Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1822
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Andrew, Dutch (Art.1822), 4Arres, Alfred, apprentice (Art.1822), 4Bailey, Andrew (Art.1822), 4Barkman, Jacob-P.M. Clark C. H. (Art.1822), 3Benbrook, Seaburn (Art.1822), 4Bennett, Peter H.-P. M. Point Chicot (Art.1822), 3Benton, Charles (Art.1822), 4Black, Joseph (Art.1822), 4Carothers, John (Art.1822), 4Church, A. (Art.1822), 4Clayton, John (Art.1822), 4Counsel, Rider (Art.1822), 3Craft, James (Art.1822), 4Davis, Samuel (Art.1822), 3Dennis, R. T. (Art.1822), 3East, Isaac (Art.1822), 4Empson, Mrs. (Art.1822), 4Fooey, Benjamin-P.M. Hopefield (Art.1822), 3Freeman, Joel (Art.1822), 4Glen, Alex (Art.1822), 4Greene, William (Art.1822), 5Hamilton, John (Art.1822), 5Hamitt, Henry (Art.1822), 5Hampton, John (Art.1822), 5Hampton, Wade deceased (Art.1822), 4Harrington, William (Art.1822), 5Harris, Duke H. (Art.1822), 3Hatheway, George (Art.1822), 4Hatley, John (Art.1822), 4Henry, Carter (Art.1822), 5Hill, James (Art.1822), 5Horner, W. B. R., Adm'r, Helena, Phillips Co. (Art.1822), 4Horner, Wm. B. R.-P.M.Helena, 3Humphrey, Samuel (Art.1822), 5Hunt, John W. (Art.1822), 4Ingram, James (Art.1822), 5Johnson, Joseph (Art.1822), 5Lee, William J. (Art.1822), 4Lewis, Eli J., P.M. Arkansas (Art.1822), 3Lewis, Rial (Art.1822), 3Maddox, John (Art.1822), 3Marshall, Dinweddee (Art.1822), 4Martin, James (Art.1822), 5McClane, Joseph (Art.1822), 5McClary, John (Art.1822), 5McGary, Hugh (Art.1822), 4Merrill, Levi (Art.1822), 4Miller, William (Art.1822), 5Montgomery, John (Art.1822), 3Mooney, Daniel (Art.1822), 3Mooney, Daniel-P.M. Helena (Art.1822), 3Morris, Ebenezer (Art.1822), 5Morton, Jesse (Art.1822), 3Murch, David (Art.1822), 3Owner, James, Jun. (Art.1822), 4Patterson, John-Helena (Art.1822), 3Patterson, William-deceased (Art.1822), 3Petty & Demoss (Art.1822), 3Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1822), 3Phillips, Zaccheus- deceased (Art.1822), 4Pitman, P. R.-P.M. (Art.1822), 3Pitts, James G. (Art.1822), 4Porter, Judah (Art.1822), 5Pourtis, Duncan (Art.1822), 4Quarles, William, Attorney (Art.1822), 4Rainey, John (Art.1822), 5Rainey, William (Art.1822), 5Reese, William (Art.1822), 3Sanford, Henry-P.M., Davidsonville (Art.1822), 3Seaburn, George-Sheriff Phillips County (Art.1822), 5Searcy, Richard-P.M. Batesville (Art.1822), 3Shoemaker, Samuel (Art.1822), 5Smith, D. S., Dr. (Art.1822), 3Smith, David S. (Art.1822), 4Smith, George (Art.1822), 5Smith, Samuel (Art.1822), 5Stedman, Samuel (Art.1822), 5Stephenson, John (Art.1822), 5Strong, William (Art.1822), 4Stuart, James M. P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1822), 3Tindall, Thomas H.-P.M. Cadron (Art.1822), 3Treat, Lewis (Art.1822), 5Tucker, Peyton-P.M., White Run, 3Tyer, Linsey (Art.1822), 5Walker, Joseph (Art.1822), 5Walker, Richard (Art.1822), 5Wiggins, Henry (Art.1822), 4Wilcox, William (Art.1822), 5Witter, D. T.