Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1820
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index:Allen, William O. (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 1Allen, William O. Deceased (Art.1820), 1Anderson, Fergos (Art.1820), 2Austin, Stephen F. (Art.1820) Circuit Court Judge, 2Barkman, Jacob (Art.1820) Clark Co., 1, 4Barkman, Jacob Postmaster Hempstead (Art.1820), 1Beeson, Amos (Art.1820), 2Biscoe, Henry L. (Art.1820) Clerk of Circuit Court for Clark Co., 2Clanton, Stephen (Art.1820) Clark Co., 4Clark, David (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 1Drope, W., Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4Ellis, Radford (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 1English, John (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 1English, John Postmaster White Run (Art.1820), 1Fish, Thomas (Art.1820) Clark Co., 1, 4Fooy, Benjamin (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4Geery, James (Art.1820), 2Geo. W. Brand & Co. (Art.1820), 2Hamilton, James (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 3Hardin, Joab (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 1Hardin, Joseph (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 1Hatch, Daniel H. (Art.1820), 2Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 1Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Clerk of Circuit Court for Phillips Co., 2Horner, William B. R. (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4Hyde, H. P., Dep.Sheriff of Arkansas Territory (Art.1820), 2Kelly, William (Art.1820), 3Lemon, James, Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4Lewis, Eli J. (Amin'rs.) (Art.1820), 1Lewis, Thomas J., Cadron Postmaster (Art.1820), 1Madox, D. T. (Art.1820), 3McElmurry, John (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 1M'Donald, Edward (Art.1820) Lawrence Co., 1Mooney, D., Col. (Art.1820), 4Mooney, Daniel (Art.1820) Phillips co., 4Mooney, Daniel, Col. (Art.1820) Sheriff of Phillips Co., 2Newell, James C., Pulaski Co. (Art.1820), 4Notrebe, Frederic (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 4Peterkin, Thomas (Art.1820), 3Phillips & Mooney (Art.1820), 2Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820), 3Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 1Phillips, Sylvanus (Art.1820) Phillips Co., 4Scull, James (Amin'rs.) (Art.1820), 1Spencer, A. P. (Art.1820) Adj. General for Arkansas Territory, 4Spencer, Abner P., Col., Sheriff of Phillips Co. (Art.1820), 4Stephenson, William (Art.1820) Hempstead Co., 1Stillwell, Joseph-(Art.1820) Arkansas Co., 3Stump, Jacob (Art.1820), 2Taylor & Bennett (Art.1820), 2Thadall, Thomas H. Postmaster Clark Co. (Art.1820), 1Tindall, Thomas H. (Art.1820) Pulaski Co., 1Tucker, Peyton (Art.1820), 1Wood, Jeremiah (Art.1820), 2 01/29/1820 Members of the first General Assembly of Arkansas Territory Council:Arkansas County-Sylvanus Phillips; Lawrence County - Edward M'Donald; Hempstead County - David Clark; Pulaski County- John McElmurry; Clark County - Jacob Barkman. House of Representatives:Arkansas County - William O. Allen and Wm. B.R. Horner, Lawrence County;- Joseph Hardin and Joab Hardin, Hempstead County; William Stephenson and John English, Pulaski County; - Radford Ellis and Thomas H. Tindall, ;Clark County-Thomas Fish.03/11/1820 The following is a list of Post Offices in this Territory:Arkansas - Eli J. Lewis, Cadron; - Thomas H. Thadall, Clark County; - Jacob Barkman, Hempstead;- John English, White Run P.O.: Peyton Tucker.04/01/1820 Public Sale:We will expose to sale on Saturday, 8th day of April inst. the personal estate of William O. Allen, deceased consisting of a variety of valuable Law and other Miscellaneous Books, - Likewise, Household Furniture and Clothing, On a credit of twelve months for all sums over five dollars, under that, cash, the purchasers giving notes with approved endorsers. