Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1821
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Asher, Grubb, Dr. (Art.1821), 6Bailey, Silas (Art.1821), 6Bailey, William (Art.1821), 6Barkman, Jacob, Postmaster Clark C.H. (Art.1821), 6Bartholemie, L. (Art.1821), 7Bassett, Ezekial (Art.1821), 7Bassett, Nathaniel (Art.1821), 7Bassett, William (Art.1821), 7Belont, Thairman (Art.1821), 8Benbrook, Seaburn (Art.1821), 8Bennett, Peter H., Postmaster Point Chicot (Art.1821), 6Bennett, R. (Art.1821), 7Berd, Alexander (Art.1821), 7Berdu, Albert (Art.1821), 6Billette, J. (Art.1821), 7Black, John (Art.1821), 8Black, William Deceased (Art.1821), 5Bonne M. (Art.1821), 7Brewer, Elias (Art.1821), 8Bridon, Alexander (Art.1821), 7Brown, Asher (Art.1821), 6Brown, Samuel (Art.1821), 6Budwell, Solomon (Art.1821), 8Burnet, Moses (Art.1821), 8Burrell, Peter (Art.1821), 8Butcher, Jeremiah C. (Art.1821), 5Carnes, John (Art.1821), 8Carr, Thomas D. (Art.1821), 6Carter, Henry (Art.1821), 8Cassidy, Patrick (Art.1821), 7Chandler, William, 8Chattiney, Enos (Art.1821), 8Churchman, Davis (Art.1821), 8Cooksey, Vincent (Art.1821), 9Davis, Edward (Art.1821), 9Davis, Hiram (Art.1821), 8Davis, James (Art.1821), 8Degargney, Pierre (Art.1821), 8Dian, John (Art.1821), 6Dunn, Ischabod, Mrs. d.18210929, 8Dunn, James Infant d.18210928, 8Duplace, John B. (Art.1821), 8Duval, George (Art.1821), 6East, Isaac (Art.1821), 5Ebenezer, Liddle (Art.1821), 8Edward, Duncan (Art.1821), 8Edwards, Mary (Art.1821), 7English, John (Art.1821), 6Fellingen, Sallie (Art.1821), 5Fields, John (Art.1821), 8Fields, Richard (Art.1821), 8Fletcher, Aaron (Art.1821), 9Fletcher, Aaron Deceased (Art.1821), 8Fletcher, John (Art.1821), 8, 9Fletcher, Moses (Art.1821), 8Fletcher, Simeon (Art.1821), 8Fooy, Benjamin, Postmaster Hopefield (Art.1821), 6Forbes, Isaac Judge for Common Pleas Phillips Co. (Art.1821), 5Fulsom, Ebenezer (Art.1821), 7Glass, William H. (Art.1821), 7Graves, Thomas (Art.1821), 7Gregory, William (Art.1821), 6Hamlin, Laike (Art.1821), 9Harris, Daniel (Art.1821), 8Hatley, John (Art.1821), 6Hickland, Absolum (Art.1821), 7Hicks, Joshua (Art.1821), 5, 9Hiram, Davis (Art.1821), 8Hogan, John (Art.1821), 8Horner, W. B. R.,Postmaster (Art.1821), 5Horner, William B. R. Esq. Postmaster Phillips Co. (Art.1821), 5Hyde, Horace P. (Art.1821), 7Isham, James (Art.1821), 8Jackson, John d.18210726 (Art.1821), 6Jannette, A. (Art.1821), 7Jenkins, Upton (Art.1821), 5Jennings, Thadeus (Art.1821), 8Kevan, Samuel (Art.1821), 8Ladviere, L. (Art.1821), 7Lane, James (Art.1821), 5Lane, Polly, Mrs. (Art.1821), 5Lefevre, Pierre (Art.1821), 7Lucas, Johns (Art.1821), 9Ludas, John (Art.1821), 9Maddox, John (Art.1821), 6Magahab, John (Art.1821), 8Mason, Joseph (Art.1821), 7Maxwell, William (Art.1821), 8McCall, Samuel (Art.1821), 8McKim, Brown (Art.1821), 6McKinney, Elijah (Art.1821), 7McPeak, John (Art.1821), 8Meford, David (Art.1821), 8Mitchell, Joseph (Art.1821), 6Mixter, Rufus (Art.1821), 8, 9Mooney, Daniel (Art.1821) resigned Judge of Common Pleas for Phillips Co.., 5Mooney, Daniel (Art.1821) Sheriff of Phillips Co., 5Mooney, Daniel, Postmaster Helena (Art.1821), 6Moore, John (Art.1821), 7Morris, William (Art.1821), 8Morton, Jesse (Art.1821), 8Murch, David (Art.1821), 9Murrill, James (Art.1821), 8Owens, Abner (Art.1821), 8Owens, Edward (Art.1821), 9Patterson, Jones (Art.1821), 7Peltiere, F. (Art.1821), 7Perry, Moses (Art.1821), 6Pertuis, P. (Art.1821), 