ferebee, George W.-Adm. (Art.1823), 4Ferguson, Champ'n (Art.1823), 4Fletcher, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Fooy, Benjamin-P.M. Hopefield (Art.1823), 3Fowler, John H.-Circuit Clerk of Miller Co. (Art.1823), 6Frenger, Robert, of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Griswold, Latimer, Coroner and acting Sheriff (Art.1823), 5Holloway, John (Art.1823), 4Homes, William (Art.1823), 4Horner, William B. R.- Adm., 5Isaac, B. (Art.1823), 4Isam, James (Art.1823), 4Kelly, Charles-P.M. Batesville (Art.1823), 3Lewis, Eli J.- P.M. Arkansas (Art.1823), 3Lewis, Eli J.-Circuit Clerk of Arkansas Co. (re-appointed) (Art.1823), 6Loomus, Nero (Art.1823), 4Lucas, James H.-P.M. Crawford C.H. (Art.1823), 3Lyon, Joshua (Art.1823), 4Marsh, James (Art.1823), 4Marshall, Robert of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4McCoy, Clement of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4McLean, John-P. M. McLean's Settlement (Art.1823), 3Mooney, Daniel-P.M. Helena (Art.1823), 3Mooney, Daniel-Sheriff (Art.1823), 5Nessles, Abram (Art.1823), 4Newton, Thomas W.-Circuit Clerk of Pulaski County (Art.1823), 6Parry, Joseph G., Deceased (Art.1823), 5Perry, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Peters, John of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Phillips, Sylvanus of Amos (Art.1823), 4Phillips, Sylvanus-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 5Phillips, Zaccheus-deceased (Art.1823), 5Pitman, P. R.-P.M. Fourche' de Thomas (Art.1823), 3Potter, Jacob of Bledsoe (Art.1823), 4Quin, Edward of Amos (Art.1823), 4Richardson, Nathaniel (Art.1823), 4Ross, James (Art.1823), 4Rutherford, Samuel M., Circuit Clerk of Phillips County (Art.1823), 5Sanford, Henry-P.M. Davidsonville (Art.1823), 3Seets, David (Art.1823), 4Smith, William-Adm'r. (Art.1823), 3Simms, William D. of Amos (Art.1823), 4Smith, J. N. of Amos (Art.1823), 4Southard, Samuel of Amos (Art.1823), 4Squalls, Polly (Art.1823), 4Standlee, Richard (Art.1823), 4Strong, William-Adm. (Art.1823), 3Stuart, James M.-Major of Militia (Art.1823), 5Stuart, James M.-P.M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1823), 3Treat, Wigans (Art.1823), 5Tucker, Peyton-P.M. White Run (Art.1823), 3Turpin, William H. of Amos (Art.1823), 4Webb, Townsend, Adm. (Art.1823), 3Wilburn, Joab N. (Art.1823), 5Willard, Shirlock of Amos (Art.1823), 4William, Russell of Amos (Art.1823), 4Wilson, John-Lieut. Colonel, Militia (Art.1823), 5Witter, D. T.-P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1823), 3 01/14/1823 Agents for the Gazette: Arkansas - Eli J. Lewis, P.M.;Fourche'de Thomas - P.R. Pitman, P.M.;Davidsonville - Henry Sanford, P.M.;White Run - Peyton Tucker, P.M.;Batesville - Charles Kelly, P.M.;Crawford C.H. - James H. Lucas;McLean's settlement - John McLean;U.S. Factory, Spadre Bluff - Peter B. Bazin;Hempstead C.H. - D.T. Witter;Hempstead C.H. - James M. Stuart, P.M.;Clark C.H. - Jacob Barkman, P.M.;Hopefield - Benjamin Fooy;Helena - Daniel Mooney/ and P.M.Point Chicot - Peter H. Bennett04/08/1823 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE:Will be sold to the highest bidder, at his late residence in Helena, Phillips County, on Monday the 26th day of next May (it being court day) all the HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE,Of Robert M. Desha, deceased --- consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Books, and a number of other very valuable articles.Also, at the same time and place, will be hired out for the balance of the year, ALL THE SLAVESBelonging to said estate.Terms - Cash, for all sums under five dollars; for all over that sum, a credit of six months shall be given; bonds with approved security will be required.Frances A. Desha, and Geo. W. Ferebee, AdministratorsHelena, March 9, 182304/22/1823 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICEALL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Allen, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, administrator of said estate; and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to present them, properly authenticated, for payment to the subscriber, living at the mouth of Cache, Phillips County, A.T. Wm. Smith, Adm'rApril 22, 182304/22/1823 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,That the undersigned administrators of the estate of John S. Buford, deceased, will make application at the next May term of the Circuit Court in and for the county of Phillips for a final settlement of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate will please present them properly authenticated without delay.Townsend Webb and William Strong, Administrators April 22, 182306/10/1823 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,TO