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, precisely, at the Store door of Lewis & Thomas, opposite the printing office. James Scull, Eli J. Lewis, Amin'rs. Notice:The undersigned, administrators of William O. Allen, deceased, will, at the above sale, hire his servant, Negro Stephen, by the month to the highest bidder, until they can make further arrangements - there will be required bond and security for his delivery (unavoidable accidents excepted) whenever the administrators request his return. James Scull, Eli J. Lewis, Admin'rs, Arkansas, 29th March 1820 - 2006/17/1820 List of Licenses Issued by the subscriber, to the Retailers of Merchandise for six months from their several dates, in the county of Arkansas Territory of Arkansas, from the 12th February to the 1st of June, 1820. February 12: Amos Beeson - $15.00,February 23: James Geery - $15.00, March 13: Jacob Stump - $15.00, March 18: Jeremiah Wood - $15.00, March 18: Fergos Anderson - $15.00, March 22: Taylor & Bennett - $15.00, April 12: Geo. W. Brand & Co $15.00, May 17: Phillips & Mooney - $15.00, May 25: Daniel H. Hatch - $15.00-H.P. Hyde, Deputy Sheriff Arkansas Territory07/15/1820 New Appointments:Stephen F. Austin, Esq. is appointed Judge of the Circuit Court for the first Judicial District of this Territory. Colonel Daniel Mooney is appointed Sheriff of the new county of Phillips. William B.R. Horner, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Phillips County. Mr. Henry L. Biscoe, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Clark County.09/22/1820 Notice is Hereby GivenThat there will sold on Monday the 6th day of November next, at the Court House door, in the county of Arkansas, the following tracts or parcels of lands, situate and lying in the County of Arkansas or so much of each of them as will pay the Taxes and Costs due thereon for the year 1819 and 1820, unless the Taxes and Costs due on such Lands are paid before that time by the owners or agents thereof.10/14/1820 Kelly and Madox,Attornies & Counsellors at Law, Will attend to such professional business, in the Courts of Arkansas, Phillips, and other counties in the Territory, as may be entrusted to their care.Wm. Kelly, D.T. Madox, P.S.:Necessary business will require an absence for a few months: Mr. Madox will attend, in the mean time, to such business as may occur.Wm. Kelly-Arkansas, October 1410/28/1820 Caution All persons are hereby notified, that one Thomas Peterkin, by his notice in the "Arkansas Gazette" of the 26th of September last, offers for sale some "valuable lands" that are not, never were, and never will be his; and particularly the tract of 400 acres joining the Mississippi, on which he states that I, Sylvanus Phillips, now reside. This Thomas Peterkin has been, for some time, at this place, endeavoring to sell his pretended land claims; but his titles are too well known here for him to effect a sale at any price. He will now, probably endeavor to sell to persons at a distance, who know nothing of his title, for which reason this caution is published.The tract of land on which I live, and which I own, has been unconditionally confirmed by an act of Congress of the 29th of April, 1816; and has since been surveyed accordingly, under the authority of the United States. Peterkin's claim being ascertained to be unfounded; has been rejected as such; so that both claims have been decided as above, by the only tribunal made competent by law to adjudicate thereon. Mr. Peterkin, in his advertisement, admits my claim to be confirmed, and that his has been rejected; so that, from his own showing, he is offering to sell lands that do not belong to him. Sylvanus Phillips-Arkansas, October 26, 182011/04/1820 APPOINTMENTS BY THE GOVERNOR-County of Arkansas:Joseph Stillwell, James Hamilton, and Frederic Notrebe, to be Judges of Court of Common Pleas. County of Phillips:Wm. B.R. Horner, Daniel Mooney, and Benj. Fooy, to be Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, Sylvanus Phillips, to be Clerk. County of Clark:Jacob Barkman, Thomas Fish, and Stephen Clanton, to be Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. Military:A.P. Spencer, is appointed Adjutant General for the Territory.11/25/1820 APPOINTMENTS BY THE GOVERNOR Pulaski County - James Lemon, W. Drope, and James C. Newell, to be Judges of the Court of Common Pleas.Captain Abner P. Spencer is appointed Sheriff of the county of Phillips, in the room of Col. D. Mooney, declined.