7Peterkin, Thomas (Art.1821), 7Peterson, William (Art.1821), 7Phillips, Isaac (Art.1821), 8Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1821), 6Pitman, P. R., Postmaster Fouche de Thomas (Art.1821), 6Pledger, Silas (Art.1821), 7Raimer, Adm. (Art.1821), 6Rainey, William (Art.1821), 5Rightor, Nicholas (Art.1821), 5Roebuck, George (Art.1821), 7Rogers, John (Art.1821), 8, 9Russell, William (Art.1821), 8Sanford, Henry, Postmaster Davidsonville (Art.1821), 6Scull, James (Art.1821), 7Seaburn, George Sheriff Phillips County, A.T. (Art.1821), 9Searcy, Richard, Postmaster Batesville (Art.1821), 6Sevier, Joseph (Art.1821), 7Simms, Thomas (Art.1821), 8Sinclair, John (Art.1821), 5Smith, D. S., Dr. (Art.1821), 7Smith, John (Art.1821), 5, 8Smith, Thomas (Art.1821), 8Smith, William H. (Art.1821) (Admin'r.), 5Soudigney, L. (Art.1821), 7Spencer, A. P. Sheriff Resigned(Art.1821) Phillips Co., 5Spencer, Abner P. (Art.1821), 5Steamboat Courier (Art.1821), 6Stephens, Jesse (Art.1821), 7Stephenson, Stephen (Art.1821), 8Stinson, Charles (Art.1821), 7Stuart, James M., Postmaster Hempstead Co. (Art.1821), 6Tackett, John (Art.1821), 8Taylor, James, 9Taylor, James (Art.1821), 8Taylor, John (Art.1821), 8Tindall, Thomas H., Postmaster Cadron (Art.1821), 6Tissier, J. (Art.1821), 6Tissier, Joseph (Art.1821), 6, 8Treat, Samuel (Art.1821), 6Trudell, Antoine (Art.1821), 7Tucker, Peyton Tucker, Postmaster White Run (Art.1821), 6Unry, John (Art.1821), 8Webb, Tounsen (Art.1821), 5Welch, Jacob (Art.1821), 8Wheelock, Lewis, 9Wilcox, Ellicott (Art.1821), 8Williams, Thomas (Art.1821), 7Winter, Gabriel (Art.1821), 6Witter, D. T., Postmaster Hempstead C.H. (Art.1821), 6Woodmanser, James (Art.1821), 9Woodmas?, James (Art.1821), 8Woods, Andrew (Art.1821), 8 04/07/1821 NoticeAll persons indebted to the estate of William Black, late of Phillips County, deceased, are hereby notified to call on the subscriber, living in Cache township, in said County, and settle their accounts; and those who have claims against said estate are requested topresent their accounts properly authenticated according to law for settlement.Wm. H. Smith, Admin'rApril 7 ----21*3w182106/02/1821 A new Post Office is established at Helena, the seat of justice of Phillips county. Wm. B.R. Horner, Esq. is appointed Post-Master.06/02/1821 Appointments by the acting Governor: Daniel Mooney, to be Sheriff of the county of Phillips, vice A.P. Spencer, Resigned.Isaac Forbes, to be one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Phillips, vice Daniel Mooney, resigned. 06/16/1821 NOTICECAUTION:Whereas my wife, Polly, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation ---- I hereby forewarn all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting.James Lane-Phillips County, A.T. June 12---107/07/1821 Murder ----- The body of an unknown man, was picked up in the Mississippi river, on the 6th June, by Mr. John Sinclair, living in Phillips County. 07/14/1821 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post -Office at Helena, on the 1st of July 1821, which if not taken out within three months, will be sent to the General Post Office, as dead letters.Jeremiah C. Butcher, Isaac East, Sallie Fellingen, Joshua Hicks, Upton Jenkins, Abner P. Spencer, Nicholas Rightor, William Rainey, John Smith 2, Tounsen Webb.W.B.R. Horner, Postmaster (P.M.)July 14-------34-3tw08/11/1821 AGENTS FOR THE GAZETTE:The following gentlemen are authorized Agents for the Gazette. Persons knowing themselves indebted are solicited to pay off their arrearages without waiting to be called on. Fourche de Thomas:-P.R. Pitman, p.m. Davidsonville-Henry Sanford, p.m.; White Run-Peyton Tucker, p.m.; Batesville-Richard Searcy; Cadron-Thomas H. Tindall, p.m.; Hempstead C.H.