all creditors and distributees of the estate of Captain Robert M. Desha, late of Phillips County, in the Territory of Arkansas, deceased, that they will be for ever barred of their claims, unless they exhibit their respective demands to the undersigned, administratrix, and administrator of said estate, within five years from the thirteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and have them duly proved and allowed within the time aforesaid, the said estate of Captain Robert M. Desha, deceased, having been declared insolvent by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Phillips, in the Territory aforesaid, at their May term, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three.All persons indebted to the estate of Captain Robert M. Desha, deceased, are required to make immediate payment to George W. Ferebee, administrator, who will remain at the town of Helena, in Phillips County, for the purpose of settling said estate, or leave a duly authorized agent to act for him. Frances Ann Desha, Adm'rGeorge W. Ferebee, Adm'rHelena, June 10, 182307/29/1823 LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES:That there will be sold on Monday, the 3rd day of November next, at the court house door in the county of Phillips, Territory of Arkansas, the following tracts or parcels of land lying and being situated in the said county, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the taxes and costs due thereon, unless the said taxes and costs on such lands are paid before that time by the owners or agents thereof. Bledsoe: Robert Deadman, Robert Frenger, George Fairfax, John Fletcher, Clement McCoy, Robert Marshall, John Peters, John Perry, Jacob Potter, Amos: Phillips, Sylvanus;Quin, Edward;William, Russell;Smith, J.N.;Southard, Samuel;Simms, William D.;Turpin, William H.;Willard, Shirlock 09/02/1823 LIST OF DELINQUENTS For Territorial and County Taxes, in the county of Phillips, Territory of Arkansas, for the year 1823. Samuel Ausburn;Thomas Button;Redic Councel;Samuel Crosby;John Councel;Richard Dorson;Champ'n Ferguson;John Holloway;Wm. Homes;James Isam;Isaac, B.; Loomus, Nero; Lyon, Joshua; Marsh, James; Nessles, Abram; Richardson, Nathaniel; Ross, Jas.; Squalls, Polly; Seets, David; Standlee, Richard; Treat, Wigans;Joab N. Wilburn; Griswold, Latimer, Coroner and acting Sheriff Helena, August 14, 182310/14/1823 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,TO all creditors and distributees of the estate of Zaccheus Phillips, late of Phillips County, Arkansas Territory, deceased, that they will be for ever barred of their claims, unless they exhibit their respective demands to the undersigned, administrator of said estate, within five years from the 30th day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and have them duly proved and allowed within the time aforesaid, the said estate of Zaccheus Phillips, deceased, having been declared insolvent by the Circuit Court in and for the county of Phillips,in the Territory aforesaid, at then September term, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. All persons indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment to the subscriber.W.B.R. Horner, Adm'r of Z. Phillips, deceased.Helena, A.T. October 7, 182310/14/1823 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,TO all creditors and distributees of the estate of Joseph G. Parry, late of Phillips county, Arkansas Territory, deceased, that they will be for ever barred of their claims, unless they exhibit their respective demands to the undersigned, administrator of said estate, within fiveyears from the 28th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and have them duly proved and allowed within the time aforesaid, the said estate of Joseph G. Parry, decsed, having been declared insolvent by the Circuit Court in and for the County of Phillips, in the Territory aforesaid, at their September term, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. All persons indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment to the subscriber.Sylvanus Phillips, Adm'r of Joseph G. Parry, deceased.Helena, A.T. October 7, 182312/16/1823 NEW APPOINTMENTS By the Acting Governor:Daniel Mooney, to be Sheriff of Phillips County.Military - Thomas Dooley, Colonel of Militia in Hempstead County; John Wilson, Lieut. Colonel, do.; and James M. Stuart, Major, do.By the Judges of the Circuit Courts.1st Circuit - Sam'l M. Rutherford, to be Clerk of Phillips County; Eli J. Lewis, Clerk of Arkansas (re-appointed); and John Clark, Clerk of Chicot.3d Circuit - Thomas W. Newton, to be Clerk of Pulaski County; Colber Baker, Clerk of Clark; and John H. Fowler, Clerk of Miller.