Early Accounts of Arkansas Territory in Arkansas Gazette 1819
Source:Arkansas GazetteNote:[Most articles are on appointments, taxes due, or other notices by people concerning their Credit....]
Index: Allen, William O. (Art.1819), 2Bates, James W. (Art.1819), 1Cassidy, Henry (Art.1819) Arkansas Co., 1Craig, William (Art.1819), 2Harrington, Bartley (Art.1819), 2Horner, W. B. R. (Art.1819), 2Lewis, Eli J. (Ex'rs.), 1McKay, Robert (Art.1819), 2Mooney, Daniel (Ex'rs., 1Moseley, Samuel d.1819, 1Notrebe, Frederic (Art.1819), 2Orr, George (Art.1819), 2Peeler, Raymond, 2Philips, Sylvanus (Art.1819), 2Roane, Sam C. (Art.1819), 1Scull,.H., Sheriff (Art.1819), 2Sevier, Joseph (Art.1819), 2Slaughter, Robert F. (Art.1819) Petty Co., 1Stillwell, Harold (Art.1819), 2Trimble, William (Art.1819), 2Wallis, Alex S. (Art.1819) Walker Co., 1 11/19/1819 Take Notice All persons indebted to the estate of the late Samuel Moseley, deceased, are hereby notified to call on the subscribers and pay their accounts, on or before the 1st of January next, otherwise their accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection, without respect to persons. All those who have claims against said estate are requested to present their accounts, properly authenticated, for settlement.Daniel Mooney Eli J. Lewis (Ex'rs.)Arkansas November 20 11/19/1819 The Election: An election is held today thro' out the Territory of Arkansas, to elect one Delegate to Congress; and for the election also, of one Member of the Legislative Council, and two Members of the House of Representatives to represent each county in the First Legislature of this territory. The following gentlemen are candidates. - For Delegate to Congress: James W. Bates, Robert F. Slaughter, Petty-Wallis, Alex S.-Walker, Henry Cassidy.Arkansas County for the Legislative Council: Sam C. Roane, Sylvanus Philips, Frederic Notrebe.For the House of Representatives: William Craig, William O. Allen, Richmond Peeler, William Trimble, Bartley Harrington, Harold Stillwell, Robert McKay, W.B.R. Horner.12/11/1819 Joseph Sevier,Vs.George Orr: By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me directed, there will be sold to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the 11th day of January next, being the second day of the term of our Superior Court, at the Court house door in the town of Arkansas, all the right, title, interest, and claim the said George Orr has to 426 and 23 acres of land; being an undivided part of 640 acres, confirmed to Joseph Sevier, lying and situated on the waters of Beech Creek, a fork of the river. St. Francis, and about one mile from said river. Taken in execution to satisfy the debt, interest, and costs on the above suit. The sale to take place on the aforesaid Tuesday morning, while the court is sitting. H. Scull Sheriff, Arkansas, December 11, 1819.