-D.T. Witter, p.m.; Hempstead County-James M. Stuart, Clark C.H.-Jacob Barkman, p.m.; Hopefield-Benjamin Fooy; Helena-Daniel Mooney, p.m.; Point Chicot-Peter H. Bennett.08/18/1821 Died ----- At Helena, A.T. on the 26th July, Mr. John Jackson of Harrison County, near Clarksburgh, Virginia.08/18/1821 Expedititious travelling. --- A letter to the Editor from a correspondent at Helena, Phillips County, A.T., dated 5th August, says - The steam-boat Courier, passed this place a few days ago in six and a half days from New Orleans, being the shortest trip that has ever yet been made. The town of Helena is situated a few miles below the mouth of the river of St. Francis, and the distance to New Orleans, about 700 miles.08/18/1821 Notice is hereby given,That there will be sold on Monday, the 5th day of November next, at the Court House door, in the County of Phillips, the following tracts or parcels of land, lying, and being situated in said county, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the tax and costs due thereon, for the years, 1819, 1820, and 1821 - unless the taxes and costs due on such lands are paid before that time, by owners or agents, thereof.Owner's Names Original Owner: - when known:John Dian, John Dian; John English, Gabriel Winter; Jos. Mitchell, heir & representative Albert Berdu; John Maddox, Jos. Tissier; Samuel Treat, J. Tissier; Thomas D. Carr, Adm. Raimer; Doctor Grubb Asher, Brown McKim, heirs and representatives McKim:Sylvanus Phillips, Asher Brown, Sylvanus Phillips; Wm. Gregory, Sylvanus Phillips; Geo. Duval, Sylvanus Phillips; John Hatley, Sylvanus Phillips; Wm. Bailey, Sylvanus Phillips; Silas Bailey, Sylvanus Phillips; Moses Perry, Sylvanus Phillips; Samuel Brown, Sylvanus Phillips; Mary Edwards, Sylvanus Phillips; Jones Patterson, Sylvanus Phillips; Elijah McKinney, Sylvanus Phillips; Thos. Williams, Sylvanus Phillips; Abs'm. Hickland, Sylvanus Phillips; Sylv's Phillips,Sylvanus Phillips; Jos. Sevier,Sylvanus Phillips; Patrick Cassidy, Sylvanus Phillips, Eben'r Fulsom, Sylvanus Phillips; Geo. Roebuck, Sylvanus Phillips; John Moore, Sylvanus Phillips; Adm. Raimer, Sylvanus Phillips; Thos. Graves, Sylvanus Phillips; Jos. Mason, Sylvanus Phillips; Wm. Bassett, William Peterson; Abm. Raimer, Thomas Peterkin; Jesse Stephens, Thomas Peterkin; Charles Stinson, James Scull; Wm. H. Glass, William Bassett; Ezekiel Bassett, Nathaniel Bassett; Nath'l. Bassett, Wm. Bassett; Wm. Bassett, Horace P. Hyde; Alexander Bridon, Horace P. Hyde; Pierre Lefevre, Horace P. Hyde; Alexander Berd, Horace P. Hyde; L. Soudigney, Horace P. Hyde; R. Bennett, Horace P. Hyde; L. Pertuis, Horace P. Hyde; P. Pertuis, Horace P. Hyde; L. Bartholemie, Horace P. Hyde; L. Ladviere, Horace P. Hyde; J. Billette, Horace P. Hyde; F. Peltiere, Horace P. Hyde; Antoine Trudell, Horace P. Hyde; A. Jannette, Horace P. Hyde; M. Bonne.08/18/1821 Phillips County-In this county, we have received returns from the townships of Cache, Walnut, and St. Francis. The candidates are, for the Legislative Council, Col. Daniel Mooney; for the House of Representatives, Wm. B.R. Horner, Esq. and Mr. Silas Pledger. The former is