-P. M. Hempstead C.H. (Art.1822), 3 01/14/1822 AGENTS for THE GAZETTE:Arkansas - Eli J. Lewis, P.M.;Fourche de Thomas - P.R. Pitman, P.M.;Davidsonville - Henry Sanford, P.M.;White Run - Peyton Tucker, P.M.;Batesville - Richard Searcy;Cadron - Thomas H. Tindall, P.M.;Hempstead C.H. - D.T. Witter;Hempstead C.H. - James M. Stuart;Clark C.H. - Jacob Barkman, P.M.;Hopefield - Benjamin Fooey; Helena - Daniel Mooney, P.M.;Point Chicot - Peter H. Bennett02/09/1822 LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at Helena, on the 1st of January 1822, which, if not taken out before the 1st of April next, will be sent to the General Post Office, as dead letters.David Murch, 2 John Montgomery, 2 Samuel Davis, Rial Lewis, Rider Counsel, Duke H. Harris, Doctor D.S. Smith, Jesse Morton, William Reese, John Maddox, Petty & Demoss, R.T. Dennis/Wm. B.R. Horner, P.M.Helena, January 1 -7-3w04/09/1822 To Sylvanus Phillips, Daniel Mooney, and the Heirs of William Patterson, deceased, and to all other persons concerned:TAKE NOTICE,That I, the undersigned, one of the heirs of said Patterson, shall apply to the Circuit Court in and for the county of Phillips, as the next term thereof, for my dividend of the estate of the before mentioned William Patterson, deceased, agreeable to his last will and testament. John PattersonHelena, March 25, 1822-----16-8w---pr, f, $4.50 04/23/1822 LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at Helena, A.T. on the 1st April, 1822, which if not taken out within three months, will be sent to the General Post Office, as dead letters.John Montgomery; David S. Smith; Wiliam J. Lee; Hugh McGary; Henry Wiggins; Sylvanus Phillips; George Hatheway; William Strong; W.B.R. Horner, P.M.April 23, ------ 18-3w05/07/1822 Administrator's NoticeAll persons, having claims against the estate of Zaccheus Phillips, deceased, will present them properly authenticated, to the undersigned for payment; and all persons indebted to said estate, will make immediate payment.W.B.R. Horner, Adm'rHelena, Phillips Co.May 7, 1822 ----- 20-3w07/16/1822 Died:- At Helena, about the 1st inst. Mr. Wade Hampton. At the same place, on the 5th inst. Mrs. Empson07/16/1822 LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at Helena on 30th June 1822. Andrew Bailey;John Carothers; Isaac East;Joel Freeman;John Hatley, 2, Levi Merrill;James Owner, Jun.; James G. Pitts;W.B.R. Horner, P.M.Helena, July 1, --- 30-3w07/23/1822 William Quarles Attorney at Law Will attend the Courts of Independence, Lawrence, and Phillips, and the Superior and Circuit Courts at Little Rock, his place of residence.July 23 ---------3w08/27/1822 Twenty-five Cents Reward: Ran away from the subscriber on the 4th of July last, an indented apprentice named Alfred Arres, aged between 19 and 20, and small of his age. Any person taking up with said apprentice, and delivering him to the subscriber, living three miles below the town of Helena, Phillips County, Arkansas Territory, shall receive the above reward, but with? Charges or thanks for their trouble.John W. Hunt-August 27, 1822 ---- 36-3w10/01/1822 A LIST OF DELINQUENCIES,Due the County of Phillips for Territorial and County purpose, for the year 1822. Andrew, Dutch;Black, Joseph;Benbrook, Seaburn;Benton, Charles;Clayton, John;Craft, James;Church, A.; Pourtis, Duncan; Marshall, Dinweddee; Alex Glen; William Greene; Henry Hamitt; Carter Henry; John Hamilton; James Hill; Samuel Humphrey; John Hampton; William Harrington; Joseph Johnson; James Ingram; Ebenezer Morris; William Miller; John McClary; Joseph McClane; James Martin; Judah Porter; John Rainey; William Rainey; John Stephenson; Samuel Stedman; Samuel Smith; George Smith, Samuel Shoemaker, Linsey Tyer, Lewis Treat, Richard Walker, Joseph Walker, Enoch; Wilcox, William/Geo. Seaburn, Sheriff Phillips County August 20, 1822