no doubt elected without opposition; Mr. Horner has a majority of 52 votes in the above townships, and is no doubt elected also, the township of Hopefield, only remaining to be heard from.The aggregate of the votes in these townships, for Delegate to Congress, goes to Mr. Bates, 62 - Col. Lyon, 25 --- Major Bradford, 4.09/01/1821 DR. D.S. SMITH-From Indiana, Offers his services to the citizens of Helena and its vicinity in the practice of Physic and Surgery, in their various branches.From a close attention to his profession, and an extensive practice in the Western Country for several years, together, with an intimate acquaintance with the practice of some of the most eminent physicians in the United States, he flatters himself, he will be able to conduct his patients through the various attacks of diseases in a satisfactory manner.Dr. Smith has for sale all MEDICINES necessary for family use, and will be able to supply physicians on good terms with most of the articles made use of in practice. Helena, September 1, 1821 ----42tf182109/01/1821 Notice is hereby given,That there will be sold, on Monday, the 5th day of November next, at the Court house door in the county of Phillips, the following tracts or parcels of lands, situate, and lying in the county of Phillips, or so much of each of them as will pay the taxes and costs due thereon, for the present year, unless the taxes and costs due on such lands are paid before that time by the owners or agents thereof. William Russell, Joseph Tissier, William Russell, Moses Burnet, William Russell, James Davis, William Russell; Enos Chattiney; William Russell; John Hogan; William Russell; John Taylor; William Russell; Patrick Cassidy; William Russell; Peter Burrell; William Russell; John B. Duplace;William Russell; John Carnes; William Russell; Richard Fields;William Russell; Pierre Degargney;William Russell; John Fields; William Russell; Solomon Budwell; William Russell; Henry Carter.10/06/1821 Died ---- At Utica, Phillips County, on Friday, the 28th inst. James, and infant son of Mr. Ischabod Dunn; and on the night of the following day, his universally respected mother, Mrs. Dunn, aged about 25 years.11/17/1821 List of persons Delinquent for County Taxes in the county of Phillips for the year 1821. Hopefield Township:Benbrook, Seaburn; Harris, Daniel; Kevan, Samuel; Morton, Jesse; McPeak, John; Simms, Thomas; Tackett, John; Wilcox, Elicott; Welch, Jacob. Union Township:Davis, Hiram, Fletcher, Aaron, deceased, Fletcher, Simeon; Fletcher, John; Fletcher, Moses; Isham, James;Owens, Abner; Taylor, James. Cache Township:Brewer, Elias; Chandler, William; Morris, William; Murrill, James; Stephenson, Stephen; Unry, John; Woods, Andrew. St. Francis Township:Belont, Thairman; Jennings, Thaddeus; Ebenezer, Liddle; Meford, David, McCall, Samuel; Mixter, Rufus; Magahab, John; Maxwell, William, Phillips, Isaac; Rogers, John; Smith, John; Smith, Thomas; Woodmas?, James. Walnut Township:Black, John; Churchman, Davis; Hiram, Davis; Edward, Duncan; Marshal- Hicks, Joshua; Hamlin, Laike, Lucas, Johns; Wheelock, Lewis/George Seaburn, Sheriff Phillips County, A.T.11/17/1821 Territorial Delinquent List:List of Delinquents for Territorial Taxes in the County of Phillips, for the year 1821. Edward Owens, James Taylor, Edward Davis, John Ludas, Aaron Fletcher, John Fletcher, James Taylor, Vincent Cooksey, Rufus Mixter, David Murch, John Rogers, andJames Woodmanser.